Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

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Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority
Park Royal Atlas
           June 2018
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority
35. Park Royal Atlas

Document Title          Park Royal Atlas
Lead Author             Greater London Authority
Purpose of the Study    Reveals the diversity of business activities in Park
                        Royal. Its specific objectives are to:
                        • Provide detailed information on the local economy
                        • Record all employment activities
                        • Analyse business activities by number, size and clustering, as well as supplier and customer locations
                        • Improve the visibility of the local economy by celebrating and marketing its diverse products and services, as well
                           as highlighting its contribution to the sustainability of the wider London economy
                        • Support inward investment in the locality
                        • Inform policy and strategies for intensification and economic growth in the Park Royal and Old Oak Common
                           Opportunity Areas
                        • Support sustainable economic development and regeneration
Key outputs             Maps and data showing the geographic and sectoral spread of businesses within the Old Oak Common and Park
                        Royal Opportunity Areas.
Key recommendations     • There are a diverse range of businesses in the area
                        • At the time of the survey, 19,934 active workspaces were identified.
                        • A broad range of business sectors were identified, including breweries, bakeries, metal workshops, storage, con-
                           tractors, joiners, hospitals, schools, publishers, film studios, software developers, garages, car sales, pubs, hotels,
                           jewellers, cobblers, lawyers, accountants, spice merchants, medical suppliers, churches and artist studios.
                        • 30% of workplaces are small office type spaces, though workplaces in large warehouses make up 63% of the total
                           floor area.
                        • The central areas of Park Royal stand out for having the greatest diversity of buildings and space types. Many of
                           these are used by micro businesses which count for 75% of workplaces
Key changes made        N/A
since Reg 19 (1)
Relations to other      Outputs cross-relate to the Park Royal Intensification Study, Future Employment Growth Sectors Study and Industrial
studies                 Estates Study
Relevant Local Plan     • All place policies
Policies and Chapters   • All employment policies
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

     An Employment Study
 London’s Largest Industrial Area
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority
The Park Royal Atlas v1.1         , London Transport Museum          Queens Park Rangers for providing
                                            and the Imperial War Museum Archives for     additional funding
Published by                                providing historic photographs.
                                                                                         All the businesses that gave their time to
Greater London Authority
                                                                                         participate in the creation of the Atlas
City Hall                                   Team Members
The Queen’s Walk                            Greater London Authority
More London                                 Finn Williams
London SE1 2AA                              Tobias Goevert
                                            Francis Moss
Contact                                     Mirjam Wurtz
Tobias Goevert, Principal Project Officer   Ella Wiles
North West Team                             Alex Marsh
Email:         Joan Caba
Enquiries: 020 7983 4100                    Katherine Spence
                                            Guest Researchers
Copyright                                   Erin Byrne
Greater London Authority 2014               Samuel Cuthbert
                                            Tom Mabey
The Park Royal Atlas is an employment       Alison Mayer
study prepared by the Mayor’s               Elizabeth North
Regeneration Team, cliented by the Old      Adam Towle
Oak Common Joint Authority Project          Steve Barton
Team in association with the Park Royal     Genevieve D’Souza
Business Group. The Project Team includes   Sean Kelly
the Mayor’s Planning Unit, Transport for    Ian Weake
London, Brent, Ealing and Hammersmith &     Kaya Chatterji
Fulham                                      Charlotte Domanski
                                            Beth Kay
Copyright Base Maps
© Crown Copyright and database right        Other Contributors
2014. Ordnance Survey 100032216 GLA         Architecture 00
                                            Marko and Placemakers Ltd
Copyright Aerial Photography
Cities Revealed® copyright by The           Acknowledgements
Geoinformation Group®, 2013 and Crown       The team wishes to express their thanks to
Copyright © All Rights Reserved             the following people;
                                            Edmund Bird for his useful comments and
Thanks to LB Ealing, Graham Hill at www.    historical insight
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

F O R E WO R D                 4   S U RV E Y A R E A S              33
                                   Areas B1 E10                      34
I N T RO D U C T I O N         5   Areas B2 B3                       39
Objectives                     6   Areas B4 B5 B6                    44
Study Area                     6   Areas E1 E2                       49
Atlas Overview                 6   Areas E3 E4                       54
Meet The Businesses            9   Areas E5 E6                       59
                                   Areas E7 E8 E9                    64
CONTEXT                       13   Areas HF1 HF2                     70
Historical Context            14
Current Context               14   I N T E RV I E W A N A LY S I S   77
                                   Employee Numbers                  78
METHODOLOGY                   17   Types of Businesses               79
Survey                        18   Tenure                            80
Mapping                       18   Age & Length of Tenure            81
Categories                    20   Supplier and Customer Locations   82
Interview rates               22   Business Growth                   83
Limitations                   22   Production                        84
                                   Advantages                        85
S U RV E Y A N A LY S I S     23
                                   Improvements                      85
Business Sectors              24
Business Sectors by Borough   26   C O N C LU S I O N                87
Workplace Size                27   Findings                          88
Space Types                   28   Next Steps                        89
Space Types by Sector         30
Sharing Premises              31
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

I want London to be the world capital of      months of surveying and hundreds of
business, and for all Londoners to share      interviews to give an insight into what
in that success. This means creating more     people make, the facilities they operate
long-term, sustainable employment,            from, and the improvements to the area
improving opportunities for entrepreneurs     they would like to see.
to set up and grow their businesses, and
supporting exciting new places of work.       I am delighted that the interviews revealed
                                              an air of confidence about the future,
Park Royal is one of Europe’s largest and     as well as the demand for this place
most thriving industrial estates. Since the   expressed through low vacancy rates.
1903 Royal Agricultural Show – which          However, it is clear that more work is
gave the area its name – Park Royal has       required to improve working conditions
supported a range of world renowned           and address persistent problems such as a
businesses such as Guinness, Heinz, and       lack of parking spaces.
McVities who continue their world leading
operation from the site today.                This work is a stepping stone towards
                                              better engagement and tailored support
This Atlas reveals the continued              to local businesses from the Mayor of
importance of Park Royal as a motor for       London and Boroughs, forming part of the
our economy. With over 2000 workplaces        emerging partnership with businesses.
mapped and analysed, it helps make the        This study will inform policies and
case for attracting investment to stimulate   strategies for sustainable regeneration
growth and improve the working                in the Park Royal area for years to come,
environment for the 30,000 plus people        as well as signalling an exciting new
based here.                                   approach to industrial localities across
                                              London and beyond.
The Park Royal Atlas is as much about
revealing the people and businesses           I would like to thank all who have given
behind the statistics as it is about          time to support the making of this unique
understanding this fascinating place. My      Atlas and ask for any comments on this
team has come across inspiring examples       first edition to be passed to my team.
of entrepreneurs running businesses
ranging from advanced metal fabrication
to theatrical prop makers, from highly
specialised food production to logistics      Kit Malthouse
and smart recycling.                          Deputy Mayor of London for Business and
The Atlas celebrates the diversity of
enterprise. It uses data collected from       23rd May 2014
                                                                                            PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 4
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

               PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 5
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority

OBJECTIVES                                     STUDY AREA                                     O L D OA K C O M M O N                               AT L A S OV E RV I E W
Considered to be London’s largest              Park Royal is an industrial area located to    The eastern corner of Park Royal, known as           The Park Royal Atlas presents the results of
industrial area, Park Royal covers an area     the west of central London. It is situated     Old Oak Common, is set to be transformed             a door to door survey of all the workplace
equivalent in size to the City of London.      within three London boroughs, Brent,           when a ‘super hub’ High Speed 2 (HS2)                units in Park Royal. The methodology
Although it is known that there are a large    Ealing and Hammersmith and Fulham.             and Crossrail Station is built by 2026. Old          explains how the survey was undertaken
number of businesses in Park Royal, until      The area is bounded by National Rail,          Oak Common will become a new district                and the methods used to collect and
recently relatively little was known about     Overground and Tube lines to the north,        with up to 24,000 new homes and more                 categorise the data. The analysis maps the
the what they do or what types of spaces       south and east, while the North Circular       than 55,000 jobs. The Park Royal Atlas               collected data, using graphs to highlight
they use. The Park Royal Atlas reveals the     (A406) and Western Avenue (A40) form           will inform this development, as well as             key trends, as well as presenting case
diversity of business activities in Park       additional boundaries to the west and          helping to strengthen and enhance the                studies of selected businesses.
Royal. Its specific objectives are to:         south. The study area is based on the Park     important industrial offer of the rest of
                                               Royal Strategic Industrial Land boundary,      Park Royal.
•   Provide detailed information on the
                                               designated in the London Plan (2011), with
    local economy
                                               the addition of adjacent industrial sites in
•   Record all employment activities
                                               Alperton and North Acton.
•   Analyse business activities by number,
    size and clustering, as well as supplier
    and customer locations
•   Improve the visibility of the local
    economy by celebrating and
    marketing its diverse products and
    services, as well as highlighting its
    contribution to the sustainability of
    the wider London economy
•   Support inward investment in the
•   Inform policy and strategies for
    intensification and economic growth
    in the Park Royal and Old Oak
    Common Opportunity Areas
•   Support sustainable economic
    development and regeneration

