Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018

Page created by Chris Gross
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018

        Doing business
        and investing in

Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018

Doing Business and Investing in Ghana – 2018 is published by
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Ghana. This publication is intended to provide a
quick overview of the business environment in Ghana.

We have endeavoured to take reasonable care in compiling this publication,
which presents the position of Ghana in respect of the geographic facts,
economic performance, economic sectors, investment climate, forms of business
organisations, business and accounting practices, taxation regimes, etc., as at the
dates stated in this publication.

Please note that information presented in this publication has been prepared for
quick reference and general guidance purposes only, and does not constitute the
provision of professional advice on any particular matters.

PwC is a global network of firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. The
firms that make up the network are committed to working together to provide
industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and solve
important problems in society.

The Ghana firm, which is a full member of the network of firms of PwC, has
unrestrained access to the global firm’s vast resource base of proprietary
knowledge, methodologies and experience.

Our team of multidisciplinary professionals is able to assist you with every matter
related to this publication and to advise investors as to the best way to do business
in Ghana.

Office locations in Ghana and Sierra Leone

Accra office
No.12 Airport City                        Telephone: +233 (0) 302761500

Una Home, 3rd Floor                       Facsimile: +233 (0) 302761544

PMB CT 42 Cantonments                     Email:

Accra – Ghana                             Website:

Takoradi office
Plot No. 31, GK Ntow Street               Telephone: +233 (0) 312028416/7

South Chapel Hill                         Facsimile: +233 (0) 312028410

Takoradi – Ghana                          Email:


Sierra Leone office
No. 2 MIK Drive                           Telephone: +233 (0) 78361701
Off Barrack Road, Murray Town, Freetown   Email:
Sierra Leone                              Facsimile: +233 (0) 30 2761544
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Ghana at a glance                                                          5
Republic of Ghana                                                          5
Tourism and places of interest                                             5
Population and people                                                      5
Education                                                                  6
Economy                                                                    6

The Government Sector                                                      8
The National Digital Property Addressing System (NDPAS), National
Identification Project (NIP) and Interoperable Electronic Platform (IEP)   8
Government of Ghana Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication
Project (IPEP)                                                             9
Paperless port project                                                     9
Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire maritime dispute: The International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) win                                9

The economy of Ghana                                                       11
Investing In Ghana                                                         15
Setting up a business in Ghana                                             15
Tax identification number (TIN)                                            15
Types of companies                                                         15
Statutory/regulatory registration                                          16
Operating a foreign account                                                17
Repatriation of funds                                                      17
Immigration                                                                18

Economic Sectors                                                           21
Financial services (banks and other financial institutions)                21
Mining services                                                            23
The capital market                                                         26
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)                             29
Agriculture and agribusiness                                               31
Upstream oil and gas                                                       34
Downstream oil and gas                                                     35
Oil refinery in Ghana                                                      36
Electricity                                                                36
Services                                                                   38
Key chambers of commerce and trade associations                            39
Key unions                                                                 41
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
The Ghanaian tax regime                                           43
Value Added Tax (VAT) and National Health Insurance Levy (NHIL)   43
Communications service tax (CST)                                  45
Customs and excise duties                                         45
Special petroleum tax                                             47
Income tax                                                        47
Withholding taxes                                                 51
Anti-avoidance schemes                                            54
Administrative procedures                                         54
Tax Identification Number (TIN)                                   54
Tax clearance certificates (TCC)                                  55

Accounting Issues                                                 57
Financial reporting standards                                     57
Developments in accounting standards                              57

Firm information                                                  69
Our profile                                                       69
Audit and assurance                                               69
Tax & tax advisory services                                       70
Company secretarial services                                      71
Advisory services                                                 71
Our partners and directors                                        73

References                                                        77
Glossary                                                          81
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Ghana at a glance
Republic of Ghana                               • Lake Bosomtwi

Capital city: Accra                             • Aburi Botanical Gardens; and
                                                • Wli Waterfalls.
Location: West Africa

Longitude: 7.9465 degrees N                     Population and people
                                                Ghana’s current population is estimated
Latitude: 1.0232 degrees W                      at about 28.9 million (27.7 million in
                                                2016), with females forming 49.1% of
Population: 28.9 million                        the total population. According to the
                                                United Nations Statistics Division, the
Official language: English                      population density was 119 persons per
                                                square kilometre as of November 2017.
Currency: Ghana Cedi (GH¢)                      The greatest concentration of people is in
                                                the Greater Accra Region. The country’s
Time zone: GMT                                  population grew by 2.39% in 2016 and
                                                is expected to reach approximately 29
                                                million by the beginning of 2018.
Climate: Tropical

                                                Ghana has a youthful population, with
Average temperature: 26°C (about 79°F)
                                                some 60% of the population falling
                                                between the ages of 15 and 64 years.
Independence: 6 March 1957                      The age dependency ratio is 66.7%,
                                                implying that the dependent section of
Government: Democracy                           the population is more than half of the
                                                working population.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Approximately
US$44 billion (as at September 2017)            The average life expectancy at birth in
                                                Ghana is 61 years (59.8 years for males
Inflation rate: 11.8% (December 2017)           and 62.3 years for females). This is below
                                                the average life expectancy of the global
Tourism and places of interest                  population, which stands at 71 years.

Ghana is a favourite tourist destination in     Ghana is blessed with a rich diversity of
West Africa. There are many tourist sites and   ethnic groups, each with its own unique
attractions across the country, notably:        culture and way of life. The official
                                                language and mode of communication
• Kakum National Park                           is English, which is taught in all schools.
                                                The major ethnic groups in Ghana
• Elmina Castle
                                                include the Akans (the Akyem, Ashanti,
• Cape Coast Castle and Fort William            Kwahu, Akuapem, Bono and others),
                                                who form about 47.5% of the country’s
• Mole National Park
                                                total population. Other ethnic groups are
• Paga Crocodile Pond                           the Ga-Dangme (7.4%), Ewes (13.9%),
• Nzulezu Stilt Village                         Mole-Dagbani (16.6%), Guan (3.7%),
                                                Gurma (5.7%), Grusi (2.5%),

