Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center

Page created by Kenneth Cross
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center

                                                                     Mini Masters • ages 4.5 - 5

                                                                     Sizzlin’ Summer • ages 6 - 10

                                                                     Mural Madness • ages 8 - 10

                                                                     Mural Madness • ages 11 - 14

                                                                     iPad Explorations • ages 8 - 10

                                                                     Arts In Motion • ages 8 - 12

                                                                     Art Squad •      ages 11 - 14

        STARTING MAY 31                   AGES 4.5  14   CHOOSE FROM SEVEN CREATIVE CAMPS
1   I   2022 Summer Art Academy   I
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
                                                                        DFAC proudly offers over
                                                                        35 years of Summer Art
                                                                        Enrichment fun. Todd Still,
                                                                        Director of Youth Education, is
                                                                        excited about heading up his          George Ann Bissett, MA, CFRE
                                                                                                              President, CEO
                                                                        25th year of one of the premier
                                                                        summer programs in the Tampa
                                                                        Bay area. Art classes feature the
                                                                        best artists and art educators
                                                                        in the region – Multi-media
                                              Summer                    experts with skills from Painting     Ken Hannon
                                                                                                              Vice-President, COO
                                               2021                     to Clay to Drawing to Dreamin’!
                                                                        Instructors have Bachelor’s
                                                                        degrees, if not Masters degrees
               Please check website for
               current Covid protocols                                  in Art, Education and/or both!
                                                                        Their experiences range from
                                                                        teaching art in public schools,       Todd Still
                                                                                                              Youth Education Director
                                                                        private schools, Montessori-
    Welcome!                                            2
                                                                        based schools, the Kent
                                                                        Jewish Center, Pre-schools and
    Camp Instructions, Discounts, Extras                                professional art settings.
    & Scholarship Application Steps                     3
                                                                                                              Shannon Pattee
                                                                                                              Youth Education Coordinator

    Sizzlin’ Summer & Arts In Motion                    4
    Mural Madness & Art Squad                           5                                              Summer Art Camp
                                                                                                        Kid-Curated Exhibit
                                                                                                           09/10 - 10/09
    iPad Explorations, Mini-Masters &
    Weekly Themes                                       6                                              Kids Art Fest, Exhibit
                                                                                                       reception and awards
                                                                                                 Saturday, September 10th TNTV
    Registration & Payment Form                         7

                                                                                                Please check
    DFAC achieves its top summer camp reputation through creative, quality
                                                                                                website for current
    instruction by Tampa Bay’s finest art instructors. Here are a few of the talented folks     Covid protocols
    that have been a part of DFAC’s cool summer programs:
           Visual Arts:                 Kasie Cavanagh          Maria Olan                      Opportunities
           Joy Ames                     Jennifer Klaus          Steven Sikorski                 for Teens 15 yrs +!
           Alexis Arrazcaeta            Michelle Kurasz         Wendy Stanziano
           Jackie Beaverson             Jacqueline LaDrig       Debbie Stratemeyer              Apply online at
           Kimi Carrier                 Ted LoCascio            Beth Warmath                    Full background check and
           Mason Gehring                Lori Manning            Ashley Williams                 fingerprinting required.
           Sal Gulino                   Lauren Regan            Arts in Motion:
           Linda Hilterbrandt           Ricca O’Connor                                          Hours may be applied towards
                                                                Ray Olan
                                                                                                Bright Futures Scholarship
2    I   2022 Summer Art Academy    I
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
Basic Instructions:                             Please check website for               Lunch & Snacks
                                                current Covid protocols                Pre-arranged lunches available paid
Step 1
Select which weeks to attend, either by date or theme. Each week, DFAC                 separatley to the Palm Cafe. Otherwise
offers a different theme. These themes are used by our faculty in planning age           Students should bring an unrefrigerated
appropriate art projects that our campers can successfully accomplish within the       lunch from home. Snacks are available for
week.                                                                                  75 cents each (during snack time) or you
Step 2                                                                                 may pack a snack.
Choose which camp/camps. With 7 camps to choose from, you have your choice
of camps to mix and match throughout the summer.

Step 3
Check out applicable discounts. All discounts available are listed in detail below.

