News Plus: Major gains for part-time teachers - Vol.39 / no.1 september 2016 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

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News Plus: Major gains for part-time teachers - Vol.39 / no.1 september 2016 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
new s
teachers’ union of ireland / AONTAS MúiNTeOirí éireANN

                                                           Vo l.3 9 / no.1
                                                         se p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6

                                                         gains for
News Plus: Major gains for part-time teachers - Vol.39 / no.1 september 2016 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
A Word from the
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                                                           President – Joanne Irwin
    p.2 A Word From The President               Colleagues, i would like to welcome you              unacceptable precarious employment
                                                and your students back to your schools,              status of many teachers and lecturers.
    p.4 Pay equality campaign                   centres and colleges for the new
                                                academic year and i wish you every                   Since members accepted the May 2016
    p.5 Gains for fixed term/part-time          success in the months ahead. Thank you               agreement, we have made significant
                                                                                                     progress on the issue of income parity.
        teachers                                for electing me as President of the TUi
                                                and i can assure you that i will work                TUi and the iNTO have had a series of
                                                                                                     meetings with officials from both the
    p.6 Pay increases                           very hard on your behalf throughout my
                                                term of office. i would like to take this            Department of Public expenditure and
                                                opportunity to thank my predecessor,                 reform (DPer) and the DeS. There has
    p.7 Use of ‘Croke Park’ hours                                                                    been a particular focus on the principle
                                                Gerry Quinn, for his commitment, hard
                                                work and dedication to TUi during his                of restoring the value of a qualifications
    p.8 Further education/Third Level                                                                allowance to the common basic scale for
                                                term of office. i wish Gerry well as he
        update                                  returns to teaching.                                 teachers. The options in relation to the
                                                                                                     assimilation of allowances into the scale
    p.10 Junior Cycle update                    As you aware, before the summer, TUi                 have been discussed. We have reminded
                                                members democratically accepted the                  the Departments that we already hold
    p.18 Tom Hunt – an appreciation             TUi/DeS Agreement, May 2016. A                       an existing mandate for industrial action
                                                priority for us all is to ensure delivery of         on this issue (following a national ballot
    p.20 Third World Fund case study            the various aspects outlined in this                 in January) that we will activate if the
                                                agreement. Steady progress has already               need arises.
    p.23 Fitness to Teach provision             been made in this regard and a detailed
                                                overview is contained in the pages that              As we have already stated on numerous
         enacted                                follow.                                              occasions, and as has been publicly
                                                                                                     acknowledged by both the DeS and the
    p.24 Gender quotas in higher                Pay equality                                         DPer, the decision to restore the value
         education                              As TUi President, my main priority will              of their allowance to Firefighters within
                                                be the campaign for income parity for                the Lansdowne road Agreement is an
    p.31 rMA News                               new and recent entrants to the teaching              important precedent that can be applied
                                                profession. in this respect i will use               to teachers affected by the 2012
                                                every available opportunity to draw                  withdrawal of allowances.
    p.32 Crossword
                                                public and political attention to the
                                                                                                     You may rest assured that the campaign

                                   eDiTOriAL                                                                   PrODUCTiON

                                   Annette Dolan                       Bernie ruane                            TUi News is published by the
                                   Deputy General Secretary            Assistant General Secretary             Teachers’ Union of ireland.
                                                                 Aontas Múinteoirí éireann,
                                                                                                               73 Orwell road, rathgar, Dublin 6.
                                   Declan Glynn                        David Duffy
    Joanne irwin                   Assistant General Secretary         education & research Officer
    President                                                    T: 01-492 2588    F: 01-492 2953                                                                                           e:     W:
                                   Aidan Kenny                         Nadia Johnston
    Barry Williams                 Assistant General Secretary         Administrative Officer
                                                                                                               Printed by:
                                                                                                               Typecraft Ltd.
                                   Michael Gillespie                   Conor Griffin
                                   Assistant General Secretary         Press & information Officer
    John MacGabhann               
    General Secretary             Colm Kelly
                                   Assistant General Secretary

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News Plus: Major gains for part-time teachers - Vol.39 / no.1 september 2016 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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                                              A TUi national survey last year showed          increasingly frustrated by being
                                              that academic staff in institutes of            deflected away from their core work of
                                              Technology are suffering high levels of         teaching. excessive form-filling and box-
  TUi PreSiDeNT, JOANNe irWiN
                                              stress in their jobs. Their unsustainable       ticking offer no benefit to either
                                              workload caused by austerity era cuts           teaching or learning. As educators, we
will continue until pay parity has been       must be alleviated and brought into line        must be allowed to do our real work. in
achieved.                                     with international norms. Following on          any discussions, we will leave the
                                              from a commitment in the DeS/TUi                employer under no illusions about this.
Major gains for part-time                     agreement, a review of matters relevant         Progress has been made on this issue
teachers (cid and fixed-                      to lecturing in institutes of Technology is     over the summer. The inspectorate has
term)                                         to commence this month.                         confirmed to TUi that teachers are not
TUi has secured a very significant gain                                                       required to produce individual class
for our part-time members (CiD and            further and adult education                     plans and that teachers will not be
fixed-term). As a consequence of the          There is much to be done in securing            judged on the basis of their paperwork
DeS/TUi Agreement, May 2016, we have          appropriate contracts and terms and             but rather, as is appropriate, on the
negotiated an important revision to           conditions for those working in the             quality of their teaching.
Circular Letter 34/09. The result is that     further and adult education sectors. As
hours/posts that become available must        with the issue of pay parity, the May           retirement
now be offered to serving teachers on         2016 agreement with the DeS offers              For those of you retired from teaching, i
part-time hours in the first instance.        scope for significant improvements in           would like to thank you for your many
Circular Letter 59/2016, which is             this regard. The discussion on the              years of dedicated service to the
effective from 31st August 2016, sets         conversion of BTei staff is at an               education system and to TUi.You have
out the sequence for awarding of such         advanced stage and we expect to                 been a positive influence in the lives of
hours and full details are included in this   resolve this matter imminently.                 many throughout your career. i wish you
issue of TUi News. The critical point is                                                      a long and healthy retirement. i would
                                              As the number of school leavers is set          advise you all to join the retired
that the sequence is mandatory. in a          to increase significantly, the artificial cap
recent audit, TUi found that 50% of our                                                       Members Association (rMA). Visit
                                              on the number of Post Leaving          for details on how to
members under the age of 35 are               Certificate (PLC) places needs to be
employed on less than full hours. TUi                                                         join and to get an overview of the work
                                              removed, as does the €200 charge that           of the rMA.
has now negotiated a mechanism that           acts as an impediment to participation
will go a long way towards addressing         for many students. it is clear that the         the value of our work
this problem. All of the above is in          public education system has proven              i thank you sincerely for placing your
addition to the gains that have been          itself to be the gold standard in terms of      trust in me as President of TUi. in
achieved under the Ward report.               the provision of these courses and TUi          addition to advancing the key issues
third level issues                            seriously cautions against any further          itemised above, i will use every
The re-designation of one of the ‘flex’       move towards supply by private for-             opportunity to assert the
hours from January 2017 is a step in the      profit providers.                               professionalism and commitment of
right direction.                                                                              teachers and lecturers and the value to
                                              low morale and the stifling                     society of our work.
As a direct result of several years of        effects of bureaucracy
savage budgetary cuts that have resulted      i have been fortunate enough to have
in a fall in lecturer numbers, students       taught in all sectors in which TUi
are experiencing larger classes and less      represents members. From both my
access to laboratories, equipment,            own experiences and from feedback
materials, libraries and tutorials.           from colleagues elsewhere, it is clear
                                              that teachers and lecturers are

