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Introduction Publication of the sub-regional transport e.g. through borough LIPs and through the Battersea and to renew the safeguarding of It is for the sub-regional Panel, formed of plans in November 2010 reflected sub-regional Panels, to be taken account the Chelsea – Hackney route in 2014 . This the participants of the South London significant collaboration and joint work of. will provide an opportunity to ensure a Transport Strategy Board to discuss this between TfL, boroughs, sub-regional future scheme best serves future needs as draft update and agree the next steps. I partnerships and London Councils as well Over the past year there have been some currently perceived. would welcome engagement and as a range of other stakeholders. notable successes for London’s transport comments on the content and process so system, many of them on the national and The financial context remains constrained, that together we can continue to plan this It is now just over a year since the plans TfL rail networks. The Secretary of State’s but, it remains vital that we look beyond the great city and ensure that the south sub- were published. The sub-regional process recent announcement on High Speed 2 current Business Plan, continuing to plan region fulfils its potential. is an ongoing programme, enabling TfL to marks an important milestone for a project and address the challenges which a work closely with boroughs to address which offers enormous potential to growing population brings. In fact rather Peter Hendy Jan 2012 strategic issues, progress medium-longer strengthen our ability to generate economic than diminishing the importance of this, the term priorities and also respond to changing growth in the future. Ensuring there are difficult economic situation makes this all circumstances. adequate connections to HS2 to the south the more important, for a reason that the sub-region, will be essential if businesses Chancellor has made clear – investment in This document, together with its and residents in the region are to fully transport infrastructure will play a vital role counterparts for the other sub-regions, is benefit from this. The importance of this is in stimulating future economic growth. intended to be an ‘addendum’ to the original magnified by the fact that the Airtrack plan – providing a snapshot of the latest project was cancelled earlier in the year. As well as highlighting what progress has situation and very much rooted in the been made this addendum also sets out the ongoing collaboration. An update was The initial stage of the Thameslink project considerable challenges which remain. In considered useful to allow a number of was completed in December 2011. This response to the challenges TfL and the developments to be incorporated, and to increases morning peak seat capacity boroughs need to work together to develop bring the plans up to date in a number of between Blackfriars and King’s Cross St a viable range of measures supported by a respects. Pancras by 17%. Over the coming months funding package. the extension of the London Overground Firstly, it provides an opportunity to report from Surrey Quays to Clapham Junction With the growth which is forecast in London on the implementation of funded transport will also start operating, completing the it is vital that every effort is made to schemes and progress with other schemes. transformation of London’s orbital rail manage our roads and public spaces system. effectively. Urban realm which is conducive Secondly, this update allows developments to access by public transport, walk and in other, related, policy areas to be TfL has continued to work with the cycle has been shown to have positive incorporated in the plans. boroughs to keep the bus network up to economic benefits. TfL will work with These support a renewed emphasis on date and improve reliability. 150 hybrid boroughs in the sub-region to ensure that facilitating sustainable growth. This is the buses have been introduced in 2011 and the long term needs of both radial and principal aim of the new National Planning there will be 300 in service by the end of orbital key corridors and places are Policy Framework which the Government 2012. A new innovative real time balanced, to achieve win-wins where announced earlier this year. It is also countdown system has now been rolled out possible, or to make choices about which integral to the vision which drives the across the network, providing timings via objectives to prioritise. London Plan, which was adopted in July the internet, it is the largest service of it’s 2011. kind anywhere in the world. Later this year The experience gained of working through TfL is also introducing a new bus for the sub-regional panels and the benefits of Thirdly, by allowing the latest modelling and London, further adding to a bus service the latest sub-regional transport modelling analysis to be incorporated the update which is of the highest quality since records which TfL has undertaken are also allows the definition of the challenges to be began. incorporated. All this has allowed us to refined. update our understanding of the Other useful progress includes the outstanding transport challenges facing the Fourthly, the Addendum also allows Government’s announcements of support south sub-region and to refresh our view as 3 progress made across the south sub-region for the extension of the Northern Line to to how to these could best be met.
