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NORTH SPRINGBANK GATE Conceptual Scheme FEBRUARY 2014 DRAFT Submitted by: Brown & Associates Planning Group
Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Background Studies 2 1.2 Conceptual Scheme Purpose & Scope 2 1.3 Site History 2 2.0 Project Area & Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 Location 3 2.2 Ownership 6 2.3 Current Land Uses 7 2.4 Adjacent Land Uses 9 2.5 Physical Land Features 11 3.0 The Concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1 Policy Influence 13 3.2 Design 14 4.0 Land Use Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.1 Development Concept 15 4.2 Highway Oriented Business Area 17 4.3 Local Oriented Business Area 18 4.4 Open Space & Pathway System 19 5.0 Economics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.0 Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.0 Servicing & Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 7.1 Stormwater Management 25 7.2 Domestic Water Supply 28 7.3 Sanitary Servicing 29 7.4 Shallow Utilities 30 7.5 Fire Suppression Services 30 8.0 Public Consultation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 9.0 Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 9.1 North Springbank Area Structure Plan Amendment 32 9.2 Conceptual Scheme 32 9.3 Land Use Redesignation 33 9.4 Master Site Development Plan 33
10.0 Interpretation of the Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 10.1 Map Interpretation 34 10.2 Policy interpretation 34 11.0 Policy Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 11.1 Rocky View 2060 - Growth Management Strategy 35 11.2 Inter-municipal Development Plan 36 11.3 The Municipal Development Plan (County Plan) 36 11.4 North Springbank Area Structure Plan 37 11.5 Economic Development Strategy 38 11.6 Springbank Airport Master Plan 39 11.7 Parks & Open Space Master Plan 39 11.8 Rocky View Amenity Study 40 11.9 Commercial, office and Industrial Guidelines 40 11.10 Summary 42 12.0 Background & Supporting Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 12.1 Historical Resource Impact Assessment 43 12.2 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) 44 12.3 Geotechnical Evaluation 44 12.4 Preliminary Engineering 45 12.5 Subcatchment Master Drainage Plan 46 12.6 Commercial Market Opportunity & Positioning Study 47 12.7 Fiscal Impact Analysis of Conceptual Scheme 47 12.7 Transportation Impact Assessment 48 Figures 1. Conceptual Scheme Location 1 2. Rocky View County Growth Management Strategy 4 3. County Plan 5 4. Ownership 6 5. Existing Land Use 8 6. Context 10 7. Development Concept 16 8. Open Space 20 9. Phase One 22 10. Net Revenues - One, Five and Ten Years after Build-out 24 11. Transportation 28 12. Stormwater 30
1.0 introduction This Conceptual Scheme is intended to provide a comprehensive land use plan with policy guidance for the future land use redesignation and subdivision of lands legally described as NE 33-24-3-W5M in Rocky View County. See Figure 1 - Conceptual Scheme Location. The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme covers approximately 57 hectares and provides a comprehensive planning framework for future development on the referred lands. It addresses planning and development issues such as general land uses, servicing (stormwater management, water servicing, and sanitary sewers), open spaces and trail networks, and transportation provision. This Conceptual Scheme is in conjunction with the application for the North Springbank Area Structure Plan amendment. Bo w Ri ve r Figure 1: Conceptual Harmony Community Scheme Location Bo w Ri ve r Harmony Community Range Road 32 Springbank Airport Range Road 32 Rge Road 33 Rge Road 33 Springbank Airport Twp Road 250 North Springbank Highway Bingham City Limits Business Crossing Area Twp Road 250 Highway 1 / Trans Canada North Springbank Highway Bingham City Limits Calaway Business Commercial Crossing Park Area Court Highway 1 / Trans Canada Twp Road 245 Elementary School Calaway Commercial Park Court Twp Road 245 Elementary School Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary 1 North Springbank Gate
1.1 Background Studies 1.3 Site There have been a number of background studies prepared in support of this Conceptual Scheme. These History studies have been submitted as supporting information Known records of ownership for both the North Springbank ASP amendment and for the subject quarter section the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme, dates back to 1901, with the and are summarized in Section 12- Background and lands in ownership of the Supporting Studies. Canadian Pacific Railway Company. These lands were only owned by the CPR 1.2 Conceptual Scheme for one year, when the first homesteader, Andrew Wallace, Purpose & Scope obtained the title for the lands. Over time , the land The Rocky View Municipal Development Plan has changed ownership, but (County Plan) provides strategic growth direction, has consistently been used for overall guidance on land use planning, and service agricultural purposes. delivery policy. The County Plan outlines key planning documents that are required to guide land use decision-making, and allows Council to direct applicants to create a Conceptual Scheme. A Conceptual Scheme is adopted through bylaw and provides detailed land use direction, subdivision design, development guidance, and any other elements identified by Council. The objective of the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is to establish the policies and guidelines for a comprehensive land use framework for the NE 33-24-3-W5M quarter section. It will accommodate future development that is consistent with the Rocky View County Municipal Development Plan and the surrounding Highway Business Area. This plan will guide an amendment to the North Springbank Area Structure Plan as well as the redesignation of the plan area. Conceptual Scheme 2
2.0 project Area & Description 2.1 Location The Conceptual Scheme is This designation is due to the location along a located within Rocky View significant transportation corridor (Highway 1) and County, approximately 4 km an established highway interchange at Range Road west of the City of Calgary, and 33. Current land uses on the southern corners of the adjacent to the Trans-Canada interchange provide destination commercial and Highway 1. business services, including Calaway Park (Southwest) and Commercial Court (Southeast). The recently The lands are bordered on the approved Bingham Crossing, located at the Northeast south by Highway 1, on the east corner of the interchange, will further establish the by Range Road 33, and on the area as a major business and commercial zone, north by Township Road 250. providing office, retail, and commercial services. The subject lands are located The Springbank Airport, located just northwest of in a Major Business Corridor the Conceptual Scheme, is a key reason for future outlined by the Rocky non-residential development on adjacent lands. View County 2060 Growth With the 2009 adoption of the Springbank Airport Management Strategy, as well Master Plan, the airport will see significant expansion as a Highway Business Area in terms of intensity of development. Increased air identified in the Municipal traffic and aviation uses will increase the requirements Development Plan (County for additional commercial services in order to meet Plan). See Figure 2 - Rocky the needs of airport users and employees. These View County Growth additional services will also offer increased local Management Strategy and employment opportunities and serve to enhance the Figure 3 - County Plan Map. overall profile and viability of the Highway Business Area. 3 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Figure 2: Rocky View County growth management strategy Proposed Conceptual Scheme located in the "Major Business Corridor" of the Growth Management Strategy Figure 4 Rocky View County Growth Management Strategy August 2013 Conceptual Scheme 4
