Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney

Page created by Rhonda Salinas
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
Undergraduate Guide 2018
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
Hi there,

                                                Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Welcome to                                      Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

UNSW Science                                    Materials Science and Engineering
                                                Mathematics and Statistics
This is where the brightest minds converge to   Physics
Learn, Explore, Discover                                                                               Like all great plants, our icons thrive in the sun.
                                                Psychology                                 Hold this page in the sunlight and watch them come to life!
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
         Facility           Materials                                   Prestige
                            Science +
                                               6000+    Science         Our Bachelor of Science degree has one of the highest entry requirements
         Investment                                                     in NSW (85.00 ATAR in 2017). Your fellow students will be bright and
                            Engineering                 students        inquisitive high achievers, attracted by the university’s international

                            1   st
$25m Quantum labs                                                       reputation and the high ranking of our scientific research schools.

+ $125m Biomedical
Precinct                        in Australia                            Staff
                                               900+     Academic
                                                                        We offer excellence and innovation in teaching and our staff are award-
                                                                        winning researchers and leaders in their fields.

         partners                                                       Outstanding career prospects
                            Maths +                                     Our graduates are highly sought after in government, industry and

                                               $55M     2016 Research
UNSW-China research                                                     the not-for-profit sectors. Moreover, people with STEM (Science,
                            Statistics                                  Technology, Engineering and Medicine) qualifications have a higher rate
partnership lead to
                                                                        of employment than those with non-STEM qualifications (Chief Scientist
$10m Torch Innovation                                                   report, 2016). Science is an ideal first degree for students who want to go
                                                                        on to study for another profession or to undertake postgraduate research.
Precinct                        in Australia
         Top NSW                               21,000   Facebook
                                                                        In our case, bigger really is better. With a population of over 6,000
         ATAR                                                           students you will enter a welcoming, vibrant and culturally diverse
                                                                        community at UNSW and an internationally focused learning environment.

B Science has the           Psychology

                            18        th                                State-of-the-art facilities
highest ATAR cutoff in
NSW (85.00 in 2017)
                                   in the
                                               1.04M    2016 Website
                                                        page views
                                                                        At UNSW Science you’ll have access to world-class laboratories, clinics
                                                                        and simulators that will equip you with the tools to challenge yourself,
                              World (QS)                                explore new frontiers and make mind-blowing discoveries.

                                                                        We aim to reward excellence and make a university education accessible
                         Key Industry Relationships                     to all, with a wide range of scholarships available to suit a diverse range
                                                                        of students and interests. A scholarship could cover your living expenses,
                                                                        subsidise tuition fees, provide an industry partnership, or facilitate
                                                                        overseas travel. Check out for more info.

                                                                        Talented students’ program
                                                                        The Talented Students’ Program (TSP) offers elite students access to an
                                                                        academic mentor and exposure to leading edge research and renowned
                                                                        researchers within the Faculty.
                                                                        If you achieve outstanding results during high school (ATAR or equivalent)
                                                                        and have nominated to study either the Bachelor of Science or the
                                                                        Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) you may be invited by the Dean
                                                                        of Science to join the program.
                                                                        Your participation in the TSP is noted on your official record and is listed
                                                                        on your secondary transcript.

                                                                        For more information on the TSP, including eligibility, see:
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
Our                   When conducting

                      research I get to learn
                      facts about the world                                                         Contents
                      that nobody else knows
                      yet. I find that really
                      Dana Leidl
                      B. Science (Advanced)
                                                                                                                                        DATA SCIENCE
                                                 MATHEMATICS         SCIENCE          (FLYING)      (MANAGEMENT)                        AND DECISIONS

                                                                                    LIFE SCIENCES
                                                                                                    MEDICAL SCIENCE   MAJORS GUIDE
                                                 SCIENCE AND       MANAGEMENT                                                            CHEMISTRY

                If you believe you have
                come up with a technology
                for the greater good, or it
                                                                                                                        23 SCIENCE
                                                                                                                                        SCIENCE AND
                can advance humanity in                              SCIENCE                                          (INTERNATIONAL)    BUSINESS

                general, I think you should
                go for it and give it a shot.
                Daniel Tan
                B. Science                         25
                                                 VISION SCIENCE
                                                                  OPTOMETRY AND
                                                                                    DUAL DEGREES
                                                                                                                      ADMISSION TO
                                                                                                                                        UNSW SCIENCE
                                                                   VISION SCIENCE                     ADMISSION       UNSW SCIENCE      PHOTOCOMP

                                                  General         Generalist        Specialist
                                                Information        Degrees           Degrees

           For me it comes down to
           having my puzzle for the
           day, working on it, and
           trying to solve it. I think
           that’s really satisfying.            A NOTE ON MAJORS:
           Willem Huiskamp                      There are many majors you can study at UNSW Science.
           B. Science (Advanced)                To assist you in navigating what’s available in your preferred fields, we’ve created
                                                THE PERIODIC TABLE OF MAJORS! This is right in the middle of this book, and you can
                                                tear it out and refer to this for any of the programs listed on the following pages.
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                              UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                       Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                 Bachelor
of Advanced Mathematics (Hons)                                                                                                           of Advanced Science (Hons)

                          2017                  2018                      2017                                                                                    2017                  2018                      2017
   DURATION                                                                                     UAC CODE            ENTRY                   DURATION                                                                                    UAC CODE             ENTRY
                      ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                              ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA
    4 YEARS                                                                                      429300             S1 & S2                  4 YEARS                                                                                     429350              S1 & S2
                           95                    95                        37                                                                                      95                    95                        37

Want to dive deep into mathematics, from the abstract to the applied? Then this Advanced degree is for                                   Got the science-smarts? This four-year advanced degree offers 26 majors to those looking for a
you. The Bachelor of Advanced Mathematics (Honours) lets you explore your passion for maths while still                                  bigger science challenge. The Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) is the degree of choice
allowing the flexibility to study courses from across the university.                                                                    for innovative thinkers with exceptional scientific knowledge and skills. It’s designed for talented
                                                                                                                                         students and offers you some flexibility to tailor your degree in a way that works for you.
Assumed knowledge
                                    Can be                                    Career outcomes
Mathematics Extension 1                                                                                                                  Assumed knowledge                Course content
                                    combined with                             Opportunities in banking, insurance and investment,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Career outcomes
                                    Actuarial Studies, Arts,                  environmental modelling, oceanography, meteorology,        Mathematics and Chemistry        The Bachelor of Advanced
Majors available                    Commerce, Computer                        computing, information technology, government, education   plus one or more of Biology,     Science (Honours) degree                    Employment with research institutes, start-up innovation
Applied Mathematics, Pure                                                     and research.                                              Earth & Environmental Science,   offers you access to advanced               companies, university or industry in Australia or overseas,
                                    Science, Economics,                                                                                                                                                               technology management, analysis in business or finance,
Mathematics, Statistics                                                                                                                  Physics or Mathematics           level courses and includes
                                    Engineering (Hons), Law                                                                                                                                                           psychology, medical research and development,
                                                                                                                                         Extension 1 (depending on        an honours year. You’ll study
                                                                                                                                         chosen area of study)            foundation courses such as                  environmental protection or forensic science.
Course content                                                                                                                                                            biology, chemistry, physics
The Advanced Mathematics                                                                                                                                                  and maths, before getting
degree is a four-year degree                                                                                                               Can be                         the chance to knuckle down,
which includes an honours                                                                                                                                                 choose your major (or two) and              Does this program appeal to you?
year. The honours year                                                                                                                     combined with                  really explore what inspires
integrates advanced level                                                                                                                                                 you most. You will also be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Don’t forget to check out the Periodic Table of
                                                                                                                                           Actuarial Studies, Arts,
coursework with a research                                                                                                                 Commerce, Computer             given the option to choose                  Majors, in the middle of this book! This will
project that’s both challenging                                                                                                            Science, Economics,            free electives from other areas             show you all the areas of study you can choose.
and rewarding.                                                                                                                             Engineering (Hons), Fine       of the university such as arts
                                                                                                                                           Arts, Law, Music, Social       and social science, business,
                                                                                                                                           Research and Policy            engineering, law or the built
                                                                                                                                           (Hons)                         environment.

