Professional Advisers Crisis and Risk Management - 2021 Global-Wide p.1 UK p.19 USA p.33 - Diligencia

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Professional Advisers Crisis and Risk Management - 2021 Global-Wide p.1 UK p.19 USA p.33 - Diligencia
Professional Advisers
Crisis and Risk Management

Global-Wide p.1
UK p.19
USA p.33
Professional Advisers
Crisis and Risk Management


How lawyers are ranked                                  Contents:
Every year we carry out thousands of in-depth inter-    Business Intelligence & Investigations
views with clients in order to assess the reputations
                                                         Pre-Transactional Advisory (Investigative Due Diligence) p.3
                                                         Pre-Transactional Advisory (Technology-Led Due Diligence) p.6
and expertise of business lawyers worldwide. The
                                                        Crisis Management p.7
qualities we look for (and which determine rank-
                                                        Cybersecurity Risk p.8
ings) include technical legal ability, professional
                                                        Environmental, Social & Governance Risk p.11
conduct, client service, commercial awareness/
                                                        Political Risk p.15
astuteness, diligence, commitment, and other qual-      PR & Communications Crisis Management p.17
ities most valued by the client.
                                                        Leaders’ Profiles in p.18

An Introduction to Business Intelligence & Investigations: Pre-Transactional
Advisory (Investigative Due Diligence)
Contributed by G3

The global M&A landscape has evolved. How have investigation                  stand the accuracy of an order book puffed up ahead of a sale, for
firms responded?                                                              example, or a potential change in government policy in a strate-
A wall of liquidity has driven competition for a diminishing pool of          gic sector that may impact an investee company’s ability to sell
quality assets. Valuations have gone up, transaction timeframes               to China. The ability of an intelligence firm to discreetly source
come down, and the penalties for structuring the wrong deal                   such sensitive information helps to remove uncertainty around a
grown more acute. As the risks have evolved, so has investigative             business model. More importantly, an information advantage may
diligence. This article looks at some of the ways in which sophisti-          also give a buyer confidence to lean a little more aggressively into
cated investigation firms have responded to the new challenges.               a valuation, which ultimately may enable it to win the asset.
   One long-term trend is the demise of the traditional mainstay                 A further trend has been the shift by dealmakers into emerging
of the industry: the open-source investigation. This legacy prod-             markets to chase growth as well as maintain returns as competi-
uct – scraping information from the public domain, mostly as a                tion for assets closer to home intensifies. This shift is further driv-
backward-looking, box-ticking exercise – has been on the wane                 ing demand for investigation firms who can provide intelligence
for years and is now largely redundant as a meaningful exercise               in markets where clients have no track record or established net-
in investigative due diligence. While it is often a cheap option and          work of their own. In addition, the increased competition for as-
is favoured by some sections of the investigation industry as an              sets is shrinking the timeline for providing intelligence on targets.
easily delivered and scalable product, the findings are often little          Dealmakers now looking to “pre-empt the pre-empt” are making
more than a deal team’s analyst can provide through a few hours               the historic five-to-six-week timeline to provide an investigation
of online research. With the volume of misinformation in the pub-             report look leisurely in the face of demands now to execute in 10
lic domain and the growth of artificial intelligence platforms that           to 15 days. Investment committees and company boards, them-
can automate much of the work – never mind the sheer scale of                 selves under pressure to ensure deals are in line with the height-
material that is now out there – it’s clear that the usefulness of this       ened ESG and other governance standards of their pension fund
kind of research for exploring the nuances of a potential transac-            limited partners or public market shareholders, cannot rely on
tion is limited.                                                              high-level, light-touch reports in most markets. However, when
   As open-source research has become more commoditised and                   the markets are new, or the deal has been cobbled together in
compliance-focused, dealmakers are turning to firms that can                  short order, they are vital.
deploy a source network. These networks – formed of contacts                     The investigation industry has been resilient in most market
on the ground with trusted access to the target – can cut through             conditions, and the Covid-19 pandemic is no exception when it
the online noise and offer dealmakers a vital competitive edge.               comes to deal-related intelligence. With the opportunities for
Scoping can range from identifying the real decision-maker in a               travel limited, deal teams have struggled to physically meet tar-
close-knit family that is selling their business, through to intelli-         get management teams. Other intelligence that a deal team would
gence around the rival bidder universe. The latter especially, once           historically rely on has also been constrained: M&A advisers, law-
the preserve of the clubroom and the ‘old boy’ network, is moving             yers and consultants previously sitting in target companies’ offic-
to the discreet investigator, whose deep international and sectoral           es and working their own networks traditionally provided informal
networks can provide multi-angled insights and understanding.                 information feeds that were critical in packaging a deal. Investi-
   Investigation firms have also been moving towards providing                gators, with their network of local contacts, have been actively
more commercially-relevant intelligence on a deal. The core in-               filling these information gaps. With the confidence teams now
vestigative offering to deal teams has traditionally been – and for           have around making deals remotely, investigation firms can prove
many firms remains –defensive: investigators are asked for insight            a long-term solution for the executive who sees the value in using
into the reputation and integrity of the target management team               independent personal insights from trusted, reliable third parties.
and business, with the main consumers of the resulting product                As they continue to adapt to the demands of the investment in-
typically being compliance departments. However, the demands                  dustry, investigation firms should remain a feature of deals for
from private equity and corporate/M&A dealmakers are broaden-                 years to come.
ing. A deal team modelling a target company may need to under-

2                      Business Intelligence & Investigations                                                       Global-wide
Business Intelligence & Investigations
Pre-Transactional Advisory (Investigative Due Diligence)
                                                          awarding of major tenders, and was able to bench-         around the world.”
Business Intelligence & Investigations
                                                          mark its reputation and track record in compar-           Notable practitioners
Pre-Transactional Advisory
                                                          ison with sector and regional peers.                      Nick Barnes is a London-based director of the
(Investigative Due Diligence)
                                                          Notable practitioners                                     company and is a key contact.