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Context 3. Progress Report 4. Update on the transport challenges 5. Responding to the challenges: beyond the Business Plan 6. Delivery 7. Summary 4
Regional level south London in this regard. The scale 2. Context The publication and adoption of the of the growth we need to accommodate new London Plan, with its emphasis on is clear from the London Plan and high-quality growth, collaboration with boroughs’ aspirations in their LDFs and Key policy Key themes delivery partners, and fostering added impetus has been provided with updates localism, confirms that Opportunity the NPPF and the National Areas will be the focus of growth. In Infrastructure Plan. South London will • National Planning • Growth South London, these are Croydon and need to play a key role in supporting Policy Framework • Localism Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea in and driving this growth – but we also National • National Infrastructure • Enterprise Zones conjunction with the sub-region’s need to ensure this growth is Plan • Reducing barriers designated Strategic Outer London sustainable – and that the quality of life • Localism Bill to project delivery Development Centres: Biggin Hill, the for Londoners is maintained and Wandle Valley and Croydon. enhanced. • Opportunity Areas Other Mayoral strategies, including • London Plan • Planning for growth • SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance Ensuring that growth is not constrained • Riot recovery documents, also raise transport needs. by inadequate transport supply and that London‐wide • LEP • Liveability we can support more sustainable travel • Electric Vehicles This focus on the economy does not options – is one of the principal • Air Quality mean other outcomes are not objectives of the ongoing work in the • Cycling important. In fact, the events of summer sub-region. There is also an aspiration 2011 in which rioting broke out in many to rebalance the national economy areas of the capital and in other cities in away from a perceived overreliance on Sub‐regional the UK mean that the role of transport the financial services sector. in facilitating social inclusion and providing access to employment and Borough level other opportunities will be scrutinised The context of the Local Development • LDFs • Enterprise partnerships more closely than ever. In the sub- Framework’s and Local Implementation • LIPs • Local unemployment region this may mean a redoubled Plans published by the south London emphasis on ensuring that the urban boroughs is also critical. Boroughs • CIL • Local links realm facilitates walking, cycling and a • Riot recovery • Outer London Fund sense of local pride. Local needs will also be influenced by the findings of the Outer London The Mayor’s Transport Strategy Commission, re-formed to address National level development adopts a ‘presumption in favour Accessibility Implementation Plan has issues such as town centre of sustainable development’, which is aimed been published, following a consultation development and the need for flexibility The increased level of concern over the state at reducing barriers to project delivery. It is period during 2011. It highlights in parking standards. of the world economy, and the heightened unclear what the outcomes will be in the sub- priorities for improvements in the focus on economic growth, is reflected in a region but transport policy will need to be physical accessibility in London’s Boroughs also have the opportunity to number of policies. responsive to changing needs. transport system. introduce borough CILs to meet local needs. The Chancellor has published a National The Localism Bill was given Royal Assent on The Mayor is setting up a London-wide infrastructure Plan which the Government 15 November 2011, becoming an Act. This Bill Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). In order to ensure that economic growth hopes will help stimulate economic growth is intended to shift power from central CIL will be paid by most new does not come at an unacceptable cost and this included the Northern Line extension government back into the hands of individuals, development in Greater London to help to the environment and people’s quality through the Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity communities and councils. capture value of developments for of life, the Addendum also seeks to Area which is to be made into an Enterprise schemes to address growth impacts. encourage sustainable travel patterns Zone. and different ways of thinking about Sub-regional level growth and how to embed different The new draft National Planning Policy A key driver of this addendum is the behaviour and mode shares. Framework (NPPF) abolishes much national issue of how we plan for growth across 6 planning guidance and in an effort to unlock London and the particular challenges in
3. Progress report: The year in review Sustainable travel – Chaired by LB Sutton the group is The improvements in the physical accessibility of the focussing on a key issues such as pooling resources, transport system also cover various modes. They The focus of each SRTP is around a set of “core” boroughs; extending the Smarter Travel concept, sharing travel include the completion of Access for All schemes at however the boundaries are intended to be flexible or “fuzzy” planning, collective agreements for car clubs, exploring Clapham Junction, Wandsworth Town and Balham as transport challenges do not stop at borough or sub-regional options such as radial cycle routes into town centres stations and a step free access scheme at Southfields boundaries. In some cases, information is already shared and encouraging the use of electric cars where station on the District Line. across the boundary, such as the results of town centre appropriate. surveys and traffic models. Managing the road network – Chaired by LB Richmond TfL funding with borough support has allowed a The Panel network of seven Strategic Walking Routes to complete this group has been sharing information particularly on The South London Transport Strategy Board continues to meet TLRN performance. Key roads have been identified on time for the 2012 Games. TfL aims to work with the on a quarterly basis. The Board comprises senior which require attention including the A205, A316 and boroughs through LIPs to support and maintain usage representatives of all Boroughs in the sub-region as well as A2043. of this network. those on the ‘fuzzy boundaries’ such as Southwark. Progress in 2011 Bus use has increased significantly over the past 10 TfL actively participate in the meetings and help set the Over the past year there has been important progress years, with an accompanied expansion of the network agenda. The group is chaired and administered by the South with the implementation of schemes featured in the and growth in capacity on routes. There has also been London Partnership. Guest speakers have been invited initial sub regional transport plans. Those of particular an increase in levels of reliability, through the use of throughout the year to discuss specific issues regarding, for bus lanes and signal priority, as