Page created by Donald Douglas

Sat 8th Jan
  ‘The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by
its prayer meetings. So is the prayer meeting a grace-ometer, and
   from it we may judge the amount of divine working among a
  people. If God be near a church, it must pray. And if He be not
 there, one of the first tokens of His absence will be a slothfulness
                         in prayer!’ Spurgeon

We are praying for a year of breakthrough. Think and pray
through areas of your life where you are ready to cry out for

Join us as we start our 22 Days with a short prayer walk from
the front car park at the Charis Centre, 3pm. Be ready for any
types of weather!

Sun 9th Jan
  'The Church is looking for better methods, God is looking for
better men and and women of prayer' E.M Bounds

Pray for the gatherings of the church today in person and online.
For men and women, boys and girls to be welcomed, saved,
healed, restored as Jesus walks amongst us. Pray for our evening
Zoom at 7pm with Natalie Williams, that we may receive a
prophetic encouragement in our lives of mercy and compassion in
Mon 10th Jan
        ‘The best way to BREAK A SIN HABIT is by

Read Isaiah 61 and pray through what it means to ask God to
partner with you in Kingdom breakthrough

 Join with the 6.30am Prayer Zoom to pray through 2 Kings
          Join the Kendals at 12pm on Zoom to pray

Tues 11th Jan
‘Fasting is less about what we’re giving up and more about
what we’re making room for. More of his presence. More of
    his word. Exchange what I need to survive - bread,
       nourishment for what I need to LIVE.’ C Heath

Pray for breakthrough in the lives of the children gathering in
the after school discipleship group on Tuesdays. Pray for
children to be saved, baptised and growing into strong
Weds 12th Jan
 ‘Prayer itself is an art which only the Holy Ghost can teach
us. He is the giver of all prayer. Pray for prayer- pray till you
  can pray. If you want that splendid power in prayer, you
   must remain in loving, abiding union with the Lord Jesus
                         Christ.’ Spurgeon

Write down the names of three people that you are
especially praying for to be born again during these days of
prayer and fasting. Bring them before the Lord daily and
speak his kingdom promises over their lives.
   Join us to pray, worship and open the word in the Cafe
                      tonight at 7.30pm.

Thurs 13th Jan
‘Since the days of Pentecost, has the whole church ever put
             aside every other work & waited
  upon Him for ten days, that the Spirit’s power might be
   manifested? We give too much attention to method &
machinery & resources, and too little to the source of power.’
                       Hudson Taylor

Pray for breakthrough in faith across the church. For faith to
trust God to meet needs, faith in work and business
situations, faith for provision of finance and the gift of
      Join us at 12pm on Zoom to pray with the Kendals
Fri 14th Jan
    ‘We ought not to tolerate for a minute the ghastly and
grievous thought that God will not answer prayer.’ Spurgeon.

Pray for kingdom life to grow amongst our teenagers, and for
kingdom breakthrough in this generation across Crawley.
Pray for the youth teams and the Friday night Solid group,
as well as every teenager around the church to be full of the
life of the Spirit.

Sat 15th Jan
  ‘God is attracted to weakness. He can’t resist those who
humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him.’
                         J Cymbala

Thank God for his faithfulness in your life. Remind yourself of
his moments of provision and care, speak them back to God
in worship. Pray in the Spirit and use the gift of tongues
Sun 16th Jan
 ‘A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated
                by men.’ Leonard Ravenhill

Pray for the gatherings of the church today in person and
online. For men and women, boys and girls to be welcomed,
saved, healed, restored as Jesus walks amongst us.
Pray for our evening Press Pause meeting on Zoom at 7pm.
Pray for corporate faith and wisdom as we share news on
vision and finance with the church family.

Mon 17th Jan
    ‘There has never been an instance yet of a man really
  seeking spiritual blessings from God without his receiving
                        them.’ Spurgeon

  Join us to pray on Zoom at 6.30am and pray through
Habakkuk 3.2 Cry out to God today, ‘In our day, in our time,
        make your fame and your promises known.’

     Join us to pray on Zoom at 12pm with the Kendals
Tues 18th Jan
  ‘The Church in the west doesn't simply need better lights,
cooler bands, or savvier technology. We need men & women
               who know how to pray.’ Anon

Pray for continued kingdom breakthrough in the lives and
families of those who connect to the church through our
Jungle Tots ministry. May the lonely be added into families,
the lost saved, the broken hearted bound up. Pray for
courage and wisdom for the team that serve. Ask God for
breakthrough provision of accommodation so that we can
move out of the old hut!