          Revea l the d iver sity of
          bus i nes s in Park Royal
                                                                                              “Old Oak A Vision for the Future” (GLA, June 2013)

                                                                                                                                                                        PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 6
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority
fig. 1 Park Royal LOCATION MAP

           London Borough Boundaries
           Park Royal Atlas Boundary
           All Industrial Land
           London Boroughs within Park Royal

                                               PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 7
Park Royal Atlas LOCAL PLAN SUPPORTING STUDY - June 2018 - Greater London Authority
fig. 2 Park Royal Study Area AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH

                                                                                                          LB OF BRENT

                                                                                                                        LB OF HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM

                                                                                LB OF EALING

        London Borough Boundaries
        Park Royal Atlas Boundary

Cities Revealed® copyright by The Geoinformation Group®, 2013 and Crown Copyright © All Rights Reserved
M E E T T HE BUSIN E SSE S                                                                                                            Bravo Aluminium Systems
                                                                                                                                      Brazilian Salon
                                                                                                                                                                        Charlex Auto Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ctv Outside Broadcast
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cullen Way Repairs Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              EPA Languages Services Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ealing Autos Limited
                                                                                                                                      Bread And Honey                   Charlie Bigham’s                  Cumberland Park Sotre               East End Cosmetics Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Curious Science                     Euroscent
Names of the 1,717 active workplaces revealed by the survey of Park Royal.                                                            Breezemount
                                                                                                                                      Brian Clarke Studio
                                                                                                                                                                        Charmant UK Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                        Chas Berger                       CWF Children Worldwide              East West Merchandise
                                                                                                                                      Brightbox Marketing               Chevalier Technologies Ltd        Fashion (UK)                        Easy Car Hire Ltd
                                                                                                                                      Britannia Autos Ltd               Chiquito Mexican Restaurant       Cworkshop                           Easy Housing Association
(Iq) Easy Broadcast Ltd / Crown    Aftershock                      Anything Express                  Babak Art Studio                 Britfil Steel Fabrication         Chocolate Lab                     Cyborg Group Limited                Easybus
1-1 Transport                      Agility Trains                  Anytime London Ltd                Babcock                          British Council                   Choice Textile Ltd                Cynergy It Solutions Ltd            Easyreach Ltd
1Dream Educare                     Ahaleena                        Anytwist Ltd                      Bakkavor                         Broadcast Sessions Ltd            Choices Jewellery Ltd             Cypher 16 Studios                   Eccentric Trading Company Ltd
24-7 Drama                         Air Fast Tickets                Apc Overnight                     Bakkavor Foods                   Brooks Packaging Ltd              Church Of God Evangelism          Cypress Books                       Edmundson Electrical
2D-3D                              Airport Executive               Apolo Multiform Ltd               Bakkavor Meals                   Brownell Ltd                      Cimple Solutions                  Cypressa Limited                    Edwards Removals
313 Motors Limited                 Airports First                  Apply Food And Drinks             Balance Sheets And More          Browns Sea Foods                  Cinderella Hair Academy           D & F Wine Shippers Ltd             Edwins Bathrooms
360 Rotation                       Airstar European Network        Appy Food And Drinks Ltd          Ball Bearing Centre Ltd          Brunnel Freight Forwarding        Cirro Lite (Europe) Ltd           D Curtis                            EE
3A Distributions Ltd               AJ Cleaning Services            Arab News Network Ann             Ballward Limited                 Btm International (UK) Ltd        City Clothing Ltd                 D. Cutter (International) Ltd       Ej Bushell & Sons Ltd
3D Tyres                           Ajay Business Centres Ltd       Archie’s Mediterranean Products   Bamboo Basket Distribution Ltd   Bud                               City Link                         DAB Engineering Co Ltd              El Omara
4 Rail Services Ltd                AK Motors                       Arco                              Barclays Bank Plc                Builders Depot                    City Link Express Delivery        Daf Royal Parks                     ElecMec Ltd
A B C Building & Maintenance       Al Enam                         Area 18                           Barker Ross Recruitment          Building Products Ltd             City Used Cars                    Dafcon Ltd                          Electec Solutions
Constructors Ltd                   Al Gali Ltd                     Aredour Ltd                       Barry Bensons Ltd                Bullet Express                    Cityfruits.Com                    Daniel Martin & Associates          Electrocoin Automatics Ltd
A B M Motors Ltd                   Al Mazar Deli                   Arena Flowers                     Bascomb + Drew                   Burger King (UK) Ltd              Ckm                               Danny Sullivan Group                Electrocoin Sales Ltd
A Class Motors                     Al Sqr Express                  Aro Marble Ltd                    Basrah Lounge / Tobacco          Business Associates UK Ltd        Clarition Designs Ltd             Darhma                              Electronic Theatre Controls Ltd
A Kapadia                          Al Waste                        Arrogance Accessories             Batten-Edwards Instruments       Business Mobiles                  Claudia Carr                      Data Force UK Ltd                   Elegance Tyres
A. Fulton Company Ltd              Al-Ahram International          Art Dental Laboratory             Bayfield                         Butterfly Cleaning Ltd            Clay Oven Co Ltd                  Datawind UK Plc                     Elegant Dry Cleaners
A.I.D. Training + Operations Ltd   Al-Azawy                        Art House Hire Ltd                Bbc Studios                      C.E. Moore Ltd                    Clay Ovens Company                David Malik & Son Ltd               Elegant Marketing Consultants
A+M Hire / A+M Studios             Alba Stone                      Art Logistics Ltd                 Bd Décor (Barry Bank)            Cable Logic (Europe) Ltd          Cleaning Suppliers                Daylight                            Ltd
A1 Business Solutions              Aldi Jd Ltd                     Artist Spaces Ltd                 Beachcourse Limited              Cadogan Tate                      Clear Windows & Conservatories    Db Advanced Carpentry &             Elite Car Care Ltd
Aaa Linen Services                 Aldous Lamont                   Artist Studios                    Beat 2 Beatz                     Cafe Ola                          Ltd                               Joinery Ltd                         Elite Moving Systems Ltd
Aargee Novelties                   Al-Etejah Tv Ltd                Arts Bibliographic                Beat About The Bush              Cafe Racer Custom Motorcycles     Cleshar                           Db Carpentry Joinery                Eman Land & Securities
Ab Butchers                        Alexander James Contracts Ltd   Ary Network                       Beauty Base Ltd                  Café Royal                        Cleshar Contract Services Ltd     Db Media Limited                    Emporio Brazil
Ab Solicitors                      Alexanders Removal              Asda Supermarket                  Beck’s Cafe                      Caffe Concerto                    Clinical Trials Lab               Dbest Ltd                           Emr
Abacus Fundraising & Party         Alfa Romeo Coachworks           Ash Kumar Products                Bees Enterprises                 Caffe Giordani Ltd                Cloudmove Ltd                     De Baere Ltd                        Ems
Products                           Alforat Satellite Channel       Ashcon Building Contractor Ltd    Beijing Tong Ren Tang (UK) Ltd   Cakubi Consulting Ltd             Club21                            Deadline                            Ena Films
Abacus Print                       Alhashimi                       Ashia Centur Ltd                  Beirut Nights Café And           Caldigit                          Clutter Prop Hire                 Dean Training                       Energy Star
Abbey Appliances                   Al-Jabal Food                   Asme Engineering Ltd              Resteraunt                       Caledonian Supply Company &       Cms Distribution                  Deli Med Ltd                        Enotria Winecellars Ltd
Abbey Distributors                 All Stars Agency Ltd            Assalam Alayun                    Bell Trading Ltd                 Mehadrin Wholesale Ltd            Codeexceptional Ltd               Delphi Diesel Systems               Enterprise
Abbey Manor                        Allen Autos                     Astel UK Ltd                      Bellisseomo Ltd                  Canal Cabin                       Collins Motors                    Deltra Electronics                  Environmental Business
Abbey Marketing                    Allied Motors UK                Astrid + Miyu Ltd                 Belmont Printing Company         Canapes Direct                    Colour Sound Experiment Ltd       Deluxe Accountants & Tax            Products Ltd
Abbey Point Cafe Bed &             Allpex Limited                  Ataman                            Belvedere Carpets Ltd            Candy Desserts                    Colt Telecommunications           Consultants                         Environmental Business
Breakfast                          Almalthea Designs               Atex Business Solutions           Ben Pearce                       Cannon Hygiene Ltd                Concept Engineering               Deluxe Media                        Products Ltd
Abbott Signs Ltd                   Al-Murad                        Atn Network UK Ltd                Benchmarx                        Canonbury Cabinet Makers          Consultants                       Deluxe Printers Ltd                 Epos Connect Ltd
Abc Services For People Like U     Alperton Motors Limited         Atrium Modular Lighting UK        Bespoke Events London            Cany Cafe Lounge Limited          Connected Healthcare Ltd          Dennys Plastics                     Ereira And Matthews Ltd
Ableman Shaw & Company             Alpha Bakeries                  ATS Euromaster                    Best Hand Car Wash               Cape Systems                      Construction Enterprise Ltd       Dephna Group                        Eros International Ltd
Abu Afif Sweets                    Alpha Beta Business Centres     Attila Boros Bakery               Best Price Garage Ltd            Capital Accountants               Consul Chartered Surveyors        Dephna Impex Ltd                    Ers Medical Ltd
Acava Studios                      Alpha Consulting                AUH Thomas Food                   Best Tint/Best Glass             Capital Seafoods Ltd              Content By Conran                 Design Colour                       Esquires Coffee House
Accountancy Services London        Alpha Mania                     Auto Audio                        Best Way                         Car Giant                         Conway Aecom                      Dg (UK) Textiles Ltd                Esska Design Ltd
Ltd                                Alpha Omega Marketing Ltd       Auto Capital                      Bestway Catering Wholesale       Car Hire Helpline Ltd             Cool Britannia                    Dhl Express Delivery                Ethos
Accurate Profession Ltd            Alpha Transfer Ltd              Auto Delta London Ltd             Biffa Waste Services             Car Spare Factors                 Cooling UK                        Diageo                              Eton International
