Planning Applications within Edinburgh

Page created by Elizabeth Hansen
Planning Applications within Edinburgh
Date: 19 July 2021
The Weekly Planning Bulletin is organised by ward. Under each ward you will find the following

    •    Section 1– Recently registered planning applications;
    •    Section 2 – Proposal of Application Notices received;
    •    Section 3 – Proposals for tree work in conservation areas;
    •    Section 4 – Proposals for tree works where there is a Tree Preservation Order;
    •    Section 5 – Prior Notification of Telecommunications.
    •    Section 6 – Certificate of Lawfulness Existing.
    •    Section 7 – Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed.

If there are no applications or notices in a ward, the space underneath will be blank.

Section 8 at the end of the document contains consultations from other planning authorities.

Planning decisions are on a separate document.

Wards – click on the links below

Ward B01 - Almond
Ward B02 – Pentland Hills
Ward B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
Ward B04 – Forth
Ward B05 – Inverleith
Ward B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Ward B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
Ward B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
Ward B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
Ward B10 – Morningside
Ward B11 – City Centre
Ward B12 – Leith Walk
Ward B13 – Leith
Ward B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
Ward B15 – Southside/Newington
Ward B16 – Liberton/Gilmerton
Ward B17 – Portobello/Craigmillar

The physical posting of site notices has now recommenced however this will remain under review. The
Council, as planning authority, hereby gives notice under paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 of the
Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that it has decided not to physically publish weekly lists of planning and
related applications and make these available for inspection at our principal office and public libraries on
the basis that doing so

(a)may give rise to a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus, or
(b)is likely to be ineffective or inappropriate due to action taken in order to control the incidence or
transmission of coronavirus.

In accordance with paragraph 9 (3) of Schedule 6, Part 3 to the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, copies
of the aforementioned documents can be viewed on the Council’s Planning and Building Standards On-
line Services using the link below

Please note that this notice does not affect resumption of neighbour notification and publication of
notices in the Edinburgh Gazette and Edinburgh Evening News during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Where can I see the documents?

You can view the plans, forms and other documents at Planning and Building Standards Online
During this time we are unable to provide a duty planner service.

What Can I Comment on?

Under statutory legislation, you should only make comments to the City of Edinburgh Council on those
applications appearing in Section 1 – recently registered planning applications.
Planning is about the development and use of land and buildings so any comments made on
applications should be relevant to this. These are called ‘material considerations’. If you submit
comments which are non material they will not be taken into account. This can be difficult to understand
so we have given you some examples below. It should be noted that the legislation governing the
control of advertisements does not include any provision for a period for representations to be submitted.
Therefore, the Planning service may determine an application for advertisement consent prior to the
date set out in this list

      Material                                                      Non-Material
      Contrary to Local Plan/Structure Plan                         Devaluation of property
      Appearance (design, materials, scale, etc.)                   Loss of private view
      Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing                 Business issues relating to the applicant
      Traffic, parking or access problems                           Possible fire hazard

Comments on Section 2 proposals should be made directly to the applicant and comments on section 6
applications should be made direct to that planning authority. There is no provision for the public to
make comments on tree work and prior notifications and these details are for information only. This also
applies to certificates of lawfulness where decisions are taken on the facts of the case in relation to
planning law and public comments cannot be taken into account.

How Can I Comment?

We would appreciate it if your comments could be made online at Planning and Building Standards
Online Services. This means we can contact you quickly by email with any amendments and the final

At this time no comments can be received by paper due to no staff being available within the office.

Your comments must be received within 21 days of the date of registration, neighbour notification or
advertisement in the press, whichever is later. These periods are extended for public holidays. The
Comments Due by Date appears in the bulletin although we cannot always guarantee it will include
additional days for public holidays. Please contact the case officer if you need advice on this.

Anonymous comments will not be taken into account and we need your name and address as your
representation will become part of the application record, which is a public document. The comments
you make may be made publicly available to view on the Council website. Any comments that are

racist will not be accepted and may be sent to the police for further investigation. Further advice on
commenting on planning applications can be found on the Council website.

What Happens to my Comments?
You will receive an acknowledgement of your representation. You will also be informed of the decision.

Most applications are processed by delegated decision whereby planning officers decide applications
under a publicly accountable process. If, however, there are more than six representations and these
take an opposing view from the recommendation, then the application will be decided by your elected
councillors on the Development Management Sub-Committee.

Any Questions?

Contact the Planning Help Desk at

Ward No. B01 – Almond
1. Planning Applications

                Prior notification for    Dot Surveying Ltd.     CK Hutchison          Delegated   Registered   Sean Fallon
                electronic                FAO: Hannah Gibson     Networks (UK) Ltd.,   Decision    on:          sean.fallon@edinb
                communication code        The Bonds              Star House                        13/07/2021
                operators. Proposed       2 Anderson Place       20 Grenfell Road
                5G telecoms               Edinburgh              Maidenhead                        Comments     Community
                installation: 18m high    EH6 5NP                SL6 1EH                           Due by       Council: Kirkliston
                streetpole and 3 No.                                                               04.08.2021
                cabinets with ancillary                                                                         PA submissions
                works. Coloured grey
                positioned upon
                Housefield Drive -
                adopted highway
                (grass verge).
                Telecomms Apparatus
                21 Metres North Of 4
                Housefield Drive


                Creation of garden        James Clydesdale &     Mr MacDonald,         Delegated   Registered   Householder
                room at garden level      Associates.            5 Barnton Avenue      Decision    on:          Team
                with provision of an      FAO: James             Edinburgh                         06/07/2021   planning.househol
                additional bedroom        Clydesdale             EH4 6AW                                        der@edinburgh.go
                (No. 5).                  The Studio                                               Comments
                at                        11 Mortonhall Road                                       Due by
                5 Barnton Avenue          Edinburgh                                                03.08.2021   Community
                Edinburgh                 EH9 2HS                                                               Council: Cramond
                EH4 6AW
                21/03666/FUL                                                                                    Developments

                Formation of driveway     TmC Planning.          Mr Dearie,            Delegated   Registered   Householder
                in the front garden.      FAO: Tommy             29 Hillwood Rise      Decision    on:          Team
                at                        Cochrane               Ratho Station                     13/07/2021   planning.househol
                29 Hillwood Rise          Unit 117 Eucal         Edinburgh                                      der@edinburgh.go
                Ratho Station             Business Centre        Newbridge                         Comments
                Edinburgh                 Craigshill Road        EH28 8QB                          Due by
                Newbridge                 Livingston                                               03.08.2021   Community
                EH28 8QB                  EH54 5DT                                                              Council: Ratho

                21/03669/FUL                                                                                    Householder

                Single storey extension   David Paton Building   Ms C Grundy & K       Delegated   Registered   Householder
                to rear and dormer        Consultancy.           Hoban.,               Decision    on:          Team
                windows front and         13 High Street         58 Silverknowes                   08/07/2021   planning.househol
                back.                     Loanhead               Gardens                                        der@edinburgh.go
                at                        EH20 9RH               Edinburgh                         Comments
                58 Silverknowes                                  EH4 5NF                           Due by
                Gardens                                                                            06.08.2021   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                                       Council:
                EH4 5NF                                                                                         Silverknowes (Not

2. Proposal of Application Notice

                Extensions to existing    Lichfields.                Ability Hotels       Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
                hotel.                    FAO: Arabella              (Edinburgh) Ltd.,    Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
                at                        Stewart-Leslie             Hilton London Syon   on           14/07/2021
                5 Almond Avenue           115 George Street          Park                 Required
                Edinburgh                 Edinburgh                  London Road,                      Earliest date   Community
                EH12 9GN                  EH2 3ES                    Brentford                         for planning    Council: Ratho
                                          arabella.stewart-          TW8 8JF              Being        application
                21/03840/PAN                                assessed.    06.10.2021      PAN submissions

