Exploiting Music Play Sequence for Music Recommendation - IJCAI
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Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) Exploiting Music Play Sequence for Music Recommendation Zhiyong Cheng1 , Jialie Shen2∗ , Lei Zhu3 , Mohan Kankanhalli1 , Liqiang Nie4 1 School of Computing, National University of Singapore 2 Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, UK 3 School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland 4 School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, China {jason.zy.cheng, leizhu0608, jialie, nieliqiang}@gmail.com, mohan@comp.nus.edu.sg Abstract user’s listening logs, have been widely used to infer user’s music preference for effective song recommendation [Cheng Users leave digital footprints when interacting with and Shen, 2014]. However, music play sequence (MPS), various music streaming services. Music play se- which contains rich information about user listening behav- quence, which contains rich information about per- iors and music content similarity, has not been well exploited sonal music preference and song similarity, has for music recommendation in previous studies. been largely ignored in previous music recom- Users often continuously enjoy a set of songs during a cer- mender systems. In this paper, we explore the ef- tain time period without interruption, which is called a listen- fects of music play sequence on developing effec- ing session. Recent studies reveal strong correlations among tive personalized music recommender systems. To- the songs played within one session [Hariri et al., 2012]. wards the goal, we propose to use word embedding For example, users usually listen to songs of the same al- techniques in music play sequences to estimate the bum, artist, or genre in a listening session [Ji et al., 2015]. similarity between songs. The learned similarity Besides, users often organize songs into playlists and play is then embedded into matrix factorization to boost songs in a playlist together under a certain context [Cheng the latent feature learning and discovery. Further- and Shen, 2016; Cheng et al., 2016], which indicates that more, the proposed method only considers the k- the songs played together share some common characteris- nearest songs (e.g., k = 5) in the learning process tics [Hariri et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2016a]. In addition, to and thus avoids the increase of time complexity. demonstrate the correlations among songs in a session, [Ji et Experimental results on two public datasets demon- al., 2015] mapped songs into the Euclidean space and showed strate that our methods could significantly improve that the songs listened in a session are close to each other in the performance on both rating prediction and top- this space. Therefore, music play sequences in listening ses- n recommendation tasks. sions encode certain music similarities or correlations, which can be leveraged to boost the performance of music recom- 1 Introduction mendation. In fact, MPS has been used in supporting mu- sic retrieval applications, such as playlist generation [Bonnin With the popularity of mobile devices and online music and Jannach, 2015]. Very surprisingly, it has not been well streaming service (e.g., Last.fm1 and Spotify2 ), people are exploited in developing music recommender systems. able to easily access tens of millions of songs. Such ubiq- uitous music consumption paradigm also poses many new As one of the most effective recommendation techniques, challenges in develpoing smart music retrieval system, which matrix factorization (MF) [Koren et al., 2009; He et al., 2016] can assist users to search their favorite music from such huge aims to learn latent vectors of users and items by decom- music collections [Schedl et al., 2014; Shen et al., 2012; posing the user-item rating/interaction matrix, which records 2010]. In real life, interactions between users and those on- user-item ratings or interaction times. While MF based ap- line music service platforms generate various digital foot- proaches have achieved very promising performance, they prints, including users’ demographical data, user-generated general ignore the importance of interaction sequence. In content (i.e., tags, comments and feedback), and logs of lis- this study, the main objective is to investigate the potential tening history. Such information is very valuable for music of exploiting MPS in music recommendation. Specifically, recommendation and has been extensively