President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887

Page created by Ralph Fowler
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
President Grover Cleveland’s
                                                                          Goodwill Tour of 1887

                                                                                           JOHN           WHITe

                                                 E            very effective politician understands the
                                            importance and tone of public contact. From the first,
                                            presidents, as the nation’s chief magistrates, have recog-
                                                                                                          perhaps he would do so in the fall. He discussed the idea
                                                                                                          with his secretary, Colonel Daniel Lamont. As secretary,
                                                                                                          Lamont acted as chief of staff. He was also an intelli-
                                            nized the need to leave the White House and mingle            gent, efficient, and, most of all, extremely loyal aide to
                                            with the voters, especially when an election is in the off-   the commander in chief, with a shrewd knowledge of
                                            ing. President Grover Cleveland was a Democrat in a           press relations.
                                            largely Republican nation. His opponents had held the               That Cleveland had remained so close to home
                                            White House with little trouble for almost a quarter cen-     surely at least in part reflected the general concern over
                                            tury beginning with Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration in         presidential safety and public appearances, the assassi-
                                            1861. Loss of it to Cleveland in 1884 was devastating,        nation of James A. Garfield having taken place only six
                                            and the Republicans planned to regain the presidency in       years before. Cleveland and Lamont talked about a
                                            1888.                                                         “grand tour” as far as the Pacific Northwest. On this
                                                 When Grover Cleveland set out to thwart the              tour they would spend some time camping out in
                                            Republican assault, he could reflect on several goodwill      Yellowstone. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, they thought, to
                                            tours. But they were too parochial—a visit home to            be in clean wilderness air away from soggy and smoggy
                                            Clinton, New York, or to Philadelphia. Cleveland was          Washington? As the planning went ahead, the trip was
                                            not at all well traveled and had rarely been outside of       pared back to a little over three weeks. There was not
                                            New York State before he became president. Sometime           time for the Far West, but the Midwest and the South
                                            in May 1887, a delegation from St. Louis visited him in       could be incorporated into a 5,000-mile journey that
                                            Washington, D.C. Its members pressed him so persist-          went as far north as St. Paul, and as far west as Omaha,
                                            ently to make a visit to St. Louis that he agreed, saying     and as far south as Montgomery, Alabama. There were
                                                                                                          longtime precedents for such trips; nearly every presi-
                                                                                                          dent since and including George Washington had consid-
                                            Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Station (also called             ered such journeys part of their official business.
national gallery of art, gallery archives

                                            Pennsylvania Station) in Washington, D.C., September                The assistance of George Pullman was enlisted to
                                            1881, draped in mourning for President James A.               assemble a suitable train. A part-time resident of
                                            Garfield, who fell in the station to an assassin’s            Washington, he was delighted to be of service and was
                                            bullet the previous July and died in September.
                                                                                                          eager to make friends with those in positions of power.
                                                                                                          Cleveland made it clear he would pay all costs; as a
                                            President Grover Cleveland’s tour departed from here.
                                                                                                          reform politician he would not consider any arrange-
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
Pullman Palace Car, was a veteran dating back to 1877        ing slightly to acknowledge their presence. The sun had        Cleveland, dressed in green silk and carrying a bouquet
                                                                                  but, as Pullman’s own vehicle, it was kept in a perfect      set when the train reached the hamlet of Grapeville            of roses, smiled sweetly and won the day. A fine car-
                                                                                  state of repair. even so, for this trip, it received new     about 20 miles east of Pittsburgh and suddenly halted.         riage pulled by eight gray horses and draped in the fed-
                                                                                  upholstery in gen d’orne blue and a copper-colored plush.    The president and his wife, Frances, whom he—and               eral flag carried the presidential couple to the state capi-
                                                                                  The interior paneling of bird’s-eye maple, mahogany, and     most of the world—called “Frankie,” were escorted to           tol building, where they greeted and shook hands with
                                                                                  cherry was varnished to a heightened sheen.                  the rear platform. There was a great roar of steam sound-      about 20,000 well-wishers.