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Queensferry     cypress hedge -           Cutabove Tree              Ms M Gilbert.,       Delegated    Registered      Ruthe Davies
Conservation    removal to ground level   Service.                   South Queensferry    Decision     on:             ruthe.davies@edin
Area            of cypress hedge          Fao. Craig Douglas.        Community Centre                  14/07/2021
                running from centre       Midhope Workshop           1 Midhope
                towards wall.             Midhope                    West Lothian                                      Community
                at                        South Queensferry          EH30 9NU                                          Council:
                Old School House          EH30 9SL                                                                     Queensferry &
                1 Kirkliston Road         office@cutabovetree                                                          District
                South Queensferry
                EH30 9NU                                                                                               TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                Proposed extension        N7 Design Studio.          Mr & Mrs Bower,      Delegated    Registered      Householder
                at                        FAO Nick Walker            16 Lauson Place      Decision     on:             Team
                16 Lauson Place           1 Lambsmiln Place          Kirkliston                        12/07/2021      planning.househol
                Kirkliston                Kirkliston                 EH29 9FY                                          der@edinburgh.go
                EH29 9FY                  EH29 9GP                                                           
                21/02457/CLP              .com                                                                         Community
                                                                                                                       Council: Kirkliston

                                                                                                                       CLE and CLP

Listed          Change of use from                                   Sprinkles.,          Delegated    Registered      Local1 Team
Category: A     betting shop to ice                                  Mr Savas Cecen.      Decision     on:             planning.local1@e
                cream shop.                                          48 Main Street                    07/07/2021
                at                                                   Edinburgh
                48 Main Street                                       EH4 5AA                                           Community
                Edinburgh                                                                                              Council:
                EH4 5AA                                                                                                Silverknowes (Not
                                                                                                                       CLE and CLP

Ward No. B02 – Pentland Hills
1. Planning Applications

Juniper Green   Proposed 5G telecoms      Dot Surveying.          CK Hutchison          Delegated   Registered     Jennifer Paton
Conservation    installation: 18m high    FAO: Hannah Gibson      Networks (UK) Ltd.,   Decision    on:            jennifer.paton@edi
Area            streetpole and 3 No.      The Bonds               Star House                        13/07/2021
                cabinets with ancillary   2 Anderson Place        20 Grenfell Road
                works/coloured grey,      Edinburgh               Maidenhead                         Site Notice   Community
                at                        EH6 5NP                 SL6 1EH                           posted on:     Council: Juniper
                Proposed Telecoms                                                                   23/07/2021     Green
                Apparatus 55 Metres
                North West Of 42                                                                     Advertised    Telecommunicatio
                Baberton Avenue                                                                     on:            ns
                Baberton Park                                                                       23/07/2021
                Juniper Green
                21/03525/FUL                                                                        Due by

Juniper Green   Alter and extend          JD Design.              Mr & Mrs Hay,         Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation    existing house.           FAO: John Dewar         58 Belmont Road       Decision    on:            Team
Area            at                        121 Bonnily Rise        Juniper Green                     05/07/2021     planning.househol
                58 Belmont Road           Edinburgh               EH14 5ED                                         der@edinburgh.go
                Juniper Green             EH13 0QY                                                   Site Notice
                EH14 5ED                                                                            posted on:
                                                                                                    16/07/2021     Community
                21/03624/FUL                                                                                       Council: Juniper
                                                                                                     Advertised    Green
                                                                                                    16/07/2021     Householder
                                                                                                    Due by

                Erection of an            KS Architectural.       Mr Asif,              Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
                extension to a grocery    FAO: Khrum Syed         5A Hailesland Grove   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                store.                    Suite 18 Fleming        Edinburgh                         07/07/2021
                at                        House                   EH14 2QH
                5A Hailesland Grove       5 Fleming Road                                            Comments       Community
                Edinburgh                 Kirkton Campus                                            Due by         Council: Wester
                EH14 2QH                  Livingston                                                03.08.2021     Hailes
                                          EH54 7BN
                21/03685/FUL                                                                                       Other
                                                                                                                   Developments -

                Remove existing           F.E.M Building          Mr & Mrs Gavin,       Delegated   Registered     Householder
                conservatory and erect    Design.                 26 Whitelea           Decision    on:            Team
                a flat roof               FAO: Douglas Mack       Crescent                          07/07/2021     planning.househol
                contemporary              8 Plantain Grove        Balerno                                          der@edinburgh.go
                extension in its place.   Lenzie                  EH14 7HF                          Comments
                at                        Glasgow                                                   Due by
                26 Whitelea Crescent      G66 3NE                                                   03.08.2021     Community
                Balerno                                                                                            Council: Balerno
                EH14 7HF
                21/03697/FUL                                                                                       Developments

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Juniper Green    Mature ash tree on                             Mr Matthew Wilson.,   Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation     garden boundary with                           10 Foulis Crescent    Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area             No.21 Baberton                                 Juniper Green                     14/07/2021
                 Crescent - Remedial                            EH14 5BN
                 crown work to remove                                                                          Community
                 dead branch ends and                                                                          Council: Juniper
                 manage ash die-back.                                                                          Green
                 10 Foulis Crescent                                                                            TCO and TPO
                 Juniper Green                                                                                 submissions
                 EH14 5BN


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                 To replace existing                            Mr Gordon Wright.,    Delegated   Registered   Householder
                 dining room window                             4 Cocklaw Farm        Decision    on:          Team
                 with a set of patio                            Steading                          13/07/2021   planning.househol
                 doors. The work will                           Long Dalmahoy                                  der@edinburgh.go
                 involve removal of the                         Road                                 
                 windows and wall                               Dalmahoy
                 beneath the windows.                           Edinburgh                                      Community
                 A new set of patio                             EH14 4AD                                       Council: Currie
                 doors will be installed
                 in the location of the                                                                        CLE and CLP
                 existing windows.                                                                             submissions
                 4 Cocklaw Farm
                 Long Dalmahoy Road
                 EH14 4AD


                 The proposed sitting of    MH Planning         Mrs Lesley            Delegated   Registered   Local1 Team
                 a caravan for incidental   Associates          MacKenzie.,           Decision    on:          planning.local1@e
                 / ancillary residential    Fao. Michael Hyde   10A Bonnington                    14/07/2021
                 use.                       140 West Princes    Kirknewton
                 at                         Street              Edinburgh                                      Community
                 10A Bonnington             Helensburgh         EH27 8BB                                       Council: Ratho
                 Kirknewton                 G84 8BH
                 EH27 8BB                                                           CLE and CLP
                                            uk                                                                 submissions

Ward No.B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
1. Planning Applications

                Proposed roof              Scott Allan.            Mr And Mrs Stuart     Delegated   Registered   Householder
                remodelling with           36 Wallace Avenue       And Aiko Greig.,      Decision    on:          Team
                internal alterations and   Wallyford               11 North Gyle Drive               07/07/2021   planning.househol
                changes to ground          East Lothian            Edinburgh                                      der@edinburgh.go
                floor rear windows.        EH21 8BZ                EH12 8JW                          Comments
                at                                                                                   Due by
                11 North Gyle Drive                                                                  03.08.2021   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                                         Council:
                EH12 8JW                                                                                          Corstorphine

                21/03693/FUL                                                                                      Householder

                Installation of new 24hr   EmAjine Architecture    Omnicare Pharmacy     Delegated   Registered   Local1 Team
                dispenser.                 Ltd.                    Ltd.,                 Decision    on:          planning.local1@e
                at                         FAO: Andy Corrigan      FAO: Mr O'Malley                  12/07/2021
                509 Queensferry Road       The Design Studio       509 Queensferry
                Edinburgh                  9 Oakwood Avenue        Road                              Comments     Community
                EH4 7QD                    Paisley                 Edinburgh                         Due by       Council: Drumbrae
                                           PA2 9NG                 EH4 7QD                           06.08.2021
                21/03752/FUL                                                                                      Other
                                                                                                                  Developments -

                New rear kitchen           Glanpine Ltd.           Ms Turner,            Delegated   Registered   Householder
                extension.                 FAO: Graham Hewat       21 Clermiston Drive   Decision    on:          Team
                at                         308 Lanark Road         Edinburgh                         13/07/2021   planning.househol
                21 Clermiston Drive        West                    EH4 7PP                                        der@edinburgh.go
                Edinburgh                  Currie                                                    Comments
                EH4 7PP                    EH14 5RR                                                  Due by
                                                                                                     09.08.2021   Community
                21/03788/FUL                                                                                      Council: Drumbrae


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No.B04 – Forth
1. Planning Applications

