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                                                                                                                         TE MAHERE A TE POARI A -ROHE

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ISBN 978-1-927302-74-3 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-927302-95-8 (Online)
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                         CONTENTS

                                                                    MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON                                  4

                                                                    OUR VISION                                                    6
                                          COVER IMAGE
                                          Orewa’s estuary is a      OUR OUTCOMES                                                  8
                                          popular recreation spot
                                          for swimming, kayaking    HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD AREA                            10
                                          and cyclists riding the
                                          Te Ara Tahuna cycleway
                                          and walkway.              ABOUT LOCAL BOARDS                                            11

                                                                    ABOUT LOCAL BOARD PLANS                                       12

                                                                    HOW WE GOT YOUR FEEDBACK                                      13

                                                                    OUTCOME: A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE
                                                                             BECAUSE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH                        14

                                                                    OUTCOME: A STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY WITH SKILLED JOBS             18

                                                                    OUTCOME: CONNECTED COMMUNITIES
                                                                             WITH EXCELLENT TRANSPORT CHOICES                     22

                                                                    OUTCOME: EASY ACCESS TO RECREATION CHOICES AND OPEN SPACE     26

                                                                    OUTCOME: SAFE AND SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES                       32

                                                                    OUTCOME:A PROTECTED AND ENHANCED ENVIRONMENT                  38

                                                                    VALUING OUR LOCAL MĀORI IDENTITY                             44

                                                                    INDICATIVE BUDGET AND FUNDING SOURCES                         48

                                                                    INDICATIVE BUDGET TABLE                                       49

                                                                    YOUR HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD MEMBERS                    50

                                                                      This document is available as an accessible word document
                                                                      on request. Contact us on 09 301 0101 for a copy.

2                                                                                                                                      3
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                      MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON

                                                                                                                        OUR AREA WILL GROW FASTER THAN
    MESSAGE FROM                                                                                                        MOST IN THE AUCKLAND REGION
    THE CHAIRPERSON                                                                                                     OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS
                                  I am pleased to introduce the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2014. This plan
                                  will guide our activities for the next three years and beyond. We talked with
                                  many of you at engagement sessions this year to understand what is important.
                                  You told us what you like most about living in our area. You also told us what we
                                  should focus on to improve our area now and in the future. We have limited funds
                                  and resources to do a lot of important work, so we have to prioritise what is done
                                  and when.

                                  Our area will grow faster than most in the Auckland region over the next 10 years.
                                  We have to find a balance in responding to the rapid growth in parts of our area
                                  while maintaining services in our more established centres. The six outcomes
                                  in this plan acknowledge both the challenges and opportunities that a growing
                                  population presents.

                                  We want our residents to have easy access to recreation choices and open space
                                  and be part of safe and supported communities. We want our area to be an
                                  even better place to live as our population grows. Protecting and enhancing our
                                  environment is also vital to preserve our area for future generations to enjoy. We
                                  will work towards creating a stronger local economy and connected communities
                                  with excellent transport choices.                                                              In developing this local board plan, we have also been guided by our area plan. You
                                                                                                                                 helped us develop the area plan by participating in the many consultation sessions
                                  With a growing population comes a need for more facilities and services for our                we held in 2012. You told us what you wanted for the future and the area plan
                                  communities and increased funding levels to provide them. We will continue to                  outlines how the Hibiscus and Bays is envisaged to change over the next 30 years.
                                  advocate for our fair share of development contributions gathered from this area.              The outcomes and initiatives you see in this local board plan will move us towards
                                  We would like to see more of this money spent on the facilities our communities                those 30-year goals.
                                  need. Auckland Council, including local boards, currently faces significant funding
                                  challenges. We acknowledge the need for vital city centre infrastructure such as               We have ambitious plans within a challenging funding environment. To achieve
                                  the city rail link but central government must contribute more to these projects.              our vision, the local board members and I look forward to working with you, our
                                  This will reduce the debt carried by Aucklanders and the negative effects it is                communities, businesses, council-controlled organisations, the governing body,
                                  having on our local capital programmes.                                                        central government agencies and mana whenua with interests in the area.

                                  Recognising the pressure to keep rates rises at an acceptable level, we will look
                                  to different funding sources to bring our projects to fruition. We are proud of
                                  the success we have had working with the community, businesses and external
                                  funding agencies to get things done and will continue to approach funding
                                  challenges that way. We also value highly the work done by our volunteers in the
                                  community to make our area a better place to live and will continue to support
                                  their efforts wherever we can.                                                                 Julia Parfitt

                                                                                                                                 Chairperson, Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                  OUR VISION: CREATING THE WORLD’S MOST LIVEABLE CITY AT THE LOCAL LEVEL

    OUR VISION: CREATING THE                                                                                              OUR PEOPLE KNOW THEY LIVE IN ONE
                                                                                                                          OF THE BEST PARTS OF AUCKLAND
    WORLD’S MOST LIVEABLE                                                                                                 AND WE WANT OUR FUTURE
    CITY AT THE LOCAL LEVEL                                                                                               GENERATIONS TO ALSO BE ABLE TO
                                                                                                                          ENJOY OUR SPECIAL COASTAL PLACES
                   Our people are proud to live in Hibiscus and       Our aim is for our local networks, community
                   Bays and we cherish our lifestyle so closely       halls and centres, libraries and events to foster
                   linked to the coast. We love our beaches,          a strong sense of connectedness, which we
                   our parks and reserves, and our town centres       know our people value. Our residents can be
                   and coastal villages, each with their own          as active as they want using our vast network
                   unique character.                                  of walkways, cycleways, parks and recreation
                                                                      facilities. We want our area to continue to be
                   As one of the fastest growing areas in             one of the safest in Auckland to live.
                   Auckland, we will passionately protect our
                   stunning natural environment and strong            It is really important that our people,
                   communities. Our people know they live in one      particularly our youth, have the option to work
                   of the best parts of Auckland and we want our      locally and take up skilled jobs in our area. By
                   future generations to also be able to enjoy our    working with Auckland Transport, the business
                   special coastal places. Through the Auckland       community and developers, we will enable
                   Unitary Plan, and in keeping with the Hibiscus     Silverdale to develop to its full potential.
                   and Bays Area Plan, we will focus growth in        Constructing Penlink earlier than currently
                   our town centres. This means better services       planned will ease traffic congestion in and
                   become available in the centres and we can         around Silverdale. It will also allow business
                   restrict growth around rural, sensitive, coastal   development to take place. Tertiary education
                   and estuarine areas.                               providers and knowledge-based businesses will
                                                                      be attracted to the ‘knowledge economy zone’
                   We want to retain the character unique to          within this vibrant business area.
                   each of our town centres and coastal villages
                   and make them even more attractive places          In the future we will be able to choose from
                   to shop and meet with other locals. We will        a better range of transport options. This is
                   update town centre plans for Silverdale, Ōrewa     particularly important for our young people
                   and Browns Bay and make improvements               and our aging population, as they rely more
                   in Torbay. These plans will be done in             on public transport and cycling and walking
                   consultation with our communities. Together        options. We will make the most of our coastal
                   we will work out what improvements can be          location and investigate new and better water-
                   made to strengthen the local economy and           based transport. We will work with partners
                   provide community benefits.                        to invest in walkways and cycleways that link
                                                                      our communities. Our goal to create a Hibiscus
                                                                      and Bays walkway aligning with the national
                                                                      Te Araroa trail will be realised over time.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                             7
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                           OUR OUTCOMES

    The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan works towards creating the world’s                                 THE AUCKLAND PLAN
    most liveable city at the local level. Creating the world’s most liveable city is
    the vision of the Auckland Plan. Our local board plan takes into account the                               VISION
    outcomes in the 30-year Auckland Plan to help deliver this vision.                                         To become the world’s most liveable city.

