CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy

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CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy

             Awards Ceremony

“Educators have the opportunity and responsibility to shape young lives on
 a daily basis. By providing learning opportunities which are appropriately
challenging, yet also attainable, we have the power to help students create
          positive self-images and see themselves as successful.”

                            — Erin Berthold
                  2018 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                            Cook Hill School
                       Wallingford Public Schools

                          December 5, 2018
                           The Bushnell
                        166 Capitol Avenue
CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy
                                             AWARDS CEREMONY

Master of Ceremonies                     Blaise Messinger, 2013 Connecticut Teacher of the Year

Pledge of Allegiance                     Warren Harding High School Choir
National Anthem                          Under the direction of Sheena Graham, 2019 Connecticut Teacher of the Year

Welcome                                  David Bosso, President, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
                                         Dianna R. Wentzell, Commissioner of Education
                                         Makayla R. Dawkins, State Board of Education Student Member

Remarks from                             Beth Regan, Council of Elders, Mohegan Tribal Nation
Platinum Sponsors

Reflections                              Erin Berthold, 2018 Connecticut Teacher of the Year, Wallingford Public Schools

Presentation of 2019                     Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, Superintendent, Hartford Public Schools
Paraeducators of the Year                Marisol Rodriguez, 2019 Paraeducator of the Year

Presentation of 2017                     Thomas Moore, Superintendent, West Hartford Public Schools
Milken Educator Award                    Anna Capobianco, 2017 Milken Educator Award

Student Performance                      Warren Harding High School Choir
                                         Under the direction of Sheena Graham, 2019 Connecticut Teacher of the Year

District Teachers of the Year            William Davenport, 2004 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                         John Mastroianni, 2014 Connecticut Teacher of the Year

Presentation of Awards                   Dianna R. Wentzell, Commissioner of Education
                                         Allan B. Taylor, Chair, Connecticut State Board of Education

Semifinalist Recognition                 Lauren Danner, 2017 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                         Cay Freeman, 2011 Connecticut Teacher of the Year Finalist

                                         Sean Maloney, Brooklyn Public Schools          John Cote, Lebanon Public Schools
                                         Jessica Papp, Canton Public Schools            Kelly Shea, Manchester Public Schools
                                         Barbara Johnson, Colchester Public Schools     Penny Zhitomi, Shelton Public Schools
                                         Ellen Meyer, Danbury Public Schools            Camille Spaulding, Stamford Public Schools
                                         Robert Rose, Glastonbury Public Schools        Leanne Maguire, Torrington Public Schools
                                         Gregory Amter, Hamden Public Schools

Finalist Recognition                     Cara Quinn, 2015 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                         Kristen Record, 2011 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                         Mary Kay Rendock, 2006 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                         Ryley Zawodniak, Mansfield Public Schools
                                         Jennifer Freese, Newington Public Schools
                                         Jessica Harris, Wallingford Public Schools

Presentation of 2019                     Aresta Johnson, Superintendent, Bridgeport Public Schools
Connecticut Teacher of the Year

2019 Connecticut Teacher                 Sheena Graham, Warren Harding High School, Bridgeport Public Schools
of the Year Acceptance

                    Floral arrangements provided by:                                             Photography:
                 Floriculture Students, Ellis Clark Regional                       Jill Davenport, Litchfield Hills Photography
                   Agriscience and Technology Program                              Photography sponsored by VOYA Financial
              Woodbury FFA Chapter, Nonnewaug High School
CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy

