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www.autolive.co.za                                                              Issue No. 114 | 25 October 2018


Barely a day goes by without warnings from              as well as their 54 000 employees in Europe. The           “This is the right step at the right time,” said
organisations and key figures in the know that the      objective is to provide seamless individual around-   Jürgen Stackmann, Board Member for Sales of
way dealers do business and their willingness to        the-clock support for customers going far beyond      the Volkswagen brand. “We have adopted this
adapt to changing trends are critical to survival.      vehicle sales on the basis of a unique Volkswagen     approach because our business environment is
Traditional sales models are becoming less relevant     customer ID.                                          changing at a breathtaking pace in view of new
and consumers continue to change their buying                Each year, the Volkswagen brand intends to       technologies, changed customer expectations and
habits to keep up with the age of digitalisation. The   introduce about 5 million customers to the new        new market players.”
message is a clear one: Adapt or die.                   world of mobility around the globe and to offer            According to Stackmann qualified sales and
     In this light Volkswagen, together with its        them individual services on the basis of their ID.    service partners, an established logistics network,
European dealers, is to fundamentally realign its       The car buying experience itself will also change     a strong product portfolio and extremely loyal
sales model in order to make it fit for the future.     as online sales are to be massively expanded and      customers place Volkswagen on strong footing for
The new sales model is to be launched in Europe in      direct sales are to become possible. Five new sales   the future. He said that the new sales model was
April 2020.                                             and service formats – such as city showrooms or       the combination of this infrastructure with the
     Volkswagen and the European Dealer Council         pop-up stores – are to be added. At the same time,    new elements which would define business in the
recently presented their vision for the future world    the sales organisation is to become more flexible
                                                                                                                                               continued on page 2
to Volkswagen’s 5 400 dealers and service partners      and efficient.

       Page 12                                                Page 17                                                Page 22
       Taking the RISK out of                                 SA’s top used                                          Rethink of dealer
       used vehicle buying, selling                           vehicles revealed                                      profitability needed
       and values
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Editor and Advertising Manager              continued from previous page
                                                                               access a broad portfolio of services,
                      Liana Reiners                                            such as We Park, We Deliver or We
                liana@autolive.co.za     future, such as digital products and  Connect, from the Volkswagen We
                      083 407 4600       services or new on-line sales pos-    digital ecosystem. There will also be
                                         sibilities for products and services. services going beyond customers’
                       Contributors           The new sales model is being     own vehicles. This will include We
                 Roger Houghton          driven by the progressive digi-       Share, the planned car sharing offer-
        houghtonr@mwebbiz.co.za          talisation and connectivity of the    ing from Volkswagen.
                   082 371 9097          Volkswagen fleet, which will reach         Online business will lay a key
                                         a new level with the introduction     part in the development of the
                   Stuart Johnston
                                         of the new, fully connected electric  new sales model and is currently
                                         ID. family in 2020. From then on,     being massively expanded. Within
                    083 450 9255
                                         Volkswagen customers, each with       the framework of its new digital           Jürgen Stackmann, Board
                                         their own personal ID number, are to  partnership with its European              Member for Sales of the
                 Advertising Sales
                                         be at the centre of a fully-networked dealers, Volkswagen will develop a         Volkswagen brand.
                      Liana Reiners      world of mobility that will include   joint Internet platform which will
                liana@autolive.co.za     seamless individual support beyond    handle the entire purchasing process       and customer-oriented, with city
                      083 407 4600       vehicle purchasing, as well as        through to contract conclusion,            showrooms, pop-up stores, service
                                         around-the-clock availability.        including financing, payment and           factories, used car centres or scalable
                            Address           “This way, we will learn more    even used car trade-ins. Customers         full-feature dealerships.
                  237 Rigel Avenue       about our customers’ needs and will   will be able to choose from the entire           “We believe in the new business
                  Waterkloof Ridge       be able to develop optimum tailor-    brand model range and to complete          model as it will strengthen dealers’
                            Pretoria     made offerings for each individual    their car purchase with their              entrepreneurial responsibility,” said
                   PO Box 914 005        customer through intelligent data     selected dealer online. Although           Dr Matti Pörhö, President of the
                      Wingate Park       management. This is already prac-     the new platform will, for the first       European Dealer Council (EDC),
                               0153      ticed successfully in other sectors,” time, enable Volkswagen to offer           which represents the interests of
                     012 460 4448        Stackmann continued.                  the possibility of direct sales, the       Volkswagen dealers in Europe.
                                              In this world of mobility,       brand intends to use this possibility      “In the areas of digitalisation and
                            Website      customers will benefit from a wide    mainly in the fields of software and       E-mobility – both major tasks for the
                 www.autolive.co.za      variety of tailor-made offerings.     online services.                           future – dealers will play a key role.
                                         For example, vehicles will be kept         People who prefer to maintain         To shoulder these challenges, dealers
                          Facebook       up-to-date with software updates      personal contact with the brand            need a firm foundation of profitabil-
   www.facebook.com/pages/AutoLive       run via cellphone networks. In        and the dealer will have a choice          ity.” Pörhö praised the fair and open
                                         addition, vehicles will be able to    of different points of contact in          cooperation with Volkswagen: “We
           © 2018 WCM Media CC           notify dealers when services are      the future. There will be five new         actively participated in shaping the
                                         due via the predictive maintenance    formats in addition to the traditional     business model right from the start.”
                        Production                                             full-feature dealership with sales and           At the event in Berlin,
                                         app. Customers will also be able to
       Marketing Support Services                                                                   service under         Volkswagen and the EDC sealed
                     Danie Dreyer                                                                   one roof. Each        the new sales model, with Jürgen
        danie@marketingss.co.za                                                                     dealer will only      Stackmann and Matti Pörhö sym-
               +27 (0)12 346 2168                                                                   need to have one      bolically signing the new contract
                                                                                                    full-feature facil-   that is to govern relations between
                         Disclaimer                                                                 ity in the future.    the manufacturer and its dealers in
While reasonable precautions have                                                                   Dealers will be       Europe from April 2020 onwards. By
been taken to ensure the accuracy                                                                   able to shape         the end of November, all European
of the advice and information given                                                                 their presentation    dealers are to sign the new contract.
   to readers, neither the editor, the                                                              by agreement                Watch the announcement at
      proprietors, nor the publishers                                                               with the relevant     https://footage.volkswagen-media-
       can accept any responsibility                                                                importer to make      services.com/VW/videos/mpeg4/
    for any damages or injury which      Dr Matti Pörhö, President of the European                  their business        download.php?vid=20180823173903
                may arise therefrom.     Dealer Council (EDC).                                      more effective        Nahcie_PRE. ■

                                                MONTHLY SALES STATISTICS
The growing amount of advertising in AutoLive has made it necessary to relocate the four pages
         of detailed monthly vehicle sales analysis to the website www.autolive.co.za.