well as improved significance to the south sub-region are shown on the instance, the Olympics or potential for European funding. quality of customer service through training, information map overleaf. provision, e.g. ibus and Countdown, and the The south SRTP published in November 2010 identified a There has been progress in a range of areas including introduction of newer, cleaner buses. number of key challenges to be addressed. In order to capacity, connectivity and accessibility schemes on the investigate these further and develop action plans a number of In the south sub-region 62% of bus stops now meet all public transport system and a wide range of initiatives working groups have been established. These are: three of the accessibility criteria, including protection which will help improve the sustainability of the transport system. These include schemes to encourage from parking/loading obstructions. Rail – Chaired by LB Wandsworth, this group has focussed on walking and cycling, other improvements to the public a number of areas including developing a rail priorities position, realm and the implementation of Phases 3 and 4 of the Service enhancements in the last year included identifying possible alternatives to Airtrack, considering increased frequencies on routes 12 and 453 on their Low Emissions Zone. The introduction of an all new implications of HS2 and discussing implications of Thameslink conversion to double-deck operation and increased train fleet on the Victoria Line and the acquisition of six and proposed changes to the rail network. new trams on Tramlink have boosted capacity on TfL frequencies on routes 343, 380, 450 & 664. Route 110 rail systems, with significant benefits in the south sub- was extended to West Middlesex Hospital and route Tramlink – Chaired by LB Croydon this group has been region. 371 was extended in Richmond. Major new bus informing and helping shape a Tramlink Strategy which is infrastructure facilities have opened at Elmer's End. under development. This strategy focuses on short – medium The more important developments on the national rail term enhancements to support capacity and frequency The Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) entered stage 3 in system affecting the sub-region include the opening of improvements to the system and longer term extensions. January 2012 to include most vans and other the first phase of the Thameslink upgrade and the completion of the roll out of the Oyster system, bringing commercial vehicles, Standards have become more Freight – Chaired by South London Business this group has robust for vehicles already covered by LEZ. fare and ticketing integration across London’s principal identified a number of key issues such as consideration of public transport modes. delivery hours, deliveries and restrictions during the Olympics, The London Lorry Control Scheme will be taking a light a review of routing, signage and wayfinding and the kerbside touch approach to enforcement during the Olympic The Network Operating Strategy, released for delivery environment. The key issue under consideration is Games. TfL is keen to work with London Councils to consultation to boroughs and other stakeholders in May the value of consolidation centres is south London and the understand how the scheme can contribute to a 2011, sets out measures including traffic signal timing review of site locations and business case. This group reduction in freight’s economic and environmental adjustments, further application of SCOOT, lane rental involves both public sector and private operators. impact through night-time delivery. and permitting schemes, and better computerised management of the network through improved interactive technologies. The main developments are summarised in the map overleaf. 8
3. Committed schemes - summary London Underground National Rail schemes Bromley South. Accessibility The District Line will benefit from a Thameslink Four other delivery priorities have been TfL Journey Planner is being updated to signalling upgrade which will provide a 14% The Thameslink programme , Key Output 2, identified to 2015: enable customers to plan journeys with step- increase in capacity and be completed by will deliver large amounts of new capacity in • Working with Biking Boroughs to unlock free access, not only from street to platform, 2018/19. New, air-conditioned trains will be the Thameslink Core, however it should be cycle potential in outer London (Bromley, but throughout the whole journey, including in place by 2016. The Northern line upgrade noted that there will be a loss of through Croydon, Merton and Kingston) from platform to train. Journey Planner will will be delivered by 2014 and increase service north of Blackfriars for services via • Targeted improvements at collision also feature the additional capability to re- capacity by 20%. An upgrade to the Victoria the Wimbledon loop. hotspots and urgent action to improve route journeys based on the availability of line will increase capacity by 20%. cycle HGV safety in order to reduce the accessibility related infrastructure. For Three contracts for the track, signalling and number of cycle KSIs. example, if the lifts at a certain station are Victoria Line – a new timetable will be station redevelopment at London Bridge • Improving the cycling experience; including out of service, then Journey Planner will be introduced in 2013 to further exploit the new have been awarded. improved road maintenance, wayfinding able to re-route the journey to the nearest signalling the upgrade has delivered. The and better routes. step-free station. line will operate with consistent headways A 1,200 vehicle fleet of Siemens trains is • Harnessing excitement about the below 120 seconds, pushing equivalent being procured for Thameslink which will Olympics, including local Greenways; a Accessibility in respect of signalised frequency up to 33 tph. facilitate commencement of metro style walking and cycling incentives scheme and crossing facilities and bus stops should also services in 2018. a large-scale active travel programme. be addressed as this impacts upon customer Northern Line - Upgrade is on schedule for • A24 Cycle Route Stakeholder and experience of the street environment. 