Maria Grazia Rossi, Ph.D - IFILNova
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Maria Grazia Rossi, Ph.D. ADDRESS: ArgLab-Institute of Philosophy of Language (IFINova) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Edifício I&D - 4 andar Avenida de Berna 26 1069-061 Lisbon, Portugal E-mail: Orcid: 0000-0003-4170-6336 RESEARCH AREAS: Pragmatics & Linguistics, Health Communication, Argumentation Theory My area of scientific activity is the philosophy of language that I consider as a starting point to understand some important issues about the nature of human communication and human nature. Focusing my attention on issues with a strong social and ethical relevance, my research reflects the cross-cutting relevance of these issues and promotes multidisciplinarity through a cross-thematic approach. With regard to the latter point, I used suggestions and evidence coming from linguistics, pragmatics, argumentation theory, psychology and health communication. In all these contexts, I have adopted a pragmatic point of view. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Reasoning and argumentation, Communication in chronic care, Metaphor theory, Emotion theory My current research interests regard the role of reasoning and argumentation in the social and collaborative dimension of human communication. Working on the project “Healthy Reasoning”, I have brought to the research my competencies in the study of emotions and reasoning. Together with Fabrizio Macagno, I am designing a pilot study on how and which metaphors have a higher potential to foster patient understanding, working on the argumentative structure presupposed in any metaphor. More specifically, I am interested in analyzing the main theoretical and practical problems with respect to the relationship between metaphors and argumentation. To this purpose, I am using a pragmatic-argumentative model of communication to reconstruct the metaphorical meanings in terms of the underlying presuppositions. Offering an explanation of presuppositions in terms of presumptive reasoning, I intend to analyze different types of misunderstandings originating in the use of metaphors in real contexts. ACADEMIC POSITIONS From May 1st 2017 Post-doc researcher at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Project founded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Title: “Interpreting metaphors: a pragmatic-argumentative model of linguistic meaning” (application no. SFRH/BPD/115073/2016) Duration: 2017 – 2023. March 2015 – February 2017 Post-doc researcher in linguistics and philosophy of language working on the project “Healthy Reasoning. Strategies and Mechanisms of Persuasion in Chronic Care” 1
( Department of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures, Catholic University of Milan, Italy. Supervision: Sarah Bigi. 2014 – 2015 Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of Language, School of Humanities, Degree in Linguistics and Communication, University of Cagliari. 2012 – 2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy of Language, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari. Supervision: Elisabetta Gola. 2013 – 2016 Specialist of Philosophy and theory of language, qualified by the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari. 2008 – 2012 Specialist of Philosophy and theory of language, qualified by the Faculty of Humanities, Roma Tre University. FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS 2017 “Metaphors for Education. A pragmatic-argumentative model of metaphors in patient-provider interactions”, exploratory project granted by FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. PI: Maria Grazia Rossi. Post-Doctoral Fellowships for the project “Interpreting metaphors: a pragmatic-argumentative model of linguistic meaning” (n. SFRH/BPD/115073/2016), funfed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, awarded for 6 years and based at the Nova Institute of Philosophy, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. PI: Maria Grazia Rossi. Supervisor: Fabrizio Macagno. 2015-2018 Member of the research unit of Linguistic Sciences, within the 3-year research project “Tecnologia Positiva e Healthy Ageing” [Positive Technology and Healthy Ageing] (Progetto d’interesse per l’Ateneo, Linea D.3.2, Anno 2014). PI: Giuseppe Riva, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy. 2015-2017 Member of the research unit. Grant “Futuro in Ricerca 2013” (n. RBFR13FQ5J) awarded for 3 years for the project “Healthy Reasoning. Strategies and Mechanisms of Persuasion in Chronic Care” ( PI: Sarah Bigi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy. PRIZE April 24, 2017 Seal of Excellence Certificate delivered by the European Commission, as the institution managing Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, for the project proposal n. 747394, “Met4Edu Metaphors for Education. A pragmatic-argumentative model of metaphors in patient-provider interactions”. Submitted under the Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 of 14 September 2016 by Maria Grazia Rossi and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy. 2
