Page created by Geraldine Gonzalez

            La Rochelle


             ALL YEAR ROUND
where is
la rochelle?
On the sunny Atlantic coast of the Charente-Maritime department in
Western France lies the exquisite town of La Rochelle. Famous for its rich
cultural history, and easy-going way of life, La Rochelle was voted third
nicest place to live in France in 2020.




                                      La Rochelle

      BY TRAIN

                       Atlantic           Bordeaux

p.03    La Rochelle               p.04    Our School               p.06 10 reasons to choose
                                                                          inlingua La Rochelle

p.07   Adult courses              p.18   Student courses           p.21   Junior courses

p.32   Accommodation              p.38 G etting to
                                         La Rochelle

La Ville Belle & Rebelle

la rochelle
Looking out over the ocean, La Rochelle is a town full of history and culture
linked to its exceptional maritime trade. With its privileged location on the
Atlantic coast, La Rochelle has evolved into the vibrant city it is today. Its
fascinating history and cultural development give the city its unique vibe.
A picturesque coastline, an impressive           Aimez-vous la gastronomie ?
marina, and beaches only a short walk
from the school where you can relax and          The excellence of French cuisine is
enjoy the breathtaking landscapes that           famous around the world, and La Rochelle
make La Rochelle an ideal destination all        is no exception. A large variety of local
year round.                                      products can be found in the area. Try an
                                                 oyster in Aytré or the typical Mouclade on
Why choose La Rochelle?                          the port. Explore your senses with local

                                                 wines, Cognacs and Pineaux.
• La Rochelle is less than 3 hours from Paris
• In the top ten most visited towns by          Aimez-vous la culture ?
   French tourists
• A peaceful town with a population of          Discover the history of La Rochelle             LA ROCHELLE:
   80,000                                        through visits to our museums and
• On the coast and near 3 magnificent           monuments with guided tours or by               IN THE TOP 10
   islands                                       exploring the picturesque streets on your       MOST VISITED
• Railway station and airport                   own.                                                TOWNS
• Easy and cheap bicycle hire
• Pleasant maritime climate all year round      Aimez-vous le sport ?                             BY FRENCH
• Free cultural events all year round                                                              TOURISTS
• Francofolies: one of the biggest music        In La Rochelle you can enjoy water sports
   festivals in France                           such as windsurfing, paddle-boarding or
• Parks, museums and the world famous           sailing with our partners at the Ecole de
   aquarium...                                   Voile Rochelaise. Other facilites in the area
                                                 include an indoor climbing wall, tennis
                                                 courts, golf courses, an much more!
our centre

Our facilities
• 1 4 classrooms
•2  extra rooms in high season
  150m from the school
•A  large shady terrace area
• IT room
•F  ree WiFi
•F  ree parking
•C  overed bike area
•R  eading area
•T  ourist information area
•K  itchen with fridge and
  microwave oven
•H  ot and cold drinks

About inlingua
• Open all year round                                        La Rochelle
• One of 300 inlingua schools in over 40 countries around
  the world
• Ideal location – only a stone’s throw from the beach and
  the centre of town
• An official exam centre
• No lessons are ever lost due to bank holidays

How to get to the school
• 10-minute bus ride from the centre of
  town. The nearest bus stop is less than
  100 metres from the school and buses are
  every 15 minutes.

• Cycle path from the centre of town which
  takes you down the coast where you can
  take in the picturesque scenery

                                   Where to eat?
                                   Traditional French
                                   restaurants and bakeries
                                   can be found less than a
                                   minute from the school
                                   on foot. We provide our
                                   students with a list of
                                   classic French dining
                                   options in the town
                                   or next to one of our
                                   exquisite beaches.

10 good reasons
to choose inlingua la rochelle

    #01                                                                 #07
             SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST A LANGUAGE                                   A PROGRAMME WHERE
             COURSE - Students studying at inlingua are not                      EACH HOUR COUNTS!
    only involved in the classes, they may also participate in a        With inlingua La Rochelle you will never
    wide range of activities with the school. From evenings on          miss out on classes due to public holi-
    the beach playing games, to running around the town for a           days. The hours planned for those days
    scavenger hunt, and even day trips to Bordeaux & Nantes!            will be made up for on other days of that

                A UNIQUE TOWN AND REGION you will

                enjoy discovering with us. We organize several
                                                                                 A UNIQUE METHOD:
    activities outside of class to accompany the classes as you
                                                                                 the inlingua method has been
    explore La Rochelle and its surrounding area.
                                                                        proven successful for 50 years all over the
    a) O
        n Monday afternoons we organize a guided tour of the
                                                                        world and its education research centre
       town for our new students.
                                                                        produces modern and effective tools for
    b) W
        e organize at least one evening “rendez-vous” per
                                                                        language teaching.
       week in some of the town’s most typical locations where
       we encourage our students to put their newly acquired
       language skills to the test in social situations.
    c) S
        aturday day trips with a member of our team where our
        clients can learn more about French culture and way of life.
                                                                        #09     SMALL GROUPS allow a good
                                                                                exposure to the language for

                                                 A TRANSFER
    #03    A WIDE
                                                 SERVICE from
           RANGE OF                     La Rochelle train station
    SERVICES: To make                   or airport, but also from
                                                                                PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS:
    your stay with us as easy                                                    all of whom are native French
                                        Nantes, Bordeaux, and, in
    as possible, we offer addi-                                         speakers and highly qualified to teach
                                        some cases, Paris.
    tional services. A detailed                                         French as a foreign language. They are
    map of the town will be                                             particularly committed to helping you ac-
                                                                        quire new language skills & develop your
                                       #06 EXAMINATION
    handed out on your first                    AN OFFICIAL
    day along with the tide                                             love of France & La Rochelle.
    table, and other informa-
    tion that will be useful du-       CENTRE for the TEF
    ring your stay. Bus passes         of the Paris Chamber of
    or even a French sim card          Commerce. We can organise
    can make all the difference        new sessions depending on
    to your stay.                      the needs of our students.
                                       We are also an exam centre              ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES
    For any other require-
    ments, such as laundry or          for the DCL (a French state      Students can sign up for several activities
    transport to the Île de Ré,        diploma). If you would like to   offered by various companies and people
    we will provide you with a         pass the DELF or the DALF,       in La Rochelle and the surrounding area.
    list of useful addresses.          we can take care of your          These are on display at the school and
                                        inscription to the exam.            can be organised for small groups.