                                                                                     PwC   5
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Mande (1.1%) and others (1.4%).             Ghana Education Service
                               Ghanaians are known to be very
                                                                           • It is responsible for pre-tertiary
                               hospitable people, and this trait spans
                               across all the ethnics groups. They
                               are very religious, as the following        National Council for Tertiary
                               distribution depicts: Christianity          Education
                               accounts for 71.2% (Catholic – 13.1%,
                               Protestant – 18.4%, Pentecostal/            • This is the Council that oversees the
                               Charismatic – 28.3%, others – 11.4%),         administration of tertiary institutions
                               Islamic worship for 17.6%, traditional        of education in Ghana. It serves as
                               worship for 5.2%, other religions for         the supervisory and regulatory body
                               0.8% and no religion for 5.2%.                that advises government through
                                                                             the Minister of Education on policies
                                                                             relating to tertiary education.
                                                                           National Board for Professional and
                               The school-going age in Ghana is from
                               3-21 years old. The educational structure   Technician Examinations
                               of Ghana comprises:                         • It has oversight responsibility over
                                                                             professional and technical institutions
                               • Pre-school (ages 3-5);                      that are not universities.
                               • Basic/Primary school (equivalent to       Economy
                                 elementary school) (ages 6-11);
                                                                           The services sector is the largest
                               • Junior high school (equivalent to         contributor to Ghana’s GDP (62% as of
                                 middle school) (ages 12-14);              the end of the second quarter of 2017).
                               • Senior high school (equivalent to high    The industrial sector is the next largest
                                 school) (ages 15-17); and                 sector of the economy (26.5% as at the
                                                                           end of the second quarter of 2017),
                               • Tertiary education/Institution            followed by the agricultural sector with a
                                 equivalent to college/university (ages    11.5% contribution to GDP at the end of
                                 18-21).                                   the 2017 second quarter.
                               In Ghana, the tertiary educational
                               institutions comprise the polytechnics      With about 778, 044 metric tonnes of
                               and universities, colleges of education     cocoa beans having been produced in
                               institutions and nursing training           the 2015/2016 crop year, Ghana is the
                               colleges.                                   second-largest producer of cocoa in the
                                                                           world after Côte d’Ivoire.
                               The Ministry of Education has oversight
                               responsibility over educational issues      Ghana is currently a net importer of
                               in the country. The Ministry oversees       petroleum products. However, expected
                               various councils and bodies that are        production of oil and gas from the
                               responsible for co-ordinating and           Tweneboa, Enyenera, and Ntomme
                               implementing national policies on           (TEN) and Sankofa oilfields will increase
                               education. These bodies include:            output in 2018 and improve the balance
                                                                           of trade position.

6   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
Gold production was expected to increase
in 2018 after a 45% increase in output
from 2015 to 2016. Total gold output
was 4.1 million ounces, attributable
mainly to artisanal miners (1.5 million
ounces in 2016, from 267 662 ounces in
2015). The issue of illegal gold mining
affected gold revenue earned by the
country in 2016. The Minister of Lands
and Natural Resources indicated that
approximately $2.3 billion worth of
gold was lost through illegal mining. As
such, the government has rolled out the
Multilateral Mining Integrated Project to
curb this practice.

Ratings agency Fitch revised the outlook
on Ghana’s credit rating from negative
to stable and affirmed their B credit
rating, mainly due to progress made
in stabilising the economy with an
expected improvement of GDP growth,
declining inflation, a stable currency and
increased foreign exchange reserves. In
addition, Fitch is of the opinion that the
current government will make progress
in reducing the budget deficit after the
fiscal slippage experienced prior to the
elections in November 2016.

                                             PwC   7
Doing business and investing in Ghana - 2018
The government sector
                               Ghana practises a democratic system           The office of the Attorney-General of
                               of governance. Parliamentary and              Ghana has powers to prosecute matters
                               presidential election was held every four     on behalf of the State and is required to
                               years in accordance with the provisions       be joined in all legal actions against the
                               of the 1992 Constitution. The most            State.
                               recent elections were in 2016, with the
                               country experiencing a smooth transition      The Office of the Special Prosecutor was
                               in government.                                recently set up as a specialised agency to
                                                                             investigate specific cases of corruption
                               The Constitution provides a clearly           involving public officers, and politically
                               defined separation of powers among the        exposed persons in the performance of
                               legislative, executive and judicial arms of   their functions, as well as individuals
                               government.                                   in the private sector implicated in
                                                                             the commission of corruption and to
                                                                             prosecute these offences on the authority
                               There are ten administrative regions in
                                                                             of the Attorney-General.
                               Ghana with 254 metropolitan, municipal
                               and district assemblies (MMDAs). Ghana
                               practises a system of decentralisation        The National Digital Property
                               where the various regions and MMDAs           Addressing System (NDPAS),
                               are allowed some degree of autonomy in        National Identification Project
                                                                             (NIP) and Interoperable
                               Ghana also maintains various structures
                                                                             Electronic Platform (IEP)
                               of traditional rulership recognised under     The government aims to formalise the
                               the Constitution. The role of traditional     country’s economy by establishing a
                               leaders is to mobilise people to pursue       national database for easy identification
                               developmental goals at the local and          and increased access to information on
                               community levels. Traditional chiefs in       its citizens, locations and businesses. It
                               Ghana have been organised into regional       launched the NDPAS and NIP in 2017
                               and national houses of chiefs.                to enhance business activities in Ghana
                                                                             through the creation of a secure personal
                               Ghana’s legal system is based on the          identification system for citizens and
                               1992 Constitution, with statutes being        establishing proper national address and
                               enacted by Parliament; and rules,             location systems, respectively. These
                               orders and regulations enacted through        projects are also expected to improve
                               delegated legislation, common law             security and facilitate the deployment of
                               and customary (traditional) law. The          emergency services.
                               hierarchy of the court structure in Ghana     An IEP was launched in May 2018 for the
                               is as follows:                                financial sector with the aim of reducing
                                                                             the risk of doing business in that sector.
                               • the Supreme Court (i.e. the highest         Also known as the bank interoperability
                                 court);                                     system, it will interface mobile money
                                                                             transactions with the banking system
                               • the Court of Appeal, and the High           to monitor and facilitate electronic
                                 Courts (these two courts and                transactions within the country. Once it
                                 the Supreme Court are together              has been implemented, it will also work
                                 referred to as the superior courts of       together with the NIP to create a robust
                                 judicature); and                            credit database which will reduce the
                               • The Circuit and District courts, which      cost involved in obtaining financing from
                                 form the lower courts.                      financial institutions.

8   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
As the country continues to leverage on        Paperless port project
technology in the business space, many
government institutions – including            The government implemented a
the Registrar General’s Department             paperless port operations system
(RGD), the Passport Office and the             which is aimed at increasing efficiency
Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) –                at the ports by reducing the number
are deploying online systems to serve          of hours spent in clearing goods and
their customers. The registration of           increasing tax revenue. The aim is to
businesses, applications for passports         use increased technology and improved
and filing of some taxes in specific GRA       infrastructure and human resources
offices can now be conducted online.           to achieve a reduced average number
These innovations have not come without        of hours that shipping vessels spend at
challenges, but the government remains         the ports, to four to eight hours from
positive that all the online functionalities   the recorded average of one hundred
will be fully functional by the end of         and three hours in 2016. Increased
2018.                                          port efficiency is expected to increase
                                               revenue mobilisation and reduce the
                                               stress associated with clearing goods
Government of Ghana                            while opening up the ports to more
Infrastructure for Poverty                     business, since 80% of Ghana’s trade
Eradication Project (IPEP)                     volumes are currently done through sea
In an attempt to eradicate poverty,
the government has instituted several
initiatives under the IPEP to be               Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire maritime
implemented by three development               dispute: International Tribunal
authorities: the Northern Development          for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
Authority, the Middle-Belt Development         win
Authority and the Coastal Development
Authority. Under the IPEP, US$1 million        In September 2017, Ghana won a three-
will be disbursed to each of the 275           year-long maritime border dispute case
constituencies across Ghana to undertake       against Cote d’Ivoire after a favourable
development projects at a decentralised        ruling by the Special Chamber of the
level. The projects under consideration        International Tribunal for the Law of
include the government’s flagship              the Sea (ITLOS). ITLOS’s first ruling
projects: one-district-one-factory; one-       in 2015 placed a moratorium on new
village-one-dam and one-district-one-          projects within the TEN oil fields which
warehouse. The projects are expected to        prevented Tullow Oil from drilling
stimulate economic activity in different       additional oil wells in the area. Following
parts of the country and drive the             the ruling, Ghana’s oil production is
government’s rural industrialisation           expected to be boosted as it will be able
agenda.                                        to keep its oil concessions and further
                                               develop the oil fields.

