Prepared for City of Whitehorse Planning and Sustainability Services By January 2018
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Prepared for City of Whitehorse Planning and Sustainability Services By January 2018 In association with Ra ndy Lew is C onsult ing
Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY AREA 3 3.0 WHAT WE HEARD 6 4.0 ROBERT SERVICE CAMPGROUND 8 5.0 LOWER BOWL/ SNOW DUMP 10 6.0 UPPER TERRACE/ESCARPMENT 12 7.0 EAR LAKE QUARRIES 14 8.0 EAR LAKE RECREATION 16 9.0 TRAIL CONNECTIONS 18 10.0 OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS 20 Acknowledgements: The Project Team gratefully acknowledges the many individuals who provided their time, information, thoughts and advice to the creation of this report. A list of governments, stakeholder groups, and individuals consulted during the study can be found in the Robert Service Way Planning Study Background Report. ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 1
1.0 Introduction Robert Service Way (RSW), formerly referred to as commissioned a planning study into the RSW area the “South Access”, is the main arterial road to bridge any knowledge gaps. The objectives of connecting the Alaska Highway to the southern the study were to: entrance of Downtown Whitehorse. This two/four- • Assess ecological, wildlife, archaeological, lane paved road roughly bisects a 337.85-hectare heritage and recreational values; area – herein referred to as the Robert Service Way • Determine the likelihood of contamination (or study) area - with a diversity of physiographic issues; features, land uses, and values. • Explore development and servicing options for Several planning studies have been undertaken in the study area; the past for the RSW area, the most recent being a • Determine a vision for the remediation and 1997 Area Development Scheme. Since that time, recreational use of the Ear and Hobo Lakes area; numerous changes to land tenure and use in the area have occurred, including: and, • Review the existing function and future of the • Both the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta’an ball diamond and campground area. Kwäch’än Council signed Final and Self Government Agreements that conferred The project was carried out in three distinct phases ownership over two land parcels in the area; as illustrated below. A comprehensive Background • Planning was undertaken for the western shore Report was issued in July 2017 to provide a baseline of Schwatka Lake in 2015 and the Order in of information about the planning area prior to Council for the Chadburn Lake Park Reserve was public engagement. This document contains a withdrawn in 2016; summary of information provided in the Background Report but is focused primarily on the final • Yukon Energy Corporation constructed a liquid recommendations of the Planning Team. Two stand- natural gas storage facility in 2015; and, alone companion studies were also undertaken to • The ten-year lease terms expired for two quarry supplement the contents of the Background Report: operators situated in the Ear Lake area in a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and December 2016. Heritage Resource Overview Assessment (both In preparation for review of the Official Community public and site-sensitive versions). Plan (OCP) in 2018, the City of Whitehorse Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 1 Background Report & Recommendations Information Gathering Public Engagement & Final Report FEBRUARY - JUNE JULY - SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2017 - 2017 2017 JANUARY 2018 2 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
2.0 Overview of the Study Area The Robert Service Way (RSW) study area is located Land Tenure and Uses within the City of Whitehorse municipal boundaries south of the Downtown. The area is bounded by the The Government of Yukon (YG) is the predominant Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport to the landowner, followed by the City of Whitehorse. north, Alaska Highway to the west, Yukon River Land uses include: and/or White Pass and Yukon Route (WPYR) railway to the east, and the Ear Lake area to the south. Vacant lands - The RSW study area consists of predominantly undeveloped Commissioner’s lands. Three distinct landscape features delineate the The KDFN and TKC parcels are also vacant; study area: portions of both were previously cleared and quarried. A small YG parcel encompassing Ear • Yukon River valley bottom – This includes Lake’s peninsula is a former life estate lease. the fluvial plain of the Yukon River and adjacent channel islands complex, which are home to Industrial/quarry operations - Industrial and Robert Service campground. To the west of RSW quarrying operations occur on two private parcels is a portion of the Yukon River fluvial plain that and two City leases in the Ear Lake area. Skookum forms a broad “C” shaped area, or bowl, that is Asphalt Ltd. and Norcon Concrete Products Inc. occupied by a City snow dump (seasonally) and own the private parcels, and Norcon and Annie Ta’an Kwäch’än Council (TKC) parcel C-28B. Lake Trucking Ltd hold the leases. Recreation infrastructure - Formal recreation • The upper terrace/escarpment – The nodes include the Millennium Trail, Bert Law Park, western portion of the study area is separated Robert Service Campground, the softball complex, from the Yukon River valley bottom by a steep motocross track, and a “mud bog” event area. escarpment and occupied by the southerly Informal recreation nodes include the river, Ear Lake portion of the airport