             AN ACCOMMODATION SERVICE to help                                  MOST POPULAR ACTIVITIES
             you find housing that suits you best: homestay,                     Cooking lessons : 60€/person
    residences, apartments, villas or even boats moored in the           Surfing lessons on the Ile de Ré : 30€/person
    famous Port des Minimes.

adult courses

adult courses

 p.08                 p.09                 p.10
 General french 15h   General french 20h   Exam preparation

 p.11                 p.12                 p.14
 30+                  50+ culture          Intensive

 p.15                 p.16
 One to One & Combi   Family programmes
                                                                                           ma 5 ho
                                                                                             xi ur
 adult courses
 ADuLT CourSES                                                                                 mu s
                                                                                                  m per
                                                                                                      st wee
                                                                                                        ud k

 15 HourS
This all-rounder programme is
adapted to your language skills,
your needs, your interests, and
your objectives. Emphasis is
put on oral communication
skills. Recordings and videos
are used in lessons to improve
oral comprehension. A great
programme for both beginners
and those who wish to polish
up on the French they already

 Course dates                                  Organisation
 All levels are accepted all year-round and    During your inscription, you will be
 you can start whenever you wish.
 For complete beginners, we ask for
                                               asked to specify your needs. Our online
                                               multiple-choice level test must be
                                                                                           3 Course open
                                                                                                  to students
 an inscription to at least two weeks of       completed at least 15 days before the
 classes to ensure maximum learning time.      arrival date, there is also a short one-
                                                                                                  over 16
 Complete beginner courses start on the        to-one interview on the first day which
 following dates: 4th January, 1st March,      enables us to organise groups according     3  F rom 1 week to 1 year
 12th April, 31st May, 5th July, 2nd August,   to levels and expectations.
 6th September, 18th October.                                                              3  A ll year-round
 Monday: Classes from 10:00 to 1:15
                                                                                           3  S eparate groups for
                                                                                                  each level
 (15-minute break)
 Tuesday to Friday: Classes from 9:00 to
 12:15 (15-minute break)
 First day:
 8:30 to 9:30 – Oral placement test
 9:30 to 10:00 – Presentation of the team
 and the week’s activities

 prices per week and per person
                                       1                2-3             4-8                9-12             12+
                                      week             weeks           weeks              weeks            weeks

         General French
                                       € 282           € 260            € 240             € 224                € 206
           15 hours

                                                 Enrolment fee: € 80

adult courses                                                                                                        sp

general french
20 hours
Dive into a discovery of French
culture and history with our
20-hour programme. The
General French course plus
two afternoon workshops
per week enable students to
apply their newly acquired
language skills to interesting
15 hours of morning classes +
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1:30pm to
4:15 PM (15-minute break).

These workshops offer our students
both the chance to use their French           History:                                 Intercultural themes:
in a more relaxed environment and             • En route vers le Québec               • S tereotypes
to discover different points of French        • La Rochelle’s Protestant history      • French communities around the world
culture.                                      • Famous vessels such as the            • The Nouveau Monde Museum
The workshops bring together adult              Lafayette & the Hermione
students from different classes in the          (sometimes in Rochefort)               Theatre:
school. 10 to 15 people depending             • Historical figures who came to        • Acting out extracts from a play
on the theme.                                   La Rochelle                            • Vaudeville theatre
Students must have at least an A2             • A guided tour of the towers on
level to participate in these classes.          the old port La Rochelle               French music:
For students who have not yet                                                          • French stars coming to La Rochelle’s
obtained an A2 level, other alternatives      French cinema:                             Francofolies music festival
may be offered such as multimedia             • Films made in La Rochelle             • Women in French music
projects or conversation classes              • The « New Wave »                      • Controversial political artists
specially designed for lower levels.          • Exploring the works of Pagnol,
It is possible to sign up to the 20-            Truffaut, Godard, Costa Gavras,        Literature :
hour programme for a part of your               Luc Besson …                           • Exploring the works of famous French
stay and follow other programmes              • Famous French actors/actresses          authors.
on other weeks.
The workshops take place either at                                                     These themes change regularly.
inlingua or in the city.

prices per week and per person
                                        1                   2-3                4-8              9-12                 12+
                                       week                weeks              weeks            weeks                weeks

        General French
                                           € 358            € 336              € 310            € 290                € 266
          20 hours

                                                     Enrolment fee: € 80

                                                                                             pr . 6 s
   adult courses                                                                               ep tud
                                                                                              an ara en
                                                                                                d tio ts
                                                                                                  ot n      p

                                                                                                      he fo er c
                                                                                                        re r    l
                                                                                                          xa DEL ass
                                                                                                            ms F

       inlingua La Rochelle
   can help you prepare for
    different official French
     language exams (DELF,
    DALF, TEF, DCL), end of
        secondary education
exams (Abitur, Leaving Cert,
A-Levels, Bachillerato..) and
binational exams (bachibac,

   inlingua La Rochelle is an               strategies to obtain the best score          •
                                                                                          5 hours of one-to-one exam
   examination centre for the TEF & the     possible in the 4-part exam (oral and         preparation classes on Wednesday
   DCL exams. The TEF, created by the       written comprehension, oral and               and Friday from 1:30 to 4:15
   Paris Chamber of Commerce, is an         written expression).                          (15-minute break)
   internationally recognized test which    We are in contact with our neighboring
   measures your knowledge and skills       examination centres (La Rochelle,            Abibac – A level – Bachibac –
   in French. It is recommended to book     Royan, Tours, Bordeaux, & Amboise)           Esabac – Leaving Cert – Matura
   your course at least three weeks in      and can provide you with the calendar        These exam preparation workshops
   advance to ensure classes meet the       of the different exam sessions as soon       are specific to each country and en-
   student’s specific needs.                as is it published in January or February.   able you to build the necessary skills
   The DCL is a professional diploma                                                     for passing your exam. Generally,
   awarded by the French Ministry           DELF Preparation in groups                   they focus on the written part of the
   of Education, it is valid for life and   •F  rom 1st March to 12th Novembre          exam and the specific details of each
   was created especially for adults.       • 15 hours of General French classes        of the oral tests.
   Depending on their performance,            from Monday to Friday                      The students are together for most
   candidates receive a diploma with a      • 5 hours of exam preparation on            of the exam prep classes and sepa-
   level between A2 and C1.                   Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 to          rated for the classes dealing with the
                                              4:15 (15-minute break)                     specific elements of their particular
    DELF – DALF                             • Maximum of 6 people per group             exam.
   With your trainers who are official                                                   • 15 hours of General French classes
   examiners for DELF-DALF you can          DELF & DELF preparation – One-to-              from Monday to Friday
   prepare for exam levels A1 to C1         one classes                                  • 5 hours of exam preparation classes
   The DELF-DALF classes allow              • All year round                               on Wednesday and Friday from 1:30
   students to discover the details of      • 15 hours of General French classes          to 4:30 (15-minute break)
   each exam and the acquisition of           in groups from Monday to Friday            • Maximum 6 students per class

   prices per week and per person
             programme                        1 week                         2-3 weeks                    4-8 weeks

        DELF: 20 hours in groups               € 396                            € 378                        € 358

     DELF - DALF General French
       in groups + 5 hours of                  € 662                            € 630                        € 600
         one-to-one classes

     Preparation for other exams               € 440                            € 396                          -

                                                   Enrolment fee: € 80

adult courses                                                                                             of

   Our 30+ course
      enables adult
        students to
      develop their
      skills through
   discussions with
other 30+ students
      about a wide
 range of pertinent

                         •O    pen to students over 30 years-old           Timetable
                         • 1 week minimum
Average number of
                         •M    aximum of 6 students per group
                         • 1 5 or 20 hours of classes
                                                                            Monday: from 10:00 to 1:15 (15-minute
                                                                            Tuesday - Friday: from 9:00 to 12:15
                         •D    ates : April 19th to October 1st            (15-minute break)
students on course
                         • S tarting dates for complete beginners:        First day:

