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T H E V O I C E O F T H E F E D E R A T I O N O F R E N T A L- H O U S I N G P R O V I D E R S O F O N T A R I O

                                                                                                                        NOVEMBER 2016

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                         30   SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY                                                              30

CONTENTS                 FEATURES
                         12   REAL SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                   26         THAT HOSPITALITY TOUCH

                         14   BROADENING YOUR
                              PROFESSIONAL NETWORK                 28         AFTER TRAGEDY STRIKES

                         16   FINDING THE RIGHT TENANT
                                                                   29         THE POWER OF VISUAL

                         18   LAST YEAR’S MAC
                              AWARD CRB WINNER                     30         THE SCIENCE OF
                                                                              REVENUE MANAGEMENT

                         21   EMBRACING INSTAGRAM
                                                                   34         BOOSTING YOUR
                                                                              ONLINE BRAND

                         22   INDUSTRY TREND-SPOTTING
                                                                   35         A RECOGNIZED
                                                                              INDUSTRY LEADER

                 26      25   FROM VACANT TO FULL
                                                                   35         LUNCHING AND LEARNING

                 14                                 32                                                           12
                         COLUMNS                                   DEPARTMENTS
                          6 FRPO’S UPCOMING EVENTS                 10 LEGAL & LEGISLATION
                          8 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE                24 FRPO MEMBER BENEFIT
                         20 CFAA REPORT                            		PROGRAM
                         31 CERTIFIED RENTAL
                         		BUILDING UPDATE
                         32 SMALL LANDLORD, BIG PROBLEMS
                                                    THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATION OF RENTAL-HOUSING PROVIDERS OF ONTARIO   3

        The voice of the Federation of
      Rental-housing Providers of Ontario                                                                 OF THE YEAR
    EDITOR:                      Lynzi Michal • x22
                                                                                THAT WAS
                         A PUBLICATION OF:
                                                                                 t’s hard to believe that we are approaching        While there are still many unknowns facing
                                                                                 year end and this will be our last issue of     the rental housing sector, such as licensing,
                                                                                 2016. I will have rounded out my first year     climate change policy, the affordable housing
                                                                                 as Editor and I have to admit I’ve really       strategy and possible changes in oversight
                                                                             enjoyed writing for FE and putting content          to the municipal planning process, FRPO will
                     20 Upjohn Road, Suite 105                               together for our membership. We have made           continue to engage both the industry and
                       Toronto, ON M3B 2V9                                   many changes to FE and will continue to refine      government to find practical solutions as we
                 Tel: 416-385-1100 •
                                                                             this publication based on member feedback           look to 2017. It is more important than ever for
    DIRECTOR OF                  Lynzi Michal • x22                          and the evolving needs of the industry.             us to be at the table and working with other
    MEMBERSHIP &       
    MARKETING:                                                                  As we look back on the last 12 months, we’ve     groups and agencies to develop fair policy
    SUBSCRIPTIONS &              Matthew Blow • x24                          highlighted housing policy, industry events,        around these topics and issues. It is unlikely
                                                                             best practices from service providers as well       that housing is a headline that will go away
                                                                             as several 2015 MAC Award winners. We’ve            any time soon.
                                                                             seen our membership grow substantially this            As 2016 comes to a close, many will reflect
                                                                             year bringing on new housing providers and          on the year’s achievements, failures and their
                   DESIGNED & PUBLISHED BY:
                                                                             supplier members, which strengthens the             goals for the next 12 months, both personally
                                                                             voice of the association. Our government            and professionally. It’s the time to celebrate
                                                                             relations team have been engaged in more            accomplishments, acknowledge the lessons
                   5255 Yonge Street, Suite 1000
                                                                             consultation sessions than ever before. The         learned and start 2017 with a renewed
                       Toronto, ON M2N 6P4                                   Certified Rental Building Program continues to      outlook. The upcoming holidays will hopefully
               Tel: 416-512-8186 • Fax: 416-512-8344
                     Email:                                increase in size as potential renters recognize     give us all a break from the work week, allow
                                                                             the benefits of living in a certified building      us to spend time with our loved ones and
    PUBLISHER:                   Mitchell Saltzman • x222
                                             and look to sustainability. Interest in the MAC     motivate us to challenge ourselves in the
    EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Erin Ruddy • x266                                      Awards continues to trend upwards and the           year ahead.
                                                 quality of the submissions exceeds years past.         In closing, we at FRPO couldn’t be more
    DIGITAL & SALES              Paula Miyake Pigoli • x263                     There are many things to be proud of as          proud of our industry. Our members continue
                                                                             an industry over the last year. We saw our          to work diligently in our communities,
    SENIOR DESIGNER:             Annette Carlucci
                                                                             members warmly welcome thousands of                 delivering high quality rental housing to
    DESIGNER:                    Jennifer Carter
                                                                             Syrian refugees and help them to adjust to          millions of Ontarians and providing the
    SALES:                       Sean Foley • x225
                                                                             their new homes. FRPO members raised                service that residents deserve when living in
                                 Stephanie Philbin • x262                    $60,000 for Interval House through our annual       a professionally managed building. Looking
    PRESIDENT:                   Kevin Brown                                 golf tournament. These funds will be used           forward, we know that our determination
    GROUP PUBLISHER: Melissa Valentini                                       to support women and children who have              and commitment to housing will enable to us
                                                                             suffered abuse and provide the programming          to take on new challenges effectively in the
                                                                             that they require to start over. The Spring Hope    years to come.
                                                                             Food Drive continues to bring in hundreds of           From all of us at FRPO, we wish you a
                       FRPO IS A MEMBER OF:                                  thousands of pounds of food to stock local          joyous holiday season filled with love, laughs
                                                                             food banks in over 35 communities in the            and lots of rest. All the best in 2017 and see
                                                                             province. We also saw our members spring to         you back here in January.
                                                                             action following the devastating fires in Fort
    Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not
    necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the FRPO Board or          McMurray. Members provided discounts to
    Management. FRPO and MPH Graphics accepts no liability for information
    contained herein. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced    evacuees, held fundraisers and even created         LYNZI MICHAL
    without written permission from the publisher.
                                                                             a housing registry for the victims to more easily   Editor, FE magazine
                                                                             track down new housing.                             Director of Membership & Marketing, FRPO