Leading Firms
                                                          Oliver Gorton is an experienced corporate inves-
Band 1
                                                          tigator and has led several complex pre-transac-          The Risk Advisory Group
Alaco *
                                                          tional investigations. He is a key contact.               What the team is known for The Risk Advisory
G3 *
                                                                                                                    Group is a well-established player in the business
                                                          G3                                                        intelligence market and is well regarded for its
The Risk Advisory Group
                                                          See profile on p.28                                       broad capabilities in investigations and security
                                                          What the team is known for G3 is an elite busi-           management. Its multidisciplinary global footprint
Band 2
                                                          ness intelligence firm providing clients with dis-        and breadth of geopolitical research experience
                                                          creet, bespoke, commercial insight to help boards         offer a unique depth and quality to its reporting to
Control Risks *
                                                          of directors, C-suites and deal, legal and compli-        clients. Its in-house specialists produce thorough
FTI Consulting *
                                                          ance teams make better decisions. Operating out           analyses of the reputational and regulatory risks
Greyhawk Intelligence Group *
                                                          of London, G3 is industry sector-agnostic and             associated with potential business partners or
Nardello & Co. *
                                                          global in its capabilities, with extensive experi-        investment counterparties.
S-RM *
                                                          ence in many jurisdictions and the capacity to            Strengths “One thing that really stands out to us
Band 3
                                                          build networks to meet a client’s demands. Most           is their expertise in oil and extractive businesses
Berkeley Research Group, LLC
                                                          of the firm’s staff consist of a mix of full-career       issues in Africa and in the CIS. They did an out-
Charles River Associates
                                                          intelligence, banking and legal backgrounds to            standing job for us and put together a team with a
Diligencia Group *
                                                          ensure a wider strategic offering in its advice.          level of insight that knew exactly what was going on
Exiger Group
                                                          Strengths “G3 is extremely resourceful in                 judicially and politically. We found them be second
                                                          obtaining information – we trust them entirely. It’s      to none. Compared to other firms, they’re top of the
K2 Integrity
                                                          very helpful to have a report from them to back up        list.”
Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps
                                                          any statement where we’re saying this is a credible       “I have worked with The Risk Advisory Group for
Mintz Group *                                             and robust counterparty in a transaction. We also         more than a decade. They are my go-to third-party
* Indicates firm with profile.
                                                          appreciate that they don’t create an aura of panic.       investigative agent when it comes to international
Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.   There’s no terrible dread if they find something;         reputational background diligence, particularly
                                                          they’re very balanced in any situation and will keep      with respect to individuals and entities in countries
Band 1                                                    you in the loop.”                                         where my firm does not have language capabilities
                                                          “The reason we use G3 is that they give us an addi-       or boots on the ground.”
Alaco                                                     tional flavour above and beyond the regular red flag      Notable practitioners
See profile on p.24                                       checks. G3’s reports typically include anonymised         Hannah Gilkes is a director and head of business
What the team is known for Based in London,               quotes from their sources, but they also present it       intelligence for Africa. She is a key contact.
Alaco is a business intelligence firm with mar-           in a way that’s not just a transcript. There’s thought
ket-leading capabilities in investigative due dili-       gone into what matters in the quotes and an anal-         Wallbrook
gence. Its compliance and transaction advisory            ysis of potential red flags. I’d describe their work as   What the team is known for Wallbrook is a
practice enables clients to maximise opportuni-           a perspective, rather than just a written report – it’s   highly respected business intelligence firm with
ties and minimise risk with respect to upcoming           got a commercial angle to it all.”                        a global team across its headquarters in London
transactions or existing investments. The firm            Notable practitioners                                     and offices in New York, Dubai, Switzerland and
serves significant global financial services cli-         Michael Bevan is G3’s chair and is a key contact.         Hong Kong. Pre-transactional advisory is handled
ents, as well as international corporations, law                                                                    through its business intelligence and integrity
firms, family offices and international develop-          Hakluyt                                                   due diligence practice, often working closely with
ment institutions. Alaco’s crypto-focused subsid-         What the team is known for Headquartered in               its acclaimed ESG and human rights practice. As
iary, Alaco Analytics, helps clients identify risks       London, Hakluyt is a strategic advisory firm with         the only certified B Corp in the industry, Wall-
specifically in the digital asset sector.                 offices in San Francisco, Dallas, New York, Frank-        brook places ethics and strong governance at the
Strengths “Alaco’s due diligence output across the        furt, Mumbai, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney. The            forefront of its practice. It is one of the largest
board is fantastic. It’s what they’ve done for years      firm advises senior business executives, non-ex-          independent and wholly employee-owned intelli-
and you’d have to put them at the very high end           ecutive directors, corporate general counsels and         gence firms providing due diligence services.
of the scale for that. If I was a bank or a corporate     law firms on commercial issues and risk-based             Strengths “Frequently, Wallbrook has learned
looking to get some due diligence done I’d go to          analysis of their business decision-making. Hak-          more for us about the target at the quoting stage
Alaco in a heartbeat.”                                    luyt has an extensive stable of directors and board       than other vendors may find in their final report.
“They understand the reason as to why enquiries           members with storied careers and senior posi-             That allows us to better tailor the ultimate scope of
are being asked of them. Alaco understand the             tions in global finance, business and government.         work that needs to be done early on, and it’s a real
‘so what’. Many companies in this space have a            Strengths “For senior decision makers Hakluyt             value-add of theirs.”
tendency for a cut-and-paste approach in just             are still the first call that’s made because they’re      “Their client relationship management is second
reporting what’s out there, whereas Alaco answer          incredibly well connected, both in terms of the           to none. You get a sense of reassurance that you’re
the ‘so what’ and provide something meaningful to         board they have and the practitioners there. If           really getting taken care of, it’s a blue-chip top law
you as a client.”                                         you want to know the government’s perspective in          firm quality kind of client relationship. In turn, we
Work highlights Alaco was mandated by a pri-              Qatar, for example, they can get you that informa-        engage Wallbrook because of their commitment to
vate equity fund to conduct pre-transactional             tion to help support your investment decision.”           ethics and conduct. I know that Wallbrook are proud
due diligence into a South African-registered             “Don’t ask how they got the information, that’s           of the stance they take on that front.”
construction and engineering company with oper-           how they roll. They’ll send you something, and the        Notable practitioners
ations across EMEA. Alaco was able to evidence            next time you open it up it won’t be there. They do       James Hunt is a managing partner in Wallbrook’s
any hidden beneficiaries within the company’s             great work but it’s a little like watching a spy show.    London office, where he oversees the firm’s
ownership structure and the extent to which the           I think Hakluyt is kind of amazing; their people have     day-to-day operations and guides the long-term
company was exerting undue influence over the             two degrees of separation from cabinet members            strategy of the business. He is a key contact.