                Proposed 18.0m Phase        WHP Telecoms             CK Hutchison          Delegated   Registered     Alex Gudgeon
                8 Monopole C/W              Limited.                 Networks (UK) Ltd.,   Decision    on:            alexander.gudgeo
                wrapround cabinet at        FAO: Grace               Great Brighams                    13/07/2021
                base and associated         O'Donnell                Mead                                             uk
                ancillary works.            Helena House             Vastern Road                      Comments
                at                          Troy Mills               Reading                           Due by         Community
                Telecoms Apparatus          Troy Road                RG1 8DJ                           04.08.2021     Council: Trinity
                15 Metres South Of          Leeds
                5 Bangholm Villas           LS18 5GN                                                                  PA submissions


Newhaven        Internal alterations        Venn Architectural       Mr G Barclay.,        Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation    incorporating attic         Services Ltd.            32 South              Decision    on:            Team
Area            conversion.                 Fao. Stuart Smith.       Laverockbank                      06/07/2021     planning.househol
                at                          16 Hamilton Drive        Avenue                                           der@edinburgh.go
                32 South                    West                     Edinburgh                          Site Notice
                Laverockbank Avenue         Edinburgh                EH5 3DU                           posted on:
                Edinburgh                   EH15 1NR                                                   16/07/2021     Community
                EH5 3DU                                                                                               Council: Trinity
                21/03658/FUL                                                                           on:            Householder
                                                                                                       16/07/2021     Developments

                                                                                                       Due by

Newhaven        Alterations to house.       Meta Architecture.       Mr Stephen Gunn.,     Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation    Erection of new timber      Fao. Matthew Ansell.     10 Park Road          Decision    on:            Team
Area            carport.                    1 Lochrin Square         Edinburgh                         06/07/2021     planning.househol
                at                          94 Fountainbridge        EH6 4LD                                          der@edinburgh.go
                10 Park Road                Edinburgh                                                   Site Notice
                Edinburgh                   EH3 9QA                                                    posted on:
                EH6 4LD                                                                                16/07/2021     Community
                                                                                                                      Council: Leith
                21/03664/FUL                                                                            Advertised    Harbour And
                                                                                                       on:            Newhaven
                                                                                                       Comments       Developments
                                                                                                       Due by

                Non-illuminated fascia,     Whittam Cox              Wm Morrisons          Local       Registered     Graham Fraser
                hoarding and                Architects.              Supermarkets PLC.,    Delegated   on:            graham.fraser@ed
                elevations signage.         FAO Joanne Pollard       Hilmore House         Decision    06/07/2021
                at                          Carrwood Court           Gain Lane
                102 Pilton Drive            Carrwood Road            Bradford                          Comments       Community
                Edinburgh                   Sheepbridge              BD3 7DL                           Due by         Council: Granton +
                EH5 2HF                     Chesterfield                                               27.07.2021     District
                                            S41 9QB
                21/03667/ADV                                                                                          Advertisements

                Removal of roller           HLP Architecture.        Ms Claire             Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
                shutters. Installation of   FAO: Colin Gibson        Anderson.,            Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                new pilasters and           35 Joppa Road            42 Craighall Road                 16/07/2021
                metal gate to existing      Edinburgh                Edinburgh
                shop front.                 EH15 2HB                 EH6 4RU                           Comments       Community
                at                                                                                     Due by         Council: Trinity
                42 Craighall Road                                                                      09.08.2021
                Edinburgh                                                                                             Other
                EH6 4RU                                                                                               Developments -

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Victoria Park   Boundary trees -                                   CEC Forestry.,       Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation    Crown lift / deadwood                              FAO: Mr Paul         Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area            and reduce select                                  Naughton                         14/07/2021
                isolated limbs                                     Inverleith Farm
                overhanging the road                               House                                         Community
                and footpath.                                      5 Arboretum Place                             Council: Trinity
                at                                                 Edinburgh
                Victoria Public Park                               EH3 5NY                                       TCO and TPO
                Newhaven Road                                                                                    submissions


Trinity         Tree 522 - partially                               CEC Forestry.,       Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation    dismantle mature                                   FAO: Paul Naughton   Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area            Sycamore retaining a                               Inverleith Farm                  15/07/2021
                3m habitat pole. Tree                              House
                521 - crown reduce                                 5 Arboretum Place                             Community
                mature Turkey Oak by                               Edinburgh                                     Council: Trinity
                approx 2m-4m in                                    EH3 5NY
                height and laterally                                                                             TCO and TPO
                rebalance as                                                                                     submissions
                appropriate. Tree 702 -
                mid aged Cypress -
                remove lesser central
                stem and prune back
                from adjoining
                building/clear chimney.
                Outer perimeter
                Cherry/Apple trees -
                various pruning
                including; deadwood
                removal/defective limb
                removal/crown lifting.
                Starbank Public Park
                Laverockbank Road


Trinity         2 mature Limes on rear    Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mrs Sheila Elder.,   Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation    boundary of 86 Trinity    FAO: Andrew              The Coach House      Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area            Road flats overhanging    Jenkins                  1 Spencer Place                  15/07/2021
                applicants property.      Office Suite 1,          Edinburgh
                Reduce lateral spread     Eastfield Business       EH5 3HG                                       Community
                over applicant's          Centre                                                                 Council: Trinity
                property by approx 2m.    4C Eastfield Farm
                at                        Road                                                                   TCO and TPO
                1 Spencer Place           Penicuik                                                               submissions
                Edinburgh                 EH26 8EZ
                EH5 3HG                   andrew@frontierfores

Trinity          Mature Atlantic Cedar     Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mr Robert             Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation     in garden of 20           FAO: Andrew              Stansfield.,          Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area             Laverockbank Road.        Jenkins                  4 York Road                       15/07/2021
                 Shorten lowest branch     Office Suite 1,          Edinburgh
                 extending to south.       Eastfield Business       EH5 3EH                                        Community
                 Reduce back lateral       Centre                                                                  Council: Trinity
                 spread over applicants    4C Eastfield Farm
                 gdn by 2-3m to suitable   Road                                                                    TCO and TPO
                 lateral growth. Remove    Penicuik                                                                submissions
                 deadwood., Small dead     EH26 8EZ
                 Plum in rear garden -     andrew@frontierfores
                 4 York Road
                 EH5 3EH


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                 Replace existing          Derek Balfour.           Mr John Seam.,        Delegated   Registered   Householder
                 garage door with fixed    3 Violet Place           4 Upper Strand Walk   Decision    on:          Team
                 window.                   Lochgelly                Edinburgh                         12/07/2021   planning.househol
                 at                        KY5 9HU                  EH5 1RR                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 4 Upper Strand Walk       d.balfour1978@btinte                                          
                 EH5 1RR                                                                                           Community
                                                                                                                   Council: West
                 21/03776/CLP                                                                                      Pilton/West

                                                                                                                   CLE and CLP

                 Replace existing          Derek Balfour.           Mr Chris Flint.,      Delegated   Registered   Householder
                 garage door with fixed    3 Violet Place           6 Upper Strand Walk   Decision    on:          Team
                 window.                   Lochgelly                Edinburgh                         12/07/2021   planning.househol
                 at                        KY5 9HU                  EH5 1RR                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 6 Upper Strand Walk       d.balfour1978@btinte                                          
                 EH5 1RR                                                                                           Community
                                                                                                                   Council: West
                 21/03777/CLP                                                                                      Pilton/West

                                                                                                                   CLE and CLP

Ward No. B05 – Inverleith
1. Planning Applications

Listed          To install a chair lift to   Catrina Charles.           Lady Margaret         Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B     the front four steps of      Catrina Charles            Elliot.,              Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                the property.                39 Inverleith Place        39 Inverleith Place               13/07/2021
Inverleith      at                           Edinburgh                  Edinburgh
Conservation    39 Inverleith Place          EH3 5QD                    Scotland                           Site Notice   Community
Area            Edinburgh                                               EH3 5QD                           posted on:     Council:
                EH3 5QD                                                                                   23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
                21/03451/FUL                                                                               Advertised
                                                                                                          on:            Householder
                                                                                                          23/07/2021     Developments

                                                                                                          Due by

Listed          Reinstate glazed             Neil Dall Architect        Mr & Mrs Bell,        Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B     vestibule screen, alter      Ltd.                       11 Inverleith Row     Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                attic floor, add external    51 Woodhall Road           Edinburgh                         05/07/2021
Inverleith      balustrade and alter         Edinburgh                  EH3 5LS
Conservation    drainage pipework.           EH13 0HD                                                      Site Notice   Community
Area            at                                                                                        posted on:     Council:
                11 Inverleith Row                                                                         23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
                Edinburgh                                                                                                eith
                EH3 5LS                                                                                    Advertised
                                                                                                          on:            Listed building and
                21/03613/LBC                                                                              23/07/2021     Con Area
                                                                                                          Due by