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               CMHC RENTAL MARKET                                                   CFAA RENTAL HOUSING CONFERENCE
    JAN        SURVEY BREAKFAST                                         JUN         June 6-8
    01        January/February 2017
              This event will take place in January/February 2017.      06          Westin Prince Hotel, Toronto
                                                                                    This event will take place June 6-8th and is being held
              The membership will be notified once the date is                      at the Westin Prince Hotel in Toronto. Talks by keynote
finalized for this very popular event. CMHC will provide the           speakers including Benjamin Tal, as well as more than 60 landlords,
findings in both Ontario and the Toronto region from the 2016          consultants, rental suppliers, and other experts in 30+ sessions! Please
Rental Market Survey.                                                  visit for more information. Early bird rates available!

               SPRINGFEST                                                           NAA EDUCATION CONFERENCE
    MAY       May 3                                                     JUN         AND EXPOSITION
    03        Register now for Springfest admission. Springfest is
              free and limited to 1,700 qualified property managers,     21          June 21-24
                                                                                     Registration is OPEN! It's time to Apartmentalize, which
              building owners, developers, facility mangers,                         means taking your career, your company and your
plant engineers, multi-residential board of directors, building        residents' experience to the next level. Achieve greater success
operations and maintenance staff responsible for office, industrial,   in all three areas by joining us in Atlanta to attend the apartment
condominium, apartment, medical, educational, retail, and              industry's premiere event - the 2017 NAA Education Conference &
institutional buildings. Find out more at    Exposition. Learn from world-class speakers and industry experts,
                                                                       network with nearly 10,000 of your peers, and get access to
                                                                       innovative products and services from over 450 top suppliers.
                                                                       Get Focused. Get Inspired. Get Going. Find more information at

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                                     THE YEAR OF
    SCOTT ANDISON                    Moving the industry forward
    President & CEO, FRPO

          he year 2016 has been, without a      are seeing the traction that this has generated   policy options and provide our own evidence
          doubt, one of the most intensive      to the benefit of the entire industry.            and advice on how to improve outcomes
          years to date in the association’s       Our investment eight years ago in              for tenants, the economy as a whole, and
          30-year history. From launching       developing the Certified Rental Building          planning for the future. Now I am the first to
new membership programs, to rolling out         program has allowed us to further our public      admit that what we have seen so far is far from
more accredited buildings in the Certified      image and brand as a responsible industry         perfect, and definitely not consistent across
Rental Building program, and engaging with      that is committed to quality and continuous       all of the industry’s issues, but what I can say
government at an unprecedented pace,            improvement. Through these collective             is that we have never been invited to the table
FRPO has been at the centre of everything       efforts we have been able to significantly        with government on nine different initiatives
that has been supporting and impacting the      influence perceptions and thinking at the         over a period of nine months.
rental housing industry in Ontario.             municipal level when examining the need for           Most recently, it was announced that the
   The staff team at FRPO has risen to the      government oversight and intervention. Our        new Minister of Housing’s mandate includes
challenge to seek out new and innovative        recent work with the City of Toronto on the       a commitment to setting up a dedicated
ways to continually improve how we deliver      licensing file is but one example where we        industry partner’s table with the rental
services, and to enhance the programming        have made significant progress in injecting       housing industry to engage directly on
in our events, seminars and information         more realistic perspectives in options            improving overall outcomes—this has never
products offered throughout the year. I am      being considered by decision makers. The          been done before, and came about through
extremely proud of the team’s efforts, and      government of British Columbia recognized         our engagement efforts and strategy to
continue to be amazed at the effectiveness      late last year the merits of our CRB program      find a new way to advance our goals and
of what they do.                                and opted to support the adoption of FRPO’s       objectives. More details will be available
   Our key themes throughout 2016 have          best in class standards program rather than       on this soon, but for now this is a significant
been to continually demonstrate how             build their own government-run standards          step forward for FRPO and the industry,
the rental housing industry is committed        regime. This is just one example of why           with a hope that a more prosperous future
to continuous improvement, supporting           getting out front of an issue is critical—it      lies ahead.
sustainable communities, and demonstrating      allows you to better control your own fate,           These outcomes would never be
a willingness to innovate and be forward        rather than have it controlled for you.           possible without the ongoing support and
thinking. From the design of our events            Our strategies with the Ontario government     commitment of FRPO’s members, and on
and training, to our approach to policy and     these past couple of years resulted in an         behalf of the entire FPRO team and board
advocacy work with government, we ensure        unprecedented level of information exchange       of directors, I want to say thank you. I am
that our focus is always on where we need to    and consultation with the industry. We have       looking forward to continuing to champion
go, not only where we feel we can. While this   never before seen this level of opportunity       further progress in 2017 for the betterment of
has taken a lot of commitment and energy, we    to directly engage in the development of          the entire rental housing industry.