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      uPdate on KeY issues
    In May 2016, TUI members voted by a margin of 63% to 37% (on a turnout of
    57%) in a national ballot to accept a proposed agreement with the Department
    of Education and Skills.
    The agreement addresses key issues which had not been dealt with by the
    Lansdowne Road Agreement (LRA). In accepting the DES/TUI May 2016
    agreement, members also accepted that they would be covered by the LRA.
    Therefore, the pay restoration measures and other protections associated with it
    apply to them.
    Updates from across the sectors in which TUI represents members are set out

     ProGress in caMPaiGn for PaY eQualitY
    From February 2012, as a result of a        Firefighters, who also lost their            the discrimination that is undermining
    unilateral government decision,             allowance, have had the value of that        the morale of the profession.
    qualification allowances were removed       allowance restored, in the context of the
    from new entrants to teaching. This         LrA and their agreement to enhance           We reminded the Minister and the
    amounted to a pay cut of approximately      delivery of the service they provide. The    public that in January, members voted
    20%, compared to their colleagues. it       Minister for Public expenditure and          overwhelmingly to engage in a campaign
    also resulted in there being three pay      reform (DPer), the Minister for              of industrial action, to secure a
    rates for teachers, depending on            education and Skills (DeS) have              resolution to key issues - the most
    whether they entered the profession         highlighted the agreement reached by         critical being the income poverty of new
    pre-2011, in 2011 or post 1st February      Firefighters as a precedent available        and recent entrants to the profession.
    2012. Since then the TUi has been           within the LrA. The Ministers have           We have since engaged, in good faith, in
    campaigning to have this gross inequality   stated publicly that similar progress can    negotiation on these issues. Should
    eliminated. Progress was made under         be made for teachers within the context      definitive progress towards restoration
    the HrA by way of adjustments to the        of the LrA.                                  be further delayed, we advised that this
    2011 and 2012 rates.                                                                     existing mandate would be activated.
                                                representatives of the TUi and the
    A key understanding underpinning the        iNTO have, over the summer months,           in response to TUi’s statement, the DeS
    May 2016 agreement between TUi and          had a series of meetings with officials      stated that the aim of the Departments
    the DeS was that the scandal of pay         from both DPer and the DeS. There has        was to conclude the current discussions
    inequality could and would be               been a particular focus on the principle     by early September. The response also
    addressed.                                  of restoring the value of a qualifications   stated that the recent engagement had
                                                allowance to the common basic scale for      been taking place in the context of TUi’s
    The abolition of allowances in 2012 was     teachers. While significant progress has     acceptance of the LrA and having regard
    an additional cut that disproportionately   been made in the discussions, the union      to the recent agreement in respect of
    affected only a small number of public      warned in a public statement on 23rd         Firefighters.
    service grades – teachers, gardai, prison   August (extensively reported in the
    officers and firefighters. Therefore the    media) that while progress had been          We in TUi will proactively continue to
    necessary first phase in seeking pay        made, a clear timescale for                  seek urgent resolution to this critical
    parity involves restoring the value of      implementation is urgently required. We      issue.
    these allowances to teachers who            pointed out that another cohort of
    entered post 1st February 2012 in order     teachers would commence their careers        Please check the TUi website for any
    to bring their pay in line with the 2011    on significantly lower pay than their        updates on this issue.
    colleagues.                                 colleagues and that it was time to end

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News Plus: Major gains for part-time teachers - Vol.39 / no.1 september 2016 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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 MaJor Gains for fiXed-terM/Part-tiMe
Arising from the agreement reached between the
Department of education and Skills and TUi in May            appendix to circular letter 59/2016
2016, a revised procedure and sequence for filling
available teacher posts/hours has been agreed and       revised Procedure and sequence for filling available
is now set out in Circular Letter 0059/2016. This is    teacher Posts/hours
an extremely significant development in our
campaign against casualisation and income poverty.      5.1.1
                                                        The allocation of posts to each school/sector will continue to be
As additional hours become available, they must         determined in accordance with procedures approved from time to
now be assigned in the first instance and in            time by the Minister.
accordance with a mandatory schedule to serving
part-time teachers who are suitably qualified. This     5.1.2
will provide greater security of employment and         As stated in previous Department Circulars, a teacher employed on a
access to increased teaching hours for those            contract of indefinite duration (CiD) holds an employment status that
teachers. The process will be applied having regard     is equal to that of a permanent teacher.
to the principles contained in the report of expert
Group on Fixed-term and Part-time employment            For the purposes of calculating the number of serving teachers to
in Primary and Second Level education in ireland        whom there is an ongoing contractual obligation for any academic year,
(The Ward report). The Circular Letter also states      it is necessary to combine the number of permanent teachers with the
clearly that initial appointments can be made on a      number of CiD teachers (expressed in wholetime equivalents). The
permanent basis, scotching the myth and                 combination of permanent and contract of indefinite duration teachers
misconception that this was not the case. The           will result in a school/eTB having a total number of permanent
circular restates the position secured by the unions    teachers below, equal to or in excess of 95% of the school’s/eTB’s
through the PCW in that a school/scheme can             initial allocation (expressed in wholetime equivalents).
appoint up to 95% of its initial allocation on a
permanent basis. The 95% can be exceeded where
                                                        Where the combined number of permanent/CiD teachers is equal to
entitlements to an initial CiD or an enhanced CiD
                                                        or in excess of 95% of the school’s/eTB’s initial allocation (expressed in
                                                        wholetime equivalents), no recruitment to permanent posts shall be
the circular letter has immediate                       undertaken (though a CiD or enhanced CiD will be awarded where an
application and supersedes any selection                entitlement in accordance with (a) or (b) below arises).
processes that have not been completed,
including processes in respect of
                                                        1. Permanent Posts
positions that have already been
                                                           Where the combined number of permanent/CiD teachers
advertised. it is very important in this
                                                           (expressed in wholetime equivalents) is less than 95% of the
regard that all positions that arise in a
                                                           school’s/eTB’s initial allocation (expressed in wholetime
school/scheme, including positions
                                                           equivalents), the filling of a permanent post may arise. Where such a
advertised but not filled, be identified
                                                           vacancy (whole-time or part-time) occurs, the employer shall apply
and notified to the branch as a matter of
                                                           the following actions in the sequence shown to the filling of such
Please make sure to bring this circular                    (a) offer a CiD where an existing fixed-term teacher qualifies for
letter to the attention of every                               such in accordance with the terms of this circular and circular
member in your workplace. Branches                             0024/2015; then
and workplace committees should
                                                           (b) offer an enhanced CiD (up to but not exceeding full time hours)
immediately ask management to draw
                                                               where an existing part-time CiD holder qualifies for such in
up the seniority list required by the
                                                               accordance with the terms of this circular and circular
circular letter.
                                                               0024/2015, having regard to the curricular needs of the school
The appendix of the Circular Letter, which sets out            and the qualifications required for the post; then
the revised procedure and sequence for the filling
                                                           (c) submit the vacancy/vacancies for filling by redeployment in
of available teacher posts/hour, is reproduced in its
                                                               accordance with agreed arrangements; then
entirety below.