reserve, Commissioner’s and the local network of roads and trails. land, and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) parcel C-34B. Public utilities - The RSW area is home to the Yukon Energy Corporation’s (YEC) Whitehorse • Ear Lake complex – This complex of kettle- Rapids hydroelectric facility, headquarters, and kame terrain comprises the area situated south liquid natural gas (LNG) storage facility and of RSW and includes Ear and Hobo lakes. generator. The City snow dump is its largest and the Approximately half of the area has been utilized only one open to commercial snow removal for gravel quarrying since the 1950s. contractors. YEC has a substation in the vicinity of its power plant, which subsequently feeds into two Pho to below: Lo ng radius curve of R SW facin g north towards TKC parcel C-28 B. ATCO power distribution lines that bisect Lot 1267. ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 3
3.0 Current Conditions Geology and Terrain Ecology RSW’s three physiographic regions have different The RSW area is home to three Environmentally geological and terrain characteristics – and Sensitive Areas (ESAs), two of which are also accordingly, different development opportunities considered Significant Wildlife Areas. These include: and constraints. The steep glaciolacustrine 1. Shallow, sheltered bays, open water, and riparian escarpment of the Whitehorse valley and kettle- kame features present in the Ear Lake area are the areas of small lakes, such as Ear and Hobo Lakes; area’s predominant landscape features and 2. The Riverdale-Yukon River Flats Wildlife Area; development constraints. and, 3. Steep, exposed silt bluffs below the airport. Much of the valley bottom is deemed suitable for development, with generally level, well-draining sand and gravel near the surface and the water table 2-3 metres below ground. The upper terrace has good to moderate development potential, with undulating topography and high erosion potential of surficial sands posing some challenges. Pho to abo ve : Water le ve ls h ave d ro ppe d sign ificantly at Ea r L ake and th e exact cause is u nknown . Ear and Hobo Lakes and surrounding area are considered to have moderate to high environmental sensitivity and provide habitat for waterfowl and semi-aquatic mammals. Most of the Pho to above: View o f the valle y bo tto m an d river islands in the Riverdale-Yukon River Flats Wildlife chann el islan ds fro m the escarpment Area are permanently forested and, during periods McLean Creek is the predominant up gradient water of low water, mid-river islands can become source, entering the study area from the west and exposed gravel bars with willow-alder. Spawning discharging into Hobo Lake, which has no outlet but and rearing habitat for Chinook salmon and Arctic is presumed to flow eastward to Ear Lake and grayling exists throughout the islands complex in ultimately Schwatka Lake. The water levels in Ear shallow side channels and along RSW. A small and Hobo Lakes have fluctuated in the past but colony of Little Brown Myotis (bats), an endangered have been on a consistent downward trend in species, has been documented along the bluffs recent years due to unknown causes. below the airport; otherwise, this ESA is not considered significant for wildlife. There are no known rare plant species within the study area. ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 5
Heritage and Archaeology solvents, etc. Of additional potential concern are various adjoining current and historic land uses, Several sites within the study area are of particular including the Land Treatment Facility on airport significance from a heritage and historical lands, quarrying and industrial activities on private standpoint. The present-day Robert Service parcels near Ear Lake, WPYR and YEC operations, Campground was a traditional fish camp for local and the decommissioned pipeline on the western Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta’an Kwäch'än side of the Alaska Highway. people, site of a Kwanlin village, and a camp for visiting First Nations. Its use as a recreational site by Site Servicing non-Indigenous Whitehorse residents dates back to the 1920s. There are three known archaeological There is no municipal water or wastewater service in sites in the study area. A Heritage Resources the study area at present. The most favourable Overview Assessment concluded the highest option for connection to the City’s water system is potential for heritage resources is located along to create a watermain extension from the corner of ridges and terraces where high, flat terrain breaks to Condor Road, south of the airport. Similarly, a downward slopes and waterfront areas. sewage connection would ideally tie into the airport. These upgrades would likely be necessitated by future residential development in the Southern Urban Containment Boundary area roughly extending from the south of Copper Ridge to Canyon Creek. Transportation The two major roads located within the RSW area are RSW itself and the Alaska Highway. The Ear Lake Road is a secondary gravel road but does connect to RSW at a signaled intersection. As of early 2018, the Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works has shelved a long-term functional plan for the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse Pho to abo ve: The WPYR railwa y o n a stee p bank and will focus on priority safety improvements, section ru nning alo ngside Ear Lake (no te the much including the intersection with RSW. highe r wa te r le ve l). (S ou rce : Yukon Archives) Contamination Issues Power The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for Yukon Energy Corporation’s hydroelectric and LNG public lands in the RSW area found that heavy facilities are situated in the middle of the planning vehicle movements and equipment storage area. About 1-1.5 megawatts of power capacity are activities associated with the historic quarrying potentially available to service development in the activities, motorized sports, and the snow dump RSW area currently; any power needs beyond this have the potential to result in soil and/or threshold would trigger new upgrades in the $5 groundwater contamination by heavy metals, fuels, million range. 6 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