Degree structure                                                                                                                         Degree structure

                                                                                          2 courses                                                                                                                               2 courses
                                         6 courses                                                                                                                               4 courses
 16 courses                                                                               General                                         18 courses                                                                              General
 Major + Science
                           +             Free electives -
                                         Any UNSW                      +                  education -
                                                                                          Non science
                                                                                                                              1 year
                                                                                                                                          Major + Science
                                                                                                                                                                  +              Free electives -
                                                                                                                                                                                 Any UNSW                      +                  education -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Non science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 year
                                         faculty course                                                                                                                          faculty course
                                                                                          courses                                                                                                                                 courses

8 |           The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                         The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree. | 9
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                               UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                        Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                  Bachelor
of Aviation (Flying)                                                                                                                      of Aviation (Management)

                            2017                 2018                                                                                                              2017                2018                      2017
   DURATION                                                            IB DIPLOMA           UAC CODE           ENTRY                         DURATION                                                                                  UAC CODE              ENTRY
                       ATAR CUT-OFF           GE RANK                                                                                                          ATAR CUT-OFF          GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA
    3 YEARS                                                            IB Diploma +          429500            S1 & S2                        3 YEARS                                                                                   429520               S1 & S2
                       ATAR + Interview      80 + Interview                                                                                                         80                  80                        28

Calling all pilots of the future! Our Flying degree will have you controlling the cockpit in no time. Aviation                            If you prefer to keep grounded, but love all things aviation, the Aviation Management degree has been
is a multi-faceted sector that requires people skilled in many disciplines. It is uniquely international in its                           designed with you in mind. Aviation continues to bring people together, whether for business or pleasure.
application and demands a level of cultural and political awareness. If you are looking to be influential in                              Since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, the aviation industry has recovered and continued growing, and
the aviation industry, an Aviation degree is right for you.                                                                               as demand for air travel increases, more pilots and aviation professionals will be required to meet this
Assumed knowledge                  On completion of the degree,            Important information
                                   you will have attained, at a                                              Professional
Mathematics                                                                —— Students will need to obtain                                Assumed knowledge             Course content
                                   minimum, a Commercial Pilot
                                                                              a Class 1 Civil Aviation       recognition                                                                                             Can be                                Career outcomes
                                   Licence (CPL) with a Multi                                                                             Mathematics                   The Management Stream might
Course content                     Engine Command Instrument                  Authority (CASA) medical       This degree is                                             be right for you if you’re seeking           combined with                         Management in airlines,
                                   Rating and an Air Transport                examination before flying      professionally recognised.                                 a career in flight operations —              Commerce                              freight companies,
The Flying stream of the                                                      training commences in                                                                                                                                                        regulatory authorities,
                                   Pilot Licence (frozen) with                                                                                                          on or off the flight deck — or
Aviation degree educates                                                      second year.                                                                                                                                                                 defence forces or
                                   advanced options including                                                                                                           if you have aviation industry
and trains pilots to the highest                                                                                                                                                                                                                           airports.
                                   Instructor Rating, Multi-Crew                                                                                                        experience or licenses and
commercial standards. In
                                   Coordination Course or a                                                                                                             are looking to further your
this degree you’ll learn the
core science behind aviation
                                   research project.                         Career outcomes                                                                            qualifications to a tertiary level.
management as well as              You will need to pay for                  Become a pilot for                                                                         The degree shares a common
gain your pilot licence. As        the flight training costs                 regional or major                                                                          academic core with the
part of the Professional Pilot     portion of this degree. The               commercial airlines,                                                                       Flying Stream, but offers a
Program you will have up to        estimated flight training cost is         training centre, and                                                                       range of additional courses in
200 hours of flight training       approximately $138,000 over               charter flights, or be an                                                                  management areas including
and approximately 30 hours of      three years, depending on the             aerial surveyor.                                                                           Operations Management,
simulator training.                chosen options.                                                                                                                      Aviation Economics, Law and
                                                                                                                                                                        Regulations, Airline Marketing,
                                                                                                                                                                        Air Traffic Control and Regional

Degree structure                                                                                                                          Degree structure

                                                                                            2 courses                                        16 courses                                                                          2 courses
                                                                                                                                                                                6 courses
 21 courses                                 1 course                                        General                                                                                                                              General
                             +                                             +                                                                                      +                                           +
                                                                                                                                                                                Free electives -
 Aviation Flying                            Aviation Flying                                 education -                                      Management                                                                          education -
                                                                                                                                             Core and                           Any UNSW
 Core                                       elective                                        Non science                                                                                                                          Non science
                                                                                                                                             Electives                          faculty course
                                                                                            courses                                                                                                                              courses

10 |                                                                                                                                                 The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree. | 11
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                            UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                     Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                               Bachelor
of Biotechnology (Hons)                                                                                                                of Data Science and Decisions

                          2017                  2018                   2017                                                                                     2017             2018                  2017
   DURATION                                                                           UAC CODE              ENTRY                         DURATION                                                                     UAC CODE                ENTRY
                      ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK              IB DIPLOMA                                                                               ATAR CUT-OFF       GE RANK             IB DIPLOMA
    4 YEARS                                                                            429400               S1 & S2                        3 YEARS                                                                      429150                 S1 & S2
                           85                    85                     31                                                                                       94               94                    36

Are you ready to change the world? Put scientific advances into practice as a Biotech graduate.                                        Advances in computing over the past few decades have led to an explosion in data and this degree has
Biotechnology is used for the production of pharmaceuticals, food and industrial chemicals, the                                        been developed to meet the growing demand for data scientists and data analysts.
development of improved crops and livestock for farming, environmental clean-up and in forensics.
Modern biotechnology makes practical use of the most recent scientific advances. Are you ready to                                      Graduates will have broad and coherent knowledge of data science through the core study program,
change the world we live in?                                                                                                           comprising of mathematics and statistics, computer science and economics subjects. They will also
                                                                                                                                       possess specialist knowledge in one of these areas through the completion of a major. This degree
                                   You’ll explore current trends                                                                       will produce graduates who are able to prepare, process, interpret and present data using appropriate
Assumed knowledge
                                   and professional issues in           Career outcomes                                                qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Mathematics and Chemistry          the biotechnology industry
                                                                        Become a scientist or researcher with medical, biological
                                   including the commercialisation
                                                                        or pharmaceutical research organisations. Some of our
Course content                     of biotechnology.
                                                                        graduates are research and development managers, clinical      Assumed knowledge             Majors available
As with all our science degrees,   In your final year you’ll complete   trial associates, working in government regulation and         Maths Extension 1             Quantitative Data Science;
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Career outcomes
you will start your degree         a research project as part of        policy, industry regulatory affairs or intellectual property                                 Computational Data Science;         Data scientist, data engineer, data analyst, statistician,
building on the fundamentals of    your honours year.                   management. There are also career options in marketing,                                      Business Data Science               business analyst, data manager, data architect and
science with courses such as                                            sales, biotech investment and finance, and business                                                                              database administrators.
biology, chemistry and maths.      Our ability to cope with
                                   many of the world’s medical,         development.
You’ll also begin your journey
as a biotechnologist with          environmental, agricultural and
introductory biotechnology.        manufacturing problems in the
                                   21st century will depend heavily
Your following two years           on advances in biotechnology.
will see you delve deeper          This is your time to shine.
into the multidisciplinary
world of biotechnology, with
courses in molecular biology,
microbiology, chemistry,
genetics and biotechnology.