                                                                                                                        A fair, safe and healthy Auckland

              A great place to live because we planned for growth
              Our area accommodates a growing population, while protecting and preserving local
              character, the environment and our communities.                                                           A green Auckland
              A strong local economy with skilled jobs
              Our area is an attractive place to set up and run a business and our residents have access to
              skilled jobs close to home.                                                                               An Auckland of prosperity and opportunity
              Connected communities with excellent transport choices
              Our communities are well connected to each other and the city centre via public transport,
              walkways, cycleways and efficient roads including Penlink.
                                                                                                                        A well-connected and accessible Auckland
              Easy access to recreation options and open space
              Our quality network of open spaces and recreation facilities support a balanced and healthy
              lifestyle for residents.

              Safe and supported communities                                                                            A beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people
              Our residents have access to a range of community facilities and services that support a
              sense of well-being, safety and connection to others.

              A protected and enhanced environment                                                                      A culturally rich and creative Auckland
              Our waterways, harbours, coastline, parks, reserves and heritage are protected and enhanced
              for future generations to enjoy.

                                                                                                                        A Māori identity that is Auckland’s point of difference
                                                                                                                        in the world

8                                                                                                                                                                                            9
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                                                   ABOUT LOCAL BOARDS

     LOCAL BOARD AREA                                                                                                                    ABOUT LOCAL BOARDS
                                                                                                                                            Auckland Council has a unique model of local
                                                                                                                                            government in New Zealand, comprising the        Local boards engage with and
                 Hatfields                                                                                                                  governing body (made up of the mayor and         represent their communities,
                                                                                                                                            20 ward councillors) and 21 local boards. The    provide important local input into
                                                                                                                                            governing body focuses on the big picture and    Auckland-wide strategies and plans
                                                                                                                                            on Auckland-wide issues and decisions.           and work with others to build
                                                                                                                                                                                             strong communities. Many council
                                                                                                                                            Local boards provide local leadership and        activities that are important to local
              Millwater                                                            Army                                                     make decisions on local issues, activities and   communities are the responsibility
                                                                                    Bay                               Tiritiri Matangi
                             Red Beach                                                    Shakespear                        Island
                                                                                                                                            facilities, such as local parks, libraries and   of the governing body and council-
                                                                                           Regional                                         community halls. Local boards can also fund
                                                                                  Okoromai Park                                                                                              controlled organisations (including
            Silverdale                      Stanmore
                                                               Tindalls        Gulf Bay                                                     other organisations through community grants     Auckland Transport). Local boards act
                                               Bay               Bay          Harbour   Te Haruhi
                                                          Big                              Bay                                              and other funding arrangements, for activities   as champions and advocates for their
                                                         Manly Matakatia Hobbs
                                                         Beach    Bay     Bay                                                               such as events and community programmes.         communities when others have the
                                            Whangaparaoa                                                                                                                                     decision-making role.
                                                             Little                                                                         Local boards also play an important role
                               Stillwater              Arkles Manly
                                                        Bay                                                                                 in delivering at the local level on Auckland
                       Hibiscus Coast                                                                                                       Council’s commitment to Māori.

                                                                                   The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
                                                  Long Bay                         area stretches from Waiwera in

                                               Regional Reserve

                                                                                   the north to Campbells Bay in the
                                                                                   south. Our area is known for its
                                                                                   spectacular beaches, parks and
                                                                                                                                                                                              LOCAL BOARDS
                                                                                                                                                                                              PROVIDE LOCAL
                                 East Coast                Bay
                                    Bay                                            reserves, including Long Bay and
                                                                  Torbay           Shakespear regional parks and

                                                                                   Tiritiri Matangi Island. Our main
                                                                                   town centres are Ōrewa, Silverdale,                                                                        LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                                                                                                              AND MAKE
                                                         Browns Bay                Whangaparāoa and Browns Bay.
                                                             Murrays Bay
                                                             Bay                                  Subdivision boundary
                                                                                                                                                                                              DECISIONS ON
                           Upper Harbour
                                                                                                  State highway
                                                                                                  Major road
                                                                                                                                                                                              LOCAL ISSUES,
                                                                                                                                                                                              ACTIVITIES AND
                                                                                                  Secondary road
                                                   Takapuna                                       Regional parks/Reserve

                                  Kaipātiki                                                                                                                                                   FACILITIES
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                                    HOW WE GOT YOUR FEEDBACK

     ABOUT LOCAL BOARD PLANS                                                                                              HOW WE GOT YOUR FEEDBACK
                    This plan is about the Hibiscus and Bays           About local board funding                                                                               future. During this time we also had a survey
                    Local Board area. It expresses what we have                                                                 Engaging with our communities has              available which could be completed online or
                    heard from you.                                    The local boards funding policy in the                   been an important part of developing           posted to us. All of this information has helped
                                                                       long‑term plan (LTP) sets out how local boards           this plan. You have told us your views         shape this local board plan.
                    The plan sets the framework that will guide        are funded.                                              on many issues over the past three
                    our decision-making and actions for the                                                                     years as part of the development of            We held a hui with mana whenua in April to
                    next three years. It informs the local board’s     Some local board funding relates to local                a wide range of council plans.                 discuss future shared priorities and identify
                    decisions on local activities, and enables us to   assets and facilities. The governing body makes                                                         projects we could work together on. The
                    represent your interests and preferences on        the initial investment decisions and then local                                                         section in this plan on valuing our Māori
                    regional strategies and plans. It also provides    boards oversee the budgets and operations.            Our engagement activities                         identity summarises our early discussions.
                    the flexibility to cope with changes that will     Local boards are also allocated funding to
                    happen during the next three years. During this    deliver local programmes and initiatives. The         During February and March we held                 A workshop session was facilitated by
                    time we will continue to work closely with all     actual budget for each year is agreed with the        community expos in Browns Bay and Ōrewa           the Hibiscus and Bays Youth Voice group
                    sectors of our community to understand your        governing body as part of discussion on the           where you could drop in to talk to the local      in July with over 70 students from the
                    ongoing needs, issues and priorities.              annual local board agreement.                         board members, staff from various parts of the    area’s intermediate and secondary schools.
                                                                                                                             council and community groups we currently         The young people participated in group
                                                                       This local board plan contains indicative             work with. We discussed our key projects and      discussions to give a collective youth voice
                                                                       budget tables for the next three years. This          gathered valuable feedback from you on what       to feedback on the plan.
                                                                       budget is based on the LTP 2012-2022, with            you would like to see happen in our area in the
                                                                       adjustments to reflect annual plans and other                                                           A workshop session was also facilitated by
                                                                       budget changes since then.                                                                              two members of the Auckland Council Seniors
                                                                                                                                                                               Panel with a group of older residents of the
                                                                       The actual budgets for the next three years                                                             area. More than 40 people attended to give
                                                                       will be different. This is because they will                                                            an older person’s view on the plan. Written
                                                                       reflect recent amendments to the local boards                                                           submissions resulted from both of these
                                                                       funding policy, and because the council is                                                              workshops and included a summary of the
                                                                       preparing the draft LTP 2015-2025. This                                                                 feedback received on each day.
                                                                       preparation includes a review of funding for all
                                                                       projects, which may affect some local board                                                             The Special Consultative Process (SCP) for
                                                                       plan projects that are currently funded.                                                                the local board plan ran from 7 July to 6
                                                                                                                                                                               August 2014. During that time a total of
                                                                       Our draft local board plan showed the funding                                                           280 submissions were received to the draft
                                                                       status of key initiatives to deliver each plan                                                          Hibiscus and Bays plan. Our community groups
                                                                       outcome. This funding status is not included                                                            attended a briefing on the draft plan prior to
                                                                       in this final local board plan, because it could                                                        the start of the SCP process and through their
                                                                       change as the LTP 2015-2025 is developed.                                                               networks helped to spread the word that we
                                                                                                                                                                               wanted your feedback.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                          OUTCOME: A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE BECAUSE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH

     OUTCOME: A GREAT PLACE                                                                                          AS OUR POPULATION GROWS, WE
                                                                                                                     ARE MINDFUL OF PROTECTING OUR
     TO LIVE BECAUSE WE                                                                                              PRECIOUS NATURAL ENVIRONMENT
                    Our area accommodates a growing population, while protecting and
                    preserving local character, the environment and our communities.

