A Metadata Registry from Vocabularies Up: The NSDL Registry Project

Page created by Bernice Jordan
A Metadata Registry from Vocabularies Up:
                 The NSDL Registry Project
                     Diane I. Hillmann                   Stuart A. Sutton
                      Cornell University             University of Washington
                     Tel: +1 607 387-9207              Tel: +1 206 228-6709
                      dih1@cornell.edu              sasutton@u.washington.edu

                         Jon Phipps                       Ryan Laundry
                      Cornell University              University of Washington
                     Tel: +1 607 785-3224               Tel: +52 312 316 1000
                      jp298@cornell.edu              rjlaundr@u.washington.edu

Abstract:                                         vocabularies); (2) the machine declaration
The NSDL Metadata Registry is designed            for encoding and network transmission of
to provide hu mans and machines with the          those schemes and schemas; and (3) the pub-
means to discover, create, access and             lication of those schemes and schemas to
manage metadata schemes, schemas, ap-             communities and applications. As part of its
plication profiles, crosswalks and concept        core services, the Registry will provide ma-
mappings. This paper describes the gen-           chine-addressable crosswalks and other map-
eral goals and architecture of the NSDL           pings that relate member terms in the
Metadata Registry as well as issues en-           schemes and schemas it contains one to an-
countered during the first year of the pro-
                                                  other. In addition, the project will provide
ject's implementation.
                                                  well-documented means for individual NSDL
                                                  projects and others to identify, declare and
Metadata registries, schemas, schemes,            publish their local schemes and schemas
Semantic Web, National Science Digital            through the Registry. Thus, the Registry will
Library (NSDL).                                   support the key goals of metadata discovery,
                                                  reuse, standardization and interoperability.
1. Introduction
                                                  The NSDL Registry work is grounded sol-
In this paper, we describe progress on the        idly in the NSDL projects facing challenges
development of the National Science Digital       in the effective deployment of their metadata
Library (NSDL) Metadata Registry (hereaf-         schemes and schemas. In the past few years,
ter Registry) as a fundamental piece of core      a community of interest within NSDL has
technical architecture. It is not the purpose     emerged. Communication and work among
of this paper to chronicle the short history of   this community has been supported by the
research in the area of Web-based metadata        proposers through NSDL Communication
registries. For current explications of an ar-    Portal discussion lists and an NSF/NSDL-
ray of registry initiatives, see Wagner and       sponsored Vocabulary Workshop. Use cases
Weibel (2005) and Kotok (2003). Needless          to guide Registry development have been
to say, registries have been a part of the        vetted through this community of interest.
metadata discussions for a number of years,       The community will also assist the project
as the need for enabling infrastructure for       through iterative evaluation during the pro-
the Semantic Web has become more critical.        ject’s second year.