Degree structure                                                                                                                       Degree structure

                                                                                 2 courses                                                                                                                             2 courses
  20 courses                             2 courses                                                                                                                           2 courses
                                                                                 General                                                20 courses                                                                     General education
  core and                 +             Free electives -
                                         Any UNSW                   +            education -
                                                                                 Non science
                                                                                                                         1 year
                                                                                                                                        Major + Science
                                                                                                                                                                +            Free electives -
                                                                                                                                                                             Any UNSW                 +                - Non science,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       engineering or
  electives                              faculty course                                                                                                                      faculty course
                                                                                 courses                                                                                                                               business courses

12 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 13
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                                UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                         Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                   Bachelor
of Engineering (Hons) in Materials                                                                                                         of Environmental Management
Science and Engineering

                         2017                2018                      2017                                                                                         2017                2018                      2017
   DURATION                                                                                  UAC CODE             ENTRY                       DURATION                                                                                  UAC CODE            ENTRY
                     ATAR CUT-OFF          GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                                   ATAR CUT-OFF          GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA
    4 YEARS                                                                                   429600              S1 & S2                      3 YEARS                                                                                   429540             S1 & S2
                          85                  85                        31                                                                                           80                  80                        28

If you want an engineering qualification and are curious about what materials are made of, a materials                                     A degree for all those that want to make a career out of understanding our planet and creating sustainable
science degree is for you. The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Materials Science and Engineering                                      outcomes for future generations. Knowing how human actions effect our planet and learning how we can
offers unlimited possibilities for innovation and development. As a materials engineer you could be                                        manage our impact on the environment has never been more important. Environmental management is an
involved in developing environmentally friendly and economical metals, advanced surface coatings,                                          all-encompassing area of study that looks to find the answers to a sustainable existence.
biomedical materials, advanced composites and much more.
                                                                                                                                           Assumed knowledge             Course content
Assumed knowledge              Course content                           This degree will be sure to give
                                                                                                                                           Mathematics and Chemistry     The Bachelor of Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Career outcomes
Mathematics Extension 1,       The first two years are the
                                                                        you an advantage; we are the             Career outcomes                                         Management will provide you                  Environmental consultants or officers within industry or with
                                                                        only school in Australia to offer                                                                with the skills and knowledge                local, state or federal government. Employers may include
                                                                                                                 Research and
Physics                        same for everyone completing             specialisations in Ceramic
                                                                                                                 development, quality,
                                                                                                                                           Majors available              necessary to work or carry out               National Parks and Wildlife or the Environmental Protection
                               this degree. You’ll study areas          Engineering, Metallurgical
                                                                                                                 technical support,        Biology; Earth Science;       research as an environmental                 Authority.
                               such as chemistry, physics,
Majors available               mathematics, engineering,
                                                                        Engineering and Materials
                                                                                                                 process improvement,      Ecology; Environmental        scientist. You will consider
                                                                        Engineering and have well                                          Chemistry; Geography;         the scientific aspects of
Physical Metallurgy; Process   computing, the fundamental                                                        team leadership and
                                                                        equipped facilities to put you                                     Marine Science                the environment within the
Metallurgy; Materials          properties and structures                ahead of the field.                      management, technical
Engineering; Ceramic           of materials, aspects of                                                          sales, marketing and                                    general context of the policy
Engineering                    engineering design, and the                                                       more for companies                                      and legal framework of
                               application and selection of                Can be                                producing engineered                                    environmental regulations, as
                                                                                                                                                                         well as economic and social
                               materials. In your final two years          combined with                         materials, metals,
                                                                                                                                                                         dimensions of environmental
                               you become more focused on                                                        ceramics and plastics.
                               your chosen specialist area,                Commerce, Engineering                                                                         policy and management.
                               which ultimately results in your            Science in Chemical
                                                                           Engineering, Master of
                               final year research project and
                                                                           Biomedical Engineering                                                                           Can be
                                                                                                                                                                            combined with

Degree structure                                                                                                                           Degree structure

                                                                                      3 – 4 courses                          2 courses        20 courses                                                                          2 courses
                                                                                                                                                                                 2 courses
  22 courses                          4 – 5 courses                                   Materials                              General                                                                                              General                                1 year

                           +                                        +                                                                                                +                                         +
                                                                                                                                                                                 Free electives -
  Materials                           Professional                                    Science                                Education –      Management                                                                          education -                            Optional
                                                                                                                                              core + major +                     Any UNSW
  Science core                        electives                                       Honours                                Non science                                                                                          Non science                            Honours
                                                                                                                                              electives                          faculty course
                                                                                      Project                                courses                                                                                              courses

14 |       The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                            The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree. | 15
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                       UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                          Bachelor
of Life Sciences                                                                                                                  of Medical Science

                         2017                  2018               2017                                                                                     2017               2018                 2017
   DURATION                                                                      UAC CODE               ENTRY                        DURATION                                                                        UAC CODE           ENTRY
                     ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK          IB DIPLOMA                                                                               ATAR CUT-OFF         GE RANK            IB DIPLOMA
    3 YEARS                                                                       429050                S1 & S2                       3 YEARS                                                                         429700              S1
                          80                    80                 28                                                                                       91                 92                   34

The life sciences domain brings together the biological, environmental and medical sciences into a far-                           Fascinated by the human body? A medical science degree will teach you all about life, death, health and
reaching and fascinating field of study. The Bachelor of Life Sciences will satisfy your innate curiosity                         disease. Medical Science underpins the practice of medicine. Whether you are looking for a career in
about life, from the way things work at the molecular level, to the study of entire ecosystems. Discoveries                       biomedical research, or to go into graduate medicine or paramedical degrees, if you are fascinated about
in the life sciences are integral to the advancement of our world and society.                                                    how the human body works, this could be the degree for you.

While maths and the physical sciences aren’t necessarily part of the degree, there is still the option                            A limited number of high-performing students may be able to gain entry to the UNSW Medicine degree
to study these as electives to broaden and enrich your studies. As a graduate you will leave equipped                             with advanced standing.
to enter a wide range of interesting and rewarding careers, both in and beyond the sphere of the life
sciences.                                                                                                                                                                                           You will have the opportunity,
                                                                                                                                  Assumed knowledge              Course content
                                                                                                                                  Mathematics and Chemistry      You will learn about the human
                                                                                                                                                                                                    if you choose and your            Career outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                                                    performance permits, to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Medical research,
Assumed knowledge                                                                                                                                                body; how it functions down        undertake a fourth year that
Mathematics plus one or more of Biology, Chemistry, Earth &
                                                                   Career outcomes                                                Majors available               to its smallest parts and how it   involves research leading to an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      paramedical professions,
                                                                                                                                                                 reacts to disease and the drugs                                      health policy, medical
Environmental Science (depending on chosen area of study)          Health, agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical and food                                                                           honours degree.
                                                                                                                                  Human Anatomy; Molecular       that are used to treat disease.                                      laboratory science,
                                                                   science industries. If you enjoy working in interesting and
                                                                                                                                  Biology; Molecular Genetics;   Discover the processes of                                            pathology and forensic
                                                                   varied outdoor locations, majors such as biology and
                                                                                                                                  Medical Microbiology;          development from the fertilised                                      science, pharmaceutical
                                                                   ecology involve fieldwork and can be the beginning of a life
                                                                                                                                  Neurobiology; Human            ovum to why we all look                                              and related industries.
                                                                   of intellectual and geographic adventure.
                                                                                                                                  Pathology; Medical             different. Learn about the role
                                                                                                                                  Pharmacology; Medical          genetics plays, how and why
                                                                                                                                  Physiology                     we have natural defences and
                                                                                                                                                                 which structures and parts of
                                                                                                                                                                 our brain command how we
                                                                                                                                                                 move, think and feel. Medical
                                                                                                                                                                 science truly incorporates
                                                                                                                                                                 many facets of the scientific

Degree structure                                                                                                                  Degree structure

                                                                            2 courses                                                                                                                           2 courses
                                        6 courses                                                                                   20 courses                         2 courses
 16 courses                                                                 General                                   1 year                                                                                    General                             1 year
 Major + Science
                           +            Free electives -
                                        Any UNSW              +             education -
                                                                            Non science
                                                                                                                                    Science core +          +          Free electives -
                                                                                                                                                                       Any UNSW                     +           education -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Non science
                                        faculty course                                                                              electives                          faculty course
                                                                            courses                                                                                                                             courses

16 |                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 17
Science Undergraduate Guide 2018 - UNSW Sydney
WE GET IT.                                           MEANING OF
                                                                          THE MAJORS
                     CHOOSING A MAJOR FOR YOUR
                     OVERWHELMING, SO WE CREATED THE...
                                                                          READ ON TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MAJORS!

                                                                           An                                                                                    Ma
                                                                                              Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body.
                                                                                              It focuses on how our body parts interact to create our capacity                      Mathematics provides the language for a fundamental
                                                                             Anatomy          to move, feel and think.                                           Mathematics        understanding of nature, technology and commerce.

