Presentations Prof. Dr. iur. Anna Petrig, LL.M. (Harvard) - Juristische ...
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Presentations Prof. Dr. iur. Anna Petrig, LL.M. (Harvard) 17/06/2021 AS KEYNOTE Unmanned Maritime Systems and Maritime Security, Conference ‘The EU as a Global Actor in Maritime Security: Competences – Obligations – Accountability’ organized by the Europa Institute of the University of Leiden, 25-26 October 2018, Leiden (The Netherlands), 25 October 2018. Maritime Piracy and Violence at Sea in International Law, Workshop ‘Insecurity at Sea: Piracy and Other Risks to Navigation’ organized within the framework of COST Action IS1105 – MARSAFENET (Network of Ex- perts on the Legal Aspects of Maritime Safety and Security), Naples (Italy), 12 October 2012. AS SPEAKER 2021 Article 9 Arms Trade Treaty: A Law of the Sea Perspective, Arms Trade Treaty Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation, Sub-Working Group on Article 9, Working Group Meetings and CSP7 Informal Preparatory Meeting, 26-30 April 2021, 27 April 2021. Maritime Arbitration and Human Rights, Arbitration and Crime, Virtual Workshop, Basel Institute on Govern- ance, The International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators and Competence Centre Arbitration and Crime, Basel (Switzerland), Webinar, 8 January 2021. 2020 Autonomous Vessels & Maritime Security: Regulatory Challenges in the Context of the SUA Convention, Disruptive Technologies and International Law, Zoom Conference, United States Naval War College, 7-9 December 2020, Newport/RI (United States), 7 December 2020. Arbitration as a Means of Effective Remedy for Human Rights Abuses at Sea, Shearman & Sterling (France) and Human Rights at Sea (Great Britain), Webinar, 9 July 2020. Digital Oceans and Maritime Security: Autonomous Ships and Cyber Security, Digital Oceans Series, AMC Solutions (Germany), Webinar, 25 June 2020. Wirtschaftskrieg zur See und die Rechtsstellung der Besatzungsmitglieder der Handelsmarine, Tagung zum Militärrecht und Kriegsvölkerrecht, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Militärrecht und Kriegsvölkerrecht, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland), 1 February 2020. PRESENTATIONS | 1
2019 Economic Warfare and Detention: A Geneva Conventions Perspective, U.S. Consultative Meeting for the Revision of the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Conflicts at Sea, United States Naval War College, 16-18 December 2019, Newport/RI (United States), 18 December 2019. Informal Law-Making as a Means to Accommodate the Turn to Autonomous Maritime Systems? Input at the Workshop on Informal Law-Making in the Law of the Sea, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 9-10 December 2019, Sydney (Australia), 10 December 2019 (remote participation). ‘The Human Element in Maritime Activities’: What About Ships Without Humans? Workshop ‘The Human Ele- ment in Maritime Activities’, University of Milano-Biccoca, Milano (Italy), 27 November 2019. Wer darf was in der Ausschliesslichen Wirtschaftszone? Der Fall M/T ‘San Padre Pio’, Justitia Mentoring, Auftakt- veranstaltung, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg i.Br. (Germany), 12 November 2019. ‘Rule of Law for Oceans’: Exploring Possible Meanings, Conference on The Rule of Law for Oceans, organized by the University of Oslo Institute of Maritime Law, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research and the Research Group on International Law and Governance, University of Oslo, 4-5 November 2019, Oslo (Norway), 4 November 2019. Unmanned Maritime Systems and Human Rights: The Example of the SUA Convention, Conference on Maritime Operational Law 2019, NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters, 23- 26 September 2019, Madrid (Spain), 26 September 2019. Transformative Technologies and their Impact on International Law, Input at the IVR World Congress Dignity-De- mocracy-Diversity, Special Workshop ‘Transformative Technologies: Towards a Theory of the Interde- pendency between Technological and Legal Evolution’, University of Lucerne, 7-12 July 2019, Lucerne (Switzerland), 12 July 2019. Unmanned Systems and Maritime Crime: A Methodological ‘Test Site’, PolSEA Intensive Seminar, University of Aalborg Copenhagen, 28-30 April 2019, Copenhagen (Denmark), 29 April 2019. Maritime Autonomous Surface Vessels and Maritime Crime: A Challenge for the SUA Convention? International Mar- itime Organization (IMO), Legal Committee, 106th Session, 27-29 March 2019, London (United Kingdom), 27 March 2019. Krieg und Frieden: Alte Regeln für neue Akteure und neue Technologien? Model United Nations, Konferenz Regio Basel, 28-29 January 2019, Basel (Switzerland), 28 January 2019. Bewaffnete Konflikte im 21. Jahrhundert: Das Humanitäre Völkerrecht im Stresstest, Informationstag Bachelor: Stu- diengang Rechtswissenschaft, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 10 January 2019. 