RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners

Page created by Esther Rios
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
VO LU M E 2 1 , N O. 1 3 7                                                                                             J U LY 2 0 2 1

The President’s Message
              Happy July, fellow Boulder       top-5 U.S. M50 times in the 800 meters
              Road Runners: Wow, that          (2:12); Mile (4:57); 3,000 (10:13); and
              was some Olympic Trials,         5,000 (17:52).                                President’s message              Look left
              and I know lots of you           We are looking forward to welcoming to        June Track and Field Action             3
              are following the Boulder        the club the Timm family, comprising          Positive Reinforcement                  5
              County runners, who did          Jacob, Lucas, Taylor and Anna, as well as
              amazingly well. Locals join-                                                   Roger Bannister                         6
                                               new members Timothy Kearley, Michael
              ing marathoner Jacob Riley       Reagan, and returning member Diana            Rime of the Ancient Marathoner          8
              on the U.S. team that will       Shannon, who will not be racing in Tokyo,
compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games             but who is a champion in our book. Diana
beginning July 23 are Alicia Monson and        is back in Boulder and the club after vari-
Joe Klecker of the On Athletic Club; New       ous adventures. Here’s the update on “why
Balance’s Emma Coburn and Cory McGee           it is so great to be back in Boulder and a
of Team Boss; and unsponsored former                                                            Your 2021 Board Members
                                               member of the Road Runners again,” as
CU cross country and track runner Val          she put it in a recent email:                    Mike Sandrock, President
Constien.                                                                                       Don Janicki, Vice President
                                               “I think it was about 1986, when I joined
                                               my first BRR club run after fracturing a         Don Tubbs, Treasurer
                                               wrist in pick-up soccer. The club members,       Todd Straka, Secretary
                                               seeing me running with a cast, welcomed          John Bridges, Membership Chair
                                               me and agreed that it was time for me to         Lorraine Green, At-Large
                                               give up the dangerous contact sport of
                                               soccer and join the Boulder Road Run-
                                               ners. After lots of running, a couple of
                                               sub-21 minute 5ks, a 7:30-pace Chicago         JOI N YOUR C LUBMATE S FO R T HE J ULY
                                               marathon, two marriages, two divorces,
                                                                                              5 BR R FI R ST MONDAY. AT T HE RUN-
                                               and no kids but several dogs, I departed
 Joe Klecker
                                               Boulder in 2006 to serve as a Peace Corps      NER S ROOST 62 9 S . B ROA DWAY, 5:30-
We can discuss the Olympics and all else
                                               volunteer in Mexico (my second volunteer       7 : 30 P. M.
Monday at the monthly First Monday
                                               stint as a volunteer). Then beginning in
social, set for a new location at Runners
                                               2009, I started work with the US Agency
Roost, 629 South Broadway starting
                                               for International Development (USAID) as
at 5:30. The club is trying this out, and
                                               an environmental specialist and engineer,
thanks to co-owners Tricia and RL for
                                               serving overseas and in Washington DC.”
providing the space, and Lee Troop for
                                               Welcome back Diana.
coming up with the idea. M50 team cap-
tain Chris McDonald will give an update        With the road racing season back, send
on club uniform options, so come by and        along any race results (at least the ones
give your opinion. Congrats to Chris for       you are proud of). The BRR M50 team has
some good races at the club All Comers         been posting some “great results on the
meets at Potts Field. Before heading off for
                                                                   continued on next page
a family vacation in Hawaii, Chris posted

                             FORTY-ONE YEARS AND                    S T I L L RUNNING STRONG!
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
President’s Message, continued