                                                                                        Two days before the departure date of September        ing like the exhaust of an impatient ocean liner. In the             The Clevelands began driving around the city so as
                                                                                  30, the cars were brought to Pennsylvania Station in         blackness of the night a Roman candle arched upward            to be seen. early in the afternoon they were received in
                                                                                  Washington, located on the Mall where the National           and ignited a flame 10 feet wide and 100 feet tall, light-     the home of eliza Hendricks, widow of Cleveland’s vice
                                                                                  Gallery of Art now stands. Pullman rode to Washington        ing the countryside in an eerie and beautiful fashion. It      president Thomas Hendricks, who had died about nine
                                                                                  in the P.P.C. and visited the White House to assure the      was a tribute arranged especially for the presidential train   months after taking office. Rain threatened, as the sun
                                                                                  president that everything was ready for his trip, down to    by a gas pipeline manager in the town. After a grateful        was intermittently covered by clouds. After more sight-
                                                                                  the fresh-cut flower arrangements in each car. A final       pause, the train pulled on into Pittsburgh.                    seeing, the presidential party was taken back to the sta-
                                                                                  cleaning of the cars was under way as the presidential             This was farther west than Grover Cleveland had          tion by 3:30 p.m. The train moved quickly to make up
                                                                                  party entered the station just before 10:00 in the morn-     ever traveled before. He praised the Pullman Company;          time for the next stop at Terre Haute. Here again there
                                                                                  ing. It was not a large party, consisting of Colonel         the trip was going well and the president was happy to         was a welcome by the mayor, speeches from a senator
                                                                                  Lamont, Wilson S. Bissell, and Dr. Joseph G. Bryant, all     be on board. The train switched over to the tracks of the      or former governor, followed by a rapid tour of the town
                                                                                  friends of Cleveland, and F. T. Bickford of the              Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Railroad en route        with stops at the normal school and fairgrounds. The
                                                                                  Associated Press, P. V. DeGrove of the United Press,         to the first major stop, Indianapolis. A thousand people       president, a competent if not inspired speaker, comment-
                                                                                  and William A. Rogers, an artist with Harper’s Weekly.       were assembled at the station, hoping to see the presi-        ed on the beauty of the area, the richness of soil, and the
                                                                                  The train was an “extra” with priority rights over all       dent and the first lady, as the train rolled through           industry of its citizens. And then back to the station and
                                                                                  other trains. As a precaution, a pilot train would precede   Columbus at 4:30 a.m. Colonel Lamont explained that            off for the next stop. The excitement of the crowd and
                                                                                  the Presidential Special by a few minutes.                   the first couple was asleep. The crowd was respectful          their enthusiasm were elevating but seemed less inspir-
arthur d. dublin

                                                                                        Mrs. Cleveland was the only woman in the party.        and remained quiet. The train rolled along a single track.     ing to the guests of honor as they grew weary.
                                                                                  Twenty-eight years younger than her husband, Frances         As it neared the Ohio-Indiana border, the sun came up                The train now moved over Vandalia Line trackage
                                                                                  Folsom Cleveland had traveled more widely than the           over fields that were gray, empty, and dull and by con-        toward St. Louis, where the hosts, the ones who had
                   President and Mrs. Cleveland used George Pullman’s own         president and benefited from a better education. And she     trast skirting woods that were glorious in shades of yel-      instigated this mad journey, awaited the arrival of the
                   private car, photographed here in 1892. The lush decor         had sharp political instincts. For example, her wardrobe     low, orange, red, and purple.                                  Presidential Special. This stop was a major event that
                   was the high “railroad style” of the time seen also in rail-   was of great interest to the society editors of newspapers         At 7:00 a.m. the president appeared on the rear plat-    would last nearly three days. Advance publicity was
                   road hotels.                                                   but she declined to discuss it, preferring to surprise the   form while the train stopped at Bradford Junction. One         expected to attract half of Missouri and all of southern
                                                                                  audiences on the tour. Wearing a brown silk suit with        hundred spectators were gathered at the depot. Cleveland       Illinois. The Clevelands were in for a celebrity workout
