Page created by Alma Gomez

I HAVE FOR YOU,          INFORMATION   In 1998, Endeavour College was born

DECLARES THE LORD,                     out of the vision of existing Lutheran
                                       sites of learning (Salisbury Lutheran
                                       Kindergarten, Good Shepherd, St Paul
                                       and Golden Grove Lutheran Primary
PLANS TO PROSPER YOU                   Schools) to extend Lutheran education
                                       in the northern suburbs of Adelaide to
AND NOT HARM YOU,                      secondary level. This K-12 vision for

                                       Lutheran education was established
                                       adjacent to the University of South
AND A FUTURE.”                         Australia in the suburb of Mawson Lakes.

                                       We are a non-government, co-educational
                                       secondary school with a young history
Jeremiah 29:11                         and a strong reputation for educating the
                                       minds, hearts, and spirits of students
                                       in Years 7-12. As a Lutheran school,
                                       we are known for offering relevant and
                                       educational experiences to empower the
                                       knowledge-seeker to develop their God-
                                       given gifts and abilities to pursue their
                                       curiosity and passions with a sense of
                                       independence and purpose.
OUR VISION                                         OUR VALUES &                                       OUR AIMS                                        ENROLLED STUDENTS
Endeavour College seeks to educate the whole       THE ENDEAVOUR WAY                                  To work with families in the development of     2019
person - academically, spiritually, physically,                                                       each child
                                                   We believe in our young people and do all we                                                       Boys .......................................................... 358
socially and emotionally.
                                                   can to support them through these important        To nurture a spiritual journey, encouraging     Girls .......................................................... 320
                                                   years of development. We encourage them            respect and social justice for all people and   Indigenous (ATSI) students ........................... 2
                                                                                                                                                      Students who speak English
OUR MISSION                                        to take responsibility in all aspects of their
                                                   lives by following The Endeavour Way. The
                                                                                                      our environment
                                                                                                                                                      as a second language ............................... 173
                                                   Endeavour Way is a framework for living            To encourage each student in taking
Everything we do at Endeavour College,             restoratively by using the values of Love,         responsibility for their learning and
and how we do it, is a natural extension of        Courage, Forgiveness and Hope.                     behaviour
our Mission – in a Christian environment, to
develop staff and students’ God-given gifts and                                                       To provide a relevant, engaging and dynamic
                                                   LOVE - it is about reflecting the unconditional
abilities for life and community.                                                                     curriculum that fosters a life-long love of
                                                   LOVE of God by showing respect, compassion
                                                   and kindness in our relationships.                 learning
This Mission and Our Values, that are embodied
within The Endeavour Way, inspire our                                                                 To offer an extensive range of opportunities
students to grow as individuals, be effective      COURAGE – it is about accepting that it
                                                                                                      for students to extend their confidence, and
collaborators and contribute to the wider          takes COURAGE to own our behaviour, take
                                                                                                      student agency and leadership potential
community while finding their place within the     responsibility for our actions and share our
world.                                             experiences with others.
                                                                                                      To promote joy and enthusiasm in serving
                                                                                                      the College community and beyond
As a Lutheran school we seek to be an inclusive    FORGIVENESS – it is about showing
place that offers care and support to all of our   FORGIVENESS and acceptance towards                 To promote the importance of connections
community. We integrate our faith in Jesus and     ourselves and others with grace.                   between staff, students and families as
his love and grace into all aspects of learning                                                       members of the wider Endeavour community
and life at the College. Respecting gifts and      HOPE – it is about resolving issues in a way
differences and valuing each individual, is        which brings HOPE to our relationships and
central to our purpose.                            instils faith in our capacity to fulfil our God-
Our curriculum incorporates the requirements       given abilities.
of the state education system and is designed
to promote healthy development in all aspects
of our students’ lives.
ACADEMIC                                                                                                 VISION FOR
A hallmark of learning at Endeavour College
has been the ability to offer students of
diverse backgrounds and interests, a varied
and balanced curriculum that focuses on the
development of the whole person. God has
uniquely gifted all people and as a secondary
school we have the responsibility of giving
opportunity for those gifts to be enhanced as
well as opportunity for the development of skills
and knowledge that allow students to move
into life beyond the College as confident and
contributing members of our wider community.                                                             MIDDLE YEARS                                                                                  SENIOR YEARS
We firmly believe that students who will be
best placed to flourish both within school and
beyond, are those with a sense of confident
independence, the ability to work naturally
interdependently and those who have a heart
and capacity to positively influence the world in
                                                                                                         Learning in the Middle Years at Endeavour College                    When our senior students graduate, we want them to
which they live through their sense of collective                                                        is an adventure designed to capture the curiosity                     walk into the next stage of their lives with a sense of
action.                                                                                                  and imagination of every student. Students develop               confidence and strong independence. It’s all about taking
                                                                                                         the ability to inquire and make connections, and                       ownership and embracing lifelong learning to steer
                                                                                                         can articulate their developing capabilities as                   their own paths. Building personal responsibility in their
THE VISION FOR                                                                                           learners. With increasing independence and personal
                                                                                                         responsibility, students courageously direct and
                                                                                                                                                                             commitment to growth and exerting control over their
                                                                                                                                                                             own motivation, behaviour and social environment are
LEARNERS                                                                                                 manage their own paths.                                                                              influencing incentives.