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Avoiding multi-tenant abatement claims


           esidential landlords who do major
           renovations and repairs that in
           turn cause inconvenience and
           disruption to tenants’ use of their
apartments invariably invite tenant claims
for compensation. It is common for a group
of tenants to consolidate their claims in a
manner similar to a class action, and to seek
substantial abatements of rent based on the
contention that the landlord was in breach
of the statutory obligation prohibiting
“interference with tenants’ reasonable
enjoyment” of their rental units. The key to
successfully defending against such claims
is to prove to the Landlord and Tenant Board
(LTB) that the carrying out of the work was
done in a reasonable manner and that the
application should therefore be dismissed.
    Under the Residential Tenancies’ Act,
2006 (RTA), and until relatively recently,
a landlord would automatically be
exposed to liability to pay abatements of
rent in any situation where tenants were
inconvenienced as a result of disruptive
repair work. Landlords doing balcony               landlords to do such work, if the work            with tenants’ use, and it is arguably
work; window or roof replacement; riser            caused tenants inconvenience, then they           unconstitutional to force landlords to break
replacements; comprehensive building               were entitled to a rent abatement.                the law by maintaining their properties.
envelope work; boiler replacement; and                 The Federation of Rental Housing              FRPO also asserted that in the absence of
parking garage remediation will, by default,       Providers of Ontario (FRPO) and other             regulatory relief from financial liability, the
“interfere” with tenants’ use and enjoyment        landlord    associations     threatened      to   work would not get done unless abatements
of their rental units. The work is noisy, dusty,   challenge the legality of the conflict inherent   could be recovered in an Above Guideline
and oftentimes prevents tenants from using         in the RTA between a law that forces landlords    Rent Increase (AGI) application. Remediation
features of their tenancy, such as a parking       to “maintain and repair” and at the same          and upgrading of existing rental housing
space, or their balconies, or for those on         time makes it unlawful to “interfere” with        stock is an important legislative priority
shift work, a decent day’s sleep. Courts           tenants’ use and enjoyment. It is impossible      so the Province has created regulatory
had previously ruled that, regardless of the       to “maintain and repair” major apartment          relief for landlords, provided a legal test of
legal obligation imposed by the RTA forcing        building components without “interference”        “reasonableness” is met.


    Most multi-tenant applications based on        Committee [CCDC] Stipulated Price                    and changes to timelines are also helpful,
landlord “interference” are brought after          Contract) and other agreements which are             not just for residents, but also in satisfying
the work is finished, but the landlord has         specialized for the work to be done (i.e.            an LTB Member that the landlord is acting
filed an AGI to recover the capital costs of       elevator cab or boiler replacement and               reasonably during the course of the work.
the work and the tenants seek to offset any        upgrades). The contractor responsible for            Labour costs incurred for these items are
increase with an abatement order from the          meeting the contract specifications will             recoverable in an AGI as long as they are
LTB. Landlords who have failed to plan for         usually be an “independent contractor”               properly documented.
the risk and consequences of a multi-tenant        who, for WSIB, licensing, and other
application do so at their financial peril.        regulatory purposes, has full control of         5. Dealing with “unreasonable” contract
                                                   the work site and full responsibility for           performance: Not all contractors are
THE RTA “LEGAL TEST” WHICH                         hiring and firing employees doing the               perfect. On more than one occasion
EXONERATES LANDLORDS FROM LIABILITY                work. The landlord’s role is restricted to          landlords have had to deal with
Section 8 of Ontario Regulation 519/06             monitoring contract compliance to ensure            contractors cutting corners and failing to
articulates the key legal test landlords must      that the work is carried out in accordance          meet performance standards required by
meet to be exonerated from legal liability         with the technical specifications in the            the contract. Work can be substantially
for tenant inconvenience. If the landlord has      tender/contract documents and that the              delayed due to contractor deficiencies,
done major repairs, maintenance or capital         work is completed within the time frames            which are identified by the landlord’s
improvements, and the work is “carried out         specified in the contract. This monitoring          consultants and which must then be
in a reasonable manner,” then the Board is         role is usually delegated to an agent or            corrected. Such delays heighten the risk
prohibited from making a finding that the          employee of the landlord, such as an                of a successful multi-tenant application
landlord has substantially interfered with         engineer or other qualified consultant.             based on the contention that the “carrying
tenants’ enjoyment of their tenancy, even if                                                           out of the work” was unreasonable. In our
as a practical matter there was substantial     3. Ensuring the work is “carried out”                  view, if the landlord can prove that the
disruption to tenants’ use and enjoyment of        reasonably: If there are no deficiencies            added delay and inconvenience is the
their tenancy.                                     in compliance or performance with the               result of contractor deficiencies, and this
   So what is “reasonable” in the context of       contract, including meeting projected               is usually documented in the progress
the “carrying out of the work?” Compliance         time lines for completion, then the legal           reports of the landlord’s engineer or
with, and adherence to, professional industry      test to exonerate the landlord from                 other supervisory consultant, then the
standards is a hallmark of reasonableness.         liability is met. If there are performance          Landlord should not be held liable. The
                                                   delays (which often happens in cases                RTA (s. 29) states that there is liability if the
1. Before the work begins: Landlords               involving remedial concrete repairs, or             interference is caused by the “Landlord,
   who retain a professional engineer              manufacturing delays as often happens               superintendent, or agent of the landlord.”
   to assess building conditions and               with balcony railings) then there is                Independent contractors are not “agents
   make recommendations based on the               potential liability. Delays which are caused        of the landlord” and consequently, if the
   Condition Assessment will satisfy a             by the conduct of third parties or which are        landlord can prove that the independent
   preliminary requirement to show that            otherwise beyond the landlord’s control             contractor is responsible for excessive
   the work was properly mandated. If              (weather, labour disruptions) should not            interference, the landlord should not be
   the landlord then retains or employs            attract liability. Detailed progress reports        held liable.
   professionals (ie: an Engineer, Architect,      from the project coordinator, engineer
   designated construction professionals) to       or other supervisory staff constitute            In summary, what the RTA imposes on
   prepare and commission tenders based            excellent evidence and proof of valid            landlords is an obligation to act professionally
   on industry specifications and to review        reasons why the duration of work may             and reasonably in carrying out major repairs,
   and recommend successful bidders, this          exceed projected time lines, thereby             renovations and replacements at residential
   will show that the scope of the work was        avoiding liability.                              complexes. The legislation recognizes that
   appropriate, “necessary”, and initiated                                                          there can be unforeseen circumstances
   consistent with professional standards.      4. Tenant communications are vital: While           which delay completion of projects and
   Some landlords will have construction           not a necessary component of the legal           result in a backlash from residents; however,
   professionals on staff, but most are            test, a key strategy for mitigating risk is      it also provides an opportunity for landlords
   likely (and expected) to use third party        for the landlord to ensure that tenants          to escape liability, provided the reasons for
   professionals for major projects. If work       are given advance notice of the nature           delay are properly documented. Landlords
   is planned to improve “curb appeal” of          of work to be done; its likely impact on         who follow the steps outlined above,
   the building, the Landlord should consult       tenants’ use and enjoyment of their              including professionally planning and
   with a legal advisor for the best strategy      rental units; projected timelines and            documenting the process before the shovel
   to avoid liability.                             reasons why projected timelines may              goes in the ground, will avoid financial
                                                   not be met; and, recommendations                 liability to tenants after the dust settles and
2. Retaining the contractor and monitoring         to minimize adverse impacts from the             the AGI is filed.
   the work: Most contracts for major              work (i.e. assisting elderly residents
   remedial work are negotiated and                in removing material from balconies,             Joe Hoffer is a Partner with Cohen Highley LLP.
   implemented using standard, industry            providing “quiet rooms” for use by stay-         Cohen Highley’s Residential Tenancies Group has
   construction agreements (i.e. the               at-home residents). Ongoing tenant               successfully processed AGIs for thousands of rental
                                                                                                    units in the GTA, while ensuring that Landlords have
   Canadian     Construction    Documents          communication reporting on progress              avoided liability to pay rent abatements.

