NATIONAL HINDU STUDENTS' FORUM (UK) - AGM 2017/2018 SATURDAY 15TH MARCH 2018 | Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Stanmore - NHSF (UK)

NATIONAL HINDU STUDENTS' FORUM (UK) - AGM 2017/2018 SATURDAY 15TH MARCH 2018 | Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Stanmore - NHSF (UK)
AGM 2017/2018
SATURDAY 15TH MARCH 2018 | Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Stanmore
                                           FORTY-SEVEN CHAPTERS AFFILIATED TO NHSF (UK)
                                           ANGLIA RUSKIN / ASTON / BCU / BIRMINGHAM / BRADFORD / BRISTOL / BRUNEL /
                                           CITY / COVENTRY / DMU / EAST ANGLIA / EDINBURGH / EXETER / HERTFORDSHIRE /
                                           HUDDERSFIELD / HULL / IMPERIAL / KEELE / KENT / KINGS / KINGSTON / LANCASTER /
                                           LEEDS / LEICESTER / LINCOLN / LIVERPOOL / LOUGHBOROUGH / LSE / MANCHESTER /
                                           MEDWAY / NOTTINGHAM / NOTTINGHAM TRENT / OXFORD / PORTSMOUTH / QUEEN
                                           MARY / READING / ROEHAMPTON / ROYAL HOLLOWAY / SHEFFIELD / SOUTHBANK /
                                           SOUTHAMPTON / ST GEORGES / SWANSEA / WARWICK / WOLVERHAMPTON / YORK

                                           3358 4
                                           CHAPTER MEMBERS            LECTURE
                                                                                                                     ASIAN VOICE
                                           ACROSS THE UK              TOURS                   EDITIONS               PUBLICATIONS

CENTRAL ZONE                        LONDON ZONE                SOUTH ZONE                 NORTH ZONE                 JUNE COMMITTEES' DAY
                                    LZ/SZ SPORTS COMPETITION
                                                               LZ/SZ SPORTS COMPETITION
                                                                                          CZ/NZ SPORTS COMPETITION
                                                                                          ATTENDANCE                 68
400                                 378                        378                        400                        LZ/SZ SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                     COMMITTEES' DAY

                                                               GARBA ATTENDANCE           GARBA ATTENDANCE

930                                 800                        200                        1200                       CZ/NZ SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                     COMMITTEES' DAY
                                                               JAI HANUMAN ATTENDANCE                                ATTENDANCE

                                                                                          JAI HANUMAN ATTENDANCE

                                    130                        100                        150                        55

5875 1640 915 97,660 views
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LIKES                           FOLLOWERS                  FOLLOWERS WEBSITE LAUNCH - SEPT 2014

                                                                                  WEBSITE ARTICLES WRITTEN
Finance Team
Aims for the year                               Team achievements
• Supporting chapters financially and           • Able to provide the right finance
  providing guidance                              perspective and guidance to the national
- Looking at common areas with our events         teams
  and amongst chapters where benefits from      • Able to generate P&L statements within a
  sponsorship in kind could be realised.          month after the event
- Chapter Development Fund
                                                • Efficient and regular cash flow projection
- Zonal Finance Chapter Liaison Officer -
  keep in contact with Treasurers and           • Encouraged National and Zonal events
  provide advice and support                      procurement
                                                • Maintain the financial position
• Assisting teams with the planning of          • Improve connection within the national
  project budgets and events and ensuring
                                                  teams and improve processes as a result
  effective management of the budget once
                                                  (i.e. chapter affiliation and nationals
  it has been approved
- Advising project leads of purchasing            sports competition)
  sources for all teams, events and projects.   • Ensured the efficient and right use of
- To be able to complete reimbursements           money
  within 14 working days from request date
- To close accounts of each event within 30     Progression
  days from the actual date of the event        • Had a more regular communication with
                                                  the national teams which allowed to a
• Offering financial support to NHSF (UK) as
                                                  more efficient budgeting, discussing
  an organisation.
- Managing the accounts of NHSF (UK).             different solutions and options
- To start a cash flow projection process to    • Able to correlate Chapter Affiliation with
  better understand finances that will be         Sports Competition
  available at in time.                         • Relate all budgets from the various events
                                                  across the zones and balance it to
5 Year Aims and Objectives                        maintain a healthy financial position
•   To have a fund that guarantees the
    execution of our events and projects in     Direction for the future
    occasions of deficit.                       • Review Chapter Development Fund
•   To have a small chapter fund and a            process to become more accessible
    chapter sponsor fund that enables us to     • Build a stronger connection with the
    support our small chapters through            treasurers and support any challenges (SU
    means of small sponsorships, transport        payments, sponsorships, flagship events)
    and key support material.                   • Encourage planning to avoid unnecessary
                                                • Review refund policy and improve the

                                                Further Comments
Aims for the year                                  Team achievements
•       Recruit 50 new Well Wishers.               •   Recruited 25 plus new Well Wishers
•       Look to secure 50% sponsorship of the          which contributes as a sustainable
        next academic year (general events,            income
        initiatives and projects)                  •   Raised more than £2,000 in small
•       Secure sponsors for our large events of        sponsorships for HUM
        the year                                   •   Supported National Events with
        - Have 70% of our large events costs           Sponsorship in Kind opportunities
        sponsored                                  •   Raised more than £5000 in large
•       Look to establish Income Generation as a       sponsorships
        separate team for next year
-   .
                                                   • Created new relationships with small
5 Year Aims & Objectives                             sponsorships
•       Empower National committee members
                                                   • Maintain relationships with large sponsors
        that have an interest to become
                                                   • Different teams within National
        ambassadors for bringing in well-wishers
                                                     Committee got involved and supported
        and/or monthly donors to NHSF.
                                                     income generation throughout the year
•       Build data set of Hindu students through
                                                   • Supported and guided chapters with
        student survey
                                                     different sponsorship opportunities
•       Use data to approach and win
        sponsorship from larger organisations
        £5000+                                     Direction for the future
                                                   • Strengthen the relationships with both
                                                     small and large sponsors and Well
                                                   • Looking for more large sponsorships
                                                   • Re-connect with previous NHSF
                                                   • Keep recruiting new Well Wishers to
                                                     ensure sustainable income

