Page created by Christine Moore

Your 2021/2022

Welcome to The Open University. Whether you’re seeking
inspiration, looking to change direction or searching for a new
beginning, you’re in the right place.

–   The roadmap to your new career.
–   An opportunity to gain new skills.
–   The chance to explore your passion.
–   A way to create a better life for you and your family.
–   The next chapter in your learning journey.

Whatever you want to achieve, we’re here to help you make it happen.
Join over two million people who’ve freed their ambition with us.


    This prospectus         Welcome to
    is the start of         The Open University                 ― 72% of the OU's research
    your journey and        We’ve pioneered distance              is ranked as world leading
                                                                  or internationally excellent
                            learning for over 50 years.
    will cover:             This pioneering spirit is why         according to the most
                            we are experts in delivering          recent Research Excellence
                            distance education, both in           Framework (REF) assessment.
                            the UK and across 157 countries     ― An OU qualification is widely
                            worldwide, and why we lead            respected by businesses,
      what you can study    the way for innovative teaching       with 77% of FTSE 100
                            and research.                         companies sponsoring
                                                                  staff to study with us.
      how long it’ll take   Every day, we support our
                            students to achieve their goals     ― OU postgraduate tutors are
                            around other important things         consistently rated ‘excellent’
      how distance          in their lives. It’s what we do.      in national Teaching Quality
      learning works        The Open University was               Assessments. They're all
                            established by Royal Charter          subject specialists, with
      your funding          on 23 April 1969. We’ve come          many of them practising
                            a long way since then, constantly     professionally in their fields.
      options               innovating at every step to make    ― More CEOs and Managing
                            sure that our founding mission –      Directors of UK companies
      how to register.      enabling access to education for      have studied with us than
                            all – remains as relevant now as      any other UK university.
                            it did 50 years ago.
                                                                ― 86% of our alumni say studying
                                                                  with us helped them achieve
                                                                  their career goals.

Bringing university to you, wherever you are               4

How do we compare with other universities?                 5

Achieve your goals with us                                 6

Enhance your career prospects                              7

What you can study                                         8

Building your qualification                                9

How long does a postgraduate qualification take?           10

How we support you                                         11

How you’ll learn                                           12

Your fees and funding options                              14

Find a postgraduate course                                 16

How to register                                           40

Useful information                                         41

Get in touch                                       Back cover

    At The Open University, we pride ourselves on being unconventional.
    There’s no right order to do things in life, only what’s right for you.
    We’ll help you get where you want to be.

    Learn on your terms                 Spark your imagination              Connect with
    Learning with us is flexible and    From online tutorials, to           like-minded students
    supportive, guided by expert        books, to the virtual learning      Module discussion groups are
    tutors every step of the way.       environment, you’ll study using     there for you to talk about your
                                        a variety of digital and physical   subject, coursework or to share
    We’ll give you all the essential
                                        resources. So however you learn     study methods. You can also
    course resources and materials
                                        best, we'll keep you inspired.      connect with us on social media
    you need. Plus, our dedicated
                                                                            or join one of the many informal
    student support team is             Our assessment                      social media groups set up by
    always there to help you
                                        methods                             your fellow students.
    if you need advice.
                                        Depending on your course,           When you register, you’ll become
    ― You decide when and
                                        we’ll use a blend of written        a member of our students
      where you learn.
                                        assignments, oral and practical     association. This community
    ― You can keep on earning           assessments, projects, exams,       gives you the chance to meet
      while you learn.                  dissertations and portfolios.       fellow students and help
                                        For more on assessments,            influence University decisions.
    ― You can fit study around other    visit         For more information, visit
      life commitments.                 pg-assessment.            
    ― You can fund your studies in a
                                        Additional study                    Get social with us
      way that suits you.
    Learn from the best                 Did you know that we support          @OUstudents
    Our network of more than 5,000      more disabled students than           @OUstudentslive
    expert tutors deliver innovative,   any other UK university? We’ll
    insightful teaching and many        provide access to tools and
    combine their work as tutors        guidance and ensure you get the
    with academic or industry roles.    appropriate level of support to
                                        make the best of your studies.

                                        The OU is very flexible because they realise
                                        balancing a full-time job, family life and
                                        studying, you sometimes need help. Fitting
                                        my study around the job was a challenge, but
                                        it was worthwhile, because it develops you
                                        personally. You learn self-discipline.
                                        Tillmann Henssler


                                                                                                          FREE YOUR AMBITION
An OU qualification is exactly the same as one from a
campus-based university, but our unique approach to
learning means you don’t have to put your life on hold.