                                                                                             PwC   9
10   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
The economy of Ghana
• The Ghanaian economy significantly             to enhance Ghana’s attractiveness as
  outperformed the global economy and            an investment destination, including
  all major sub-groupings in 2017, and           a review of the Ghana Investment
  the same is forecasted for 2018. While         Promotion Centre (GIPC) Act and
  Ghana’s GDP growth rate is expected            efforts to make Ghana the business
  to decline slightly to 6.8% in 2018, it is     hub of the West African sub-region.
  still expected to be higher than that of       These measures will increase the
  the world economy.                             attractiveness of the country to foreign
                                                 investors and enhance Government’s
• Ghana’s economic growth rate
                                                 industrialisation agenda.
  was higher than that of the global
  economy and most of sub-Saharan              • The World Economic Outlook (WEO)
  Africa in 2017. The country has                report for October 2017 estimates that
  been an attractive investment                  the average inflation rate in advanced
  destination as a result of the relative        economies will be 1.7% in 2018, the
  political stability and improved               same as in 2017. For emerging markets
  macroeconomic conditions over the              and developing economies (EMDEs),
  last two decades. Government is also           average inflation is expected to be
  putting in place additional measures           4.2% in 2017, with a marginal increase
                                                 to 4.4% in 2018.

          Global Inflation Rates
  4.5%                                                                                             4.4%


               3.2%                                                        3.1%                    3.3%

                                     2.8%               2.8%

  2.0%                                                                     1.7%                1.7%

  1.5%         1.4%


                                   2015             2016               2017                 2018
                                                    World Economy                     Advanced Economies

                                                                                                           PwC   11
While global inflation is expected to            In 2017, there was no significant change
                                increase moderately, developments in             in the structure of the economy. The
                                advanced economies present risks to              services sector continues to be the largest
                                the projected level of inflation. The US         contributor to GDP. With the exception
                                Federal Reserve increased rates twice            of the industry sector which expanded,
                                in 2017 and the UK Treasury interest             the services and agriculture sectors
                                has followed suit by increasing rates            contracted marginally. The 2018 Budget
                                for the first time in almost a decade.           Statement estimates that significant
                                These are likely to make government              growth was achieved in the economy in
                                securities in advanced economies more            2017, with real GDP growth estimated
                                attractive, leading to a potential increase      at 7.9% at the end of 2017, higher than
                                in investment in these securities. Such          the target growth of 6.3%. This higher-
                                a development will strengthen hard               than-budgeted growth was driven by
                                currencies such as the US Dollar. A              an increase in oil production as a result
                                stronger US Dollar can put exchange-             of the deferral of the Jubilee floating
                                driven inflationary pressure on the              production storage and offloading
                                Ghana Cedi.                                      (FPSO) turret remediation projected
                                                                                 from the third quarter of 2017 to 2018
                                                                                 and the commencement of production in
                                                                                 the Sankofa-Gye Nyame oilfield.

                                             Sectoral Structure of the Economy

                                   2017           25.6%             18.5%                    55.9%

                                   2016           24.3%             18.9%                    56.8%

                                   2015           25.1%             20.3%                    54.6%

                                   2014           26.6%             21.5%                    51.9%

                                   2013           27.8%             22.4%                    49.8%

                                   2012           28.0%             22.9%                    49.1%

                                                          Service           Agriculture      Industry

12   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
20%        Growth per sector 2013 – 2017
                                                                                             36.10                         38.96   40.0
   15%             32.24
   10%                                                                                                                             25.0
                  6.6%                                                        6.3%
           5.7%                                      5.6%                                            5.7%
                                     4.6%                                                                                  4.7%    15.0
    5%                                                                                                      4.3%
                                                              2.8%                   3.0%                                          10.0
                                            0.8%                                                                                   5.0
    0%                                                               -0.3%                  -0.5%

                  2013                      2014                 2015                       2016                   2017
                             Agriculture                        Industry                       Services                        GDP (GH¢bn)

The structure of the Ghanaian economy                       2018, allowing for increased production
is not expected to change significantly in                  in 2017 and a lower forecast production
the short to medium terms. The current                      in 2018 than originally projected. The
structure has the characteristics of a                      manufacturing subsector is expected to
mature or stable economy, where growth                      slowly recover from the severe hit it took
in the industry and services sectors                        at the height of the power crisis, with a
drives overall economic growth. There                       2017 provisional outturn of 2.7%.
are a number of agriculture and industry
related policy initiatives which are
expected to drive growth. The services
sector is also expected to continue
growing, driven by the information and
communication subsector. As indicated
in the 2018 Budget Statement, there
are plans to invest heavily in agriculture
with a focus on mechanisation and also
to ensure rapid industrialisation of the

Growth in the industry sector for 2017
was estimated at 17.7%. This was largely
driven by the mining and quarrying
subsector, of which upstream petroleum
constitutes a significant share. Upstream
petroleum had a provisional outturn of
69.2% in 2017, a sharp reversal from the
negative 16.9% recorded in 2016. This
figure is higher than previously targeted
and is principally due to the deferral of
the FPSO turret remediation project to

                                                                                                                                             PwC   13
14   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
Investing in Ghana
Setting up a business in Ghana              • Registered office and principal place of
                                              business and postal addresses;
Business can be conducted under
either a limited liability company (local   • Authorised number of shares;
company) incorporated under the laws        • Stated capital;
of the Republic of Ghana or an external
company (branch). The regulator             • Issued shares;
responsible for this is the RGD.            • Name and address of subscribers/
                                              shareholders; and
Tax identification number (TIN)             • Name of company secretary.
Prior to the registration of an entity
                                            Stamp duty
the directors and the secretary of
incorporated entities or the local          A 0.5% stamp duty is payable on the
managers of branches are required to        stated capital of the company.
register for and obtain a TIN.
Types of companies                          In addition to the stamp duty, a
Subsidiary (local company)                  subsidiary must pay a registration fee of
                                            approximately US$75 (GHS330).
This is a company limited by shares
incorporated under the Ghana
Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179). A
                                            External company
subsidiary can either be wholly or partly   An external company (also known as
owned by a Ghanaian or a non-Ghanaian.      a branch) is a body corporate formed
                                            outside the Republic of Ghana that
Registration requirements                   has an established place of business in
of a subsidiary                             Ghana.