                Single storey rear           Lothian Plans.             Mr Hamish Maxwell.,   Delegated   Registered     Householder
                extension.                   FAO: Stephen               12 Carfrae Gardens    Decision    on:            Team
                at                           Lothian                    Edinburgh                         05/07/2021     planning.househol
                12 Carfrae Gardens           18 Laidlaw Gardens         EH4 3SG                                          der@edinburgh.go
                Edinburgh                    Tranent                                                      Comments
                EH4 3SG                      EH33 2QH                                                     Due by
                                                                                                          03.08.2021     Community
                21/03641/FUL                                                                                             Council:


                Single storey extension      Urban Creatures Ltd.       Mr Kam Wai Yip.,      Delegated   Registered     Householder
                to rear with raised          (Brae)                     17 Hillpark Way       Decision    on:            Team
                deck, 2nd storey             Fao. Louise Mcbride        Edinburgh                         06/07/2021     planning.househol
                extension over garage        8 Brae Park Road           EH4 7ST                                          der@edinburgh.go
                and existing extension       Edinburgh                                                    Comments
                providing master suite.      EH4 6DN                                                      Due by
                at                                                                                        03.08.2021     Community
                17 Hillpark Way                                                                                          Council:
                Edinburgh                                                                                                Craigleith/Blackhal
                EH4 7ST                                                                                                  l

                21/03663/FUL                                                                                             Householder

Attic conversion to first   Planning & Building    Mr Glen,              Delegated   Registered     Householder
               floor flat with velux       Design Ltd.            7 Warriston Grove     Decision    on:            Team
               windows on front, side      FAO: Keith Owens       Edinburgh                         07/07/2021     planning.househol
               and rear elevations.        24 West Nicolson       EH3 5NH                                          der@edinburgh.go
               at                          Street                                                   Comments
               7 Warriston Grove           Edinburgh                                                Due by
               Edinburgh                   EH8 9DA                                                  03.08.2021     Community
               EH3 5NH                                                                                             Council:
               21/03683/FUL                                                                                        eith


Listed         Replace existing 2          Craft Worx Limited.    Mr Raeburn,           Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B    windows and 1 x door        FAO: Lynn Hipsey       10 Raeburn Street     Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
               to include draught          The Cottage            Edinburgh                         07/07/2021
New Town       proofing and slim line      Lyricaal Steading      EH4 1HY
Conservation   double glazing.             Ballencrieff                                              Site Notice   Community
Area           at                          Bathgate                                                 posted on:     Council:
               10 Raeburn Street           EH48 4LD                                                 23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
               Edinburgh                                                                                           eith
               EH4 1HY                                                                               Advertised
                                                                                                    on:            Listed building and
               21/03684/LBC                                                                         23/07/2021     Con Area
                                                                                                    Due by

Inverleith     To demolish the East        Fouin + Bell           Edinburgh Leisure     Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Conservation   and West Sports             Architects Ltd.        Edinburgh Leisure     Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
Area           Pavillions.                 FAO: Fouin Bell        Facilities                        08/07/2021
               at                          1 John's Place         Management.,
               East And West Sports        Edinburgh              FAO: Mr Jimmy                      Site Notice   Community
               Pavilions                   EH6 7EL                Center                            posted on:     Council:
               Warriston Recreation                               3A Carron Place                   23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
               Ground                                             Leith                                            eith
               Warriston Crescent                                 Edinburgh                          Advertised
               Edinburgh                                          EH6 7RE                           on:            Listed building and
                                                                                                    23/07/2021     Con Area
               21/03714/CON                                                                         Comments
                                                                                                    Due by

               Alterations to ground       John Gordon            Mrs Lausen-Higgins,   Delegated   Registered     Householder
               floor flat to form new      Associates Ltd.        PF2 2 Chancelot       Decision    on:            Team
               doors.                      3 Dean Acres           Grove                             09/07/2021     planning.househol
               at                          Comrie                 Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
               PF2 2 Chancelot Grove       Dunfermline            EH5 3AA                           Comments
               Edinburgh                   KY12 9XS                                                 Due by
               EH5 3AA                                                                              06.08.2021     Community
               21/03728/FUL                                                                                        Stockbridge/Inverl


Construction of a new      Steven White.           Ms Lorraine             Delegated   Registered     Householder
               front entrance porch to    3A Carmel Avenue        Redpath.,               Decision    on:            Team
               a residential dwelling.    Kirkliston              56 March Road                       09/07/2021     planning.househol
               at                         EH29 9DA                Edinburgh                                          der@edinburgh.go
               56 March Road                                      H4 3SZ                              Comments
               Edinburgh                                                                              Due by
               EH4 3SZ                                                                                06.08.2021     Community
               21/03743/FUL                                                                                          Craigleith/Blackhal


               To demolish existing       JM Architects.          Cullross Ltd/Port Of    Local       Registered     Jackie McInnes
               single storey              FAO: Alan Benzie        Leith Housing           Delegated   on:            jackie.mcinnes@e
               commercial building on     64 Queen Street         Association.,           Decision    09/07/2021
               the site and replace       Edinburgh               FAO: Mark Beaton /
               with a residential block   EH2 4NA                 Wendy Maguire                       Advertised     Community
               containing eleven (11)                             21-108 Young Street                 on:            Council:
               units in four storeys,                             / Constitution Street               23/07/2021     Drylaw/Telford
               consisting of one and                              Edinburgh
               two bedroom flats,                                 EH2 4HU / EH6                       Comments       Housing - Local
               along with associated                              6AZ                                 Due by
               external works,                                                                        13.08.2021
               recycling and refuse
               store and landscaping.
               25 Telford Drive
               EH4 2NJ


Listed         Internal alterations to    Planning And            Mr & Mrs T              Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B    relocate ktchen, form      Building Design Ltd.    MacLeod.,               Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
               new en-suite and           FAO: Keith Owens        1F2                                 13/07/2021
New Town       shower room from           24 West Nicolson        76 Hamilton Place
Conservation   existing bathroom and      Street                  Edinburgh                            Site Notice   Community
Area           store, enlarge bedroom     Edinburgh               EH3 5AZ                             posted on:     Council:
               3 and form new double      EH8 9DD                                                     23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
               doors between living                                                                                  eith
               room and new kItchen.                                                                   Advertised
               at                                                                                     on:            Listed building and
               1F2                                                                                    23/07/2021     Con Area
               76 Hamilton Place                                                                                     Consents
               Edinburgh                                                                              Comments
               EH3 5AZ                                                                                Due by

Listed          The proposal is to                                Mr Henry Grant.,      Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B     remove a non-load                                 2F1 17 Cheyne         Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                bearing wall. One door                            Street                            13/07/2021
New Town        will be blocked off and                           Edinburgh
Conservation    a radiator will be                                EH4 1JA                            Site Notice   Community
Area            repositioned.                                                                       posted on:     Council:
                at                                                                                  23/07/2021     Stockbridge/Inverl
                2F1 17 Cheyne Street                                                                               eith
                Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised
                EH4 1JA                                                                             on:            Listed building and
                                                                                                    23/07/2021     Con Area
                21/03798/LBC                                                                                       Consents
                                                                                                    Due by

                A single-storey side                              Mr Steven             Delegated   Registered     Householder
                extension located at                              Anderson.,            Decision    on:            Team
                lower ground floor                                3 Craigleith Hill                 13/07/2021     planning.househol
                level. A porch and                                Crescent                                         der@edinburgh.go
                storage extension to                              Edinburgh                         Comments
                the front, at street                              EH4 2JF                           Due by
                entrance level and a                                                                09.08.2021     Community
                rear dormer.                                                                                       Council:
                at                                                                                                 Craigleith/Blackhal
                3 Craigleith Hill                                                                                  l
                Edinburgh                                                                                          Householder
                EH4 2JF                                                                                            Developments


Listed          Erect new greenhouse      ZONE Architects.        Mr & Mrs Godden,      Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: C     within garden grounds.    FAO: David              Boraston House        Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                        Jamieson                22 Ravelston Dykes                14/07/2021
                22 Ravelston Dykes        211 Granton Road        Road
                Road                      Edinburgh               Edinburgh                         Comments       Community
                Edinburgh                 EH5 1HD                 EH4 3PB                           Due by         Council:
                EH4 3PB                                                                             09.08.2021     Craigleith/Blackhal

