Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad

Page created by Vivian Lee
Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
Malaysia and China: International Relations and
New Economies
Spring 2020
Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad

COUNTRY OVERVIEW ............................................... 3
   GENERAL INFORMATION .....................................3
   CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHY ................................3
   LOCAL CUSTOMS ...................................................3
   DIET ............................................................................4
   SAFETY, SECURITY, AND HEALTH ....................4
   HOMESTAYS ............................................................4
   OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS ...............................5
   COMMUNICATION ...................................................5
   PHONES AND E-MAIL.............................................5
   MAILINGS ..................................................................6
   MONEY ......................................................................6
   VISITORS AND FREE TIME ...................................7
PACKING GUIDELINES .............................................. 8
   LUGGAGE .................................................................8
   CLOTHING GUIDELINES........................................8
   EQUIPMENT .............................................................8
   GIFTS .........................................................................9
   COUNTRY .................................................................9
   ALUMNI CONTACTS .Error! Bookmark not defined.
PACKING LIST............................................................ 10

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia, covers some
128,000 sq. miles, and consists of two major
regions, Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia,
separated by the South China Sea. Its three
territories and thirteen states are governed by a
federal constitutional monarchy located in the city of
Putrajaya. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city. The
head of state is an elected monarch. The head of
government is the prime minister.

Thirty million people live in Malaysia.                   CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHY
The bumiputera (“son of the land”), defined by the
constitution Article 160 (2) as Muslims who conform             Kuala Lumpur: AVERAGE HIGH/LOW
to Malay culture, make up 70% of the population.                        TEMPERATURES (°F)
Some non-Malay peoples are covered in Article 161
A (6) (b) and 161 A (6) (a) (aboriginal islanders@           JAN        FEB           MAR         APR           MAY
Orang Asli, Sabahan and Sarwakian) hold                      88/72      90/71         92/73       91/74         89/74
bumiputera status as well. The non-bumiputera
population consists mostly of ethnic Chinese and                     JUN        JUL         AUG           SEP
Indians. Not everyone born in Malaysia receives
                                                                   90/73       91/72        89/72       87/72
citizenship. Those who do must carry a biometric
smart chip card with them at all times.                                    OCT        NOV       DEC

Malaysian is the official language; Latin the official                     87/72      88/72     88/72
script. Other common languages include English,
Manglish (Malaysian English), Chinese (Cantonese,         Malaysia has an equatorial climate and is hot and
Hokkien, Teochew, Hakka Dusun, Kazadandusuns              humid all year. The average yearly rainfall is 98 in.
Tamil, and Shinhalese). The population’s proficiency      The Southwest Monsoon lasts from April to
in English is among the highest in Asia. After Islam,     September; the Northeast Monsoon from October to
the most prominent religions are Buddhism,                March. Both Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia
Christianity, and Hinduism. Shariah courts judge          have mountain ranges running from north to south.
Muslims in certain matters; civil courts adjudicate all   Climate zones are divided between the highlands,
other matters. Independence Day (August 31),              lowlands, and coasts. The coasts tend to have a
commemorating the nation’s independence in 1957,          warm, sunny climate. The lowlands are similarly
is the nation’s most important holiday. Other widely      warm but especially humid. The highlands are
observed holidays include Hari Raya Puasa                 cooler and wetter with wider temperature variations.
(marking the end of Ramadan) and Chinese New
                                                          LOCAL CUSTOMS
                                                          Malaysians are generally familiar with the Western
                                                          way of shaking hands, but there are ethnic
                                                          differences. Malay women may not shake men’s
                                                          hands. Some men may decide to bow rather than
                                                          shake women’s hands. Chinese men and women
                                                          may shake hands, but the woman must extend her
                                                          hand first. Older Chinese tend to lower their eyes as
                                                          a sign of respect. Indian men and women shake

