Your Premier Travel Plus Pack - PRINERGY 3 - Barclays

Page created by Dan Dominguez
Your Premier Travel Plus Pack - PRINERGY 3 - Barclays
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                                                                                        JOB LOCATION:
                                                                                        PRINERGY 3

         Your Premier Travel Plus Pack

         No longer available to new customers since 6th July 2015.

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      Welcome to your Premier Travel Plus Pack                                                                                                                  You’ll fin
      Enjoy more comfort and reassurance while you’re away with UK and                                                                                          in your P
      European RAC Cover, Worldwide Travel Insurance1, and access to                                                                                            them ca
      airport lounges around the world. You’ll also have peace of mind that                                                                                     3        Wo
      your credit and debit cards are protected if they’re lost or stolen.                                                                                      44       RA
      All for £11.50 a month.                                                                                                                                   65       Air
      Don’t forget to save the phone numbers below in your mobile phone                                                                                         70       Ca
      so they’re always to hand when you need them.                                                                                                             80       Ov
                                                                                                                                                                81       Ab
      Please note from 6th July 2015 this Pack is no longer available to new                                                                                    83       Ad
      customers. However, the Pack will continue to operate as usual for
      existing Pack holders.

      Features you can enjoy now                                                                          Features you’ll need                                  Things to
                                                                                                          to register for
                                                                                                                                                                Check you
      Worldwide Family                                  RAC Comprehensive                                 Airport Lounge Access                                 To avoid payi
      Travel Insurance                                  Breakdown Cover                                   You’ll be welcomed into more than                     worth checki
                                                                                                          800 airport lounges worldwide, to                     or overlappin
      Whether you’re skiing on the slopes               You can relax when you drive as you
      at Chamonix or exploring the Great                now have RAC Roadside Recovery, At
                                                                                                          start your journey in a relaxed                       or policies.
                                                                                                          environment. You have 6 visits every
      Barrier Reef, you and your family1 are            Home & Onward Travel in the UK –
                                                                                                          year to use yourself or share with                    Multi Pack
      covered. Includes a 24-hour medical               and breakdown cover in Europe.
                                                                                                          your family and friends3.                             When you ad
      emergency support line.
                                                        For assistance 24/7, 365 days a year:
      Call our Travel Insurance Helpline on                                                               To register, download our mobile app,                 account, you
      0800 158 2697*.                                   From the UK, call 0800 051 2254*                  which can be found through iTunes or                  £2 per month
                                                                                                          Google Play, called Traveller App or
      If you or your family have a                      When travelling in Europe, call                   visit barclays.dragonpasstraveller.
      pre-existing medical condition:                   +44 161 452 0445*.                                com or call 03 332 205 599*
      Call us on 0800 158 2695* to check
      whether it can be covered2.                                                                         Card Secure
                                                                                                          One call and any lost or stolen debit
                                                                                                          and credit cards will be cancelled
                                                                                                          immediately and re-ordered for you.
                                                                                                          You’ll also have a key-retrieval
                                                                                                          To register call us as soon as possible
                                                                                                          on 0800 158 3198*

        Each account holder and his/her domestic partner must be under 70 years of age at the start of any trip to qualify for travel insurance.

        Covers children under 18 years of age (under 23 years of age if still in full time education and living at home outside of term time) travelling
        with the account holder or his/her domestic partner. All trips must start and end in the UK and last no longer than 31 days.
        Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered at any time under this policy unless they have been disclosed to and accepted by

        our Medical Assessment team.
        Additional lounge visits can be purchased via your Traveller app, or by calling us on 03 332 205 599*. Some lounges restrict the entry of

        children, so please check beforehand.

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1                                                                                                                  2

                            You’ll find terms, conditions and exclusions for the features included
K and                       in your Premier Travel Plus Pack on the following pages (please read
to                          them carefully so you’ll know what’s covered – and what’s not).
 d that                     3       Worldwide Travel Insurance
n.                          44      RAC Comprehensive Breakdown Cover
                            65      Airport lounge access
phone                       70      Card Secure
                            80      Overdraft Daily Fees
                            81      About Our Insurance Services
to new                      83      Adding a Pack to your Current Account
l for

ll need                    Things to know
                           Check you’re not covered elsewhere                   Changed your mind?
Access                     To avoid paying for cover you don’t need, it’s       If you decide you don’t want this Pack, you have
  more than                worth checking that you don’t already have similar   14 days to contact us to cancel and we’ll refund
rldwide, to                or overlapping cover on other packaged accounts      any fees you may have paid. We can’t refund after
elaxed                     or policies.                                         this date, although you can still cancel at any time.
6 visits every                                                                  The 14-day period begins on the day you receive
 hare with                 Multi Pack Discount                                  this Welcome Pack.
 .                         When you add more than one Pack to the same          Remember, your account is available without a
ur mobile app,             account, you’ll receive our multi-Pack discount of   Pack, and with no monthly account fee.
ough iTunes or             £2 per month for each additional Pack you add.
eller App or                                                                    To cancel, contact us on 0345 7 345 345, visit
asstraveller.                                                                   your nearest Barclays Branch or tell us by writing
5 599*                                                                          to Barclays, Leicester LE87 2BB.

 stolen debit
ered for you.

on as possible

el insurance.
m time) travelling

pted by

ct the entry of

                      BAR_9912283.indd 3                                                                                      24/10/2016 09:24

      Worldwide Travel Insurance                                                                              Travel Ins
      Policy Number 70FQ60                                                                                    Medical Risk
                                                                                                              You must te
                                                                                                              conditions. P
      •	There is no need to register before you travel.                                                     on page 19.
                                                                                                              Lines are op
      •   Cover for:                                                                                          9am-5pm S

      		 •	any named account holder and their domestic partner, if under 70                                  Upgrades 08
                                                                                                              Details of up
                     years of age. Children must be under 18 years of age (or under 23                        to obtain a q
                     years if in full time education). All insured persons must be UK                         tell them yo
                     residents.                                                                               Insurance cu

      		 •	holidays anywhere in the world (in the UK and Isle of Man, you need                               Lines are op
                                                                                                              8am-6pm S
                     at least two consecutive nights in pre-booked holiday
                                                                                                              24-hour Wo
                     accommodation).                                                                          Assistance
      		 •	holidays of up to 31 days that start and end in the UK (can be                                    In case of m
                                                                                                              0800 158 2
                     extended up to 90 days by calling 0800 158 2696*).
                                                                                                              In case of m
      •	You must call 0800 158 2695* to tell us about pre-existing medical                                   call (+44) 1
          conditions. If you fail to tell us about medical conditions before booking                          Travel Assist
          trips, this will result in no cover being provided for claims arising from the                      Please see p
          undisclosed condition.                                                                              provided by
                                                                                                              are open 24
      Please take time to read this booklet as it contains important information
                                                                                                              General Trav
      about your Worldwide Travel Insurance.                                                                  From outsid
      Section 1 is your Policy Summary and this gives you brief details of the cover                          are open 24
      provided by your insurance.                                                                             Legal Expen
                                                                                                              0800 158 26
      Section 2 is your Policy Cover and fully explains the limits and conditions                             Please see p
      of your insurance.                                                                                      Lines are op
                                                                                                              Customer Se
                                                                                                              For a list of f
                                                                                                              If you are un
                                                                                                              require, call
                                                                                                              Lines are op
                                                                                                              8am to 6pm
                                                                                                              For our joint
                                                                                                              or monitored

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3                                                                                                                    4