Average age
                           31st May, 5th July, 2nd August,
                           6th September
                                                                            8:30 to 9:30: Oral placement tests
                                                                            9:30 to 10:00: Presentation of the team and
                                                                            the week’s activities
of students              Programme
                         15 hours of classes from Monday to Friday
                         (3 hours per day)
                         5 hours of afternoon workshops may be added
                         for a total of 20 hours per week

prices per week and per person
        programmes                     1 week                          2-3 weeks                  4-8 weeks

                                        € 454                            € 426                       € 396
           15 hours

                                        € 526                            € 488                       € 460
           20 hours

                                            Enrolment fee: € 80

adult courses


    This programme
                               he teaching method is geared              Several 2-week courses take place
                               towards      effective  independent       out of the high summer season. It is
     brings together           communication, allowing you to            recommended that the stay be for 2
                        make the most of all the activities offered.     weeks, however 1-week courses are also
over 50s who want       In addition, the effective audiovisual tools     possible. Arrival must be in time for the
 the same thing: to     which are used allow you to practice in          first week of each course.
                        realistic situations.
    learn the French                                                     Hours
  language through      Weekly programme                                 Monday: 10:00 to 1:15 (15-minute break)
     discovering our    • 2 guided tours: History of La Rochelle,       Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 to 12:15
                          guided tour of museums, meeting with           First day: oral placement test & welcome
   cultural heritage.     local artisans, visit of General Lafayette’s   breakfast at 8:30
                          famous ship, and many more
                        • 2 cultural workshops: café debates on         Level
                          current affairs, French songs, cinema…         Minimum A2
                        • At least 1 evening out to enjoy the local
                          nightlife in fantastic bars and restaurants    Groups
                        • Saturday excursions: tour of the Île de
                          Ré, Bordeaux and its monuments and             3-6 people per level group*
                          the Cité du vin museum, visit the cellars
                          of Cognac with a guided tour and               * in the case where the number of
                          brandy tasting, or even cruise along the       participants is less than 3 Inlingua reserves
                          Marais Poitevin on a boat                      the right to put participants in groups with
                        • Our visits are always accompanied by a        the 30+ programme.
                          member of the inlingua team, or a tour
                          guide to help you discover hidden gems         Included: transport costs, visits (not
                          and better understand the local history.       including lunch on excursions), bus pass
                                                                         (for town and sea bus in La Rochelle).

Sample week:

              sunday        monday           tuesday      wednesday        thursday              friday     saturday

 Morning                                                 French courses

                         Guided tour of                                                                     Full -day
                                              Cultural      Visit to a       Cultural                       excursion
Afternoon      Arrival    the town for
                                             workshop       museum          workshop                        to the Ile
                         new students                                                           Free time     de Ré

 Evening                                     Free time     Evening out

Cookery course (optional)                 Dates
                                                                                prices per week
Rediscover your love for cooking
through traditional French cuisine
                                        17th May – 28th May
                                        Arrival on 16th May
                                                                                and per person
classes. The Atelier Gourmand is a      23rd August – 3rd September                                    with Cookery
structure that exists all over France   Arrival on 22nd August                    1 - 2 weeks
and offer cookery courses to people     20th September – 1st October
of all ages. A two-hour lesson during   Arrival on 19th September                       € 618               € 688
which the teacher Claire-Marie
welcomes students into her 250m²        In regards to accommodation, you                Enrolment fee: € 80
workshop where she demonstrates         can choose between a host family,
and helps them prepare quality          one of our residences, or request our
traditional French dishes for them to   personalized accommodation service
either take away and have at home,      to help you find the apartment or
or bring back to the school and enjoy   house of your choice (see page 35).
a moment with the other students on
the course.

adult courses


          This programme was
           specifically designed
         for students who wish
        to develop their French
             language skills in a
           professional context
             and to enrich their
       cultural knowledge. This
      programme is recognised
           by several regions in
       Germany in accordance
       with the Bildungsurlaub.

Minimum age 18                                     ur modern multimedia tools        points of the French way of life in a
Number of hours 25 or 30 hours                     will help our teachers ef-        more relaxed environment.
                                                   ficiently train the students
Minimum length 1 week                      during the multimedia workshops.          The conversation classes then al-
 Group maximum of 10 students              The teacher will always be present        low the students to put their newly
in the morning classes and 4 in            during these workshops to help and        aquired skills into action.
the multimedia and conversation            advise the students.
workshops                                                                            Intensive programmes combining
                                           The cultural workshops enable our         both group and one-to-one classes
Dates 1 March – 12 November
         st           th
                                           students to discover fascinating          can be found on page 15.
Sample week:
                       monday                  tuesday           wednesday             thursday              friday

                Oral placement test and
                  welcome breakfast                                         9:00-12:15 *
                                                                          General French
                    10:00 - 01:15 *
                    General French
                                                      Lunch break

               Guided tour of the town        1:30-4:15*           1:30-3:00           1:30-4:15*          1:30-3:00
                  for new students             Cultural           Multimedia            Cultural           Multimedia
                             OR               Workshop            workshop**           Workshop            workshop**
                 Multimedia Workshop          4:30-5:30            3:15-4:45           4:30-5:30           3:15-4:45
                  for students in their      Multimedia          Conversation         Multimedia          Conversation
                     second week             workshop**             Class             workshop**             Class

                     abc - 25h programme / abc - 30h programme / * 15 minute break / ** With a teacher

prices per week and per person
          Programme                                1 week                                      2-3 weeks

        Intensive 25 hours                          € 390                                         € 360

        Intensive 30 hours                          € 484                                         € 458

                                          Enrolment fee: € 80 per person

adult courses                                                                                       ea

and Combi courses
This programme is for students who would like a course tailored to fit their
specific needs. The programme can be made up of one-to-one classes or
combined with the General French, or even with the 30+ programmes.
Individual classes            25 hours:                   Combi                         One-to-one classes take
15 hours:                     5 hours per day scheduled   5 or 10 hours of one-to-      place in the afternoon.
3 hours per day in the mor-   for you between 9am and     one classes can be added      Your timetable will be
ning OR afternoon             7pm                         to the General French         given to you on your first
20 hours:                     30 hours:                   course or the 30+ pro-        day.
4 hours per day in the mor-   6 hours per day scheduled   gramme.
ning OR afternoon, or both    for you between 9am and                                   Dates
                              7pm                                                       All year round

                                                                              programme with programme
  of                                 programme
                                                                              General French   with 30+

  20h00    15 hours of group classes + 5 hours of one-to-one                         Combi A              Combi B

           15 hours of group classes + 2 workshops + 5 hours of one-to-one           Combi C             Combi D
           15 hours of group classes + 10 hours of one-to-one                        Combi E              Combi F

           15 hours of group classes + 2 workshops + 10 hours of one-to-one          Combi G             Combi H
           15 hours of group classes + 15 hours of one-to-one                        Combi I              Combi J