Ace                                Alpha Vehicle Movements Ltd     Auto Doctor                       Big Yellow Self Store            Carcare Pro Limited               Corbel Of London Ltd              Diamond Transmissions Ltd           Euro Accessories
Ace Café                           Alter London Ltd Co.            Auto Motors                       Bighams                          Caribbean Roti Company            Corkteck Ltd                      Diamond Vehicles Ltd                Euro Bijoux Ltd
Ace Cars                           Altima Lighting                 Auto Service                      Binding Supplies & Services      Carlo Manzi                       Cornices Centre                   Dickens School Of English           Euro Breads UK Ltd
Ace Records Ltd                    AM Construction                 Auto Services Vehicle Solutions   Bischell Ltd                     Carphone Warehouse                Coronation Cables Limited         Digital Devices Ltd                 Euro Cap Ltd
Ace Shutters / Mr Tint             AM Motors                       Auto Trans Middlesex              Black Island Studios             Carphone Warehouse                Coronation Road Snack Bar         Dina Foods Ltd                      Euro Car Trade Ltd
Ace Vehicle Deliveries             Amaco Group                     Auto Villa                        Blott                            Headoffice                        Cosmic Villas                     Direct Supplies Ltd                 Euro Diamond Drilling Ltd
Ace Waste / Simpson                Amari Plastics Ltd              Autobike Mot Centre               Blue Apple Cars                  Carrara Marble                    Cosmos Intertrade Ltd             Discount Carpets And Furniture      Euro Signs And Graphics Ltd
Acme Technology Ltd                Amathus                         Autogem Motor Concepts            Blue Cruise Ltd                  Cartridge Value                   Costa Coffee                      D-Link Europe                       Euro Splash
Active Ventures UK Ltc             Amazing Tiles                   Automotive Glass Distribution     Blue Light Services Ltd          Casa Bardotti                     Covent Garden Candles             Do Education                        Euro Technical Services London
Acton Coachworks                   Amazon                          Autotrade UK                      Blue Light Services Ltd          Cava Bien Fashion                 Coyaba                            Document Capture                    Ltd
Acton Commercial Factors Ltd       Amazon Shine                    Autotrust                         BMV Distributors Ltd             Cbg Group UK                      CP & S Ltd                        Dominion Christ Church              Eurofins
Acuk                               Ambersphere Solutions           AV Link Ltd                       Boden Fashion                    Ccf Ltd                           CP Electronics Ltd                Domino’s Pizza                      Euroglass UK
Ad Londres                         Ambican UK Ltd                  AVC Live Ltd                      Bodybits Ltd                     Cds Group                         Craftsman Bespoke Joinery         Dooa Wholesalers Ltd                European Glass
Addictive Restaurant & Bar         Ambros Direct Ltd               Avolites                          Bodystretch UK Ltd               Celestial Church Of Christ Park   Cranberry Wholesale               Door Entry Direct                   European Glass Group
Addwings Ltd                       American Muffin Co. Ltd         AW Bodyshop                       Bodytec Accident Repair Centre   Royal Parish                      Creative Design Consultants Ltd   Double 4 Ltd                        European Outreach Trust
Adidas (UK) Ltd                    Ammoura Ltd                     Awafi Foods Ltd                   Bogdan Kurski Ltd                Celex Ltd                         Creative Instore Solutions        Double 4 Self Storage Ltd           Eurosoft Tech Ltd
Admoveo Ltd                        Amouri Motors                   Axis Partnership                  Bonhams                          Celia’s Kitchen                   Crest Connections Ltd             Dowa International Ltd              Eurostart
Adriana Auto Crash                 Active Marketing Solution       AXT                               Book Events                      Cell Technologies                 Crest Of London                   Dpd UK, Interlink Express           Event Oracle
Advanced Broadcast Services        Amz Motors                      Aya Autos Ltd                     Boothill Motorcycles             Centercomms Ltd                   Cross Media Ltd                   Dr Kate Dinnen                      Eventoracle
Ltd                                Andrew West Interiors           Az Accountancy Services UK Ltd    Bosche Services                  Central Middlesex Hospital        Crossrail                         Dragon King                         Ever Fortune Ltd Colonial World
Advanced Training Academy          Angel Fernandez Sanchez De      Azco Interiors                    Botanic Lab                      Centre House Business Centre      Crown Cleaning Services Ltd       Dropcap Ltd                         Foods Ltd
Advansys Technologies Ltd          La Morena                       B Mackin Construction             Bower Products Limited           Centre House Caffe                Crown Decarative Centre           Dry Cleaners And Washers            Everyware
AFG Auto Mot Centre                Anglo Pacific                   B&Q / Trade Point                 Bp/M&S Simply Food               Ceva                              Crown House Business Centre       Dukes Island Studio                 Evonik Met Ltd
AFP Partnership                    Anna Sholz Ltd                  B.E.C.Perimetre Security Ltd      Bradley Plumbase                 Champers (Wholesale)              Management                        Dyn Metal                           Excel Staff
Africa Today                       Ansari Garage                   B+K Skips                         Braiform                         Chandlers                         Crystal Laundary Services         E Fast Couriers & Deliveries        Exermax Technology Ltd
African Relief Fund                Antiqua Print Gallery Ltd       B+M Motors                        Brand Distribution (UK) Ltd      Chandra Enterprises               CSS Construction Site Supplies    E Meyer & Co (Mentor) Ltd           Exeter Street Bakery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 9
Exodus Homecare Agency Ltd         Furnish                           Hapworth Kitchens Ltd             Independent Leaders               Kamil Bakery                     Little Penny Ltd                 Mariapolis Ltd                     Msm
Expedite                           Fx Rentals                        Harlesden Islamic Cultural        India Jane                        KB Natural Foods Ltd             Lizzanno Space Creation          Market Probe Europe Ltd            Mt Chauffeurs
Export Trading Company Ltd         G. Jackson                        Centre (Hicc) / Masjid At Taqwa   Indigo Accountants Ltd            KBM Chartered Accountants        Loan My Motor                    Markovich Mallah Furniture Ltd     Mtv Autos
Express Av Ltd                     G4S Group                         Harman Enterprise Ltd             Industrial Hygiene Ltd            Kensington And Chelsea College   Locatel UK Ltd                   Maroon Spice Catering              Muji
Express Chef                       Gag Truncks Ltd                   Harris Calman                     Influence                         Construction Centre              Lock Engineering Co Ltd          Martin + Co Willesden              Multilines
Extravision Ltd                    Galacia Laundry                   Hassan + Co                       Infomass Services Ltd             Kensington Car Wash              Locum Link Pharmacy              Marvic Textiles                    Mumtaz Lebanese Restaurant
Fabric Suppliers Ltd               Galindo                           Hatton Metalcraft                 Initial                           Kensington Dry Cleaners          Recruitment                      Matrix Chartered Accountants       Muslim Care
Fakhoury Patisserie                Games & Gears Llp                 Hawk Rubbish Clearance            Inkpaper Design And Print Ltd     Keyline                          Lodge Catering                   Matthew Clarks                     Mvk Accomodation Ltd
Falcon Surfacing Ltd               Ganesh Motors                     Hawthorn And Rex Howard           Inspired Elements Ltd             KFC                              Lofbergs                         Maximum Car Care                   Mw Scaffolding UK Ltd
Families Relief                    Gapuma (UK) Ltd                   Headlines Hair And Beauty         Integra Medical Reporting         Kii Studios                      Loft Studios                     Maxteleco Ltd                      Myriad Medical Supplies Ltd and
Fancom Technologies / Tmg          Garu Sana Ltd                     Supplies Ltd                      Interactive Imagination Ltd       Kindervine Day Nursery And       Londis                           Mayhem UK                          GP Supplies Ltd
Consultancy                        Gb Motors                         Heathrow Truck Centre Ltd         Interfusion                       Preschool                        London Business Consulting Ltd   Mazage L. Ltd                      N Africa Auto Repair
Fantastic Services Park Royal      Gbcl Global Gulf And British      Hedley Humpers - Hammer           Interior Automation Ltd           King Solomon Catering            London Carstore                  Mc Shopfronts                      N G Engineering Services
Farley                             Co Ltd                            Holdings                          International Plenitude           King’s Kitchens                  London Chauffeur Drive Ltd       Mcdonough & Associates             N S B Casements Ltd
Farley Fine Furniture              Gcs Diagnostics                   Hedley’s Humpers                  Ministries                        Kitty’s Café                     London Knockouts                 McVities                           N. Africa Auto Repair
Farran Café                        Gd Auto Design                    Heidi Klein (Press Office)        International Relocation Ltd      KK Associates                    London Mobility                  Mdm Auto Clinic                    Nacfi Foundation
Farrell Engineering Ltd            Genesis Recruitment Agency        Help For Life                     Interpal                          KLS Interiors                    London Special Executive Cars    Med Fine Foods                     Nad Garage
Fashion Link Ltd                   Genuine Motors                    Help The Needy                    Ior Group                         KMS London Ltd                   London United Busways Ltd        Medecho Ltd                        Nadi Park Royal
Fast Track Motors                  Geo W. Neale Ltd                  Helphire                          Iron Mountain UK Ltd              KN Auto Limited                  London Vip Group                 Medfoods                           Naga Ltd
FCI Zoneblue Design Ltd            George Fraser Limited             Hemi Property Services Ltd        Ishaan Universal Ltd              Knife Is Life                    Long Island Products             Medic Animal                       Nandos
Fedex                              Get Set Hire                      Hendon Motors Ltd                 Ishan Garage                      Kojac Imports                    Longshaws Design & Print Ltd     Medical Services                   National Electrical Wholesole
Feel Good Carribean Resteraunt     Giant’s Diner                     Henry & Sons                      Islam Box Ltd                     Kolak Snack Foods Ltd            Lookers Jaguar                   Medicure Ltd                       National Grid
Feelin Hungry Ltd                  Gill Cash And Carry               Hermolis                          Islamic Education + Research      Kolak Snackfood Ltd              Lookers Plc                      Medievance                         National Lighting
FG Tyres                           Gillhams Sollicitors Llp          Hessar Trading Co. Ltd            Academy                           Ks Accessories                   Lords Builders Merchant          Medis Health                       National Rail
Fiandaca                           Gina Love London                  Hhb Communications Ltd            Ist Power Products Ltd (Stewart   Kutch Engineering Works Ltd      Lotus Linens                     Megatek 2000 Systems               Nationwide Self Storage Limited
Fidenzi Design                     Glassbusters Ltd                  Hickman Transport                 Transformers Division)            L&M                              Loubnan Natural Food Ltd         Mela Project Metalworks            Natwest
Fifi                               Global Cars Ltd                   Hip Props                         It Ambulance Ltd                  L. Lynch                         Loubnan Natural Foods Ltd        Memo Fashions Ltd                  Navid Ltd
Film Fx Zone                       Global Health Professionals Ltd   Hippo Graphics                    Italian Furniture, Carpets And    L’aquila                         Louise Bradley                   Merc                               Neg Earth Ltd
Film Medical Services              Global Tamil Vision               Hire It                           Flooring                          La Cabana Cafe                   Lp Construction Ltd              Mercedes Benz Park Royal           Nepall Tv (Europe) Ltd