                                                                                    THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATION OF RENTAL-HOUSING PROVIDERS OF ONTARIO   11

The key ingredient for multifamily living


         ince the 2008–2009 recession,            Overwhelmingly, the demographics of            concerns are deeper. They care about green
         construction rates for multifamily     residents who live in these units skews          supply chains – operationally, financially and
         dwellings have recovered at a faster   toward much younger generations. The             environmentally. By integrating sustainability
         pace than those for single-family      key to keeping this audience engaged is          practices into building design and choosing
homes—increasing in four of the five years      understanding what they care about and           truly sustainable products and materials,
following the recession, per research from      delivering against it in a meaningful way.       developers and architects can provide the
Canadian Megatrends. This data confirms           According to a Nielsen study, today’s          sustainable living environment that today’s
that multifamily dwellings are here to stay,    young home seekers are more green-minded         renters, and their future tenants, are seeking.
surpassing new construction of single-family    than any generation before them. They’re            Along with being more green-minded
homes in 2010 and peaking in 2013 with the      looking for more than just energy savings,       than ever, today’s renters are willing to back
highest number of new units since 1977.         low-flow toilets and LEED certification. Their   up this preference by paying more for it. A

recent survey from the National Multifamily
Housing Council revealed that renters will
                                                            Developers must take note of these increasingly
pay more to live in sustainably designed
apartments. In fact, survey respondents
                                                            popular preferences and market toward them to
said that they would be willing to pay an
extra $32.64 a month just to live in a space
                                                                 continue engaging new consumers.
with a “green building” certification, such as
a Leadership in Energy and Environmental           • 50% of all raw materials used are recycled     and productivity. Incorporating biophilic
Design (LEED) certification.                         or bio-based                                   design into spaces is one of many ways to
   Developers must take note of these              • 92% reduction of GHG emissions from            create more sustainable and healthy living
increasingly popular preferences and                 baseline footnote needed? 1996?                environments for residents.
market toward them to continue engaging            • 50% product carbon footprint reduction            Although Interface is on its way to achieving
new consumers. Forty-three percent of                                                               its Mission Zero goals of eliminating its
survey respondents indicated that they want        Interface has incorporated sustainability        environmental impact by 2020, the company
to see information online about sustainable        into every facet of its business, from           recently launched a new mission – Climate
features within an apartment, confirming           manufacturing to product design. For             Take Back – focused on creating a path
that apartment owners must focus their             example, it has diverted 150,000 tons of         for Interface and others to reverse global
marketing efforts to the preferences of            carpet and carpet scraps from landfills since    warming, not just reduce carbon emissions.
today’s green-minded renter.                       1994 through its ReEntry™ program. And the          Just as Interface is more than carpet,
   One way to do this is by incorporating          company’s Net-Works Initiative partnership,      multifamily properties are more than brick
sustainable products and design into               a model of inclusive business is designed to     and mortar. Any company and industry
the apartment’s interior. For instance,            tackle the growing environmental problem of      can become restorative through the
Interface, the world’s largest manufacturer        discarded fishing nets in developing-world       power of influence. Developers, architects,
of modular carpet tile and a leader in             vulnerable coastal communities, has led to       and designers can provide a beautiful,
sustainable business, creates products             the collection of more than 100 tons of nets,    sustainable, and restorative place for people
with sustainability as its core goal. For more     which are then recycled to create yarn for its   to live while driving profits for their business.
than 20 years, the company has been at the         carpet tiles. Key point here is social impact    Via transparency and a life cycle approach;
forefront of integrating sustainability into its   and the creation of community-based banks.       encouraging low carbon products and
business with its bold and innovative Mission         Furthermore, Interface is creating            implementing a biophilic design approach
Zero – Interface’s goal to eliminating any         environmentally-friendly products that are       are two good places to start.
negative impact it has on the environment          not only good for the environment, but also
by the year 2020.                                  good for the people who encounter them.          Interface is proud to provide FRPO members
   This commitment has driven significant          This philosophy is highlighted through its       exclusive pricing on their carpet tile products
sustainability progress for Interface:             commitment to biophilic design, an ethos,        ensuring easy maintenance and replacement. By
                                                                                                    definition, Interface is the world’s largest designer
• 84% of the energy Interface uses globally        practice and design approach that recognizes     and maker of carpet tile. Ray Anderson founded
   is renewable (96% in the Americas)              how human beings have a connection with          Interface in 1973 because he believed in the global
• 91% reduction in waste to landfill               nature that affects their overall well-being     potential of carpet tile. From mill to management,
                                                                                                    vision has always been the rule—not the exception.