                                               back, to pay it forward,” said Minen, who
                                               worked with USATF treating athletes at      Boulder Road Runners, Inc.
                                               the Olympic Trials.                         Officers and Contact Information
                                               Another local chiropractor at the Olym-     ELECTED OFFICERS
                                               pic Trials was Roots Running coach          Mike Sandrock, President
                                               Richey Hansen, who said: “The Boulder
                                               athletes ran incredible and are clearly     Don Janicki, Vice President
                                               representative of the level of collective
                                               talent in the area now. It was fun to       Don Tubbs, Treasurer
                                               watch and very inspiring seeing athletes
                                               have incredible days. Overall the meet      Todd Straka, Secretary
                                               organization did a great job screening
                                                                                           John Bridges, Membership Chair
                                               and monitoring the athletes and coaches
                                               for covid. The heat was obviously an        Lorraine Green, At-Large
                                               issue.” Roots Running’s Frank Lara tried
John Minen working the Olympic Trials          to push the pace in the 10,000 meters,
                                               but like many of the distance runners       APPOINTED POSITIONS
                                               was slowed by the high temperatures.        Mike Wien, Advisor to the Board
track, road races, and triathlons,” as team
                                               Lara received one of the BRR funding
captain Chris put it. Some of those high-                                                  Todd Straka, Meet Director,
lights included nine BRR masters runners                                                   Summer Track & Field Series
placing first or second in their age groups                                      
at the Memorial Day weekend Bolder on                                                      Elliott Henry, Newsletter Editor
the Run 10K; the group included Nancy                                            
Antos, Jack Pottle, Flavio De Simon; Chris                                                 Ken Thurow, Volunteer Coordinator
McDonald; Tim Geldean; Todd Straka;                                              
Mark Tatum; Adam Feerst; and Roger                                                         Tom Lemire, Historian
Sayre, who also clocked a 3:03 marathon                                          
                                                                                           Alastair Norcross, Club Photographer
at Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minn.,
and who ranks second in the nation for
                                                                                           Lee Troop, T.E.A.M. Liaison
the M60 3000 meters (11:09); former Big 8
champ Charles Trujillo has the sixth-fast-                                                 Ewen North, Revolution Running Liaison
est M55 time (11:06).                                                            
I just finished local journalist Matt Hart’s
book on the Nike Oregon Project, “Win
at All Cost.” We’ve invited Matt to come
                                               Club members Diana Shannon and Don
speak at a future First Monday. Former
                                               Hayes out and about on the Pearl Street
Boulder Team USA runner Abdi Abdirah-
                                               Mall                                        Boulder Road Runners
man has a new book coming out www.                                                         PO Box 1866 Abdi will join                                                    Boulder, CO 80306
Boulder’s Riley in the Tokyo Olympic mar-                                        
athon. And thanks to all who contributed
to the Boulder Road Runners Olympic                                                        Running Club News is owned by the Boulder Road
Trials Scholarship Fund, including chiro-                                                  Runners, Inc., a 501(c)3 non profit organization with
                                                                                           offices in Boulder County, the State of Colorado. The
practor John Minen of Colorado Sports                                                      contents of the Running Club News is the property
Chiropractic. John said he wants to help                                                   of the Boulder Road Runners and is copyrighted © as
out young runners, because of what run-                                                    such. Content may be reprinted freely by crediting the
                                                                                           source of the material.
ning has done for his life. “I want to give

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                    2                                                            J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
Track and Field Action at Potts Field, June 10 and 17, 2021
                                          Photos from Johnny Chapin and Dave Albo

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                 3                               J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
Track and Field Action at Potts Field, June 10 and 17, 2021
                                          Photos from Johnny Chapin and Dave Albo

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                 4                               J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
Are you benefiting from the power of positive reinforcement?
    from Terry Chiplin and activacuity

                                               on runs focusing on one factor that a           depending on the situation. However the
                                               slow-motion video reply had highlighted         key factor here is to remember to always
                                               as being an area that could yield benefits.     be objectively positive with yourself, and
                                               A common issue for many runners is              to not slip back into negative self criti-
                                               to have a cadence that is too slow, that        cism and undo your positive journey with
                                               then leads to over striding. So planning        yourself.
                                               to focus on that key component, when            One of the services we can provide is to
                                               the terrain and conditions allow, can be        help coach you to become a positive ally
                                               an effective method of achieving change         to yourself, and to develop your ability to
                                               through awareness. Further video analy-         provide positive reinforce,net for your own
I was recently reminded of how important       sis then providing positive reinforcement       purposes. Contact us to find out more.
positive reinforcement is to us as human       of the efficacy of the change in movement
beings. A recent large MIT study on the        pattern.
use of positive reinforcement and it’s         2.        Contingency - the example
impact on Covid-19 vaccine take up, found      given in 1 above could also highlight that
that there was a significant drop in reluc-    the expected change wasn’t realized on a
tance to become vaccinated when people         follow up video analysis. In that case, it
were presented with positive information       could be worth considering how the drill
on how many people were getting vacci-         or skill change could be changed up. This
nated. It was further interesting to note      gives you an opportunity to play with
that the sample included 300,000 people        different modifications and see which one
across 23 countries, and found a consistent    is the most effective for you.
pattern of behavior.
                                               3.        Frugality - you don’t need to use
How can this help us as runners? Using         a lot of words in order to provide effective
the power of positive reinforcement can        positive reinforcement. Keep your self
help us turn a situation that you perceive     praise, objective, simple, and short, just as
as something from the dark side, or that       you would for a training partner or col-
is pulling you to not get out for a training   league. Non verbal mechanisms can also
run because there is a large list of reasons   be highly effective, so a hand clap can be
why you don’t want to do it, into a situa-     a great way to reinforce you did a great
tion where you feel motivated, inspired,       job!
energized, and ready to get the most from
                                               4.       Necessity - we don’t always
that workout.
                                               need analytical feedback on when we are
Here are 5 key tips to help you not only       making progress. Often the task itself
engage in positive reinforcement for your-     and how it feels on a run can be all the
self, these will also help with making sure    feedback we need to let us know that we
you get the best return for your investment    are making progress, and that it might be
and belief in yourself:                        time to scale up the difficulty level and
1.       Planning - planning helps focus       upgrade to a longer, tougher climb for
our attention, and enables us work on          example.
key components in our running that can         5.       Be equal in your praise - it helps
help us become more efficient as endur-        to be equalized in your own positive rein-
ance runners. For example at our recent        forcement. This may mean being flexible
women’s running camps, we spend time