3.0 What We Heard Overview The stakeholder and public engagement component of the study centered around two key elements: • Interviews with government representatives, etc. With an interest in the study area; and, • A survey (short and long version) that was delivered online and in person at four “pop-up” booths from July 28 to September 10, 2017. The long survey included the same core questions Study Area Uses as the quick survey (use of the study area, values, general comments) as well as more detailed Survey participants were most likely to use the questions about land uses, recreation, and Ear Lake. Millennium Trail (88%), drive through the study area (85%), and use other trails in the area (59%). Users RS W ENGAGE MENT , BY TH E NUMB ERS Study Area Uses of the ball diamonds and motocross track were well represented in the survey (21% and 17% of • 16 government & stakeholder interviews respondents, respectively). 23% of participants • 176 public surveys (short version) indicated using the area for other activities, • 300 public surveys (long version) primarily paddling, swimming, and watching the • 257 social media interactions mud bogs. • Neighbourhood of residence: Riverdale - 28%; Porter Creek – 11%; country residential Below: Fr eq uent ly occ ur r ing wo rds used to a nswer south of RSW – 11%; Copper Ridge – 10%; t he quest ion, “ Wha t do you like and/o r val ue mos t Downtown – 7% a bout t he RS W a rea ?” ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 7
Key Findings and Themes • A majority of survey respondents (67%) supported future land use policy that promotes a balance between development and • The future of the RSW area was considered protection of green space and aesthetics, “important” or “very important” to an followed closely by policy promoting minimal overwhelming majority of survey change (62%). A third policy option to maximize respondents. development in the area received only 33% • Views, lack of development, green space, support. and recreational opportunities are the most • Recreation was the most supported highly valued characteristics of the RSW area by future land use option for all of the sub-areas survey respondents. The area’s close proximity in the RSW corridor. Non-motorized trail use was to Downtown was frequently mentioned in generally the most supported form of relation to the presence of green space, and recreational development, but there were many many respondents spoke to the area’s gateway expressions of support for a new whitewater function and role in forming first impressions for slalom course, improvements at Ear Lake, and visitors to the city. motorized trail use. • Yukon Energy’s liquid natural gas (LNG) • Opposition was generally high to future plant was the most frequently cited dislike built development throughout the RSW area, about the study area by survey respondents, but there was greater acceptance for followed by the “waste” or underutilization development in the area immediately south of of land, traffic, and quarries/asphalt the airport. There was reasonably strong support plants. Traffic concerns related to both for a continuation of current uses in the snow congestion and speeding; some singled out the dump/lower bowl area (including the mud bog perceived danger of the intersection of RSW with and motocross amenities). In contrast, just over the Alaska Highway. half of respondents expressed opposition to continued quarrying and industrial operations in Below: Fr eq uent ly occ ur r ing wo rds used t o the Ear Lake area. a nswer the questi on, “ Wha t do you dislike a nd/or va lue lea st a bout t he a rea ?” 8 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
4.0 Robert Service Campground Area for this initiative at present. Additional parking What We Know would be needed and there is little to no room to The Robert Service Campground (RSC), Bert Law accommodate it on the river side of RSW. Park (BLP), and adjacent section of the Millennium Trail (MT) are situated within the Yukon River Flats W hite ho rse R es iden ts To ld Us: Wildlife Area, an ecologically rich habitat for birds and aquatic life. The campground area is an “Great location for a campground close to town. important heritage site to local First Nations and its Day use area could be…used more for recreational use by non-Indigenous residents dates community events.” back to the 1920s. “The campground is managed well but is The campground is owned by the City but has been outdated and needs improvement as well as operated on a lease basis for several decades. The expansion.” campground receives an estimated 19,000-22,000 “It should stay just the way it is!” visitors to its 68 walk-in tent sites and day use area “Find biking/hiking Bert Law a little creepy – during its mid-May to end of September season. would welcome trail improvements.” The site is not