Press PACK WINTER 2021 -

Page created by Teresa Daniel
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -

Mini adventures in Tignes
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
Intro               This coming winter is
                      the promise of new

                       adventures on the
                         slopes of Tignes.

                           BUT WHAT DO
                            WE MEAN BY       “Feminine noun derived from the Latin
                            ADVENTURE?       *adventura.

                                             An unusual, exciting or daring experience.
                                             Excitement associated with danger or the taking
                                             of risks.”
                                                                     ~ Extract from the Oxford
                                                                       Dictionary of English ~

                                             Before setting out on an adventure, choices are
                                             to be made. To ensure a successful experience,
                                             take our advice and tick the boxes:

                                               AN EXCITING DESTINATION
                                               — Tignes has plenty to offer!
                                               A CHOICE OF ACTIVITIES,
                                               OFF THE BEATEN TRACK
                                               — With family, friends or in solo, the choice
                                                 is yours!
                                               A GOOD EXCUSE TO TAKE A BREAK
                                               — Every excuse is a good excuse to visit Tignes                                                                                Television report
                                             Perched at an altitude of 2,100 m, Tignes           100% peace of mind!
                                             combines all the necessary ingredients for
                                             a dose of new adventure. However, the risk of
                                             addiction is not to be excluded.                    In continuation of the Covid-19 measures
                                                                                                 implemented this summer, Tignes
                                             The time has come to embark on a mini-              continues to enforce the following
                                             adventure. It’s up to you to choose which one!      measures to ensure a successful and
                                             See you soon in Tignes.                             serene ski season:                         In Tignes, adventure is not just for holidaymakers: cabin workers
                                                                                                                                            on the Grande Motte cable car live the adventure every day!
                                                                           Marion and Alyse      Compulsory face coverings         in the   Their mission? To de-ice the world’s highest cable car at an
                                                                                                 funicular, the cable-cars and public       altitude of more than 3,000 m.
                                                                                                 transport (ski bus) from age 11 upwards.
                                                                                                                                            This colossal yet delicate task, suspended mid-air in dantesque
                                                                                                 Ski & Snowboarding Schools:                conditions and temperatures as low as -15° Celsius, takes
                                                                                                                                            anything from a couple of hours to several days. The location of
Contents                                                                                           Less than 10 people per group            the cable car, in a wind-blown corridor, favours the formation
                                                                                                   (Evolution 2).                           of frost and ice, making the task a more frequent one! A metre
                                                                                                                                            of frost regularly cumulates on the arrival station!
2                     8                                                                            A limited number of people in
Intro                 Mini adventures                                                              reception at any one time.               De-icing opertations begin at the departure station, followed
                      as a family                                                                                                           by the cables, the cabins — 3 workers on the roof of a cabin
3                                                                                                  The possibility to book more             or suspended in a harness — and finish at the arrival station.
                      10                                                                           activities online or by phone.
Television report     Art of living                                                                                                         FILMING POSSIBLE AS OF THIS AUTUMN. BAD WEATHER CONDITIONS DURING
                                                                                                   Hand gel, social distancing rules,       WINTER ARE THE PROMISE OF MORE IMPRESSIVE IMAGES.
4                     12                                                                           plexiglas protection and one way
Mini adventures       Gastronomy                                                                                                            SOMETIMES PICTURES SPEAK BETTER THAN WORDS:
                                                                                                   circulation in public places.  
with friends
6                     Events
Mini adventures
in solo
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
 A winter adventure boasts
 a special feel
                                                                                                                                                           Experience new adventures after dark

                                                                                                                              NeW              Playing nomad                                                   Ski la nuit!
               ini adventures                                                                                                 Slip into the shoes of ancient nomads during an evening   At nightfall, board the Perce-Neige Funicular towards
          M                                                                                                                   in a true trapper camp, at 1800 m altitude. Enjoy a       the Grande Motte glacier and enjoy a memorable
                                                                                                                              traditional aperitif by the fire before tucking into a    evening at the Panoramic. This unique setting,
                                                                                                                              Savoyard meal in an Mongolian yurt. New this year:        at 3,032 m altitude, is the venue for a gourmet
                                                                                                                              star gazing through the transparent roof of the yurt.     meal prepared by Jean-Michel Bouvier. Ski home
                                                                                                                                                                                        beneath the stars in the company of a professional

                                                                                                                              End the evening with a sledge run home, beneath the
                                                                                                                              stars. Pure escapism!                                     instructor.

 with friends
                                                                                                                                                                                        The must: an endless run all to yourself!