Why industry associations should be an important part of your sales and
marketing strategy


                e are fast approaching the         associations host numerous functions that          The spring and fall socials are always
                end of the year, and for most      give us the opportunity to 'meet and greet'     great events to catch up with existing and
                of us, this time will consist of   the people we want to conduct business          prospective clients. They give you a chance
                budgets, trade shows, galas        with. However, our associations can only        to not only meet up with property manager/
and festive gatherings. This is the time to        help us so much. We need to take an active      owner members as well as other suppliers.
build new relationships with prospective           role in engaging in the opportunites they       Never discount other supplier members at
clients and renew old relationships with           give us.                                        a function, they know people you don't and
existing clients.                                     As a supplier member of FRPO, I know I       vice versa. They too can help open doors
   Industry associations should be an              need to get in front of my client pool—both     for you and provide introductions. Joint
important part of your sales and marketing         existing and potential—every chance I get.      ventures and referrals will benefit you and
strategy. Your associations can be of great        This is where associations can play an          other corporate and associate members.
help in this area of business, and potentially     important role. The social functions that are   Attending social events, and trade shows
save you hours of legwork, phone calls and         held annually help to put my company and        will help you stay current on the trends in
surfing the internet to find out who it is you     myself in front of the people I need to see     your area of expertise and will help you
need to meet. It’s also important to show          or meet. Make no mistake, attending social      gather important information that can easily
your support for the industry you work in.         functions is a key marketing strategy for       give you a leg up on your competition.
Associations help fund new programs and            any company. The networking I do at these       Exhibiting at the association trade shows
education, develop policy and improve              events increases my company’s exposure          or participating on an educational panel
operating conditions for your customers.           and helps provide me with new leads that        are valuable touchpoints. Volunteering at
   Who do we need to meet and how do we            might be hard to obtain otherwise. While        association events gives you the opportunity
go about meeting them? To get the biggest          not a golfer, I volunteer my time to help       to meet many attendees, not just those at
bang for your networking dollar, you need          with the annual golf tournaments of various     your table or part of your foursome.
to make sure your face, company image              associations. This puts me in eyesight of,         Meeting prospective clients at a function
and your message, gets in front of the right       and gives me the opportunity to talk to the     (be it a seminar, social or gala) is only the
people on an ongoing basis. Each year our          people I want to.                               first step of relationship building. What you


do after the function will determine if you • Events will have you leaving with new Support your associations. See you at the
were successful or not. Follow up on all            ideas, new contacts and a renewed next function!
leads, and if you did not get their contact         sense of motivation.
information, call your association team • Volunteering at one of the many charitable Mary Ongaro is the President of Absolute
member for assistance. Most associations            oganizations that our associations support, Ventilation and a long standing FRPO Member.
produce a membership directory so this can          you may be surprised by how many of our Absolute Ventilation provides insuite dryer,
                                                                                                  bathroom exhaust vent cleaning, make up air
also be a valuable source of prospects and/         industry leaders will be there as well.       shaft cleaning, laundry room dryer exhaust vent
or contact information.                           • Joining a committee will open doors to cleaning and HVAC duct cleaning.
   Don’t hesitate to ask the staff at your          the people you need to meet and see to
association to help you. Staff can introduce        grow your business while supporting the
                                                               ByngGroup_FRPO_November_2016_FINAL.pdf    1   2016-11-15     4:51 PM
you to prospective clients in numerous              association’s directives.
ways. Become a sponsor at an event, join
a committee, attend seminars or other
events offered by your local associations.
Attending seminars that may not be directly
related to your business, again provides an
opportunity for you to be seen by potential
clients. These type of events also help
to increase your industry knowledge and
give you a better understanding of the
environment that your clients work in. Take
advantage of marketing opportunities by
advertising in your association’s magazines
or newsletters. All of these steps offer a
perfect opportunity to build relationships
with prospective clients while supporting
your association publications. Many of
these publications look to members to
help provide educational content, so write
an article and help update other members
on new products or services and best
practices.                                      C

   It really comes down to this: the more
you give, the more you get. Continued
involvement in your association provides Y
you the opportunity to stay in the forefront ofCM
people's minds and shows your commitment
to the industry.


            Involvement = Action
               Action = Results
• These events provide us with an excellent
  opportunity to build and maintain
  business relationships and brand our
  products and services.
• When confronted with a room full of
  people from our industry, we are bound
  to discuss what is happening in our
  target market areas. We will learn what
  new trends our prospective clients are
  looking for and we will discuss tried and
  true practices.
• We will connect with the leaders in our
  industry. Networking and social events
  provide us with an environment in which
  we can feel confident to approach
  prospective clients.

                                                                                     THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATION OF RENTAL-HOUSING PROVIDERS OF ONTARIO   15

How pricing audits and mystery shops can be an important part of an
effective leasing strategy