Global-wide                             Business Intelligence &
Band 2                                                  communications.                                       viding strategic advice to guide its clients’ negoti-
                                                        Strengths “The key advantage that FTI have would      ation strategies and investment decisions.
Blackpeak                                               be the wide reach of the organisation as a whole.     Strengths “I typically engage Nardello on behalf
What the team is known for Blackpeak is an              The breadth of resources can be incredibly pow-       of private equity and corporate clients to undertake
international investigative research and risk advi-     erful to leverage and is not usually found in their   business intelligence work in relation to mergers
sory firm originating out of East Asia. Its offices     competitors, who are typically set up as leaner, spe- and acquisitions of companies. The work is always
include Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai,          cialised service shops.”                              multi-jurisdictional and requires coordination of
Beijing, Guangzhou, London, Washington DC and           “We’ve had a very positive cooperation with FTI so    sensitive and complex information from different
New York. The firm is well accustomed to con-           far. We’re very impressed by their skills, capacity,  countries and different industrial sectors. They are
ducting in-depth research and analysis to help          in-house variety of tools and their expertise to be   responsive, insightful and commercially astute, with
investors test their investment hypotheses and          able to help us. It definitely helps that they’re in dif-
                                                                                                              good judgement, and are a pleasure to work with.”
evaluate fraud and corruption risks in specific         ferent areas of the world and are truly global. They  “With Nardello & Co., as with top law firms, clients
entities, as well as assessing the reputation and       have no resources to envy at other firms, FTI has it  should focus on the value not the cost. A client can
management style of a target company’s leader-          all in-house.”                                        save a lot of money by commissioning poor-quality
ship team.                                              Work highlights                                       work product from other firms or they can spend
Strengths “Blackpeak spring to mind, particu-           The global risk and investigations practice (GRIP)    money wisely and hire one of the best boutique
larly in the Far East. They do a lot of due diligence   is supporting the internal fraud and investigations   firms in the industry. The first time we hire Nardello
work, and their Asia-focused practice makes them        unit at a European public financial institution by    & Co. on behalf of a client, we sometimes have to
a gateway for clients in the US and elsewhere into      conducting due diligence reviews of its global        explain our choice. The next time we hire them, we
Asia – that’s their angle.”                             investments. This process includes research to        don’t.”
“Blackpeak’s consistency in coverage of various         identify and address potentially illicit practices,   Work highlights A distribution company engaged
jurisdictions over time indicates that they follow a    including fraud, corruption, political connections    Nardello & Co. to conduct investigations of its sup-
good process with property quality checks.”             and collusion.                                        pliers of personal protective equipment, revealing
Notable practitioners                                   Notable practitioners                                 fraudulent and criminal offences. Nardello & Co.’s
Hong Kong-based Sean Chen is a managing                 Alexandra Knatchbull is a managing director in        teams in Europe and Asia quickly helped the
director of Blackpeak and a member of the firm’s        the firm’s GRIP and is based in FTI’s London office.  client to vet a number of other possible suppliers,
executive committee. He is a key contact.               She is a key contact.                                 so that the client could fulfil its urgent need to
                                                                                                              obtain the necessary quantities of PPE.
Control Risks                                           Greyhawk Intelligence Group                           Notable practitioners
See profile on p.25                                     See profile on p.29                                   Sabina Menschel is partner, president and chief
What the team is known for Control Risks is a           What the team is known for Greyhawk is an operating officer of Nardello & Co. and is based in
well-established specialist risk consultancy with       independent corporate intelligence boutique pro- Washington, DC. She is a key contact.
a respected reputation and a significant global         viding investigative due diligence to its clients,
footprint. Through its compliance, forensics and        among a wide range of related intelligence ser- S-RM
intelligence department, the firm is equipped           vices. The firm’s primary transaction-supporting See profile on p.32
to support clients in major transactions through        services are integrity due diligence and market What the team is known for S-RM is a Lon-
detailed intelligence about management team             entry analysis. Greyhawk operates globally, with don-headquartered global risk and intelligence
dynamics, to extensive research into an operating       a particular focus on EMEA, the CIS and offshore consultancy. The firm’s deal advisory team
entity in a high-risk country, to policy-focused        jurisdictions. The firm has notable experience in delivers complex pre-transactional due diligence
analysis about a consequential piece of regu-           capital markets, advising regularly on bond issues to several of the world’s largest private equity
lation. Control Risks also has a separate com-          and IPOs on major European or US exchanges. houses, corporate/M&A teams, international
pliance-focused due diligence practice called           The firm is based in London.                          financial institutions, banks and governments.
Vantage.                                                Strengths “Greyhawk is highly professional and The team operates globally but has particular
Strengths “Control Risks assisted us by putting         very responsive. The team are ready to start work expertise gathering intelligence in Asian and
multiple people on the ground in a hostile environ-     at a moment’s notice and deliver to extremely tight sub-Saharan African markets. The firm’s investi-
ment. They have this physical security background       timelines. They’re effective in delivering high- gators are supported by its cybersecurity experts,
as a firm, which can be very helpful. Our difficult     quality information for both commercial strategy who can identify cyber risks inherent to acquisi-
data collection matter in this instance was helped      reasons but also for the purpose of KYC and AML tion targets. S-RM’s international offices include
by that capability. I’d say Control Risks were one of   checks. They’ve been able to help us in every Euro- Cape Town, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, New York
the few firms who’d be able to provide that.”           pean jurisdiction that we have needed them for.”      and Washington, DC.
“There aren’t that many firms in this industry that     “We’re very happy with Greyhawk’s provision of Strengths “Typically we use S-RM for background
have a truly global footprint; Control Risks has a      tailored advice and intelligence to assess political, due diligence on entities and reputational checks
proper global business.”                                security and regulatory risks in connection with for potential investment targets. We’ve found that
Notable practitioners                                   new market entries in Africa.”                        the work they’ve done for us has been at a good
Henry Smith is head of Control Risks’ business          Notable practitioners                                 level of depth to give us confidence that they’ve got
intelligence and due diligence practice in EMEA.        Steven Haynes is a co-founder of Greyhawk, a strong sources which really get under the skin of
He is a key contact.                                    highly experienced business intelligence practi- the issues that we need them to.”