Filmscape Studios                  Globeshield International Ltd     Hireman                           J & M Car Solutions               La Dulce Patisserie              Lua Lua Tv                       Merctech London Ltd                Network Rail
Financial And Accountancy          Gmg Carpentry                     Hj Motos                          J A Glover Ltd                    La Maison Des Sorbets            Luckshmee Limited                Metal Supermarkets                 New Accountancy + Financial
Solutions Ltd                      Go Network UK Ltd                 Hl Marble                         J Kelly Autos                     La Muscle                        Lunchtime Office Catering Co.    Metro Count                        Services Ltd
Finerose Limited                   Go Networks UK Ltd                Hm Printers                       J Pao & Co Ltd                    La Piccola Deli                  Lynchmob Studio                  Metroline                          New Horizon Media (UK) Ltd
Fire Station                       Going Nuts                        Hm Tyres                          J&B Construction Co. Ltd          La Tua Pasta                     Lyons Learning                   Metropolitaion Fleet Services      New North Wholesale Bakeries
Firoz Group                        Golden Meadows                    Hmr Ltd                           J&J Trading                       Ladbrokes                        M E Moloney And Company          Mexican Supplies Co                New Quebec Catering
First Choice Tool And Plant Hire   Golden Oriental Foods Limited     Hobbs London                      J. Coffey                         Ladurée UK Ltd                   M&M Associates                   Mexl Express Ltd                   New Star International Co. Ltd
First Great Western                Golden Vans                       Holhouse                          J.P.F.T.V.S.                      Ladystar                         M&M Metal Work Ltd               Mfl Worldwide                      Newey And Eyre
Fit Out UK, Base Build             Goldenstand Southern Ltd          Holiday Inn Express               Jabroke Engineering Co (UK) Ltd   Lafage Tarmac                    M. Moss (Repairs) Ltd            Michael Brady Ltd                  Nick Gale Custom Cycles
Fix Auto Collission/Arc Ltd        Goldenwheel Auto Centre Ltd       Honeyrose Bakery Ltd              Jack Wills                        Laguna Banqueting Suite          MAR Garage Ltd                   Micro Partners Limited             Nik Motors
Flame Installations Ltd            Goodies Foods Ltd                 Hoo Hing                          Jack’s Cabin Café                 Lakes Food Euro Ltd              M&N Traders                      Middle East Al Ferdous Sweet Ltd   Nimble Security Services Limited
Flames Food                        Gormley Masonry Ltd               Hosipa                            James Burleigh Ltd                Lakethorne Group                 M6 Motors                        Middlesex Hose & Fitting Ltd       Nina Naustdal
Flash Film Studio                  Gowing & Pursey                   Hotcam Ltd                        Japan Centre                      Lambert Of London Ltd            Ma Automotive Services           Miku Agencies Ltd                  Nochia Ltd
Flash Film Transport               Gowing And Pursey                 Hotchi Cash And Carry             Jat Glass                         Lane Harries & Jane Percy-Rob    Macahel                          Millennium Food Services Ltd       Nollywood Movies
Fletcher’s Bakery T/A Grain D’or   GPX                               Hotchkiss Air Supply              Jat Glass                         Laser Tyre Station               Machine Shop                     Minas Transfer Ltd                 Northway Tyres
Flexitrade UK Ltd                  Grade House Ltd                   Howdens                           Jayex Technology                  Laundry                          Mackintosh’s Catering            Minds Ltd                          Northwest Studios
Flight Searches Ltd                Graham The Plumbers’              Howdens Joinery                   J-Cars Sales Ltd                  Lawrence Zammit                  Management Ltd                   Minerva Loose Leaf                 Nosh Café
Floors Galleria                    Merchant                          Hoxton Beach                      Jd Building Supply Centre         Lbc                              Madam Gautiers                   Minerva Motors                     Nrs
Floorsanderhire (Eu) Ltd           Grainmill Limited                 Hozizon World Cargo               Jenny Svantesson                  Le Connaisseur                   Madame Gautiers                  Mini Diamond                       Ns Welding & Metal Works
Flyer Distributions Ltd            Grand Junction Arms               Hs Motors                         Jessica’s Recipe Bag              Le Pain Nouveau                  Madstron Healthcare              Mission Accountants                Nutri Centres Ltd
Focus Furnishing                   Granger Hertzog Ltd               Hsbc                              Jetpoint Services                 Lead Products                    Magaza                           Mister Shifter                     Nw Cars
Fomac Construction Ltd             Granite World                     Hss                               Jg Productions                    Leading Route Ltd                Magnet Trade                     Mjf Removal Company Ltd            O’connell Bros
Food Equip Ltd                     Grant Mills Wood                  Lloyds Motor Spares               Jh Car Sales Ltd                  Leather Land                     Magnum Direct                    Mk Complete Joinery Services       O’donovan
Food For Thought (London)          Indesign                          Husse                             Jmd Automotive Limited            Lebanese Bakeries 2000 Ltd       Mahan Foods                      Mkw (UK) Ltd                       Oberoi Masala
Food Lords Limited                 StayfixGreathire Ltd              Hyde Park Bathrooms               Jmr Autos                         Lebanese Village                 Mai Trading Co. Ltd              Modern Props Ltd                   Oceanic Jewellers Ltd
Food Partners                      Green Office Supplies Ltd         Hydraulic Fleet Solutions         John F. Hunt                      Lebanos Food Trading Ltd         Maisa                            Mokhtar                            Ocs Group Ltd
Formerly Avis                      Greencore Group                   Hyperion Lighting Ltd             John Lewis Plc                    Lees                             Maisanda & Co                    Monarch                            Odf
Forward                            Greenfields                       Hythe Motorcare Ltd               John Pye                          Leo Mercurio Food                Maison Blanc Ltd                 Montague Laundaries                Office Moving International
Foxglove Events Ltd                Gsbi Motors                       I Dallies                         Joinery Ltd                       Leonidas Confiserie Duchateau    Majestic Radio                   Mooca Cafes Ltd                    Ohio Home Care Ltd
Foxtons                            Gt Vehicles                       Ibb Polish Building Wholesale     Joubere                           Ltd                              Mak Automotive                   Moon Cars Ltd                      Om Fashion
Frank Saul (Fashions) Ltd          Gurus                             Ice Accessories Ltd               Jr Carter Ltd                     Leste Ltd                        Maker Builders Llp               Moorogaabey Development            Omega Bikes
Fraser Water Services              Gw Wiring Product Ltd             Idailies                          Jubilee Estate Agents             Levant Tv                        Makro                            Organisation                       Omkaar Kotedia Photogrpahy
Free Believers In Christ           H&S Legal Llp                     Ieinei                            Julie Light Glass                 Levantine (UK) Ltd               Malcolm Cowen (Drinks) Ltd       Morrells                           Omnia Ltd
Fellowship International           HR Owen                           Igreja Mundial Do Poder De        Jumeira                           Lh2                              Malik Metal Work                 Mostafa Persian Food Ltd           One8six
Free Bellebers In Christ           H+M Media                         Deus – Londres                    Junior Hagen Ltd                  Libanese Centre                  Mama Youth Project               Mother + Child Welfare             Ooh Weddings
Fellowship Trust                   Haik Removals                     Il Fornaio Ltd                    Just Airports                     Life Residential                 Mammamia Itlaian Food Ltd        Organisation                       Options Technology Ltd
Freeform Design And                Hair Extensions And Wigs Ltd      Imagefarm Ltd                     Just Care Group Ltd               Lifelike Flowers                 Manaco Mian Ltd                  Motorcycles Centre                 Orange
Construction                       Hairraisers                       Imex                              Just Courriers Ltds               Lignum Vitae Ltd                 Management Office                Motorsense Limited                 Orbis Consumer Products Ltd
Friendly Removals                  Halfords Autocentre               Imi                               Jw Removals                       Link Communication               Maneek Jewellery UK Ltd          Mountain Of Fire & Miracles        Orexis Fresh Foods Ltd
Friends Of Africancaribbean        Hanama Storage Ltd                In Style Direct Ltd               K + S Dental Laboratory           Link Fostering                   Maple Fine Foods Ltd             Moyses Stevens Flowers Ltd         Organza Fashion Collections Ltd
Carers & Sufferers Of Dementia     Hand Car Wash And Valeting        Inbrit Logistics Ltd / Security   K4nub                             Link Translation Services Ltd    Marasu’s Petits Fours            Mp Brothers Ltd                    Outback Rigging Ltd
Fruition Homes Ltd                 Centre                            Escorts Transport Ltd             Kadiris                           Link Wholesalers Ltd             Marathon Lab Supplies            Ms Autos                           Over The Rainbow Detailing
Fruition Properties                Hand In Hand For Syria            Inclarity Communications Ltd      Kagey Lighting Ltd                Linnetts Proofing Ltd            Marble Arch Bathrooms            Ms Drylining Plastering Services   Overseas Medical Supplies
Fujiseiki Europe Ltd               Hannex Construction               Incoms System                     Kalsan Tv                         Lion Colours                     Marc B. Ltd                      Ltd                                Overseas Medical Supplies Ltd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 0
Owen + Williamson Ltd             Planet Couriers                 Rbc London                           Shah & Associates                Sterling Studios                 The London Bakery                UK 3 B Scientific Ltd               World Food Aid Limited
P & A Motors                      Plexus                          RDW Scenery                          Shayona                          Steven Davis Furnishings         The Metropolitan Police          UK Coldstore                        World Net
PR Fleet Services Ltd             Point To Point                  Realstar Ltd                         Shell UK Ltd                     Steven Duggan Events             Authority                        UK Star Tyres                       World Of Tiles And Bathrooms
Packaging Express                 Polymer (UK) Ltd                Recycle My Old Phone                 Sheng Da Ltd                     Stewart Parvin London            The Natural Sea Sponge           UK Tyres                            Ltd
Packman Shelving                  Pomodoro Clothing               Red Box                              Shephers Cafe                    Stock In Trade                   Company Ltd                      UK Visa Centre Ltd                  Worldwisetrading Ltd
Pak Autos                         Pop It Out Packaging Ltd        Red Creative                         Sherrys Hair And Beauty          Stone & Building Ltd             The Olive Grows                  Unbloc Drainage Engineeers          WPL
Palestinian Return Centre         Por Jam Metalworks Ltd          Red Mist                             Wholesaler                       Stone Inc.                       The Organic Pharmacy             Limited                             Wrapology
Panache Display Ltd               Porcelain Tiles Ltd             Red Oak Services Ltd                 Shine Motors Ltd                 Stone World Uniwax Ltd           The Park Royal Garage            Uncle Cheff                         Allbees
Panalux                           Portables Direct Ltd            Redbus Media Group                   Shiv Souvenirs                   Stoneyard Ltd                    The Performance                  Uncle Jim                           Xara Computers UK Ltd
Panic Music Ltd                   Portman Garage Park Royal Ltd   Redland                              Shrine Credit Union              Storage                          The Polish Bakery                Uni-Care                            Xinhua Bookstore (London) Ltd
Panmer Plastics Limited           Portmore                        Reed In Partnership                  Shurgard Self-Storage            Storz Medical UK Ltd             The Printed Word                 Uniflora                            Yaash Motors
