Planning Applications within Edinburgh - Edinburgh Council

Page created by Leslie Mullins
Planning Applications within Edinburgh
Date: 26 April 2021
The Weekly Planning Bulletin is organised by ward. Under each ward you will find the following

    •    Section 1– Recently registered planning applications;
    •    Section 2 – Proposal of Application Notices received;
    •    Section 3 – Proposals for tree work in conservation areas;
    •    Section 4 – Proposals for tree works where there is a Tree Preservation Order;
    •    Section 5 – Prior Notification of Telecommunications.
    •    Section 6 – Certificate of Lawfulness Existing.
    •    Section 7 – Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed.

If there are no applications or notices in a ward, the space underneath will be blank.

Section 8 at the end of the document contains consultations from other planning authorities.

Planning decisions are on a separate document.

Wards – click on the links below

Ward B01 - Almond
Ward B02 – Pentland Hills
Ward B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
Ward B04 – Forth
Ward B05 – Inverleith
Ward B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Ward B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
Ward B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
Ward B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
Ward B10 – Morningside
Ward B11 – City Centre
Ward B12 – Leith Walk
Ward B13 – Leith
Ward B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
Ward B15 – Southside/Newington
Ward B16 – Liberton/Gilmerton
Ward B17 – Portobello/Craigmillar

The physical posting of site notices has now recommenced however this will remain under review. The
Council, as planning authority, hereby gives notice under paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 of the
Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that it has decided not to physically publish weekly lists of planning and
related applications and make these available for inspection at our principal office and public libraries on
the basis that doing so

(a)may give rise to a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus, or
(b)is likely to be ineffective or inappropriate due to action taken in order to control the incidence or
transmission of coronavirus.

In accordance with paragraph 9 (3) of Schedule 6, Part 3 to the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, copies
of the aforementioned documents can be viewed on the Council’s Planning and Building Standards On-
line Services using the link below

Please note that this notice does not affect resumption of neighbour notification and publication of
notices in the Edinburgh Gazette and Edinburgh Evening News during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Where can I see the documents?

You can view the plans, forms and other documents at Planning and Building Standards Online
During this time we are unable to provide a duty planner service.

What Can I Comment on?

Under statutory legislation, you should only make comments to the City of Edinburgh Council on those
applications appearing in Section 1 – recently registered planning applications.
Planning is about the development and use of land and buildings so any comments made on
applications should be relevant to this. These are called ‘material considerations’. If you submit
comments which are non material they will not be taken into account. This can be difficult to understand
so we have given you some examples below. It should be noted that the legislation governing the
control of advertisements does not include any provision for a period for representations to be submitted.
Therefore, the Planning service may determine an application for advertisement consent prior to the
date set out in this list

       Material                                                      Non-Material
       Contrary to Local Plan/Structure Plan                         Devaluation of property
       Appearance (design, materials, scale, etc.)                   Loss of private view
       Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing                 Business issues relating to the applicant
       Traffic, parking or access problems                           Possible fire hazard

Comments on Section 2 proposals should be made directly to the applicant and comments on section 6
applications should be made direct to that planning authority. There is no provision for the public to
make comments on tree work and prior notifications and these details are for information only. This also
applies to certificates of lawfulness where decisions are taken on the facts of the case in relation to
planning law and public comments cannot be taken into account.

How Can I Comment?

We would appreciate it if your comments could be made online at Planning and Building Standards
Online Services. This means we can contact you quickly by email with any amendments and the final

At this time no comments can be received by paper due to no staff being available within the office.

Your comments must be received within 21 days of the date of registration, neighbour notification or
advertisement in the press, whichever is later. These periods are extended for public holidays. The
Comments Due by Date appears in the bulletin although we cannot always guarantee it will include
additional days for public holidays. Please contact the case officer if you need advice on this.

Anonymous comments will not be taken into account and we need your name and address as your
representation will become part of the application record, which is a public document. The comments
you make may be made publicly available to view on the Council website. Any comments that are
racist will not be accepted and may be sent to the police for further investigation. Further advice on
commenting on planning applications can be found on the Council website.

What Happens to my Comments?

You will receive an acknowledgement of your representation. You will also be informed of the decision.

Most applications are processed by delegated decision whereby planning officers decide applications
under a publicly accountable process. If, however, there are more than six representations and these
take an opposing view from the recommendation, then the application will be decided by your elected
councillors on the Development Management Sub-Committee.

Any Questions?

Contact the Planning Help Desk at

Ward No. B01 – Almond
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed 20m               WHP Telecoms           Hutchison UK Ltd.,   Delegated   Registered   Declan Semple
                  monopole with              Limited.               Star House           Decision    on:          declan.semple@e
                  wraparound cabinet at      (Troy Mills).          20 Grenfell Road                 15/04/2021
                  base and associated        FAO: Sam               Maidenhead
                  ancillary works.           Wismayer.              SL6 1EH                          Comments     Community
                  at                         Helena House                                            Due by       Council:
                  Telecomms Apparatus        Troy Mills                                              11.05.2021   Silverknowes (Not
                  32 Metres South Of         Troy Road                                                            Active)
                  2 Silverknowes Road        Leeds
                  East                       LS18 5GN                                                             PA submissions


                  Form garden room.          Whitelaw Associates.   Mr Imran Hussain.,   Local       Registered   Nicola Orr
                  at                         FAO: Tom Whitelaw      23 Melville Street   Delegated   on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  Flat 1                     Kitleybrig             Edinburgh            Decision    13/04/2021
                  45 Muirhouse Drive         Kitleyknowe            EH3 7PE
                  Edinburgh                  Carlops                                                 Comments     Community
                  EH4 4TG                    Penicuik                                                Due by       Council:
                                             EH26 9NJ                                                13.05.2021   Muirhouse/Salves
                  21/01991/FUL                                                                                    en


                  Single storey side         Lothian Plans.         Ms Jade Roy.,        Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  extension with attic       FAO: Stephen           11 Cramond Road      Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  conversion.                Lothian                South                            14/04/2021
                  at                         18 Laidlaw Gardens     Edinburgh
                  11 Cramond Road            Tranent                EH4 6AG                          Comments     Community
                  South                      EH33 2QH                                                Due by       Council: Cramond
                  Edinburgh                                                                          11.05.2021
                  EH4 6AG                                                                                         Householder

                  Single storey rear         Maxwell Davidson.      Mt And Mrs G         Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  extension.                 19 Echline Terrace     Slight.,             Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  at                         South Queensferry      2 John Mason Court               19/04/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  2 John Mason Court         EH30 9XH               South Queensferry                             cka@edinburgh.g
                  South Queensferry                                 EH30 9QG                         Comments
                  EH30 9QG                                                                           Due by
                                                                                                     13.05.2021   Community
                  21/02002/FUL                                                                                    Council:
                                                                                                                  Queensferry &


                  New single storey          David Casey            Mr And Mrs J         Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  extension to the rear of   Chartered              McGregor.,           Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  the dwelling along with    Architectural          29 Branders Place                15/04/2021
                  a new timber / UPVC        Technologist.          South Queensferry
                  deck area.                 FAO: David Casey       EH30 9AQ                         Comments     Community
                  at                         31B Alderbank                                           Due by       Council:
                  29 Branders Place          Terrace                                                 13.05.2021   Queensferry &
                  South Queensferry          Shandon                                                              District
                  EH30 9AQ                   Edinburgh
                                             EH11 1TA                                                             Householder
                  21/02030/FUL                                                                                    Developments

Cramond          Creation of a garden      Wood Associates.        Mr Christopher       Delegated     Registered      Tom Hutchinson
 Conservation     room for use as a         FAO: Harry Wood         McIntyre.,           Decision      on:             tom.hutchinson1@
 Area             home office for home      11 St Fillans Terrace   18 Caddell's Row                   16/04/2021
                  working.                  Edinburgh               Edinburgh
                  at                        EH10 5NH                EH4 6HY                            Site Notice     Community
                  18 Caddell's Row                                                                     posted on:      Council: Cramond
                  Edinburgh                                                                            23/04/2021
                  EH4 6HY                                                                                              Householder
                                                                                                       Advertised      Developments
                  21/02065/FUL                                                                         on:

