PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District

Page created by Norma Little
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
T E R S P  R I N G
            WIN M G U I D E 2021
                                                 ,   January 4
               e g is t ra ti o n B egins Monday
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
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PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
NEW LENOX COMMUNITY PARK DISTRICT!                                                               OUR MISSION
As this year comes to a close, I reflect on not only what challenges this     is to provide safe recreational opportunities through diverse
                                                                             programs, facilities and open space, with the overall goal being
year has brought the Park District but the hard work and dedication
                                                                                   improvement of the quality of life in our community.
our Staff has for providing the best program and services to our
community. With every new change in the guidelines, the Park District
                                                                                  BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
staff has worked diligently to ensure a safe and healthy implementation
of programs.
That being said, your Park District and Sanctuary Golf Course Staff are
ready for a fresh new year with fun programs and events for the New
Lenox residents. The cold winter is quickly approaching, and the Park
District staff began winterizing the splash pads, fields and parks. But no
need to worry, again this year, patrons will be able to enjoy the winter
landscape at Hibernia Park as they walk or run around the 0.57-mile
trail. At times, path may not be plowed or cleared of any snow or
ice. Please note that the path will not be salted and to proceed with
caution. Also, how could I forget to mention that the Park District                               Ted Schulz, President
was awarded a National Fitness Campaign Grant that will bring a
whole new level of fitness opportunities to the Lincoln-Way Area!
We are excited to announce that this fitness court is slated to begin
construction this Spring.
For those of you looking for some holiday fun, grab your ice skates
or rent some at Christmas in the Commons beginning Saturday,
December 5 at 4:00pm! The Ice Rink will be open every day starting
December 5 through January 4. Please be sure to visit our website to
find skate rentals and hours. As always, we thank all our local sponsors
for supporting the Ice Rink for the community members to enjoy.
So, what’s new for Recreation Department? As usual, we will be               Brian Fischer, Vice President         Dale Larson, Secretary
offering a large selection of programs during the upcoming winter
months including some Zoom and Esport options. But I want to
highlight a great asset that all our Park District participants can use -
our “Monthly Newsletter”. This Newsletter, which will be emailed in
the beginning of the month, will contain items such as: upcoming
special events and programs, reminders of important dates such as
registration sign-up and times and ways to thank our local sponsors.
To sign up for the newsletter, visit, and on the
lower right-hand side of the home page there is a section where you
can click to join the mailing list.
Your Parks Maintenance Department has been busy keeping your
neighborhood parks beautiful and exceptionally clean. From the                Garry Kraemer, Treasurer        Bill Thomson, Commissioner
regular upkeep to installing updates, they are consistently hard at work
to improve your park experience. In fact, they are almost finished with
Leigh Creek South Park and are in the planning stages of Sky Harbor
Park.                                                                                   PARK BOARD MEETINGS
In closing, I speak for myself and my fellow commissioners when I                                OPEN TO PUBLIC
say thank you to the entire staff at the New Lenox Community Park              Anyone wishing to address the Park Board must notify the
District. Every day they go above and beyond for the residents of              Board in writing by noon on the Friday before the regular
New Lenox. We look forward to providing quality programs to the                  meeting. Meetings will be held at 6:00pm on the third
community!                                                                       Wednesday of the month at the Village of New Lenox
Sincerely,                                                                       (1 Veterans Parkway) in the Board Room - 2nd Floor.
Ted Schulz
Park Board President

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
                                                                    OUR MISSION
        The mission of the New Lenox Community Park District is to provide safe recreational opportunities through diverse programs, facilities and open
                                     space, with the overall goal being improvement of the quality of life in our community.

    NLCPD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING                                                LIONS COMMUNITY CENTER
    701 W. HAVEN AVENUE, NEW LENOX, IL 60451                                     1 MANOR DRIVE, NEW LENOX, IL 60451 (Not a Mailing Address)
    PH: (815) 485-3584 • FAX: (815) 485-3589                                     PH: (815) 485-1737 • FAX: (815) 485-5952
    HOURS OF OPERATION:                                                          HOURS OF OPERATION:
    Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm                                                 Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm

    Executive Services                                                           THE SANCTUARY GOLF COURSE
    Greg Lewis, CPRP, Executive Director                                         485 N. MARLEY ROAD, NEW LENOX, IL 60451 (Not a Mailing Address)
    • Jacque Tuma, Deputy Director of Executive Services
                                                                                 PH: (815) 462-4653 • FAX: (815) 462-4659
    Business Services Staff                                                      HOURS OF OPERATION:
    Kathy Lynch, Director of Business Services                                   Sunday-Saturday (weather permitting)

    •   Karen Acklin, Deputy Director of Business Services                       Robert Schulz, PGA, Director of Golf
    •   Caitlin Davis, Business Services Supervisor                              •   Ethan Bedsaul, PGA, Assistant Golf Course Manager
    •   Nicole Saltzman, Business Services Supervisor                            •   Ben McAdams, Assistant Golf Professional
    •   Laurie Jacobs, Business Services Generalist                              •   Michael Ledvina, Food and Beverage Manager
                                                                                 •   Douglas Eggert, GCSAA, Golf Course Superintendent
    Parks & Maintenance Staff                                                    •   Michael Wesolowski, Golf Course Assistant Director
    George Travnicek, Director of Parks - Maintenance
    •   Ken Stephens, Parks Maintenance Assistant Director
    •   John Camp, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor
    •   Kip Kokal, Parks Maintenance Supervisor
    •   Gary Wilde, Parks Maintenance Supervisor
    •   Shaun Elder, Parks Maintenance Laborer
    •   Dylan Tobias, Parks Maintenance Laborer
    •   Miguel Garay-Ulteras, Parks Maintenance Laborer

    Recreation Staff
    Lea Pipiras, CPRP, Director of Recreation
    •   Olga Viano, CPRP, Deputy Director of Recreation
    •   Jason Braglia, CPRP, Deputy Director of Recreation
    •   Tracy Wrase, CPRP, Recreation Supervisor
    •   Keith Blomberg, CPRP, Recreation Supervisor
    •   Kelly Matson, Recreation Supervisor
    •   Becky Tilton, Recreation Supervisor
    •   Jessica Tompkins, Recreation Supervisor
    •   Jeff Franson, Custodial Maintenance Supervisor                                           Winter/Spring 2021
    •   Mark Moustis, Custodial Maintenance Laborer
                                                                                       Please check Lincoln-Way Community High
    •   Deborah Barks, Custodial Maintenance Laborer
                                                                                      School website for Team Asset information at

4       NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District

                                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                          Information Categories
                                                                          Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 43-46