                                                                                  white and red trim on the day of the departure, she made     called out a hearty “Good Morning.” Someone called             of major proportions. The train reached east St. Louis at
                   ment that even hinted at patronage. Pullman offered his        quite a show walking down the station platform, pausing      back, “We would also like to see your wife.” The presi-        midnight and halted on the east approach to the eads
                   personal private car, the P.P.C., for the carriage of the      to shake hands with cabinet members and nodding to           dent explained she was still resting. The man replied,         Bridge. The welcoming committee, which included
                   president and his wife. He also insisted that they have        friends who stood by to see the president off.               “Well, we are right glad to see you, sir.” “I thank you for    Mayor David R. Francis and other city nabobs, ushered
                   the service of his best steward, Arthur Wells. The cook              The engineer, Francis Carver, in the cab of            that,” Cleveland responded, “but of the two I expect you       the president and his party into waiting carriages. The
                   was Tobias, a favorite of the general manager of the           Locomotive 46, waited for the conductor, C. A.               would prefer to see Mrs. Cleveland.” For all their suc-        bridge was brilliantly lighted, dazzling the visitors with
                   Pennsylvania Railroad. Two cars would complete the             Haverstick, to signal the go-ahead. Carver told reporters    cess, stops such as this one were not made to accommo-         its magnificent span of the Mississippi River. A fleet of
                   train—the first was the Alfarata, a combined smoker,           this was the proudest day in his life, but the conductor     date the curious locals but because of traffic on the line     river steamers blew their whistles in an inharmonious
                   barber shop, baggage, and bathroom car normally oper-          was less impressed. He called out “All Aboard” with no       up ahead or because the engine needed water. Stops were        roar that could be heard for 5 miles. A huge banner at
                   ated on the Chicago Limited, the Pennsylvania                  enthusiasm. As the train steamed slowly ahead, the pres-     also made about every hundred miles at division points,        the center of the bridge proclaimed, “Welcome to St.
                   Railroad’s fastest train. The final car was the Pullman        ident stood inside the ornate iron platform railing at the   where the engines and crews were changed.                      Louis.” The parade of carriages drew up in front of the
                   sleeper, Velasco, which featured ten open section sleep-       rear of the P.P.C., waving good-bye to the crowd.1                 At about 8:00 a.m., October 1, the train arrived in      Lindell Hotel, which would be home to the Clevelands
                   ing berths, a smoking room, and a buffet. The Alfarata               The train passed through Baltimore, York,              Indianapolis, capital of Indiana. It was greeted at the sta-   during their stay.
                   and Velasco were just a few months old, but Pullman            Pennsylvania, and on to Harrisburg. At each station          tion by the mayor and Democratic Senator Joseph e.                   October 2, day three of the trip, was rendered less
                   had them backshopped to freshen up the paint and gold          along the way large and small groups gathered to see the     McDonald. There was applause for the president, but            hectic because it was Sunday. The president and first
                   striping. The P.P.C., which were the initials of the           train pass; the president stood in view, waving or bow-      shouts and cheers when his wife appeared. Frances              lady attended morning services at the Washington Street

                   6   WHITe HOUSe HISTORY (Number 28)                                                                                                                                                                 President Grover Cleveland’s Goodwill Tour of 1887   7
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
Presbyterian Church. A private luncheon was followed          a.m., men and boys recklessly climbed onto the locomo-
by a drive around town to see banners, flags, and por-        tive, which had a large portrait of the president fastened
traits on nearly every building. They reviewed a Roman        to its headlight. A crowd of 40,000–50,000 filled the
Catholic papal celebration parade. That chilly evening        streets for blocks around the station. The president
the official party gathered at the mayor’s home. His          enjoyed this rousing reception, but his wife was fright-
honor invited them into the dining room for something         ened by the uncontrollable mob and headed directly to
warm. Mrs. Cleveland, a devout temperance advocate,           the Palmer House hotel to rest. even though the pace of
noticed the invitation was made with a wink. She              the trip was beginning to wear her down, she reappeared
responded boldly, “Yes, I think a cup of warm coffee          later in the day. She looked her best at the Columbia
would be just the thing.” The president, as a matter of       Theater reception that evening in a close-fitting, mistle-
fact, rather enjoyed ardent spirits and bypassed wine in      toe green plush gown, cut moderately low and quaintly
favor of whiskey and water with his evening meal. But         trimmed in lace. A diamond brooch and necklace com-
he said nothing to contradict his wife.                       pleted her outfit. The theater was decorated with 70,000
      early the next day at the exposition Fairgrounds,       roses. On Thursday morning, October 6, the president
24,000 schoolchildren sang a chorus of welcome. At            was shown the site of the deadly “anarchist” bombing
the end of the concert, five of the little ones presented     that had taken place the year before, known as the
a massive floral shield to Mrs. Cleveland. She hugged         “Haymarket” riot. He then visited the International
and kissed each of them. The ladies were taken to a pri-      Military encampment at Washington Park, where a
vate luncheon while the president was escorted to the         thundering artillery salute honored him.