                                                                                                                                Rates     75 €/adult                                      Further information          GLACIER EVENING EVERY THURSDAY.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LAMPES PROVIDED

 Fancy sharing a new experience?
                                                                                                                               Contact    +33(0)7 60 82 10 12 ~ TIGNES.EVOLUTION2.COM      Rates       95 €/adult, 65 €/child under 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                       (NON-INCLUSIVE OF DRINKS)
  Abandon the screen, set yourself
new limits and embrace the majestic                                                                                                                                                       Contact      +33 (0)4 79 06 47 21 ~

 scenery of Tignes and the Vanoise
           National Park!

overniGHt stay in a mountain refuge

                                                                 A NIGHT IN A MOUNTAIN                                                                                                                     To extend the adventure
                                                                 REFUGE is a dream to fulfill,                                For the experts
A network-free      The                                          a new adventure now possible in winter!                                                                                                   NeW
   break far   opportunity            Discover                                                                                The following morning, those less daring can ski back to resort
                                    the life of a                                                                             whilst the experts head off for a second day of ski-touring towards          DISCOVER THE
   from the     to try ski-
                                     guardian                    Access                                                       the Pointe de la Vallaisonnay, at 3,020 m. This timeless escape in a
    crowds       touring
                                                                 From February onwards, skin up from Tignes Val Claret        picture-postcard setting offers views of the Grande Casse and the            SECRETS of the VALLEY
                                                                 towards the Col du Palet refuge in the Vanoise National      Grand Motte glacier.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           A package deal inclusive of
                                                                 Park. At the foot of the Tichot chairlift, a signposted                                                                                   accommodation for 4 people, a ski-
                                                                 itinerary runs alongside the Carline and Signal slopes.      Meet Bérengère, the guardian                                                 touring outing under the guidance of
                                                                 This 500 m vertical ascent is quite steep at the start but                                                                                a local mountain professional plus a
                                                                 the remainder of the route remains accessible to all         At only 26 years of age, Bérengère is preparing to spend her second
                                                                                                                                                                                                           6-day ski pass.
   Opening dates                                                 and offers superb views. On arrival at the summit, an        winter at the Col du Palet mountain refuge hut. Originally from
                                                                 off-piste descent leads the more adventurous towards         Pontarlier in the Doubs region of France, nothing predestined this
 FROM 1ST FEBRUARY TO 15TH APRIL 2021 ~ Guarded mountain
                                                                 the mountain refuge — a peaceful haven nestled at            student in architecture to assume the role of guardian at a mountain
                                                                 2,600 m altitude — where Bérengère welcomes her              refuge. However, her passion for sport and the mountains guided
                                                                 guests with a Savoyard fondue by the fireside.               her to the summits where she landed a summer job at the Col du
   Prices                                                                                                                     Palet. A revelation!                                                          Prices
 OVERNIGHT STAY: 21 €/adult, 10 €/child under 18 & students.     Far from the hustle and bustle of the resort, the Col du
 HALF-BOARD: 55 €/adult, 37.50 €/child age 8 to 18 & students,   Palet mountain refuge is one of the few shelters guarded     On graduation in 2016, she returned to the refuge and has never              FROM 399 € PER PERSON outside school
 20 €/child under 8.                                             in winter. With no running water, visitors are expected      left since. She became co-manager alongside Nicolas, guardian at             holiday periods (non-inclusive of equipment)
                                                                 to help melt the snow! Wake up to a magnificent sunrise      the time, before taking over the reins in 2019. Like the ptarmigan (or
  Information & reservations                                     on the virgin white slopes and enjoy the opportunity         snow partridge), for which she has a particular affection, Bérengère          Contact & reservations
 BERENGERE VALLAT ~ +33 (0)6 36 30 92 57 ~                       to make first tracks in the powder. The snow beneath         is both discreet and energetic; qualities greatly appreciated by                                  your skis is the only sound to break the silence!            her guests.
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
[6]                                                                                                                                                                                                                              [7]
Wake up the adventurer within                                                                                                  BREAKING                                                           Television report
                                                                                                                               THE ICE
                                                                                                                   Tignes is one of the only sites in France