Weds 19th Jan
‘Weariness, discouragement & even depression can often be
a sign of demonic attack. Ask God. Raise a canopy of praise.
 Rest in the word. Nab a few good friends to pray with.’ J

Pray for breakthrough amongst the refugees who connect
into our English conversation group in the Cafe on
Wednesdays. Pray for the spiritual gift of hospitality in the
team, for friendship to grow, and for courage in sharing
Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to save these men.

   Join us to pray, worship and open the word in the Cafe
                      tonight at 7.30pm.
Thurs 20th Jan
 ‘Note the ALLS: "with ALL prayer," "at ALL seasons," "in
ALL perseverance," "for ALL the saints." Note the piling up
of strong words, "prayer," "supplication," "perseverance.’ R A
                     Torrey / Eph 6.18

Pray for all the saints today. Pray around the church family
for breakthrough in people’s lives. Send a message, a word or
a prayer to encourage some that you pray for.

     Join us at 12pm to pray on Zoom with the Kendals

Fri 21st Jan
    ‘The march of a praying church is mighty! Prayers are
irresistible to heaven, unquenchable to the flesh, unstoppable
    to the devil. Gates swing open, demons flee, destiny is
secured & hell plundered. Pray church, pray! The Kingdom of
                     Heaven is here!’ Anon

Pray today for breakthrough again in the healing of the sick.
Ask the Holy Spirit to give fresh faith and courage, for signs,
wonders and miracles as we pray for friends in and out of
the local church.

 Join us and pray for our Men's Prayer meeting tonight, and
                   Danny as he shapes it.
Sat 22nd Jan
    ‘There has never been an instance yet of a man really
  seeking spiritual blessings from God without his receiving
                        them.’ Spurgeon

Thank God for his faithfulness in your life. Remind yourself of
his moments of provision and care, speak them back to God
in worship. Pray in the Spirit and use the gift of tongues.

Sun 23rd Jan
  ‘True prayer is a way of life, not just for use in cases of
 emergency. Make it a habit, and when the need arises you
              will be in practice.’ Billy Graham

Pray for this special Alpha Sunday morning. For the church
to receive boldness to be witness to the life and hope of Jesus.
Pray again for your friends and family who don’t yet know
Jesus and for our upcoming Alpha course.

   Join us to pray on Zoom at 7pm to pray specifically for
      people to be saved, added and baptised this year.
Mon 24th Jan
   ‘Demons smell of discouragement, low emotions, loss of
 willingness, fear, anxiety, anger, shame, weariness, sapping
  darkness. If you smell one near you, start to praise! They
                         hate it!!’ F Hall

 Join us to pray on Zoom at 6.30am from Genesis 30.1. Pray
 today for spiritual children, that we would all play our part
as a community of faith in seeing new birth into the kingdom

     Join us on Zoom at 12pm to pray with the Kendals

Tues 25th Jan
‘Some of us let the hurry of our lives crowd prayer out, and
what a waste of time and energy and nerve force there is by
 the constant worry! One night of prayer will save us from
many nights of insomnia. Time spent in prayer is not wasted,
        but time invested at big interest.’ R A Torrey

Pray for the breakthrough of God’s kingdom into our Tea at
Revive Group. Invite God’s care and mercy to the lonely, the
isolated, the poor in Spirit. May this group be a place of true
friendship and comfort, and may many older people come to
Weds 26th Jan
     ‘I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual
  temperature than this,the measure of the intensity of your
 prayer.To pray is to enter the treasure-house of God and to
 gather riches out of an inexhaustible storehouse.’ Spurgeon

One week from today our next online Alpha Course begins.
Pray for the team as they host the course, and pray again for
your friends and those you have invited. Ask the Holy Spirit
to be at work drawing people to Jesus and ask Him to give
you opportunities to play your part.

   Join us to pray, worship and open the word in the Cafe
                      tonight at 7.30pm.