                Travel Insurance Helplines                             FCO Travel Advice – Know Before You Go
                Medical Risk Assessment 0800 158 2695*
                You must tell us about any pre-existing medical
                conditions. Please see the Medical Declaration
                on page 19.
                                                                       As a partner in the Know Before You Go
                Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday,
                                                                       campaign, we are working with the Foreign and
                9am-5pm Saturday.
                                                                       Commonwealth Office (FCO) to help British
0               Upgrades 0800 158 2696*                                travellers stay safe overseas.
                Details of upgrades available are on page 16 –
                to obtain a quote call the upgrade helpline and        Before you go overseas check out the FCO
                tell them you are a Barclays Worldwide Travel          website at, it is packed with
                Insurance customer.                                    essential travel advice and tips plus up-to-date
                                                                       information about different countries.
                Lines are open 8am-10pm Monday to Friday,
ed                                                                     We are not responsible for the content of other
                8am-6pm Saturday and 10am-4pm Sunday.
                24-hour Worldwide Medical Emergency
                In case of medical emergency (UK) call
                0800 158 2691* (fax 01603 604 962)
                In case of medical emergency (Worldwide)
                call (+44) 1603 604 978
                Travel Assistant 0800 158 2694*
e               Please see page 18 for details of the services
                provided by the Travel Assistance helpline. Lines
                are open 24 hours a day
                General Travel Claims 0800 158 2692*
                From outside the UK call (+44) 1603 604 979 Lines
r               are open 24 hours a day.
                Legal Expenses Claims & Advice
                0800 158 2693*
                Please see page 32 for details.
                Lines are open 24 hours a day
                Customer Services
                For a list of frequently asked questions, please see
                If you are unable to find the information you
                require, call us on 0800 158 2697*.
                Lines are open 8am to 10pm Monday to Friday,
                8am to 6pm Saturday and 10am to 4pm
                *Telephone Call Recording
                For our joint protection calls may be recorded and/
                or monitored.

         BAR_9912283.indd 5                                                                                        21/10/2016 17:58

      Guide to your Premier Travel Plus Pack                                                                        Worldw
                                                                                                                    Section 1 – P
      Worldwide Travel Insurance policy                                                                             This is a sum
                                                                                                                    full terms and
      Contents                                                                                                      found in Sect
                                                                                                                    you read the
                                                                                                                    future referen
      6   Section 1                                     34 Section K                                                Who is the in
                                                           Mugging                                                  The insurer is
      6	Keyfacts – your Worldwide Travel Insurance     34 Section L                                                What is Worl
                                                                                                                    This Travel In
         Policy Summary                                    Catastrophe cover                                        costs that m
      12	Other Important Information about your        35 Section M                                                What are the
          policy                                           Pet Care                                                 Insurance?
                                                                                                                    •	Protection
      13 Section 2                                      35 Section N
                                                                                                                       domestic p
                                                           Temporary or Emergency Passport Expenses                    Children u
                                                                                                                       if still in fu
      13 Welcome                                        35 Section O                                                   of term tim
                                                           Personal Money                                              his/her do
      13 Definitions                                    36 Section P                                                •	Trips must
                                                           Delayed Baggage                                             than 31 da
                                                                                                                    •	Cover is pr
      14 General Exclusions                             36 Section Q                                                   leisure act
                                                           Baggage cover                                               where this
      16	Helpful and Important Information about       37 Section R                                                •	Cover is pr
          your insurance                                   Winter sports cover                                         maximum
                                                                                                                    •	Individual
      19 Medical Declaration                            38 General Conditions                                          travel, exte
      20	Leisure activities, Activity based holidays   39 Fraud                                                       wedding a
          and Winter sports activities                                                                              What are the
                                                                                                                    limitations of
      25 Your cover                                     39 Complaints Procedure                                     •	The maxim
      25 Section A                                      40 Financial Services Compensation Scheme                      any calend
          Cancellation Charges                                                                                      •	There is no
                                                                                                                       31 days an
      26	Section B                                     40	How to make a claim – quick reference guide                is longer th
          Emergency Medical and Associated Expenses         if you need to make a claim                                appropriat
      28	Section C                                                                                                    home to s
          Abandonment                                   42 Air passengers – know your rights                        •	Each accou
                                                                                                                       be under 7
      29	Section D                                                                                                 •	No cover f
          Personal Accident                                                                                            the busine
      29 Section E                                                                                                  •	No cover f
         Personal Liability                                                                                            manual wo
                                                                                                                       than Char
      30 Section F                                                                                                     Activity ba
         Delayed Departure                                                                                          •	No cover f
      30 Section G                                                                                                     alcohol or
         Enforced Stay Abroad                                                                                          drugs (oth
      31 Section H                                                                                                     addiction)
         Missed International Departure                                                                                long-term
      32 Section I                                                                                                     impairmen
         Legal Expenses and Advice                                                                                     actions yo
                                                                                                                    •	No cover f
      34 Section J                                                                                                     medical co
         Hijack                                                                                                        caused by
                                                                                                                       drugs take
                                                                                                                       treating al

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5                                                                                                                                6

                       Worldwide Travel Insurance
                       Section 1 – Policy Summary
                       This is a summary of the policy and does not contain the        •	Any specific exclusion or limitation the insurer may
                       full terms and conditions of the cover, which can be                send to you in writing.
                       found in Section 2 of this booklet. It is important that        Pre-existing medical conditions – important
                       you read the full policy wording carefully and keep it for      declarations you must make
                       future reference.                                               Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered at
                       Who is the insurer?                                             any time under this policy unless they have been
                       The insurer is Aviva Insurance Limited.                         disclosed to and accepted by our Medical Risk
                       What is Worldwide Travel Insurance?                             Assessment team. It is important that you read and
                       This Travel Insurance policy is designed to meet certain        fully understand the Medical Declaration on page 19
                       costs that might arise in the course of your travels.           of this booklet.
                       What are the benefits and features of Worldwide Travel          At the time of adding the Premier Travel Plus Pack to
                       Insurance?                                                      your Qualifying Account or booking any trip you must
                       •	Protection for each account holder and his/her               call the Medical Risk Assessment helpline if any
                          domestic partner on trips anywhere in the world.             insured person:
t Expenses                Children under 18 years of age (under 23 years of age        1. has received advice, medication or treatment for
                          if still in full time education and living at home outside       any serious, chronic or recurring illness, injury or
                          of term time) travelling with the account holder or              disease in the last 12 months
                          his/her domestic partner are covered.                        2. is under investigation or awaiting results for any
                       •	Trips must start and end in the UK and last no longer            diagnosed or undiagnosed medical condition
                          than 31 days.                                                3. is on a waiting list for, or aware of the need for,
                       •	Cover is provided for taking part in certain recreational        in-patient treatment for any diagnosed or
                          leisure activities and also some activity based holidays         undiagnosed medical condition
                          where this is the main purpose of your trip.                 4. has received a terminal prognosis
                       •	Cover is provided for winter sports activities for a         5. is travelling against the advice of a doctor or would
                          maximum of 21 days in any calendar year.                         be travelling against medical advice if they had
                       •	Individual trip upgrades are available for business              sought such advice
                          travel, extended trip durations, golf equipment and          You must also call the Medical Risk Assessment
                          wedding and civil ceremony cover.                            helpline if any insured person knows of:
                       What are the significant or unusual exclusions or               1. a close relative or close business associate who is
                       limitations of Worldwide Travel Insurance?                          not travelling with you and/or
                       •	The maximum time you can spend outside the UK in             2. a travelling companion or person you plan to stay
Scheme                    any calendar year is 183 days.                                   with;
                       •	There is no cover at all for any trip that is longer than    who has a serious illness, injury or disease which
                          31 days and we will not insure any part of any trip that     could affect your decision to take or continue a trip.
ence guide                is longer than 31 days unless you have purchased an          You need to do this:
                          appropriate trip extension upgrade before you leave          – before you book a trip
                          home to start your trip.                                     – between booking your trip and paying any balance
                       •	Each account holder and his/her domestic partner must           due for the trip or your departure date (whichever is
                          be under 70 years of age at the start date of any trip.         later) in the case of admission to hospital or referral
                       •	No cover for claims arising from business travel unless         to a consultant/specialist
                          the business travel upgrade has been purchased.              If the hospital admission or referral to a
                       •	No cover for claims arising from paid or unpaid              consultant/specialist is in relation to a new medical
                          manual work or physical labour of any kind (other            condition or a condition that has previously been
                          than Charity and Conservation work shown in the              accepted by us, Cancellation cover will apply. If insured
                          Activity based holiday section).                             persons still wish to travel, Medical Risk Assessment
                       •	No cover for any claim resulting from your misuse of         will advise if cover will apply whilst on the trip.
                          alcohol or drugs or your consumption of alcohol or           As this Travel Insurance cover is part of your
                          drugs (other than drugs taken under medical                  Premier Travel Plus Pack, subject to you being a
                          supervision and not for treating alcohol or drug             Qualifying Account holder, cover will continue as
                          addiction) to an extent which causes immediate or            long as you remain eligible for the insurance and
                          long-term physical or mental impairment, including           continue to pay the monthly fee for your Premier
                          impairment to your judgement causing you to take             Travel Plus Pack. During this time, you must tell
                          actions you would not normally have taken.                   the Medical Risk Assessment team about any
                       •	No cover for exacerbation of an accepted pre-existing        change in the status or control of any condition
                          medical condition where such exacerbation is solely          previously declared or if you or anyone upon
                          caused by your use of alcohol or drugs (other than           whose good health the trip depends develops
                          drugs taken under medical supervision and not for            another medical condition.
                          treating alcohol or drug addiction).