2014 completion. New cab based signalling - South Eastern, South Central & South Implementation Plan. core sections will have the capability to run Western Road network operation 24tph, an increase of 20%. Further Access for All schemes (providing Walking and urban realm TfL will continue to implement the step free access) and schemes to improve By March 2012 TfL and the boroughs will interventions set out in the Network Priority stations for next generation schemes station facilities are due to be implemented have delivered 14 key walking routes, Operations Strategy. The Cycle include an upgrade at Balham, on the basis at a number of stations in the sub-region e.g. including 2 in the South region (excluding Superhighways will be completed and Better of a forecast lack of escalator, ticket hall and Hackbridge Station. the Castle Street pilot). Streets principles will be applied to gateline capacity. London Underground improvements to the road network. intend to examine the station's problems in There are plans for additional rail vehicles to With the Greater London base map for more detail in the next 3 years. be secured for use on inner suburban South Legible London now complete major Despite the major levels of investment, a Western and South Eastern routes to take implementations are planned for Croydon, number of challenges remain for south Sub surface lines - New walk-through trains advantage of the capability to operate the Clapham, Tooting and Sutton. LUL stations London specifically and across the sub- with air conditioning are being introduced. longer trains. and London bus shelters will also transfer to regions overall. It is therefore important that Due to be fully in service on the District Line Legible London mapping for customer – despite the financial constraints we are by 2016. A signalling upgrade on the District Network Rail announced a scheme to information through a business as usual currently facing – we continue to explore line, set for 2018/19 will deliver a further upgrade Gatwick Airport Station by 2013 process. TfL is also working with Train potential additional options to address the 14% uplift in capacity. which includes a new platform and Operating Companies to install Legible key challenges and plan for the longer term improvements to the track and signalling. London maps across London's suburban rail to ensure growth within the sub-region is London Overground stations. sustainable. The Overground extension from Surrey Buses Quays to Clapham Junction is due to open By the end of 2012 there will be 300 diesel- A key delivery priority for walking beyond the in December 2012. Access to Overground electric hybrid buses in service. These are three programmes above is to reduce the platforms will also be improved at Clapham expected to yield savings of around 30% in number of pedestrians killed and seriously Junction. fuel use, and emission levels, compared to injured across London, using targeted standard diesels and a reduction in noise. projects at collision hotspots. Tramlink Six new trams have been ordered to boost Cycling A number of urban realm schemes which will capacity on services between Elmers End TfL is committed to contributing towards improve conditions for pedestrians are being and Therapia Lane. £1.3m joint TfL and Network Rail funding for taken forward (e.g. Tolworth Broadway and station parking at stations including the Connected Croydon). 10 launch of cycle parks at East Croydon and
3. Committed schemes - summary 11
4. Update on the transport challenges 12
4. Reviewing South London’s Transport Challenges The transport challenges Growth of this scale inevitably implies filled, and the efficiencies achievable increased pressure on the transport from the road network are maximised. network. Overview of challenges Reducing public transport crowding 2008-9 saw a reduction of 3.7% in The specific sub-regional challenges Sub-regional challenges total weekday morning peak travel to identified for the south sub-region central London, which remain of critical importance and Improving access and movement to, from and within town subsequently recovered by 1.1% central to this plan. centres and key places between 2009 and 2010. More recently, the established trend towards In addition, the London-wide growth on the principal public challenges of improving air quality, Improving connectivity to, from and within the sub-region transport modes has reasserted itself. reducing emissions of CO2, and achieving the targets for - and desired Bus demand in London is continuing outcomes from - an increase in the to grow, by about 2% year on year. mode share of cycling and walking all Managing highway congestion and making efficient use of the Buses have provided the main part of require concerted action at the sub- road network London’s increased public transport regional level. capacity over recent years and continued growth will mean more This results in a total of seven key London-wide challenges capacity will be required in future. challenges, as set out in the box Transforming the role of cycling and walking in the sub-region opposite. In comparison, Underground passenger journeys decreased by Further investment will be needed to Meeting CO2 targets 10% in aggregate during the avoid significant increases in crowding recession, but growth had recovered and congestion and to ensure that strongly to pre-recessionary levels of inefficiencies in the transport network around 6% year on year by do not constrain the capital’s future Improving air quality to meet and exceed legal requirements and September 2010. Having fallen by economic growth. ensure health benefits for Londoners 1.4% during 2009, patronage on London and South East National Rail The following pages consider these a services also recovered strongly, with little further. Introduction Growth – the underlying challenge year-on-year growth of 5% in 2010/11. As the previous section showed, progress has London is set to experience significant growth been made on delivery of many of the in both population and employment over the Average levels of delay caused by schemes and projects identified to help meet coming years, of which a relatively small but traffic congestion in the south sub south London’s transport challenges. still significant proportion is to be region are already acute and are accommodated in the south sub-region. forecast to get worse in the future This section reviews these challenges, In (more detail on this on next page). many cases this is informed by improvements The latest London Plan forecasts show that to our modelling and analysis capability made south London’s population will grow from 1.6m Despite the recession, there is nothing during 2011. Sub-regional challenges remain to around 1.8m by 2031, with focal points in to suggest that the pressures a key focus but this further analysis and review Bromley, Croydon and Kingston town centres, identified are likely to abate. Indeed of progress against MTS challenges set out in as well as in Wandsworth. Employment growth looking ahead the projections indicate travel in London 4 have highlighted some will be spread across the sub-region in small significant pressures as population growing pressures and need for further action pockets. Some of the borough aspirations for and employment growth continue and in the medium-longer term across a number of growth e.g. Croydon OAPF – also go beyond the additional capacity delivered by London-wide challenges to which the south the growth assumptions in the London Plan. the Business Plan commitments is sub-region must play its part in responding. 13
