Page created by Teresa Juarez
                                        ISSUE 77 | AUTUMN 2022

                             TRIBUTES FOR
                                PAUL RYAN           See PAGE 13

VWMA ready      Federal MP    inspired by
for waste       opened        Women’s
and recycling   VTA State     Lunch
reform          Conference    speakers
PAGE 10         PAGE 16       PAGE 19
Behind the people who
keep Australia moving
Everything we do, every day, relies on the people who literally keep Australia moving. From the fresh
food in our supermarkets, to the petrol in our cars, from the school bus, to the train you catch to
work, even your holiday travel. None of it would happen without transport workers.
And behind them is TWUSUPER, the industry super fund for the people who look after you.

1800 222 071

           GOLD 2019        GOLD 2019

TWU Nominees Pty Ltd, ABN 67 002 835 412, AFSL 239163, is the trustee of TWUSUPER ABN 77 343 563 307 and the issuer of interests in it. 55621

           4	VTA Team
            Nick Sherry appointed
            TWUSUPER Chair
           5    President’s Welcome
             Funding to find new transport
     10    7    CEO’s Report
           8    VTA Committee Reports
           10 VWMA Report
           12 Industrial Relations Report
              Farewell tributes to Paul Ryan
           16 	VTA State Conference -
                 Costs recovery importance
           19 	Women’s Lunch guests inspired
                by speakers
16         20	Christmas joy revived
           21 	VTA events calendar
           22 	GET Electric leads EV
                market charge
           23 	Unique solutions for maximising
                fuel tax credits
           24	Members, Sponsors and


          GET Electric, Teletrac Navman.

23        The VTA Priority Report is a quarterly
          publication. We would welcome editorial
          contributions from industry sources.

          COVER: Outstanding industrial relations
          advisor Paul Ryan is departing the VTA after
          having contributed more than 20 years to
          the Association and having earned significant
          recognition of his achievements.

                             Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   3

                                                                              David Viney
                              Peter Anderson                                  Administration                            Brett Lemin
                              Chief Executive Officer                         Manager                                   Executive Officer VWMA

                              Kevin Halpin                                    Paul Ryan                                 Armielyn Porsovigan
                              Relationship                                    Industrial Relations                      Member Services
                              Manager                                         Advisor                                   Coordinator

                              Greg Cain
                              Industry Services                               Lindsay Chaloner                          Mick Rocke
                              Manager                                         Accounts Officer                          Wharf Cartage Advisor

                              Tim Gannett
                              Project Manager, Freight
                              Workforce Innovation Project         Phone: +61 3 9646 8590


        • ACFS Port Logistics                                    • Everstin Pty Ltd
        • Australian Auto Logistics                              • Openica Logistics Pty Ltd
        • Concept Transport Pty Ltd                              • Weston Transport Pty Ltd

    TWUSUPER’s track record                                  as founding trustee two industry           TWUSUPER CEO, Frank Sandy said
    of strong and experienced                                superannuation funds, HOSTPLUS             “Nick’s deep experience in a wide
                                                             and ClubPlus (Tas).                        range of business matters, including
    leadership will continue with
                                                                                                        as a chair and director, system policy
    the appointment of Nick                                  On his appointment Mr Sherry said:
                                                                                                        design, legislation, governance,
    Sherry as its new chair, as                              “I am deeply honoured to have
                                                                                                        regulation and compliance, IT and
                                                             been appointed the new Chair of
    from 1 May 2022.                                                                                    administration, taxation, investment,
                                                             TWUSUPER, particularly to a fund
                                                                                                        audit, and HR will be invaluable.”
                                                             that was one of a small group of
    Mr Sherry was Australia’s first Minister
                                                             funds in the pre-1987, 3 per cent          Mr Sherry replaces David Galbally,
    for Superannuation from 2007-2009.
                                                             super award era that led the way in        AM QC, who has chaired TWUSUPER
    During that period, he helped steer
                                                             spreading superannuation coverage          since November 2000, helping to
    Australia through the Global Financial
                                                             to low and middle income workers.          navigate a host of challenges while
    Crisis, and established the Cooper
                                                             In that era, seven out of 10 workers       overseeing consistently strong returns
    and Financial Advice Enquiries which
                                                             had nothing.                               to members.
    ultimately led to MySuper and Future
    of Financial Advice reforms.                             “TWUSUPER is a fund that has               In that period, TWUSUPER has
                                                             delivered strong, long term                grown from $723 million in funds
    In his pre-parliamentary career,
                                                             returns to its members across the          under management to $6.4 billion.
    Mr Sherry also helped establish
                                                             transport sector.“

4   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

Welcome to this Autumn                Secretariat are working diligently      VTA advocacy
issue of the VTA Priority             with the industry to have this          in the lead up to
Report magazine, where                imbalance corrected, and to             the recent Victorian
we provide members and                support members as they address         Budget has led to a $21.5 million
                                      pricing challenges and customer         investment in licensing reform
supporters with updates
                                      expectations. We continue to            that will help create safer and
on the Association’s recent           recommend operators refrain             more competent drivers. As an
advocacy efforts to bring             from absorbing higher fuel and          Association we are acutely aware
about positive change for             labour costs, and work with             of the supply chain headwinds
the transport industry.               your customers to help them             our industry is facing, particularly
                                      understand the inflationary             the need to reform our licensing
Can I begin by congratulating         pressures everyone in the supply        system to be able to attract and
incoming Prime Minister Anthony       chain is facing.                        retain new and highly skilled and
Albanese on the Labor Party’s                                                 qualified people to the industry.
                                      Fuel prices are just one of the many
success at the recent federal
                                      challenges in the supply chain the      The VTA exists first and foremost
                                      VTA has been actively engaged in,       for our members, and I invite
The VTA is a non-political            with labour shortages the other key     and encourage you to use the
association that works with all       issue for operators.                    Association and its resources
sides of politics to generate                                                 and connections to advance
                                      We were therefore thrilled to
the legislative and regulatory                                                issues that are important to
                                      have Victorian Ports and Freight
outcomes that will benefit freight                                            you and your business with key
                                      Minister Melissa Horne announce
and logistics operators. We have                                              stakeholders. Please don’t hesitate
                                      $3 million in additional funding at
enjoyed constructive relationships                                            to contact the Secretariat on any
                                      our recent State Conference for the
with the incoming government                                                  issue, whether it be industrial
                                      VTA to train new drivers and place
whilst it was in opposition,                                                  relations, human resources, skills
                                      them in paid employment with
particularly Senator Glenn Sterle                                             and training or other business
                                      our reputable members and other
whom we would expect to have                                                  concerns.
                                      freight and logistics businesses.
a key role in the relevant freight
                                                                              I hope you enjoy this issue of
and logistics portfolios and look     The program will go a long
                                                                              Priority Report and hope to
forward to working with him in        way towards addressing skills
                                                                              see you at one of the many
government.                           shortages, with the 125 training
                                                                              forthcoming VTA industry events.
                                      positions eventually filling jobs
We also extend our sincere thanks
                                      behind the wheel of heavy
to the outgoing Freight Transport                                             Mike Lean
                                      vehicles and forklifts, as well as at
minister Scott Buchholz for his                                               President
                                      distribution centres which have
constructive efforts to bring about
                                      experienced similar labour gaps.
positive change to the industry
over the past three years. Scott      The annual State Conference
was always willing to listen to       was another terrific and well-run
the concerns of the VTA and the       event that addressed many issues
broader industry and we wish him      from alternative fuels, transport
well going forward.                   infrastructure, industrial relations
                                      and technology.
It’s been a busy few months for the
Executive Council and Secretariat     Full credit to the Secretariat for
as we advocate for the key issues     another terrific conference, and
confronting our members.              special thanks to TWUSUPER and
                                      our other event sponsors for their
Chief among this has been the
                                      ongoing support.
changes to the fuel excise and
the previous government’s             Heavy vehicle licensing reform
unwillingness to reinstate the Fuel   continues to remain a key VTA
Tax Credit so operators could get     issue, particularly in the context
the full benefit of the temporary     of training, safety and positioning
halving of the excise.                our industry as an attractive and
                                      professional sector to work in.
Peter Anderson and the