                                                         CLICK HERE to access
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        Editor’s Note                                             Truck and Bus Sales
This year is certainly flying
                                                                  Improve Despite SA’s
past at an alarming speed.
Pretty soon the industry will                                    Dire Economic Climate
be winding down towards the
Festive Season and we will
have a clearer picture of how                                    Usually businesses – especially those in         business conditions and the general trading
kind – or not – the year 2018                                    the transport and related industries – hold      environment would remain difficult over
has been to us.                                                  back on major capital purchases when the         the next six to nine months.
     At this stage there seems                                   economic environment is in recession, but              With three quarters of 2018 accounted
to be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. With three    the South African truck and bus manu-            for, the indications were that sales in all
quarters of 2018 accounted for, NAAMSA figures seem to           facturers and distributors are bucking this      major segments, on an annualised basis,
indicate that sales in all major segments, on an annualised      trend in 2018.                                   would probably register marginal declines
basis, would probably register marginal declines compared             Sales of combined medium, heavy and         compared to the previous year.
to the previous year. WesBank, on the other hand, remains        extra-heavy trucks as well as buses totalled
hopeful that their prediction of 0.75% total industry growth     19 939 units after nine months, which was a         Export sales of 36 781 was
can still be achieved.                                           2.23% improvement on the 19 489 units sold          a monthly record and a
     This said, the general consensus is still that the way in   between January and September last year.
which business is conducted and the ability to adapt to the      Compare this positive result to the drop of
                                                                                                                     gain of 1.2% over exports in
changing landscape will be key to survival.                      0.8% in the overall vehicle market for this         September 2017.
     Sewells-MSX International believes that to remain           period (412 916 units in the first three quar-
profitable and competitive in the long term, dealers need        ters of 2018 compared to 416 178 units a year         Vehicle exports remained a function of
to rethink their current business model. This will require a     previously). Passenger car sales are down by     the direction of the global economy which,
radical shift in mindset for many traditional dealerships.       0.3% and light commercials by 2.4%.              despite rising protectionism and trade dis-
     Volkswagen has already taken the plunge in Europe.               Total vehicle sales in September            putes, continued to reflect robust conditions.
Together with its European dealers the German manufac-           amounted to 49 670 units, which was 1.9%         Following the record export sales during
turer is to fundamentally realign its sales model in order to    lower than the figure for September 2017,        September 2018 and considering relatively
make it fit for the future.                                      but there was a bright spot in the month’s       strong order books reported by most vehicle
     Speaking of fit for the future, the draft new, voluntary    sales figures. This was the performance in       exporters, exports were expected to improve
code of conduct for the automotive industry, which is being      the export market. Export sales of 36 781        further and reflect strong upward momen-
circulated by the Competition Commission, is drawing             was a monthly record and a gain of 1.2%          tum in 2019, 2020 and subsequent years.
plenty of comment from affected parties. You can read all        over exports in September 2017.                       The projection of export sales for
about it in this issue of AutoLive.                                   Sales through the retail channels in        2019 was currently 384 000 export units
     Also in this issue is a full list of winners in the 2018    September amounted to 78.6% of the total         compared to an estimated figure of 340 000
Gumtree Auto Pre-Owned Awards. The awards, now in their          volume, with 16.5% representing vehicles         for the current year.
second year, are unique in South Africa in their recognition     sold to the rental industry. New car sales to
of vehicles which deliver resale value, quality, durability,     the rental market totalled a very significant    WesBank’s View
overall performance and economy for pre-owned buyers.            23.4%. Sales to government remained low          It is worth noting that total new vehicle sales
Only 2016 models with at least six months of depreciation        at only 2.2% while corporate fleets bought       through the dealer channel have remained
data were considered and five finalists in each of the 11        2.7% of total vehicles.                          relatively strong, showing an increase of
categories were extensively judged by an expert panel, of                                                         1.9% year-to-date.
which I am proud to have been a part of.                         NAAMSA’s View                                          Rental sales increased significantly in
     We trust that you will find this issue of AutoLive          The South African economy continued to           September at 20.1% year-on-year but re-
informative and that you will continue to give us your           experience recessionary conditions. Fixed        mained subdued at -3.6% year-to-date. “The
feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions.                capital investment remained under pressure       increase in rental sales is a seasonal trend
     Happy reading!                                              and consumers’ disposable income, already        seen this time of year as rental companies
                                                                 under pressure, would be further impacted        gear up for the pending holiday season,”
                                                                 by the record impending increase in fuel         says John Loxton, WesBank Executive Head
Liana Reiners,                                                   prices. Ongoing weakness in purchasing           of Fleet Management and Leasing.
Editor                                                           manager’s indices as well as the Reserve
                                                                                                                                         continued on next page
liana@autolive.co.za                                             Bank’s leading indicator suggested that

                       To advertise in                                                                                 contact
             Liana Reiners on 083 407 4600 or email on liana@autolive.co.za
Subscribe for free @ www.autolive.co.za Page   4

   continued from previous page

    “Economic headwinds are likely to persist and cause continued strain on the auto-
motive industry,” says Ghana Msibi, WesBank Executive Head of Sales and Marketing.
“As we enter the final quarter of 2018, we remain hopeful that our prediction of 0.75%
total industry growth can still be achieved, but not without some challenges.” ■

                          Monthly automotive news to and from Africa

Pleasant Surprise
 as Exports into
Africa Grow 11.2%                                                                      Photo: Freepik

