Pre-qualification Questionnaire (Fit Out) - (Furniture) - Confidential - Water Transmission and Technologies Co.

Page created by Eddie Morrison

Pre-qualification Questionnaire

(Fit Out) – (Furniture)
Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 2
1       Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1     Purpose and scope of this PQQ........................................................................................................................... 3
2       Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1     General Information .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2     Finance................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3     Resources / Key Personnel.......................................................................................................................................7
2.4     Quality/ H&S / IT ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5     Corporate Governance ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6     Experience and references.....................................................................................................................................11
2.7     Disqualification Criteria.............................................................................................................................................11
2.8     Declaration (To be completed by all applicants)......................................................................................11
Acronyms and Abbreviations
WTTCO      – Water Transmission and Technologies

PQQ – Pre-qualification Questionnaire.

LL    – Landlord.

BOQ     – Bills of Quantities.

KSA    – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

List and define terms necessary to implement this PQQ (refer to the World Wide Web for
Common Terms, Definitions and Acronyms).

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1     Introduction
       WTTCO (Water Transmission and Technologies) Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for
      contractors, is used to identify potential contractors that are the most capable of providing the
      required services. This is done by assessing their performance, status and ability in relation to the
      projects we work on and our mission, vision and values.

      The term “Contractor” used in this document denotes contractors, sub-contractors and

1.1   Purpose and scope of this PQQ

      As an organisation that has expressed an interest in tendering for the requirement, this PQQ
      assesses your:

             Technical and/or professional capability.

             Financial and economic strengths.

             Eligibility.

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2       Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
2.1     General Information

        Below is the information required to be responded by your company, to be engrossed on
        company letter head paper. Please note that no terms shall be deleted nor shall any terms be
        added. Please respond diligently and provide all information requested in this questionnaire
        including any attachments.

 Ref.               Information Required                              Response

 1.0    General Information
  1.1   Company Name:
        Registered Office:
        (i) Address of registered Office:
 1.2    (ii) Telephone:
        (iii) Facsimile:
        (iv) E-mail address:
        Local Office(s):
        (i)        Address of registered Office:
 1.3    (ii)       Telephone:
        (iii)      Facsimile:
        (iv)       E-mail address:
        Point of contact (person dealing with this
        (i)       Name:
        (ii)      Position:
        (iii)     Telephone:
        (iv)      E-mail:
 1.5    Trade licenses (please attach copies).
        (i) Nature of company, e.g. Plc, partnership,
        limited co. Provide company registration no.
 1.6    if not based in local country.
        (ii) Date of formation or registration.
        (i) If a member of a group of companies,
        provide the name, address and contact
        details of the group or ultimate holding
        company and any other subsidiaries that
 1.7    would guarantee the contract performance
        of its subsidiary.
        (ii) Provide an organization chart showing
        company structure, (show relationship to
        parent company if applicable).
        Provide names of all partners of a joint

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(i) How many years has your company
        been operating in locally?
        (ii) How many years has your company
        been operating in its home country?

        Indicate the name of any professional or
        industry associations of which your
        company is a member and provide copies
        of relevant certification.
        (i) Provide a brief description of the
        company primary business. Diversification
        and main services worldwide and note size
        of overall full-time staff.
        (ii) Provide a brief description of the
        company business in the Middle East and
        note the size of full-time staff in the Middle
 1.12   What are your company’s core skills?             Leisure

2.2     Finance

 Ref.              Information Required                               Response

 2.0    Financial / Commercial
        Name of director responsible for financial
        Copies of previous three years accounts to
        be provided. Provide name and address of
 2.2    auditors, include financial information for
        any subsidiary companies (or joint
        What is your company’s annual turnover
        globally for the following periods?
        Turnover            2017/2018
 2.3    Turnover            2018/2019
        Turnover            2019/2020
        Forecast           2021
        Forecast           2022
        What is your Company’s annual turnover
        locally for the following periods?
        Turnover            2017/2018
        Turnover            2018/2019

                                                                                 Page 5 of 14
Turnover           2019/2020
      Forecast           2021
      Forecast           2022
      What is your company’s currently monthly
2.5   turnover (i.e. total value of payment
      certificates each month)?
      Is your company prepared to enter a
2.6   contract containing a 10% on performance
      Is your company prepared to enter a
2.7   contract based on the FIDIC Short Form as
      amended by the employer?
      (i) Completed / Work in Progress
      Please state approximate number of
      contracts completed in each of the ranges
      (in terms of construction value in SAR) in the
      past three years:
      (a) 1 – 5 million
      (b) 5 – 10 million
      (c) 10 – 50 million
      (d) 50 – 100 million
2.8   (ii) Secured / Probable
      Please state approximate number of
      forthcoming contracts in each of the ranges
      (in terms of construction value in SAR) for
      the next three years:
      (g) 1 – 5 million
      (h) 5 – 10 million
      (i) 10 – 50 million
      (j) 50 – 100 million
      (k) 100 – 250 million
      Insurance                                              Provide value and expiry date.
      · Professional Indemnity
      · Contractors all risk
      · Public liability
      · Third party insurance
      · Plant and equipment
      · Workman’s compensation
      · Performance bond capacity
      Should there be clauses indicating a
      difference between values for single
      occurrences or aggregates, please provide
      Please provide details of all current
      insurances complete with copies of all
      policies. Include details of all limits of liability
      and expiry dates.