                                                                                          Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   5

    The Victorian Transport                            shortages operators face, and of                    Indeed, the labour crisis in transport
    Association is thrilled that                       course is consistent with our efforts               was one of the most talked about
                                                       to increase participation rates                     issues at the VTA State Conference
    it can seek to attract and
                                                       among women in the transport                        with speakers and delegates
    train new people to our                                                                                combining to devise solutions for this
    industry following Victorian                                                                           escalating problem.
                                                       Through the program, priority
    Government funding of
                                                       groups such as women, including                     One of the strategies the VTA has
    $3 million to support this                                                                             been pushing for some time is to look
                                                       women over 45, and older
    program.                                           participants, will undertake training               to cohorts that traditionally are not
                                                       and be provided with a minimum                      aligned with freight and logistics,
    The Victorian Minister for
                                                       12 months of employment upon their                  albeit for no good reason. Women
    Freight and Ports, Melissa Horne
                                                       entry into the project. The project will            – and in particular, women over
    announced this commitment
                                                       increase the reach of the industry in               45 – were identified as a particular
    when she attended the VTA State
                                                       securing suitable employees to meet                 cohort to target, with many women
    Conference at Philip Island in late
                                                       existing workforce shortfalls and                   looking for second careers or
                                                       ensure it is well positioned for the                returning to the workforce after
    The Freight Industry Training for                  growing freight task.                               raising their children.
    Jobseekers Project will create 125
                                                       Building on the success of the VTA                  The VTA acknowledges and thanks
    jobs in the transport and logistics
                                                       Driver Delivery program, which has                  the Victorian Government for
    industry, providing a sustainable
                                                       trained and placed more than 200                    continuing to listen and respond
    training and employment pathway
                                                       new drivers into well-paying long-                  to the needs of the freight industry
    into Heavy Vehicle Driving, Forklift
                                                       term jobs in transport, the program                 across a myriad of issues that
    Driving and Warehousing roles.
                                                       will make a meaningful contribution                 transport operators are confronting.
    This funding and these new                         to growing our workforce and
    transport jobs will go a long                      reducing pressure on operators that
                                                                                                           Peter Anderson
    way towards addressing labour                      are desperate for help.
                                                                                                           Chief Executive Officer

       Lilydale mother Lisa Barker remains committed today to the transport industry as our 50th graduate of the VTA Driver Delivery Program in 2018
       involving the training of Armstrong’s and now more women can be among those to join the transport and logistics workforce through the Freight
       Industry Training for Jobseekers Project.

6   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022


As this issue of Priority               We look forward to working with                         focus on women
Report goes to print,                   the new government to find a                            and women
Australia has just elected a            more equitable solution so that                         over 45. Coming off the success
new Labor Government to                 the industry can benefit from                           of our Driver Delivery program,
                                        the savings that others in the                          the Freight Industry Training for
lead the nation for the next
                                        community have experienced.                             Jobseekers Project is another
three years. It’s a unique                                                                      practical example of how the
opportunity for renewal                 It's been terrific to reconnect with
                                                                                                VTA is working to solve the driver
                                        our members and supporters in
and a chance for transport                                                                      shortages in our industry.
                                        person over recent months, with
industry participants to                COVID restrictions easing and our                       As we enter the second half of
come together and attain                freedoms returning.                                     2022, attention will soon turn to
genuine reform that will                                                                        the Australian Freight Industry
                                        The State Conference was a terrific
benefit the industry.                   event with many important issues
                                                                                                Awards, which has been disrupted
                                                                                                these past two years like so many
                                        discussed and debated under our
We congratulate Prime Minister                                                                  other things. We’re gearing up
                                        theme of Attaining Post Pandemic
Anthony Albanese on winning                                                                     for a big return to celebrating
                                        Supply Chain Certainty. As the
government – only the fourth                                                                    the achievements of our industry,
                                        year has unfolded this theme
time since the Second World War                                                                 along with the resilience of the
                                        proved to be very prescient, with
the Labor Party has won from                                                                    transport industry which has
                                        our national conversation shifting
Opposition. There is a tremendous                                                               outperformed in recent years.
                                        to the need to be less reliant on
opportunity to attain positive
                                        imports for certainty in or supply                      In closing, I’d like to record my
structural reform in our industry,
                                        chain. This is a critical issue as                      gratitude to VTA Industrial Advisor
especially in consideration of
                                        our economy experiences higher                          Paul Ryan, who is retiring after
Labor’s commitment to act on
                                        inflation and interest rates, and as                    more than 20 years' service with
Senate recommendations for an
                                        an Association we will be providing                     the VTA. Paul has earned the
independent body to set universal,
                                        constructive advice to those tasked                     respect of leaders from the whole
binding standards to make the
                                        with solving these problems.                            of our industry including large,
transport industry safer, fairer and
                                                                                                medium and small operators, trade
more viable.                            It was also terrific to have another
                                                                                                unions, the industrial relations
                                        record attendance at our April
The VTA provided numerous                                                                       legal community, professional
                                        Annual Women's Lunch, which was
recommendations to the Sterle                                                                   associations and state and federal
                                        another important occasion to
Report and with Labor in                                                                        law makers and members of
                                        celebrate diversity in our industry
government we look forward to                                                                   parliament, as demonstrated from
                                        and continue to progress solutions
working constructively with them                                                                the many tributes to Paul featured
                                        for increasing participation rates
and other stakeholders so that                                                                  in the magazine. He leaves the
                                        among women in transport.
the genuine reform we have been                                                                 Association with our thanks and
working towards can be enacted.         It was a fitting occasion to provide                    best wishes.
                                        more details about the generous
Leading up to and during the
                                        funding the VTA received from the
campaign, the issue of fuel
                                        Victorian Government to train 125                       Peter Anderson
pricing has been hotly debated,
                                        new industry participants, with a                       Chief Executive Officer
with the VTA leading calls for the
imbalance that was created when
the halving of the fuel excise in the
recent Federal Budget was not
fully passed on to the transport

As all operators know, they only
received a fuel saving of 4.3 cents
per litre because of their inability
to claim the Fuel Tax Credit, which
provided no ability for them to
create any meaningful savings            The first Freight Industry Training for Jobseekers session
for customers and consumers.             gets underway at VTA’s Webb Dock headquarters.

