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                                  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
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                                  Diet and Feeding Success of Fast-Growing Yellow Perch
                                  Larvae and Juveniles in Perturbed Boreal Lakes
                                                      a d                a                b                   c d
                                  Véronique Leclerc         , Pascal Sirois , Dolors Planas & Pierre Bérubé
                                   Laboratoire des Sciences Aquatiques, Département des Sciences Fondamentales, Université
                                  du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 Boulevard de l’Université, Chicoutimi, Quebec, G7H 2B1,
                                   Centre GÉOTOP, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville,
                                  Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3P8, Canada
                                   Direction de la Recherche sur la Faune, Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune,
                                  880 Chemin Ste-Foy 2e étage, Quebec City, Quebec, G1S 4X4, Canada
                                   Direction de l’Expertise sur la Faune et ses Habitats, Ministère des Ressources Naturelles
                                  et de la Faune, 880 Chemin Ste-Foy 2e étage, Quebec City, Quebec, G1S 4X4, Canada

                                  Available online: 22 Sep 2011

To cite this article: Véronique Leclerc, Pascal Sirois, Dolors Planas & Pierre Bérubé (2011): Diet and Feeding Success of Fast-
Growing Yellow Perch Larvae and Juveniles in Perturbed Boreal Lakes, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 140:5,

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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1193–1205, 2011
                                                                      C American Fisheries Society 2011

                                                                      ISSN: 0002-8487 print / 1548-8659 online
                                                                      DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2011.607040


                                                                      Diet and Feeding Success of Fast-Growing Yellow Perch
                                                                      Larvae and Juveniles in Perturbed Boreal Lakes
                                                                      Véronique Leclerc*1 and Pascal Sirois
                                                                      Laboratoire des Sciences Aquatiques, Département des Sciences Fondamentales,
                                                                      Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 Boulevard de l’Université,
                                                                      Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 2B1, Canada

                                                                      Dolors Planas
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                                                                      Centre GÉOTOP, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville,
                                                                      Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada

                                                                      Pierre Bérubé1
                                                                      Direction de la Recherche sur la Faune, Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune,
                                                                      880 Chemin Ste-Foy 2e étage, Quebec City, Quebec G1S 4X4, Canada

                                                                                      The principal objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that enhanced early growth of yellow perch Perca
                                                                                  flavescens in lakes affected by forest harvesting was related to favorable feeding conditions after the perturbation.
                                                                                  Yellow perch larvae and juveniles and their zooplankton prey were sampled three times in three unperturbed lakes
                                                                                  and in three perturbed lakes where forest harvesting had occurred in the catchment 2 years earlier. Univariate and
                                                                                  multivariate analyses of the diets of age-0 yellow perch from both treatments showed that fish in perturbed lakes
                                                                                  primarily preyed upon Daphnia spp. and Polyphemus pediculus, whereas fish in unperturbed lakes preyed upon
                                                                                  more diverse food items. Perturbed lakes showed higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations, algal biomass, and
                                                                                  Daphnia spp. abundance. The feeding success index (number of prey items in the stomach per millimeter of fish
                                                                                  length) and recent growth rates of age-0 yellow perch showed a significant type II functional relationship with the
                                                                                  abundance of Daphnia spp. We hypothesized that the increase in Daphnia spp. abundance and a darkening of water
                                                                                  color in perturbed lakes may have favored prey detection and growth for larval and juvenile yellow perch, thereby
                                                                                  affecting population recruitment.

                                                                        Central hypotheses in fishery science assume that the avail-             fact, according to the growth–mortality hypothesis, slow growth
                                                                      ability of adequate prey during the larval stage can explain               lowers the survival rates of larval fish by increasing their vul-
                                                                      a large proportion of the recruitment variability in marine                nerability to predators owing to their smaller size (Miller et al.
                                                                      and freshwater fish populations (Hjort 1914; Anderson 1988;                1988) and lower ability to escape (Takasuka et al. 2003).
                                                                      Houde 2008). Low prey abundance could lead to high mortal-                    Factors that are likely to influence prey availability in fresh-
                                                                      ity rates directly through starvation (critical period hypothesis:         water lakes could therefore affect larval fish feeding success
                                                                      Hjort 1914) or indirectly through integrated processes affect-             and growth and generate large variations in recruitment. Several
                                                                      ing growth (growth–mortality hypothesis: Anderson 1988). In                studies have reported that forest harvesting in lake catchments

                                                                          *Corresponding author:
                                                                           Present address: Direction de l’Expertise sur la Faune et ses Habitats, Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune, 880 Chemin Ste-Foy
                                                                      2e étage, Quebec City, Quebec G1S 4X4, Canada.
                                                                          Received September 16, 2010; accepted February 19, 2011