CREATE A CLASS                                                            T.E.A.M. Asset of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Park District is looking for local hidden talent to instruct or       Athletic Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
lead various recreational classes. Do you like to set your own work       Community News You Can Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
schedule? Do you have a background in fitness, early childhood,           Commemorative Bench/Tree Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
craft design or any other special ability? If so, please join our staff
                                                                          Lincolnway Special Recreation Association. . . . . . . . . . 12
and contribute to “Quality Community Life” in New Lenox. We are
always looking for new instructors with creative ideas. If you have a     Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
particular skill or are willing to lead activities, please call           New Lenox Fire Protection District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
(815) 485-3584.                                                           New Lenox Friends of the Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
                                                                          ONLINE REGISTRATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
Commemorative Tree and Bench Program
                                                                          Park Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Are you looking for a special way in which to honor a loved one or
                                                                          Park District Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
to commemorate a special event? The New Lenox Community Park
District’s Commemorative Tree and Bench Program is dedicated              Park District News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
to planting a tree or placing a bench in honor of a loved one,            Park Map/Amenities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41
organization or to celebrate your special occasion. There is a variety    Park Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
of trees that can be purchased and planted. Please keep in mind that
                                                                          Park Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-7
trees may be purchased at any time but are only planted in the spring
and fall and benches will be installed weather permitting. Please         Park Shelter Rentals/Trail Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
note that these trees and/or benches may be placed within a park          Parties and Rentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
site or at our Sanctuary Golf Course, but restrictions do apply. Each     President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
commemorative donation will be designated with a plaque honoring
                                                                          Program Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
your request. For further information, please call (815) 485-3584.
                                                                          REGISTRATION INFORMATION & FORM .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7-9
Reminder to Pet Owners                                                    Sanctuary Golf Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
When visiting local parks with your pet, please remember that             “STOP” Trashing Our Parks Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
the Park District and Village ordinances always require dogs to           Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
be leashed. Owners are responsible for cleaning up any animal
excrement from public property.                                           Programs Offered
                                                                          ACES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What is the S.T.O.P. PROGRAM?                                             Adult Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
S.T.O.P. stands for Stop Trashing Our Parks                               Adult Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
and is represented by our mascot, Bucky                                   Beyond the Bell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
the Beaver. Bucky’s mission is to keep our
                                                                          Bus Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
parks safe and free of vandalism. To help
support Bucky’s mission, cash rewards                                     Children’s Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-30
will be paid for information leading to the                               Children’s Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-25
apprehension of park vandals (individuals         S.T.O.P.
                                                                          Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
providing information are not required to
                                                                          Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
identify themselves). Hopefully, kids of all
ages can relate to our friendly mascot and                                Gymnastics/Cheerleading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
his mission.                                                              Kiddie Kampus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32
                                                                          Special Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37
                                                                          Teen Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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Twitter & Instagram

PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
    PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS                                                      CANCELLATIONS
    • Children must be the correct age by 9/1/20, unless otherwise            Staff reserves the right to consolidate, postpone, reschedule or
         specified. To provide your child with the best possible              cancel any program due to changes in day, dates, times, instructor
         recreational and/or learning experience, all our programs are        or insufficient enrollment. If program enrollment does not meet the
         planned according to the ages listed in our Program Guide.           minimum number of registrants, we try to cancel the program seven
                                                                              days prior to the start date or by the registration deadline.
    •    Although your child may turn the correct age during the session
         of a program, our age requirement date coincides with the            For cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. inclement
         school district’s date to assist with the fundamental growth of      weather, facility emergencies or scheduling conflicts), which are
         the child in the age appropriate programs and therefore would        announced by Lincoln-Way District 210 or New Lenox School District
         not be eligible for registration.                                    122 at facilities where Park District programs are scheduled, Park
                                                                              District programming will be cancelled as well. All attempts will be
    •    Classes are for the registered child only, except for classes
                                                                              made to reschedule cancelled classes. However, the New Lenox
         with an adult. Parents should not remain in the classroom
                                                                              Community Park District is sometimes unable to accommodate
         or gymnasium after dropping off their child. This is in the
                                                                              make-up classes and will not refund money in such instances.
         child’s best interest, as continual interruptions tend to affect
         participants’ attention span and inhibit the establishment of peer
         relationships.                                                       PROGRAM BEHAVIOR POLICY
    •    All children must be potty-trained unless they are attending a       Participants are always expected to exhibit appropriate behavior.
         class where an adult stay with them or is otherwise stated in        The following guidelines have been developed to help make Park
         the class description. Diapers are not permitted in independent      District programs safe and enjoyable for all participants. Additional
         classes unless stated in the class description.                      rules may be developed for programs and athletic leagues as deemed
                                                                              necessary by staff.
    •    Please do not bring food to any class unless previously arranged.
                                                                              •    Show respect to participants and staff and take direction from
    •    For your child’s safety, all children enrolled in programs must be
         picked up from the specific classroom or program site by their
         parent(s) or designated guardian. No child will be released from     •    Refrain from using abusive or foul language or from causing
         the classroom to anyone other than these individuals.                     bodily harm to self, other participants or staff.

    •    A mandatory sign-in and sign-out procedure for all participants      •    Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities. The New
         is required for all Park District Programs. Children must be              Lenox Community Park District reserves the right to terminate a
         accompanied by an adult when escorted to and from class.                  party’s participation in a Park District program due to that party’s
                                                                                   disruptive behavior or conduct.
                                                                              PHOTO DISCLAIMER
    No refunds are given: (1) once a program begins unless a
    replacement is found; (2) on material fees unless we cancel a             Registrants and participants permit to the taking of photos and videos
    program; (3) on bus trips; or (4) for special events or one-day           of themselves and their children during Park District activities for
    programs. A full refund is issued if we cancel a program or trip.         publication and use as the Park District deems necessary.

    •    When a participant cancels out of a program, a full refund LESS
         a $5 service charge (per program) will be granted. A $5 service
                                                                              PROGRAM GUIDE DISTRIBUTION
         charge will also be assessed on all program transfers. These         We are virtual with our seasonal program guide. A mailer will be
         requests will only be honored if the request is submitted three      sent out for each seasonal Program Guide with reminders regarding
         business days prior to the start of the program or activity.         registration. Please contact us at (815) 485-3584 if you do not
                                                                              receive your mailer piece or to be placed on the mailing list.
    •    All refunds less than $10 will be applied as a credit to the
         customer’s account.
    •    Every effort will be made to process refunds within 30 days, but
         in some instances it may take longer.                                The New Lenox Community Park District is unable to assume
                                                                              responsibility for injuries, accidents or loss of personal property
    •    New Lenox Community Park District reserves the right to              occurring during programs or activities, in parks or facilities. Such
         change program details at any time.                                  insurance would make programs and user fees prohibitive.

                                                                              Find us on Facebook,
                                                                              Twitter & Instagram

6       NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
PROGRAM INFORMATION ICONS                                                  REGISTRATION POLICIES
Throughout the Program Guide, you will recognize icons adjacent to         • A government issued birth certificate is required for all
programs. These icons are to assist you with additional information.           participants five (5) years and younger before registration will be
•    Programs that require a parent and child to attend are shown
     with this icon:                                                       •   Parents/guardians may register for immediate family members
                                                                               only. Each adult must sign the Registration Form.

•    The Park District runs programs for the community through             •   Phone-in registrations are not accepted.
     a partnership with different businesses. They provide                 •   If there is a problem with your registration, we will try to contact
     knowledgeable and background-checked instructors who will                 you by phone or email. If we cannot reach you, the Registration
     direct each program. Programs that are contracted are shown               Form will be returned by mail and your place in the program
     with this icon:                                                           cannot be saved. Be sure to include a valid daytime phone
                                                                               number on all Registration Forms.