                                                                                          Bildungsurlaub Approved

prices per week and per person
          programmes                     1 week                   2-3 weeks                     4-8 weeks
        One-to-one 15h                    € 1 140                   € 1 110                          € 1 080
       One-to-one 20h                     € 1 520                   € 1 480                          € 1 440
       One-to-one 25h                    € 1 900                    € 1 850                          € 1 800
       One-to-one 30h                    € 2 280                    € 2 220                          € 2 160

          Combi A 20h                     € 662                      € 630                           € 600
          Combi B 20h                     € 834                      € 796                           € 756
          Combi C 25h                     € 738                      € 706                           € 670
          Combi D 25h                     € 906                      € 858                           € 820
          Combi E 25h                     € 1 042                   € 1 000                          € 960
          Combi F 25h                     € 1 214                   € 1 166                          € 1 116
          Combi G 30h                     € 1 118                   € 1 076                          € 1 030
          Combi H 30h                     € 1 286                   € 1 228                          € 1 180
          Combi I 30h                     € 1 422                   € 1 370                          € 1 320
          Combi J 30h                     € 1 594                   € 1 536                          € 1 476

                                              Enrolment fee: € 80

  inlingua La Rochelle
  offers a wide range of
   activities for parents,
      grandparents, and
children – programmes
where each person can
  select the activities of
    their choice with or
without French lessons.

''liberty'' family                            Host Family accommodation is
                                              available for this or we can equally
                                                                                         For children under the age of 6,
                                                                                         inlingua can offer a childcare

programme                                     help find you and your family the
                                              perfect flat or villa for your stay.
                                                                                         service. Our babysitters are trained
                                                                                         professionals, ensuring your child’s
                                                                                         safety, where she/he will benefit
This programme enables parents and            This programme is open to any
                                                                                         from the exposure to the language,
grand-parents to accompany their              family with at least one member
                                                                                         and maybe even learn a few words!
children to classes or activities, and        participating in our French courses.
to benefit, if they wish to do so, from
our adult French classes at the same

                Without French classes                        With French classes                       summer camp
     age                                                                   Full day Multiactivity
                Child care           Sailing          Without activities                            Host family or Residence
                                                                                 or Sailing
     0-3            3
     4-5            3                     3
     6-7                                  3
     8-9                                  3                   3
     10-12                                3                   3
     13-15                                3                   3                      3                         3
     16-17                                3                   3                      3                         3
                     from the age of 4, children can sign up to some of our sports activities.
                   from the age of 8, they will be able to participate in our Junior French classes.
                   from the age of 13, they can join the full range of cultural and sports activities.

                                                                                              th   p
                                                                                                ou rog
family programme                                                                                  t a ra
                                                                                                     cc mm
                                                                                                       om e

                                               inlingua La Rochelle is partnered         des Minimes where they fish for
                                               with the Ecole de Voile Rochelaise        crabs, oysters and much more!
                                               (EVR) sailing school, less than 1 km
                                               from our centre.                          For 6-7-year-olds:
                                                                                         Les Moussaillons
                                               The Club
                                                                                         The children enjoy the very basics
                                               The club, which has been a big part       of sailing in small groups. They
                                               of the La Rochelle sailing culture for    discover all the sensations in an
                                               the past 20 years, is affiliated to the   Optimist, a catamaran or even wind
                                               FFV (French Sailing Federation). The      surfing with equipment specially
                                               equipment, the club and the team          designed for their age group. The
                                               ensure that even the youngest child       sailing instructors offer a wide variety
                                               will be able to enjoy sailing in total    of activities to keep the children
                                               security.                                 inspired throughout the course.
                                               Sailing lessons take place from
                                               10:00 to 1:00 on weekdays.                For 8-9-year-olds:
                                               One of the group leaders from             Optimist
                                               inlingua will start the day with          Children go on a journey of

Child Care
                                               some games with the children              discovery, where they experience
                                               from 9AM. They will then be driven        the power of the sea and the wind
                                               to the sailing school in one of the       with professional sailors in 3-hour
For those who want to join our courses but     school’s minibuses for 10:00.             sessions.
have children at home, inlingua offers a       Parents coming out of lessons at
child care service up to the age of 5. We      12:15 will then have plenty of time       10-12-year-olds:
work with a team of qualified child carers.    to either walk or drive to the sailing    Catamaran / Windsurfing
Child care starts at 8:30AM and ends at        school to pick them up afterwards.        Children enjoy time on catamarans
12:30PM, giving parents plenty of time to                                                or windsurfing with stable, fast, and
participate in our French classes. These        Dates                                    easy to use equipment in 3-hour
times can be extended if the you are           From 12th to 23th April                   sessions.
staying further away. Any additional time      From 5th July to 27th August
will cost extra.                               (Find out more about our Junior           Our programme includes:
                                               programmes on pages 22-29)                •
                                                                                          Activities between 9:00 and
• € 492/week for 1 or 2 children              For 4-5-year-olds:                        •
                                                                                          Transport from inlingua to the
• € 530/week for 3 children                    Le Jardin des Mers                         sailing club
• € 50 enrolment fee                           An opportunity for your child             •
                                                                                          Club licensing with specific
These prices are for child care at your        to discover the world of the sea           insurance
place of residence in La Rochelle and the      through activities. The goal is to        •
                                                                                          Alternative activities in case
immediate surrounding area. These prices       familiarise them with the sea and          weather conditions don’t allow
may change in 2020 due to changes in           its wildlife. The club takes the           for sailing
French law.                                    children rock pooling at the Plage
Shared Child Care
In cases where several couples have                         programe                                    price
lessons at the same time, inlingua offers
shared child care, where children from                    4 to 5-year-olds                              € 270
different families are looked after together
– allowing younger ones to make new                       6 to 7-year-olds                              € 270
friends while the parents are learning                    8 to 9-year-olds                              € 350
French. Contact us for more details.
                                                               From 10                                  € 350
All year-round                                                        Junior enrolment fee: € 50

student courses

student courses

     p.19                                          p.20
     Student courses                               Demi-pair programme

WHY STUDY IN FRANCE?                      Parcoursup – 2019-2020 Calendar           In regards to accommodation, living
The excellence of French Higher           for applications                          in La Rochelle costs about half as
Education is widely recognized            • Discovery of the different schools     much as living in Paris. Our partners
throughout the world. Whether it is in      and courses: mid-December to            in a state run residence can offer stu-
the ranking of Shanghai, the Financial      mid-March                               dent accommodation for less than
Times or The European Commission          • Inscriptions to different schools/     400€/month (see page 36).
Report on Science and Technology,           universities: mid-January to mid-
French educational establishments           March                                   WHERE TO STUDY
are among the forerunners. Each           • Confirmations/replies         from     IN LA ROCHELLE?
year, France invests the majority of        schools/universities: mid-March to      Excelia Business School
government spending in teaching             beginning of April
                                                                                    • 3,400 students
and research.                                                                       • Renowned worldwide
European students follow the same         WHY STUDY IN LA ROCHELLE?
                                                                                    • Teachers from all over the world
steps as French students for enrol-       La Rochelle is one of the highest rated   • 3 to 5-year courses
ling to university courses. European      student towns in France in terms
students are students coming from         of student environment, sports and        EIGSI Engineering School
any of the EU countries or Norway,        cultural activities, with over 14000
Iceland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland,       students and 95 nationalities, 15% of     • 2nd best engineering school in
Monaco or Andorra.                        whom are overseas students. With all         France
Non-EU citizens will need to ap-          the advantages of a big city and none     • 9 specialities
ply for a visa. inlingua will provide     of its drawbacks, La Rochelle is one      • 8000 graduate engineers
all the documents needed from the         of the most delightful and liveliest      • 81% of graduates employed within
school.                                   towns in France.                            3 months
European students wishing to en-          The cost of student living is among
rol in the French system in their first   the lowest in France.                     University of La Rochelle
year must apply through the website       When it comes to getting around           • + 8,000 students
“Parcoursup”. This online application     town, a transport card from the           • 93 nationalities
is obligatory for most universities and   town’s bus company is only 150€ for       • Erasmus programmes
schools in the country.                   the whole school year for students!       • 74 different diplomas