connected to municipal services and the washroom building is in need of replacement in “I specifically avoid this campground because of the short to medium term. City administration the folks ‘living’ there.” intends to assume operations of the campground in “Whitewater rec area would be amazing. It has 2018. City staff view the site as an ideal venue for the potential to be as big as mountain biking in nature-based programming, including summer the Yukon.” camps. Providing overnight sites for small recreational vehicles (i.e. campers) by expanding The softball diamonds on the west side of RSW across RSW has also been contemplated. across from the campground access serve about 1100 softball players each spring and summer. BLP is accessed from the campground and MT via a About $200,000 of capital improvements have been bridge and its infrastructure is limited to a few made to the facility in recent years by Softball interpretive signs, a bench, and perimeter Yukon and a 10-year lease with the City for use of singletrack (narrow) trail. Illegal camping on the the site was renewed in early 2017. islands west of the park has been an ongoing issue. Pedestrian and bicycle connections between the The Yukon Canoe and Kayak Club (YCKC) aims to ball diamond and campground, as well as between construct a whitewater slalom course in the Bert Law the MT, airport escarpment, and Miles Canyon Road Island channel through its “Rock the River” project. (MCR) are marginal. There is no concrete commitment or timeframe C y ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 9
What We Heard • Survey respondents told us they most frequently • Support was strongest for trail visited the MT (62% using it “often”). BLP was improvements to BLP (72%) and visited more frequently than the campground development of a whitewater slalom course day use area. (65%). Potential campground expansion was supported by 45% and opposed by 32%. Planning Directions & • City and/or third party and year-round programming; Recommendations • Opportunities for private sector partners; • Expansion to serve additional visitors and The long-term planning direction for this portion of (possibly) small recreational vehicles; and, the RSW area should be the protection and • Accommodating parking for a potential enhancement of its significant ecological, heritage whitewater slalom course in the future and recreational values. The 2010 Official within the campground day use area. Community Plan designation is still appropriate. Future development should be 2. Complete trail improvements to BLP for limited to low-impact recreational uses with a improved sustainability and user enjoyment minimal footprint. In addition, the City should: and promote awareness and appreciation of the island by incorporating 1. Undertake a facility refurbishment plan to it into City events and programming. identify service provision, programming functions, and infrastructure needs for RSC, 3. Install a pedestrian crosswalk between the with specific consideration for: campground and softball diamonds/RSW bus stop. • Showcasing the site’s heritage values and 4. Direct MT and RSC trail users through traditional uses in cooperation with local First Nation governments; the campground to bypass a section of RSW and mark a route from ball diamonds to • Balancing day and community use with the escarpment (see Sections 6/9). visitor needs; 10 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
Pho to above: So uth facing view o f the lower bowl are a from the airpo rt escarpme nt, with lower airport light tower, the m oto cro ss track and City sno w dump a re a in the cleared are a. Schwatka La ke is visible in the backg ro un d. 5.0 Lower Bowl/Snow Dump parcel for over 30 years and is interested in a more What We Know secure tenure and expanding their event offerings. The motocross track also lacks any motorized multi- The City’s Lot 1267 and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council’s use trail connections, although it is regularly used as (TKC) C-28B currently occupy the C-shaped portion a staging area for cross-country rides. of the Yukon River fluvial plain, located in the middle of the planning area. The site was previously There are several constraints to future development quarried for gravel and used during the construction of the City’s parcel, including the two ATCO of the Whitehorse Rapids dam. The area has good distribution lines bisecting it (which currently have development potential. no easement and would cost about $500-$750,000 to relocate) and the planned installation of an TKC has no immediate plans to develop their additional three runway light towers directly west of parcel. Yukon Energy Corporation (YEC) has the motocross track. The TKC parcel has an unusual expressed an interest in the ability to pursue configuration and access will need to be potential future energy infrastructure expansion in coordinated with activities on Lot 1267. Proximity to this area. The City’s snow dump, which seasonally the main airport runway largely rules out residential occupies the southern half of Lot 1267, is the only development as well. disposal site available to commercial snow removal contractors. Any snow dump relocation further from Downtown could compromise efficiency for the What We Heard Public Works department. • Survey respondents were most supportive of use Mayor and Council approved a 10-year lease (with of the lower bowl for parks and recreation 3-month termination clause) to the Yukon Cross (play fields, etc.) (82%), community Country Motorcycle Association in May 2017, agriculture (64%), and continued use for thereby formalizing a longstanding use of a motocross and “mud bogging” (51%). motocross track in the northern portion of Lot 1267. Opposition was strongest to built The Midnight Sun Dirt Riders Association has development. informally managed a mud bog site in the same ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 11