                                                                                              Page 6 of 14
Will your company be willing to provide a
        parent company guarantee?
        Provide a list of at least three creditors from
        whom references can be obtained.
        Provide your Bank details:

 2.12   Bank
        Tel No.

2.3     Resources / Key Personnel

 Ref.               Information Required                  Response
 3.0    Resources / Key Personnel
        Provide a list and show details of at least
        three sub-contractors and at least three
        suppliers that your company consistently
        uses in the course of general works.
        Names and telephone nos of key personnel.
        Point of contact for this expression of
        Project director/general manager.
        Project manager.
        Construction manager.
        Commercial manager.
        Planning manager.
        Provide details of key management and
        technical resources. (CV’s).
        Current design office capacity, (percentage
        Current construction capacity, (percentage
        Provide details of your company’s current
        project commitments and workload, stating
 3.6    the approximate value (and currency), the
        estimated completion date and the
        resources allocated to the project.
        Does your Company have a design and
        Build capability?
        If so, in which         specialist   areas   of
        What elements of the design do you
 3.8    normally sub-contract to consultants or
        specialist contractors?

                                                                     Page 7 of 14
For which areas of construction does your
3.9    company normally provide in-house shop

       Provide details of what elements of work your
       company carries out in-house.

       How       many       professionally  qualified
       engineers, technicians and CAD operators
3.11   does your company directly employs?
       (Skilled, engineers, technician, CAD operator,
       Would your company provide a dedicated-
3.12   on site design office to service projects or
       utilize an off-site resource?
       Please provide details of your company
       training/CPD policy.
       Indicate the percentage of the company
       turnover spent on training.
       Indicate the percentage of the company
3.15   turnover spent on research, development
       and innovation.
       No. of Employees:
       Please provide details of the number of
       directly employed staff that your company
       employs locally.
       Project managers.
3.16   Planners.
       Site engineers.
       Skilled workmen.
       Semi-skilled workmen.
       Do you have the ability to provide in-house
       furniture option?

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2.4     Quality/ H&S / IT

 Ref.               Information Required                 Response

 4.0    Quality/ H&S / IT

        Does your company operate a quality
        management system?
        Indicate if your quality system complies with:
        BSEN/ISO 9000
  4.1   BSEN/ISO 9001
        BSEN/ISO 9002
        In-house quality system.
        Please provide copies of certification where
        externally accredited.
        Which computer operating system does
        your company use?
        Which computer software does your
        company use?
        Does your company have an in-house
 4.4    planning department?
        If so, do they use Primavera P3 /P5?
        Does your company have experience of
 4.5    electronic project management and
        programming systems? If so, which?
        Has your company had experience in the
        use of electronic document management
 4.6    systems?
        Does this in any way conflict with you QA /
        QC policies?
        Please provide a copy of your company’s
        environmental policy.
        Does your company have a H & S Policy?
        Please provide a copy.
        Provide details of your company’s health
        and safety record for a period of not less
 4.9    than three years, including details of any
        major incidents / deaths and a summary of
        lost time injuries per man hour worked.
        Does your company operate induction and
 4.10   safety training for direct and sub-contractor

                                                                    Page 9 of 14
Provide a copy of the site induction form
 4.11   used for all sub-contract and direct
        employees who enter the site.

2.5     Corporate Governance

 Ref.               Information Required                   Response

 5.0    Corporate Governance

        (i) Indicate whether your company has been
        or is the subject of any bankruptcy or
        insolvency proceedings or is subject to
        assignment for the benefit of creditors.
        (ii) Have any senior personnel of the
        company been involved in any company
        which has been liquidated or gone into
        receivership or been declared bankrupt?
        Has your company failed to complete any
        contracts awarded to it?
        Has your company ever had its employment
        terminated under the terms of the contract?
        Confirm that your company is not
        contemplating, involved in, pending or
        subject to any legal proceedings related to
        your business activities or the activities of
        your directors. (Advise any details on a
        separate sheet).
        Does your organization have any
        association, either directly or indirectly, with
        any member or employee of the client’s
        Please confirm that all obligations relating to
 5.6    municipality payment under local laws have
        been fulfilled.
        In terms of any contracts performed over the
        last three years, please provide details of
        any ongoing disputes (including formal legal
        proceedings or where the client has
        deducted or threatened to deduct money for
        poor performance).
        Are there any judgements, claims or suits
        pending or outstanding against your
        company? If yes, please provide further
        If your company has withdrawn from any
 5.9    similar projects after being shortlisted,
        please provide details.

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2.6     Experience and references

 Ref.              Information Required                                Response
        References / Experience / Project Specific
        Contract details:
        List at least five other contracts which your
        company has completed in the past 3 years
        in the commercial sector in the Middle East.
        a. Client
        b. Lead consultant / engineer
        c. Your role:
           1. Project name.
           2. Approving authority.
           3. Total floor area (m2).
           4. Value of contract.
           5. Construction period.
        Provide three client references:
        Contact name:
        Telephone no:
        Project name:
        Project value:
        Significant information:
        Have you carried out works within Olaya
        Towers? Riyadh, KSA?

2.7     Disqualification Criteria

        The following would be considered grounds for disqualifying the applicant:

            1) Incomplete or false information.

            2) Non-declaration of conflict of interest.

            3) Non-submission of declaration duly signed and stamped.

            4) Failure to answer all questions. (subjective)

            5) Failure to submit requested document. (Subjective)

2.8     Declaration (To be completed by all applicants)

        As per attached.

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