                    The Auckland region is expected to grow by
                    one million people by 2040. A key emphasis of
                    the Auckland Plan is to achieve a compact city        Hibiscus and Bays
                    by focusing growth in existing urban areas.
                    This means better services become available in
                                                                          Area Plan
                    the centres and we can restrict our population      Developed in 2013 after extensive
                    growing in more sensitive areas. For the            consultation with our communities,
                    Hibiscus and Bays area this could mean about        the Hibiscus and Bays Area Plan
                    50,000 more people living here by 2040. Most        outlines how the area is envisaged to
                    future residential and employment growth will       change over the next 30 years. It sets
                    be concentrated in and around the four town         out the key moves, desired outcomes
                    centres of Browns Bay, Ōrewa, Silverdale and        and supporting actions to assist in
                    Whangaparāoa.                                       achieving the vision for Auckland and
                                                                        Hibiscus and Bays.
                                                                        The Hibiscus and Bays Area Plan
                    We are working with the Torbay community            promotes the improvement of local
                    to create a community plaza. The aim is             character, the environment and
                    to encourage locals to spend more time in           our communities as our population
                    the shopping precinct, benefiting the local         increases. We will need improvements
                    businesses and creating more opportunities          to our streets, better transport and
                    for people to connect with each other.              strong community and social services
                                                                        to meet the needs of our growing
                    As a priority we will complete a town centre        communities. By focusing on this we
                    plan for Silverdale, which has been identified as   contribute locally to the Auckland Plan
                    a key transformation area in the Auckland Plan.     goal to ‘radically improve the quality
                    Focusing on this area will open up substantial      of urban living’.
                    job and tertiary training opportunities for our
                    local people.                                       The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan                   This local board plan outcome contributes to the following
                                                                        is a three-year plan with a 10-year                      Auckland Plan outcomes:
                    A revitalisation plan for Ōrewa will also be        outlook. The vision and outcomes
                    developed. The Proposed Auckland Unitary            are aligned across the two plans. The                    • a green Auckland
                    Plan supports development in the town centre        specific initiatives you see in this local
                    of up to six storeys. We know this is of concern                                                             • a beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people.
                                                                        board plan will move us towards our
                    to many in our community who would like to          30-year goals.
                    see this kept at four levels.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                  OUTCOME: A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE BECAUSE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH

                                                                  A plan is needed to ensure Ōrewa develops                        As our population grows, we are mindful of
                             WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD US:               into a town with a vibrant commercial heart                      protecting our precious natural environment.                     Hibiscus and Bays
                                                                  and high-quality developments and public                         It is essential that new and existing                            Area Plan
                        “Town centres impact on all               spaces. To achieve this we will work with                        infrastructure can adapt and be resilient
                        residents and visitors and ongoing        landowners, developers, and Destination                          to the pressures of a larger population.                      This local board plan outcome
                        improvements make such a difference       Ōrewa Beach on a shared vision. After a                          We will continue to work closely with                         contributes to the following area
                        to the general feeling of well-being in   revitalisation plan is complete, we can review                   Watercare to ensure our area has enough                       plan key moves:
                        the community.”                           proposals to upgrade the Ōrewa Boulevard,                        capacity in water supply and wastewater and
                                                                  which aims to link the retail precinct more                      stormwater services to meet the needs of our                   • focus growth in centres and in areas
                        “The Hibiscus Coast is one of the         closely with the beach.                                          growing population. Stormwater catchment                         with high amenity and good access
                        quickest growing areas in Auckland.                                                                        management plans will be completed in                            to public transport and restrict new
                        We need to protect our environment        We will also update the town centre plan for                     Mairangi, Taiorahi, Taiaotea, Deep Creek and                     growth in rural, sensitive, coastal and
                        by ensuring we can accommodate this       Browns Bay which will consider how to create                     Awaruku within the next three years. We will                     estuarine areas
                        amount of growth without detriment        stronger links between the retail area on Clyde                  also work closely with the stormwater team                     • develop business land in and around
                        to the beautiful environment              Road and the beachfront. Then in future years                    to address existing issues in the Hibiscus Coast                 Silverdale to increase employment
                        we have.”                                 we will prepare plans for Whangaparāoa town                      area, in particular Ōrewa.                                       opportunities for local people
                                                                  centre and for local centres in Mairangi Bay,
                        “We need to make sure increased           Red Beach, Torbay, Waiwera and Rothesay
                        development is high quality and not
                        at the expense of our beautiful coastal
                                                                  Bay, as set out in the Hibiscus and Bays
                                                                  Area Plan.
                                                                                                                    A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE BECAUSE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH
                                                                                                                     Our area accommodates a growing population, while protecting and preserving local character,
                                                                                                                     the environment and our communities.

                                                                                                                        WHAT WE WANT                                                      LOCAL BOARD           OTHER KEY          POTENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                            KEY INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                         TO ACHIEVE                                                          ROLE               AGENCIES             COST

                                                                                                                     Support our communities       Share Hibiscus and Bays Area Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   No funding
                                                                                                                    to retain their unique town    with stakeholders to guide future         Advocate         Governing body
                                                                                                                    centres and coastal villages             development

                                                                                                                                                    Invest resources in a sustainable
                                                                                                                        Key infrastructure          and cost-effective infrastructure
                                                                                                                    providers are prepared for     network including undergrounding          Advocate                           External funding
                                                                                                                       growth in our area            of power lines and other utility
                                                                                                                                                         services where possible

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Governing body
                                                                                                                                                         Redevelop Torbay plaza                 Lead            Auckland             $1.15m

                                                                                                                                                    Complete a town centre plan for
                                                                                                                    Well-planned town centres        Silverdale by June 2015, which
                                                                                                                        and coastal villages                                                 Advocate         Governing body         $50,000
                                                                                                                                                     recognises the influence of the
                                                                                                                     provide an environment            ‘knowledge economy zone’
                                                                                                                     for business success and
                                                                                                                      community enjoyment
                                                                                                                                                   Prepare a town centre revitalisation
                                                                                                                                                                                             Advocate         Governing body         $25,000
                                                                                                                                                             plan for Ōrewa

                                                                                                                                                    Update the town centre plan for
                                                                                                                                                                                             Advocate         Governing body         $20,000
                                                                                                                                                             Browns Bay

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HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                         OUTCOME: A STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY WITH SKILLED JOBS

                                                                                                                        WE WANT OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TO
     OUTCOME: A STRONG LOCAL                                                                                            HAVE THE OPTION TO STAY IN OUR
     ECONOMY WITH SKILLED JOBS                                                                                          AREA AND ENTER SKILLED JOBS

                    Our area is an attractive place to set up and run a business
                    and our residents have access to skilled jobs close to home.

                    The Auckland Plan seeks to create ‘an              is to ‘develop employment land in and
                    Auckland of prosperity and opportunity’. We        around Silverdale to increase employment
                    will contribute to that by developing resilient    opportunities for local people’. By increasing
                    town centres that together build a strong          the land available for business, our residents
                    local economy. Our coastal locations provide       will spend less time travelling to and
                    us with an economic advantage on which             from work.
                    we will build.