studied in previ- we attempt to leverage the information encoded in MPS into ous literature [Knees and Schedl, 2013; Schedl et al., 2015; MF methods to improve the recommendation performance. Cheng et al., 2016]. For example, (user, song, rating) or Towards the goal, a song2vec method is developed to esti- (user, song, playcount) triples, which are obtained from mate the music similarities between songs, which are hidden in the MPS data. This method is inspired by the word2vec ∗ Corrsponding Author techniques (i.e., skip-gram) [Mikolov et al., 2013] in NLP. 1 http://www.last.fm/ Word2vec is a highly scalable prediction model for learning 2 https//www.spotify.com word embeddings from texts. It learns low-dimensional vec- 3654
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) tor representations for words by analyzing their usages over a 2 Related Work large text corpus. This technique is based on the distribution hypothesis [Sahlgren, 2008]: the words appearing in the same Our study is mainly related to three research directions: ma- contexts represent close or similar meaning if their meanings trix factorization, music recommendation, and word embed- are not identical [Vasile et al., 2016]. A similar hypothesis ding. can be applied to the MPS data. In song2vec, each song is Matrix factorization Driven by its great success on Net- treated as a “word”, and song play sequence in a listening ses- flix competition [Koren et al., 2009] and Yahoo!Music rec- sion can be regarded as a “sentence”. The final experimental ommendations [Koenigstein et al., 2011], matrix factoriza- performance demonstrates that this method could effectively tion (MF) is a well-established technique in recommender estimate the similarities between songs based on the play se- system [Koren et al., 2009; He et al., 2017; Zhang et al., quence data. 2016]. The basic idea of MF is to decompose the user- Further, a novel k-nearest song regularized matrix factor- item interaction matrix to learn the latent vectors of users ization method is developed to integrate the estimated mu- and items. The dot product between the resulted user and sic similarity into standard matrix factorization (MF) meth- item latent vectors is then applied to support effective rec- ods, such as biased MF (BMF) [Koren et al., 2009] and ommendation. MF is originally proposed for explicit rating weighted regression MF (WRMF) [Hu et al., 2008], to fa- datasets. Later on, [Hu et al., 2008] proposed a weighted cilitate the latent factor learning. The proposed method can matrix factorization method to deal with implicit feedback effectively integrate the play sequence information via the co- datasets. Recently, many techniques have been proposed to factorization of the song-song similarity matrix and user-item leverage content information in matrix factorization to en- interaction matrix. An advantage of the proposed method is hance the recommendation performance, such as Factoriza- that it benefits from both user-song interaction matrix and tion Machines [Rendle et al., 2011], co-factorization [Fang song-song similarity matrix, while avoiding the complexity and Si, 2011], and graph regularization [Benzi et al., 2016; of analyzing music content for computing song-song simi- Wang et al., 2016b]. larity, which itself is not a trivial task [Shen et al., 2012; Music recommendation aims to suggest users suitable 2010]. To cope with the increase of time complexity intro- music by inferring their music preferences. Different kinds duced by the song-song similarity matrix, for each song, only of side information have been applied in matrix factorization the nearest k songs (e.g., k = 5) are considered in the factor- to boost recommendation accuracy. A typical example is to ization process. add temporal dynamics and music taxonomy bias (i.e., artist, We conduct experiments over two public music album, and genre) [Koenigstein et al., 2011]. In [Cheng and datasets Last.fm-1K [Celma Herrada, 2009] and 30Mu- Tang, 2016], both acoustic feature and user personalities are sic datasets [Turrin et al., 2015] on both rating pre- considered in the development of an intelligent recommen- diction and top-n recommendation tasks. Results dation algorithm. [Schedl et al., 2015] explored the usage demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms of user’s demographic information in collaborative filtering. matrix factorization methods [Koren et al., 2009; [Bu et al., 2010] used multiple kinds of social media infor- Hu et al., 2008] on both tasks, due to the ability