student courses

   Students who wish to
 sign up to university or
 a business/engineering
      school will need to
       provide proof of a
       B2 level of French
    (C1 for those doing a

      his level is only required as of    pid learning and enables them to be-      • Learning how to produce bibliogra-
      the beginning of classes in         come a part of the local community.         phies on written documents
      September or October.               Our 20-hour course includes cultu-        • Constructing different types of do-
University inscriptions are in January,   ral workshops (see page 9) . Depen-         cuments (summaries, presentations
which leaves you plenty of time to        ding on the student’s profile certain       etc…)
improve your French before the            workshops may be replaced, upon
following school year. inlingua can       recommendation from the tutor, by         DATES
offer you tailored courses over an        computer language classes or wri-         It is possible to start your long-term
appropriate amount of time for you to     ting practice.                            course at any date that suits you,
reach the required level.                 Our 22.5-hour programme includes          however there are specific dates for
                                          theory lessons focused on integra-        complete beginners.
LONG TERM COURSES                         ting students into university life with
Each student on this course will have     classes on:                               Complete       beginner      courses
a designated tutor who will follow        • The structure and organisation of a    start on the following dates: 4th
their progress over the duration of         university                              January, 1st March, 12th April,
their time with us.                       • Understanding lectures and practi-     31st May, 5th July, 2nd August,
Our students can really benefit from        cing taking notes                       6th September, 18th October.
our oral method which optimises ra-

prices per person and per week
                                           1 semester          2 semesters          3 semesters             1 year
       Long-term courses
                                            (12 weeks)          (24 weeks)           (36 weeks)          (48 weeks)

               15 hours                      € 2 423              € 4 506              € 6 286             € 7 794

               20 hours                      € 3 128              € 5 818              € 8 117             € 10 065

              22,5 hours                     € 3 175              € 5 906              € 8 239             € 10 216

      22,5 hours with university
                                             € 4 075              € 6 806              € 9 139             € 11 116
       administration included

                                                Enrolment fee: € 140

student courses

     Our Work Exchange
  Demi Pair programme
 enables students to live
   with a host family for
 up to one year and get
an authentic experience
    of life the way it is in
     France. Students on
 this course combine 15
  hours of classes at the
school in the mornings,
and then working with a
French host famly in the

 PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION                      REQUIREMENTS                                DATES

 What better way to get to know more        It is recommended that students             It is possible to start your Demi Pair
 about France and how people here           applying for this programe have at          course whenever it suits you.
 live than by working in a local family     least an A1 level of French, because
 while studying French with inlingua.       when working with children, it is vital     However, due to the meticulous
 For the past 3 years inlingua has          to understand everything that is asked      selection process of the families,
 been receiving Demi Pair students          of you for security reasons. Beginners      we only have a limited number of
 from different countries for French        will need to be prepared to make            host families who take on Demi Pair
 courses ranging from 3 months to 1         a huge effort, including intensive          students, so there is a chance you will
 year.                                      homework and preparation before             have to wait for the previous student
                                            joining the school, in order to progress    to finish before joining the family.
 The principle is very simple, students     rapidly.
 are housed for free, receive half-board                                                We reccommend you plan your stay
 accommodation (breakfast & dinner),        inlingua will send out a document           several months in advance, as we
 and have full access to the whole          that students must complete in order        cannot guarantee last minute places
 house or apartment. Students will also     for the school to be able to present a      on this course.
 receive a bus ticket from their host       profile to host families. Once the family
 family each month, meaning that they       has accepted the profile, inlingua will     PRICES
 can get around La Rochelle easily free     send the family’s information sheet to      The cost for the Demi Pair course is
 of charge.                                 the student for their consideration.        the same as the Long Term 15-hour
                                                                                        course (see page 19).
 In exchange for all these fantastic        The school will then organise a Skype
 advantages, the students also work         interview which allows both the family
 for the family for at least 18 hours per   and the student to meet, and learn a
 week looking after the children and        bit more about each other.
 helping around the house. Students
 live like they are a part of the family.

junior courses

junior courses

 p.22                    p.23                  p.24
 Junior French courses   French + activities   Summer camp

 p.28                    p.29                  p.30
 Junior cruise           Tennis pro course     School groups
    junior courses                                                                                            ea

    Junior french
          The inlingua
         method allows
  students to work on
      all aspects of the
      French language
   and culture and get
    the most out of an
immersive experience
         in the country.

    Classes                                         Class projects
    Our aim is for our students to learn           Each week the students work on a class
    French in a natural way and work on
    speaking and writing skills through lively
                                                   project allowing them to use all they
                                                   have learned in a real-life situation, for
                                                                                                 3 From 8 years old
    and interactive activities. We emphasize       example: setting up a travel blog to talk
    the importance of speaking in real-life        about their time in La Rochelle, activities   31 week minimum
    situations and working on conversational       that can be done here, giving advice to
    fluidity. Parents also participating in our    future travellers. Students often create      3Open to beginners
    courses have frequently told us their          their own short films, or write stories in
    child had got a real taste for the French
    language after their stay with inlingua.
                                                   the classic French “bande dessinée” style.
                                                                                                 3Maximum 10 per group
    Groups                                         Monday: 10:00 to 1:15 (15-min break)
                                                                                                 3Accommodation and
                                                                                                   activities not included in
    Through our online level placement test        Tuesday to friday: from 9:00 to 12:15 (15-      this programme
    and an oral test with a teacher on the         min break)
    first morning, our teachers will make sure
    that the students participate in classes        Dates
    appropriate for their level to ensure          8-12 years old: 29th March to 30th April &
    optimal progress with their French.            29th June to 27th August
                                                   13-17 years old: 29th March to 30th April &
                                                   14th June to 27th August

    price per week and per person
                                                  1 week                     2 weeks                   4-8 weeks

         Junior French course                     € 282                        € 260                      € 240

                                                     Enrolment fee: € 50

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Course                                                                                                     e