                                                        tioner and a key contact.                             Notable practitioners
FTI Consulting                                                                                                Natalie Thomas Stafford is head of deal advisory
See profile on p.41                                     Nardello & Co.                                        at S-RM and is a key contact.
What the team is known for FTI Consulting is a          See profile on p.45
publicly traded company holding offices in all          What the team is known for Headquartered in
major financial capitals and offering globally          New York, Nardello & Co. is a global investigations         Band 3
diverse, multidisciplinary teams with in-country        firm staffed with highly experienced former US
experiences and expertise. Its global risk and          federal prosecutors, international lawyers, former          Berkeley Research Group, LLC
investigations practice can provide clients with        law enforcement personnel, intelligence opera-              What the team is known for Berkeley Research
investigative due diligence services that draws         tives, forensic accountants and former journalists.         Group’s global investigations and strategic intelli-
on an extensive network of credible sources,            The firm places paramount importance on the                 gence practice supplies companies, their counsel
ensuring intelligence is viewed in its appropriate      quality of its staff, its commitment to the highest         and other advisers with critical information to
local context. Given FTI’s competencies in other        professional and ethical standards, and its exclu-          make informed business and compliance deci-
business areas, the firm can offer clients several      sive focus on complex investigations. Nardello              sions. The firm is deeply experienced in providing
related post-transactional services, such as eco-       develops bespoke strategies that address the                investigative due diligence, corporate investi-
nomic analyses, forensic accounting and strategic       needs of the business unit and the deal team, pro-          gations, compliance consulting, quality of earn-

4                   Business Intelligence & Investigations                                                       Global-wide
ings analyses and merger integration support.            can find for you. They’re document retrieval experts     gative due diligence capabilities. K2 supports its
BRG’s historic strength as expert witnesses pro-         and are real specialists at it.”                         clients in cross-border transactions by providing
vides clients with significant in-house technical        “Their thing is document retrieval, but that has to      the necessary research, intelligence, analysis
knowledge to be utilised for the purpose of its          be understood in the context of parts of the world       and investigative expertise to support the client
pre-transactional advisory practice.                     where it’s not easy to get these records. Diligencia     through the entire process.
Strengths “BRG is the firm we trust most for             work best in jurisdictions where there’s a lack of       Following the late 2019 merger of K2 Intelligence
investigations, especially in cases where we need        clarity and the firm will provide that clarity through   and Financial Integrity Network, the firm changed
detailed company background reports with respect         their language, cultural skill and understanding of      its name to K2 Integrity.
to cross-border investment or for compliance due         the local business environment.”                         Strengths “K2 is very responsive and competent
diligence.”                                              Work highlights A client was undertaking inves-          across international due diligence matters.”
Notable practitioners                                    tigative research relating to a dispute with a           Notable practitioners
Arnold Castillo is a managing director of the firm       company registered in Algeria and was looking to         Anna Gumowska is a managing director at K2
and is based in Miami, Florida. He is a key contact.     establish a formal connection between the com-           Integrity in its investigations and risk advisory
                                                         pany and a former shareholder. Despite the par-          practice. She is based in London and is a key con-
Charles River Associates                                 ticular difficulties of uncovering share ownership       tact.
What the team is known for Charles River Asso-           details in Algerian records, Diligencia was able to
ciates is a Boston-headquartered consulting firm         demonstrate a clear and formal link between the          Kroll, a division of Duff & Phelps
that provides economic, financial and strategic          entities under investigation.                            What the team is known for Kroll is a well-estab-
advice to accounting firms, corporations, law            Notable practitioners                                    lished New York-headquartered business intel-
firms and governments around the world. The firm         Nouri Bakkali is the managing director and               ligence and investigations firm with a globally
offers its investigative due diligence services out      founder of Diligencia. He is a key contact.              recognised brand and almost universal market
of its forensic services practice and risk, investi-                                                              recognition. For more than 45 years, investors,
gations and analytics practice.                          Exiger Group                                             financiers and lawyers have taken advantage of
Strengths “They’re building a very strong team all       What the team is known for Founded in 2013,              Kroll’s investigative due diligence capabilities to
of a sudden and are in the process of really estab-      Exiger assists clients across its 11 global offices      assist in their decision-making. The firm’s global
lishing themselves. The firm is doing a lot of IPO due   with over 650 employees. The firm provides cli-          experts include former prosecutors and members
diligence.”                                              ents with a full suite of due diligence services,        of law enforcement, forensic accountants, cyber-
“CRA do a little bit of everything, with particular      from automated risk management solutions to its          security professionals, data analysts, former busi-
expertise in providing due diligence to hedge            Exiger Managed Services team, which provides             ness journalists and intelligence specialists.
funds.”                                                  outsourced Exiger analysts acting as an extension        Strengths “Kroll does more complex investigations
Work highlights Prior to selling its APAC oper-          of a client’s compliance team. The firm’s clients        than most firms, and due diligence is a major part
ations to a Chinese-led consortium of buyers, a          include public sector organisations and compli-          of their business today, more so than it was in the
US-based global food company sought assistance           ance, risk, operations, investment and fundraising       past.”
evaluating prospective buyers and selecting the          teams.                                                   “Kroll’s size and extent of operations means we
best fit. Members of the CRA team leveraged              Strengths “I know some of their employees have           keep them on retainer for these difficult questions.
in-country expertise to provide a comprehensive          come directly out of the investment banking world,       We value them as a key provider of investigative due
assessment of each bidder, examining their food          so they report on that part of the market quite well.”   diligence, particularly in Asia-Pacific.”
industry experience as well as their political affil-    Notable practitioners                                    Notable practitioners
iations and how these relationships could affect         John Melican is Exiger’s Americas regional leader        Tom Everett Heath is the global head of business
the company’s in-country operations.                     and the firm’s global head of financial crime com-       intelligence and investigations at Kroll. He is a key
Notable practitioners                                    pliance. He is a key contact.                            contact.