Paragon Healthcare Services       Portobello Brewing Company      Regal Distribution Ltd               Sicilian Food Suppliers          Straight Talking Telco           The Safety Supply Company        Unimix Management                   Yakitori King
UK Ltd                            Portobello Press                Regent Gas Ltd                       Sigma Computers                  Stratstone Aston Martin          The Skiwear Service              United Cater Ltd                    Yek O Yek
Paragon Insurance Services        Portugalia                      Regents House Art Studios            Signature X                      Street Claim Solutions Ltd       The Soundhouse                   United Trade & Services Limited     Yorpien Skip Ltd
Paramount Options                 Post Office Park Royal          Relo Transeuro Ltd                   Sinclair Mckinsey Accountant     Street Sushi                     The Spice Land                   Unitrust Protection Services (UK)   Yuriko Hill Potter
Parcelforce                       Pots & Co.                      Remi Car Autos                       Sings N Print                    Strongbase                       The Synthesizer Co Ltd           Limited                             ZA Tyre Works
Pardo Ltd                         Powerday                        Renault London West                  Sipi Care                        Stuff U Sell                     The Transport Exchange Group     Unity Care & Training               Zagros Cafe
Park Cafe And Restaurant          Ppi Claims Management           Renault Trucks                       Sixty-Six Car Ltd                Subway                           The United Distribution          Consultancy Ltd                     Zanardia
Park Lane Group                   PR Management Consultants       Repair Autos Limited                 Sky Glass Limited                Sukarah Lounge                   Company                          Universal Display                   Zen
Park Royal Autos Ltd              Prabha Arts Ltd                 Resapol                              Sl-Gems + Minerals Ltd           Summit Furniture                 The World Of Yachts And          Upcakes                             Zen Builders
Park Royal Centre for Mental      Prasangi                        Response Recruitment                 Smart Care Training              Sun Ocean Ltd                    Boats Ltd                        Ur Refrigeration Wholesale Ltd      Zenith Distribution
Health                            Precedence Solutions Ltd        Re-Structure Jc Ltd                  Smith And Hunter Prime Carcare   Sunbeam Frames                   Thomann Hanry                    Urban Cow Ltd                       Zentron
Park Royal Courier                Preedy Glass                    Retail Realm                         Ltd                              Sunderji London Ltd              Thomas Charles Joinery Ltd       Urc Car Repairs                     Zepbrook
Park Royal Hair & Beauty Salon    Prefit                          Retro Mania                          Smokys Carpentry                 Sundream Enterprise              Thomson Motors Accidental        Uttam London                        Zinc Design Ltd
Park Royal Mot Centre             Premier Car Care Centre Ltd     Revolution Executive Cars Ltd        SN Worldwide                     Super Hire Props Ltd             Repair Centre                    Vale Inco Ltd                       ZM Motors
Park Royal Office Furniture       Premier Maintenance And         Reynards UK Ltd                      Social Consultancy And           Supercover Insurance Plc         Threadmill Clothing Ltd          Valimex (Import & Export) Ltd       Zone Lest Motorcycles
Park Royal Oriental Carpet        Construction                    Ribbon & Reed (London) Ltd           Research Ltd                     Superglazed                      Three Colours Limited            Vascroft Constructors Ltd
Centre                            Prime Light Electrical Ltd      Richard Martin Lighting Ltd          Sofar Ltd                        Supersteel                       Tikit                            Vaspa Double Glazing
Park Royal Post Office            Prime Television                Rigby & Peller                       Sola                             Supponor                         Tile Land Ltd                    Vb & Sons
Park Royal Service Station        Print Sign Design               Right Price                          Solutions Group Plc              Surface Doctor                   Tiles And Bathroom Right Ltd     Vcn
Park Royal Studios                Printhouse Corporation /        Riku Group                           Somali Broadcast Network         Surface Measurement Systems      Timeless Bespoke Designs Ltd     Vdc
Park Royal Taxi Centre            Webhouse Corporation            Rise Restoration                     Somali Channel Ltd               Survival Leisure Company         Times Immigration Consultants    Vehicle Pound For Brent And
Park Royal Van Hire               Printpress                      Rmw Restorations                     Somali International Youth       Swift Courtesy Cars              Ltd                              Hounslow Councils
Pars Media Trust                  Privilege Chauffeuring Ltd      Roj Motors                           Development                      Swift Direct Claim Ltd           TK Trading / Yoshikawa Group     Veloci London Ltd
Parsia International              Prizma Windows                  Rolla Dome All Skate                 Somali Voices Community          Synergy Networxx Lrd             Ltd                              Venus Concept
Partspanel Ltd                    Pro Health Ltd                  Royal Gourmet                        Centre                           T&C Cleaning Services            TNT                              Venus TV
Pascal Sacrepaye                  Pro Motors                      Royal Mail Group Ltd Princess        Sonic (UK) Ltd                   T&Senterprises (London) Ltd      To Sky Ltd                       Verona Marble Ltd
Passenger Bikes Ltd               Production Science              Royal Distribution Centre            Sonik Products Limited           Taiko Food                       Toga Plant Hire Ltd              Vh Insurance Services Ltd
Patchi Mediterranean Sweets       Products From Spain Ltd         Royal Park Timbers                   Sony Corporate Services Europe   Take 2 Films                     Tommy Flynn’s Bar And            Vhl Catering
Patisserie Rayan Ltd              Promote Technology              Royal Somali Tv Ltd                  Ltd                              Tan M C Ltd                      Steakhouse                       Viakeys
Paul                              Pro-Motive                      RPM                                  Sorbitum Ices                    Tarmac Ltd Buxton Lime &         Tony Fowkes Automobiles          Video Duplicating Co. Ltd
Paul Vanstone Sculptures          Propharmace                     RR sat Global Communications         Sound Mastering                  Cement                           Tony Zreik                       Vigilant Security Services UK Ltd
Pauls Auto & Repairs Ltd          Protext Translation Ltd         Network Ltd                          Source Distribution              Taste Of The Algarve             Tool Station                     Virdee Autos
Pavehall Plc                      Psav Presentation Services      Rsj Engineering Ltd                  Southern Drapes                  Tasty Central                    Top Supplies                     Visionmed Ltd
PCB’s 4 U                         PSB London Ltd                  Rupert Magnus Trading Co Plc         Souvenirs Of London              Tax Assist Accountants           Top Tiles                        Vivalda London
PDS Removal & Storage             Psychological Healthcare Ltd    Rustin Coffee / A E Stanton & Co     Space Nk                         Tax Spot                         Top Trenz Ltd                    Vivo Technologies Ltd
Peal Windows                      Pure Gym                        Ryans Garage                         Spc Automotive Ltd               Tazmere                          Tophandys Ltd                    V-Max Mechanics
Peek And Rapkin Food Events       Purfect Binding Company         Ryden Plc                            Speciality Drinks                Tea & Coffee Plant               Topps Tiles                      Vmi
Pendragon                         Limited                         Saabco Ventures Ltd                  Speedy                           Teacrate Plc                     Torpedo Factory Group            Volumetrics
Pentecostal City Mission Inc      Purl Frost                      Safe Autos                           Spice Shack                      Techno Packaging                 Total Façade Solutions Limited   Wembley Quality Cars / Europe
Pepper Tree                       Purple Grape Catering           Sage Arts                            Splashback & Worktops Ltd        Telecitygroup                    Total Floor Heating              Prestige / #1 Mechanic Services
Peppercorn’s Re-Taste             QBS Software                    Sainsburys Concept Centre            Spot Colour Ltd                  Tenpin                           Touchstone Imports               West London Art Factory
Perand Auto’s Ltd                 Qualitube Ltd Danylo Boyev      Salon Ltd                            Spyker Design & Productions      Tesco                            Touchstone Worktops Ltd          Westbourne Cars
Perfect Crystal Windows           Quality Mot Centre              Salon Services Ltd                   Limited                          Tesla Motors                     Toughglaze (UK) Ltd              Westbridge College
Persia Foods Ltd                  Quattro (UK) Ltd                Sami & Co Accountants Ltd            Squires Building Contractors     Texaco Garage                    Toughglaze Ltd                   Western Solutions Ltd
Peters Auto Repair                Quintus Property Llp            Sandbone Interiors                   Sri Perdana Ltd                  TfL Uniform Services             Touracar Ltd                     Westfield Auto Centre
Peters Motors                     R’s Fresh Market Ltd            Sandy’s Café                         Sri Sita Vinayaga                TfL / London Highway             Tower Of Faith                   Westwood Fabrications
PGS                               Radical Bodyshop Supplies       Santa UK Ltd                         Srs School                       Maintenance                      Tower Transit                    Westwood Joinery
Phase3comunications               Radiocoms                       Saregama Plc                         Sse Audio Group                  Thames Reach Home                Trading Post Ltd                 Wf Senate Park Royal Branch
Philip Maes Fine Chocolates       Raha TV                         Starlight Design                     Ssq Spanish Slate Quarries       The Artisan Bakery Ltd           Transcom Telecom Ltd             Wft Ltd
Phoenix Automatics                Rainbow Cnc                     Satellite Broadcast Facilities Ltd   UK Ltd                           The Big Basement Company         Transputec                       What A Load Of Rubbish Ltd
Phoenix Of Vinyl                  Raj Foods                       Savoir Beds                          Ssr Trading Ltd                  Euro Toiletries And Hygene       Travelodge Hotel                 White Fuse Media
Photobox And          Rajput Cleaning Services        Savvy Constructions                  Stanley Productions              Products                         Travelodge Hotels Ltd            White Rose Laundries Ltd
Photocopiers Direct               Ramada Encore Hotel             Saywell Ltd                          Staples                          The Castle                       Trendy Living                    Whitneys Of Willesden
Piligrim Payne & Co. Ltd          Ramsey Rum UK Ltd               Scandi Kitchen                       Stapletech                       The Coffee House                 Trevor Howsam Ltd                Wigmore Home
Pine Glade Ltd                    Ramtd                           Screen Technology                    Star Accountancy                 The Collective Dairy             Triple A Accountancy Services    Wigmore Medical
Pipal Limited                     Ranjita                         Screwfix                             Starlight Design                 The College Of IT & E-Commerce   Troy Systems Limited             William Hill Bookies
Pirate                            Rapid Auto Cars                 Sean Car                             Starlite Trading Ltd             The Dry Cleaning Business        Trumax Cars Ltd                  Williams And Hill
Pirtek Fluid Transfer Solutions   Rarewaves.Com Ltd               Seasons Textiles                     Station Cafe                     The Female Health Company        TSN Hire Car Ltd                 Williams, Chartered
Pit Start                         Rashman Limited                 Seaward Travel                       Status Windows Ltd               The Fishermans Arms              TT Motors                        Accountants
Pizza Hut                         Ravin Laurent Limited           See Woo Food Specialists             Stayfix Ltd                      The Hummingbird Bakery           Tucker French                    Wingman Group
PJ Security Systems               Raw Fairies                     Selectus Total Ltd                   Steel Deck                       The King Escalope                TVS Foods UK Ltd                 Wolseley
Plan Bread Ltd                    Rayan’ Autos                    Sgf Engineering                      Stella Rossa Contractors Ltd     The Kingfisher Press             Tyre Spot                        Women’s Support Association