                                                                                                       Due by

                  Demolish existing         Bryant & Cairns.        Mrs Kryzaniwsky,     Delegated     Registered      Luke Vogan
                  garage structure and      FAO: Bryant             26 Silverknowes      Decision      on:             luke.vogan@edinb
                  erect new flat roof       2/3 Borthwick View      Parkway                            16/04/2021
                  sunroom extension.        Pentland Industrial     Edinburgh
                  at                        Estate                  EH4 5LA                            Comments        Community
                  26 Silverknowes           Loanhead                                                   Due by          Council:
                  Parkway                   EH20 9QH                                                   13.05.2021      Silverknowes (Not
                  Edinburgh                                                                                            Active)
                  EH4 5LA
                  21/02072/FUL                                                                                         Developments

 Barnton          Form roof over existing   Delicata Associates.    Mr & Mrs Steven      Delegated     Registered      Luke Vogan
 Avenue           garage; create terrace.   162 Willowbrae Road     Gowrie.,             Decision      on:             luke.vogan@edinb
 Conservation     at                        Edinburgh               43B Barnton Avenue                 19/04/2021
 Area             43B Barnton Avenue        EH8 7JJ                 Edinburgh
                  Edinburgh                                         EH4 6JJ                            Site Notice     Community
                  EH4 6JJ                                                                              posted on:      Council: Cramond
                  21/02095/FUL                                                                                         Householder
                                                                                                       Advertised      Developments

                                                                                                       Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

                  Residential               Smith Scott Mullan      Hart Builders        Additional    Registered      Adam Thomson
                  development               Associates.             (Edinburgh) Ltd.,    Consultati    on:             adam.thomson@e
                  comprising of around      378 Leith Walk          Cruden House,        on            01/04/2021
                  140 flats and colonies    Edinburgh               South Gyle           Required
                  with associated roads,    EH7 4PF                 Business Park                      Earliest date   Community
                  parking and               r.mccluggage@smith      36 South Gyle                      for planning    Council:
                  greenspace.          Crescent             Send copy     application     Muirhouse/Salves
                  at                                                Edinburgh            of PAN to     24.06.2021      en
                  Silverlea Old Peoples                             EH12 9EB             ward
                  Home                                                                   councillors                   PAN submissions
                  14 Muirhouse Parkway
                  EH4 5EU


Listed          Redevelopment of           Kettle Collective.      AMA (New Town)        Additional     Registered      Robert McIntosh
 Category: B     Scotstoun House            FAO: Tony Kettle        Ltd.,                 Consultati     on:             robert.mcintosh@
                 including conversion       90A George Street                             on             01/04/2021
                 and extension of           Edinburgh                                     Required
                 existing buildings to      EH2 3DF                                                      Earliest date   Community
                 residential use, part-                                                   -              for planning    Council:
                 demolition of office                         Leaflets/p     application     Queensferry &
                 extension, and erection                                                  osters to      24.06.2021      District
                 of new build residential                                                 be
                 development with                                                         distributed                    PAN submissions
                 associated                                                               to
                 infrastructure,                                                          neighbouri
                 landscaping, access                                                      ng
                 and parking.                                                             properties/
                 at                                                                       public
                 1 Scotstoun House                                                        areas
                 South Queensferry                                                        - An
                 EH30 9SE                                                                 advert be
                                                                                          placed in
                 21/01798/PAN                                                             'Spotlight'
                                                                                          n board to
                                                                                          in local
                                                                                          et (if
                                                                                          - Liaise
                                                                                          QDCC re
                                                                                          for their
                                                                                          cabinet &

                 Mixed use                  Iceni Projects Ltd      West Craigs Ltd C/o   Additional     Registered      Jamie Carver
                 development                (Glasgow).              Cardross Asset        Consultati     on:             jamie.carver@edin
                 incorporating class 4      FAO: Ian Gallacher.     Management,           on             15/04/2021
                 (business), class 5        177 West George                               Required
                 (general industrial),      Street                                                       Earliest date   Community
                 class 6 (storage or        Glasgow                                                      for planning    Council: Ratho
                 distribution), class 9     G2 2LB                                        Being          application
                 (houses), flatted          igallacher@iceniproje                         assessed.      08.07.2021      PAN submissions
                 development (sui 
                 generis), active travel
                 routes, landscaping,
                 access, and associated
                 ancillary development.
                 Site 100 Metres East
                 Of 194
                 Glasgow Road


3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

                  T1 Sycamore - remove       McLaren Tree          Mr Kapoor,          Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
                  two lowest branches on     Surgery Ltd.          5 Barnton Park      Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
                  the garden side. T2        FAO: Crawford         Wood                            26/04/2021
                  Elm - remove lowest        McLaren               Edinburgh
                  branch on garden side.     300 Colinton Mains    EH4 6EW                                      Community
                  T3 Sycamore - remove       Road                                                               Council: Cramond
                  four lowest branches.      Edinburgh
                  T4 Sycamore - remove       EH13 9BS                                                           TCO and TPO
                  3 lowest branches.         mclarentreesurgery@                                                submissions
                  5 Barnton Park Wood
                  EH4 6EW


 Cramond          Lime - pollard to 6m -     McLaren Tree          Mr & Mrs Barnes,    Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
 Conservation     7m above crown break       Surgery Ltd.          39 Braehead Drive   Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
 Area             removing 7m - 8m in        FAO: Crawford         Edinburgh                       26/04/2021
                  branch length.             McLaren               EH4 6QW
                  at                         300 Colinton Mains                                                 Community
                  39 Braehead Drive          Road                                                               Council: Cramond
                  Edinburgh                  Edinburgh
                  EH4 6QW                    EH13 9BS                                                           TCO and TPO
                                             mclarentreesurgery@                                                submissions

 Listed           T1 Lime tree: -            Maxwell Tree Care.    Mr Thomas           Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
 Category: C      Reduce height by           FAO: Paul Maxwell     Dalgliesh.,         Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
                  approx 1-2 metres and      40 Rowantree          4 Barnton Avenue                26/04/2021
                  reduce lateral spread      Avenue                West
                  by 3-4 metres. , T2        Currie                Edinburgh                                    Community
                  Pine tree - Remove         EH14 5AU              EH4 6DE                                      Council: Cramond
                  tree ( tree located very   Info@maxwelltreecar
                  close to neighbouring                                                              TCO and TPO
                  property)                                                                                     submissions
                  4 Barnton Avenue
                  EH4 6DE


5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B02 – Pentland Hills
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed internal          AC Architects.        Mr Ross Thompson.,    Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
                  ground floor alterations   FAO: Allan Corfield   13 Lanark Road        Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                  and enlargement of         Lewis House           West                              15/04/2021
                  dwelling house by          213 East Way          Edinburgh
                  construction of            Hillend Industrial    Currie                            Comments      Community
                  additional storey          Estate                EH14 5ES                          Due by        Council: Currie
                  above.                     Hillend,                                                11.05.2021
                  at                         Dunfermline                                                           Householder
                  13 Lanark Road West        KY11 9JF                                                              Developments
                  EH14 5ES


                  Proposed attic             MDA Studio.           Ms F Thorburn.,       Delegated   Registered    Weronika
                  conversion with front      FAO: David Moore      36 Woodhall Terrace   Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                  and rear dormer            30 Braid Road         Edinburgh                         16/04/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  windows.                   Edinburgh             EH14 5BR                                        cka@edinburgh.go
                  at                         EH10 6AD                                                Comments
                  36 Woodhall Terrace                                                                Due by
                  Juniper Green                                                                      13.05.2021    Community
                  EH14 5BR                                                                                         Council: Juniper

 Juniper Green    Proposed community         Scott Allan           Pentlands             Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
 Conservation     hub with apartment         36 Wallace Avenue     Community Space.,     Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
 Area             over - solar panels and    Wallyford             9 Baberton Mains                  19/04/2021
                  air source heat pump       East Lothian          Row                                             k
                  installation               EH21 8BZ              Edinburgh                         Site Notice
                  (16/03972/VARY).                                 EH14 3EH                          posted on:    Community
                  at                                                                                 30/04/2021    Council: Juniper
                  531 Lanark Road                                                                                  Green
                  Edinburgh                                                                          Advertised
                                                                                                     on:           Other
                  21/02100/FUL                                                                       30/04/2021    Developments -
                                                                                                     Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No.B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed extensions        John Tod Associates.     The Owners Group.,    Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  and alterations.           FAO: John Tod            216 Broomhouse        Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  at                         59 Edinburgh Road        Road                              14/04/2021
                  216 Broomhouse Road        Musselburgh              Edinburgh
                  Edinburgh                  EH21 6EE                 EH12 9AF                          Comments     Community
                  EH12 9AF                                                                              Due by       Council:
                                                                                                        11.05.2021   Corstorphine