EDUCATION January 2009 – April 2012 Phd in Cognitive Science, University of Messina, Italy. October 2006 – November 2008 Master degree in Theory of Communication, Roma Tre University, Italy. 110/110 summa cum laude, academic embrace and dignity of printing October 2003 – October 2006 Degree in Philosophies and Sciences of Communication and Knowledge, University of Calabria, Italy. 110/110 summa cum laude. RESEARCH PERIOD ABROAD January 15, 2018 – May 30, 2018 Visiting researcher at the Department of Educational Theory and Practice, State University of New York, Albany, New York. Supervision: Istvan Kecskes. September 1, 2010 – November 30, 2010 Visiting research student at the School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences - “Language evolution and computation” research unit, The University of Edinburgh. Supervision: Kenny Smith. March 1, 2008 – June 4, 2008 Visiting research student at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS-CNRS-EHESS), Paris. Supervision: Tiziana Zalla. SPECIALISATION SCHOOLS September 4-8, 2017 rEACH Summer School, organized by the International Association for Communication in Healthcare, Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London, UK. June 10-12, 2015 Training with Susan Larson and Debra Roter for the use of the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS) method, University of Milano, Italy. September 22-25, 2014 Scuola Estiva di Neuroetica, Sissa, Trieste, Italy. April 16-20, 2012 Scuola Netlogo “NetLogo per la Simulazione ad Agenti” [NetLogo for the simulation with agents], CNR, Roma, Italy. January 24-28, 2011 Scuola Invernale TRIPLE 2011 “Il lemma e l'organizzazione dell'informazione lessicale” [Winter School – The organization of lessical information], Department of Linguistics, Roma Tre University, Italy. April 15-17, 2010 Scuola di Ricerca e Formazione sul tema “Problemi aperti nella Filosofia delle Scienze” [Specialization School on “Open problems in the Philosophy of Sciences”, Cesena, Italy. January 25-29, 2010 Scuola Invernale TRIPLE 2010 “Il lessico. Classi di parole, metodi, computazione” [Lexicon. Word Classes, methods, computation], Department of Linguistics, Roma Tre University, Italy. January 14-18, 2008 Scuola dottorale in “Filosofia della scienza cognitiva” [Doctoral School in “Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences”, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University, Italy. PUBBLICATIONS 3
PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND BOOKS Rossi M.G., Leone D. & Bigi S. (2017), The ethical convenience of non-neutrality in medical encounters. Argumentative instruments for healthcare providers, in «Teoria», 2, pp. 139-157. (SCOPUS) Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi M.G. (forth.), Argumentation as a bridge between metaphor and reasoning, in Oswald S., Jacquin J. & Herman (eds), Argumentation & Language. Linguistic, cognitive and discursive explorations, Springer, Berlin. Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi M.G. (2017) (eds.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, De Gruyter, Berlin. Ervas F., Gola E.& Rossi M.G. (2017), How embodied cognition still matters to metaphor studies. In Ervas F., Gola E.& Rossi M.G. (eds.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1-25. Marcacci F. & Rossi M.G. (2017) (eds.), Reasoning, metaphor and science, Isonomia - Epistemologica, vol. 9. Marcacci F. & Rossi M.G. (2017), Reasoning by Metaphors in Science, Philosophy and Practice. In Marcacci F. & Rossi M.G. (eds.), Reasoning, metaphor and science, Isonomia - Epistemologica, vol. 9, pp. 7-22. Rossi M.G. & Bigi S. (2017), mHealth for diabetes support: a systematic review of apps available on the Italian market, in «mHealth», 3:16. DOI: doi: 10.21037/mhealth.2017.04.06 Ervas F., Montibeller M., Rossi M.G. & Salis P. (2017), Expertise and metaphors in health communication, in «Medicina & Storia», XVI, 9-10, pp. 91-108. Rossi M.G. (2016), Metaphors for patient education: a pragmatic-argumentative approach applying to the case of diabetes care, in «RIFL. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio», 10, 2, pp. 34- 48. DOI: 10.4396/20161205 Ervas F., Gola E.