4. South London’s transport challenges: key points Managing highway congestion & making efficient use of the road network Congestion levels in the south sub-region are forecast to increase from 0.95 to 1.03 minutes delay per kilometre between 2007 and 2031. The current rate of delay is second only to Central London and although the level of growth is relatively small compared to some other sub- regions there will be some acute congestion problems in some areas. Analysis of the south sub-region highway model indicates a number of areas with high levels of congestion. These include the A232 and the A205 Croydon and Wandsworth have the corridors. greatest amount of van-km (79 million and 87 million km respectively). There is forecast to be a mixture of growth and Analysis of future densities of trip decline in Heavy Goods Vehicle traffic in the sub- destinations by car is included in section region. As might be expected there is a reduction 5.3. in HGV use closer to central London. By contrast, there has been near universal growth in Light Goods Vehicle traffic across the sub-region. Comparing 2007 figures with a 1994-99 average, Sutton has proportionately seen the greatest increase in van traffic, 32% (8 million km). 14
4. South London’s transport challenges: key points Reducing public transport crowding Between 2007 and 2031, there are planned Rail crowding in 2031, with currently committed investment increases in capacity in the sub-region of 38% on national rail and 14% on the Underground. However, forecast increases in passenger demand (37% on national rail services and 27% on the Underground) mean that pressure on the network is unlikely to lessen (and there are some specific areas of growing demand not matched by increased capacity). Growth pressure on South Western Main Line services will cause crowding to become a worse problem on that route in particular despite the planned investment. Currently bus capacity is set to remain unchanged overall, though the ongoing review programme will mean regular change to the distribution of resources in the sub- region. Improving connectivity to, from and within the sub-region Connectivity continues to be improved but the cancellation of Airtrack is a setback as it does not address the connectivity to Heathrow. Thameslink and London Overground offer major improvements - but further opportunities such as Tramlink extensions need to be considered. Improving access & movement to, from and within town centres and key places Key places have assumed an even greater importance following the disturbances of the summer of 2011. Improving pedestrian infrastructure and the public realm encourages more walking and can support economic vitality. 15
4. The south sub-region’s transport challenges: key points contd. Sub-regional mode share by residents (2008-2011) Delivering mode shift Greater London 5% 8% 15% 1% 37% 2% 32% 1. ‘Natural increase arising from growth in population & West 2% 8% 14% 1% 45% 2% 28% employment South 6% 2% 13% 1% 47% 2% 29% 2. Mode shift North 2% 6% 15% 1% 45% 1% 31% amongst existing travellers East 4% 6% 16% 1% 38% 2% 32% 3. Higher mode share in new trips Central 7% 15% 17% 2% 18% 3% 38% from growth in population & 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% employment Rail Underground / DLR Bus / tram Taxi / Other Car / motor-cycle Cycle Walk Source: London Travel Demand Survey 2008/9-2010/11 Transforming the role of cycling and mode are cycled or walked. characteristics and location of the new walking in the sub-region trips, the demographics of the trip-makers There has been significant progress over Whilst all walking trips in south London and the effectiveness and reach of the last year or so, but further investment remain at around 23 per cent, the mode interventions put in place. Each borough and initiatives are required to meet a five share of walking trips by only residents of will have their own approach, but per cent cycle mode share and a 25 per London is around 29 per cent. This mode coordinating between boroughs will help cent walking mode share target London- share is higher as there are more local maximise their effectiveness. wide by 2031. For walking this equates to trips made by residents of London. an extra 1.1m walk trips per day London- However, it is still one of the lowest levels wide. of walking in London. While growth in population is assumed to One of the key ways of delivering a bring with it a corresponding increase in change in mode share in the sub-region the absolute number of walking and will be by ensuring that the proportion of cycling trips wherever possible it will also new trips which are made by active be necessary to achieve further mode modes is greater than the current average shift towards walking so that in future trips (both by existing and new travellers). The that would otherwise be made by another scope for this will depend on the 16
Air Quality Monitor Primary School Focus Area South London AQ hotspots South London CO2 emissions Improving air quality to meet Heath, Wallington, Kingston, Meeting CO2 targets and exceed legal requirements Wimbledon, Bromley). The Mayor, through TfL and proportion of 1990 emissions of C02 and ensure health benefits for working with other agencies has 1.0 Londoners The NO2 focus areas have been committed to deliver the required In the SRTP, 23 NO2 focus areas developed by TfL, taking into contribution from ground-based 0.8 were identified in south London. account current concentrations of transport to achieve a 60% NO2, levels of public exposure, reduction in London’s CO2 0.6 Some locations are corridors any relevant local characteristics, emissions by 2025 from a 1990 where housing is in close and predicted air pollution trends base. While encouraging a 0.4 proximity to longer sections of for the future. The areas identified greater use of sustainable modes roads (e.g. A24 Tooting High have been cross-checked with will play an important role, driving 0.2 Road, A307 Richmond Road), boroughs Local Air Quality the uptake of cleaner vehicle other locations are junctions Monitoring. A package of local technology will also be critical. 0.0 where a combination of traffic measures to address NO2 at 1990 2010 2025 2025 2025 flows from different roads is these sites will be developed and funded CCMES target transport's affecting air quality in the area delivered by TfL, the GLA and outcome maximum contribution (e.g. A205/Upper Richmond Road boroughs. to target Junction, Waddon Five Ways Corner). There are also locations in town or district centres where complex traffic flows and junctions are important (e.g. Thornton 17
5. Responding to the challenges 18