There was a pleasant surprise for exporters into Africa at the end of September
when it was confirmed that at last there had been reasonable growth in the built-up
vehicle export figures, admittedly off low bases. Year-to-date the increase was
11.2% and year-on-year, for September, it was 16%.
     This could be an indication that the rising oil price is putting some life into
African economies, although major producers Nigeria and Angola only took 622
and 517 units in the first nine months of 2018 respectively.
     Total built-up exports into Africa in the first three quarters of 2018 amounted
to 18 217 units, compared to 16 382 for the same period in 2017 and 16 568 for the
corresponding period in 2016.
     As usual, Toyota was the pace-setter with 7 286 units shipped into Africa,
which was a 13% YTD improvement. Second-placed Nissan lost share with lower
sales, exporting 4 596 units in the first nine months of 2018 compared to 4 779
for the same period last year. Isuzu was fairly steady with a figure of 2 786 units
exported so far this year compared to 2 596 a year ago. On the other hand, Ford
almost doubled its exports into Africa, going from 952 units in the first nine
months of 2017 to 1 835 units this year.
     The number of countries that imported more than one thousand units from
SA in the first three quarter of 2018 increased by two (Tanzania and Mozambique)
compared to five countries a year ago. The top seven importers were: Kenya (2 381),
Ghana (2 341), Zimbabwe (2 295), Zambia (1 977), Mauritius (1 283), Tanzania
(1 149) and Mozambique (1 064).
     Exports in September grew from 2 359 units in 2017 to 2 735 this year, both of
which were way better than the 1 638 units shipped into Africa in this month in
2016. Toyota led the way with 1 147 units (943 in 2017), Nissan shipped 700 (638 in
2017), Isuzu 350 (307) and Ford 259 (301).
                                                                                                                                                           Photo: PxHere

     The only countries to take more than 100 units in the month were: Kenya
(354), Zambia (309), Ghana (308), Zimbabwe (280), Tanzania (239), Uganda (198),
Mozambique (162), Mauritius (160) and Nigeria (136). ■
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    Monthly automotive news to and from Africa

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Opel also Pulled into Dieselgate                            However, Porsche said it was “not currently       cancelled, is currently in custody. Bram Schot is
Opel, the German motor company now owned by             pursuing” such a listing. (Porsche had been an        the interim CEO.
Peugeot, of France, has been pulled into the diesel     independent, listed company prior to the global            In June the Volkswagen brand was fined
emissions scandal three years after the authorities     financial crisis of 2008/2009. Earlier Porsche had    €1 000-million for its polluting four-cylinder
discovered it. Germany’s transport authority has        almost gone bankrupt trying to buy the larger         diesel engines. ■
ordered the recall of 100 000 Opel vehicles –           Volkswagen Group). ■
Cascada, Insignia and Zafira models.
     Germany’s KBA motor vehicle authority found                                                              EVs are Indirectly
four software programmes capable of altering a          Bloodhound Record Attempt                             Huge Polluters
vehicles’ exhaust emissions in 2015 and ordered         Hit by Financial Crunch
Opel to implement a software update in affected                                                               So-called “clean” electric cars are currently using
cars to remove these programmes. Subsequently a         The world speed record attempt by the British         “dirty” batteries that require huge amounts of
fifth software device has been discovered which has     Bloodhound rocket-powered contender, planned          electricity to make and the resulting greenhouse
been found to be illegal too. KBA told Opel about       to take place at Hakskeen Pan in the Northern         gas emissions are considerable if the electricity is
this transgression in April, but no action has been     Cape next year, has hit financial woes and needs      generated by burning fossil fuel.
taken, hence the mandatory recall of 100 000 cars.      R475-million to get up to speed again.                     According to an article in Automotive News,
Opel says it will challenge the recall in court.             The company has entered into administra-         by 2021 capacity will exist to make lithium ion
     Opel and its sister brand, Vauxhall, were          tion. The administrators say they are already in      batteries for more than 10 million cars running on
owned by General Motors when the affected               discussions with a number of potential investors.     60 kW/h packs. Most supply will come from China,
models were developed. ■                                Administrator Andrew Sheridan says that the           Thailand, Germany, and Poland that rely, in the
                                                        amount required is significant, but it is only a      main, on coal to generate electricity. Just to build
                                                        fraction of the cost of finishing last in the F1      each car battery would emit up to 74% more CO2
Porsche CFO Sees Huge                                   championship or for a team competing in the           than producing an efficient conventional car, if the
Potential for VW “Super Group”                          America’s Cup.                                        battery is made in a place such as Germany, ac-
                                                             Project Bloodhound was set up in 2007 with       cording to Munich-based automotive consultancy
Porsche could be worth a fortune if the                 the aim of breaking the 1 600k/h (1 000 mph)          Berylls Strategy Advisors.
Volkswagen Group listed its ultra-luxury brands as      barrier. Hakskeen Pan was identified as the venue          For perspective, the average German car
a separate entity, according to the brand’s finance     and it has already been cleared of huge numbers       owner could drive a petrol-guzzling vehicle
chief, Lutz Meschke.                                    of stones in preparation. It had been announced       for 3.5 years or more than 50 000km, before a
      He says that the group of Porsche/Bentley/        recently that the team had hoped to run in SA in      Nissan Leaf, with a 30kW/h battery would beat
Lamborghini/Bugatti could easily reach a market         October or November next year. ■                      it on carbon-dioxide emissions in a country
capitalisation more than three times that achieved                                                            where power generation is coal-heavy, Berylls’
by Italian supercar manufacturer, Ferrari, when                                                               estimates show.
it listed independently. (Ferrari is valued at about    Audi Hit with €800-Million                                 There is another critical issue with these lithi-
€19-billion).                                           Fine for Emissions Violation                          um-ion batteries and that is how to dispose of them
      Some analyst forecasts have gone as high as                                                             after they have competed their useful lives. ■
€100-billion for the so-called Super Premium            Audi is the latest member of the Volkswagen
Brand Group headed by Porsche). The analyst said        Group to be hit with a fine by German authorities
that the remaining Volkswagen Group could also          for diesel engine emission violations. This applies   Mercedes-Benz Finds the Going
have its shares re-rated higher as it concentrated on   to its V6 and V8 engines. Former Audi CEO Rupert      Tough in the Bakkie Market
its volume brands.                                      Stadler, who has had his employment contract
                                                                                                              Mercedes-Benz is finding the going rough and
                                                                                                              tough as it tries to establish its new X-Class in
                                                                                                              the ultra-competitive local one-ton bakkie mar-
                                                                                                              ket. Sales of the comparatively expensive X-Class
                                                                                                              are estimated at an average of only about 50
                                                                                                              units a month (MBSA does not currently provide
                                                                                                              actual sales figures for its various models, but
                                                                                                              its total LCV sales in September totalled only
                                                                                                              58 units).
                                                                                                                   This disappointing sales performance comes
                                                                                                              despite ongoing, extensive advertising and pro-
                                                                                                              motional programmes for this recently-launched
                                                                                                              model, which is based on the Nissan Navara, itself
                                                                                                              a slow seller. The upcoming Renault Alaskan also
                                                                                                              uses the basic Navara underpinnings.