In conjunction with the Endeavour Way, the
Vision for Learners gives a framework for
learning at Endeavour College. The Vision for
Learners has its own embodiment in both the
Senior Years (10-12) and Middle Years (7-9).
                                                                                                         An empathic understanding of and respect for others                Our students will encounter a variety of different people,
                                                    relationships with a smaller number of               enables learners to productively collaborate with                with different communication and working styles once they
In the Middle Years, students have the
                                                    teachers.                                            different people in a variety of situations. An emphasis            leave school. Their ability to work effectively and get the
opportunity to study courses in line with the                                                                                                                             job done will be essential once they find themselves in this
                                                                                                         on positive relationships empowers our students to be
Australian Curriculum and with an increasing                                                             inclusive and use their social awareness to influence a             environment and that is why they are exposed to solving
                                                    In the Senior Years, students make informed
focus on the general capabilities.                                                                       culture where all can thrive.                                   complex problems. They need the skills of others to be able
                                                    choices about their learning pathways, choosing                                                                     to explain their project and draw on the passion and drive of
                                                    from a broad range of subjects. Students are                                                                       others to take action to make a positive impact on the world.
To assist in the transition into secondary
                                                    encouraged to be increasingly independent
school, students are placed in core classes in
                                                    and explore their future options through work
Year 7 with specialist middle years teachers
                                                    experience and our Pathways program. It is
for the majority of lessons. These core classes
                                                    at this stage that all students are assigned a
allow for the benefits of transdisciplinary and
                                                    course counsellor who remains working with
integrated approaches, including some project-
                                                    the student and family until the end of Stage 2.
based learning units, to be fully realised in
                                                    While the majority of students study five subjects
student learning, and also support students
                                                    at Stage 2, to achieve their South Australian        Students engage in experiences that extend their thinking             Our students are interested in being citizens of the
in developing interdependence. Students
                                                    Certificate of Education (SACE), opportunity         about the wider community, their civic responsibilities and           world. Having an empathetic understanding of the
have the added benefit of specialist teachers
                                                    exists for students to study subjects outside of     their capacity to make a difference. Students in the Middle          world beyond the immediate builds their capacity to
for Languages, The Arts, Physical Education                                                              Years see the world and the future as full of hope and                be change-makers. Our students embrace life and
                                                    our campus, including a range of Vocational
and Technology subjects. The use of core                                                                 opportunity.                                                     community in Christ and through personal development
                                                    Education and Training (VET) subjects offered by
classes continues in a reduced format in Year                                                                                                                             and exposure to service learning and giving, they will be
                                                    external training providers that are accessed in                                                                      prepared to face challenges with a global perspective to
8, giving students the chance to develop their
                                                    line with student pathways.                                                                                                            improve the world today, for tomorrow.
independence while learning to build significant
ENHANCING THE                                          Pastor and Youth Worker are also available for
                                                       support in both pastoral and spiritual matters.
                                                                                                           Christian communities, the broader community
                                                                                                           and Lutheran education. These relationships
                                                                                                                                                              of ways to both enhance student learning to
                                                                                                                                                              support programs offered at the University.
ACADEMIC                                               A focused social development program, The
                                                       Voyage, is delivered to Year 9 students to assist
                                                                                                           are built upon support, collaboration, trust and
                                                                                                           reconciliation.                                    Leading Effective Organisation and
Reaching Potential                                     them with the journey from adolescence to                                                              Management
Endeavour College values the individual. We            adulthood. Our College Counsellor and Ministry      Connected Schools is a collaborative school        Our roles, responsibilities and procedures are
believe that everyone can succeed and we               Team is involved in the development of proactive    partnership which provides a pathway from          clearly articulated so that staff can participate
offer learning options to engage all students,         wellbeing programs and are available for            K-12 and includes: Salisbury Kindergarten,         in its effective and efficient operation. Data
including the following programs:                      individual sessions when required.                  Golden Grove Lutheran Primary, Good Shepherd       and knowledge management methods and
                                                                                                           Lutheran Primary, and St. Paul Lutheran            technologies are used to ensure that resources
Learning Enrichment                                    Restorative Practice                                Primary.                                           (human, physical, technological and financial)
The Learning Enrichment program offers                 Restorative Practice is a relational process                                                           are efficiently organised and managed to provide
a broad range of specialist workshop                   which values healthy relationships in the           The College is also supported by nine Lutheran     an effective, safe and caring, growth-oriented
opportunities for students who have been               teaching and learning process. At Endeavour,        Church congregations in the north eastern area     learning and working environment. Strategic
recognised as benefitting from different               we have seen the benefits of adopting               of Adelaide, and by Lutheran Education SA, NT      planning ensures the ongoing improvement and
challenges. This includes the Big Ideas Club,          restorative approaches to all matters relating to   and WA (LESNW).                                    sustainability of the College. Best practice is
Tournament of Minds and the Science and                engagement and behaviour management. The                                                               built upon effective collaboration between the
Engineering Challenge.                                 gift in this approach is a common language to       The Mawson Lakes community and the                 governing body, staff, students, families, church
                                                       define how we think about and manage student        University of South Australia (UniSA) are          and others.
Adaptive Education                                     engagement and our response as educators.           important partners with Endeavour College.
The doors of the Adaptive Education Hub are            Behaviour management may be more                    Endeavour also connects with UniSA in a variety
always open, not only to students who are              appropriately called student engagement.
diagnosed with a learning need, but to all
students who are in need of academic support,          Student Leadership
including, but not exclusively, students with          The College values student voice and student
English as An Additional Language or Dialect           agency is a key focus of our Vision for Learners.
(EALD). The Adaptive Education staff work              In addition student leadership opportunities
with individuals, or in small groups as well as        are available for all students, to impact and
providing in-class support.                            influence in a meaningful and purposeful way in
                                                       their areas of passion. The student body is led
Extra-Curricular                                       by the College Captains. Students also can apply
Endeavour College offers a range of extra-             to be Village Leaders at both Year 9 and Year
curricular options to enrich students to build         12 to inspire Village pride and provide mutually
capacity outside of the classroom. All our             beneficial mentoring opportunities. In addition,
activities promote problem-solving, solidify           Year 12 co-curricular leaders are responsible for
friendships, teamwork, and social skills, life skill   leadership in key areas such as Music, Drama,
development, boost self-esteem, and encourage          and Audio Visual.
high levels of participation. It is an ideal time of
life for students to get to know themselves and        The Student Action Team (Year 7 – 12 students),
we have created opportunities for them to do so.       led by the SAT Captains have three distinct
These include various sporting teams and               portfolios that are: Spiritual and Community
sporting carnivals, SAPSASA, chess, music,             Building; Media, Communication and Event
art, anime and debating clubs, Pedal Prix,             Promotion; Charity and Service Enrichment.
Code Club, Information Technology teams, and           This concentrated organization of the student
major drama productions, cross cultural service        leadership model offers increased student
trips and excursions, and staff versus students        agency and advocacy for students within the
competitions.                                          College.

Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing                    Community Engagement
Care Group Teachers, Year Level Leaders, the           We value the richness and diversity of the wider
College Counsellor together with the Directors         community and other education sectors. Positive
of Middle / Senior Years, oversee the care for         and strategic partnerships are developed
the wellbeing of students. Our College Chaplain/       and maintained with students, families, local
STRATEGIC                         students showed great spiritual
                                  leadership and developed their
                                                                       team able to serve in a range of
                                                                       areas to cater for the spiritual
INITIATIVES                       ability to speak well of their       needs and development

                                  own relationship with Jesus in       of staff and students. The
                                  a public setting.                    College looks forward to the
                                                                       development of the new team
Throughout 2019, our              Each of these developments           as we head into 2020.
commitment to fulfil Endeavour    have had a positive impact on
College 2016-2020 Strategic       the spiritual life of the College,   International Service
Initiatives guided our planning   its staff and students and we        Opportunities
and gave focus to our work to     look forward to continuing           As our service trip to Indonesia
achieve the best outcomes for     development in these areas           continued into its second
the College.                      throughout 2020.                     year, the partnership with
                                                                       our primary school partners
Spiritual Growth and              Ministry Personnel at                was further strengthened
Faith Formation                   Endeavour College                    together with increased time
                                  Throughout 2019, Endeavour           being spent with our senior
Developments in Ministry          College continued to take            secondary school partner.
Throughout 2019, Endeavour        steps to form a team to best         Students are supported to step
College took great strides        serve the needs of the College.      out in service in courageous
in furthering relationships       Across the year, a suitable          ways.
between the College and           pastor in the LCA was not
its Connected Schools and         available to take up a full time     Environments and
congregations. Great support      role as College Pastor.              Learning That Equip
to the school ministry                                                 Students For Their
came in particular from the       In order to meet the needs of
                                  the College, the College’s Lay       Future
congregations and pastors of
Mawson Lakes Community            Chaplain, Charlie Tatera, and
                                  Youth Worker, Alex Schmocker,        School Wide Projects
Church, Good Shepherd
                                  continued to ably serve the          Teaching staff continue to
Lutheran Church in Para
                                  school’s staff and students,         engage in sector wide projects
Vista, Salisbury Lutheran
                                  with the College engaging            that work on enhancing the
Church and Tea Tree Gully
                                  Pastor Chris Mann of Mawson          learning program to develop
Lutheran Church. Endeavour
                                  Lakes Community Church to            in students, the capacity to
College’s ministry staff also
                                  mentor the ministry staff and        fulfil the College’s Vision for
built relationships with these
                                  provide the helpful theological      Learners. The Student Agency
congregations, and Good
                                  insight that Lutheran pastors        project commenced with the
Shepherd Lutheran School,
                                  are trained in.                      intent of finding mapped and
Para Vista through active
                                                                       intentional ways to support the
involvement in a range of
                                  At the end of 2019, the College      development of the personal
                                  said farewell to both Charlie        and social capabilities in
                                  (who returned to his homeland        students. The Project Based
A range of staff members also
                                  of Poland to plant churches)         Learning team (Year 7 and
took on increased roles in
                                  and Alex (who is leaving to          8 Core) also convened to
various ministry activities of
                                  focus on her theological and         plan units of work that
the College, broadening the
                                  ministry studies). Charlie           prioritised making real world,
diversity of understanding and
                                  served Endeavour College for         interdisciplinary connections
increasing the depth of the
                                  almost two years, and Alex for       and authentic assessment
Christian faith that students
                                  four years.                          opportunities for students.
experience. Simultaneously,
some students took on the
challenge of speaking publicly    Sourcing a Lutheran pastor
of their faith to their fellow    continues to be a focus for the
students in chapel. These         College, as does forming a
SAT Leadership Model and           collaboratively with to support      Drawing heavily from the work
Implementation                     their ideas and initiatives. This    of Charles Leadbeater, we
After planning in 2018 the         concentrated organisation of         wanted to see in our graduating
student leadership structure       the student leadership model         students, a sense of confident
was transformed to the             created greater student agency       independence, that a student
current model in 2019. The         and advocacy for students            had control of his/her own
new model coordinated various      within the College. The Student      future learning.
student leadership models          Executive also planned,
that existed within the College    organised and led the initial        A graduating student needed
to maximise student agency         planning day which included          to be interdependent. They
and provide authentic student      team building activities,            needed to be able to work
representation. The model          and timelines for the year           effectively with a variety of
increased student action,          ahead and leadership skill           people to get the job done. They
impact and influence within        development.                         needed the skills to be able to
the College in a meaningful                                             explain their project and draw
and purposeful way that            Development of Vision for            others in.
allowed students to initiate       Learners - Senior Years
ideas and projects in their        The development of a Vision for      To complete the triangle, we
areas of passion. The model        Learners in the Senior Years,        felt strongly that Endeavour
values the belief that the core    focussed on the particular           College students needed to
to successful leadership is        skills and abilities our young       be able to have the skills and
the quality of attention and       people will need into the future,    passion to take action and
intention given by the leader to   to support their learning and        impact change in the world.
any situation.                     opportunities for training and       Once we had this philosophy,
                                   employment.                          we could then start to make it a
Our new leadership model, the                                           reality.
Student Action Team, included      We know that the skills
three distinct portfolios (areas   employers are looking for            In creating this philosophy,
of focus and function) within      are aligned more closely with        we needed programs and
the larger team. Student Action    the general capabilities and         structures, together with
Team portfolios are:               include areas such as problem        learning spaces that supported
                                   solving, collaboration, team         this vision. The past two years
• Spiritual and Community          mentality, culture of inclusion,     has seen enormous amounts
  Building                         willingness to take risks with       of time and energy spent in
• Media, Communication and         ideas and think outside of the       collaborating with students,
  Event Promotion                  square, capacity to be reflective    staff and parents to both create
• Charity and Service              thinkers and relate to a wide        the vision and see it come to
  Enrichment                       range of people from various         fruition. Teachers and students
                                   age groups.                          on the Senior Year Review team
Each of these groups was                                                were part of creating the vision
led and directed by a Year 12      From students we found               and structures, the ideas for
student and along with the         they were looking for greater        learning spaces, and discussed
College Captains, these five       autonomy and choice in their         the practicalities of how a new
students formed the inaugural      day, flexibility in areas of study   vision might actually work.
Student Executive. The Student     within subjects, and a chance
Action Team was made up of         to project manage their own
students from Year 7 to 12 who     learning.
then become members of one
of the three teams. The Student    From these discussions the
Action Team also included          new Vision for Learners was
the various Year 12 Co-            borne. This was the philosophy