                    We will continue to support our business
                    improvement districts (BIDs) in Mairangi
                                                                             Hibiscus and Bays
                    Bay, Torbay, Browns Bay and Ōrewa to                     Area Plan
                    promote their areas and attract the right kind
                                                                          This local board plan outcome
                    of businesses to meet the needs of locals
                                                                          contributes to the following area
                    and visitors. Our town centre plans, and
                                                                          plan key moves:
                    the improvement projects that follow, will
                    help to provide the right environment for              • improve transport connections
                    business success. We will promote pedestrian-            throughout the area by extending
                    friendly ‘shared space’ in town and village              the Northern Busway, implementing
                    main streets and encourage better public                 Penlink and associated works, and
                    transport connections.                                   by promoting potential, new water-
                                                                             based transport
                    We would also like to see BIDs developed
                    for the business areas on the Whangaparāoa             • focus growth in centres and in areas
                    Peninsula and the retail and commercial area             with high amenity and good access
                    of Silverdale. Whangaparāoa is currently                 to public transport and restrict new
                    facing strong competition from retail areas              growth in rural, sensitive, coastal and
                    such as Silverdale and Albany. Innovative                estuarine areas
                    thinking is required to develop the area as a          • grow the green economy and eco-                        This local board plan outcome contributes to the following
                    vital business district. Businesses will benefit         tourism potential of Hibiscus and                      Auckland Plan outcomes:
                    from the structured and coordinated approach             Bays by leveraging off the area’s
                    provided by a BID.                                       natural assets, such as the regional                    • an Auckland of prosperity and opportunity
                                                                             parks and coastal walkways                              • a beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people
                    The Auckland Plan aims for high quality
                    employment opportunities across Auckland.              • develop business land in and around                     • a Māori identity that is Auckland’s point of difference in
                    It identifies Silverdale as an area where                Silverdale to increase employment                         the world
                    significant change will take place. A key                and opportunities for local people.
                    move in the Hibiscus and Bays Area Plan

18                                                                                                                                                                                                              19
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                                   OUTCOME: A STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY WITH SKILLED JOBS

                                                                                                                            A STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY WITH SKILLED JOBS
                    A range of business zones will be developed in       In 2013 we introduced the Youth Connections
                    Silverdale, including the ‘knowledge economy         programme into our area through a successful       Our area is an attractive place to set up and run a business and our residents have access to skilled
                    zone’. This will create a significant opportunity    partnership with Coast Youth Community             jobs close to home.
                    to attract tertiary education providers to our       Trust. Youth Connections connects our
                    area to co-locate with knowledge-intensive           youth to further education, training and
                                                                                                                             WHAT WE WANT                                              LOCAL BOARD                                        POTENTIAL
                    businesses. There is also an opportunity for         employment opportunities and we want to see                                       KEY INITIATIVES                                  OTHER KEY AGENCIES
                                                                                                                              TO ACHIEVE                                                  ROLE                                              COST
                    larger businesses to be based in Silverdale.         this programme expand. We will continue to
                    Currently we have a high proportion of small         provide funds towards this and look for other
                    and medium-sized enterprises. The land zoned         funding sources, including central government,                                   Develop a BID for the
                                                                                                                               Meet economic                                                                   Governing body,
                                                                                                                                                     Silverdale and Whangaparāoa        Lead, partner                                      $150,000
                    for entertainment on the eastern side of             to support this vital initiative.                     growth targets                                                                  local businesses
                                                                                                                                                             business areas
                    the motorway near Snowplanet provides an
                    opportunity for additional businesses to move        Another key move in our area plan is to ‘grow
                    into our area and attract visitors here.             the green economy and eco-tourism potential                                                                                      Governing body, Auckland
                                                                                                                                                     Bring forward Penlink to allow
                                                                         of Hibiscus and Bays by leveraging off the                                                                      Advocate              Transport, New               $200m
                                                                                                                                                        development to proceed
                    Our youth will be major benefactors of               area’s natural assets such as the regional parks                                                                                 Zealand Transport Agency
                    business growth in our area. The 2013                and coastal walkways’. We have identified
                    Census statistics show we have a large youth         a number of potential initiatives to move                                                                                        Governing body, Auckland
                    population, but they are leaving the area as         towards this goal, including developing a                                      Protect and promote the                         Tourism, Events and Economic      No funding
                    they reach 20 to 25 years old. We want our           coastal walkway from Waiwera to Campbells           Develop Silverdale       ‘knowledge economy zone’                             Development (ATEED),            required
                    young people to have the option to stay in our       Bay. We will work with partners, including         to be the innovative                                                           landowners/developers
                    area and enter skilled jobs. We also want them       businesses and iwi, to investigate ways of         business, service and
                    to be able to access more tertiary education         attracting more visitors to our area.              employment hub of        Work with partners to attract                                                        No funding
                                                                                                                             the Hibiscus Coast                                          Advocate                   ATEED
                    options close to home to reduce their                                                                                             investment into Silverdale                                                           required
                    transport costs.
                                                                                  WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD US:                                                                                                 Tertiary education providers,
                    It is critical that a number of transport projects                                                                               Encourage establishment of a                       Ministry of Education, industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          No funding
                    get under way quickly to allow Silverdale                 “Encourage large employers into                                        tertiary education provider in      Advocate       training organisations (ITOs),
                    to develop to its full potential and provide                                                                                     the knowledge economy zone                            landowners/ developers,
                                                                              the area, especially for youth to
                    more employment opportunities for our local                                                                                                                                             ATEED, mana whenua
                                                                              get work.”
                    people. The building of Penlink, installation
                    of motorway ramps at Wainui and the                       “Local jobs equal a vibrant local               Create a pathway
                    extension of Curley Avenue to the Hibiscus                community.”                                    for young people in       Continue to support the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Governing body, CYC Trust,        Annually
                    Coast Highway are all needed to reduce the                                                                our area to further   Youth Connections programme        Lead, advocate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                mana whenua               plus external
                    significant traffic issues we currently face.                                                            education, training             in our area
                                                                                                                               and employment

                                                                                                                                                       Undertake a visitor industry
                                                                                                                                                    audit on product and promotion
                                                                                                                                                                                            Lead                    ATEED                   $20,000
                                                                                                                                                      channels to identify gaps and

                                                                                                                              Increase jobs and
                                                                                                                                                    Develop a strategy for eco-
                                                                                                                               prosperity in our
                                                                                                                                                    tourism focusing on Tiritiri                         Department of Conservation,
                                                                                                                            area from the visitor                                 Lead, advocate                                            $50,000
                                                                                                                                                  Matangi Island, Shakespear/Long                           ATEED, mana whenua
                                                                                                                                                   Bay regional parks, Waiwera

                                                                                                                                                      Investigate the Hibiscus and                     Auckland Transport, ATEED,
                                                                                                                                                      Bays walkway and carry out      Decision-maker local businesses, mana whenua,        $100,000
                                                                                                                                                            feasibility work *                                Harbour Sport

                                                                                                                                 *This initiative is also included in two other outcome tables within the plan due to the multiple objectives that
                                                                                                                                                                                    it will achieve.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                          OUTCOME: CONNECTED COMMUNITIES WITH EXCELLENT TRANSPORT CHOICES

     OUTCOME: CONNECTED                                                                                                 be granted that would allow accelerated
                                                                                                                        business growth in Silverdale.
                                                                                                                                                                       body for this vital road to be built as soon
                                                                                                                                                                       as possible and encourage investigation of
                                                                                                                                                                       alternative funding sources such as public-