Timetable                                  Multi-activity                             Sailling
• LESSONS                                 We offer a wide range of exciting and      The sailing club is less than a 1km
  Monday: 10:00 to 1:15                    enjoyable activities to our students       from inlingua. The club has been
  Tuesday to Friday: from 9:00 to          (for more information see next page).      affiliated with the French Sailing
  12:15 (15-minute break)                                                             Federation for over 20 years. All
  First day: oral tests and welcome        Organisation                               the equipment is provided on site,
  breakfast at 8:30.                       On Mondays, a guided tour of               and the activity is supervised by
•L unch break supervised by a staff       the city is organized for our new          a professional. Around 70 young
  member (meal provided by parents         students while a sports or cultural        students come every week, 95% of
  or as an additional option).             activity is planned for the others.        whom are French, so it’s a fantastic
•A ctivities or Sailing/Windsurfing       A schedule with all the accurate           opportunity to meet new people and
  from 2pm to 6pm + evening activi-        information will be given on Monday        use language skills acquired in class!
  ties (transport to accommodation         morning. Each afternoon, two
  not included).                           activities are supervised by a qualified   Organisation
                                           staff member, and students all have        On the first day, a member of staff
It is possible to combine this             a snack together mid-afternoon.            will take the children to the club on
programme with the Exam Preparation        Transportation between the school          foot or by car. Meeting point with the
programme. In this case Wednesday          and the activities is provided and are     parents is at 6pm at the club. Students
and Friday afternoon activities will be    included in this programme.                over the age of 13 will then be allowed
replaced with exam workshops.                                                         to go from the school to the club by
It is also possible to add an additional   Dates - Multi-activity                     themselves.
5 hours of one-to-one classes to           From 29th March to 30th April & from
this course (1 hour per day before         14th June to 27th August                   Dates - Sailing/Windsurfing
afternoon activities).                                                                From 12th to 23th April
                                                                                      From 5th July to 27th August

price per week and per person                                           (without accommodation)
                                                                    1 week             2-3 weeks            4-8 weeks
French + Multiactivity                                               € 630                € 610                € 590
French + Sailing                                                     € 699                € 690                € 650
French + Windsurfing                                                 € 699                € 690                € 650
French + Multiactivity + Exam Prep                                   € 699                € 690                € 650
Additional 5 hours one-to-one                                        € 365                € 365                € 365

                         Enrolment fee: € 50 / Additional cost for meals: €30 / week

junior courses

   junior camp 13/15 - 16/17
3Open to students
   over the age of 13

3 1 week minimum
3 Minimum level – A1 (complete
   will not be accepted)

3 Maximum of 10
   students per group

3 15 hours per week
3 Accommodation
   included in the programme

3 Possibility of taking part
   in different programmes each
   week (to be organised with your
                                           In the afternoon, a guided tour of       Group classes
                                           the town will be organised for new       Monday: from 10:00 to 1:15
                                           students.                                Tuesday to Friday: from 9:00 to 12:15

          n your first day an oral                                                  (15-minute break)
          placement test is organised         Daily programme                       Optional extras:
          at the school between 8:30       • Breakfast at the residence or with    •Exam prep: You can prepare for
   and 9:30 followed by a presentation       your host family                         exams such as the AbiBac, A-levels,
   of the team, the programmes and         • 3 hours of morning classes              BachiBac, Leaving Cert and the
   the rules from 9:30 to 10:00. Your        (15-minute break)                        Matura with our Exam Prep classes in
   timetable will be handed out with the   • Lunch break with the group leaders      groups of no more than 6 people on
   various details for each activity and   • Activities/Sailing or Windsurfing       Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:15 to
   what you will need (clothes/towels        from 2:00 to 6:00                        4:15 (15-minute break)
   etc.).                                  • Evening activities                    •One-to-one: You can also have an
                                                                                      additional 5 hours of individual classes
                                                                                      per week. The times for these classes
                                                                                      will be given to you on your first day.
   price per week and per person
   (Full-board accommodation and activities included)
            Homestay accommodation                       1 week                2-3 weeks                  4-8 weeks
                  French + Multiactivity                  € 899                    € 890                     € 860
                     French + Sailing                     € 990                    € 980                     € 950
                   French + Winsurfing                    € 990                    € 980                     € 950
          French + Multiactivity + Exam Prep              € 990                    € 980                     € 950
           5 additional hours of One-to-one               € 365                    € 365                     € 365

             Enrolment fee: € 50 / Additional fee for Student Residential Accommodation (page 27)

   Transfer with a member of staff                                            Medical insurance is obligatory for all
                                                                              junior students. You can either organise
   (price per transfer)                                                       this yourself, or subscribe to the AVI
                                                                              insurance created for inlingua (details
         nantes airport              bordeaux airport                         on our website)
                 € 80                      € 98                               European citizens:     € 8.40 per week
                                                                              Non-European citizens: € 14.40 per week

Timetable                               2. Multiactivity                          Curfews for minors:
1. Catamaran/Dinghy/Windsurfing         Two activities are organized every        For under 14 years old: 9pm
La Rochelle Sailing School (EVR) is     afternoon. On Mondays, a guided           For over 15 years old: 10 pm
located less than 1km from inlingua     tour of the town is organized for         On evenings where activities end later
and 200 meters from our student         new students. Activities are always       than the curfews, our group leaders
residence. Watersports take place       supervised by a group leader.             will drive those staying with host
from Monday to Friday between 2pm                                                 families back home at the end of the
and 6pm, where you can meet young       Evening Activities:                       activity in one of the school buses.
French people who are members           Every day an activity will be organized   Unless otherwise expressed in writing
of the club or other teenagers on       for students staying at the residence.    by parents or legal guardians, these
holiday.                                Those staying with a host family will     curfew times apply to all our students
Around 75 students come to sail         be welcome to join the group on           under the age of 18.
every week, 95% of whom are French,     some nights each week. Activities
so it’s a great opportunity to meet     vary from movie nights to nights out      Week-ends:
people and practice the language.       in town and games.                        On Saturdays a full day outing is
                                                                                  organized for those staying more
Dates - Sailing/Windsurfing             Dates - Multi-activity                    than one week ranging from trips to
                                                                                  nearby islands to local theme parks.
From 11 to 24 April
        th     th
                                        From 28th March to 1st May & from
From 4th July to 28th August            13th June to 28th August

Sample week:

                    Monday            Tuesday         Wednesday           Thursday            Friday         Saturday

  Morning                                           French classes

                                                                        Natural History    Accrobranche
              Guided tour of the
 Activity 1                        Beach Football       Laser Tag       Museum of La        (treetop zip      Full day
                                                                          Rochelle              wires)       outing to
                Games on the       La Rochelle et                                                             explore
 Activity 2                                         Stand up Paddle        Climbing            Beach           the Ile
                   beach           ses curiosités
                                                                                                               de Ré
                At home with                         At home with        Sunset sailing    At home with
  Evening       hosts or at the    Escape Room       hosts or at the    + picnic on the    hosts or at the
                  residence                            residence             beach           residence

junior courses

junior camp

          Dates                                          giving the student unlimited travel around
          28 March - 1 May
            th          st                               the town.
          13th June - 28th August                        All our families have internet in their
                                                         homes, so students will be be able to talk
          Host family                                    to their friends/families in the evenings.
                                                         Our host families take into account any
          Discover the French way of life through        dietary requirements students may have.
          an authentic experience of French living.      A vegan diet is possible with an additional
          Our host families are individually selected    charge. They will also take care of laundry
          for their friendliness and security. We        when it is necessary.
          regularly meet with them in order to           Students participating in Junior courses
          create a true relationship based on trust.     will receive a packed lunch each day from
          Host families will welcome students either     their host family which they can enjoy at
          at the airport or at the train station upon    the school with the other students.
          arrival, and they will bring them to school    Rules for living with a host family must
          on the first morning.                          be accepted upon enrolment by students
          Host families live on average 30 minutes       and signed by parents/guardian.
          from the school either by bike or by bus
          (45 mn maximum). For those who prefer
          to take the bus, a 7-day ticket is provided,

