Private banking: the post-Eldorado era - Michel Juvet | Partner 9 June 2015

Page created by Kevin Jordan
Private banking: the post-Eldorado era - Michel Juvet | Partner 9 June 2015
Private banking: the post-Eldorado era

Michel Juvet | Partner

9 June 2015
Private banking: the post-Eldorado era - Michel Juvet | Partner 9 June 2015
All crises beget new regulations
2008: the turning point

•    Client protection                     MIFID, UCITS, FIDLEG
•    Bank balance sheets                   Basel III
•    Banking supervision                   ECB EBA, FINMA
•    Fiscal transparency                   Taxed assets strategy, AEOI

                           Business model

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Private banking: the post-Eldorado era - Michel Juvet | Partner 9 June 2015
These regulations affect all banks
Private banking is especially affected, as it addresses both the domestic and export markets!


                                     Swiss bank

                   Swiss clients                        Foreign clients
     Competition                                                                       OECD

                                            Onshore                       Offshore
                       MIFID, AMF,
                       FCA, MAS,                                                      AEOI
                         UCITS          Costs                                        Market

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The role of the authorities is to ensure a level playing field for all!




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Switzerland, onshore and offshore
Role of the banks: find your place!

•    Compliance capacity              Knowledge and implementation

•    Market/client segmentation       Global banks v. niche players

•    Core business definition         Added value, collaboration, M&A

•    Innovation                       IT challenges, connectivity

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Swiss challenges

1.   Attractiveness of Switzerland – (tax, 9 February, access to foreign markets)

2.   Jobs in CH or abroad

3.   Asset management – academics – innovation

4.   Banking industry structure: too big to fail/small is beautiful

5.   Swiss-specific considerations (Swiss finish, negative interest rates)

6.   QE and unbalanced administration

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Swiss qualities

1.   Banking stability – UBS only!

2.   Multi-currency and multi-tax-regime wealth management

3.   Pensions experience

4.   Adaptability

5.   Swiss quality/historical expertise

 Private banking = a proxy for economic growth

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Bordier & Cie
Reaffirming our values

We are a people business, and that is what sets us apart.
Our history has taught us that virtues come with age.
As a family of entrepreneurs, we have for more than 170 years contributed
to protecting and growing the assets entrusted to us and ensuring they are
safely passed on to future generations.
You are the starting point for our entire philosophy, which is built
around non-negotiable fundamental values that have withstood the
test of time.

Commitment and responsibility
Our partners bear unlimited liability for the undertakings by Bordier & Cie.
Their own personal money is at stake, meaning that they share the same
concerns as you. Your interests and those of Bordier & Cie are wholly

Total independence
Our independence enables us to focus exclusively on your long-term

We intend to remain a banking group on a human scale that is there for
you – we will always have time for you. Our partners and wealth managers
are familiar with your history, support you along the way and are available
for you at all times.
These outstanding features ensure a one-of-a-kind "Bordier experience"
combining a tailored service with high performance.

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Bordier & Cie
Core business strategy
1. Unbeatable service

 •       Loyal employees                             •   Transparency:
 •       Personal knowledge of clients                        Direct investments
 •       RM = mini family office                              Open architecture
 •       Senior managers who manage assets and are
         responsible towards their clients

 •   Cutting-edge technology (e-banking, mobile
     banking, social networks, intranet networks)

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Bordier & Cie
Core business strategy
2. The big picture

                                       portfolio             savings
            cash                                  pension
                       business              macroeconomic
                     transmission               analysis

                                             real estate

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Bordier & Cie
Core business strategy, private wealth management
3. Investment philosophy, corporate values and investing
      Values                Philosophy                         Convictions                 Wealth management

                  We are committed to being          We are not bound by               We avoid being swept along by
 Independence     independent, which                 benchmark indices and can         the markets or the media and
                  encourages us to be different      choose to diverge from these      apply active management

                  We concentrate on our clients'                                       We are prepared to miss out
                  interests: capital preservation,   The financial markets are not     on a potential market upswing
                  source of long-term                efficient in extreme situations   if that enables us to avoid a
                  performance                                                          downturn

                  Our investment universe is         A clearly defined strategy        We follow a disciplined
                  compatible with our values         brings long-term benefits         investment approach

                                                                                       The “core holdings” are
                  We do not seek out short-term      We construct a sustainable
 Long-term                                                                             periodically rebalanced based
                  gains                              portfolio of “core holdings”
                                                                                       on internal analysis

                  All our investments are
 Transparency                                                      Direct investments, open architecture
                  understood and transparent

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Bordier & Cie
  Who, where and what ?


                          Bordier                    Bordier                         Bordier                  Bordier
                        Switzerland                   Paris                            UK                    Singapore

                            Bank                                                                                 Bank

                      • Asset + portfolio       • Asset + portfolio             • Portfolio               • Portfolio
                        management                management                      management                management
                      • Financial planning      • Financial                     • Financial
                      • Research                  planning                        planning
                      • Products
                      • Pension Fund

                      • Services (tax, legal)   • Services (tax, legal)         • Services (tax, legal)   • Services (tax, legal)

                      • Swiss +                 • France                        • UK + RND                • Asian

                      • Offshore                • Belgium

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Bordier & Cie | Private Bankers since 1844
Rue de Hollande 16 | CH 1211 Geneva 11 | t +41 58 258 00 00 |
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