                                                                                                                                            continued on next page
Bloodhound, the British world speed record contender.
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   continued from previous page
                                                      related auto services will grow six percent annually,   Ford Appoints New
                                                      reaching a value of US$9.8 billion in 2022. ■           Marketing Manager
    The latest advertisement for the X-Class, in
the Sunday Times, invites potential buyers to                                                                 Ford Motor
“End the year your way with the Mercedes-Benz         Suzuki SA Receives                                      Company has
X-Class (with a) 3-month payment holiday and free     International Recognition                               announced the
options/accessories up to R110 000”. ■                                                                        appointment
                                                      Suzuki South Africa has received international          of Doreen
                                                      recognition for its sales growth and service            Mashinini as
Saudi’s Automotive Sector                             quality. The local affiliate of the Japanese            General Manager,
Set for Rapid Transformation                          compact car specialist received no fewer than           Marketing for
                                                      seven Awards at Suzuki’s annual awards in the           South Africa and
Saudi Arabia’s automotive ecosystem is set for a      Middle East and Africa region. Among these,             Sub-Saharan
rapid transformation in the coming years, with 20     Suzuki SA was crowned as the Champion of                Africa, effective
per cent of the female population, or three million   Champions for its growth in sales and customer          1 October 2018.        Doreen Mashinini
drivers, expected to be added to the Kingdom’s        service rankings.                                            Mashinini
roads by 2020.                                             Suzuki South Africa received awards for the        takes over the position from Tracey Delate, who
     An October 2018 report said the lifting of the   highest sales in the region, the highest volume         is now General Manager, Consumer and Dealer
ban on women driving in Saudi as of June 2018,        growth in Africa, the best training of its staff in     Experience. Mashinini will be responsible for
along with recovering oil prices and economic         Africa, the highest parts and accessories sales in      Ford’s marketing and advertising strategies,
policies aimed at boosting consumer spending,         Africa, the highest sale of accessories per vehicle     and reports to Conrad Groenewald, Director of
will result in an eight per cent per annum increase   and the most improved systems and processes             Marketing, Sales & Service.
of passenger vehicles sales until 2022.               in sales. Before receiving the top award as the              She is no stranger to the Ford family, having
     The whitepaper, published by global research     Champion of Champions, Suzuki South Africa also         worked for Ford Motor Company of Southern
company Aranca, added that in addition to new         received an award for the best customer retention       Africa (FMCSA) from 2000 to 2014.
car sales, the positive impact of a new customer      activities and a second-place award for exceptional          Mashinini started out at Ford as Fleet
segment over the next 1-3 years will be felt in the   automobile dealer management.                           Business Manager in 2000, and became District
Kingdom’s automotive aftermarket, which was                “To be crowned Champion of Champions               Sales Manager two years later. In 2004, she was
valued at US$7.4 billion in 2017.                     among all the Suzuki importers in the Middle            appointed Mazda Brand Manager at FMCSA,
     The whitepaper further stated that key indus-    East and Africa countries is a very big honour. It      with her role expanding to include the marketing
try players are already implementing initiatives      means that Suzuki South Africa has excelled in all      portfolio from 2006 to 2014.
to capitalise on opportunities created by women       parts of our business and that our customers have            With the establishment of Mazda Southern
being allowed to drive, including the creation        benefitted the most,” said André Venter, divisional     Africa as an independent entity in 2014, she moved
of women-only car showrooms, auto-insurance           manager for sales and marketing at Suzuki Auto          across with the brand to the new company and
claims centres and driving schools dedicated to       South Africa.                                           headed up the Marketing and Communications
women.                                                     Since first breaking through the 1 000 unit        division, a position she held until her return to
     Meanwhile, the increasing vehicle parc is        per month mark in August 2017 with 1 004 sales,         Ford at the beginning of October.
setting the stage for solid growth in the Kingdom’s   Suzuki has grown in leaps and bounds in a largely            Mashinini earned a B-Comm Degree from the
aftermarket. Aranca said 10 million vehicles will     pedestrian new vehicle market. It broke its own         University of Durban Westville in 1996, followed
ply Saudi roads by 2022, including 6.5 million        sales record five times since July 2017 and has         by a High Diploma in Marketing (2000) and
passenger vehicles and 3.5 million commercial         become a top 10 vehicle brand with regular sales        MBL in Marketing and Strategy (2006) from the
vehicles. As a result, demand for spare parts and     above 1 000 units. ■                                    University of South Africa (UNISA). ■
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     Carfind.co.za Provides a Positive
  Experience for Sellers and Buyers Alike

