Precision Rifle Series Rimfire Rule Committee Meeting Minutes

Page created by Roy Stone
Location: PRS Rimfire Rule Committee Group
                                                                    Date: Jan 31, 2022
                                                                    Time: 11:17pm

   Precision Rifle Series Rimfire Rule Committee Meeting Minutes


  a)   PRS Rimfire Rules Committee Group

II. RIMFIRE RULE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT (Active participants/observers of

  Attendees: Shannon Kay, Brady Lamm, Ja Hymer, Brandon Graham, Prentice Wink, Cory
  Kay, Francis Colon, Mike Lombardi, Ben Fleenor, Bry Elliott, Gregg Stewart, Doc Randy, Levi
  Wilson, Paul Smith, Matt Stiner, Matt Egnik.


  a)   As the 2022 season is taking off and the 2022 Rimfire Rules are being completed with
       all of your updates, we wanted to take the time to address one last item before we
       publish the 2022 rules. We have been asked several times by concerned MDs if PRS
       Rimfire clubs were going to continue to be permitted to run matches that count for
       points both in the PRS Rimfire Series and in other competing series during the coming
       season. Up until this point, we have permitted a very small number of clubs to count
       their match points in other series to include the NRL, and most recently MARS (Modern
       American Rifle Series) in conjunction with PRS because they had historically done so in
       good faith.

       Recently - MARS (Modern American Rimfire Series), a small series run inside the
       Atlantic Coast region, has contacted multiple PRS Rimfire clubs in an effort to bring
       them on board and count PRS matches in the MARS series for points. During the 2021
       season, only four Atlantic Coast clubs counted matches for both series, and we (in an
       effort to give them the benefit of the doubt) permitted it. However, MARS in their latest
       attempts to expand nationally invited 7 PRS clubs in the Northeast Region, 2 Clubs in
       the SE Region, and 1 club in the Central region to run PRS matches for MARS points
       during the 2022 season and contacted many more PRS clubs that declined to join when

       While on the surface, this seems like a drop in the bucket for a PRS Rimfire series with
       approximately 400 Rimfire matches each season - we have learned some important
       lessons over the past few years regarding the challenges that arise from a competing
       series. Especially a series that has published national aspirations that seeks to benefit
       from your hard work to build a thriving PRS Rimfire Series to include - using PRS
systems and your match promotions to their advantage, having MARS sanctioned
matches and scores published on the PRS website, and benefiting from PRS social
media efforts to promote your matches, clubs, and shooters. Although this is largely a
PRS policy matter and not a rules discussion – we wanted to bring this before the
committee and provide insight into our policy going forward for the Rimfire Series.

While there are multiple reasons for not allowing PRS clubs to count PRS sanctioned
matches in a competing series, here are a few of the fundamental issues –


Shooters are encouraged by the competing organization to purchase two memberships,
compete in two series, attend finales for both series all with the same amount of money
and time that they have always had. Shooters’ efforts are split.

It hurts shooters and dilutes the competitive parity that a series is designed to provide
as shooters participate in two different series under two separate sets of rules, fees, and

Two series counting the same matches for points naturally divides the efforts of the
MDs to participate in and promote two competing series. Divided efforts do not promote
growth, it promotes more division.


Matches suffer due to a lack of deconfliction with schedules between two organizations
and have decreased match attendance as a result.

We have seen what conflicting schedules from competing series results in - matches
with low attendance. The market becomes flooded with too many matches as a
competing organization works to “fill” their schedule and establish themselves.


PRS Sponsors end up being asked to support even more matches and therefore have
less to provide to each match and even less to provide to the additional finales that
shooters are encouraged to attend.

When matches count for two series, sponsors are often unaware that a competing
series is benefiting from what they intended. Their efforts to grow a unified sport get
watered down, in ways that they are unaware of.
Actual reporting of shooter participation to sponsors can become dishonest at worst and
       convoluted at best, as match numbers include a mix of shooters from both series. We
       do not want to engage in this type of reporting to sponsors – a PRS match will be a PRS
       match, and we will report PRS numbers with no gray area.

       Going forward PRS Rimfire Clubs will not be permitted to run PRS sanctioned matches
       that also count for points in a competing series. Clubs are welcome to run matches for
       both series, but a single match will not be able to count for both PRS points and another
       competing series, such as the NRL or MARS.

       To show good faith, the only exception to this policy will be for clubs that had permission
       and ran matches that counted for both the PRS and the NRL or MARS, prior to the 2021
       PRS Rimfire National Finale on Dec 4, 2021.

       These clubs to the best of our knowledge include:

       Northern Virginia Gun Club

       Quail Ridge Sporting Club

       Quantico Shooting Club

       Quinton Sportsmen’s Club

       MHF Enterprises Shooting Academy

       If a club is not listed here and you think it should be - please send an email with
       information regarding matches that were run that counted for both series prior to the
       2022 season and we can take a look at it and review it.