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                    5                                                        J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
Roger Bannister, First Sub-4-Minute Miler
from Dr.Mirken

                         Roger Bannis-          parents could not afford tuition at an elite   previously-mediocre local runner, train
                         ter was the first      university so he studied very hard and won     with Barthel on these incredibly fast inter-
                         human to run a         a scholarship to Oxford University.            vals and he made the U.S. Olympic mara-
                         mile in less than       When he first showed up at Oxford in          thon team in 1956).
                         four minutes, even     1946, he had never run on a track or worn       In 1953, Bannister ran a 4:03:6 mile. On
                         though his train-      spiked running shoes. His early training       June 5, 1953, American Wes Santee ran
                         ing was totally        there was one workout a week and a seven-      4:02.4 and that fall, Australian John Landy
                         inadequate for         and-a-half-mile cross-country race. On         ran 4:02.0. Then on May 6, 1954, paced by
                         world-class com-       this ridiculously meager training schedule,    future Commonwealth Games gold med-
                         petition because:      he ran a mile at age 18 in an exceptional      allist Chris Chataway and future Olympic
                        • he was a full         4:24.6. In 1948, he lowered his mile time      Games gold medalist Chris Brasher, Ban-
time medical student who trained on a sin-      to 4:17.2. At age 20, he ran 4:14:2. He        nister became the first person to run a sub-
gle 30-minute workout per day, compared         was now using interval training under the      4-minute mile with a time of 3:59.4. The
to today’s runners who train twice a day        watchful eyes of coach Franz Stampfl. He       race was broadcast live over BBC Radio
for as much as three hours                      improved all the time and in 1950 finished     and the commentator was 1924 Olympic
• he averaged 28 miles per week, compared       a relatively slow 4:13 mile with an impres-    100-meters champion Harold Abrahams,
to 80 to 140 miles per week by most run-        sive last quarter mile in 57.5 seconds. He     of Chariots of Fire fame. As Bannister
ners today                                      came in third in the 800 meters (about a       crossed the line, Abrahams yelled “Three .
                                                half mile) at the European Championships.      . .” and the rest of his words were drowned
• he raced in track shoes that were heavy       In 1952, he ran a 4:10.6 mile and was          out by the cheering crowd. The record
and stiff, with spikes that were heavier than   selected for the British Olympic team.         lasted for only 46 days, when Australian
the total weight of modern track shoes
                                                At the Olympics, he finished a disappoint-     John Landy ran a 3:57.9 mile, but Bannis-
• he ran on very slow cinder tracks instead                                                    ter is the name that is remembered because
                                                ing 4th in the 1500 meter race. Josey Bar-
of the super-fast artificial tracks of today.                                                  he did it first.
                                                thel of Luxembourg won that race in 3:45.1
 He quit racing to become a doctor before       with an incredible sprint at the end and       The Mile of the Century
he could come anywhere near his spec-           the first 7 runners all broke the previous     On August 7, 1954, at the British Empire
tacular genetic potential to be an Olympic      Olympic record. In that race, Bannister set    and Commonwealth Games in Vancou-
champion. He went on to become one              the British record of 3:46.3 (the same pace    ver, B.C., the only two men who had run
of the world’s leading neurologists and         as a 4:01.7 mile).                             sub-four-minute miles competed head-to-
treated many hundreds of patients with          The Sub-4-Minute Mile                          head. Landy led for most of the race, and at
Parkinson’s disease. At age 81, he himself
                                                After his “failure” at the 1952 Olympics,      the start of third lap he led by 10 yards. At
was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. At
                                                Bannister set out to be the first man to       the last turn on the track, Landy turned his
age 84 he was unable to walk and had to
                                                run a mile in less than four minutes, a feat   head to look over his left shoulder at Ban-
use a wheelchair, and at age 88, on March
                                                many people believed to be impossible.         nister as Bannister scooted by him on the
3, 2018 he died from the many complica-
                                                He started a training program similar to       right to win in 3:58.8. Landy’s time was
tions of the disease.
                                                that used by Josey Barthel, of running very    3:59.6. A larger-than-life bronze sculpture
Road to a World Record                                                                         of the two men at this moment was created
                                                fast intervals two days a week. (Barthel
Bannister was born in Harrow, England,          had come to Harvard and convinced run-         by Vancouver sculptor Jack Harman (note
into a working-class family and liked to        ners there to base their training on short     Landry looking to the left, Banister pass-
run everywhere instead of walking. At           workouts of fast intervals. They would         ing on the right). Bannister retired from
ages 12, 13, and 14, he won his school’s        run two quarter mile repeats each in 55        competition soon after that and published
cross-country run without any formal            seconds, a half mile in under two minutes,     more than 80 papers over more than 40
training. At the age of 16, he decided          and three quarter mile in 3:10 and then        years of medical research. He continued
to become a runner. He knew that his            go home. I used to watch Nick Costes, a                               continued on next page