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       (d) following the completion of the process in (c), offer
           unassigned permanent hours to a part-time CiD
                                                                      PaY increases
           holder on a CiD basis, in accordance with this circular
           and circular 0024/2015, up to but not exceeding full       iMPortant note: To avail of the pay restoration and
           time hours, having regard to the curricular needs of       other protections under the LrA, TUi members in
           the school and the qualifications required for the post.   Designated Community Colleges (in the eTB sector)
           The employer, having regard to the curricular needs of     Community and Comprehensive Schools and Voluntary
           the school and the qualifications required for the post,   Secondary Schools must complete the short LrA Teacher
           shall offer such unassigned permanent hours to the         Consent Form at Appendix 1 of Circular Letter 45/2016.
           teacher with the longest service to the employer and,
           subsequently, shall offer any remaining unassigned         in designated community colleges, the completed
           permanent hours to the teacher with second longest         form is to be returned by 13th September to the payroll
           service to the employer, and so on.                        section of the employer education and Training Board (eTB).

                                                                      in community and comprehensive schools, the
    2. Fixed-term Hours                                               completed form is to be returned by 13th September to the
                                                                      principal teacher of the school.
       Where the process in 1 above has been completed and an
       employer has remaining unassigned fixed-term hours, the        in Voluntary secondary schools, the completed form
       employer shall apply the following actions in the sequence     is to be returned to the Payroll Section of the Department of
       shown to the filling of such hours:                            education and Skills by 8th September. Members should also
       (a) offer unassigned fixed-term hours, having regard to the    provide a copy to the principal of their school.
           curricular needs of the school and the qualifications
           required for the post, to a part-time CiD holder on a      Correspondence outlining this procedure was sent from TUi
           fixed term basis, in accordance with this circular and     Head Office to all Branch Officers and Workplace
           circular 0024/2015, under a separate fixed term            representatives on 22nd August 2016. The circular letter
           contract up to but not exceeding full time hours. The      (including the form at Appendix 1) and related
           employer, having regard to the curricular needs of the     correspondence are available on the TUi website.
           school and the qualifications required for the post,
                                                                      upcoming pay increases due to tui members as
           shall offer such unassigned fixed-term hours to the
                                                                      a result of cooperation with relevant collective
           teacher with the longest service to the employer and,
           subsequently, shall offer any remaining unassigned
           fixed-term hours to the teacher with second longest        2016
           service to the employer, and so on.
                                                                      n 1 sept 2016: Further increase in PrD exemption
                                                                        threshold to €28,750. This follows the increase in PrD
       (b) where, following the application of 2(a) above, an           exemption threshold to €24,750 on January 1st 2016. The
           employer, having regard to the curricular needs of the       combined effect of the two increases in the exemption
           school and the qualifications required for the post, has     threshold is an annual gross saving in PrD of €1,000.
           remaining unassigned fixed-term hours, they shall be       n 1 sept 2016: €796 (pensionable) added to each point
           offered to an existing part-time fixed term teacher on       of teachers’ salary scales: This represents the first half of
           a fixed term basis to augment her/his contract up to         the agreed restoration of the S & S payment. This applies
           but not exceeding full time hours, in accordance with        only if you are in the collective agreement (i.e. the LrA).
           the terms of this circular and circular 0024/2015. The       As this is an addition to the scale, it is immediately fully
                                                                        pensionable and is not subject to the three year averaging
           employer, having regard to the curricular needs of the       that is applicable to allowances.
           school and the qualifications required for the post,
           shall offer such unassigned fixed-term hours to the        2017
           fixed-term teacher with the longest service to the         n 1 april 2017: restoration of half of the 2014 HrA pay
           employer and, subsequently, shall offer any remaining         cut to those earning above €65,000.
           unassigned fixed-term hours to the fixed-term teacher      n 1 sept 2017: €796 (pensionable) added to each point
           with second longest service to the employer, and so          of the Teachers’ Scale. This represents the second half of
           on.                                                          the agreed restoration of the S & S payment. Again, this is
                                                                        immediately fully pensionable.
    3. Advertising and filling of remaining posts                     n 1 sept 2017: €1,000 flat rate increase on salary scale.
                                                                        All salaries up to €65,000 will increase by €1,000 per
                                                                        annum. This flat increase applies to each point of the
       The sequences at 1 and 2 above having been completed,
                                                                        relevant salary scale/s. Allowances that are held in addition
       any permanent or fixed-term posts remaining unfilled             to salary – e.g. Post of responsibility, Principal, Deputy
       (whether full-time or part-time) shall be advertised as          Principal, Coordinator (etc.) allowances - are not included
       permanent or fixed-term respectively by the employer             in the calculation of the €65,000.
       and filled through a formal recruitment process using the
       standard procedures and criteria for the filling of such
                                                                      n 1 Jan 2018: restoration of the remainder of the 2014 pay
                                                                         cut to those earning above €65,000.
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increment delays/freeze                                           Grace Period
Under the HrA there were delays in the payment of                 The Grace period - that allows calculation of retirement lump
increments. The effect of these delays has been to change the     sum and pension on the basis of the June 2013 salary and
incremental date for each public servant affected. There are      allowances (i.e. before the HrA cuts applied) – has been
no further delays under the LrA. increments will be paid on a     extended to 1st April 2019.
person’s incremental date (as adjusted).