of our mation (e.g., user friendship, tags, artists, genre, and album) model exploiting the information of music play sequence. In and acoustic content. In recent years, more research efforts summary, the main contributions of this paper include: have been devoted to explore user-related contexts in music • To best of our knowledge, this is the first study of em- recommendation. For example, in [Cheng and Shen, 2014], bedding music play sequence information into matrix music popularity trends and user’s current location context factorization for enhancing performance of music rec- are taken into consideration to facilitate personalized music ommendation; recommendation. [Cheng and Shen, 2016] consider the influ- ence of venue types on user’s music preference and develop • We propose (1) a song2vec method, which could effec- a venue-aware music recommender system. However, to the tively leverage MPS to analyze the similarity between best of our knowledge, how to apply the information of user’s songs; and (2) an efficient k-nearest song regularized music play sequence in matrix factorization to improve the MF model, which can effectively leverage the song- recommendation performance has not been explored. similarity matrix to improve the recommendation per- formance without the increase of time complexity; Word2vec [Mikolov et al., 2013] is an effective method to learn embedding representations for words. It models • We conduct comprehensive experimental study over two the words’ contextual correlations in word sequences, and large public datasets to assess the proposed methods on has shown very promising results in capturing both syntac- rating prediction and top-n recommendation tasks. Re- tic and semantic relationships between words. More re- sults demonstrate that our method outperform all base- cently, the model has been extended to paragraph2vec [Le lines in terms of different evaluation metrics. and Mikolov, 2014] and other variants for specific purposes. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec- Since word2vec is effective in capturing the correlation be- tion 2 gives a brief overview of related work; Section 3 de- tween items, it has also been applied for item modeling tails the song2vec method and k-nearest song regularized MF and recommendation such as product [Vasile et al., 2016], method; Section 4 and Section 5 introduce the experimental venue [Ozsoy, 2016], and music recommendation [Wang et setup and reports the results, respectively. Finally, Section 6 al., 2016a]. In the previous works, the learn feature vec- concludes the paper. tors via word2vec are used to find the nearest items for 3655
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) recommendation [Wang et al., 2016a; Vasile et al., 2016; 3.2 The Proposed Method Ozsoy, 2016]. Different from those methods, our approach The MF methods aim to discover the latent feature vectors applies the technique in music play sequence to mine song- of users and items based on the user-item interaction ma- to-song similarities, which are then used to regularize matrix trix, which only records the preference/interaction times of factorization for latent factor learning. users on items. However, the schemes have not taken user access patterns on items into account. The order users in- 3 Method Description teracted with items contains rich information about the cor- In this section, we introduce our proposed model, which is a relation/similarity between items. For example, because of joint matrix factorization method by integrating music sim- user’s local preferences, items interacted at the same time ilarity encoded in music play sequence (MPS) into the con- or under similar contexts usually are more similar. When ventional user-item rating matrix factorization. listening to music, users intend to enjoy the songs which fit their local preferences [Hariri et al., 2012; Wang et al., 3.1 Background 2016a] together. Moreover, the songs currently played could Matrix factorization (MF) [Koren et al., 2009] is one of the invoke user’s emotion, which affects the selection of subse- most effective recommendation algorithms in recommender quent songs. Thus, if the correlations/similarities of songs, systems. Given a matrix R of dimensions |U | × |I| to repre- which are encoded in the MPS, can be simultaneously mod- sent the rating data of all users on all items in a dataset. Each eled in MF, more effective latent feature vectors pu and qi can element ru,i denotes the rating of user u gave to item i. MF be learned. Based on