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Listed          1 Lilac tree at south                             Ms Helen McIntosh.,   Delegated   Registered     Ellen McCalman
Category: B     east corner of front                              18 Inverleith Row     Decision    on:            ellen.mccalman@
                garden on Inverleith                              Edinburgh                         19/07/2021
Inverleith      Row. Possibly about 25                            EH3 5LS
Conservation    years old. - Uprooting                                                                             Community
Area            tree and suckers.                                                                                  Council:
                at                                                                                                 Stockbridge/Inverl
                18 Inverleith Row                                                                                  eith
                EH3 5LS                                                                                            TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
1. Planning Applications

                Demolish existing          DRD Architects.         Mr & Mrs Davidson,   Delegated   Registered   Householder
                single storey extension    FAO: Joanna Smith       35 Murrayfield       Decision    on:          Team
                and form new single        3 Tolbooth Wynd         Gardens                          08/07/2021   planning.househol
                storey extension at rear   Edinburgh               Edinburgh                                     der@edinburgh.go
                of property and new        EH6 6DN                 EH12 6DG                         Comments
                hard landscaping                                                                    Due by
                proposed.                                                                           06.08.2021   Community
                at                                                                                               Council:
                35 Murrayfield Gardens                                                                           Murrayfield
                EH12 6DG                                                                                         Householder

                Attic conversion with 3    R2 Draughting           Mr Cameron Mirza.,   Delegated   Registered   Householder
                No. dormers and            Services Ltd.           34 Belford Avenue    Decision    on:          Team
                replace existing timber    FAO: Ross Mullen        Edinburgh                        09/07/2021   planning.househol
                windows.                   73 Moffat Walk          EH4 3EJ                                       der@edinburgh.go
                at                         Tranent                                                  Comments
                34 Belford Avenue          EH33 2QN                                                 Due by
                Edinburgh                                                                           06.08.2021   Community
                EH4 3EJ                                                                                          Council:
                21/03735/FUL                                                                                     l


                Increase existing attic    Shona Mackay            Mr Daryl Hardy.,     Delegated   Registered   Householder
                accommodation by           146 Duddingston         1 Baird Gardens      Decision    on:          Team
                constructing gable         Road West               Edinburgh                        09/07/2021   planning.househol
                ends to existing hipped    Edinburgh               EH12 5RS                                      der@edinburgh.go
                roof.                      Scotland                                                 Comments
                at                         EH16 4AP                                                 Due by
                1 Baird Gardens                                                                     06.08.2021   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                                        Council:
                EH12 5RS                                                                                         Murrayfield

                21/03745/FUL                                                                                     Householder

                To form single storey      P Terry                 Mr & Mrs C Adam.,    Delegated   Registered   Householder
                sun room extension to      16 Craigmount Park      8 Cumloden Avenue    Decision    on:          Team
                rear of property and       Edinburgh               Edinburgh                        12/07/2021   planning.househol
                bedroom extension          EH12 8EE                EH12 6DR                                      der@edinburgh.go
                over existing garage.                                                               Comments
                at                                                                                  Due by
                8 Cumlodden Avenue                                                                  06.08.2021   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                                        Council:
                EH12 6DR                                                                                         Murrayfield

                21/03760/FUL                                                                                     Householder

Coltbridge And   Extension of garage to   McLaren Murdoch &      Mr Stuart Thyne.,      Delegated   Registered     Householder
Wester Coates    allow for 6m clear       Hamilton (Balgreen).   54 Garscube            Decision    on:            Team
Conservation     internal length.         Fao. Ross Boyter       Terrace                            12/07/2021     planning.househol
Area             at                       229 Balgreen Road      Edinburgh                                         der@edinburgh.go
                 54 Garscube Terrace      Edinburgh              EH12 6BN                            Site Notice
                 Edinburgh                EH11 2RZ                                                  posted on:
                 EH12 6BN                                                                           23/07/2021     Community
                 21/03785/FUL                                                                        Advertised    Murrayfield
                                                                                                    23/07/2021     Householder
                                                                                                    Due by

Corstorphine     To erect a log cabin                            Mr David Lavery.,      Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation     summerhouse in the                              1F2                    Decision    on:            Team
Area             rear garden.                                    2 Orchardfield                     13/07/2021     planning.househol
                 at                                              Avenue                                            der@edinburgh.go
                 1F2                                             Edinburgh                           Site Notice
                 2 Orchardfield Avenue                           EH12 7SX                           posted on:
                 Edinburgh                                                                          23/07/2021     Community
                 EH12 7SX                                                                                          Council:
                                                                                                     Advertised    Corstorphine
                 21/03795/FUL                                                                       on:
                                                                                                    23/07/2021     Householder
                                                                                                    Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                 Proposed single storey   G.S.M. Architecture.   Mr & Mrs R. Farley.,   Delegated   Registered     Householder
                 extension to rear of     Fao. Greig McCauley    35 Meadowhouse         Decision    on:            Team
                 property and internal    Flat 12 36 Malbet      Road                               13/07/2021     planning.househol
                 alterations.             Park                   Edinburgh                                         der@edinburgh.go
                 at                       Edinburgh              EH12 7HW                                
                 35 Meadowhouse           EH16 6SY
                 Road                     greig@gsmarchitectu                                                      Community
                 Edinburgh                                                                       Council:
                 EH12 7HW                                                                                          Corstorphine

                 21/03807/CLP                                                                                      CLE and CLP

Ward No. B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
1. Planning Applications

                The erection of an       Outdoor Building         Mr Zak Littwin.,      Delegated   Registered     Householder
                outbuilding in rear      Group.                   94 Stenhouse          Decision    on:            Team
                garden to be used as     FAO: Scott Dallman       Avenue                            12/07/2021     planning.househol
                an office work space.    272 Langmuir Road        Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
                at                       Bargadie                 EH11 3DF                          Comments
                94 Stenhouse Avenue      G69 7RR                                                    Due by
                Edinburgh                                                                           06.08.2021     Community
                EH11 3DF                                                                                           Council:

                Proposed change of       Bennett                  Z1 Properties Ltd.,   Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
                use of existing vacant   Developments And         12 Bankhead           Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                bank to form hot food    Consulting.              Avenue                            13/07/2021
                takeaway with erection   Fao. Don Bennett.        Edinburgh
                of flue.                 10 Park Court            Scotland                          Comments       Community
                at                       Glasgow                  EH11 4HD                          Due by         Council:
                12 Bankhead Avenue       G46 7PB                                                    09.08.2021     Sighthill/Broomhou
                Edinburgh                                                                                          se/Parkhead
                EH11 4HD
                21/03806/FUL                                                                                       Developments -

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
1. Planning Applications

Colinton        Install a cantilever                              Mr Mackay,            Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation    sliding electric gate.                            4 West Carnethy       Decision    on:            Team
Area            at                                                Avenue                            06/07/2021     planning.househol
                4 West Carnethy                                   Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
                Avenue                                            EH13 0ED                           Site Notice
                Edinburgh                                                                           posted on:
                EH13 0ED                                                                            16/07/2021     Community
                                                                                                                   Council: Colinton
                21/03651/FUL                                                                         Advertised
                                                                                                    on:            Householder
                                                                                                    16/07/2021     Developments

                                                                                                    Due by

Proposed 2 storey          Robert Jack.               Mr Tierney,           Delegated   Registered     Householder
               extension to side,         3 Brick Row                33 Galachlawside      Decision    on:            Team
               extension to rear and      Gladsmuir                  Edinburgh                         08/07/2021     planning.househol
               extension to front of      Tranent                    EH10 7JG                                         der@edinburgh.go
               dwelling house.            EH33 1EE                                                     Comments
               at                                                                                      Due by
               33 Galachlawside                                                                        06.08.2021     Community
               Edinburgh                                                                                              Council:
               EH10 7JG                                                                                               Fairmilehead

               21/03702/FUL                                                                                           Householder

               Single storey extension    Mark McAllister.           Mrs Clare Tulloch.,   Delegated   Registered     Householder
               to rear of property.       29 Oxgangs Loan            1 Oxgangs Farm        Decision    on:            Team
               at                         Edinburgh                  Drive                             09/07/2021     planning.househol
               1 Oxgangs Farm Drive       EH13 9JL                   Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
               Edinburgh                                             EH13 9QH                          Comments
               EH13 9QH                                                                                Due by
                                                                                                       06.08.2021     Community
               21/03732/FUL                                                                                           Council: Firrhill