                                                                                                          Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   7

                                          I wish to take this opportunity           permit issues and access to the
                                          to acknowledge and thank both             road network, especially due to the
                                          Bruce Forsyth (Chairperson) and           many disruptions resulting from
                                          Greg Chisholm for their valuable          major road projects.
                                          contribution to this committee over
                                                                                    Along with the other VTA
                                          many years.
                                                                                    sub‑groups, the Long Distance
                                          The Wharf Carrier Group continues         Group continues to provide and
                                          to be directly impacted by the            share valuable feedback about
                                          ongoing pressure of infrastructure        road transport, warehousing and
                                          charges, the interface with empty         distribution centres across all
    The transport and                     parks and related booking systems         jurisdictions. It is clear that driver
                                          issues. The VTA, represented by           shortages is the burning issue
    logistics industry is to be
                                          Mick Rocke, is actively pursuing          along with the cost of fuel and
    commended on its ongoing              these unacceptable and                    managing the significant impact
    performance over the past             unsustainable issues via the state        upon an organisation’s cash flow.
    two years. The COVID-19               government’s Container Storage            The committee also continues
    challenges continue to                Working Group. Container storage          to highlight the key issues and
    have a major impact upon              and container movements are               changes required as part of the
                                          significantly impacting all wharf         HVNL review.
    workforce planning and
                                          carriers’ productivity, efficiency and
    management. This current              profitability. The VTA will continue to
                                                                                    The Technology Group remains
    environment will continue                                                       committed to examining new
                                          strongly advocate on these issues
                                                                                    and emerging technologies
    to influence businesses               with the state government in order
                                                                                    and their potential advantages
    throughout 2022.                      to affect operational changes with
                                                                                    for businesses. This will also
                                          stevedores, shipping companies
                                                                                    involve examining decarbonised
    These issues are being                and at empty container parks.
                                                                                    fuel sources and the related
    further compounded by the
                                          The Earthmovers Group received            technologies. The recent VTA State
    current economic climate and
                                          from Transport industry Council           Conference was an excellent launch
    the significant disruption to
                                          (TIC) a report in relation to the         for the year ahead in these areas,
    international and national supply
                                          review of the Tip Truck Owner             as well as, the proposed VTA Fuel
    chains. As mentioned in an earlier
                                          Driver Policy. The key issues             Summit later in the year.
    edition – the key for members
                                          raised in the report will continue
    managing these challenges is to                                                 The People Group continues to
                                          to be prosecuted by the VTA on
    remain up to date with the right                                                focus upon key issues associated
                                          behalf of its members in order to
    information, be responsive and                                                  with the impact of COVID-19 upon
                                          achieve safer, more productive and
    connected with their workforces                                                 workforces and the difficulties
                                          improved outcomes for this sector
    and carefully control costs.                                                    relating to attraction, recruitment
                                          of the industry. Like the other
    Unfortunately, this is easier said                                              and retention for the industry.
                                          committees, dealing with the cost
    than done.                                                                      Given the ongoing impact of
                                          of fuel and increased operating
                                                                                    COVID-19 upon workforces, this
    The General Freight Group,            costs remain ‘front and centre’ for
                                                                                    group will continue to focus upon
    along with all the other VTA          this committee.
                                                                                    the management of the additional
    committees, has now reverted
                                          The Over Size and Over Mass               challenges of mental health and
    to face-to-face meetings. As we
                                          Committee has been working                wellbeing for the industry.
    continue to deal with the COVID-19
                                          effectively with the Department of
    related challenges, the focus                                                   To date, six VTA members are
                                          Transport and providing feedback
    has also moved to managing the                                                  involved in the VTA HeadFit
                                          into identified routes which need
    commercial issues such as, the cost                                             BusinessFit Program. It is very
                                          to be considered in developing
    of fuel and other related business                                              timely given the impact of mental
                                          the road network and the key
    costs and ensuring that these                                                   health and wellbeing at this time.
                                          routes for platform, jinker and dolly
    operating costs are passed on to
                                          combinations. OSOM operators              This program is designed to
    the customer.
                                          continue to be challenged by              effectively drive change and

8   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

significantly improve the mental
health and wellbeing across the
                                                            Truck Turnaround Times (TTT) Project for Swanson Dock and
Victorian T&L industry.
                                                            Webb Dock
If you are interested to find out
                                                            The Truck Turnaround Times (TTT) project continues and the VTA is
more about the program, please
                                                            seeing some improvement on the long-term average. The VTA uses
contact Greg Cain at the VTA.
                                                            data supplied from a number of industry operators then averages this
                                                            data to arrive at the final number.
Greg Cain
Industry Services Manager

Truck Turnaround Times (TTT) Project for Swanson Dock and Webb Dock
 Terminal    Jan-21     Feb-21     Mar-21     Apr-21     May-21     Jun-21     Jul-21    Aug-21     Sep-21     Oct-21     Nov-21     Dec-21     YTD Ave
 Swanson       50.3       55.7       56.7       56.4       51.9       55.2       57.3       49.8       50.0      55.4       58.1       49.9       53.9
 Swanson       43.4       44.6       45.8       46.3       47.1       48.0       56.4       57.8       68.8      80.0       70.2       61.7       55.8
 Dock          56.1       53.2       54.9       56.5       55.2       60.8       53.6       53.8       62.0      51.9       60.1       60.9       56.6

 Terminal    Jan-22     Feb-22     Mar-22     Apr-22     May-22     Jun-22     Jul-22    Aug-22     Sep-22     Oct-22     Nov-22     Dec-22     YTD Ave
 Swanson       51.0       47.6       54.0       56.7                                                                                              50.9
 Swanson       59.6       53.7       53.7       49.7                                                                                              55.7
 Dock          60.0       55.9       56.5       58.1                                                                                              57.5

Source: TTT’s are calculated once arrival at the docks commences through transport operators’ on-board GPS, and in line with their booked collection time.

                                 Melbourne Ports Precinct Service Time (Minutes)