Distance is in our DNA
We’ve been bringing university
to our students, wherever
they are, for over 50 years.
Our resources are designed
for distance learning, and
we know how to best fit
study around busy lives.

We’re respected
A combination of education
and experience is highly sought
after and can greatly enhance
your employment prospects.
An OU qualification allows
you to put what you learn into
practice immediately. You’ll be
able to show you’re dedicated,
driven and committed – personal
qualities that are valued in
any workplace.

We’re flexible
Studying with the OU allows
you to work as you learn and
apply your new skills and            Plan your time and take advantage of the resources
knowledge in the real world.
                                     available to you. Be realistic and prepared to
There’s no such thing as a typical
OU student. You’ll decide how
                                     change. Be ambitious. Set your goals, but don’t
and when you want to study.          be afraid of failure. For me, the OU has been
Our tutors and Student Support
Teams are used to helping
                                     life-changing, and it can be for you, too.
students balance study with          Eric McKinnon
other commitments.                   MSc in Environmental Management

We’re a thriving
You’ll be joining one of the
                                                                       MORE INFORMATION
most diverse, dynamic and
inclusive student communities.                                         Find out more about
Whatever your goals, we’re                                             The Open University.
here to help and champion
you to fulfil your ambition.
More than 170,000 students                                              
study with us each year.
Now it’s your turn to join them.                                                                      5
    Since we were                We will:                       You can expect:
    founded, over 50             help you get a qualification   materials that are designed
    years ago, we’ve             to suit you and your goals     with you in mind

    helped more than             provide a flexible learning    continuous innovation and
    two million people           experience that works with     accessible learning, whatever
                                 you and your life              your circumstances
    realise their potential.
                                 use technology and teaching    access to world-class
                                 methods that enhance your      resources, whenever you
                                 study experience               need them

                                 support you every step of      qualifications that are
                                 the way.                       respected by employers
                                                                around the world.

                               My OU experience has taught me a lot: I'm extremely
                               disciplined, given that I managed distance learning
                               and was able to stay focused and driven with regards
                               to meeting assignment and other deadlines. It has
                               also shown me that I'm capable of progressing
                               to more senior professional roles.
                               Martina Ahern
                               Master of Education

                                                                Open Diaries
                                                                The Open Diaries is a
                                                                collection of videos from
                                                                our students and tutors,
                                                                sharing what it’s like to take
                                                                that life-changing step.

                                                                Keen to hear more from
                                                                people who decided to
                                                                make that change?



                                                                                                            FREE YOUR AMBITION
Research shows that employers highly value Open University
students for the skills, strengths, and knowledge gained during their
studies. 85% of alumni that completed the Employability of Qualifiers
Survey 2020 agree that their OU study has helped them achieve their
career goals. Our qualifications really do boost your job prospects.

From day one, you’ll discover      Once you’re registered to start
opportunities you might not        your qualification, you’ll get
have realised were possible.       access to:
You’ll get exclusive access
to our online platform,
                                   ― a team of experienced careers      At Capita our aim is to
                                     professionals for individual
OpportunityHub, where
                                     guidance, group workshops          create better outcomes
employers like the BBC, Teach
First, BMW and HMRC come to
                                     and self-service resources         – Open University
recruit Open University students   ― a range of careers guides,         students come from
for virtual internships, work        career learning events,
placements, graduate schemes         discussion forums, webinars
                                                                        all walks of life and are
and permanent roles.                 and Facebook Live chats            able to use their life
With such a diverse student        ― handy, bite-sized resources        experience, knowledge,
population, careers and              such as podcasts and
employability support at the OU      on-demand videos
                                                                        and skills to continuously
has been developed to support                                           strive for better.
a wide range of students with      ― online interview practice, CV
differing needs and from all         building and review tools with
backgrounds across the UK.           built-in artificial intelligence   Tiffany Barmby
                                   ― ways to connect with               Capita Technology Solutions
                                     employers, such as virtual
                                     site visits, OU Online
                                     TalentConnect careers fairs,
                                     panel events, employer
                                     showcases and workshops
Postgraduate study
                                   ― online Careers Café and
will build the skills you            LinkedIn peer-to-peer support
gained at undergraduate              and networking communities.

level even further,                For more information, visit            Step one,
enhancing your value
for employers, whether
                                                                          Little steps add up to huge
you aim to progress                                                       achievements and, by
your current career or                                                    reading this prospectus,
                                                                          you’ve already taken the
change direction.                                                         first one.