Peter Nolan is a vice president and the co-leader
of the risk, investigations and analytics practice.      GPW                                                      Mintz Group
He is a key contact.                                     What the team is known for GPW is a well-re-             See profile on p.44
                                                         spected and longstanding business intelligence     What the team is known for Mintz is a due dil-
Diligencia Group                                         and investigations firm operating out of its three igence and investigations firm whose primary
See profile on p.26                                      offices in London, Dubai and Singapore. The firm   business is driven by providing insight on pre-hire
What the team is known for Diligencia provides           provides clients with investigative due diligence, background checks, third-party due diligence,
clients with reliable, verifiable legal entity data      alongside its extensive litigation support, asset  corporate due diligence and corporate social
as a foundation for their due diligence casework         tracing and recovery, and political risk practices.responsibility investigations. The firm originated
in the Middle East and Africa. Moreover, the firm        Its clients consist of sovereign entities, corpora-out of New York, founded by its namesake Jim
offers tailored corporate intelligence to clients        tions, financial institutions, pension funds, private
                                                                                                            Mintz, and has expanded to 16 offices over eight
which require more investigative, in-depth ser-          equity and hedge funds, legal firms and high net   time zones.
vices. Its flagship online platform      worth individuals.                                 Strengths “It’s a firm founded by journalists.
provides clients access to credible information on       Notable practitioners                              They’ll get you the information you want effectively
organisations and individuals, enabling identifi-        Bruno Vickers heads the firm’s Asia and Middle     in the way a top journalist would do it.”
cation of ultimate beneficial owners, legal iden-        East practice and is based in Singapore. He is a   “You’re always under the impression that Mintz’s
tifiers, links to ruling families in the region, and     key contact.                                       client base is great – better than ours, to be frank.
compliance screening. The firm is headquartered                                                             The firm really focuses on due diligence now, more
in Oxford, with additional offices in Tangier and        K2 Integrity                                       than almost anything else.”
Dubai.                                                   What the team is known for K2 Integrity is a risk, Notable practitioners
Strengths “Diligencia have always been our go-to         compliance, investigations and monitoring firm. Randy Phillips is a partner and heads Mintz
shop for any corporate document across the Middle        The firm has significant technology capabilities Group’s activities across Asia. He is a key contact.
East. They do offer bespoke research, although           to support its forensic accounting, cybersecurity,
their strength is in the documents and records they      corporate intelligence, asset tracing and investi-

Global-wide                                      Business Intelligence &

Business Intelligence & Investigations
Pre-Transactional Advisory (Technology-Led Due Diligence)
    Business Intelligence & Investigations
                                                              fessional services firms through its proprietary       Shufti Pro
                                                              software offering, Videris. By focusing on speed,      What the team is known for Established in 2017,
    Pre-Transactional Advisory
                                                              accuracy, security and transparency, Videris           Shufti Pro is an identify verification specialist.
    (Technology-Led Due Diligence)
                                                              allows clients to utilise wide-ranging open-source     From its offices in Sweden, Cyprus, the UK and
    Leading Firms
                                                              data through one tool, which is automatically          Dubai, the company provides comprehensive KYC,
                                                              analysed, visualised and comprehensively logged        real-time facial recognition, document or address
                                                              to provide full auditability and standardised          verification, and AML screening. Shufti Pro’s veri-
    Blackdot Solutions
                                                              reporting.                                             fication is clear and immediate, with results of its
    Dow Jones & Co
                                                              Strengths “Blackdot’s Videris product is able to       due diligence process returned in less than 60
                                                              pull together data from multiple different sources     seconds.
    Shufti Pro
                                                              and package it for you, and then turn it into useful   Notable practitioners
    Steele Compliance Solutions
                                                              charts. They’re very good and we really rate what      Shahid Hanif is the company’s founder and chief
    Thomson Reuters
                                                              they do.”                                              technology officer. He is a key contact.
    Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.   Notable practitioners
                                                              Mark Stevens leads Blackdot’s client engagement        Steele Compliance Solutions
Leading Firms                                                 team and is a key contact.                             What the team is known for Steele’s ethics
                                                                                                                     and compliance platform encompasses human
Arachnys                                                      Dow Jones & Co                                         researchers and automated risk management
What the team is known for Headquartered in                   What the team is known for Dow Jones & Co is           tools and due diligence services to assist its
London, with an additional New York City office,              one of the world’s pre-eminent business and            clients in business critical decisions. The com-
Arachnys provides its clients with market-leading             financial news companies, and publishes some of        pany aims to simplify compliance management
KYC and AML data, through machine learn-                      the world’s most-watched stock indexes. Its risk       through its in-house solutions and configurable
ing-powered automated screening and a par-                    and compliance division combines a large, multi-       fixed-price, fixed-scope global offering.
ticular investigative focus on beneficial ownership           lingual team of researchers with industry-leading      Diligent, a governance software provider,
structures. Its search capabilities cover over 98             automation and AI tools. Whether it’s anti-money       announced an agreement to acquire Steele Com-
languages in multiple languages across 220 juris-             laundering, counter-terrorism financing, sanc-         pliance Solutions in February 2021.
dictions. Automated adverse media screening,                  tions, anti-bribery and corruption, or international   Strengths “Steele Compliance has pretty good
transaction monitoring and fraud detection are                trade compliance, Dow Jones can provide exten-         market share for this.”
additional features of Arachnys’s suite of API.               sive technology-led due diligence, third-party risk
Arachnys was acquired, in March 2021, by the                  management and sanctions compliance for its Thomson Reuters
US-based AML RightSource, a provider of AML,                  clients.                                             What the team is known for Thomson Reuters
KYC and BSA compliance solutions.                             Strengths “Dow Jones is a serious contender for is a Canada-based global media conglomerate
Strengths “The technology is now here to allow                this market.”                                        that offers a comprehensive range of regula-
some firms to really differentiate themselves.                                                                     tory intelligence, compliance management and
Ten years ago to be quick you had to outsource                Refinitiv                                            risk assessment products to banking, financial
to people who were quick at this; now you have                What the team is known for Dual-headquartered services and insurance clients. To assist its cus-
Arachnys who are purely tech-driven and AI-led.”              across London and New York City, Refinitiv is a tomers in mitigating risk and in conducting inves-
“Arachnys should be recognised for their work in              global provider of financial market data and infra- tigations, the company offers such services as
this space.”                                                  structure. The company has an extensive suite of PeopleMap, which provides automated public
Notable practitioners                                         more than 130 data, analytics, trading and risk records searches, and Clear ID, which can detect
David Buxton, CEO and founder, is an experienced              assessment tools. Its risk intelligence database fraudulent identities quickly by running flag
investigator and a key contact.                               platform World-Check compiles information from checks against 31 major jurisdictions’ records.