figure 3: county plan map Proposed Conceptual Scheme located in the "Highway Business Area" of the County Plan Figure 5 Proposed County Plan August 2013 5 North Springbank Highway Business Area
2.2 Ownership The subject quarter section has been subdivided into three parcels: a lot proposed for development of Woody’s RV World, a lot designated for Edge School, and the balance of the quarter section remaining in ownership of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Smith (Figure 4 - Ownership map). figure 4: ownership map Springbank Airport Springbank Twp Road 250 Airport The Edge School for Athletes Twp Road 250 Society (7.89ha/19.5acs) (5.29ha/13.08acs) The Edge School for Athletes Rge Road 33 Society (7.89ha/19.5acs) (5.29ha/13.08acs) Bingham Crossing Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smith Woody's RV Rge Road 33 (35.1ha/86.7acs) World (6.1ha/15ac) Bingham Crossing Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smith Woody's RV (35.1ha/86.7acs) World (6.1ha/15ac) Highway 1 / Transcanada Calaway Park Commercial Court Highway 1 / Transcanada Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Figure 2 Legend: Ownership Map Conceptual Scheme Boundary February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 6 Figure 2 Ownership Map
2.3 Current Land Uses The plan area includes one quarter section containing two land use designations. The Public Services district in the northeast corner of the quarter contains the Edge School. The remaining lands are designated as Ranch and Farm District and are currently used for agricultural purposes (Figure 5 - Existing Land Use Map). 7 North Springbank Highway Business Area
figure 5: Existing land use map 4 3 All lands are designated RF (Ranch and Farm District) unless noted otherwise Airport District AP Residential Two District R2 Storage and Sales Industrial District I-IS Residentail Three District R3 General Business Districs B-2 Farmstead District F Recreational Business District B-4 Public Service District PS Agricultural Business District B-5 Ranch and Farm Two District RF-2 Agricultural Holding District AH Direct Control District DC North Springbank Highway Business Area Figure 3 Existing Land Use February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 8
2.4 Adjacent Northwest Springbank Airport consists of a wide range of Land Uses commercial uses, including flight training, indoor and outdoor storage, warehousing, offices, and a restaurant. Associated with the Airport are the Noise Exposure The majority of land adjacent Factor (NEF) contours that extend beyond the Airport to the North Springbank Gate lands. While they do not directly affect the Conceptual Conceptual Scheme is currently Scheme area, lands to the south and east of the airport used for non-residential are impacted, affecting the type of future development purposes. There has been a that may be appropriate. See Figure 6 - Context Map. gradual increase in commercial development on the lands West adjacent to the subject site. Lands to the west of the quarter section are currently The existing and planned used for agricultural purposes. commercial projects along Range Road 33 at Highway South 1 are creating a commercial Calaway Park, the largest outdoor theme park in destination at this strategic western Canada, is located directly south and across intersection. Highway 1. The theme park acts as a regional draw to the area. Also designated on the quarter section is North DC20, which is intended to facilitate the development Adjacent lands to the north of a Factory Outlet Shopping Centre comprised of include a church (DC27) and stores that are predominantly owned or occupied by country residences (R-2). product manufacturers or their licensed agents. The General Business District (B-2) allows for a wide range Southeast of businesses and associated The Springbank Court Commercial District is a business uses. The Recreation Business park with commercial development intended to District (B-4) allows for a wide provide services to the travelling public, tourists, and range of recreational business the local Springbank community. uses. East The Storage and Sales The two quarter sections directly to the east of Industrial District (I-IS) the Conceptual Scheme will contain the Bingham accommodates outdoor Crossing development. The overall project will storage of vehicles and include a shopping destination and lifestyle centre, equipment including RV’s, providing office, retail, and commercial services. Phase trailers, farming implements, 1 of Bingham Crossing (DC148) has recently been self-storage and similar approved, consisting of significant retail uses along businesses where temporary the Highway Edge Zone, a more pedestrian-focused storage is the primary use. shopping and socializing area, and a seniors housing community. 9 North Springbank Highway Business Area
figure 6: context map Bo w Ri ve r Range Road 32 25 30 SPRINGBANK 35 AIRPORT 40 35 25 30 Rge Road 33 25 Twp Road 250 City Limits Highway 1 / Trans Canada Twp Road 245 Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary NEF-Noise Exposure Contours Highway 1- Range Road 33 Existing and Proposed Interchange Non-Residential Figure 3 Context Map February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 10
2.5 Physical Land Features The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme area is approximately 57 ha and has a relatively flat topography. The site is part of an undulating regional topography generally sloping in a west by southwest direction. There is a high point in the northern portion of the lands owned by Woody’s RV World. Groundwater flows are generally in a west by south-west direction and the subject quarter section is well drained. The storm detention pond in the southwest corner of the Edge School property is intended to manage surface water run-off from the school property only. Lands to the east and northeast are vacant agricultural lands. Historically, the subject lands and surrounding areas were used for agricultural purposes until the late 1960’s. With commercial development in the area gradually increasing, and development of the Edge School on the subject site, future use of the land for farming or ranching purposes is now impractical. View from Highway 1 - southeast section of the Conceptual Scheme 11 North Springbank Highway Business Area