curricular Leaders providing       that would underpin all of the
them a student team to work        learning that we wanted to see.
Options        (Infinity) and     To this end 2019 saw the           characteristics that a school
Mentoring                         development of a senior years      environment can and should
Options        was formulated     vision.                            strive to influence and nurture
with a focus on student                                              in young adolescents.
directed time for senior          Parents were engaged with
students which facilitated an     the draft versions, adding         The capabilities and
opportunity for them to make      their input into the ideas and     characteristics expressed in
independent choices about         suggestions, representing a        the Vision, focus on attributes
how to maximise the time          large and important group          students need for successful
for personal development.         of our stakeholders in the         learning, and also on affective
The Options Infinity program      process.                           skills; the behaviours and
will include a mentoring                                             attitudes that students need
program, developing               The plans for a new Senior         to learn in order to be effective
e-portfolios, and various         Years’ Centre are also             in their personal and learning
options for improved health       captured within this vision.       lives. The Endeavour Way,
and wellbeing. In preparation     It has spaces for teaching,        the ACARA Personal and
for its implementation in 2020,   spaces for collaborating and       Social Capability, and the
mentor training was conducted     using technology to share          work of Charles Leadbeater,
with a team of volunteer          learning, places for quiet         gave shape and purpose to
mentors.                          study, individual study, meeting   the Middle Years Vision for
                                  places and big thinking spaces.    Learners.
Planning also began for the       Conference, tutorial and rooms
new freedom of study lines for    with increased technology          The key capabilities expressed
Year 12 students who will have    enhance students learning          in the Vision for Learners, as
the flexibility to sign in and    opportunities, with respect to     in the Senior Years Vision for
out for any study lesson. They    invention, innovation, creative    Learners, are Independence,
will resume the responsibility    thinking and problem solving.      Interdependence and Collective
and accountability by being                                          Action. This philosophical
expected to return on time        Furniture has also been            alignment between the two
and generally utilise the time    selected that captures the         Vision for Learners frameworks
effectively whether they remain   vision for learners and studying   allows for continuity of
on or venture off-campus.         spaces that support young          learning, a strong focus on
                                  adults.                            Endeavour’s Mission from the
The Senior Years provides                                            time of a student’s transition
opportunities for students        Plans also included a new          into high school to their
develop as unique individuals     STEAM room that will enable        graduation, and a common
by exploring and understanding    students to engage in a variety    language against which student
themselves and by considering     of modes of learning that can      growth can be measured. The
their future goals, dreams        include 3D printing, electronics   elaborations of each of the
and pathways. In these            and laser cutting. Supporting      three capabilities capture age
final years of secondary          the demand for more choice,        appropriate characteristics that
education, we aim to present      an Ideation Studio, a Media        differ from those in the senior
students with opportunities       Studio and an additional Food      years.
to assume responsibility and      Technology room were also
to understand and accept          included.                          The Vision for Learners in
accountability. Reflecting                                           the Middle Years grew from
on the impact of choices,         Development of Vision for          a process which included
decisions and behaviours          Learners – Middle Years            consultation with staff and
for both themselves and           The development of a Vision for    students, and a strong focus
others empowers them. The         Learners in the Middle Years,      on student agency. It was
opportunities they are afforded   designed in alignment with         important to us that this Vision
are directly related to their     the Senior Years philosophy,       for Learners was articulated in
engagement and initiative.        focused on the capabilities and    language that our Year 7, 8 and
9 students could understand               require staff and students       range of perspectives. Visits to
and work with as they reflect             to not be aligned with class     Encounter College and Tyndale
on their approaches and                   or pastoral commitments          were held to discuss the merits
successes, set personal goals         •   Consistent timings               and pitfalls of the solutions
and measured their growth.                allocated to pastoral time       they were using in order to
                                          and consequently lesson          gain valuable insights into the
Development of Middle Years               times throughout the day         interplay between their data
Leaders                                   and week - greater equity in     systems, the areas they were
In 2019, the Middle Years                 lesson time allocation           struggling with and the level of
Village Leaders pioneered a           •   Lowering the focus of            staff buy-in. A recommendation
new way of delivering Pastoral            Care Group time from that        document was generated
Care to our Middle Years                  of administrative tasks          which concluded that in 2020
students. Their work started in           to more student-centred          Endeavour College would aim
Term 4 of 2019, just a few days           opportunities.                   to transition to Canvas, an
after winning their positions,        •   Sharpening the start of the      LMS (Learning Management
when they joined forces with              school day by starting with      System) and TASS as its SMS
the 2019 Middle Years Leaders             Lesson 1                         (School Management System).
and workshopped what they             •   Greater opportunities for
believed Pastoral Care should             Middle Years students to         Audio Visual / Online
look like at Endeavour College.           plan and lead                    Communication on Screens/
In one day, they reviewed and         •   Maintain the general flow        Direct to Students
revised the College’s Pastoral            of previous day structure        Further work to provide
Care objectives, addressed                models                           consistency of audio-visual
the capabilities that Middle                                               solutions was delivered.
Years students must be given          Technology and                       This included the final
opportunity to develop, and           communication that                   installation of interactive TVs
planned activities that they                                               in all classrooms as well as
                                      enhance learning
could lead with minimal                                                    installation of screens and
teacher support. The result           outcomes                             projectors in the Endeavour
was that, throughout 2020                                                  Centre that behave in a similar
they would be responsible for         Data Management Review of            way to a regular classroom,
planning and facilitating of          Systems                              reducing the need for specific
fortnightly activities for all Year   In line with consistently            IT support in that space. In
7, 8 and 9 students in each of        poor reviews from staff and          keeping with a revised day
their Villages.                       students related to Edumate,         structure and a need to deliver
                                      as well as the need to move          room changes differently,
Structures Reviewed                   away from Maze which is due          software was written to
The structure of the school day       to reach end of life, the Data       allow this information to be
was considered and redesigned         Management Team reviewed             published and displayed on the
around the following                  replacement systems that             TV screens in the Mall. A trial
considerations:                       aligned with the priorities listed   of these systems throughout
                                      above as well as a solution          the latter part of Term 4 (after
• A need to rethink how               that would replace our current       examinations) proved valuable
  Chapel and suitable spaces          finance system. This involved        and was well received by
  for Chapel occur throughout         overarching research into the        students and teachers.
  the week in consideration           range of available solutions,
  for a larger student                and tapping into other local         Technology and Assessment
  population                          schools’ reviews to establish a      Throughout the first part of
• The desire to find flexible         short-list. After short-listing,     2019, time was spent training
  time for Senior Years               providers were invited to            staff in the use of the electronic
  students in keeping with the        present their product. Both the      central markbook. In line with
  development of a Mentor             E-Learning team as well as           improving communication with
  Program which would                 LSOs were involved in providing      parents about student
                                      feedback to allow for a broad
governance policies.
Technology and Assessment