                                                   Further Comments
Campus Team
Aims for the year
                                                    ●   Greater understanding of NHSF (UK)
   ●   Improving the relationship between
                                                        and Sanskaar team by Chapters
       Natcom and our Chapters
   ●   Diversity within all Chapter Activities      ●   Chapters engagement for zonal
       and Event                                        events to help strengthen relations
   ●   Working with Sanskaar Team to
       educate our Chapters of a Sevak              ●   Ensure communication between
       Mindset and Ahimsa.                              teams are maintained to ensure
   ●   Providing leadership training to                 communication is not skewed.
       committees to strengthen our work at
       chapter level
                                                 Direction for the future
                                                    ●   Continue to grow and expand our
5 Year Aims and Objectives                              family both in the number of
   ●   To reach 10, 000 members.                        members and chapters
   ●   Clarification of what NHSF (UK) is           ●   Improve Natcom relations with the
                                                        rest of Chapter committee members
   ●   Bring more diversity to NHSF (UK)                (not just President/VP)
                                                    ●   Proactively identify areas affecting
                                                        our students in the UK and find
Team achievements
                                                        solutions to try and help resolve this
   ●   Designing and sending out a Campus
                                                        e.g. student debt, tackling mental
       Survey for incoming and outgoing
       committee members to gain feedback
                                                    ●   To further diversify NHSF (UK) by
       from chapters.
                                                        expanding our reach within the Hindu
   ●   Successfully organising and planning
                                                        student population
       September Committee Day at two
                                                    ●   Grow our international student
   ●   7 new Chapters affiliated!
                                                    ●   Ensure good relationship between
   ●   Promoted the ideology and vision of
                                                        Chapters and SU
       Sanskaar to chapters
   ●   Increasing number of chapter visits to
       improve relations, communication          Further Comments
       and support
   ●   Working with Sanskaar team to
       incorporate the four yog aspect to the
       traditional bhakti events
   ●   Promoting Sanskaar
       initiatives/projects on campus e.g.
       lecture tours, blood donation drive,
       Sewa day
Sanskaar Team
Aims for the year                                       • Understanding of how Sanskaar can work
                                                            with other teams on NatCom has been
   •   Evolving weekly aartis to include yoga               established.
       and meditation.                                  • Consciousness of language has been
   •   Ensure maximum participation in Sewa                 made apparent across all aspects of
       Day and NBDD.                                        communication on NatCom.
   •   Redeveloping Bhakti Events                       • Little impact made with chapters and
   •   Redeveloping National Events to                      students in terms of communicating the
       inculcate Sanskaar.                                  concept of Sanskaar.
   •   Providing Framework that students can
       use to articulate Hindu Dharma
   •   Chapters to understand what Sanskaar is.      Direction for the future
                                                         • Make more direct interaction with
5 Year Aims and Objectives                                   sanskaar coordinators a priority on
                                                             campus, to impart Sanskaar on a regular
   •   Nurture universal Hindu Values                        basis.
   •   Provide cohesive language/framework               • A focus on how to transform the weekly
       that students can adopt to articulate how             program that is more wholistic and
       they experience Hindu Dharma                          develops values.
   •   Develop plural, balanced and holistic             • Connecting chapters to speakers and
       understanding of Hindu                                teachers for improved quality of sessions.
   •   Encourage the practice of day-to-day
       Hindu Dharma
                                                     Further Comments
       See Sanskaar folder in drive for full list.       • A lot of projects required sufficient
                                                             knowledge to start or to take on board.
Team achievements                                            YOTW is one such example.
   • SWOTM video resources                               • Summer should be time for resource
   • YOTW video resources                                    generation.
   • NHSF helping to drive and own YFS                   • Communication between Sanskaar,
   • Jai Hanuman Events which include                        Campus, and PR need to be tight.
       multiple ways to manifest Hindu Identity.
   • Sanskaar Seminaars
   • Sanskaar Related PR
   • Lecture Tours with external speakers
   • Sewa Day
Legal Team
Aims for the year                                    •   To have consistent protocols in place
   • Provide NHSF (UK) with clear and                    for all Legal Team work.
       consistent legal advice and support.          •   Currently, work is done on an ad hoc
       (Launch a legal clinic for chapters;              basis and lacks coherence and
       draft/overlook contracts for both                 consistency. A set of written
       National Committee and Chapters                   documents detailing different
       where needed).                                    standard procedures will also assist
   • Ensure legal procedures are complied                other teams in collaborative work.
       with. (Complete risk assessments;
       draft protocol documents e.g. draw
       up procedures on how Sponsorship           Team achievements
       contracts should be drafted and               • Launch of Legal Clinic.
       signed by the parties).                       • Strong links with Hindu Lawyers
   • Maintain and build a stronger link                 Association.
       with the Hindu Lawyers Association.           • First ever Legal Workshop at SCD.
       (Assist HLA with any projects/events
       they are currently running; help pilot
       new initiatives e.g. mentoring scheme      Progression
       for Hindu law students).                      • Taken control of matters previously in
                                                         the hands of other teams such as
5 Year Aims and Objectives                               insurance policy matters.
    • To provide HLA with a strong                   • Stronger relationship with Chapters.
    • Students should be aware of HLA as a
       separate entity. This includes raising
       awareness of their aims and                Direction for the future
       objectives, what participation in HLA          • Organize events for NHSF Law
       involves and the benefits thereof. This           students relating to diversity in the
       requires continuous support at both               legal profession etc.
       National and Chapter levels.                   • Think of other ways for Hindu law
    • To run an established annual NHSF                  students to get involved with NHSF
       (UK)/HLA Mooting Competition.                     (UK).
    • In the past, this project has attracted
       significant participation and thus has
       assisted in the development of HLA as      Further Comments
       an organisation. It is also academically
       beneficial to students. Resuming it
       should therefore have positive effects
       for both groups.
Events Team
Aims for the year                               Progression
   ● To document resources                         ● Documented projects correctly
   ● Provide project planning training for         ● Connected with more organisation
       all events members.                             and suppliers
   ● See greater chapter and samaj                 ● Improved communicated with other
       participation with all national events          teams
   ● For all national events project NHSF
       values and ethos effectively
                                                Direction for the future
   ● Everyone to visit at least 3 networking
                                                    ● Attract a more diverse crowd at
                                                    ● Bring more sports personalities to
5 Year Aims and Objectives
                                                       National Sports Competition
    ● Engage more chapters with national
                                                    ● Maintain relationships with
                                                       organisations and suppliers
    ● Better document our resources -
                                                    ● Attract more Alumni members to
       minutes, project plans etc
                                                       attend events
    ● Engage more organisations, sponsors
                                                    ● Ensure market research is taken
       and well wishers with national events.
                                                       before doing new events
    ● To ensure sustainability to our events
       from year to year by having a more
       robust handover and training process     Further Comments
       for all team members

Team achievements
   ● Attendance increased to 650 for
      National Sports Competition
   ● Events Team development weekend
   ● Fortnightly development call
   ● Project Planning each National Event
   ● Celebrated 25th Anniversary with four
      Zonal Navratri events
   ● Each team member secured a well
   ● Achieved the most number of well
      wishers than other team
   ● First time quantifiable market
      research was undertaken for our
      National Event
   ● Planned National Sports Competition
      in advance
PR Team
Aims and Objectives                                •   Engage with other Hindu student
   • Form relationships with external                  organisations across the world
      organisations which share our
      dharmic values
   • Deepen relationships with well-            Team achievements
      wishers and sponsors                         • Bringing Youth for Sewa back into the
   • Build sense of parivaar through                  ambit of NHSF (UK)
      Chapter Newsletter                           • Regular communication with well-
   • Consistent presentation of vision                wishers, with new speakers and
      throughout events, atmosphere and               suppliers
      self-presentation                            • Increased engagement on social
   • Improve quality of social media                  media, with posts communicating our
      communications                                  bhavana in more authentic language
   • Ensure all communications, design             • Consistent presentation of our vision
      and platforms act as ‘single voice’ for         when connecting with external
      our vision                                      organisations and on social media
   • Encourage writing and thought                 • Integrating Web & Design into the
      leadership through HUM                          rest of PR Team