                              Sheena Graham
                         Bridgeport Public Schools

     heena Graham is proud to say that                                    under the leadership of Dr. William B. Sut-
     she is currently in her 36th year of                                 ton III, her pastor.
     teaching! She has worked with stu-                                    Sheena’s recording and writing experienc-
dents across grade levels throughout her                                   es are extensive and wide-reaching. Some
career and continues to be energized by                                    of her more recent songs include We’ve
her students and colleagues.                                               Not Forgotten You, for those affected by
At the elementary level, Sheena has                                        the L’Ambiance Plaza collapse; Reaching
worked with children in both Ansonia                                       Isn’t Always Easy and My Destiny, both
and Bridgeport. She taught general mu-                                     performed at the White House for Mrs.
sic, chorus, keyboard classes, boys’ choir,                                Obama, Dr. Biden, and the Governors’
parent/teacher/student choir, and gospel                                   wives in February 2014; A Witness, for
choir. She wrote, produced, and directed                                   the Witness Breast Cancer Project; Some-
original musicals based on school themes and creat-          body Might Be You, for child abuse victims; A Flame
ed teaching tools to help other teachers reach their         That Never Dies, written in response to the Newtown
students. In the 80’s, Sheena was writing raps in Latin,     tragedy and other senseless deaths that occur all too
based on the vocabulary words students needed to             often; It’s Not How You Start, performed by Tisdale
learn each week! Her after-school commitments in-            students for Mrs. Obama at the 2016 White House
cluded coaching a drill team, leading a dance troupe,        Talent Show; and We Can If We Believe, performed
being assistant softball coach, coaching cheerleading,       at the Kennedy Center in March of 2018. Her current
running a poetry club, and teaching free piano and           projects include, Maybe’s Won’t Save Me for bully/
drama classes at The Hall Academy of Music and Fine          teen suicide prevention, and It’s Time For Change, a
Arts housed at Hall Neighborhood House in Bridge-            call to action for America in response to the senseless
port.                                                        shootings involving police and of police. Her future
At Harding High School and Central High School in            projects include fully implementing V.O.I.C.E. Change,
Bridgeport, Sheena’s classes included teaching choir,        a course she is developing to encourage students to
a black history chorale, peer leadership, theatre, pi-       find what they are passionate about and use an artistic
ano, and performing arts. Under her leadership, the          medium of their choice to encourage change by pub-
Harding Cheerleaders brought home the Fairfield              lishing original poetry, journals, greeting cards, and
County “Spirit Stick” two years in a row, the Peer           children’s stories under her trademark, “‘JesusAids,’
Leaders produced a CD to raise money for the home-           for the wounds within.”
less, and the Harding and Central School Choirs won a        Sheena has received numerous awards and honors
total of nine ‘Overall’ trophies, 31 first-place trophies,   throughout her career as an educator. She was fea-
3 second-place team trophies, 24 individual trophies,        tured in the book Notable Valley African Americans.
and after missing out on being Grand Champions by            She received the Beard Excellence in Teaching Award,
.04 points one year, the choir brought that title home       the National Association of Negro Business and Pro-
the following year.                                          fessional Women’s-Teacher of the Year Award, the
In her teacher leadership role Sheena has presented          NAACP-Teacher of the Year Award, and the Choral Di-
workshops such as: Music Lessons That Work, Parts 1          rector of Distinction Award to name a few. However,
& 2, Incorporating Other Subjects Into Music Lessons,        Sheena says, “to be recognized as still being relevant
The Parent Teacher Connection, African American His-         and selected as Bridgeport’s Teacher of the Year and
tory in Your Classroom, Why We Sing, (the purpose of         Connecticut’s Teacher of the Year after thirty-five years
music in ministry), and Do You Read Me? She has vol-         in education, is the highest honor above all!” Shee-
unteered as an accompanist for choirs in Bridgeport,         na’s advice to others is, “Do not let your image be
Ansonia, and Danbury, where she directed Western             designed by your inactivity.”
Connecticut State University’s Gospel Choir for four         Sheena received her bachelor’s degree in Music
years. In addition to her school choirs she is currently     Education from Western Connecticut State University,
the director of a children’s choir, Sisters of Praise, and   and her master’s degree from St. Joseph University
a senior choir at the First Baptist Church of Stratford,     and Southern Connecticut State University.
CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy
                       DANNEL P. MALLOY

                           I am pleased to join the State Board of Education in welcoming
                           teachers, family members, friends, students, and other supporters
                           of great teachers to the 2019 Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony.

                           Tonight we celebrate the many great educators who work to help
                           Connecticut’s children learn, grow, and prepare for their bright
                           futures. Those who have been named Teacher of the Year in your
                           districts, and our state Teacher of the Year, represent Connecticut’s
                           best of the best, and it is our privilege to honor every one of you.

                          Teaching is a calling. It is challenging work to meet the individual
                          needs of students every day. I cannot emphasize enough the impact
that your efforts — and your success — have on the future of our state.

I want to congratulate Sheena Graham, Connecticut’s 2019 Teacher of the Year. Her profession-
alism, commitment to excellence, and dedication to her students is inspiring and unparalleled.

On behalf of all the residents of Connecticut who value providing all our students a high-quality
education, I congratulate you and thank you for all that you do for our students, schools, and
our communities.

Best wishes for a wonderful celebration tonight and for many more years of success in your


Dannel P. Malloy
CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy
            DIANNA R. WENTZELL

                             On behalf of the Connecticut State Board of Education, I would like
                             to welcome you to the 2019 Connecticut Teacher of the Year awards
                             ceremony. This is an evening to celebrate the many accomplish-
                             ments of our students, knowing that the guiding hand of a compas-
                             sionate expert, a teacher, was responsible for nurturing their growth
                             and development as learners.