                                                                          Make the change, continue
Ellen Cocking                                                             reading and begin exploring
Head of the OU’s Careers                                                  your ambition.
and Employability Services

    Whatever inspires            Postgraduate                         Entry requirements
    or excites you, our          certificate                          Typically, you’ll be expected to
                                                                      have a degree. But you might
    tutors will introduce        Ideal for professional and career
                                 development, this is the first       have professional experience,
    you to world-class           step towards a masters degree        other qualifications or prior
                                                                      university-level study that’ll help
    research and ideas.          as well as being a valuable
                                 qualification in its own right.      set you up for success. What
    We offer three types                                              matters is that you’re able to:
    of postgraduate              diploma
                                                                      ― find and understand research
                                                                        material written for experts
                                 Work towards a widely
                                                                      ― critically analyse your findings
                                 recognised qualification that
                                 is equivalent to two-thirds of       ― follow academic convention
                                 a masters degree.                      when presenting findings,
                                                                        ideas, bibliographies
                                 Masters degree                         and references
                                 Study modules towards                ― reflect on different theories
                                 an internationally respected           and relate them to your
                                 qualification while gaining            own studies.
                                 specialist academic, professional,
                                 or technical skills.                 Our qualification descriptions
                                                                      will tell you what you need.
                                                                      For more information, visit
    I began working in the pharmaceutical industry
    and found I needed to get up to speed with it pretty
    quickly. The OU has helped my life by giving me the
                                                                      FIND OUT MORE
    confidence in an industry I had previously no idea                Find the course to match
    about. It has allowed me to grow and develop and                  your ambition.

    I can’t wait for my next challenge!                                           Visit
    Katharine Boulton
    MSc in Medicinal Chemistry


                                                                                                           EXPLORE YOUR AMBITION
You gain a postgraduate                                                60 credits
qualification by building                                         at postgraduate level.

up a set number of credits.
Here’s how it works:                                           Postgraduate certificate

The credits you need
                                                                  A further 60 credits
― You’ll need 60 credits to gain                       at postgraduate level, totalling 120 credits.
  a postgraduate certificate.

― 120 credits to gain a postgraduate diploma.
                                                                 Postgraduate diploma
― 180 credits to gain a masters degree.

Credits are gained by successfully
completing modules.                                               A further 60 credits
                                                       at postgraduate level, totalling 180 credits.
With each module you successfully complete, you’ll
earn a set number of credits. Modules are either                    Masters degree
compulsory or chosen from a range of options.
You’ll choose the modules you want to study,
year by year.

Getting started
All you need to do is choose which qualification you
want to study and register on a module that counts
towards that qualification.

     How long it will take to get your qualification
     depends on which qualification you’re working                                                                      For more information
                                                                                                                        on finding time to
     towards. Most of our postgraduate students                                                                         study, and to use our
     study part time, taking 60 credits a year.                                                                         time planner tool,
                                                                                                                        visit openuniversity.
     The guide below gives you an idea of how long it could take                                              
     you to gain your qualification.

          Part time | 60 credits a year | 16–20 study hours a week

            Postgraduate certificate1
                        (60 credits)

               Postgraduate diploma1
                        (120 credits)

                         Masters degree1
                            (180 credits)

                                                 0                              1                            2                        3

                                                                                    Years to complete

         Some qualifications follow a different pattern of study. See individual descriptions on our website for more information.

                                                                                       Have you
                                                                                       studied before?
                                                                                       If you’ve studied at university level before,
                                                                                       you could count this study towards an OU
                                                                                       qualification. This could save you time and
                                                                                       money by reducing the number of modules
                                                                                       you need to study.



You’re never alone when you’re studying
with The Open University. Your community
                                                                          There is a community
of expert tutors and fellow students are
                                                                          at The Open University.
here to support you every step of the way.
                                                                          Everyone supports
For each module, you’ll have a dedicated tutor who'll be your first       each other. One tutor
port of call for any queries. They'll lead regular tutorials, mark your   that really inspired me
assignments, provide detailed written feedback, and give support
over the phone, through email, or online.                                 was Michael. His words
Our Students Association, OU Community forums and range
                                                                          of encouragement
of societies and groups mean you’re connected to one of the               gave me a confidence
UK’s largest student communities.
                                                                          boost. My grades just
                                                                          kept on improving
                                                                          and improving.