View of the Conceptual Scheme area from the northeast View of the stormwater pond in the southwest corner of the Edge School property Conceptual Scheme 12
3.0 vision 3.1 Policy Business Areas to compliment other businesses, maximize the use of existing infrastructure, minimize Influence land use conflicts with agricultural uses and minimize the amount of traffic being drawn into rural areas. The subject lands, comprising The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is one quarter section, are located within a Highway Business Area which is located at the northwest intended to take advantage of the Provincial Highway corner of the intersection of System. It is: Highway 1 and Range Road 33. They are legally described • located along an interchange with the Provincial as the NE-33-24-3-W5M, and Highway Network form part of the Highway Business Area, located in North • specifically created to accommodate land uses Springbank, which is identified consistent with the purpose of a Highway Business on Map 1– Managing Growth, of Area the County Plan. • encompasses a limited development area within This Conceptual Scheme the northwest quadrant of the interchange takes its lead from County Plan Policies 14.2 and 14.3 to • planned in a comprehensive manner direct business development to locate in identified Business Given the strategic direction and policy conformance Areas. The Policies also requirements of the County Plan, the County Plan is encourage the infilling or a key factor influencing the North Springbank Gate intensification of existing Conceptual Scheme design. 13 North Springbank Highway Business Area
3.2 Design The Conceptual Scheme is based on the creation of a highway-oriented, outdoor activity related commercial/retail development. With the strategic location on-route to Banff, Canmore, and Kananaskis Country, the intention is a development that includes a strong mix of outdoor oriented retail and supporting commercial uses that cater to the travelling public and the convenience needs of the local community. Uses could include apparel, sporting and recreation equipment, healthy lifestyle speciality retail, hospitality, accomodation, food/beverage functions, and other related services. Commercial, and hospitality uses will help support and be complimentary to the activities of the Edge School and Springbank Airport. While the local oriented uses will cater to the surrounding local community. The Conceptual Scheme has the opportunity to enhance the lifestyle and sports appeal of the Springbank community while offering employment opportunities and providing local and destination commercial and business services. The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is based upon the site’s characteristics within Rocky View and the larger Calgary region: • the site is strategically located as the commercial and service epicentre for Springbank • the site is well positioned to serve local residents, regional commuters, tourists, and the adjacent Springbank Airport workforce, users and visitors • the site’s proximity to the Rocky Mountains, the Edge School, and community recreation facilities provides opportunities for commercial uses that cater to “outdoor lifestyle” choices • the site’s “gateway” location lends itself to tourist, food/beverage functions, and hotel land uses Taking into account all of the factors listed in this section, the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme will act as a destination centre for the community and as the regional stopping point for travellers and outdoor enthusiasts. This combination of development components will identify this strategic site as a gateway to Springbank and greater Calgary. Conceptual Scheme 14
4.0 Future development concept 4.1 Development Concept The Future Development Concept for the North Land Use Area Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme includes two Business/ Highway Oriented 20.4 ha Commercial Areas, as shown on Figure 8 - Development Local Oriented 13.2 ha Concept Map. The Highway Oriented Area comprises the Open Space 4.5 ha majority of the business uses and is located adjacent to Highway 1 and Range Road 33. Stormwater Ponds 4.1 ha The remainder of the business uses will accommodate Local Roadways/Road Widening 4.2 ha oriented uses and is located adjacent to Township Road Edge School 7.9 ha 250 and the Edge School. Open Space and stormwater Totals 57.3 ha ponds are a component of the Conceptual Scheme. The Edge School is an existing use within the Conceptual Scheme boundary. A summary of the land uses contained in the Conceptual Scheme and their areas is as follows: 15 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Twp Road 250 figure 7: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT map Edge School Twp Road 250 Rge Road 33 Bingham Crossing Edge School Rge Road 33 Bingham Crossing Highway 1 / Trans Canada Calaway Park Commercial Court Highway 1 / Trans Canada Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Open Space Roadway Local Oriented Business Stormwater Pond Highway Oriented Business Edge School Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Open Space Roadway Local Oriented Business Stormwater Pond Highway Oriented Business Edge School Conceptual Scheme 16
4.2 Highway Oriented Business Area The Highway Oriented area will allow for development adjacent to Highway 1 and Range Road 33. The development will provide services to the travelling public and tourists, and includes business uses that require a high degree of visibility and ease of access to a major transportation route. Uses could include a combination of medium to large sized retailers, offices, restaurants, services, accommodation, and automotive and RV dealerships. The Highway Business Area is a high profile business area and represents a “gateway” development to Springbank and western Rocky View County. 17 North Springbank Highway Business Area
4.3 Local Oriented Business Area The Local Oriented area is located north of the Highway Business Area, adjacent to Township Road 250 and the Edge School. The Local Oriented area will accommodate small to medium sized commercial business that are oriented towards serving the Springbank community. The area will provide a combination of shops, restaurants, services, offices, entertainment, accommodation and government services. Conceptual Scheme 18