                                                              international financial watch lists, government Strengths “They’re the big one. Thomson Reuters
Argos                                                         records and media searches, providing clients has the advantage of the quality of their resources;
What the team is known for Based in Seoul in                  with a comprehensive solution for assessing, the company’s bread and butter is dealing with
South Korea, Argos assists financial institutions             managing and remediating risk.                       information and so they have access to some great
and corporate entities in meeting their legal, reg-           In January 2021, Thomson Reuters and private resources.”
ulatory and operational requirements. The com-                equity funds affiliated with Blackstone completed
pany’s software provides compliance with current              their sale of Refinitiv to London Stock Exchange
FATF, GDPR and OFAC guidelines. Its AI-based                  Group.
ID verification platform allows users to uncover              Strengths “Refinitiv are important players in this
forgery detection through facial recognition and              market.”
document verification technology.                             “They’re now the go-to for data-led due diligence
Notable practitioners                                         checks.”
Wonkyu Lee is the founder and CEO of Argos, and               Notable practitioners
is a key contact.                                             Andrea Remyn Stone is chief customer proposi-
                                                              tion officer at Refnitiv and chief product officer
Blackdot Solutions                                            at London Stock Exchange Group. She is a key
What the team is known for From its office in                 contact.
Cambridge, England, Blackdot Solutions assists
banks, governments, major corporates and pro-

6                                                              Crisis Management                             Global-wide
Crisis Management
Crisis Management                                         firm also offers clients a market-leading white     Notable practitioners
Leading Firms                                             collar crime practice staffed with a number of      Adam Siegel (New York) and Geoff Nicholas
                                                          very senior former U.S. government officials.       (London), co-heads of the firm’s global investiga-
Clifford Chance LLP
                                                          Other areas of complex cross-jurisdictional work    tions practice, are key contacts.
Covington & Burling LLP
                                                          include climate change litigation, cybercrime and
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
                                                          pharmaceutical crises.                              Herbert Smith Freehills
                                                          Notable practitioners                               What the team is known for Herbert Smith Free-
Herbert Smith Freehills
                                                          Eric Holder (US) and Maree Gallagher (Dublin) are   hills is relied upon by multinational businesses for
Sidley Austin LLP
                                                          key contacts.                                       its lawyers’ deep sector expertise and crisis expe-
Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.
                                                                                                              rience across numerous jurisdictions worldwide.
                                                          DLA Piper LLP                                       The firm leverages robust global capabilities
Band I                                                    What the team is known for DLA Piper is reg-        in corporate investigations and anti-corruption,
                                                          ularly selected by global organisations as the      employment, and projects and energy in order
Clifford Chance LLP                                       named response team for multi-jurisdictional        to assist clients in navigating highly sensitive
What the team is known for Clifford Chance’s              crisis situations, and by global insurance policies reputational or operational crises across Europe,
global crisis management offering brings                  and corporate protocols as the go-to adviser for    APAC, the UK, the USA and beyond. The firm also
together the firm’s traditional cross-jurisdictional      incidents occurring in international jurisdictions. boasts a pioneering international practice in the
strengths in corporate investigations and dispute         Alongside its significant UK and US practices, the  volatile area of business and human rights law.
resolution, financial services, and projects and          firm enjoys a strong reputation across Europe,      Notable practitioners
energy. More recent areas of corporate risk such          Latin America and the APAC regions. Sectors         Damien Byrne Hill and Greg Mulley, co-heads of
as business and human rights and climate change           include aviation, manufacturing and construction,   crisis management, are key contacts.
also form significant practices. The firm boasts a        technology and consumer goods.
particularly strong presence in Europe, Asia and          Notable practitioners                               Sidley Austin LLP
the Middle East alongside respected capabilities          Neil Bowker, UK head of the firm’s litigation and What the team is known for Across multiple
in the Americas and Africa.                               regulatory group, is a key contact.                 global jurisdictions, Sidley Austin’s crisis man-
Notable practitioners                                                                                         agement and strategic response practice has
David DiBari (Washington, DC) and Luke Tolaini            Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer                      assisted clients with diverse challenges including
(London) are key contacts.                                What the team is known for Freshfields boasts business-critical threats. Alongside matters led
                                                          consistently strong crisis and issue management from the UK or USA, the firm also has well-re-
Covington & Burling LLP                                   practices in the UK, Europe and the USA. The puted teams of experts in APAC, across Europe
What the team is known for US heavyweight Cov-            firm has provided trusted counsel to businesses and in the Middle East. Advice is often closely
ington & Burling offers a broad international crisis      undergoing restructuring and insolvency, and has coordinated between jurisdictions, where the
response practice spanning the USA, Europe, Asia          assisted international corporations navigating client operates internationally or investigations
and Latin America. Recent work involving con-             major regulatory investigations, product liability are being conducted cross-border.
siderable international activity includes product         claims and public scandals. Its lawyers are also Notable practitioners
recalls in the automotive, food and consumer              experienced in supporting clients through sen- Sara George and Ellyce Cooper are key contacts.
products industries, including significant regula-        sitive whistle-blower complaints, catastrophic
tory follow-up across multiple jurisdictions. The         operational disasters and serious data breaches.

Global-wide                                       Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Risk
    Cybersecurity Risk                                        agencies in meeting national security objectives.         very happy with their work. CRA are extremely
    Leading Firms                                             “In New York City, if you don’t know Rocco, you don’t     responsive, good with clients and very professional,
    Alvarez & Marsal *
                                                              know anyone in cyber,” says one source. A satisfied       and the way they approach a situation can mean
    Berkeley Research Group, LLC
                                                              client adds: “He’s tenacious, he gets the job done,       the difference between success and disaster. When
    Charles River Associates
                                                              his expertise is top, and he has incredible reach         you’re in the middle of a crisis, being able to work
                                                              into the intelligence agencies, which matters. Very       effectively with an extremely stressed client and a
    Control Risks *
                                                              few people have those contacts on speed dial.” “He        law firm is critical. It takes certain skill sets and per-
                                                              has the ability to instil confidence into executives in   sonalities to get that right –CRA has that in spades.”