                                                                          Joe Acaye
                                                                          OU student

                                                                          READ MORE
                                                                          Find out more about how you'll
                                                                          be supported during your studies.


     With regular tutorials           The virtual learning environment    What you need
                                      or ‘module website’ contains all
     and an online hub                the online study resources you’ll   To study with us, you'll need:

     to manage your                   need, including:
                                                                          ― a computer with internet
                                                                            access. Don’t worry if you
     studies, you'll have             ― a week-by-week study planner
                                                                            haven’t got access to one
     everything you                   ― an assessment section, giving       right now – you could receive
                                        details of your assignments         financial support to help
     need to succeed.                   and their due dates                 you buy one
                                      ― the tutorial booking system       ― an appropriate level of
     Once you’ve registered, you’ll
                                      ― your online tutorial room and       proficiency in English. (You
     have access to StudentHome,
                                        your tutor’s contact details        can check your English skills
     your online hub where you’ll
     be able to:
                                      ― module forums where you             englishlanguage.)
     ― see an overview of your          can discuss topics with other
       course and the modules           students and complete
       you're studying                  collaborative work online

     ― submit your assignments        ― PDF and accessible formats
                                        of your module materials
     ― choose and enrol on your         and resources.
       next module

     ― visit our online Help Centre

     ― access your virtual
       learning environment.

                                                                             for the
                                                                             next step?
                                                                             Read on to discover more
                                                                             about how we can help
                                                                             you fund your studies
                                                                             and the qualifications
                                                                             you could earn.


     With The Open University,               ― The money is paid directly to you.   ― You’ll automatically get a
     a world-class postgraduate                                                       £1,000 non-repayable grant,
                                             ― You’ll get your first instalment
     qualification is an investment                                                   rising to £6,885, depending on
                                               after you’ve paid for your first
     you can afford. Whatever your                                                    your income.
                                               module and started studying.
     circumstances, we’ll help you find
                                                                                    ― Loans are non-means-tested,
     a funding method that suits you.        ― Payments are spread across two
                                                                                      so eligibility isn’t based on
                                               or three years.
     How much does it cost?                                                           your income.
                                             ― Repayments only start when
                                                                                    ― The money’s paid directly to you.
     You’ll fund your studies on a             you earn more than the income
     module-by-module basis, which             threshold (currently, £21,000).      ― Payments are made in
     means you won’t have to pay                                                      instalments, spread across
     for your whole qualification up         ― You’ll repay 6% of your income
                                                                                      however long you’re studying.
     front. To find the total fee for your     over £21,000. So, for example, if
     qualification, visit our website.         you earn £25,000, you’ll repay       ― You’ll get your first instalment
                                               only £240 that year (6% of             after you’ve paid for your first
     WHAT’S INCLUDED?                          £4,000). That’s just £20 a month.      module and started studying.

     Your module materials, tuition,         ― Payments are deducted                ― Loan repayments only start
     assessment and exams are all              automatically from your salary.        when you earn more than
     included in our module fees.                                                     the income threshold
                                             ― Any balance outstanding after
                                                                                      (currently, £21,000).
     There are some additional costs           30 years will be written off.
     that aren’t included.                                                          ― You’ll repay 6% of your income
                                             To be eligible you must:
                                                                                      over the threshold – so, for
     ― You’ll need your own computer         ― be under 60 years old                  example, if you earn £25,000,
       and internet access.                                                           you’ll repay only £240 that year
                                             ― be a resident in England               (6% of £4,000). That’s just £20
     ― For some modules, you may
       need to buy additional set            ― be studying a masters degree           a month.
       books, such as fiction or               that can be completed in no          To be eligible you must be:
       theory books.                           more than three years
                                                                                    ― a resident in Wales
     ― You may need to pay for travel        ― not currently have a masters
       to tutorials or exams.                  degree or equivalent                 ― studying for a masters degree