  Online platforms facilitating the buying and             many leads a potential buyer has submitted. The         providing an equal opportunity for all dealer list-
  selling of new and used vehicles have become com-        logic here is that a buyer submitting only one lead     ings to be represented on their individual respec-
  monplace as dealers tussle for a bigger piece of the     on a specific vehicle has a higher propensity to have   tive merits. There is no prioritising or preferential
  customer pie. In this highly competitive environ-        seen something he or she likes about that specific      ranking of listings based on packages or boosting.
  ment Carfind.co.za has set itself apart by always        listing. As such their interest/intent is obviously     Instead search results are freely determined as per
  prioritising the buyer’s needs and in so doing has       higher than if multiple leads on numerous different     the buyers’ search requirements and every effort is
  provided appropriate tools that enable dealers to        vehicles have been submitted.                           made to provide buyers with what they are specifi-
  optimally showcase their listings, whilst obtaining           In addition, Carfind.co.za supports partici-       cally searching for.
  the best possible results for their participation        pating dealers on the ground with training and               Over and above the two primary functions
  on the recently updated new look Carfind.co.za           technical support. A national Customer Care             discussed, there is also a third component to
  platform. The Carfind.co.za redesign, released on        Team is always on hand to assist dealers with the       the Carfind.co.za platform. It provides focused
  1 Oct’18, takes into consideration the latest global     optimisation of their vehicle listings.                 advertising opportunities for auto promotions
  trends further enhancing the buyer experience.                Carfind.co.za is not all about dealers though.     in the form of banner advertising packages.
       Carfind.co.za is an online advertising platform     As mentioned it is very buyer-focused, allowing         Additionally, in order to optimise and provide
  for new, used and demo vehicles that has, over 18        potential buyers to search for vehicles in a user-      additional reach for advertisers making use of
  years, built up a considerable amount of market          friendly, uncluttered and efficient environment.        banner advertising on the website, advertisements
  intelligence and has a thorough understanding                 As with dealers, Carfind.co.za also provides       are boosted on the various social media platforms
  of consumer behaviour within this digital or             some unique features and tools for buyers. These        linked to Carfind.co.za.
  online space.                                            include a 360 Degree Interior View of a listing,             The Carfind.co.za website also has an Allied
       As such these unique tools also provide             which provides a more detailed visual representa-       Offerings page where vehicle-related offerings can
  dealerships with a deeper understanding of               tion of a vehicle. In addition, a free Product          be listed. Much like banner advertising, it provides
  what is happening with their listings on the             Brochure containing all the relevant information        buyers the opportunity to connect with service
  Carfind.co.za site.                                      on any specific vehicle is also available to be         providers to obtain quotes for vehicle insurance
       The first of these tools is a Unique Telephone      downloaded, printed or saved in PDF format.             or tracking, as well as obtain further relevant facts
  Number per Listing. If managed appropriately, it              The Product Brochure has proven to be              around vehicles. The idea is to provide added value
  provides dealers with insights to their individual       immensely successful and popular with buy-              to buyers and to enhance their overall vehicle
  listings and the buyer’s response to those listings. A   ers and over 40 000 downloads are done on a             buying experience.
  key component here is that this allows the buyer to      monthly basis.                                               Since Carfind.co.za doesn’t only feature pas-
  connect instantaneously to the seller of the vehicle          Carfind.co.za believes that with these various     senger vehicles, but also includes trucks, motorcy-
  they have searched while they are online and             tools and features in place, it is able to provide      cles, caravans, boats and commercial and leisure
  actively engaged with their vehicle search.              buyers with the information required to make            trailers (all with their own unique and relevant
       The Price Check Tool allows dealers to see how      informed decisions before submitting leads. The         search filters) it is the ideal platform for buyers to
  their stock is priced relative to other similar stock    final objective is for Carfind.co.za to then deliver    find exactly what they are looking for. And as a
  on the Carfind.co.za website. This enables them          high-quality leads to participating dealers and for     result it is also a proven and efficient platform for
  to ensure that their stock is competitively priced       those leads to ultimately convert to sales.             dealers wanting to boost their sales figures.
  when buyers do comparative shopping.                          On the Carfind.co.za platform all listings are          Visit www.carfind.co.za for additional
       Another unique tool available to dealers is be-     afforded equal representation and are displayed         information on listing on the website or for
  spoke Lead Grading, which offers insight into how        as defined by the buyers’ filtered searches, thus       advertising opportunities. ■

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Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser Brings
 New “Anti Theft” Technology to SA
The Answer to Theft Threat in Modern Vehicles
By Roger Houghton                                                                                                The Ghost is sealed and is so small it can be
                                                                                                            installed and wrapped into the harness anywhere
                                                                                                            in the vehicle, making it near impossible for a
So, your new ride boasts the latest in vehicle                                                              thief to find. Thieves cannot use RF scanning,
anti-theft systems from immobiliser technology to                                                           code grabbing technology to detect the security
telematics and coded keys only to be over ridden                                                            device fitted to the vehicle as the Ghost, unlike
and hacked by criminals who make child’s play of      for cutting wires or adding after-market key          conventional security systems, does not transmit
these technologies?                                   fobs. The device is connected to the vehicle’s        any signals. It is a Class 4 immobiliser approved
     Developing and making systems to protect         Controller Area Network (CAN bus) and a               by the motor Vehicle Security Association of
vehicles from being stolen or hijacked is a moving    personalised PIN code is programmedinto the           South Africa (VESA).
target as criminals get wiser to overcoming more      Ghost using buttons on thevehicle’s steering               The use of the CAN data bus has several
and more complex technologies used in alarms,         wheel or dashboard.                                   advantages, including low risk during installa-
immobilisers and tracking systems. Now a local                                                              tion, low probability of detection and allows the
company, Autowatch Vehicle Security Systems,             Thieves cannot use RF scanning                     placement of the device virtually anywhere in
a division of PFK Electronics, has introduced an         to detect the security device fitted               the vehicle. There is also no tell-tale clicking of a
immobiliser, developed in Russia, which does not                                                            traditional immobiliser relay.
use a radio frequency so is virtually impossible
                                                         to the vehicle as the Ghost does                        “The unfortunate reality of South Africa’s
to detect.                                               not transmit any signals.                          high incidence of vehicle theft and hijacking has
     I met the team from the Author alarm                                                                   provided PFK with decades of experience and an
company in Russia at Automechanika Frankfurt.              “We see the Ghost as a game changer in the       ideal testing ground for developing best-in-class
When I visited their stand I met Rodger Warren,       vehicle security market as it stops key cloning and   anti-theft solutions,” explained Botha, who had
Group CEO of PFK Electronics, who was signing         ECU swapping. A thief cannot simply add a new         more than 15 years’ experience in the local track-
up a partnership agreement that has resulted in the   key or replace an ECU to bypass the Ghost and         ing industry before joining PFK Electronics three
arrival of the Autowatch IGLA Ghost immobiliser       start the vehicle. Only inputting the correct PIN     years ago.
in South Africa.                                      code will allow the engine to start,” said Bradley         PFK Electronics currently has a 70% share
     The Ghost is a unique, next generation           Botha, Vehicle Security Systems’ National Sales       of the local vehicle security product aftermarket
device that secures a vehicle without the need        Manager at PFK Electronics.                           and its products are fitted by 450 installers
                                                                                                                 PFK’s Nerve Centre, based in Umhlanga, near
                                                                                                            Durban, is the engineering and research hub, while
                                                                                                            it has an award-winning production facility in
                                                                                                                 The company now markets its products glob-
                                                                                                            ally in 28 countries and has local offices in Durban,
                                                                                                            Johannesburg, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.
                                                                                                                 Visit www.pfk.co.za for additional
                                                                                                            information. ■