                 BAR_9912283.indd 7                                                                                                    21/10/2016 17:58

      Your policy cover                                                                                                         Policy section
      Policy section            What are the benefits and features?                                                             • Cancellati
      Cancellation charges      •	Refund of non-recoverable travel and accommodation costs should you have to                  • Abandonm
                                    cancel your trip due to any of the reasons stated in Section A of the policy
      Emergency medical and     •	Payment of expenses for emergency medical treatment following accidental
      associated expenses           injury or illness during your trip.
                                •	Repatriation and other necessary travel and accommodation expenses are
      Abandonment               •	Proportionate refund of unused and non-recoverable accommodation costs
                                    should you have to abandon your trip due to any of the reasons stated in
                                    Section C of the policy wording.                                                            •	Emergenc
                                •	Where applicable, reasonable additional travel and accommodation costs to                      associated
                                    allow you to return home early.                                                             • Abandonm
      Personal accident         •	A benefit is paid for death or loss of limbs/sight or permanent total disablement            • Personal a
                                    following accidental injury solely, directly and independently of any other cause
                                    during your trip.
      Personal liability        •	Cover for your legal liability if you cause accidental injury or death to third              • Personal li
                                    parties or damage to their property during your trip.
      Delayed departure         •	Compensation if the ship, aircraft or train in which you are booked to travel is
                                    delayed at your final point of international departure from or to the UK.
                                •	If you are delayed for more than 24 hours at your final point of international
                                    departure on your outward journey from the UK you can choose to abandon                     • Delayed d
                                    your trip.
      Enforced stay abroad      •	Compensation if you are unable to return home on your scheduled return date
                                    due to closure of airspace, airport or port.
      Missed international      •	Additional travel and accommodation costs if you miss your international
      departure                     departure from or to the UK due to any of the reasons stated in Section H of the
                                    policy wording.                                                                             • Enforced s
      Legal expenses and advice •	Cover for your legal costs to pursue a civil claim if you suffer personal injury or
                                    death during your trip.
      Hijack                    •	A benefit for each 24 hours that you cannot reach your destination as a result of
                                    the transport you are travelling on being hijacked during your trip.                        •	Missed int
      Mugging                   •	A benefit for each 24 hours that you receive in-patient treatment due to injury                 departure
                                    caused by a mugging during your trip.
      Catastrophe cover         •	A benefit towards extra accommodation and/or transport costs if you are forced
                                    to move from your independently booked accommodation, due to one of the
                                    reasons stated in Section L of the policy wording.                                          •	Legal expe
      Pet care                  •	A benefit for each 24 hours that your cat or dog receives in-patient veterinary
                                    treatment as a result of suffering accidental injury whilst being cared for in the
                                    UK during your trip.
      Temporary or emergency •	Cover for additional travel, accommodation and communication expenses you                       • Mugging
      passport expenses             need to pay during your trip to obtain a temporary passport if yours is lost or             •	Temporary
                                    stolen while you are abroad.                                                                   passport e
      Personal money            •	Cover for loss or theft of your personal money including cash, travellers’
                                    cheques, travel tickets, passport or driving licence during your trip.                      • Personal m
      Delayed baggage           •	A benefit for temporary loss of baggage for more than 12 hours on your
                                    outward journey.
      Baggage cover             •	Covers for loss, theft or damage to your personal belongings during your trip.
      Winter sports cover       •	For loss, theft or damage to winter sports equipment, and compensation if an                 • Baggage c
                                    avalanche delays your arrival or departure from your resort or if you cannot ski or
                                    snowboard due to piste closures or accidental injury or illness during your trip.

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                           Policy section            What are the significant or unusual exclusions or limitations?
                           • Cancellation charges    We will not pay claims for:
 ld you have to            • Abandonment             •	pre-existing medical conditions, unless disclosed to and accepted by Medical
he policy                                                Risk Assessment
                                                     •	cancellation where you knew, at the time of adding Premier Travel Plus Pack to
                                                         your Qualifying Account or when the trip was booked (whichever is later), that
 accidental                                              you would be unable to travel
                                                     •	the cost of travel or accommodation arranged using air miles or loyalty or
enses are                                                ownership schemes or similar promotions
                                                     •	management fees, maintenance costs or exchange fees associated with
ation costs                                              timeshares and similar arrangements
tated in                                             •	refund of any course or tuition fees, project costs, sponsorship fees or similar.
                           •	Emergency medical and We will not pay claims:
on costs to                   associated expenses    •	for pre-existing medical conditions, unless disclosed to and accepted by Medical
                           • Abandonment                 Risk Assessment
al disablement             • Personal accident       •	if you are motorcycling on a machine over 125cc, unless this is your mode of
y other cause                                            transport from the UK
                                                     •	if you use a Segway, quad bike or all terrain vehicle, on or off road
 to third                  • Personal liability      We will not pay claims arising from:
                                                     •	your job
d to travel is                                       •	the use of animals, firearms, motorised vehicles, vessels or aircraft (except where
e UK.                                                    mentioned in the Leisure activities, Activity based holidays or Winter sports
ernational                                               activities section).
 o abandon                 • Delayed departure       We will not pay claims:
                                                     •	where the reason for the delay was public knowledge at the time of adding
 d return date                                           Premier Travel Plus Pack to your Qualifying Account or booking your trip,
                                                         whichever is later
                                                     •	for internal and/or onward connecting travel
national                                             •	if the transport upon which you are booked to travel is cancelled by the carrier
ection H of the                                      •	if your holiday is solely within the UK.
                           • Enforced stay abroad    We will not pay claims:
onal injury or                                       • for refund of any costs for persons not insured under this policy
                                                     •	for additional travel expenses if prior to the notification of the airspace, or an
 n as a result of                                        airport/port, being closed you have not purchased your return ticket to the UK.
                           •	Missed international   We will not pay claims:
due to injury                 departure              •	where the reason for the delay was public knowledge at the time of adding
                                                         Premier Travel Plus Pack to your Qualifying Account or booking your trip,
                                                         whichever is later
 you are forced
                                                     • if your holiday is solely within the UK.
o one of the
                           •	Legal expenses and     We will not pay claims:
                              advice                 • which do not have a reasonable prospect of succeeding
nt veterinary
                                                     • for any costs incurred before your claim has been accepted
 red for in the
                                                     •	relating to death or personal injury as a result of an accident involving a vehicle
                                                         you were driving without a valid licence and/or insurance.
expenses you               • Mugging                 We will not pay claims where the incident has not been reported to the police
 rs is lost or             •	Temporary or emergency within 24 hours of discovery and a written police report obtained.
                              passport expenses
 .                         • Personal money              We will not pay claims:
                                                         •	if the loss or theft is not reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and a
 n your                                                     written police report obtained (or other independent proof of loss)
                                                         •	for loss of personal money not carried in your hand baggage whilst you are
ng your trip.                                               travelling.
sation if an               • Baggage cover               We will not pay claims:
 cannot ski or                                           •	if the loss or theft is not reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and a
g your trip.                                                written police report obtained (or other independent proof of loss)
                                                         •	for loss of valuables not carried in your hand baggage whilst you are travelling
                                                         •	for scuba diving, golf or fishing equipment.