Thurs 27th Jan
‘The devil CANNOT steal your call, so he tries to steal your
    confidence! Don’t fall for it! Take control of the inner
conversations of your heart, where the devil seeks to sow his
                        weeds.’ Anon

Pray for the Charis Centre and Cafe to be a place of
welcome, hospitality and hope. Ask God for business which
grows our connections in the community, and pray for
kingdom bridges to be built into people’s lives as they come
into the Church Centre
     Join us from 12pm to pray on Zoom with the Kendals
Fri 28th Jan
 ‘Many times in life, God waits while a situation goes from
bad to worse, so that you & I say, "There’s no way now for
   this ever to work out." But that’s the point when the
omnipotent God intervenes in our hopelessness & says "Oh
             really? Watch this…!" J Cymbala

Pray for the next 24 hours to be a time where battles are
fought and won in prayer. As we enter this intense 24 hours
of prayer, may the Lord pour out his Spirit over our lives and
open up his very great and precious promises. May the
church be filled afresh with the Spirit and carry some new
spiritual authority out from here into the year ahead.

Also use this night and day to intercede for the Drews in
South Asia, for the Baileys and the Banbury church plant.
Fight in prayer for our many friends and churches in other
cities and nations that we relate to. Don’t forget the Stevens
in Paris!

 Join us from 7.30pm on Zoom for the start of our 24 hours
      of prayer, led by Solid and 4:12 for the first part.
Then sign up and pray in the virtual prayer room through the
                      remaining period.
Fri 28th Jan
 ‘Many times in life, God waits while a situation goes from
bad to worse, so that you & I say, "There’s no way now for
   this ever to work out." But that’s the point when the
omnipotent God intervenes in our hopelessness & says "Oh
             really? Watch this…!" J Cymbala

Pray for the next 24 hours to be a time where battles are
fought and won in prayer. As we enter this intense 24 hours
of prayer, may the Lord pour out his Spirit over our lives and
open up his very great and precious promises. May the
church be filled afresh with the Spirit and carry some new
spiritual authority out from here into the year ahead.

Also use this night and day to intercede for the Drews in
South Asia, for the Baileys and the Banbury church plant.
Fight in prayer for our many friends and churches in other
cities and nations that we relate to. Don’t forget the Stevens
in Paris!

 Join us from 7.30pm on Zoom for the start of our 24 hours
      of prayer, led by Solid and 4:12 for the first part.
Then sign up and pray in the virtual prayer room through the
                      remaining period.
Sat 29th Jan
‘Our Lord tells us an indisputable fact: all through the ages,
  true asking has been followed by receiving.’ Spurgeon

Thank God for his faithfulness in your life. Remind yourself of
his moments of provision and care, speak them back to God
in worship. Pray in the Spirit and use the gift of tongues.

Sign up for an hour or more through this 24 hours of intense
             prayer in the virtual prayer room.

Sun 30th Jan
 ‘Work as if everything depended upon work and pray as if
     everything depended upon prayer.’ William Booth

Take a few moments to look back over your prayer notes or
journal to thank God for all that he has been saying and
doing. Take hold of Him again and ask him to seal and secure
every promise for breakthrough that we have brought before
his throne in these 22 days.

  Join us with the gathered Church from 10am for a special
   Celebration to mark the end of our period of prayer and
           fasting, including our Communion Lunch.
                   “But the days will come when the Bridegroom
              will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.”
                                  - Matthew 9:15

  “Fasting opens the way for the outpouring of the Spirit and the restoration of
  God’s house. Fasting in this age of the absent Bridegroom is in expectation of
 His return. Soon there will be the midnight cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come
 out to meet him.’ It will be too late then to fast and to pray. The time is now.”
                       - God's Chosen Fast, Arthur Wallis
There has been a resurgence of fasting in recent decades, as God calls His people
to regular fasting as part of a normal Christian lifestyle. We must prepare
ourselves adequately so that the fast can honor God and fulfill its purpose. The
following is a general overview of biblical precedent and guidelines for wise fasting
to help and encourage you.