The Author alarm company developed the game-changing Autowatch IGLA Ghost
immobiliser. Here members of the Russian company are seen at their stand at
Automechanika Frankfurt. They are (from left): Dimitry Shvetsov (Technical Support
Manager), Anna Frantsuzova (Sales Director), Ilya Firsov (International Sales &                             Bradley Botha, Vehicle Security Systems
Distribution) and Alexander Semkin (International Sales and Distribution).                                  Sales Manager.
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Draft Automotive Code of Conduct for SA
Motor Industry Draws Plenty of Comment
The draft new, voluntary code of conduct for the         by the Competition Commission, however, the pro-           “We are a highly regulated industry, and
automotive industry, which is being circulated by        posed operational application thereof needs further   this protects our South African consumers. It
the Competition Commission, is drawing plenty            extensive consideration and review. In this regard,   will be impossible to effectively regulate a bigger
of comment from affected parties. The Right to               NAAMSA is in the process of preparing a           industry in such a short space of time. We also
Repair organisation has been beating the drum            response regarding, amongst other things, in-         believe strongly that manufacturers have the right
for several months and now both the National             warranty work, training, and other elements – for     to determine the standards of those that service
Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South         submission to the Competition Commission by the       their products in much the same way that Boeing
Africa (NAAMSA) and the National Automobile              end of this month.                                    does with airliners or Apple does with cell phones,
Dealers’ Association (NADA) have had their say.              NAAMSA envisages an evolving process              tablets, or any of its exclusive products.
     NAAMSA issued a media release while                 which will involve further discussions with the            “We want to build our competition but it’s not
NADA staged media briefings in Cape Town and             Competition authorities. NAAMSA also intends          reasonable to do it immediately. Our businesses
Johannesburg, besides issuing a lengthy media            to engage the Ministry of Economic Development        have to meet global manufacturer standards which,
release. NAAMSA, represents the interests of             on matters relating to transformation and             on average, take many years to establish a return
vehicle manufacturers, importers, and distributors       Competition in the Automotive Value Chain.            on investment on meeting these standards. Our
in South Africa, while NADA is a professional                                                                  level of investment is mandatory. We therefore
body representing new passenger and commercial           NADA’S View                                           support opening the market slowly and responsi-
vehicle franchised motor dealers and qualifying          Here are excerpts from the NADA media release:        bly. There are no defined standards in the code yet.
used vehicle only outlets in South Africa.                    According to Mark Dommisse, National             These need to be developed appropriately, and here
                                                         Chairperson of NADA, the proposed new Code of         we can help.
NAAMSA’S View                                            Conduct will have significant negative implications
This is the media release issued by NAAMSA.              for the industry and a requirement for shared         Alternate Parts
     The industry has considered the proposed            thinking is critical.                                 “There is no quality control of alternate parts com-
Voluntary Code of Conduct by the Competition                  “NADA and its members fully recognise the        ing into the country and we don’t believe that this
Commission and, from an industry point of view,          need to broaden participation in the automotive       is responsible. Our question is: How will the indus-
there is acceptance of the principle to broaden par-     aftermarket sector and are committed to co-           try ensure quality parts are utilised in consumers’
ticipation in the automotive value chain in South        operating and assisting the commission to address     vehicles? Who is going to police the parts and
Africa. However, it is important that this should be     matters of concern raised in the proposed new         vehicles coming into the independent workshop. If
done in an orderly, structured manner considering        Code of Conduct.                                      the industry is not required to use genuine or ap-
legitimate commercial interests, international best           “The impact of implementing the code in its      proved parts, there can be no monitoring of safety
practices and the viability of franchise dealers         current form will, however, have a catastrophic       standards. And this won’t only apply to passenger
and automotive companies in the SA automotive            effect on the economy as it undermines invest-        vehicles–heavy commercials, trucks and buses will
value chain.                                             ment, employment and consumer welfare in this         also be affected.”
     Ultimately, the challenge confronting South         important sector of our economy,” says Dommisse.           “If the independent workshops are going
Africa is how to balance social imperatives with                                                               to use quality parts, made by an original parts
the legitimate interests of stakeholders, particularly   Economic Contribution                                 manufacturer (such as Bosch or Denso) and of the
the industry’s customers. Proposed changes should        South Africa currently has approximately 1,600        same specification, design, and model, then this
also consider the intensely competitive nature of        new franchised automotive dealerships comprising      might, one day, in theory, be acceptable. However,
the industry, the legal agreements governing the         R48-billion worth of investment. It employs 60,000    the reality is that it is unlikely that all independent
relationship between automotive companies, dealers       personnel directly.                                   workshops will use these parts due to the very high
and service providers, intellectual property provi-           “Only around 20% of the entire South African     cost. It is doubtful that the manufactures will allow
sions and related factors – as well as the rights of     car parc comprises in-warranty vehicles, and it’s     this during warranty,” says Dommisse.
consumers to product safety and quality of service.      this small portion which the new code is ad-
                                                         dressing. We feel that significant effort and focus   Positive Aspects of the Code
“No Compromise on Safety”                                should be placed on developing the other 80% of       “In general, we agree with the principles noted
Automotive companies are the custodians of their         the industry – which is predominantly made up of      throughout the code. It is the application and
respective brands and remain responsible for the         out-of-warranty vehicles,” says Dommisse.             machinations of it that we object to. The changes
safety and operation of their products whether                “If we were behaving in an anti-competitive      made to draft 2 of the code have not taken on
purchased, serviced, or repaired. There can be no        manner, the arbiter would have said so, which         board the submissions made to the first draft by
compromise on customer safety and quality of ser-        to date hasn’t happened. We want to work with         NADA.
vice. Brand and reputational protection comprise         government and we want prosperity for all, but             “In order for the automotive industry to
singular focus on the interests of consumers and         we want it to happen in a responsible manner that     continue to contribute positively and sustainably
their safety, particularly in respect of quality of      does not adversely impact consumer safety, the        to the South African economy, all stakehold-
parts, safety critical repairs and servicing.            economy and job creation. We support a code that      ers need to engage, discuss and constructively
    Automotive companies accept most of the              opens up the market in a way that protects invest-    develop a meaningful and sustainable new Code of
principles in the Draft Voluntary Code of Conduct        ment, economic sustainability, and consumers.         Conduct,” concludes Dommisse. ■
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Hein’s Wonderful Loyalty to Three-Pointed Star
By Roger Houghton                                           “Customer relations
                                                       were far more personal
                                                       in my early days selling
A person who has been loyal to a brand for             cars. Customers nowadays
more than four decades is not something one            are more demanding and
finds often in the retail motor trade these days.      finicky. They see the car
Hein Lorentz, of Pretoria, is one of them. He          brand they choose as being
has just completed a 41-year career working for        an indicator of how they
companies involved with selling Mercedes-Benz          see themselves and want
cars. His dedication to the brand has taken him        their car to have the latest
from Pretoria to Johannesburg, to Durban and           technology, just like their
then back to Pretoria.                                 mobile phones and i-Pads.
      Hein, who was born into a family where his            “The challenges I have
father was a true motor enthusiast, owning cars        faced over the years, have
like Porsches and taking his young son to watch        often been daunting, but I
motor racing at Kyalami. This background planted       believe the fact I overcame
a seed that has flourished ever since.                 them has made me a better
      Hein now goes into retirement owning a selec-    person and well-qualified
tion of concours-condition cars, mainly Mercedes-      to have been a leader as
Benz models – including 300SEL with 6.3-litre V8       Mercedes-Benz changed
engine which he has had for 21 years and which has     its business model in South
never been in the rain! His collection also includes   Africa recently.”
a couple of impeccably restored Rolls-Royces.               Hein started his
      He says he has always had a soft spot for big    working career as a bank
cars with large engines and plenty of power. So,       teller after competing his
it is no surprise that his current daily drive is an   schooling at Jeppe High in
immaculate Mercedes-Benz 560 SEL.                      Johannesburg, where he
                                                       excelled at sport. He soon realised that working            Over the years Hein has received many
   “They [Customers] see the car                       in a bank was not for him and in 1976 he went          awards, including Dealer of the Year for the
   brand they choose as being                          to United Car and Diesel Distributors (UCDD),          Menlyn dealership in 1997, 1998 and 2000, as
                                                       in Pretoria, and asked for a job. (UCDD was the        well as Chairman’s Awards in 2015 and 2017,
   an indicator of how they see                        local company with the franchise to distribute         with the first award being for the overall best
   themselves and want their car to                    Mercedes-Benz vehicles in South Africa at              Mercedes-Benz passenger car dealer and the
   have the latest technology, ...”                    that time).                                            second as the best large passenger car dealer in
                                                            He was sent to work at Cargo Motors, which        Gauteng North.
     Hein’s love of all things motoring even saw       was part of the Saficon Group. His first task was           He was also nominated for the NADA/Sewells
him racing a Dodge Avenger in the SA production        learning how to sell diesel passenger cars, which      Businessman of the Year award in 1996.