4.4 Open Space & Pathway System The open space and and amenities and provide a more sustainable and pathway system in North active transportation option. Springbank Gate will promote a walkable and Local pathways within the Conceptual Scheme will interconnected development follow the road network, connecting the various that complements the commercial uses throughout the site, and providing overall existing and future access to the open space area. pathway system of the area. A Conceptual Bicycle Route will The open space within the North Springbank Gate be located along the northern Conceptual Scheme is focused around the naturalized border of the Conceptual stormwater pond in the southern portion of the site. Scheme parallel to Range The landscape will focus on the natural environment, Road 250. The route will cross while maintaining appropriate public access for passive Range Road 33 and connect to recreation use. Bingham Crossing (Figure 8). Open Space & Pathway System Policies This Bicycle Route is identified in the Parks and Open Space 4.4.1 The Conceptual Bicycle Route along Range Master Plan. By contributing Road 250 shall be located in conformance with to the bikeway route, North the Parks and Open Space Master Plan and will Springbank Gate will assist in be constructed in accordance with Rocky View connecting the regions’ trails County’s Servicing Standards. 4.4.2 The Conceptual Bicycle Route shall be developed in phases that correspond with the phasing of the development. 4.4.2 The local pathways within the Conceptual Scheme shall be constructed by the developer, in accordance with Rocky View County’s Servicing Standards. 4.4.3 The open space in the south portion of the site shall be focused on a natural landscape and will be maintained by the developer for passive recreational use. 19 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Figure 8: Open Space Twp Road 250 Connection to Bingham Crossing Twp Road 250 Connection to Bingham Crossing Edge School Edge School Bingham Crossing Rge33Road 33 Bingham Crossing Rge Road Highway 1 / Transcanada Highway 1 / Transcanada Calaway Park Commercial Court Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Open Space Legend: Stormwater Pond Conceptual Scheme Boundary Conceptual Open SpaceBicycle Route Local Pathway Figure 8 Stormwater Pond Conceptual Bicycle Route Local Pathway Open Space Figure 8 February 2014 Open Space February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 20
4.5 Phasing North Springbank Gate is anticipated to be developed in phases. Phase One of the Conceptual Scheme will consist of Woody’s RV World, located on the site currently owned by the company (Figure 9). Additional phases will be introduced as the landowner and any future development interest deem appropriate. PHASING Policies 4.5.1 Phase One of North Springbank Gate should be consistent with Figure 9. 4.5.2 A Master Site Development Plan shall be completed and adopted by the County for each phase of development within the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme prior to the approval of a Development Permit or subdivision application. 21 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Twp Road 250 Figure 9: PHASE 1 Edge School Twp Road 250 Bingham Crossing Rge Road 33 Edge School Bingham Crossing Rge Road 33 Highway 1 / Trans Canada Calaway Park Commercial Co Highway 1 / Trans Canada Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Phase One Woody's RV World Figur Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Phase One Woody's RV World Phasin February 20 Figure Phasing February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 22
5.0 economics The North Springbank Gate • The total optimal development of the Conceptual Conceptual Scheme will Scheme could contain up to 280,000 s.f. of contain a combination of commercial development, with annual tax revenue commercial uses that provide for Rocky View County ranging from $338,000 to services to the travelling $784,000. public and tourists, as well as the local community. The site • The first phase of development, Woody’s RV possesses the key attributes World, will contain approximately 39,000 s.f. of to appeal to a wide and commercial space and generate approximately significant patronage base $45,000 in annual property tax revenue. including the Greater Calgary population (particularly • The total net revenue gain collected by the County northwest and southwest one year after the development is completely built sectors), tourists, highway is approximately $2.3 million. commuters, Springbank Airport users and employees, and most importantly, local Springbank residents. These uses will have significant economic benefit to Rocky View County through additional tax revenue, spending dollars retained in the County, and the creation of local jobs for Rocky View residents. Based on findings in the Fiscal Impact Analysis by InfraCycle Fiscal Solutions, the Conceptual Scheme is anticipated to have the following fiscal results: 23 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Figure 10: Net Revenues GAIN - One, Five, and Ten Years after Build-Out $25,000,000 $23,000,000 $20,000,000 Net Revenue $15,000,000 $11,500,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,300,000 0 One Five Ten Years after Build-out A major contributing factor to the substantial net strategic location of Highway revenue gain to Rocky View County is all on-site 1 and Range Road 33. The infrastructure serving Phase One will be privately development is consistent with owned and operated, resulting in no fiscal impact both the Rocky View 2060- for on-site infrastructure. The financial impact on Growth Management Strategy, community services will be low because commercial as well as the County Plan, and uses have low demand for community services. will create economic benefits to the County in the form of The commercial uses located on this site will generate non-residential property taxes. employment opportunities for Rocky View residents, particularly for the Springbank community. Overall, the commercial uses in this Conceptual Scheme support the County’s economic growth strategy by providing concentrated development at the Conceptual Scheme 24
6.0 Transportation 6.1 Roadways North Springbank Gate 6.1.1 Internal Road Network is located adjacent to a number of major To accomodate Phase One of the Conceptual Scheme, a transportation routes shared access between Edge School and Woody’s RV World within Rocky View is located at the the existing Township Road 250- East Edge County. The site is school access. The intent of the private roadway is to provide bordered to the south the Woody’s site with a viable access for the foreseeable by the Trans-Canada future and to facilitate access to the currently undeveloped Highway, to the east by Edge school lands situated between the proposed roadway Range Road 33, and to and Range Road 33. the north by Township Road 250. Both RR 33 In the short term, no additional improvements, beyond those and Twp Rd 250 are proposed as part of Bingham Crossing Phase 1, are required actively used roadways to the overall road network on Township Road 250 or Range that service the multiple Road 33 to accommodate this condition. If, over time, the land uses located in the Edge School lands develop, the all-turns access will continue area. A Traffic Impact to operate at this intersection until congestion dictates a Assessment (TIA) need for improvement. Any improvements to restrict vehicle has been prepared movement at the intersection of Township Road 250- East in support of this Edge School will be funded by the developer. Conceptual Scheme. Ultimately, the main access point for North Springbank Gate Recommendations will be located at the Mountain View Trail - Township Road from the TIA provide 250 intersection. At full build- out of the Conceptual Scheme direction on regional area, this intersection will be developed as either a dual-lane road network roundabout or a signalized intersection improvements and internal road sizing. The main road through the Conceptual Scheme will run north-south and will intersect with an east-west road that will connect to Phase One. Internal roadways will increase connectivity between these two main thoroughfares. The internal road network is shown in Figure 11. 25 North Springbank Highway Business Area