Fasting is Biblical
Regular fasting as part of the normal Christian lifestyle was taught by Jesus
(Matt 6:16–17, 9:15), exercised by the early church (Acts 13:2), and has been the
discipline of believers throughout church history. The practice of fasting in
Scripture usually includes, but is not limited to, abstinence from food (Daniel
10:3) and may be engaged in for varying durations—typically for no more than a
few days at a time.Abstaining from all food for extended periods of time is
biblical, but was rare and unusual in Scripture (Exodus 34:28; 1 Kings. 19:5-8;
Luke. 4:2), and thus should never be undertaken without counsel and
appropriate supervision. The maximum length of an adult fast that is biblically
supported is forty days without food for a male adult in good health, and three
days without water. The Bible does not speak of children engaging in fasting
Fasting is always voluntary
Fasting is never forced or made compulsory. The level at which you engage in
fasting (particularly food) should be determined according to age and with
regard to any physical limitations. Those with physical disabilities or illness, or
those with any history of an eating disorder, should never fast, except in
consultation with, and under the supervision of, a qualified doctor. Pregnant or
nursing mothers should not fast food or drink as it could negatively affect the
health and development of their baby and their own personal health.
Children are discouraged from fasting food and should never engage in fasting
without parental consent and oversight. Children who want to fast are
encouraged to consider non-food abstentions, such as TV, movies, Internet
surfing, video games, and other entertainment. If older teenagers do fast food
under their parents’ supervision, we encourage them to use juice and protein
drinks to sustain them, out of consideration for their health and metabolism.
Fasting Regularly
Fasting as a lifestyle necessitates a healthy lifestyle on days when food is not
being fasted, and should include exercise and a proper diet. A “fasted lifestyle” is
a disciplined lifestyle, in which we steward our bodies and time with wisdom and
diligence. Fasting is not only abstention; it is an exchange where we abstain from
certain things in order to “feast” on God’s Word and prayer, whereby the
abundance of His grace is made more readily available to us. When undertaken
with this type of commitment, a fasted lifestyle is sustainable on a long-term
basis, just as it was for Daniel and his friends (Dan. 1).
The Benefits of Fasting
While the physical impact of fasting is real, the spiritual benefits of fasting are
undeniable. Any fast undertaken must be done with spiritual wholeheartedness
and wisdom when dealing with our physical body; we must count the cost
honestly and honour the temple of the Holy Spirit. Whether we are partaking or
abstaining, everything should be for the glory of God.

Physically Preparing for a fast that lasts more than two days
  Prepare your body by eating fresh fruit and raw vegetables, fruit or veg
  juices or oatmeal at least two days beforehand
  Eat smaller meals a few days prior to the fast.
  Avoid high-fat and sugary foods before the fast.
  Make your commitment and determine the length.
  You can fast in many different ways, pray & ask God what He will give you
  faith for.
  A Daniel fast; with vegetables and water, is good for those with a heavy
  A fruit or vegetable juice fast allows you to enter into fasting but still gives
  enough energy to function. Many people have done a 40-day juice fast.
  A water-only fast has been undertaken by many people. Depending on your
  weight and metabolism, you can go up to forty days on water alone.
Helpful Hints for your fast (Physical)
 Drink plenty of water.
 It is wise to abstain from strong stimulants such as caffeinated and sugary drinks
 during a fast, including the artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks.
 If you are on a juice fast, drink raw fruit or vegetable as they are excellent sources
 of necessary natural sugar to stabilise blood sugar and keep energy levels up.
 Expect some physical discomforts because of the detoxification process, especially
 on the second day. You may have fleeting hunger pains or dizziness. Withdrawal
 from caffeine and sugar may cause headaches, but it is a part of the detoxification
 process. Physical signs may also include weariness, tiredness, nausea, and
 During a fast, four major areas of the body are going through a detoxification
 process. the bowels/colon/large intestines, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin.

Helpful Hints for your fast (Spiritual)
 Fast and pray in order to humble yourself and purify your worship. In fasting we
 are not trying to get something from God, but are realigning our hearts with His.
 Don’t boast about your fast (Matt. 6:16–18). Only let people know if necessary.
 Do the fast with someone else. Two are better than one! We encourage families to
 consider fasting together. Several generations fasting together has a powerful
 Have a clear target as your prayer focus. Write down your vision. (Hab. 2:2).
 Take time to pray and read the Word. This may seem obvious, but busyness and
 distractions can keep you from devotions.
 Expect to hear God’s voice in the Word, dreams, visions, and revelations. Daniel
 prepared himself to receive revelation through fasting (Dan. 10:1–2).
 Prepare for opposition. Press through. Many times you may feel more tension build
 at home. Satan tempted Jesus on the fast, and we must expect the same.
 Discouragement may come, but recognise the source and stand on the victory of
 Christ. If you fail, don’t give in to condemnation. You may fail several times, but
 God always extends grace. Just hit the “delete” button and continue on your fast.
 Feel free to rest a lot and continue to exercise gently.
 Breakthroughs often come after a fast, not during it. Do not listen to the lie that
 nothing is happening. We believe that every fast done in faith will be rewarded.

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