                     BAR_9912283.indd 9                                                                                                21/10/2016 17:58

      Policy section                    What are the significant or unusual exclusions or limitations?                                     Summary o
      • Winter sports cover             We will not pay claims:
                                        • for losses from motor vehicles                                                                   Please use th
                                        •	if the loss or theft is not reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and             booklet.
                                           a written police report obtained (or other independent proof of loss)
      How long does my Worldwide Travel Insurance run for?                          How do I make a complaint?
      The policy will remain in force until the first of the                        We hope that you will be very happy with
      following automatic termination events occur – the                            the service that we provide. However, if for
      account holder:                                                               any reason you are unhappy with it, we                 Cancellation
      • cancels their Premier Travel Plus Pack                                      would like to hear from you.
      • fails to pay the monthly Premier Travel Plus Pack fee                       If your complaint relates to your bank
      • closes the Qualifying Account                                               account or the Premier Travel Plus Pack
      • reaches 70 years of age                                                                                                            Emergency m
                                                                                    benefits you have selected with it, you can
      • is no longer a UK resident.                                                                                                        and associat
                                                                                    complain in person at your branch, in
      As your circumstances may change over time, it is                             writing, by email or by telephone. A leaflet           expenses
      important that you review the terms and conditions of                         explaining how we deal with complaints is
      your Worldwide Travel Insurance regularly to check                            available on request in any of our branches,
      you remain eligible and that the cover remains                                from the Barclays Information Line on
      adequate for your needs.                                                      0800 400 100* or at
      Your Cancellation Rights                                                      Alternatively you can write to:
      Your Worldwide Travel Insurance contract forms part of                        Barclays Bank PLC
      your Premier Travel Plus Pack benefits. You have a                            Leicester
      statutory 14 day period in which to cancel your                               LE87 2BB
      Worldwide Travel Insurance contract, however as this                                                                                 Abandonme
                                                                                    If your complaint is regarding a claim you
      forms part of your Premier Travel Plus Pack, cancellation                     have made, please telephone the Travel
      of your travel insurance contract will also require your                      Claims helpline number shown at the front
      Premier Travel Plus Pack to be closed. This period begins                     of this booklet or write to:                           Personal acc
      on the date your Premier Travel Plus Pack is added to
      your Qualifying Account or the date you receive your                          Barclays Claims Department,
      policy document, whichever is the later. If you cancel                        Aviva Insurance Limited
      within this period and have paid your first monthly                           PO Box 432
                                                                                    Chichester                                             Personal liab
      Premier Travel Plus Pack fee, it will be refunded.
      If you cancel at a later date, you will not be refunded                       PO18 8WP
      the monthly Premier Travel Plus Pack fees that you                            Aviva is covered by the Financial
      have paid.                                                                    Ombudsman Service. If you have
      Your insurance will end if your Premier Travel Plus Pack is                   complained to us and we have been unable
      cancelled, or your Qualifying Account is closed or                            to resolve your complaint, you may be                  Delayed dep
      switched to a non-qualifying account, you fail to pay the                     entitled to refer it to this independent body.
      monthly Premier Travel Plus Pack fee or your permanent                        Following the complaints procedure does
      residential address is no longer in the UK.                                   not affect your right to take legal action.
      Note: If a joint account holder is not eligible for the travel                Further details of how to complain to the
      insurance cover there will be no refund or reduction in                       Financial Ombudsman can be found on
      the Premier Travel Plus Pack fee.                                             their website:                                         Enforced sta
      To exercise your right to cancel, please contact your               
      Barclays Bank branch.
                                                                                    Would I receive compensation if the insurer
      How do I make a claim?                                                        were unable to meet their liabilities?                 Missed inter
      Should you need to make a claim under this policy,                            The Insurer is covered by the Financial                departure
      please contact the appropriate helpline shown at the                          Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).                   Legal expen
      front of this booklet.                                                        You may be entitled to compensation from               advice
                                                                                    the scheme if they cannot meet their                   Hijack
                                                                                    obligations. General insurance contract are
                                                                                    covered for 90% of the entire claim,
                                                                                    without any upper limit. You can obtain                Mugging
                                                                                    more information about the compensation
                                                                                    scheme arrangements by contacting the                  Catastrophe
                                                                                    FSCS on 0207 741 4100 or
                                                                                    0800 678 1100* or by visiting their website            Pet care

BAR_9912283.indd 10                                                                                                     21/10/2016 17:58
9                                                                                                                                 10

                         Summary of Cover – Limits and Excesses
                         Please use the table below as a summary only. The full details of your policy cover are explained in this policy
discovery and            booklet.
                         Section                 Coverage                                      Policy Limits per Excess per person,
                                                                                               Person per Trip per incident
y happy with                                                                                   (unless otherwise   (unless otherwise stated)
However, if for                                                                                stated)
with it, we              Cancellation charges Overall limit                                    £3,000              £50 (£20 for loss of
                                              Excursions                                       £250                deposit)
our bank                                      Kennel/cattery fees                              £200
 l Plus Pack             Emergency medical Emergency medical treatment                         £10,000,000         £50
 ith it, you can         and associated       Emergency dental pain relief                     £350
ranch, in                                     Associated expenses outside the UK               £10,000,000
 one. A leaflet          expenses
                                              Burial/cremation outside the UK                  £5,000
 complaints is
                                              Repatriation of remains from outside the UK      £7,500
  our branches,
n Line on                                     Associated expenses within the UK                £2,000                                     Repatriation of remains within the UK            £2,000
                                              Hospital benefit – overall limit                 £500                Nil – Hospital Benefit
 :                                            Benefit for each 24 hour period                  £25
                                              Holiday Disruption – overall limit               £500                Nil – Holiday Disruption
                                              Benefit for each 24 hour period                  £25
                         Abandonment          Overall limit                                    £3,000              £50
  a claim you                                 Excursions                                       £250
e the Travel                                  Kennel/cattery fees                              £200
wn at the front
                         Personal accident    Death benefit                                    £30,000             Nil
                                              Death benefit – if aged under 16                 £3,000
                                              Permanent total disablement                      £30,000
                                              Loss of limb/sight                               £30,000
                         Personal liability   Overall limit per incident                       £2,000,000          £100 for incidents
                                                                                                                   arising from the
 cial                                                                                                              occupation of
 have                                                                                                              temporary holiday
ve been unable                                                                                                     accommodation
 u may be                Delayed departure    Delayed departure benefit                        £250                £50 for abandonment
 pendent body.                                Benefit for each 12 hour period                  £25                 after 24hrs
 cedure does                                  OR abandonment following 24 hour delay           £3,000
egal action.                                  Excursions                                       £250
mplain to the                                 Kennel/cattery fees                              £200
 e found on
                         Enforced stay abroad Enforced stay abroad overall limit               £1,500              Nil
                                              Benefit for each 24 hour period                  £100
uk                                            OR additional travel and accommodation           £1,000
n if the insurer                              expenses
bilities?                Missed international Overall limit                                    £1,000              Nil
e Financial              departure
 me (FSCS).              Legal expenses and Overall limit                                      £50,000             Nil
 ensation from           advice
 eet their               Hijack               Overall limit                                    £1,000              Nil
 e contract are                               Benefit for each 24 hour period                  £50
 can obtain              Mugging              Overall limit                                    £1,000              Nil
compensation                                  Benefit for each 24 hour period                  £50
ntacting the             Catastrophe cover    Overall limit                                    £750                £50