the key observation, our method is built maps users and items into a latent factor space of dimension- upon the standard MF model by integrating the information ality d and predicts ratings r̂u,i ∈ R for a user u on item i in MPS to facilitate more effective feature learning. according to Song2vec Music Similarity Our method is motivated by the skip-gram negative sampling (SGNS) model [Mikolov et r̂u,i = pTu qi (1) al., 2013] in NLP. This method has been proven to be highly d d effective on capturing the relation between a word and its sur- where pu ∈ R and qi ∈ R are the learned latent factor vec- rounding words in a sentence. Moreover, it can be trained tor of user u and item i, respectively. In the context of music very efficiently on large-scale datasets. Given the listening recommendation, pu captures music preferences of user u, logs of users, a “corpus” with lots of play sequences could and qi models the music characteristics of song i. pTu qi char- be constructed. Let M denote the entire sequence set and acterizes user u’s overall interests over item i. With the con- m ∈ M be a specific sequence. SGNS learns song represen- sideration of biases caused by user and item effects, this basic tations by maximizing the objective function over the entire model is extended to the biased MF [Koren et al., 2009]: set M of music play sequences. The loss function is defined as follows, r̂u,i = µ + bu + bi + pTu qi (2) X X X where µ is the average rating, and bu and bi are the user and L= logP (si+j |si ) (6) item biases. The parameters Θ = {bu , bi , pu , qi } are learned m∈M si ∈m −c≤j≤c,j6=0 by minimizing the objective function: where P (si+j |si ) denotes the probability of observing a X neighboring song si+j given the current song si . Using the min (ru,i − r̂u,i )2 + λΩ(Θ) (3) q∗,p∗ soft-max function, it can be defined as u,i where Ω(Θ) is the regularization term: exp(vsTi vs0 i+j ) P (si+j |si ) = P 0 (7) Ω(Θ) = (||pu ||22 + ||qi ||22 + b2u + b2i ) (4) s0 ∈V exp(vsi vs ) where || · ||2 is `2 −norm [Gao et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2015; where vs and vs0 are the input and output vector of song s in Nie et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2013]. The above biased MF SGNS. c is the length of the context considered in the song is developed to deal with the cases where explicit ratings are sequences, and V denotes the vocabulary of songs. From the available, whereas in many cases, we can only observe user’s equations, we can see that SNGS could model the context of interaction times on items, such as how many times a user play sequence. Based on the learned vectors of songs using played a song (i.e., playcounts). To cope with the problem SGNS, the similarity between songs can be estimated using in implicit feedback datasets, [Hu et al., 2008] introduced a cosine similarity. weighted regression MF (WRMF) method, in which binary Objective Function Our method integrates the song-to- variables ru,i and a new set of variables λu,i are introduced. song similarity estimated based on song2vec into matrix fac- ru,i = 1 if user u has interacted with item i; otherwise, torization. The objective function of our method is: ru,i = 0. λu,i is the confidence value of observing ru,i . The objective function of WRMF is: 1X α X λ min (ru,i −r̂u,i )2 + (si,j −qiT qj )2 + Ω(Θ) (8) X q∗,p∗ 2 2 2 min λu,i (ru,i − r̂u,i )2 + λΩ(Θ) (5) u,i i,j6=i q∗,p∗ u,i where si,j ∈ S is the similarity between song i and song j. where r̂u,i = pTu qi and Ω(Θ) = (||qi ||22 + ||pu ||22 ). r̂u,i can be computed as Eq. 2. Since the similarity matrix S 3656
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) is a real-value dense matrix, time complexity of solving the Table 1: Statistics of the evaluation datasets objective function is significantly increased, comparing to the Dataset # Users # Songs # Play sessions Sparsity standard matrix factorization method. To alleviate the prob- Lastfm-1k 979 71,097 519,043 96.76% lem, for each song, only the k nearest songs are considered in 30Music 37,973 170,823 745,187 99.90% our model. The objective function becomes: 1X α X λ from music play sequences, and other equations are the same min (ru,i − r̂u,i )2 + (si,j −qiT qj )2 + Ω(Θ) as they are in the biased MF. q∗,p∗ 2 2 2 u,i i,j∈n(i,k) Algorithm Complexity The time complexity of comput- (9) ing the objective function in Eq. 9 is O(d|R| + d|Si,j | + where n(i, k) denotes the k nearest neighbors of song i.3 d(M + N )), where d is the dimension of the learned fea- From the equation, we can see