                                                              the direction we’re taking and in the advice that he      “CRA are in the top bracket of companies for this.
    FTI Consulting *
                                                              gives,” reveals an interviewee; “his knowledge of         They’ve got a methodology and protocol that makes
                                                              business is supreme, not just cyber risk.”                sense. There’s consistency in the work product and
    Stroz Friedberg, an Aon Company
                                                                                                                        in the way they approach clients.”
    Leading Individuals
                                                              Berkeley Research Group, LLC                              Work highlights CRA assisted a client that
    Brown Thomas Berkeley Research Group, LLC
                                                              What the team is known for Headquartered in               had experienced a large-scale business email
    Ferrante Anthony J. FTI Consulting *
                                                              California, Berkeley Research Group offers con-           compromise event which impacted its global
    Grillo Lorenzo Alvarez & Marsal *
                                                              sulting services to international financial institu-      operations in 27 countries. CRA organised and
    Grillo Rocco Alvarez & Marsal *
                                                              tions, private equity firms, hedge funds, elite law       executed the collection and preservation of the
    Hardin Bill Charles River Associates                      firms, major corporations and regulatory author-          related, high-value data located across the globe.
    * Indicates firm / individual with profile.
                                                              ities. BRG’s global investigations and strategic          Notable practitioners
    Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.   intelligence practice provides expert-led cyber-          Bill Hardin is a Certified Public Accountant, Certi-
                                                              security risk advisory services in preparation for,       fied Fraud Examiner and a certified Project Man-
Band I                                                        during or after major cyber breaches.                     agement Professional who acts as vice president
                                                              Strengths “They’re professional, experienced,             of CRA’s forensic services team out of Chicago.
Alvarez & Marsal                                              dedicated and very good team players. BRG will            Hardin’s skill set is multifaceted, with extensive
See profile on p.39                                           get hold of the best resources available within the       experience gaining and training learnt in areas of
What the team is known for Alvarez & Marsal is                firm to assemble a suitable group to assist you. Our      finance, operations and software development.
a global professional services firm historically              experience has been really good, and they’ve solved       He is accustomed to serving clients in all manner
centred on turnaround management, corpo-                      our problems. Our first option for this sort of work      of issues, including ransomware, data extortion,
rate restructuring and operational performance                is BRG.”                                                  business email compromise, malware outbreaks
improvement. In recent years cybersecurity has                “We have a significant legal practice assisting cli-      and insider threats.
become a core strength of its offering, and now               ents with data breaches, so we need help on the
A&M offers its expertise in cyber risk advisory               technical side to get under the hood and figure out       Control Risks
services, cyber resilience and readiness prepara-             exactly what’s happened. They hand us the tech-           See profile on p.25
tion, and incident response investigations.                   nical puzzle pieces so we can put together the legal      What the team is known for Control Risks is a
Strengths “I tend to lean towards Alvarez & Marsal            picture. They’re perfect for the right-sized mandate,     specialist risk consultancy headquartered in
for the most important and most complex cyberse-              when you don’t want 30 people and 100 pages of            London, with additional offices in every time zone
curity matters. The team brings a wealth of knowl-            documents to sign off.”                                   and an extensive global footprint. Leaning on its
edge, energy and experience to every engagement.              Notable practitioners                                     half-century heritage of risk management experi-
They earn our trust through their dedication and a            The “excellent” Thomas Brown is a managing                ence, Control Risks’ global cybersecurity practice
demonstrable sense of ownership to help identify              director and global leader of BRG’s cybersecu-            delivers security, compliance and resilience sup-
and remediate our risks.”                                     rity and investigations practice, and an “extremely       port to its clients. Its key services include active
“In cybersecurity there are a lot of very skilled com-        intelligent expert in the field who approaches chal-      online threat monitoring and cyber due diligence
panies from a technical point of view but it’s very           lenges creatively with his client’s best interests in     risk assessments, as well as crisis management
difficult to find one which has that but also has a           mind,” according to sources. With the vast expe-          and incident response.
more risk-based, strategic approach. That’s why we            rience accumulated during his time as a federal           Strengths “We couldn’t rate them highly enough.
reached out to Alvarez & Marsal; they delivered on            prosecutor in the US Attorney’s Office for the            Control Risks were calm, reassuring and author-
that.”                                                        Southern District of New York, Brown is now a             itative, which really helped in the early phases of
Notable practitioners                                         veteran in managing cyber risk, investigating             the incident investigation. They were professional
Lorenzo Grillo (see p.18) is a deeply experienced             cyber incidents and assisting in compliance with          and courteous but also knew when to disagree and
practitioner of information technology and secu-              standards and regulations. “I think Tom has great         guide us in a different direction when warranted. We
rity, operating out of A&M’s London office. He has            technical chops and an incredibly strong legal            felt their experience really helped steer us through
a proven track record of helping top management               background,” says an interviewee; “that skill set         it all.”
teams to evaluate, design and execute cyberse-                is incredibly helpful. He shows up and gets the job       Work highlights Control Risks was engaged by a
curity risk management programmes. “Lorenzo’s                 done.” “Tom provides top-notch work,” adds a sat-         global manufacturing company to help manage
executive standing is great,” says a client; “he’s            isfied client.                                            a major ransomware incident that involved the
very comfortable in talking straight to CEOs. One                                                                       potential loss of business-critical design data
of his great skills is being able to translate the            Charles River Associates                                  and the total disruption of operations globally.
complexities of cybersecurity to non-technical                What the team is known for Charles River Asso-            The firm advised the client through a negotiation
people.” “He knows everything about cyber,” adds              ciates is a global consulting firm that provides          that successfully obtained the decryption key to
an interviewee; “Lorenzo has 360-degree vision                its expertise to major law firms, corporations,           recover the business-critical data.