       While we know this policy may be disappointing for a select few, we are confident that
       this will be beneficial for the health of the sport over the long haul.

       If you concur with this policy please mark “Yes, I concur” in the poll below. If you do not
       concur with the policy and would like to suggest an alternative – please mark no and
       leave an explanation in the comments.


  a)   I 100% agree it's a detractor to growth and consistency in our sport. I'd prefer to see our
       young series grow into a more mature series through consistency over the next season
or two. Infrastructure and resources being split between two series in a similar region
     seem quite useless.

b)   Agreed

c)   This mostly affects MD’s like me from the XX. We have had our own local 4 state free
     series, XX Rimfire Series, made up of XX clubs, for about X years running. When PRS
     rimfire started up I quickly organized X my current MD’s to support and run PRS Rimfire
     matches, making the XX only second behind 1 club and 1 region XXX., hats off to them.
     I did the same with MARS. I did this to help those shooters who will never travel to more
     than 8 hours away for a Rimfire Championship and just want to shoot in a series a little
     bigger than mine and with an XX Coast Championship, that was the appeal to me.
     Those shooters can compete in 3 series, that really is on 3 different scales, Quad state,
     XX Coast, and Nationally. It lets them put their time and money into one match. It also
     lets the MD’s who market their matches through their social media and mine get the
     most shooters for their effort and decrease the number of overall competing matches.
     The MD’s and the ranges are the asset. If forced to run 1 series I will confer with the
     MD’s I have brought together, before PRS Rimfire was around and see what we as a
     group want to do. Let me know when this is planned to go into effect as we have a fair
     amount of matches planned for the February that count for all 3 series. We do not want
     to mis-lead our shooters who think they are shooting for points in either series.

d)   My recommendation, if you want what’s best for the shooters in my area, the one with 7
     clubs, the same 7 I got to join PRS, then we been given the Company waiver for
     operation, so we don’t have to decide to choose 1. Most of the time when being pushed
     to choose we don’t pick the one that pushed us to make the choice, even if it the best
     long-term decision, which I think PRS currently is.

e)   I will note that I am a very ingrained in Rimfire in my area, I run my own series, I am the
     MARS Region XX coordinator, run NRL22X matches and in essence the voice for PRS
     Rimfire in the XX Region. I state this, so I am transparent with the group that I am
     involved in all 4, so my comments are in context.

f)   I would not be surprised if XX splits (more like doesn't convert planned 2022 MARS
     ranges to PRS this year or in coming years) with a weather limited season its tough to
     schedule 12-15 centerfire matches and with a potential for 10+ rimfire clubs there's only
     so many available weekends. We do our best to not stack weekends whenever possible
     and the goal is to have less total matches with higher attendance this way
g)   After a productive chat with XX regarding MARS and the Rimfire MDs that planned to
     participate, we are extending the list of clubs that fall under the exception to the below
     policy during the 2022 season. Listed below are a few additional clubs, to our
     knowledge, that have announced their 2022 MARS schedule in conjunction with the
     2022 PRS Rimfire schedule and who had published matches to the shooters that they
     planned to count for both PRS Rimfire and MARS points. Knowing that shooters may
     have already purchased memberships based on these announcements we want to do
     right by them and permit these clubs to count points for both series in the 2022 season.

     While we do not expect any changes to the overall policy or your votes after the 2022
     season, we will revisit the matter with any needed clarifications for future seasons
     based on potential developments as we work with PRS MDs and Regional Directors
     throughout the 2022 season. We want to make sure that everyone understands that this
     policy is intended for competing series with national aspirations, such as MARS and the
     NRL, and is not intended for regional PRS Rimfire clubs that work together to provide
     their shooters with additional opportunities to compete for local level titles/awards. This
     type of local cooperation between PRS clubs is encouraged and welcomed.

     Regional directors, if you are aware of any club not listed below that published 2022
     season matches prior to Jan 31st that would count for dual points, please make sure to
     send us a note so that it can be reviewed and updated. We have a record of the current
     MARS schedule, but it is possible a club may have been overlooked.

     Policy Update:

     Going forward PRS Rimfire Clubs will not be permitted to run PRS sanctioned matches
     that also count for points in a competing series with national aspirations and/or
     significant resemblance to the PRS in services provided to shooters. Clubs are welcome
     to run matches for both series, but a single match will not be able to count for both PRS
     points and another competing series. This does not include local cooperation between
     PRS clubs to provide shooters with additional opportunities to earn local-level awards
     and titles.

