Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A
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ENVPEP2002004_V2 - Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A Product Environmental Profile ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A ENVPEP2002004_V2 04/2021
ENVPEP2002004_V2 - Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A General information Representative product ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A - S520204 The main purpose of the Odace switch 1-pole- 2-way white lightable product range is to give a Description of the product solution for the control of Electricity. Establish, support and interrupt for 20 years rated currents in normal conditions of circuit characterized by the current 10A, including any conditions specified for overload in operation Functional unit characterized by the current 10A, for the operating voltage 250V for a specified time with IP21 protection in accordance with the standard IEC 60529 and IK04 in accordance with the standard IEC 62262. Constituent materials Reference product mass 55 g including the product, its packaging. PBT Polybutylene Terephtalate - 1.4%, 1% Steel - 4.9%, 5% PA Polyamide - 3.5%, 4% Stainless steel - 2.2%, 2% PET Polyethilene Terephtalate - 6.3%, 6% Brass - 0.5%, 1% ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - 9%, 9% Cardboard - 26.8%, 27% Paper - 0.2%, 0% Silicone oil (Grease) -
ENVPEP2002004_V2 - Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A Additional environmental information The ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A presents the following relevent environmental aspects Manufacturing Manufactured at a Schneider Electric production site ISO14001 certified Weight and volume of the packaging optimized, based on the European Union's packaging directive Distribution Packaging weight is 15 g, consisting of cardboard (99.2%), paper (0.8%) Product distribution optimised by setting up local distribution centres The product does not require special installation procedure and requires little to no energy to install. The disposal of the Installation packaging materials are accounted during the installation phase (including transport to disposal). Use The product does not require special maintenance operations. End of life optimized to decrease the amount of waste and allow recovery of the product components and materials No special end-of-life treatment required. According to countries’ practices this product can enter the usual end-of-life End of life treatment process. Based on “ECO’DEEE recyclability and recoverability calculation method” Recyclability potential: 19% (version V1, 20 Sep. 2008 presented to the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management: ADEME). Environmental impacts Reference life time 20 years Product category Switches Installation elements No special components needed The product is in active mode 30% of the time with a power use of 0.175W and in OFF mode 70% of the time Use scenario with a power use of 0.0W, for 20 years Geographical Europe representativeness Technological The main purpose of the Odace switch 1-pole- 2-way white lightable product range is to give a solution for the representativeness control of Electricity. Manufacturing Installation Use End of life Electricity grid mix; Energy model used Electricity grid mix; AC; Electricity grid mix; AC; Manufacturing plant: Puente la AC; consumption mix, consumption mix, at consumption mix, at Reina, Spain at consumer; < 1kV; consumer; < 1kV; EU-27 consumer; < 1kV; EU-27 EU-27 Compulsory indicators ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A - S520204 Impact indicators Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Contribution to mineral resources depletion kg Sb eq 2.44E-06 2.05E-06 2.84E-10 0* 3.92E-07 0* Contribution to the soil and water acidification kg SO2 eq 1.96E-02 7.28E-04 3.24E-05 3.39E-06 1.88E-02 1.29E-05 Contribution to water eutrophication kg PO43- eq 2.49E-03 1.35E-03 7.46E-06 8.23E-07 1.14E-03 4.03E-06 Contribution to global warming kg CO2 eq 4.76E+00 2.41E-01 7.10E-03 8.13E-04 4.51E+00 8.79E-03 kg CFC11 Contribution to ozone layer depletion 3.13E-07 1.92E-08 0* 0* 2.94E-07 3.07E-10 eq Contribution to photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq 1.11E-03 7.13E-05 2.31E-06 2.53E-07 1.03E-03 1.31E-06 Resources use Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Net use of freshwater m3 1.63E+01 5.02E-03 0* 0* 1.63E+01 0* Total Primary Energy MJ 9.54E+01 5.24E+00 1.00E-01 1.06E-02 9.00E+01 6.10E-02 ENVPEP2002004_V2 04/2021
ENVPEP2002004_V2 - Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Contribution to Net use of Total Primary mineral the soil and water water global warming ozone layer photochemical freshwater Energy resources acidification eutrophication depletion oxidation depletion Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of life Optional indicators ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A - S520204 Impact indicators Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Contribution to fossil resources depletion MJ 5.50E+01 3.72E+00 9.97E-02 1.05E-02 5.12E+01 4.90E-02 Contribution to air pollution m³ 2.14E+02 1.91E+01 3.02E-01 3.24E-02 1.94E+02 4.50E-01 Contribution to water pollution m³ 2.49E+02 6.16E+01 1.17E+00 1.23E-01 1.86E+02 5.89E-01 Resources use Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Use of secondary material kg 1.35E-03 1.35E-03 0* 0* 0* 0* Total use of renewable primary energy resources MJ 1.18E+01 3.90E-01 0* 0* 1.14E+01 0* Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources MJ 8.36E+01 4.85E+00 1.00E-01 1.06E-02 7.86E+01 6.09E-02 Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable MJ 1.15E+01 9.37E-02 0* 0* 1.14E+01 0* primary energy used as raw material Use of renewable primary energy resources used as MJ 2.96E-01 2.96E-01 0* 0* 0* 0* raw material Use of non renewable primary energy excluding non MJ 8.24E+01 3.69E+00 1.00E-01 1.06E-02 7.86E+01 6.09E-02 renewable primary energy used as raw material Use of non renewable primary energy resources used MJ 1.16E+00 1.16E+00 0* 0* 0* 0* as raw material Use of non renewable secondary fuels MJ 0.00E+00 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Use of renewable secondary fuels MJ 0.00E+00 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Waste categories Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Hazardous waste disposed kg 2.21E-01 1.44E-01 0* 0* 2.35E-03 7.45E-02 Non hazardous waste disposed kg 1.71E+01 2.56E-01 0* 0* 1.68E+01 0* Radioactive waste disposed kg 1.14E-02 1.78E-04 0* 0* 1.12E-02 0* Other environmental information Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Materials for recycling kg 2.86E-02 5.61E-03 0* 1.49E-02 0* 8.02E-03 Components for reuse kg 0.00E+00 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* Materials for energy recovery kg 1.61E-03 0* 0* 0* 0* 1.61E-03 Exported Energy MJ 4.75E-05 4.46E-06 0* 4.30E-05 0* 0* * represents less than 0.01% of the total life cycle of the reference flow Life cycle assessment performed with EIME version EIME v5.9.1, database version 2016-11 in compliance with ISO14044. The use phase is the life cycle phase which has the greatest impact on the majority of environmental indicators (based on compulsory indicators) exept indicator ADPe & EP is mostly in manufacturing phase. ENVPEP2002004_V2 04/2021
ENVPEP2002004_V2 - Product Environmental Profile - ODACE TWO WAY SWITCH LIGHTABLE 10A Please note that the values given above are only valid within the context specified and cannot be used directly to draw up the environmental assessment of an installation. Registration number ENVPEP2002004_V2 Drafting rules PCR-ed3-EN-2015 04 02 Date of issue 04/2021 Supplemented by PSR-0005-ed2-EN-2016 03 29 Information and reference Validity period 5 years documents Independent verification of the declaration and data Internal X External The elements of the present PEP cannot be compared with elements from another program. Document in compliance with ISO 14021:2016 « Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) » Schneider Electric Industries SAS Country Customer Care Center 35, rue Joseph Monier CS 30323 F- 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex RCS Nanterre 954 503 439 Capital social 896 313 776 € Published by Schneider Electric ENVPEP2002004_V2 © 2019 - Schneider Electric – All rights reserved 04/2021 ENVPEP2002004_V2 04/2021
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