                                            The information and documents required
The registration of a local company         for the registration of an external
involves the filing of the required         company are as follows:
forms with the RGD in order to obtain
certificates of incorporation and
                                            • Name of company (name of head
commencement of business, profile
                                              office entity);
(forms 3 and 4) and a certified true copy
of the company’s regulations.               • Nature of business;
                                            • Name and details of local manager;
The documentation/information
required for the registration of a          • Authorised capital (for head office);
subsidiary includes the following:          • Issued capital (for head office);
                                            • Address of principal place of business
• Name of company;                            in Ghana;
• Nature of business of the company;        • Address of registered office in country
• First directors (a minimum of two           of incorporation;
  is required), of whom one must be         • Name and address of process agent;
  present in Ghana at all times;
                                            • Memorandum and articles of
• Number of shares with which the             association of head office, duly
  company should be registered (shares        notarised by a notary public in the
  of no par value);                           country of registration;
• Name and address of auditor;

                                                                                         PwC   15
• A power of attorney executed in favour    c. Trading entity
                                  of the local manager, which must be
                                                                              A trading entity that is either wholly
                                  notarised as well; and
                                                                              or partly owned by a non-Ghanaian
                                • Certificate of incorporation of the         requires a minimum equity capital of
                                  head office, duly notarised in the          US$1,000,000 in either cash or capital
                                  country of registration.                    goods relevant to the investment.

                                Statutory/regulatory                        Ghana Free Zones Board (GFZB)
                                registration                                Companies operating in industries
                                Apart from incorporating or registering     other than mining, petroleum or timber
                                entities with the RGD, entities are         can obtain a license from the GFZB to
                                required to be registered with other        operate as a free zone entity. To qualify
                                regulatory bodies (as discussed below) as   for this, the entity needs to export at
                                well, depending on the industry that the    least 70% of its goods or services. GFZB
                                entity will be operating in.                registration enables the company to
                                                                            enjoy a tax holiday for a period of ten
                                                                            years; thereafter, it will be required to
                                Ghana Investment Promotion                  pay corporate tax of 25% on local sales
                                Centre (GIPC)                               and 15% with respect to exports.
                                Under the GIPC Act of 2013 (Act 865)
                                (GIPC Act), all companies in which there    Minerals Commission (MC)
                                is foreign participation are required to
                                register with the GIPC.                     All mining and mine support service
                                                                            companies are required to register with
                                                                            the MC in order to operate in the mining
                                The following are the minimum capital       sector. The registration entitles them to
                                requirements under the GIPC Act:            certain incentives, such as support in
                                                                            the form of the granting of an expatriate
                                a. A joint venture with Ghanaian            immigration quota, exemption from
                                   participation                            import duties and authorisation to
                                                                            invoice and receive and make payments
                                   In a joint venture with at least 10%
                                                                            in foreign currency subject to approval
                                   Ghanaian participation, the foreign
                                                                            from the Bank of Ghana.
                                   partner is required to contribute
                                   not less than US$200,000 (in either
                                   cash or capital goods) relevant to the   Petroleum Commission (PC)
                                   investment.                              All entities in the upstream oil and
                                b. A wholly owned foreign entity            gas sector, whether contractors,
                                                                            subcontractors or sub-subcontractors, are
                                   An entity wholly owned by a non-         required to register with the PC and pay
                                   Ghanaian requires a minimum              the required registration fees.
                                   amount of foreign equity capital of
                                   US$500,000 in either cash or capital
                                                                            To operate in the upstream oil and
                                   goods relevant to the investment.
                                                                            gas sector as a foreign investor, one is
                                                                            required to establish a joint venture (JV)
                                                                            with an indigenous Ghanaian company
                                                                            (IGC) that has at least a 5% or 10%
                                                                            ownership in the JV in the case of a
                                                                            contractor or subcontractor respectively.

16   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
National Communication Authority            The threshold for transfers abroad from
(NCA)                                       this account is US$ 10,000 without any
                                            initial supporting documents. Thereafter,
Registration with the NCA will be           transfers must be accompanied by
required if businesses will be importing    supporting documents.
telecommunications equipment,
including servers, cellular phones, fax     Transfers from FEAs to foreign currency
machines, cordless phones and radio         accounts (FCAs) are not allowed.
                                            Transfers from FEAs to Cedi accounts are
Social Security and National                allowed.
Insurance Trust (SSNIT)
Every employer is required by law to        Foreign currency account (FCA)
register with the SSNIT and pay Tier 1      Both residents and non-residents may
pension contributions in respect of its     open FCAs with any authorised dealer
employees.                                  bank in Ghana.

They are also required to register with a   FCAs should be credited with unrequited
private pension fund manager for Tier 2     transfers such as transfers from abroad
pension contributions on behalf of their    for investment or embassy transfers.
                                            Transfers from FCAs to FEAs are allowed.
Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA)               Transfers from FCAs to Cedi accounts are
Entities carrying on business in Ghana      allowed.
are required to register with the GRA for
tax purposes.                               FCAs are free from restrictions, and
                                            transfers to and from these accounts
Other regulatory bodies                     may be made freely by authorised dealer
                                            banks in convertible currencies.
Companies operating in certain specific
industries, such as banking, insurance,
etc., need to obtain licenses from their    Repatriation of funds
relevant regulatory bodies. For example,    Funds in respect of branch profits,
banks need to obtain an operating license   repayment of loans, dividends and
from the BoG, and insurance companies       management/technical fees are allowed
need to obtain an operating license from    to be repatriated in foreign currency
the National Insurance Commission           after the appropriate withholding taxes
(NIC).                                      have been paid and the respective
                                            tax clearance certificates obtained as
Operating a foreign account in              evidence of payment.
Ghana                                       The transferring entity must also
Foreign exchange account (FEA)              support these transfers with supporting
                                            documentation (e.g. audited accounts,
Both residents and non-residents are        the loan agreement, technology transfer
permitted to maintain an FEA.               agreement registration certificates etc.).
FEAs should be credited with foreign
exchange generated from activities in
Ghana, such as proceeds from exports of
goods and services.