g their website          Pet care                Overall limit per incident                    £250                Nil
                                                 Benefit for each 24 hour period               £25

                   BAR_9912283.indd 11                                                                                                 21/10/2016 17:58

                                                                                                                                    Other Imp
      Section               Coverage                                     Policy Limits per Excess per person,
                                                                                                                                    Your Polic
                                                                         Person per Trip per incident                               Eligibility
                                                                         (unless otherwise   (unless otherwise stated)
                                                                         stated)                                                    You must tak
                                                                                                                                    and accurate
      Temporary or       Overall limit                                   £350                Nil
                                                                                                                                    when you ad
      emergency passport
                                                                                                                                    Qualifying Ac
                                                                                                                                    your health a
      Personal money     Overall limit                                   £500                £50                                    travel plans d
                         Cash/bank notes                                 £300
                         Cash/bank notes – if aged under 16              £100                                                       Please read t
      Delayed baggage    Overall limit                                   £150                Nil                                    contact the M
                                                                                                                                    required to d
      Baggage cover         Overall limit                                £1,500              £50
                            Limit for any one article, pair or set       £300                                                       If you are in a
                            Limit for valuables (as defined in policy    £400                                                       information s
                            booklet)                                                                                                Medical Asse
      Winter sports cover   Winter sports equipment                                          £50                                    If the informa
                            – own equipment                              £500                                                       and accurate
                            – hired equipment                            £500                                                       •	mend the
                            – hire of replacement equipment              £200                                                             any decla
                            – loss or stolen lift pass                   £200
                                                                                                                                          may resul
                            Delay due to Avalanche                       £200
                            Piste Closure overall limit                  £300
                            – daily benefit (transport & compensation)   £30                                                         •	refuse to
                            Ski Pack                                     £300                                                         •	not pay an
                            Inability to take part in Winter Sports                                                                    depending up
                            Activities                                                                                                 given us.
                            – overall limit                              £200
                            – daily benefit                              £20                                                        Data Protecti
                                                                                                                                    Your informa
                                                                                                                                    insurance ad
                                                                                                                                    associated co
                                                                                                                                    Bank PLC. It m
                                                                                                                                    for the purpo
                                                                                                                                    the insurer’s
                                                                                                                                    used for rese
                                                                                                                                    crime and fra
                                                                                                                                    including mo
                                                                                                                                    to a service p
                                                                                                                                    including cou
                                                                                                                                    Area for any o
                                                                                                                                    PLC, the insu
                                                                                                                                    ensure that a
                                                                                                                                    passed agree
                                                                                                                                    to a strict cod
                                                                                                                                    ensure that t
                                                                                                                                    applied as we
                                                                                                                                    held in the U
                                                                                                                                    If you provide
                                                                                                                                    agents perso
                                                                                                                                    to another pe
                                                                                                                                    have given yo

BAR_9912283.indd 12                                                                                              21/10/2016 17:58
11                                                                                                                     12

                          Other Important Information about                      for us to be able to process their personal data
                                                                                 (including any sensitive personal data) and also
r person,
                          Your Policy
                                                                                 that you have told them who we are and what we
nt                        Eligibility                                            will use their data for, as set out in this notice.
wise stated)
                          You must take reasonable care to provide complete
                                                                                 In the case of personal data, with limited
                          and accurate answers to the questions we ask
                                                                                 exceptions, and on payment of the appropriate fee,
                          when you add the Premier Travel Plus Pack to your
                                                                                 you have the right to access and if necessary rectify
                          Qualifying Account and to tell the insurer about
                                                                                 information held about you. For more details on
                          your health and the health of anyone else your
                                                                                 accessing information held about you by Aviva
                          travel plans depend on.
                                                                                 Insurance Limited, write to:
                          Please read the Medical Declaration on page 19 and
                          contact the Medical Assessment team if you are         The Data Protection Team
                          required to do so.                                     Aviva Insurance Limited
                          If you are in any doubt as to what medical             Perth
                          information should be disclosed please contact the     PH2 0NH
                          Medical Assessment team.
                                                                                 For more details on accessing information held
                          If the information provided by you is not complete
                                                                                 about you by Barclays Bank PLC write to:
                          and accurate, we may:
                          •	mend the medical underwriting decision(s) for      The Barclays Data Protection Team
                                any declared Pre Existing Condition(s) which     Radbroke Hall
                                may result in an accepted condition being        Cheshire
                                excluded, or                                     WA16 9EU
                           •	refuse to pay any claim, or                       In assessing any claims, Barclays Bank PLC, the
                            •	not pay any claim in full                        insurer or its agents may undertake checks against
                             depending upon the information that you have        publicly available information (such as electoral roll,
                             given us.                                           county court judgements, bankruptcy orders or
                          Data Protection Act – Insurance Administration
                          Your information may be used for the purposes of       Information may also be shared with other insurers
                          insurance administration by the insurer, its           and their agents either directly or via those acting
                          associated companies and agents, and by Barclays       for the insurer (such as loss adjusters or
                          Bank PLC. It may be disclosed to regulatory bodies     investigators) to obtain quotations on an on-going
                          for the purposes of monitoring and/or enforcing        basis and in the normal course of servicing and
                          the insurer’s compliance with any regulatory rules/    administering your insurance.
                          codes/authorities. Your information may also be        We may share your information with the Barclays
                          used for research and statistical purposes and for     Group. For more details on how Barclays will handle
                          crime and fraud detection and prevention purposes      your information, please refer to the Barclays Retail
                          including money laundering. It may be transferred      Customer Agreement.
                          to a service provider or agent in another country,
                          including countries outside the European Economic      Sensitive Data
                          Area for any of these purposes and for systems         In order to assess the terms of the insurance
                          administration. Where this happens, Barclays Bank      contract or administer claims that arise, Barclays
                          PLC, the insurer and/or other third parties will       Bank PLC and/or the insurer or its agents may need
                          ensure that anyone to whom your information is         to collect data that the Data Protection Act 1998
                          passed agrees to treat your information according      defines as sensitive (such as medical history or
                          to a strict code of secrecy and security and will      criminal convictions). By proceeding with this
                          ensure that the same levels of protection are          insurance you will signify your consent to such
                          applied as we are required to apply to information     information being processed by Barclays Bank PLC
                          held in the UK.                                        and/or the insurer or its agents.
                          If you provide Barclays Bank PLC, the insurer or its   Fraud Prevention and Detection
                          agents personal and financial information relating     In order to prevent and detect fraud Barclays Bank
                          to another person in doing so you confirm that they    PLC and the insurer may at any time share
                          have given you permission to provide it to us and      information about you with other organisations
                                                                                 and public bodies including the Police.