1194                                                            LECLERC ET AL.

                                                                      can modify water quality and the limnoplankton community                      The general objective of the study was to test the hypothesis
                                                                      structure (Carignan et al. 2000; Patoine et al. 2000; Planas               that the enhanced growth rate of age-0 yellow perch in boreal
                                                                      et al. 2000; Winkler et al. 2009). Recently, Leclerc et al.                lakes affected by forest harvesting was attributable to favorable
                                                                      (in press) showed that young-of-the-year (age-0) yellow perch              feeding conditions after the perturbation. To reach this objective,
                                                                      Perca flavescens exhibited higher growth rates and greater                 we first described and compared the diets of larval and juvenile
                                                                      lengths at age during the larval stage (0–40 d posthatch) after            yellow perch from perturbed and unperturbed lakes. We then
                                                                      forest harvesting in lake catchments on the eastern Canadian Bo-           compared the availability of the principal prey taxa in both lake
                                                                      real Shield. These results suggested that modifications in water           types. Finally, we investigated the influence of environmental
                                                                      quality and limnoplankton community structure due to forestry              conditions, such as prey abundance and water quality, on the
                                                                      activities influenced the feeding success of age-0 yellow perch,           feeding success index (number of prey items ingested per mil-
                                                                      causing the changes in growth. The effect of forest harvesting on          limeter of fish length) and the recent growth rate of age-0 yellow
                                                                      fish populations is not well described, and very few studies have          perch.
                                                                      focused on the early life stages of fish. Moreover, the processes
                                                                      by which forest harvesting may enhance yellow perch growth
                                                                      during early life are still unknown.                                       METHODS
                                                                          The yellow perch is a well-studied and common forage fish                 Study sites and field sampling.—The study area, located in
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                                                                      in North American waters. The early life stages of yellow                  the Canadian Boreal Shield ecoregion, was situated north of
                                                                      perch are zooplanktivorous, feeding on copepods and clado-                 the 50th parallel (50◦ N) and approximately 60 km southeast of
                                                                      cerans (Hansen and Wahl 1981; Post and McQueen 1988; Craig                 Lake Mistassini in the province of Quebec (Figure 1). Lakes in
                                                                      2000). Yellow perch growth and recruitment are closely related             this area are typically oligotrophic and shelter fish communities
                                                                      to temperature (Glémet and Rodrı́guez 2007), prey availability            that are mainly composed of northern pike Esox lucius, walleyes
                                                                      (Abbey and Mackay 1991; Bremigan et al. 2003; Dettmers et al.              Sander vitreus, white suckers Catostomus commersonii, burbot
                                                                      2003), and environmental factors that control the visual environ-          Lota lota, and yellow perch. This region is also characterized by
                                                                      ment and feeding success (Hinshaw 1985; Arvola et al. 1996;                spruce–moss landscapes that are exploited by the forest industry.
                                                                      Richmond et al. 2004). Therefore, forest harvesting in lake                   Six headwater lakes were selected for this study (Figure 1;
                                                                      catchments may affect recruitment success via changes in the               for a detailed description of each lake, see Leclerc et al., in
                                                                      prey community.                                                            press). All lakes were sampled in summer 2005. At the time of

                                                                                      FIGURE 1.   Study area in the eastern Canadian Boreal Shield, showing the location of perturbed and unperturbed lakes.
DIET AND FEEDING SUCCESS OF YELLOW PERCH                                                            1195

                                                                      sampling, three lakes were unperturbed sites (i.e., without any                pelagic zone of each lake were conducted from 1 m off the bot-
                                                                      perturbation in the drainage area). The three other lakes (here-               tom to the surface; the sampling gear was a 53-µm-mesh net
                                                                      after, perturbed lakes 1, 3, and 5; Figure 1) were perturbed by                with a 25-cm-diameter mouth aperture. Three replicate hauls
                                                                      forest harvesting that had occurred 2 years before; the percent-               were performed in the littoral zone with the same sampling
                                                                      age of drainage area that was affected by harvesting was 57%                   device, but the net was deployed along a 30-m transect at the
                                                                      for perturbed lake 1, 51% for perturbed lake 3, and 34% for                    water surface on the 1-m isobath. The volume of water filtered
                                                                      perturbed lake 5. Perturbed and unperturbed lakes had similar                  was measured with a flowmeter (General Oceanics). Zooplank-
                                                                      geographical, morphological, physicochemical, and biological                   ton were anesthetized in carbonated water and preserved in 4%
                                                                      characteristics based on measurements made before the pertur-                  buffered formaldehyde.
                                                                      bation occurred (Leclerc et al., in press).                                        Water quality and chlorophyll-a concentration (chl a) were
                                                                         Larval and juvenile yellow perch and their zooplankton prey                 measured in all lakes on 8 August 2005. Measurements of tem-
                                                                      were collected during three surveys in each lake: early July                   perature, Secchi depth, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) con-
                                                                      (4–8 July 2005), mid-July (19–22 July 2005), and early August                  centration, and chl a were taken in the euphotic zone at the
                                                                      (1–4 August 2005). Age-0 yellow perch display ontogenetic                      deepest point of each lake (see Winkler et al. 2009 for complete
                                                                      shifts in habitat use. Early in the season, yellow perch hatch in              methods).
                                                                      the littoral zone and undergo a migration to the pelagic zone;                     Diet composition analyses.—Yellow perch from all samples
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                                                                      upon reaching approximately 25 mm in length, they then return                  were sorted and measured. For each lake, stomach content analy-
                                                                      to the littoral zone (Whiteside et al. 1985; Post and McQueen                  sis was performed on a random subsample of age-0 yellow perch
                                                                      1988). Given these size-specific migrations, we used a sampling                selected in proportion to the length frequency distributions ob-
                                                                      plan designed to obtain a complete collection of all size-classes              served for each survey (Table 1). The entire stomach contents
                                                                      as suggested by Scharf et al. (2009). During the early July                    of 287 fish were examined under a stereoscopic microscope at
                                                                      survey, fish sampling was conducted at six randomly located                    50× magnification. All prey items were identified to the lowest
                                                                      stations in the pelagic zone and six stations in the littoral zone             taxonomic level possible (species in most cases). The devel-
                                                                      to catch larvae, early juveniles, or both. The pelagic sampling                opmental stage was noted for copepods (nauplii or copepodite
                                                                      gear consisted of two push nets (500-µm mesh; mouth aperture                   stages CI–CVI) and immature insects (larvae, pupae, or adult).
                                                                      = 50 cm in diameter) deployed on each side of the boat. Push                   The following keys were used for identification: Edmondson
                                                                      nets were deployed at the lake surface for 10 min at a constant                (1959) for general identification, Smith and Fernando (1978)
                                                                      speed of 2 km/h between 2100 and 0200 hours; this time period                  and Czaika (1982) for copepods, Hebert and Finston (1996,
                                                                      was selected because pelagic-phase yellow perch feed at night                  1997) for Daphnia spp., and Merritt and Cummins (1996) for
                                                                      in surface waters to avoid predation (Cucin and Faber 1985;                    immature insects. Developmental stages of copepods were de-
                                                                      Post and McQueen 1988). The littoral sampling gear consisted                   termined by using the criteria of Czaika (1982). Incomplete or
                                                                      of a beach seine (4 m long; 1 m deep; 500-µm mesh) deployed                    digested organisms and immature copepods that could not be ac-
                                                                      over a 30-m transect between 1400 and 1900 hours, the time at                  curately identified to the species level were assigned to species
                                                                      which yellow perch feed in littoral habitats (Post and McQueen                 that were present in the stomach in proportion to their relative
                                                                      1988). During the mid-July and early August surveys, fish were                 abundance (Robert et al. 2008). This procedure was applied to
                                                                      sampled in the littoral zone only. Once captured, sampled fish                 less than 2% of all prey items.
                                                                      were immediately immersed in a 100-mg/L solution of tricaine                       Subsampled fish were grouped into six length-classes (stan-
                                                                      methanesulfonate (MS-222) for 2–4 min to prevent stomach                       dard length in 5-mm increments; Table 2). The smallest length-
                                                                      content regurgitation before the fish were preserved in 95%                    class was underrepresented in perturbed lakes, and the largest
                                                                      ethanol. The ethanol was replaced within 24 h to avoid alcohol                 length-class was not represented in unperturbed lakes. We
                                                                      dilution and otolith damage (Butler 1992).                                     used fish in the three length-classes that were common to the
                                                                         The zooplankton community was sampled during each sur-                      two lake treatments (15–20, 20–25, and 25–30 mm) for most
                                                                      vey in the pelagic and littoral zones. Three vertical hauls in the             analyses.