•    Please note that for selected ticketed or special events as well as   •   Registration is not complete until a printed confirmation or
     some ongoing programs, online registration is not available.              email receipt has been issued.
     Programs that do not allow online registration are shown with         •   The New Lenox Community Park District is not responsible for
     this icon:                                                                lost or late mail or faxes.
                                                                           •   All Registration Forms must be signed. Those without signatures
                                                                               will be returned to the sender, thereby jeopardizing registration
                                                                               and program placement.
                                                                           •   $25 service charge will be assessed on all rejected credit card
    A request for ADA modifications or assistance at a program is              payments for families utilizing our installment billing system and
    required at the time of registration.                                      $30 service charge on all returned checks.
    Please mark the ADA box on the Registration Form. Early                •   The New Lenox Community Park District reserves the right to
    registration, along with a request for accommodation, is                   suspend participation in activities of customers whose account
    strongly suggested to assure that appropriate modifications                is in “bad standing” until all fees are paid. Failure to pay may
    are secured prior to the start of the program. We recommend                result in collection costs added to outstanding balances.
    at least two weeks’ notice to have modifications in place.
                                                                           RESIDENT REGISTRATION (R)
                                                                           Resident Registration and Online Registration will begin on Monday,
                                                                           January 4 at 9:00am at the Administration Building, 701 W. Haven
                                                                           Avenue, and the Lions Community Center, 1 Manor Drive.
                                                                           Registration Forms are accepted as soon as you receive your
                                                                           Program Guide, but will not be processed until Monday, January
                                                                           4 at 9:00am. Early submission of registration does not guarantee
                                                                           enrollment in a program.

                                                                           NONRESIDENT REGISTRATION (NR)
                                                                           Nonresident participants can register for New Lenox Community
                                                                           Park District programs beginning Monday, January 11. Additional
                                                                           fees for nonresidents may apply. We do not charge a nonresident fee
                                                                           for special events, bus trips or contracted programs.

                                 See our fun Bus Trips on pages 20-21.
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
    FIRST-TIME REGISTRATION                                                  SIMPLE WAYS TO REGISTER
    When registering for the first time, residents will need to provide
    proof of residency by showing proper documentation. Those                Online
    documents include:                                                       •   Begins Monday, January 4 at 9:00am for residents and Monday,
    One Item from Category 1                                                     January 11 at 9:00am for nonresidents
    • Most recent property tax bill                                          •   Go to and click on Online Registration
    • Most recent mortgage statement (we do not accept mortgage              •   Residents and nonresidents may create their own online
        coupon payment books)                                                    account by clicking on “Need an Account?” However,
    • Signed and dated lease or letter from manager (on letterhead)              residents who have NOT established residency will be charged
        and proof of last month’s payment                                        nonresident fees (if applicable) for Park District programs until
    • Mortgage closing statement (if you have moved in the last 30               residency has been established. Nonresident fees are non-
        days)                                                                    refundable. Review “First Time Registration” to see how to
    Two Items from Category 2                                                    establish residency.
    •   Valid Illinois Driver’s License or State I.D. Card
    •   Most recent gas, electric and/or water bill                          Mail-In/Drop-Off
    •   Most recent cable television bill, credit card bill and/or bank      •   Place the completed and signed Registration Form with your
        statement                                                                payment in a sealed envelope and mail to:
    • Voter Registration
    • Vehicle Registration                                                       •     New Lenox Community Park District,
    • Current Public Aid Card                                                          701 W. Haven Avenue, New Lenox, IL 60451
                                                                             •   Or place in a Drop Box outside the following locations:
    Nonresidents will need to provide a valid Driver’s License or State ID
    Card at the time of registration.                                            •     Administration Building, 701 W. Haven Avenue
                                                                                 •     Lions Community Center, 1 Manor Drive
    PAYMENT                                                                  •   Mail-In/Drop-Off Registration is accepted as soon as you
                                                                                 receive your Program Guide and will be retained until
    • Full payment must be paid to the New Lenox Community Park
                                                                                 registration begins on Monday, January 4 at 9:00am
         District at time of registration
    •    Cash, credit/debit cards or checks are acceptable forms of          Fax-In
                                                                             •   Fax your completed and signed Registration Form with
    •    Checks should be made payable to New Lenox Community Park               completed credit card information to (815) 485-3589
         District or NLCPD
                                                                             •   Fax-In Registration is accepted as soon as the Program Guide
    •    We do not accept payments over the phone                                is available and will be retained until registration begins on
                                                                                 Monday, January 4 at 9:00am
    If you are (1) a New Lenox Community Park District resident and          Email
    (2) cannot participate for financial reasons, you may be eligible for    •   Email your completed and signed Registration Form with credit
    financial aid. Please contact the Park District’s Deputy Director of         card information to
    Recreation at (815) 485-3584 for an interview. Please note that the
                                                                             •   Email Registration is accepted as soon as the Program Guide
    maximum household scholarship benefit is $1,000 per calendar year.
                                                                                 is available and will be retained until registration begins on
                                                                                 Monday, January 4 at 9:00am
    We are pleased to offer a military discount for those who qualify.       Walk-In
    Please contact (815) 485-3584 for further information and details.       •   Register in person at the Administration Building, 701 W. Haven
                                                                                 Avenue, or the Lions Community Center, 1 Manor Drive, during
                                                                                 regular business hours beginning on Monday, January 4 for
                                                                                 residents and Monday, January 11 for nonresidents.

                            Looking for some fun? Visit a Special Event
                                                                 on pages 36-37.
8       NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, if
                                                                                                       you need any accommodations to participate
                                             REGISTRATION FORM                                         in an activity, please indicate: Yes No
                                                                                                       *Please indicate for whom below.
Household Information
Primary Number:                                                                                     Cell Phone:

Last Name:                                                                                          Work Phone:

Home Address:                                                                                       Emergency Contact:

City:                                             State:             Zip Code:                      Emergency Contact Relation:

Email:                                                                                              Emergency Phone:

 Participant’s Name                  ACTV#                      Program Name                   Birth      Grade       M/F        Fee           Allergies or
                                                                                               Date                                          ADA Requested*

 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: INITIALS:                                              DATE:                       TYPE:

Please read carefully and be aware that in registering yourself or your minor child/ward for participation in the program(s), you will be
waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you or your child/ward might sustain arising out of the program(s).
I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the program(s) and I agree to assume the full risk of any such injuries,
damages or loss regardless of severity, which my child/ward or I may sustain as a result of participating in any activities connected or associated with any such
program(s). I waive and relinquish all claims I or my child/ward may have against the New Lenox Community Park District and its officers, agents, servants, and
employees, and any other cooperative Park District and it officers, agents, servants and employees as a result of participation or the participation of my child/ward in
any of the program(s) and cooperative programs with other park districts. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Park District(s) and its
officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and loss sustained by me or by my child/ward, arising out of,
connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of any of the program(s). I have read and fully understand the program details and waiver and release all

Mandatory Signature of Participant, Parent, or Legal Guardian                                                                 Date

  Please mark             Billing Address Zip Code:
                                                                                                                                     Check or Money Order
  payment type:                                                                                                                      Payable To:
     CASH                 Account Number:                                                                                            New Lenox Community Park
                                                                                                                                     District “NLCPD”
     CHECK                Expiration Date:           /          Security Code:
                                                                                                                                     Mail To:
                          Cardholder Name:                                                                                           New Lenox
                          Billing Address:                                                                                           Community Park District
     MASTERCARD                                                                                                                      701 W. Haven Avenue
                                                         Address                     City/State                                      New Lenox, IL 60451
                          Amount of Charge: $                                                                                        Upon Receipt of Your Catalog:
     AMERICAN                                                                                                                        Mail-In, Fax-In (815.485.3589)
                          Authorized Signature:                                                                                      or Drop Off Your Registration.
     EXPRESS              (The NLCPD reserves the right to change a payment to reflect the correct fee.)
PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 Regis t ration Begin s Monday, Januar y 4 - New Lenox Community Park District
     The New Lenox Community Park District is pleased to provide contact information for many of the organizations with whom we
     partner with. It is through the Park District’s successful partnerships with these groups that we all contribute to improving the
     quality of life in the community of New Lenox.

     Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 . . . .  (815) 462-2345                             2021 CPR CLASSES
     New Lenox Chamber of Commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 485-4241                     New Lenox Fire Protection District
     New Lenox Cub Scout Packs 6, 49, 94. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 942-4450                   Please check the fire district’s
     New Lenox Girl Scouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 723-3449      website at for monthly
     New Lenox Community Channel 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 462-6428                   class dates and times.
     New Lenox Township (Dial A Ride) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 485-6431
                                                                                                        Register online at:
     New Lenox Fire Protection District (Administration). . . .  (815) 463-4500
     New Lenox Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 485-2605   The Fire District conducts several
                                                                                                        other public events throughout the year. For information,
     New Lenox Police (Administration & Non-Emergency).  (815) 462-6100
                                                                                                        contact the Public Education/CPR Coordinator at (815)
     New Lenox School District 122. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (815) 485-2169
                                                                                                        463-4500 for dates and details.
     Senior Services Center of Will County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 723-9713
     Village of New Lenox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (815) 462-6400

     The New Lenox Community Park District would like to extend a thank
     you to the school districts serving the area (122 and 210) and New
     Lenox Township. It is through the cooperation of the school board and
     administrative staff of these districts that we can offer more programs
     in satellite locations to members of the community. Thank you for
     allowing our programs to grow and enhance our community!

     The Park District maintains the athletic fields; independent athletic
     associations run these programs. Registration is handled through each
     individual association and NOT the Park District. Listed below is the
     contact information provided to us from our Athletic Associations.

     NL Soccer Association/Legacy Soccer Club

     NL Girls Softball
     (815) 258-7916 •

     NL Rebels Baseball

     NL Mustangs Football

     NLYFA Jr. Knights/Jr. Warriors Football

                                                                                                         Find our Children’s Athletics

                                                                                                                         on pages 26-30.
10      NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
A Matter of Balance
This program can help seniors improve
their quality of life and remain independent.
Participants learn to set realistic goals
to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk
factors and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance.
Please call Daniel Martin, Safe Community Coordinator, for further
information at (815) 462-6493 or via email at
6493 or via email at

Fit and Strong
This eight-week program is an evidence-based, multiple component
exercise program. It combines flexibility, strength training and       New Lenox Public Library Homebound
aerobic walking with health education for sustained behavior change
among older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis. For further
information, please call Daniel Martin, Safe Community Coordinator,
to register at (815) 462-6493 or via email at    The Homebound Library Delivery
                                                                       Service at the New Lenox Library
                                                                       provides free library services to
                                                                       individuals who are residents within
                                                                       our district boundaries, have a current
                                                                       New Lenox Library card and are
                                                                       unable to physically come to the
                                                                       library. Delivery or pick up is available
                                                                       to individuals unable to come to the
                                                                       library due to mobility, health or disability barriers. Whether you are at
                                                                       home, in assisted living or in a nursing facility, you are eligible.
                                                                       For further information, please call the New Lenox Public Library
                                                                       Homebound Coordinator at (815) 485-2605, Ext. 134.
Donate used Cell Phones to “Cells for
Seniors”                                                               Friends Over 50 1340 WJOL
The cell phones are free to seniors and can only be used to access
                                                                       Friends Over Fifty with Ed & Michelle Kerfin is a talk show dedicated
911 in case of an emergency. Drop off your used cell phones at these
                                                                       to topics affecting everyone including financial, healthcare and
New Lenox locations:
                                                                       lifestyle issues. The show is fun and informative and will always make
• Lions Community Center, 1 Manor Drive                                you laugh. You never know who you will meet on the show. Tune in
• New Lenox Township, 1100 S Cedar Road                                Fridays from 10:00am-1:00pm.
• New Lenox Police Department, 200 Veterans Parkway
                                                                       Need a Ride to One of our Programs?
Triad Meetings                                                         Call the Transportation Service at the New Lenox Township at (815)
Join the Right Information and Direction Group to share needs and      485-6431 for safe, affordable and on-time rides for all New Lenox
concerns, listen to monthly guest speakers and develop community-      residents.
wide solutions to problem areas for seniors at a local level. Light
                                                                       One-Way Within New Lenox Township
refreshments served.
                                                                       Kids (Under 6)      FREE with Adult (Limit 2)
Day     Date    Time            Topic
                                                                       Kids 9-13           $4
TH      2/25    1:30-2:30pm     TBD
                                                                       Ages 14-59          $6
TH      3/25    1:30-2:30pm     TBD
                                                                       Seniors 60+         $4
TH      4/22    1:30-2:30pm     TBD
TH      5/20    1:30-2:30pm     TBD                                    Medical Transportation to Neighboring Towns
Location: TBD                                                          Kids (Under 8)      FREE with Adult (Limit 2)
                                                                       Kids 9-13		         $10
Call Kathie Johnson with the New Lenox Township for more
                                                                       Ages 14-59          $10
information at (815) 717-6221.
                                                                       Seniors 60+         $6
                                                                       Prices subject to change the first of the year.                              11
     1900 Heather Glen Drive (off Laraway Road), New Lenox, IL 60451
     (815) 320-3500 • Fax: (312) 660-8831
     HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm • Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00am-6:30pm
     For more information, stop by the Lincolnway Special Recreation Center or visit

     Lincolnway Special Recreation
     has provided adaptive recreational opportunities for individuals
     with disabilities since 1976 and is supported through a
     cooperative agreement with Frankfort, Frankfort Square,
     Manhattan, Mokena, New Lenox, Peotone and Wilmington
     Island Park Districts as well as special agreements with Village
     of Monee and Homer Township.

                                                                                Inclusion Services
                                                                                The New Lenox Community Park District welcomes participation in
                                                                                all programs by individuals with disabilities and special needs. The
                                                                                New Lenox Community Park District works cooperatively with LWSRA
                                                                                to facilitate successful participation for individuals who request an
                                                                                inclusion aide. If you are asking for special assistance for your child to
                                                                                participate in a Park District program, please inform the park district
                                                                                staff at the time of registration. You will be directed to contact LWSRA
                                                                                and an evaluation process will then be implemented by LWSRA.
                                                                                Timely registration is important. Please register and request an aide
                                                                                no later than two weeks before the start of the program.