                                                                                                                         Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022     9

                                         Whilst navigating the evolving        DELWP, Recycling Victoria.
                                         challenges presented by COVID-19,
                                                                               From July 1, 2022, Recycling
                                         our industry was further challenged
                                                                               Victoria has distinct functions and
                                         as Victoria continues its largest
                                                                               powers, including to regulate waste
                                         regulatory reform program with
                                                                               and recycling services, oversee the
                                         the implementation of the EPA Act
                                                                               container deposit scheme, gather
                                         2017 and the rollout of the new
                                                                               industry data and report on the
                                         Waste Tracker App.
                                                                               state of the market, and support
                                         The VWMA continues to work            the development of Victoria’s
     The past two years have             tirelessly with our members and       circular economy.
                                         the EPA to ensure the smooth
     been some of the most                                                     The VWMA is actively working with
                                         transition and compliance with the
     challenging in living                                                     Recycling Victoria and stakeholders
                                         new regulations and waste tracking
     memory and the flow on              software. It has been through this
                                                                               to assist with the transition of its
                                                                               roles and responsibilities and the
     effects are still presenting        ongoing consultation that we have
                                                                               roll out of the Circular Economy
     ongoing issues on a daily           successfully provided guidance
                                                                               Act 2021. VWMA will continue
     basis. The waste industry           and constructive feedback for the
                                                                               its consultative relationship and
                                         upcoming improvements to the
     has certainly not been                                                    provide feedback and guidance
                                         online portal, Waste Tracker app
     immune to the impacts of                                                  to Recycling Victoria and our
                                         and improved ongoing educational
     COVID-19 including ongoing          guidance for our industry.
                                                                               members as it presents its long
                                                                               list of complex reforms and
     supply chain restraints,
                                         As part of Victoria’s regulatory      educational programs.
     staff shortages, fuel prices
                                         reform, this year also sees the
     and the significant increase        implementation of the Circular
                                                                               There is so much happening in
                                                                               the waste and resource recovery
     in volumes of waste being           Economy (waste reduction and
                                                                               sector right now, driven locally
     produced within certain             recycling) Act 2021 and the
                                                                               by consumers, industry and
     sectors.                            formation of a new government
                                                                               government reform. Emerging
                                         business unit that sits within

10   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

Left: Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio spoke
with guests during the VWMA Breakfast at the RACV City Club in Melbourne.

  Pictured were some of the more than 60 guests who attended the VWMA Breakfast.

                                                                                                    “Every challenge,
                                                                                                     every adversity,
                                                                                                 contains within it the
                                                                                                 seeds of opportunity
                                                                                                         and growth.”
                                                                                                        – Roy T. Bennett

                    VWMA Breakfast guests were addressed by keynote speaker Lily D’Ambrosio,
                                                                                               technologies and infrastructure
                          the Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
                                                                                               projects are setting the stage for
                                                                                               Victoria’s circular economy to thrive.

                                                                                               Wherever there is change there are
                                                                                               challenges, but we are witnessing
                                                                                               a paradigm shift in Victoria’s waste
                                                                                               industry as we emerge into the post
                                                                                               pandemic normal. The VWMA is at
                                                                                               the forefront of these changes and
                                                                                               continues to foster strong working
                                                                                               relationships with regulators and
                                                                                               industry to ensure that our voices
                                                                                               are heard and we make the most of
                                                                                               this industry-shaping opportunity.

                                                                                               Thank you for your continued
                                                                                               support of the VWMA and the
                                                                                               work that we do on behalf of our
                                                                                               members and industry. It has
  TWUSUPER Account Manager Claude Savino addressed guests at the VWMA event.
                                                                                               never been more important for our
                                                                                               industry to bring about change
                                                                                               and reform through unity and
                                                                                               collaboration. I look forward to
                                                                                               continuing to work with you and
                                                                                               advancing our industry into the

                                                                                               Brett Lemin
                                                                                               VWMA Executive Officer

                                                                                                         Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   11

                                           Bench of the FWC determined that           of 16 cents per kilometre (the
                                           the Road Transport and Distribution        ATO currently allows an amount
                                           Award 2020 (RTD Award) does                of 72 cents for tax purposes);
                                           apply to the work involved by ‘on
                                                                                    8. Wages can be paid monthly;
                                           demand couriers’ in the delivery
                                           of ‘food, beverages, goods or any        9. J
                                                                                        uniors, those 16 years of age
                                           other item’ and that Grades 1               and under can be paid 50 per
                                           and 2 of the RTD Award were the             cent of the adult rate – this
                                           appropriate classifications.                would equate to $10.17 per hour.
     On 24 June 2021, Menulog              Menulog is now arguing that              There are other RTD Award
     made an application                   the RTD Award does not meet              provisions that Menulog is seeking
     (AM2021/72) to the Fair               the ‘modern awards objective’            to reduce but space prevents any
     Work Commission (FWC)                 contained in S. 134 of the Fair          detailed examination.
                                           Work Act 2009. Its rationale for
     asking that the Commission:                                                    Should Menulog be successful then
                                           this position is not clear, other than
                                                                                    it would only be a matter of time
     • Make a statement that the          what seems to be its attempt to
                                                                                    before Menulog initially, then other
        making of a modern award to        reduce substantially its labour
                                                                                    ‘on demand operators’, would move
        cover the On Demand Delivery       costs in ‘delivering food, beverages,
                                                                                    into the freight industry by
        Industry is not contrary to the    goods or any other items’. In
                                                                                    delivering ‘goods or any other
        modern awards objective, and       summary, the major terms and
                                           conditions contained in the RTD
     • M
        ake directions for the further
                                           Award, which Menulog is seeking to       More importantly, these proposals
       consideration of the application
                                           reduce are listed below:                 would allow Menulog to engage
       for the making of an On Demand
                                                                                    employees at a far lower cost -
       Delivery Industry Award.            1. M
                                               enulog’s proposed rates of pay
                                                                                    possibly up to 50 per cent - than
                                              are up to $46 per week less than
     Menulog claimed that the ‘On                                                   the rates required to be paid by
                                              the current RTD Award rates;
     Demand Services Delivery Industry’                                             VTA members under the RTD
     was substantially different to the    2. O
                                               rdinary hours of work can be        Award.
     road transport industry because          worked at any time and on any
                                                                                    We understand that this
     the work involved was:                   day, between 6am – 11pm;
                                                                                    application is currently being made
     • Immediate and direct,              3. F
                                               or work outside those hours         by Menulog to cover around only
                                              a 10 per cent loading would           20 existing employees, based
     • Processed via an app which
                                              be payable, except on public          in Sydney. The VTA and ARTIO
        enabled ordering and payment to
                                              holidays when the loading would       will continue to represent the
        occur, and
                                              be 50 per cent;                       industry and oppose this action by
     • Menulog was simply a facilitator                                            Menulog, which could reasonably
                                           4. B
                                               roken shifts may be worked
        in bringing the restaurant and                                              be interpreted as a ‘trojan horse’ to
                                              provided that any shift must
        customer together                                                           enable disruptors into our industry.
                                              be at least one hour, although
     However, Menulog submitted that          a part-time employee can be           This is my last VTA column after
     any new Award should cover ‘the          engaged for a minimum of 30           20 years of working for the
     collection and delivery of food,         minutes;                              organisation. Over that time,
     beverages, goods or any other                                                  I trust readers have enjoyed
                                           5. It is not clear as to when or how
     item.’                                                                         my contributions and were able
                                              overtime would be calculated,
                                                                                    to enhance their knowledge
     The VTA/ARTIO submitted that             other than after 38 hours in a
                                                                                    of industrial issues across the
     ‘goods or any other item’ goes well      week;
     beyond the delivery of prepared
                                           6. C
                                               asuals will not receive any
     meals and effectively covered                                                  Farewell and thank you.
                                              loading on overtime;
     the work performed by the road
     transport industry over the past      7. It appears as though Menulog
     100 years.                               will not supply vehicles as
                                              employees using their own             Paul Ryan
     Following that application, a Full
                                              vehicle will be paid an allowance     VTA Industrial Relations Advisor

12   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

          TRIBUTES FOR
Following the
announcement of his
impending retirement,
past and present VTA
office-bearers and
industry associates have
paid tribute to the career
of industrial relations
stalwart, Paul Ryan.