                  Proposed single storey     Capital Draughting       Mrs J McIntosh.,      Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  rear extension with        Consultants Ltd.         3 Craigmount Loan     Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  internal alterations.      FAO: Keith               Edinburgh                         14/04/2021
                  at                         Henderson                United Kingdom
                  3 Craigmount Loan          40 Dinmont Drive         EH12 8DJ                          Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                  Due by       Council:
                  EH12 8DJ                   EH16 5RR                                                   11.05.2021   Corstorphine

                  21/02012/FUL                                                                                       Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B04 – Forth
1. Planning Applications

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Listed           Diseased wild cherry -     Trees4Scotland -         Mr Paul Greig.,       Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Category: B      Remove to ground           Tree Care Services.      5 Laverockbank        Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
                  level                      FAO: Angus Crabbie       Road                              20/04/2021
 Trinity          at                         12 Silverknowes          Edinburgh
 Conservation     5 Laverockbank Road        Eastway                  EH5 3DG                                        Community
 Area             Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                               Council: Trinity
                  EH5 3DG                    EH4 5NQ
                                             gus@trees4scotland.                                                     TCO and TPO
                  21/02130/TCO               com                                                                     submissions

 Newhaven         Please see attached        Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mrs Jane Paterson.,   Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     detailed tree works        FAO: Andrew              13 Laverockbank       Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             specification.             Jenkins                  Terrace                           26/04/2021
                  at                         Office Suite 1,          Edinburgh
                  13 Laverockbank            Eastfield Business       EH5 3BL                                        Community
                  Terrace                    Centre                                                                  Council: Trinity
                  Edinburgh                  4C Eastfield Farm
                  EH5 3BL                    Road                                                                    TCO and TPO
                                             Penicuik                                                                submissions
                  21/02268/TCO               EH26 8EZ

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B05 – Inverleith
1. Planning Applications

 World            New roof lights; replace   Arctec Build Ltd.   Mr And Mrs Ken And   Delegated   Registered    Jennifer Paton
 Heritage Site    dormer windows with        FAO: Andrew Dodds   Kirsty Syme.,        Decision    on:           jennifer.paton@edi
                  timber double-glazed       4 The Maltings      2F 16 Buckingham                 20/04/2021
 New Town         windows; fit Slimlite      Haddington          Terrace
 Conservation     double-glazing to          EH41 4EF            Edinburgh                        Site Notice   Community
 Area             existing front windows.                        EH4 3AD                          posted on:    Council: West End
                  at                                                                              30/04/2021
                  2F 16 Buckingham                                                                              Householder
                  Terrace                                                                         Advertised    Developments
                  Edinburgh                                                                       on:
                  EH4 3AD                                                                         30/04/2021

                  21/01959/FUL                                                                    Comments
                                                                                                  Due by

 World            Removal of partition at    Arctec Build Ltd.   Mr And Mrs Ken And   Delegated   Registered    Jennifer Paton
 Heritage Site    2nd floor to form          FAO: Andrew Dodds   Kirsty Syme.,        Decision    on:           jennifer.paton@edi
                  enlarged kitchen /         4 The Maltings      2F 16 Buckingham                 20/04/2021
 New Town         dining; remove en-suite    Haddington          Terrace
 Conservation     and form new utility       EH41 4EF            Edinburgh                        Site Notice   Community
 Area             and WC; reconfigure                            EH4 3AD                          posted on:    Council: West End
                  bedrooms at 3rd floor                                                           30/04/2021
                  to form bedroom and                                                                           Listed building and
                  dressing area; form                                                             Advertised    Con Area
                  new bathroom and en-                                                            on:           Consents
                  suite; new roof lights;                                                         30/04/2021
                  replace dormer
                  windows with timber                                                             Comments
                  double-glazed                                                                   Due by
                  windows; fit Slimlite                                                           21.05.2021
                  double-glazing to
                  existing front windows.
                  2F 16 Buckingham
                  EH4 3AD


Listed          The refurbishment of a     Lorn Macneal          Mrs Jennie           Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Category: B     B listed townhouse         Architects.           Chalmers,            Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                including partial          3 St Vincent Street   20 Comely Bank                   14/04/2021
Inverleith      demolition of rear         Edinburgh             Edinburgh
Conservation    extension and new          EH3 6SW               Scotland                         Site Notice   Community
Area            extension.                                       EH4 1AL                          posted on:    Council:
                at                                                                                30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                20 Comely Bank                                                                                  eith
                Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised
                EH4 1AL                                                                           on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                  30/04/2021    Con Area
                21/02019/LBC                                                                                    Consents
                                                                                                  Due by

Listed          The refurbishment of a     Lorn Macneal          Mrs Jennie           Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Category: B     B listed townhouse         Architects.           Chalmers,            Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                including partial          3 St Vincent Street   20 Comely Bank                   14/04/2021
Inverleith      demolition of rear         Edinburgh             Edinburgh
Conservation    extension and new          EH3 6SW               Scotland                         Site Notice   Community
Area            extension.                                       EH4 1AL                          posted on:    Council:
                at                                                                                30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                20 Comely Bank                                                                                  eith
                Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised
                EH4 1AL                                                                           on:           Householder
                                                                                                  30/04/2021    Developments
                                                                                                  Due by

World           Internal alterations and   David Blaikie         Mr Thomas Crowe.,    Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
Heritage Site   extension to two storey    Architects.           GF 4 Eton Terrace    Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                flat (ground and lower     FAO: David Blaikie    Edinburgh                        15/04/2021
Listed          ground floor) forming      10 Deanhaugh Street   EH4 1QE
Category: A     part of mid-terrace        Edinburgh                                              Site Notice   Community
                classical townhouse.       EH4 1LY                                                posted on:    Council:
New Town        at                                                                                30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
Conservation    4A Eton Terrace                                                                                 eith
Area            Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised
                EH4 1QE                                                                           on:           Householder
                                                                                                  30/04/2021    Developments
                                                                                                  Due by

                Proposed single storey     Scott Allan           Mr Tom And Mrs       Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
                gable extension            36 Wallace Avenue     Gillian Atkinson.,   Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                forming enlarged           Wallyford             4 Columba Avenue                 15/04/2021
                kitchen / bathroom and     EH21 8BZ              Edinburgh
                garage.                                          EH4 3QR                          Comments      Community
                at                                                                                Due by        Council:
                4 Columba Avenue                                                                  13.05.2021    Craigleith/Blackhal
                Edinburgh                                                                                       l
                EH4 3QR
                21/02031/FUL                                                                                    Developments

World           Internal alterations by      Groves-Raines           Mr Mark Burrows.,   Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
Heritage Site   removing a passage,          Architects Studios      1 Sugarloaf Farm    Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                enlarging the current        Ltd.                    Kangaloon                       15/04/2021
Listed          bedroom and turning a        FAO: Estefania          New South Wales
Category: A     small bedroom into a         Macchi                  Australia                       Site Notice   Community
                bath / shower room.          Lamb's House            2576                            posted on:    Council:
New Town        at                           11 Water's Close                                        30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
Conservation    1F                           Edinburgh                                                             eith
Area            5 St Bernard's               EH6 6RB                                                 Advertised
                Crescent                                                                             on:           Listed building and
                Edinburgh                                                                            30/04/2021    Con Area
                EH4 1NR                                                                                            Consents
                21/02044/LBC                                                                         Due by

Inverleith      To construct a run-in                                Mr MacMahon,        Local       Registered    Nicola Orr
Conservation    (or drive) at the front of                           27 Inverleith       Delegated   on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
Area            the property to allow for                            Gardens             Decision    19/04/2021
                car parking. This will                               Edinburgh
                involve digging out the                              EH3 5PS                         Site Notice   Community
                existing front garden,                                                               posted on:    Council:
                including a concrete                                                                 30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                path to the main door,                                                                             eith
                and some vegetation. It                                                              Advertised
                will also involve                                                                    on:           Householder
                demolishing part, but                                                                30/04/2021    Developments
                not all, of the existing
                wall, which adjoins the                                                              Comments
                pavement on Inverleith                                                               Due by
                Gardens. We propose                                                                  21.05.2021
                to use gravel for the
                'drive' surface.
                27 Inverleith Gardens
                EH3 5PS