                                                  ini adventures
                                                                                                                   to propose such a unique underwater
                                                                                                                   experience. Enjoy a silent dive in an ephemeral
                                              M                                                                    decor created by air bubbles running along
                                                                                                                   the surface of the ice. One to two metres
                                                                                                                   thick, the ice forms and re-forms every day to
                                                                                                                   offer a magical display of light and shadow.

                                            TO ENJOY                                                               This unique adventure, to be experienced at
                                                                                                                   night, is supervised by a qualified professional.

                                              in solo
                                                                                                                   Every Thursday from 18:00 onwards.

                                                                                                                   130 €/PERSON PER NIGHTIME DIVE
                                                                                                                   95 €/PERSON PER DAYTIME DIVE
Wild wanderer or lonesome daredevil?                             3 REASONS TO TAKE ON A                            From age 15+                                        The sky’s
                                                                 neW challenge this winter
A solo adventure is highly recommended                                                                              Information & reservations available at            the limlt
given the present circumstances! This
                                                                                                          ~ +33 (0)7 60 82 10 12
winter, Tignes boasts an extraordinary                                                                                                                                 Last winter Loïc Toussaint, age 30, and his little brother
array of activities to enjoy alone.                                                                                                                                    Félix, age 25, both ULM pilots in Tignes, tempted to
                                                                                                                                                                       achieve the maximum number of figures by means
                                                                                                                                                                       of 500 m long red banners attached to their aircraft...
                                                                 To push        To enjoy an   To overcome                                                              just as their father did 10 years previously. A first
                                                                your limits      unusual       your fears                                                              in resort, this challenge was met last February, on
                                                                                experience                                                                             Valentine’s day, when the duo drew hearts in the
                                                                                                                                                                       sky above Tignes. Since then, the two men have
                                                                                                                                                                       continued to perform in the air for the benefit of
                                                                                                                                                                       both holidaymakers and locals. Their only limit, their
                                                                                                                                                                       imagination. This winter, the duo promise to repeat
                                                                                                                                                                       their prowess by increasing the difficulty. The WOW
                                                                                                                                                                       factor is surely guaranteed!

                                                                                                                                                                       Ultralight aviation, a family story
                                                                                                                   HEAD OVER HEALS                                     «My father’s a pilot, my mother’s a pilot, my little brother’s
                                                                                                                                                                       a pilot and so am I! It’s in the blood”, explains Loic. As
                                                                                                                   For those with a strong heart!                      a boy, he dreamt of flying fighter jets. «That never
                                                                                                                   The concept? Slide down a 30 m ski jump             happened but I still work with my head in the clouds.”
                                                                                                                   on skis or a snowboard wearing a bungee             Originally from the Maurienne Valley, Loic arrived
                                                                                                                   style harness. Launch yourself into the air,
NEW                                                                                                                complete a few stylish moves (or not) and
                                                                                                                                                                       in Tignes eight years ago. «The director of the Palet
                                                                                                                                                                       Aeroclub sought me out. For me, the potential here was
                                                                                                                   ride back down to the ground on a zip wire.         obvious. The local people love sports and no one tried
                                                                                                                   Both amazing and safe!                              to stop me from flying ULM aircraft.” Today, Loïc and
3,2,1 TAKE OFF                                                                                                                                                         Felix work hand in hand with their respective partners
This winter, Tignes Air Experience proposes a new VIP package                                                                                                          proposing introductory flights all winter long.
                                                                      Images                                        Opening dates
for those in quest of thrills and spills. Daredevils amongst
                                                                                   OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, FROM 17TH
you can enjoy an incredible ULM flight to discover the
surrounding glaciers, mountain ridges and local wildlife. A                                                        DECEMBER TO 15TH APRIL
                                                                      Rates                                        From age 14+
true immersion in a magical world that will leave even the
reckless open-mouthed. On the programme: an introduction            500 € PER PERSON ~ VIP EXPERIENCE ~
to flying celebrated with a glass of champagne plus a dvd           Duration: 1 hour                                Rates
of this extraordinary experience. Arctic expedition clothing                                                       FROM 75 €
is provided by Tignes Air Experience.
                                                                    TIGNES AIR EXPERIENCE ~ +33 (0)6 78 31 41 91    Contact                                             Contact
ENJOY A VIP WELCOME FOR A FLIGHT TO THE SUMMIT!                                                                                            TIGNES AIR EXPÉRIENCE ~ ~ +33 (0)6 78 31 41 91
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
[8]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  [9]
Little explorers