2018 Unmanned Maritime Systems & Law Enforcement, Workshop ‘Legal Aspects of Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS)’ organized by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in cooperation with the U.S. Naval War College, 18-21 June 2018, Rome (Italy), 20 June 2018. Unmanned Maritime Systems & Maritime Interdiction Operations, Workshop ‘Legal Aspects of Unmanned Mari- time Systems (UMS)’ organized by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in cooperation with the U.S. Naval War College, 18-21 June 2018, Rome (Italy), 20 June 2018. Unmanned Maritime Systems & Human Rights, Workshop ‘Legal Aspects of Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS)’ organized by the NATO Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in cooperation with the U.S. Naval War College, 18-21 June 2018, Rome (Italy), 20 June 2018. PRESENTATIONS | 2
Violations of Fisheries Laws and Human Rights – An ITLOS Perspective, Evening Event ‘From Strasbourg to Hamburg: The Human Dimension of the Law of the Sea’ organized by the Asser Institute in cooperation with the University of Basel, The Hague (The Netherlands), 11 June 2018. A Maritime Reading of the Montreux Document, Montreux Document Forum, Second Exchange on the Working Group on the Use of Private Military and Security Companies in Maritime Security (Maritime Working Group), Geneva (Switzerland), 6 June 2018. The International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and Human Rights, Input at the Second Author Workshop ‘Human Rights Norms in ‘Other’ International Courts and Tribunals’ convened by the European University Institute (EUI) and the PluriCourts Project of the University of Oslo, 26-27 April 2018, Florence (Italy), 26 April 2018. Human Rights in Multinational Law Enforcement Operations at Sea, Colloquium ‘New Governance in the Modern Law of the Sea’ organized by Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan), 24 February 2018. 2017 Jurisdictional Rules for Maritime Law Enforcement: Changes on the Horizon? Workshop ‘Beyond National Sover- eignty: New Approaches to International and Transnational Law Enforcement’ organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, 1-2 December 2017, Freiburg (Germany), 1 December 2017. The Interplay between IMO Law and International Humanitarian Law: A Blank Spot on the Legal Map, Seminar ‘At- Sea Enforcement and Naval Warfare’ convened by the K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea of the UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (Norway), 20 September 2017. At-Sea Enforcement: The Necessity to Coordinate UNCLOS with other Legal Regimes (and Vice Versa!), Workshop ‘Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea: Help or Hindrance?’ organized by the University of Bristol, Bristol (United Kingdom), 3 July 2017. The Place Accorded to Human Rights in Security Council Maritime Resolutions, Colloque ‘Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies et le mer’ convened by the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, 4-5 May 2017, Lyon (France), 4 May 2017. 2016 Regulating Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) at Sea: Operational and Legal Specificities, United Nations Human Rights Council, Intergovernmental Working Group on Private Military and Security Companies, 5th Session, Palace of Nations, 12-16 December 2016, Geneva (Switzerland), 14 December 2016. Criminality at Sea: Identifying Legal Frameworks and Normative Gaps, Final Conference ‘Maritime Safety and Se- curity: Future Perspectives’ of COST Action IS1105, MARSAFENET – Network of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Maritime Safety and Security, 10-11 March 2016, National Research Council, Rome (Italy), 10 March 2016. Looking at the Montreux Document on Private Security and Military Companies from a Maritime Perspective, Montreux Document Forum, co-chaired by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Geneva (Switzerland), 29 January 2016. International Law: Challenging the Constitution and Challenged by the Constitution, Seminar ‘Constitutionalism Re- configured?’ organized within the framework of the Project CORE of Turku University, Turku (Finland), 22 January 2016. PRESENTATIONS | 3