                    BAR_9912283.indd 13                                                                                         21/10/2016 17:58
      You should show these notices to anyone who has          continue a trip. A senior manager or director of the              The maximu
      an interest in the insurance under the policy.           business must confirm this in the event of a claim.               the UK in any
      Telephone Call Recording                                 Close Relative                                                    Permanent T
                                                               Your mother, father, sister, brother, marital/civil               A permanent
      For our joint protection calls may be recorded and/
                                                               or domestic partner who lives with you, fiancé(e),                cannot do an
      or monitored.
                                                               daughter, son, grandparent, grandchild,                           Personal Mo
      Aviva’s Regulatory Status                                parent-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law,                       Cash (includi
      Aviva is authorised by the Prudential Regulation         brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step-parent,                       cheques, non
      Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct         step-child, step-sister, step-brother, aunt, uncle,               entertainmen
      Authority. We are registered as Aviva Insurance          cousin, nephew, niece, legal guardian or                          and driving li
      Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116.               foster child.
                                                                                                                                 Point of Inte
      (Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH) and       Doctor                                                            The airport, p
      our firm’s reference number is 202153. You may           A registered member of the medical profession                     undertake int
      check this information and obtain further                practising in the UK who is not related to you                    (this definitio
      information about how the Financial Conduct              or anyone you are travelling with.                                the UK and t
      Authority protect you by visiting or by
                                                               Excess / Excesses                                                 Pre-booked
      contacting them on 0800 111 6768*.
                                                               The amount(s) that you will have to pay towards                   A commercia
      Section 2 – Policy Cover                                 any claim. This applies to each claim per insured                 charged whic
                                                                                                                                 departure of
                                                               person per section, where applicable.
      Welcome to your Worldwide Travel                                                                                           properties be
      Insurance                                                Day trips and outings arranged through your travel
                                                                                                                                 Premier Trav
                                                                                                                                 A combined p
      This insurance is included as part of the Premier        or accommodation provider.                                        financial feat
      Travel Plus Pack which has been added to your
                                                               Home                                                              can be added
      Qualifying Account. This policy booklet gives you
                                                               Your home address in the UK.                                      monthly fee.
      full details of what is covered, what is not covered
      and the limits and conditions of cover. Please read                                                                        Qualifying A
                                                               Loss of One or More Limbs
      your booklet carefully, keep it in a safe place and                                                                        Premier Curre
                                                               The loss of your hand or foot at or above the wrist
      take it with you when you travel. You must comply                                                                          Barclays Basi
                                                               or ankle, or the total and permanent loss of use of
      with the policy conditions. If you do not comply,                                                                          Travel Plus P
                                                               your entire hand, arm, foot or leg.
      we may refuse your claim or reduce your cover in                                                                           Total Loss O
      the event of a claim.                                    Partner                                                           Complete an
                                                               The person that the account holder lives with at
                                                                                                                                 Travelling Co
      Definitions                                              home in a domestic relationship, whether married
                                                                                                                                 A person you
      Wherever the following words or phrases appear           or cohabiting (as if husband and wife), regardless
                                                                                                                                 cannot make
      in bold in this policy, they will have the following     of gender, who is under 70 years of age at the start
                                                               date of the trip.                                                 Trip(s)
                                                                                                                                 Journeys beg
      Abandon/Abandonment                                      Period of Insurance                                               no more than
      Returning to the UK before your scheduled return         Each trip you make, whilst the Premier Travel Plus
                                                                                                                                 • holidays
      date (including being repatriated by us to a
      hospital), or being an in-patient in hospital for more
                                                               Pack is in force, will be treated as a separate period
                                                               of insurance; individually subject to all policy terms,
                                                                                                                                 • holidays
                                                                                                                                     more con
      than 24 hours during your trip.                          conditions, warranties and exclusions.                                holiday a
      Account holder                                           Cover for each separate trip applies as follows:                  UK
      Any person named as an account holder on the
      Qualifying Account, who is under 70 years of age
                                                               	Cancellation cover begins from the date
                                                               •                                                                 England, Sco
                                                                                                                                 Isle of Man
                                                                   Premier Travel Plus Pack was added to your
      at the start date of the trip.                               Qualifying Account or the date of booking                     UK Resident
      Barclays Bank PLC                                            each separate trip (whichever is later) and ends              An insured p
      Barclays Bank PLC, Registered in England number:             when you leave your home to start your trip.                  who is registe
      1026167 Registered office: 1 Churchill Place,
      London, E14 5HP.
                                                               	Cover under all other sections starts when you
                                                               •                                                                 is liable to pa
                                                                   leave your home to begin your trip and ends                   Unattended
      Close Business Associate                                     when you return home providing that you do                    Not in your f
      Someone you work with in the UK who has to be                not exceed the trip limit.                                    unable to pre
      in work in order for you to be able to go on or                                                                            property, unle

BAR_9912283.indd 14                                                                                           21/10/2016 17:58
13                                                                                                                      14
rector of the           The maximum time you can spend outside of               Property left in a motor vehicle is unattended
t of a claim.           the UK in any calendar year is 183 days in total.       unless the vehicle is locked and the items have
                        Permanent Total Disablement                             been placed out of view in an enclosed storage
 rital/civil            A permanent and total disability that means you         compartment, boot or luggage space.
u, fiancé(e),           cannot do any kind of job.                              Valuables
  ,                     Personal Money                                          Jewellery, costume jewellery, watches, items made
 law,                   Cash (including foreign currency), travellers’          of or containing gold, silver, precious metal or
nt,                     cheques, non-refundable pre-paid event and              precious stones, binoculars, hand held games
 nt, uncle,             entertainment tickets, travel tickets, passports        consoles and equipment, mobile phones, audio
or                      and driving licences.                                   visual, photographic, video camera, computer
                        Point of International Departure                        and television equipment.
                        The airport, port or station from which you will        We, Us, Our, Insurer
ofession                undertake international travel from or into the UK,     Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland,
to you                  (this definition extends to include travel between      No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH.
                        the UK and the Channel islands).
                                                                                Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
                        Pre-booked Holiday Accommodation
                                                                                and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
 y towards              A commercially run premises where a fee is
                                                                                and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
er insured              charged which has been booked prior to the
                        departure of your trip, but not including residential   Winter Sports Equipment
                        properties belonging to family or friends.              Skis, snowboard, boots, helmets, bindings or poles.
                        Premier Travel Plus Pack                                You/Your/Yours/Yourself/Insured Person
h your travel           A combined package of insurance, service and /or        The account holder, his/her partner and their
                        financial features (including Travel Insurance) that    dependent children who at the start date of the trip
                        can be added to any Qualifying Account, for a           are under 18 years of age (under 23 years of age if
                        monthly fee.                                            still in full time education and living at home
                        Qualifying Account                                      outside of term time).
                        Premier Current Account Barclays Bank Account or        Children are only covered:
ve the wrist
                        Barclays Basic Current Account to which Premier
ss of use of
                        Travel Plus Pack has been added.                        	when travelling with the account holder,
                                                                                    or his/her partner, or
                        Total Loss Of Sight
                        Complete and permanent loss of sight.                   	whilst travelling abroad on their own to visit
ves with at                                                                         and stay with close relatives who live abroad,
                        Travelling Companion                                        for the duration of the trip.
her married
                        A person you travel with, without whom you
 regardless                                                                     General Exclusions
                        cannot make or continue your trip.
e at the start
                        Trip(s)                                                 This policy does not cover the following:
                        Journeys beginning and ending in the UK that last       1.	Any consequence whatsoever which is the
                        no more than 31 days that are either:                       direct or indirect result of any of the following,
r Travel Plus
                        • holidays outside the UK; or                               or anything connected with any of the
 arate period
policy terms,
                        • holidays within the UK that include two or                following, whether or not such consequence
                            more consecutive nights stay in pre-booked              has been contributed to by any other cause
                            holiday accommodation.                                  or event:
follows:                UK                                                          a.	war, invasion, act of foreign enemy,
  date                  England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and                  hostilities or a warlike operation or
 ed to your             Isle of Man                                                     operations (whether war be declared
 booking                UK Resident                                                     or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution,
ter) and ends           An insured person whose main home is in the UK,                 insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
 t your trip.           who is registered with a doctor in the UK and who               proportions of or amounting to an uprising,
ts when you             is liable to pay taxes in the UK.                               military or usurped power.
p and ends              Unattended                                                  b.	any action taken in controlling, preventing,
 hat you do             Not in your full view or positioned where you are               suppressing or in any way relating
                        unable to prevent unauthorised taking of your                   to a) above.
                        property, unless it is left in a locked room or safe.   2.	Claims directly or indirectly caused by:

                  BAR_9912283.indd 15                                                                                          21/10/2016 17:58
          a.	ionising radiation or contamination by            	Qualifying Account or the trip was booked,                        c.	cost
              radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from         (whichever is later).                                                 your
              any nuclear waste from burning nuclear            9.	Any claim for an incident occurring during the                      prov
              fuel; or                                              trip that results from:                                         d.	refun
          b.	the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other                                                                                unde
                                                                  a.	you flying (except while travelling in an                     e.	adm
              hazardous properties of any explosive                   aircraft as a passenger) or taking part in
              nuclear assembly or nuclear part of an                                                                                    trave
                                                                      other aerial activities not listed in the                         resp
              assembly; or                                            Leisure activities, activity based holidays                       trave
          c.	pressure waves caused by aircraft and                   and Winter sports section.
              other aerial devices travelling at sonic or                                                                       12.	Any claim
                                                                  b.	you using a scooter, moped or motorcycle
              supersonic speeds.                                                                                                     trip whe
                                                                      as a rider or passenger on a machine;
                                                                                                                                     a.	the m
      3.	Any claim for your death, injury, illness or          		    i.	125cc or under; unless you wear a                               divin
          disability resulting from:                                       crash helmet and, as a rider, you are                     b.	the c
          a.	your suicide or attempted suicide, or                        fully licensed to use such a vehicle in                        any m
                                                                           the UK                                                         norm
          b.	your misuse of alcohol or drugs or your
                                                                		    ii.	over 125cc; unless this is your mode of                   c.	you
              consumption of alcohol or drugs (other
                                                                           transport from the UK and you wear a                           and
              than drugs taken under medical
                                                                           crash helmet and appropriate                              d.	you
              supervision and not for treating alcohol or
                                                                           protective clothing; and, as a rider, you                      com
              drug addiction) to an extent which causes
                                                                           are fully licensed and insured to use                          but n
              immediate or long-term physical or mental
                                                                           this vehicle in the UK                                         divin
              impairment, including impairment to your
              judgement causing you to take actions               c.	you using a Segway, quad bike or all terrain                        solo
              you would not normally have taken,                      vehicle as a rider or passenger                                e.	you
                                                                  d.	you driving any motorised vehicle, unless                           com
          c.	an exacerbation of an accepted
                                                                      you are fully licensed to drive such a
              pre-existing medical condition where such                                                                         Helpful an
                                                                      vehicle in the UK
              exacerbation is solely caused by your use
              of alcohol or drugs (other than drugs taken         e. you using any motorised vehicle as a driver               about you
              under medical supervision and not for                   or passenger, unless you have complied                    This policy is
              treating alcohol or drug addiction).                    with all laws applying to use of that vehicle             medical insu
                                                                      in the country you are visiting                           if you have a
      4.	Any claim where during the trip you
                                                                  f. your involvement in paid or unpaid manual                 or become il
          deliberately put yourself at risk of death, injury,
                                                                      work or physical labour of any kind, other
          illness or disability (unless you were trying to                                                                      It does not c
                                                                      than Charity and Conservation work as
          save human life).
      5.	Claims resulting from any tour operator, travel
                                                                      shown in the Activity based                               	non eme
                                                                      holidays section
          agent, airline or other service provider                g. you taking part in a leisure activity, activity
                                                                                                                                	any trea
          becoming insolvent and not being able or                                                                                  whilst on
                                                                      based holiday or winter sports activity not
          willing to carry out any part of their duty
          to you.
                                                                      listed in the Leisure activities, activity                	claims a
                                                                      based holidays and Winter sports                              conditio
      6.	Any loss that is not specifically described in the          activities section                                            in writin
          stated terms and conditions, e.g. we will not           h. your job                                                      helpline.
          pay for loss of earnings if you are unable to           i.	you taking part in expeditions.                           It is therefor
          return to work due to injury or illness during                                                                        Medical Dec
          your trip.                                            10.	Any claim resulting from a tropical disease
                                                                     where you have not had the recommended                     complete an
      7.	We do not cover any payment, which you                     inoculations and/or taken the recommended                  Declaration
          would normally have made during your travels               medication.                                                Insurance po
          and/or which does not fall within the events                                                                          added the Pr
          insured under the terms of this Worldwide             11. Any claim for:                                              Qualifying A
          Travel Insurance policy.                                  a.	unused travel or accommodation arranged                 trip; it applie
                                                                        by using air miles, loyalty or ownership                else upon w
      8.	Any claim that results from any anxiety state,                schemes, or similar promotions
          depression, mental, nervous or emotional                                                                              even if they
                                                                    b.	management fees, maintenance costs or
          disorder which had been diagnosed before the
                                                                        exchange fees associated with timeshares
          Premier Travel Plus Pack was added to your
                                                                        and similar arrangements.