5 Year Aims and Objectives                      Progression
    • Strong personal relationships with all       • Connect with organisations outside
       NHSF (UK) stakeholders                          the Hindu samaj which share our
    • Be the go-to Hindu student                       values
       organisation for media, government,         • Connect with our well-wishers more
       students etc.                                   for key utsavs such as Raksha
    • Influence decision-making in                     Bandhan
       education, politics, media etc.             • More regular Chapter Newsletters
    • Be a credible voice for all Hindu                and greater focus on Chapter
       students at university and outside it           achievements on social media
    • Strong understanding of the                  • Be involved at the outset of event
       demographic of Hindu students and               planning to better shape marketing
       Hindus in the UK                                and present vision
    • Consistent coverage in electronic,           • Encourage more Chapter members to
       print and social media                          write for HUM
    • Have a positive financial perception
    • Have a positive reputation overall,       Direction for the future
       internally and externally                    • Greater proactivity in taking a stance
    • Be able to attract media easily                  on key issues affecting students
    • Strong Indian student engagement              • Engage with other national
organisations representing students
       such as the NUS (UK)
   •   Connect more with media
       organisations with reach in the HIndu
   •   Maintain high standards of
       presentation of our vision through
       design and verbal communication

Further Comments
NHSF Anglia
Ruskin                                             •   reinforced the importance of personal
                                                       safety to our members
                                                   •   Diya 2017: planned and coordinated a
Committee                                              university-wide Diwali event with the
Jemini Katechia – President/Sanskaar                   Bollywood and Tamil societies, with
Ravina Shah – Secretary                                members demonstrating garba to
Ridhi Raichura - Treasurer/Logistics                   raise awareness of the society
Jessica Ladhani – University                       •   Building bridges with other societies
Facilitator/General Committee                          and improving relations with our SU

Membership numbers
13 on Record                                    Overall progress and achievements
                                                   • ARU Hindu Society has achieved a lot
Average number of attendees per event                  despite the early collapse of our
10-12 per event                                        committee at our AGM. We have
                                                       strived to push through difficulties
                                                       and have even put on a university-
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                     wide event, something unachievable
University                                             12 months ago. Our reach amongst
    • 300/400 Individuals (of which about              students is slowly increasing, and we
       50/60 are internationals). Information          have appreciated the support given
       about the Chelmsford &                          by National Committee.
       Peterborough Campus is Unknown.

                                                What to look forward to in the future
Highlight(s) of the year                          • A new fresh committee and the first
   • Freshers’ Fair: our first freshers’ fair         with a committee advisor in 2019
       since starting up the society, which       • A more diverse member base and
       put ARU Hindu Society on the map for           more members
       the whole university                       • More planning and better
   • Meet & Greet 2017: a great way of                communication as a committee
       appealing to new members and               • A possible Holi event to raise more
       reaching out to old members by                 awareness of our values and society
       conveying the significance of our              at the university
       home away from home.
   • Self-defence workshop run by our
       members: lots of fun, pushed             Points of improvement
       members to try something new and            • Increasing the size of our committee
                                                   • More events and events of higher
NHSF Aston
Committee                                            ● session turn out
President - Dilan Karia                              ● Aim to sell over 500 tickets for Diya.
Vice President - Ruchika Raichura                      Current figures are 350 with 2 weeks
Events Coordinator - Simiran Shah and                  to go.
Roshni Patel                                         ● We don’t have a Aarti this year as we
Public Relations Officer - Natesha Jasvantalal,        want to make it a student led show so
Mitul Suchak, Sangeeta Odedra                          that the light isn't taken away from
Treasurer - Radhika Bathia and Kinjal Patel            students.
Sports Coordinator - Amit Shah and Sakthy
Religious and Learning Coordinator - Karish       What to look forward to in the future
Raja and Gayatri Mistry                             ● Diya
Sewa Coordinators - Krina Shah, Vishal              ● meeting new members
Gautam and Rahul Radia                              ● Continue to create a family
Secretary - Manisha Binning and Akshay Patel            atmosphere by ensuring all members
                                                        feel like home.

Membership numbers
266                                               Points of improvement
                                                     ● To ensure all information is passed on
                                                         to the year below to them progress
Average number of attendees per event
Aarti Session attendance - roughly 40-70

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   ● Freshers Fair
   ● Ujala
   ● Diya

Overall progress and achievements
   ● Better attendance at aartis than last
   ● Boosting sports sessions and Aarti
Committee                                        What to look forward to in the future
Avisha Thakrar – President                          •   Raising awareness of the society
Krishna Khanji – Vice President                         throughout the university
Miruthulla Sivananthan - Treasurer                  •   Our upcoming Holi event
Alisha Kumar – Sanskar Coordinator                  •   Putting on more events for our
Viren Patel – Events Coordinator                        members
Manisha Parmar – Secretary
Sunny Patel – Sports Coordinator
                                                 Points of improvement
                                                    • Commitment from both members and
Membership numbers                                      committee
12 members

Average number of attendees per event
2-6 attendees per weekly aarti

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Meet and Greet
   • Sewa at Shree Geeta Bhavan Mandir
   • Dr Kit Patrick’s talk ‘Tales of an Indian

Overall progress and achievements
   • We provided a welcoming
       atmosphere for our members, and a
       ‘home away from home’, whilst also
       putting on events that our members
       wanted to see.
Committee                                       Overall progress and achievements
Kajol Desai - President                            • Roshni 2018 was a huge success, as
Karan Chundavadara - Vice-President                    was winning the football league and
Gemini Joshi - Treasurer                               kabaddi at North Zone/Central Zone
Devika Bhudia - General Secretary                      Sports Competition.
Nikita Nagji, Nikita Shah, and Sejal Thanki -      • We formed a strong sense of parivaar
Events                                                 within our committee, had new
Rikesh Chauhan and Yashee Thakkar - Public             interesting weekly discussions, and
Relations                                              reached over 5,000 people on some
Priya Pandeya - Sewa and Learning                      Facebook posts.
Aisha Hirani - Sports                              • We introduced ‘Meet N Mithai’ to
Shivani Thakrar - Creative and Design                  replace our weekly Aarti sessions,
                                                       formed a strong kho-kho team and
                                                       held more weekly sports sessions, and
Membership numbers                                     had new jackets for the first time in
161 members                                            over five years.