                                                                      TABLE 1. Number of yellow perch used in feeding and growth analyses for each sampling survey period in perturbed (pert.) and unperturbed (unpert.) lakes of
                                                                      the Canadian Boreal Shield.

                                                                      Sampling survey               Pert. 1           Pert. 3           Pert. 5           Unpert. 1            Unpert. 3            Unpert. 4             Total
                                                                      Early Jul                        35                21               18                  18                    3                    13                108
                                                                      Mid-Jul                          26                19               15                  23                    0                    23                106
                                                                      Early Aug                        19                 9               15                  10                    0                    20                 73
                                                                      Total                            80                49               48                  51                    3                    56                287
1196                                                                     LECLERC ET AL.

                                                                      TABLE 2. Diet composition by lake treatment and yellow perch length-class, expressed as the mean percent numeric contributions of the different prey taxa to
                                                                      the diets of fish with at least one prey item in their stomachs (dash = zero; na = data not available). Feeding statistics are also provided. Fish from the 35–40-mm
                                                                      length-class were not captured in unperturbed lakes.

                                                                                                                                         Perturbed lakes: fish length-                      Unperturbed lakes: fish length-
                                                                                                                                                 class (mm)                                          class (mm)
                                                                      Prey taxon                                  Stagea 10–15 15–20 20–25 25–30 30–35 35–40 10–15 15–20 20–25 25–30 30–35
                                                                      Rotifera                                                 na        –        0.09       –        0.02       0.02     2.08      3.67      2.67       –         –

                                                                       Nauplii                                                 na      10.12      0.43       0.26      –          –         –       0.32      4.63      5.96       –
                                                                        Leptodiaptomus minutus       CI–CV                     na      10.25 11.70           3.31     1.00       3.08   –           3.33      0.93      0.05       –
                                                                                                     CVI                       na      10.46 14.65           2.94     0.85       1.04 31.19         5.23      2.64      3.08      1.32
                                                                         Skistodiaptomus oregonensis CVI                       na        –     –             –         –         0.12   –            –         –         –         –
                                                                         Epischura lacustris         CI–CV                     na       0.61 0.34            0.17     0.12       –      –            –        1.00      0.47       –
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                                                                                                     CVI                       na      12.97 0.83            4.04     5.07       0.01 12.47         5.54      1.67      3.22       –

                                                                        Cyclops scutifer                         CVI           na        –         –         –         –         –        2.92      1.90       –        0.03       –
                                                                        Mesocyclops edax                         CI–CV         na        –         –         0.24     0.11       –         –         –         –         –         –
                                                                                                                 CVI           na        –        0.12       0.09     1.51       0.01     4.46       –         –        0.05       –
                                                                         Microcyclops varicans                   CVI           na        –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –        0.37       –
                                                                         Acanthocyclops capillatus               CI–CV         na        –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –        0.14       –
                                                                                                                 CVI           na        –         –         –         –         0.01      –         –        0.02      0.45       –
                                                                         Acanthocyclops vernalis                 CI–CV         na        –        0.05       –        0.09       0.37      –        0.33      0.09      0.41       –
                                                                                                                 CVI           na        –        0.11       –        0.32       1.40     2.23      0.29      1.28      2.48       –
                                                                         Eucyclops agilis                        CI–CV         na        –         –         –        0.25       0.02      –        0.08      1.17      2.24       –
                                                                                                                 CVI           na        –         –         –        0.27       0.17      –        0.32      1.74      8.46       –
                                                                         Macrocyclops albidus                    CI–CV         na        –         –         0.95     0.26       0.50      –         –         –         –         –
                                                                                                                 CVI           na        –         –         0.01     0.56       1.42      –         –        0.47      0.03       –
                                                                        Tropocyclops prasinus                    CI–CV         na       1.97      0.49       –         –         0.35      –         –        0.47      1.33       –
                                                                          mexicanus                              CVI           na       0.57      3.12       –        0.19       0.73      –         –        5.38      7.58       –
                                                                        Leptodora kindtii                                      na       1.57      0.13       –        0.12        –         –        –         –         –         –
                                                                        Latona setifera                                        na        –         –         –        0.03       0.06       –       9.29 13.27          4.14       –
                                                                        Sida crystallina                                       na       0.75      0.48       0.21     0.48       –          –      14.34 7.95           1.59       –
                                                                        Diaphanosoma spp.                                      na        –         –         3.44     2.40       1.28       –        –     –             –         –
                                                                        Holopedium gibberum                                    na       1.00      0.96       0.01      –          –         –      11.96      7.94 10.01          0.36
                                                                        Daphnia longiremis complexb                            na        –   18.06         13.08 12.24          14.08     7.37      6.79      0.06       –         –
                                                                        Daphnia pulex complexc                                 na       0.29 22.42         12.27 24.49          28.76      –         –         –         –         –
                                                                        Ceriodaphnia reticulata                                na        –     –            –     2.00           0.23      –         –        0.04       –         –
                                                                        Bosmina spp.                                           na       1.36      2.74       7.50     6.93       1.44 37.28 14.19 12.32                 5.92    22.37
                                                                        Acantholeberis curvirostris                            na        –         –         –        0.54      2.28        –       0.08 0.05 0.02         –
                                                                        Ophryoxus gracilis                                     na        –         –         –       10.69     11.60        –        –    1.94 3.30        –
                                                                        Parophryoxus tubulatus                                 na        –         –         –        0.12      0.11        –        –     –       –       –
                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Continued on next page)
DIET AND FEEDING SUCCESS OF YELLOW PERCH                                                                        1197