• Continued City snow dumping operations Wh at Wh iteh orse Re side nts T old Us: received marginal support (42%), but almost as many neutral responses (38%). There were “Please don’t pollute this access…with big box negative comments about site aesthetics. stores! It sets the…perception of our city.” • 43% of participants who don’t use the “Motocross, mud bog need a place for their motocross track expressed support for its events but not (here). Eye sore.” continued use, while 30% expressed opposition. “I don’t support destructive machine-based “recreating”, though I think the motocross area is a good use and place for that kind of Planning Directions and thing – a sacrifice zone.” Recommendations “This is a valuable piece of land close to the downtown core which is highly under-used. This area has hosted interim activities for decades, Snow can melt elsewhere.” and in the absence of a proposal for a specific end “I think it could be developed into a more use, a continuation of the status quo is appropriate. interesting recreational space.” The 2010 Official Community Plan designations are still applicable, and the most “Industrial and commercial do not belong likely trigger for a change to the status quo will be near our river and campground.” development of the TKC parcel in the future. Over “Makes sense to use this area as it is already the long-term, the continuation of snow dumping disturbed.” could compromise highest and best use of C- 28B and the land use compatibility provisions of 2. Explore the potential for relocating the snow TKC’s Self-Government Agreement. dump to the Ear Lake area over the next 10-15 Over the long-term, the highest and best use of years (see Section 7). Lot 1267 is deemed to be space-intensive 3. Work with TKC to ensure that future recreation (playing fields, event grounds, etc.) The development of C-28B and snow dumping strategic location of C-28B and TKC’s revenue operations and lessee activities (if still in generation interests suggest a broader range of effect) are coordinated and compatible. land uses, particularly mixed use and commercial, could be considered in this parcel. Such 4. Designate and mark motorized multi-use development would ideally maintain corridor trail connections to and from the aesthetics to the extent possible. motocross track (see Sections 6/9). Public support for motorized recreation here is 5. Initiate discussions with Erik Nielsen considerably higher than it has been in City trail Whitehorse International Airport administration planning processes in other areas; the continuation around the envisioned new light towers. of these uses in the future will ultimately depend on 6. Maintain flexibility to support creative, their compatibility with new uses that emerge. community-oriented interim uses of the In addition, the City should: area between RSW and the mud bog site. 1. Initiate discussions with the Midnight Sun Dirt 7. Work with ATCO to establish an easement Riders Association to formalize use of the for the distribution lines located in Lot 1267. mud bog site. 12 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
6.0 Upper Terrace/South of Airport What We Know Wh at Wh iteh orse Re side nts Said: This portion of the planning area includes the steep “This area has incredible recreational glaciolacustrine escarpment found throughout the potential...” Yukon River valley in Whitehorse, a generally level “Create an aesthetic corridor leading to plain in the south, and undulating topography Whitehorse, first impression shouldn’t be closer to the airport boundary. The area has good industrial looking.” to moderate development potential, although the escarpment itself is considered highly sensitive. “We already have a large land intensive commercial area…there is absolutely no These lands are vacant at present, but the need for more of this.” Government of Yukon (YG) parcel has been “This is a prime commercial area, completely considered for highway operations. Kwanlin Dün unused. However, development should First Nation (KDFN) does not have specific plans for consider aesthetics.” parcel C-34B at present. The 2020 airport master plan envisioned mixed commercial-industrial “Creating too much retail or commercial use development to the airport fence; the plan is next to the highway may slowly replace the currently being updated. downtown core and become a “1 strip highway town” (not good).” Topography and access are the two biggest constraints on development. In order to meet • There were many more neutral responses to highway safety standards, the only probable access land use options here than for the snow dump points are from the current Ear Lake Road area, suggesting that the public may not be as intersection and across from the weigh scales. invested in the end use of this site. Commercial development requiring visibility is further precluded by the significant grade difference between the highway and KDFN and YG parcels; Planning Direction and remedying this would require substantial fill. Recommendations The airport perimeter trail is highly used and valued by Whitehorse residents, but sections of it are The upper terrace area poses an increasingly rare eroding badly and good connections to/from it are opportunity to develop with minimal negative limited. impacts on visual quality, environment, or recreation. Its current zoning as Public Services is What We Heard appropriate but may be unnecessarily restrictive. The City should: • Parks and recreation was the most strongly 1. Consider the re-designation of the supported option (67%) for future use of this Government of Yukon portion of the upper area. Development was generally opposed – terrace area to mixed use commercial but by 46% of respondents for light/clean industrial, retain environmental protection of the 45% for “land-intensive commercial” (car escarpment during the upcoming Official dealerships, etc.), and 44% for institutional. Community Plan process; ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 13