Average number of attendees per event           What to look forward to in the future
   • Weekly events: 5-20                          • Sub Committee Events
   • Larger events: 150-350                       • Holi

Highlight(s) of the year                        Points of improvement
   • ‘Meet N Greet’ was a big hit with             • Improve weekly turnout
       various performances and our highest        • More socials
       turnout yet!                                • More Sewa
   • Diwali Week – had an event on every           • More Interfaith Collaborations
       day! Diwali on Campus, which was
       held at the Guild of Students, was
       amazing and lit up in the celebration
       of Diwali
   • Roshni 2018: A Whole New World
       was a massive hit again, with a new
       venue, and new acts
NHSF Bradford
Committee                                       What to look forward to in the future
Aashika Mistry – President                        • Rang De Rewaj: our annual flagship
Jaimin Mistry – Secretary                             event
Raj Chaterjee – Learning/Sewa coordinator         • Sewa Week
Supritha Senthilkumaran – Events                  • Future collaboration with other
Coordinator                                           societies on campus
Junaid Khan – Treasurer
Aarooran Arunan
                                                Points of improvement:
                                                   • Communicating our events to our
Membership numbers:                                    members
19 paid members                                    • Making learning events more

Average number of attendees per event:

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Sewa Day in October
   • Our sewa activities in aid of Interfaith
       Week had good feedback and turnout
       from members

Overall progress and achievements
   • We were accredited with the Bronze
       quality of mark by the University of
       Bradford Students’ Union this year
       and saw more paid society members
       in comparison to previous years.
NHSF Brunel
Bejul Badiani (President)                 Highlight(s) of the year
Harsha Sri-Ramesh (Vice-President)           • Meet & Greet
Shivani Shukla (Secretary)                   • Navratri on Campus
Vruti Kotecha (Treasurer)                    • London Zone Navratri
Vinesh Veerasami (Learning Coordinator)      • Diwali on Campus
Shivani Patel (Events Coordinator)           • Pani Puri Competition
Shivy Das (Sponsorship Coordinator)          • Winning Badminton at London Zone
Aishwarya Chauhan (Sports Coordinator)           & South Zone Sports Competition
Gaurav HKumar (Sewa Coordinator)                 2017
Nivedhaa Muthu (Web Officer)                 • Diyan
Kajal Vadgama (Uni Representative)           • Maharaja Ball
                                             • Debates
                                             • Re-Meet & Greet
Membership numbers                           • ‘No to Poverty’ Sewa Project

Average number of attendees per event     Overall progress and achievements
   • Weekly meetings: approximately 50       • Our progress this year has been
   • Meet & Greet: over 200                      incredible. Our society has been in
   • Navratri on Campus: over 250                debt for the past three years, and we
   • Diwali on Campus: over 300                  managed to come out of it in our year
   • Pani Puri Competition: over 50              by finding many sponsors and
   • Diyan: Brunel had over 70                   fundraising. We managed to get a
   • Maharaja Ball: Brunel had over 40           high number of members and
   • Debates: approximately 20                   brought many new events that have
   • Re-Meet & Greet: over 50                    not been done before at Brunel such
                                                 as Navratri on Campus and the
                                                 Maharaja Ball. We are hoping to do
Estimate of how many Hindus at the               Holi on Campus in March for the first
University                                       time ever.
Around 15% of the student population         • In total, we have collaborated with
                                                 eight universities for events.
                                                 Additionally, we managed to keep our
                                                 social media as active as possible and
                                                 kept our society active through
                                                 weekly meetings and many events
                                                 and socials. Overall, we have received
                                                 great feedback from the Brunel
Student Union and our members who
       are happy with what we do. We
       hoped that we made a difference, and
       that the work we have done
       continues over the years through the
       next committee members.

What to look forward to in the future
  • We still have a couple more events
      before we finish our year such as
      National Sports Competition,
      Hanumanji on Tour, and Holi on

Points of improvement
   • We worked extremely well as a
       committee, though there is always be
       room for improvement. For instance,
       we could find a better way to engage
       members in our weekly meetings and
       have more effective communication
       between universities for flagship
       events such as Diyan.
NHSF Coventry
Committee                                           ever had in its 5 years, making it
Amit Champaneria - President & Media                the biggest event on campus this
Dharmisha Vekaria - Vice President &                academic year. It featured DJ Raj
Media                                               as our host, alongside multiple
Riya Patel - Secretary                              acts from various societies and
Arjun Sriram - Treasurer                            students, and a 3-course meal.
Navi Gupta - Vice Treasurer
Jash Mehta - Events
Henna Mistry - Events                        Overall progress and achievements
Kush Shah - Events                              • Holding the biggest Anokhi Event
Nandish Vasudev - Events                            to date: “the best Anokhi event in
Rupali - Events                                     its 5 years”
Mohit Bhandari - Sports                         • Still one of the biggest societies on
Deboshree Ghosh - Media                             campus
Himanshu Jogia - Media & Sports                 • Having an amazing turnout at CZ
Malini Navinchandra - Sewa & Learning               Navratri
Priya Patel - Sewa & Learning                   • Biggest turnout ever at Meet &
                                                    Greet, with over 120 students

Membership numbers
80                                           What to look forward to in the future
                                               • Continuing to grow the society
                                               • Taking members to CZ Navratri
Average number of attendees per event              2018
20-30                                          • Anokhi 2018

Estimate of how many Hindus at the
                                             Points of improvement
3000                                            • Holding regular socials
                                                • Better promoting our events

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Our highlight of the year was
       Anokhi 2017. We celebrated
       Anokhi’s 5th year, taking the event
       to Birmingham where we
       welcomed 240 students. This was
       the biggest turnout Anokhi has
NHSF Edinburgh
Committee                                        Overall progress and achievements
Ramanish Ravishankar - President                    • EHS have had a very successful year
Akshay Chandiramani - Secretary                         with the following achievements:
Jathursan Selvarajah - Treasurer                            o Joining NHSF (UK)!
Krishan P. Ladva - NHSF (UK) Rep                            o A significant increase in
Jaikishan Chudasma - Napier Rep                                membership numbers
Amrita Krishnakumar - Publicity                             o Our first ever Holi event
                                                            o Collaboration with SASA
                                                               (South Asian Student
Membership numbers                                             Association)

                                                 What to look forward to in the future
Average number of attendees per event              • A new dynamic committee to
7                                                      continue the work EHS have done
                                                       throughout this year.
                                                   • Further collaboration with societies.
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                 • Another year of membership with
University                                             NHSF (UK)
30                                                 • Learn from our successful events!