     Lincolnway Special Recreation Center
     This fully accessible facility features a gymnasium, sensory room,
     learning kitchen, offices, classrooms and a wheelchair softball field.
     The center is located just off Laraway Road, East of Schoolhouse
     Road in the Heather Glen subdivision of New Lenox. The facility also
     offers community rental opportunities for the gym and classrooms.

     The Nest – Sensory Room
     The Nest is a new addition within the LWSRC. This Snoezelen Multi-
     Sensory Environment features specially designed equipment that
     appeals to the auditory, tactile, olfactory and visual senses. Amenities
     include bubble tubes, vibroacoustic learning chair, aromatherapy,
     tear drop swing, fiber optics and more! Time slots are available to
     book on select days during the week to provide 1-on-1 time with a
     trained LWSRA staff member in The Nest.

12     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
                                                                              485 N. Marley Road, New Lenox, IL 60451
                                                                                       Call (815) 462-GOLF (4653)
                                                                                           Fax (815) 462-4659

Thank you Sanctuary Golf Course Patrons!                                Winter Golf Starts December 1st
                                                                        Stay tuned to our website for more details! Also, check out our
On behalf of all management and staff at The Sanctuary, we would
                                                                        website for the Penguin Open date!
like to extend our sincere thanks for your continued patronage to the
golf course! To ensure a quality guest experience at The Sanctuary
Golf Course, we promise to continue to improve and expand on the
course services.

                                                                                   Don’t forget - the
                                                                                   perfect holiday gift is
                                                                                   a Gift Card or item
                                                                                   from the Pro Shop
                                                                                   from The Sanctuary!

                                                                                   Please call the course with
                                                                                   questions at (815) 462-4653.


     ACES POWERPLAY!                                     BEYOND SCHOOL PROGRAM
     Grades K-6 (2020-2021 School Year)
     The ACES program is designed to provide a safe, structured before-and-after school program for children attending
     District 122 schools in grades Kindergarten through Sixth. The program hours are 6:30am until school begins and
     after school until 6:30pm. We accommodate full-time, part-time and flexible schedules. Each participant is required
     to pay a registration fee of $30.
     Online registration will be available AFTER your one-time $30 registration fee has been paid. Weekly payment
     is due by 8:00am on Tuesday of the previous week or a $25 late fee per child will be charged. Payment can be
     made through the program, online, faxed to (815) 485-3589 or dropped off at the drop box located outside of the
     Administration Building, 701 W. Haven Avenue or outside Entry “C” at the Lions Community Center, 1 Manor Drive.
     We offer a payment option for those individuals who are attending ACES: The Automatic Payment Plan. Please view the Commitment Form and
     the Financial Agreement Form on our website. Please note that to be enrolled in the Automatic Payment Plan, you must complete these forms
     and submit them to the Park District Office one week prior to starting the program.

      PRICE LIST                                5 DAYS       4 DAYS     3 DAYS     2 DAYS      1 DAY            PROGRAM LOCATIONS
      BEFORE SCHOOL                                $65        $54          $44       $32        $18               Spencer ACES
       2nd child                                  $60         $50          $41       $30        $17      Spencer Crossing School Cafeteria
       Drop Off (One Day Only Per Week)                                                         $35
                                                                                                                      Nelson ACES
      AFTER SCHOOL                                 $75        $63          $50       $36        $20
                                                                                                              Nelson Prairie School Cafeteria
       2nd child                                  $69         $58          $46       $33        $19
       Drop Off (One Day Only Per Week)                                                         $35                 Tyler/Bentley ACES
       ½ Day Early Dismissal Upcharge                                                           $14              Tyler School Gymnasium

         Note: We do not credit accounts for days absent or transfer days from week to week.                     Haines/Oakview ACES
                                                                                                                 Haines School Cafeteria

                                                                             Ages 6-12
                                                                             LCC (Room 1) Entry C

     School’s off! Join us for an action-packed, fun-filled day. We will provide age-appropriate activities      Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
     including organized games, arts and crafts, field trips and much more. Our program opens at                 Day    Date       Registration Deadline
     6:30am and closes at 6:30pm. Participants need to bring a lunch with their name on it. A $25 late           M      1/18       TU, 1/12 by 8:00am
     fee per child will be added after the registration deadline.
                                                                                                                 District Institute
     Call the New Lenox Community Park District at (815) 485-3584 for additional information.
                                                                                                                 Day    Date       Registration Deadline
     BEYOND THE BELL             TIMES                   5 DAYS   4 DAYS    3 DAYS    2 DAYS     1 DAY           F      2/12       TU, 2/2 by 8:00am
     1st Child                   9:00am-3:30pm           $142     $125      $98       $69        $52
     2nd Child                   9:00am-3:30pm           $133     $117      $92       $65        $49
                                                                                                                 Presidents’ Day
                                                                                                                 Day    Date       Registration Deadline
     Add’l Out of District Fee   9:00am-3:30pm           $12      $10       $8        $6         $4
                                                                                                                 M      2/15       TU, 2/9 by 8:00am

     EARLY BELLS                 TIMES                   5 DAYS   4 DAYS    3 DAYS    2 DAYS     1 DAY           District Institute
     1st Child                   6:30am-9:00am           $65      $54       $44       $32        $18             Day    Date       Registration Deadline
     2nd Child                   6:30am-9:00am           $60      $50       $41       $30        $17             F      3/26       TU, 3/16 by 8:00am
     Add’l Out of District Fee   6:30am-9:00am           $10      $8        $6        $4         $2              Spring Break
                                                                                                                 Day    Date     Registration Deadline
     LATE BELLS                  TIMES                   5 DAYS   4 DAYS    3 DAYS    2 DAYS     1 DAY           M-F    3/29-4/2 TU, 3/23 by 8:00am
     1st Child                   3:30pm-6:30pm           $75      $63       $50       $36        $20
                                                                                                                 Easter Monday
     2nd Child                   3:30pm-6:30pm           $69      $58       $46       $33        $19
                                                                                                                 Day    Date       Registration Deadline
     Add’l Out of District Fee   3:30pm-6:30pm           $10      $8        $6        $4         $2
                                                                                                                 M      4/5        TU, 3/30 by 8:00am

14     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584

     FITNESS               Age 12 & Older
     Start the New Year by choosing to make health and fitness a lifestyle change! Did you know that studies show that exercise
     helps you feel better, sleep better and have more energy? Join one of our many programs to help you stay focused. Participants under the age of 16
     are required to be registered along with a parent. Please bring a water bottle to class!