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
hands with each other but may simply nod and smile          expectations about avoiding or incorporating certain
instead. All groups tend to introduce the most              foods within the program context.
important person to a lower-ranking person; an older
to a younger person; and women to men. Men
should be addressed as Mr.; women as Mrs. or
                                                            SAFETY, SECURITY, AND
Miss.                                                       HEALTH
                                                            Maintaining good health is critical to having a
All groups place an emphasis on face, which                 successful semester. To help you do that, we have
encapsulates the ideas of good behavior, character,
                                                            provided Health Guidelines and Requirements for
and esteem, and reflects on individuals, their
                                                            your program.
friends, groups, and even countries. Face can be
lost by criticizing, shaming, or getting angry with         It is very important that you read the Health
someone in public. Face can be earned by                    Guidelines and Requirements document as early as
remaining calm and polite, and by discussing                possible and examine it with your medical provider.
problems without blaming anyone. Note that when             The guidelines include recommended
embarrassed, Malaysians will often respond by               immunizations; a suggested calendar for
laughing.                                                   immunizations and other prophylaxes; and valuable
                                                            information on how to avoid exposure to common
Public customs:                                             carriers of disease.
   • Don’t eat while walking.
   • Avoid using your left hand, which is                   Students are thoroughly briefed on safety
        considered “dirty.”                                 considerations during in-country orientation and are
   • Avoid displays of affection between the                updated throughout the semester when
        sexes.                                              circumstances change. For information regarding
   • Respect elders.                                        safety and security, emergency communications,
   • Avoid pointing.                                        SIT policies, health and personal property
   • Don’t show the soles of your feet or put your          insurance, and general program tips, please read
        feet on a table.                                    the Safety, Security, and Health document and
                                                            Student Handbook.
DIET                                                        In addition to the information found on the Safety,
Participating in the local food culture is a central        Security, and Health webpage, students on this
aspect of daily life in Malaysia. Special or restricted     program should avoid travelling to smaller island in
diets may not always be fully understood by your            the East Malaysia as pirate activities and kidnaping.
host family, although they may have previously
hosted a student with similar dietary restrictions. By
trying to replicate your diet at home you may miss          HOMESTAYS
out on an important part of your host culture.              As many SIT Study Abroad alumni will tell you, the
                                                            homestay experience can be one of the most
People often sit on the floor for meals. Chinese have       rewarding and most challenging aspects of the
a custom of eating whenever they want; for others,          program. We hope you will come prepared for the
meal times are more established. Malays and                 experience and committed to moving beyond
Indians often eat food with their hands. Malays use         cultural immersion as you begin to question,
only the first two fingers of their right hands. It is      distinguish, and analyze the host culture vis-à-vis
impolite to refuse food. Cuisine is both regional and       your own culture and come to a deeper
multi-ethnic, incorporating Malay, Chinese, and             understanding of both.
Indian influences. Rice is a staple. Some dishes are
spicy.                                                      Family structures vary in every culture. SIT Study
                                                            Abroad values the diversity of homestay families,
Note: if you have special dietary needs, including          and your family may include a single mother of two
allergies, please inform our office prior to the start of   small children or a large extended family with many
your program. We will advise you on realistic               people coming and going all the time. Additionally,