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Diwali – made a profit and everyone         Points of improvement
       had a lovely time                            • Place a greater emphasis on
   • Holi – first time ever for us so                   advertising and sharing on Facebook,
       hopefully should be a good turnout!              if this had been done earlier then
   • Freshers chaat and chai – event to                 perhaps we would’ve had a greater
       start off the year and had a turnout of          turnout!
       25+ people!                                  • Update our cover photo to show how
                                                        active the society is.
                                                    • Have a more structured meeting
homeless shelter.
                                                   •   Games night social: it gave the
                                                       committee to get to know the rest of

NHSF Exeter                                        •
                                                       our society.
                                                       Dance: our dancers worked hard to
                                                       dance at our Diwali performance and
                                                       at the Diversity Ball that the
Committee                                              university holds annually.
Anjani Jogia - President
Divisha Chellani - Vice-President
Rachit Relan - Treasurer                        Overall progress and achievements
Shivani Mahapatra - General Secretary              • We have continued our relationship
Ruchira Rana - PR/Marketing                            with the local Hindu community. We
Aahana Singh - Events                                  continue to attend monthly mandir
Monica Sriram - Events                                 gatherings and celebrate Holi and
Punit Sevak - Learning                                 Navratri together as a community.
Dibyajyoti Pattanaik - Sewa                            Our Diwali on Campus has increased
Rohit Balgu - Sports                                   in size from previous years.
Vikram Bairathi - Sports
Sushmeet Khanna - Dance
                                                What to look forward to in the future
                                                  • We would like to see membership
Membership numbers:                                   increase in the future, but more
50                                                    importantly, we would like to
                                                      encourage more people to attend our
                                                      events. Whilst certain events, such as
Average number of attendees per event                 Diwali, Navratri and sewa events are
10-15                                                 popular, others such as learning
                                                      events are not.
                                                  • For the learning events, we would like
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                    to see better turnouts. We would also
University                                            like to celebrate more festivals, such
150-200                                               as Makar Sankranti in January.

Highlight(s) of the year                        Points of improvement
   • Diwali on Campus: we held a mela in           • The organisation of the committee
       collaboration with Asian Society. We            needs to improve. Whilst we had
       had different stalls, including a food          great ideas and put down provisional
       stall. We ended the day with dance              dates in the calendar, making the
       performances in the Great Hall and a            events take place was difficult. We
       firework show.                                  need to start planning in advance,
   • Sewa: making and giving food to the               especially when we need to get risk
       homeless. It was a great event with             assessments approved.
       great turnout. We made more than            • Try to organise more learning and
       50 sandwiches, and we gave                      sewa events during the year. It is
       whatever was not handed out to a
difficult to generate popularity for
    learning events, so holding
    discussions on topical events might
    encourage attendance.
•   We need to organise transport for
    sports earlier so that our players can
    attend Zonal and National Sports
Committee                                     Overall progress and achievements
Mayuri Patel - President                         • This year, we were able to build a
Deep Shah - Vice-President                           stronger relationship with our
Sanika Morjaria - General Secretary                  students’ union and develop
Jaina Mehta - Treasurer                              relationships with other societies and
Priyal Khambaita - Events                            key people in the university. We also
Nickil Vadgama and Nishant Vadhwana -                collaborated with our Chapters, who
Sewa                                                 have helped us to develop our
Varun Bhargava, Sonya Kerai and Vivek                society.
Depala - Sports
Disha Vora and Hemal Amratlal - Media
Jai Joshi and Mehul Navin - Learning          What to look forward to in the future
                                                • Launching our new merchandise
                                                • Putting on more events with societies
Membership numbers                                  in our university, such as a multi-faith
60                                                  lunch

Average number of attendees per event         Points of improvement
15-20                                            • Improve committee’s organisation
                                                 • Encourage more people to attend
Estimate of how many Hindus at the               • Getting more funding through
University                                           sponsorship

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Attending London Zone/South Zone
       Sports Competition 2017 and National
       Sports Competition 2018
   • Diyan 2017
Committee                                               weekly Aarti on the days we don’t
Nilam Patel - President/Learning                        have a social event planned.
Priya Kohli - Treasurer/Sewa                        •   We have celebrated festivals such as
                                                        Diwali and plan to celebrate Holi.
                                                        There have been a number of learning
Membership numbers                                      events including topics on ‘why do
6 members                                               we?’ and vegetarianism. We have our
                                                        flagship event in March,
                                                        Mahashivratri Puja, which we are all
Average number of attendees per event                   working hard to make a success.

                                                 What to look forward to in the future
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                 • Having other Chapter members
University                                             attend our Mahashivratri Puja.
    • 100, many of whom commute from               • A new set of committee members to
       nearby towns and cities. The local              take the society forwards
       Hindu population is very small.

                                                 Points of improvement
Highlight(s) of the year                            • Hosting more learning events
   • Carrying the society forwards with             • Encouraging greater attendance at all
       regular aarti and social events despite          events
       a small committee
   • Enjoyable social events have helped
       our current members to bond and
       attract new members

Overall progress and achievements
   • We are a very small Chapter but have
       managed to carry out various
       activities throughout the year.
   • We have organised a number of social
       events including meals out, laser
       quest, bowling and also tried to do
                                                      What to look forward to in the future
Sachin Patel – President                                • We are looking forward to hosting our
Mahek Pandit – Vice President & Sewa                        flagship event, Holi in March and
Coordinator                                                 looking forward to elections this
Prachi Keshavani – Treasurer & PR Rep                       semester to see who are going to be
Isha Singh – Advisory                                       the next committee members.
Sivathira Sivanantharasa – Events
Coordinator                                           Points of improvement
                                                         • Planning events months in advance
                                                             before the start of the new academic
Membership numbers                                           year.
5                                                        • Communicating more frequently with
                                                             the Students’ Union
                                                         • Communicating better with the rest
Average number of attendees per event                        of the committee and host meetings
5                                                            more frequently
                                                         • Being more active in terms of
                                                             collaborating with other societies
Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Hosting our first events, even though
       it was Aarti; it was an incredible
       achievement to make.

Overall progress and achievements
    •   Overall, the progress of the Hindu Society
        this academic year has been extremely
        limited. There a number of reasons why
        such as problems with communicating
        with certain members of the committee,
        as a society we did not prepare any
        events prior to the academic year
        therefore look a while for the start of the
        society’s events. We have had a small
        number of members that turn up to Aarti
        but the numbers weren’t consistent.
NHSF Keele
Committee                                    Overall progress and achievements
Meera Chandarana – President                    • We performed well in Zonal and
Kavir Vedd – President                              National Sports Competitions this
Kieron Patel – VP                                   year, with our badminton team
Arjun Attra – Learning Co                           runners-up at National Sports
Dimple Mistry- Treasurer                            Competition 2018.
Demisha Patel – Gen Sec
Bhairavi Shet – Sports Co
Vineet Sarin – Learning Co                   What to look forward to in the future
Asmita Pandey – Events Co                      • Spreading more awareness of our
Nandini Soni – Events Co                           faith and culture at multi-faith events
Nikil Yadav – Sports Co                        • Our upcoming Holi event
Preshul Shah – Sewa
Kavita Puri – Sewa
Shivani Patel – Advisory                     Points of improvement
Ashiq Kalsank – Advisory                        • Attract more attendees at weekly
                                                • Increase turnout at socials
Membership numbers                              • Keep members entertained without
124                                                 significant costs