Inverleith      Proposed covered             JML SIPS.               Mr & Mrs Philip,    Delegated   Registered    Nicola Orr
Conservation    decking.                     FAO: Brad Mutter        14 Arboretum Road   Decision    on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
Area            at                           The Arns                Edinburgh                       19/04/2021
                14 Arboretum Road            Auchterarder            EH3 5PN
                Edinburgh                    Perthshire                                              Site Notice   Community
                EH3 5PN                      PH3 1EJ                                                 posted on:    Council:
                                                                                                     30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                21/02108/FUL                                                                                       eith
                                                                                                     on:           Householder
                                                                                                     30/04/2021    Developments

                                                                                                     Due by

World            Proposed landscaping.    Malcolm Hutchon AS.    Mr Dinwoodie,          Delegated   Registered    Jennifer Paton
 Heritage Site    at                       59 Manse Road          Flat 1 30              Decision    on:           jennifer.paton@edi
                  GF 30 Buckingham         Edinburgh              Buckingham Terrace                 20/04/2021
 Listed           Terrace                  EH12 7SR               Edinburgh
 Category: B      Edinburgh                                       EH4 3AE                            Site Notice   Community
                  EH4 3AE                                                                            posted on:    Council: West End
 New Town                                                                                            30/04/2021
 Conservation     21/02110/FUL                                                                                     Householder
 Area                                                                                                Advertised    Developments

                                                                                                     Due by

 World            Proposed landscaping.    Malcolm Hutchon AS.    Mr Dinwoodie,          Delegated   Registered    Jennifer Paton
 Heritage Site    at                       59 Manse Road          Flat 1 30              Decision    on:           jennifer.paton@edi
                  GF 30 Buckingham         Edinburgh              Buckingham Terrace                 20/04/2021
 Listed           Terrace                  EH12 7SR               Edinburgh
 Category: B      Edinburgh                                       EH4 3AE                            Site Notice   Community
                  EH4 3AE                                                                            posted on:    Council: West End
 New Town                                                                                            30/04/2021
 Conservation     21/02111/LBC                                                                                     Listed building and
 Area                                                                                                Advertised    Con Area
                                                                                                     on:           Consents

                                                                                                     Due by

 Listed           Alter an existing        LDN Architects.        Lady Elliott,          Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
 Category: B      shower room that is      FAO: Hilary Sidgwick   Flat 1 33 Inverleith   Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                  part of a domestic       57 - 59 Bread Street   Place                              21/04/2021
 Inverleith       apartment within a       Edinburgh              Edinburgh
 Conservation     category B listed        EH3 9AH                EH3 5QD                            Site Notice   Community
 Area             building.                                                                          posted on:    Council:
                  at                                                                                 30/04/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                  Flat 1 33 Inverleith                                                                             eith
                  Place                                                                              Advertised
                  Edinburgh                                                                          on:           Listed building and
                  EH3 5QD                                                                            30/04/2021    Con Area
                  21/02159/LBC                                                                       Comments
                                                                                                     Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Inverleith       Two large cherry trees   Gerald Dames.          Miss Sam Rennie.,      Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     behind 2 Glenogle        Flat 4 5 Shandon       2-5 Glenogle Road      Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Area             road. - Tree removal     Place                  Edinburgh                          21/04/2021
                  at                       Edinburgh              EH35HW
                  Flat 1 2 Glenogle Road   EH11 1QN                                                                Community
                  Edinburgh                                                            Council: New
                  EH3 5HW                                                                                          Town/Broughton

                  21/02164/TCO                                                                                     TCO and TPO

Inverleith       Large tree behind 10       Gerald Dames.           Mrs Carol Notman.,    Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     Ettrickdale Place - Tree   Flat 4 5 Shandon        6-3 Glenogle Road     Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             removal                    Place                   Edinburgh                         21/04/2021
                  at                         Edinburgh               EH3 5HW
                  Flat 1 10 Ettrickdale      EH11 1QN                                                               Community
                  Place                                                                 Council: New
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Town/Broughton
                  EH3 5JN
                                                                                                                    TCO and TPO
                  21/02169/TCO                                                                                      submissions

                  Silver Birch - crown       McLaren Tree            Mr Des Creasey.,      Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
                  reduce canopy by           Surgery Ltd.            101 Craigleith Road   Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
                  thinning out congested     FAO: Crawford           Edinburgh                         21/04/2021
                  and overly long            McLaren.                EH4 2EH
                  regrowth                   300 Colinton Mains                                                     Community
                  at                         Road                                                                   Council:
                  1F 101 Craigleith Road     Edinburgh                                                              Craigleith/Blackhal
                  Edinburgh                  EH13 9BS                                                               l
                  EH4 2EH                    mclarentreesurgery@
                                                                                               TCO and TPO
                  21/02172/TCO                                                                                      submissions

 Inverleith       Row of Fagus               Keith Glass.            SCPJ.,                Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     Salvatica - 5% thin        FAO:Keith Glass         Mrs Dorothea          Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             and deadwood also          6 6 Crichton Drive      Nelson.                           21/04/2021
                  remove 1 stem due to       Pathhead                57B Inverleith Row
                  large cavity high          EH37 5QN                Edinburgh                                      Community
                  occupancy rate                                     Scotland                                       Council:
                  at                         Tynewtrees@gmail.c      EH3 5PX                                        Stockbridge/Inverl
                  57B Inverleith Row         om                                                                     eith
                  EH3 5PX                                                                                           TCO and TPO

 Inverleith       Whitebeam (4379) -         Thomson Trees Ltd.      The Edinburgh         Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     8m high with a trunk       FAO: Peter Thomson      Academy.,             Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             diameter of 70cms. -       Kaimes                  5 Kinnear Road                    26/04/2021
                  To cut to stump.           Station Road            Edinburgh
                  at                         West Linton                                                            Community
                  5 Kinnear Road             EH46 7BX                                                               Council:
                  Edinburgh                  peter@thomsontrees.                                                    Stockbridge/Inverl
                                             com                                                                    eith

                  21/02267/TCO                                                                                      TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

                  Installation and           James Robertson         FetLor Youth Club.,   Delegated   Registered   John Maciver
                  operation of ground        Architect.              FAO: Alastair         Decision    on:          john.maciver@edi
                  source heat pump.          7B Mavisbank            Salvesen                          22/04/2021
                  at                         Grange                  122 Crewe Road
                  122 Crewe Road South       Edinburgh               South                                          Community
                  Edinburgh                  EH20 9SZ                Edinburgh                                      Council:
                  EH4 2NY             EH4 2NY                                        Stockbridge/Inverl
                                             uk                                                                     eith
                                                                                                                    CLE and CLP

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Two existing floodlit      Advantage Sports       Blackhall Tennis    Delegated   Registered   Stuart Talbot
                  courts to be upgraded      Consultancy Ltd.       Club.,              Decision    on:          stuart.talbot@edin
                  to LED luminaires on       FAO: Peter Gordon      10 Keith Terrace                21/04/2021
                  existing columns. Rear     12 March Pines         Edinburgh
                  court to have one          Edinburgh              EH4 3NJ                                      Community
                  column and lights fitted   EH4 3PF                                                             Council:
                  at                         peter@advantagespo                                                  Craigleith/Blackhal
                  9 Keith Terrace                                                  l
                  EH4 3NJ                                                                                        CLE and CLP
Ward No. B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
1. Planning Applications

                  Erection of shed                                  Miss Park,          Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  shelter gazebo depth is                           71 Broombank        Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  3100mm the height is                              Terrace                         19/04/2021
                  2495mm and width is                               Edinburgh
                  5900mm. The roof type                             EH12 7NZ                        Comments     Community
                  is pent.                                                                          Due by       Council:
                  at                                                                                11.05.2021   Corstorphine
                  71 Broombank Terrace
                  Edinburgh                                                                                      Householder
                  EH12 7NZ                                                                                       Developments


                  Single storey rear         Colin Watson           Mr S Summers.,      Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                  extension.                 Consultancy.           31 Meadow Place     Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                  at                         Exactive House         Road                            14/04/2021
                  31 Meadow Place            Pitreavie Business     Edinburgh
                  Road                       Park                   EH12 7UJ                        Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                  6 Pitreavie Court                                      Due by       Council:
                  EH12 7UJ                   Dunfermline                                            11.05.2021   Corstorphine
                                             KY11 8UU
                  21/02006/FUL                                                                                   Householder

                  Proposed single storey     Scott Allan            Mr Graham Andrews   Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  rear extension and         36 Wallace Avenue      And Miss Sarah      Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  internal alterations.      Wallyford              Napier.,                        15/04/2021
                  at                         EH21 8BZ               4 Tyler's Acre
                  4 Tyler's Acre Gardens                            Gardens                         Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                                         Edinburgh                       Due by       Council:
                  EH12 7JH                                          EH12 7JH                        13.05.2021   Corstorphine