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 1

          PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 2

The area’s “royal” title derives from its       However, by the 1970s Park Royal was
use as the showground for the Royal             facing large-scale industrial restructuring,
Agricultural Show (1903-1905). The              as well as general industrial decline. Many
show was officially opened by the then          of the multinational firms, the area’s
Prince of Wales (later George V), who           largest employers, chose to relocate, and
allowed the area to take the name               by the early 1970s around 70 larger firms
“Park Royal”. However, despite on-              left Park Royal and the nearby Wembley
going royal patronage, the shows were           Estates. Important local employers such
increasingly sparsely attended, forcing         as Heinz could only survive by cutting
the Royal Agricultural Society to sell the      staff numbers from 3,500 to 500, before
showground in 1905.                             eventually relocating in 2000. The
                                                Guinness Factory was subject to a similar
It is here that Park Royal’s familiar           process of downsizing before finally
industrial character begins to emerge,          closing in 2005.
with the area being used as munitions
factory during World War I. Early industrial
developments tended to be characterised
by large factory complexes specialising in
the manufacture of automobiles, electrical
machinery, as well as food and alcohol.
By 1932 there
were 73            L on d on’s K itchen
employing 13,500 workers on site. Park
Royal’s steady growth was aided by the
relatively light bomb damage sustained
                                                                                               Diagram showing Guinness’ Park Royal Brewery operations (1998)
during World War II, in stark contrast to the
devestation wrought on many of London’s
other industrial heartlands. Industry
continued to boom in the post-war period
and by the 1960s the area employed more
than 45,000 people.