BAR_9912283.indd 16                                                                                          21/10/2016 17:58
15                                                                                                                         16
 s booked,                  c.	costs where these are recoverable from             24-hour Worldwide Medical Emergency Assistance
                                your travel and/or accommodation                   Service
 during the                     provider.                                          The cost of the Medical Emergency Assistance
                            d.	refund of any costs for persons not insured        Service will be met under this Travel Insurance.
                                under this policy.                                 The service will be governed by the terms,
ing in an                   e.	administration costs charged by your               conditions and exclusions in this policy and will be
ng part in                      travel or accommodation provider in                operated by our appointed Medical Emergency
 in the                         respect of obtaining a refund for unused           Assistance provider.
d holidays                      travel and accommodation.
                                                                                   If any illness or injury means that you need to go
                        12.	Any claim as a result of scuba diving during the      into hospital as an in-patient or you are told by the
                             trip where:                                           treating doctor that you are going to require tests
                             a.	the main purpose of your trip is scuba            or investigations as an out-patient, you must call
u wear a                          diving                                           the Medical Emergency Assistance helpline number
er, you are                  b.	the claim is caused by you suffering from         shown at the front of this booklet before you make
a vehicle in                      any medical condition which would                any arrangements. If this is not possible because
                                  normally prohibit you from diving                the condition is serious, you must contact the
your mode of                 c.	you do not follow all diving safety warnings      helpline as soon as possible after you go
d you wear a                      and guidelines                                   into hospital.
 ate                         d.	you are undertaking professional,
s a rider, you                    commercial or technical diving including,        An experienced Medical Emergency Assistance
red to use                        but not limited to, enriched air diving, tutor   co-ordinator will deal with your enquiry and make
                                  diving, ice diving, free diving, wreck diving,   sure that:
 or all terrain                   solo diving and cave or cavern diving            1.	where necessary, hospitals are contacted;
                             e.	you travel by air within 24 hours of                  and/or
 icle, unless                     completing a dive.
                                                                                   2. necessary medical fees are guaranteed; and/or
such a
                        Helpful and important information                          3. medical advisers are consulted.
 le as a driver         about your insurance                                       If you need to return to the UK for any reason, it is
 complied               This policy is not a general health or private             also important that you contact the Medical
  that vehicle          medical insurance policy and will only cover you           Emergency Assistance helpline number shown at
                        if you have a sudden and unexpected accident               the front of this booklet before you make any return
 paid manual            or become ill.                                             journey arrangements.
 kind, other
                        It does not cover:                                         It may affect your claim if you do not contact the
  work as
                                                                                   Medical Emergency Assistance helpline.
                        •	non emergency treatment, or
ivity, activity
                        •	any treatment that you knew you might need              Amendments to your cover
                            whilst on your trip, or                                You can upgrade from the standard cover for the
 activity not
activity                •	claims arising from any pre-existing medical            extensions shown below. If you need an upgrade,
                                                                                   please call the Upgrade helpline number shown at
 rts                        conditions unless declared to and accepted
                            in writing by the Medical Risk Assessment              the front of this booklet for further information and
                            helpline.                                              a quotation.

                        It is therefore very important that you read the           •	Extended Trip Duration – extends your trip
                        Medical Declaration on page 19, and provide                    duration from 31 days to a maximum of 90
 disease                                                                               days
                        complete and accurate information. The Medical
                        Declaration under this Worldwide Travel
                        Insurance policy applies from the time you
                                                                                   •	Business Travel – extends your policy for
                                                                                       business trips (limited to wholly office-based
                        added the Premier Travel Plus Pack to your                     clerical and administrative duties only that
                        Qualifying Account and each time you book a                    does not involve dealing with members of the
 on arranged            trip; it applies to all insured persons and anyone             public) for a maximum of 31 days in a 12
wnership                else upon whose good health your trip depends,                 month period.
 s                      even if they are not travelling with you.
ce costs or                                                                        •	Golf – cover for loss, damage or theft of your
  timeshares                                                                           golf clubs and green fees if you are unable to
                                                                                       play due to accident or illness during your trip

                  BAR_9912283.indd 17                                                                                           21/10/2016 17:58
                                                               Pack to your Qualifying Account or make changes                   Foreign and C
      •   	Wedding and civil ceremony cover – increased      to your policy.                                                   Travel Advice
             cover for wedding attire, gifts, rings and                                                                          The FCO prov
             photos.                                           Please tell the Medical Assessment Team
                                                                                                                                 make judgem
                                                               immediately if there are any changes to your health
      Automatic Cover                                                                                                            country, prov
                                                               or the health of anyone else the trip depends on
      The insurance cover automatically applies for each                                                                         in the countr
                                                               (e.g. a travelling companion, or a close relative even
      trip; this means you do not have to contact us                                                                             that may inte
                                                               if they are not travelling with you). Please see the
      every time you book a trip, unless you need to tell      Medical Declaration section of your policy.                       Please note t
      us about any change to a previously disclosed                                                                              Cancellation
      medical condition or the diagnosis of a new              Please call the Upgrade helpline if you are planning
                                                                                                                                 to travel or co
      medical condition; for more information please also      a trip that is over the trip duration of 31 days.
                                                                                                                                 issued advice
      read the ‘Information and Changes we need to             If you are in any doubt, please contact us.                       travel to a pa
      know about’ section below.                                                                                                 advice being
                                                               When we are notified of a change, we will tell you
      Automatic Extension of Cover                             if this affects your policy, for example whether we               should alway
      If you cannot get back home before your cover            are able to accept the change and if so, whether                  agent in the fi
      ends, your insurance will remain in force as follows:    the change will result in revised terms.                          If you cannot
      1.	up to 14 days if any vehicle you are travelling in   If the information provided by you is not complete                the full benefi
          breaks down, or any vehicle, vessel, train or        and accurate we may:                                              comply with
          aircraft in which you are travelling as a ticket                                                                       for example b
          holding passenger is cancelled or delayed; or        	amend the medical underwriting decision(s)
                                                               •                                                                 avoiding pub
                                                                   for any declared Pre Existing Condition(s)                    you do not p
      2.	up to 30 days if you cannot return home due to
                                                                   which may result in an accepted condition                     please note G
          your accidental injury or illness or quarantine.
                                                                   being excluded, or                                            (on page 14)
      We will also continue to pay for medical treatment       	
                                                               •   refuse to pay any claim,or
      under the Emergency Medical and Associated
      Expenses section for this period or any extended
                                                               •   not pay any claim in full                                     Leisure activi
                                                                                                                                 You are auto
                                                               depending upon the information that you have                      from your pa
      period that is considered medically necessary by
                                                               given us.                                                         activities on a
      our Medical Emergency Assistance provider and
      agreed by us.                                            Children                                                          or if you have
                                                               Unmarried dependent children who at the start                     holiday – see
      Automatic Termination of Cover                                                                                             holidays and
                                                               date of the trip are under 18 years of age (under 23
      All cover under this Travel Insurance policy will                                                                          full details.
                                                               years of age if still in full time education and living
      cease automatically:
                                                               at home outside of term time) are only covered:                   Policy Limits
      •	if the account holder cancels the Premier             •	 when travelling with the account holder, or                   Each section
         Travel Plus Pack                                                                                                        amount we w
                                                                   his/her partner, or
      •	if the account holder closes the Qualifying
                                                               •	 whilst travelling abroad on their own to visit                Some section
         Account                                                                                                                 example, for
                                                                   and stay with close relatives who live abroad,
      •	if the account holder fails to pay the monthly                                                                          total. Check y
                                                                   for the duration of the trip.
         Premier Travel Plus Pack fee                                                                                            is adequate if
      •	when the account holder reaches 70 years of           Choice of Law
                                                                                                                                 away with yo
            age                                                The law of England and Wales will apply to this
      •     if you are no longer a UK resident.                contract, unless:                                                 Reasonable C
                                                                                                                                 You must tak
      If an insured person is on a trip when an                1. you and the Insurer agree otherwise; or
                                                                                                                                 take if you di
      automatic termination event occurs, all cover will       2.	at the date of the contract you are a resident of
                                                                                                                                 take all reaso
      cease when the trip ends.                                    (or, in the case of a business, the registered
                                                                                                                                 and prevent a
                                                                   office or principle place of business is situated
      If the Qualifying Account is held in joint names             in) Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Isle of                 Reciprocal He
      and any account holder reaches 70 years of age,
      cover will continue for any other eligible account
                                                                   Man, in which case (in the absence of                         	
                                                                                                                                 • Europea
                                                                   agreement to the contrary) the law of that                        If you are
      holder and their eligible partner or children until          country will apply.                                               European
      all account holders have reached 70 years of age.                                                                              or Switze
                                                               Customers with Disabilities
      Information and changes we need to know about            This policy and other associated documentation are                    you take
      You must take reasonable care to provide                 also available in large print, audio and Braille. If you              (EHIC) w
      complete and accurate answers to the questions           require any of these formats please contact                           obtained
      we ask when you add the Premier Travel Plus              0800 400 100*.

BAR_9912283.indd 18                                                                                           21/10/2016 17:58
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