                  21/02037/FUL                                                                                   Householder

                  Garage conversion /        Stephen Lothian        Mr John Simmons.,   Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  extension.                 18 Laidlaw Gardens     27 Hillview Drive   Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  at                         Tranent                Edinburgh                       15/04/2021
                  27 Hillview Drive          Scotland               EH12 8QP
                  Edinburgh                  EH33 2QH                                               Comments     Community
                  EH12 8QP                                                                          Due by       Council:
                                                                                                    13.05.2021   Corstorphine

Proposed alterations to    John Hamilton.         Mr & Mrs Ahmed,          Delegated   Registered    Christopher Sillick
                  existing detached          8 Louis Braille Way    3 Belford Avenue         Decision    on:           christopher.sillick
                  house to convert attic     Gorebridge             Edinburgh                            16/04/2021
                  space into two             EH23 4LD               EH4 3EH                                            k
                  bedrooms with en-                                                                      Comments
                  suites including the                                                                   Due by        Community
                  construction of front,                                                                 13.05.2021    Council:
                  rear and side dormer                                                                                 Craigleith/Blackhal
                  roof extensions.                                                                                     l
                  3 Belford Avenue                                                                                     Householder
                  Edinburgh                                                                                            Developments
                  EH4 3EH


 Coltbridge And   To demolish one, out of    Bergmark Architects.   Mr And Mrs J Elliott.,   Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
 Wester Coates    two, garages and build     FAO: Jens Bergmark     6 Succoth Avenue         Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
 Conservation     new gym room and           3 Walker Street        Edinburgh                            19/04/2021
 Area             bike store.                Edinburgh              EH12 6BT
                  at                         EH3 7JY                                                     Site Notice   Community
                  6 Succoth Avenue                                                                       posted on:    Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                              30/04/2021    Murrayfield
                  EH12 6BT
                                                                                                         Advertised    Householder
                  21/02099/FUL                                                                           on:           Developments

                                                                                                         Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Corstorphine     Willow at pond - Raise     Lord Of The Trees.     Mrs Wilma Purser.,       Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     and reduce/routine         (Cockburns Path).      16 Corstorphine          Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Area             prune 30%, all cypress     FAO: Andrew Senior     High Street                          20/04/2021
                  hedges - remove and        11 Callander Place     Edinburgh
                  replace new hedges.        Cockburns Path         EH12 7ST                                           Community
                  at                         TD15 5XY                                                                  Council:
                  16 Corstorphine High       andrew@lordofthetre                                                       Corstorphine
                  Edinburgh                                                                                            TCO and TPO
                  EH12 7ST                                                                                             submissions


 Listed           T1 Lime - crown thin       JWT Tree Services      Mr Loudon,               Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Category: C      20% including crown lift   Ltd.                   2 Easter Belmont         Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  to 5m.                     FAO: John              Road                                 22/04/2021
 West             at                         Thompson               Edinburgh
 Murrayfield      2 Easter Belmont Road      10 South Quarry Way    EH12 6EX                                           Community
 Conservation     Edinburgh                  Gorebridge                                                                Council:
 Area             EH12 6EX                   EH23 4GZ                                                                  Murrayfield
                  21/02196/TCO                                                                                         TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
1. Planning Applications

                  Formation of temporary     Montagu Evans LLP,    Prudential           Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
                  site compound for use      Edinburgh.            Assurance Company    Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                  during construction.       FAO: Rachel Mushet    Limited.,                        14/04/2021
                  at                         4th Floor, Exchange                                                  k
                  Land 247 Metres West       Tower                                                  Comments
                  Of                         19 Canning Street                                      Due by        Community
                  1 Distillery Lane          Edinburgh                                              11.05.2021    Council:
                  Edinburgh                  EH3 8EG                                                              Gorgie/Dalry

                  21/01057/FUL                                                                                    Developments -

 Listed           Replace three non-                               Ms Anthea            Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
 Category: B      original hinged                                  Middleton.,          Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                  windows with more                                Dalry Colony                     20/04/2021
 Dalry            traditional windows and                          13 Atholl Terrace                              k
 Conservation     the dormer windows,                              Edinburgh                        Site Notice
 Area             These new windows                                EH11 2BP                         posted on:    Community
                  will be timber framed,                                                            30/04/2021    Council:
                  double-glazed with                                                                              Gorgie/Dalry
                  single-astragal                                                                   Advertised
                  divisions.                                                                        on:           Listed building and
                  at                                                                                30/04/2021    Con Area
                  13 Atholl Terrace                                                                               Consents
                  Edinburgh                                                                         Comments
                  EH11 2BP                                                                          Due by

                  Rebuilding of the          Malcolm Hollis LLP.   Cella UK Trustee 1   Local       Registered    Nicola Orr
                  boundary wall which is     FAO: Chyrelle Watt    Ltd & Cella UK       Delegated   on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
                  currently damaged and      63A George Street     Trustee 2 Ltd.,      Decision    12/04/2021
                  installation of a          Edinburgh             FAO: Kennedy
                  palisade fence on top.     EH2 2JG               Wilson                           Comments      Community
                  at                                               Grosvenor Estate                 Due by        Council:
                  19, 21, 23, 25, 27 And                           Holdings                         13.05.2021    Hutchison/Chesse
                  29 Stenhouse Mill                                50 Grosvenor Hill                              r
                  Wynd                                             London
                  Edinburgh                                        W1K 3QT                                        Householder
                  EH11 3XX                                                                                        Developments


                  Section 42 application     Format Design.        Mactaggart           Delegated   Registered    Lynsey Townsend
                  to renew planning          FAO: Shona Mackay     Properties Ltd.,     Decision    on:           lynsey.townsend@
                  permission for a further   146 Duddingston       Format Design                    13/04/2021
                  3 years as per             Road West             146 Duddingston
                  condition 1 of planning    Edinburgh             Road West                        Comments      Community
                  approval,                  EH16 4AP              Edinburgh                        Due by        Council:
                  (18/00685/FUL),                                  EH16 4AP                         14.05.2021    Hutchison/Chesse
                  temporary change of                                                                             r
                  use of private car park
                  to self-storage.                                                                                Other
                  at                                                                                              Developments -
                  Land 29 Metres North                                                                            Local
                  Of 19
                  Stenhouse Mill Wynd


Listed           Internal alterations to    Planning & Building   Mr & Mrs M Lian.,   Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
 Category: C      relocate kitchen from      Design Ltd.           1F2 9 Richmond      Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                  front of building to the   FAO: Keith Owens      Terrace                         16/04/2021
                  rear of the building and   24 West Nicolson      Edinburgh                                     k
                  increase the floor area    Street                EH11 2BY                        Site Notice
                  of the shower room to      Edinburgh                                             posted on:    Community
                  form an internal           EH8 9DA                                               30/04/2021    Council:
                  bathroom.                                                                                      Gorgie/Dalry
                  at                                                                               Advertised
                  1F2 9 Richmond                                                                   on:           Listed building and
                  Terrace                                                                          30/04/2021    Con Area
                  Edinburgh                                                                                      Consents
                  EH11 2BY                                                                         Comments
                                                                                                   Due by
                  21/02069/LBC                                                                     21.05.2021

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
1. Planning Applications

                  Single storey extension    Gregor Robertson.     Mr Harry Murray.,   Delegated   Registered    Weronika
                  to side and rear of        FAO: Gregor           114 Swanston Muir   Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                  property.                  Robertson.            Edinburgh                       14/04/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  at                         50 Steel Crescent     EH10 7HY                                      cka@edinburgh.go
                  114 Swanston Muir          Denny                                                 Comments
                  Edinburgh                  FK6 5JP                                               Due by
                  EH10 7HY                                                                         11.05.2021    Community
                  21/02010/FUL                                                                                   Fairmilehead


                  Proposed extension to      Grant Allan           Mrs Hamburgh,       Delegated   Registered    Weronika
                  side                       Architecture.         27 Dreghorn Park    Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                  at                         45 Pitmedden Road     Edinburgh                       19/04/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  27 Dreghorn Park           Dunfermline           EH13 9PJ                                      cka@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                  KY11 8FJ                                              Comments
                  EH13 9PJ                                                                         Due by
                                                                                                   13.05.2021    Community
                  21/02107/FUL                                                                                   Council: Colinton