5.1a Rail: Making the most of existing networks and enhancing capacity This could be expected to increase the Capacity schemes attractiveness of rail and encourage TfL submitted a preferred package of people to reduce unnecessary car usage. solutions to Network Rail in August 2011. Under current rail industry structures, and This included train lengthening to 12 car constraints on national finances, operation on a number of South Western, devolution across the London network South Central and South Eastern services, would be difficult to achieve. Attention is additional stops at stations such as therefore focused on identifying the Denmark Hill and Peckham Rye and some highest priorities, which, in the sub-region, additional trains. It also included additional initially could commence with South trains on key orbital routes such as Eastern inner suburban services from Clapham Junction to Shepherd’s Bush and Sevenoaks and Hayes. Any initiative would longer trains on Southern services on the be likely to be tied in with the refranchising WL line. process. In the longer term, a broad case has been identified for incremental capacity Station congestion relief schemes including six car operation on Historically there has been a poor record selected orbital Overground routes and of investment in London’s suburban extension of 12 car capability on South stations. However, several improvements Western and South Central routes. are underway or proposed such as ticket hall improvements at Bromley South and a Underground upgrades new pedestrian bridge at East Croydon. In On the Northern Line, a second upgrade is its HLOS 2 submission TfL has being designed to take full advantage of recommended the inclusion of 6 stations in the signalling capability delivered by the the sub-region as part of package of first upgrade. This will require additional schemes to provide congestion relief at 18 rolling stock and some reconfiguration of London stations in all. The overall package service patterns, with the prospect of National rail network consistently high levels of customer service has a capital cost of £70m and a benefit – delivering a significant increase in Given the many competing demands on the and safety and a network fully integrated cost ratio of 2 to 1. Three of those in the capacity, with a train at least every 2 national rail network in the south sub-region, across all of London. sub-region are strategic interchanges as minutes at peak times on the most critical a clearer focus on the needs of the sub-region As demonstrated by the highly successful defined in the MTS. sections of the line. TfL are investigating in the way the services are operated together integration of the London Overground in to the options for optimising this second upgrade, with relatively modest investment could go TfL network, devolution can deliver Station accessibility understanding its impacts and how best to some way to addressing a number of relevant significantly improved service quality and TfL has recommended a further 26 capture opportunities that arise as part of challenges. operational performance and TfL will continue stations to be provided with step free the wider deep tube upgrade programme. to investigate opportunities to improve the access from platform to street. Of these, Devolution network further. six are in the sub-region . The total An upgrade of the Bakerloo line is planned The separate management by central package has a capital cost of £40m and a for post 2020 (unfunded), which would government of London’s local railways from Gross savings through adopting a more benefit:cost ratio of 2 to1. deliver additional capacity to Elephant and those run by TfL results in a confusing mix of efficient franchising model from the Castle, and shorter journey times into the ticket products, fare levels, service quality Southeastern and West Anglia franchises Service quality recommendations West End. standards and information provision for alone could amount to £100m over 20 years. Other recommendations were made in customers. This money could be used to improve the line with MTS policies are the operation of The Mayor’s rail vision offers an alternative. passenger experience with more reliable more routes with ‘turn up and go’ Responsibility for London’s inner-suburban rail services, higher customer service standards, frequencies, better information and services should be devolved to the Mayor. In improved stations and higher off-peak security measures for passengers, cycle that way a single coherent vision for the city’s frequencies. parking and gating. railways can be made real: a single 19 investment strategy, a single fares policy,
5.1b Rail: Extensions Bakerloo Line extension In the south sub-region many TfL has confirmed that a route from schemes are under review with an Elephant and Castle to Lewisham and extension of the Lewisham branch to then to Hayes would offer the most Catford and Forest Hill offering strong transport benefits, along with a connectivity and crowding benefits to possible link to Beckenham Junction. the Overground and Jubilee Line in Depot facilities would be needed in particular. TfL is also undertaking an the Hayes area. By taking over the engineering feasibility study for an Hayes national rail line, capacity extension of the route to Bromley would be freed at Central London North. terminals and release 6 train paths per hour which could be used to In summary strengthen capacity on key crowded Despite the major investment which South Eastern routes. However, the the schemes outlined on this page impacts on existing users of the represent, a number of outstanding Hayes line require further challenges remain unaddressed. In assessment. particular : TfL plans to continue working to (i) a number of connectivity problems develop the case and refine the in key corridors in the sub-region options. In particular further investigation of route options between (ii) connections to HS2 and Heathrow Elephant and Castle and Lewisham is (depending on future hub airport needed. One option is to provide a strategy) and direct route with an intermediate station at Old Kent Road, offering (iii) continued severe crowding on significant regeneration potential; some rail corridors, most notably, the alternatively, a longer route with south western main line. stations at Peckham and Camberwell would help address connectivity gaps in these locations. TfL has made progress with its own plans and scheme will be sought from the private sector in in collaboration with key industry partners on a the form of developer contributions and DLR Extensions number of specific larger-scale schemes. business rates if the area is made into an Further development of DLR routes Enterprise Zone as is being discussed with are considered a promising means of Northern Line extension government. TfL is also working with the addressing a number of challenges. The Chancellor announced the Government’s London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Lambeth For example an extension to Euston support, in partnership with the private sector, and government to explore mechanisms for could help relieve overcrowding on the for the extension of the Northern Line to financing the scheme. Northern Line and accommodate Battersea in his Autumn Statement. This additional passengers resulting from extension of the Charing Cross branch to two The extension of the Charing Cross branch HS2 passengers, while an extension new stations at Nine Elms and Battersea Power will provide significant journey time benefits to Dagenham Dock would help Station will transform access to and from the reducing, for instance, the time between stimulate development in key Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity Area, a major Battersea to Canary Wharf by around 25% and Opportunity Areas. new Key Place for the sub-region. The to Moorgate by around 40%. proposed extension has been identified as a The proposed extension of the Charing Cross key transport improvement needed to support branch of the Northern Line would create a the creation of up to 25,000 new jobs and direct (5 min) link to Westminster, the West End 20 16,000 new homes in the area. Funding for the (8 min) and the City (8 min).