2015 Die demokratische Legitimation der Übertragung von Hoheitsbefugnissen auf internationale Akteure – Gedanken zu den Referenden über völkerrechtliche Verträge, roundtable of the staff members of the Public Law Department of the University of Freiburg (Gesprächsrunden der MitarbeiterInnen des Öffentlichen Rechts der Albert-Lud- wigs-Universität Freiburg), Freiburg (Germany), 15 December 2015. Menschenrechte und Kriminalitätsbekämpfung auf See, General Meeting of Members of the Schweizerischer Ver- band der Akademikerinnen, Sektion Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 11 November 2015. A Human Rights-Based Approach to Law Enforcement at Sea, Public International Law Symposium ‘International Legal Aspects of Countering Piracy’ convened by the Asser Institute and the Antonio Cassese Initiative, The Hague (Netherlands), 15 October 2015. A Conceptual Framework for Adopting and Implementing Secondary Law into the Swiss Legal Order – A Democratic Participation Perspective, Workshop ‘International Law and Domestic Law-Making Processes’ organized by the Working Group of Young Scholars in Public International Law, Basel (Switzerland), 4 September 2015. International Guidance on Deprivation of Liberty at Sea by Shipmasters, Crew and/or Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel, Meeting of Working Group 3 ‘International Maritime Security and Border Surveillances’ of COST Action IS1105 – MARSAFENET (Network of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Maritime Safety and Secu- rity), Bremen (Germany), 11 June 2015. 2013 Private Sicherheitsunternehmen gegen Piraterie: rechtsfreier Raum oder Regelungsdickicht? Evening Event ‘Sicherheit auf Kosten der Menschenrechte? Diskussion zur menschenrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit privater Militär- und Sicherheitsfirmen’ organized by the Centre of Human Rights Studies of the University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland), 9 December 2013. The Legality of Transfers for Prosecution of Piracy Suspects: An International and Domestic Law Perspective, Meeting of Working Group 3 ‘International Maritime Security and Border Surveillances’ of COST Action IS1105 - MARSAFENET (Network of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Maritime Safety and Security), Cordoba (Spain), 26 November 2013. Vorführung vor den Richter bei international-arbeitsteiliger Vebrechensbekämpfung: Ist das Recht auf Freiheit teilbar? Ge- danken im Vorfeld der Courier Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Münster (DE), Roundtable of the staff mem- bers of the Public Law Department of the University of Freiburg (Gesprächsrunden der MitarbeiterInnen des Öffentlichen Rechts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Freiburg (Germany), 15 October 2013. Private Prevention Against Piracy, International Law Association Regional Conference ‘Imperium Juris – Gov- ernance, Trade, Resources’, 29-31 August 2013, Cape Sounion/Athens (Greece), 29 August 2013. 2012 Unilateral Extension of Domestic Penal Power – the Swiss Example: Time for an International Law Approach Towards Criminal Jurisdiction, Workshop ‘General Principles of Transnational Criminal Law’ organized within the framework of the project ‘General Principles of Transnational Criminal Law’ of the University Basel, 7-9 June 2012, Basel (Switzerland), 7 June 2012. International Law and the Use of Force by Private Security Service Providers against Suspected Pirates, Roundtable on ‘Countering Piracy: What Are the Rights and Obligations of States and Private Security Providers?’ orga- nized by Wilton Park, the Geneva Academy of IHL and HR and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 30 January-1 February 2012, Steyning (United Kingdom), 31 January 2012. PRESENTATIONS | 4