                               Tonight, all of the honorees are being recognized for their outstand-
                               ing practice and exemplary service to their school communities. We
                               are so proud of our teachers for being on the front lines every day
                               making dreams possible for our students. Their commitment to our
 children offers Connecticut and our nation the gift of a bright future. Teachers are called upon to
 stir intellect and ignite passion in their students. They come to the classroom as learners them-
 selves, ready to share knowledge, engage in thoughtful dialogue and inspire new ideas. Each
 of the educators here this evening represents the very best in the teaching profession, and I am
 proud to be with all of you to share in the significance of this occasion.

 Please accept my deepest gratitude for making a difference in the lives of our young students. In
 a world filled with multiple challenges, it is clear that the commitment and dedication of teach-
 ers is paramount to preparing our students for a future where they will have the opportunity to
 make meaningful contributions. Although sometimes a daunting task, the reward is a genera-
 tion of young people ready to step into their adult lives with the innovative energy necessary to
 move our state and our nation forward.

 We are here to celebrate great teaching by recognizing educators who have inspired a love of
 learning in their students and who have distinguished themselves in the teaching profession.
 Those who are present tonight join me in thanking you for a job well done. Please accept our
 best wishes for continued success!


 Dr. Dianna R. Wentzell
 Commissioner of Education
CONNECTICUT TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2019 - Awards Ceremony - nnstoy

                            Welcome to our annual Connecticut Teacher of the Year recognition
                            ceremony. On behalf of the Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council, I am
                            honored to join you for this evening of celebration, reflection, and gratitude.
                            Congratulations to all of our district teachers of the year, and thank you to all
                            of your colleagues, family, and friends who support you and understand your
                            dedication to this profession and to your students. Your selection as district
                            teacher of the year is a distinguished privilege and accomplishment, and we
                            are proud to recognize and celebrate our teachers for all that you do to enrich
                            the lives of thousands of students and the communities in which you work.

                             The mission of the Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council centers on
                             honoring and engaging teachers as leaders of our profession. We are com-
prised of former Connecticut Teachers of the Year, educational stakeholders, and representatives from
our sponsor organizations. The Commissioner and the State Department of Education charge the Council
with many of the responsibilities involved in coordinating the Connecticut Teacher of the Year program.
As Council members, we volunteer our time because we believe that teacher recognition and support are
essential in our profession. We believe that teacher recognition empowers teachers, improves schools,
and ultimately, contributes to our students’ success and growth.

The Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council is committed to engaging Teachers of the Year as
teacher leaders, as lifelong learners, and as advocates for their colleagues, students, and communities.
Due to the generous contributions of many of our sponsors, we are fortunate to offer several professional
growth and teacher leadership opportunities to all of our district teachers of the year.

The Mark Twain House and Museum provides an exclusive professional development opportunity to
each district teacher of the year being recognized this evening. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn
about how to integrate these unique state resources into your lessons, no matter what subject or grade
level you teach. As you can see on the back cover of your program, a series of workshops will be offered
in March 2019.

In addition, each district teacher of the year is invited to our sixth Empowered to Lead Symposium
scheduled for May 2nd, 2019 at the Mohegan Sun Convention Center. Your costs are covered by the Con-
necticut Teacher of the Year Council, and we hope that you bring along your colleagues, administrators,
and others within your professional networks. After a memorable day of learning and professional growth
at the Symposium, and due to their tremendous generosity, we will once again celebrate our district teach-
ers of the year at a reception hosted by the Mohegan Tribe.

These opportunities are the types of teacher recognition and engagement that the Connecticut Teacher
of the Year Council strives to promote. By creating meaningful roles and opportunities for Teachers of
the Year, we seek to embolden Connecticut’s top teachers as collaborators, involved in their profession
as innovators and change agents for their students and colleagues. We hope that your selection as your
district’s teacher of the year further empowers you, your colleagues, and, most importantly, your students.


David Bosso, Ed.D.
President, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
2012 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                             SELECTION PROCESS

Through a locally designed process, each participating district selects an exemplary teacher as their Teacher of the
Year. Each district Teacher of the Year is eligible to submit an application to the State Department of Education
for consideration as Connecticut Teacher of the Year. The teachers’ application packets include biographical and
professional information, essays on topics ranging from personal teaching philosophy to issues facing public
education, and letters of endorsement. Each application is reviewed by at least eight members of a statewide
selection committee representing the state’s major educational organizations, former state teachers of the year, and
community stakeholders. The review of applications identifies 12–15 semifinalists who are invited to make a formal
presentation on a pre-assigned topic, and to respond to questions as part of an interview process. Finally, four
finalists are visited at their schools, where selection committee members observe the teachers’ classes, interview
colleagues, administrators, and students, as well as support staff, parents, and local board of education members.
At the conclusion of the site visits, the selection committee meets and selects the Connecticut Teacher of the Year.