  use of ‘croKe ParK’ hours
 As a result of accepting the DeS/TUi           school calendar for use of the        The net effect is that the TUi will in any
 Agreement of May 2016, members are             33 hours.                             such circumstances regard members as
 also covered by the Lansdowne road                                                   having completed 6 of the 33 CPA
                                             n The designation of a day as a staff
 Agreement and have an ongoing                 day to utilise some of the CPA         hours,  and will support members
 commitment in regard to the 33 Croke          hours (i.e. what is often referred to  where or if this position is challenged.
 Park Agreement (CPA) hours.                   as a “Croke Park day”) – typically,    n Arising from the DeS/TUi
                                               the first day or two following the         Agreement of May 2016, and
 The May 2016 agreement increases              summer break – is generally                effective from the commencement
 from 5 to 8 the number of hours (of           intended for whole school purposes,        of the 2016/17 school year, 8 of the
 the 33) that can be done in tranches of       unless otherwise specified in the          33 hours are for use in blocks of no
 no less than 30 minutes and on other          calendar for use of the hours.             less than 30 minutes and on other
 than a whole-school basis in the              Whereas TUi members must be in             than a whole-school basis, in
                                               attendance on such a designated day,       accordance with the terms of
 2016/17 school year. From the                 whole school purposes cannot be            CL43/2014, as amended by
 2017/2018 school year, 10 of the 33           served where attendance by                 paragraph 21 of CL45/2016. The 8
 hours can be done in this way.                teachers is not on a whole school          hours, that are to be done on other
                                               basis.                                     than a whole school basis, cannot be
 The TUi understands that the ASTi has                                                    included in a staff day designated for
 directed its members not to fulfil the      n if, as a result of the ASTi directive      whole school purposes. The 8 hours
 33 Croke Park Agreement (CPA) hours           or for any other reason,                   remain to be delivered in line with
 as set out in CL 0025/2011, as                management locally or nationally           the DeS/TUi Agreement of May
                                               decides not to proceed with some           2016 from within the residue of
 amended by CL 0043/2014. Therefore,           element of the calendar for the
 as advised in TUi’s letter of 31st May to                                                CPA hours (i.e from within the
                                               specified scheduled usage of the 33        hours that remain when the hours
 members, the resultant situation will         hours (for example, a staff day) the       assigned per staff day are
 need to be managed in a way that is           TUi will regard members affected           discounted).
 respectful of all parties.                    by that decision as having fulfilled
                                               that element of their CPA hours        n The TUi understands that the ASTi
                                               commitment.                                has advised its members that
 in this context, the Union is providing                                                  attendance at enrolment open
 the following clarification to members                                                   nights is not prohibited by its
                                             n if, for example, Thursday 25th
 in regard to the 33 CPA hours:                August (and/or any other day) was          directive and may be undertaken on
                                               scheduled as a staff day to utilise 6      a voluntary basis. The TUi is aware
 n TUi members have engaged with                                                          that, in many schools, attendance at
    the normal planning process for            of the CPA hours, TUi will regard
                                               members as having done those               such   open nights forms part of the
    usage of the 33 CPA hours. This                                                       usage of the 33 CPA hours, as does
    involved the development, before           hours in the event of a decision by
                                               management:                                attendance at registration nights etc.
    the end of the last school year, of a                                                 That will continue to be the case
    calendar for use of the hours. in                                                     for TUi members.
                                               • not to proceed with the staff day
    relation to blocks of more than 2
    hours or scheduling outside of 167                                                n As the ASTi is in dispute in relation
                                               • to re-designate all or part of the       to the 33 hours, a member of the
    days, decisions in relation to the
    calendar required consensus.                   day as a school day within the 167     TUi may not, in the course of usage
                                                   days                                   of the 33 hours, undertake any
 n Members of the TUi should be                                                           work normally done by a member
    available to fulfil each element of        • to relocate/defer the staff day to a     of the ASTi.
    their commitment in respect of the             later date or                      The TUi will provide regular updates. if
    33 hours, as set out in the school’s                                              you require any assistance or advice,
    calendar for 2016/17. This means           • to re-designate all or part of the
    that members must be in                                                           please contact your branch or Area
                                                   staff day as being for a purpose
    attendance in their school/centre                                                 representative (Contact details are
                                                   other than that which was set out
    on the day/s designated in the                                                    available in the TUi Diary and
                                                   in the agreed calendar for usage
                                                   of the CPA hours.

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     further education – uPdate
    annual leave                                application of circular                     the teaching grade will be honoured. A
    Arising from the DeS/TUi Agreement,         letters                                     number of issues are currently being
                                                                                            finalised in relation to the position of
    May 2016, discussions have been held        The DeS confirmed, by letter dated 7th
    during the summer with the                                                              unqualified persons teaching in the BTei
                                                July, that the terms and conditions of      Programme. The DeS is preparing a
    Department of education and Skills          employment set out in DeS circulars in
    (DeS) and education and Training Boards                                                 proposal for TUi’s consideration.
                                                respect of Adult Guidance Counsellors
    ireland (eTBi) in relation to Circular      and Adult education Officers must be
    Letter 08/14 and its application to a
    number of grades represented by the
                                                applied to individuals appointed to such
                                                                                            Btei county
                                                posts. This will benefit a number of
    TUi. This circular letter reduced the       members to whom the appropriate             co-ordinators
    effective leave entitlement of a number     terms and conditions had not been           The DeS is currently preparing a
    of grades that TUi represents including:    offered                                     contract template to include common
    n Adult Literacy Organisers (Circular       .                                           pay and conditions for TUi’s
        M15/01)                                                                             consideration. Any agreed contract will
    n Adult Guidance Counsellors/Co-
        Ordinators (Circular 70/04)
                                                directors of outdoor                        be with effect from 1 July 2016.