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Listed           Horse Chestnut             Thomson Trees.        Mrs Catriona Burns.,   Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Category: B      (00148) - 12m high         FAO: Peter Thomson    4 Spylaw Avenue        Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  with a trunk diameter of   Kaimes                Edinburgh                          20/04/2021
 Colinton         66cms - To remove          Station Road          EH13 0LR
 Conservation     snapped out branch         West Linton                                                            Community
 Area             and if unsafe remove       EH46 7BX                                                               Council: Colinton
                  remainder of branch        peter@thomsontrees.
                  where snapped out,         com                                                                    TCO and TPO
                  Beech (00147) - 15m                                                                               submissions
                  high with a trunk
                  diameter of 66cms. -
                  To cut to stump, Beech
                  (00111) - 14m high
                  with a trunk diameter of
                  51cms - To cut to
                  4 Spylaw Avenue
                  EH13 0LR


 Colinton         Pine tree (Pinus Nigra)                          Ms Thompson,           Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     - tree removal.                                  53 Woodhall Road       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Area             at                                               Edinburgh                          26/04/2021
                  55 Woodhall Road                                 EH13 0HD
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Community
                  EH13 0HD                                                                                          Council: Colinton

                  21/02234/TCO                                                                                      TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Temporary                  Kenneth Reid          Napier University.,    Delegated   Registered    Jennifer
 Category: B      accommodation (six         Architects.           Sighthill Campus       Decision    on:           Zochowska
                  classrooms) and            39 Braid Farm Road    9 Sighthill Court                  19/04/2021    jennifer.zochowsk
 Craiglockhart    associated access.         Edinburgh             Edinburgh                              
 Hills            at                         EH10 6LE              EH11 4BN                           Site Notice   uk
 Conservation     Napier University                                                                   posted on:
 Area             219 Colinton Road                                                                   30/04/2021    Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Council:
                  EH14 1DJ                                                                            Advertised    Craiglockhart
                  21/01879/FUL                                                                        30/04/2021    Other
                                                                                                                    Developments -
                                                                                                      Comments      Local
                                                                                                      Due by

Proposed new bay           ABC Architecture.      Mr Ben Bunting.,    Local       Registered   Weronika
                  window to rear, new        FAO: Joanna Laidlaw    31 Craiglockhart    Delegated   on:          Myslowiecka
                  porch extension to         18A Rothesay Place     Grove               Decision    15/04/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  side, alterations to       Edinburgh              Edinburgh                                    cka@edinburgh.go
                  dormer at front and        EH3 7SQ                EH14 1ET                        Comments
                  new solar panels to                                                               Due by
                  South and East                                                                    13.05.2021   Community
                  elevations.                                                                                    Council:
                  at                                                                                             Craiglockhart
                  31 Craiglockhart Grove
                  Edinburgh                                                                                      Householder
                  EH14 1ET                                                                                       Developments


                  Proposed sunroom           Stevenswood            Mr Tom Carr.,       Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  extension to rear          Conservatories         10 Laichpark Road   Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  elevation.                 (Lochgelly).           Edinburgh                       16/04/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  at                         FAO: Derek Balfour.    EH14 1XB                                     cka@edinburgh.go
                  10 Laichpark Road          3 Violet Place                                         Comments
                  Edinburgh                  Lochgelly                                              Due by
                  EH14 1XB                   Fife                                                   13.05.2021   Community
                                             KY5 9HU                                                             Council:
                  21/02050/FUL                                                                                   Hutchison/Chesse


                  Conversion of the          KS Architectural.      Mr Martino          Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  existing garage.           FAO: Khrum Syed.       Manganiello.,       Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  Formation of first-floor   Suite 129 Eucal        11 Laichpark Loan               16/04/2021
                  accommodation              Business Centre        Edinburgh
                  accessed via external      Craigshill West Road   EH14 1UH                        Comments     Community
                  stair and balcony.         Craigshill                                             Due by       Council:
                  at                         Livingston                                             13.05.2021   Hutchison/Chesse
                  11 Laichpark Loan          EH54 5DT                                                            r
                  EH14 1UH                                                                                       Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B10 – Morningside
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Reinstatement of          Euan Gray Design.      Mr Teague,             Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
 Category: C      plasterwork features      21 Belvedere Park      1F2 50 Leamington      Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                  and of door position;     Edinburgh              Terrace                            17/03/2021
 Marchmont,       amendment and             EH6 4LR                Edinburgh
 Meadows And      alteration of door and                           EH10 4JL                           Site Notice   Community
 Bruntsfield      wall arrangements.                                                                  posted on:    Council:
 Conservation     at                                                                                  30/04/2021    Merchiston
 Area             1F2 50 Leamington
                  Terrace                                                                             Advertised    Listed building and
                  Edinburgh                                                                           on:           Con Area
                  EH10 4JL                                                                            30/04/2021    Consents

                  21/01231/LBC                                                                        Comments
                                                                                                      Due by

 Marchmont,       Section 42 application    JM Architects, Ed.     City Of Edinburgh      Delegated   Registered    Jennifer
 Meadows And      for an extension of       FAO: Cian Phelan.      Council (CEC).,        Decision    on:           Zochowska
 Bruntsfield      planning permission for   64 Queen Street        Mr Crawford                        22/04/2021    jennifer.zochowsk
 Conservation     six classrooms and        Edinburgh              McGhie.                                
 Area             ancillary                 EH2 4NA                Waverley Court                     Site Notice   uk
                  accommodation with                               4 East Market Street               posted on:
                  associated site works,                           Edinburgh                          30/04/2021    Community
                  (19/00734/FUL).                                  Scotland                                         Council:
                  at                                               EH8 8BG                            Advertised    Marchmont/Scienn
                  120 Warrender Park                                                                  on:           es
                  Road                                                                                30/04/2021
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Other
                  EH9 1DD                                                                             Comments      Developments -
                                                                                                      Due by        Local
                  21/01551/FUL                                                                        21.05.2021

                  Proposed dormer           Les Mccaskey           Mrs Jenny Holligan.,   Delegated   Registered    Weronika
                  window extension to       Architectural Design   32 Pentland            Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                  first floor rear of       Services.              Crescent                           15/04/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  property and new          FAO: Les Mccaskey      Edinburgh                                        cka@edinburgh.go
                  extended window to        38B High Street        EH10 6NP                           Comments
                  rear ground floor         East Linton                                               Due by
                  elevation.                EH40 3AB                                                  11.05.2021    Community
                  at                                                                                                Council:
                  32 Pentland Crescent                                                                              Fairmilehead
                  EH10 6NP                                                                                          Householder

 Listed           2 No. new roof lights     Robert Slaney          Mrs Victoria           Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
 Category: C      on the frontage of the    48 3F2                 Rutherford.,           Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                  roof.                     Bruntsfield Gardens    22 Colinton Road                   15/04/2021
 Merchiston       at                        Edinburgh              Edinburgh
 And Greenhill    Flat 4                    EH10 4DZ               EH10 5EQ                           Site Notice   Community
 Conservation     22 Colinton Road                                                                    posted on:    Council:
 Area             Edinburgh                                                                           30/04/2021    Merchiston
                  EH10 5EQ
                                                                                                      Advertised    Listed building and
                  21/02041/LBC                                                                        on:           Con Area
                                                                                                      30/04/2021    Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

Merchiston       Alterations, single        Planning And           Mr & Mrs A           Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
 And Greenhill    storey extension to the    Building Design Ltd.   Blackwood.,          Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
 Conservation     rear, widen existing       FAO: Keith Owens       28A Polwarth                     15/04/2021
 Area             vehicle access and         24 West Nicolson       Terrace                                        k
                  provide new pedestrian     Street                 Edinburgh                        Site Notice
                  access and remove          Edinburgh              EH11 1LX                         posted on:    Community
                  existing concrete          EH8 9DD                                                 30/04/2021    Council:
                  driveway and replace                                                                             Merchiston
                  with new tegula                                                                    Advertised
                  drivesett's.                                                                       on:           Householder
                  at                                                                                 30/04/2021    Developments
                  28A Polwarth Terrace
                  Edinburgh                                                                          Comments
                  EH11 1LX                                                                           Due by