                                                                                              Archaeology & Palaeoenvironments focuses on the evolution                             Marine & Coastal Science focuses on both physical and
                                                                            Archaeology &
                                                                                              of cultures and environments they inhabited. Extinct species
                                                                                              and environmental change, or interactions between humans
                                                                                                                                                                 Marine & Coastal
                                                                                                                                                                                    biological aspects of the marine environment. Biologists,
                                                                                                                                                                                    geologists and oceanographers want to learn more about the
                                                                                              and their environments can be studied, using case studies.             Science        seas so we can both use and protect this valuable resource.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Microbiology studies the smallest organisms and their
                                                                          BC                                                                                       Mi
                                                                                              Biological Chemistry places an emphasis on organic
                                                                                                                                                                                    impacts. Many micro-organisms are used to benefit areas such
                                                                                              and inorganic chemistry. It also includes biochemistry and
                                                                                                                                                                                    as baking, brewing, the manufacture of dairy foods,
                                                                            Biological        molecular biology.                                                 Microbiology
                                                                            Chemistry                                                                                               and pharmaceuticals.

                                                                                              Bioinformatics draws upon both computing and life sciences,
                                                                                              and involves developing technologies for managing biological
                                                                                                                                                                  Molecular &
                                                                                                                                                                                    Molecular & Cell Biology marries biochemistry, genomics,
                                                                                                                                                                                    and cell biology, providing a new approach for the study of
                                                                                                                                                                                    living organisms.
                                                                                                                                                                  Cell Biology

                                                                                              Biology is the study of life and living organisms. We offer
                                                                                              expertise in botany, ecology, marine biology and zoology.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Materials Science is the underlying science of materials
                                                                                                                                                                                    including metals, ceramics, plastics, composites, nanomaterials
                                                                                                                                                                                    and biomaterials.

                                                                             Bt                                                                                      N
                                                                                              Biotechnology is a mix of natural sciences and engineering.                           Neuroscience has two primary goals: to understand and
                                                                                              It is the innovative use of living organisms and their parts to                       explain behaviour and consciousness; and to understand and
                                                                          Biotechnology       improve existing industrial processes.                             Neuroscience       treat diseases of the nervous system.

                                                                          CD                                                                                         P
                                                                                                                                                                                    Psychology is the study of human behaviour. Explore the
                                                                                              Climate Dynamics has an emphasis on understanding the
                                                                                                                                                                                    brain, perception, learning and memory, abilities and attitudes,
                                                                                              dynamical systems within the atmosphere and oceans.
                                                                             Climate                                                                              Psychology        origins of personality, and emotional states.

                                                                                              Chemistry deals with properties, analysis, design and
                                                                           Ch                                                                                     Pa
                                                                                                                                                                                    Pathology involves the study of diseases such as infections
                                                                                              synthesis of molecules. Learn the skills required to design new
                                                                                                                                                                                    and cancers, and their processes, such as inflammation, at the
                                                                                              therapies, new materials, and new techologies meeting
                                                                            Chemistry                                                                              Pathology        genetic, molecular, cellular, and organ levels.
                                                                                              real-world challenges facing society today.

                                                                           CS                                                                                    Pm
                                                                                              Climate Systems Science focuses on the Earth’s climate                                Pharmacology is the study of the interaction between drugs
                                                                                              system and an understanding of the fundamentals of                                    and living systems, particularly molecular interactions of drugs
                                                                          Climate Systems
                                                                                              atmospheric science, oceanography and chemistry.                   Pharmacology       at the organ, tissue and cellular level.

                                                                                              Ecology is the science of the relationships between organisms
                                                                                              and their environments. Ecologists study the distribution and
                                                                                              abundance of organisms, and the structure and function of
                                                                                                                                                                 PO Physical
                                                                                                                                                                                    Physical Oceanography involves an understanding of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    mathematical equations that describe fluid flow, and how these
                                                                                                                                                                                    are used in the context of the ocean.
                                                                                              ecosystems.                                                         Oceanography

                                                                                                                                                                                    Physics/Advanced Physics is the study of the laws of nature
                                                                           ES                                                                                     Ph
                                                                                              Earth Science covers a diverse range of studies including
                                                                                              mineralogy, fossils and palaeontology, mineral resources, plate                       that govern the behaviour of the universe. Physics applies
                                                                              Earth           tectonics and natural hazards.                                        Physics
                                                                                                                                                                                    these laws to the solution of practical and theoretical problems
                                                                             Science                                                                                                and to the development of new technologies.

                                                                           FS                                                                                     Ps
                                                                                              Food Science is concerned with food processes, food                                   Physiology examines how our body, and its organs, tissues
                                                                                              commodities, food composition and food quality (including                             and cells, work as part of an integrated system. It describes
                                                                               Food           sensory properties, safety and nutritional value).                  Physiology        the fundamental properties of living systems.
     Find your       Choose the disciplines     See which majors you
                                                                                                                                                                                    Statistics, like Mathematics, provides the language for
                                                                              G                                                                                    St
                                                                                              Genetics is the study of evolution and inheritance, how
 generalist degree   of science that interest        can study.              Genetics
                                                                                              biological information is passed on between generations and
                                                                                              how it is used and stored.                                           Statistics
                                                                                                                                                                                    a fundamental understanding of nature, technology and
                                                                                                                                                                                    commerce. Data and factual information can be understood

(the ones with the    you (we colour coded                                                                                                                                          using the techniques and theory of statistics.

                                                 There are many more                          Geochemistry investigates the source, fate and geochemical                            Vision Science focuses on how we see, and also the
   most majors).          them for you).
                                                areas of study within
                                                                                              behaviour of materials and the processes involved in
                                                                                              geochemical systems operating in natural and human-altered          VS Vision
                                                                                                                                                                                    application of technology to help us see better. Skills that
                                                                                                                                                                                    enable the creation of new instruments and vision technologies
                                                                                              environments.                                                         Science         will be learned.

                                                our specialist degrees.
                                                                                              Geography examines environmental systems and relationships
                                                                                              between human societies and the earth, resources and
                                                                            Geography         environmental management, and the built environment.
Advanced Science                                                                 An N Pa Pm Ps
                                                                                   Anatomy           Neuroscience     Pathology     Pharmacology       Physiology

Majors                                                                           AP Bi CD CS ES E Gc Ge MC PO
                                                                                  Archaeology &
                                                                                                        Biology        Climate
                                                                                                                                    Climate Systems
                                                                                                                                                                        Ecology      Geochemistry   Geography   Marine & Coastal

Embedded Honours Year
                                                                                   Bf Bt
                                                                                Bioinformatics       Biotechnology
                                                                                                                                      Mi Mo
                                                                                                                                     Microbiology     Molecular &
Ability to study more difficult third year subjects in first year                                                                                     Cell Biology

Broaden knowledge with subjects that are designed to be challenging              Ch MS Ma Ph P
                                                                                  Chemistry            Materials     Mathematics      Advanced        Psychology
                                                                                                                                                                        St VS
                                                                                                                                                                        Statistics      Vision
                                                                                                       Science                         Physics                                         Science

Science +Science & Business                                                      An N Pa Pm Ps
                                                                                   Anatomy           Neuroscience     Pathology     Pharmacology      Physiology

+ Science (International) Majors                                                   Bi ES E Ge MC PO
                                                                                    Biology             Earth
                                                                                                                       Ecology       Geography         Marine

Science and Business, allows students to be passionate about science while
establishing a foundation in business knowledge to build a range of skills         Bf Bt
                                                                                Bioinformatics       Biotechnology
                                                                                                                                     Mi Mo
                                                                                                                                    Microbiology      Molecular &
                                                                                                                                                      Cell Biology

Embedded Exchange in Science (International)
                                                                                 Ch FS MS Ma Ph P
                                                                                  Chemistry             Food          Materials     Mathematics         Physics       Psychology
                                                                                                                                                                                      St VS
                                                                                                                                                                                      Statistics      Vision
                                                                                                       Science        Science                                                                        Science

Life Sciences                                                                    An Pa Pm Ps
                                                                                   Anatomy             Pathology     Pharmacology     Physiology

Majors                                                                             Bi
                                                                                                         E Ge MC
                                                                                                        Ecology       Geography        Marine