         oday’s     incredibly      competitive      competitors. Combining both these tools (a        for before the showing? Is the unit ‘rent
         housing market has been a                   pricing audit and a mystery shop) offers a        ready’? How knowledgeable are staff
         landlord’s dream, leading to                comprehensive, unbiased, and realistic view       about the entire move-in and rental
         exceptionally low vacancy rates             of a company’s leasing experience.                experience? Are they able to pick up on
as many tenants choose to keep renting                                                                 the customer’s ‘body language’ about the
instead of trying to buy a pricey home.              TURNING KNOWLEDGE INTO TENANTS                    unit, and politely inquire about what the
   But no matter how ‘hot’ the rental                So you’ve done your pricing audits and            customer likes and does not like?
market becomes, vacancies still occur.               mystery shops and know the strengths and        • Closing skills. Has the customer filled
Those companies who have developed an                weaknesses of your business. Now it’s time        out an application for the apartment? If
outstanding leasing experience and who               to use this information to ensure you are         not, have staff found out why and do they
have done their ‘homework’ through pricing           offering a superior leasing experience.           have a plan for follow-up?
audits and mystery shops will find it easy to fill      First and foremost, attracting and keeping
their vacancies quickly, with the ideal tenant.      good tenants is about relationships. People     Once the tenant does move in, continuing
                                                     rent apartments from those they like, know,     to offer great customer service is integral.
IT ALL STARTS WITH THE RESEARCH                      and trust and not from those they feel are      Research shows that acquiring a new
To be competitive, you have to know what             trying to “sell” them on a home that does not   customer is anywhere from five to 25 times
your competition is doing. In the rental market,     meet their needs.                               more expensive than retaining an existing
gaining that competitive edge starts with               In order to build these relationships,       one. What’s more, highly satisfied residents
conducting a market survey, also known as a          your staff should have certain fundamental      can often be your best source for new ones.
pricing audit. Pricing audits allow companies        skills and training. Customers can quickly         Ultimately, the goal of sales and customer
to compare their rental costs and building           determine if their business matters. For        service for rental housing providers must
amenities with other apartments in the same          starters, they should have…                     be to “stop selling and start helping.” Your
region. However, although pricing audits can         • Excellent       telephone     and    online   prospect has a problem; they need a new
give you important quantitative data, it’s equally      communication skills. Is the phone           home. Coincidentally, you likely have
critical to have qualitative information as well.       answered and does it rarely go to voice      something available. It’s your job to show
   Management thinker Peter Drucker is                  mail? Has your company established           them why your company is the one that can
often quoted as saying that "you can't                  timeframes for when voice mails and          open the door to the perfect apartment they
manage what you can't measure." Mystery                 emails must be returned? Are your staff      will love to call home for years to come.
shopping is an ideal strategy to measure                aware of and meeting these expectations?
the intangible aspects of your business and          • The know-how to properly show a unit.         Taeus Group provides training programs, which
easily helps you to identify opportunities for          Does the staff member know the type          include: leasing, customer service excellence,
improvement. Similar to a pricing audit, a              of apartment the customer is looking         communication skills, understanding AODA, and
                                                                                                     Human Rights and Privacy Legislation.
mystery shop compares your building with
other local competitors, but in this case it’s
the knowledge and customer service of staff
that is also being evaluated. It’s important
to share the results of a mystery shop with
your staff and discuss both the positive
results, as well as the areas of concern.
Most businesses typically notice a dramatic
improvement following a mystery shop.
   Having your own staff conduct a mystery
shop in their own neighbourhood can be
extremely useful in helping you to figure
out what differentiates you from your

FEmagazine_CynergyM_ad_110116_OL.indd 1   2016-11-01 1:05 PM

Oxford Properties continues on its winning ways as it moves forward to lead
the industry in sustainability excellence


            t the 2015 MAC Awards, Oxford
            Properties became the first
            recipient of the Certified Rental
            Building (CRB) Member Award
(under 15 buildings). As a founding member
in the CRB program, Oxford Properties has
long had a dedicated focus on continued
excellence in the quality of service and the
quality of apartment product they provide to
the many thousands of residents who make
their home with them.
   “Being the first-ever winner of the CRB
member award at last year’s MAC awards
was truly an honour for Oxford Properties
and for all our staff,” states Andrew Lowe,
Director Residential Real Estate. “We have
a strong focus on excellence and quality
in everything we do at Oxford Properties,
so being the first award winner against so
many worthy recipients is recognition that
we are on the tight track.”
   While never taking their eye off the quality
CRB focus, Oxford Properties is now zeroed
in on creating Sustainability Excellence,         certification options available that would       multi-res industry best practices and
in the multi-res industry, by embracing           address the uniqueness of the multi-             provide some insights to Oxford‘s Multi-
the CRB program’s new Living GREEN                res industry space and worked with our           Res Leadership team for Ontario. “The goal
Together™ standards. Many business                culture. The CRB program’s “Living GREEN         was to help us understand the next steps
scholars lament that the pursuit of any area      Together™ (LGT) environmental standards fit      to creating sustainability excellence, and to
of business excellence always starts with         our needs the best.“                             build on the momentum we have generated
clear organizational vision. Oxford publically       Daniela Agnoletto, Project Manager            to date,” states Steenburgh.
states its vision for all to view.                Sustainability adds, “The LGT standards             On Friday, October 14, Ted Whitehead, CRB
   Those same scholars will then go to            recognize the fact that we house hundreds of     Director of Certification, and Deb Cohen of PSN
advise that highly successful organizations       people and their households in each of our       Solutions presented a series of best practice
engage and empower their people to be an          buildings. We firmly believe that if we do not   findings and tips to an enthusiastic group from
active participant in sharing that vision.        successfully engage our frontline employees,     the Oxford property management team. The
   A recent employee survey indicated             and actively involve our residents in greening   presentation topic was “Vision, Commitment,
that over 74% of employees are actively           our apartment communities then we are            Engagement” and the presentation itself
engaged in working towards Oxford                 not demonstrating our commitment to our          delved into best practice findings on how
Properties' sustainability vision.                vision of sustainability excellence. The CRB     to engage residents through impacting
   Bert Steenburgh, General Manager               program’s LGT standards provide us with the      positive behaviour change. At the end of
Residential Real Estate states, “Having a         framework to move to this next step.”            the presentation, the audience members
clear vision of where we were headed,                At the request of Oxford Properties,          participated in the first-ever, CRB Living GREEN
we then looked for the best industry              the CRB program was asked to research            Together Survivor’s Challenge Game.