6.1.2 Regional Road Network The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is well served by an established network of regional roads. Highway 1 is a four lane divided primary highway that has an access point at Range Road 33. Range Road 33 is a north-south paved two lane roadway north of Highway 1 and a four lane paved roadway south of Highway 1. Township Road 250 is an east-west paved 2-lane rural roadway. Since the Conceptual Scheme will be developed in phases, the impacts to surrounding road infrastructure and the need for improvements will vary with time. Additionally, by 2015 Phase 1 of Bingham Crossing is expected to be complete and the resultant road network upgrades are expected: • Highway 1/ RR 33 North Junction: This location will be developed as a single land roundabout • Highway 1/ RR 33 South Junction: This location will be developed as a dual lane roundabout located at the ultimate interchange intersection location. The existing ramps will temporarily remain at their existing locations pending ultimate reconstruction of the interchange. • RR 33/ Twp Rd 250: This location will be developed as a single lane roundabout These 2015 background road network upgrades will accommodate the first phase of development within the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme, Woody’s RV World. No further improvements are required beyond the addition of an unsignalized access at the current East Edge School access off of Township Road 250. At full build out, the conceptual plan area may include retail, restaurant, grocery, office, and accommodation uses that will increase peak trips in the area. The site generated traffic will result in a new access into the site off of Twp Rd 250 and the following improvements to the surrounding road network would be required: • RR 33/ Highway 1 North and South Junctions: The intersection will need to be developed as a full signalized intersection with dual left turn lanes. • RR 33/ Township Road 250: The intersection will require dual northbound left turn lanes, dual westbound left turn lanes, and right turn lanes all approaches. The eastbound Twp 250 to southbound RR 33 movement will need to have a free movement. Conceptual Scheme 26
• Mountain View Trail/ Twp 250: The intersection will require dual westbound left turn bays and a continuous free northbound right movement. A two-lane roundabout is also able to accommodate traffic volumes. • Bingham Access 2/ Twp 250: The intersection will require a dual lane roundabout • Highway 563/ Highway 1 South junction: Requires signalization The timing of the noted improvement will be determined as development proceeds in the area. Given the long time frame assessed, up to a 2035 analysis, it will be appropriate to review the longer term intersection design needs at future stages of development when the actual rate of background traffic growth can be more accurately assessed. Road network improvement requirements will be based on updates to the Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) submitted with future redesignation, development permit, or subdivision applications. ROADWAYS Policies Access to North Springbank Gate shall be generally as shown in the Conceptual Scheme. All external roads shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with Rocky View County’s Servicing Standards at the developer’s expense. All roads within North Springbank Gate shall be fully accessible to the public and shall be designed according to Rocky View standards, with the exception of the East Edge School- Woody`s RV World access, . The East-Edge School- Woody`s RV World access will be developed as a private road and all associated costs and maintenance will be developer funded, agreed upon in an access easement between the two landowners. An update to the TIA shall be provided with all future redesignation applications, and with each subdivision or development permit application 27 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Figure 11: TRANSPORTATION View Trail View Trail MountainMountain Twp Road 250 Twp Road 250 Edge School Edge School Bingham 33 Road 33 Crossing Bingham Rge PHASE Crossing Rge Road 1 PHASE 1 Highway 1 / Transcanada Highway 1 / Transcanada Calaway Park Commercial Court Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Legend:Internal Road Network Conceptual Scheme Boundary Internal Road Network Figure 10 Transportation Figure February 10 2014 Transportation February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 28
7.0 servicing & Utilities 7.1 Stormwater Management A Sub Catchment Master The SCMDP area currently drains south-west towards Drainage Plan has been a culvert crossing the TransCanada Highway. The undertaken to describe the majority of surface runoff from the existing ground drainage system for the conditions is overland flow across the site in a north- Conceptual Scheme area. The east to south-west direction. Edge School currently drainage system incorporates manages stormwater onsite with a private stormwater design elements for storm facility, and controls discharge through the existing runoff capture and enhanced natural drainage course at the south-west edge of their evaporation and reuse to property. The existing discharge from Edge School will manage stormwater in a be accommodated by the overland drainage plan for sustainable manner under the Conceptual Scheme area. predevelopment volume and release rate conditions. Stormwater ponds will be used within the Conceptual Scheme in order to retain the accumulation of stormwater runoff from the development, while discharging at a controlled release rate. The volume of stormwater within the ponds is reduced by strategies such as: • Low Impact Development Strategies • Supplying non-potable water reuse for commercial application within the development • Irrigating landscaping and other pervious surfaces • Wetting of impervious surfaces The Conceptual Scheme area has been separated into two catchment areas. Catchment One represents the first phase of development Catchment Two represents the remaining Conceptual Scheme area. 29 North Springbank Highway Business Area