     ― A handful of our modules              ― be studying your qualification       ― under 60 years old.
       include a residential school. For       from the beginning.
                                                                                    Wales STEMM bursary
       these, you’ll need to fund the                                               If you study towards an eligible
       cost of travel to the residential     WALES
                                                                                    Science, Technology, Engineering,
       school venue. There may also          If you live in Wales, you can apply    Mathematics, or Medicine
       be additional costs for meals         for financial support over the         (STEMM) masters, you might
       and accommodation.                    duration of your qualification.        also be eligible for an additional
                                             And if you’re studying towards         £2,000 to help with study or
     Funding your studies
                                             an eligible science-related            living costs.
     ENGLAND                                 qualification, or are aged 60+
                                                                                    Wales 60+ bursary
                                             when you start your studies, you
     Postgraduate loan                                                              If you’re aged 60 or over at the
                                             could be eligible for additional
     If you live in England, you could                                              start of your masters’ seasonal
                                             bursary funding.
     be eligible for a maintenance loan                                             academic year, you could receive
     of up to £11,570 from Student           Learning grant and                     a non-repayable bursary of up
     Finance England.                        maintenance loan                       to £4,000 towards study or
                                             ― You could access up to £18,025 of    living costs.
     ― Loans are non-means-tested,             maintenance grants and loans.
       so eligibility isn’t based on
       your income.

NORTHERN IRELAND                      of your life, you may be eligible      OPEN UNIVERSITY
AND SCOTLAND                          for a bursary of £250 to support       STUDENT BUDGET
                                      you with your study costs.             ACCOUNT (OUSBA)
Postgraduate loan
If you live in Northern Ireland or    Disabled Students’ Allowance           When you enrol with
Scotland, you could be eligible       You could access financial             us, you’ll be offered the
for a tuition fee loan of up to       support towards study                  opportunity to pay your fees
£5,500 from Student Finance           costs incurred as a result             through a loan from OUSBA.
Northern Ireland or the Student       of your disability.
                                                                             Here’s how it works
Awards Agency Scotland.
                                      Employer sponsorship                   OUSBA will pay your fees
― Loans are non-means-tested,         Your employer could partially or       to The Open University and
  so eligibility isn’t based on       fully pay for your module fees.        then you can choose to
  your income.                                                               repay OUSBA:
                                      Grant funding
― There’s no upper age limit.         We offer access to a database of       ― in a single sum before
                                      over 600 non-OU funding bodies           your course starts. There’s
― Payments are spread over
                                      offering grants for postgraduate         no interest to pay with
  either two or three years,
                                      students studying, or looking            this option
  depending on your chosen
                                      to study, a masters, PGCE or
  qualification.                                                             ― in monthly instalments
                                      research degree.
                                                                               of up to a year. With this
― Repayments only start when
                                      OU bursaries                             option interest does apply.
  you earn more than the
                                      Available only to OU honours
  income threshold (currently,                                               The interest rate is fixed for
                                      graduates, our bursaries could
  £19,390 in Northern Ireland                                                the duration of the course
                                      help lower the cost of your
  and £25,000 in Scotland).                                                  (representative APR 5.1%).
                                      postgraduate study.
                                                                             If you’re worried about
― You’ll repay 9% of your income
                                      Study related costs                    affordability or a poor credit
  over the threshold – so, for
                                      If you’re on a low household           history, you can apply for a
  example, if you earn £27,000
                                      income, or receive certain             joint loan application with
  and live in Scotland, you’ll
                                      benefits, you might be eligible        a third party. This could be
  repay only £180 that year (9% of
                                      for additional funding for study-      with a partner, sibling or
  £2,000). That’s just £15 a month.
                                      related costs, such as travel,         friend, for example.
― Payments are deducted               childcare and internet access.
                                                                             As a responsible lender,
  automatically from your salary.
                                      Self-funded study                      OUSBA carries out
To be eligible you must be:                                                  affordability checks as part
                                      If you’re not eligible for loan or     of the application process.
― a resident in Northern Ireland      grant funding, we offer a range
  or Scotland                         of other funding options.              To find out more
                                                                             about OUSBA, visit
― studying for an eligible            OUSBA loan                   
  postgraduate qualification.         Pay your fees in instalments           ousba.
                                      with a loan from Open University
Other support                         Student Budget Accounts Ltd.
Carers' Bursary                       See right for more information.
If you provide unpaid care            Card payments
for a friend or family member         Pay for each module with
who cannot cope without your          a debit or credit card in one
                                                                           FIND OUT MORE
support, you may be eligible          quick, simple payment.               Find out more about
for a bursary of £250 to support                                           postgraduate fees and funding.
you with your study costs.            Mixed payments
                                      Combine your payment options                     Visit
Care Experienced Bursary              to fund your studies the way           
If you have been in the care of       you want.                                        pg-fees
a Local Authority at any stage                                                         Call 0300 303 5303
     In this section you    POSTGRADUATE COURSES
     can find information
                            MA/MSc Open                             17
     about the specific
     qualifications that    Arts and humanities                     18