Designed to allow students to focus more heavily on life sciences
                                                                                 BC Bt
                                                                                   Biological        Biotechnology
                                                                                                                                      Mi Mo
                                                                                                                                     Microbiology      Molecular &
Maths and physics are not a mandatory part of the program, but are still able      Chemistry                                                           Cell Biology

to be taken as electives, to broaden and enrich studies
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                                  UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                           Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                     Bachelor
of Medicinal Chemistry (Hons)                                                                                                                of Nanoscience (Hons)

                            2017                  2018                      2017                                                                                       2017                  2018                     2017
   DURATION                                                                                       UAC CODE            ENTRY                     DURATION                                                                            UAC CODE             ENTRY
                        ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                                 ATAR CUT-OFF            GE RANK                IB DIPLOMA
    4 YEARS                                                                                        429720               S1                       4 YEARS                                                                             429450              S1 & S2
                             90                    90                        33                                                                                         85                    85                       31

Sometimes our bodies need a helping hand. Make a real contribution to drug development with a degree                                         Be part of the future. Nanoscience covers the exciting and extremely broad area of science on the really
in medicinal chemistry.                                                                                                                      small scale. Nanoscience is already revolutionising everything from advanced materials to medicine and
                                                                                                                                             even makeup.
Assumed knowledge                   By the time you graduate

Mathematics and Chemistry
                                    you will be equipped with a                 Career outcomes                                              Assumed knowledge
                                    unique set of skills, in demand
                                    both locally and globally in
                                                                                Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Graduates
                                                                                                                                             Mathematics Extension 1, Chemistry and Physics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Career outcomes
                                                                                are equipped with skills in modern molecular biology                                                                                   Developing and commercialising products in the emerging
Course content                      pharmaceutical companies
                                                                                and pharmacology, underpinned with a comprehensive                                                                                     nanotechnology industry. Opportunities in business,
                                    involved in modern drug
The Bachelor of Medicinal
                                                                                background in chemistry with relevant skills necessary       Course content                                                            research, industry or enterprise.
Chemistry is a professionally                                                   for synthesising complex drug candidates. Additional         The Bachelor of Nanoscience (Honours) is a truly multidisciplinary
oriented, truly interdisciplinary   The multidisciplinary nature                employment opportunities include the research, government,   degree taught by the Schools of Chemistry, Physics and Materials
degree. It has been                 of the degree also means you                management, legal, and education sectors.                    Science and Engineering. By featuring a wide range of sciences,
designed to ensure that             could work in other science-                                                                             students are poised to make advances in the understanding,
you will have a strong              based industries and related                                                                             development, application and engineering of new nanoscience
background in contemporary          fields.                                                                                                  systems.
biology, biochemistry and
pharmacology, based upon a          The research focus in your final                                                                         Your first year involves courses in areas such as biology,
solid foundation of essential       honours year will also enable                                                                            chemistry, materials science, physics, mathematics and
chemistry. Your first year          you to progress seamlessly into                                                                          nanotechnology. In your second year you can specialise in
includes study in chemistry,        a higher degree, should that                                                                             Nanodevices or Nanomaterials, with various courses in physics,
maths and biology.                  interest you.                                                                                            chemistry, biotechnology, materials science and nanotechnology.
                                                                                                                                             In the third year you’ll move to specialist courses in nanoscience
As you move into your second
and third year you will take          Can be                                                                                                 such as Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials, and other courses
                                                                                                                                             depending upon your major.
more advanced chemistry               combined with
as well as biochemistry,              Law
contemporary pharmacology
and related courses.

Degree structure                                                                                                                             Degree structure

                                                                                            2 courses                                                                                                                          2 courses
  20 courses                               2 courses                                                                                                                                  16 courses                                                                    1 year
                                                                                            General                                            8 courses                                                                       General
  Chemistry core             +             Free electives -
                                           Any UNSW                      +                  education -
                                                                                            Non science
                                                                                                                               1 year
                                                                                                                                                                        +             Nanodevices or
                                                                                                                                                                                      Nanomaterials                +           education –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Non science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Honours –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Project +
  and electives                            faculty course                                                                                                                             specialisation                                                                Course work
                                                                                            courses                                                                                                                            courses

22 |            The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                                                                                              | 23
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                                    UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                             Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                       Bachelor
of Psychological Science                                                                                                                       of Psychology (Hons)

                          2017                   2018                      2017                                                                                         2017                    2018                      2017
   DURATION                                                                                      UAC CODE            ENTRY                        DURATION                                                                                      UAC CODE             ENTRY
                      ATAR CUT-OFF             GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                                   ATAR CUT-OFF              GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA
    3 YEARS                                                                                       429800             S1 & S2                       4 YEARS                                                                                       429850                S1
                           87                     88                        31                                                                                           98                      98                        40

Combine your love of Psychology with a second area of study from Science, Business or Arts. The                                                Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour. Our prestigious psychology degree is the very best
Bachelor of Psychological Science degree allows you to complete an accredited psychology degree in                                             preparation for those wanting to become a registered psychologist. The Bachelor of Psychology is your
three years, or if you’re interested in becoming a professional psychologist, you can complete an additional                                   chance to study the human mind, its development, how it perceives the world and more – it’s the School of
fourth year honours.                                                                                                                           Psychology’s flagship degree, attracting the most elite applicants.

Assumed knowledge                  arts and social sciences such                                                                               Assumed knowledge
                                   as philosophy, criminology, or
                                                                               Career outcomes                                                 Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Career outcomes                       Professional
                                   linguistics. Or, if you’d prefer to
                                   pursue a career in healthcare               Clinical, legal, organisational, educational and research                                                                                      Clinical, legal,                      recognition
                                                                               settings, in both the private and public sectors. Across                                                                                       organisational,                       To become a member
Optional Majors available          or biomedical research,                                                                                     Course content                                                                 educational and research
                                   you could combine your                      industries including health care and social assistance;                                                                                                                              of the Australian
Criminology; Human                                                             public administration and safety; education and training; and   Your first year focuses on introductory psychology courses, with               settings in the private               Psychological Society
                                   degree with vision science or
Resource Management;                                                           administrative and support services.                            plenty of space for free elective courses from Science and across              and public sectors.
                                   neuroscience.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and for Registration as
Linguistics; Management;                                                                                                                       the university.                                                                Employment across                     a psychologist in New
Marketing; Neuroscience;           As with the Bachelor of                                                                                                                                                                    several industries
                                                                                                                                               In your second year you will focus more on psychological                                                             South Wales Australia
Philosophy; Vision Science         Psychology (Honours),                                                                                                                                                                      including health care and
                                                                                                                                               science with courses in social and developmental psychology;                                                         you must complete
                                   if pursuing a career as a                                                                                                                                                                  social assistance; public
                                   professional psychologist                   Professional recognition                                        perception and cognition; learning and physiological psychology;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              administration and safety;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    this three year degree
Course content                                                                                                                                 and assessment, personality and psychopathology. In your third                                                       followed by an Honours
                                   is what you’re after, you                   To become a member of the Australian Psychological                                                                                             education and training;
                                                                                                                                               year you take advanced courses on earlier topics combined with                                                       Year and then followed
The Psychological Science          can choose to complete an                   Society, and for registration as a psychologist in New South                                                                                   and administrative and
                                                                                                                                               courses on organisational contexts and forensic issues.                                                              by an accredited
degree allows you to combine       additional fourth year honours              Wales, Australia, you must first complete an approved                                                                                          support services.
                                   (subject to satisfying the                                                                                                                                                                                                       postgraduate course in
your interest in psychology with                                               four-year degree in psychology followed by an accredited
                                   entry criteria), paving your                                                                                                                                                                                                     psychology such as the
other interest areas.                                                          postgraduate course in psychology offered at UNSW. An
                                   way towards professional                                                                                                                                                                                                         Master of Psychology
                                                                               alternative to postgraduate study is two years of supervised
If commercially minded, you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Clinical or Forensic)
might combine this degree with
                                   registration. Honours will                  experience in professional practice.                                                                                                           Can be                                offered at UNSW.
                                   prepare you for the Masters
a major in human resources,        degree, which will allow you to                                                                                                                                                            combined with
marketing or management.           specialise in your chosen area,                                                                                                                                                            Law
Alternatively, you might like to   and allow you to practice as a
combine psychology with the        professional Psychologist.
                                                                               Can be
                                                                               combined with