Figure 12: Stormwater MAP Twp Road 250 Twp Road 250 Edge School Edge School Bingham Crossing Rge Road 33Rge Road 33 Bingham Crossing Highway 1 / Transcanada Highway 1 / Transcanada Calaway Park Commercial Court Calaway Park Commercial Court Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Catchment One Catchment Two PUL/PARK Legend: Conceptual Scheme Boundary Catchment One Figure 11 Catchment Two STORMWATER PUL/PARK February 2014 Figure 11 STORMWATER February 2014 Conceptual Scheme 30
Ultimately, two ponds (in addition to the Edge School stormwater pond) will service the Conceptual Scheme area, connected through a common Public Utility Lot (PUL). • Catchment One will have a stormwater pond with an area of approximately 0.53 ha, located within the first phase of development. Stormwater runoff will be conveyed to the pond through overland drainage and discharge from the stormwater pond will flow into the adjacent lands to the west of the parcel. The Phase 1 pond will later be incorporated into the main stormwater facility, which will service the remainder of the Conceptual Scheme area. • Catchment Two will have a stormwater pond approximately 3.7 ha in size, and will serve the stormwater catchment needs of the entire Conceptual Scheme area. An overland drainage system will be incorporated into the design of future planning phases in order to eliminate the necessity for storm sewers, manholes, catchbasins, etc. For each phase of development, further detailed stormwater analysis will be required, as per Rocky View County Servicing Standards. Stormwater Management Policies 7.1.1 Stormwater ponds shall be used in order to retain and control the accumulation of stormwater runoff from the development. 7.1.2 Phase 1 shall have a pond on site that manages the stormwater runoff for the Phase 1 development. Stormwater shall be conveyed to the pond through overland drainage. 7.1.3 Development after Phase 1 will require the construction of a stormwater facility that serves the stormwater needs of the remaining Conceptual Scheme area. 7.1.4 The ponds in Catchment 1 and Catchment 2 shall be connected by pipe or surface connection with controlled outflow. 7.1.5 The volume of stormwater within the ponds should be reduced through LID strategies, supplying non-potable water reuse for commercial application within the development, irrigating landscaping and other pervious surfaces, and wetting of impervious surfaces. 7.1.6 All phases of development will require a stormwater management report as per Rocky View County Servicing Standards. 31 North Springbank Highway Business Area
7.2 Domestic Water Supply As per Rocky View County policy, the preferred source of potable water is piped water from a piped supplier. At full build-out of North Springbank Gate, the use of piped water is a viable option through Calalta Waterworks Ltd system or the Harmony system. Phase One, Woody’s RV World, is currently in the process of obtaining a water licence from Calalta Waterworks Ltd, which will provide piped potable water to the development. DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY POLICIES 7.2.1 At full build-out, potable water will be supplied through a piped water system to the Conceptual Scheme area. Conceptual Scheme 32
7.3 Sanitary Servicing At full build out, the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme will require a connection to a regional or decentralized system. Currently there is an absence of regional or decentralized wastewater servicing in the conceptual scheme area. The first phase of development will rely on the use of a sewage holding tank with a private on-site pump and haul system until connection to a regional or decentralized piped system is available. In preparation for future regional piped servicing, the pump and haul system will be configured with an option to provide for a tie into a future system without causing significant impact to the site. sanitary servicing Policies: 7.3.1 The first phase of development shall use a sewage holding tank and pump and haul system, which is the responsibility of the developer, for sanitary servicing needs until a connection to a regional or decentralized system becomes available. 7.3.2 The mechanical layout of the Phase 1 pump and haul system shall be configured to allow for a tie into a future piped system without significant impact to the site. 7.3.3 The remainder of development in the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme shall connect to a regional or decentralized system. 33 North Springbank Highway Business Area
7.4 Shallow Utilities Shallow Utilities, including natural gas, electricity, power, and telecommunications infrastructure will be provided by the respective utility companies, at the expense of the developers. The services will be extended into the Conceptual Scheme area on a phased basis at the time of development. Shallow utility connections will tie into existing infrastructure in the area. Detailed design for shallow utilities will occur within the subdivision and development permit stage for each phase of development in the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme. Shallow Utilities will be underground throughout the servicing area and will be located within easements on private property or within road right-of-way subject to Rocky View County approval. Shallow Utility Policies: 7.4.1 All shallow utilities and associated infrastructure will be provided at the expense of the developers. 7.4.2 Detailed design for shallow utilities will occur within the subdivision/ development permit stage for each phase of development. 7.5 Fire Suppression Servicing At the time of development of lands, the developer will be responsible to ensure that the appropriate number of Fire Hydrants, building sprinkler systems as well as the water systems with the necessary level of Fire Flow are installed on the lands in accordance with the requirements of the then current Rocky View County Fire Hydrant Water Suppression Bylaw, Alberta Fire Code, Alberta Building Code, and the County’s Servicing Standards. Fire Suppression Servicing Policies: 7.5.1 The developer is responsible to ensure that the appropriate fire suppression systems are installed in accordance with the Rocky View County Fire Hydrant Water Suppression Bylaw, Alberta Fire Code, Alberta Building Code, and the County’s Servicing Standards. Conceptual Scheme 34