     we offer. There’s      Business and management                 20

     a wide range of        Childhood and youth studies             22
     fascinating subjects
                            Computing and IT                        23
     to choose from.
                            Education                               24

                            Engineering and technology management   26

                            Environmental management
                            and global development

                            Health and social care                  30

                            Languages                               32

                            Law                                     33

                            Mathematics                             34

                            Science                                 36

                            Social science and psychology           37

                            Systems thinking in practice            38



                                                                                                                                      E COURSES
Do you want the freedom to

create a personalised course of

study across a range of academic
disciplines? Then our MA/MSc
Open is ideal.

Not all postgraduate students want to specialise
in the traditional way. This is where our innovative
masters degree is different.

Why choose the MA/MSc Open?            Whatever your reason for
                                       postgraduate study, choosing
Put simply, the MA/MSc Open            the MA/MSc Open will
gives you choice. It allows you        demonstrate your flexibility
the freedom to choose from             in approaching different
a variety of modules across            subjects and the breadth
different subject areas.               of knowledge you’ve gained
You can:                               in related disciplines. You’ll
                                       develop a richer world-view
― Tailor your qualification to suit    in the learning process, bringing
  your needs.                          with it a set of desirable skills
― Choose modules from a wide           and attributes you can apply to
  range of subject areas.              your personal and professional
                                       life, including:
― Study to suit your evolving
  career ambitions or                  ― adaptability
  personal interests.                  ― critical thinking
― Open up your career prospects.       ― analysis and problem solving.
― Count previous study towards
  your qualification.

                   Subjects                            Masters degree

Choose modules from a wide range of
academic disciplines:

― Arts, humanities, music and languages

― Education, psychology
                                                                           MORE ONLINE
  and health science                                    F81 (MA/MSc)
                                                                           Discover more and register online.
― Science, technology, engineering
  and maths                                                                           Visit
― Business, finance, human
  resources and law


     The study of human       Join almost 2,000 students          Many of our postgraduates have
                              currently engaged in our diverse    continued into academic and
     cultures and histories   programme, which covers many        research careers, going on to
     gives us a deeper        fascinating aspects of historical   complete MPhil and/or PhDs.
                              and contemporary cultures. OU       Some publish books and articles
     insight into the world   masters degrees are designed        resulting from their dissertation
     we live in and how       to stretch your abilities and       research. Others have used their
                              refine your research and            newly acquired skills to help take
     we got here. Seek        analytical skills. You’ll gain      their career to a more senior
     intellectual challenge   credible credentials both for       level in areas such as teaching,
                              the world of employment and         journalism, media and public
     and invigorate           for higher-level qualifications.    sector employment.
     your passion for                                             The table below shows the
     the arts with OU                                             postgraduate qualifications
                                                                  we currently offer in arts
     postgraduate study.                                          and humanities.

     Advanced academic
                                                       Postgraduate Postgraduate        Masters
     achievement,                     Subjects
                                                        certificate   diploma           degree
     enhanced career
                              Art history                                              F33 (MA)
     opportunities and
     personal fulfilment:     Classical studies                                        F27 (MA)
     just a few of the
                              Creative writing                                         F71 (MA)
     rewards you’ll get
     from studying            English                                                  F58 (MA)
     with us.
                              History                                                  F28 (MA)

                              Humanities                    C20           D35

                              Music                                                    F32 (MA)

                              Philosophy                                               F30 (MA)