2018    Erin Berthold                    Wallingford                  1995     Patti Avallone             West Haven
2017    Lauren Danner                    North Branford               1994     Judy Gross                 Bridgeport
2016    Jahana Hayes**                   Waterbury                    1993     Art Skerker                Hartford
2015    Cara Quinn                       East Hartford                1992     Robert Coleman             Region 15
2014    John F. Mastroianni              West Hartford                                                      (Middlebury, Southbury)
2013    Blaise Messinger                 Cromwell                     1991     Linda Matthews             West Haven
2012    Dr. David Bosso                  Berlin                       1990     Chaz Zezulka               Mystic/Groton
2011    Kristen Record                   Stratford                    1989     Carol R. Virostek          Berlin
2010    Kristi Laverty                   West Hartford                1988     Frank Gawle                Enfield
2009    Anthony J. Mullen**              Greenwich                    1987     Bert J. Neumaier           South Windsor
2008    Joan Hurley                      CREC                         1986     Deborah Gladding Willard   Glastonbury
2007    Christopher Poulos               Region 9                     1985     Thomas J. Sullivan         Region 4
                                           (Easton, Redding)                                                 (Chester, Deep River, Essex)
2006    Mary Kay Rendock                 Bloomfield                   1984     Roger A. Morrissette       West Hartford
2005    Dr. Burt Saxon                   New Haven                    1983     Dr. LeRoy Hay**            Manchester
2004    William P. Davenport             Woodbury                     1982     Sandra Johnson             Bloomfield
2003    Wendy Nelson Kauffman            Bloomfield                   1981     Shirley J. Gillis*         New London
2002    Dr. Marian Galbraith*            Groton                       1980     Henry F. Jemioto           Derby
2001    Karen Rezendes                   Danbury                      1969     Sheila Mary Schmidt        Windsor
2000    Elizabeth Ann Collinge           North Haven                  1968     Rose Brennan               Torrington
1999    Joseph Bacewicz                  Tolland                      1964     Harold Frazier*            West Hartford
1998    Marianne Cavanaugh               Glastonbury                  1963     Helen Estes*               Manchester
1997    Susan Pelchat                    Torrington                   1953     Dorothy Hamilton**         Milford
1996    Fie K. Budzinsky*                Portland

* Indicates National Teacher of the Year Finalist   ** Indicates National Teacher of the Year
2019 Connecticut District Teachers of the Year