8.0 public consultation The public consultation during PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE the preparation of the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme included one open Woody’s RV World house, association board North Springbank meetings, and individual dialogue with interested stakeholders. Please join Woody’s RV World The open house occurred and their on June 26, 2013 from 5:00- consultants to discuss 9:00pm at the Edge School. An Harmony the proposed advertisement was placed in the RGE. RD. 33 Community new Woody’s RGE. RD. 40 RV World Rocky View Weekly newspaper in North for the 2 weeks prior to the Springbank Springbank. Airport open house and road-side signs Two question were located along Range Road Woody’s and answer TWP. RD. 250 RV World sessions 33, both north and south of will be held Highway 1. The purpose of this Bingham Crossing starting at HWY 1 5:30 pm and open house was to discuss the 7:30 pm. early concepts of the Concept Calaway Commercial Park Court Plan and the vision of Phase 1, Woody’s RV World, as well as to obtain feedback from adjacent Wednesday June 26, 2013 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm neighbours. Approximately Edge School Library 35 people attended the 33055 Township Road 250 open house. In addition to comment sheets, the public For further information please contact Paul Mercer, had the opportunity to contact B&A Planning Group at 403-692-4535 or Brown & Associates to discuss the project further, leading to a number of individual conversations. 35 North Springbank Highway Business Area
9.0 implementation The provisions of the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme will be implemented through: • An Amendment to the North Springbank Area Structure Plan • Adoption of the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme • Land Use Redesignation to accommodate specific business uses • A Master Site Development Plan to define the site design and appearance of individual phases 9.1 North Springbank Area Structure Plan Amendment An application to amend the North Sprinbank Area Structure Plan (NSASP) has been submitted in conjunction with this Conceptual Scheme. The proposed amendment will alter the Land Use Map to permit non-residential, highway business uses on the Conceptual Scheme lands. 9.2 Conceptual Scheme The adoption of this document, the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme, by Rocky View County Council by bylaw is required. The Conceptual Scheme provides a comprehensive land use plan and policy guidelines for the subject quarter section. Conceptual Scheme 36
9.3 Land Use Redesignation A Land Use Redesignation application is required for each phase of development. An appropriate Land Use District(s) will be determined, outlining the provisions applied to those particular lands. An application for the first phase of development, the Woody’s RV World site, has been prepared. The application proposes the redesignation of the Woody’s RV lands to 9 Direct Control (DC) district. This district will accommodate the specific business uses on the Woody’s RV World site. Any development beyond this first phase will require additional land use applications. 9.4 Master Site Development Plan A Master Site Development Plan (MSDP) will accompany each Land Use Redesignation application on the Conceptual Scheme lands. This non-statutory plan provides design guidance, such as building placement, landscaping, lighting, parking, and architectural treatment, for each phase of development. A MSDP for Phase 1, Woody’s RV World, accompanies the associated Land Use Redesignation application. 37 North Springbank Highway Business Area
10.0 interpretation of the plan 10.1 Map Interpretation The boundaries or locations of any symbols shown on a figure or map are approximate and shall be interpreted as such. 10.2 Policy Interpretation Where “shall” is used in a policy, the policy and the actions it requires are considered mandatory. Where “should”, “may”, or “encouraged” are used in a policy, the policy and action are considered optional, but the general intent is compliance. Conceptual Scheme 38
11.0 policy review 11.1 Rocky View 2060-Growth Management Strategy Completed in 2008, Rocky View 2060 provides a framework that incorporates high- level and longer-term strategies for managing the municipality’s growth over the next 50 years. It is designed to direct where and how development would be most desirable and allow for a more definitive and predictable growth pattern. Taking into account relevant planning frameworks such as the Provincial Land Use Framework and the Calgary Regional Partnership’s regional plan, the Growth Management Strategy proposes a land-use vision for Rocky View that is based on the principles of sustainability, Smart Growth, and triple-bottom- line decision making. It is intended to direct more detailed municipal statutory plans and decisions regarding land-use and development. As community insight and values indicated, the land-use vision portrayed in the Growth Management Strategy supports substantial nodal growth and targeted development in focused areas throughout Rocky view. The Strategy anticipates expansion of Rocky View’s business community, and with the goal of diversifying the tax base, expanded highway commercial development is expected in nodes along strategic highway corridors. Development in these areas is intended to be non- contiguous and nodal in design, focused around interchanges and highway access points. The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is located within the identified Highway 1 Major Business Corridor, west of the City of Calgary. Commercial development along this corridor will support Rocky View’s goal of diversifying the tax base. The Major Business Corridor has significant locational advantages, including high visibility, access to regional markets, proximity to Springbank Airport, and the occurrence of existing and expanding commercial development. By concentrating development into the focused area of Highway 1 and Range Road 33, fragmentation of agricultural land is mitigated and a commercial centre at the interchange of Range Road 33 is established. 39 North Springbank Highway Business Area
11.2 Inter-municipal Development Plan The Rocky View County/City of Calgary Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is intended to identify areas of mutual interest, minimize land use conflicts across municipal borders, and provide opportunities for collaboration and communication. The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is located within the Notification Zone of the IDP. The Notification Zone does not require detailed joint planning but it provides The City of Calgary with the opportunity to comment on land use policies and applications circulated from Rocky View County. 11.3 The Municipal Development Plan (County Plan) The new Rocky View Municipal Development Plan advantage of the provincial (County Plan) was approved on October 1, 2013 and highway system and should be includes goals, policies, and actions that provide located in proximity to highway strategic growth direction, guidance for land use intersections and interchanges. planning, and service delivery policy for the overall The purpose of a highway county. business area is to contribute to the County’s fiscal goals, One of the relevant MDP goals is: provide destination commercial and business services, provide “Increase the County’s business assessment services to the travelling public, base to support the financial sustainability of the and offer local employment County’s operations in order to reduce the reliance opportunities. on the residential tax base.” By focusing development in these locations and encouraging infilling of Business Development: existing business areas, the The County Plan identifies a number of business County provides for orderly areas and development forms which accommodate a growth and economic variety of businesses, and directs the majority of new efficiencies in the development commercial and industrial businesses to locate in these of transportation and identified business areas. infrastructure systems. It maximizes the use of existing The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme infrastructure, minimizes land is located in an identified Highway Business Area. use conflicts with agriculture Highway Business Areas are intended to take uses, and minimizes the amount of traffic being drawn into rural areas. Conceptual Scheme 40