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
please bear in mind that, in many countries, the idea    TRANSPORTATION
of what constitutes a “home” may be different from
what you expect. You will need to be prepared to         Malaysia has a well-developed national road and rail
adapt to a new life with a new diet, a new schedule,     network. Two commuter railways link Kuala Lumpur
new people, and new priorities and expectations.         to its international airport. This and other major
                                                         urban areas have bus, rail, and taxi transportation.
Each program’s homestay coordinator will be              Light rapid transit systems exist for inner-city
responsible for placing students in homestays.           transportation, but most Malaysians prefer to drive
These placements are made first based on health          cars or motorbikes. This is because busses can run
concerns, including any allergies or dietary needs,      very late
to the extent possible. Please note: in order to
ensure the best fit for students and families, SIT       COMMUNICATION
may make final adjustments to homestay                   While you may want to be in regular communication
placements after student arrival in country.             with friends and family from home during the term
Therefore, SIT will not provide information about        abroad, please bear in mind that different time
your homestay family before you depart for the           zones, unreliable phone lines, and changing
program.                                                 program activities can complicate communication.
On this program, you will be staying in 1-2              It’s important to be clear with family and friends
homestays. The accommodation will be a single            about your availability during the term. Many
room with a door and access to Wi-Fi. You will be        students recommend making an appointment to call
provided with breakfast and dinner. Depending on         home or to receive a call. You should also consider
homestay family selections, you may have the             the impact of constant communication with friends
opportunity to experience staying with different ethic   and family at home on your cultural immersion.
groups in Malaysia such as with a Malay and
Chinese family or Indian and Malay family. Malaysia
being a melting pot, interracial marriage is common,
                                                         PHONES AND E-MAIL
                                                         All students are required to have a working cell
and you will experience a blended culture and use
                                                         phone while on SIT Study Abroad programs. This
more than one language at home and taste
                                                         policy is part of our commitment to student safety
customized local cuisine. For example, an Indian
                                                         and will facilitate communication in case of an
Muslim may speak Tamil and Malay at home while a
                                                         emergency. It is the responsibility of the student to
Chinese Muslim will speak Chinese and Malay at
                                                         ensure that they are reachable by phone at all
home and have a halal version of Chinese food.
                                                         times. Students are expected to keep the phone
OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS                                     charged and stocked with airtime/minutes and to
                                                         notify staff of, and replace, lost or stolen phones.
During the orientation week and when you are on
                                                         Please note that students who do not comply with
excursion and are travelling, you will be expected to
                                                         the cell phone policy may be subject to disciplinary
share the room with a student of a same gender. In
the event we are lucky enough to stay in a heritage
home. you will have to be flexible depending on the      Please ensure that you mobile is unlocked and you
number of rooms available.                               can place a local prepaid sim where you need to
                                                         add credit or in Asia better known as ‘top up.’ Local
During the ISP/internship period, it is best to stay
near the location. You will need to check in with a      prepaid sim has expiry and need to be topped up to
local ISP coordinator if you are outside of Kuala        maintain the validity, otherwise, the number will be
Lumpur and we will assist you in finding                 returned to the pool for new number registration.
accommodation. Some companies will have                  You may be tempted to get a tourist sim card upon
designated accommodations. Otherwise, you will be
                                                         arrival however, you must be aware that the validity
given an allowance to secure the accommodation
with the AD’s assistance                                 period will not cover the duration of your stay and