                                                                                                                                                                       private partnerships.
                                                                                                                           Recent research by a community
                                                                                                                           organisation showed the great               We have been working with Auckland

                                                                                                                           majority of our residents support           Transport and developers at Long Bay to
                                                                                                                           the construction of Penlink, which          advance the construction of Glenvar Ridge
                                                                                                                           will connect the Whangaparāoa               Road. This road is needed to reduce traffic
                                                                                                                           Peninsula directly to the Northern          congestion for residents in the area, including
                                                                                                                           Motorway at Redvale. In a survey            Torbay. Work on gaining consents for this
                                                                                                                           carried out in February 2014, 93 per        road will now start in 2015 and construction
                                                                                                                           cent of the 1400 people surveyed            as soon as possible after that. Further major
                                                                                                                           supported this road.                        improvements will take place in this area
                                                 This local board plan outcome contributes to the following                                                            within the next six to eight years. The Regional
                                                 Auckland Plan outcomes:                                                                                               Land Transport Plan 2012 includes the Long
                                                                                                                        We will continue to advocate strongly          Bay Glenvar Road and the Long Bay Okura/
                                                  • a green Auckland                                                    to Auckland Transport and the governing        Vaughans Road upgrades.
                                                  • an Auckland of prosperity and opportunity
                                                  • a well-connected and accessible Auckland.

                    Our communities are well connected to each other and the city
                    centre via public transport, walkways, cycleways and efficient roads
                    including Penlink.

                    You told us this outcome is the most
                    important to our community. As a local board
                    we do not make decisions for major transport
                    infrastructure. Our role is to continue to
                                                                          GETTING PENLINK
                    advocate strongly to Auckland Transport on            BUILT AS SOON
                    behalf of our community for essential projects
                    to be done in our area.                               AS POSSIBLE IS
                    Getting Penlink built as soon as possible is          VITALLY IMPORTANT
                    vitally important to our area to improve travel
                    times for our residents on the Hibiscus Coast         TO OUR AREA
                    and to allow business growth in Silverdale. The
                    Penlink project contributes strongly to two        When accidents and other unforeseen
                    Auckland Plan outcomes of ‘a well-connected        events block the Whangaparāoa Road, there
                    and accessible Auckland’ and ‘an Auckland of       is no alternative way off the peninsula. At
                    prosperity and opportunity’. It also strongly      peak hours our residents sit in traffic for
                    influences two of our area plan key moves to       unacceptable amounts of time, which eats
                    ‘improve transport connections’ and ‘develop       into valuable leisure time. Due to the current
                    employment land in and around Silverdale’.         traffic congestion, resource consents can’t

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                             23
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                    OUTCOME: CONNECTED COMMUNITIES WITH EXCELLENT TRANSPORT CHOICES

                                                                                                                       CONNECTED COMMUNITIES WITH EXCELLENT TRANSPORT CHOICES
                    The local board has funds available for smaller
                    transport projects in our area. There is about                                                       Our communities are well connected to each other and the city centre via public transport,
                    $600,000 available annually and the local
                                                                            Hibiscus and Bays
                                                                                                                         walkways, cycleways and efficient roads including Penlink.
                    board makes decisions on its allocation. We             Area Plan
                    have been able to build footpaths and make
                                                                          This local board plan outcome                  WHAT WE WANT
                                                                                                                                                            KEY INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                                                                                               LOCAL BOARD          OTHER KEY           POTENTIAL
                    safety improvements and we will continue                                                              TO A CHIEVE                                                             ROLE              AGENCIES              COST
                                                                          contributes to the following area plan
                    to use this fund to make necessary
                                                                          key moves:
                    improvements. Examples of projects
                    completed or progressing are the construction                                                                                                                                                    Auckland
                                                                                                                                                Work with all parties to ensure Penlink
                                                                           • improve transport connections                                                                                                        Transport, New
                    of an artwalk from the Mairangi Bay shops to                                                                                 is built earlier than currently provided         Advocate                                $200m
                                                                             throughout the area by extending                                                                                                    Zealand Transport
                    the arts centre and providing new footpaths                                                                                 for in the Regional Land Transport Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Agency (NZTA)
                                                                             the Northern Busway, implementing
                    in Ōrewa, Silverdale and Okura.
                                                                             Penlink and associated works, and
                                                                             by promoting potential, new water-                                  Develop East Coast Road extension to                                 Auckland
                                                                                                                        Improve travel times                                                      Advocate                                $7.5m
                                                                             based transport                             for our residents in               Curley Avenue                                             Transport
                       The Auckland Plan outcome of                                                                        Hibiscus Coast.
                                                                           • grow the green economy and eco-
                       ‘a green Auckland’ will in part be                                                                     Unlock the
                                                                             tourism potential of Hibiscus and                                    Put in signalisation at the Silverdale
                       achieved by encouraging more public                                                             development potential                                                                          Auckland
                                                                             Bays by leveraging off the area’s                                      St and Hibiscus Coast Highway                 Advocate                                $1.9m
                       transport use by Aucklanders. This                                                                    in Silverdale                                                                            Transport
                                                                             natural assets, such as the regional                                              intersection
                       can be realised locally by providing
                                                                             parks and coastal walkways
                       our residents with better access to
                       the public transport bus network,                   • develop business land in and around                                Complete Whangaparāoa road widening
                                                                                                                                                  project Hibiscus Coast Highway to                                   Auckland
                       providing ferry services as a viable                  Silverdale to increase employment                                                                                    Advocate                                 $19m
                                                                                                                                                 Red Beach (if needed, dependent on                                   Transport
                       option and improving walking and                      and opportunities for local people.                                                Penlink)
                       cycling options to connect our area.
                       These improvements are particularly
                       important for those residents                                                                   Improve travel times
                                                                                                                                                 Advance the construction of Glenvar                                  Auckland
                                                                       We will investigate creating a Hibiscus         for Torbay and Long                                                        Advocate                                $8.8m
                       without access to a private vehicle,                                                                                                 Ridge Road                                                Transport
                                                                       and Bays walkway stretching along our               Bay residents
                       including some of our younger and
                                                                       beautiful coastline, from Waiwera in the
                       older population.
                                                                       north to Campbells Bay in the south, and                                  Increase the ferry service frequency
                                                                       aligning to the Te Araroa national trail. The                                                                                                  Auckland
                                                                                                                       Provide ferry services      to Gulf Harbour and put in place               Advocate                              Not costed
                                                                       walkway would improve connections for                                                                                                          Transport
                                                                                                                        as a viable transport          connecting bus services
                    Working closely with Auckland Transport, we        our communities and also open up future         option for our coastal
                    will seek ongoing improvements to the bus          eco‑tourism opportunities, with our stunning         communities         Investigate ferry and terminal facilities                             Auckland
                    network within Hibiscus and Bays to ensure we      scenery and coastal villages on offer.                                                                                     Advocate                              Not costed
                                                                                                                                                             at Browns Bay                                            Transport
                    improve and expand on public transport links
                    between our communities.
                                                                                                                                                    Implement the extension of the
                                                                                WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD US:                                                                                            Advocate             NZTA             Not costed
                                                                                                                       Provide residents with        Northern Busway to Silverdale
                    We live by the sea and it makes sense to use
                                                                                                                         easy access to the
                    this to our advantage. We will continue to              “Better public transport is a key
                                                                                                                        public transport bus Retain and create more direct local links
                    encourage Auckland Transport to investigate             priority for youth in our area.”                  network                                                                                 Auckland
                    ferry and terminal facilities at Browns Bay. The                                                                          between our area’s communities within               Advocate                              Not costed
                                                                            “A ferry service between Browns Bay                                the review of Auckland’s bus network
                    existing service operating from Gulf Harbour
                    also needs to be more frequent to make it               and the city would be beneficial to
                    more convenient for people to get to the CBD            everyone. Tourist destination, scenic                                                                                                 Auckland
                    using public transport. We hope to see the              and a pleasurable way to travel as                                                                                                    Transport,
                    current trial of increased services become a            in Sydney.”                                                                                                                           Auckland
                                                                                                                         Provide plentiful
                                                                                                                                                  Investigate the Hibiscus and Bays                            Tourism, Events
                    permanent part of the ferry timetable.                                                              walking and cycling
                                                                                                                                                walkway and carry out feasibility work        Decision-maker    and Economic             $100,000
                                                                                                                        options to connect
                                                                                                                                                       in the next three years                               Development, local
                                                                                                                             our area
                                                                                                                                                                                                              businesses, mana
                                                                                                                                                                                                              whenua, Harbour