Average number of attendees per event

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Meet and Greet: 80 attendees
   • Sold 100 tickets for Maaya Ball, with
       attendees from various universities
   • Planning for Holi, which we hope to
       make a major event
Committee                                     What to look forward to in the future
Nandini Bhudia - President                      • The society continuing to flourish and
Anokhi Desai - Secretary                            being more widely recognised at the
Nema Jani - Treasurer                               university
Sonny Tank - Social Coordinator
Devan Vadher - Social Coordinator
Nehal Ravaliya - Sewa Coordinator             Points of improvement
Kavi Bhatt - Sports Coordinator                  • Ensuring more consistent attendance
Asha Patel - Learning Coordinator                    at our events as numbers go up and
                                                     down at different points of the year

Membership numbers

Average number of attendees per event

Estimate of how many Hindus at the
A little over 100

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Diwali Ball
   • London/South Zone and National
       Sports Competitions

Overall progress and achievements
   • We successfully hosted our second
       Diwali Ball, entered teams into both
       London Zone/South Zone and
       National Sports Competitions, and
       improved collaboration between our
       Canterbury and Medway campuses.
NHSF Kingston
Committee                                       Overall progress and achievements
Simran Vyas - President                            • This year, Roshni 2017 fully sold out a
Bhavik Vara - Vice-President, Kho-Kho                  fortnight before the event. We also
Coordinator, Treasurer                                 had our highest turnout for learning
Priya Pandya - Treasurer                               events this year, and our first Sewa
Amish Bulsara - Social Media                           Day collaboration with the Kingston
Urvi Depala - Sewa                                     University Pharmacy Association and
Vishrant Kotecha - Football Coordinator                Yoga Society, called ‘Sewa for the
                                                       Mind and Body’, with over 50
                                                       attendees. We had a great turnout for
Membership numbers                                     Kingston Hindu Society’s first ever ice-
117                                                    skating social, and organised a Jai
                                                       Hanuman programme with Sarvoday
                                                       Hindu Association, raising over £1000
Average number of attendees per event                  in one day.

                                                What to look forward to in the future
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                • Our planned events for Global Festival
University                                            Week: this will be something different
200                                                   to previous years
                                                  • Holi and learning event collaboration
                                                      with Kingston University Punjabi
Highlight(s) of the year                              Society
   • Sold out Roshni 2017, making it our          • Seeing the strength and unity of
       biggest flagship to date: everyone had         Kingston Hindu Society grow every
       a blast and we received a number of            year
       positive comments
   • Won kho-kho at National Sports
       Competition for the second year in a     Points of improvement
       row                                         • More gender diversity in our sports
                                                       activities, especially kho-kho
                                                   • Creating a netball team to encourage
                                                       female participation
                                                   • More learning events in first semester
                                                   • Balancing learning and social events
                                                       so that they do not all happen at the
                                                       same time
NHSF Lancaster
Committee                                    committee and progressing. Individual
Gajanan Dharmasena - President               colleges supported us as well as the
Rabin Bhandhari - General Secretary          Students’ Union.
Travis Martin - Treasury
Mathushan Suren - Treasury
Crisanto Da Cunha - Vice President (Public   What to look forward to in the future
Relations)                                     • Fully setting up a weekly Sewa event
Kushal Kunwar - Vice President (Events)
Rakcana Karunanithi - Events (Learning Co)
Kaushic Vishwanathan Subramaniam - Events    Points of improvement
Nishanthan Yogarajah - Events (Sports)          • Getting more members
Rikhil Shah - Public Relations                  • Spreading awareness of the society in
Naren Tharen - Public Relations                     order to gain a strong committee in
                                                    the future.

Membership numbers

Average number of attendees per event
   • 12 (per Aarti)
   • 14 (per Football Training)

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Setting up the society this year and
       convincing the Students’ Union to
       help us host a ball.

Overall progress and achievements
   • A nice start to the Chapter with some
       committee members being really
       passionate about helping out the
NHSF Leeds
Committee                                          numbers and the number of
Jay Majevadia - President                          attendees at our event.
Harshika Patel - Vice-President
Jay Panchal - Secretary
Avantika Sood - Treasurer                   What to look forward to in the future
Meera Patel and Krish Thakrar - Sewa and       •   Our flagship event ‘Mehfil’ where we
Learning                                           hope to finish the year by bringing
Nirvana Wadood, Riddhesh Thakur and                everyone together
Thanushan Kanagaratnam - Events                •   Finding next year’s committee
Aarsh Jha and Sharmikha Chandrakumar -
Malaika Karwal - Sponsorship and Events     Points of improvement
Pavithra Natarajan and Shaffa Sadiq -          • More integration within the
Marketing                                          committee and improved

Membership numbers

Average number of attendees per event

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Meet and Greet 2017
   • Planning for our flagship event

Overall progress and achievements
   • After starting off with a very
       successful Meet and Greet, we have
       gradually increased membership
NHSF Leicester
Committee                                              Diwali Homeless Feed.
Shivani Kerai and Daniel Shah - Co-Presidents
Kishan Bhardwa - Vice-President
Gaurav Dighe - Treasurer                        What to look forward to in the future
Sunil Patel - Secretary                           • Upcoming collaboration with Sikh
Parinita Paul, Megha Madani, Sarj Siva and            Society for Interfaith Discussion
Uma Santhira-Segaran - Events                     • Paintballing social with DMU
Nikhel Madamsetty and Agcash Souresh -
Deb Debasri and Hinal Dhokia - Learning         Points of improvement
Pravesh Dass and Vinay Vaghela - Sewa              • Improve our finances by attracting
                                                       more sponsors
                                                   • Improve our marketing
Membership numbers                                 • Hold regular events and socials

Average number of attendees per event

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Collaboration with DMU for Dr Sachin
       Nandha’s talk ‘Who is a Hindu?’
   • Holi event

Overall progress and achievements
   • We had some interactive aarti
       sessions this year, which helped to
       attract members. We conducted
       regular sports sessions for kabaddi,
       kho-kho and football, coming third
       place for football in National Sports
       Competition 2018. We also served the
       homeless at Diwali, through our
NHSF Lincoln
Committee                                      What to look forward to in the future
Abinaya Nadarajah - President                    • Holi Celebration in March 2018
Radhika Tailor - Vice-President                  • More trips outside Lincoln for events
Raj Sodhia - Treasurer                           • More sewa events
Mohit Daswani - Events                           • Collaborating more with other
                                                     societies: we participated in the
                                                     ‘Believe and Do Good’ campaign this
Membership numbers                                   year and also gave out free water
23                                                   bottles on campus

Average number of attendees per event          Points of improvement
We had 200 attendees at our Diwali event,         • Securing sponsors and well-wishers
and around 10 at our aartis.