                                                                      TABLE 2.     Continued.

                                                                                                                                              Perturbed lakes: fish length-                           Unperturbed lakes: fish length-
                                                                                                                                                      class (mm)                                               class (mm)
                                                                      Prey taxon                                     Stagea 10–15 15–20 20–25 25–30 30–35 35–40 10–15 15–20 20–25 25–30 30–35
                                                                        Acroperus harpae                                           na         –         0.21        0.48      0.59        2.52        –        1.17       7.30 2.19          1.09
                                                                        Alona affinis                                              na         –          –          –         0.42        0.51        –         –         0.71 0.07           –
                                                                        Alona costata                                              na         –          –          –         0.18        0.11        –         –          –     –           1.82
                                                                        Alona quadrangularis                                       na         –          –          0.07       –          –           –        0.63       0.05 0.78           –
                                                                        Alona rustica                                              na         –          –          0.07      0.03        0.08        –        1.45       1.24 0.09           –
                                                                        Chydorus sphaericus                                        na         –         0.02        –         0.07        0.16        –        0.44       2.23 0.76           –
                                                                        Eurycercus spp.                                            na         –          –          –         1.34        1.22        –         –         0.05 0.03           –
                                                                        Rhynchotalona falcata                                      na         –          –          0.03      0.10        0.03        –         –         8.69 22.47        72.22
                                                                        Other chydoridsd                                           na         –         0.09        0.24      0.38        –           –         –         0.58 0.62           –
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                                                                        Polyphemus pediculus                                       na      47.64 22.45            47.84 22.05             5.84        –      17.93        9.51       2.53    0.36

                                                                           Corixidae Corixinae                      Larva          na         –          –          –         0.45       1.46         –         –         0.10       0.63     –
                                                                        Diptera                                     Larva          na         –          –          2.07      2.13      10.95         –        0.40       1.21       3.94    0.36
                                                                        Diptera                                     Pupa           na         –         0.42        0.42      1.16       2.17         –         –         0.28       1.38     –
                                                                        Other insects                               Larva          na        0.22        –          –         0.11       0.69         –         –         0.12       0.14     –

                                                                        Hyalella azteca                                            na         –          –          –         0.22        1.25        –         –         0.03       1.23     –
                                                                      Other invertebratese                                         na        0.22       0.09        0.26      0.11        3.92        –        0.32       0.17       1.81    0.10

                                                                      Prey categories
                                                                        Pelagic zooplankton                                        na      98.81 98.69            92.71 78.48           59.58       100      71.88 54.04 54.81              24.41
                                                                        Vegetation-associated                                      na       0.75 0.80              4.54 17.35           19.96        –       27.40 44.05 36.06              75.23
                                                                        Benthic macroinvertebrates                                 na        0.44       0.51        2.75      4.17      20.46         –        0.72       1.91       9.13    0.36

                                                                      Feeding statistics
                                                                        Number of fish analyzed                                     1       20         43         29         46          38         18        20         48         22        2
                                                                        Number of fish with ≥ 1 prey                                0       19         42         28         45          31          8        15         46         22        2
                                                                        Feeding incidence (%)                                       0       95         98         97         98          82         44        75         96         100      100
                                                                        Mean number of prey                                         0      33.8       47.1      132.3       98.9       101.4       19.6      19.0       61.6       49.0     87.5
                                                                           Developmental stage is shown for copepods (CI–CVI) and immature insects (larvae and pupae).
                                                                           Daphnia longiremis complex includes D. longiremis, D. dubia, D. galeata mendotae, and D. rosea.
                                                                           Daphnia pulex complex includes D. pulex, D. middendorffiana, D. catawba, D. pulicaria, and D. minnehaha.
                                                                           Other chydorids include Alonella excisa, Camptocercus rectirostris, Chydorus bicornutus, Chydorus piger, Graptoleberis testudinaria, and Pleuroxus procurvus.
                                                                           Other invertebrate taxa include Acariformes, Collembola, Harpacticoida, adult Insecta, Oligochaeta, and Ostracoda.

                                                                          The yellow perch diet was first characterized in terms of the                         residuals (Quinn and Keough 2002). The total number of in-
                                                                      total number of ingested prey. Three-way partly nested analysis                           gested prey was tested over all 15–30-mm yellow perch (n =
                                                                      of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the total number                                  182).
                                                                      of ingested prey. Sources of variation were lake treatment (per-                             Zooplankton species assemblages in the yellow perch diet
                                                                      turbed and unperturbed; fixed factor), individual lakes (lakes                            were compared with three different multivariate procedures.
                                                                      nested within treatment; random factor), length-class (15–20,                             First, the ANOVA model described in the previous para-
                                                                      20–25, and 25–30 mm; fixed factor), and their interactions. Data                          graph was used to test for differences in ingested prey as-
                                                                      were log10 transformed to achieve normality and homoscedas-                               semblages. This analysis was done with a permutational multi-
                                                                      ticity, as indicated by visual examination of the distribution of                         variate ANOVA (PERMANOVA; Anderson 2001). The model
1198                                                         LECLERC ET AL.

