Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter

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Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter

2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018
                                              Organized by IMK Institute for medicine and communication Ltd
Modul II
• Sleep and epilepsy
• Emergencies in the Neurocenter

Co-Presidents of the organizing committee
Prof. Marcel Arnold, MD, Bern
Rebekka Kurmann, MD, Bern

24-25 August 2018
Inselspital, Bern / Switzerland
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
Welcome to Bern

Dear colleagues,

It is our great pleasure, on behalf of the co-presidents of the organizing committee, Prof. Marcel Arnold
and Dr. Rebekka Kurmann and the president of the Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS),
Prof. Karl Schaller, to cordially invite you to the SFCNS Summer School 2018. The event will take place
from August 24-25, 2018 at the Inselspital in Bern.

The SFCNS was founded 2009 to promote collaborations and interactions between clinical neurosoci-
eties in Switzerland in order to enhance knowledge, information, and overall impact of our disciplines
at scientific, public and political level.

The SFCNS Summer School is mainly aimed at neurologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons,
neuropediatrics, psychiatrist and other neuroscientists. Module I took place for the first time in 2017
and will be pursued by Module II and Module III in 2018 and 2019 respectively.

The Module II is constructed around the following topics:
• Sleep
• Epilepsy
• Emergencies in the Neurocenter

We hope that this event will be of interest to you and we look very much forward to welcoming you
in Bern.

Prof. Marcel Arnold, MD                                Rebekka Kurmann, MD
Co-President of the organizing committee               Co-President of the organizing committee

Prof. Karl Schaller, MD
President SFCNS

Partner companies 2018
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
Program | Friday, August 24, 2018 - Sleep and Epilepsy

Chairs: Johannes Mathis, Bern; Corrado Garbazza, Basel

09:15- 09:40            Chronobiology of sleep
                        Corrado Garbazza, Basel/Lugano
09:40-10:05             New aspects in RLS
                        Johannes Mathis, Bern

10:05-10:40             Coffee break

10:40-11:05             How will we sleep in the future?
                        Ramin Khatami, Barmelweid
11:05-11:30             Sleep and sleep disorders in childhood
                        Alexandre Datta, Basel
11:30-12:00             Differentiation of nocturnal seizures and parasomnia
                        Lino Nobili, Milan, IT

12:00-13:00             Lunch
                        sponsored by

Chairs: Frédéric Zubler, Bern; Bigna Bölsterli, Zurich

13:00-13:20             Epilepsy in women
                        Barbara Tettenborn, St. Gallen
13:20-13:50             Treatment and prognosis of status epilepticus
                        Vincent Alvarez, Sion
13:50-14:20             Principles of modern pharmacotherapy in epilepsy
                        Martinus Hauf, Tschugg
14:20-14:40             Epilepsy in childhood: genetic, structural or metabolic?
                        Sarah E. Bürki, Bern
14:40-15:10             Case/Videoforum: Is it epileptic or not?
                        Matteo Caporro, Bern

15:10-15:40             Coffee break

15:40-16:00             Importance of the neuropsychological assessment in epilepsy
                        Céline Gobbo, Geneva
16:00-16:30             Modern epilepsy surgery: the neurologists view
                        (the origin of seizures in structural epilepsy)
                        Kaspar Schindler, Bern
16:30-17:00             Modern epilepsy surgery: the neuroradiologists view
                        Roland Wiest, Bern
17:00-17:30             Modern epilepsy surgery: the neurosurgeons view
                        Claudio Pollo, Bern

19:00                   Networking Event at Restaurant Marzilibrücke
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
Program | Saturday, August 25, 2018 - Emergencies in the Neurocenter

Emergencies in the Neurocenter I
Chairs: Marie-Luise Mono, Zurich; Philipp Balcerak, St. Gallen

09:15- 09:40           Top ten disorders in the neuro emergency room
                       Marie-Luise Mono, Zurich
09:40-10:05            Modern multidisciplinary stroke management
                       Marcel Arnold, Bern
10:05-10:30            Acute loss of consciousness- what to do next?
                       Georg Kägi, St. Gallen