2011 Aktuelle Fragen der Pirateriebekämpfung: polizei-, straf- und menschenrechtliche Aspekte, Evening Event organized by the Forum Junge Rechtswissenschaft of the Law Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Ger- many), 16 November 2011. Human Rights and Counter-Piracy Operations – No Legal Vacuum but Legal Uncertainty, ‘International Conference on Piracy at Sea ICOPAS’, 17-19 October 2011, World Maritime University, Malmö (Sweden), 17 October 2011. Verfolgung von Piraterie: polizei- und strafrechtliche Aspekte, ‘Bremer Konferenz zum maritimen Recht’, Haus Schütting, Bremen (Germany), 6 October 2011. Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea – Human Rights and Counter-Piracy Operations in Somalia, ‘Human Rights at 3:00 (HR@3)’ Series of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund (Sweden), 24 May 2011. Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea – The Legal Framework for Counter-Piracy Operations in Somalia and the Gulf of Aden, Evening Event organized by Jus Humanis – International Human Rights Network (JHN) of Lund Univer- sity, Lund (Sweden), 14 April 2011. Piraterie und maritimer Terrorismus - menschenrechtlicher Normenbestand, Workshop organized within the project ‘PiraT - Piraterie und maritimer Terrorismus als Herausforderungen für die Seehandelssicherheit: Indikato- ren, Perzeptionen und Handlungsoptionen’, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg (Germany), 29 March 2011. Pirateriebekämpfung – völkerrechtliche und menschenrechtliche Ueberlegungen, Seminar ‘Weltmacht Recht? Völkerrecht in den internationalen Beziehungen’ organized by Studienhaus Wiesneck, Buchenbach (Germany), 26 Janu- ary 2011. 2010 Strafverfolgung von Piraten: Trial-and-Error? Evening Event organized by the International Criminal Court Stu- dent Network of the University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 9 November 2010. Pirateriebekämpfung im Golf von Aden, Training course for bar exam candidates (Referendartagung) organized by the German Red Cross (Section Lower Saxony), the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict of Bochum, and the Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony, Bad Pyrmont (Germany), 16 October 2010. Lizenz zum Töten? Über die Rechtmässigkeit von ‘targeted killing’ als Mittel der Terrorismusbekämpfung, Lecture Series ‘Terrorismus im Fadenkreuz: Phänomene – Antworten – Entwicklungen’ organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, 27 January-7 July 2010, Freiburg (Germany), 16 June 2010. Pirateriebekämpfung im Golf von Aden – Polizei- und strafrechtlicher Rahmen, Colloquium with graduate students of Sungkyunkwan University of Seoul (Korea) organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Interna- tional Criminal Law, Freiburg (Germany), 3 May 2010. Sea Piracy Project – Pirateriebekämpfung in Somalia und im Golf von Aden, Meeting of the Academic Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg (Germany), 11 March 2010. PRESENTATIONS | 5
2009 Adjudication of Pirates and Armed Robbers at Sea – Does the End Justify the Means? Expert Meeting on ‘Multina- tional Law Enforcement and Sea Piracy’ organized within the framework of the Sea Piracy Project of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, 27-28 November 2009, Freiburg (Ger- many), 27 November 2009. Counter-Piracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden – Resolved but Reluctant, ‘Wednesday Lecture’ of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg (Germany), 18 November 2009. Sicherheitshaft im Kriegsrecht im Lichte des von der USA geführten ‘Global War on Terror’, Colloquium ‘Das Strafrecht in der globalen Risikogesellschaft’ in honour of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Heinrich Jescheck, 27-29 September 2009, Bahçesehir University, Istanbul (Turkey), 28 September 2009. AIDP Resolution zum Weltrechtsprinzip – ein Überblick, Colloquium ‘Das Strafrecht in der globalen Risikoge- sellschaft’ in honour of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Heinrich Jescheck, Istanbul University, Istanbul (Tur- key), 27 September 2009. AS GUEST LECTURER (UNIVERSITY COURSES, SPRING/SUMMER SCHOOLS) 2021 Landesverweisung nach Art. 66a StGB: Eine völkerrechtliche Perspektive (1 lecture unit), Course ‘Strafrecht AT’ of Prof. Sabine Gless, Spring Term 2021, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), videoconferencing, 4 May 2021. Implementing Human Rights at Sea: The Role of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, Seminar ‘Human Rights at Sea With and After COVID-19’ of Prof. Mariko Kawano, Graduate School of Law, Waseda University, Tokyo (Ja- pan), videoconferencing, 30 April 2021. 