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                     6                                                         J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
Roger Bannister, First Sub-4-Minute Miler

                                              destroys the nerves throughout the body,         For example, after a half-hour ride on the
                                              particularly those in the brain that pro-        back of a tandem bicycle, people who were
                                              duce dopamine, a chemical that controls          unable to write because their hands shook,
                                              movement and posture (Trends in Neu-             were able to write clearly for several hours.
                                              roscience, Jan. 2017;40(1)). The disease         Psychological and physical improvement
                                              often starts in the gastrointestinal tract, is   has been reported after activities such as
                                              progressive and has no known cure. A cure        walking, swimming, gardening, dancing or
                                              may be possible if scientists can develop a      water aerobics.
                                              drug to destroy alpha-synuclein. Today,          Other famous people affected by Parkin-
                                              the common medical treatment is to take          son’s disease include Muhammad Ali, Sal-
                                              dopamine and dopamine-stimulating                vador Dalí, Michael J. Fox, Reverend Billy
                                              drugs to help control muscle function.           Graham, Jean Shepard, Pope John Paul
                                              Deep brain stimulation: Surgeons implant         II, Robin Williams, Vincent Price, Erich
                                              into the brain electrodes connected to a         Segal, Linda Ronstadt, Maurice White,
                                              generator in the chest that sends electrical     John Walker and Mao Zedong
                                              pulses to the brain to help patients control
                                              their muscles so they shake less and have
                                                                                               Sir Roger Gilbert Bannister
                                              more purposeful muscle movement. This
                                              procedure has side effects such as clots and     March 23, 1929 – March 3, 2018
to run and would take his four children
                                              strokes, and does not slow progression of
for morning jogs in London’s Kensington
                                              symptoms, so it is only offered to people
Gardens, started an orienteering club, and                                                     ________________________________
                                              with advanced Parkinson’s disease.
was a regular sailor. At age 46, he had to
                                                                                               Reprinted courtesy of Dr. Gabe Mirkin.
stop running because of a broken ankle        Diet: A major complication associated
                                                                                               More of his articles can be found on his
in a car accident. In 2012, he carried the    with Parkinson’s disease is constipation, so
Olympic flame at the Olympic celebration      all patients with this disease should restrict
in the Oxford University track stadium        refined carbohydrates such as foods made         ________________________________
named after him. Today the world record       from flour and sugar-added foods. They           Late Breaking News
for a mile is 3:43.13 held by Hicham El       should drink lots of fluids and eat a diet
                                                                                               On May 29, 2021 at the Portland Track
Guerrouj from Morocco, set in Rome on         loaded with fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole
                                                                                               Festival, Hobbs Kessler, the 18-year-old
July 7, 1999.                                 unground grains, beans, seeds and nuts).
                                                                                               from Michigan broke Jim Ryun’s Amer-
Parkinson’s Disease                           Exercise: Studies show that a regular exer-      ican under-20 1500 meter record with a
                                              cise program can help people afflicted with      time of 3:34.36. Ryun’s mark had been on
Parkinson’s disease is thought to be caused
                                              Parkinson’s disease control their muscles        the books since 1966. This works out to a
by a protein, called alpha-synuclein, that
                                              (Neurology, July 19, 2011;77(3):288-94).         3:51:46 mile