Step 4
Complete the registration form.
(online at or hard copy)                                                                                      Summer
Step 5
•   Submit registration and payment.
•   Registration requires the first week be paid in full. Reserve additional weeks
    with a $50/week non-refundable deposit.                                            Scholarships Available
•   Submit hard copy by mail/fax/email or complete online registration process         To Apply...
    at We accept Checks payable to DFAC, Visa, MC, American              Grants and donations received through
    Express or Discover.                                                               community partnerships, individuals and
•   Tuition is non-refundable.                                                         organizations, enable DFAC to grant summer
Step 6                                                                                 camp scholarships to those in need. No matter
                                                                                       where you live, you may apply.
Your balance is due two weeks prior to the start date. Keep a copy of your
registration form to track when to send payment. Changes need to be made               The following items are required to apply:
2 Weeks in advance to avoid a $25 administrative fee. For questions about              1. A letter explaining why a scholarship is
balances, call Shannon at 727-298-3322 ext. 224 or email                 needed.
                                                                                       2. A drawing or letter from the child telling
Discounts:                                                                                 why they would like to attend art camp.
Members Discount: $20 a week                                                           3. A copy of a current report card with
Join the DFAC with a membership that benefits the whole family.                            satisfactory grades.
For $90 annually, your household can receive tuition discounts on                      4. A letter of recommendation.
classes, workshops, and more!                                                          Note: If you live in Dunedin, please provide
March Madness: $35 per week                                                            proof of residency.
Register during the month of March, when tuition time-warps                            Send/drop off complete package to the
back 10 years to summer 2012. NOTE: Once registered, pricing                           attention of:
is locked into the weeks you’ve signed up for. In the event you                            Todd Still, Dir. of Youth Education
request a transfer, the tuition reverts back to full price.                                1143 Michigan Blvd,
                                                                                           Dunedin, FL 34698.
** Early Registration, Sibling & Multiple Week discounts NOT
VALID during March Madness.
                                                                                       Thanks in part to community partners such
Early Registration: $10 per camper/week                                                as CFY, Creative Pinellas, The City of Dunedin,
Register by April 29th and receive the early registration discount                     Dunedin Rotary, Dunedin Rotary North, Dunedin
for each week registered.                                                              Youth Guild, Jessica’s Youth Scholarship Fund,
Sibling: $10 per camper/week                                                           Pougialis/Anastasakis Foundation for Art,
Register two or more children and receive the sibling discount for                     Pinellas Community Foundation, Rick Nelson
each week they attend together (note: they don’t have to attend                        & Dottie Scroggins (Youth) scholarship, In
the same weeks, just the same number of weeks).                                        Memory of Ruth Payne Stone, In Memory of Andy
                                                                                       VonEitzen, Coral Hacker, Linda Joy Willmore, and
Multiple Weeks: $5 per week                                                            many more individuals in DFAC’s Circle of Caring.
Register for 3 or more weeks and receive a $5/week discount.
Extended Care
For a more flexible drop off and pick up time, extended care is
                                                                                      Welcome Video
                                                                                      Check out the facilities video with DFAC’s
available for $50 per camper/week. Hours are 7:30 - 9:00 a.m., and
                                                                                      Health protocols. These protocols were put
3:15 - 6:00 p.m. Mini Masters require an older sibling in order to
                                                                                      into place the last two summers and
                                                                                                       2022 www.dfac.
                                                                                                             Summer Art Academy  3  I
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
The visual arts camp introduces students to a variety of media,

        Sizzlin’ Summer                                                          techniques, art history, and multicultural appreciation in a fun
                                                                                 and educational environment. Pre-planned age appropriate

        Visual Arts Camp                                                         projects, based on the weekly themes are worked on daily and
                                                                                 ready to come home by Friday. Clay projects take a few days
                                                                                 to be fired and are ready for pick up the following Wednesday.
        Ages 6* –10 $195 - $215/week                                             Students rotate through four classes a day. Below is a sample
         (* completion of kindergarten required)
                                                                                 NOTE: Order of classes varies by age group

                                                                                 Sample schedule:
                                                                                 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 1st Class: 2-D Drawing and painting
                                                                                 10:00 – 10:20 a.m. Snack time
                                                                                 10:20 – 11:20 a.m. 2nd Class: Clay handbuilding
        Summer                                                                   11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Outside Lunch (not provided). After finishing
         2021                                                                    lunch, Campers may participate in light outdoor sports.
                                                                                 12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Cool Down Time indoors with a theme
                                                                                 related video clip.
                                                                                 12:50 – 1:50 p.m. 3rd Class: 3-D Class
                                                                                 1:50 – 2:50 p.m. 4th Class: Hands On Museum Time!