                                                                                                                              support their efforts to encourage others                                                                                               etc.). Undoubtedly, these efforts have been
                                                                                                                              living in our complex to live green and keep                                                                                            driven by the continued rise in utility costs
                                                                                                                              our community clean. The audit showed us                                                                                                across North American communities and
                                                                                                                              we are on the right track, but still have some                                                                                          the need to reduce consumption wherever
                                                                                                                              work to do.”                                                                                                                            prudent and possible. There is some
                                                                                                                                 It is easy to see why Oxford Properties                                                                                              evidence now that the industry is beginning
                                                                                                                              and their staff excel at what they do… in                                                                                               to be maxed out on current technologies
                                                                                                                              keeping with CRB’s often-stated slogan it is                                                                                            that are available to them to reduce energy
                                                                                                                              evident they live it – “We Say What We Do,                                                                                              and water consumption and that make
                                                                                                                              and Do What We Say”                                                                                                                     business sense to employ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “In sustainability too often we mistake
                                                                                                                              BEST PRACTICES RESEARCH                                                                                                                 our initial steps to the final steps in our
                                                                                                                              “Unlike most organizational change that                                                                                                 strategy because we do not have a vision of
                                                                                                                              takes place, sustainability demands an                                                                                                  what is possible, and a road map of how we
   Recognizing         that      measurement                                                                                  understanding of societal change agenda!”                                                                                               get there”
and results are often the true tests of                                                                                       (Embedding Sustainability in Organizational                                                                                                The very nature of industry in a continued
performance, Oxford has also teamed                                                                                           Culture – A Systematic Review of the Body                                                                                               rising utility cost environment will always
up with the CRB team to pilot the Living                                                                                      of Knowledge) – Completed by Network for                                                                                                drive our members to seek out new products
GREEN Together™ Site Verification/Audit                                                                                       Business Sustainability.                                                                                                                and technologies. With this in mind, our
Project. Anthony Mota, Property Manager,                                                                                         As we researched best practices in multi-                                                                                            research led us to a best practises area
for Oxford’s Goldengate complex, quickly                                                                                      res sustainability leadership across North                                                                                              where there is still a major opportunity to
volunteered his apartment community (over                                                                                     America, it became evident that a majority                                                                                              impact multi-res consumption rates through
600 units) to be first up for the audit project.                                                                              of the industry’s efforts to date have been                                                                                             “resident engagement and involvement
“We are working diligently to engage our                                                                                      focused on making material changes to the                                                                                               practices”. Largely still in its infancy across
residents to act responsibility, and to keep                                                                                  physical plant that provides basic services                                                                                             Ontario, Canada, and North America, it
our Goldengate community green and                                                                                            to the residents, i.e. HVAC (heating &                                                                                                  does present a unique opportunity to lower
safe,” states Mota. “We have an active                                                                                        cooling), lighting (LED), water consumption,                                                                                            the environmental operating footprint within
resident environmental committee and                                                                                          (toilets, energy efficient laundry appliances,                                                                                          a multi-res community.

     ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING THE SALE OF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              David Montressor*

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     $293 per unit                                                                               $194 per unit                                                                                   $303 per unit                                                                                $217 per unit

     This disclaimer shall apply to CBRE Limited, Real Estate Brokerage, and to all other divisions of the Corporation; to include all employees and independent contractors (“CBRE”). The information set out herein, including, without limitation, any projections, images, opinions, assumptions and estimates obtained from third parties (the “Information”) has not been
     verified by CBRE, and CBRE does not represent, warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the Information. CBRE does not accept or assume any responsibility or liability, direct or consequential, for the Information or the recipient’s reliance upon the Information. The recipient of the Information should take such steps as the recipient may
     deem necessary to verify the Information prior to placing any reliance upon the Information. The Information may change and any property described in the Information may be withdrawn from the market at any time without notice or obligation to the recipient from CBRE. CBRE and the CBRE logo are the service marks of CBRE Limited and/or its affiliated or related
     companies in other countries. All other marks displayed on this document are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATION OF RENTAL-HOUSING PROVIDERS OF ONTARIO                                                                                   19

National Housing Strategy may yield good results for Ontario rental providers


          he Liberal Government is committed      areas, such as Toronto and Ottawa. It would    to seek to prevent homelessness, and to
          to bringing in a National Housing       also use an affordability target of 30% for    support people who become homeless to
          Strategy in Canada, through the         families (which is standard), and 40% for      be re-housed quickly.
          consultation CMHC has conducted.        single person households, which is a reform      Thanks in part to the opposition by CFAA
On November 22, Minister Duclos, the Minister     CFAA has been advocating for years.            within the NHC, there is no pitch from the
responsible for housing, is to release a report                                                  NHC for subsidies for low-income people
on “What We Heard”. The strategy itself will      INCREASING RENTAL HOUSING SUPPLY               to buy houses. The NHC submission is
be announced in pieces in the 2017 federal        Instead of merely promoting more               available at
Budget, and in later related strategies, such     social housing construction, the NHC is
as the Poverty Reduction Strategy. As each        recommending low-interest loans for repairs    CFAA’S SUBMISSIONS TO THE
piece is announced, the related programs will     to existing private rental housing, and for    NATIONAL HOUSING STRATEGY
receive spending envelopes.                       new construction of affordable rental units,   CFAA supported the NHC proposals and
   A number of social housing providers           whether by the private or for-profit sector.   also made additional or alternate proposals
came together to create the National              The NHC also recommends an equity fund         for the National Housing Strategy. CFAA’s
Housing Collaborative (NHC) to provide            to enable the private sector to achieve        submission is available at
input into the National Housing Strategy.         market rates of return while providing some    We will make further submissions as the
CFAA and the Canadian Home Builders’              affordable rental units.                       government works out program details in
Association (CHBA) joined the NHC, but               That development funding may be an          the directions it chooses to pursue.
were concerned about being swamped by             excellent tool for the market because it is       Overall, CFAA is very pleased with the
the number of social housing providers who        adapted to the provision of some low rent      submission which has been made by the
were participating in the NHC sessions. In        units within large development projects.       National Housing Collaborative, and the
fact, the NHC recommendations turned out          More and more such inclusion will be           positive response we have received from
to be better than we had hoped.                   demanded by municipalities through             government about CFAA’s own proposals.
                                                  inclusionary zoning, and having a funding      We are also more optimistic than we have
IMPROVING AFFORDABILITY THROUGH                   source will make the required inclusion less   ever been about the result of the National
DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORT                          costly for rental developers, which is good    Housing Strategy consultation.
CFAA was delighted to endorse the NHC             for them and for low-income tenants.              As rental housing providers in Ontario, you
recommendation that the governments                                                              should feel free to let your MP or MPP know
establish a Canada-wide portable housing          OTHER ISSUES                                   you support a portable housing benefit in a
benefit with rent maximums that vary by           The NHC proposal is for modest funding to      National Housing Strategy for Canada.
city, and funding to the tune of $1.2B per        support social housing transformation ($40M
year (after a phase-in period.) That portable     over five years), and for continued support    FRPO is a member of the Canadian Federation
housing benefit program would be open to          for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) subsidies      of Apartment Associations, the sole national
renters of most age groups and provide a          and capital repairs in social housing.         organization representing the interests of
                                                                                                 Canada’s $480 billion rental housing industry,
significant benefit, especially in high-rent         The NHC proposes increased funding          which houses more than nine million Canadians.