     To show good faith, the only exception to this policy will be for clubs that had permission
     and ran matches that counted for both the PRS and the NRL or MARS, prior to the 2021
     PRS Rimfire National Finale on Dec 4, 2021 and/or clubs that have already published
     MARS matches for the 2022 season as of Jan 31st that were counting for points in both
These clubs to the best of our knowledge include:

          • Appalachian Rimfire Shooters
          • Black Bear Shooting Complex
          • Blackwatch Performance Rimfire Club
          • Marianna Field & Stream
          • MHF Enterprises Shooting Academy
          • MKM Precision
          • Northern Virginia Gun Club
          • Quail Ridge Sporting Club & Grayman Solutions
          • Quantico Shooting Club
          • Quinton Sportsmen's Club Inc
          • Rosedale Sportsmen's Association
          • Shawnee Farms Shooting Sports
          • VOD Tactical Rimfire
          • Walker County Benchrest
          • West Virginia PR
          • East Glastonbury
          • Reading Revolver
          • Sheepdog
          • Vermont State Rifle and Pistol
          • Wyandot Whackers

h)   The three of us who jointly run the matches at XX are in agreement on "No".

i)   From our perspective, the rimfire matches should be far more accessible and easier for
     people to attend. We strongly disagree with the fact that it will both divide sport and
     match attendance suffers. By preventing places that are already in one series from
     joining another and running matches that count to both, it is the PRS that is dividing the
     sport. Our matches have had attendance from individuals that are in PRS, MARS, NRL,
     or a combination of the 3. We had planned to run both PRS and MARS as it is a win-win
     for our shooters. Also, with the large list of exceptions what's the point? That adds
     further confusion and dilution that you were trying to avoid.

j)   XX I appreciate you taking the time to post here. I have been trying to wrap my head
     around how having multiple series/dual points races helps unity of our sport (precision
     rifle shooting). I'm really having difficulty seeing how having 2 or 3 series with similar
     goals (growth of the sport and match attendance) are better off running in parallel vs a
single banner. Namely because I have not been able to identify any other shooting
        discipline that has benefited from running two different points races while both working
        to attract new shooters and clubs separately. I sent you a PM and would really like to
        chat about it further to better understand your perspective. Truly looking forward to
        speaking with you when you have some time.

   k)   I'll think on this one also and get you my perspective. It’s a pretty complex topic when
        you break it all apart.

IV. Rule ADD

  5.2 PRS Rimfire Match Criteria
  5.2 PRS Rimfire Match Criteria
  5.2.1 PRS Rimfire matches must be one day events.
  5.2.2 PRS Rimfire matches must have 6-12 stages, 8-10 stages are recommended.
  5.2.3 PRS Rimfire matches must have a round count of 60 - 120 rounds, 80-100 rounds are
  5.2.4 PRS Rimfire matches must have a minimum of 10 registered shooters. (Regional director
  waivable – no requirement to notify the PRS director. Regional Directors are encouraged to
  approve this wavier and assist in growing the sport but maintain the integrity of the series by
  working with the MD).
  5.2.5 PRS Rimfire matches must be scheduled and posted on the PRS web page at least 30
  days in advance of the match date.
  5.2.6 There are no minimum or maximum target distances or sizes.

  5.2.7 PRS Rimfire Clubs are not permitted to run PRS sanctioned rimfire matches that also
  count for points in a competing series with national aspirations and/or significant resemblance
  to the PRS in services provided to shooters. Rimfire Clubs are welcome to run matches for
  more than one series, but a single match will not be able to count points for both the PRS and
  another competing series. Nor will any PRS finale count for points in a competing series. This
  does not include local cooperation between PRS clubs to provide shooters with additional
  opportunities to earn local-level awards and titles.

  Clubs granted an exception to this rule, that are grandfathered in:

  • Appalachian Rimfire Shooters
  • Black Bear Shooting Complex
• Blackwatch Performance Rimfire Club
 • Marianna Field & Stream
 • MHF Enterprises Shooting Academy
 • MKM Precision
 • Northern Virginia Gun Club
 • Quail Ridge Sporting Club & Grayman Solutions
 • Quantico Shooting Club
 • Quinton Sportsmen's Club Inc
 • Rosedale Sportsmen's Association
 • Shawnee Farms Shooting Sports
 • VOD Tactical Rimfire
 • Walker County Benchrest
 • West Virginia PR
 • East Glastonbury
 • Reading Revolver
 • Sheepdog
 • Vermont State Rifle and Pistol
 • Wyandot Whackers


 a)    Yes, I concur with this policy (10 Votes)

  1.   Levi Wilson

  2.   Paul Smith

  3.   Brady Lamm

  4.   Ja Hymer

  5.   Brandon Graham

  6.   Prentice Wink

  7.   Ben Fleenor

  8.   Bry Elliott

  9.   Joseph Hargrave
10. Francis Colon

   No, I will leave an explanation in the comments (2 Votes)

        1.      Matt Enigk

        2.      Greg Stewart

VI. Abstention

        1.      PRS Director – Shannon Kay

        2.      PRS Rimfire Director - Adam Leonberger


   a)        Julie Kay – PRS Administrative Director

        Action Items             Owner(s)              Deadline     Status
  Add PRS Rule 5.2.7            Julie Kay         Feb 8, 2022     Completed
  Publish Minutes and           Julie Kay         Feb 8, 2022     Completed
  in PRS Paid
  Members FB Group
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