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                   OUTCOME: EASY ACCESS TO RECREATION CHOICES AND OPEN SPACE

     OUTCOME: EASY ACCESS TO                                                                                             The Hibiscus and Bays walkway we are
                                                                                                                         investigating will provide a fantastic option
                                                                                                                         for our residents to walk and run along our
                                                                                                                                                                           In Hibiscus and Bays we value our beaches
                                                                                                                                                                           and coastline and will continue to repair them
                                                                                                                                                                           when there is storm damage. A significant

                                                                                                                         beautiful coastline. We will continue to          investment is required for ongoing coastal
                                                                                                                         advocate for Archers block to be developed        management at Ōrewa Beach. Implementing
                                                                                                                         as reserve land when the Penlink project is       the Ōrewa Beach Esplanade Enhancement

                                                                                                                         completed. This will provide walking and          Project will protect this iconic natural asset.
                                                                                                                         cycling connections for residents. We also
                                                                                                                         recognise the importance of bridleways in our
                                                                                                                         countryside living areas and regional parks and
                                                                                                                         support further development of these.
                                                                                                                                                                                WE LOVE OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                BEACHES AND
                                                                                                                         We will allocate funds to develop playgrounds,
                                                                                                                         each with its own local flavour and character
                                                                                                                         to fit the surrounds. Our local board is

                                                 This local board plan outcome contributes to the following
                                                 Auckland Plan outcomes:                                                 committed to including all-abilities play
                                                                                                                         equipment to make playgrounds accessible
                                                  • a fair, safe and healthy Auckland                                    to all our children. We will also consider sun-
                                                                                                                         smart principles in the design and look to
                                                  • a beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people                     provide shaded areas for play and rest.
                                                  • a culturally rich and creative Auckland.

                    Our quality network of open spaces and recreation facilities support
                    a balanced and healthy lifestyle for residents.

                    When we asked our community what was              Long Bay Regional Park and the new Heritage
                    special about our area, the overwhelming          Protection Zone.
                    response was ‘we love our beaches and parks’.
                    Our people value living in an area with such an   Reserve areas in Murrays Bay, Mairangi Bay
                    abundance of natural beauty and open spaces.      and Western Reserve in Ōrewa will also be
                    This includes the popular Shakespear and Long     improved in future years. We will ask our local
                    Bay regional parks and Tiritiri Matangi Island.   communities what changes should be made
                    Here we can play and relax to help provide        so that our reserves are popular places for
                    balance in our busy lives.                        both locals and visitors. The popular skate park
                                                                      in Western Reserve is nearing the end of its
                    We will continue to focus on providing            usable life. We will work with skate enthusiasts
                    quality parks and great access to the coast       and our young people to help design a new
                    and open spaces. Working with partners            skate park that meets their needs.
                    we will strive to ensure reserve land and
                    recreation space is available in the future as    Participation in recreation and sport in our
                    our communities grow. We will advocate for        area is strong and we want to improve it
                    the long-term protection of the Hammerhead        even further. We will work closely with
                    at Gulf Harbour for reserve purposes. In Long     Harbour Sport as they are a key facilitator and
                    Bay where a lot of residential development        supporter regarding sport and recreation in our
                    is taking place, four new reserve areas are       area. By providing plentiful walking and cycling
                    being created to ensure residents have access     options throughout our area, we will also
                    to green space and play equipment. There          encourage our community to be more active.
                    are also plans to create walkways linking to
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                   OUTCOME: EASY ACCESS TO RECREATION CHOICES AND OPEN SPACE

                    We will work with the governing body to                                                          neighbouring local board areas and across             like to see investment for the future so that
                    identify funds to carry out this essential           The Auckland Plan recognises                the region that are used by our residents.            our many boat users can access our harbours
                    work in future years.                                participation in recreation and sport as    This includes the North Shore Events Centre           and coastline more easily. Regional funds
                                                                         contributing to a number of positive        for basketball and gymnastics, netball at             will need to be allocated for this work as it
                    Investment is also required to protect Murrays       outcomes for Aucklanders. We will           Northcote, and hockey and BMX at Rosedale.            is beyond the local board budget allocation.
                    Bay wharf, a popular and treasured part of           focus on providing upgrades and new         A number of future projects will improve
                    the East Coast Bays area. Work in the next           facilities across our area, as funds        our residents’ access to recreation facilities,
                    two years will extend the wharf’s usable             allow. This will include Stanmore Bay       including the community sports village
                    life for another 50 years and make it more           Leisure Centre, and sportsfields and        project at the Albany Tennis Centre, the                        WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD US:
                    enjoyable to use.                                    facilities in Ashley Reserve, Long Bay      Albany Stadium Pool that will open in 2016
                                                                                                                     and the development of land at Greens Road                 “Keep our parks to a high standard.”
                                                                         and at Metropark East, Millwater.
                    We will also work with the Metropark                                                             in Dairy Flat.
                                                                                                                                                                                “Retain our green spaces for
                    Sport Working Group and Harbour Sport
                                                                      education programmes to our primary                                                                       community activity as opposed
                    to plan for a multi-sport clubroom facility                                                      A boat ramp study was undertaken early in
                                                                      schools, sports programmes, nipper and youth                                                              to residential or commercial
                    for the future. The group currently comprises                                                    2014 in the Hibiscus and Bays and Rodney
                                                                      programmes and more than 15,000 voluntary                                                                 development.”
                    representatives from Hibiscus Coast Athletics,                                                   local board areas. The study identified a need
                    Hibiscus Coast Cricket, Hibiscus Coast Hockey     hours to patrol our beaches each year.         for improving the management of existing
                                                                                                                                                                                “These (parks) must be preserved and
                    and Silverdale United Rugby Football. They                                                       facilities and also for an additional all-tide boat
                                                                      We also acknowledge and support operational                                                               maintained for future generations.”
                    will look for external funding for this project                                                  ramp to service the Hibiscus Coast. We would
                    and we will support them in that process. We      and development funding for facilities in
                    will advocate for regional funding towards
                    providing changing facilities and toilets as
                    part of the building.