& Rossi M.G. (2016), Come affinare le armi della seduzione: emozioni e vigilanza epistemica, in «Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio», RIFL/SFL(2015), pp. 38-52. DOI: 10.4396/2015SFL04 Ervas F., Gola E.& Rossi M.G. (2016), Argomenti metaforici: come integrare persuasione e argomentazione, in «RIFL. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio», RIFL/BC, pp. 116-128. DOI: 10.4396/2016BC09 Rossi M.G. & Bigi S. (2016), Weak Educational Components in mHealth Devices for Diabetes Support Available on the Italian Market, in «Journal of diabetes science and technology», vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1199-1200. Angelucci A., Graziani P. & Rossi M.G. (2016), The Uncanny Valley: a Working Hypothesis. In Nørskov M. (eds.), Social Robots. Boundaries, Potential, Challenges, Amsterdam - Berlin - Tokyo - Washington DC: IOS Press. Rossi M.G. (2014), Emozioni e deliberazione razionale, in «Sistemi intelligenti», 1, pp. 161-169. Angelucci A., Graziani P. & Rossi M.G. (2014), A Philosophical Look at the Uncanny Valley. In Seibt J., Hakli R., and Nørskov M. (eds.), Sociable Robots and the Future of Social Relations. Amsterdam - Berlin - Tokyo - Washington DC: IOS Press, pp. 165-171. [Scopus:] Rossi M.G. (2012), Vincolare le teorie linguistiche. Apprendimento ed evoluzione, in «Reti, saperi, linguaggi», 2, pp. 93-97. Rossi M.G. (2011), Dilemmi morali, in «Sistemi Intelligenti», vol. 1, pp. 187-206. [Scopus:] RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS: Rossi M.G. (2013), Il giudizio del sentimento. Emozioni, giudizi morali e natura umana [The judgment of feeling. Emotions, moral judgments and human nature], Editori Riuniti University Press, Roma. BOOK CHAPTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS 4
Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi M.G. (2015), Metaphors and Emotions as Framing Strategies in Argumentation, in «CEUR-WS», vol. 1419, pp. 645-650. Angelucci A., Bastioni M., Graziani P. & Rossi M.G. (2015), Alcune riflessioni sul fenomeno dell’uncanny valley. In P. Graziani, G. Grimaldi & M. Sangoi, Animali razionali. Studi sui confini e sulle possibilità della razionalità, Limina Mentis, 2015. Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi M.G. (2014), Ragionare con il corpo. Il ruolo delle metafore e delle emozioni nel ragionamento. In NeaScience. In M. Cruciani & A. Rega, Proceedings of Annual meeting of Aisc-Codisco “Corpi, strumenti e cognizione [Bodies, Tools and Cognition]”, pp. 141- 143; Rossi M.G. (2013), Giudizi morali e gerarchie emotive, in «Babelonline», 13, pp. 233-240. Rossi M.G. (2012), On the Nature of Moral Conflicts. In P. Graziani, L. Guzzardi & M. Sangoi (eds.), Open problems in the philosophy of sciences, Vol. 2, College Publications, London. Rossi M.G. (2012), Il ruolo della trasmissione culturale nell’evoluzione delle strutture linguistiche. In M. Cruciani & F. Cecconi (Eds.), Atti del nono convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive, pp. 196-200, Università degli Studi di Trento. Available at http://www.aisc- JARGON-FREE ARTICLES: Rossi M.G. (2016), Metaphors, argumentation and health communication, RaAM Newsletter, July 2016, p. 17. Bigi S. & Rossi M.G. (2015), Comunicare nel(la) Cronicità, in «Media», 15, pp. 1-4. CONFERENCES (*presenter) 2018 Rossi* M.G., Macagno F. & Bigi S., Dialogical functions and effectiveness of metaphors in medical settings, accepted to be presented at the 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, University of Amsterdam, 3-6/07/ 2018. Caretto A., Rossi M.G., Laurenzi A., Triberti S., Gandolfi A., Barrasso M., Molinari C., Bolla A.M., Bosi E., Bigi S., Scavini M. & Dozio N., The “Active Ageing” app: preliminary usability evaluation of a mobile application for diabetes self-management, poster accepted to be presented at the 11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2018), Vienna, Austria, 14-17/02/2018. Triberti S.*, Bigi S., Rossi M.G., Caretto A., Laurenzi A., Dozio N., Scavini M., Pergolizzi E., Ozzello A., Serino S. & Riva G., The ActiveAgeing Mobile App fpr Diabetes Self-Management: first adherence data and analysis of patients’ in-app notes, 7th EAI International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (MindCare), Boston, United States, 9- 10/01/2018. 2017 Rossi* M.G., Macagno F. & Bigi S., (Mis)understanding metaphors: The project “Metaphors for diabetes”, presented at the I Congresso Nacional de Comunicação Clínica da SP3CS (Sociedade Portuguesa de Comunicação Clínica em Cuidados de Saúde), Braga, Portugal, 20- 21/10/2017. 5