    Campers are divided into groups by age; the yellow group is primarily our youngest campers, the blue and green groups make up
    the middle, and the red group is for the oldest kids up to age 10. Drop off is between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and pick up is promptly
    at 3:00 p.m.
                               **Parent/Adult must sign their camper in and out daily and show I.D upon pick up.

        Arts in Motion
                                                            This camp gives young artists the chance to create theater from the
                                                            ground up! Participants explore performance through creative exercises,
                                                            working together as an ensemble to produce an original piece complete
                                                            with song and dance. Each week of themed dramatics culminates in a
        Ages 8 –12                                          celebratory performance showcasing campers’ diligence and ingenuity.
                                                            Inspiration for each week’s theme development will come from instructors,
        $195 - $215/week                                    young actors’ imaginations, books/stories, Broadway Plays, movies and TV
                                                             Drop off is between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and pick up is promptly at 3:00 p.m.

    Sample schedule:                                                               2021

    9:00 – 11:20 a.m. Classroom time
    10:00 – 10:20 a.m. Snack time
    11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Outside Lunch (not provided). After
    finishing lunch, Campers may participate in light outdoor sports.
    12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Cool Down Time indoors with a theme related
    video clip.
    12:50 – 3:00 p.m. Classroom time
    2:15 p.m. on Friday On Stage Performance (TBD)
    **Parent/Adult must sign their camper in and out daily and
    show I.D upon pick up.

4   I   2022 Summer Art Academy         I
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
                           Ages 8 –10 or Ages 11 - 14                                           $195 - $215/week
Under the direction       Sample schedule:
of DFAC’s talented        9:00 – 11:20 a.m. Class time
faculty, young artists
will learn the steps in   10:00 – 10:20 a.m. Snack time
creating magnificent,
monumental sized          11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Outside
drawings and
paintings that will be    Lunch (not provided). After
on display at DFAC.       finishing lunch, Campers may
Students will work        participate in light outdoor
as a team or in           sports.
smaller groups
using the theme of        12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Cool Down
the week, to work
up sketches, then         Time indoors with a theme
scaled drawings, and      related video clip.
then transferring/
enlarging their           12:50 – 3:00 p.m. Class time
artwork onto huge
sections of paper.
                          **Parent/Adult must sign
Drop off is between        their camper in and out
8:30 a.m. and 9:00        daily and show I.D upon                                         Summer
a.m. and pick up is
promptly at 3:00 p.m.
                          pick up.                                                         2021

                          art squad Teen Art Camp
                          Ages 11–14                                                 $205 - $225/week
                           Art Squad allows teens to use the theme of the week as a departure point for their own creative
                           experience. Squads are divided by age; squad 1 for the 11 year olds, squad 2-3 make up
                           the middle, and squad 4 is for the older teens up to age 14. Space is limited, early registration
                           is recommended. Drop off is between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and pick up is promptly at 3:00 p.m.
                           Parent/Adult must sign their camper in and out daily and show I.D upon pick up.
                           NOTE: Order of classes varies by squad number based on age grouping.

             Summer       Summer                                               Sample schedule:
              2021                                                             9:00 – 10:20 a.m. 1st Class
                                                                               Drawing, painting & mixed media
                                                                               10:20 – 11:40 a.m. 2nd Class
                                                                               Clay, throwing pottery on the wheel
                                                                               11:40 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
                                                                               Lunch (not provided) in Highlander Park
                                                                               12:20 – 1:40 p.m. 3rd Class
                                                                               Digital imaging in Photoshop
                                                                               1:40 – 3:00 p.m. 4th Class
                                                              Summer           Creative Journaling/photograms