    n Community education Facilitators          education centres
        (CL 45/02)                              in 2009, TUi won a case in the Labour
                                                                                            incremental credit
    n BTei Co-Ordinators                        Court on behalf of the Directors of
    n Adult education Officers                  Outdoor education Centres. in               scheme for the
    The circular letter required that days of
                                                common with other outstanding claims,       Youthreach co-ordinator
    closure (e.g. at Christmas and easter)
                                                the Court’s recommendation was not
                                                                                            and Youthreach resource
                                                implemented, due to the imposition of
    which had previously been excluded
                                                austerity measures. Further to the          Person
    from the counting of annual leave, were
                                                TUi/DeS Agreement, May 2016, the DeS        TUi has furnished the DeS with a draft
    to be considered as encompassed within
                                                wrote to the TUi on 23rd June 2016 to       incremental credit scheme for the
    the annual leave entitlement as set out
                                                confirm that the Labour Court ruling        Youthreach Co-Ordinator and
    in contract.
                                                would be applied with effect from 1 July    Youthreach resource Person grades for
                                                2016. A new enhanced pay scale, as          its consideration.
    the tui has now secured an
    increase in the holiday                     recommended by the Labour Court,
    entitlements of the grades                  applies to this grade from that date.
    listed above to 35 days inclusive                                                       formal engagement with
    of periods of etB closure.                                                              etBi/QQi forum and
                                                Btei conversion
    The DeS has confirmed that the annual       Process                                     Meetings have been arranged by the
    leave provisions of the nationally agreed   The DeS has confirmed unequivocally         union with both the eTBi/QQi Forum
    contracts mentioned above are               that the commitment to convert those        and with SOLAS. These meetings will
    amended to reflect this increase to 35      qualified and registered as teachers to     take place in mid-September.

     third leVel – uPdate
    Circular letter 52/2016 confirms that       The hours will be re-designated in          n as a priority, usage of the full flex
    half of the two additional flex hours for   consultation with lecturers and in             hours for duties other than teaching
    institute of Technology lecturing staff     accordance with institute needs and            in accordance with institute needs
    introduced by Circular 26/2011 will be      priorities.                                 n the current workload of lecturers
    re-designated to wider duties other than
                                                                                            n maintaining and enhancing the quality,
    teaching from 1st January 2017.             This interim measure will continue             effectiveness and efficiency of
                                                pending a review of matters relevant to        education within institutes of
    The Department of education and Skills      lecturing in the sector. The review will       Technology
    has confirmed its view that “wider          be completed by March 2017. The terms
                                                                                            n other developments in the sector
    duties other than teaching” should be       of reference of the review will be agreed      that are relevant to the lecturing
    read as meaning duties set out in the       between the parties and will have regard       role.
    agreed contract of employment.              to:

8    september 2016 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

significant advance in campaign
against casualisation at third level
Following vigorous representations on        CiD rather than a further Fixed Term           qualified lecturers on CiDs or pro-rata
the issue by TUi, the Cush report on         Contract provided the conditions and           fixed-term contracts for less than full
Fixed-Term and Part-Time employment          procedures set out in Circular 93/2007         hours who have the necessary
in Lecturing in Third Level education in     are satisfied.                                 qualifications to teach the course and
ireland was published in May 2016. in                                                       who could benefit by the augmentation
                                             Qualification period for a
July, Circular Letter 41/2016 set out the                                                   of their existing contract. if this is the
                                             further cid for additional
procedures for the implementation of its                                                    case, the extra available hours should be
recommendations.                                                                            offered first to such lecturers before
                                             Where additional hours are awarded to
                                                                                            being advertised generally.
The key provisions include:                  an existing CiD holder, the qualification
reduction of the period of                   period for a further CiD in respect of         significant advance in
qualification for eligibility to             those additional hours should be one           campaign against
a cid                                        year, provided that the conditions and         casualisation at third level
                                             procedures for the awarding of a CiD           The recommendations to be
The qualification period for the granting
                                             set out in Circular 0093/2007 are met.         implemented, in the main, mirror those
of an initial CiD has been reduced from
                                                                                            of the Ward report (2nd level).
a period of continuous employment in         awarding of additional
excess of three years with the same          hours                                          The implementation of these
employer to a period of continuous           in advance of advertising available hours      recommendations represents a
employment in excess of two years with       in a particular course, an institute of        significant advance in our campaign
the same employer. This reduction            Technology should carry out a review to        against casualisation and precarious
means that a lecturer will be awarded a      ascertain whether there are existing           employment at third level.

loans system could deter students from
participation in higher education
in its initial response to the July          recommendation of employer                     funding crisis must be tackled as
publication of the report of the expert      contribution welcome                           matter of urgency
Group on Future Funding for Higher
                                             The union welcomed the recommendation          Clearly, there has been a funding crisis in
education, TUi warned that an income
                                             in the report of a structured contribution     the sector for a number of years. Funding
contingent loans system could deter
                                             for employers. it is established TUi policy    for the institute of Technology sector
students from participation in higher
                                             that a 1% levy should be applied to            alone fell by €190m (35%) between 2008
                                             corporate profits in order to generate         and 2015. Over the same period, student
TUi favours a publicly funded education      additional funding for the resource-starved    numbers rose dramatically by 21,411
system at all levels. Along with the clear   higher education sector. The corporate         (32%) while 535 (9.5%) lecturing positions
educational and social benefits, such a      sector derives direct and invaluable benefit   were lost. As a result, lecturer workload
system also makes compelling economic        from the availability in ireland of a highly   has reached unsustainable levels, staff
sense, with a significant return on every    skilled, graduate labour pool which is the     morale has been severely damaged and the
euro invested.                               product of extensive higher education          capacity to deliver a quality service to
                                             provision. The introduction of a levy would    students has been adversely affected.
it follows that we believe in a higher
                                             further enhance the quality of the             Urgent, additional funding is required to
education system that is free and which
                                             graduate labour pool, the capacity of          tackle the corrosive and damaging effects
does not saddle young people with
                                             institutions to recalibrate to meet evolving   of these cutbacks that have resulted in a
significant levels of debt as they
                                             need and, ultimately, the sustainability of    diminished experience for today’s students
commence their working lives. The
                                             the enterprises that contribute to the         with increased class sizes and limited
prospect of such debt could deter
                                             fund. Crucially, the levy would represent a    access to laboratories equipment,
students from lower socio-economic
                                             tangible contribution by corporations to       materials, libraries and tutorials.
backgrounds from participating in higher
                                             the achievement of public policy goals and
                                             would ameliorate our very strong
                                             perception that the corporate sector has
                                             no allegiance to the society in which its
                                             profits are generated.