The NSDL Registry will make possible: (1)         One of the goals of the NSDL Registry is to
the unambiguous identification of metadata        provide a stable home for schemes, schemas
schemas (attribute spaces or element/property     and application profiles used in the NSDL
sets) and schemes (value spaces or controlled     that lack a maintenance organization with
                                                  the interest and resources for their long-term
maintenance. Another goal is to interact              their content and will limit the functionality
with registries external to NSDL that man-            offered to discovery and exposure.
age schemes and schemas of interest to the
community. It is fundamental to the stability         2. NSDL Registry Services
of knowledge organization systems and
schemas that their maintenance and evolu-             In essence, the Registry will manage the
tion be managed as near their source—their            following hosted top-level entities and their
promulgating agency—as possible. Thus,                content:
while it is meaningful to develop a central-            • Schemas. Entities that define elements
ized NSDL Registry, it can only function                  or properties in attribute space name-
effectively if it can interact with registries            spaces;
operated by the promulgating agencies just              • Schemes. Entities that define concepts in
noted. Therefore, we will build on the Web                value space namespaces;
Services currently deployed to address this             • Application Profiles. Entities that pro-
critical need to provide inter-registry inter-            vide the means for selecting terms from
actions for both humans and machines.                     disparate attribute and value spaces and
                                                          defining their usage for a specific dis-
As a result of this need for the NSDL Regis-              course or practice community (see,
try to interoperate with other metadata regis-            Heery & Patel, 2000);
tries, we define two classes of entities re-            • Crosswalks. Entities that define relation-
quiring different levels of “management.”                 ships among elements or properties in
The first class is made up of those entities              disparate attribute spaces; and
hosted by the NSDL Registry. These are                  • Mappings. Entities that define relation-
entities for which the canonical versions                 ships among concepts in disparate at-
reside within the Registry. The Registry                  tribute spaces.
provides the promulgators of this class of
entity with capabilities to upload and import         The relationships among these top-level en-
into the Registry fully-formed entities or to         tities are illustrated in Figure 1.
create, edit, and version entities and their
content using Registry tools.                         To date, most research implementations for
                                                      the Web have approached registry research
The second class of concern to the Registry is        and implementation as a means for managing
non-hosted entities. The goal with non-hosted         and promoting reuse of attribute spaces —
entities is to interact with the registries in        i.e., the left-hand side of Figure 1. While the
which they reside and to expose those entities        NSDL Registry will also be handling attrib-
through the Registry interface. The Registry          ute spaces, the initial work has focused in-
has no means to “manage” such entities or             stead on value space issues—taking on some

                                   Figure 1: Top-Level Entities
of these issues at the most granular level and     typical use case for human users begins with
attempting to address the big question: “What      the need to search or browse the Registry for
should these registries do with knowledge          vocabularies that might suit the needs of a
organization systems (KOS) such as thesauri,       project or community, most often during
taxonomies, simple term lists and ontologies       planning phases for projects or application
and how should such registries operate in an       profiles. Users at this stage are presumed to
open services environment?” Because con-           be looking for a rich and comprehensive re-
trolled vocabularies tend to be more volatile      sult set, which can allow them to explore the
and change is a necessary part of the man-         range and depth of vocabularies available
agement challenge, we believe that starting        through the Registry.
with value spaces will ensure that the deci-
sions we make and the processes we design          For users who have already made a choice, or
will work well for less volatile resources.        for whom a choice is determined by commu-
                                                   nity requirements, the Registry will provide
It is clear that one measure of the long-term      services that will allow for the optimal main-
success of the NSDL Registry will be the           tenance of chosen vocabularies within instance
level of technical transparency of its underly-    data. Because one criteria Bruce and Hillmann
ing metadata abstract models and their asso-       (2004) assert as a measure of quality of meta-
ciated encodings in schema languages. It asks      data is the currency of the controlled vocabu-
too much of a collection holder or commu-          lary terms, a range of services will be offered
nity wishing to develop an application profile     to assist in keeping vocabularies in applica-
to master a schema language in order to gen-       tions and instance data current.
erate an appropriate schema. Placing tools in
the hands of users that provide the means to       Users of particular vocabularies will be able
generate schemas for submission through            to register their usage and sign up for regular,
simple interface mechanisms, drawing on            configurable notification of changes in the
elements already in existence in the Registry,     vocabularies they use. Notifications can in-
encourages the use of application profiles and     clude a variety of options ranging from files
makes them easier for others to discover. In       that can be used directly in update routines, to
addition, providing a simple means for ex-         human readable change listings that staff can
tending existing schemas to include local          use to update data using established manual
elements is also required and will be possible     processes. Because the goal is to support the
through the schema generation tool.                maintenance of metadata, Registry develop-
                                                   ers will work closely with early users to en-
2.1. Registry Services for Vocabulary Users        sure that the array of services offered meet
                                                   the needs of projects and data providers.
Although registries have long been regarded
as one of the missing parts of web infrastruc-     We recognize that the initial categorization
ture, it does not follow that “build it and they   of human and machine users breaks down
will come” is sufficient to persuade either        rather quickly, as some of the service com-
vocabulary owners or users to interact with a      ponents selected by humans are intended for
registry. Incentives in the form of easily un-     automated provision, but we need to be
derstood value-added services are the key to       flexible about how the services are deliv-
bringing both owners and users into the Reg-       ered, given the necessity to meet the needs
istry—and keeping them coming back.                of users at all stages of automated capability.