     WERQ® Fitness                                                            Yin Yoga
     Administration Building (All-Purpose Room)                               Administration Building (All Purpose Room)
     Instructed By: Carissa Pavlik                                            Instructed By: Jackie Petersen
     WERQ is a fiercely fun dance fitness class based on pop, rock and        Yin Yoga is a slower paced class that cultivates an awareness and
     hip-hop music. The warm-up previews the dance steps in class and         acceptance within your mind and body. Yin is a fantastic practice for
     the cool down combines yoga-inspired static stretching and balance       your joint health, flexibility, circulation, and mental focus. The flow
     poses. Please bring a water bottle and towel to class.                   will consist of a series of long-held, deep, restful floor poses that
                                                                              mainly work the lower part of the body. The poses are held for one
     Activity   Day   Date          Time           R/NR    Skip Dates
                                                                              to five minutes. This is a mindful practice that will bring balance into
     37197-A1   M     1/18-2/22     6:30-7:30pm    $57/$62
                                                                              your day, along with space and mobility into your body. Open to all
     37197-A2   M     3/8-4/12      6:30-7:30pm    $57/$62
                                                                              levels. Please bring a yoga mat to class.
     37197-A3   M     4/26-6/7      6:30-7:30pm    $57/$62 5/31
                                                                              Activity   Day Date         Time                R/NR
     Hatha Yoga                                                               37190-A1 TU 2/2-2/23 5:30-6:30pm                $40
     LCC (Room 2) Entry C                                                     37190-A2 TU 3/9-3/30 5:30-6:30pm                $40
     Instructed By: Heather Letts                                             37190-A3* TU 4/13-5/4 5:30-6:30pm               $40
                                                                              *A3 Session located at LCC (Room 1) Entry C
     Hatha Yoga creates balance in the body and the mind. This is
     accomplished by looking to the eight limbs of yoga including asana
     (physical movement) and pranayama (breathing exercises). During          POUND® Fitness
     the course, we will discover how the linking of physical movement        LCC (Room 2) Entry C
     and breath work can begin to slow the mind and release stress. This      Instructed By: Emily Aros
     class is great for people who are looking to decompress from their       Become the music in this full body workout that combines cardio,
     day and need low impact exercises that will still build strength. All    conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilates inspired
     levels of experience and flexibility are welcome! For your comfort,      movements. While using Ripstix®, which are lightly weighted
     please come to class on an empty stomach (eat two hours before           drumsticks created for the purpose of exercising, POUND®
     class) and wear loose fitting clothing. Please bring your own yoga       transforms drumming into a super effective way of working out to
     mat, strap and a water bottle to class.                                  music! POUND® is designed for all fitness levels and provides the
                                                                              perfect atmosphere for rocking out while toning up and having fun.
     Activity Day Date              Time           LWR/NR
                                                                              This workout can be easily modified and the “alternative vibe and
     37519-A1 TH 1/21-3/11          7:30-8:30pm    $70/$75
                                                                              welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages and
     37519-A2 TH 3/25-5/13          7:30-8:30pm    $70/$75
                                                                              abilities.” To receive the full benefits from the POUND Fitness class,
                                                                              a Ripstix® is required. Participants must bring their own as limited
                                                                              Ripstixs® will be available for patrons to borrow.
      Talk a Walk through Our Parks!                                          Activity Day Date             Time              R/NR
                                                                              37510-A1 W 2/10-3/17          5:30-6:30pm       $57/$62
       See pages 39-40 for a trail guide & map.                               37510-A2 W 3/31-5/5           5:30-6:30pm       $57/$62

16     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
12” Summer Softball Leagues                                                Co-Ed Krazy Kickball League
Adult                                                                      Adult
Lions Den Park                                                             Lions Den Park
Each team will play 10 games followed by a single-elimination              Come enjoy your Friday night with this new Co-Ed Krazy Kickball
tournament. A nonrefundable security deposit of $150 is due at time        league! Each team will play at least 6 games followed by a single-
of registration. It will be used towards the registration fee. League      elimination tournament. Each week will have new rules to keep the
information will be emailed to each captain before games start.            game fun! This recreational league is perfect for the team that wants
Please note that games that need to be made up can be rescheduled          to come out and have some fun on a beautiful Friday night! League
for any day of the week. All fees must be paid the day before you play     information will be emailed to each captain before games start.
or there will be a $25 late fee per day and your team will forfeit. Cash   Please note that games that need to be made up can be rescheduled
prizes will be awarded. Scheduled start and end dates are subject to       for any day of the week. Scheduled start and end dates are subject
change.                                                                    to change. Game times are 6:30pm or 7:30pm and a maximum of 4
RETURNING Team Registration: Register now to save a spot                   teams will be allowed for the league.
NEW Team Registration Begins: M, 3/22                                      Registration Deadline: W, 4/21
Registration Deadline: W, 4/21
                                                                           Activity Day Date     R/NR
Men’s Leagues                                                              37649-A1 F   5/7-6/25 $265
Activity   Day    Date        R/NR
82143-A1   M      5/3-8/16    $676 per team                                Frankfort New Lenox Running Club
82144-A1   TU     5/4-8/17    $676 per team                                Adult
82145-A1   W      5/5-8/18    $676 per team
                                                                           The Frankfort New Lenox Running Club is an easy going, all volunteer
Co-Ed Leagues                                                              club focused on running. There is no fee or pace requirements.
Activity   Day Date         R/NR                                           Everyone is welcome; just show up and run! We do not host
82146-A1 TH 5/6-8/19 $676 per team                                         sanctioned or timed events. We host weekly group runs, which are
82147-A1 F      5/7-8/20* $676 per team                                    posted on our Facebook page. To join, visit our Frankfort New Lenox
*Friday game times are 8:30pm or 9:30pm with 4 team max                    Running Club Facebook page. Please refer to the events tab on the
                                                                           Facebook page for potential changes to either the run location or
                                                                           cancellations due to weather. Note: All members must complete the
                                                                           waiver on the Facebook page before being added to the group.

                                                                                  Jam Session & Social Time
                                                                                  LCC (Room 1) Entry C
                                                                                  Gather for an afternoon of music! Can’t play an instrument? Join us to
                                                                                  listen, sing along and meet new friends. If you do play, tune up your
                                                                                  instrument and come join this group of musicians that meet the first
                                                                                  Thursday of each month beginning January 7. All types of music are
                                                                                  played including from the American Song Book, the Swing Era, Dean
                                                                                  Martin and Frank Sinatra. Bring your sheet music to share.
                                                                                  Day   Date                    Time
     Horseback Riding                                                             TH    1/7, 2/4, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6 3:00-5:00pm
     Age 7 & Older
                                                                                  Coloring Club
     Get up and go! It’s time to ride at Nova Quarter Horses, Inc. There is
     fun for all ages at any riding level; no previous experience is needed.
                                                                                  Administration Building (All-Purpose Room)
     Learn both Western and English disciplines taught by highly qualified
     trainers and instructors. Nova offers both an indoor and outdoor             Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore! In Coloring Club, you will
     arena, so they are able to offer lessons year-round. A 5-lesson card         rediscover the simple relaxation and joy of coloring. This is a great
     includes 5 individual one-hour lessons within a group format. Once           activity to explore your artistic side. You will get the joy of creating a
     your lesson card is purchased, call Nova to schedule your lessons at         beautiful work of art with no artistic skills required. Coloring is known
     (708) 479-3696. Jeans and hard-soled shoes or boots are required.            to reduce stress and improve hand-eye coordination. This club will
                                                                                  meet every other Wednesday. All materials are included.
     Activity R/NR
     32250-A1 $210                                                                Activity Day Date                         Time
     Location: Nova Quarter Horses, Inc.                                          39592-A1 W 1/20, 2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/17,    1:00-2:30pm
               10129 W. 187th Street, Mokena                                                   3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26