                                                                                 I   2022 Summer Art Academy   I   5
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
iPad Explorations                                                                            Weekly Themes . . .
                                                                                                     Week 1 5/31- 6/3 (4-day week)
        Ages 8 –10 $195 - $215/week                                                                  Artsy Architecture:
                                                                                                     Build and Blend Building Styles
        Under the direction of DFAC’s talented faculty,                                              through the Centuries. Note: Artwork
        young artists will explore the digital world on                                              from this week will be selected for Camp
        DFAC iPads. They will create art using a variety of
        artsy apps. 2-D materials will be utilized as well as              Summer
                                                                                                     Week2 6/6 – 10
        items for stop motion animation.
        **Parent/Adult must sign their camper in
                                                                                                     Amazon Adventures:
        and out daily and show I.D upon pick up.                                                     Hang Out with Vines, Monkeys, Arrow
        *** Parent and student must sign “Technology                                                 Frogs, and Pink Dolphins.
        Respect” form. One form covers this summer.
        Sample schedule:                                                                             Week 3 6/13 – 17
        9:00 – 11:20 a.m. Class time                                                      Summer
                                                                                                     Pandas and Pyramids:
        (10:00 – 10:20 a.m. Snack time)
                                                                                           2021      What would the Pharaohs look like if
                                                                                                     they ate Bamboo?
        11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Outside Lunch
        (not provided). After finishing lunch, Campers may                                           Week 4 6/20 – 24
        participate in light outdoor sports.                                                         Ani-maniacs:
        12:15 – 12:45 p.m. Cool Down Time indoors with a theme                                       All your favorite Cartoon/Comic
        related video clip.                                                                  2021    Book/Anime Characters come to Life.
        12:50 – 3:00 p.m. Class time
                                                                                                     Week 5 6/27 – 7/1
                                                                                                     Aussie Walk-about:
                                                                                                     Kangaroos, Koalas and Tasmanian
        Mini Masters                                                                                 Devils Abound!

        Ages 4.5 – 5                                                                                 Week 6 7/5 – 8 (4 – day week)
                                                                                                     4th of July Dino-Celebrations:
        $195 - $215/week                                                                Summer
                                                                                                     Dinosaurs with Sparklers?
        Example of daily schedule:
                                                                                                     Week 7 7/11 – 15
        9:00 - 9:45 a.m.                                            Mini-Masters Pre-School          Shark Week VII (7 years wow!)
        Studio Time                                                 Art Camp is designed for
                                          1:15 - 1:45 p.m.          children turning 5 by            Sharky Business:
        9:45 -10:30 a.m.                  Cool Down Time            August 31, 2022. Space is        Big City, Suits, Ties, Laptops &
        Gallery Visit                     with Video/Story          limited.                         Briefcases.
        10:30 - 11:30 a.m.                1:45 - 2:00 p.m.          Campers explore adventures
                                          Snack (provided)
                                                                    in art with mixed-media          Week 8 7/18 – 22
        Hands-on, Story                                             focused on fun and
        or Playground                     2:00 - 2:45 p.m.          educational themes of the        Sloths and Snakes on Saturn:
                                                                    week.                            Silly Space Expedition to the Ringed
        Time                              Studio Time
                                                                    Campers have lunch (not          Planet.
        11:30 - 12:00 p.m.                2:45 - 3:00 p.m.          provided) together at 11:30
        Lunch                             Clean up and              a.m. We provide a snack for
        (not provided)                    Pick-Up                   them at 1:45 p.m.                Week 9 7/25 – 29
        inside studio                                               Drop off is between 8:45 am       Wyverns, Phoenixes and Fairies:
        12:00 - 12:30 p.m.                                          and 9:00 am; and pick up is      Mythical Creatures in Flight.
                                                                    promptly at 3:00 pm.
        Clay Studio
        Time                                                        **Parent/Adult must sign         Week 10 8/1 – 5
                                                                    their camper in and out          Island Explorer:
        12:30 - 1:15 p.m.                    2021                   daily and show I.D upon
        Playground Time                                             pick up.                         Volcanoes, Palms, Sea Critters, and
                                                                                                     Amazing Tree Houses.
                                                                                                     Please check website for current
6   I   2022 Summer Art Academy                  I                                    Covid protocols
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
                          Please check website for
                          current Covid protocols

2022 Summer Art Academy
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
Non-Profit Org.
        ART IS             What we do!                                                                                           U.S. Postage Paid
                                                                                                                                    Tampa, FL
                                                                                                                                  Permit No. 7067

        SAFE IS              How we do it!
        1143 Michigan Blvd.
        Dunedin, Florida 34698
        Tel 727-298-DFAC
        Fax 727-298-3326

        The Mission at the Dunedin
        Fine Art Center is to enrich
        lives through educational
        experiences in the visual arts.

        The Vision is to make the
        Dunedin Fine Art Center
        a leading visual art center
        providing unparalleled
        educational, cultural & creative

                  DFAC is ADA compliant

        2022 DFAC Summer Ar t Academy — w w
        Programs at the Dunedin Fine Art Center are sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the
        Florida Arts Council, The National Endowment for the Arts and the City of Dunedin.

             Summer                                    Summer                              Summer
              2021                                      2021                                2021

8   I   2022 Summer Art Academy            I
Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center Presents: Dunedin Fine Art Center
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