2. Work with airport administration to address 5. Work with Highways and Public Works to ensure airport trail erosion and formalize trailhead that any future controlled intersection at the signage and parking at the southern weigh scales includes a pedestrian crossing boundary; to facilitate connections to/from Ice Lake Park 3. Designate and mark motorized multi-use (see Section 9); and, connections between the Alaska Highway, Ear 6. Construct a sustainably graded singletrack Lake Road and motocross track (see Section 9); (narrow) trail to/from the escarpment to 4. Maintain minimum 30-metre development crosswalks across from Miles Canyon Road and buffers from the top of escarpment and retain the Robert Service Campground (see Section 9). trail connectivity; 14 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
7.0 Ear Lake Quarries What We Know What We Heard Gravel quarrying and industrial activities in the Ear • Non-motorized recreation (85%) and Lake area began in the 1950s and are currently commercial recreation (63%) were most confined to two private parcels (owned by Norcon strongly supported as future end uses of the Enterprises and Skookum Asphalt) and two City ALT lease. Opposition was strongest to leases (to Norcon and Annie Lake Trucking (ALT)). quarrying (51%) and motorized recreation (41%). 10-year leases expired in December 2016 and are now renewed on a month-to-month basis. Planning Direction and Skookum’s property was a former lease sold by the City in 2012; the two other lessees are interested in Recommendations a similar opportunity to purchase. There appears to In the absence of clear answers on the “big picture” be non-compliance with lease conditions and there of citywide gravel supply and availability of suitable has been little to no coordination around extraction sites for concrete production, providing a longer- along the shared boundary of the leases. term horizon for operators to plan within is prudent. The operators claim that 10 (ALT) and 20-25 years Maximizing resource extraction in this long (Norcon) of operating life remain in the pits, but disturbed area has equal merit. However, continued verification is needed. These two leases support the quarrying activities should not compromise the territory’s only concrete production at present and potential for highest and best end uses for both the the combination of clean aggregate and a water lease parcels and Ear Lake. source are integral. All three stressed the difficulty Adjacent industrial uses, noise and visuals pose of finding a comparable site within or close to limits to future uses of the Norcon lease. In contrast, Whitehorse that wouldn’t pose other conflicts. the ALT pit area’s close proximity to Ear Lake and Questions and concerns about the impact of water visual buffer from the other parcels create unique withdrawal from Hobo and Ear lakes on water opportunities. quality and lake levels persist and previous studies B el ow: Proc e ss an d time li n e t o addre ss have recommended a hydrological investigation; to Ear Lake qu arri es date, this has not been fully implemented. ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 15
Quarrying is best viewed as a 10-15 year operation requirements and the protection of Ear and that leverages the shared interests of the City and Hobo lakes. lessees, answers outstanding questions, and 3. Consider future subdivision of and right of facilitates the eventual achievement of highest and first refusal for the western portion of the best use. Specifically, the City should: Norcon lease to adjacent owners, subject to 1. Follow a sequential process to support the hydrologeological study and compliance. orderly extraction and compliance via: 4. Plan for commercial recreation (i.e. • Third party compliance inspections; campground) and winter public recreation • A joint operations and reclamation as end uses for the ALT lease, and include plan that includes an updated estimate of assistance with gates and parking (see Section remaining granular resources and addresses 8) for Ear Lake as a lease condition for ALT. shared boundary extraction; and, • A hydrogeological study funded jointly by 5. As part of the joint reclamation plan, consider City/lessees to pinpoint water withdrawal and facilitating identified end uses by: potential impacts, cause(s) for declining lake • Stockpiling silty-clay material (both leases); levels (and possible mitigation), and • Retaining the pit floor to terrace road (ALT); maximum pit depth – with 2018 results • Retaining steeper pit faces along the north incorporated into the joint plan. (Norcon) and northeastern (ALT) boundaries to allow for blowing of stockpiled snow; 2. Explore the potential for utilizing the entire • Retaining much of the flat, open area (ALT); and/or eastern portion of the Norcon lease and recontouring of western pit faces; and, for a snow dump and/or waste (i.e. brush) • Maintaining the visual buffer between ALT’s disposal site, subject to regulatory lease and the other developed parcels. 16 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