     Active Adult Exercise                                                        Spanish for Adults
     Age 55 & Older                                                               Age 16 & Older
     Administration Building (All-Purpose Room)                                   LCC (Bi-Centennial Room)
                                                                                  Instructed by: Language in Action, Inc.
     Get in shape and have fun during this fitness class designed for active
     adults! Stretching and cardiovascular exercises are included. All            Have you always wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had
     fitness levels are welcome. No instructor: class follows along to a CD       the opportunity? Are you planning a vacation to a Spanish-speaking
     called Fun & Fitness Over 50.                                                country? Do you work with Spanish speaking students or clients?
                                                                                  In this relaxed, small-class environment you will learn Spanish
     Activity Day   Date                Times         Skip Dates
                                                                                  conversation, grammar and phonetics which you can immediately
     39190-A1 M/W/F TBA                 10:00-11:00am 1/18, 2/15, 4/2
                                                                                  begin using. This class will be tailored to fit the needs of the students
     Quilting Club
     Adult                                                                        Activity     Day Date             Times              R/NR
     Administration Building (All-Purpose Room)                                   37259-A1     TU 1/26-3/2          7:00-8:00pm        $78
                                                                                  37259-A2* TU 2/23-3/30 7:00-8:00pm                   $78
     Attention all quilting enthusiasts! Join the club that meets on              37259-A5 TU 3/9-4/13              7:00-8:00pm        $78
     select Wednesdays and Fridays to bond with other quilters. On                37259-A6 TU 4/20-5/25 7:00-8:00pm                    $78
     Wednesdays, Quilting Club members will take turns sharing and                *Session held at the Frankfort Park District
     showing their projects. Fridays at Quilting Club are set aside to work
     on your unfinished projects. The Quilting Club occasionally goes on          Virtual Option via Zoom
     quilting road trips and donates quilts to charities. All talent levels are   Activity      Day Date             Time          R/NR
     welcome. This club meets the first Wednesday and the third Friday            37259-A3      TU 2/23-3/30         10:00-11:00am $78
     of each month. Don’t forget your machine! The group continues to             37259-A4      W   2/24-3/31        6:00-7:00pm $78
     grow and is always looking for new members.
     Activity   Day Date         Time            R/NR
     39241-A1 W
                                 11:00am-3:30pm $20 per year
                                  11:00am-3:30pm                                           Find our Fitness Classes
     *2/3 & 3/3 classes moved to LCC                                                                         on page 16.
18     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
Chair Yoga
Age 55 & Older
LCC (Room 2) Entry C
Instructed by: Arlene Santiago
Chair Yoga is designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of
movement. This class will move your whole body through a series
of seated and standing yoga poses using a chair for support. Poses
are modified so those with health restrictions, decreased range
of motion and physical challenges can enjoy the benefits. Please
register at least one week prior to the beginning of the session or the
class may be cancelled.
Activity    Day    Date         Time            R/NR
39194-A1    TU     3/2-3/23     1:00-2:00pm     $36
39194-A2    TU     4/6-4/27     1:00-2:00pm     $36
39194-A3    TU     5/4-5/25     1:00-2:00pm     $36

Senior Line Dancing
Age 50 & Older
LCC (Room 2) Entry C
Instructed by: Ms. Chris Johnson
Do you love music, like to dance but don’t have a partner? Learn to
line dance! Each dance is a pattern of steps that repeats throughout
the song. We’ll learn several dance routines in this session. Join the
fun, get good exercise and dance to popular country, rock and oldies
music. Wear smooth soft-soled shoes.
Activity    Day    Date         Time            R/NR
36632-A1    TU     1/19-2/9     4:00-5:00pm     $55/$60
36632-A2    TU     3/2-3/23     4:00-5:00pm     $55/$60
36632-A3    TU     4/27-5/18    4:00-5:00pm     $55/$60

Tai Chi
Age 50 & Older
Administration Building (All-Purpose Room)
This class is offered by Will County Senior Services. The goal of
this class is to improve balance to prevent falls, increase flexibility
and reduce stress. Its slow, soothing movements incorporate deep
breathing and relaxing postures that help calm the mind and body
each time you go through gentle movements.
Tai Chi Intermediate Level
Day    Date          Time
TU     1/5-3/23      1:30-2:30pm
TU     4/13-6/29     1:30-2:30pm
Tai Chi Beginner Level
Day    Date          Time
TU     1/5-3/23      2:30-3:30pm
TU     4/13-6/29     2:30-3:30pm
Fee:   $30 (To: Senior Services of Will County) or $10 with a Senior
       Services Membership. Membership (including newsletter) $30
       per single or $40 per couple. Payable on site or mail to Senior
       Services of Will County, 251 N. Center Street, Joliet, IL 60435

                                   TAKE A TRIP with the New Lenox Community Park District! We have a variety of travel
                                   destinations to choose from, so sit back, relax and let us take care of the driving. Call your family, friends and
                                   neighbors and join the fun! Please note that there is no additional fee for nonresidents charged for our bus trips.
                                   For further details for the trips listed here or to suggest a future travel destination, please contact the Recreation
                                   Department at (815) 485-1737, we’d love to hear from you!

                                                                                  Mount Rushmore & the Black Hills of South
        How much walking to expect:                                               Dakota
                                                                                  South Dakota
        Light =             Moderate =
                                                                                  This is the trip you have been waiting for! Board your spacious motor
        Strenuous =                                                               coach for six nights of lodging including four consecutive nights in
                                                                                  South Dakota and 10 meals: 6 breakfast and 4 dinners. You will visit
                                                                                  Mount Rushmore National Memorial, tour the Wildlife Loop Road at
     Eataly & Starbucks Chicago                                                   Custer State Park, receive a guided tour of Deadwood, plus gaming
     Adult                                                                        at Deadwood Casino. You will also visit the unique Journey Museum,
     Chicago, IL                                                                  Amazing Crazy Horse Memorial and don’t forget the spectacular
     Enjoy lunch at Eataly, Chicago’s Italian superstore with a variety of        Badlands National Park and much more. This trip departs at 8:30am
     restaurants to choose from. Once you are finished with lunch, you            from LCC on Sunday, May 16 and will return the evening of Saturday,
     will have time to shop around Eataly. Then we will walk to the brand         May 22. Trip insurance prices vary depending on occupancy
     new 5-story Starbucks store only 3 blocks away. Your exploration             ($59 triple, $69 double and $69 single per person) Please write a
     of the largest Starbucks starts on the first floor. Find handcrafted         separate check payable to “Travel Insured International, Inc.” or pay
     coffee beverages, freshly baked Princi® pastries, exclusive gifts and        it online at Limited space available; don’t
     our rarest coffees. The second floor is dedicated to an authentic            wait to register! Final payment and registration deadline TBD.
     Italian bakery created by Rocco Princi. On the third floor, immerse          Activity  Day      Date          R/NR
     yourself in the art, science and theater of coffee. The fourth floor is      21538-A1 SU-SA 5/16-5/22 $719 per Person Double
     home to our Arriviamo™ Cocktail Bar, featuring innovative coffee             21538-A2 SU-SA 5/16-5/22 $925 per Person Single
     and tea-forward cocktails, including exclusive cocktails designed            21538-A3 SU-SA 5/16-5/22 $699 per Person Triple
     by local Chicago mixologists. Situated atop of the Roastery, the             *$75 deposit due upon registration
     roof deck provides unique views of Michigan Avenue and of the
     Roastery below. Open seasonally as weather permits. Cost includes
     motorcoach transportation only. Registration deadline is Monday,
     February 1.
     Activity Day       Date     Time                         R/NR
     31527-A1 W         4/21     10:00am (LCC Departure)      $39
                                 4:45pm (Return)