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                    7                                                         J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
The Rime of the Ancient Marathoner
from Dr. Gabe Mirkin’s Fitness and Health e-Zine, June 27, 2021

 At age 86, I can look back at more than 75     America were training at a very slow pace.     In one study, lifelong competitive athletes
years of daily exercising and can tell you      Some didn’t do intervals at all, while many    over 50 who trained four to five times per
that there is a huge difference between the     others were running their intervals at         week did not lose as many of the nerves
way that your body responds to exercise         5-minute mile pace. A relatively mediocre      that innervate muscles and therefore
when you are young and when you are old.        marathon runner at that time named Nick        retained more muscle size and strength
The key to healthy exercising for younger       Costes decided to train for the marathon       with aging than their non-athlete peers
people is to try to put some intensity into     by doing sub-4-minute-mile intervals with      (The Physician and Sportsmedicine, Octo-
some of their workouts. Older people            Josey Barthel who was training for the         ber 2011;39(3):172-8).
should try to exercise every day and try to     mile. He was the first American marathon       Aging Increases Risk for Injuries
use some intensity when their muscles feel      runner to train by doing intervals that
                                                                                               When middle-aged and older people start
fresh, but when their bodies talk to them       fast. In 1955, after just one year of train-
                                                                                               an exercise program, they are at increased
with discomfort, they should exercise at        ing that fast, he was the first American to
                                                                                               risk for injuries, usually because they try to
reduced intensity or take the day off. If you   break 2:20, when he finished third in the
                                                                                               train like younger people do. The muscles
fail to listen to your body, you will soon      Boston Marathon in 2:19:57. In the 1956
                                                                                               of older people contain fewer muscle fibers
learn that pain and discomfort are signs        Boston Marathon, he improved his time to
                                                                                               and therefore are much weaker than those
of an impending injury. See Recovery: the       2:18:01, also won the National Marathon
                                                                                               of younger people. Older people should
Key to Improvement in Your Sport                title in Yonkers, and was the top American
                                                                                               not try to put as much force on their mus-
Exercising Intensely Makes You a Better         finisher in the Melbourne Olympics that
                                                                                               cles as younger people do. That means
Athlete                                         year. Today virtually all top distance run-
                                                                                               that they should lift lighter weights and
                                                ners are running their quarter-mile repeats
At the 1952 summer Olympics in Helsinki,                                                       run slower because the faster you run, the
                                                in under 60 seconds. That’s 4-minute mile
Luxembourg’s unheralded Josy Barthel                                                           greater the force on your muscles and the
                                                pace. Their workouts are often so intense
won the men’s 1500 meter race in 3:45.2,                                                       more likely you are to tear them.
                                                that they have to take two or three days of
equal to a 4:03 mile. He had gone from a                                                       If your favorite sport becomes painful
                                                slower running just to recover. Since “hard
virtual unknown runner to Olympic gold                                                         for you, it is probably time to switch
                                                day” workouts were less intense in the
by doing all his interval training at sub                                                      to another sport or exercise activity. I
                                                early 1950s, top runners used to need only
4-minute-mile pace. In that same race,                                                         switched from running to bicycling at age
                                                48 hours of easy slow running to recover
England’s Roger Bannister set a British                                                        55 because pedaling is done in a smooth
                                                for their next fast workout.
record in the 1500 meters, but finished                                                        rotary motion instead of pounding on the
in fourth place. As a medical student,          Why You Lose Muscle Strength and Size
                                                                                               pavement. Swimming or jogging in water
Bannister had little time to train, so after    with Aging
                                                                                               are also usually safe as the buoyancy of
the Olympics, he took shorter workouts,         Muscles are made up of hundreds of             the water dampens impact and helps to
but tried to do his intervals at sub 4-min-     thousands of individual fibers, just as a      prevent joint damage. People with cartilage
ute-mile pace. Two years later on May 6,        rope is made up of many strands. Each          damage in their knees or hips and those
1954, he ran the first sub 4-minute mile        muscle fiber is innervated by a single         with hip or knee joint replacements should
in 3:59.4. In the 67 years since then, more     motor nerve. With aging, you lose motor        never run, jump, or walk fast, because the
than 1500 runners have run faster than          nerves, and with each loss of a nerve, you     impact of your foot hitting the ground
four minutes for the mile (Track and Field      also lose the corresponding muscle fiber       causes further damage. Your bones also
News, April 15, 2021).                          that it innervates. For example, the vastus    become thinner and weaker with aging,
I trained for marathons by running an           medialis muscle in the front of your thigh     which increases your chances of breaking
interval workout of 20 quarter-mile repeats     contains about 800,000 muscle fibers when      them. One in three people over 65 suffers
at 75 seconds each. That’s a pace of 5-min-     you are 20, but by age 60, it probably has     major falls, and the United States has the
ute miles, which is way too slow, and I         only about 250,000 fibers. However, after a    highest rate of hip fractures in the world
was a very mediocre marathon runner. In         muscle fiber loses its primary nerve, other    (Archives of Internal Medicine, September
1954, Josey Barthel came to Harvard and         nerves covering other fibers can move over     26, 2011). Diana has such severe osteo-
trained regularly on the Harvard track. At      to stimulate that fiber in addition to stim-   porisis that she rides only on a trike, and
that time, the best marathon runners in         ulating their own primary muscle fibers.
                                                                                                                    continued on next page