Listed         Installation of garden     Caledonia Log              Mrs Emma              Delegated   Registered     Householder
Category: C    studio.                    Homes Ltd.                 Patterson Taylor.,    Decision    on:            Team
               at                         FAO: Kevin                 3 Swanston Village                09/07/2021     planning.househol
Swanston       3 Swanston Village         MacKenzie                  Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
Conservation   Edinburgh                  Caledonia Log              EH10 7DT                           Site Notice
Area           EH10 7DT                   Homes                                                        posted on:
                                          Lilliesleaf Sawmill                                          23/07/2021     Community
               21/03746/FUL               Melrose                                                                     Council:
                                          TD6 9JP                                                       Advertised    Fairmilehead
                                                                                                       23/07/2021     Householder
                                                                                                       Due by

Colinton       Form new side and          Slorach Wood               Dr. Jay Bagaria.,     Delegated   Registered     Householder
Conservation   rear extension, internal   Architects.                21 Spylaw Street      Decision    on:            Team
Area           alterations and new        Fao. Steven                Edinburgh                         12/07/2021     planning.househol
               balcony.                   Wootton.                   EH13 0JX                                         der@edinburgh.go
               at                         The Station Master's                                          Site Notice
               21 Spylaw Street           Office                                                       posted on:
               Edinburgh                  Dalmeny Station                                              23/07/2021     Community
               EH13 0JX                   Station Road                                                                Council: Colinton
                                          South Queensferry                                             Advertised
               21/03768/FUL               EH30 9JP                                                     on:            Householder
                                                                                                       23/07/2021     Developments

                                                                                                       Due by

Proposed removal of        Craig Sutherland.        Mr Ken Hogg.,      Delegated   Registered   Householder
                existing detached          Suite 2 Abtel Building   35 Buckstone       Decision    on:          Team
                garage and original flat   Pitreavie Drive          Terrace                        12/07/2021   planning.househol
                roof area and replace      Pitreavie Business       Edinburgh                                   der@edinburgh.go
                with new flat roofed       Park                     EH10 6QE                       Comments
                extension incorporating    Dunfermline                                             Due by
                new double garage,         KY11 8US                                                06.08.2021   Community
                utility and open plan                                                                           Council:
                kitchen / dining area.                                                                          Fairmilehead
                35 Buckstone Terrace                                                                            Householder
                Edinburgh                                                                                       Developments
                EH10 6QE


                Alterations and attic      Planning & Building      Mr & Mrs           Delegated   Registered   Householder
                conversion with new        Design Ltd.              Middlemiss,        Decision    on:          Team
                dormer windows on          FAO: Keith Owens         13 Buckstone                   13/07/2021   planning.househol
                front, rear and side of    24 West Nicolson         Avenue                                      der@edinburgh.go
                house and new              Street                   Edinburgh                      Comments
                decking area to the        Edinburgh                EH10 6QL                       Due by
                rear.                      EH8 9DA                                                 09.08.2021   Community
                at                                                                                              Council:
                13 Buckstone Avenue                                                                             Fairmilehead
                EH10 6QL                                                                                        Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

Colinton        Sycamore x 2 - Trim                                 Mrs Joyce          Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
Conservation    back branches                                       Goodwin.,          Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
Area            extending into                                      The Orchard                    15/07/2021
                neighbours gardens.                                 64 Dreghorn Loan
                at                                                  64 Dreghorn Loan                            Community
                64 Dreghorn Loan                                    EDINBURGH                                   Council: Colinton
                Edinburgh                                           United Kingdom
                EH13 0DB                                            EH13 0DB                                    TCO and TPO

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No.B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
1. Planning Applications

                Proposed double            Capital Draughting         Mr K Black.,          Delegated   Registered     Householder
                garage adjacent to side    Consultants Ltd.           39 Hutchison          Decision    on:            Team
                of house.                  FAO: Keith                 Medway                            08/07/2021     planning.househol
                at                         Henderson                  Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
                39 Hutchison Medway        40 Dinmont Drive           EH14 1QQ                          Comments
                Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                    Due by
                EH14 1QQ                   EH16 5RR                                                     06.08.2021     Community
                21/03720/FUL                                                                                           Hutchison/Chesse


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Craiglockhart   Small Goat Willow in       Frontier Forestry Ltd.     Trinity Factoring     Delegated   Registered     Ruthe Davies
Hills           garden of no.29            Fao. Andrew Jenkins        Services Ltd.,        Decision    on:            ruthe.davies@edin
Conservation    Rattray Drive. -           Office Suite 1,            Ms Nikkie Dunlop.                 12/07/2021
Area            Remove. Has large          Eastfield Business         209-211 Bruntsfield
                growth potential.          Centre                     Place                                            Community
                at                         4C Eastfield Farm          Edinburgh                                        Council:
                29 Rattray Drive           Road                       EH10 4DH                                         Craiglockhart
                Edinburgh                  Penicuik
                EH10 5TH                   EH26 8EZ                                                                    TCO and TPO
                                           andrew@frontierfores                                                        submissions

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B10 – Morningside
1. Planning Applications

Morningside     Form ground floor retail   Scott Hobbs                83S Ltd.,             Local       Registered     Robert McIntosh
Conservation    unit and 11x flats in      Planning.                  28 Melville Street    Delegated   on:            robert.mcintosh@
Area            upper floors with          FAO Rhiannon               Edinburgh             Decision    07/07/2021
                associated cycle           Martin                     EH3 7HA
                parking and                24A Stafford Street                                           Site Notice   Community
                infrastructure             Edinburgh                                                    posted on:     Council:
                at                         EH3 7BD                                                      16/07/2021     Morningside
                265 Morningside Road
                Edinburgh                                                                                Advertised    Other
                EH10 4RD                                                                                on:            Developments -
                                                                                                        16/07/2021     Local
                                                                                                        Due by

New front dormer.             Faed Browne             Ms Ros Kirkman.,     Delegated   Registered     Householder
                at                            Architects.             69 Greenbank Road    Decision    on:            Team
                69 Greenbank Road             FAO: Andrea Faed        Edinburgh                        12/07/2021     planning.househol
                Edinburgh                     6 Regent Street Lane    EH10 5RU                                        der@edinburgh.go
                EH10 5RU                      Edinburgh                                                Comments
                                              EH15 2AL                                                 Due by
                21/03769/FUL                                                                           06.08.2021     Community


Listed          Changes to the                David Sinclair.         Mr Gareth Evans.,    Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Category: B     proposed work under           40 Corstorphine Hill    21 Greenhill Place   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                LBC 18/03013/LBC.             Gardens                 Edinburgh                        13/07/2021
Merchiston      Proposed to clean             Edinburgh               EH10 4BR
And Greenhill   back the existing             EH12 6LA                                                  Site Notice   Community
Conservation    blockwork and finsh                                                                    posted on:     Council:
Area            with a liIthomex stone                                                                 23/07/2021     Merchiston
                repair to match In with
                the existing stone wall                                                                 Advertised    Listed building and
                new wrot Iron fence                                                                    on:            Con Area
                erected on to existing                                                                 23/07/2021     Consents
                cope and extend to
                existing orignalL fence.                                                               Comments
                at                                                                                     Due by
                21 Greenhill Place                                                                     13.08.2021
                EH10 4BR


Plewlands       Alteration of existing lift   Gilberts                Randolph Hill        Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Conservation    shaft to accommodate          FAO: Kelvin             Nursing Homes        Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
Area            a deep plan lift serving      Donaldson               Group.,                          13/07/2021
                all three residential         39 Grassmarket          FAO: Mr Peter
                floors. Resulting plan        Edinburgh               McCormick                         Site Notice   Community
                changes & headroom            EH1 2HS                 Second Floor                     posted on:     Council:
                requirements                                          6 Redheughs Rigg                 23/07/2021     Morningside
                necessitate new roof                                  South Gyle
                housing to rear pitch of                              Edinburgh                         Advertised    Other
                existing roof.                                        EH12 9DQ                         on:            Developments -
                at                                                                                     23/07/2021     Local
                Ashley Court Care
                Home                                                                                   Comments
                33 Craighouse Terrace                                                                  Due by
                Edinburgh                                                                              13.08.2021
                EH10 5LH