                                                                                                                                                                PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 3
                                                                                                                                                                          1801 Paddington arm of
                                                                                                                                                                          Grand Union Canal built

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Business history
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planning history

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 General history, infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fig. 3 Park Royal TIME LINE, part 1

                              inch ammunition at the National Box Factory (1917)
                              Women munition workers filling machine gun belts with 0.303
                                                                                                                                                © IWM (Q 31312)

                                                                                                                                                                          1837 London to Birmingham
                                                                                                                                                                          Railway opened


                                                                                                                                                                          1861 Grand Junction Railway Inn
                                                                                                                                                                          opened (today Grand Junction Arms)

                                                                                                                                                                          1866 Willesden Junction Station

                                                                                                                                                                          1902 Biscuit factory McVitie + Price
                                                                                                                                                                          built in Waxlow Road
                                                                                                                                                                          1903 Park Royal & Twyford
                                                                                                                                                                          Abbey Station opened by the
                                                                                                                                                                          Metropolitan District Railway
                                                                                                                                                                          1903-05 Royal Agricultural Society
                                                                         View of Park Royal Vehicle Ltd in PRV Export Brochure (c.1940)

                                                                                                                                                                          exhibition site named Park Royal

                                                                                                                                                              1914-18 Munitions factories built in
                                                                                                                                                              Willesden Lane and Victoria Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Business history

                                                                                                                                                              1919 H. J. Heinz & Co. canned food
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planning history

                                                                                                                                                              factory opens on Waxlow Road
                                                                                                                                                              1920 - 1930 Construction of the

                                                                                                                                                              Western Avenue (A40)
                                                                                                                                                              1923 Rank Hovis McDougall Foods
                                                                                                                                                                                                             General history, infrastructure

                                                                                                                                                              moves to Victoria Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               fig. 4 Park Royal Time Line, part 2

                                                                                                                                                              1924 Park Royal Vehicles factory
                                                                                                                                                              begins production
                                                                                                                                                              1931 Park Royal Hospital becomes

                                                                                                                                                              Central Middlesex Hospital
                                                                                                                                                              1931 Park Royal Station built on the
                                                                                                                                                              newly laid out Western Avenue
                                                                                                                                                              1933 Construction begins on
                                                                                                                                                              Gilbert Scott’s Guinness Brewery

                              The London Aircraft Factory at Park Royal Coachworks (1940 - 1946)
                                                                                                   © TfL from the London Transport Museum collection
                                                                                                                                                              1939 Elizabeth Arden cosmetics
                                                                                                                                                              moves to Wales Farm Road

                                                                                                                                                              1940 Park Royal Coachworks begin
                                                                                                                                                              production of Halifax bombers

                                                                                                                                                              1952 Heinz is the largest business
                                                                                                                                                              in Park Royal with 1,500 employees

                                                                                                                                                              1960s Park Royal employs 45,430 people

                                                                                                                                                              1975 Lebanese civil war sees start
                                                                                                                                                              of growth of Lebanese community
                                                                                                                             © T ransport for London

                                                                                                                                                              1977-83 Economic decline -
                                                                                                                                                              bankruptcies, closures, redundancies

                                                                                                                                                              1992 Formation of the Park Royal
                                                                                                                                                              Partnership (PRP)

                                                                                                                                                              1995-2002 Single Regeneration Budget

                                                                                                                                                              of £8.6m from the Park Royal Partnership
                                                                                                                                                              2004 Diageo closes Guinness brewery
                                                                                                                                                              2007 Park Royal Land & Premisses Study (LDA)
                                                                                                                                                              London Rail Freight Stategy (TfL)
                                                                                                                                                              2008 PRP Public Realm Strategy
                                                                                                                                                              2011 Park Royal Opportunity Area

                                                                                                                                                              Planning Framework OAPF
                                                                                                                                                              2012 Decision for potential Old Oak Common
                                                                                                                                                              Crossrail Interchange in 2026 announced
                              Manufacture of Halifax bombers at Park Royal Coachworks (c.1941)

                                                                                                                                                              2014 Formation of Park Royal Business Group

                                                                                                                                                              2018 Crossrail station at
                                                                                                                                                              Old Oak Common opens

Many of the large factories that produced      OLD OAK VISION DOCUMENT (2013)
everything from beans and beer to              Scoping document for the creation of
bombers and buses have been replaced by        an Old Oak Common Opportunity Area.
or subdivided into smaller industrial units.   Looks to spark debate about potential for
These are being used by many smaller           development around a future Crossrail and
businesses today. Meanwhile, London has        HS2 transport hub.
continued to expand into the surrounding
sites that had once been open fields.          There are also a number of important
                                               planning documents that have been
In recent years strategies and visions         adopted by the three local boroughs
have been developed by local authorities,      (Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham)
business groups and the Greater London         and will shape the development of Park
Authority that seek to balance necessary       Royal. These include:
infrastructure investments, housing and
real-estate pressures and the important        BRENT
economic role of Park Royal.                   Core Strategy (2010)
                                               Site Allocations (2011)
The following planning documents have          Alperton Masterplan (2011)
influenced and will continue to influence
the development of the Park Royal area:        EALING
                                               Core Strategy (2012)
LONDON PLAN (2011)                             Development Sites (2013)
Designates Park Royal as Strategic             Development Management Development
Industrial Location (SIL) and an               Plan Document (2013)
Opportunity Area for development.
                                               HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM
PARK ROYAL OPPORTUNITY AREA                    Core Strategy (2011)
PANNING FRAMEWORK (2011)                       Development Management Development
Establishes a vision for the coherent          Plan Document (2013)
development of Park Royal.                     Proposals Map (2011)
                                               Planning Guide Supplement Planning
PARK ROYAL PUBLIC REALM STRATEGY               Guidance (2011)
Commissioned by the Park Royal
Partnership to address the poor quality
public realm in the area [status tbc]

                                                                                           PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 6

              PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 7

S U RV E Y                                                                                                                             MAPPING
The Park Royal Atlas uses a mix of            LEVEL 2 OBSERVATIONAL DATA                 LEVEL 3 STRUCTURED INTERVIEWS                 The Park Royal Atlas study area is based
quantitative and qualitative research         Within each employment site data was       14% of all businesses in Park Royal were      on the Strategic Industrial Land boundary
techniques. Maps, graphs and case studies     collected on individual workplaces via a   interviewed. The interview questions          from the London Plan (2011), with the
are used to paint both a broad yet detailed   structured observational study.            covered the following themes:                 addition of some immediately adjacent
picture of Park Royal’s economy. The          •    Allocated business unit ID on map     •    Type of business (Independent,           industrial land. For the administrative
Atlas is based on a door-to-door survey       •    Name                                       headquarters, branch or franchise)       purposes of this study the area was
combined with observation, structured         •    Address                               •    Number of employees                      divided into 18 separate study areas, B1-B6
interviews and photographs to provide a       •    Phone number                          •    % of employees from local area (Brent,   in Brent, E1-E10 in Ealing and HF1-HF2 in
more nuanced understanding of how Park        •    Webpage / Email Address                    Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham)          Hammersmith and Fulham (fig. 5).
Royal “works”.                                •    Primary Activity (to establish SIC    •    Years at location
                                                   category)                             •    Year business established                During the door-to-door survey
The survey was carried out over 5 weeks,      •    Space type (small or large office,    •    Supplier locations                       employment sites and businesses were
with teams of two researchers covering a           workshop, small or large warehouse,   •    Customer locations                       marked on paper maps. This information
particular                                         yard, other)                          •    Anticipated employee requirements in     was then used to update the detailed
                   Quan titative an d
area. Teams                                   •    Unit shared by workplaces                  one year                                 Ordinance Survey map of the area using
were made qua l itative research              •    Size estimate of employment           •    Anticipated floorspace requirement in    GIS software. Footprint areas of individual
up of one of four core researchers and a           (micro, small, medium or large)            one year                                 workplaces were measured from the
guest researcher, volunteers from either      •    Basement floor area multiplier of     •    Premises tenure                          updated Ordinance Survey map, before
the GLA or one of the local boroughs.              workplace footprint                   •    Production figure for last year          being muliplied by the number of floors
Totalling 525 man-hours, the survey           •    Ground floor area multiplier of       •    3 Advantages of location                 occupied (information gathered during
collected a wide range of information at           workplace footprint                   •    3 Improvements for location              the survey). This provides a more accurate
three levels of detail:                       •    Upper floor area multiplier of        •    Notes for case study                     approximation of the gross floor area
                                                   workplace footprint                   The data was collected on paper forms         occupied by each business.
LEVEL 1 SITE DATA                             •    Notes on business                     and then inputted by the researchers into
Data was gathered on each employment          •    Case study rating                     a central database via a digital form. This
site, whether an industrial estate or other                                              database was then corrected and cross-
geographical grouping of workplaces.                                                     checked with the maps prior to analysis.
                                                   2150 workplaces sur ve yed
•     Allocated site ID on map
•     Site name                                   245 businesses inter viewed
•     Site address
•     General condition
      (very poor to very good)
•     Contribution to character of area
      (negative, neutral or positive)
•     Additional notes

                                                                                                                                                          PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 8
fig. 5 Park Royal Study Area Subdivisions

                                                                                                                    LB OF BRENT





                                                                      B4                                             E6




                                                                                                                                  LB OF HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM

                                                                           LB OF EALING

     London Borough Boundaries
     Park Royal Atlas Boundary
     Park Royal Atlas Area Subdivisions                                                                                                     0       100m     500m               1km

© Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey 100032216 GLA                                                                                   PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 1 9
C AT E G O R I E S                             fig. 6 Business Sectors