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Won the Society of the Week award
       for our Diwali event
   • Attending garba in Newark, our first
       event outside Lincoln

Overall progress and achievements
   • In addition to our highly successful
       Diwali event, more than half of our
       society’s members attended the
       garba event in Newark. We held
       regular aartis and discussions and
       small outings and activities. We have
       improved our financial position and
       involved the local Hindu community
       during our aarti for Maha Shivratri.
NHSF Liverpool
Committee                                    Overall progress and achievements
Varsha Sadhu – President                        • We were dedicated to creating a
Vibhuti Patel – General Secretary                   home away from home for our
Bala Kumar – Treasurer                              students this year, whilst encouraging
Jyoti Gupta – Sanskaar Coordinator                  them to learn about Hindu dharma
Nisha Lad – Sanskaar Coordinator                    through weekly events and socials.
Ashni Patel – Sanskaar Coordinator                  Rebranding our weekly learning
Vishay Patel – Events Coordinator                   sessions as ‘Discovery Sessions’
Sonal Mistry – Marketing Coordinator                allowed us to fuse learning and sewa,
Priyesh Joshi – Marketing Coordinator               and we had guest speakers such as
Vanisha Mehta – Marketing Coordinator               Professor Nawal ji Prinja and Vijay
Yash Machindar – Sports Coordinator                 Hiranji discussing the origins of Hindu
Alan Kurian – Dance Coordinator                     dharma and addressing common
Anusha Yoganathan – Dance Coordinator               misconceptions. We also promoted a
                                                    wide range of sewa activities.
                                                • We hosted a local garba and our
Membership numbers                                  Diwali Ball, our flagship event, both of
83                                                  which were well-received. Our dance
                                                    team has held weekly classes with
                                                    good attendance, and we also
Average number of attendees per event               participated in our students’ union’s
20 at weekly events, 200 at major events            interfaith panel discussion during
                                                    Interfaith Week. We also spoke about
                                                    the role of Hindu women at ‘Women
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                  in Faith’ panel discussion organised by
University                                          the students’ union.
                                             What to look forward to in the future
                                               • Our upcoming Holi event and Sewa
Highlight(s) of the year                           Week
   • Building a family atmosphere              • Asha, our charity talent show to raise
       amongst our members,with strong             funds for the charity Mind
       friendships forming                     • AGM: our members have expressed
   • Increase in regular attendance at our         interest in joining the committee
       weekly events
   • Successful local garba event which      Points of improvement
       members chose to attend over             • Change committee structure by
       university-organised events                  having Co-Presidents manage the
•   Reschedule events so that freshers’
    fair, Meet and Greet, local garba,
    North Zone Navratri and Diwali Ball
    do not happen in the same month
•   More training for sports competitions
Committee                                             by EY
Karan Dusara - President                          •   Aum Awards: recognising the work
Kishan Patel – Vice-President                         put in by our members, especially
Yash Goradia - Secretary                              final-year students
Karan Kapadia - Treasurer                         •   Dil Se: our annual charity gala, in
Preme Lala – Learning                                 collaboration with Sikh Soc, Asian Soc
Roshni Raikundalia – Sewa                             and Tamil Soc. The profits will go to
Sujal Shah - Media                                    three charities: One Roof Leicester,
Prem Desai and Jenna Ladhani - Sports                 The Little Things and Khalsa Aid.
Saajan Shah and Alisha Agarwal - Events           •   Navratri: our event had over 40
                                                      attendees from all backgrounds, and
                                                      was enjoyed by all
Membership numbers                                •   Badminton runners-up at North
62                                                    Zone/Central Zone Sports
                                                      Competition 2017

Average number of attendees per event
32 at aartis                                   Overall progress and achievements
                                                  • This year, we were nominated for
                                                      best-run society in the Loughborough
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                    Society Awards. We had more social
University                                            events, increasing reach to our
300                                                   members, worked with other
                                                      societies such as the Krishna
                                                      Consciousness Society, and promoted
Highlight(s) of the year                              Hindu dharma in all activities.
   • Diwali Ball: we had over 300
       attendees, with several acts
       performing on the night, and food       What to look forward to in the future
       and entertainment stalls. People          • A strong and enthusiastic future
       really enjoyed the night and were             committee
       impressed by how well our society is      • Ganesh Puja with our members to
       run. This was a free event run in             help us in everything we do
       partnership with the students’ union.     • Encouraging greater membership
   • Holi: we had around 70 attendees of
       all backgrounds, with the message of
       Holi conveyed to all, and sponsored
Points of improvement
   • Spend more time on sewa projects
   • Encourage members from the
       previous year to continue being
NHSF London
South Bank (LSBU)
Committee                                    Points of improvement
Shivani Modessa – President                     • More regular events
Kishan Patel – Secretary/ Vice President            (weekly/fortnightly aarti sessions)
Krishna Ramji - Treasurer                       • More engagement and interaction
Kishen Desai – Sanskaar Coordinator                 with members
Akshay Parmar – Marketing

Membership numbers

Average number of attendees per event

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Diyan (First collaboration event)
   • Hanumanji on Tour

Overall progress and achievements
   • Successful freshers’ fair
   • Successful Hanumanji on Tour
   • Garba Workshop Event
   • Collaboration with other chapters for
       Diyan Ball

What to look forward to in the future
  • New committee
  • New direction and outlook of the
      society with fresh new ideas
Committee                                               home
President: Maya Patel                               •   Creating opportunities for individuals
Vice President: Rahul Kanabar, Nikhita Mistry           to have their voices heard
General Secretaries: Celina Panchal, Arjun          •   Flash Mob at freshers’ fair stall
Iyer                                                •   Committee video filming and editing
Treasurer: Sachin Ahir                              •   Successful icebreaker with over 100
Events: Roneel Bhagwakar, Dishanth                      attendees
Satkunarajah, Neil Patel
Learning: Sareeka Yadev, Nila Tham,
Sewa: Harshik Joshi, Anika Patel                 Overall progress and achievements
PR: Dhruvil Patel, Sachin Bhandari                  • Created a Committee Video
Performing Arts: Viraal Popat                       • Introduced First Year Reps
Sports: Bavi Barathi                                • Brand new and improved Diwali Ball
                                                        with the highest number of attendees
                                                        in many years
Membership numbers                                  • More Sewa
121                                                 • Bridged a gap between our
                                                        community and University Society
                                                    • Much more collaboration with MMU
Average number of attendees per event                   students
   • Aarti: 40 attendees                            • Collaborated with a number of
   • Sewa events: 45-55 attendees                       societies
   • Ayodhya Ball: 275 attendees                    • Held many more socials
   • Socials: Normally a cap of 30/35               • Entered more teams at the sports
      individuals                                       competition
                                                    • Provided a platform for first years and
                                                        any other university student to feel as
Estimate of how many Hindus at the                      though they are at home
University                                          • Most importantly, created a
400+                                                    community of university students to
                                                        feel comfortable
                                                    • Our PR has really stepped up this
Highlight(s) of the year                                year, with posts from the start of the
   • Pulling off a successful Diwali ball,              year shared on the NHSF (UK)
       with a new name, venue and twist!                national page as well
   • Providing a home away from home
       for individuals at university away from
What to look forward to in the future
  • More collaborations with other
  • Expanding our network
  • New events
  • Taking our PR to another level
  • Getting involved with more NZ
  • Improving our sports teams
  • Monthly Sewa events