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                     8                                                         J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
The Rime of the Ancient Marathoner

our tandem group rides are now done
on a tandem trike. A stationary bike or a
swimming pool are other good options for
avoiding falls or impact injuries.
Lessons from the Ancient Marathoner
If you want to gain maximum training
effects and top health benefits from your
exercise program, set up your schedule
so you exercise more intensely on one
day, feel sore on the next day, and then go
slowly for as many days as it takes for your
muscles to feel fresh again to take your
next fast workout. However, be aware that
as you age, your muscles become weaker
and take longer to recover from each
workout so you are at increased risk for
injuring yourself and will also take longer
to recover from an injury. Always end your
workout immediately if you feel pain in
one area that does not go away when you
slow down or stop.

    Men’s 50+ Team Coordinator: Chris McDonald,
    Men’s 60+ Team Coordinator: Bruce Kirschner,
    Women’s 60+ Team Coordinator: Virginia Schultz,
    Men’s 70+ Team Coordinator: Jeff Dumas,

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                              9                     J U LY 2 0 2 1
RUNNING CLUB NEWS - The Boulder Road Runners
2021 Calendar of Running and Fitness Events
Note: Events listed are only those in which the Boulder Road Runners has significant participation.

Date, Time                          Event                                                 Location                            Sponsorship

Recurring Club Events

1st Mondays, 5:30 pm                BRR Club Social                                       Post                                BRR, FREE

TBD                                 BRR Board Meeting                                     Zoom Meetingr                       BRR

Sundays, 9:00 am                    BRR Group Run                                         BolderBoulder Offices,              BRR, FREE/OPEN
(8:00 am June-Sept.)                                                                      5500 Central at 55th, Boulder

Club Races

June 10, 17, July 1, 15, Aug 5,19   All Comers Track Series                               Potts Field and CU                  TEAM, BRR

Sept. 27 Nov. 5, 2021               Mountain Lions X-Country Season                       Centennial Middle School, Boulder   TEAM, BRR

November 25, 2021                   Boulder Thanksgiving Day 5K                           Flatiron Park, Boulder              TEAM, BRR

USATFMasters LDR Schedule *         (For more information, contact Bruce Kirschner,

September 19, 2021                  USATF Masters 12 km Championships                     Sandy Hook, NJ                      USATF

October 17, 2021                    USATF Masters 5K X-Country Championships              Boston, MAI                         USATF

December 11, 2021                   USATF Masters Club X-Country Championships            Tallahassee, FL                     USATF

*With new COVID-19 cases dropping and the vaccine rollout gaining steam for our athletes over age 65, USATF Masters is preparing to
return to competition during the course of 2021. In doing so, our official USATF Masters meets will comply with all USATF’s COVID-19
Protocols in effect at the time of the meet

                                          Has your Boulder Road Runners
                                                      membership expired?
                                                       Please renew today!

                                                           Why not renew right now?
                                                           J U S T C L I C K T H I S B OX .

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S                                           10                                                         J U LY 2 0 2 1
As Always, Thanks to Our Associates and Sponsors!

B O U L DE R ROA D R U N N E R S   11               J U LY 2 0 2 1
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