                                                                                         PwC   17
Immigration                                  Short-term or temporary quota
                                Ghana Immigration Services (GIS) is the
                                                                             from the GIPC
                                institution responsible for the issuance     Aside from the AEQ, an entity can
                                of the various types of permits, including   negotiate with the GIPC for additional
                                work and residence permits, visitor’s        quotas, known as short-term or
                                permits and emergency entry visas,           temporary quotas. These are not granted
                                among others.                                automatically but are issued on a
                                                                             discretional basis for a maximum period
                                There are, however, other institutions       of five years or less.
                                that also issue work permits aside from
                                the GIS which are discussed below.           Unlike with the AEQ, an entity which
                                                                             requires this quota from the GIPC will
                                Work permits                                 have to provide a justification to the
                                                                             GIPC as to why they should be given the
                                Work permits can be obtained from            additional quota.
                                the GIPC in the form of an automatic
                                expatriate quota (AEQ) or from the
                                Ministry of Interior (MOI) in the form of
                                                                             Obtaining immigrant quotas from the
                                an immigrant quota or from the GIS.          Ministry of Interior (MOI)
                                                                               The MOI also issues immigrant quotas
                                Obtaining an AEQ from the GIPC                 (IQs), which are equivalent to work
                                                                               permits. Once an IQ has been issued
                                The AEQ is an automatic work permit            to an expatriate, the applicant can
                                granted to expatriates by the GIPC based       apply to the GIS for a residence permit
                                on the foreign equity capital investment       without having to apply for a work
                                made by a company. To benefit from             permit.
                                this, the company must be registered
                                with the GIPC. The foreign equity capital      Expatriates making use of the IQ may
                                investment bands for the granting of           be replaced with another expatriate
                                AEQs are as follows:                           once they leave the employment of the
                                                                               applying company. It is issued for a
                                                                               maximum period of three years.
                                  Paid-up capital         No. of
                                  (US$)                   expatriate(s)      Obtaining work permits from the GIS
                                                                               Companies that do not use the quota
                                  Not less than 50 000    1
                                                                               may apply to the GIS for a work
                                  and not more than                            permit. The GIS usually issues work
                                  250 000                                      permits for a period of one year.
                                  Not less than 250       2                    However, it is possible to obtain a
                                  000 and not more                             work permit for a period of two years
                                  than 500 000                                 as well.
                                  Not less than 500       3                    Entities operating in the mining sector
                                  000 and not more                             are required to obtain letter(s) of
                                  than 700 000                                 recommendation from the MC prior to
                                                                               making application to the GIS for work
                                  More than 700 000       4                    permits.
                                                                               In the case of upstream petroleum
                                                                               operators and free zone entities,
                                                                               companies need to apply through the
                                                                               PC and GFZB respectively.

18   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
Below are the documents required for a       • Quota letter from the GIPC or MOI
work permit application to the GIS:            or work permit letter from the GIS
                                               (whichever is applicable).
• A work permit cover letter;                Other permits/visas
• Completed work permit application
                                             Visa/Entry permit
                                             Every visitor to Ghana requires a visa/
• A letter of recommendation from the
                                             entry permit except for ECOWAS citizens,
  MC in respect of a named applicant
                                             citizens of Trinidad, Tobago, Egypt or
  (this is applicable to mining entities);
                                             Zimbabwe, holders of a German, Iranian
• Biodata page of the applicant’s            or Cuban diplomatic/service passport
  passport;                                  (for a period not exceeding three (3)
                                             months), persons in direct airside
• Two passport-sized photographs of the
                                             transit, holders of passports of Regional
                                             Economic Communities in Africa and the
• Curriculum vitae of the applicant;         African Economic Community as well
                                             as the United Nations and its specialised
• Contract of employment of the
                                             agencies, the World Bank and the African
                                             Development Bank.
• Medical report;
• Police report;                             Visitors from countries which do not
                                             have Ghana missions may obtain visas
• Registration documents of the              on arrival upon prior application to the
  company employing the expatriate;          Controller of Immigration. The visa is
• Educational certificates of the            granted in a letter form, a copy of which
  applicant;                                 must be forwarded to the visitor to
                                             enable them to travel from their country.
• GIPC registration certificate;
                                             Upon arrival in Ghana, this visa is then
• Financial statements of the company;       endorsed in the visitor’s passport.
• Tax clearance certificate of the
Residence permit
The GIS is the body responsible for
the granting of residence permits.
In addition to the work permit
documentation, the applicant will be
required to attach the following to their
residence permit application:

• Residence permit cover letter;
• Completed residence permit
  application form;
• Passport of the applicant;
• Non-citizen ID card;
• Two passport-sized photographs;
• Certificate of marriage (for spouse);
• Birth certificates of children (where so
  required); and

                                                                                         PwC   19
20   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
Economic sectors
Financial services (banks and               platform and others, the sector is
other financial institutions)               undoubtedly now in a better shape to
                                            play the role of roping in the unbanked
Ghana has a sizeable banking and
                                            population of Ghana, which still remains
financial services industry. Overall,
regulation and supervision of this
industry are by the central bank (BoG).
                                            The operating institutions include both
The banking and finance industry
                                            foreign and local major banks, rural and
in Ghana has continue to perform
                                            community banks, savings and loans
creditably. The year-on-year growth rate
                                            companies, and other finance and leasing
of the finance and insurance sector in
2017 quarter 3 was 4.1%.
                                            The number of banks and non-bank
Sector overview                             financial institutions as at August 2017
In Ghana, the financial services industry   shows that the financial sector is largely
is categorised into three main sectors:     dominated by banks, to the following
• Banking and finance (including
  non-bank financial services and forex      Organisation         Number
  bureaus);                                  Universal banks      35
• Insurance; and                             Rural and            141
• Financial/Capital markets.                 community
During the third quarter of 2017,
financial and insurance activities           Non-bank             71
increased to 4.1% at constant prices         financial
as compared to 3.6% in 2016.The              institutions
total banking-assets-to-GDP ratio as at      Microfinance         347
September 2017 was 50%.
Total credit to the private and public       Forex bureaux        413
sectors recorded an annual growth            Insurance            49
of 16.8% as at the end of September          companies (Life
2017. Outstanding credit to the private      and non-life)
sector at the end of September 2017
was GH¢33.5 billion. In real terms,          Reinsurance          3
private sector credit expanded by 4.2%       companies
compared to a 3.6% contraction in            Insurance brokers    69
September 2016.
                                             Loss adjusters       1
In November 2017, the BoG, through the       Reinsurance          1
Monetary Policy Committee, reduced the       brokers
monetary policy rate (MPR) to 20%. The
MPR was 17% as at 21 May 2018.              The Banks and Specialised Deposit
                                            Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930)
Following substantial improvements          repealed the following acts:
to the financial system, including the
introduction of mobile money services,
                                            • Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673); and
mobile banking, the e-zwich payment
                                            • Banking (Amendment) Act, 2007 (Act

                                                                                         PwC   21
Although the Banking Act, 2004 (Act            through the institution of infrastructure
                                673) and Banking (Amendment) Act               arrangements and processes in the
                                2007 (Act 738) have been repealed, all         country to strengthen payment and
                                of their regulations, orders, directives,      settlement systems. These include the
                                decisions and rules are still in force until   Ghana Automated Clearing House,
                                revoked, amended or terminated by Act          Direct Credits and Debits System, Ghana
                                930.                                           Interbank Settlement System, Mobile
                                                                               Money Services and National Switch
                                Minimum capital requirements                   (e-zwich) system.