Registry services can be categorized at the        2.2. Registry Services for Vocabulary
most basic level by whether the initial user of         Owners
the service is a human or a machine. For hu-
man users, initial services in the Registry will   Ultimately, registry success relies much more
be resource discovery and maintenance. A           on services to vocabulary owners than it does
to other users. If vocabulary owners can’t         been imported, vocabulary owners and
find a reason to continue to update their vo-      maintainers may request export of the vo-
cabularies in the Registry, users will need to     cabulary in any of the input or output for-
find other ways outside the Registry to main-      mats that the Registry supports, bearing in
tain their data or not maintain it at all. Given   mind the potential for data loss with non-
that reality, it is obviously critical to this     XML/RDF formats. Web services will also
category of services to make the Registry an       be provided that will support remote vo-
integral part of the document/publish strategy     cabulary maintenance and interaction.
for vocabulary owners and managers, and not
just another task with little or no immediate      2.4. Generating KOS within the Registry
                                                   As we noted earlier, one of the goals of the
The first interaction vocabulary owners will       project is to provide developers and main-
have with the Registry is as a user, registering   tainers of KOS with the means to author and
an organization or individual as an agent and      update those KOS within the Registry envi-
registering additional contacts for the agent.     ronment. While we are committed to being
From there they provide basic information          as open as possible in terms of encodings for
about the vocabularies they own and/or man-        existing KOS imported into the Registry, by
age, either as an individual or on behalf of an    necessity we must be more selective in the
organization, and designate contacts as main-      scheme authoring environment we imple-
tainers of each vocabulary. This process pro-      ment. Initially we will be developing an edi-
vides the basis for a continuing relationship      tor and validator conforming to the Simple
between the Registry and the vocabulary, and       Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)
focuses on setting up properly scoped contact      (http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-
information that can be used for ongoing no-       skos-core-spec-20051102/). Where possible,
tification and interaction.                        we will build on existing work in this area—
                                                   see, for example the W3C work on SKOS
2.3. Uploading Existing KOS to the Registry        validation (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/
We consider it likely that in many instances,
vocabulary owners will initially continue to       Framing the Registry’s built-in authoring
manage and update their vocabularies using         environment on the evolving SKOS is not
whatever processes and applications that           without its problems. Currently, there is no
have served them in the past. Eventually,          direct support in SKOS for handling
our goal is to be able to supply services          versioning of KOS concepts. From the be-
within the Registry that will allow vocabu-        ginning of the project, we recognized the ab-
lary owners to shift their maintenance activi-     solute need to manage versioning of schemes
ties to within the Registry, relying on easy,      and schemas as well as their member con-
configurable output mechanisms to update           cepts and terms. It is to these issues that we
vocabulary usage within their own applica-         now turn. We will return to the current limita-
tions and data processes.                          tions of SKOS near the end of the paper.

In order to support migration of existing vo-      3. Versioning Challenges
cabularies to the hosted registry manage-
ment infrastructure, the Registry will pro-        Tracking changes in resources is an essential
vide a flexible KOS upload and import              task of a registry. Users need to be able to
process. This process will support the import      manage change either by relying on a par-
of existing KOS from a number of different         ticular version of a schema or scheme until a
file formats, including non-XML/RDF for-           particular change makes reconciliation a
mats where the requirements of the vocabu-         necessity, or alternatively, by automatically
lary allow for it. Once the vocabulary has         updating to match each new change. The
Registry must support them in carrying out           representation of a vocabulary and it's
either strategy.                                     relationships;
                                                  4. An identifiable snapshot must include
Controlled vocabulary versioning issues oc-          the version designation (either “number”
cur with both URIs and descriptions. Each            or “date”);
can change at two levels: at the term level,      5. Once published, individual concepts in a
where each term change may invoke a                  vocabulary may be created, updated, or
change management policy, and at the overall         deprecated, but not deleted;
vocabulary level, which is intrinsically dif-     6. Namespaces of vocabulary schemas
ferent each time a term changes. Because it's        won't be versioned; and
not entirely clear what end users of vocabu-      7. Schema name versioning will only
laries will require from registered vocabular-       change if the version change would
ies, the Registry will make available histori-       harm backward compatibility
cal changes and versions of the vocabularies
and individual terms to the extent possible.     3.2. URI Changes