                    Our surf life saving clubs in Ōrewa, Red
                    Beach and Mairangi Bay are working towards
                    major upgrades of their club facilities under
                    the Surf 10:20 Strategy. We will continue to
                    support them through this process. Together
                    these clubs play a vital role in our coastal
                    communities. They provide beach safety

                          Hibiscus and Bays
                          Area Plan
                        This local board plan outcome
                        contributes to the following area plan
                        key moves:

                        • grow the green economy and eco-
                          tourism potential of Hibiscus and
                          Bays by leveraging off the area’s
                          natural assets, such as the regional
                          parks and coastal walkways
                        • establish the North-West Wildlink
                          as a continuous greenbelt
                          complemented by improved
                          quality of the adjoining estuarine
                          and marine environment.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                29
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                                 OUTCOME: EASY ACCESS TO RECREATION CHOICES AND OPEN SPACE

     EASY ACCESS TO RECREATION CHOICES AND OPEN SPACE                                                                              WHAT WE WANT
                                                                                                                                    TO ACHIEVE
                                                                                                                                                                   KEY INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                                                                                              LOCAL BOARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OTHER KEY AGENCIES

       Our quality network of open spaces and recreation facilities support a balanced and healthy                                                                                                              Auckland Transport,
       lifestyle for residents.                                                                                                                             Investigation of the Hibiscus                        Auckland Tourism,
                                                                                                                                Provide plentiful walking
                                                                                                                                                               and Bays walkway and                            Events and Economic
                                                                                                                                 and cycling options to                                       Decision-maker                                    $100,000
                                                                                                                                                             feasibility work carried out                       Development, local
         WHAT WE WANT                                               LOCAL BOARD                                POTENTIAL            connect our area
                                        KEY INITIATIVES                               OTHER KEY AGENCIES                                                         within three years                          businesses, mana whenua,
          TO ACHIEVE                                                   ROLE                                      COST                                                                                              Harbour Sport

                                   Redevelopment of Stanmore                                                                                                  Creation of Murrays Bay
                                   Bay Leisure Centre stage one                                                                                              Reserve area when sailing
                                                                Decision-maker                                   $5.47m                                                                                         Governing body, Murrays
                                    (building work and fitness                                                                                                club moves to new site.             Lead                                          $750,000
                                              areas)                                                                                                                                                               Bay Sailing Club
                                                                                                                                                           Provision of new toilet facility
                                                                                                                                Provide attractive reserve      as part of clubrooms.
                                                                                                                               areas that are well used by
                                   Redevelopment of Stanmore                                                                      residents and visitors
                                   Bay Leisure Centre stage two Decision-maker                                    $4.5m                                           Development and
                                          (aquatic areas)                                                                                                                                                            Mairangi Bay Surf
                                                                                                                                                               implementation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lead            Lifesaving Club, mana          $1.5m
                                                                                                                                                                Mairangi Bay Reserve
                                                                                         Governing body,           $5m                                           Management Plan
                                   Development of Metropark
                                                                    Decision-maker,          Metropark           External
                                   East sportsfield, clubrooms
        Build new recreation                                            partner        Sport Working Group,    funding to be
                                          and facilities
        facilities to meet the                                                            Harbour Sport           sought
        needs of our growing
              population           Development of Metropark
                                   West for music and other              Lead         Stoney Homestead Trust       $1m

                                     Development of Ashley
                                   Reserve sportsfield facilities        Lead            Todd Property Ltd      $750,000
                                      (car park and toilets)

                                     Renew the skate park on
                                   the existing site at Western
                                                                         Lead              Youth groups         $500,000
                                   Reserve, Ōrewa within two

                                     Continued development
       Develop recreation and       of reserves in Long Bay as
                                                                         Lead          Todd Property Limited     $1.23m
     reserve land for future use    part of ongoing residential

                                   Development of Murrays Bay
                                                              Decision-maker                                      $1.4m
        Manage our popular
       natural and man-made
           coastal assets              Implementation of
                                    Ōrewa Beach Esplanade           Decision-maker        Governing body           $5m
                                   Enhancement Plan (OBEEP)

      Provide plentiful walking
                                    Development of Long Bay         Decision-maker,
       and cycling options to                                                             Mana whenua           $315,000
                                     Reserve and walkways               partner
          connect our area

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                        OUTCOME: SAFE AND SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES

                                                                                                                            possible. Signage is currently being installed in   Inundation effects will be worst in the north
                                                                                                                            high priority sites including areas that are used   if disaster strikes.

     OUTCOME: SAFE AND                                                                                                      by children and youth, council-owned facilities
                                                                                                                            and popular areas within our local board.           Our local board will continue to advocate
                                                                                                                                                                                for improved civil defence emergency

                                                                                                                            It is important that our area is prepared for       management north of the harbour bridge.
                                                                                                                            unexpected events and natural disasters,            Disaster warning systems must also be
                                                                                                                            particularly given our coastal location.            implemented. We will work with other local
                                                                                                                            Auckland Council has recently released a report     boards in the north of the region to advocate
                                                                                                                            on areas that would be most affected by             for this important work to take place as
                                                                                                                            tsunami as well as a crisis management plan.        soon as possible.

                                                  This local board plan outcome contributes to the following
                                                  Auckland Plan outcomes:

                                                   • a fair, safe and healthy Auckland
                                                   • a beautiful Auckland that is loved by its people
                                                   • a culturally rich and creative Auckland.

                    Our residents have access to a range of community facilities and services
                    that support a sense of well-being, safety and connection to others.

                    It is important that our residents feel strongly   Community safety
                    connected to their local community and
                    have opportunities to meet new people and          It is equally important that our residents feel
                    share experiences. We can help by providing        safe living here. We know from police statistics
                    community hubs where those connections             that we are one of the safest places to live
                    can be made. This includes our popular             in Auckland and we want to keep up that
                    libraries, which we have committed to opening      great record. Maintaining a relationship with
                    seven days a week. We will need to increase        community patrols and using Crime Prevention
                    our library space as our population grows.         Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
                    The Browns Bay library is extremely busy           principles in our buildings and facilities
                    and we may need a further library in the           will help. We will also focus on pedestrian

                                                                                                                          IT IS IMPORTANT THAT OUR RESIDENTS
                    Silverdale area.                                   safety, particularly for our many younger
                                                                       and older residents. We are working with Be
                    Many of our local facilities are owned by the      Accessible to undertake an audit in the Orewa
                    community and located on either council-
                    owned land or privately owned land. Our local
                                                                       and Browns Bay town centres to see where
                                                                       improvements can be made. We will also work        FEEL STRONGLY CONNECTED TO THEIR
                    board will continue to support the retention
                    of the rates remission scheme for these
                    facilities to lower the overhead costs
                                                                       toward gaining “age-friendly city” status.

                                                                       The local board supports the Auckland Council
                                                                                                                          LOCAL COMMUNITY
                    to community groups.                               Smokefree Policy 2013 and is committed
                                                                       to implementing it in our area as quickly as

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   33
HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                      OUTCOME: SAFE AND SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES

                    Community development
                    We know there are inequalities in community
                                                                            Hibiscus and Bays                             OUR AREA IS AGEING FASTER THAN
                    development services provided by Auckland
                    Council across the region. We want to ensure
                                                                            Area Plan
                                                                          This local board plan outcome
                                                                                                                          MANY OTHER PARTS OF AUCKLAND
                    the entire Hibiscus and Bays area is better
                                                                          contributes to the following area plan
                    resourced in the near future. We acknowledge
                                                                          key moves:
                    investment in the Hibiscus Coast has been
                    insufficient to meet needs in the past. Local
                                                                           • focus growth in centres and in areas
                    board funds and advocacy support will be
                                                                             of high amenity and good access
                    provided to the following projects in the
                                                                             to public transport and restrict new
                    coming years.
                                                                             growth in rural, sensitive, coastal and
                                                                             estuarine areas.
                    The Stoney Homestead restoration has
                    encouraged the Millwater community to
                    form a trust to plan for this future community
                    hub in a way that values the heritage of the       The local board is working closely with the
                    site and building. Early planning is also under    trust to refine the model to best deliver on our
                    way to run a community business as part            local board priorities. We will also undertake
                    of the hub. The aim is to give young people        a community profile and needs assessment in
                    work experience to enable them to get jobs.        the Hibiscus Coast area within the next year.
                    Construction of a new community hall for           Based on its findings, a funded service will be
                    Stillwater residents will also start this year;    implemented to provide support in the area.
                    the hall will provide a modern meeting place
                    in a park setting next to a playground.            Looking to the future, we will work with the
                                                                       Hibiscus Coast Community House to assess
                    We acknowledge the importance of marae             its current buildings on Western Reserve,
                    and will continue to work closely with Te          Ōrewa. We will look at whether they meet the
                    Herenga Waka o Ōrewa, a pan-tribal Māori           community development needs of the Hibiscus
                    organisation, to establish a new marae by the      Coast area and what structural and service
                    Wēiti River in Silverdale. The marae will be       changes could be made to improve the centre.
                    used for Māori education opportunities and
                    provides another valuable community meeting        Our youth
                    place for the Silverdale and Ōrewa areas.                                                               Our older people                                  Accessibility is a key issue for seniors. We
                                                                       Auckland Council is committed to dramatically                                                          will continue to build relationships with
                    A needs assessment carried out in 2012             accelerating the prospects of Auckland’s             Like much of New Zealand the Hibiscus and         organisations such as Be Accessible who can
                    established the requirement for a family centre    children and young people through the                Bays area has an ageing population however        help us improve the provision of accessible
                    and community hub on the Whangaparāoa              Auckland Plan. Specific goals are identified in      our area is ageing faster than many other parts   facilities and services for our residents. For
                    Peninsula. We have committed operational           the new strategic action plan, ‘I am Auckland’.      of Auckland. We acknowledge that we must          youth and seniors, local events are seen as
                    funds to help the Whangaparāoa Family              We will work towards those goals by listening        consider the needs of our senior population       important to building strong communities.
                    Centre Trust carry out further feasibility work.   to young people’s views and supporting them          when making decisions.                            We will continue to provide an annual event
                    The trust will then seek external funding to       to be involved in local projects. Our Hibiscus                                                         fund that will assist groups to run events for
                    construct the building and we will strongly        and Bays Youth Voice group is an important           When consulting on initiatives we will ensure     all ages in our area.
                    advocate for them through the process.             partner in this and we will continue to support      we gain the perspective of our older people,
                                                                       the group in its leadership role.                    just as we do our younger people. Where           Twenty four hour access to medical facilities
                    We have set aside operational funds to                                                                  possible we will bring youth and seniors          is a key issue for all our residents. We will
                    continue supporting the community centre           The Hibiscus Coast Youth Centre in Ōrewa             together to work out solutions. We will also      advocate to Waitemata Health and the
                    in Browns Bay. Community development               provides a vital meeting place for our young         continue a dialogue with representatives of the   Auckland District Health Board for services
                    services are provided in the East Coast Bays       people, including those most vulnerable. We          Auckland Council Seniors Panel to find ways       to be improved in our area. The availability
                    area by the ECB Community Project Trust.           will continue to support the valuable work           to provide adequate leisure and recreation        of satellite services closer to home would
                                                                       the centre does in our community.                    facilities for older people.                      particularly benefit our older population who
                                                                                                                                                                              are less able to travel the long distances to
                                                                                                                                                                              services in the centre of the city.

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HIBISCUS AND BAYS LOCAL BOARD PLAN 2014                                                                                                                                                                     OUTCOME: SAFE AND SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES

                                                                        the sun, the view and our neighbours; and
                                                                        create great examples of good quality houses.
                                                                        We will look for opportunities to work with        SAFE AND SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES
                                                                        our community, developers, individuals and
                                                                        government organisations to make our houses
                                                                                                                            Our residents have access to a range of community facilities and services that support a sense of
                                                                        the best homes we can. An example of this
                                                                        is the residential development planned at 20        well-being, safety and connection to others.
                                                                        Link Crescent, Whangaparāoa. The local board
                                                                        are working closely with Auckland Council             WHAT WE WANT TO                                                LOCAL BOARD        OTHER KEY        POTENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                 KEY INITIATIVES
                                                                        Property Limited to achieve an exemplar                   ACHIEVE                                                       ROLE            AGENCIES           COST
                                                                        housing development there.
                                                                        Community-led planning                                                                                                                 Arts Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Trust, ASB
                                                                                                                                                           Complete Estuary Arts Centre
                                                                        We want our community to be part of making                                                                                             Community
                                                                                                                                                          education wing development in          Lead                             $900,000
                                                                        our towns and neighbourhoods special places.                                                                                            Trust, New
                                                                        Often projects happen without community                                                                                                  Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lottery Grants
                                                                        input or sometimes good ideas are too late to
                    The arts                                            make a difference. If people can get involved
                                                                        early and help develop ideas or projects, the
                    We are supporting the Estuary Arts Centre           results are often better. Having the community                                                                                           Stillwater
                    Trust to complete their education wing              lead and participate is one way of making good      Provide quality community Complete stage one of the Stillwater       Lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Residents and
                    extension in 2015. This will provide space                                                             facilities throughout our area Hall development in 2015                              Ratepayers
                                                                        decisions, achieving great projects and creating
                    to offer a full arts education programme            spaces and places that meet our needs.
                    for Hibiscus Coast residents and the wider
                    community. The extension will enhance the           The local board will look for opportunities                                        Complete the redevelopment                            Stoney
                    centre’s position as a community hub. Here          to get the community involved early. We                                             of Stoney Homestead as a         Lead, partner      Homestead         $750,000
                    people can contribute to and experience the         want to share the ideas you have for your                                               community facility                                Trust
                    creativity that is part of our local identity.      neighbourhood, street or nearby park and
                                                                        find out more about what is important to                                              Redevelop the Hibiscus
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hibiscus Coast
                    We will also support the popular Mairangi Arts      you. This can make our communities and                                              Coast Community House in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lead          Community          $200,000
                    Centre and the Centrestage Theatre in Ōrewa.        neighbourhoods better areas in which to                                             Ōrewa to meet community
                                                                                                                                                                                                               House Trust
                    Assisting them with operational funding means       live with places we can all enjoy.                                                     development needs
                    our residents across the area can access a wide
                    range of arts programmes and exhibitions.                                                                                                                                                 Existing service
                    Through these activities we are contributing                                                                                        Review the community development                         providers,
                                                                                 WHAT YOU HAVE TOLD US:
                    to the Auckland Plan outcome of ‘a culturally                                                                                            needs in the Hibiscus Coast                           mana
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lead                              $15,000
                    rich and creative Auckland’.                                                                                                            and explore opportunities for                      whenua and
                                                                             “(We need) more cultural and art
                                                                                                                                                           community-led place making                           mataawaka
                                                                             centres for townships where local                                                                                                    groups
                    Quality housing choices                                  talent can perform or display –                  Support our residents
                                                                             include areas for schools to display           with effective community
                    Everyone needs somewhere to live. Our homes              their art and culture.”                        development services and                                                            East Coast
                                                                                                                                                           Continue to fund community
                    need to be healthy, warm, safe and part of                                                                       networks                                                                      Bays            $60,000
                                                                                                                                                            development support in the           Lead
                    great neighbourhoods. Houses need to be well             “Good development within                                                                                                          Community           annually
                                                                                                                                                                  East Coast Bays
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Project Trust
                    designed and give choices on location, size and          the community maintains a
                    cost. We all have different and changing needs           healthy society.”
                    over time and we all want our home to meet                                                                                            Fund community development                                               $60,000
                    our present needs.                                       “A safer community will attract                                               support in the Hibiscus Coast                                           annually
                                                                             people that value safety in their
                    The local board wants to support housing                 daily lives. These people contribute
                    projects that put residents’ needs first; provide        to communities and shun
                    affordable options for homeowners and                    anti‑social behaviour.”
                    tenants; are well designed so that we can enjoy
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