     Lynfred Winery Tour and Tasting
     Roselle, IL
     At Lynfred Winery in Roselle you will experience an educational tour
     of their wine production area along with a guided sampling of seven
     Lynfred wines. Tour and tasting lasts about an hour. We will have
     lunch (on separate checks) at Italian Pizza Kitchen afterwards. Cost
     includes tour, wine tasting and transportation. Registration deadline
     is Monday, April 5.
     Activity Day       Date     Time                         R/NR
     31528-A1 W         5/12     10:00am (LCC Departure)      $39
                                 4:00pm (Return)

         To ensure the success of our trips, some are scheduled in cooperation with Frankfort and Manhattan Park Districts.

20     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
    Illinois Railway Museum		                                                   Washington, D.C.
    Adult                                                                       Adult
    Union, IL                                                                   Washington, D.C.
    All aboard! Ride the electric trains and check out the numerous             Set off for our Nation’s capital to see the remarkable monuments
    railroad displays at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL. So much      and renowned buildings during your guided tour of Washington, D.C.
    to see! The museum houses the largest collection of historic railway        You will enjoy detailed information on some of D.C.’s most incredible
    equipment in North America. See how people rode the rails a century         landmarks including the U.S. capital, White House, National Archives,
    ago and view Pullman sleeping cars, opulent private cars, streetcars,       Embassy Row, Georgetown, Washington Monument, World War II
    trolleys, huge steam locomotives and an 1859 vintage horse drawn            Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian and more! This
    streetcar - the oldest car in the museum. Plenty of Chicago railway         trip includes deluxe motor coach transportation, six nights lodging
    history including the historic 50th Ave. elevated station from Chicago      and 10 meals. Travel insurance through Travel Insured International
    which has been restored to its 1920’s appearance. Worried about too         is available and recommended at a price of $69 per person. Please
    much walking? Admission to the museum includes unlimited rides              write a separate check payable to “Travel Insured International, Inc.”
    on their electric trains offering 35-45-minute rides on their five-mile     or pay it online at This trip departs at 8:00am
    track. So, spend as much time as you like riding the rails or sitting out   from LCC on Thursday, September 16 and will return in the evening
    on benches in a beautiful picnic setting. Participants may purchase         of Wednesday, September 22. Limited space available so don’t wait to
    sandwiches and snacks in the diner or bring their own. Cost includes        register! Final payment and registration deadline is Friday, July 9.
    motorcoach transportation and admission. Registration deadline is
                                                                                Activity  Day      Date          R/NR
    Monday, April 26.                                                           31516-A1 TH-W 9/16-9/22 $1064 per person single
    Activity Day       Date     Time                          R/NR              31516-A2 TH-W 9/16-9/22 $779 per person double
    31531-A1 TH        6/3      8:45am (LCC Departure)        $49               31516-A3 TH-W 9/16-9/22 $759 per person triple
                                4:45pm (Return)                                 *$75 deposit due upon registration

                                               Sorry...There are no refunds on Bus Trips.
     Kindermusik – Wiggle & Grow                                              Preschool Blast Off
     Age Birth-4 with Adult                                                   Ages 2½-4
     Kindermusik’s Wiggle & Grow classes offer a sensory rich yet caring      LCC (Bi-Centennial Room) Entry C
     and gentle environment where children can explore and react to
                                                                              This class is the last step before preschool. The alphabet, numbers,
     new sounds, sensations and objects. Shared activities for children
                                                                              colors and shapes will be introduced. Children will participate in
     and their caregivers provide the opportunity to strengthen your
                                                                              circle time, crafts, and movement. The instructor will not change
     connection with your child through joyful music-making
                                                                              diapers. Must be 2½ by the start of class. Please bring your own nut
                                                                              free snack each day.
     Activity    Day Date          Time              R/NR
     38152-A1 W       2/3-2/24 10:00-10:45am $70                              Activity Day Date             Time         R/NR      Skip Dates
                                                                              31705-A1 TH 1/21-3/11         9:45-11:45am $105/$110
     Location: Simply Music and Creative Arts Studio
                                                                              31705-A2 TH 3/18-5/13         9:45-11:45am $105/$110 4/1
               13919 E. Illinois Highway, New Lenox
               Across from Tyler-Bentley Elementary Schools

     Play School with Me
     Ages 2-3
     LCC (Room 1) Entry C
     Come and enjoy a special hour with your child. You will sing and
     dance to your favorite songs, have fun discovering exciting new
     stories and nursery rhymes, learn new games and at times make a
     craft in a social setting.
     Activity Day Date             Time             R/NR         Skip Dates
     30126-A1 TH 1/21-3/11         6:15-7:15pm      $66/$71
     30126-A2 TH 3/18-5/13         6:15-7:15pm      $66/$71      4/1

     Preschool Prep
     Ages 2½-4
     LCC (Bi-Centennial Room) Entry C
     This is a great preparation class for children who want to attend        Lil’ Learners
     school but are not quite ready for the longer session. The alphabet,     Ages 2½-4
     numbers, colors and shapes will be introduced. Also, a fun craft will    LCC (Bi-Centennial Room) Entry C
     be made each week. The instructor will not change diapers. Please        This class will prepare your child for preschool by presenting the
     bring your own nut free snack each day.                                  basic skills, stressing the social development of your child and the
     Activity Day Date             Time         R/NR      Skip Dates          importance of learning through play. Group and individual activities
     30132-A1 TU 1/19-3/9          9:45-11:45am $105/$110                     will help your child develop new skills and make new friends. The
     30132-A2 TU 3/16-5/11         9:45-11:45am $105/$110 3/30                instructor will not change diapers. Please bring your own nut free
                                                                              snack each day.
                                                                              Activity Day Date             Time         R/NR      Skip Dates
                                                                              30192-A1 F   1/22-3/12        9:45-11:45am $105/$110
                                                                              30192-A2 F   3/19-5/14        9:45-11:45am $93/$98   3/26 & 4/2

                                                                              Kiddie Kollege
                                                                              Ages 2-4
                                                                              LCC (Bi-Centennial Room) Entry C
                                                                              This class will prepare your child for Preschool by presenting the
                                                                              basics. We will introduce the alphabet, colors, numbers and seasons.
                                                                              Each week there will be a special theme, color and a new rhyme! The
                                                                              instructor will not change diapers. Please bring your own nut free
                                                                              snack each day.
                                                                              Activity Day Date      Time         R/NR      Skip Dates
                                                                              31253-A1 W   1/20-3/10 9:45-11:45am $105/$110
                                                                              31253-A2 W   3/17-5/12 9:45-11:45am $105/$110 3/31

22     NEWLENOXPARKS.ORG • (815) 485-3584
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