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

Merchiston      Yew tree, northwest         Stephen Paul Group    Stephen Paul Group    Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
And Greenhill   corner of front garden -    LLP.                  LLP.,                 Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Conservation    remove overhanging          FAO: Sarah Eakin      FAO: Sarah Eakin                  14/07/2021
Area            branches, shape and         47 Alnwickhill Road   47 Alnwickhill Road
                tidy removing 10% of        Edinburgh             Edinburgh                                      Community
                the crown. Sycamore         EH16 6LP              EH16 6LP                                       Council:
                tree in northwest           sarah.eakin@stephe                                                   Merchiston
                corner of front garden -
                reduce crown by 15%                                                                              TCO and TPO
                overall shape and                                                                                submissions
                1D Gillsland Road
                EH10 5BW


Marchmont,      Prunus cerasifera -         JDS Trees Ltd.        Mrs Anne Stephen.,    Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Meadows And     Remove and replace          Fao. Ellis Dow.       18 Arden Street       Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Bruntsfield     with Amelanchier            Unit 1, Peffer        Edinburgh                         19/07/2021
Conservation    Lamarckii                   Business Centre       EH9 1BP
Area            at                          North Peffer Place                                                   Community
                18 Arden Street             Edinburgh                                                            Council:
                Marchmont                   EH16 4UZ                                                             Marchmont/Scienn
                Edinburgh                   enquiries@jdsgarden                                                  es
                EH9 1BP           
                                                                                                                 TCO and TPO
                21/03882/TCO                                                                                     submissions

Merchiston      Green Atlas Cedar,          Eamonn Wall & Co -    Mr Grant Wilson.,     Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
And Greenhill   30m tall, 1,240mm           Arboricultural        5 Newbattle Terrace   Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
Conservation    diameter, previous          Consultants.          Edinburgh                         19/07/2021
Area            pruning and branch          FAO: Eamonn Wall      EH10 4RU
                tear out wounds. To         15 West Burnside                                                     Community
                remove the tree due to      Dollar                                                               Council:
                two large branch drops      FK14 7DP                                                             Merchiston
                into garden in February     consultants@eamon
                2021.                                                                       TCO and TPO
                at                                                                                               submissions
                5 Newbattle Terrace
                EH10 4RU


Morningside     lime trees at road side -   Lord Of The Trees.    Mrs Ishrat Beaux.,    Delegated   Registered   Ruthe Davies
Conservation    Crown raise to 5m and       (Cockburns Path).     7 Braid road          Decision    on:          ruthe.davies@edin
Area            reduce height by 30%.       Fao. Andrew Senior    Edinburgh                         19/07/2021
                at                          11 Callander Place    Scotland
                7 Braid Road                Cockburns Path        EH10 6AE                                       Community
                Edinburgh                   TD15 5XY                                                             Council:
                EH10 6AE                    andrew@lordofthetre                                                  Morningside
                21/03895/TCO                                                                                     TCO and TPO

Listed          1 mostly dead cedar in     Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mr Andrew             Delegated   Registered     Ruthe Davies
Category: C     middle of rear garden. -   FAO: Andrew              Holliman.,            Decision    on:            ruthe.davies@edin
                Remove.                    Jenkins                  7 Newbattle Terrace               19/07/2021
Merchiston      at                         Office Suite 1,          Edinburgh
And Greenhill   7 Newbattle Terrace        Eastfield Business       EH10 4RU                                         Community
Conservation    Edinburgh                  Centre                                                                    Council:
Area            EH10 4RU                   4C Eastfield Farm                                                         Merchiston
                21/03906/TCO               Penicuik                                                                  TCO and TPO
                                           andrew@frontierfores                                                      submissions

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B11 – City Centre
1. Planning Applications

World           Internal and external      Ian Smith Design.        Mr McLaughlin,        Delegated   Registered     Daniel Lodge
Heritage Site   alterations and replace    FAO: Amy German          6 Heriot Row          Decision    on:            daniel.lodge@edin
                existing sash and case     6 Summer Place           Edinburgh                         25/06/2021
Listed          windows throughout         Edinburgh                EH3 6HU
Category: A     the property to            EH3 5NR                                                     Site Notice   Community
                incorporate slimlite                                                                  posted on:     Council: New
New Town        double glazing.                                                                       23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Conservation    at
Area            6 And 6A Heriot Row                                                                    Advertised    Householder
                And                                                                                   on:            Developments
                6 Northumberland                                                                      23/07/2021
                Street South West
                Lane                                                                                  Comments
                Edinburgh                                                                             Due by
                EH3 6HU                                                                               13.08.2021


World           Erection of bike shelter   Avison Young (UK)        Nuveen Real           Delegated   Registered     Sean Fallon
Heritage Site   canopy and associated      Limited.                 Estate.,              Decision    on:            sean.fallon@edinb
                works.                     FAO: Michael Nelson      201 Bishopsgate                   13/07/2021
New Town        at                         40 Torphichen Street     London
Conservation    Proposed Bike Shelter      Edinburgh                EC2M 3BN                           Site Notice   Community
Area            Little King Street         EH3 8JB                                                    posted on:     Council: New
                Edinburgh                                                                             23/07/2021     Town/Broughton

                                                                                                       Advertised    Other
                21/02719/FUL                                                                          on:            Developments -
                                                                                                      23/07/2021     Local

                                                                                                      Due by

World           Temporary consent for      Galliford Try            Cornerstone.,          Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   a period of up to 2        Telecoms.                1530 Hive 2            Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                years for the              FAO: Jodie Kane          Arlington Business                 13/07/2021
New Town        installation of 20m high   2 Lochside View          Park
Conservation    street furniture style     PO Box 17452             Theale                              Site Notice   Community
Area            mast with 6 No.            Edinburgh                RG7 4SA                            posted on:     Council: New
                antennas (Grey             EH12 1LB                                                    23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
                RAL7035), 2 No.
                300mm dishes (Grey                                                                      Advertised    Telecommunicatio
                RAL7035), 1 No.                                                                        on:            ns
                cabinet                                                                                23/07/2021
                Brown/Green                                                                            Comments
                RAL6008) and all                                                                       Due by
                ancillary development.                                                                 13.08.2021
                Proposed Telecomms
                Apparatus 35 Metres
                North Of 7
                Drumsheugh Place
                New Town


World           Change of use dwelling     Wright Planning &        Mrs Elizabeth          Local       Registered     Nancy Jamieson
Heritage Site   to commercial short        Development Ltd.         Graham.,               Delegated   on:            nancy.jamieson@
                term holiday let.          FAO: John Wright         Coneloch               Decision    15/07/2021
Listed          at                         Norma Villa              Longmorn
Category: A     7A Jamaica Street          26 Wilson Street         Elgin                               Site Notice   Community
                South Lane                 Perth                    Moray                              posted on:     Council: New
New Town        Edinburgh                  PH2 0EX                  IV30 8SN                           23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Conservation    EH3 6HG
Area                                                                                                    Advertised    Other
                21/03508/FUL                                                                           on:            Developments -
                                                                                                       23/07/2021     Local

                                                                                                       Due by

World           Installation of external   K J Smith.               Fore Play Crazy Golf   Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   duct                       Kers House               Ltd.,                  Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                         7 Claremont Park         14 Picardy Place                   13/07/2021
Listed          1 Grassmarket              Edinburgh                Edinburgh
Category: C     Edinburgh                  EH6 7PJ                  EH1 3JT                             Site Notice   Community
                EH1 2HY                                                                                posted on:     Council: Old Town
Old Town                                                                                               23/07/2021
Conservation    21/03614/FUL                                                                                          Other
Area                                                                                                    Advertised    Developments -
                                                                                                       on:            Local

                                                                                                       Due by

World           Installation of external   Ken Smith.              Fore Play Crazy Golf   Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   duct                       FAO Ken Smith           Ltd.,                  Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                         Kers House              14 Picardy Place                   05/07/2021
Listed          1 Grassmarket              7 Claremont Park        Edinburgh
Category: C     Edinburgh                  Edinburgh               EH1 3JT                             Site Notice   Community
                EH1 2HY                    EH6 7PJ                                                    posted on:     Council: Old Town
Old Town                                                                                              23/07/2021
Conservation    21/03616/LBC                                                                                         Listed building and
Area                                                                                                   Advertised    Con Area
                                                                                                      on:            Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