2020 The International Legal Framework Applicable to the Arctic (2 lecture units), Course ‘The Arctic’ of Prof. Made- leine Herren-Oesch and Ralph Weber, Fall Term 2020, Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), videoconferencing, 16 December 2020. Unmanned Ships & Maritime Security: Is International Law Fit for Purpose? (2 lecture units), Course ‘Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea’ of Prof. Brian Wilson, Winter Term 2020, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi (Georgia), videoconferencing, 26 November 2020. Wer hat Strafgewalt auf See? Dargestellt am M/T ‘San Padre Pio’ Case (Switzerland v. Nigeria) (2 lecture units), Course ‘Internationales und Europäisches Strafrecht’ of Prof. Sabine Gless, Fall Term 2020, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), videoconferencing, 24 November 2020. Autonomous Technology at Sea: A SUA Convention Perspective (2 lecture units), Course ‘Piracy, Law of the Sea, and Maritime Terrorism’ of Prof. Brian Wilson, Spring Term 2020, United States Naval Academy, (United States), videoconferencing, 21 April 2020. 2019 Wer hat Strafgewalt auf See? (2 lecture units), Course ‘Internationales und Europäisches Strafrecht’ of Prof. Sabine Gless, Fall Term 2019, Master Program, Law Faculty, University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 26 November 2019. PRESENTATIONS | 6
Human Rights and Maritime Law Enforcement, Session Leader: Lecture and Case Study, Second Annual Inter- national Workshop on Human Rights and the Law of the Sea, Co-organized by the Stockton Center for International Law (United States Naval War College) and the International Maritime Law Institute (Inter- national Maritime Organization), 4-5 April 2019, Valletta (Malta), 5 April 2019. 2018 Multinational Law Enforcement at Sea: New Security Challenges, New Actors and New Technologies (1 lecture unit), PaSS Spring School on the ‘Use of Force at Sea’ organized by the University of Basel, the University of Turin and the Italian National Research Council, 16-20 April 2018, Turin (Italy), 16 April 2018. Inputs on Human Rights at Sea (1 lecture unit), PaSS Spring School on the ‘Use of Force at Sea’ organized by the University of Basel, the University of Turin and the Italian National Research Council, 16-20 April 2018, Turin (Italy), 16 April 2018. 2012 Human Rights in Counter-Piracy Operations (4 lecture units), Course ‘Maritime Security Issues in International Law’ of Prof. Chie Kojima, Postgraduate Program in Maritime Affairs, World Maritime University, Malmö (Sweden), 29 October 2012. 2011 Piraterie und bewaffneter Raubüberfall (2 lecture units), Course ‘Internationales Strafrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht’ of Prof. Sabine Gless/Prof. Anne Peters, Fall Term 2011, Master Program, Law Faculty, Uni- versity of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 6 December 2011. Applicability of Human Rights on Board Ships and Beyond their Railing (4 lecture units), Course ‘International Law and Human Rights in a Maritime Context’, LL.M. in Maritime Law, Lund University, 1-2 December 2011, Lund (Sweden), 1-2 December 2011. Traslado y enjuiciamiento de los piratas – una perspectiva actual y futura (2 lecture units), Curso de Verano 2001 ‘La seguridad marítima y la piratería’ organized by the University of Castilla-La Mancha, 4-6 July 2011, Cuenca (Spain), 4 July 2011. 2010 Strafvollzug im Bereich der Piraterie (1 lecture unit), Third Summer School in Criminology ‘Strafvollzug und die Behandlung gefährlicher Straftäter’ organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law of Freiburg and the University of Pécs, 7-10 June 2010, Pécs (Hungary), 10 June 2010. Straf- und polizeirechtlicher Rahmen der Pirateriebekämpfung im Golf von Aden (2 lecture units), Seminar ‘Internati- onales Strafrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht’, Spring Term 2010, Bachelor/Master Program, Faculty of Law, University of Basel, Waltensburg (Switzerland), 17 March 2010. 2009 Terrorismusbekämpfung: Bedeutung des Paradigmenwechsels vom Strafrecht hin zum Kriegsrecht (1 lecture unit), Summer School ‘Strafrechtliche Erfassung komplexer Kriminalität’ organized by the Max Planck Institute for For- eign and International Criminal Law of Freiburg and the University of Pécs, 22-25 June 2009, Pécs (Hun- gary), 24 June 2009. Neue Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus: Situation in der Schweiz (1 lecture unit), Summer School ‘Strafrechtliche Erfassung komplexer Kriminalität’ organized by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and PRESENTATIONS | 7
