China: Technology: Hardware - Electronic Components iPhone 5C unlocked price has mixed implications for China names

Page created by Derek Barton
September 11, 2013

China: Technology: Hardware - Electronic

                                                                                                                              Equity Research

iPhone 5C unlocked price has mixed implications for China names
Apple (AAPL, Buy, US$494.64, covered by Bill Shope) introduced the
iPhone 5S and 5C at its launch event in the US today. 1) iPhone 5S specs
were largely in line with advance media reports; China’s presence on the
list of countries to first launch the units was a surprise. 2) iPhone 5C shares
many specs with the existing iPhone 5, and also features hard-coated
polycarbonate casing and five color options. It is priced at US$549/649 for
unlocked 16G/32G models in the US. 3) Our US tech analyst Bill Shope
believes the iPhone 5C price point was a key disappointment from the
event, and that we need to see fairly healthy subsidy levels from emerging
market carriers.

Our main focus of this launch was on iPhone 5C pricing: 1) Retail (no
carrier contract) prices are Rmb4,488/5,288 for 16GB/32GB versions on
Apple’s China website, which clearly indicates high-end positioning and
would have limited demand elasticity on volumes (vs. iPhone 5/5S), and
thus will probably not be a catalyst for vendors like GoerTek and Crystal, in
our view. We will track carriers’ subsidies in the next few weeks to estimate
the impact. 2) Apple’s website has links for China Unicom and China
Telecom, but not China Mobile. We await further details at the China
launch event today. 3) As we expected, iPhone 5C comes with earPods, like
the 5 and 5S. We believe GoerTek is still a major supplier of this accessory.

Overall we see two implications from the high unlocked prices for iPhone
5C: 1) Limited volume catalysts for Apple supply chain vendors like
GoerTek (002241.SZ, Buy, Rmb41.31) and Crystal (002273.SZ, Neutral,
Rmb19.90), which might disappoint the market. 2) Limited impact on China
OEMs’ mid- to high-end smartphone models (normally priced between
Rmb1,500-3,000), which could ease market concerns on China smartphone
component vendors like Sunny Optical (2382.HK, Buy, HK$8.79).

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The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.                                                                                                Global Investment Research
September 11, 2013                                                                                  China: Technology: Hardware - Electronic Components

Disclosure Appendix
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Coverage group(s) of stocks by primary analyst(s)
Sam Li: China Technology.
China Technology: Accelink Technologies, Anhui USTC iFLYTEK, AsiaInfo-Linkage, AutoNavi Holdings Ltd., Beijing Ultrapower Software, Comba
Telecom Systems, Fiberhome Telecom Tech, GoerTek Inc., Hunan Talkweb Information System, MStar Semiconductor, Mediatek, Nationz
Technologies, NavInfo Co, Parade Technologies Ltd, Shenzhen Tat Fook Technology, Sunny Optical Technology Group Co Ltd, Sunsea
Telecommunications, TSMC, TSMC (ADR), United Microelectronics (ADR), United Microelectronics Corp., ZTE Corporation (A), ZTE Corporation (H),
Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co..

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There are no company-specific disclosures for: Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co. (Rmb19.90)

Distribution of ratings/investment banking relationships
Goldman Sachs Investment Research global coverage universe
                            Rating Distribution                          Investment Banking Relationships
                    Buy             Hold            Sell                  Buy             Hold            Sell
  Global             31%           54%            15%                   49%          41%             38%
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September 11, 2013                                                                                                                                                                     China: Technology: Hardware - Electronic Components

 Price target and rating history chart(s)
     GoerTek Inc. (002241.SZ)                                                      Stock Price Currency : Chinese Renminbi                    Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co. (002273.SZ)                                       Stock Price Currency : Chinese Renminbi
                                       Goldman Sachs rating and stock price target history                                                                                      Goldman Sachs rating and stock price target history
      50                                                                                                                1,600                  30                                                                                                               1,600
      40                                                                                                                1,400                  25                                                                                                               1,400
                                                                                   27.22     25.83
      30                                                                                                                1,200                  20                                                                                                               1,200
      20                                                                                                                1,000                  15                                                                                                               1,000

      10                                                                                                       33.06    800                    10                                                                                                        19.2 800
              0                                                                                                         600                            5                                                                                                        600
                                                                   Aug 15
Stock Price

                                                                                                                           Index Price

                                                                                                                                         Stock Price

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Index Price
                  A S O N D J F MA M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J                                                                     A S O N D J F MA M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J
                     2010             2011                    2012              2013                                                                          2010             2011                    2012              2013
         Source: Goldman Sachs Investment Research for ratings and price targets; FactSet closing prices as of 6/30/2013.                         Source: Goldman Sachs Investment Research for ratings and price targets; FactSet closing prices as of 6/30/2013.
                                                    Rating                          Covered by Sam Li,                                                                                       Rating                          Covered by Sam Li,
                                                                                                                                                    Jun 17, 2013 N
                                                       Price target                  as of Aug 15, 2012                                                                                      Price target                    as of Jun 17, 2013

                                                       Price target at removal        Not covered by current analyst                                                                            Price target at removal        Not covered by current analyst
                                                       Shenzhen A Index                                                                                                                         Shenzhen A Index

The price targets show n should be considered in the context of all prior published Goldman Sachs research, w hich may or                The price targets show n should be considered in the context of all prior published Goldman Sachs research, w hich may or
may not have included price targets, as w ell as developments relating to the company, its industry and f inancial markets.              may not have included price targets, as w ell as developments relating to the company, its industry and f inancial markets.

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September 11, 2013                                                                                   China: Technology: Hardware - Electronic Components

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