How to engage residents using visual content


   t’s crucial for property management professionals to find             participation. Establish a timeline. Keep in mind that when participants
   innovative ways to connect with prospects and generate                share pictures of your property on Instagram, those photos also
   business, and social media is a powerful tool to help. When           appear on the newsfeed of their followers. A well-planned Instagram
   comparing the major social media platforms, there are a               contest has great potential to generate awareness of your property
few key differentiators. Facebook is more visual, personal, and          to relevant audiences. The Instagram platform presents several
explanatory—ideal for establishing your property as a helpful            opportunities for marketing your multifamily property, you’ve just got
resource and engaging with residents. Twitter tends to be more           to think visually!
succinct and efficient, allowing properties to pass along news and
make connections within a larger community of businesses.                Kerie Kerstetter is the Director of Content Strategy for Canonball, a digital
  Alas, we arrive at Instagram, a social network that’s widely popular   marketing agency in Dallas that specializes in both multifamily and mixed-
among the millennial demographic (not to mention the upcoming            use development.
Generation Z). Instagram mimics Facebook from the standpoint             Originally published in Property Management Insider
that our focus shifts back to resident engagement. It has a single
function (picture-sharing), which makes it highly visual and a great
platform for conveying the personality of your resident community.

With Instagram, users have several formatting options for editing
pictures. Colour treatments, called “filters” can be applied to photos
to make them more artistic and visually interesting. Again, users
can be individuals or organizations. Similar to Facebook, users can
favourite or comment on pictures, as well as tag other users.
   Driven by the freedom to format, as well as a quick-scrolling                      A LEADER IN FIRE
mobile platform, Instagram is among the most interactive social
networks. For multifamily properties, it’s an excellent tool for
                                                                                  PROTECTION AND SECURITY
branding and resident engagement.
                                                                                  • 24 hour Emergency Service              • Kitchen Hood Systems
                                                                                    • Complete Inspection &                 Installation/Inspection
                                                                                         Verification                        • Emergency Lighting
Sharing visual updates                                                                                                        Installation/Service
                                                                                 • Installation of all Manufactures
Think visually. When it comes to your everyday resident                                      Fire Alarms               • Intercom & Door Entry Systems
communications, consider how can you create visual interest. Are                     • U.L.C listed Fire Alarm         • Card Access Control Systems
you opening the pool this weekend? Post an inviting picture! Are                           Monitoring                     • Closed Circuit Television
you prepping for a resident event? Show them! Are there cupcakes                     • Full in house Sprinkler                Systems (CCTV)
                                                                                            Department                     • Magnetic Lock System
in the lobby, or amenities your residents aren’t taking advantage of?
                                                                                  • Extinguishers & Fire Hoses                 • Fire Safety Plans
Make sure you’re sharing the imagery. Before you start, however,
                                                                                      • Garage Co Systems
you need to ask yourself what tone or personality you want to
convey, and which property features you want to highlight.

Engaging with new and existing residents
Seeing as millennials are already on Instagram, engaging with them
there is easy. Inviting your residents to participate in an Instagram                    14-3650 Langstaff Road, Suite 380 | Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8
contest is perhaps the simplest way to do so. Create a call-to-action                             Phone: 905-532-0014 | Fax: 905-532-0016

for your residents to submit pictures: “Share your poolside pictures           |
this month for a chance to win a gift card!” Offer an incentive for

                                                                                     THE VOICE OF THE FEDERATION OF RENTAL-HOUSING PROVIDERS OF ONTARIO    21

Housing tour highlights from Dallas, Texas


          n October 5th & 6th, FRPO’s        excellent rental properties hosted by          amenity space design and programming,
          fifth annual Housing Tour          Olympus Property, Gables Residential,          use of the latest technology, and various
          headed down to Dallas, Texas       Alpha Barnes Real Estate Services, and         approaches in leasing activities and
          to learn about the latest trends   Windsor Communities. We extend a big           promotion efforts. At each location,
and experiences in the Dallas rental         thank you to the management and staff of       attendees had the unique opportunity
housing market.                              these companies who could not have been        to talk to building staff and management
  Thanks to the tremendous assistance of     better hosts to our group.                     executives about everything from leasing
the Greater Dallas Apartment Association,      On the tour, delegates had the               practices to capital construction cost and
we had the opportunity to visit four         opportunity to see the latest in finishings,   planning approval issues. Members who

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