MA in Art History (F33)                inspiring activities. By sharing,   MA in Music (F32)
                                       reading and critiquing work in
Deepen your understanding                                                  This fascinating introduction
                                       progress, your writing practice
of art, architecture and visual                                            to the methods and materials
                                       will be honed as you progress
culture with our online MA, build                                          used for music research will
                                       towards producing a substantial
your analytical and critical skills,                                       suit professionals working in
                                       piece of your own work to a
and develop the skills needed                                              a wide range of music-related
                                       professional standard.
for independent study and                                                  settings and is also applicable
research. You’ll start by exploring    MA in English (F58)                 if you have a leisure interest
the core concepts and recent                                               in music. Your studies will be
developments that have shaped          This online MA offers you a         based in the digital humanities
art history from Renaissance           rich and exciting experience of     using creative technologies to
Italy to the contemporary              higher-level literary study and     develop your research skills and
Caribbean, before expanding            enables you to develop your         critically analyse a variety of
your understanding of visual           independent skills in literary      musical sources. You’ll encounter
and material objects.                  research, culminating in a          a number of musical topics,
                                       dissertation on a topic of your     themes and repertoires from
MA in Classical Studies (F27)          choice. You’ll investigate the      different periods and styles –
                                       variety of ways in which major      as you engage with Western,
Develop your knowledge of
                                       literary figures and narratives     non-Western and popular
the ancient Graeco-Roman
                                       have circulated and been            music – and will be able to tailor
world with our online MA, and
                                       rewritten, broadening your          your studies according to your
prepare for independent study,
                                       knowledge and appreciation          musical interests.
culminating in a dissertation.
                                       of different genres, periods,
You’ll investigate classical studies
                                       techniques and writers – from       MA in Philosophy (F30)
as a multidisciplinary field,
                                       Genesis to J. M. Coetzee.
examining texts, artefacts and                                             This online MA will hone your
other surviving evidence through       MA in History (F28)                 ability to think clearly, reason
a range of theoretical and                                                 logically, and develop your essay
methodological perspectives.           Develop your research and           writing, research and analytical
These include options in classical     writing skills through a close      skills. You’ll put forward and
archaeology, language and              analysis of major themes            evaluate arguments while
reception, and a module                and sources in the local and        exploring current debates and
based around the body                  regional history of Britain         issues in philosophy – engaging
in classical antiquity.                and Ireland 1750–1950 with          with a wide range of fascinating
                                       our online MA. You’ll gain          philosophy texts and areas of
MA in Creative Writing (F71)           practical experience of planning    contemporary enquiry with
                                       projects, finding and analysing     discussions on environmental
This online MA offers an exciting
                                       sources and constructing            aesthetics, consciousness, global
opportunity to develop your
                                       evidenced arguments through         justice and political philosophy.
skills as a writer in fiction,
                                       the completion of your own
poetry, creative non-fiction
                                       independently researched
and scriptwriting. You’ll write
in a genre of your choice and
experiment with at least one                                               MORE ONLINE
other through practical and                                                Discover more and register online.



     Business and              Upgrade your qualifications         Our Business School is one of an
                               and broaden your management         elite group of schools worldwide
     organisations             skills, or seek opportunities       that are accredited by the three
     are a vital part of       to move from a professional,        leading international accrediting
                               functional or technical role        bodies – the Association to
     modern life, global       into a more senior or general       Advance Collegiate Schools
     economies, politics       management position.                of Business (AACSB); the
                               Whatever your starting point        Association of MBAs (AMBA);
     and cultures.             or end goal, gain an extra edge     and the European Foundation
     Studying them and         with a postgraduate qualification   for Management Development,
                               from The Open University            through its EQUIS programme –
     the people who            Business School.                    hallmarks of quality of
     are involved in them                                          teaching, learning materials
                                                                   and qualification impact.
     is rewarding in many
                                                                   The table below shows the
     ways. Apart from                                              postgraduate qualifications
     strengthening your                                            we currently offer in business
                                                                   and management.
     intellectual abilities,
     it can enhance
                                                       Postgraduate Postgraduate        Masters
     your career                      Subjects
                                                        certificate   diploma           degree
     and contribute            Business
                                                            C66           E80          F61 (MBA)
     to society.               administration

                               Finance                      K24           E83          F67 (MSc)

                               Human resource
                                                            K25           E84          F68 (MSc)
                                                                                       F69 (MBA)

                                                                       We have almost

                                                                       successful MBA graduates
                                                                       in 119 countries