of the cyber market and knows all of the solutions            accountancy firms and governments internation-            Notable practitioners
and standards to work by.” “He’s very professional,”          ally. It launched its forensic services practice in       James Owen is head of Control Risks’ cybersecu-
notes another source, “but he’s also got charm                late 2015, focusing on forensic accounting, cyber-        rity practice in EMEA and is a key contact.
and personality. He’s got a certain gravitas.” Rocco          crime and digital investigations. CRA is able to
Grillo (see p.18) is a hugely respected figure                deploy cross-trained teams of professionals who           CrowdStrike
among his enormous commercial sector clients                  can immediately respond to complex cybercrime             What the team is known for CrowdStrike is a
and multiple government agencies, including                   and data breaches, assess exposure levels and             leading cybersecurity firm, offering cloud-based
the FBI and secret service. He provides tech-                 take corrective action to return business activities      endpoint detection and response, a compre-
nical advisory services and strategic guidance to             to normal.                                                hensive antivirus package, and a live 24/7 virus
C-suite and board members, as well as assisting               Strengths “They’ve been top-notch, we’ve been             hunting service. From its headquarters in Cali-

8                                                            Cybersecurity Risk                              Global-wide
fornia, CrowdStrike serves Fortune 100 compa-         FTI Consulting                                          nology-agnostic, providing clients with impartial
nies, major banks, healthcare providers and some      See profile on p.41                                     advice on products and facilitating the appro-
of the largest energy companies, among others.        What the team is known for FTI Consulting is a          priate services to meet the client’s needs.
Its flagship product, the CrowdStrike Falcon plat-    multinational professional services company             Strengths “The work PGI produces is of a consist-
form, is a lightweight API that can provide auto-     with over 116 offices in 28 countries. Its cyberse-     ently high quality, and the initiative they take in
mated threat detection and response.                  curity offering provides independent cyber and          coordinating and delivering work has certainly set
Strengths “CrowdStrike are brilliant, we regularly    risk management advisory services, centred on           them apart from other providers. Since engaging
use them. They are focused a bit more than most on    cyber readiness, incident response and complex          them we’ve been reluctant to look elsewhere.”
breach response, and I’d say they’re a level above    investigations. FTI’s multidisciplinary expertise       “Some of the work that PGI does with us actually
most in the market.”                                  and cross-industry experience allows the firm to        overlaps with legal work, such as some aspects of
“An excellent competitor.”                            engage with some of the most challenging global         GDPR compliance. I find I prefer to work with PGI
“You feel like CrowdStrike could handle a national    cybersecurity problems. FTI’s core business com-        more than our law firm, as they work much more
security issue in a way that others couldn’t.”        petency in crisis communications can be a com-          collaboratively with us to help develop policies that
Notable practitioners                                 plementary adjunct to its cybersecurity services.       fit our business.”
Adam Meyers is a senior vice president of intelli-    Strengths “I have used a number of cybersecu-           Notable practitioners
gence at CrowdStrike, and leads the threat intel-     rity firms and I consider FTI one of the very best.     Meredith Patton, a former Australian intelligence
ligence line of the business. He is a key contact.    They have scale, speed and top-notch leaders in the     and cybersecurity officer, is PGI’s director of
                                                      field.”                                                 cyber operations and is a key contact.
FireEye                                               “FTI Consulting was distinguished among other
What the team is known for FireEye is a publicly      firms we worked with primarily by its ability to lev-   Stroz Friedberg, an Aon Company
traded cybersecurity company headquartered            erage global knowledge and resources in a timely        What the team is known for Aon Risk Solutions,
in California. FireEye sells technology products,     and efficient manner.”                                  the global risk management business of Aon plc,
including endpoint security appliances and threat     Notable practitioners                                   acquired the hugely respected Stroz Friedberg,
intelligence packages, as well as providing Soft-     Anthony Ferrante (see p.18) is a senior managing        a global risk management firm. Combining Aon’s
ware-as-a-Service. A number of acquisitions by        director and the global head of cybersecurity at        standards-based cyber assessment capabilities
FireEye, including of Mandiant in 2014, boosted       FTI Consulting. “I know Anthony, he came out of the     with Stroz Friedberg’s cybersecurity governance
the firm’s cybersecurity reputation considerably.     FBI and is proper cyber,” reveals a market insider.     and advisory services positions the company as a
The firm has also gained significant market atten-    “He’s got a great ability to assemble a team, manage    leading player in global cyber risk services.
tion after a series of investigations uncovering      complex technical investigations, meet intense and      Strengths “These guys are subject matter experts.
high-profile hacking groups; in December 2020         changing client demands, and do it all with a great     They exclusively do cyber work and on a much
FireEye reported the SolarWinds supply chain          attitude,” says a satisfied client. Prior to joining    larger scale than most.”
attack on the US National Security Agency.            FTI, Ferrante served as director for cyber incident     “We found them to be incredibly knowledgeable
Strengths “There are very few organisations that      response at the US National Security Council and        and experienced. They were extremely helpful, not
have the technology stack, the threat intelligence,   as chief of staff of the FBI’s Cyber Division.          only in educating us about the technical aspects
the 24/7 availability and the managed defence that                                                            of what had occurred within our systems but also
FireEye offer. They’re a different breed because of   PGI                                                     in putting together an extremely comprehensive
their deep engagement within the public sector.”      What the team is known for Protection Group             report we were able to put forward to regulators.
“We’d work with FireEye, they’re exceptionally        International (PGI) operates out of Bristol and         We think highly of them.”
good. They have the stronger brand and reputation     London in the UK. It is a specialist digital risk       “Stroz has a strong instant cyber response offering.”
than most. I’d put FireEye at the top, honestly.”     consultancy that primarily seeks to build client        Notable practitioners
Notable practitioners                                 capability through service delivery and training.       Adam Bixby is a managing director and practice
Jurgen Kutscher is the executive vice president       PGI assists government bodies and corporate cli-        leader of the security testing practice within Aon’s
of Mandiant’s services delivery, overseeing the       ents with security testing, incident response and       cyber solutions group, based in New York City. He
company’s delivery of all consulting and managed      information assurance services certified to UK          is a key contact.
services for FireEye. He is a key contact.            government and industry standards. PGI is tech-

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