Merchants exchange, where he received an enthusiastic               The president and Mrs. Cleveland were then taken
reception in the great hall. The cheers and applause          downtown to board the train for Milwaukee. They
were so generous and prolonged the normally stolid            obliged the crowd’s call that they appear on the open
Cleveland was almost moved to tears. As he spoke, his         rear platform of the P.P.C. The multitude yelled itself
remarks were repeatedly interrupted by applause. It may       hoarse as the train pulled out and the nation’s CeO and
well have been the high point of his career. At a public      his consort waved farewell to Chicago and its disorderly
reception at the Lindell Hotel late in the afternoon,         crowds.
some 20,000 passed through a receiving line to shake                The train reached Milwaukee, that sedate city of
hands with the president and his wife.                        cream-colored bricks and hard-working German immi-
      Tuesday, October 4, was the final day in St. Louis,     grants. It was early afternoon. The whole town turned
and it was also a long one. It began with a reception by      out for a jolly reception at Schlitz Park. Luncheon at
Commercial Travelers Association, a popular jam with          the Soldiers Home was followed by another public
long lines of people wanting to greet the president.          reception that lasted until 9:00 p.m. The reception was
When one elderly lady attempted to kiss President             followed by a banquet at the Merchants exchange. The
Cleveland, he politely but firmly declined her advances.      latter was typically an all-male affair with endless
Later in the morning, the Clevelands were taken on a          toasts. Mrs. Cleveland, doubtless displeased, watched
riverboat ride aboard the City of Baton Rouge, down           the heavy alcohol consumption from a balcony.
river to the Jefferson Barracks. After returning to the
city, it was off to the fairgrounds and an afternoon of
trotting races. The evening was devoted to the Veiled                   Harper’s Weekly (the “Journal of Civilization”)
Prophet Parade, a St. Louis tradition, in which, Mardi                  was published every Tuesday from 1857 to 1916.
Gras style, a mysterious prophet is carried in an elabo-                  On the following pages we have reproduced a
rate parade, his identity concealed by a mask until the                       selection of text and illustrations from the
climactic ball that ends the event. As midnight drew                             magazine that document the president’s
near, the presidential party was hurried from the dance                     train trip to the West and through the south.
to their train, which raced off for Chicago over the                           The issues were published October 8, 15,
Alton Railroad.                                                             and 23, 1887, and sold for ten cents a copy.
      As the train steamed into Chicago a little after 9:00

8   WHITe HOUSe HISTORY (Number 28)

                                                                                                                             The PresidenT and Mrs. Cleveland in Their PrivaTe Car, en rouTe for The WesT
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The PresidenT’s WelCoMe To sT. louis
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The PresidenT and Mrs. Cleveland vieWing The illuMinaTion of   The PresidenT’s reCePTion aT indianaPolis
 The briCker naTural gas Well aT graPeville near PiTTsburgh
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The veiled ProPheT’s PageanT aT sT. louis   The PresidenT revieWing The ProCession aT The greaT audiToriuM building in ChiCago
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The PresidenT’s WelCoMe To MeMPhis
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The PresidenT’s Call on Mrs. Polk aT Polk PalaCe in nashville
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
vieWing The deer aT belle Meade
President Grover Cleveland's Goodwill Tour of 1887
The PresidenT reCePTion aT The CaPiTol CiTy Club aTlanTa
The train left the next morning at 10:00 for             the best hope for a close-up view of the presidential
                                           Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. The ride was delight-       couple because the locomotive needed a drink every 25
                                           ful, as the train passed through a charming section of         miles or so.2 The train drew up to one such place, and a
                                           mid-America notable for its lakes and green hills. In          shy blond girl lifted up a bunch of goldenrod with a
                                           Madison the presidential couple spent several days at          pink note; this modest floral trophy was for President
                                           the home of William F. Vilas, the U.S. postmaster gener-       Cleveland and his lady. There were bonfires at night
                                           al who, with his wife, had established their home in           near the track, and bands played on station platforms as
                                           Madison in the 1860s when he became a professor at             the train slid by. Crowds cheered and waved.