Points of improvement
   • Introduce First year reps in the first
       couple of weeks of Uni
   • Start Sports training as soon as
   • More visits to the Mandir
   • Plan for second semester and aartis
       during the summer
NHSF Medway
Committee                                          •   Ball with NHSF Kent, with around 150
Shakti Khetia – President                              attendees (53 from Medway), and ran
Rahul Lalji – Vice President                           a lot of events for our members
Akshar Patel – Treasurer                               across the year.
Aisha Chandla - General Secretary                  •   Students are glad to finally see the
Ankita - Learning                                      Hindu culture be shown across
Mitisha - Learning                                     Medway.
Bhavisha - Public Relations
Kishan Pankhania
                                                What to look forward to in the future
                                                  • We are aiming for future expansion of
Membership numbers                                    the society led by a new committee.

                                                Points of improvement
Average number of attendees per event              • Greater consistency in the work of the
25                                                     committee throughout the year.

Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Managing to sell over 50 tickets for a
       ball that many students
       underestimated, especially from

Overall progress and achievements

   •   The society has grown significantly
       over the last year. From what seemed
       like a non-existent society within the
       university over the last few years,
       there has been improvement for the
       better this year. We threw the first,
       very successful collaborative Diwali
Committee                                        over 150 members.
Arti Patel - President                       •   Diwali Ball selling over 350 tickets.
Rushil Patel and Keval Chavda - Vice-        •   Diwali Trip to Leicester
Shriya Gadher - Treasurer
Nikesh Patel - General Secretary          Overall progress and achievements
Tanmay Patel, Kajal Parmar and Sagar         • This year, we introduced our first
Vasandani - Events                               ever kho-kho team participating at
Rhea Patel and Yash Doshi - Social               Zonal and National Sports
Shiv Patel and Sayan Shah - Learning             Competitions, and our netball team
Amal Rawal and Divya Parekh - Sewa               were crowned winners of National
Rushil Shah and Nikhita Govind - Sports          Sports Competition 2018. We also
Abhay Kataria - Kho-Kho and Kabaddi              had an increase in our membership
Coordinator                                      numbers and put on more Sewa
Amee Popat - Publicity                           events.
Varun Shah - Technical Director

                                          What to look forward to in the future
Membership numbers                          • Holi on the Downs 2018: we hope to
Did not provide                                 make this our biggest event of the

Average number of attendees per event
45                                        Points of improvement
                                             • Collaboration with other societies to
                                                 run events to increase participation
Estimate of how many Hindus at the           • Improve attendance at our weekly
University                                       chill and chai events.

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Meet and Greet which attracted
Committee                                          to become closer and stronger in our
Shivani Purohit - President                        community; we have regular
Suraj Mistry - Treasurer                           members attending our weekly aartis,
Mohit Mistry - Learning                            and our socials have large turnouts.
Gavin Singh - Secretary
Kirtika Chabba - Events
Aayush Palana and Anjali Agrawal - Sports    What to look forward to in the future
Aakash Patel - Socials                         • Our flagship ‘Shyaam’, with special
Henna Parekh - Marketing                           performers and acts
Jayna Parekh - Sewa                            • AGM, where we hope to get more
                                                   students involved as part of the
                                                   committee next year
Membership numbers
                                             Points of improvement
                                                • Increase membership numbers and
Average number of attendees per event               turnout at weekly aartis
20 at weekly aartis, 18 at weekly sports        • Raise more awareness of the Hindu
sessions                                            community within the university
                                                    through more sewa activities and
                                                    snack sales
Estimate of how many Hindus at the

Highlight(s) of the year
   • Higher turnout than expected at Meet
       and Greet
   • Biggest turnout for weekly aartis at
       Quiz Night
   • Won football at National Sports
       Competition 2018

Overall progress and achievements
   • Although we have not had as many
       members sign up to Hindu Society as
       we did last year, we have continued
NHSF Oxford
Membership numbers

Average number of attendees per event

Estimate of how many Hindus at the University

Overall progress and achievements
   • Formation of NHSF Badminton and
        Football teams for Zonal and National
        Sports Competition
   • Holding regular Aarti sessions
   • Talking about Hinduism in local schools
   • Holding regular reading and learning

What to look forward to in the future
  • Holi

Points of improvement
    • Magnitude of the events
Committee                               Highlight(s) of the year
Sachyn Wagjiani (President)                • A lot of positive feedback from our
Ekta Pabari (Vice President)                   very first event Ganesh Chathurthi,
Meghna Deshmukh (Treasurer)                    attended by a lot of Natcom
Kiran Patel (Sports Coordinator)               members.
Aman Kapoor (Sports coordinator)           • As well as our flagship Maharaja ball
Shivali Patel (Events)                         event, a huge collaboration between
Harshita Jain (Social Media)                   other London zone chapters (Brunel,
Neha Rayani (Sewa)                             Kings, LSE and Imperial).
Suman Bhatt (Learning)                     • Weekly aartis with interesting topics
Manish Ravji (secretary)                       discussed regarding dharma with
Raksha Jain (Barts Rep)                        regular turnouts from members
Bhavya Shah (First Year Rep)               • Also sold the most number of tickets
Vivek Jain (First Year Rep)                    for London Zone Navratri
Josh Parmar (First Year Rep)               • Excellent performance in sports
Dhru Patel (First Year Rep)                    competition, as well as great
                                               feedback on our sportsmanship etc
Membership numbers
                                        Overall progress and achievements
                                           • We made excellent progress this year,
Average number of attendees per event          with far more events and interactions
   • 10-15 for weekly aartis                   with members. Our events constantly
   • 63 for Maharaja Ball                      received great feedback. We are
   • 90 plus for London Zone Navratri          actively encouraging people to take
   • 15-20 Saravana Bhavan event               on committee roles next year. We
      15-20 Diwali at Neasden Mandir           built strong relationships with London
      25-30 National sports comp               Zone Team on NatCom and other
   • 5-10 Sewa Feeding animals                 London Zone Chapters.
   • Meet and greet 80 plus
   • Hanumanji on tour 30 plus
                                        What to look forward to in the future
   • 5-10 garba workshop
                                          • An excellent, enthusiastic and driven
                                              committee for next year. The society
Estimate of how many Hindus at the            will continue to blossom at Queen
University                                    Mary, due to members and
300+                                          committee having a great drive to
                                              preserve and promote Dharma.
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