The Registry strategy for tracking change        Stability and reliability of concept URIs is
relies partially on the software model, where    critical to the Registry. Determining unam-
recognition of “diffs” or differences between    biguously when a maintainer of a hosted
one version and the next (including who          term intends to change its semantics will be
made the changes) are the norm. Use of this      a challenge with some forms of controlled
model allows a complete history of all           vocabularies. If the Registry allows registra-
changes (and who made the change) to be          tion of simple term lists, without hierarchies
maintained and accessed by administrators,       or definitions to determine term boundaries,
maintainers and users.                           there is no ability to automatically signal
                                                 any semantic change beyond the addition
But not all change is important in the evolu-    and deprecation of terms. Mappings between
tion and proper usage of vocabularies and        simple term lists and other schemes, or as-
terms, and flooding users with undigested        sertions of relationships between undefined
information is clearly not an acceptable solu-   terms are also problematic in this context.
tion. Based on an in-depth analysis of possi-
ble semantic changes and their implications,     Most changes in description of the term,
the Registry will track semantically signifi-    including most changes of definitions and
cant changes to individual terms in ways that    simple additions or changes in term relation-
will assist users in maintaining their vocabu-   ships, should not qualify as semantic
laries and their metadata appropriately.         changes requiring a change in a term URI.
                                                 In general, non-semantically significant
Because there are distinct differences in the    changes might include:
control the Registry has over hosted and
non-hosted vocabularies, the Registry poli-       1. Additions of broader, narrower or re-
cies for each will be separately addressed.          lated terms, when no change in hierar-
                                                     chical placement is made;
3.1. General Assumptions:                         2. Changes in definition for clarification,
                                                     correction of typos or grammar, etc.;
 1. URIs will remain stable as long as the        3. Addition of definition or scope note
    semantics of the concept do not change;          when none is present;
 2. URIs of individual concepts won't             4. Change in term status; and
    contain version information;                  5. Addition of other information
 3. The Registry must be allow people/               (references, etc.).
    services to create dependencies on an
    identifiable snapshot of a particular
Semantic changes, requiring a change in            to provide change notification services simi-
URI, might include:                                lar to those provided for hosted vocabularies.