                                           the State University. Upon arrival, the circus began all             early on Wednesday morning, October 12, the train
                                           over again, with the crowds and welcoming speeches.            made a short stop at Sioux City so the party could visit
                                           Cleveland’s right hand was aching so he kept both              the famous Corn Palace, a curious structure built entire-
                                           hands behind his back, bowing to individuals as they           ly of corn stalks, husks, and corn silk, except for the
                                           passed by in the receiving line. Many could not resist         wooden frame. A giant map of the United States was
                                           touching his garments. The president looked fit and            constructed from colored corn kernels. The visit to
                                           alert. When his wife was asked about her health, she           Omaha included a parade by the Second Infantry and
                                           responded simply, “Never better.”                              the Knights of Pythias, pupils from the Indian School
                                                 Saturday, October 8, was a day for rest at the           and its brass band.
                                           Vilas’s home. The president spent part of the day fishing            That evening, the presidential train pulled into
                                           in nearby Lake Mendota in a rowboat that was towed             Kansas City and witnessed another parade. On Thursday
                                           out to the center by a small steam launch. He caught           morning, a carriage tour of the city was arranged. The
                                           seven yellow bass. There was a reception later that day        president participated in laying the cornerstone for a
                                           at the Vilas’s residence. Sunday was chilly and overcast       new YMCA building, which included a speech and
                                           with brisk southwest winds that kicked up whitecaps on         more hand-shaking. Later in the day there was a recep-
                                           the lake. The presidential couple slept in until late in the   tion at the Customs House. The fraternal Priests of
                                           morning. They skipped church services and sat in a back        Pallas staged a parade that evening. At its conclusion,
                                           parlor reading, enjoying a totally private day at home.        the presidential party returned to the train and headed
                                                 Monday, October 10, they were back on the                south, with Memphis the next major destination.
                                           train, joined by Mr. and Mrs. Vilas for the return to          Reconstruction had ended a decade earlier, and the cities
                                           Washington on the Presidential Special. At stops in            of the South were well along in recovering from the
                                           Portage, New Lisbon, Sparta, and Lake City, the presi-         ravages of the late war. Were they ready to receive a
                                           dent shook hands with as many as possible in the               Yankee president, even though a Democrat?
                                           crowds gathered around the depots. A longer stop was                 On Friday morning, October 14, the train passed
                                           made at LaCrosse, with a quick tour of town. The sun           through Springfield, Missouri, at 5:30 a.m. Four hours
                                           was low in the sky when the train steamed into St. Paul,       later it crossed over the Ozark Mountains and entered
                                           Minnesota, originally called Pig’s eye. Mrs. Cleveland         Arkansas. The president was now in the former
                                           had attended school there as a young girl. The president       Confederacy. The tour members were enjoying a late
                                           alluded to this early history by thanking the audience         breakfast. At every town and crossroads, the feeling
                                           because “they had neither marred nor spoiled my wife.”         of welcome and friendship was manifest. The locals
                                           As darkness fell, the toboggan and snowshoe clubs              seemed extremely pleased to see their president pass
                                           paraded in their picturesque costumes. Another long            by, damn Yankee or not. In the afternoon the train pulled
                                           day ended with a reception at the Ryan Hotel.                  up at West Memphis on the Mississippi River.