                                                                                                                                                                                                     GO O D D EA LS
                                                    ini adventures
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WHERE TO STAY?

                                            to enjoy
                                     as a family                                                                                                                                         NeW
                                                                                                                                                                                         Le Curling***
NeW                                                 3 ingredients
                                             for a successful adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                         Le Curling, located in the heart of Tignes Val Claret,
                                                                                                                                                                                         is the new ski-in ski-out address for families. The
ROLL UP, ROLL UP!                                                                                                                                                                        establishment boasts 35 double, triple and quadruple
                                                                                                                                                                                         rooms plus an outdoor terrace with brazier fires
Coming to Tignes this winter, human bowling                             SNOWSHOE ADVENTURE                             3KM TOBOGGAN RUN                                                  — the ideal spot to chill after a day on the slopes!
- otherwise known as zorbing! The idea is                                in the wild                                   beneath the stars
pretty simple. Hurtle down a track, solo or
in duo, harnessed inside a transparent                                      From Tignes les Brévières, a balcony                                                                          Opening dates          OCTOBER 2020
sphere called a zorb ball, reaching                                          trail through the snowy forest leads      Swap your skis for a sledge with metal brakes, a
speeds of up to 50 km/hour. The aim of                                       to the spectacular Nancruet Gorges.       helmet and a headlamp and set off for the Palafour                 Prices     FROM 69 € TO 170 €/ night in a double room
the game? To knock over as many giant                                        A hidden canyon with steep rocks          chairlift. From the summit, enjoy a thrilling 3 km
inflatable skittles as possible. Popular                                     and ice cascades transports budding       descent. A 20 minute downhill run, including high                  Contact
in New Zealand in the 90s, this extreme                                     explorers into a magical world,            speed straights, adrenaline charged bends and even
sport is still relatively unknown in France.                               a privileged venue to spot ibex and         a 40 m long tunnel. Thrilling sensations guaranteed!
Tignes is one of only two resorts in the                                  chamois. A fun trek home down natural
Alps to propose the activity. Accessible to                             snow slides completes this memorable
all... provided you have a strong heart!                             snowshoe adventure!
                                                                                                                        Further information
                                                                                                                       Minimum height required: 1 m40.
                                                                                                                       OPEN FROM SUNDAY TO MONDAY, 17:15 TO 19:30.                       NeW
 Further information                                         Rates
                                                                                                                         Prices                                                          4 days for the price of 3!
FROM AGE 12+. Year-round activity. Wednesday, Thursday &   36 € PER HALF DAY
Friday, from 16:30 to 20:30 in Tignes Val Claret.                                                                      8€ PER RUN including sledge, helmet and headlamp.                 Offer valid Monday to Friday in a 2 or 3 star hotel,
                                                            Contact                                                                                                                      outside school holiday periods.
  Rates                                                                                                                 Contact
                                                           BUREAU DES GUIDES DE TIGNES
15 € PER DESCENT/1 person ~ 25 € PER DESCENT/2 people                                                        
                                                           +33 (0)4 79 06 42 76                                                                                                           Rates     FROM 120 € per person inclusive of breakfast
 Contact                                                   OR +33 (0)6 95 86 85 75
                                                                                                                                                      Information & reservations      
SNOWTUBING TIGNES ~ +33 (0)7 83 40 08 10