Degree structure                                                                                                                               Degree structure

                                         9 courses                                         2 courses                                                                                                                                      2 courses
  13 courses                                                                                                                                                                             6 courses
                                         Electives/                                        General                               1 year         16 courses                                                                                General
  Science core
  + electives
                           +             Complementary
                                         major/ Free
                                                                         +                 education -
                                                                                           Non science
                                                                                                                                                core + electives
                                                                                                                                                                         +               Free electives -
                                                                                                                                                                                         Any UNSW                      +                  education -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Non science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1 year
                                                                                                                                                                                         faculty course
                                         majors                                            courses                                                                                                                                        courses

24 |           The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                                The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree. | 25
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                                   UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                            Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                      Bachelor
of Science                                                                                                                                    of Science (International)

                           2017                   2018                      2017                                                                                        2017                       2018                   2017
   DURATION                                                                                       UAC CODE            ENTRY                      DURATION                                                                                       UAC CODE              ENTRY
                       ATAR CUT-OFF             GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                                  ATAR CUT-OFF                 GE RANK              IB DIPLOMA
    3 YEARS                                                                                        429000             S1 & S2                     4 YEARS                                                                                        429420               S1 & S2
                            85                     85                        31                                                                                          87                         88                     31

When the choices seem never ending, knowing how to get started can be harder than the study itself. We                                        For the global minded — spend one year studying overseas in our four-year international degree.
make getting started easy and then we help you explore all the options along the way. The Bachelor of
Science settles you in and gets you heading in the right direction.
                                                                                                                                              Assumed knowledge                                                            What you will study
                                                                                                                                              Mathematics and Chemistry plus one or more of Biology, Earth or              —— Major: this is the field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Career outcomes
                                    knowledge you’re building is                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gain employment, in
Assumed knowledge                                                                                                                             Earth and Environmental Science, Physics or HSC Mathematics                     of science in which you
Mathematics and Chemistry
                                    the springboard into a career               Career outcomes                                               Extension 1 (depending on chosen area of study).                                specialise. All students              Australia and overseas,
                                    you will love. Free electives give                                                                                                                                                        choose a major (or two),              in a variety of science
plus one or more of Biology,                                                    Science and technology-based industries and businesses
                                    you the opportunity to explore                                                                                                                                                            which will provide them               and technology
Earth & Environmental Science,      interests before selecting your
                                                                                in management, research and communication within              Course content                                                                  with a solid education in             based industries
Physics or Mathematics                                                          industry, government and the private sector. Graduates
                                    major; you can even study                                                                                 The Science (International) degree recognises that science                      scientific theory, method             and businesses, in
Extension 1 (depending on                                                       work in business, industry, government and universities,
                                    courses outside of Science.                                                                               involves a global network; the aim of this degree is to prepare you             and research.                         management, research
chosen area of study)                                                           and are employed in areas as diverse as pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                              for an increasingly globalised work environment. You will not only                                                    and communication,
                                    You’ll also have the opportunity            and medical research, occupational health and safety,                                                                                      —— A minor in a language
                                                                                                                                              get a science degree but you’ll also take courses in languages,                                                       within industry,
                                    to undertake an additional                  environmental research and industry, manufacture of new       international relations, politics, and international law, ensuring a         —— Electives which cover
Tailoring your degree               Honours year should you                     products, forensic science, patent law, cognitive science,                                                                                    cultural studies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    government and the
                                                                                                                                              truly global education.                                                                                               private sector.
In first year you can ask, listen   perform well over the first three           oceanography, food manufacture, science teaching,                                                                                             international business,
and learn about anatomy,            years of your degree.                       science journalism, meteorology, optics and applications of   This four year degree includes overseas study at one of our                     development studies and
ecology, pathology, psychology                                                  mathematics and statistics in the finance industry.           partner universities, giving you the essential knowledge and skills             globalisation
and so on... and then decide on                                                                                                               you need to work in a rapidly changing global environment. With
neuroscience if that excites you      Can be                                                                                                  this internationally-recognised degree you will be ready to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           —— An overseas exchange
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for 1 or 2 sessions at an
the most.                             combined with                                                                                           for global organisations and companies, local or international
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              approved partner university.
                                                                                                                                              governments, or in scientific research. The world is yours.
The Bachelor of Science starts        Actuarial Studies, Arts,                  Does this program appeal to you?                                                                                                              Students are provided with
with an open study pathway            Commerce, Computer                                                                                                                                                                      a contribution towards the
that you refine along the             Science, Economics,                       Don’t forget to check out the Periodic Table of                                                                                               expenses of the exchange
way. By second year, you’re           Education (Secondary),                    Majors, in the middle of this book! This will                    Does this program appeal to you?                                             by the Faculty of Science.
in control and the choices            Engineering (Hons), Fine                  show you all the areas of study you can choose.                  Don’t forget to check out the Periodic Table of
become more obvious. It’s             Arts, Law, Music, Social                                                                                   Majors, in the middle of this book! This will
a ride you will feel confident        Research and Policy
taking, knowing the foundation                                                                                                                   show you all the areas of study you can choose.

Degree structure                                                                                                                              Degree structure

                                                                                            2 courses
                                           4 courses                                                                                                                          6 courses
 18 courses                                                                                 General                              1 Year        16 courses                                                          4 courses                           6 courses                   1 Year
 Major + Science
                           +               Free electives -
                                           Any UNSW                      +                  education -
                                                                                            Non science
                                                                                                                                               Major + Science
                                                                                                                                                                    +         Free electives -
                                                                                                                                                                              Any UNSW               +             Directed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         +             Language
                                           faculty course                                                                                                                     faculty course

26 |            The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                               The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree. | 27
UNSW Sydney                                                                                                                                       UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science                                                                                                                                Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                                          Bachelor
of Science and Business                                                                                                                           of Vision Science

                           2017                   2018                      2017                                                                                             2017                2018                  2017
   DURATION                                                                                       UAC CODE             ENTRY                         DURATION                                                                            UAC CODE              ENTRY
                       ATAR CUT-OFF             GE RANK                 IB DIPLOMA                                                                                       ATAR CUT-OFF          GE RANK             IB DIPLOMA
    3 YEARS                                                                                        429100              S1 & S2                        3 YEARS                                                                             429740                 S1
                            90                     90                        33                                                                                               95                  97                    37

Successful careers are built on a range of skills and it’s a challenge to prepare yourself to cover all                                           Vision Science is the study of the sensory processes that underlie vision, and the development and use
the bases when you graduate. Now it’s possible to study Science and Business in a dedicated three-                                                of vision-related technologies. This broad discipline degree provides comprehensive knowledge and
year degree. If you’re passionate about science and you also want a valuable foundation in business                                               direct training in areas relevant to a career in Vision Science such as: Optics, anatomy and functioning of
knowledge, study both in this single degree.                                                                                                      the eye, eye disorders, clinical optometry, ocular therapy, sensation and perception, psychophysics, and
                                                                                                                                                  research design, methods and experimentation.
Assumed knowledge
Mathematics and Chemistry plus one or more of Biology, Earth
                                                                                Career outcomes                                                   Students who complete this degree may be eligible to apply to the Master of Clinical Optometry degree on
& Environmental Science, Physics or Mathematics Extension 1                     Science and technology-based industries and business in           a competitive basis.
(depending on chosen area of study)                                             management, research and communication within industry,
                                                                                government and the private sector. Graduates are skilled
                                                                                in the context of working in the scientific industry as well as   Assumed knowledge
Course content                                                                  having an understanding of the commercial environment in                                                            Career outcomes
                                                                                                                                                  Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and
Two thirds of your study will be in science inclusive of a science              which they are employed.                                                                                            A wide range of optics, vision science and ophthalmology research laboratories
                                                                                                                                                  English Advanced
major. High performing students can apply to do Honours in                                                                                                                                          which involve the development of vision correction devices such as contact lenses,
science in their fourth year.                                                                                                                                                                       spectacles, ocular implants, imaging, and drug development.
The remaining courses are from the UNSW Business School.
                                                                                 Does this program appeal to you?                                   Can be
These include foundations in accounting, microeconomics,                                                                                            combined with
marketing, business law and management as well as additional                     Don’t forget to check out the Periodic Table of
options to give you a greater depth of knowledge in marketing,                                                                                      Master of Clinical
                                                                                 Majors, in the middle of this book! This will                      Optometry
business law and management.
                                                                                 show you all the areas of study you can choose.