Accommodation in our residence
14 - 17 year-olds
We offer accommodation in the beautiful       For lunch, we offer salads, various
New Rochelle residence, only 600 metres       sandwiches with cookies, éclairs or
from inlingua.                                muffins for pudding.
Several studio flats grouped together on      In the evenings, the students usually
the same floor are reserved for our Junior    have supper at the youth hostel which
students. Our group leaders live on site      overlooks the port. Several starters to
and supervise and entertain the group.        choose from, either meat or fish for main
• Each room has two beds, toilets and a      course and a selection of vegetables,
  shower.                                     cheese and desserts are offered to our
•F  ree WiFi throughout the residence        guests. The youth hostel is a 3-minute
•F  ridge and kitchenette in each room       walk from inlingua, and 5 minutes from
• All rooms have a TV with standard French   the residence. When evenings out in town
  channels                                    are programmed, supper may be had in a
• Common area downstairs with access to      local restaurant.
  drinks and snacks                           A laundry service and clean sheets are
• Large swimming pool with a huge terrace    provided regularly.
• Rooftop terrace with a 360° view of the    Additional cost to the homestay
  port and the ocean                          programme
                                              • € 320 per week
Meals                                         • Vegan diet is only available with the
Breakfast is served either on the outside       homestay programme.
terrace or in the common area. We offer
a wide range of choices with coffee, tea,     Dates
fruit juice, chocolate, bread, cereal, jam,   27th June to 28th August
yoghurt, fruit, cheese, and charcuterie.

junior courses

 Junior Cruise
   The junior cruise
      enables you to
   put into practice
       all your newly
 acquired language
skills in exceptional
   Spend 5 days on
   board with other
        students and
 French teenagers!

                                    ith our partners at the La           À bord
                                    Rochelle     yachting     school,    A 30-foot yacht, (9.5m) which brings
                                    inlingua offers you a ”live-in“
 3 1 week minimum        activity coached by a professional French
                                                                         together comfort and speed. 5 students
      of French lessons                                                  and a skipper share the living quarters:
                          skipper. Whatever your level in sailing, set   2 private cabins and the « mess » kitchen,
      before the cruise   off for an unforgettable adventure: the        living area, bathroom and toilet. Different
                          sea, swimming, cooking on board, parties,      types of navigation will be addressed:
   inimum A1 level       games, songs, fishing. You will learn the      cruising, manoeuvres in a port, trimming
                          joys of sailing in a holiday atmosphere.       the sails and plotting a course on a chart
 3 5 days of sailing     Life at sea is a dream come true.              as well as racing strategies. The navigation
                                                                         zone may include, the bay of La Rochelle
 3Accommodation                                                         and its surrounding islands right up to
   on board               The cruise starts on Monday at 9am and         Brittany or even down to the Gironde.
                          returns on Friday around 6 pm.
                          The weekend before the cruise: For those       Dates
 314 to 17 years old      in the junior camp - full board, excursion     12th to 16th July
                          and activities included.                       02nd to 06th August
                          The weekend following the cruise: Full         16th to 20th August
                          board accommodation until departure on
                          the Saturday.

 price per person and per week
                                              junior cruise

                                                    € 870

junior courses

tennis pro course
  inlingua offers
  you the chance
        to put your
   newly acquired
 French skills into
 practice through
    in local tennis

   n partnership with the Tennis Club of    Organisation
   Aytré, inlingua organises a regional     Minibus transport is provided and lunch
   youth tennis tournament with local
French players from our region. The
                                            is had at Aytré Tennis Club, 4 km from        3 1 week minimum of
                                            inlingua. An inlingua staff member will          French lessons before
players take part in 2 or 3 tournaments     coordinate the programme to manage
per week depending on their results.                                                         the tournament
                                            the logistics and ensure the players return
It is an incredible opportunity to follow   to the rest of the group for the evening
your French course with a week or two       activities.                                   3Minimum level: A2
of your favourite sport while making new
French friends!                             The weekend before the tournament:            3 Duration: 1 to 2 weeks
The coach, Christophe, practices with       For those in the junior camp, full board,        of tennis tournaments
the group, organising training sessions     excursion and activities are included.
between the official matches and
participating in meetings to give advice                                                  3 5th
                                                                                                   – 16th July
                                            For the two-week tournament: full
on mental and physical techniques and       board, excursion and activities included.
tactics.                                                                                  3 Minimum age: 13+
Experience the life of a real pro for 2     The weekend following the tournament:
weeks!                                      Full board until the departure on the         3 Participants should have
An evaluation will be organized the week    Saturday.                                        already played in tennis
before the tournament allowing players to                                                    tournaments in their
be entered at later stages in tournaments                                                    home country
according to their level. Training during
that week will be possible.

price per person and per week
                                                   tennis pro

                                                       € 910

junior courses

School groups

     What better      nlingua La Rochelle offers specially       Activities
                      tailored School Programmes for
                                                                 We offer different possibilities for the
 way to motivate      groups. We receive schools from all
                                                                 afternoons :
                    over the world including Spain, Austria,
 and inspire your   Vietnam, Tunisia, Ukraine, Australia…
                                                                 Autonomous programme:
students than by                                                 We can provide a detailed list of interesting
                    The lessons
 taking them out                                                 and enjoyable activities that are available
                    Students can benefit from lessons and        in our area, the group leader then
of the classroom    workshops planned between their              accompanies the students to the activities
 and giving them    teachers and our trainers at the school.     independently, without a member of staff
                    Our School Programmes are designed to        from inlingua.
 a full immersive   help the students progress and practice
                    their French while plunged into an           Accompanied programme:
    experience in   immersive cultural experience.               A predetermined programme can be
          France?   Students participate in lessons every        organised with the school. A member of
                    morning from 9 to 12:15 AM (15 mn break).    staff then accompanies the groups on the
                    Reduce costs by organising afternoon         outings making sure the students get the
                    classes. Don’t hesitate to talk about this   very best out of it.
                    option when organising the programme
                    with us.

for more information about this programme, get in touch
  with us and we will send you our groups brochure.