car championship at one stage!                         were fairly rare in those days, with very few diesel        “I am naturally very proud of these awards, but
     “I have enjoyed a wonderful life and career       models available in South Africa due to govern-        I am humbled by the fact that I could not have won
over the past 41 years and have learned a great deal   ment control of diesel fuel usage.                     them without the supportive and motivated teams
on all fronts,” said the ardent Mercedes-Benz fan.          The takeover of Saficon by the Imperial Group     I have built up wherever I have been employed in
“Two people have stood out as my guiding icons,        in 1995 saw Hein head off to Durban, where he          senior management. Each accolade has been the
being Christoff Köpke, who headed up Daimler-          joined McIntosh Motors, based in Pinetown, which       result of a dedicated team effort, where I was only
Chrysler South Africa, before taking a posting to      had the Mercedes-Benz franchise at the time            the frontman.”
Germany in 2005, and Brand Pretorius, who was               He moved back to Johannesburg in 1997 and              Hein has served on the Mercedes-Benz
CEO of the McCarthy Group from 1995 to 2011.           this was the start of Hein’s career in the McCarthy    National Dealer Council for the last 14 years. He
They are both people who were innovative in both       Group, which lasted until his retirement, where        has also been active in the wider environment
their thinking and actions and led by example.         he ended up as a divisional executive for the          of the local motor industry serving on the of
     “I have been fortunate to have been involved      Mercedes-Benz brand, based in Pretoria. Then fol-      the NADA Norther Region Committee and the
in the retail motor industry during its period         lowed a promotion to dealer principal at McCarthy      Pretoria RMI Committee.
of the most disruption as business models and          Mercedes-Benz Menlyn, which later became one of             “I have certainly enjoyed my journey
the industry itself changed radically from what        the first Lifestyle dealerships.                       in the local motor industry and am look-
I experienced back in the 1970s when I joined a             Hein was promoted to Divisional Manging           ing forward to continuing to contribute as a
fairly stable business model that had changed little   Director of the Central Region in the McCarthy         consultant in the retail trade,” concluded the
in many years.                                         Mercedes-Benz network in 2002.                         Mercedes-Benz veteran. ■
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  Taking the Risk Out of Used
Vehicle Buying, Selling and Values
It’s a conundrum facing dealers and private buyers/       value. It also includes the vehicle’s microdot status        What makes the comprehensive report a
sellers alike – determining the vehicles authenticity     and confirms information such as VIN number,            particularly handy tool when the physical check
and related market value for used vehicles. A key         manufacturer, model, derivative, colour and year.       is included, is the vehicle can be validated prior to
factor to cover when buying and or selling a used         However, it’s important to note this information        any cash changing hands.
vehicle, is whether the vehicle presented, to both        can only be offered if the VIN is available and the          It is important to note that the VehicleFacts
dealers and or the public is in-fact authentic, i.e.      vehicle has previously been microdotted.                pricing does not replace the M&M trade and retail
not a cloned vehicle. As we all know the adage                 The fact that average, high and low values         pricing but is a quick check to ascertain if the buyer
refers ‘let the buy (and seller) beware!’                 are given is a particularly handy aspect as it gives    and or seller are on the right track as it relates to
      VehicleFacts, comes to the rescue with both         an indication of what a vehicle should be worth         current market trends.
an online service backed up by the optional               whether it has low or high kms on the clock. This            Another benefit for dealers using
service of a physical confirmation via DataDot            is supplemented by average retail price per Kms         VehicleFacts is related to the Second-Hand
Technology’s Approved Vehicle Confirmation                category which covers from less than 50 000             Goods Act, which came into effect in 2012.
Centres Nationwide that provide consumers and             kilometres to more than 200 000 kilometres.             This requires that dealers record the microdot
dealers alike with live market-related information                                                                information of all used vehicles it buys and sells.
pertaining to the vehicle that is being bought or            VehicleFacts provides valuable                       The aim is to protect dealers and consumers by
sold. Together with its partners Bid4Cars, CarFind                                                                ensuring that the vehicle being traded has not
                                                             authentication information
and WePay4Cars the most accurate market and                                                                       been cloned or stolen.
vehicle related data is collected and supported by           and where possible, historic                              VehicleFacts can provide participating dealers
the physical check of the vehicle to provide the             information on that vehicle.                         with a used car register that is in compliance with
consumer and dealer with the peace of mind that                                                                   all the stipulations of the law. As with the reports
the vehicle presented is the genuine article.                  The light report is a valuable tool for prospec-   available from the site, this would include informa-
      Not only does it take the guesswork out of          tive buyers looking to buy or sell a specific brand     tion such as registration, colour, make, model,
how much you should be paying or receiving for a          or model. Simply by submitting the make, model          mileage and microdot information. Training is
vehicle, but it also provides valuable authentication     and year, buyers will get an indication of what they    provided for dealerships that wish to run this
information and where possible, historic informa-         should be asking or paying for such a vehicle.          in-house.
tion on that vehicle.                                          The second type of report available from                VehicleFacts is part of the C2 Group of
      Using the VehicleFacts platform is a simple         VehicleFacts is the comprehensive version. Apart        companies and is not linked to any retailer, so the
process. The site can generate two types of price         from all the information provided in the light          services provided are aimed solely on providing
related reports along with the Nation-Wide service        report, it delves deeper into the vehicle’s available   buyers and sellers of used vehicles with reliable
of a physical confirmation report which is critical       history as well as certain market trends which may      and up-to-date information that will assist them in
to completing this type of high value transaction.        impact on the price. This also shows a three-month      making informed decisions.
      The first is a so-called light report, which pro-   analysis of supply and demand trends on the                  Visit www.vehiclefacts.co.za to request a report
vides basic information such as the average retail        vehicle as well.                                        or to find out more about the services provided. ■
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Toyota’s Johan van Zyl
    is a Eurostar
By Roger Houghton                                      Unit; Toyota Motor Europe – President and CEO
                                                       as well as being a Senior Managing Officer of
                                                       Toyota Motor Corporation.
Dr Johan van Zyl, who was President and CEO of              Johan van Zyl (60), is based in Brussels but
Toyota South Africa Motors, from 2003 to 2009,         maintains links with South Africa through his
before taking up a series of overseas posting with     family and as chairman of Toyota SA Motors. He
Toyota Motor Corporation, has been honoured as         was also lauded recently for playing a pivotal role
one of 18 Eurostars for 2018 by Automotive News        in setting up a mutually beneficial meeting be-
Europe. He won the award as the best European          tween representatives of major SA businesses and
Operations Head.                                       the government following President Ramaphosa
                                                       speech on plans to stimulate the economy.
   “The ­executives who are this                            The achievement of being recognised as
   year’s Eurostars have stood out                     a Eurostar adds Van Zyl to an impressive list
                                                       of South African automotive executives who
   from their rivals by exceeding                      have made a success of working outside their
   expectations.”                                      home country. In addition, several international
                                                       executives from overseas went on to senior posi-
     His citation reads: “Under Johan van Zyl          tions with their OEMs after a spell working for
Toyota has continued its renaissance in Europe.        subsidiaries in South Africa.
Buyers have responded to a push by the company                                                               Dr Johan van Zyl.
to make the cars more visually exciting, and Toyota       The achievement of being
thwarted challenges from Nissan Hyundai and Kia           recognised as a Eurostar adds                      Bentley), Arno van der Merwe (Mercedes-Benz),
to remain the No. 1-selling Asian brand in the re-                                                           Mike Whitfield (Nissan), Jacques Brent (Ford),
gion. Van Zyl has helped make Toyota’s European
                                                          Van Zyl to an impressive list                      Andrew Kirby (Lexus), Ryan Searle (Audi),
business consistently profitable by boosting              of South African automotive                        Mike Glendinning (Volkswagen), Keith Butler-
hybrids to more than half the automaker’s sales in        executives who have made a                         Wheelhouse (Ford/General Motors/Delta, Smiths
Western Europe. He has also started to phase out          success of working outside their                   Group), Richard Carte (BMW/Rolls Royce), Jolyon
diesels from most of Toyota’s European line-up.”                                                             Nash (Rolls Royce, McLaren), Gordon Murray
     Automotive News Europe said:
                                                          home country.                                      (McLaren), Rory Byrne (Ferrari), Pieter de Waal
“The e­ xecutives who are this year’s Eurostars have                                                         (BMW Motorcycles, Zero (electric) Motorcycles),
stood out from their rivals by exceeding expecta-          Among the locals who have made their mark         Craig von Essen (Ford).
tions.” It added: “Johan van Zyl has the Japanese      internationally include: Michael Edwardes (British        Among the international postings to SA who
automaker on the fast track because of a strong        Leyland), Christoph Köpke (Mercedes-Benz,             went on to higher things include Ian Robertson
demand for models such as the C-HR crossover           Daimler-Chrysler), Noel Phillips (Volkswagen),        (BMW), Jurgen Schrempp (Mercedes-Benz,
and Yaris small car.”                                  Vic Doolan (BMW), David Powells (Volkswagen),         Daimler-Chrysler), Bernd Pischetsrieder (BMW,
     Van Zyl is currently CEO Europe Region;           Johan de Nysschen (Audi, Infiniti, Cadillac), Greg    Rover, Volkswagen), Walter Hasselkus (BMW,
Executive Vice President, Production Business          Levine (Audi, McLaren), Brian Gush (Volkswagen,       BMW Motorcycles, Rover, DAF). ■