10:30-11:00            Coffee break

11:00-11:25            Neuropediatric emergencies
                       Maja Steinlin, Bern
11:25-11:50            Movement disorders in the emergency room (video demonstration and Quiz)
                       Stephan Bohlhalter, Luzern
11:50-12:15            Pearls in the neuroemergency room: case presentations
                       Thomas Horvath, Bern

12:15-13:30            Lunch
                       sponsored by

Emergencies in the Neurocenter II
Chairs: Christian Fung, Freiburg, DE; Irena Zubak, Bern

13:30-13:55            Emergencies of the spinal cord
                       Karl Kothbauer, Luzern
13:55-14:20            Traumatic brain injury
                       Christian Zweifel, Chur
14:20-14:45            The role of the neurosurgeon in intracranial hemorrhage
                       Christian Fung, Bern

14:45-15:15            Coffee break

15:15-15:40            Multidisciplinary management of cerebral aneurysms:
                       the neurosurgeon’s view
                       Philippe Bijlenga, Geneva
15:40-16:05            Multidisciplinary management of cerebral aneurysms:
                       the neuroradiologist’s view
                       Philipp Gruber, Aarau
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter

                                                                                        fürs echte


                                                                                          Xarelto – Erfahrung und Vertrauen
                                                                                                              ®                                                                                7

*Prospektive Real-Life-Studien («echtes Leben») bestätigen das in den jeweiligen
 Phase-III-Studien gezeigte positive Nutzen-Risiko-Profil in den zugelassenen Indikationen.
Referenzen: 1. Patel et al. Rivaroxaban versus warfarin in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2011; 365:883–91. 2. Camm et al. XANTUS: a real-world, prospective, observational
study of patients treated with rivaroxaban for stroke prevention in atrial fibrilation. Eur Heart J. 2016 Apr 7;37(14):1145-53. 3. Prins et al. Oral Rivaroxaban versus Standard Therapy for the
Treatment of Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism: a pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and PE randomized studies. Thrombosis Journal 2013;11:21. 4. Ageno et al. Safety and
effectiveness of oral rivaroxaban versus standard anticoagulation for the treatment of symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis (XALIA): an international, prospective, non-interventional study.
Lancet Haematol. 2016 Jan;3(1):e12–21. 5. Turpie et al.: Rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after hip or knee arthroplasty. Pooled analysis of four studies. Thromb
Haemost. 2011;105(3):444–453. 6. Turpie et al.: A non-interventional comparison of rivaroxaban with standard of care for thromboprophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery in 17,701
patients with propensity score adjustment. Thromb Haemost. 2014;111(1):94–102. 7. IMS Health MIDAS, Database: Monthly Sales February 2018.
Gekürzte Fachinformation Xarelto® (Rivaroxaban): Direkter Faktor Xa-Inhibitor Z: Filmtabl. zu 10, 15 und 20mg Rivaroxaban I: a) Thromboseprophylaxe bei grösseren
orthopädischen Eingriffen a. d. unteren Extremitäten wie Hüft- und Knieprothesen. b) Behandlung von Lungenembolie (LE) und tiefer Venenthrombose (TVT) sowie Prophylaxe rezidivieren-

der TVT und LE. c) Schlaganfallprophylaxe und Prophylaxe system. Embolien bei nicht-valvulärem Vorhofflimmern. D: a)1x/Tag 10mg. b)2x/Tag 15mg für die ersten 21 Tage, gefolgt von
20mg 1x/Tag c)1x/Tag 20mg; bei Krea-Cl 15-49ml/min: 1x/Tag 15mg. 15mg und 20mg mit Mahlzeit einnehmen. KI: Überempfindlichkeit auf Inhaltsstoffe, akute bakt. Endokarditis, klin.
sign. aktive Blutungen, schw. Lebererkrankung/ Leberinsuffizienz (LI) mit relev. erhöhtem Blutungsrisiko; leichte LI in Komb. mit Koagulopathie, dialysepfl. Niereninsuffizienz (NI), akute
gastrointestinale (GI) Ulzera oder GI ulzerative Erkrankungen, Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit. W: Komedikation (siehe «IA»);
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
General Information

Date                    Friday and Saturday, August 24-25, 2018

Congress venue          Inselspital
                        Pathologisches Institut, Hörsaal 7 (Auditorium Langhans), Eingang 43
                        Murtenstrasse 31, CH-3010 Bern,