DISTRICT                                       TEACHER                      SUPERINTENDENT
Ansonia Public Schools                         Joseph Merenda               Carol Merlone
Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES)   Amy M. Perrone               Thomas M. Danehy
Ashford Public Schools                         Dory Moore                   James Longo
Berlin Public Schools                          Katie Elizabeth Wasilewski   Brian Benigni
Bethany Public Schools                         Kimberly L. Wolcott          Colleen Murray
Bloomfield Public Schools                      Amanda Powell                James Thompson Jr.
Bolton Public Schools                          Heather Noelle Warner        Kristin B. Heckt
Bozrah Public Schools                          Elizabeth Banning Brown      John J. Welch
Bridgeport Public Schools***                   Sheena Graham                Aresta Johnson
Bristol Public Schools                         Michael Joseph Reynolds      Susan Kalt Moreau
Brookfield Public Schools                      Michael Kevin Smith          John Barile, Sr.
Brooklyn Public Schools*                       Sean Maloney                 Patricia L. Buell
Canton Public Schools*                         Jessica Nazera Papp          Kevin Case
Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)        Love Ann Peace               Timothy Sullivan
Cheshire Public Schools                        Kristin Ann Castellano       Jeffery Solan
Clinton Public Schools                         Raymond Smith                Maryann O'Donnell
Colchester Public Schools*                     Barbara A. Johnson           Jeffrey Burt
Columbia Public Schools                        Lorraine Joan McLeish        Maria Geryk
Cooperative Educational Services (C.E.S.)      Sabine Januski               Charles Dumais
Cromwell Public Schools                        Karen M. Ambler              John Maloney
CT Technical Education and Career System       Jamie Emmett Lamitie         Jeffrey Wihbey
Danbury Public Schools*                        Ellen Meyer                  Salvatore Pascarella
Derby Public Schools                           Maureen Zahara               Matthew Conway
East Granby Public Schools                     Laureen Dabrowski-Swets      Patricia Charles
East Haddam Public Schools                     Glenn Michael Anderson       Brian Reas
East Hampton Public Schools                    Stacy Gibson                 Paul Smith
East Hartford Public Schools                   Mary Bieler                  Nathan Quesnel
East Haven Public Schools                      Alphonse Joseph Camera       Erica Forti
East Windsor Public Schools                    Tamara Hoang                 Christine DeBarge
Easton Public Schools                          Eric Andrew Dolecki          Thomas McMorran
Enfield Public Schools                         Anthony Michael Allegro      Christopher Drezek
Farmington Public Schools                      Kimberly Millar              Kathleen Greider
Glastonbury Public Schools*                    Robert Christopher Rose      Alan Bookman
Granby Public Schools                          James Janski                 Alan Addley
Greenwich Public Schools                       Michele Giorlando-DeRosa     Ralph Mayo
Griswold Public Schools                        Janet Keffer                 Sean McKenna
Groton Public Schools                          Megan Leigh Kasparek         Michael Graner
Hamden Public Schools*                         Gregory John Amter           Jody Ian Goeler
Hartford Public Schools                        Benjamin Michael Carlson     Leslie Torres-Rodriguez
Killingly Public Schools                       Misty Crowley                Steven Rioux
Learn                                          Erika Piver                  Eileen Howley
Lebanon Public Schools*                        John W. Cote                 Robert Angeli
Madison Public Schools                         Susan Quinn                  Thomas Scarice
Manchester Public Schools*                     Kelly Lynn Shea              Matthew Geary
Mansfield Public Schools**                     Ryley Khristine Zawodniak    Kelly Lyman
Meriden Public Schools                         Emily Ramsey                 Mark Benigni
Milford Public Schools                         Bethany Llodra Gilman        Anna Cutaia
Monroe Public Schools                          Jill Suzanne Silvestro       Jack Zamary
Montville Public Schools                       Nicole Galla Stelik          Laurie Pallin
Naugatuck Public Schools                       Robert Hughes                Sharon Locke
New Britain Public Schools                     Shelly Bjorklund             Nancy Sarra
New Fairfield Public Schools                   Robin Welton                 Patricia Cosentino
New Haven Public Schools                       Lauren Sepulveda             Carol D. Birks
New London Public Schools                      Arlene Marie Morrison        Cynthia E. Ritchie
New Milford Public Schools                     David Syzdek                 Stephen Tracy
Newington Public Schools**                     Jennifer J. Freese           Pamela Muraca
Newtown Public Schools                         Bonnie Hart                  Lorrie Rodrigue
North Branford Public Schools                  Paula Ann Huebner            Scott Schoonmaker
2019 Connecticut District Teachers of the Year

