Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021

Page created by Lorraine Norton
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Problem-Solving Toolkit
          Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E – Spring 2021

Annie Herman      Crystal Wilson   Art Goodin     Megan Buchanan      Kaitlyn Thomas
    DOC                DSS            DNR              MDC                  DED
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Essential skills for the workplace
                                     But…according to a 2016 survey
Problem solving and                    of over 60,000 managers,

critical thinking skills                                60%
help us use knowledge, facts, and          say that critical
data to effectively solve problems   thinking/problem solving is
  and make informed decisions        the most commonly lacking
                                        soft skill in new hires
                                        Source: 2016 Workforce-Skills Preparedness Report,
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Understanding the skills
A way of thinking that          a structured process of
is intentional and reflective    finding solutions to problems
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Missouri’s success                             CONSISTENT
       SKILL                                     • Department
                               Leaders             dashboards
                                                 • Program
                               Middle              performance
• MoLearning                 Management            measures
• Missouri Way
• Leadership Academy
• White- and yellow-     Frontline Supervisors
  belt trainings
• Performance
  measures and
  dashboards training   Frontline Team Members
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Missouri’s next steps                     PRACTICAL
                                       • Department
   SKILL             Leaders             dashboards
DEVELOPMENT                            • Program
                     Middle              performance
               Frontline Supervisors
                                                  Consistent practical
              Frontline Team Members                 application at
                                                    frontline levels
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
The State of Missouri must make
 problem-solving tools accessible to
         frontline teams
  by providing a common toolkit
   and consistent pathways to
observe and use them in their day-to-
              day jobs
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Barriers at the frontline
  Recent data suggest         Awareness
   that frontline team
 members experience
                              Ease of Use
 four main barriers to
   applying problem-
solving tools in their job
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Barriers at the frontline
 Ease of Use         of interviewed frontline
                    team members were not
                        aware of common
 Translation          problem-solving tools

Empowerment                          Source: 2021 interviews (n = 31)
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Barriers at the frontline
 Awareness                         57%
                  of interviewed frontline team members would
                  be more likely to use problem-solving tools if
 Ease of Use             they were short and simple

 Translation      Success would be a big one. Simple is
                  really important. And how much gain
                          do I get for the effort.
Empowerment                                           Source: 2021 interviews (n = 31)
Problem-Solving Toolkit - INCREASING PRACTICAL APPLICATION AT FRONTLINE LEVELS Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E - Spring 2021
Barriers at the frontline
                 What would make you more inclined to use these
 Awareness                  problem-solving tools?
                     Looking for things that seem
 Ease of Use            applicable to my work.

                     …knowing how it can be best
 Translation        applied, especially how to use
                    product X for my job. Looking
Empowerment              for tailored training.
                                                       Source: 2021 interviews
Barriers at the frontline

 Ease of Use


Empowerment                 Source: 2021 Performance Measures and Dashboard Training Survey
Barriers at the frontline

 Ease of Use


Empowerment                 Photos: DOC, MODOT, MDC, DNR
Barriers at the frontline

 Ease of Use


Empowerment                 Source: Quarterly Pulse Survey 8 (2021)
Overcoming frontline barriers
 Ease of Use        Simple toolkit in multiple forms
                            COMMON TOOLKIT

 Awareness             Statewide OpEx integration

 Translation          Departmental OpEx leaders
                            CUSTOM ROLLOUT

Empowerment        Supervisor communities of practice
Common toolkit
                                                         Available in
A common
                                                         many formats
set of tools

Logical and
methodical                                               Quick to learn

   Adaptable to
   any team                                               Easy to use
           Ties in with existing and planned OpEx activities
What’s in the toolkit
 Short, simple                           Proven tools, logical
                 Easy-to-use templates
  instructions                              organization
                                          What’s the problem?
                                         • Five why’s
                                         • Fishbone diagram

                                          How do I fix it?
                                         • Process mapping
                                         • 5-S waste reduction

                                          How can I make sure it stays
                                         • Plan-do-check-act
                                         • Tactical metrics
Using the toolkit at Missouri DNR

                                What’s the solution?
                            Monthly inventory and
                          action levels for reordering
Custom Rollout: Frontline Supervisor Focus

           Leaders           Why frontline supervisors?
         Management          • Familiar with tailored needs
                               of frontline teams
                             • Higher level of similarity
     Frontline Supervisors   • Their comfort and
                               confidence is key to
                               frontline empowerment
    Frontline Team Members
Communities of Practice
    Communities of practice       DOMAIN                  Relationships
                                   Areas of               built through
steward the knowledge assets    shared interest            discussion,
     of organizations… They     and key issues            activities, and
  operate as “social learning                                learning
systems” where practitioners
  connect to solve problems,                  PRACTICE
  share ideas, set standards,                   Body of
    build tools, and develop                   methods,
   relationships with peers…                 stories, tools
                                                              Source: Snyder and Briggs (2003)
Community of Practice Resource Guide
        Resource Guide for
    Departmental OpEx Leaders

• Start where you are
• Grow your community
• Share your stories
• Incrementally build
• Measure value
Proven concept in Missouri
Intentionally Complementary
• Ongoing partnership with    In the next 3–6 months, what activities by the
  ShowMe Excellence             OpEx community do you think will have the
                                             greatest impact?
• Fills a known gap:                                -
  smaller problems and
                                 Ensuring a simple, proven
• Designed to integrate
  with existing efforts and
                                set of tools is available and
  networks                      easy to distribute and track

                                   Source: 2021 ShowMe Excellence Taking Stock Survey
Next Steps
                                                                                         Build skills and
ShowMe Excellence     Test and finalize    Publish on ShowMe     Feature at ShowMe     confidence through
 takes ownership       resource guide      Excellence Website    Excellence Summit   communities of practice

                                                                                                 Iterate and

      Test and finalize            Identify         Integrate with White        Feature on Smarter
           toolkit                MoLearning           and Yellow Belt           Not Harder Series
                                    paths                 Trainings
Here’s how you can help

           Leaders           • Support OpEx leaders
                             • Support communities of
           Middle              practice
                             • Champion a tool
                             • Share stories widely
     Frontline Supervisors   • Foster a culture that
                               empowers frontline
    Frontline Team Members
Problem-Solving Toolkit
   Missouri Leadership Academy Capstone Team E – Spring 2021

       Thank you!
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