 1. Some instances of term splitting or            4. The Challenge of URIs
 2. Changes in definition that change the          There are at least three possible scenarios
    semantics of the term; and                     envisioned for the assignment of term URIs
 3. Changes in hierarchical relationships,         within the Registry:
    when there is no definition and the
    hierarchy placement is the only semantic        1. A vocabulary maintainer submits
    clue.                                              already assigned URIs with the terms;
                                                    2. A vocabulary maintainer submits a
Enforcement of this policy is challenging,             domain and URI ‘template’ with the
since the initial decision about whether a             top-level vocabulary description, so that
change requires a new URI is made by the               the Registry can use that information to
maintainer (the exception is splits or consoli-        assign URIs; and
dation, where machine validation is possible).      3. A vocabulary maintainer asks the
It is possible that a combination of explicit          Registry to assign URIs.
questions to the maintainer before a submis-
sion and some monitoring by a Registry ad-         In the first case, the owner-submitted URIs
ministrator (particularly focusing on new          can be validated to ensure uniqueness, and to
maintainers) might decrease chances of se-         some extent the Registry can monitor for in-
mantically significant changes being made          stances where semantic changes might re-
without triggering a new URI. This is certainly    quire a new URI, but should be able to as-
an area where experience will be instructive.      sume that the vocabulary maintainer is taking
                                                   responsibility for URI assignments for new
3.3. Non-Hosted Vocabularies                       terms. In the second instance, the maintainer
                                                   may not already have assigned URIs, but
Most of the “control” over externally man-         since they are required in the Registry, a do-
aged vocabularies, particularly in terms of        main can be submitted, along with a decision
versioning, will be at a policy level, since the   on whether the term name or a numeric value
maintenance agency processes will be inde-         will be used to create a unique URI, and the
pendent of the Registry. If the Registry is to     Registry can complete the process of assign-
make available any notion of “versioned cop-       ment when the terms are added. In the last
ies” for these vocabularies, the versioning        instance, the vocabulary maintainer asks the
information at both the vocabulary and term        Registry to assign a URI and the Registry
levels must be exposed to the Registry. Ide-       assigns a permanent URI constructed from a
ally, the Registry will at some point be able      base domain (either a domain supplied by the
to ingest vocabulary “snapshots” (if the main-     vocabulary owner, or the Registry’s native
taining agency makes them available) or cre-       domain), a unique token assigned by the vo-
ate from ingestion of term changes viable          cabulary owner to the vocabulary itself, and a
“versioned snapshots” for use by other serv-       numeric value assigned to each vocabulary
ices or organizations.                             concept. This construct will ensure the
                                                   uniqueness of each URI and provide support
Registry services may be developed to man-         for the W3C Semantic Working Group’s
age agreements with agencies and ingest            “Best Practices Recipes for Publishing RDF
processes when terms change externally. The        Vocabularies” http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/
Registry should maintain sequenced copies of       BestPractices/VM/http-examples/).
the concept schemes to be able to track
changes over time and to show these copies         As part of the effort to analyze the implica-
to vocabulary users, and potentially use them      tions of vocabulary changes on the Registry,
it became clear that using term names or              (for instance, to confirm whether a term
labels as part of a URI (a practice common            change might qualify as a semantic
in schema registries, including the DCMI              change requiring a new term); and
registry) in an effort to improve the “human        • new terms have been added and a new
readability” of URIs, could eventually de-            term URI has been created.
grade, particularly given the greater volatil-
ity of controlled vocabularies over attribute      Because most Registry interactions with vo-
sets. This would tend to happen particularly       cabulary owners and maintainers will be in
in cases where a prefLabel and an altLabel         the form of automated notifications, we rec-
for a concept might be interchanged, for in-       ognize that creating notifications that are
stance when term usage changed over time.          understandable and easily actionable by a
For this reason, the Registry will use nu-         broad range of agents will be an enormous
meric concept identifiers, as noted above, as      challenge. A helpdesk system to track and
a default, and encourage vocabularies that         manage interactions arising from notifica-
have not already committed to using term           tions will be essential to the project, as will a
names as identifiers to follow suit.               full range of supporting documentation.

5. Notifications, Outputs, and Other               As part of the enticement for vocabulary
   Interactions                                    owner participation, we anticipate notifying
                                                   owners when users register their intention to
Like most digital library services, the Regis-     use their vocabularies, providing an incen-
try is designed to operate with the least pos-     tive to continue maintaining via the Registry
sible human intervention. For that reason,         system and perhaps also encouragement to
considerable effort will be devoted to design-     continue investing in vocabulary develop-
ing and implementing automated notifica-           ment. This registration of usage is integral to
tions that can be easily understood by users,      both vocabulary owners and users—each
and to which there is adequate support for an      has a strong interest in the participation and
appropriate response. Where possible, re-          activities of the other, and building on that
quests that require simple “yes/no” responses      interest will be more likely to contribute to
will include clickable links, similar to those     the growth of the Registry than broad ap-
now common for email confirmations when            peals to the “common good.” Detailed speci-
registering for discussion lists and other serv-   fications for output formats and mechanisms
ices. In other cases, links to logs, documenta-    are still incomplete, but will be an important
tion, or specific terms or interactions will be    priority as implementation progresses.
included to assist the users in solving prob-
lems that have been the cause of the notifica-     Another reason for broad notification is to
tion. Vocabulary maintainers will also be          prevent nefarious activity within the Regis-
prompted to review and resolve identified          try, without the introduction of extensive
problems when they log in to the Registry.         security measures that complicate interac-
                                                   tion. In instances where a person is main-
Registered users will be able to subscribe to      taining a vocabulary on behalf of another
a notification service that will let them          person or organization, notifications to other
know, via Atom/RSS/RDF feed or email, of           contacts with interests in the vocabulary
changes to all or selected vocabularies. Ad-       provides extra security for the Registry.
ditionally, vocabulary owners may request
that routine notifications be sent when:           5.1. Inter-Registry Services