DISTRICT                                                 TEACHER                        SUPERINTENDENT
Norwalk Public Schools                                   Rosemary Holomakoff            Steven Adamowski
Norwich Free Academy                                     Arikka Kalwara                 David Klein
Norwich Public Schools                                   Katie Elizabeth Ruffo          Abby I. Dolliver
Oxford Public Schools                                    Corey Evans                    Ana V. Ortiz
Plainfield Public Schools                                Jacqueline Myra Ibbitson       Kenneth DiPietro
Plainville Public Schools                                Melissa Dodenhoff              Maureen Brummett
Plymouth Public Schools                                  Kevin Schumann                 Martin Semmel
Putnam Public Schools                                    Erin Williams                  William Hull
Redding Public Schools                                   Meredith Alvarez               Thomas McMorran
Regional School District 5                               Robert Daniel Kennedy          James Connelly
Regional School District 6                               Robin Laine Christopher        Christopher Leone
Regional School District 9                               Daniel Rivers                  Thomas McMorran
Regional School District 10                              Barbara Helen Denza            Alan Beitman
Regional School District 12                              Lisa C. Holmes                 Megan Bennett
Regional School District 13                              Timothy Lee Fisher             Kathryn Veronesi
Regional School District 15                              Francis SanAngelo              Joshua Smith
Regional School District 16                              Michele LoRusso                Michael Yamin
Regional School District 17                              Julie Wessinger                Howard Thiery
Regional School District 18                              Susan Lynn Whritner            Ian Neviaser
Regional School District 19                              Betsy Bishop Terrell           Jill Krieger
Ridgefield Public Schools                                Jennifer Leigh DeJulio         JeanAnn Paddyfote
Rocky Hill School District                               Stephanie Malkin               Mark Zito
Scotland Public Schools                                  Linda Jewell Stefon            Francis A. Baran
Seymour Public Schools                                   Angelique Michelle McAuliffe   Michael Wilson
Shelton School District*                                 Penny Karen Zhitomi            Christopher Clouet
Sherman Public Schools                                   Belinda Corteza Badger         Jeffrey Melendez
Simsbury Public Schools                                  Kurtis Paul Dougan             Matthew Curtis
Somers Public Schools                                    Stephanie Lynn Toney           Brian Czapla
South Windsor Public Schools                             Jamie Lynn Lang                Kate Carter
Southington Public Schools                               Kari Peschel-Luise             Timothy Connellan
Stafford Public Schools                                  Jacqueline Marie Sidor         Steven A. Moccio
Stamford Public Schools*                                 Camille Sewell Spaulding       Earl Kim
Stonington Public Schools                                Kathleen Andre St. Rock        Van Riley
Stratford Public Schools                                 Jenifer Mangiafico             Janet Robinson
Suffield Public Schools                                  Matthew Edward Dobi            Mark Winzler
The Gilbert School                                       Adam Preston Atkins            Anthony Serio
Thomaston Public Schools                                 Laura Loree Johnston           Francine Coss
Tolland Public Schools                                   Christopher Keithan            Walter Willett
Torrington Public Schools*                               Leanne Russell Maguire         Susan Lubomski
Trumbull Public Schools                                  Robert Thomas Devine           Gary Cialfi
Unified School District 1                                Jennifer Corti                 Maria Pirro-Simmons
Vernon Public Schools                                    Joanne Stavens-Martin          Joseph Macary
Wallingford Public Schools**                             Jessica L. Harris              Salvatore Menzo
Watertown Public Schools                                 Elizabeth Anne Hosking         Rydell Harrison
West Hartford Public Schools                             Sonya Ann Stemmer              Thomas Moore
Westbrook Public Schools                                 Seana C. Nygard                Patricia Ciccone
Weston Public Schools                                    Penny McNulty                  William McKersie
Westport Public Schools                                  Enia Noonan                    Colleen Palmer
Wethersfield Public Schools                              Jennifer Marie Lizee-Hammer    Michael Emmett
Winchester Public Schools                                Kathryn Martin                 Melony M. Brady-Shanley
Windham Public Schools                                   Stephanie Sawyer               Patricia Garcia
Windsor Public Schools                                   Jennifer Jane Delskey          Craig Cooke
Wolcott Public Schools                                   Brittany Mary Garguilo         Anthony Gasper
Woodbridge Public Schools                                Elizabeth Ann Heagney          Robert Gilbert
Woodstock Academy                                        Sara Elizabeth Dziedzic        Christopher Sandford
Woodstock Public Schools                                 Lisa Audet                     Viktor Toth

*semifinalist   **finalist   ***CT Teacher of the Year
The Connecticut State Department of Education and the Connecticut Teacher
          of the Year Council wish to thank our sponsors, whose contributions make the
                       Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program possible.

                                  PLATINUM SPONSORS

The Mohegan Tribe, a sovereign, federally recognized Indian Nation, is committed to developing an understanding
      of Native American culture and history by providing quality professional development for educators.

As an industry leader in retirement plans that has been providing 403(b) plan services to Connecticut schools for over
   40 years, Voya is committed to helping individuals save for retirement during their working years and creating an
income strategy throughout retirement. Voya is very proud to have been a provider in the first 403(b) plan for a public
                               school system, and we remain a provider in that plan today.

   The Joyce D. and Andrew J. Mandell Academy for Teachers is the Connecticut Science Center’s high-impact professional
  development program for educators. Mandell Academy for Teachers is committed to supplying educators with professional
  development experiences that support rigorous science and curriculum standards. Mandell Academy for Teachers programs
     transform classroom instruction, resulting in engaging learning experiences that lead to achievement for all students.

       The mission of The Mark Twain House & Museum is to foster an appreciation of the legacy of Mark Twain as one
       of our nation’s defining cultural figures, and to demonstrate the continuing relevance of his work, life, and times.

         The Museum of America and the Sea is an experiential education facility where students experience hands-on
      history and science in a vibrant setting. The 19 acre museum along the Mystic River waterfront includes a recreated
      19th century coastal village, historic vessels, and small boats, exhibit galleries, a renowned planetarium, and one of
                                        the world’s largest collections of maritime artifacts.