                                                 After a brief swing through nearby Minneapolis,                A handsome side-wheeler, the celebrated Kate
                                           the party headed for Omaha and into parts of North             Adams, stood ready at the river landing. It shimmered
                                           America that had rarely seen a president. Small town           bright, its white paint and frosting of Gothic woodwork
                                           people were curious about anyone who was a celebrity.          making it resemble a gigantic wedding cake. On board
                                           They sat or stood for hours waiting for the train to pass      the steamboat a welcoming committee of about one
                                           by or better yet, stop for a few minutes. Tank towns had       hundred included senators, the mayor, Democratic party

                                                                                                                 President Grover Cleveland’s Goodwill Tour of 1887   25

The Journey souTh seen froM a Car WindoW
moments, the president held up well, while his wife—               The train left for Montgomery, Alabama, at mid-
                                                                                                                                                 half his age—was more given to spells of fatigue.            night. Before it departed, an agent from South Florida
The Corn Palace, Sioux                                                                                                                                 About 30 miles east of Nashville, the Presidential     brought grapes, oranges, lemons, pineapples, and jars of
City, Iowa, 1887.                                                                                                                                Special passed through the former state capital and          honey to decorate the dining table. A large mandarin
Designed by Edward                                                                                                                               birthplace of Sarah Polk, Murfreesboro. It was raining       orange tree was simply too big for the already crowded
W. Loft, the structure                                                                                                                           by the time they reached Chattanooga, but the streets        car and so was sent by express to Washington for the
was made of corn stalks,                                                                                                                         were crowded with people as the presidential party was       White House conservatory. The Presidential Special
husks, and silks. It                                                                                                                             driven through. Lookout Mountain loomed overhead in          arrived at 8:00 a.m., to be greeted by Alabama Senators
                                                                                                                                                 the mist. It was there a great battle had been fought in     J. L. Pugh and J. T. Morgan. A military escort stood
attracted thousands of
                                                                                                                                                 November 1863, which hastened the end of the                 ready for the inevitable parade through the streets of
tourists and promoted
                                                                                                                                                 Confederacy. But there was no time to visit Missionary       Alabama’s capital, where the Confederacy had been
Iowa agriculture.
                                                                                                                                                 Ridge. The tourists were hurried back to the depot and       born only twenty-six years before. Mrs. Cleveland was

                                                                                                                      sioux city public museum
                                                                                                                                                 traveled east for Atlanta over the historic Western and      given a silver jewelry case by the mayor, in the shape of
                                                                                                                                                 Atlantic Railroad, site of the Great Locomotive Chase, an    a cotton bale. The governor received the presidential
                                                                                                                                                 epic adventure of the Civil War.                             party at the fairgrounds. At 1:00 p.m. the train left
                                                                                                                                                       The train slowed to a stop as it drew near Atlanta     Montgomery to cross through Georgia, the Carolinas,
                                                                                                                                                 in the early evening; the sun dropped below Kennesaw         and Virginia. Montgomery had been the final stop. The
                                                                                                                                                 Mountain. The self-proclaimed “Chicago of the South”         schedule called for no stops with the possible exception
leaders, and other prominent people of the region. The      of the Clevelands and Colonel Lamont until Monday.                                   was not to be outdone by any state capital the president     of Asheville, North Carolina, and there the train would
main cabin was decorated with baskets of flowers gath-      He had greatly enlarged the bathing facilities for the                               had visited before it. A grand fireworks display was         tarry for no more than 15 minutes. It would run slowly
ered from as far as 100 miles away. The boat steamed        guest room so the president could enjoy his vigorous                                 staged with red rockets and artillery salutes. The sky       wherever a crowd was gathered. The bonfires, torches,
past the city’s 3 mile long riverfront as Memphis citi-     shower. The other passengers were taken into Nashville                               was bright in a glorious re-creation of Niagara Falls, 60    cheering, brass bands, and floral presentations continued
zens waved handkerchiefs and shouted greetings from         to stay at a hotel. Belle Meade, with its old-fashioned                              feet high and 150 feet long. As the cannons fired their      as before. After twenty-three days on the road, the three-
the levee and bluffs. Cannons in front of the Customs       columned mansion, was an exceptional farm that fea-                                  final lordly booms, the train rolled away into the city in   car Presidential Special rolled into Pennsylvania
House fired salute after salute. At least 60,000 wit-       tured its own private deer park and herd. After lunch,                               the rain; but rain or shine, the crowds waiting along the    Railroad Station on the morning of October 22.