Bigi S., Macagno F. & Rossi M.G., Analyzing the dialogical structure of medical consultations, presented at the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA), 11-14/10/2017, University of Bologna, Italy. Rossi* M.G., Macagno F. & Bigi S., Metaphors for diabetes: evidence-based communicative instruments for patient education in chronic care, poster presented at the EACH Summer Event, Regent's University, Regent's Park, London, UK, 4-6/09/2017 Bigi* S. & Rossi* M.G., Collaborative deliberation and metaphors as processes for effective healthcare provision in multicultural medical settings (Panel on “Increasing mobility in health care and challenges to multilingual health care communication”, chaired by Hohenstein Christiane et al.), presented at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, 16- 21/07/2017. Macagno* F. & Rossi* M.G., Metaphors and their misunderstanding: an analysis of doctor-patient interactions (Panel on “Current issues in intercultural pragmatics”, chaired by Kecskes Istvan et al.), presented at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, 16-21/07/2017. Bigi* S., Rossi M.G., Soldatesca S., Di Berardino P., Giordano R., La Penna G., Leotta S., Agrusta M. & Visalli N., L’empowerment del clinico come strumento per supportare l’engagement del paziente: descrizione di un percorso di formazione innovativo per il miglioramento delle competenze comunicative dei diabetologi, poster presented at the XXI Congresso Nazionale AMD “Per una diabetologia predittiva, preventiva, personalizzata e partecipativa”, Napoli, 17- 20/05/2017. Rossi* M.G., Metafore per il diabete. Strumenti linguistici per l’educazione del paziente, invited talk at the workshop “Parlare per immagini. Giornata di studi a partire dal libro di Alberto Martinengo Filosofie della metafora”, Università degli Studi di Milano, 14/03/2017. Rossi* M.G., Il diabete in metafore. Un metodo pragmatico e argomentativo, presented at the XXIII Congresso nazionale della Società italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio “La ricerca italiana in filosofia del linguaggio”, Università di Bologna, 19-21/01/2017. Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi* M.G., La metafora nella comunicazione scientifica: dall'effetto framing all'efficacia comunicativa in ambito sanitario, presented at the XXIII Congresso nazionale della Società italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio “La ricerca italiana in filosofia del linguaggio”, Università di Bologna, 19-21/01/2017. 2016 Rossi* M.G., Macagno F. & Bigi S., The Role of Metaphors in Understanding and Reasoning in Medical Encounters, presented at the 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare The University Conference Centre, Heidelberg, 7-10/09/2016: Bigi* S., Rossi* M.G., Leone D., Vegni E., Combining RIAS with the analysis of dialogical moves in consultations: insights and new perspectives (poster session), presented at the 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare The University Conference Centre, Heidelberg, 7-10/09/2016. Leone D., Vegni E., Galli F., Del Negro S., Rossi* M.G., Borghi L., The Doctor-Couple Communication In Reproductive Medicine: A Pilot Study Through The RIAS, Presented at the 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare The University Conference Centre, Heidelberg, 7-10/09/2016. Bigi* S., Rossi M.G., Mayweg-Paus E., Macagno F., Assessing The Quality Of Deliberation In Chronic Care Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Approach, presented at the 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare The University Conference Centre, Heidelberg, 7-10/09/2016. Rossi* M.G., Macagno F., Bigi S., Metaphors for diabetes: A method of analysis and classification, presented at the 11th International Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor “Metaphor in the Arts, in Media and Communication”, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 1-4/07/2016. 2015 6
Bigi* S. & Rossi M.G., Healthy Reasoning: La cura del diabete tra linguistica e argomentazione, poster presented at the II incontro “Tra medici e linguisti. Lingua e patologia: le frontiere interdisciplinari del linguaggio”, Accademia Pontiana e Società Napoletana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, University of Naples Federico II, 10-11/12/2015. Rossi* M.G., Emozioni. Talk presented within the seminar series “Voci della filosofia del linguaggio e della mente” (organized by Francesca Ervas), University of Cagliari, 2/12/2015. (invited speaker) Bigi* S. & Rossi* M.G., ICTs for the medical profession: a systematic review, presented at the 5th International Conference of the Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) “Language, discourse and action in professional practice”, University of Milan, 5-7/11/2015. Ervas* F., Gola E. & Rossi* M.G., Come affinare le armi della seduzione: emozioni e vigilanza epistemica, presented at the XXII Convegno nazionale della Società italiana di filosofia del linguaggio “La ricerca attuale”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 1-3/10/2015. Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi* M.G., On the Role of Metaphors and Emotions in Reasoning, presented at the international conference “EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science”, Torino, 25-27/09/2015. Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi* M.G., A bridge between metaphor and reasoning, presented at the international conference “Argumentation & Language”, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 9- 11/09/2015. Bigi* S., Rossi* M.G., Barello S., Graffigna G., Mulas M.F., Musacchio N., Speaking Wisely: pratiche dialogiche appropriate in diabetologia, poster presented at the XX Congresso nazionale AMD “L’Evoluzione della Diabetologia alla luce del Piano Nazionale Diabete”, Genova, 13-16/05/2015. Bigi* S., Barello S., Graffigna G., Macagno F. & Rossi M.G., Pratiche Argomentative Positive e Coinvolgimento Attivo del Paziente in Diabetologia, project proposal presented at the “Gruppo AMD – Diabetologia Misurata”, Milano, 28/02/2015. (invited speaker) 2014 Ervas F., Gola E. & Rossi* M.G., Reasoning with body. The role of metaphors and emotions in reasoning, poster presented at the Annual Meeting of Aisc and CODISCO “Bodies, Tools & Cognition”, University of Roma Tre, Roma, 2-5/12/2014. Rossi* M.G., Gerarchie morali. Un’ipotesi sulla natura emotiva del giudizio morale, presented at the Scuola di Neuroetica, Sissa, Trieste, 22-25/09/2014. Rossi* M.G., La natura della deliberazione pubblica: un caso di studio per comprendere il dibattito contemporaneo sul ruolo delle emozioni nella razionalità, presented at the Convegno Scientifico Internazionale di Neuroetica e I Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroetica – SINe “UNO SGUARDO DA QUALE MENTE? LA PROSPETTIVA NEUROETICA. Incontri su Neuroscienze e Società, VI Edizione”, University of Padua, 14-16/05/2014. 2013 Rossi* M.G., Il ruolo delle emozioni nelle istituzioni democratiche, Lecture at the XX Congresso Nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio, University of Palermo, 24-26/09/2013. Rossi* M.G., Tecnologia e apprendimento. Un approccio funzionale sui Learning Objects, lecture at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari, 7/06/2013. (invited speaker) Rossi* M.G., Quale ragionamento morale? Emozioni, metafore e argomentazione etica, lecture at the Workshop: “Metaphor, Analogy, Reasoning”, Second Cagliari-Urbino Meeting, Urbino, 27-28/05/2013 (invited speaker) 2012 Rossi* M.G., Il ruolo della trasmissione culturale nell’evoluzione delle strutture linguistiche, presented at the IX Convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana in Scienze Cognitive (AISC), Roma, 5/12/2012. 7
Rossi* M.G., Less is more. The role of transmission bottleneck in the evolution of linguistic structures, poster presented at the “Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution”, June 28- July 1, 2012. Rossi* M.G., Less is more. Il ruolo del transmission bottlenek nell’evoluzione delle strutture linguistiche [Less is more. The role of transmission bottlenek in the evolution of linguistic structures], lecture at the Doctoral Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University, 14/06/2012. (invited speaker) 2011 Rossi* M.G., An argument against the Culturalist models, Lecture at the LEC (Language Evolution and Computation) talk, The University of Edinburgh, 1/11/2011. (invited speaker) Rossi* M.G., Against identification of language change and language evolution, Lecture at the Protolang 2 Conference, Torun, Poland, 20/09/2011. Rossi* M.G., Constraining languages theories. Learning and evolution, Lecture at Doctoral Seminar, Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of Messina, 19/12/2011. (invited speaker) 2010 Rossi* M.G., Natura del linguaggio e teoria dell’evoluzione: la questione della plausibilità evolutiva, lecture at Doctoral Seminar on “Naturalisation and evolution of language and mind”, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University, 24/06/2010. (invited speaker) Rossi* M.G., Quanto è evolutivamente plausibile il minimalismo?, lecture at the “IV convegno nazionale del CODISCO”, “Mente, linguaggio, evoluzione”, Roma Tre University, 08/06/2010. Rossi* M.G., Fatti che interrogano valori, lecture at Workshop on “Quale rapporto tra etica descrittiva ed etica