  NNSTOY is a professional organization of State Teachers of the Year. Focused on assuring that every student has access to
excellent teachers, we are committed to bringing the voice of teachers into policy making and to advocating for the profession.

     The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate
      society. The center conducts research and teaches people of all ages how to develop their emotional intelligence.

The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education assists local and regional boards
of education in providing high-quality public education for all Connecticut children
through effective leadership.

The Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents leads the continuous
improvement of public education by advocating public policy for children, and by
developing and supporting executive school leaders.

The Connecticut Association of Schools is an informed leader in Connecticut’s
education system, providing services to Connecticut’s K–12 schools in areas ranging
from academics to athletics.

Since 1848, the Connecticut Education Association has been a strong and effective
champion for teachers and public schools, advocating for high standards for teaching
and learning.

Barbara Dalio, as the leader of the Dalio Foundation’s work to strengthen public
education, engages with teachers to build meaningful relationships and design solutions
to achieve greater equity. The Foundation supports hundreds of teachers across
Connecticut, benefiting thousands of public school students.

Fund for Teachers strengthens instruction by investing in outstanding teachers’ self-
determined professional growth and development in order to support student success,
enrich their own practice, and strengthen their schools and communities.

Every student deserves to be taught by an accomplished teacher. National Board
Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers
and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected
professional certification available in K–12 education. Created by teachers, for teachers,
the National Board Standards represent a consensus among educators about what
accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. Board certification is available
in 25 certificate areas spanning 16 disciplines from Pre-K through 12th grade.

The Quinnipiac University School of Education is committed to developing innovative
leaders who will shape the future of education. The school has received national
accreditation from CAEP and NCATE, and offers a variety of high quality programs both
on-campus and online. On-campus programs include a Graduate MAT in Elementary or
Secondary education and a Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership. In addition,
online graduate programs are available in Teacher Leadership, Instructional Design, and
Special Education.

Smart Technologies Corporation is a Canadian company headquartered in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. Founded in 1987, Smart Technologies is best known as the developer
of the Smart Board interactive whiteboard. Smart products are sold through dealers
across North America and through distributors in countries around the world.

Connecticut Educators Computer Association is a nonprofit organization of professionals who promote the effective use of
technology throughout schools in Connecticut. CECA is an Affiliate Member of ISTE, the International Society for Technology
in Education.

Mount Holyoke College Professional and Graduate Education — Mount Holyoke College has been on the forefront
of providing a rigorous education to passionate changemakers who have gone on to break new ground in education, the
sciences, the arts, and social justice movements for the past 181 years. Our graduate programs offer professional development
opportunities for both emerging and seasoned leaders.

Alpha Delta Kappa                             David and Jennifer Bosso,                Susan Pelchat
AXA Advisors                                  in memory of students we have lost       Christopher Poulos,
Connecticut’s Kid Governor                    Richard C. Brown                         in memory of Alphonse D’Angelo

Lincoln Center Education                      Catherine Freeman                        Kristen Record

Neag School of Education at UConn             Dr. Lee Hay                              Beth Regan, in honor of all teachers

University of Saint Joseph                    Cal Heminway                             Mary Kay Rendock
                                              Carol Mikulski                           Maureen Ruby
                                              Corey Nagle                              Mark Winzler
                                              Bert J. Neumaier

The Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program is made possible by contributions made to the Connecticut Teacher of the
Year Council, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions made to the Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council are tax
deductible. To support the Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council, or to make a donation in honor of a teacher, please visit
State of Connecticut                                                Teacher of the Year Selection Committee*
The Honorable Dannel P. Malloy, Governor                            Cay Freeman, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council,
The Honorable Nancy Wyman, Lieutenant Governor                         Selection Committee Chairperson
                                                                    Teresa Boyd-Cowles, Connecticut State Department
State Board of Education                                               of Education
                                                                    Tricia Conduah, Connecticut Education Association
Allan B. Taylor, Chairperson                                        Lauren Danner, 2017 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
Estela López, Vice Chairperson                                      Mathew Hough, AFT Connecticut
Erin D. Benham                                                      Pat Jordan, Connecticut Education Association
Erik M. Clemons                                                     Kathleen Huber, Connecticut Parent Teachers Association
William P. Davenport                                                Kimberly Kostelis, American Association of Colleges for
Makayla R. Dawkins, Student Member                                     Teacher Education
Donald F. Harris, Jr.                                               Carrie McGowan, American Federation of Teachers-CT
Terry H. Jones                                                      Carol Mikulski, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Tarini Krishna, Student Member                                      Robert Mitchell, Connecticut Association of
Maria I. Mojica                                                        Boards of Education
Mark E. Ojakian, ex officio                                         Tom Nicholas, Connecticut Education Association
Malia K. Sieve                                                      Anne Pember, ACES, Regional Education Service
Robert J. Trefry, ex officio
                                                                       Center Alliance
Joseph J. Vrabely, Jr.
                                                                    Beth Regan, Council of Elders, Mohegan Tribe
Stephen P. Wright
                                                                    Mary Kay Rendock, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Dianna R. Wentzell, Secretary
                                                                    Beth A. Smith, Connecticut Association of Schools
                                                                    Dani Thibodeau, Connecticut Association of Public
State Department of Education                                          School Superintendents
Dianna R. Wentzell, Commissioner
Ellen Cohn, Deputy Commissioner                                     *All members of the selection committee were also application readers.
Laura Stefon, Chief of Staff