Climbing the Toyota Ladder
■ J ohan van Zyl was born in Springs, Gauteng,        ■ I n January 2002 he was promoted to the posi-         CEO, Europe Region.
  in June 1958 and joined Toyota SA in 1993 as            tion of President and Chief Operating Officer      ■ In April 2016 he was appointed Toyota Motor
  Director, Vehicle Sales and Dealer Network.             (COO) and in January 2003 became President            Europe’s Executive Vice President of a newly-
■ P rior to that he had earned a doctorate in            and CEO of Toyota SA Motors.                          created Production Business Unit, in addition
  Business Economics from the University of            ■ In June 2009 Dr van Zyl was ap-                       to his previous responsibilities.
  Potchefstroom, where he subsequently worked             pointed Managing Officer of Toyota Motor           ■ The Production Business Unit includes:
  as a professor at the Post-Graduate Business            Corporation (TMC) responsible for Africa.             strategic production planning and produc-
  Management School.                                   ■ In 2011 he was appointed Deputy Chief Officer         tion control and logistics, quality, operations
■ H e was appointed Group Marketing Director             of Middle East, Africa, and Latin America             management development, and supplier
  of Toyota SA in March 1995 and was promoted             Operations Group for TMC and in April 2013            breakthrough engineering.
  to Managing Director, Vehicle Marketing                 he was appointed CEO, Africa Region, TMC.          ■ In April 2017 Dr van Zyl was promoted to
  in 1996 and Managing Director, Toyota SA             ■ In Aril 2015 Dr van Zyl was appointed                 Senior Managing Officer of TMC in addition
  Marketing in 1997.                                      President and CEO, Toyota Motor Europe and            to his previous responsibilities. ■
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