8.0 Ear Lake Recreation What We Know Wh at Wh iteh orse Re side nts Said: “I would strongly encourage use of this area…. Ear Lake has been used as a recreational area since so few swimming lakes near Whitehorse.” the early 1900s, and Robert Service himself mused about its future as a park in a poem. Ear Lake was “People don’t use Ear Lake anymore because of once very popular for swimming and picnicking; its rumoured contaminated water… it could be a over the past 20 or so years, its use has declined lovely..recreation area…but it would need some considerably. This trend is attributed to frequent development and promotion.” vandalism and partying at the site, concerns about “Would spend more time (there) if it had water pollution, and declining water levels. The site enhancements – it’s a dirty party place with lots is used by local companies and clubs for paddling of garbage.” instruction, bird watching, and orienteering, but unstructured uses are predominant. There are no “The area could…ease over-use (elsewhere).” services at the site presently. What We Heard Planning Direction and Recommendations • Survey participants use the area “sometimes” (42%) or “rarely” (26%) in Ear Lake is an underutilized asset with great summer, and “never” or “rarely” (77%) in potential. With nearby quarrying and industrial winter. Activities included hiking/walking/ activities likely to continue indefinitely, the City running (64%), swimming (41%), paddling should focus on shifting visitor behaviour at (32%), bird watching (22%) and orienteering, and perceptions about the site in the interim. The dirt biking, and snowmobiling (10% each). figure below sets out a step-by-step approach that will allow the City to make incremental site • Support for a picnic area and 1-2 marked interventions, monitor results, and adaptively loop trails was strong (89% and 92%). manage the site. Interpretive signage and an artificial beach were also popular (73% and 71%). Abov e: P roc es s an d t ime li ne for Ear Lake re cr eat ion al en ha nc eme n ts ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 17
Proposed Ear Lake site enhancements include: Vehicle gates – Installed at the “Y” intersection and opened/closed on scheduled basis with ALT assistance. Parking – 4-5 spaces at gates (next to/on ALT settling pond) for “after hours” parking; delineated parking at C and D. Safety on narrow access road into C to be addressed via selective clearing, pull-outs, wireless traffic control, etc. Trails and interpretation – New singletrack (narrow) trail built to create two loop options. A section of the White Pass railway line would provide optimal route and interpretation. Nearby City trail could be used as alternate. Trailhead kiosk located at C. Day use area(s) – Picnic area, change structures, portable toilet, beach enhancements (with Ear Lake, and native plantings at the beach and day use area (C) and primary boat launch/group use site (D). Ice skating node – Pathway access, signage and benches (B). Night sky viewing and tenting site – Post quarry reclamation, node E could feature a viewing platform, shelter, controlled fire pit and seating, picnic area, and tent sites, with associated parking/turn-around at F. Above: Beach a nd da y use a rea (C ) Above: P r imar y boa t launc h/gr oup use a rea (D) 18 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
9.0 Trail Connections What We Know Wh at Wh iteh orse Re side nts Sa id “…it’s important to legitimize dirt bike use on The Robert Service Way (RSW) area is home to a some trails to avoid conflicts on other trails.” wide variety of trails, some of which are among the “Trail connections in the area are difficult to most highly used in Whitehorse. The paved use...if I want to cut up from RSW to the Millennium Trail (MT) is the city’s most used and escarpment trail, it’s a very steep, difficult accessible trail. The airport perimeter trail, path to push my bike up.” (essentially a dirt road) is also well used and showcases some of the best views in the city. “Dirt bikes are disruptive for animals and people in the area. There is lots of further out Trail connectivity is compromised throughout the places for dirt bikers.” area due to the high and steep escarpment, RSW traffic, Ear Lake industrial activity, and other “People who could consider that area infrastructure. There are no designated motorized environmentally sensitive will consider every multi-use (MMU) connections to or from the area environmentally sensitive until there are motocross track. Dirt bikers utilize the track as a no more places to ride motorized vehicles.” staging area and connect to trails that run east of Ear Lake and on to Miles Canyon. Ear Lake is an Planning Direction and Environmentally Sensitive Area, but the area between Miles Canyon Road and Ear Lake is a Recommendations possible candidate for lower impact motorized trails. Aside from driving along RSW, trails are the primary Trail planning for the Ear Lake area is under the way Whitehorse residents experience the planning purview of the City’s Whitehorse South planning area. While the protection of “destination” trails is process; there has been no trail planning for RSW. important, the area’s value for cross-city connections is equally