                                     Sustainable Futures                 Position of Added
                                                                         Responsibility (PAR) Review
(cont)                                                                   During 2019 a review of
                                     Supporting Increased
involvement and meeting                                                  the curriculum leadership
                                     Enrolments and Student
student outcomes, this allowed                                           structure and associated
parents and students to see                                              remuneration and time
                                     The College continued to focus
upcoming and assessed                                                    allocation for each position
                                     on the provision of facilities to
tasks, and results in Edumate                                            was undertaken. The changes
                                     support student learning and
and streamlined parent                                                   to the current structure were
                                     the growth in student numbers.
communication. Teachers                                                  minimal and included an
                                     In 2018 student numbers
also began using Teams                                                   increase of leadership points
                                     were 625 and were expected
as a consistent platform to                                              and lesson allocation for some
                                     to grow to approximately 750
communicate learning specific                                            positions, together with the
                                     in 2021. During the year, the
information with students.                                               introduction of a pedagogical
                                     design and construction of
                                     the Senior Years’ Centre took       coach. Changes also included
Rich community                       place. Under design and             compliance with the EA that
Partnerships                         direction of Arkvale Architects,    states that each teacher can
                                     Mossop Constructions and            only hold one Position of
Improving Parent                     Interiors constructed the           Responsibility (PAR).
Communication                        building beginning in May and
Our strategic initiatives have       completing the project in early
involved the introduction            2020, ready for the school
of continuous reporting to           year. We employed the use of
parents/students to enhance          two transportable classrooms
communication in regard              to accommodate the student
to student progress and              numbers during the build.
achievement. During the second
half of 2019, all staff were         Minimising Risk
expected to upload their marks       The construction of a fence and
for all summative tasks to the       gates on the Mawson Lakes
Edumate central markbook. This       Boulevard perimeter occurred
was supported with ongoing           and added security to the
professional learning for those      property.
staff as well as development of
policy around reasonable time        A significant number of lights
frames to publish due dates as       have been replaced with LED
well as return work to students.     lights to improve efficiency and
Parent communication was             reduce the costs of electricity.
ongoing to support the transition
to this mode of feedback. During     Policy Review
this transition phase, the regular   The Management Team
reporting expectations were          have an ongoing policy
maintained. It was noted that this   review process to ensure our
step was a transition to include     operational policies remain
all marks as well as student         relevant and compliant with
feedback (comments) becoming         current legislation. Using the
an expectation in 2020.              Complispace platform, policy
                                     relative to Student Safety,
                                     Privacy and Confidentiality have
                                     been reviewed.
                                     The governing Council
                                     have also reviewed several
TEACHING STANDARDS                                 Student Agency, further development of
                                                   E-Learning with a focus on Office 365 as well
                                                                                                       to monitor each other’s progress towards their goals, observe teaching towards their targets and
                                                                                                       to provide critical and professional comment. Documented evidence showing indicators of goal
AND QUALIFICATIONS                                 as the development of continuous reporting.
                                                   The principle of focus in 2019 was “Shared
                                                                                                       development were provided at the end of the year and in 2019 small groups of teachers shared the
                                                                                                       progress of their goals with each other in the PLP Fair – a way for teachers to celebrate and share their
Professional Learning                              Responsibility”.                                    learning with colleagues.
All teachers undertake professional learning.
Professional learning activities are planned                                                           The qualifications of staff at the College are as follows:
annually to align with the College’s strategic     Teacher Professional Learning
plans.                                             Professional learning activities are planned        Qualification                            Staff    Qualification                                  Staff
                                                   annually to align with the College’s strategic                                               Number                                                  Number
At the time of employment, all staff including     goals. In 2019 our key areas for development        Advanced Diploma in Accompanying            1     Certificate in Furnishing                         1
Lutheran School Officers (LSO), instrumental       included:                                           Advanced Diploma of Accounting              1     Certificate in Horticulture                       1
teachers and volunteers are required to hold a     • The development of the Senior Years
                                                                                                       Advanced Diploma of Arts                    1     Certificate in Industrial Electronics             1
current Working With Children Check (WWCC) or          Philosophy
                                                                                                       Advanced Diploma of Performance             1     Certificate of Information Technology             2
a current DCSI clearance. All staff at Endeavour   • Developing Student Agency
                                                                                                       Associate of Music                          1     Certificate in Microsoft Systems Engineering      2
College strongly support the ethos of the          • The strategic use of “Shared Responsibility”
                                                       in teaching practices                           Bachelor of Applied Science                 2     Certificate in Programmable Logic Control-        1
College and are required to keep current the                                                                                                             lers
following qualifications:                          • Ongoing development of Continuous
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Arts                            19    Certificate in Teaching English as a Second       1
                                                       Feedback practices utlising digital platforms                                                     Language
• First Aid                                            including Office 365 (Teams & OneNote) and      Bachelor of Business                        2     Certificate in Training & Assessment              3
• Mandatory Notification                               Edumate central markbook.                       Bachelor of Commerce                        1     Diploma of Accounting                             1
• Valuing Safe Communities                         • Development of Project based Learning in          Bachelor of Education                       29    Diploma of Application Design                     1
                                                       the Middle Years
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Education & Linguistics         1     Diploma of Bible & Mission                        1
From July 1, 2019, all staff were required to                                                          Bachelor of Geoinformatics & Surveying      1     Diploma of Education                              3
meet the legislative requirements related to       Additionally, (further to these priority areas,
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Human Movement                  2     Diploma of Electrical Engineering                 1
Working With Children Checks (WWCC) and            during regular Professional Learning)
                                                   opportunities provided to all teaching staff,       Bachelor of Information Technology          1     Diploma of IT Project Management                  1
those whose DCSI clearances were due to
                                                   areas of focus included:                            Bachelor of International Studies           1     Diploma of Human Resources Management             1
expire, gained a WWCC.
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Law                             1     Diploma of Library & Info Services                1