  Can be
  combined with

Degree structure                                                                                                                                  Degree structure

                                                                                                                                                                                        2 courses
                                             4 courses
 16 courses                                                                                 4 courses                                1 year         22 courses                          General
 Major + Science
                           +                 Foundation
                                             Business                    +                  Business
                                                                                                                                                    Vision Science
                                                                                                                                                                          +             education -
                                                                                                                                                                                        Non science

28 |            The degree structure above is for a single degree and varies for a dual degree.                                                                                                                                    | 29
UNSW Sydney
Faculty of Science

Bachelor                                                                                                                            Dual Degrees
of Vision Science / Master of                                                                                                       Dual degrees enable you to combine a Science degree with a degree from
Clinical Optometry                                                                                                                  another faculty, offering you the flexibility to explore interests beyond science.
                                                                                                                                    A dual degree helps you expand your skill base and broaden your career
                                                                                                                                    prospects, and can be completed in as little as four years.

                                                                                                                                     Art and Design Dual Degrees                                         2017 ATAR/2018 GE         UAC Code           UNSW code    Duration
                                                                                                                                     Science/Fine Arts                                                   85.00 / 85.00             429230             3926         4 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Science (Honours)/Fine Arts                                95.00 / 96.00             429395             3944         5 years
                         2017               2018               2017
                     ATAR CUT-OFF         GE RANK          IB DIPLOMA
                                                                                  UAC CODE                ENTRY                      Arts and Social Sciences Dual Degrees                               2017 ATAR/2018 GE         UAC Code           UNSW code    Duration
    5 YEARS                                                                        429750                   S1
                          98                 99                N/A                                                                   Science/Arts                                                        85.00 / 85.00             429200             3947         4 years
                                                                                                                                     Science/Social Research & Policy                                    85.00 / 85.00             429220             3937         4.5 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Science (Honours)/Arts                                     95.00 / 96.00             429370             3948         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Science (Honours)/Social Research & Policy                 95.00 / 96.00             429390             3938         5.5 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Mathematics (Honours)/Arts                                 95.00 / 96.00             429320             3949         5 years
Provide quality Vision and Ocular health care with our Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical                                 Science/Education                                                   85.00 / 85.00             422110             4076         4 years
Optometry degree. Optometry combines the theoretical discipline of vision science with the clinical art of                           Environmental Management/Arts                                       80.00 / 82.00             429560             3955         4.5 years
primary eye care. Vision science includes the optics of lenses and instruments, the physiology of the eye,                           Science/Music                                                       N/A                       422510             3457         5 years
the psychophysics of vision and the neuroscience of the brain.                                                                       Advanced Science (Honours)/Music                                    N/A                       422520             3458         6 years

                                                                                                                                     Business School Dual Degrees                                        2017 ATAR/2018 GE         UAC Code           UNSW code    Duration
Optometry includes the diagnosis and management of ocular disease, the dispensing of spectacles and
                                                                                                                                     Commerce/Science                                                    96.30 / 97.20             424100             3529         4 years
contact lenses, the management of people with special needs (children, low vision), sports vision and
                                                                                                                                     Aviation (Management)/Commerce                                      96.30 / 97.20             424100             3835         4 years
vision in the workplace. Graduates of this program will be able to apply to register as an optometrist in                            Commerce/Advanced Mathematics (Honours)                             96.30 / 97.00             424200             3523         5 years
Australia. The degree is also recognised in New Zealand and in most parts of Asia. Job opportunities in                              Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)/Commerce                96.30 / 97.00             429610             3136         5.5 years
this field are excellent and are expected to remain excellent given the high visual demands in the modern                            Economics/Science                                                   95.00 / 96.00             424450             3563         4 years
computer-based workplace, and the ageing population in Australia.                                                                    Economics/Advanced Science (Honours)                                95.00 / 96.00             424450             3566         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Economics/Advanced Mathematics (Honours)                            95.00 / 96.00             424460             3564         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Actuarial Studies/Science                                           97.30 / 98.00             424350             3154         4 years
Graduates of the dual award Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry will have specialised
                                                                                                                                     Actuarial Studies/Advanced Mathematics (Honours)                    97.30 / 98.00             424350             3589         5 years
knowledge and skills for professional practice and research in Optometry and Vision Science and further                              Commerce/Advanced Science (Honours)                                 96.30 / 97.20             424100             3593         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Engineering Dual Degrees                                            2017 ATAR/2018 GE         UAC Code           UNSW code    Duration
                                                                                                                                     Engineering (Honours)/Science                                       92.00 / 92.00             425850             3767         5 years
Assumed knowledge
Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and English Advanced
                                                       Career outcomes                                                               Advanced Science (Honours)/Engineering (Honours)                    95.00 / 96.00             429360             3762         6 years
                                                       Optometrist. May specialise in clinical practice, paediactric optometry,      Advanced Mathematics (Honours)/Engineering (Honours)                95.00 / 96.00             429330             3761         6 years
                                                       contact lenses, public health, sports vision, low vision rehabilitation or    Materials Science & Engineering (Honours)/Biomedical Engineering    92.00 / 92.00             429630             3133         5 years
                                                       behavioural optometry.                                                        Materials Science & Engineering (Honours)/Engineering Science       92.00 / 92.00             429620             3132         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Science/Computer Science                                            92.00 / 92.00             425800             3983         4 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Science (Honours)/Computer Science                         95.00 / 96.00             429361             3945         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Mathematics (Honours)/Computer Science                     95.00 / 96.00             429331             3946         5 years

                                                                                                                                     Law Dual Degrees                                                    2017 ATAR                 UAC Code           UNSW code    Duration
                                                                                                                                     Science/Law                                                         ATAR + LAT                426000             4770         5 years
                                                                                                                                     Advanced Science (Honours)/Law                                      ATAR + LAT                426000             3997         6 years
Degree structure                                                                                                                     Advanced Mathematics (Honours)/Law                                  ATAR + LAT                426000             3998         6 years
                                                                                                                                     Science and Business/Law                                            ATAR + LAT                426000             4772         6 years
                                                                             2 courses                                               Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)/Law                                   ATAR + LAT                426000             4755         6.5 years
                                      16 courses
 22 courses                                                                  General                                                 Psychological Science/Law                                           ATAR + LAT                426000             4722         5 years
 Vision Science
                           +          Clinical
                                      Optometry             +                education -
                                                                             Non science
                                                                                                                                     Psychology (Honours)/Law                                            ATAR + LAT                426000             4721         6 years
                                      Masters                                                                                       *Check the UNSW Law website for current entry requirements and information about the Law Admissions Test (LAT).

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Admission Requirements

                                                                      2018                UNSW                  GCE A                                                      Singaporean                                                        Malaysian        Canadian              Korean            Taiwanese             All India
                           Degree                                                                                                       IB                 SAT 1                                    Gao Kao                HKDSE
                                                                      ATAR                 UFS                  Levels                                                       A Levels                                                           UEC             OSSD                  CSAT               GSAT                  SSC
 B Aviation (Flying)*                                                  80.00                 7.0                   10                   28                  1140                  15.5                   80                    17                    2              77                  315                  64                  13

 B Aviation (Management)                                               75.00                 7.0                   10                   26                  1090                   14                    80                    16                    2              75                  308                  59                  11

 B Engineering (Honours) in Materials Science &
                                                                       80.00                 7.3                   10                   28                  1140                  15.5                   80                    17                    2              77                  315                  64                  13

 B Environmental Management                                            77.00                 7.1                   10                   27                  1110                   14                    80                    16                    2              76                  310                  61                  12

 B Data Science and Decisions                                          89.00                 7.7                   13                   32                  1240                  18.5                   85                    20                    2              82                  331                 N/A                  16

 B Life Sciences                                                       75.00                 7.0                   10                   26                  1090                   14                    80                    16                    2              75                  308                  59                  11

 B Medical Science                                                     87.00                 7.6                   12                   31                  1220                   18                    83                    19                    2              81                  327                 N/A                 15.5

 B Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)                                       85.00                 7.5                   11                   31                  1190                   17                    83                    19                    2              79                  323                 N/A                 14.5