Phil Lovel, Former VTA Chief
Executive Officer (1986-2012)
I am honoured to write a record
of Paul Ryan’s service to the
Victorian Transport Association
and the Australian Road Transport
Industrial Organization (ARTIO)
                                     and conditions in the freight and        • T
                                                                                 he development of enterprise
Paul started working with Mayne
                                     logistics industry across Australia.       bargaining across the transport
Nickless about the same time
                                                                                industry following the national
I started at the VRTA in 1986-87     Just a few of the matters
                                                                                wage decisions of the late 1980s
and was its representative on both   addressed by the VRTA-VTA/
                                                                                commencing with the Structural
the VRTA and ARTIO.                  ARTIO, with Paul’s assistance, were:
                                                                                Efficiency Principle, which
He was enthusiastic and always       • T
                                        he introduction of                     allowed for local increases, on
helped the industry to engage          superannuation into the transport        top of the national increase, with
with all the relevant unions in        industry;                                the removal of restrictive work
our industry, but particularly the                                              practices;
                                     • Changes to the Long-Distance
Transport Workers Union (TWU)
                                        Drivers Award;                        • A
                                                                                 ddressing the issues with the
at both state and federal level.
                                                                                takeover of the Victorian TWU by
Those were difficult days as the     • Consolidation of the Transport
                                                                                a rebel group in 1989;
TWU was very powerful and               Workers Award from more
aggressive. Federally, the TWU          than 240 categories to 10             • T
                                                                                 he Involvement in many national
had embarked on a national wage         classifications;                        wage cases with submissions on
and superannuation push and                                                     behalf of the industry.
                                     • T
                                        he Patricks Waterfront Dispute
was continually fronting employers
                                       in 1998;                               In March 1993, Mayne Nickless
with stoppages, bans and threats
                                                                              resigned from all Associations and
of action. Industry associations     • Owner driver strikes in Victoria in
                                                                              we lost Paul for a couple of years.
struggled to handle the issues          the late 1980s and through the
                                                                              But he came back to work and help
across a wide range of operators        1990s;
                                                                              us after ARTIO had to restructure in
and industries. However, Paul
                                     • T
                                        he formation of the Owner            the mid-1990s.
would always be available to
                                       Drivers and Forestry and
assist us with his knowledge and                                              Paul has handled hundreds of
                                       Contractors legislation and the
experience.                                                                   disputes across the many years he
                                       creation of the Transport Industry
                                                                              has been involved with the industry.
He was involved in many industrial     Council;
                                                                              These disputes covered nearly
issues on behalf of the industry.
                                     • T
                                        he 1991 negotiations which           every area of transport operations.
Many have now been forgotten
                                       redrafted the VTA/TWU
but they have framed the current                                              Paul has also been on the Board
                                       subcontractor agreement, still
industrial relations environment                                              of TWUSUPER for more than
                                       applicable today;

                                                                                          Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   13

          21 years and served on the many
          sub-committees, in particular the
          Investment Sub-committee which
          he chaired for many years.

          Further, he has provided advice
          to members on thousands of
          occasions from award queries to
          unfair dismissals and many other
          people matters. Looking back at all
          the issues and queries he handled,
          it is remarkable in their content
          and variation. His knowledge of the
          industrial relations system and the
          precedents set over time has been
          invaluable. That will be difficult to
          cover in the future.

          He has been a very loyal support
          person to the VTA and ARTIO
          organisations over 30 years –
                                                   and ensure that not only are          TWUSUPER along with a number
          particularly as my backstop for
                                                   members compliant in their            of other peak Industry bodies is
          more than 25 years – and is well
                                                   engagement with employees, but        immensurable.
          respected by all players across the
                                                   that they are also able to develop
          industrial relations system, including                                         His legacies are many and it will be
                                                   strong employee packages that
          the Australian Industrial Relations                                            challenging to find another industry
                                                   allow them to attract and retain
          Commission (now the Fair Work                                                  champion of Paul's ilk.
                                                   their staff.
          Commission), in the political arena,
                                                                                         It is easy to understand why he is
          both state and federally and also        Paul’s ability to give clear
                                                                                         known as “the mail-man”, as he
          at operational level within VTA          and cogent advice as well as
                                                                                         always delivers!
          member companies.                        strategies on industrial relations
                                                   options means that our members        Tony Sheldon, Senator for
          He was appointed to the RSRT in
                                                   have had access to first-rate         New South Wales, Past TWU
          2012 as an Industry Representative
                                                   advice in the time that he has        State Secretary (1999-2008)
          until its abolition in 2016.
                                                   been with the VTA.
                                                                                         National Secretary (2006-
          The VTA recognised Paul’s
                                                   On behalf of myself and all past      2019)
          contribution in 2017 by awarding
                                                   VTA Presidents and members who        I first met Paul when he was at
          him the WFD Chalmers Award for
                                                   have had the pleasure of working      Mayne Nickless, through a mutual
          services to the VTA. In summary,
                                                   with Paul, I would like to wish him   friend, Senator and ex-TWU
          Paul has made a big and lasting
                                                   all the very best for the future.     Secretary Steve Hutchins, nearly
          difference to the freight and
                                                   Brendan Hopley, VTA                   34 years ago. I became an official
          logistics industry.
                                                                                         of the TWU and as lots of first
                                                   President 2012 -2016, ARTIO
          Mike Lean, VTA President                                                       meetings can go, it was a robust
                                                   (Vic.) Vice President 2010 -          exchange of views and character
          Paul Ryan has delivered an
                                                   current                               assessments of each other as
                                                   It has been my good fortune to        I supported a strike at Mayne
          outstanding service for members
                                                   work alongside my friend, Paul        Nickless.
          during his time with the VTA.
                                                   Ryan for more than 30 years.
                                                                                         After the smoke and fireworks
          Labour relations is one of the
                                                   Paul is the consummate                cleared, Steve Hutchins organised
          most challenging areas to get
                                                   professional, with very few peers     a sit-down with both of us. From
          right for any business and with the
                                                   when it comes to industrial           that day onward my respect grew
          number and extent of changes in
                                                   relations advocacy, advice and        for Paul. His directness, passion
          the industrial landscape over the
                                                   general support for the broader       for the industry and the people in
          past 30 years, Paul has been at
                                                   transport industry.                   it had no bounds. It was a great
          the forefront of helping members
                                                                                         thing for the transport industry
          navigate these complexities              His contribution to the VTA, ARTIO,
                                                                                         when Paul became a Road

14   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

Safety Remuneration Tribunal           about your next adventures.          Safety Remuneration Tribunal,
Commissioner. His wit, compassion,                                          Paul has made a real difference
                                       Michael Kaine, National              in the transport industry and
direct and plain speaking won Paul
                                       Secretary, Transport                 is highly respected by TWU
lots of applause from all sides of
the arguments.                         Workers’ Union of Australia          members and leadership.
                                       The TWU acknowledges the             We wish Paul well in the next
During those hearings, the irony       critical work and presence of Paul   phase of his career and we look
that 30 years after our inglorious     Ryan, a staunch and fair employer    forward to his ongoing contribution
first meeting I now had to bow         advocate unwaveringly led by         to truck driver health and safety
down to the presiding ‘learned’        his belief in the fair go for all.   and through key positions on
Commissioner when entering his         Through his unparalleled mastery     TEACHO and Healthy Heads in
court, gave us both a good chuckle.    of industrial history, pragmatic     Trucks and Sheds.
You have earned your retirement,       approach to dispute resolution,
                                       and as an active industry member     Thanks Paul, you have made a
Paul. I’m looking forward to hearing
                                       and contributor to the Road          real difference.