                                Even though the banking and financial          The mobile money payment service
                                sectors are liquid and well capitalised,       has become one of the most used
                                authorities have continued efforts to          payment services in the country.
                                strengthen them. Effective September           As at September 2017, the total
                                2017, the minimum paid-up capital              number of registered mobile money
                                requirements for new banks entering            customers was 22,010,756, showing
                                the banking industry were revised by the       a 16.69% per cent growth over the
                                BoG as follows:                                position in the same period in 2016 of
                                                                               18,862 941. The total value of
                                • Commercial banks – GH¢400 million:           mobile money transactions stood at
                                                                               GH¢109,133.60 million as at September
                                • Non-bank financial institutions –
                                                                               2017 as against GH¢51,430.32 million
                                  GH¢15 million;
                                                                               for the same period in 2016.
                                • Rural banks – GH¢1 million; and
                                • Microfinance (deposit taking and non-        Foreign currency dealings
                                  deposit taking) – GH¢2 million.              The Foreign Exchange Act, 2006 (Act
                                Mergers and acquisitions                       723) requires all domestic sales and
                                                                               purchases of goods and services in Ghana
                                In 2017, two indigenous Ghanaian               to be conducted in Ghana cedis (GH¢).
                                banks, UT Bank and Capital Bank, were
                                acquired by Ghana Commercial Bank              In August 2014, following a further
                                (GCB) as a result of the revocation of         depreciation of the cedi, the BoG issued
                                their licenses by the BoG due to high          directives to revise forex rules introduced
                                non-performing loans.                          in February 2014. The key revisions
                                Banking and payment systems
                                Oversight of payment and settlement            • The limit of US$10,000 on over-
                                systems has been identified as an                the-counter foreign exchange cash
                                important component of the central               withdrawals has been removed.
                                bank’s mandate for maintaining the             • Exporters are now to continue to
                                stability of the financial system and            repatriate in full all export proceeds
                                confidence in the domestic currency.             in accordance with the terms agreed
                                As the volume and values of financial            between the trading parties. Such
                                transactions increase, the central bank          proceeds must be credited to their
                                is compelled to ensure that payment and          FEAs and converted on a needs basis.
                                settlement systems operate efficiently
                                in the country. This has been achieved         • Cheques and cheque books may be
                                                                                 issued by banks to holders of FCAs and

22   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
• Persons engaged in the business            • Reduced income tax rate (i.e. 20%
  of foreign exchange are required             instead of the standard 25%) on
  to obtain licences from the BoG.             income derived from loans granted to
  The business of dealing in foreign           farming enterprises;
  currency includes the purchase and
                                             • Reduced income tax rate (i.e. 20%
  sale of foreign currency; the receipt
                                               instead of the standard 25%) on
  or payment of foreign currency;
                                               income derived from loans granted to
  the importation and exportation of
                                               leasing companies for the acquisition
  foreign currency; and the lending and
                                               of assets to lease; and
  borrowing of foreign currency.
                                             • In the case of rural banks, a reduced
Furthermore, the GIPC Act also
                                               income tax rate (i.e. 1% instead of the
allows enterprises to effect, through
                                               standard 25%) for the first ten years of
any authorised dealer bank, the
                                               the business’ establishment.
unconditional transfer, in freely
convertible currency, of dividends or net    Mining services
profits attributable to the investment
made in the enterprise; payments in          Sector overview
respect of loan servicing, where a foreign   The mining industry in Ghana has over
loan has been obtained; fees and charges     the years grown to be a major driver
in respect of a technology transfer          of economic growth. The industry
agreement registered under the GIPC          accounts for 5% of the country’s GDP,
Act; and the remittance of proceeds, net     and minerals make up about 37% of total
of all taxes and other obligations, in the   exports. Ghana’s geological space is rich
event of the sale or liquidation of the      in different kinds of minerals, including
enterprise or any interest attributable to   gold, bauxite, diamond and manganese.
the investment in the enterprise.            However, Ghana’s mining and minerals
                                             development industry is focused on
Investment opportunities                     gold. Gold contributes over 90% of
                                             the total mineral exports. Ghana is the
There is a high demand for various           second-largest gold producer in Africa.
financial services in Ghana. The             Currently, there are about 23 large-scale
relatively underdeveloped financial          mining companies in the gold mining
services sector in neighbouring countries    industry, including AngloGold Ashanti,
is an opportunity for financial services     Newmont Ghana, Gold Fields Ghana,
firms in Ghana to supply such services in    Chirano Goldmines and Golden Star
those countries.                             Resources Limited, which continue to
                                             invest in the Ghanaian mining industry.
Discovery of oil                             There are also over 300 registered small-
                                             scale mining groups and 90 mining
Following Ghana’s oil discovery in
                                             support services companies.
commercial quantities and on-going
exploration activities, enormous
opportunities exist for the banking and      Companies exploring for gold in Ghana
financial sector to finance and insure the   include Adamus Resources Limited,
numerous large-scale transactions taking     Perseus Mining Limited, Azumah
place.                                       Resources and Xtra Gold Resources.

Investment incentives                        Recent developments
Incentives specific to the financial         In 2017, the Government of Ghana
services industry may apply subject to the   imposed an initial six-month ban on
following provisions:                        small-scale mining as part of its effort
                                             to end illegal mining (“galamsey”)
                                             and related activities, which adversely
                                             affected the environment, particularly
                                             water bodies and forest reserves.
                                                                                          PwC   23
Galamsey or artisan mining involves           Government has the right to acquire a
                                rudimentary techniques of mineral             10% free carried interest in the rights
                                extraction, highly manual processes,          and obligations of mineral operations,
                                hazardous working conditions and low          in respect of which no financial
                                levels of environmental and health            contribution will be paid by Government.
                                awareness. Traditionally, small-scale gold    This free carried interest does not
                                mining in Ghana has been carried out          preclude Government from any other
                                by locals on their own land using hand-       or further participation in a mineral
                                operated tools. These methods have            operation that may be agreed with the
                                slowly been modernised and expanded,          holder of the mineral right.
                                but the recent influx of foreign miners
                                has accelerated this development. This        Key regulatory institutions in the
                                is despite the fact that Ghanaian law
                                                                              mining industry include:
                                prohibits small-scale mining by non-
                                citizens. The ban on small-scale mining       Minerals Commission:
                                was expected to be lifted at some point in
                                                                              The MC is the main promotional and
                                the future.
                                                                              regulatory body for the minerals sector
                                                                              in Ghana. The Commission’s primary
                                Regulatory framework                          responsibility is to foster the efficient and
                                Every mineral in its natural state in,        effective regulation and management
                                under or upon land in Ghana, rivers,          of the utilisation of Ghana’s mineral
                                streams, water-courses throughout the         resources. It is also responsible for the
                                country, the exclusive economic zone          coordination and implementation of
                                and an area covered by the territorial        policies relating to mining and ensures
                                sea or continental shelf is the property      compliance with Ghana’s mining and
                                of the Republic of Ghana and is vested        mineral laws and regulations through
                                in the President in trust for the people of   effective monitoring.
                                Ghana. The Government of Ghana has
                                the right of pre-emption of all minerals      Forestry Commission:
                                in Ghana, which is exercised through the
                                                                              The Forestry Commission of Ghana
                                Minister for mining and minerals.
                                                                              is responsible for the regulation of
                                                                              the utilisation of forest and wildlife
                                Mining is regulated by the MC which
                                                                              resources, the conservation and
                                operates under the Ministry of Lands
                                                                              management of those resources and the
                                and Natural Resources. The industry is
                                                                              coordination of policies related to them.
                                governed by the Minerals and Mining Act
                                                                              The holder of a mineral right is required
                                2006 (Act 703) (Minerals and Mining
                                                                              to obtain a permit from the Forestry
                                Act) and associated regulations. The
                                                                              Commission prior to undertaking any
                                Minerals and Mining Act gives extensive
                                                                              mineral operations.
                                powers to the Minister to classify or
                                declassify land for exploration and to
                                negotiate, grant, revoke, suspend or          Water Resources Commission:
                                renew mineral rights.                         The Water Resources Commission was
                                                                              established by the Water Resources
                                The Minerals and Mining Act applies           Commission Act 1996 (Act 522) with
                                equitably to all investors, whether           the mandate to regulate and manage
                                Ghanaian or foreign, except in the case of    Ghana’s water resources and co-ordinate
                                small-scale mining and restricted mineral     government policies in relation to
                                operations, which are reserved solely         them. The Act stipulates that ownership
                                for Ghanaians. In the case of industrial      and control of all water resources are
                                mineral operations, foreigners can            vested in the President on behalf of the
                                participate if their proposed investment      people, and clearly defines the Water
                                is at least US$10 million.                    Resources Commission as the overall
                                                                              body responsible for water resources