5.1c Rail: Tramlink Cost Tramlink extensions are part of an integrated Build extensions to infrastructure provide new upgrade connectivity package Provide new stops, double tracking, extra platforms Remove existing capacity bottlenecks through rolling stock procurement, depot modifications etc Time There are a number of constraints on the options have been assessed against the Mitcham Junction. works to the existing infrastructure is system which need to be addressed for the MTS goals, challenges and outcomes as needed system to meet its full potential in meeting well as key challenges in the SRTP, to In the medium term any of the following the transport challenges of the corridors it produce a shortlist of around a dozen extension schemes could be pursued: Beyond this an extension to Bromley town serves. In particular the unfunded options. centre could be considered, although this - An extension to Crystal Palace, operating solutions which would enhance existing would only be feasible following completion a Crystal Palace to Croydon and possibly services include an additional platform at TfL’s Railplan model has been used to of the extension to Crystal Palace, This Wimbledon service, & utilising the railway Wimbledon Station; and a stabling facility produce business cases which together would allow a Croydon to Bromley service alignment northwest of Harrington Road; at Woodside. These works would also be with an assessment of options against to be provided, with on street operation via needed to facilitate any major expansion of MTS goals and challenges have been used - Extension to Sutton town centre, Shortlands, terminating in the Bromley the network. There is also a particular to prioritise the options. operating a Sutton to Wimbledon service South area. capacity constraint in Croydon Town via St Helier Hospital and Morden town Centre. A number of initiatives are being centre with on street alignment. progressed for implementation by 2015. Tramlink extensions These include depot modifications and As highlighted, before extensions can 21 Approximately thirty route extension double tracking between Mitcham and beneficially proceed, a programme of
5.1d Rail: Crossrail 2 On behalf of the Mayor of enhanced connectivity and London, TfL have been crowding benefits to the SW investigating possible future Main Line allowing many more route options for a Crossrail 2 locations in the sub-region to be project. A number of options are directly connected to the core under consideration, including route as the map shows. the currently safeguarded route. All options include a common Further work on these options is central core between Victoria being undertaken through the and King’s Cross along the whole of 2012 with a view to safeguarded route with an developing a preferred additional station at Euston. alignment for Crossrail 2, which will lead to a re-fresh of the In particular, TfL have assessed safeguarding in due course, an automated metro, which likely in 2013/14. would operate on a new tunnelled alignment between For the time being however, the Clapham Junction & Seven provisions of the current Sisters, and a regional metro, safeguarded route, issued by which would link existing the Secretary of State for national rail routes in the south Transport in 2008, for the west and north east by means of Chelsea Hackney Line (Crossrail a new tunnelled alignment. 2) will remain in force until such time as the Secretary of State Both the options provide greater issues any new safeguarding crowding relief to existing lines directions following the results of than the safeguarded alignment. the aforementioned They both also provide much development work. needed capability to disperse HS2 passengers at Euston. A programme of stakeholder engagement has been While the automated metro established, including: option would be considerably less costly than a regional metro • Briefing on recent option, it would provide fewer developments to London benefits and to some extent be Councils Rail Group; less satisfactory operationally. It • Continued and on-going would provide relief to the briefings to relevant Sub Victoria and Piccadilly lines but it Regional Panel meetings would not offer significant relief • Further briefing to London to the national rail network. It Councils Rail Group again in would also generate very high summer of 2012, to update on interchange demand at Clapham progress, ahead of reporting Junction which would require back to the Mayor in autumn significant modifications or a • Specific meetings with rebuild of the station. A regional individual boroughs/groups of metro scheme would deliver boroughs, as desired to cover substantial capacity and local issues. 22
5.1e Rail: Connections to HS2 and Heathrow airport While connectivity to Euston is already boroughs and others which offer good, there is insufficient capacity to connectivity benefits between the sub- cater for long term needs particularly region and Heathrow airport. following completion of later stages of the high speed network. The Crossrail 2 project and a DLR extension to Euston would go a long way to resolving this issue. Old Oak Common would have to be integrated with the rest of London’s transport network for this station to be Over the past year or so TfL has been project. Over the coming year it is vital that accessible. This requires further assessing HS2 impacts on London and its adequate connections to London’s two investment in road and rail connections. transport system. Through its response to planned HS2 stations are agreed with the TfL believes a well connected the Government’s consultation on HS2, the Government and TfL will be working to this interchange at Old Oak Common, Mayor set out an number of changes that end closely with the DfT, HS2 and sub- should include London Overground would be required in order to support the regional partners to ensure that this takes services, with direct connections to key project. These related to the negative place. The map above and opposite shows centres in the south sub-region, environmental impact on property and which HS2 station is likely to be used from including Richmond, Clapham Junction people particularly in west London; Euston each point in the sub-region. It is clear that and Croydon. Journey times to Old Oak and onward dispersal and the need for both Euston and Old Oak Common will be Common would be approximately as Chelsea-Hackney line or something similar; used by people in the sub-region and that follows: Old Oak Common and the need to link to preference will vary considerably with the wider transport network; and the HS2 – location. Old Oak Common will also provide • Croydon 30 minutes HS1 connection and impact on North interchange for passengers from south • Hounslow 18-20 minutes London Line. London wishing to reach Heathrow airport in • Richmond 15 minutes the future, particularly since the demise of • Clapham Junction 15 minutes The Government’s recent announcement the Airtrack project which would have that it will progress with a new high speed improved connectivity in the Richmond to TfL will also give further consideration line between London and Birmingham Heathrow corridor. to promising rail proposals from 23 confirmed the enormous benefits of the