World           Construct 2x new           D7 Architecture Ltd.    Ms Molly Illiffe.,     Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   Dormers                    FAO David Christie      Flat 4 16 York Place   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                         2 Winifred Street       Edinburgh                          05/07/2021
Listed          Flat 4 16 York Place       Kirkcaldy               EH1 3EP
Category: A     Edinburgh                  KY2 5SR                                                     Site Notice   Community
                EH1 3EP                                                                               posted on:     Council: New
New Town                                                                                              16/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Conservation    21/03630/LBC
Area                                                                                                   Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                      on:            Con Area
                                                                                                      16/07/2021     Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

World           Construct 2x new           D7 Architecture Ltd.    Ms Molly Illiffe.,     Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   Dormers                    FAO David Christie      Flat 4 16 York Place   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                         2 Winifred Street       Edinburgh                          05/07/2021
Listed          Flat 4 16 York Place       Kirkcaldy               EH1 3EP
Category: A     Edinburgh                  KY2 5SR                                                     Site Notice   Community
                EH1 3EP                                                                               posted on:     Council: New
New Town                                                                                              16/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Conservation    21/03631/FUL
Area                                                                                                   Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                      on:            Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

World           Change of Use from                                   Touch.,                Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   offices to cafe bar deli                             FAO Martin Naylor      Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                restaurant                                           London Road                        05/07/2021
New Town        at                                                   Studios
Conservation    3 Royal Terrace                                      3 3 Royal Terrace                   Site Notice   Community
Area            Gardens                                              Gardens, (old Public               posted on:     Council: New
                (Former Toilet Block)                                Toilet)                            23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
                London Road                                          Edinburgh
                Edinburgh                                            United Kingdom                      Advertised    Other
                                                                     Eh7 5dx                            on:            Developments -
                21/03632/FUL                                                                            23/07/2021     Local

                                                                                                        Due by

World           Internally applied          Avison Young (UK)        Standard Life          Delegated   Registered     Jennifer Paton
Heritage Site   window vinyl                Limited. (Torphichen     Investments Ltd.,      Decision    on:            jennifer.paton@edi
                advertisement.              Street).                 1 George Street                    13/07/2021
New Town        at                          Fao. Michael Nelson.     Edinburgh
Conservation    6 St Andrew Square          40 Torphichen Street     EH2 2LL                            Comments       Community
Area            New Town                    Edinburgh                                                   Due by         Council: New
                Edinburgh                   EH3 8JB                                                     03.08.2021     Town/Broughton
                EH2 2AH

World           Remove wall between         David Hogg.              Mr Sean Anderson.,     Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   existing kitchen and        5 Glanville Place        44 Granton Road        Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                bathroom to form            Edinburgh                Edinburgh                          07/07/2021
Listed          bedroom. From               EH3 6SZ                  EH5 3QS
Category: B     bathroom and ES in                                                                       Site Notice   Community
                existing bedroom.                                                                       posted on:     Council: West End
New Town        Form kitchen in part of                                                                 23/07/2021
Conservation    existing living room.                                                                                  Listed building and
Area            Move fire place in living                                                                Advertised    Con Area
                room.                                                                                   on:            Consents
                at                                                                                      23/07/2021
                1F 5 Grosvenor
                Gardens                                                                                 Comments
                Edinburgh                                                                               Due by
                EH12 5JU                                                                                13.08.2021


World           Change of use to            Alfa Studio.             Block 9 Homes          Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   return office space to      Fao. Anna Forster        LLP.,                  Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                residential.                21 Castle Street         Mr Alexander                       07/07/2021
Listed          at                          Edinburgh                Anderson.
Category: B     2F1 21 Castle Street        EH2 3DN                  21 Castle Street                    Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                                            Edinburgh                          posted on:     Council: New
New Town        EH2 3DN                                              EH2 3DN                            23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Area            21/03695/FUL                                                                             Advertised    Housing - Local

                                                                                                        Due by

World           Internal alterations to    Alfa Studio.               Block 9 Homes         Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   provided residential.      FAO: Anna Forster          LLP.,                 Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                at                         21 Castle Street           FAO: Alexander                    07/07/2021
Listed          2F1 21 Castle Street       Edinburgh                  Anderson
Category: B     Edinburgh                  EH2 3DN                    21 Castle Street                   Site Notice   Community
                EH2 3DN                                               Edinburgh                         posted on:     Council: New
New Town                                                              EH2 3DN                           23/07/2021     Town/Broughton
Conservation    21/03696/LBC
Area                                                                                                     Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                        on:            Con Area
                                                                                                        23/07/2021     Consents

                                                                                                        Due by

World           Advertisement of the       The Fruitful Design        Conilon Ltd.,         Delegated   Registered     Sean Fallon
Heritage Site   following types : Fascia   Consultancy Ltd.           FAO: Mr E Holth       Decision    on:            sean.fallon@edinb
                sign.                      FAO: Jonathan              81 Southwark Street               13/07/2021
New Town        at                         Orchard                    London
Conservation    30 St James Square         7 Chiltern House           SE1 0HX                           Comments       Community
Area            Edinburgh                  Waterside                                                    Due by         Council: New
                EH1 3AX                    Chesham                                                      03.08.2021     Town/Broughton
                                           HP5 1PS
                21/03698/ADV                                                                                           Advertisements

World           Alter bedroom to form      Drawing Office.            Mr Corrigan,          Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   kitchen. Remove            FAO: Richard Foggo         19A Coates            Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                double timber sash and     Flat 1, 8 Barnie           Gardens                           08/07/2021
Listed          case windows with          Terrace                    Edinburgh
Category: B     centre stone mullion/      Edinburgh                  EH12 5LG                           Site Notice   Community
                stone wall below sill      EH15 1BU                                                     posted on:     Council: West End
New Town        level and fit anodised                                                                  23/07/2021
Conservation    aluminium folding                                                                                      Listed building and
Area            doors with fixed                                                                         Advertised    Con Area
                deadlight over (colour                                                                  on:            Consents
                grey). Remove                                                                           23/07/2021
                chimney breast to new
                kitchen. Build up                                                                       Comments
                doorway to existing                                                                     Due by
                store and form new                                                                      13.08.2021
                doorway to store from
                19A Coates Gardens
                EH12 5LG


World           Remove 2 No. timber       Drawing Office.      Mr Corrigan,        Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   sash and case             FAO: Richard Foggo   19A Coates          Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                windows with centre       Flat 1, 8 Barnie     Gardens                         08/07/2021
Listed          stone mullion and         Terrace              Edinburgh
Category: B     stone wall below cill     Edinburgh            EH12 5LG                         Site Notice   Community
                level. Provide anodised   EH15 1BU                                             posted on:     Council: West End
New Town        aluminium folding                                                              23/07/2021
Conservation    doors with fixed                                                                              Householder
Area            deadlight over.                                                                 Advertised    Developments
                at                                                                             on:
                19A Coates Gardens                                                             23/07/2021
                EH12 5LG                                                                       Comments
                                                                                               Due by
                21/03707/FUL                                                                   13.08.2021

World           To replace existing                            Mr Kurowski,        Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   timber-frame, single-                          13 Mechelininkatu   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                glazed windows with                            13 A 18                         08/07/2021
Listed          new double-glazed                              Helsinki
Category: B     UPVC windows to                                Finland                          Site Notice   Community
                match existing design                          00100                           posted on:     Council: Old Town
Old Town        and colour.                                                                    23/07/2021
Conservation    at                                                                                            Listed building and
Area            Flat 4 265 Canongate                                                            Advertised    Con Area
                Edinburgh                                                                      on:            Consents
                EH8 8BQ                                                                        23/07/2021

                21/03709/LBC                                                                   Comments
                                                                                               Due by

World           To replace existing                            Mr Kurowski,        Delegated   Registered     Local1 Team
Heritage Site   timber frame, single-                          13 Mechelininkatu   Decision    on:            planning.local1@e
                glazed windows with                            13 A 18                         08/07/2021
Listed          new double-glazed                              Helsinki
Category: B     UPVC windows to                                Finland                          Site Notice   Community
                match existing design                          00100                           posted on:     Council: Old Town
Old Town        and colour.                                                                    23/07/2021
Conservation    at                                                                                            Householder
Area            Flat 4 265 Canongate                                                            Advertised    Developments
                Edinburgh                                                                      on:
                EH8 8BQ                                                                        23/07/2021

                21/03710/FUL                                                                   Comments
                                                                                               Due by

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