JOB DESCRIPTION - University of Reading | Jobs

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Vacancy reference:            SRF14512-R
Post Title:                   Research scientist for UKESM core development team.
Grade:                        Grade 6
School/Department: Meteorology
Reports to:                   Tristan Quaife/Richard Allan
Responsible for:              n/a

We seek a motivated scientist to be part of the UKESM core development team to develop software
tools and techniques for exploiting satellite data in the evaluation of the UK’s new Earth System Model,

Main duties and responsibilities
This is an exciting opportunity to join the UKESM core development team. The first UKESM model
(UKESM1) will form the UK’s primary contribution to the forthcoming 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison
Project 6 (CMIP6) and hence deliver underpinning science to the next Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change report (AR6). As part of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) and the
UKESM core development team, you will be based at the University of Reading and will contribute to
NERC’s UKESM Long Term Strategic Multi-centre (LTSM) project, involving all 8 NERC centres and the
Met Office Hadley Centre. You will be directly responsible for developing software to enable the
evaluation of UKESM1 simulations against a wide suite of Earth Observation data.
In collaboration with other members of the UKESM core group and the wider UK community you will
implement these new metrics into a number of community ESM evaluation packages such as
AutoAssess and ESMValTool. This work will feed into a number of major international efforts developing
standardized approaches to ESM evaluation. An emphasis in this position will be on the exploitation of
satellite data for use in Earth system model evaluation. The initial scientific focus of the post will be on
biophysical and biogeochemical interactions between the land and atmosphere, but work may ultimately
be directed to other parts of the Earth system observable by satellite. There will be opportunities to
contribute to publications in collaboration with other members of the UKESM core team and NCEO
You will be the main technical contact point for ensuring NERC/NCEO developed EO-based diagnostics
and performance metrics intended for UKESM evaluation are implemented into existing model
evaluation suites. In performing these tasks you will be expected to work with other members of the
UKESM LTSM core and non-core teams, as well as staff from NCEO and the wider NERC community as
appropriate. Part of your role will involve supporting the use of UKESM evaluation suites within the
broader NERC/NCEO research community. You will also be required to interface with projects such as
Obs4MIPS and ESGF (the Earth System Grid Federation).

Supervision received
You will report to Associate Professor Tristan Quaife and Professor Richard Allan at the University of
Reading and the UKESM project lead and core group head, Professor Colin Jones, at the Met Office
Hadley Centre. You will receive guidance on the use of satellite data in model evaluation, in the design of
evaluation metrics and in the structure and use of UKESM models.

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Supervision given

As well as liaising with NCEO colleagues at the University of Reading, you will have regular contact with
the wider NCEO community (based at several UK Universities) and with the UK Met Office. As a member
of the UKESM core group you will collaborate directly with the other 18 members of the group,
particularly with the 3 core group members at the University of Reading. You will be expected to attend
monthly UKESM core group meetings and make fairly regular (approximately once per month) visits to
the Met Office in Exeter to facilitate collaboration with the bulk of the UKESM core group. You will also
have the opportunity to collaborate with the NCAS Computational and Modelling Services team, based at
the University of Reading and scientists at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) at the
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

Terms and conditions
This is a fixed term post until 31st March 2021. Normal working hours are 37.5 per week. Some travel
within the UK will be required, in particular to attend UKESM core group meetings (at least monthly) and
interact with other members of the UKESM core group and NCEO. You will also be expected to attend
NCEO staff meetings. Some travel within Europe will also be required in order to work with similar ESM
evaluation efforts.
This document outlines the duties required for the time being of the post to indicate the level of
responsibility. It is not a comprehensive or exhaustive list and the line manager may vary duties from time
to time which do not change the general character of the job or the level of responsibility entailed.

Date assessed:

©University of Reading 2017                                                                        Page 2
Job Title                                             School/Department
Research scientist for the UKESM core                 Meteorology
development team

Criteria                      Essential                            Desirable
Skills Required                Excellent computer                  Experience of UNIX like
                                  programming skills                  systems and massively
                               Good verbal communication             parallel computing
                                  skills                              environments.
                                                                    Good scientific writing skills
Attainment                       A good first degree in a          PhD involving use of
                                  numerate/computational              computer science
                                  science.                            techniques applied in the
                                 PhD or equivalent experience        physical sciences.
                                  in the physical sciences,
                                  mathematics or computer