 B Psychological Science                                               83.00                 7.4                   10                   30                  1170                  16.5                   80                    18                    2              78                  320                  69                  14

 B Psychology (Honours)                                                94.00                 8.5                   16                   36                  1330                  20.5                  N/A                    22                   N/A             86                  345                 N/A                  18

 B Science                                                             80.00                 7.3                   10                   28                  1140                  15.5                   80                    17                    2              77                  315                  64                  13

 B Science and Business                                                85.00                 7.5                   11                   31                  1190                   17                    83                    19                    2              79                  323                 N/A                 14.5

 B Science (Advanced Maths) (Honours)                                  90.00                 7.8                   13                   33                  1260                  18.5                   85                    20                    1              83                  334                 N/A                 16.5

 B Advanced Science (Honours)                                          90.00                 7.8                   13                   33                  1260                  18.5                   85                    20                    1              83                  334                 N/A                 16.5

 B Biotechnology (Honours)                                             80.00                 7.3                   10                   28                  1140                  15.5                   80                    17                    2              77                  315                  64                  13

 B Science (International)                                             83.00                 7.4                   10                   30                  1170                  16.5                   80                    18                    2              78                  320                  69                  14

 B Nanoscience (Honours)                                               80.00                 7.3                   10                   28                  1140                  15.5                   80                    17                    2              77                  315                  64                  13

 B Vision Science                                                      92.00                 8.1                   15                   34                  1290                  19.5                   88                    21                    1              85                  338                 N/A                  17

 B Vision Science / Master of Clinical
                                                                       95.00                   9                   16                   37                  1370                   21                   N/A                    23                   N/A             87                  347                 N/A                 18.5

This table is a guide only and actual entry points may be higher or lower than those indicated. In all cases admission will be determined upon the receipt of an          Important information regarding UAC
application. The university reserves the right to vary entry requirements to those published without further notice.

Scores for all qualifications are based on 2018 data.
                                                                                                                                                                          The Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) processes undergraduate program
                                                                                                                                                                          applications for institutions in the Australian states of New South Wales and the                     If you’re an international student
                                                                                                                                                                          Australian Capital Territory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               looking to study at UNSW Sydney,
*Aviation (Flying)                                                                                                                                                        As an international student, you may need to apply to study at UNSW Australia via

This program has compulsory additional criteria. During the first year of study, all students must obtain a Class 1 medical from a designated aviation medical examiner
                                                                                                                                                                          either UAC or directly to UNSW Admissions. Please refer to Page 32 of this guide
                                                                                                                                                                          for information on admission to UNSW.
and be assessed for ICAO English requirement for pilots
                                                                                                                                                                          UNSW Foundation Studies (UFS)
                                                                                                                                                                          UNSW Foundation Studies (UFS) provides a pathway into a specific undergraduate program at UNSW. The program is designed specifically for international students.
                                                                                                                                                                          It is also open to Australian citizens and permanent residents with an international educational background. For more information, please visit

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Admission to               How to Apply
                           Domestic Applicants
                                                                                                   Assumed and recommended knowledge
                                                                                                   All of our degrees have assumed knowledge and many have
                                                                                                   recommended knowledge, such as mathematics. If you don’t

UNSW Science
                           You are a domestic applicant if you are an Australian citizen,          have the assumed knowledge for a degree, it won’t stop you
                           Australian permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen.                from getting in but you may find it a bit difficult to keep up. We
                           Domestic applicants need to apply online through the Universities       recommend the Bridging Courses if you find you haven’t got the
                           Admissions Centre (UAC) at                                  assumed knowledge for your degree of interest.

                           International Applicants                                                Bridging Courses
                           If you’re an international applicant currently completing an
                                                                                                   Bridging Courses in chemistry, mathematics and physics can
                           Australian year 12 (either in Australia or offshore), NZ NCEA
                                                                                                   assist in getting you up to speed and are highly recommended
                           level 3 qualification or the International Baccalaureate (IB), you
                                                                                                   for those who do not meet our assumed knowledge levels. The
                           must apply through UAC at
                                                                                                   courses are held in late January and are completed before you
                           If you’re an international applicant who has completed or is            start your studies in Semester 1. Please note that this is not a form
                           completing qualifications other than those listed above you will        of admissions pathway. Visit for
                           need to apply directly at                            further information.

                           Bonus Points                                                            No Maths or General Maths at high school?
                           Bonus points are awarded in recognition of outstanding                  Maths comes recommended for most of our degrees. If you
                           performance and achievement, and in some cases are awarded              haven’t got the high school maths level assumed for your degree,
                           without you having to do any paperwork.                                 the Mathematics Essentials for Higher Education course offered at
                                                                                                   Sydney TAFE (Randwick Campus), can get you on track.
                           Please note: Bonus points are only awarded to domestic
                           applicants applying through UAC. The estimated scores for               Visit and click Mathematics for
                           international students reflect this difference. For more information    more information.
                           on international scores, please see page 32 of this guide.
                                                                                                   Alternative Entry
                           HSC Plus
                                                                                                   Degree Transfer
                           HSC Plus automatically awards up to five bonus points for
                           achievement in subjects that are highly relevant to our degrees in      For many of our degrees, if you are studying at UNSW you can
                           science. HSC courses considered by UNSW Science may include:            apply to transfer to another degree via the UNSW Internal Program
                                                                                                   Transfer. You’ll be assessed on your performance in previous
                           Biology | Chemistry | Earth and Environmental Science |                 UNSW studies via your Weighted Average Mark (WAM). Visit
                           English Advanced | English Ext 1 and Ext 2 | Geography |      
                           Mathematics | Mathematics Ext 1 and Ext 2 | Physics                     If you’re studying a degree outside of UNSW, you can apply
                           To see which subjects are relevant to your degree of interest           for a transfer through UAC after completing a minimum of one
                           visit                                              year of university study (minimum of 0.75 full time equivalent in a
                                                                                                   degree). Assessment will be based on a combination of ATAR and
                           The Elite Athletes and Performers (EAP) Program                         university results.
                           If you excel in sport, academia, performance, leadership or music,
                                                                                                   UNSW Foundation Studies
                           this program may offer you the possibility of bonus points. To see if
                           you’re eligible and for information on how to apply,                    The UNSW Foundation Studies program is designed specifically
                                                                                                   for students with an international education background. After
                                                                                                   the successful completion of the Foundation Studies program
                                                                                                   students have a guaranteed place via a provisional offer to an
                           ACCESS Scheme
                                                                                                   undergraduate degree at UNSW. Visit
                           UNSW is committed to the goals of equal opportunity and
                           affirmative action in education. The ACCESS Scheme is part of this      UNSW Prep
                           commitment and is provided for students new to higher education
                                                                                                   Sometimes circumstances beyond your control can get in the way
                           who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage. The
                                                                                                   of results that reflect your true potential. If you are keen to study
                           range of circumstances considered include financial hardship,
                                                                                                   at uni, are eligible for the UNSW ACCESS Scheme and you don’t
                           English difficulties, refugee status, disability or long-term illness
                                                                                                   meet the cut-off for degree entry, consider UNSW Prep. UNSW
                           and attendance at a rural or disadvantaged high school. For
                                                                                                   Prep is a one year pathway to a UNSW degree place.
                           additional information, visit
                           Guaranteed Entry (GE)                                                   University Preparation Program (UPP)
                           UNSW provides clarity by publishing the Guaranteed Selection            At UNSW it’s not a case of how much you are willing to pay or how
                           Rank that assures your entry to UNSW in a particular degree. If         ‘mature’ you are, it’s about hard work and potential. By completing
                           your selection rank — your ATAR plus any eligible bonus points —        the UPP you can build your academic skills, experience part-time
                           meets or exceeds the stated GE rank for each degree listed in this      study in a subject area of your interest and decide if you will make
                           guide, and you have that degree selected as your highest eligible       the decision to study at university as a mature student.
                           preference, you are guaranteed to receive an offer for that degree.     Visit for more information.
                           For more information, visit
                                                                                                   Indigenous Students
                                                                                                   Advice and applications for Indigenous Preparation Programs are
                                                                                                   available at the UNSW Indigenous Programs and Student Centre,
                                                                                                   Nura Gili. Visit for more information.

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