International Criminal Law of Freiburg and the University of Pécs, 22-25 June 2009, Pécs (Hungary), 23 June 2009. AS TRAINER Migrants at Sea and the European Union, Course on ‘Legal Aspects of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (LADSCA)’, four-week course for military commanders, legal advisors and their civilian counterparts orga- nized by the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies, which is the lead US Department of Defense security cooperation resource, Newport (United States), 4 August 2020. European Union Approach to Maritime Law Enforcement, Course on ‘Legal Aspects of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (LADSCA)’, four-week course for military commanders, legal advisors and their civilian coun- terparts organized by the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies, which is the lead US Department of Defense security cooperation resource, Newport (United States), 4 August 2020. International Humanitarian Law – Introduction, Training for members of the armed forces, prepared and taught on behalf of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Legal Division, Geneva (Switzerland), several times in July 2008. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Eine Einführung, Training for pastors, prepared and taught on behalf of the Inter- national Committee of the Red Cross, Legal Division, Geneva (Switzerland), 24 June 2008. AS PANELLIST Die demokratische Herausforderung von ‘Soft Law’, Panel Discussion, Völkerrechtstag ‘Soft Law’ organized by the Directorate of International Law of the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern (Switzerland), 8 No- vember 2019. Rule of Law for Changing Oceans: Mapping Out the Way Forward, Panel Discussion, Conference ‘The Rule of Law for Oceans’, University of Oslo, Oslo (Norway), 6 November 2019. Universelle Selbstbestimmungsinitiative und Menschenrechte – Gegensätze oder Ergänzung? Panel Discussion, organized by the Forum Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Basel (Switzerland), 29 October 2018. Science Talk zum Film THE TRUTH ABOUT KILLER ROBOTS von Maxim Pozdorovkin, Panel Discussion, 14th Zurich Film Festival organized by Eye on Science, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, 29 Septem- ber - 5 October 2018, Zurich (Switzerland), 3 October 2018. Universelle Menschenrechte und staatliche Selbstbestimmung, Panel Discussion, Pre-Event of the Conference ‘Abol- ishing the Law’ organized by the Deutschsprachige Rechtssoziologie Vereinigung, University of Basel, 13- 15 September 2018, Basel (Switzerland), 12 September 2018. AS EXPERT MODERATOR Fourth Digital Ocean Cluster Briefing, guest: Andy Jones, topic: Transport 4.0 - Securing a Digital World, organized by Prof. Petrig within the network Digital Ocean Cluster, online event, 11 May 2021. PRESENTATIONS | 8
Grundfragen der Regulierung Intelligenter Systeme, Ringvorlesung Künstliche Intelligenz im Recht, Ringvorlesung des Doktoratsprogramms Recht im Wandel, Juristische Fakultät, Universität Basel, online event, 14 April 2021. Third Digital Ocean Cluster Briefing, guest: Anja Blaj, topic: The Advantages of Introducing Blockchain to the Maritime Domain, organized by Prof. Petrig within the network Digital Ocean Cluster, online event, 25 March 2021. The Ongoing Dispute between Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea, U.S. Naval War College, Stockton Series Panel, online event, 10 February 2021. Second Digital Ocean Cluster Briefing, guest: Julian Clark, topic: Digitalisation of the Oceans: Operational Technology - Has Cyber Threat Found a Backdoor? organized by Prof. Petrig within the network Digital Ocean Cluster, online event, 26 January 2021. Inaugural Digital Ocean Cluster Briefing, guest: Dr. Alix Valenti, topic: Digital Oceans – Setting the Scene, organized by Prof. Petrig within the network Digital Ocean Cluster, online event, 14 December 2020. Arbitration of Human Rights at Sea: Giving International Law Teeth by Empowering Victims to Enforce it, panel spon- sored by the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA), International Law Weekend, 99th Annual Meeting of the ABILA, 22-24 October 2020, online event, 23 October 2020. Kick-Off Meeting of the Digital Ocean Cluster organized by Prof. Petrig, online event, 3 September 2020. AS DISCUSSANT Workshop on International Legal Dynamics and Subnational Actors in Multi-Level Governance, organized within the project ‘International Law and Subnational Parliaments’, University of Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland), 14-15 January 2021. Pre-Event to the Workshop on International Legal Dynamics and Subnational Actors in Multi-Level Governance, organized within the framework of the project ‘International Law and Subnational Parliaments’, University of Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland), 31 August 2020. PRESENTATIONS | 9
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