                                                                                        Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   15

     Alternative Energy and the Rise of Freight Transport
     ZEVs was the theme addressed in this panel
     session by (L-R) Harry Hamann (GET Electric), John
     Edgley (Hyzon Motors), Tim Camillieri (Volvo Group
     Australia), Greg Simmons (Lochard Energy) and
     Mairead Hayes (Viva Energy Australia).

     Under the theme of                                     Highlighted by presentations that      Victoria), Jim Waller (Chief
     Attaining Post Pandemic                                voiced concern over higher fuel        Operating Officer, North East Link
     Supply Chain Certainty,                                costs, rising inflation and interest   Project) and Peter Sammut (CEO,
     the VTA has hosted a                                   rates, the VTA is encouraging          West Gate Tunnel Project).
                                                            operators to pass on these higher
     record 193 delegates and                                                                      In welcoming delegates and guests
                                                            fees and charges through the
     more than 30 significant                               supply chain to their customers for
                                                                                                   to the conference, supported
     speakers to the VTA                                                                           by major sponsor TWUSUPER,
                                                            the survival of their businesses.
                                                                                                   VTA Chief Executive Officer Peter
     State Conference 2022
                                                            Delegates were treated to a meet       Anderson said it was imperative
     at Silverwater Resort,                                 and mingle on the eve of the           that operators react to supply
     Phillip Island.                                        conference when guests included        chain pressures that had been
                                                            the Federal Assistant Minister for     unfairly placed upon them due
                                                            Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz      to COVID and more recently the
                                                            and Victorian Minister for Public      conflict in Eastern Europe.
                                                            Transport and Minister for Ports
                                                                                                   “Labour shortages, disruptions
                                                            and Freight, Melissa Horne.
                                                                                                   to fuel and engine additives,
                                                            Delivering the conference’s opening    difficulties obtaining parts for
                                                            keynote address, Mr Buchholz           servicing vehicles, are just a few
                                                            echoed the VTA’s urging for            of the supply chain difficulties that
                                                            operators to be vigilant about         have created such uncertainty
                                                            their cost models in the face of       in the business and the general
                                                            inflationary pressures not seen for    community,” Mr Anderson told
                                                            decades.                               delegates.

                                                            In the opening session, delegates      “And when you factor in inflation
                                                            were also addressed by the             and the likelihood of interest
                                                            Victorian Shadow Minister for Ports    rates going up, higher costs of
                                                            and Freight, Roma Britnell. Freight    doing business just adds to the
                                                            movement and road infrastructure       uncertainty and the stresses it
       Jen Grigg, Program Manager                           was featured by speakers Praveen       creates on budgets for businesses
       Agriculture and Transport for WorkSafe,              Reddy (Executive Director, Freight     and consumers.”
       addressed delegates.

16   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

Former Victorian Government Minister Luke Donnellan, Amanda O’Brien and VTA Relationship
Manager Kevin Halpin were pictured at the VTA State Conference meet and greet.

VTA State Conference delegates took every opportunity to ask
questions of speakers and panellists during the sessions.

                                                                                           Victorian Shadow Minister for Ports and Freight,
                                                                                           Roma Britnell followed the theme of “For an
                                                                                           efficient state, it starts with freight” in her address
                                                                                           to delegates.

                                                                                           Below: VTA Relationship Manager Kevin Halpin
                                                                                           outlined the sequence of events as the Master of
                                                                                           Ceremonies for the VTA State Conference.

A further group partaking in pre-dinner drinks included
(L-R) Miles Crawford, Chris Alexander and Harry Hamann.

                                                                                                           Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022           17

        Enjoying pre-dinner drinks at the VTA State Conference were
        (L-R) Peter Irvin, John Meagher, Joe Tarzia and Charlie Khaissi.

                                                                                                    Delegates prepared to take their seats ahead of
                                                                                                    the VTA State Conference addresses delivered to
                                                                                                    a full house of guests.

                                                                                                    our supply chains and make us
                                                                                                    less reliant on certain imports for
                                                                                                    resiliency in our supply chains.

                                                                                                    “At stake - unless governments
                                                                                                    do more to support the transport
                                                                                                    industry’s pivot to attaining
                                                                                                    supply chain sovereignty - is our
                                                                                                    ability to supply basic community
                                                                                                    needs. Only by attaining higher
        VTA Chief Executive Officer Peter Anderson watched on as the Victorian Melissa Horne        rates of supply chain sovereignty
        made a point during her dinner address to delegates at the VTA State Conference.            will Australians be able to have
                                                                                                    greater certainty that our economic
                                                                                                    security and living standards can
     He said operators are sensitive                         and act; and communicate clearly,
                                                                                                    be upheld. We need regulatory and
     to raising their prices to recover                      effectively and regularly with their
                                                                                                    legislative settings to identify the
     higher costs and are loathe to                          customers.
                                                                                                    risks that inhibit us from standing
     disenfranchise customers facing
                                                             Mr Anderson said the sad irony         on our own two feet when it comes
     similar pressures.
                                                             is that the economy was edging         to things like labour and fuel
     “Our advice is simple – operators                       towards a potential post pandemic      security.
     must act on rising business costs,”                     recovery when tensions began
                                                                                                    “A growing workforce, sufficient
     he said. “They cannot wear higher                       flaring in Eastern Europe.
                                                                                                    reserves of fuel and energy, and
     diesel and other prices forever and
                                                             “Russia’s war with Ukraine added       the inputs necessary to keep road,
     must factor it into their cost models,
                                                             to supply chain uncertainty, with      rail and sea transport supply chains
     which will lead to higher consumer
                                                             sanctions creating supply issues on    intact, are the basics we need
     prices. There are few parts of the
                                                             commodities the world economy          for supply chain sovereignty and
     economy that will be exempt from
                                                             needs,” he said.                       certainty as we recover from the
     higher prices because transport is
                                                                                                    pandemic,” Mr Anderson said.
     a factor in every commodity, and                        “Reduced supply is leading to
     when transport becomes more                             higher prices for most goods and       The conference was held over two
     expensive, everything becomes                           services, prompting businesses to      days with speakers focusing on
     more expensive.”                                        make difficult decisions to remain     infrastructure, fuel and alternative
                                                             sustainable. In a broader sense,       energy, safety, technology and
     Mr Anderson said operators need
                                                             we as a nation need to think           industrial relations and human
     to understand the impact rising
                                                             seriously and take steps to protect    resources.
     costs will have on their business

18   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

                                                                                                   TWUSUPER pair and sponsor representatives
                                                                                                   Greta Schroffel (left) and Kylie Booker.