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
may be more expensive when calling locally. That         divided into 100 Sen. Banknotes come in
being said, it does have competitive IDD rates.          denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 RM. RM
                                                         cannot be traded outside of Malaysia, so prepare to
Use the free Wi-Fi in KLIA to update your Facebook       exchange currency as soon as you arrive. This can
status or make a quick call to your loved ones.          be done at airports, banks, and hotels, though
                                                         money changers will offer better rates. Traveler’s
The SIT program center provides internet access          checks are usually not accepted; and many smaller
during posted hours.                                     businesses don’t accept credit cards. ATMs are
Monday to Friday                                         widely available, but when using you should choose
                                                         to be charged in MYR to avoid excessive conversion
8 am to 5 pm                                             charges. Several international banks operate in
                                                         Malaysia. Consult your home bank to see if it has a
MAILINGS                                                 partnership with any Malaysian bank, as this can
Unlike receiving a package here in the US, receiving     save on ATM charges and expand money storage
a package at your program site is usually                options. Another option is to use TransferWise or a
expensive and problematic. Customs agents must           similar service. It is also possible to open an
inspect all packages and you, as the recipient, are      account at a Malaysian bank and transfer money to
responsible for duty and storage fees. In addition,      it.
there are cases of items being lost in the mail or       Check current exchange rates:
taking so long to reach the recipient that the 
recipient is nearly back in the US by the time the
items are received. For these reasons, sending           If using a debit and/or credit card, you should
packages should be done only for emergency               contact your bank and/or credit card companies
situations. Additionally, sending valuables is highly    regarding your travel plans. If you don’t inform these
discouraged.                                             companies that you will be away, they will often
                                                         assume the card has been lost or stolen and will put
For this program, DHL, FedEx, UPS services are           an immediate hold on the card. You should also
available in country. Despite cheaper prices,            check on costs of withdrawal, as these costs vary
reliance on the US Postal Service is not advised due     and can sometimes be very expensive. Renewing
to delays and unreliability. When given the option,      and receiving reissued credit and debit cards while
it’s always a good idea to send packages certified       on the program will be an expensive and highly
and with a tracking number that allows the sender to     inconvenient process. Before you leave for your
track the package.                                       program, please check the expiration dates on your
                                                         cards to ensure that they will not expire while you
                                                         are abroad. It is also very important that you make
MONEY                                                    photocopies of all your debit/credit card information
In addition to tuition, SIT Study Abroad program         and leave them with someone you trust in case your
fees cover room and board throughout the program.        card(s) is/are lost or stolen.
When room and/or board are not taken with the
group, students will be given a stipend to cover         Following are suggestions for spending money
related expenses. SIT will cover daily commuting         during the program, including estimates for
costs, if any, and excursions that are part of the       textbooks, ISP-/internship-related expenses,
normal program itinerary. During the ISP/internship      medical expenses, personal spending, and gifts.
period, students will receive a stipend for basic room   Figures are based on recent student evaluations,
and board only, based on the cost of living at the       though individual spending habits vary widely and
program base. Any domestic travel, interpretation        these costs are averages.
services, or supplies necessary for the
ISP/internship are the students’ responsibility.         A suggested total amount of money to budget
Please plan accordingly.                                 ranges from US$1000- 2000 To determine where
                                                         you might fall in this range, please examine your
Malaysian currency is the Ringgit (MYR in currency       spending habits during a typical semester at your
exchange; RM to express prices). Each RM is              home school and consider any exceptional

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad
expenditures you may have on the program,               visitors. See the Attendance and Participation
   including travel costs for your planned                 section of the Student Handbook.
   ISP/internship or a specific personal expense.
                                                           Please note that any visitors during the course of
   Please budget approximately:                            the program must plan their own independent
                                                           accommodations; SIT Study Abroad homestay
                                                           families can accommodate only their assigned
Personal spending (from
                                                           student and, due to cultural and contractual
past student suggestions):          1000 USD
                                                           understandings with SIT, should not be asked to
                                                           host students’ guests.
Books, printing, supplies:          100 USD
                                                           During the program, students follow an intense
Up-front medical costs:             200 USD                schedule of classes and field-based learning
                                                           assignments, even during the ISP or internship.
Potential ISP travel
                                    300 USD                Free time for pursuing an independent interest or
                                                           hobby during the program will be limited. Your
Visa:                               400 USD                admissions counselor can advise you about
                                                           particular interests you may have. For example, if
“Top up” (add) cell phone
                                    11 USD/month           you must keep in shape for your next athletic
                                                           season, or if you play a musical instrument and want
Estimated total:                    Approx. 2000 USD       to know whether to bring it, we can help you to
                                                           understand your schedule and any concerns or
                                                           limitations that may exist. Please note that you will
                                                           not have a long break during the program, such as
   VISITORS AND FREE TIME                                  Thanksgiving or Spring Break.
   SIT strongly discourages and will not provide
                                                           Opportunity for independent travel during the
   support for any visitors to students during the
                                                           program is limited and cannot be guaranteed due to
   term, due to the rigorous nature of the program and     the rigorous schedule and disruption independent
   the disruption that such visits cause in program flow   travel may cause to semester responsibilities.
   and group dynamics. Students should be sure that        Requests to travel independently will be considered
   relatives and friends are aware of this policy and      on a case by case basis by the academic director.
   that visits are scheduled for dates after the formal    Further details regarding the independent travel
   conclusion of the program. Students will not be         policy can be found in the Student Handbook.
   excused from program components to attend to

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Malaysia and China: International Relations and New Economies Spring 2020 - SIT Study Abroad