that the added regularization ture vectors pu and qi , and |R| is the observed ratings in term is to force the similar songs to be mapped into close the user-song rating matrix. |Si,j | is the number of used positions in the latent space. Thus, the consideration of the similarity pairs. The time complexities of the gradients in top-k nearest songs should have a good effect on achieving Eq. 10, Eq. 11, Eq. 12, and Eq. 13 are O(d|R| + dM ) (all the goal. This point has been validated in our experiments. users are considered), O(d|R| + d|Si,j | + dN ) (all songs It turns out that k ∈ [3, 7] could achieve good results. Given are considered), O(d|R| + dM ), and O(d|R| + dN ), respec- such a small value of k, the song similarity matrix used in the tively. Therefore, the time complexity of one iteration is thus learning process is highly sparse, comparing to the user-song O(d|R| + d|Si,j | + d(M + N )). The increasing time com- rating/interaction matrix. Therefore, the increased time com- plexity of our method over bias MF is O(d|Si,j |). Reminding plexity due to the added regularization term becomes negligi- that for each song, only the k nearest songs are considered, ble (see the time complexity analysis below). namely, |Si,j | = k · N . Notice that k is very small (e.g., Notice that the similarities between songs (i.e., si,j ) are k = 5 in our experiments) and |R| M, N , the increasing pre-computed and then integrated into the objective function. time complexity over biased MF is negligible. In practice, Thus, they can be learned from external datasets, as long as the time complexity of our algorithm could be equivalent to the similarities of songs in the targeted datasets can be es- O(d|R|), which is linear with the number of observed ratings timated. Therefore, our method can be generalized to other in the rating matrix. matrix factorization methods. In the above, we show how to mine the music similarity from music play sequence and in- tegrate it into the biased MF method. Analogously, the same 4 Experimental Setup methodology could be applied in the WRMF method (Eq. 5) To validate the effects of exploiting music play sequence in to integrate the play sequence information. To avoid redun- recommendation, we evaluate the proposed algorithm and its dant elaboration, we skip the description of the method ap- competitors over two tasks: plied in WRMF. Notice that in the top-n recommendation ex- periments (Sect. 4), we add the regularization term in WRMF • Rating prediction aims to predict the rating r̂u,i of user to validate the effectiveness of the k-nearest song regulariza- u given to item i. It is a standard task to evaluate the per- tion method. formance of recommendation on explicit rating datasets. Optimization The objective function minimization (Eq. 3) can be solved by gradient descent. This process results in a • Top-n recommendation is to evaluate the accuracy of local minimum solution. Let L denote the loss, the gradients the top results returned by recommendation methods. It of pu , qi , bu , bi are computed as: is often used to evaluate the performance of recommen- dation methods on implicit datasets [He et al., 2016]. N ∂L X = (r̂u,i − ru,i )qi + λpu (10) Dataset Two publicly accessible datasets are used for eval- ∂pu i=1 uation: Last.fm-1k music4 [Celma Herrada, 2009] and 30Mu- M sic dataset5 [Turrin et al., 2015]. ∂L X X Last.fm-1k dataset has been widely used in music rec- = (r̂u,i − ru,i )pu − α (si,j − qiT qj )qj + λqj (11) ∂qi u=1 ommendation experiments. This dataset includes the listen- j∈n(i,k) M X N ing history of 992 users and 961,417 songs, recorded by ∂L X (user, timestamp, artist, song) quadruples. Based on the = (r̂u,i − ru,i ) + λbu (12) ∂bu u=1 i=1 quadruples records, we can extract listening sessions and M X N also get the user-song playcount matrix. In implementation, ∂L X listening sessions are extracted by concatenating the songs = (r̂u,i − ru,i ) + λbi (13) ∂bi u=1 i=1 played by a user continuously without more than 800s inter- where M and N are the total number of users and songs in ruption. The threshold (800s) is used to keep consistent with the datasets. Eq. 11 exploits the similarity of songs obtained definition in the 30music dataset [Turrin et al., 2015]. 3 4 Notice c in Eq. 6 denotes the number of neighbors defined based http://www.dtic.upf.edu/ ocelma/MusicRecommendationDataset/ on the sequence of playlist, while k denotes the number of nearest lastfm-1K.html 5 neighbors defined by similarity. http://recsys.deib.polimi.it/?page id=54 3657