Organizing committee    Prof. Marcel Arnold, MD, Bern; Co-President
                        Rebekka Kurmann, MD, Bern; Co-President

                        • Philippe Balcerak, MD, St. Gallen             • Prof. Karl Schaller, MD, Geneva
                        • Rike Barth, MD, Bern                          •P rof. Kaspar Schindler, MD, PhD, Bern
                        • Prof. Claudio Bassetti, MD, Bern             • David Schreier, MD, Bern
                        • PD Gian Marco De Marchis, MD, Basel           • Arseny Sokolov, MD, Lausanne
                        • Olivia Geisseler, PhD                         • Prof. Maja Steinlin, MD, Bern
                        • PD Barbara Goeggel-Simonetti, MD,            • Martin Stienen, MD, Zurich
                          Bellinzona                                    • Martin Welter, MD, Thun
                        • PD Mira Katan, MD, Zurich                     • Prof. Roland Wiest, MD, Bern
                        • Prof. Mauro Manconi, MD, Lugano               • PD Sebastian Winklhofer, MD, Zurich
                        • Prof. Luca Remonda, MD, Aarau

Language                The official congress language is English.

Professional Congress   IMK Institute for medicine and communication Ltd
Organizer (PCO)         Münsterberg 1, CH-4001 Basel,,
                        Phone +41 61 271 35 51 | Fax +41 61 271 33 38

Registration            Online via the congress website:

Registration fees                               Day Ticket           2-Day-Pass         Networking Dinner
(in CHF)                 Members*                   100.-              200.-                  50.-
                         Non members                150.-              300.-                  50.-
                         Students                            100.-                            50.-
                        *Members of the following societies may register in the category members: YouCliN,
                        SNS/SAYN, SSNS/SYNS, SSNC, SSNP, SSNR, SSNPath, SSBP, SHS, SLAE, SSNRehab,
                        SANP, SSBN, SSS, Aphasie Suisse

Cancellation policy     IMK must be informed about cancellations in written form until July 15, 2018.
                        We will be able to reimburse 50% of the congress fees. After July 15, 2018
                        no refunds will be made.

Networking Event        Friday, August 24, 2018, 19:00, Restaurant Marzilibrücke, Bern

Credits                                         SSNS            SNS               SSR        ASNP/SVNP
                         24.08.2018                 8            8                6                  6
                         25.08.2018                 8            8                6                  5
                        EACCME: Credits requested
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
Portrait SFCNS

The Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS) was officially founded in 2009. First steps in
that direction were taken at the Joint Meeting of six Clinical Neuroscience Societies in April 2008 in
Montreux, which commemorated the centenary of the Swiss Neurological Society. The six founding
societies decided to close ranks and form a Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies (SFCNS)
which marked the beginning of a new cooperative effort to strengthen the clinical neuro-sciences in
Switzerland. The federation should formalise and structure the joint medico-political, educational and
clinical research efforts. Its further aim is to hold common meetings on a regular basis to facilitate
mutual interactions and be open also to other medical groups pursuing clinical neuroscience interests.

Ordinary members SFCNS
Swiss Neurological Society SNS |
Swiss Society of Neurosurgery SSNS |
Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology SSCN |
Swiss Society of Neuropaediatrics SSNP |
Swiss Society of Neuroradiology SSNR |
Swiss Society of Neuropathology SSNPath |
Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry SSBP |

Associated members
Swiss Headache Society SHS |
Swiss Society for Neurorehabilitation SSNRehab
Swiss Association of Neuropsychology |
Swiss Society of Behavioural Neurology SSBN |
Swiss Stroke Society SSS |

Extraordinary members
Swiss League Against Epilepsy SLaE |
aphasie suisse |

The Young Clinical Neuroscientists (YouCliN) Network within the SFCNS brings together juniors
accross all clinical neuroscience disciplines united within the SFCNS.

Please follow us on
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Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
First Announcement

                                              © SwissTech Convention Center
      4th SFCNS Congress

Swiss Federation of
                                    Organized by IMK Institute for medicine and communication Ltd

Clinical Neuro-Societies

October 23 - 25, 2019
SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL
Program 2nd SFCNS Summer School 2018 - Modul II Sleep and epilepsy Emergencies in the Neurocenter
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