        3 REASONS to learn to ski in              Tignes                    Safe and reassuring                        Beginners head to the heights                                                      159 SKI SLOPES
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for every level of skier
The perfect resort for a smooth start to skiing            These zones enable novice skiers to progress at their       The particularity of the Tignes ski area is such that it allows
                                                           own individual pace (magic carpets at Val Claret, Le Lac    beginners to rapidly head for the summits. There’s no
Because there is no age to learn how to snowplough,        and Tignes 1800, Brévières draglift) before venturing       question of remaining on the snow front when the call
Tignes promises a safe start to skiing, far from the       further down gentle slopes and on free chairlifts (Bollin   of the Grande Motte Glacier is so tempting! Two beautiful
crowds. To seduce novice skiers, both young and            in Val Claret, Almes and Rosset in Tignes Le Lac). Once     blue runs, located at 3,032 metres altitude (Génépy
old, the resort introduced progressive learning areas      started, stage 3 of the learning process becomes a mere     & Rabotch), enable novice skiers to enjoy a fabulous
several winters ago. These novice zones, «1,2,3...SKI      formality. Simply purchase your first ski pass, hit the     downhill run with an impressive 570 m vertical drop.
START», are located at the foot of each village and are    blue slopes and discover the fabulous Tignes ski area.
partly free of charge.                                                                                                 For more ideas, just ask!                                           Including 2 runs located above 3,032 metres
                                                                                                                                                                                                    altitude (Génépy & Rabotch)
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
[10]                                                                                                                                               [11]
Art of living                                                                                                                     Grande Motte Glacier


           Another level of luxury

Like a diamond carved from the rock, the 5* Hotel
Diamond Rock is due to open next December, after 2
years of building work. Designed by the owner, Didier          An alpine spa based on
Rivière, this exceptional contemporary 7,000 sq-m hotel
in Tignes le Lac is built on the side of a rock face and
                                                               mountain plants
boasts a diamond-shaped glass roof.                            Didier Rivière called upon the prestigious brand Pure
A distinguished venue, the Diamond Rock boasts                 Altitude for a range of edelweiss and alpine plant based
64 rooms and suites in an elegant combination of               rituals and treatments. A true invitation to travel, the
contemporary lines and raw noble materials. Renowned           spa measures 550 sq-m and boasts five treatment
interior designer, Reyhana Tamboura, who previously            rooms, a nail bar, a fitness room, a steam room, a sauna
performed at the 5* Saint-Rémy (another property               and an outdoor Norwegian hot tub. Plus, the diamond
belonging to the same group), also worked her magic            shaped heated indoor pool offers a remarkable view
here. Wood can be admired in every shape and form,             of the snow-capped mountains.
in a selection of exotic species that subtly warm the
exposed granite stone: bamboo at the spa, oak parquet                        ALSO OPEN TO NON-RESIDENTS.
flooring and walls dressed in Japanese burnt black wood
and carved teak panels. Marble occupies a prominent
place in the bathrooms, in a variation of green and
white for the luxury suites, a harmonious combination
of white marble and wood elsewhere.

In addition to two restaurants, including a gourmet
                                                                Opening dates        DECEMBER 2020 ~ Ski-in/ski-out
address “Les Cimes” and a panoramic bar, Diamond                Rates       FROM 345 € per Standard room
Rock also hosts a 150 sq-m ski shop with direct access                      TO 1580 € per Premium suite
to the slopes and a 100 sq-m boutique on 2 levels                           Prices per room per night in high season,
proposing the finest brands of skiwear. A large games                       inclusive of breakfast
room with two bowling alleys and a cinema complete
the facilities. For families, the hotel boasts a Kid’s Club,    Information         +33 (0) 7 74 97 70 78 ~
open from 15:00 to 21:00 with the option of having                        
children dine at 19:00.
                                                                & reservations
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
[12]                                                                                                                                                                                                   [13]
                                                                                                                                                                             Television report