                                                                      had the same sources of variation as described above but used             The functional relationships between prey abundance and
                                                                      4,999 permutations to determine the test statistics. The PER-          yellow perch feeding success and recent growth rate were based
                                                                      MANOVA was performed on the Bray–Curtis similarity matrix              on a type II functional response (Holling 1959) and were as-
                                                                      of standardized abundance data (Bray and Curtis 1957). Second,         sessed with Ivlev’s (1961) function,
                                                                      zooplankton species assemblages in the diet were illustrated by
                                                                      a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination on                                    y = a(1 − exp−bx ),
                                                                      standardized abundance data with the Bray–Curtis similarity
                                                                      measure. Third, similarity of percentages (SIMPER) analyses            where y is predator response (i.e., feeding success or recent
                                                                      (Clarke and Warwick 2001) were conducted on the Bray–Curtis            growth rate), x is prey abundance, a is the maximum predator
                                                                      similarity matrix of standardized abundance data to determine          response, and b is the coefficient relating the change in prey
                                                                      the principal prey taxa consumed by fish in both treatments and        abundance to the predator response. The regression model was
                                                                      to identify, if necessary, the species involved in the diet dissim-    fitted with SigmaPlot version 10.0.
                                                                      ilarity illustrated in the NMDS analysis. Fish (15–30 mm) with             Recent growth rates of yellow perch were compared between
                                                                      empty stomachs were not considered in multivariate analyses;           perturbed and unperturbed lakes by using one-way ANOVA
                                                                      we only used fish with at least one prey item in the stomach           (lake treatment: perturbed and unperturbed; fixed factor). The
                                                                      (n = 172).                                                             replication unit was individual lakes; the mean recent growth
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                                                                          Prey field analyses.—Zooplanktonic organisms from pelagic          rates of fish captured in the same sampling survey were av-
                                                                      and littoral samples (n = 100) were subsampled by use of               eraged. The unbalanced number of sampling surveys between
                                                                      a pipette with a 4-mm opening. Organisms were enumer-                  lakes prevented the use of the same statistical test used for the
                                                                      ated, staged, and identified to the lowest taxonomic level             nested models.
                                                                      possible—usually species—with the aforementioned keys.                     Other environmental variables, such as water temperature,
                                                                          The abundance of yellow perch prey taxa in perturbed and           Secchi depth, DOC, and chl a, were compared by means of two-
                                                                      unperturbed lakes was compared with three-way partly nested            way partly nested ANOVA with lake treatment and individual
                                                                      ANOVA by using zooplankton samples from both littoral and              lakes (nested in the treatment factor) as sources of variation.
                                                                      pelagic habitats as replicates. Sources of variation were lake
                                                                      treatment (perturbed and unperturbed; fixed factor), individual        RESULTS
                                                                      lakes (lakes nested within treatment; random factor), survey
                                                                      (early July, mid-July, and early August; fixed factor), and their      Diet Composition
                                                                      interactions. Data were log10 (x + 1) transformed to achieve               The diet of age-0 yellow perch in all length-classes (10–
                                                                      normality and homoscedasticity. In addition to univariate analy-       40 mm) was mainly composed of zooplankton (Table 2). For the
                                                                      ses, complete zooplankton assemblages were compared between            three length-classes between 15 and 30 mm, age-0 yellow perch
                                                                      lake treatments with a three-way partly nested PERMANOVA               in perturbed lakes preyed predominantly on Polyphemus pedicu-
                                                                      on log10 (x + 1)-transformed data with the same sources of             lus, Daphnia spp., and Leptodiaptomus minutus stages CI–CVI,
                                                                      variation as mentioned for univariate analyses of zooplankton          whereas Bosmina spp., Rhynchotalona falcata, Latona setifera,
                                                                      data.                                                                  Holopedium gibberum, P. pediculus, and Sida crystallina were
                                                                          Feeding success and recent growth analyses.—A length-              the most abundant food items consumed by larvae and juveniles
                                                                      independent feeding success index for age-0 yellow perch was           in unperturbed lakes (Table 2). Cladoceran species represented
                                                                      estimated as the number of prey ingested per millimeter of fish        more than 50% of the prey ingested by 15–30-mm yellow perch
                                                                      length (i.e., ingested prey items/mm). This index accounts for         in perturbed and unperturbed lakes (Table 2). However, pelagic
                                                                      the fact that larger fish have higher stomach volume and could         species (e.g., Daphnia spp. and P. pediculus) were preferred in
                                                                      ingest a higher number of prey items, considering that all an-         perturbed lakes, whereas a significant percentage (>25%) of
                                                                      alyzed fish predominantly preyed upon zooplankton. Recent              cladoceran species consumed in unperturbed lakes were asso-
                                                                      growth rate was measured by means of otolith microstructure            ciated with aquatic vegetation (e.g., Sididae and Chydoridae;
                                                                      analysis as described by Leclerc et al. (in press). Briefly, lapil-    Table 2). In both lake types, age-0 yellow perch ingested lower
                                                                      lar otoliths were removed, mounted on a microscope slide with          proportions of pelagic zooplankton and higher proportions of
                                                                      thermoplastic glue, and polished with 3- or 5-µm lapping film.         vegetation-associated zooplankton and benthic macroinverte-
                                                                      Daily increments were counted and measured with an image               brates as they grew (Figure 2).
                                                                      analysis system at 400–1,000× magnification. Standard length               The feeding incidence (percentage of fish with at least one
                                                                      at age was back-calculated by means of the biological inter-           prey item in their stomachs) of 15–30-mm age-0 yellow perch
                                                                      cept method (Campana 1990) based on a laboratory-derived               ranged from 95% to 98% in perturbed lakes and from 75%
                                                                      measure of length at hatching (7.53 mm) and the individual ob-         to 100% in unperturbed lakes and did not differ significantly
                                                                      served otolith radius at hatching (Leclerc et al., in press). Recent   between treatments (χ2 = 1.79, P = 0.1812; Table 2). The
                                                                      growth rate was calculated as the average growth rate (mm/d)           mean number of prey ingested by age-0 yellow perch within
                                                                      that occurred during the 3 d before capture.                           this size range tended to increase with length-class, but the
DIET AND FEEDING SUCCESS OF YELLOW PERCH                                                          1199
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                                                                      FIGURE 2. Diet composition (% of prey items) for yellow perch of three length-classes (15–20, 20–25, and 25–30 mm standard length) in (a) perturbed lakes
                                                                      and (b) unperturbed lakes.