 We offer several possibilities for
                                              with the families and a packed lunch is
                                              provided for students each day. Host
                                              families will pick the students up upon
                                              arrival and accompany them to school
                                                                                          MOST POPULAR
 • Students can stay at La Rochelle’s
                                              on their first day.
                                                                                         THINGS TO SEE IN
   brand new Youth Hostel, unlike any                                                     LA ROCHELLE :
   you’ve stayed in before – guests can
   enjoy a magnificent view of the Port      Transport
   des Minimes from the hostel’s bar and     Transfers can be organised to La Rochelle
                                                                                         • THE TOWERS ON
   restaurant.                               from several airports (Nantes, Bordeaux,    THE OLD PORT OF
 • It is possible for us to arrange for     etc…)                                          LA ROCHELLE
   students to stay in 2* and 3* hotels,     We have partnerships with coach
   dining options may vary depending on      companies and preferential rates with the   • LA ROCHELLE’S
   the hotel                                 SNCF train company.
 • Easy accommodation can be arranged       Bus pass included, giving students          MIND-BLOWING
   with host families (1 or 2 students per   unlimited travel around town on the town       AQUARIUM
   family). Breakfast and supper are had     buses and sea buses.
                                                                                          • HISTORICAL
                                                                                            TOURS OF
 Each group’s file is meticulously studied in terms of programmes, transfers,
                                                                                          THE ILE DE RÉ

 accommodation and activities to produce a quote which takes in your account both
 your expectations and your budget.


Accommodation                             Escale Marine

                            La Rochelle
                            Vieux Port


            Les Minimes beach

Youth hostel


               New Rochelle


New rochelle
                                   he Résidence New Rochelle is             • A main room with a double bed, a
                                  ideally located only a 5-minute             desk/table, a chair, a wardrobe, electric
                                  walk from inlingua. You will find a         heating, a flat screen TV.
                            friendly open common area and a large           • Towels and linen included
                            swimming pool, an ideal location only           • Options: Kettle, coffee machine, games
                            300 metres from the beach!                        (upon request)
                            Our students can benefit from one of our        • Possibility of a parking space for an
                            many privatised rooms in this residence           additional 15€/week
                            between April and August. However,              • Wi-Fi
                            between September and the end of
                            March, the residence has very few free          For long stays, please get in touch with us
                            studios.                                        before booking.
                                                                            For short-term stays, the studio may be
                            The apartments are around 16m² and              occupied by two students if they book
                            contain:                                        together with no additional charges.
                            • A fully equipped kitchen area (sink,         There is a 200€ deposit that is not cashed
                              two induction plates, a microwave, a          and given back at the end of the stay if
                              fridge, cutlery, dishes, dining are in most   the studio is left in good condition. An
                              studios)                                      additional 40€ will be charged if the flat is
                            • An individual bathroom (bath or shower,      not cleaned before leaving the residence.
                              toilets in a separate room)

prices (arrivals on sundays - departures on saturdays)
                                                                                                High season
                                       Low season (Sept – June)
                                                                                          28/06/2020 to 29/08/2020
     Studio/month       More than 24 weeks: € 556       Fewer than 24 weeks: € 659                  € 1 159
     Studio/week                                   € 339                                             € 459
      Extra night                                   € 55                                              € 75

          Tourist Tax: € 2.30/person per day / Accommodation admin fee: € 70 per person

Escale Marine
                                   his 3* residence is located near         studio apartments are all 18m². They each
                                  the centre of town; You can walk          contain a kitchen area, a microwave oven,
                                  to the famous Vieux Port in under         an induction ring, a flat screen TV and a
                            10 minutes, or even faster with the sea         bathroom with either a shower or a bath.
                            bus (boat).
                            This residence has little availability during   Services included
                            the summer months, and the prices are           • A heated indoor pool (open all year)
                            not fixed at these times. If you would like     • Wi-Fi in all the studios
                            to stay at these times, please get in touch.    • A gym

                            inlingua is only a 5-minute bus ride,           Additional services
                            a 10-minute cycle, or an enjoyable              • A hammam (5€/pers.)
                            20-minute stroll away from the residence.       • Breakfast (9€/pers.)
                            The studios are for one or two people           • Parking space (30€/week)
                            and are modern and comfortable. The             • Animals allowed

prices (arrivals on sundays - departures on saturdays)
                                      Low season – September to June
                    Price per week                                                     € 390
                    Price per month                                                    € 650

                      Extra night                                                       € 65

           Tourist Tax: € 2.30/person per day / Accommodation admin fee: € 70 per person

Accommodation Service

  nlingua is partners with the         You can find a form to fill out on     Stays are from Saturday (4pm) to
  biggest estate agency in La          our website which will enable you      Saturday (12am), keys may be picked
  Rochelle who have over 50            to list your requirements in regards   up from the agency near the school.
holiday apartments to let throughout   to number of beds, rooms, location,    If you arrive on a Sunday, we can
the year, and 300 in the summer.       services, and of course, dates.        organise a transfer and meet you
                                       In under 48 hours you will receive     with the keys to the apartment either
These places have been selected for:   a list of apartments fitting your      at La Rochelle airport or train station.
• Their proximity to the school and   requirements with descriptions and     The service includes towels, linen,
  the beach/centre of town             photos from which you can choose.      and cleaning upon departure.
• Their comfort                       A deposit must then be paid within
                                       8 days of confirming your booking.

price range per week
                                              Low season                               July - August

             Studios                           € 200 - 250                              € 280 - 420

         T2 (1 bedroom)                        € 250 - 320                              € 360 - 540

        T3 (2 bedrooms)                        € 330 - 420                              € 480 - 700

        T4 (3 bedrooms)                        € 450 - 570                              € 650 - 960

                                  Accommodation admin fee: € 70/person


residence utopia

        he Utopia residence was           The residence is located in Lagord,       large storage space. Bed linen is
       created for young adult            an area of the city 5km from              provided but not towels.
       students and workers, aged         inlingua. Students can either cycle       Students are responsible for cleaning
16 to 30, looking for practical and       to the school or take the bus. The        the studio and doing their laundry
affordable accommodation in the           school is a direct bus ride away, with    during their stay.
La Rochelle area. It is run by a non-     departures every 15 minutes from          A waiting period of 8 days is
profit organisation.                      7am to 8pm. The last bus back is at       necessary before getting a definitive
Located in the heart of an Eco-           10pm. The bus journey takes around        answer from the association.
responsible zone of La Rochelle, it       30 minutes.                               Rent can be paid monthly for long
boasts modern construction and            Small     shops,      bakeries      and   term courses.
energy saving techniques.                 supermarkets can be found less than       Students can apply for a student
The residence consists of 200 student     10 minutes away on foot.                  accommodation grant from the state
rooms built in 2018. Its modern           The Place de Verdun, one of the           for stays of more than 6 months.
features make it a great place to live!   central points of La Rochelle, is about   These depend on the income of the
Large common areas and staff who          30 minutes away on foot, or 15 by bus.    students’ parents.
regularly organise activities enable      Each room at the residence is
you to easily meet new people and         equipped with its own kitchen, a
create unforgettable relationships!       bathroom with shower/toilets and

price – Studio/week
                               1 weeks          2-3 weeks            4-8 weeks           9-12 weeks            12 +

          19 m2                 € 146              € 121                € 100                € 94              € 90

     From 20 m2 for 1            € 161             € 136                € 120                € 114            € 112

     From 20 m2 for 2            € 177             € 152                € 137                € 131            € 128

                                     Accommodation admin fee: € 70/person

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