nessed the landing of the presidential party. A larger      the Clevelands were driven into the city to visit Sarah                              streets were determined to see their leader make his               The trip was a public relations success. every
crowd assembled that evening for a fireworks display,       Childress Polk, widow of former President James K.                                   entry.                                                       where the Clevelands appeared there were overwhelm-
and upward of 100,000, including many thousand              Polk. She was still remembered at 84 as a strong first                                     Atlanta was so thick with visitors that every hotel    ing expressions of enthusiasm and lavish civic hospitali-
African Americans, were expected at the grand parade        lady who had been her husband’s political partner forty                              and rooming house bed was occupied. People slept in          ty. Public curiosity about the young and attractive wife
on the following day. A black member of the city coun-      years ago in the White House. She loved to speak of                                  lobbies and hallways. Churches opened their doors to         was satisfied to some degree. The president exhibited
cil, Lymans Wallace, was part of the official welcome       old times, remembering the early white settlement of                                 shelter the masses. When they were filled, those seeking     stamina and a hearty and simple manner. His speeches
committee.                                                  Tennessee as well as her brilliant, though hard-liquor-                              a place to sleep sought shelter in empty railroad freight    were alike, clear, simple, and pleasant. He understood
      Saturday was occupied by a tour of the city and an    free White House during the Mexican War. Upon her                                    cars. The rain persisted, making Atlanta a sad and soggy     that much of the excitement was over seeing the presi-
outdoor ceremony in Court Square. The old Confederate       husband’s retirement in 1849, the Polks had made a                                   place. On Wednesday morning at 10:00 Democratic              dent rather than in seeing Grover Cleveland. Yet for all
politician—although a New Jersey native—Judge Henry         grand tour of the South, so she knew the touring task                                Senator Alfred Holt Colquitt held a small breakfast for      its spectacle and the length of its reach, the trip did not
T. ellett was the speaker. During the president’s           well. She was almost a national monument, called                                     the presidential couple. Flower-bedecked carriages took      assure his reelection one year later. Indiana Republican
response, he was interrupted by the sudden illness of the   upon by nearly every distinguished visitor to                                        the official party to the fairgrounds, escorted by cavalry   Benjamin Harrison would defeat him in the electoral
judge, who was led from the speaker’s platform and          Nashville.                                                                           and artillery soldiers. About 40,000 stood in the rain to    College. Yet perhaps some of the wave of voters that
died a short time later. The program of the day contin-           On Monday, October 17, a formal reception for the                              greet the president. The military parade and mock battle     returned Cleveland to the presidency in 1893 remem-
ued without him, and a very enthusiastic reception was      president was staged on the public square in downtown                                planned as the entertainment of the day were delayed         bered the grand tour of 1887.
held at the Merchants exchange.                             Nashville. After this event subsided, Mrs. Cleveland                                 because of the weather. The president stayed in his car-
      On Sunday, October 16, the Presidential Special       held a reception in a prominent hotel, the Maxwell                                   riage to witness the parade as the soldiers slipped and      NOTeS
rolled toward Nashville, about 200 miles from               House, while her husband spoke at the statehouse on a                                stumbled through the mud. The program was at last            1.   The story of Grover Cleveland’s railroad tour of September and October 1887
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   relies on accounts in the New York Times, Washington Post, Harper’s Weekly,
Memphis. Six miles west of the state capital, the train     hill overlooking the city and the Cumberland River. The                              abandoned, and the carriages returned to the city. A              and Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper for September through November 1887.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   each of these sources followed the trip closely through correspondents on the
stopped late in the morning at Belle Meade, the largest     White House party returned to the station and moved off                              luncheon occupied much of the afternoon. That evening             scene.
stock breeding farm in the nation. This 5,300 acre farm     toward Chattanooga. It was the beginning of the end of                               a torchlight parade was given by the Young Men’s             2.   Locomotives use 6 pounds of water for every 1 pound of fuel.
was owned by General W. H. Jackson, who was the host        this cross-country marathon. except for a few weary                                  Democratic Club.

26   WHITe HOUSe HISTORY (Number 28)                                                                                                                                                                                     President Grover Cleveland’s Goodwill Tour of 1887                   27
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