                            GASTRONOMY                                                          NEW CONCEPT –
                                                                                             THE IMPACT OF ALTITUDE
                                                                                                                                                         PERSILLE DE TIGNES,
                                                                                                                                                     A FAMILY AFFAIR
                                                                                             ON VINIFICATION                                         It seems that Charlemagne was very fond of a
                                                                                             Lake Tignes, better than a wine cellar!                 little Persillé de Tignes! He is said to have discovered
                                                                                                                                                     the famous cheese when visiting the Bishop of
                                                                                             After aging his wine at the summit of Mont Blanc        Moutier. This generous mountain cheese, made
                                                                                             in 2017 (a first in France) and then at a depth of      with unpasteurised milk, boasts a chalky texture
                                                                                             33 metres below Lake Geneva, Pascal Perceval, a         and cylinderical shape. A product of the Tarentaise
                                                                                             bold Savoyard winemaker, combines depths and            mountains, it is made in a traditional manner before
                                                                                             summits, immersing his precious nectar in Lake          being refined for one to two months: after mixing
                              NeW                                                            Tignes, at 2,100 metres altitude. Since March, a
                                                                                             500-litre cask of Chignin-Bergeron and 1,000 bottles
                                                                                                                                                     goat’s and cow’s milks, the curd is kept in the whey
                                                                                                                                                     for 5 days before moulding.
                                                                                             of Roussanne rest at the bottom of Lake Tignes
                              URSUS goes green                                               and will remain there for a full 12 months. This
                                                                                             trial will allow Pascal to compare the aging of his
                                                                                                                                                     This unique cheese, sold around the world, is
                                                                                                                                                     served in numerous Michelin-star restaurants
                              Clément Bouvier, not yet 30, boasts several prestigious        vintage when immersed in freezing water. «The           including URSUS in Tignes.
 Opening dates                distinctions to his credit. After earning his first Michelin   process should result in even fresher and rounder
FOR DINNER ONLY FROM 4TH      star in 2019, this year the young Savoyard chef was            wines», predicts the man himself!
                              awarded a “Macaron Vert” by the famous guide. A
2021. 12 TABLES ~ 45 covers   symbol of sustainable cuisine focused on local terroir,        What are the benefits for the wine?                          Anémone Marmottan,
                              seasonality of produce and respect for nature, this
                                                                                             The cold causes the wine to age prematurely; one
                                                                                                                                                          the last person to produce Persillé
 Prices                       five-leaf clover rewards chefs who strive to combine
                              gastronomy and ecology. No problem for Clément,                year underwater is equivalent to three or four               de Tignes
3 COURSE DINNER, CHEESE       who has always aimed to highlight produce from                 years in a wine cellar! This natural acceleration
                                                                                                                                                          Before the construction of the hydroelectric dam
& DESSERT FROM 98 €           the Savoie! Inspired by nature, his modern green               results in bolder and fruitier nectars.
                                                                                                                                                          in 1952, many locals made ‘Persillé de Tignes’.
                              cuisine has been leaving diners speechless since he            The fermentation process at very low
                                                                                                                                                          Today, the only survivor is 63 year old Paulette
 Information                  opened in November 2017.                                       temperatures also creates rare flavours.
                                                                                                                                                          Marmottan. Based in Savine — a small village
 & reservations                                                                                                                                           with 80 residents, located a stone’s throw from
                              A committed chef, in constant search of the best                                                                            resort — Paulette works with her son Francis
+33 (0)4 79 01 11 43          produce, he favours short circuit distribution. Among
www.les-suites-du-nevada.                                                                                                                                 and daughter Anémone. After racing with the
                              his suppliers: Nadège and Nicolas Blanc, breeders                                                                           French ski team for 10 years, Anémone — age 33
com/cuisine-de-montagne       of tarine cows in Bourg-Saint-Maurice; Bruno Revel,                 Pascal Perceval,                                        — happily perpetuates the family tradition
                              an old-time butcher in Chambéry who raises his
                              farmhouse pigs outdoors; Olivier Parpillon, the 4th
                                                                                                  an audacious winemaker                                  by continuing to make this unique cheese.
                              generation of eco-friendly fishermen from Lake Bourget;             At 45 years of age, Pascal is the 4th generation
                              Adrien Billard, market gardener in La Motte-Servolex                of winemakers in the village of Marche, at the
                              and Paulette Marmottan, the last person to make                     foot of Mont Granier, near Chambéry. The
                              the renowned local cheese “Persillé de Tignes”. 80%                 domain was founded by his great-grandfather
                              of the produce he uses comes from the region, with                  François Perceval in 1910 and covers more
                              scrupulous respect for its seasonality.                             than 54 hectares. Since the age of 18, Pascal
                                                                                                  has lovingly cultivated the vineyards of the
                                From the forest where he likes to walk, pick local
                                                                                                  family estate. Today, he continues to develop
                                 plants and incorporate them into his dishes, the
                                                                                                  ice wines — unique wines reputed around
                                 Chef Bouvier successfully reproduced a similar
                                                                                                  the globe.
                                 atmosphere in his restaurant, decorated with
                                380 trees from the Parc des Bauges.                               RDV in March 2021, when his wine
                                                                                                  will be lifted to the surface
                                                                                                  of Lake Tignes!
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
[14]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [15]
Save the date