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) 30music dataset is a newly released large-scale dataset. It contains 45K users, 5.6 million tracks, 31 million play events, and 2.7 million user play sessions. For both datasets, we (1) only keep the listening sessions with no less than 10 songs, (2) exclude the users only listened to less than 10 songs, and (3) exclude the songs which have been played by less than 10 users. The final number of users, songs, listening sessions, and the sparsity of the two datasets are reported in Table 1. As there is no explicit user-song rat- ings available, we converted the playcounts to ratings using the method described in [Choi et al., 2012] for the rating pre- diction task. The user-song playcount matrix was converted (a) to user-song rating matrix with rating in [1, 5]. Evaluation metrics For the rating prediction task, we eval- uate accuracy by mean absolute error (MAE) and root-mean- square error (RMSE). For the top-n recommendation, we used three ranking-based metrics: precision (Pre@n), mean average precision (MAP@n), and truncated normalized dis- counted cumulative gain (NDCG@n). The ranked lists re- turned are assessed with the ground-truth songs that user ac- tually played. Pre@n measures the recommendation accuracy - ratio of the top n results are presented in the ground truth. MAP and NDCG evaluate the quality of the ranking list. We truncate the ranking list at 10 for all the metrics. Baselines We compare our proposed algorithm to the fol- (b) lowing baselines. Figure 1: Performance across k • Most Popular (MP): This baseline recommends items according to their popularity. • ItemKNN: Item-based k-nearest neighbor prediction us- 5 Experimental Results ing Pearson correlation. In this section, we report and analyze the experiment results. • BMF [Koren et al., 2009]: this method is a standard in We first examine the effects of parameters in our algorithm, recommender systems. The objective function of this and then compare the algorithm with other competitors. The method is described in Eq. 3. reported results are the average values gained over 5-fold cross validation. • WRMF [Hu et al., 2008]: this is a MF method and a strong competitor for recommendation in implicit feed- 5.1 Effects of parameters back datasets [He et al., 2016; He and McAuley, 2016]. In this section, we analyze the influence of two parameters in Notice that BMF and WRMF are designed for rating pre- our algorithm: the number of nearest songs (i.e., k) and the diction and top-n recommendation, respectively. As our main trade-off parameter (i.e., α). purpose is to examine the potential of using play sequence Influence of k Fig. 1 illustrates recommendation accuracy information in music recommendation, we mainly compared when k is set to different values. We only show the results our algorithm with BMF and WRMF for rating prediction and of RMSE and NDCG, since the same trends can be observed top-n recommendation, respectively. It is worth mentioning over other metrics. The best performance is achieved when that we also compared to the user2vec-based recommenda- k is 5. When k = 1, the regularization effects are not signif- tion method [Wang et al., 2016a; Ozsoy, 2016] in compar- icant. When the similarities of more song-to-song pairs are isons. This method exploits the play sequences and doc2vec considered, the regularization takes more effects in the latent method [Le and Mikolov, 2014] to learn the latent vectors of feature learning. However, it seems that the regularization users and items. Then the nearest items in the feature space becomes too strong when k > 7, and thus continuously in- are recommended to users. Because the results of this method creasing k will start to cause performance degradation. are very poor, we did not present its results in this paper. Influence of α The trade-off parameter α in the proposed Parameter setting In the song similarity computation, we algorithm regularizes the influence of song’s similarity in la- set the size of feature vector to 100 in skip-gram negative tent feature learning. We evaluate the effects of α on the final sampling, and set the window size to 5. We tested the in- performance, and tune it in the range of [0.1, 1.0] with inter- fluence of window size on the final performance in {3, 5, 7}, val 0.1. The results show that the change of α has very small and found that set the size to 5 could obtain the best perfor- effect on the final performance. For example, the variations mance. The influence of the number of factors d in matrix of MAE and RMSE are less than 0.001 when the value of α factorization methods, the trade-off parameter α, and k in the varies in [0.5, 1.0], indicating that our method is fairly robust proposed method are studied and analyzed in experiments. with respect to α. 3658