Knowledge                         Advanced computer                   Good working knowledge of
                                  programming knowledge                Python
                                                                      Understanding of Earth
                                                                       System Models and physical
                                                                       processes relating to
                                                                       biosphere and water cycle
Relevant Experience              Processing large data sets.         Working with satellite data
                                                                      Working with climate data or
                                                                       model outputs
                                                                      Familiarity with netCDF or
                                                                       similar data standards
Disposition                      Clear ability to work within a      Confidence to propose and
                                  team working towards a set of        lead technical developments
                                  common goals                         when required.
                                 Comfortable communicating           Ability to support new users
                                  results to other scientists in       of developed evaluation
                                  meetings/conferences.                tools.
                                 Strongly motivated.                 Openness to become
                                                                       engaged in international
                                                                       projects developing
                                                                       standardized approaches to
                                                                       ESM evaluation.
Other                          Ability to work to and meet

Completed by: Tristan Quaife                                                  Date: 12/8/16

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UKESM core development team: NCEO Research Scientist responsible
for evaluation software.
The Met Office and NERC jointly resource and coordinate UK activities to develop, enhance and
utilize a world leading Earth System Model (ESM). They are jointly making a long-term investment
in the science of ESM components and in the complex science of bringing the range of separate
components together into a state-of-the-art ESM. They also invest in the technical infrastructure
and support required to develop, evaluate and maintain the ESM as a community effort, and to
make it available for scientific exploitation by the UK science community. This collaboration has led
to the creation of a UKESM core group with responsibility for assembling, testing, evaluating,
applying and supporting community use of UKESM model versions. The core group presently
consists of 18 scientists, with members located at the Met Office (Exeter), NCAS (Reading), NOC
(Southampton), CEH (Wallingford), BAS (Cambridge) and PML (Plymouth). This post is for a
UKESM core group position located at Reading as part of the National Centre for Earth
Observation, NCEO ( contribution to the UKESM core group.

The present focus of the UKESM core team is the development and exploitation of a new
generation ESM, known as UKESM1, on timescales to fit with the 6th Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and the next 6th IPCC Assessment Report. UKESM1 has
significantly increased scientific capabilities compared with earlier generation (CMIP5) models and
has been designed to address a broad range of questions in Earth System Science. UKESM1 will
be made widely available as a resource to the UK research community and is suitable for the
simulation of climate and Earth system change over past and future decades to centuries, for
studying climates of earlier periods and for studying the Earth system response to external forcing
scenarios on these timescales. UKESM1 is based on the Met Office physical climate model
HadGEM3 and developed at two resolutions, one (UKESM1-hr) being the highest resolution
affordable at present and a second, lower resolution (UKESM1-lr) that is suitable for long multi-
century simulations or for generating large ensembles. Both model versions will produce vast
amounts of data, which will lead to a range of problems, particularly for a distributed team. Data
movement (from where it's produced to where it will be analysed) will be needed, as well as
common analysis tools. The post holder will be responsible for the development and support of
tools for model analysis, in particular for the evaluation of model simulations against appropriate
observations, with a specific focus of data from satellites.

Most existing analysis tools in the academic community are based on IDL, although python is
becoming increasingly prevalent. The UKESM project is establishing a common earth system
model diagnostic suite based on python, using a combination of existing and new software, with
users requiring training in the use of these tools. Prospective users will include the core UKESM
development team, as well as UKESM model users in the wider community. The exact structure of
the evaluation library is still under development, but it will include code to support the calculation of
ESM performance metrics agreed by the international community.

The most important characteristic of the appointee will be that she/he is a confident experienced
programmer who either has, or can quickly gain, the appropriate skills. Such skills include python
and C or Fortran, as well as experience in manipulating and/or plotting complex environmental
data (in any language). Specific experience of satellite derived observations would also be an

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The post holder will be an NCEO staff member, employed by the University of Reading in the
Department of Meteorology, ( The National Centre for Earth
Observation (NCEO) is a distributed centre of approximately 100 scientists from UK institutions
including the University of Reading. It provides NERC (The Natural Environment Research
Council) with National Capability in Earth observation (EO) science and incorporates world-class
capabilities related to the use of such observations in computer models; NCEO principally works
with EO data from satellites in space. The NERC strategy, “The Business of the Environment”,
identifies a unique ability of satellite EO to study environmental change on scales from global to
local. In response to this, NCEO provides innovative approaches to Earth System science, meeting
the related needs of society through long-term core science and translation of EO knowledge and
environmental data for support of government and business. This role will form part of NCEO’s
commitment to delivering National Capability in Earth Observation science to NERC and forms a
part of the NCEO contribution to the UKESM LTSM project. The Department of Meteorology is a
world renowned research department with more than 100 research and academic staff and 40
research students. For further details please contact: Associate Prof. Tristan Quaife
(, Prof. Richard Allan ( or Prof. Colin Jones

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