                                                                      increase was only marginally significant (length-class: F 2, 12.9              variations within treatments (lake treatment: F 1, 3 = 2.63, P =
                                                                      = 3.24, P = 0.0725; Figure 3). Even though the mean number                     0.2032; Figure 3).
                                                                      of prey appeared to be higher for fish in perturbed lakes, the                    The NMDS analysis showed a clear separation of species
                                                                      difference between treatments was not significant owing to large               assemblages in the diets of 15–30-mm age-0 yellow perch be-
                                                                                                                                                     tween perturbed and unperturbed lakes (Figure 4). The PER-
                                                                                                                                                     MANOVA indicated that species assemblages of ingested prey
                                                                                                                                                     were significantly different between lake treatments (Table 3).
                                                                                                                                                     The SIMPER analysis showed that the ingested prey assem-
                                                                                                                                                     blages were more homogeneous among fish in perturbed lakes,
                                                                                                                                                     as the average similarity was 25.3% compared with 12.3% in
                                                                                                                                                     unperturbed lakes. The ingested prey species assemblages were
                                                                                                                                                     92.8% dissimilar between fish in the two treatments. Together,
                                                                                                                                                     P. pediculus, Daphnia spp., Bosmina spp., and Leptodiaptomus
                                                                                                                                                     minutus stage CVI accounted for 48.6% of the dissimilarity
                                                                                                                                                     in diet species assemblages between lake treatments (Table 4).
                                                                                                                                                     These prey taxa were more abundant in the age-0 yellow perch
                                                                                                                                                     diets from perturbed lakes, except for Bosmina spp., which were
                                                                                                                                                     consumed more by fish in unperturbed lakes (Tables 2, 4).

                                                                                                                                                     Prey Field
                                                                                                                                                        In total, 39 zooplankton taxa were identified in perturbed
                                                                                                                                                     lakes and 31 zooplankton taxa were identified in unperturbed
                                                                                                                                                     lakes. Copepod species numerically dominated the zooplank-
                                                                                                                                                     ton community, making up on average 85% and 90% of
                                                                                                                                                     the samples in perturbed and unperturbed lakes, respectively.
                                                                      FIGURE 3. Number of prey ingested (mean + SE) by yellow perch of three         Among the prey taxa listed in Table 4 that were responsible
                                                                      length-classes (15–20, 20–25, and 25–30 mm standard length) in perturbed and   for the difference in age-0 yellow perch diets between lake
                                                                      unperturbed lakes.                                                             treatments, only Daphnia spp. showed a significant difference
1200                                                                   LECLERC ET AL.
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                                                                      FIGURE 4. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling results, illustrating variations
                                                                      in prey assemblages (standardized data) ingested by three yellow perch length-
                                                                      classes (15–20, 20–25, and 25–30 mm standard length) from perturbed (pert.)
                                                                      and unperturbed (unpert.) lakes. Results of the corresponding permutational
                                                                      multivariate ANOVA are given in Table 3.
                                                                                                                                                        FIGURE 5. Daphnia spp. abundance (individuals [ind.]/L; mean + SE) mea-
                                                                                                                                                        sured in perturbed and unperturbed lakes during three surveys. Each bar repre-
                                                                      in abundance between lake types: they were more abundant
                                                                                                                                                        sents the average abundance in the littoral and pelagic zones combined for the
                                                                      in perturbed lakes than in unperturbed lakes throughout the                       three lakes in the corresponding treatment.
                                                                      sampling surveys (lake treatment: F 1, 4 = 8.63, P = 0.0420;
                                                                      Figure 5). There was no significant difference in the prey
                                                                      species assemblages between perturbed and unperturbed lakes                       in Table 4 were not significant except for Daphnia spp. (Figure
                                                                      (lake treatment: pseudo-F 1, 4 = 1.26, PMonte Carlo = 0.2912)                     6). An Ivlev function that incorporated Daphnia spp. abundance
                                                                      despite the lower Daphnia spp. abundance in unperturbed                           as the independent variable explained 29% of the variability in
                                                                      lakes.                                                                            yellow perch feeding success on Daphnia spp. (F 1, 14 = 5.73,
                                                                                                                                                        P = 0.0312) and 47% of the variability in recent growth rate
                                                                      Feeding Success and Growth of Age-0 Yellow Perch in                               (F 2, 13 = 5.84, P = 0.0155; Figure 6). The maximum recent
                                                                      Relation to Biotic and Abiotic Environmental Factors                              growth rate was reached at a Daphnia spp. abundance of approx-
                                                                         Relationships between the feeding success or recent growth                     imately 0.23 individuals/L, whereas maximum feeding success
                                                                      rate of age-0 yellow perch and the abundance of prey taxa listed                  was not reached even at the maximum observed abundance of
                                                                                                                                                        Daphnia spp. (0.62 individuals/L; Figure 6). On average, fish
                                                                      TABLE 3. Results of three-way partly nested permutational multivariate            in perturbed lakes exhibited a higher mean feeding success on
                                                                      ANOVA on standardized data testing the effect of lake treatment (TR), lake        Daphnia spp. than did fish in unperturbed lakes (lake treatment:
                                                                      nested in the treatment factor (LA[TR]), yellow perch length-class (LC), and      F 1, 4 = 12.10, P = 0.0254). In addition, fish in perturbed lakes
                                                                      their interactions on the assemblages of ingested prey taxa (MS = mean square).   had a higher mean recent growth rate than fish in unperturbed
                                                                      Taxonomic resolution is as described in Table 2. Significant P-values are shown
                                                                                                                                                        lakes (lake treatment: F 1, 4 = 21.64, P = 0.0096; Figure 6).
                                                                      in bold italics.
                                                                                                                                                        For a given abundance of Daphnia spp., age-0 yellow perch in
                                                                      Source of                                                                         perturbed lakes always exhibited a higher feeding success and
                                                                      variation                df          MS          Pseudo-F        PMonte Carlo     faster recent growth than yellow perch in unperturbed lakes.
                                                                                                                                                            Chlorophyll a and DOC were significantly higher in per-
                                                                      TR                        1      20,699.0         2.2563           0.0394         turbed lakes than in unperturbed lakes (Table 5). Water trans-
                                                                      LA(TR)                    3       9,225.7         3.1056           0.0002         parency, as indicated by Secchi depth, tended to be lower in per-
                                                                      LC                        2       4,675.4         0.7778           0.7304         turbed lakes (P = 0.0546), suggesting that waters were darker
                                                                      TR × LC                   2       5,824.8         0.9690           0.4856         and more turbid in perturbed lakes than in unperturbed lakes (Ta-
                                                                      LA(TR) × LC               6       7,121.5         2.3973           0.0002         ble 5). Water temperature did not differ significantly between
                                                                      Residuals               157       2,970.7                                         lake treatments, even though more turbid water tends to absorb
                                                                      Total                   171                                                       more sunlight than clear water.
DIET AND FEEDING SUCCESS OF YELLOW PERCH                                                                  1201