Please pack lightly and include only necessary
items. You should be able to carry all your luggage
significant distances on your own. Try to minimize
both the number of bags and weight of your bag(s)
since you will likely be acquiring more belongings
while abroad. A suitcase and an anti-theft backpack
is recommended
If carrying prescription medications, you should         Sometimes you will find Malaysians wear the traditional
carry a letter from your doctor to prevent any           attire and sarong at home.
concerns at customs or in transit. (Please see the
“General Health Tips” section in the Safety,             EQUIPMENT
Security, and Health pre-departure document.)            [You may consider bringing mosquitoes repellant as
                                                         some areas will have mosquitoes
 Please check the current requirements of the
Transportation Security Administration                   COMPUTERS AND OTHER
( as well as those of the airline
on which you are flying for domestic and                 ELECTRONICS
international baggage restrictions.                      It is highly recommended that you bring a laptop
                                                         computer. If you bring a laptop, it is your personal
CLOTHING GUIDELINES                                      property and responsibility. Before leaving home,
Outside the university setting, many locals dress like   remember to back up your computer to the cloud or
Westerners.                                              on a hard drive that you leave at home to safeguard
                                                         all your data in case your computer is lost or stolen.
                                                         It is also recommended that you insure your
                                                         computer, smart phone, and other valuables for full
                                                         coverage in the event of loss or theft. SIT is not
                                                         responsible for theft, loss, or any duty tax you may
                                                         have to pay when you enter the country.

However, in government offices and at the                Generally, it is quite safe to bring your laptop but
university, students will have to dress conservatively   you have to keep it with you and not leave it inside
with a skirt or pants below the knee level, no           vehicles. If you are travelling, you can inform you
                                                         homestay family that you are keeping it locked
transparent or sleeveless attire.
                                                         inside your room. In the event you prefer not to bring
Sometimes you will find Malaysians wear the              one, you can utilize the computer labs, which is
traditional attire and sarong at home.                   subject to availability. If you would like to use the
                                                         internet café, the rates are very competitive as its
                                                         starts from RM 3-10 (USD 1-2) per hour. However, it
                                                         is not advisable to go to the internet cafe in the late
                                                         evening as the place may be noisy due to frequent
                                                         use by gamers.

                                                         Please see the following website for information
                                                         about electricity, voltage and electrical adapters.

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Malaysia’s electrical service operates at a voltage
of 240V and a frequency of 50Hz. Malaysia uses
both type G (3 square pins) and type C (2 round
pins) plug types. Most laptops and smartphones will
simply require plug adaptors. Other appliances,
such as hair dryers, will require voltage

Students can bring a digital recorder/music player
for interviews, language classes, entertainment but
a mobile phone is sufficient as well.

As you might imagine, it is best to be prepared with
a gift to offer your homestay family in gratitude for
their hospitality and as a means to share a part of
your culture with them. We suggest one or two gifts
that the whole family can enjoy. You may also wish
to consider gifts for people outside your homestay
family. Try to choose gifts that represent you or the
part of the country and/or community you live in.
Think about what your city, state, or local artisans
produce. Draw upon your personal interests or
hobbies for ideas. Pack a couple of small gifts for
children, such as small games, bubbles, or a
Frisbee. Even if your homestay family does not have
small children, chances are that you will engage
with children in your homestay community. Once
you are on the program and learn more about the
local culture, you will discover other ways to thank
your family. Remember to bring pictures of your
friends and family to share.
 Malaysians can “lose face” by not properly thinking
through a gift idea, like when it is a poor choice of
gift for the specific occasion. This can also affect
those on the receiving end if you are openly critical
or discourteous when accepting a gift. Generally, do
not give anything that contains alcohol – not even
chocolates! You should also avoid giving anything
that’s made from pigskin or resembles a dog. Avoid
wrapping the gift in white (as it symbolizes grief) or
yellow (as its usually reserved for royalty) to any
Malay or Muslim.