                                                                                                - TUi NeWS            9
tui neWs

     Junior cycle update – a reminder of what
     has been achieved

                                 1   Has the Junior Certificate been saved from
     In a national ballot
     conducted last                  abolition?
     year, TUI members               Yes. The Junior Certificate is retained. it will continue to be state certified,
     voted to accept                 with a terminal examination in June. The cost of retention of the Junior
                                     Certificate, which was in danger of abolition, is approximately €20m.
     Junior Cycle

                                     Will the Junior Certificate continue to be fully
     developed in                    externally assessed by the State Examinations
     detailed                        Commission (SEC)?
     negotiations                    Yes. Teachers will not assess their own students for the Junior Certificate

                                     (i.e. there is no 60/40 split).
     between the unions
     (TUI and ASTI) and              Will the finished artefact/performance in Junior
     the Department of               Cycle projects/practicals (etc). in Art, Music, Home
     Education and                   Economics and the Technology subjects continue to
                                     be externally assessed?
     Skills. The

                                     Yes. These will continue to be marked by the SeC.
     followed an                     Will there also be a Student Profile of Achievement?
     extensive campaign              Yes. This is to encourage schools to recognise other forms of student
                                     achievement not captured in the Junior Certificate. The school, not the
     of industrial action

                                     SeC, will issue the Student Profile of Achievement.
     by TUI members.
                                     Will professional time be provided for teachers?
                                     Yes, and within timetable. From September 2017 a full-time teacher
                                     engaged in the Junior Cycle will have a weekly timetable comprising 40
                                     minutes professional time and a maximum of 21 hours 20 minutes class
                                     contact time. The professional time comes to 22 hours per annum (pro-
                                     rata for part time teachers) and will create hundreds of new teaching
                                     positions at second level. This will give members on low-hour contracts an

                                     opportunity to gain additional hours in schools around the country.

                                     How can we be sure that no new, extra work will be
                                     imposed on teachers?
                                     An implementation Committee comprised of both Union and Department
                                     of education and Skills representatives is monitoring implementation of
                                     the new programme. Through this body, TUi will ensure that the
                                     agreement delivers on its commitments and that no additional work is
                                     imposed on teachers.

10   september 2016 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

      Are you a branch                                  Have we your correct membership
      officer/workplace                                             details?
      representative?                              n Has your union membership status changed?
      if so, all union
      correspondence is                            e.g. from Part-Time to Whole Time, from Whole Time to Job-Share or have your
      now being sent to                            part-time hours increased/decreased, etc.
      your ‘tuimail’                               n Have you moved from one employer to another?
      generic email
      address.                                     n Have you just returned from a Career Break, Leave of Absence or any other
                                                     form of unpaid leave e.g. maternity or parental leave?
      ‘tuimail’ addresses have been
      issued to all Branch officers                if the answer is “Yes” to any of the above questions, please ensure that you
      (i.e. chairperson/secretary/                 complete a new Deduction at Source (DAS) form immediately and send it to:
      treasurer/equality officer)and               Dara Blighe, Membership Secretary, TUi, 73 Orwell road, rathgar, Dublin 6 –
      all Workplace representatives.     
      All communication from Head Office is        DAS forms are available on the TUi website – They are also available
      now conveyed electronically, other than      from your School/College/Workplace representative and from Head Office and on
      some materials which are not suitable for    p.33 of this magazine.
      electronic communication. As well as
      providing immediate access to members        You can also update your status and/or hours by using your membership card to log
      on important issues, it is more cost         onto
                                                   Please complete a new DAS form to avoid falling into arrears.
      it is very important, therefore,
                                                   helP KeeP our dataBase uP to date. KeeP us inforMed!
      that Branch officers and
      Workplace representatives
      check the generic email account

                                                     tui’s third World fund
      allocated to them on a regular
      if you are a Workplace
      representative and have not
      received your email address                  TUi’s Third World Fund was established with the distinct purpose of assisting TUi’s
      please let us know immediately.              Third World Fund was established with the distinct purpose of assisting educational,
                                                   developmental and trade union projects in developing countries as approved by the
      A number of workplaces and college           executive Committee from time to time.
      departments have yet to return details of
      their current representatives. This places   Applications for donations from the Third World Fund are considered once a year
      the members working in these                 at the November or December meeting of the Finance Sub-Committee and
      colleges/schools/centres at a disadvantage   notification regarding successful applications is posted shortly after. This year, the
      as they will not be kept up-to-date with     Third World Fund will have over €20,000 at its disposal.
      union business. Head Office has email
                                                   if you wish to receive monetary support from the Fund for a project you are
      addresses ready and waiting to launch for
                                                   involved in or support please make a written submission to Nadia Johnston,
      these workplaces/departments but can
                                                   Administrative Officer, via email to Due to the large number of
      only issue a username and password when
                                                   applications received, a member may only submit one application. requests must
      we have identified a representative/
                                                   be submitted by 28th November 2016 and should outline details of the project.
      contact person for the workplace.
                                                   Among the total of 12 projects that received a contribution from the Third World
      therefore, as an immediate
                                                   Fund in 2015, were:
      measure, is vital that each
      workplace/department has a                   n Bugisi Mission Project (expansion and maintenance of a school in Tanzania)
      named person who will take                   n Nepal Leprosy Trust (water and sanitation work)
      responsibility for monitoring the
                                                   n HirN Zif Girls School Palestine (construction of classrooms)
      email, regardless of whether or
      not s/he wishes to act as                    While the amount donated to each project is modest, the feedback we receive from
      school/college/Workplace                     the various recipients indicates that your funding of these projects has a significant
      representative. a name should                impact and is greatly appreciated. Of course, there is an added advantage in that the
      be sent to or               money goes directly to the projects concerned.
      advised by telephoning head                  TUi’s Third World Fund can make a real difference to worthy causes at ground level
      office on 01 4922588.                        and members are encouraged to nominate a chosen project before the closing date.
      if you require any assistance with your
      new email account, please contact
                                                   Last year, TUI member, Muireann de Barra, nominated the
      Marie Sandland at or        HIRN Zif Girls School project. Muireann spoke to TUI about
      01 4922588.                                  the project and how the donation from the Third World Fund
                                                   was used. The interview appears on page 20.