All teachers are required to be registered with    • Training and reinforcement related to the         Bachelor of Medical & Pharmaceutical        1     Diploma of Management                             3
the South Australian Teachers Registration           practices surrounding The Endeavour Way
                                                     and Restorative Practices approaches              Bachelor of Music Teaching                  1     Diploma of Ministry                               1
                                                   • Review of the Senior Years                        Bachelor of Music Education                 1     Diploma of Teaching                               3

In 2019, our key areas for development included    • Readings and visits to local business             Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science          1     Graduate Certificate in Adolescent Health &       1
Endeavour College’s Vision for Learning,             & educational institutions related to
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Psychology                      1     Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics       1
Restorative Practices and the Teacher                educational futures and workforce directions
                                                     to inform Endeavour’s practices, learning         Bachelor of Science                         7     Graduate Certificate in Education                 3
Professional Learning Plan.
                                                     spaces and curriculum offerings                   Bachelor of Science in Education            1     Graduate Certificate in Educational Leader-       1
Vision for Learning                                • Mentor training (teaching and LSO staff) in
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Social Science                  1     Graduate Certificate in Educational Com-          1
The Vision for Learning sets a focus for all         preparation for mentoring students in 2020                                                          puting
learning across the College. The Vision for        • Development of the Middle Years Pastoral          Bachelor of Special Education               1     Graduate Certificate in Narrative Therapy         1
Learning: Exploring together… be part of             Program                                           Bachelor of Special Education               1     Graduate Certificate in Religious Education       1
our adventure (middle years) and Exploring                                                             Bachelor of Teaching                        5     Graduate Diploma in Education                     11
together… creating the future (senior years) is    The annual Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Theology                        1     Graduate Diploma in Education (Computing)         1
expressed in classrooms and all other learning     aligned collegial partners / collegial groups
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design          1     Graduate Diploma in Mathematics                   1
within the College through the four pedagogical    and allowed teachers to strategically set goals
                                                   around:                                             Certificate in Business Administration      1     Graduate Diploma in Narrative Therapy             1
principles of Inclusivity, Purposeful, Shared
                                                   • The Vision for Learning                           Certificate in Change Management            1     Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences               1
Responsibility and Risk Taking. The Vision for
Learning provided a focus for staff professional   • An ICT focus                                      Certificate in Electrical                   1     Graduate Diploma in Theology Education            4
practice and development and was a reportable      • Their Position of Additional Responsibility       Certificate in Financial Services           1     Honors Qualification                              8
area in our programming through Edumate.               (PAR)                                                                                             Masters Qualification                             15
Professional Learning for staff included
development of the Senior Years philosophy,        The process required and allowed colleagues
WORKFORCE                                            STUDENT
COMPOSITION                                          ATTENDANCE
The 2019 School Leadership Team included             Year 7     93.5%       Year 10      92.5%
the Principal, Deputy Principal, Director of         Year 8     91.7%       Year 11      91.9%
Learning, Director of Middle Years, Director of      Year 9     91.1%       Year 12      91.6%
Senior Years, Business Manager and the Lay
Chaplain. In addition, there were six Year Level
Leaders leading Years 7 through to 12, as well
as a Learning Leader for faculties who were
                                                     Management of
responsible for ensuring full coverage of the        Non-Attendance
Australian Curriculum plus Christian Living.
Year Level Leaders in levels 7-9 reported to the     Short-term Absences
Director of Middle Years and Year Level Leaders      Parents/caregivers are advised to inform the
in levels 10-12 reported to the Director of Senior   College of a student’s non-attendance by phone,
Years. All Learning Leaders reported to the          email and/or signed note. If a student is absent
Director of Learning.                                (as determined by Lesson 1 and 2 rolls) and no
                                                     explanation is provided, phone calls are made to
Students were supported in other aspects             parents/caregivers by Student Services staff to
of their development and wellbeing by roles          determine the reason for non-attendance.
including Counsellor, Lay Chaplain, Youth
Worker, Learning Support Officers, Librarians,       An absentee list is created and sent to all
Laboratory Technician and ICT Services. Other        staff. Continual or frequent non-attendance is
areas of the College with significant numbers        followed up by Care Group teachers, Year Level
of permanent and fixed term staff included           Leaders and Middle / Senior Year Directors by
Administration and Property Services. Areas of       phone, interviews and letters.
the College with significant numbers of casuals
or contractors included: instrumental music          When absence is due to illness/medical
tutors; Health and Physical support, Visual Art      reasons, schoolwork is provided by teachers to
support and Outdoor Education instructors. All       Middle Years students should they be absent
support staff reported to the Business Manager.      for five days or more. Senior Years students
                                                     are provided with schoolwork and instructions
Staff Numbers                                        if their absence exceeds two days. In some
                                                     cases, a doctor’s certificate may be required for
Teaching Staff   				                     57         assessment.