                                                A Manufacture, food               Breweries, bakeries, biscuit factories, roasteries
For analysis and mapping the main
activities of businesses were categorised       B Manufacture, metal              Steel refineries, sheet metal workshops
using the Standard Industrial Classification
2007 (SIC) which also allows for future         C Manufacture, reproduction       Print shops, sign makers, print finishers
comparison with other government
business data. These categories were then       D Manufacture, other              Joineries, jewellers, cobblers, umbrella makers
regrouped into 19 distinct categories (fig.
6) with each category allocated a unique        E Utilities                       Recycling plants, carbreakers
colour in order to identify it on the map.
                                                F Construction                    Contractors, road pavers, joiners
However, these sectors cannot provide
a completely fool-proof means of                G Vehicle Sale and Repair         Garages, car showrooms, car restoration
classification, as the choice of what to
include or exclude from any category            H Wholesale Food                  Wine import, spice merchants, fish suppliers
is subject to a degree of interpretation.
For instance, although the vast majority        I Wholesale Other                 Electronics wholesalers, medical suppliers
of Park Royal’s substantial film industry
                                                J Transport and Storage           Railway sheds, self storage, couriers
is found in the K Information and
Communication category, the 37 specialist
                                                K Information and Communication   Publishers, film studios, software developers
film equipment and prop hire firms are
categorised as M Services Other. These          L Services Professional           Lawyers, bankers, accountants, head offices
businesses have been categorised
according to their primary business             M Services Other                  Chauffeurs, travel agents, prop hire, car rental
activity - the renting and leasing of
specialist equipment - which masks their        N Services Public                 Hospitals, schools, charities
evidently strong links to the film industry.
Similarly, the area’s many catering firms       O Retail Restaurants Hotels       Pubs, shops, hotels, restaurants
are not classified as A Manufacture Food,
instead becoming a subset of the O Retail       P Other Business Activities       Laundries, churches, artist studios
Restaurants Hotels category.
                                                Y Vacant                          Empty premises

                                                Z Unknown                         Unable to establish business activity

                                                X Other                           Non-employment sites

                                                                                                          PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 2 0
S PA C E T Y P O LO G I E S                    fig. 7 Space Types
The Atlas also maps the types of spaces
used by businesses. The space type                                             Desk-work, on any floor, in workplaces smaller than
categories describe the primary space type      1 Small office type space
occupied by the business (gross floor area).
Once again there are some inevitable
ambiguities. For instance, many large                                          Desk-work, on any floor, in workplaces larger than
                                                2 Large office type space
warehouses feature 2 floors of office space                                    500m2
on the street facing side. However, since a
greater amount of floor space is occupied                                      Publicly accessible shop type unit with street
                                                3 Retail type space
by the actual warehouse the space is                                           frontage
categorised as a Large Warehouse.
                                                                               Light industrial or studio type unit on any floor,
Space types were also cross-referenced          4 Workshop type space
                                                                               with no purpose built loading bay
with their use by different business
categories. This provide an overview of
                                                                               Purpose built industrial unit with loading bay,
the particular spaces that are necessary for    5 Small warehouse type space
                                                                               smaller than 500m2
different business sectors. This provides
the necessary information to cross-
reference the businesses with the land                                         Purpose built industrial unit with loading bay,
                                                6 Large warehouse type space
use categories used in employment land                                         double height ceiling, larger than 500m2
                                                                               Contained open space with only temporary or small
                                                7 Yard
                                                                               buildings on site

                                                8 Other                        All other structures

                                                                                                            PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 2 1
I N T E RV I E W R AT E S                                                     L I M I TAT I O N S
Given the door-to-door nature of the                                          The door-to-door survey lists every            the exact number of units or how many
survey, interviewees were chosen on an                                        workplace that could be found by the           of these were occupied. In these cases
ad-hoc basis. In total 14% of Park Royal’s                                    researchers in Park Royal by visiting every    it was also more difficult to estimate the
workplaces were interviewed. However,                                         building. Although as many workplaces          proportion of the building footprint area
there are noticeable differences in the                                       as possible were visually verified, it was     used by individual workplaces.
interview rates across the different                                          not possible see inside every workplace.
business sectors ranging from 6% in                                           Therefore some of the workplaces listed        While much effort has been put into
professional services to 38% in metal                                         are based on information from signs and        collecting the data in a consistent manner
manufacturing. This range a was largely                                       door listings, some of which were later        the involvement of various temporary
due to the availability and accessibility of                                  verified by desk-based research.               and guest researchers means that there
certain business types. For example, many                                                                                    may be some inconsistencies, although
professional service workplaces were in                                       Workplaces were marked as unknown              selective corrections have been made to
small offices located on the upper floors                                     if there was evidence of occupation but        the database. Despite these limitations
of buildings that were difficult to access.                                   the business name and activity could not       we are confident that the Park Royal Atlas
By contrast, manufacturers tended to be                                       be established. In some cases, paticularly     provides both a robust overview and
located in ground floor units that tended                                     where buildings had been subdivided            revealing insights into employment in Park
to be more visible and accessible.                                            into multiple premises, buildings were not     Royal.
                                                                              accessible and it was difficult to establish
fig. 8 Interview rates by business sector

                           Total                    14%
         A Manufacture Food                                 19%
         B Manufacture Metal                                            37%
C Manufacture Reproduction                               17%
        D Manufacture Other                                       21%
                      E Utilities                  13%
                F Construction                                   20%
    G Vehicle Sale and Repair                      13%
            H Wholesale Food                               18%
            I Wholesale Other                            16%
     J Transport and Storage                 10%
            K Info. and Comm.                                     22%
       L Services Professional          7%
             M Services Other                    13%
              N Services Public               10%
  O Retail Restaurants Hotels              8%
                        P Other          7%
                                    % of Businesses

                                                                                                                                                PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 2 2

                            PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 2 3

B U S I N E S S S E C TO R S                                                                           fig. 9 Total Number of Workplaces              fig. 10 Total Area of Workplaces

The door-to-door survey for the Park Royal      Mapping the business sectors
Atlas located 2150 workplaces. 1934 of          highlights the many workplaces in the
these were active, and of those the names       manufacturing, wholesale and storage and                                                                                      2,400,000
                                                                                                                                 2200   2,150                                             2,314,305m2
and activities of 1717 could be identified.     transport sectors requiring large building
The distribution across the business sector     footprints. Many of these are involved in                                                       5%
                                                the manufacturing and wholesale of food.                                                        1%                            2,200,000                 11%
colour groups is relatively even, ranging                                                                                                       1%
from 14% in manufacturing (sectors A-D)         While there are some obvious clusters
                                                                                                                                                7%                                                      2%
to 18% in services (sectors L-N).               of larger workplaces, particularly in the                                                                                                               1%
                                                food manufacturing sector, there are also                                                       1%                            2,000,000
                                                                                                                                 1800           3%                                                      6%
It is estimated that the workplaces in          many smaller scale clusters of micro food
Park Royal contain 2,300,000m2 of gross         businesses. These are often located within                                                                                                              2%
floor area, including all floors. In terms of   single buildings and therefore cannot be                                                        10%
floor area, the proportion of the business      distinguished on the map.                                                                                                                               8%
sectors shift significantly compared to                                                                                                         4%                            1,600,000
the number. Manufacturing (sectors              While vacant and unknown workplaces                                                                                                                     6%
                                                                                                                                 1400           8%
                         Patchwork of           each make up 10% each of the total
                                                workplace number, vacant workplaces

                                                                                                                                                      Gross Floor Area (m²)

                                                                                                          Number of Workplaces
                      b usin ess sector s       only make up 8% of the floor area.                                                              6%
A-D) increase to 20%, while wholesale,
transport and storage (sectors H-J) 27% of                                                                                                      5%                            1,200,000
the total gross floor area. These business                                                                                                                                                              14%
                                                                                                                                 1000           8%
sectors clearly require larger workspaces to
operate successfully.
                                                                                                                                                7%                                                      7%
The map in fig. 11 shows the geographic                                A Manufacture Food
                                                                       B Manufacture Metal                                                      3%
distribution of the sectors. One of the                                C Manufacture Reproduction                                                                                                       5%
map’s most striking elements is the diverse                            D Manufacture Other
                                                                       E Utilities                                               600            9%                                                      5%
patchwork of workplaces found across                                   F Construction                                                                                          600,000
                                                                       G Vehicle Sale and Repair
Park Royal. While some areas have larger                               H Wholesale Food
workplaces, others are characterised by                                I Wholesale Other
                                                                       J Transport and Storage                                   400                                                                    7%
a much finer grain, of small, individual                               K Info. and Comm.
workplaces as well as larger buildings that                            L Services Professional
                                                                       M Services Other
have been subdivided.                                                  N Public Services
                                                                       O Retail, Restaurants, Hotels                             200                                           200,000                  8%
              Wh o lesale, tran spor t                                 P Other Business Activities
                                                                       Y Vacant
                    an d storage u se                                  Z Unknown                                                                                                                        4%
                                                                                                                                   0                                                 0
                27 % of floor area                                                                                                      Total                                                Total

                                                                                                                                                                                             PA R K R OYA L AT L A S 2 4
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