14   september 2016 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

     Your contract explained – when should yo
     When you are offered a contract of
     employment – and before you sign and
                                                     What should my                                     position you will have a fixed-term
                                                                                                        contract. This is not a permanent
     return it to your employer - you should
     take the time to check that it is the
                                                     contract look like?                                contract. it has a specified termination
                                                                                                        or end-date. An initial fixed-term
     appropriate contract for your grade and         That depends on the status of the position         contract tends to be for one year. A
     that it accurately sets out the terms and       to which you are appointed.                        teacher is notified that her/his
     conditions to which you are entitled. if only   n Permanent: You could be appointed                employment is to terminate at the end-
     in prudence and as a precaution, you need         to a permanent position (either on full          date of the fixed term contract and that
     advice. Therefore, we would urge you to           hours or part-time hours). if your initial,      the position will be advertised (assuming
     speak to your TUi school representative, a        day-one appointment is to a permanent            continuation of the service/position). A
     TUi Branch Officer or Area representative.        position you will have a Permanent               selection and interview process follows
     They will answer any questions you may            Whole-time or a Permanent                        through which the teacher may, if
     have and offer relevant advice and/or             Part-time contract. Appointment to               successful, be re-engaged for a second
     information. Where necessary - and only           permanent positions follows a national           year under a new fixed term contract.
     with your prior approval - they will make         advertisement of the position and a              After the second year of fixed-term
     representations to management on your             formal selection process using agreed            service a Contract of indefinite
     behalf.                                           procedures. initial appointment on a             Duration will be awarded subject to
                                                       permanent whole-time basis used to be            certain criteria being met, including
     it is important to be aware that the
                                                       the norm but, regrettably, has not been          continuation of the service into a third
     contract of employment offered to you
                                                       in recent years. TUi has addressed this          successive year.
     should have full regard to and should
     comply with relevant legislation, collective      issue under the TUi/DeS Agreement,
                                                       May 2016. The agreement clarifies that           Appointment to a fixed-term position
     agreements and (Department of education
                                                       employers can make initial appointments          follows national advertisement and a
     and Skills) Circular Letters. A Circular
                                                       on a permanent basis within the                  formal selection process using agreed
     Letter is, typically, an instruction from the
                                                       approved teacher allocation. The                 procedures (as for Permanent
     relevant government Department to
                                                       Department of education and Skills               Appointments).
     agencies, employers and employees within

                                                                                                     Contract templates
     its remit. The Department of education and        issued Circular Letter 59/2016 on 31st
     Skills (the DeS) issues Circular Letters to       August 2016 confirming this to be the
     employers and school management bodies            case.
                                                                                                     The agreed Contract of indefinite Duration
     in the education sector.                        n contract of indefinite duration:              for Post Primary Teachers, which is provided
                                                       When, as a teacher or lecturer, you have      as an appendix to Circular Letter 24/2015,
                                                       completed in excess of two years of
     When will I receive
                                                                                                     is illustrative of the basic provisions that a
                                                       continuous service with the employer          teacher’s contract should contain. Other

     my contract?
                                                       under two or more Fixed Term                  nationally agreed contracts are appended to
                                                       contracts (see below) and if that service     other Circular Letters. examples are:
                                                       satisfies the terms of the relevant
     The entitlement to a contract and the             Circular Letters, you become entitled to      n Youthreach resource Person/
     necessary minimum content of a contract           a Contract of indefinite Duration               Co-Ordinator (Circular Letter 12/03)
     are set out in the Terms of employment            (commonly referred to as a CiD). A CiD        n Adult Literacy Organiser (Circular
     (information) Act, 1994.                          is a permanent contract, either whole-          M15/01)
     Section 3 of this Act requires that, at a         time or part-time.
                                                                                                     n Adult Guidance Counsellors/
     minimum, an employer must provide an               This qualifying period of in excess of         Co-Ordinator (Circular Letter 70/04)
     employee with a written statement of the           two years was secured by the union
     terms of her/his employment within two             through the expert Groups that were          n Community education Facilitator
     months of commencement of that                     established under the Haddington road          (Circular Letter 45/02)
     employment. in practical effect, a written         Agreement. This is a significant
     statement of the terms of your employment          improvement on what is provided for in
     amounts to a default contract, albeit a
     minimal one.
                                                        law – a period of continuous
                                                        employment of in excess of four years.
                                                                                                     What details should
     in some sectors there is not yet an agreed         The TUi also secured the removal of          my contract
     contract in written form. For example, there       covering for career breaks and
     is none for teachers appointed to                  secondments from the list of valid
     permanent whole-time positions in                  reasons (known as “objective grounds”)
                                                        for denying the award of permanence by       in compliance with the Terms of
     Community Schools. However, in such cases
                                                        way of a CiD.                                employment (information) Act, 1994, the
     there is an unwritten (implied) contract that
                                                                                                     following should be noted in each contract:
     is enforceable and, of course, there is an
     entitlement to a written statement of the          Currently, under the TUi/DeS                 The full names of the employer and the
     terms of the employment.                           Agreement, May 2016, the TUi is              employee and the address of the employer
                                                        engaged in negotiating the application of
                                                        similar measures for the Youthreach          There is a number of employers in the
                                                        resource Person and Co-ordinator             education Sector and the specific employer
                                                        grades.                                      should be named on your contract.
                                                     n fixed-term contract: if you are               n education and Training Boards
                                                       appointed to a temporary, time-limited          if your employer is an education and
16    september 2016 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