                                                                                                   like connection, vulnerability and

                                                                                                   VTA Chief Executive Officer Peter
                                                                                                   Anderson said “it is wonderful to see
  Former VFLW player Holly Bailey provided an inspirational address about
                                                                                                   the transport industry moving away
  growing up in a male-dominated sporting environment.                                             from the stereotype of a gender
                                                                                                   dominated workplace.”

                                                                                                   “For too long our industry has not
After three previous false                          Freight Melissa Horne outlined
                                                                                                   understood that greater value is
starts last year due to                             steps the Victorian Government was
                                                                                                   brought to the workplace when there
COVID restrictions, the                             taking to attract more women to
                                                                                                   is greater diversity of people.
                                                    the transport industry, with a focus
VTA was thrilled to host a
                                                    on the Freight Industry Training               “It is people that makes our industry
record number of more than                          for Jobseekers Project that will               work and how they work is what
200 guests at its annual                            see the VTA train candidates to                makes our businesses successful.
Women’s Lunch, sponsored                            secure long‑term job opportunities             Having an environment where all
by TWUSUPER at The Ivory,                           to ensure essential supplies get to            people are working to their own
                                                    where they need to be. The program             individual potential is an exciting
in Elsternwick.
                                                    has a specific focus on women, who             atmosphere that we experience every
Guests heard from a number                          currently represent just 16 per cent of        day in transport,” he said.
of inspiring speakers on                            employees in the sector.
                                                                                                   Mr Anderson said an example of this
empowerment and strategies
                                                    Play Like a Girl Australia founder             inclusive perspective is the VTA Driver
and tactics to experience success
                                                    and former VFLW player Holly                   Delivery Program where more than
and fulfilment in life and at work.
                                                    Bailey provided an inspiring                   200 people have been trained and
Operators also provided guidance
                                                    presentation about her experiences             placed into the industry as drivers,
on how to support women in
                                                    growing up as an athlete in a                  with more than 15 per cent of those
transport, as well as to attract and
                                                    male‑dominated environment                     placements being women, while there
retain them in the industry.
                                                    and the importance of embracing                has been an industry average of only
Victorian Minister for Ports and                    traditionally feminine qualities               7 per cent.

  Hilary van Herwaarden (left), Kaylene Smith and Michael Kilgariff         Lining up in support of the VTA Women’s Lunch occasion were
  were among the record number of more than 200 guests at the               Linfox representatives (L-R) Ruby Diaz, Olivia Zan,
  VTA Women's Lunch.                                                        Lauren Pemberton, Lyn Gould and Shona Slimmon.

                                                                                                                Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   19

                                                                                (L-R) Greg Ellis, Matt Spiteri, Peter Tennison and Leigh Robertson
                                                                                enjoyed the hospitality at the VTA Christmas Lunch.

       VTA Industrial relations Advisor Paul Ryan (left) spent time
       talking with (L-R) former Victorian MP Luke Donnellan,
       Ingilby Dickson and Murray Newton.

     Cheers at the Melbourne                               business associates, the VTA was                performed to audiences around the
     Cricket Ground usually                                thrilled to welcome guests back                 world and fronted by the band’s
     accompany a sporting                                  to the spectacular MCC Members                  namesake who was a finalist on
                                                           Dining Room at the MCG.                         television’s The Voice and has stage
     event or concert, but they
                                                                                                           and screen roles to his credit.
     were loudly heard at the                              The lunch, sponsored by Viva
     VTA as it again hosted its                            Energy Australia and Vawdrey                    During the lunch there were
                                                           Australia, lived up to all                      plenty of Christmas-inspired games
     annual Christmas Lunch
                                                           expectations with 300 guests                    and giveaways and, importantly,
     last December.                                        enjoying the festivities.                       the noise of laughter as Victorians
                                                                                                           set about enjoying themselves
     After Victorians had suffered                         Among the highlights of the event
                                                                                                           once again.
     months of lockdowns and with their                    was the entertainment provided by
     inability to connect with friends and                 the Sam Ludemon Duo, who have

     A record number of more than 300 guests attended the 2021 VTA Christmas Lunch.

20   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

VTA President Mike Lean addressed guests          Brad Buchanan James Phipps, James Rock and Ash Blachford were
   at the VTA Christmas Lunch held at the         among the groups engaged in discussion before the event.
               Melbourne Cricket Ground.

                                                                                                VTA EVENTS
                                                                                                Following is a list of
                                                                                                programmed VTA events
                                                                                                for 2022. We encourage
                                     It was pleasing to note women in transport attendees
                                               (L-R) Rachel Hille, Ena Too and Samantha Re.
                                                                                                members to participate.

                                                                                                9 August

                                       Among the guests having pre-luncheon drinks were         Alternative Fuels Summit
                   (L-R) Michael Stephenson, Bradley Churchward and Andrew Pennington.          Sponsorsed by CMV Truck & Bus

                                                                                                3 September
                                                                                                Australian Freight Industry Awards -
                                                                                                Crown Palladium, Southbank
                                                                                                Sponsored by TWUSUPER and
                                                                                                Viva Energy Australia

                                                                                                28 September
                                                                                                VTA Golf Day - Victoria Golf Club

                                                                                                16 December
                                                                                                VTA Christmas Lunch - MCC Members
                                                                                                Dining Room, MCG
                                                                                                Sponsorsed by Viva Energy Australia,
                                                                                                Vawdrey Australia

                                                                                                            Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   21

                                               it can provide for every existing      such an important feature of
                                               building or location to ensure         GET Electric’s charging range
                                               charging can be facilitated,           as electricity is now the new
                                               allowing transport operators           petrol and the opportunity today
                                               to introduce more EVs into their       presents itself for everyone here to
                                               fleets.                                be petrol station owners.

                                               GET Electric has designed a            GET Electric generates revenue
                                               very select range of chargers,         for clients through paying a
                                               specifically designed for the likes    margin on the energy used
          With sales doubling year             of transport operators, including      though the charging system and
          on year, the critical mass           a 7kW smart charger, 22kW fast         also provides revenue streams
          of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is        charger and now a 22kW double          though advertising with its double
                                               bowser with video advertising          bowser. It is the perfect solution,
          just around the corner and
                                               display – which all offer a range      particularly for those operators
          now presents the perfect             of DC charging options and the         who are wanting to reduce costs
          time and opportunity                 expertise to be able to install        and simultaneously reduce
          for transport and fleet              in more nuanced and complex            their carbon footprint – which is
          operators to catch the EV            settings.                              increasingly a supply requirement
          wave as it breaks.                                                          of freight customers.
                                               GET Electric has also designed
                                               and produced technologies, like        The reality is EV charging isn’t
          Founded three years ago by a
                                               automatic load management,             an expense, but a new way to
          small team of dedicated motoring
                                               which monitors the building’s          generate revenue and as the
          enthusiasts after seeing a
                                               electrical consumption and             market reaches critical mass,
          desperate gap in the market, not
                                               can reduce the level of power          it could well become one of the
          just in Australia, but worldwide,
                                               delivered to each EV, so the           main income streams for many
          for streamlined and commercially
                                               building’s electrical infrastructure   transport operators in the very
          viable EV charging infrastructure,
                                               is protected.                          near future.
          GET Electric is now leading the
          way in implementing highly           The entire range of chargers are
          strategised resources to support     intelligent and communicate with       Rob Thomson
          the inevitable shift towards         our in-house developed backend         Chief Operating Officer,
          electrification and hydrogen.        management software. This is           GET Electric
          With Australia’s share of electric
          vehicles expected to increase to
          1.7 million within the next decade
          - and while this transition will
          happen over time - GET Electric
          warns that it is essential the
          transport industry, particularly
          light and heavy commercial
          vehicles operators, begin gearing
          up for the rapid uptake of EVs by
          installing charging infrastructure
          to keep pace with the expected
          exponential growth in the EV
          market today.