 • registered maintainers have modified            If the vision of distributed registries is to
   terms or term relationships;                    become reality, services between registries
 • file uploads or service interactions have       must be part of the planning package. Given
   validation errors or require confirmation       the expected volatility of some vocabularies,
these services must be based on standardized     has simply been proposed, is approved (or
service models and require as little human       not), or has been depredated.
intervention as possible.
                                                 While additional support for revision and
A distributed registry system should allow       change management is welcome, extensions
users to discover schemas, vocabularies and      that address only the “human-friendly” as-
application profiles across the system, with-    pects of concept management provide only a
out having to “shop” individual registries for   partial solution. The Registry software will,
an appropriate result. Given the problems of     as a default, track every change made to con-
federation-based “metasearch” solutions in       cepts, and presenting this history of change to
the library world, it is unlikely that discov-   users without extensive editing by humans
ery services in the Registry world could ac-     will be necessary, if not necessarily simple.
ceptably operate with discovery required to      Reliance on human-created and maintained
navigate federated “silos.” Thus, the Regis-     notes to present change history to users is not
try will provide APIs that support the inter-    a scalable solution for a registry that must
change of data between metadata registries.      rely as much as possible on automated proc-
Any metadata registry or other service that      esses. Many of the maintainers of vocabular-
supports the same APIs will be able to ex-       ies interacting with the Registry will not be
change data with the Registry.                   trained in vocabulary management, so expec-
                                                 tations that they will understand SKOS or
6. SKOS Sufficiency—“Mind the Gap”               thesaurus concepts sufficiently to construct
                                                 standard notes are probably misplaced.
Like Dublin Core, SKOS contains little in
the way of guidance or support for meta-         It is also possible that some flavors of output
metadata, leaving most decisions to the im-      desired by users will require distribution of
plementer. This is particularly an issue when    the full change histories maintained by the
management of change and versioning is           Registry, which suggests a need for standard-
considered. As Tennis (2005) points out in a     ized methods for capture, characterization
recent paper, there are basically two meth-      and exposure of machine-created and read-
ods for concept scheme revision in SKOS:         able concept changes. Other management
notes and OWL versioning. He suggests            information, like “status” might also be in-
some additional extensions to address con-       cluded in some desired output.
cept “lumping” or combination of terms as
well as concept refinement.                      7. Conclusion

Another issue that SKOS addresses only in        Building a registry from the most granular
its internal documentation is “status.” SKOS     pieces “up” to more general, aggregated ex-
terms themselves each have a “status”—           pressions provides both important opportu-
defined by a small vocabulary of status          nities and significant potential for stumbles.
terms—but the status of terms within a           Without the development of SKOS, it would
vocabulary cannot be described using             clearly not be feasible, and given that there
SKOS. To some extent this gap in attention       have not, at this writing, been significant
to administrative metadata mirrors Dublin        SKOS implementations, there are still a few
Core, which relies exclusively on external       leaps of faith required. One interesting ques-
standards (like OAI-PMH) to supply the           tion it’s still too early to answer is: how will
administrative “wrapper” around resource         experience building this end of the Registry
metadata. The Registry will define and sup-      inform the other parts? Each phase implies a
port a vocabulary of status terms (registered    shift in focus, and a consolidation of lessons,
of course) intended to provide vocabulary        but each builds significantly on the next.
users with an indication of whether a term
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
DUE-0532828. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science

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