u receive it and what should it contain?
     Training Board (eTB) your appointment        School A for Monday and Tuesday and               following August. This provides for
     is to the “scheme”. This means that you      School B for Wednesday, Thursday and              continuation of salary payment during the
     may be assigned to any Vocational School     Friday.                                           summer months.
     or Community College/Designated
                                                  the title of the job or nature of the              if your contract is at variance with this,
     Community College or to any education
                                                  work for which the employee is                    there may be an error and you should
     Centre within the particular eTB.You
                                                  employed                                          contract the TUi for advice.
     may, in subsequent years, be transferred
     within the scheme (subject to the terms
     of the particular transfer agreement that
                                                  The contract should set out the title of the
                                                  job i.e. the grade. This will then determine      Other Terms and
     is in place at the time).                    the specific terms and conditions of
                                                  employment and the pay-scale to be used.          Conditions to be
                                                                                                    contained within the
  n Community and Comprehensive Schools
                                                  You should note carefully the grade stated
    and Voluntary Secondary Schools
                                                  and check the agreed contract for that
    Community and Comprehensive (C&C)
                                                  grade. For example, if ‘teacher’ is the stated
    schools and Voluntary Secondary schools
                                                  grade, then compare the contract you are
    are stand-alone employers. As such, your
                                                  offered to the contract appended to               n in the case of a temporary contract of
    employer will be named as the Board of
                                                  Circular Letter 24/2015 to ensure its               employment, the expected duration
    Management of the specific school that
                                                  accuracy. if ‘Youthreach resource Person’ is        thereof or, if the contract of
    you have been appointed to.
                                                  stated, then compare your contract to the           employment is for a fixed term, the date
  n institutes of Technology                      contract appended to Circular Letter                on which the contract expires
    institutes of Technology are also stand-      12/2003.
                                                                                                    n the rate or method of calculation of the
    alone employers. As such, your employer
                                                  the date of commencement of the                     employee's remuneration – the pay
    will be named as the institute that you
                                                  employee's contract of                              scales for each grade are available in the
    have been appointed to.
                                                  employment                                          TUi Diary and Handbook
  the place of work or, where there
                                                  if the contract offered to you is Fixed Term      n the length of the intervals between the
  is no fixed or main place of work, a
                                                  (that is, for a specified or period of time and     times at which remuneration is paid – i.e.
  statement specifying that the
                                                  with a stated termination or end-date) it will      the frequency of salary payment,
  employee is required or permitted
                                                  typically – but not always - be for an              whether weekly, monthly or at any other
  to work at various places
                                                  academic year, commencing on 1st of                 interval. The frequency of payment
  in the case of Community & Comprehensive        September and ending on 31st August of the          during leave periods should be
  Schools,Voluntary Secondary Schools and         following year. Notwithstanding this                consistent with the agreed contract.
  institutes of Technology the place of work is   commencement date, most schools open
                                                                                                    n any terms or conditions relating to
  the specific employer. in the case of an eTB,   before 1st September and will require you
                                                                                                      hours of work (including overtime) - i.e.
  the school/centre to which you are              to present for work in the last days of
                                                                                                      how many hours of work per week
  deployed in the current academic year           August. This is to be expected and is not an
  should be stated clearly. For example, you      issue to be concerned about. The payment          n any terms or conditions relating to paid
  may be employed by Galway and                   period for such a fixed-term contract will be       leave (other than paid sick leave)
  roscommon eTB and your place of work            the twelve months from 1st September to
  for the academic year 2016/17 may be listed     31st August, inclusive.
                                                                                                    n any terms or conditions relating to—
  as Galway Community College. in                                                                      • incapacity for work due to sickness or
                                                  in some cases, a contract may commence
  subsequent years the eTB - provided that it                                                            injury and paid sick leave, and
                                                  later, or conclude earlier. This typically
  complies with the relevant transfer
                                                  applies if you are employed to substitute for        • pensions and pension schemes,
  agreement negotiated with the TUi - may
                                                  an employee on maternity leave or another
  choose to move your place of work to                                                                 • the period of notice which the
                                                  form of short-term leave.
  another school/centre in the eTB. in some                                                              employee is required to give and
  cases a contract may state that a person will   if your fixed-term contract commences                  entitled to receive (whether by or
  have more than one place of work. For           before the 1st November, its termination/              under statute or under the terms of
  instance, the eTB might deploy you to           end date should normally be 31st of the                the employee's contract of
                                                                                                         employment) to determine the
                                                                                                         employee's contract of employment
     TUI advises that you retain the following documents                                                 or, where this cannot be indicated
     for your personal records and to assist TUI in the event                                            when the information is given, the
                                                                                                         method for determining such periods
     that you require advice or representation:                                                          of notice,
     n Advertisements for any/all jobs in which you have been employed                                 • a reference to any collective
     n Letter of Offer/Appointment Contract(s) AND Cover Letter(s) for all jobs in which                 agreements which directly affect the
       you have been employed                                                                            terms and conditions of the
     n Any other documentation/correspondence relating to your employment                                employee's employment including,
                                                                                                         where the employer is not a party to
     n All Payslips                                                                                      such agreements, particulars of the
     n Annual Timetables                                                                                 bodies or institutions by whom they
     n All Teaching Council records/Documentation                                                        were made.
     n Attendance Certificates for all CPD including that related to induction programmes
                                                                                                         - TUi NeWS            17
tui neWs

            ‘he saw their potential and knew that
                       drawn out and built upon’

     On March 14th 2016 we heard that Tom                                                 in 1980, Tom was appointed as deputy
     Hunt was seriously ill in a Dublin                                                   principal in Ballyhale Vocational School
     hospital and did not have long to live.                                                 (now Scoil Aireagail). The school
     This could not be possible because                                                        continued to grow at this time
     Tom was always so vibrant and                                                                and soon outgrew the original
     larger than life. When we heard                                                               main buildings. Prefabs were
     that he had died in the early                                                                   brought in to accommodate
     hours of March 18th there                                                                        the growth but these
     was such a palpable feeling                                                                       prefabs rapidly
     of disbelief, sadness and                                                                          deteriorated and were
     numbness among the                                                                                  replaced by more prefabs.
     whole TUi and rMA                                                                                   Tom spearheaded
     community in Co. Kilkenny                                                                            various campaigns over
     and it was hard to                                                                                   the years to have a new
     comprehend how this                                                                                  school provided and he
     could be. At his funeral,                                                                            always had great support
     people said that they                                                                               from the parents and
     thought that Tom would                                                                             staff. He was tenacious in
     bury them—he was only 72                                                                          this regard and he fought
     and had walked the Camino                                                                        along with the parents'
     de Santiago for 35 days as                                                                      committee and Board of
     recently as September/October                                                                  Management to highlight the
     2015 but now we were laying him                                                              need for a new school. This was
     to rest in a country churchyard in                                                         a priority for him. Many meetings
     Co. Kilkenny on a cold March day.                                                        were held with the VeC and
                                                                                          Department of education but there
     Tom was from Lisronagh in Co.                                                        was always a problem—the site,
     Tipperary and he never forgot his Tipp                                               educational cutbacks and funding
     roots—a lovely touch at his burial was     were going on to make conditions          matters. So, although Ballyhale had
     when daffodils from his family’s home      better for teachers, a cause for which    absolute priority over the other
     farm were put in his grave by his nine     he worked tirelessly all of his life.     schools in Kilkenny since 1979, it was
     beloved grandchildren.                                                               only in 1999 that Micheal Martin, then
                                                Tom was President of TUi between          Minister for education, opened the
     Tom came to Co Kilkenny in 1972            1981 and 1983. in his address to the      new school.
     where he was appointed to Kilkenny         1983 TUi Annual Congress, he
     City Vocational School to teach english.   denounced what he saw as a serious        Tom had become principal of Ballyhale
     For us young teachers who came             undermining of the concept of free        in 1992, but, until 1999, whenever he
     along later, Tom was always                second-level education in order to        wanted to announce news to the
     synonymous with TUi, the union which       save a few “paltry” pence. He said that   school community, whether bad or
     we had all joined as soon as we were       no President had stood in front of an     good, he had to stand on a chair,
     appointed. We knew that Tom was            Annual Congress in the previous two       outdoors, in the wind and rain. From
     “important“ in the union and often         and a half decades amid such              1999, he had a new assembly area/ Pe
     went to meetings to “Head Office” in       educational devastation. Worse was to     hall in which to address the students
     Orwell road. We were mesmerised at         come over the next 30 years, much to      and staff.
     branch meetings back in Kilkenny           Tom’s dismay.
     when he told us of negotiations which                                                Although the physical conditions were
                                                                                          dreadful in Ballyhale, there was always
                                                                                          a great spirit which was full of energy.

18    september 2016 - TUi NeWS
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