                                                                                                                                                                                                A   P BOX RAC
                                                                                                                                                                                             SO                         E
                                                                                                                                                                                                   5th edition
                                                                                                                                                                                               APRIL 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                    Tignes goes crazy this spring with the 5th
                                                                                                                                                                                     edition of its soapbox derby! The ideal
                                                                                                                                                                                    opportunity for mad drivers to complete
                                                                                                                                                                                    a challenging course strewn with woops,
                                                                                                                                                                                     kickers and banked corners. With your
                                                                                                                                                                                       family and friends, enjoy watching a
                                                                                                                                                                                       hilarious show full of epic wipeouts.

                                                                                                                                                                                              More information

YETI RACE | 4th edition                                       THE STARS OF SPORT                                         EUROPEAN SNOW PRIDE                                            BLACK SHOES | 29th edition
                                                              COME TO TIGNES
20TH NOVEMBER 2020                                                                                                       FROM 13TH TO 20TH MarCH 2021                                   MaY 2021
Following the recent trend for obstacle courses, the          FROM 4     TH
                                                                              TO 9  TH
                                                                                         DECEMBER 2020                   On the programme: on slope après-ski with DJs, musicians       29 years old and still as much fun, this event is not to
concept of the Yeti Race perfectly combines sport and                                                                    and performers, a giant pool party, fancy dress and the        be missed! Open to telemark skiers, expert and novice.
                                                              For more than 15 years, this event has marked the end
fun. Participants set off along a snow-covered trail strewn                                                              official Pride Party at Tignespace. A successful combination
                                                              of the year by bringing together generations of athletes
with obstacles, along which they will be required to fire                                                                of skiing and partying, the European Snow Pride is an
                                                              around the concept ‘‘the champions of today sponsor the
a rifle or saw some logs. Approximately 10 kilometres                                                                    absolute must for the LGBT community.
                                                              champions of tomorrow’’. Each year, 20 young hopefuls
in distance, the race is run in pairs or teams of 4. Plus,
                                                              are associated in pairs with leading French champions,
this year, the athletes present in resort for the Stars of
                                                              their sponsors, with whom they share a fun week of
Sport event are also due to participate!
                                                              sporting events. A rich melting pot that encourages         Information                 More information   
                                                              the transmission of both knowledge and experience,          & reservations
 Enrol       FROM 24€ / PERSON (early booking)                creating a true family of French sportsmen and women!

 Information                            Further
 & reservations                                                information
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
Winter 2021
                                 Press Pack


              Marion Lapouble
              EMAIL ~
              TELEPHONE ~ +33 (0)4 79 40 25 90
              MOBILE ~ +33 (0)7 76 58 17 77

              Duodecim PR &
              Media Agency
              Paris - Alyse Zajackowski
              EMAIL ~
              TELEPHONE ~ +33 (0)1 71 60 33 53
              Lake Annecy - Amélie Penz
              EMAIL ~
              TELEPHONE ~ +33 (0)4 50 66 93 25

              Online press office

© Photos: Andy Parant, Stef Cande, Greg Mistral, Pierre-Marie Gaury
            Cover illustration and graphic design: Marion Dumoulin
Press PACK WINTER 2021 -
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