Full-time equivalent teaching staff       53         Non-medical and Long-term Absences
                                                     Parents/caregivers are expected to inform the
Non-teaching staff 				28                            College of planned absences. In the case of
                                                     known absence due to non-medical reasons,
Full-time equivalent non-teaching staff 20           parents are to submit an Application for
                                                     Exemption from School form.
Indigenous (ATSI) staff 			                0
                   SACE Completion
                   • 100% of all students who were eligible to

    100%             complete their SACE did so
                   • 98% of all grades were passing grades of C-
                     or above
     SACE          • 28% of all grades were in the A band
                   • 43.6% of all grades were in the B band
  COMPLETION       • 9 Merit Awards were given and 7 A+ grades.
                   • 15% students completed VET courses as a
                     part of their SACE

                   Ishita Goel - ATAR 99.2

                   VET Certificates Completed in

    99.2           • Certificate III in Live Production and Services
                   • Certificate III in Music Industry
                   • Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented
     DUX              Participation
     ATAR          • Certificate III in Fitness

                   Post School Destinations
                   • Of those who applied for courses through
                   • 87% received an offer
                   • 60% received an offer for their 1st preference

      9            • 73% received an offer for their 1st or 2nd

     MERIT         • 40% received offers from Adelaide University
                   • 34% received offers from University of South
    AWARDS            Australia
                   • 15% received offers from Flinders University

                   Most Popular Course Areas
                   • Health/ Medical and Allied Health
                   • Arts/Media/Creative industries

                   • Sciences
                   • Business and related areas
                   • Nursing
                   • Education
STUDENT OUTCOMES                                      Prix event is high. Parents take responsibility
                                                      for car maintenance and catering, supported by
                                                                                                          • As part of the Middle Years Futures review,
                                                                                                            staff and students were invited to provide
                                                                                                                                                              adjustments could be made for future events.
                                                                                                                                                              Areas where feedback was sought included:
IN STANDARDISED                                       teaching staff.                                       feedback about the culture of the Middle