11.4 North Springbank Area Structure Plan Adopted in 1999, the North approval of the Bingham Crossing Conceptual Scheme, Springbank Area Structure now support the concept of commercial development Plan (NSASP) is a statutory on the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme plan adopted by Rocky lands. Accompanying this Conceptual Scheme is an View County. Following the amendment to the NSASP in order to accommodate provisions of the Municipal business and commercial uses. Government Act and in conjunction with the Municipal The NSASP classifies general business land uses Development Plan, the NSASP (Section 5.7) to include stand-alone commercial provides planning principles development that may provide goods and services and a more detailed framework to the local community, the traveling public, or a for subsequent subdivision, recreational market. The NSASP identifies that several development or redevelopment parcels of land surrounding the Springbank Airport of the specified area of land. are designated for future business usage as a result of The Plan also has the ability to the impact from airport operations. Business land use be amended since it is unable is also suggested for the area south of the Highway #1 to anticipate and examine and Range Road 33 interchange. The North Springbank every future impact, cost, or Gate Conceptual Scheme provides a non-residential benefit. Section 1.4 of the option to an area that is already impacted by both the NSASP also indicates that Springbank Airport and the TransCanada Highway. where land use planning issues Existing commercial development on the south side of arise, policies are in place to the Highway 1-Range Road 33 interchange combined allow the evaluation of these with continued airport expansion, support the concept issues. of business development in the Conceptual Scheme area. The future land use concept in the NSASP for the North The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme is Springbank Gate Conceptual located within the Highway #1 Interface identified Scheme area defines the in the NSASP. The lands within this area are subject lands as potential residential to special provisions in order to maintain the safety (Section 5.4). However, of the traveling public and the functional integrity recent developments in the of the provincial highway. The Conceptual Scheme area, including the expansion will respect these policies through the proposed of the Springbank Airport transportation network and appropriate setbacks and (Springbank Airport Master landscaping adjacent to the highway. Plan 2009-2029) and the 41 North Springbank Highway Business Area
11.5 Economic Development Strategy Updated in 2003, the Economic Development Strategy is a general reference document that is meant to guide and facilitate growth. The purpose includes identifying and summarizing how efforts of the entire Rocky View County will be directed to meet long- term economic development goals and objectives. Relevant to the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme, the Springbank Airport and surrounding areas is identified as a general area of growth. The Strategy notes that the airport is a primary draw and the proximity to the City of Calgary, Town of Cochrane, and Highway 1 all support business development in the area. Other opportunities identified in the Strategy are to develop strategic land along highway corridors and businesses requiring highway exposure. Business Parks in select locations with good highway exposure hold tremendous opportunity, and tourism in the form of hotels, restaurants, and retail also have good growth potential. The North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme has a diversity of businesses that will complement both the airport uses as well as surrounding business development. In addition to Woody’s RV World, accompanying Highway-oriented businesses could be located in the Conceptual Scheme area, including, but not limited to, offices, grocery stores, restaurants, and automotive services. Local commercial uses could also be located in the Conceptual Scheme area, including such uses as retail stores, markets, and hotel accommodation. Conceptual Scheme 42
11.6 Springbank Airport Master Plan 2009-2029 The Springbank Airport Master Plan guides the development of the airport over the next 20 years. The Plan states that continued growth is expected in aircraft movements and the development of land for airport related businesses. Land development initiatives around the airport suggest that the area surrounding it is undergoing a transition; lands that have historically been used for agricultural purposes are being converted to various urban uses. The Springbank Airport may ultimately be located within a much more urban setting. Airport growth is expected to include an additional runway, air-side facilities, and a small amount of ground-side commercial uses. The development of lands in the North Springbank Gate Conceptual Scheme will be complementary to these uses, providing supporting services to employees and passengers. Restaurants, retail shops, and hotels will supplement airport commercial uses and offer a practical service area to support the proposed airport growth. 11.7 Parks and Open Space Master Plan The Master Plan, adopted in 2011, provides the County with guidance on developing an interconnected system of parks and open spaces that meet the needs of the community. The Conceptual Scheme is located within the Elbow River Ranch Lands Region. Section 5.2 of the Plan notes that the Springbank area should focus on outdoor recreational amenities, connecting trails, and creating gathering spaces within the community for expanded community programs and services. The Plan identifies a ‘Conceptual Bicycle Route’ along Range Road 250, which is the northern border of the Conceptual Scheme. The trail will be constructed as part of the overall trail network system and will complement existing and future pathway systems. Interior pathways throughout the Conceptual Scheme area will follow the road network. 43 North Springbank Highway Business Area
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