                                                                      TABLE 4. Results of similarity of percentages (i.e., SIMPER) analysis on standardized data, showing the major discriminating prey taxa in the diets of yellow
                                                                      perch, their average abundance, average dissimilarity, and cumulative contribution to the dissimilarity between the assemblages of prey ingested by fish in perturbed
                                                                      (pert.) and unperturbed (unpert.) lakes across fish length-classes (15–30 mm).

                                                                                                                                Average abundance (%)
                                                                      Taxon                                                        Pert.           Unpert.        Average dissimilarity (%) Cumulative contribution (%)
                                                                      Polyphemus pediculus                                         35.6               9.2                       18.5                                 20.0
                                                                      Daphnia pulex complex                                        14.4               0.0                        7.2                                 27.7
                                                                      Daphnia longiremis complex                                   13.1               1.3                        6.8                                 35.1
                                                                      Bosmina spp.                                                  3.9              11.0                        6.6                                 42.2
                                                                      Leptodiaptomus minutus stage CVI                              9.9               3.2                        5.9                                 48.6
                                                                      Rhynchotalona falcata                                         0.0              10.8                        5.4                                 54.4
                                                                      Latona setifera                                               0.0              10.1                        5.1                                 59.8
                                                                      Holopedium gibberum                                           0.9               9.2                        4.7                                 64.9
                                                                      Leptodiaptomus minutus stages CI–CV                           8.6               1.1                        4.7                                 69.9
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                                                                      Sida crystallina                                              0.5               7.4                        3.8                                 74.1

                                                                      DISCUSSION                                                                          prey taxa that were characteristic of the pelagic zone, as has been
                                                                         Our results indicate that growth of age-0 yellow perch in lakes                  observed in studies on the ontogenetic migration and feeding of
                                                                      affected by forest harvesting was largely influenced by feeding                     yellow perch (Whiteside et al. 1985; Post and McQueen 1988;
                                                                      conditions. Perturbed lakes had higher Daphnia spp. abundance                       Dettmers et al. 2005). The observed combination of pelagic
                                                                      and higher DOC concentrations than unperturbed lakes. We sug-                       and vegetation-associated zooplankton ingested by larger fish
                                                                      gest that these changes in the biotic and abiotic environmental                     (>15 mm), which were all caught in the littoral zone, suggests
                                                                      feeding conditions promoted yellow perch growth by offering a                       that they probably fed in different habitats. These results are
                                                                      higher abundance of suitable prey that were more conspicuous,                       consistent with the observations of Post and McQueen (1988),
                                                                      thereby lowering the energy costs allocated to foraging. Given                      who demonstrated that age-0 yellow perch (16–34 mm) migrate
                                                                      the importance of growth for survival and recruitment of fish                       from offshore to nearshore at dawn and return at dusk, occupy-
                                                                      populations, we therefore hypothesize that the perturbations in                     ing the nearshore zone throughout the day.
                                                                      boreal lake catchments affect survival and recruitment of yel-                         The high taxonomic resolution of identified prey presented
                                                                      low perch populations through changes in biotic and abiotic                         in this study demonstrates that despite the similar proportions
                                                                      environmental conditions.                                                           of copepods, cladocerans, and macroinvertebrates in their diets,
                                                                                                                                                          fast-growing yellow perch from perturbed lakes fed primarily
                                                                      Diet Composition of Fast- and Slow-Growing Larval                                   on pelagic cladoceran species, such as Daphnia spp. and P.
                                                                      and Juvenile Yellow Perch                                                           pediculus, whereas slow-growing yellow perch in unperturbed
                                                                          In a recent investigation, we demonstrated that 2 years after                   lakes preyed on diverse food items. Many other studies have
                                                                      forest harvesting occurred in lake catchments, the growth rate                      shown that age-0 yellow perch that feed on Daphnia tend to
                                                                      of age-0 yellow perch from hatching to 40 d posthatch was 1.43                      have higher growth rates (Hansen and Wahl 1981; Schael et al.
                                                                      times higher for fish from perturbed lakes compared with fish                       1991). We therefore hypothesize that for age-0 yellow perch
                                                                      from unperturbed lakes (Leclerc et al., in press). The results                      in lakes affected by forest harvesting, feeding on these two
                                                                      of the present study support the hypothesis that the enhanced                       cladoceran taxa results in higher growth rates relative to fish
                                                                      growth rate of age-0 yellow perch in perturbed lakes was related                    in unperturbed lakes, where a greater variety of prey types is
                                                                      to favorable feeding conditions after the perturbation.                             consumed. The enhanced growth rate of age-0 yellow perch in
                                                                          Several studies have described age-0 yellow perch diet com-                     perturbed lakes was related to the availability of Daphnia spp.
                                                                      position, but few have determined diet to the species level                         but was also probably related to changes in the visual feeding
                                                                      and none has employed a multivariate approach (Hansen and                           conditions due to forest harvesting.
                                                                      Wahl 1981; Graeb et al. 2004; Fulford et al. 2006). Similar to
                                                                      the findings of these studies, which were conducted on more                         Effects of Forest Harvesting on Prey Availability
                                                                      southerly populations, our results show that age-0 yellow perch                         An inadequate prey supply may limit growth, lead to poor
                                                                      (10–40 mm) in lakes on the northeastern Boreal Shield feed on                       nutritional condition, and increase the susceptibility of young
                                                                      pelagic and vegetation-associated zooplankton prey—primarily                        fish to predation (Anderson 1988; Houde 2008). Therefore, zoo-
                                                                      cladocerans. The smallest fish (
1202                                                                    LECLERC ET AL.