          As every site is unique, GET
          Electric can consult directly with
          transport operators and owners to
          assess what level of EV charging

22   Priority Report   |   AUTUMN 2022

                                                                 Utilisation of Teletrac Navman’s fleet management platform.

                                    costs and ensure long-term                  under-claiming. With fuel
                                    success. By examining the root              costs on the rise, this isn’t good
                                    causes of fuel inefficiencies               enough.
                                    and embracing telematics
                                                                                FTC Manager is a unique
                                    technology and other fleet
                                                                                solution for businesses claiming
                                    management solutions, like
                                                                                fuel tax credits. Unlike other
                                    TN360, Smart Dashcams, and
                                                                                GPS-based FTC calculation
                                    route optimisation, fleets can
                                                                                systems, it operates exclusively
                                    continue to operate now and into
                                                                                using second-by-second high-
                                    the future.
The recent rise in fuel                                                         definition GPS location data
costs is having a massive           When fuel costs are rising, it’s            already installed in customer
impact on fleet operators.          important to establish accurate             vehicles to accurately calculate
                                    Fuel Tax Credit (FTC) claims.               off-road travel and auxiliary
And the 22.1 cents cut to the       While it’s important to claim               fuel use to maximise fuel tax
fuel excise announced by the        what’s rightfully yours, you don’t          rebates. This helps businesses
federal government has resulted     want to overclaim and find                  claim a better return, to improve
in a meagre 4.3 cents per litre     yourself on the wrong end of an             cashflow and re-invest the
reduction for fuel if you include   ATO investigation. Thankfully,              money back into the business.
the road user charge and the        the latest in fleet management
                                                                                Fuel costs may continue to rise,
loss of the Fuel Tax Credit.        technology is also ensuring that
                                                                                but with smart systems and
                                    fleet managers no longer risk
Without further government                                                      technology, your business has a
                                    overclaiming fuel tax credits.
efforts to relieve fuel costs,                                                  better chance at a successful,
operators will bear the brunt       When claiming for FTCs,                     fuel-efficient future.
of the additional costs, and it’s   businesses are entitled to
inevitable that consumers and       claim the highest rate for fuel
customers will be forced to wear    used other than for travel on a
them too.                           public road. This extends to fuel
                                    used in road construction and
The situation, which is being
                                    maintenance activities even
repeated globally, offers a
                                    when on public roads. This is               Peter Perich
unique opportunity for fleet
                                    notoriously difficult to calculate,         Director of PPM Tax and Legal,
operators to examine their fuel
                                    resulting in many businesses                Teletrac Navman

                                                                                              Priority Report   | AUTUMN 2022   23
The VTA thanks the continued support of our members, sponsors and supporters that enables us
     to continue to work on behalf of our members. The VTA encourages the use of these companies
     and their services wherever possible and remember to mention you’re a VTA member.

        TWUSUPER has been the Industry Super Fund for                                 Viva Energy is one of Australia’s leading energy
        people in transport and logistics since 1984, and as a                        companies. We’re proud to be Australian, proud of
        SuperStream-compliant fund, can help you meet your                            our 110-year history and extremely proud of our
        super obligations. EmployerAccess and our secure                              achievements.
        employer website provides fee-free administration                             We help Australians reach their destinations by making,
        and flexible payment options for your employees’                              importing and delivering the fuels, lubricants, chemicals
        super contributions. This includes an online clearing                         and bitumen they need to get there. We’re with workers
        house which lets you to make super payments for all                           on their daily commute and families on their school
        your employees, no matter which fund they belong                              run. We’re with industry, too, helping truck drivers move
        to. Combined with an experienced Employer Service                             freight across the country and machinery operators in the
        team to help you with day-to-day enquiries (and make                          mining, aviation and marine industries.
        site visits to most locations), using TWUSUPER as your                        We proudly own and operate one of Australia’s four
        business’s default super fund makes perfect sense.                            oil refineries at Geelong in Victoria, and a nationwide
                                                                                      network of more than 20 fuel import terminals from
        Contact Robert Laba,                                                          which we supply around a quarter of the country’s total
        Member & Employers Services Manager,                                          liquid fuel energy requirements.
        on 0407 563 879                                                               Through an extensive network of around 1,250 Shell
        Email :                                           branded service stations across the country, our quality
                                                                                      fuel and convenience is never far away.

        [Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement before you make an
                                                                                      Contact Nick Lubransky,
        investment decision (which you can obtain using these contact details). TWU   Marketing Manager – Transport Lubricants
        Nominees Pty Ltd ABN 67 002 835 412 is the trustee of TWU Super Fund ABN      on 0414 725 644
        77 343 563 307 and the issuer of interests in it].
                                                                                      Email :

                                                                                      CMV Truck & Bus has five dealerships located in Victoria,
                                                                                      selling new and used Mack, UD Trucks and Volvo Trucks
                                                                                      and Volvo Buses, as well as CMV Finance, CMV Fleet
        Over the past 45 years, change has been constant in heavy
                                                                                      Leasing, CMV Fleet Management, CMV AdBlue®, service,
        motor insurance.
                                                                                      repair, warranty, parts and VicRoads services for new and
        The vehicles and equipment our customers rely on have
                                                                                      used trucks and buses.
        become safer, faster and cleaner. The cargoes they carry are
                                                                                      CMV Truck & Bus is a division of the CMV Group, a
        now more delicate and time sensitive than ever before.
                                                                                      privately owned South Australian-based company
        At NTI, we’ve always been successful in finding new ways to
                                                                                      established in 1934. A third generation family owned
        keep our customers moving.
                                                                                      organisation, the CMV Group has grown from a staff
        Today, we offer premium specialist insurance products
                                                                                      of five to employing more than 1,260 people, with
        designed to protect Australian businesses and families.
                                                                                      substantial operations in South Australia, Victoria and
        Businesses and families just like yours.
                                                                                      Tasmania and an annual turnover in excess of $1 billion.
                                                                                      CMV has more than 80 years’ experience in a variety of
        Contact Jason Chappell on 0400 521 940
                                                                                      markets including Australia’s automotive, commercial
                                                                                      and agricultural industries.

                                                                                      Contact Volvo Trucks Sales Manager Charles
                                                                                      Bunker-Smith at 392 Boundary Road, Derrimut, Vic
                                                                                      3030 or on 03 99316 000 or 0417 389 648.

24   Priority Report    |   AUTUMN 2022
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