Teacher of the Year Program                                         Teacher of the Year Application Readers
Sarah Barzee, Chief Talent Officer                                  Teresa Alexandru, Connecticut State Department of
Kim Wachtelhausen, State Program Coordinator, Talent Office             Education/TEACH
Special thanks to the Talent Office support staff:                  Stephen Armstrong, Connecticut State Department of
Jayne Brooks, Janet Montague, Mirta Ortega, LaShawn Smith,              Education
Nancy Velez-Cruz, and Margaret Wilson                               Kimberly Audet, Connecticut State Department of Education
                                                                    Joe Bacewicz, 1999 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
                                                                    David Bosso, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council                             Richard Brown, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
President: David Bosso, 2012 Connecticut Teacher of the Year        Marianne Cavanaugh, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Vice President: Mary Kay Rendock, 2006 Connecticut Teacher          William Davenport, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
   of the Year                                                      Sharon Fuller, Connecticut State Department of Education
Treasurer: Marian Galbraith, 2002 Connecticut Teacher of the Year   Marian Galbraith, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Secretary: Susan Pelchat, 1997 Connecticut Teacher of the Year      Cal Heminway, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Immediate Past President: Christopher Poulos,                       David Low, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
   2007 Connecticut Teacher of the Year                             John Mastroianni, 2014 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
Richard C. Brown, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council           Blaise Messinger, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Lauren Danner, 2017 Connecticut Teacher of the Year                 Corey Nagle, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Catherine Freeman, Finalist, 2011 Connecticut Teacher of the Year   Yemi Onibokun, Connecticut State Department of Education
David Low, Semifinalist, 2013 Connecticut Teacher of the Year       Susan Pelchat, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
John Mastroianni, 2014 Connecticut Teacher of the Year              Christopher Poulos, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Blaise Messinger, 2013 Connecticut Teacher of the Year              Claudine Primack, Connecticut State Department of Education
Carol Mikulski, Retired Educator                                    Cara Quinn, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Corey Nagle, Semifinalist, 2014 Connecticut Teacher of the Year     Kristen Record, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Cara Quinn, 2015 Connecticut Teacher of the Year                    Maureen Ruby, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Kristen Record, 2011 Connecticut Teacher of the Year                Christopher Todd, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Beth Regan, Council of Elders, Mohegan Tribe                        Kimberly Traverso, Connecticut State Department of Education
Maureen Ruby, Semifinalist, 2000 Connecticut Teacher of the Year    Susan Walker, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Christopher Todd, Finalist, 2014 Connecticut Teacher of the Year    Gady Weiner, Connecticut State Department of Education
Susan Walker, Retired Educator                                      Mark Winzler, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Chaz Zezulka, 1990 Connecticut Teacher of the Year                  Iris White, Connecticut State Department of Education
                                                                    Chaz Zezulka, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Honorary Members:
Marianne Cavanaugh, 1998 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
Bill Davenport, 2008 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
Cal Heminway, Connecticut Teacher of the Year Council
Mark Winzler, Retired Educator

        Marc Brackett               Mandy Manning                           Sheena Graham
 Founding Director of the Yale        2018 National                         2019 Connecticut
Center for Emotional Intelligence   Teacher of the Year                    Teacher of the Year

                                               For Elementary Teachers: March 13

                                      For Middle School and High School Teachers: March 20

                                             For Semifinalists and Finalists: March 27

                                           “I am still in a state of child-like wonder at the
                                                         awesome experience."

                                                “The day exceeded my expectations!”
  Using Museum Resources for the       “Powerful, thought-provoking, engaging, and exciting.”
       Integrated Curriculum
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