                                                                                                                                                         TABLE 5. Physicochemical variables and algal biomass (mean with SD
                                                                                                                                                         shown in parentheses) in perturbed (pert.) and unperturbed (unpert.) lakes (DOC
                                                                                                                                                         = dissolved organic carbon; chl a = chlorophyll-a concentration). Results of
                                                                                                                                                         ANOVA testing the effect of lake treatment are shown. Significant P-values are
                                                                                                                                                         shown in bold italics.

                                                                                                                                                         Variable                     Pert.          Unpert.         F 1, 4    P
DIET AND FEEDING SUCCESS OF YELLOW PERCH                                                               1203

                                                                      while other studies have not (Baumann et al. 2003; Takahashi          foraging activity (Sirois and Dodson 2000; Utne-Palm 2002;
                                                                      and Watanabe 2005) or have observed only a weak relationship          Shoji et al. 2005). The enhancement of feeding with increasing
                                                                      (Takasuka and Aoki 2006; Robert et al. 2009). In these previous       contrast may be explained by the higher detection of prey and
                                                                      studies, the finding of no prey preference might be related to the    an increase in feeding activity caused by a lowered risk of pre-
                                                                      low taxonomic resolution achieved in the identification of prey       dation (Gregory and Northcote 1993; Utne-Palm 2002; Shoji
                                                                      in the stomachs. In this study, we found a significant relationship   and Tanaka 2006). Indeed, predators with a short visual field
                                                                      between Daphnia spp. abundance and the feeding success and            (e.g., planktivorous fish) could benefit from increased contrast,
                                                                      recent growth rate of age-0 yellow perch. However, no func-           whereas increased turbidity could negatively affect piscivorous
                                                                      tional responses were found when we used a lower taxonomic            fish by shortening their visual field (Gregory and Northcote
                                                                      grouping, such as total zooplankton abundance or abundance of         1993; Utne-Palm 2002). Therefore, turbidity has a contradic-
                                                                      zooplanktonic crustaceans, copepods, or cladocerans. The func-        tory effect at different trophic levels or at different life stages,
                                                                      tional response associated with Daphnia spp. abundance shows          making the positive effect of turbidity on fish feeding contro-
                                                                      the importance of a high taxonomic resolution of prey items, as       versial.
                                                                      was achieved in this study.
                                                                          In the present study, we demonstrated that both feeding suc-      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                      cess on Daphnia spp. and the recent growth rate of age-0 yellow
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                                                                                                                                                We thank the field and laboratory teams, including Y. Bherer,
                                                                      perch follow a type II functional response (Holling 1959) with        J. Brassard, D. Cleary, A.-L. Fortin, C. Girard, A. Ménard, I.
                                                                      Daphnia spp. abundance. Interestingly, for the same abundance         Poirier, and A. Sanfaçon. We also thank Abitibi-Bowater for pro-
                                                                      of Daphnia spp., fish in perturbed lakes generally had a higher       viding land use information and field facilities. This research
                                                                      feeding success on this taxon and a higher recent growth rate         was supported by public funds from Fonds de la Recherche
                                                                      than fish in unperturbed lakes. Stomach content analyses indi-        Forestière du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Fonds Québécois de
                                                                      cated that for the same Daphnia spp. abundance in the environ-        la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies, Ministère des
                                                                      ment, fish in unperturbed lakes ingested other, smaller clado-        Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune du Québec, and Consor-
                                                                      ceran taxa, such as vegetation-associated members of Sididae          tium de Recherche sur la Forêt Boréale Commerciale. V. Leclerc
                                                                      and Chydoridae. The higher Daphnia spp. consumption and               was funded by Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature
                                                                      higher recent growth rates for fish in perturbed lakes at a given     et les Technologies, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, and the
                                                                      Daphnia spp. abundance suggest that perturbed lakes provided          Fédération Québécoise des Chasseurs et des Pêcheurs.
                                                                      a visual environment that favored predation on Daphnia spp.
                                                                          Other researchers have demonstrated that for larval fish, feed-
                                                                      ing in a turbid environment leads to higher growth rates (Miner       REFERENCES
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