normativa?”, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University (speaker and organizer, with Massimo Marraffa), 24/05/2010. Rossi* M.G., Il giudizio del sentimento, poster presented at the Congress “Neuroetica. Le grandi questioni”, Padova, 5-7/05/2010. Rossi* M.G., Sulla natura dei conflitti morali, lecture at the Conference on “Problemi aperti nella filosofia delle scienze”, Cesena, 16/04/2010. Rossi* M.G., Linguaggio e Natura Umana, lecture at Philosophy of Language Seminar, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 23/03/2010. (invited speaker) Rossi* M.G., M. Corballis on the Evolution of Language, Lecture at Doctoral Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University, 2/03/2010. (invited speaker). 2009 Rossi* M.G., Intuizioni e giudizi morali [Intuitions and moral judgements], Poster presented at the “III Convegno nazionale del CODISCO”, Noto (SR), 8-12/06/2009. 2008 Zalla* T. & Rossi* M.G., Impairments of subjective confidence and performance monitoring in Asperger Syndrome, Lecture at Jean Nicod Seminar for the research group about “How subjective confidence modulates performance and belief: conceptual, developmental, and psychopathological issues”(ANR – 2007/2010) directed by Elisabeth Pacherie, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France, 14/03/2008. TUTORIALS Teaching assistant and supervision of health professionals in the context of diabetes care: 8
- Corso di livello per formatori AMD, “La forza delle parole. Strumenti linguistici per favorire l’empowerment della Persona con Diabete e l’aderenza alla terapia”, Roma, 3-4/02/2017. Teaching assistant and supervision of students, University of Cagliari, Italy: - 2014 – 2015: Tutor of the Degree in Philosophy and theory of communication; - 2014: Tutor of the Master –Management of communication services; - 2014: Tutor of the course English; - 2013-2014: Tutor of the course Pedagogy of the communication processes; - 2008-2009: Tutor of the course Cognitive Psychology of communication. Seminars and supervision of students, University of Messina, Italy: - 2011: Tutor of the Language Sciences Lab; - 2009: Tutor of Philosophy of Language. SUPERVISING, MENTORING ACTIVITIES: Experience as scientific adviser – Bachelor thesis, 2015-2016, University of Cagliari, Italy: - Valeria Podda, Natura e cultura in conflitto: L'apprendimento del linguaggio nei bambini selvaggi - Masia Davide, Successi e fallimenti: la pragmatica delle intenzioni comunicative: - Costorella Mauro, Il corpo che parla. Il linguaggio non-verbale in Polonia; - Paola Carta, Emozioni e linguaggio. Perché la comunicazione emotiva tra madre e figlio può essere considerata la base per l’acquisizione del linguaggio (supervision with Elisabetta Gola); - Michela Pillai, Il volto e lo sguardo: biglietto da visita nella comunicazione (supervision with Elisabetta Gola). - - ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: - Member of the organizing and scientific committees of the 10th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), “Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education”, 20-23/06/2014, University of Cagliari, Italy. - Workshop on “Emozioni e Scelta”, March 18, 2014, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari (organizer, with Elisabetta Gola). - 3rd SIFA Graduate Conference: Language, Logic and Mind, September 16-18, 2013, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari (organizer, with Cristina Amoretti, Francesca Ervas, Valentina Favrin, José Gil Férez, Antonio Ledda, Giuseppe Sergioli, Giuliano Vivanet). - Workshop on “Quale rapporto tra etica descrittiva ed etica normativa?” [Which relationship there is between descriptive and normative ethic?], May 24, 2010, Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University (organizer, with Massimo Marraffa). - Workshop on “Morality and Social Cognition”, Institut Jean Nicod (ENS-CNRS-EHESS), June 3, 2008 (organizer, with Tiziana Zalla). MEMBER OF: - Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal - International Pragmatic Association (IPrA) - Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) - European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH) - Sociedade Portuguesa de Competências de Comunicação Clínica em Cuidados de Saúde (SP3CS) 9
- Società Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio (SFL) - “LinguisticaMente” Research Group, from January 2013. Web site: - Alophis (Applied LOgic, Philosophy and HIstory of Science) Research Group. SPECIFIC SKILLS: Languages: Italian (native speaker), English (proficient), Portuguese (elementary). Dicember, 18 – 2017 10
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