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The Chinese community has a completely different
set of customs. Stay away from clocks because
time-keeping gadgets can mean you are counting
down to the end of things. Be prepared to offer your
gift several times. It is customary for the receiver to
turn down your present a few times, so they do not
look greedy. Moreover, if you are bringing multiple
gifts, make sure it is an even number of items
because odd numbers are considered bad luck.

When choosing a gift for someone who is Indian or
a Hindu, it is a little of what is kosher and a bit of
what is customary for the community. Generally,
stay away from anything made from or containing
leather (due to the sacredness of the cow).

Do not use black or white wrapping paper for the
present; try to find something red, yellow or green.
Bright colors represent good fortune. In addition, if
you are gifting money or something similar, it is
actually all right to give an odd number of bills.

If you are asked over to someone’s place for dinner,
flowers are a fantastic gift. The word of caution here
is that there is such a thing as the wrong kind of
flowers – frangipanis. They smell sweet as honey,
but these are traditionally reserved for funerals.

Most of the things are cheaper in Malaysia
compared to the US. Most Malaysian homes will
have a washing machine, there is abundance of
laundry service and self-service laundry facilities,
which cost between USD 1.50 – 2)

Don’t miss the Packing List on the next page!

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PACKING LIST                                      o   A list of any medications you are currently taking
                                                          with the generic name of each (if there is one)
GENERAL                                               o   Copies of any prescription as well as a report of
                                                          health issue. The doctors always ask for prior
o   Sunglasses                                            report and prescription on record.
o   Sandals, sneakers                                 o   A small portable medical kit kept in your
o   Sweater (it will be cold in winter)                   daypack at all times. It will be checked at
o   Sleepwear                                             Orientation for completeness, and should
o   Underwear and socks                                   include:
                                                          • A small supply of your prescribed
                                                          • Adhesive bandages
                                                          • antibiotic cream
                                                          • disinfectant moist wipes
                                                          • small container of bug repellant
                                                          • over-the-counter drugs as approved by your
                                                                   ▪ minor pain medication
WOMEN                                                              ▪ antacids
o   Long non-transparent skirts, or long dress with                ▪ anti-diarrhea medication
    short or long sleeves                                          ▪ electrolyte mix
o   Long shirts or sleeved blouses that are                        ▪ anti-itching ointment
    adequate to cover your bum (for on campus)                     ▪ antihistamine
o   Sleeved T-shirts or short-sleeve blouses (for                  ▪ motion sickness medication
    outside of campus)                                             ▪ cold and sore throat medication
o   Full pajamas or long opaque nightie for           o   High SPF sunscreen
    homestay                                          o   For women: Tampons and pads, if you use a
o   Modest, loosely cut jeans or pants with neat          brand other than OB or Stayfree.
    hems and no holes                                 o   Small sewing kit: safety pins, extra buttons,
                                                          threads and needles.
o   Collared shirts, polo shirts                      OTHER IMPORTANT ITEMS
o   Khakis or clean neat jeans, with neat hems        o   AMEX, Visa, or MasterCard for emergencies.
                                                      o   ATM card, if your bank is linked to international
                                                          networks such as Cirrus or
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS                                          Plus. Be sure you know the             Remember to
o   Passport                                              four-digit code for international   place all valuable
o   Yellow WHO Card (see the Safety, Security, and        access.                               items and any
    Health document for more information)             o   1-liter water bottle that won’t      prescriptions in
o   2 photocopies of your passport stored                 leak.                                  your carry-on
    separately from your actual passport              o   Small flashlight and batteries.       luggage while
o   Photocopy of visa                                 o   Notebook and pen in order to         traveling and all
o   All SIT pre-departure information and your pre-       begin taking notes right away.        sharp items in
    term assignments                                  o   Homestay gifts                         your checked
o   Photocopies of all credit cards, ATM cards, and   o   Photos of friends/family to              luggage.
    airline tickets.                                      share with homestay family
HEALTH/TOILETRIES                                     OPTIONAL
o   An adequate supply of any medication you use
                                                      o   Small traveler’s watercolor set
    regularly, including birth control
                                                      o TSA-approved luggage zipper locks

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You can also read