5.2 Enhanced interchange In the longer term there is even greater potential. If HS2 is to be built, Clapham as a new entrance are proposed, improved integration with buses & trams is required as Junction could provide connections to Old well as capacity increases. Oak Common, giving simple onward connections to Birmingham, the north and Peckham Rye is a strategic node in the also Heathrow. If Crossrail 2 served south London rail network and is in a prime Clapham Junction, crowding pressures location for regeneration. Funding is secured could be relieved at Waterloo with to transform the area in front of the station interchange at Clapham to reach into a public square with improved bus-rail destinations such as Tottenham Court Road, interchange and 2012 will see the opening of Euston, or beyond – although this would Overground orbital services. Completion of result in the likely remodelling/rebuilding of Thameslink in 2018 will see a greater the station. number of through London services. Potential unfunded schemes include TfL East Croydon provides excellent radial HLOS 2 recommendations of step-free connections northwards e.g. to London access across the station, a 2 tph off-peak Bridge, Cannon Street, Charing Cross, Bromley South to Victoria service. Further Victoria and further north towards Luton as potential unfunded improvements include well as serving very important local and sub- additional stops by currently non-stopping regional catchments. To the south, trains services, further interchange enhancements provide services to key destinations e.g. & increased frequency on Overground, Gatwick & Brighton. The Thameslink Southern & Thameslink services programme will see more frequent and longer trains through here as would HLOS2 Elephant and Castle interchange is already proposals. A proposed new entrance and very well used, with the highest number of pedestrian bridge at the station will provide bus to bus passenger changes in London. It some relief and proposed links in and is also the gateway to an Opportunity Area. around the station will improve integration Enhancement of the interchange is but opportunities in the longer term such as recognised as a prerequisite to significant the provision of an additional platform at the growth and therefore a local CIL is proposed station, should be explored through the East to contribute towards the major interchange A number of locations in south London are beyond), and a number of further smaller Croydon Masterplan. East Croydon is also works required. A vastly improved particularly well suited to the role of a scale interchange enhancements are served by a frequent Tramlink service interchange and Thameslink services may strategic interchange. But the scope will possible providing good orbital connections to places encourage some people travelling from be influenced by the progress made in the to the west e.g. Wimbledon and Beckenham south London to The Westend to travel via implementation of funded schemes (such It is anticipated that by 2031 around Junction and New Addington to the East. Elephant and Castle, using the under- as Thameslink) and unfunded major 24,000 people will interchange between Tramlink frequency will increase (line 4) in utilised Bakerloo Line, rather than via schemes such as Crossrail 2 and the rail services at Clapham Junction in the 2012 and possible future extensions to e.g. Victoria & the overcrowded Victoria line. Bakerloo line extension 3hour AM peak. If measures were in place Crystal Palace and Bromley will mean East to increase the frequency on the Croydon will become a busier station. Wimbledon station has potential to provide Clapham Junction has the greatest overground network (Willesden Jct / Significantly increased usage is also likely for an increased Tramlink frequency by strategic interchange potential in south Stratford & west (Peckham, Canada Water from Croydon’s OAPF growth proposals. providing enlarged and refined platform London, and arguably London. The & Whitechapel) to eg 8tph then this could layouts and this is being explored with improved Overground service on the West increase station usage by around 40%. If West Croydon has excellent radial and Network Rail. In the longer term, Crossrail 2 London Line and new entrance to some of the current ‘non-stop’ trains called orbital links and through the extension of the provides opportunities to transform the Clapham Junction station on St John’s Hill at Clapham Junction & measures were Overground network links to east and north station. are likely to represent early stages in a implemented to improve the convenience London. Important orbital connections are programme of measures to enhance both of interchange the number of provided to areas such as Sutton on the services and infrastructure there. 2012 will interchanging passengers could rise by national rail network as well as connections see the introduction of South London Line c4,000 more. to the Tramlink network. The station is well 24 services (Peckham, Canada Water and located and whilst some improvements such
5.3 Road network: overview of the different priorities Different priorities Potential measures c) Mode shift Congestion Road safety to public a) Better b) Demand • A key pressure on a number of • A high priority in all locations transport, management management South London’s roads walking and • Frequency and severity of accidents and operation • Will not always be possible to can be improved through good cycling reduce congestion design and measures which reduce traffic speeds d) Better e) Capacity for Access to and within The quality and streets and movement of key places – by sense of place f) Road safety re‐balancing people and different modes places goods • The focus should remain on people • There is an opportunity to build on movement and efficient use of road the unique characteristic of South space London’s town centres by improving quality of life There is a range of measures that can be implemented in relation to the road • The exact mode mix will vary network to achieve the different priorities. The balance between them will • This will involved trade offs between depending on location clearly depend on the priorities in particular locations. different objectives As highlighted in section 4, congestion is within the sub-region, but so too is creating The benefits from better management and many Inner London areas, where public already a challenge on many of the roads better places, improving road safety, operation of the network clearly need to be transport accessibility and the density of in south London – and is set to get worse supporting cycling and walking and maximised, but there are inevitably service provision is relatively high, there in the longer term as growth pressures improving the environment. There are limitations. In growth areas additions to the would appear to be significant scope for a continue (both background and in often synergies between the different aims road network may be required in order to more ambitious approach, with opportunities particular areas associated e.g. with – but there are also potential tensions in provide access to the surrounding area. On to develop inspiring places, reduce car use Opportunity Areas) and many parts of the particular locations and difficult decisions some existing road corridors further action and promote significantly higher sustainable network reach saturation point. and trade-offs will have to be made. may also be required in order to improve mode shares. In many areas of Outer people movement, This could be through London, the reliance on private car is likely The road network plays a vital role in TfL is keen to work with boroughs to measures such as enhanced priority for the to continue. But even in many outer town ensuring access to key places. It is also improve key places and corridors to most space efficient modes or potentially centres, given the relatively high number of vital for supporting the increasing needs assess these issues and to agree the through increased road capacity for general short car trips, there is potential to switch for freight /servicing that keeps London strategic priorities in different areas. The traffic. many trips to walk / cycle / bus and functioning. But while the strategic links ongoing work via the sub-regions will help In other areas, place functions and priorities encourage different models of car ownership help ensure places are accessible and strike the balance between these different such as walking and cycling need to be and use e.g. car clubs/share. vital, they can also impact negatively, priorities in different places and the prioritised. As London grows, TfL and the There could also be potential for reducing creating severance and environmental measures needed to support the agreed boroughs must not only seek to mitigate the and re-timing freight deliveries. problems, undermining any real sense of outcomes. environmental pressures, but think On the following page, the map highlights place, and seeing conflicts between users innovatively about enhancing the quality of some of these issues and where they may with resultant safety impacts and impacts To date the South London Roads Group places and their future ‘shape’. For be prioritised. The following section then on the attraction of alternative modes. has identified three corridors for further Opportunity Areas, there is the potential to looks at different priorities and measures in Tackling congestion and ensuring good investigation; the A205, A316 and A2043. embed a different approach from the outset turn. 25 access to key places is thus a priority and steer less car dependent growth. In
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