24   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
management in Ghana. The holder of             • Prospecting licence: This licence is
a mineral right may for the purpose of,          usually granted for an initial period
or ancillary to, mineral operations need         of three years. It gives the holder the
an approval from the Water Resources             right to search for specific minerals
Commission for access to the water               by conducting a survey to determine
bodies.                                          the extent and economic value of any
                                                 mineral deposit within the licenced
Environmental Protection Agency                  area.
(EPA):                                         • Mining lease: After a prospecting
                                                 company has found an economically
The EPA is a statutory agency established
                                                 viable deposit, it may apply for a
to deal with environmental protection,
                                                 mining lease. This grants the holder
pesticides control and regulation of
                                                 the right to mine, win or extract
environmental issues and its related
                                                 specified minerals (or commodities)
purposes. The agency is dedicated to
                                                 within the lease area. The lease
improving, conserving and promoting
                                                 may be granted to the holder of a
the country’s environment and striving
                                                 prospecting licence or any person
for environmentally sustainable
                                                 who establishes to the satisfaction of
development. Holders of mineral rights
                                                 the Minister that a mineral to which
will need an environmental permit from
                                                 the lease relates exists in commercial
the EPA.
                                                 quantities within the proposed lease
                                                 area and can be mined at a profit.
Registration requirements
                                               • Small-scale-mining right: A license
Investors who wish to invest in the              for a small-scale mining operation is
mining sector of Ghana are required to           granted only to Ghanaians who are
do the following:                                at least 18 years old. This licence is
                                                 normally granted for a period not
1. Incorporate a company in Ghana                more than five years from the date of
   – the company may be wholly                   issue and may be renewed on expiry
   foreign-owned except that, by law, a          for a further period that the Minister
   mandatory non-contributory equity             may determine. The size of the area
   shareholding of 10% is reserved for           in respect of which a licence may be
   the Government of Ghana.                      granted for small-scale mining may
                                                 not exceed 25 acres (10 hectares).
2.   Apply for and obtain a licence or
     approval from the Ministry of Lands       3.   Register with the MC.
     and Natural Resources. In summary,
     the following licences are available      Mining tax/fiscal regime in Ghana
     to mining operators in Ghana:             Applicable taxes and levies as required
• Reconnaissance licence: The                  from operators in the mining sector
  reconnaissance licence confers on            include:
  the holder the right to search for a
  specific mineral within the licenced         • An annual ground rent is prescribed
  area by geochemical and photo-                 by the MC and paid to the owner of
  geological surveys or other remote             the land or their successors. Where the
  sensing techniques. The licence does           rent is in respect of mineral rights over
  not permit excavation or drilling. The         stool lands, it should be paid to the
  reconnaissance licence is normally the         Office of the Administrator of Stool
  first licence a company applies for. It is     Lands.
  usually granted for up to one year and
  may be renewed only on application
  to the Ministry of Lands and Natural

                                                                                             PwC   25
• An annual minerals right fee is             • The Government of Ghana has
                                  payable to the Minerals Commission            stability agreements with some
                                  as prescribed.                                mining companies that seek to protect
                                                                                the holder of a mineral right, for a
                                • The corporate income tax rate for
                                                                                specified period, from any adverse
                                  businesses engaged in mining is 35%,
                                                                                effects of changes in laws.
                                  and mining service providers are
                                  subject to corporate income tax at a        • Subject to any fiscal stability
                                  rate of 25%. This rate may be subject         agreement, the mineral royalty rate
                                  to a stability agreement between              is 5% of the total revenue earned
                                  the mining contractor and the                 from minerals obtained from mining
                                  Government of Ghana.                          operations by a holder of a mining
                                                                                lease, restricted mining lease or small-
                                • A capital allowance is granted on
                                                                                scale mining licence. Royalties must
                                  capital expenditure incurred by a
                                                                                be paid 30 days after the end of the
                                  person engaged in mining operations
                                  at a rate of 20% on a straight-line basis
                                  on mining assets. These assets should       • Mining companies can carry forward
                                  be placed in a separate pool from             tax losses for a maximum of five years.
                                  other assets. However, a person who           However, companies providing mining
                                  incurs revenue or capital expenditure         support services are allowed to carry
                                  in the course of reconnaissance or            forward tax losses for a maximum of
                                  prospecting operations must place the         three years.
                                  expenditure in a single pool and will
                                  not be granted a deduction or capital       Challenges in the mining sector
                                  allowance until production starts.          The industry has in the recent past faced
                                • Ring-fencing rules apply to mining          major challenges regarding the ever-
                                  companies in Ghana and as a result          increasing illegal mining operations,
                                  the chargeable income of mining             or galamsey, on company concessions,
                                  companies is determined separately          which impact the operations of the
                                  for each mineral operation.                 affected mining companies. The ban on
                                                                              small-scale mining might help bring this
                                • The holder of a mineral right is            under control.
                                  granted exemption from import
                                  duty on plant and machinery and             Other issues faced by mining companies
                                  accessories specifically and exclusively    include land compensation issues and
                                  used for mining operations and listed       community demands for the provision
                                  on a mining list.                           of facilities such as housing, schools and
                                • Most mining companies usually export        hospitals for people displaced by mining
                                  the minerals won and these exported         activities, as well as, in some cases, the
                                  minerals are subject to a zero rate of      offering of employment to the local
                                  VAT and NHIL. Effective 2016, the           people.
                                  Government of Ghana abolished the
                                  use of VAT relief purchase orders. In       The capital market
                                  lieu of this, refunds are made after
                                  requests have been vetted and certified     There are a number of capital markets in
                                  by the GRA.                                 Ghana, including the following:

                                • Companies providing mining support
                                                                              • The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE);
                                  services are required to pay a national
                                  fiscal stabilisation levy of 5% of annual   • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
                                  accounting profit before tax applies.         and collective investment schemes
                                  The levy is applicable to the 2013-to-        (CIS);
                                  2019 years of assessment.
                                                                              • The Ghana Interbank Forex Market;

26   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
• The Ghana Alternative Market (GAX)               • have continuity of company
  – a parallel market operated by the                management with the requisite level
  GSE which focuses on businesses                    of competence and integrity; and
  with potential for growth and
                                                   • issue a prospectus in line with the
  accommodates companies at various
                                                     provisions of the Companies Act and
  stages of their development, including
                                                     the Exchange rulebook.
  start-ups and existing enterprises,
  both small and medium.                           These requirements may vary depending
                                                   on the class of listing required, but the
The largest capital market in Ghana is
                                                   requirements for admitting companies
the GSE. It was established in 1989 and
                                                   registered outside Ghana are quite
became authorised under the Stock
                                                   similar to those applicable to locally
Exchange Act of 1971 (Act 384) in 1990.
                                                   registered companies.
The GSE provides, facilities and
                                                   In addition to companies, MMDAs,
frameworks to the public to purchase and
                                                   pooled investment schemes (such as
sell bonds, shares and other securities.
                                                   mutual funds) and the government may
It regulates the dealings of its members
                                                   also list securities on the GSE.
(listed companies and brokerage firms)
with their clients and other members
                                                   The minimum public float should not be
as well as facilitates the exchange
                                                   less than 25% of the number of shares
of information, including prices of
                                                   issued by the company. Trading, clearing
securities listed.
                                                   and settlement are done electronically on
                                                   the GSE.
It also provides an avenue for one to
access a company’s financial statements
                                                   Listed companies, brokerage firms, asset
in order for an investor to make an
                                                   management firms, investment advisory
informed investment decision.
                                                   firms and collective investment schemes
                                                   are regulated by Ghana’s Securities
The GSE commenced trading on 12
                                                   and Exchange Commission (SEC). The
November 1990 and had a total market
                                                   SEC’s role is to ensure good corporate
capitalisation of GH¢58.8 billion
                                                   governance and regulatory compliance.
(equivalent to US$13.1 billion) as at 17
November 2017. The 21 brokerage firms
licensed by the exchange are able to               The SEC carries out regular inspections
trade in the shares of 42 equities and over        of licensed dealing members’ operations
100 bonds listed on the GSE.                       and books.

A company seeking listing must, among              An investor can visit the GSE website at
other requirements:                       for more information
                                                   on the activities of the exchange.
• be a public limited liability company
  duly incorporated under the                      REITs and CISs
  Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179)                    REITs in Ghana began with the CISs.
  (Companies Act);
                                                   CISs and REITs in Ghana take the form of
• have all shares for listing fully paid for
                                                   either a mutual fund or a unit trust.
  and qualifying as freely transferable
                                                   The CISs and REITs in Ghana are
• have published or filed audited                  regulated by the SEC, as all securities in
  accounts for a period of time as                 Ghana are subject to securities laws that
  specified for the class of official list it is   are administered and enforced by the
  seeking for;                                     SEC.

                                                                                                PwC   27
The GSE regulates the CISs and REITs        Ghana has a free-floating exchange rate
                                through its registration and prospectus     that is determined by the market forces
                                requirements, regulations on fund           of demand and supply. However, the
                                operations and sales conducts, and          BoG has the mandate to issue directives
                                surveillance and monitoring.                and policy guidelines aimed at ensuring
                                                                            discipline in the forex market.
                                There are currently about 47 licensed
                                CSIs and REITs in Ghana, each licensed      The major currencies traded on the
                                either as a mutual fund or a unit trust.    forex market include the United States
                                                                            Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Swiss Franc,
                                HFC REIT, started by the former Home        Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.
                                Finance Company (HFC), is currently the
                                only dominant REIT in Ghana licensed by
                                                                            Real estate sector
                                the SEC.
                                                                            As at May 2017, available housing
                                The HFC REIT’s main objective is            data from the Ministry of Works and
                                to provide investors with capital           Housing showed a housing deficit
                                appreciation in a long-term diversified     of 1.7 million units, and this was
                                portfolio. The professionally managed       projected to increase to two million
                                fund’s primary focus is to invest           by 2018. Since independence, the
                                mobilised funds into securities of          domain of the provision of houses in
                                real estate companies or real estate        Ghana has predominantly been left to
                                developments or to invest equity in         state apparatus and semi-state-owned
                                companies that engage in real estate        organisations. The real estate market in
                                investment activities.                      Ghana is increasingly dynamic as a result
                                                                            of the country’s increasing population,
                                In the 2018 Budget Statement by the         growing economy and favourable
                                Government of Ghana, Government             investment environment.
                                clearly indicated its intention to
                                deepen the domestic capital market by       The real estate sector has seen steady
                                encouraging investments in CISs and         expansion since 1990, although it has
                                REITs.                                      experienced occasional impediments
                                                                            and delays during times of economic
                                Currently, approved unit trusts are         instability. In 2012, the government
                                taxed at a concessionary rate of 1% on      confirmed an agreement with the Ghana
                                their income for the first ten years, and   Real Estate Developers Association
                                thereafter at 25%. Distributions from       (GREDA) reaffirming a commitment to
                                resident trusts to beneficiaries are also   encourage the growth of private real
                                exempt from income tax under the            estate, partly through public-private
                                Income Tax Act (ITA).                       collaboration, particularly aimed at
                                                                            meeting the needs of the lower end of the
                                Government is however proposing to          market. There is a general concentration
                                exempt CISs and REITs from income tax       towards the middle and top ends of the
                                in order to deepen the capital market       market, which has resulted in a shortage
                                and address the housing deficit that the    of affordable housing in the country.
                                country is currently facing.
                                                                            Investment opportunities are therefore
                                                                            to be found in the construction of
                                Ghana interbank forex market
                                                                            residential homes, industrial and
                                The Ghana interbank forex market also       commercial houses and shopping centres.
                                provides an avenue for banking and
                                other financial institutions to trade in    There are no restrictions on foreigners
                                foreign currencies.                         buying property in Ghana. However,
                                                                            there are four forms of land ownership
                                                                            and some land cannot be privately
                                                                            owned, typically government land.
28   Doing Business and Investing in Ghana
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