 Listed           Alterations, single        Planning And           Mr & Mrs Adam        Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
 Category: C      storey extension to the    Building Design Ltd.   Blackwood.,          Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                  rear, widen existing       FAO: Keith Owens       28A Polwarth                     15/04/2021
 Merchiston       vehicle access and         24 West Nicolson       Terrace                                        k
 And Greenhill    provide new pedestrian     Street                 Edinburgh                        Site Notice
 Conservation     access and remove          Edinburgh              EH11 1LX                         posted on:    Community
 Area             existing concrete          EH8 9DD                                                 30/04/2021    Council:
                  driveway and replace                                                                             Merchiston
                  with new tegula                                                                    Advertised
                  drivesett's.                                                                       on:           Listed building and
                  at                                                                                 30/04/2021    Con Area
                  28A Polwarth Terrace                                                                             Consents
                  Edinburgh                                                                          Comments
                  EH11 1LX                                                                           Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Merchiston       cypress at sw garden -     Lord Of The Trees.     Mrs Alison           Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    reduce height by 8ft,      (Cockburns Path).      Edelsten.,           Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     cypress at ne garden -     FAO: Andrew Senior     18 West Castle                   20/04/2021
 Area             reduce by 10ft, cypress    11 Callander Place     Road
                  at north of garden - end   Cockburns Path         Edinburgh                                      Community
                  load reduction, 3x holly   TD15 5XY               EH10 5AU                                       Council:
                  - Reduce by 30%            andrew@lordofthetre                                                   Merchiston
                  Flat 2 18 West Castle                                                                            TCO and TPO
                  Road                                                                                             submissions
                  EH10 5AU


 Merchiston       dawyck beech - Shape       Lord Of The Trees.     Mr Guy Hundleby.,    Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    and routine prune, by      (Cockburns Path).      6 East Castle Road   Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     15%, sycamore -            FAO: Andrew Senior     Edinburgh                        20/04/2021
 Area             routine prune and          11 Callander Place     EH10 5AR
                  reduce by 30%              Cockburns Path                                                        Community
                  at                         TD15 5XY                                                              Council:
                  6 East Castle Road         andrew@lordofthetre                                                   Merchiston
                  EH10 5AR                                                                                         TCO and TPO

Listed          Wild Cheery -                                        Mr Hunter Walker.,   Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
Category: B     Removal.                                             42 Bruntsfield       Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
                at                                                   Gardens                          20/04/2021
Marchmont,      1F2 42 Bruntsfield                                   Edinburgh
Meadows And     Gardens                                              EH104DZ                                       Community
Bruntsfield     Edinburgh                                                                                          Council:
Conservation    EH10 4DZ                                                                                           Merchiston
                21/02138/TCO                                                                                       TCO and TPO

Merchiston      Mature Lime by shed at      Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mr Thomson,          Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
And Greenhill   rear left-hand corner in    FAO: Andrew              5 Merchiston Park    Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
Conservation    rear garden - reduce        Jenkins                  Edinburgh                        21/04/2021
Area            lateral spread of crown     Office Suite 1,          EH10 4PW
                that overhangs at           Eastfield Business                                                     Community
                Montpellier Park            Centre                                                                 Council:
                property by approx 2-       4C Eastfield Farm                                                      Merchiston
                3m.                         Road
                at                          Penicuik                                                               TCO and TPO
                5 Merchiston Park           EH26 8EZ                                                               submissions
                Edinburgh                   andrew@frontierfores
                EH10 4PW          


Plewlands       Conifer - tree removal.                              Mrs Young,           Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
Conservation    at                                                   83 Comiston Drive    Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
Area            83 Comiston Drive                                    Edinburgh                        21/04/2021
                Edinburgh                                            EH10 5QT
                EH10 5QT                                                                                           Community
                21/02148/TCO                                                                                       Morningside

                                                                                                                   TCO and TPO

Merchiston      T1 Macrocarpa -             McLaren Tree             Mrs Karen Mackay.,   Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
And Greenhill   Crown reduce height         Surgery Ltd.             9 Ettrick Road       Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
Conservation    by 5 to 6mand sides to      FAO: Crawford            Edinburgh                        23/04/2021
Area            match and crown lift        McLaren                  EH10 5BJ
                lowest 4 branches, T2       300 Colinton Mains                                                     Community
                Macrocarpa - Crown          Road                                                                   Council:
                reduce height by 5 to       Edinburgh                                                              Merchiston
                6mand sides to match        EH13 9BS
                and crown lift lowest 4     mclarentreesurgery@                                                    TCO and TPO
                branches, H1 Leylandii                                                            submissions
                - Crown reduce height
                by approximately 4m,
                trim and tidy front side,
                H2 Leylandii - Crown
                reduce height by
                approximately 4 to 5m
                and sides to match
                9A Ettrick Road
                EH10 5BJ


Marchmont,       T1 Silver Birch - fell to   McLaren Tree          Mr & Mrs            Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Meadows And      ground level and treat      Surgery Ltd.          Thompson,           Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Bruntsfield      stump with Herbicide to     FAO: Crawford         84 Gilmore Place                26/04/2021
 Conservation     prevent regrowth.           McLaren               Edinburgh
 Area             at                          300 Colinton Mains    EH3 9PF                                      Community
                  84 Gilmore Place            Road                                                               Council:
                  Edinburgh                   Edinburgh                                                          Merchiston
                  EH3 9PF                     EH13 9BS
                                              mclarentreesurgery@                                                TCO and TPO
                  21/02245/TCO                                                              submissions

 Marchmont,       tSycamore - T2              McLaren Tree          Mr Stewart,         Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Meadows And      Sycamore: pollard tree      Surgery Ltd.          86A Gilmore Place   Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Bruntsfield      to 1m below previous        FAO: Crawford         Edinburgh                       26/04/2021
 Conservation     reduction points to         McLaren               EH3 9PF
 Area             stabilise.                  300 Colinton Mains                                                 Community
                  at                          Road                                                               Council:
                  86A Gilmore Place           Edinburgh                                                          Merchiston
                  Edinburgh                   EH13 9BS
                  EH3 9PF                     mclarentreesurgery@                                                TCO and TPO

 Marchmont,       T1 Sycamore - pollard       McLaren Tree          Ms Marion,          Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Meadows And      to 1.5m below previous      Surgery Ltd.          86 Gilmore Place    Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Bruntsfield      reduction points to         FAO: Crawford         Edinburgh                       26/04/2021
 Conservation     stabilise compression       McLaren               EH3 9PF
 Area             union. G1 Group of          300 Colinton Mains                                                 Community
                  Leylandii - reduce          Road                                                               Council:
                  height by approx 4m-        Edinburgh                                                          Merchiston
                  5m, trim sides to           EH13 9BS
                  contain to a form a         mclarentreesurgery@                                                TCO and TPO
                  more uniformed hedge.                                                        submissions
                  86 Gilmore Place
                  EH3 9PF


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

 Merchiston       Replace existing old                              Mr Alasdair Riach.,    Delegated   Registered    Anna Grant
 And Greenhill    garden shed and                                   33 Merchiston          Decision    on:           anna.grant@edinb
 Conservation     attached woodstore                                Avenue                             19/04/2021
 Area             with a new shed /                                 Edinburgh
                  summerhouse                                       United Kingdom                                   Community
                  combination. The                                  EH10 4PH                                         Council:
                  height will not exceed                                                                             Merchiston
                  the height of the
                  existing shed nor the                                                                              CLE and CLP
                  height of our garden                                                                               submissions
                  boundary wall (which is
                  over 7 ft). The new
                  shed/summerhouse will
                  be placed on the same
                  location and on a pre-
                  existing paving slab
                  base as the current
                  shed. It is intended to
                  be a pre-built modular
                  structure from a well
                  known supplier - i.e. it
                  will not be a
                  customised / purpose
                  built construction.
                  GF 33 Merchiston
                  EH10 4PH


                  Proposal is to make the                           Dr Tulbure,            Delegated   Registered    Anna Grant
                  living room window into                           PF3 3 Mcneill Street   Decision    on:           anna.grant@edinb
                  a door with a small                               Edinburgh                          20/04/2021
                  platform out to the                               EH11 1JN
                  shared garden.                                                                                     Community
                  at                                                                                                 Council:
                  PF3 3 Mcneill Street                                                                               Merchiston
                  EH11 1JN                                                                                           CLE and CLP
Ward No. B11 – City Centre
1. Planning Applications

 World            Proposed alterations to    KBAD.                  Mr Still,              Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
 Heritage Site    existing non-original      FAO: Kerr Blyth        154 High Street        Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                  frontage.                  106 Biggar Road        Edinburgh                          19/04/2021
 Listed           at                         Edinburgh              EH1 1QS
 Category: B      154 High Street            EH10 7DU                                                  Site Notice   Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                            posted on:    Council: Old Town
 Old Town         EH1 1QS                                                                              30/04/2021
 Conservation                                                                                                        Other
 Area             21/01718/FUL                                                                         Advertised    Developments -
                                                                                                       on:           Local