significant. This value will What We Heard further increase should residential development in the Southern Urban Containment Boundary area west of the RSW area occur in the future. The key is • Survey respondents indicated the connection to protect, enhance, and efficiently allocate what between the Miles Canyon Road (MCR) currently exists and to leverage road corridor and and MT was the most important (77%), access improvements that could optimize active followed by the connection between the transportation and recreation. escarpment and Downtown South (72%), airport perimeter trail (71%), and connection between Motorized use is a divisive issue in Whitehorse, but escarpment and MT (67%). public response to the idea of MMU trails in the RSW study area is notably more supportive than • 45% of respondents supported designating a that received for such trails in other areas. RSW MMU trail connection through the Ear Lake poses an opportunity to site singletrack (narrow) area and 34% opposed it. Those who didn’t MMU trails with comparatively little disturbance and use the motocross track were more divided on cultivate stewardship and responsible etiquette in a the issue, with 40% opposing and 36% user group that has felt marginalized in recent years. supporting. To optimize RSW trails, the City should: ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 19
1. Complete trail improvements in Bert Law Park, designate the trail and direct trail users through the campground to connect between the MT and MCR. 2. Install crosswalks across RSW at the campground and MCR “short cut”. 3. Designate MMU trails to/from the motocross track and construct a new MMU singletrack section parallel to Miles Canyon Road to facilitate safer connection. Install maps and educational signage at the track. 4. Designate MMU connections near Ear Lake and consider MMU singletrack designation/development between the RSW area boundary and MCR. 5. Work with airport administration to address erosion of the airport perimeter trail, designate it, establish a formal trailhead and parking area at fence, and build a staircase in Downtown South to create a new connection. 6. Build a sustainably graded singletrack trail to connect the escarpment and RSW crosswalks. 7. Advocate for new Alaska Highway active transportation crossings (at airport south fence, RSW intersection, and Squatter’s Road area) and linear multi-use trail to provide safer connections between local regional parks, residential areas, and the RSW area. 20 ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT
10.0 Other Recommendations Development Due Diligence The preceding report focuses primarily on the question of current and future land uses in the Robert Service Way (RSW) area, and how those uses can be optimized. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Heritage Resources Overview Assessment (HROA), and desktop ecological assessment that were conducted in support of the RSW planning study provide additional guidance, particularly in the context of site-specific development: • A visual survey of potential contamination concerns should be undertaken in spring/summer/fall, focusing on the drain/ditch adjacent to the airport, WPYR railway, former quarrying areas on YG land, and the vicinity of the former structures at Ear Lake. Should inspections identify any further evidence of potential contamination, a limited soil sampling program could be warranted. • A pedestrian survey, and shovel testing if warranted, is recommended for several hundred discrete areas of heritage resource potential lands (about 12.6% of the study area) before any ground disturbing activities be approved to proceed. An additional 10 areas (8.7% of the study area) have potential for Culturally Modified Trees, and a minimum standard of pedestrian survey is recommended for these. • Avoidance is recommended for the known archaeological sites and the White Pass & Yukon Route (WPYR) corridor. Review of the HROA, and field participation of, KDFN and TKC participants is also recommended and encouraged before any development is approved to proceed. • Caution should be exercised in design and construction of any enhancements to Ear and Hobo lakes, Bert Law Park and Yukon River areas to avoid disruption to bird or fish habitat. This includes limiting trails on shorelines and avoiding in-stream works or other causes of erosion and sedimentation. • Avoid development during critical wildlife sensitivity (i.e., nesting season, denning, spawning, etc.) Other Initiatives to Watch Other planning and/or development initiatives and opportunities could impact the RSW area and should be considered during and after the upcoming Official Community Plan update. These include: • Anticipated safety improvements at the RSW-Alaska Highway intersection by Government of Yukon (YG) and further north in the airport area. Ideally, transportation planning and improvements would capture the myriad of access challenges from the Squatter’s Road area through to Range Road south; • The opportunity for rails-to-trails conversion of the WPYR line from country residential areas to the south through RSW area to Downtown. Note that a trolley extension south to Schwatka Lake has been deemed largely unfeasible; • The pending Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport 2040 Master Plan; and, • Anticipated YG long-term capital planning that may prompt reconsideration of the upper terrace area for a new Whitehorse grader station. ROBERT SERVICE WAY PLANNING STUDY FINAL REPORT 21
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