                                                                                                            Years. All staff reflected on the current         • Staff professional learning days
                                                      Parents/caregivers in 2019 continued to               reality in the Middle Years and imagined          • Spiritual Retreat Days
                                                      contribute to the success of the community            their preferred future for our Middle Years.      • Changes to assessment and reporting,
Endeavour College students sat the 2019               sport program, volunteering their time to             Many staff volunteers then contributed to the       particularly with the plan of introducing
National Assessment Program Literacy                  support the sporting competitions in various          development of the Middle Years philosophy.         continuous reporting
and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests in the online             capacities.                                           Around 60 students from Years 7, 8 and 9          • Position of Added Responsibility (PAR)
environment.                                                                                                volunteered to review the Middle Years and          Review 2019
                                                      As one way of measuring the success of the            attended several workshops which explored         • Staff End of Year Survey
Results:                                              program for transition into Year 7, all Year 7        key areas of student life: how we learn,
Percentage of Year 7 students who achieved the
National Minimum Standard
                                                      parents and caregivers were invited to answer a
                                                      survey, which asked them to give feedback on:
                                                                                                            what we learn, spaces, fun and culture.
                                                                                                            From these workshops, several project             SCHOOL INCOME
                                                                                                            groups were formed, and these student led
Reading				98%                                        • key transition events for students and              groups continue to work towards developing        Australian
Writing				98%                                          families, such as the Welcome to High               proposals for projects that will directly         Commonwealth
Spelling				98%                                         School information evening for families and         influence how the Middle Years culture            recurrent funding       $6,403,169       (46.3%)
Grammar and Punctuation		 98%                           the Transition Day for students                     develops.
Numeracy				99%                                       • Term 1 events for Year 7 students, such as                                                            State Government
                                                        Orientation Day and camp                          A staff Consultative Committee also meets as        recurrent funding       $1,758,301       (12.7%)
Percentage of Year 9 students who achieved the        • their child’s experience of the Endeavour         the need arises, and the Work Health and Safety
National Minimum Standard                               culture, including challenges and joys            Committee are responsive to issues in this          Fees, charges and
                                                      • the College’s communication methods               area that are raised by staff. In 2019, the Local   parent contributions    $5,526,556       (40.0%)
Reading				95%                                                                                            Workplace Agreement was reviewed through
Writing				94%                                        Other opportunities provided in 2019 for parents    consultation with staff and endorsed prior to the   Other private
Spelling				98%                                       and students feedback included:                     2020 school year.                                   resources		             $145,368          (1.0%)
Grammar and Punctuation		 94%
Numeracy				99%                                       • Senior Years Review Team – throughout             Students have input into such groups as             Total Gross
                                                        the 2019 year, a group of staff and students      Worship Band and Chapel services. Student           Income 2019		           $13,833,394
Student participation rates for the testing phase       continued the process of reviewing what           leaders also meet regularly with Endeavour’s        (excluding income from government capital
                                                        is currently offered in our Senior Years.         senior management staff and the Principal, to       grants)               Other
Year 7 Reading 99%; Writing 98%; Language               Building on the foundational work and             share ideas and discuss matters that their peers
                                                        research completed in 2018, the focus was to                                                          State Government                   Commonwealth
Conventions 99% and Numeracy 99%;                                                                         want addressed. In these groups and forums,
Year 9 Reading 98%; Writing 95%; Language               establish a Senior Years Vision for Learners.     student voice is valued, and staff listen and are
Conventions 99%; Numeracy 99%                           Staff and students provided feedback on           responsive to student feedback. We have also
                                                        the vision. Following the establishment           found that students feel a sense of belonging
                                                        of the vision, a focus on how this would          and self-worth when they join these and other

PARENT AND STUDENT                                      inform our Culture and Engagement,
                                                        Curriculum, Structures and Timetable
                                                                                                          social teams.

SATISFACTION                                            and Learning Spaces then began. Many
                                                        hours of discussion and feedback from all
                                                                                                          With a new student leadership model introduced
                                                                                                          in 2019, the Student Action Team (SAT), greater
                                                        stakeholders resulted in changes in all           student voice and capacity to take action is
Endeavour College regularly seeks feedback              areas.                                            being developed. Alongside the College Captains
from all stakeholders including parents/              • A parent representative group were part of        and Extra Curricular Leaders, the SAT gives
caregivers, students and staff. Some                    this review. They contributed to the Vision for   members the opportunity to engage directly with
opportunities for providing feedback occur on a         Learners, the changes to structure, culture       issues and events which they feel passionately
regular basis each year, while other feedback           and engagement. Their views were also             about.
is gathered in a particular year for a specific         sought on learning spaces being developed
purpose.                                                for the Senior Years Centre. On-going             Each year the staff are invited to provide
                                                        reporting on progress occurred throughout         feedback on various areas of the College. In
Parents/caregivers are invited to engage in             the year in the Anchor and at key parent          2019 feedback was sought after each major
College activities by assisting in extra-curricular     sessions.                                         event, to ensure feedback was timely and       Fee, Charges,
programs and fundraising. As in previous years,
                                                                                                                                                         parent Contributions
parent involvement in the support of the Pedal
ENDEAVOUR COLLEGE             School Performance Report 2019
85 Mawson Lakes Boulevard     In line with the reporting obligations under the Schools
                              Assistance Regulations 2009, the Australian Education
Mawson Lakes SA 5085
                              Act 2013 requires independent schools to publicly
T 8368 3311
                              report a range of school performance information.
F 8368 3399                   The information contained in this report is an explicit
E   response to the Commonwealth Government’s
W     requirements under the headings required by the
CRICOS 02402K                 Commonwealth Government. The information relates to
                              the 2019 school year.
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