                                                                                                       Due by

World           Advertisement of the        KBAD.                  Mr Still,             Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia     FAO: Kerr Blyth        154 High Street       Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                sign.                       106 Biggar Road        Edinburgh                         19/04/2021
Listed          at                          Edinburgh              EH1 1QS
Category: B     154 High Street             EH10 7DU                                                 Comments      Community
                Edinburgh                                                                            Due by        Council: Old Town
Old Town        EH1 1QS                                                                              10.05.2021
Conservation                                                                                                       Advertisements
Area            21/01721/ADV

World           Change of use of the        Gleeds Management      National Trust For    Delegated   Registered    Daniel Lodge
Heritage Site   ground floor ice cream      Services Ltd.          Scotland.,            Decision    on:           daniel.lodge@edin
                parlour and hot drink       FAO: Hannah            FAO: Stuart Maxwell               19/04/2021
Listed          offering with retail from   McMillan               Hermiston Quay
Category: A     class 1, shop use to a      163 West George        5 Cultins Road                    Site Notice   Community
                class 3, food and drink     Street                 Edinburgh                         posted on:    Council: Old Town
Old Town        use and associated          Glasgow                EH11 4DF                          30/04/2021
Conservation    alterations.                G2 2JJ                                                                 Other
Area            at                                                                                   Advertised    Developments -
                483 Lawnmarket                                                                       on:           Local
                Edinburgh                                                                            30/04/2021
                EH1 2NT
                21/01767/FUL                                                                         Due by

World           Change of use from          Kenneth Reid           Mezcal Edinburgh      Local       Registered    Robert McIntosh
Heritage Site   unlicenced hot food         Architects.            Ltd.,                 Delegated   on:           robert.mcintosh@
                takeaway (Sui Generis)      FAO: Kenneth Reid      8-1 Athol Crescent    Decision    15/04/2021
Listed          to mixed use of class 3     39 Braid Farm Road     Edinburgh
Category: B     and hot-food takeaway.      Edinburgh              EH3 8HA                           Advertised    Community
                at                          EH10 6LE                                                 on:           Council: West End
New Town        3 Shandwick Place                                                                    30/04/2021
Conservation    Edinburgh                                                                                          Other
Area            EH2 4RG                                                                              Comments      Developments -
                                                                                                     Due by        Local
                21/01901/FUL                                                                         21.05.2021

World           Internal alterations,       MDA Studio.            Mrs Lisa Watts.,      Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
Heritage Site   new slimline double-        FAO: David Moore       39A Heriot Row        Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                glazed timber sash-         30 Braid Road          Edinburgh                         19/04/2021
Listed          and-case windows.           Edinburgh              EH3 6ES                                         k
Category: A     at                          EH10 6AD                                                 Site Notice
                39A Heriot Row                                                                       posted on:    Community
New Town        Edinburgh                                                                            30/04/2021    Council: New
Conservation    EH3 6ES                                                                                            Town/Broughton
Area                                                                                                 Advertised
                21/01955/LBC                                                                         on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                     30/04/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                     Due by

World           Balcony on rear             NGP Architecture     Mrs Anna Mills.,         Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
Heritage Site   façade, drop window         Ltd.                 1F 18 Nelson Street      Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                cill and fit new timber-    Federation House     Edinburgh                            19/04/2021
Listed          framed sash-and-case        222 Queensferry      EH3 6LG
Category: A     window.                     Road                                                      Site Notice   Community
                at                          Edinburgh                                                 posted on:    Council: New
New Town        1F 18 Nelson Street         EH4 2BN                                                   30/04/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Edinburgh
Area            EH3 6LG                                                                               Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                      on:           Developments
                21/01976/FUL                                                                          30/04/2021

                                                                                                      Due by

World           Replace the existing        Hermitage Windows    Mrs Kate                 Delegated   Registered    Sonia Macdonald
Heritage Site   single glazed sash and      Ltd                  Symington,               Decision    on:           sonia.macdonald
                case windows with           FAO: Alistair        10 Rosebery                          20/04/2021
Listed          double glazed               Jamieson             Crescent                                           k
Category: B     upgrades. Full              44 Howden Hall       Edinburgh                            Site Notice
                restoration of the          Crescent             Midlothian                           posted on:    Community
New Town        original case,              Edinburgh            EH12 5JY                             30/04/2021    Council: West End
Conservation    manufacture and install     EH16 6UR
Area            like-for-like sashes with                                                             Advertised    Listed building and
                Heritage 'Slimlite'                                                                   on:           Con Area
                double glazing. Careful                                                               30/04/2021    Consents
                attention will be given
                when manufacturing                                                                    Comments
                new like for like                                                                     Due by
                sashes. All window                                                                    21.05.2021
                moulds, dimensions
                and features of the
                original sashes will be
                retained and replicated
                on the new sashes.
                10 Rosebery Crescent
                EH12 5JY


World           Advertisement of the        ISA Architecture &   Lateral City Limited.,   Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia     Design.              323 Roxburgh's           Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                sign, box sign, canopy,     FAO: Fiona McNeill   Close                                22/04/2021
Listed          projecting sign, flag.      4-5 Blenheim Place   High Street
Category: A     at                          Edinburgh            Edinburgh                            Comments      Community
                329 High Street And 3       EH7 5JH              EH1 1LW                              Due by        Council: Old Town
Old Town        Roxburgh's Court                                                                      13.05.2021
Conservation    Edinburgh                                                                                           Advertisements

World           Removal of all existing   Fouin + Bell             WBEUROPE LTD           Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
Heritage Site   signage and               Architects.              T/A Kauia Central.,    Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                replacement with new      FAO: Elliot Dickson.     26 Drumsheugh                      16/04/2021
Listed          as listed; 2 No.          1 John's Place           Gardens                                          k
Category: A     internally illuminated    Edinburgh                Edinbugh                           Site Notice
                projecting signs as       EH6 7EL                  EH3 7NR                            posted on:    Community
New Town        detailed on the                                                                       30/04/2021    Council: New
Conservation    elevations, 3 No.                                                                                   Town/Broughton
Area            internally hung (behind                                                               Advertised
                glass), internally                                                                    on:           Listed building and
                illuminated single                                                                    30/04/2021    Con Area
                lettering KAUAI                                                                                     Consents
                supported via a metal                                                                 Comments
                bracket.                                                                              Due by
                at                                                                                    21.05.2021
                1 Waterloo Place
                EH1 3BG


World           Proposed alterations to   Fouin + Bell             WBEUROPE LTD           Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
Heritage Site   two No. windows on        Architects.              T/A Kauia Central.,    Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                the Waterloo Place        FAO: Elliot Dickson.     26 Drumsheugh                      16/04/2021
Listed          elevation of 1 Waterloo   1 John's Place           Gardens                                          k
Category: A     Place. The proposal       Edinburgh                Edinbugh                           Site Notice
                includes the removal of   EH6 7EL                  EH3 7NR                            posted on:    Community
New Town        existing windows for                                                                  30/04/2021    Council: New
Conservation    two number new sash                                                                                 Town/Broughton
Area            and case windows.                                                                     Advertised
                at                                                                                    on:           Listed building and
                1 Waterloo Place                                                                      30/04/2021    Con Area
                Edinburgh                                                                                           Consents
                EH1 3BG                                                                               Comments
                                                                                                      Due by
                21/02060/LBC                                                                          21.05.2021

World           Advertisement of the                               Regatta.,              Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia                            FAO: Bethany           Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                sign.                                              McKay                              19/04/2021
Listed          at                                                 Craghoppers
Category: B     1F9 43 George Street                               43 George Street                   Comments      Community
                Edinburgh                                          Edinburgh                          Due by        Council: New
New Town        EH2 2HT                                            EH2 2HT                            10.05.2021    Town/Broughton
Area            21/02082/ADV                                                                                        Advertisements

World           Install 3x conservation   Capital A                Mr Teale,              Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
Heritage Site   roof lights.              Architecture Ltd.        2F1 56 Dublin Street   Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                at                        FAO: Niall               Edinburgh                          23/04/2021
Listed          2F1 56 Dublin Street      Hedderman                EH3 6NP                                          k
Category: B     Edinburgh                 8 Cameron Drive                                             Site Notice
                EH3 6NP                   Falkland                                                    posted on:    Community
New Town                                  KY15 7DL                                                    30/04/2021    Council: New
Conservation    21/02084/FUL                                                                                        Town/Broughton
Area                                                                                                  Advertised
                                                                                                      on:           Householder
                                                                                                      30/04/2021    Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

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