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17) (a) RMSE vs. d (b) RMSE vs. d (c) NDCG vs. d (d) NDCG vs. d Figure 2: Recommendation performance with different number of factors (d) in matrix factorization. Table 2: Comparisons on rating predication task. our method to MF and WRMF in the two tasks, respectively. Note that MP and ItemKNN do not have the parameter of la- Dataset Lastfm-1k 30Music tent factors. Their performance will be horizontal lines in the Metric MAE RMSE MAE RMSE figure. Thus we have not shown their performance. We show MP 1.042 1.322 0.966 1.242 the evaluation by RMSE in rating prediction and NDCG in ItemKNN 0.882 1.240 0.724 1.054 top-n recommendation, since the same or similar trends can BMF 0.887 1.204 0.579 0.864 Our method 0.876* 1.166* 0.573 0.843* be observed with other metrics. The experiments suggest that our method consistently outperforms BMF and WRMF on the two tasks, respectively. It demonstrates the effectiveness Table 3: Comparisons on top-n recommendation task. of our method and the potential of music play sequence in- Dataset Method Pre@10 MAP NDCG formation. More number of latent factors leads to better rep- resentation capability and more accurate prediction. Thus, Lastfm-1k MP 0.208 0.143 0.138 with the increasing of d, the performance of all the methods ItemKNN 0.281 0.191 0.300 WRMF 0.344 0.238 0.364 is improved. In the meantime, it also increases the time com- Our method 0.377* 0.264* 0.386* plexity and the risk of over-fitting. It is clear that our method could achieve much better performance over its counterpart 30Music MP 0.002 0.001 0.002 ItemKNN 0.133 0.114 0.143 when d is relatively small. It demonstrates that with the con- WRMF 0.174 0.159 0.189 sideration of MPS in MF, better performance can be achieved Our method 0.203* 0.173* 0.215* with a small number of latent factors, which is a desirable property, especially for large datasets with millions of users and billions of interactions. 5.2 Performance comparisons with baselines In this section, we report the results of our algorithm com- 6 Conclusion pared to the baselines. Unless otherwise specified, the re- Users leave a lot of listening behavior data online when in- sults are obtained based on the parameter settings: d = 128, teracting with social music streaming websites. Large scale α = 0.5, and k = 5, where d is the number of factors in of play sequences not only record user’s music preferences matrix factorization. but also encode song’s characteristics. In this paper, we Overall performance Table 2 and Table 3 show results proposed to exploit the music play sequence information in on rating prediction and top-n recommendation, respectively. matrix factorization to improve the performance of music The symbol (*) after a numeric value denotes significant dif- recommendation. Inspired by the word2vec techniques, a ferences (p < 0.05, a two-tailed paired t-test) with the cor- song2vec method is developed to capture the similarity be- responding second best measurement. The proposed method tween songs based on their played sequences. Based on the outperforms baselines on both tasks across different datasets. estimated similarity, a k-nearest song regularized matrix fac- It is evident that the improvement of performance over BMF torization is proposed. Comprehensive experiments on two and WRMF are consistently significant. It demonstrates that public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed (1) song2vec can effectively capture the song’s similarity method, indicating the potential of exploiting play sequence based on large-scale listening sequence data; and (2) the in- information in music recommendation. tegration of MPS in MF can substantially improve the music recommendation performance in terms of various metrics. Acknowledgments Performance vs. Number of Factors Fig. 2 illustrates This research is supported by the National Research Foun- recommendation accuracy with varying number of factors d. dation, Prime Ministers Office, Singapore under its Interna- We would like to highlight the contribution of considering tional Research Centre in Singapore Funding Initiative. the song2vec in MF. Thus in this figure, we only compare 3659
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