Selected highlights                MSc in Finance (F67)                 organisational and management
                                                                        context. Whether you’re at
MBA (F61)                          This qualification is designed
                                                                        the start of your career in
                                   to support professional
                                                                        HR, aspiring to enter the HR
This internationally recognised    development and practice in
                                                                        profession or a line manager,
MBA is designed for practising     a wide range of roles in finance
                                                                        it will give you up-to-date
managers aspiring to higher        – whether you’re developing in
                                                                        knowledge of organisational
positions. The emphasis for        your career or aspiring to enter
                                                                        theory and behaviour and
your learning is directly rooted   the sector. It provides a thorough
                                                                        the specialist skills essential
in management practice. You’ll     grounding in areas such as
                                                                        to practitioners.
focus on strategic analysis        corporate finance, financial
and interdisciplinary skills –     decision-making, financial           You’ll explore HR strategy
building on a solid foundation     reporting and governance.            both within organisations
of core disciplines, including     You’ll develop competences           (including issues such as
human resource management,         in applying statistical and          employee relations and
organisational behaviour,          econometric techniques               employee engagement,
accounting and finance,            and gain knowledge of the            learning and development, and
marketing and operations.          fundamentals of Islamic finance      employee resourcing and talent
                                   and behavioural finance.             management) and in relation
MBA (Technology                                                         to the external environment
Management) (F69)                  You can choose to specialise
                                                                        (including globalisation and
                                   either in derivatives and
If you’re looking for an MBA                                            international forces, social
                                   financial risk management
with a focus on technology,                                             and technological change,
                                   or in investment and portfolio
this is the qualification                                               and government policies
                                   management, and will complete
for you. It’s applicable to                                             and regulation).
                                   your qualification with a
technology management and          dissertation on a finance topic      Completing the MSc, and
technological innovation in a      of your choice that is relevant      the related residential school
wide variety of contexts and       to your interests or chosen          module, provides a route to
sectors, including: information    career development.                  professional membership of the
technology/information                                                  Chartered Institute of Personnel
systems, telecommunications,       This qualification has been
                                                                        and Development (CIPD).
computing, engineering,            accepted into the CFA Institute
manufacturing, transport           University Affiliation Program.
and logistics, retailing, energy
                                   MSc in Human Resource
                                                                        MORE ONLINE
production and supply, defence
and security, management and       Management (F68)                     Discover more and register online.
administration, and any form       This MSc combines an in-depth                   Visit
of services, including health,     understanding of human                
welfare and leisure.               resource (HR) management
                                   with a broader exploration of its


     Our interdisciplinary                                        Postgraduate Postgraduate         Masters
     approach to                                                   certificate   diploma            degree

     postgraduate                       Childhood and
                                                                        K32            E93          F55 (MA)
                                        youth studies
     study in the field
     of childhood and                   advanced qualifications will            Postgraduate Diploma
     youth draws upon                   significantly enhance your              in Childhood and Youth
     aspects from                       career prospects.                       Studies (E93)

     childhood and youth                The table above shows the               The postgraduate diploma
                                        postgraduate qualifications             comprises the first two modules
     studies; sociology;                we currently offer in childhood         from the MA in Childhood
     health and social                  and youth studies.                      and Youth.

     care; psychology;                  MA in Childhood and Youth (F55)         Postgraduate Certificate
                                                                                in Childhood and Youth
     and education.                     This masters degree delivers
                                                                                Studies (K32)
                                        an interdisciplinary approach to
                                        studying childhood and youth,           The postgraduate certificate
     Our teaching approach
                                        covering aspects of theory, policy      comprises the first module from
     encourages students to link
                                        and practice. It’s well suited if you   the MA in Childhood and Youth.
     theory to practical application
                                        work with, or aspire to work with,
     and policy. You’ll improve your
                                        children and young people. Or, if
     knowledge, critical reflection
                                        you want to advance academically          You may also be interested
     and insight into working with
                                        or in your profession. It’s designed      in our QUALIFICATIONS IN
     children and young people
                                        for graduates in childhood and            EDUCATION see page 24
     on each module.
                                        youth studies; sociology; health
     This subject is particularly       and social care; anthropology;
     relevant if you’re a graduate      psychology; or education.
     working in (or aspiring to
                                        The MA comprises three
     work in) early-years provision,
                                        60-credit modules: Children
     education, social work, nursing,
                                        and young people’s worlds
     psychology, healthcare, youth-
                                        (E808); Frameworks for critical
     work settings, youth justice
                                        practice with children and
     or the voluntary sector. You can
                                        young people (E809); and
     build up your study from the
                                        a dissertation module (E822).
     certificate towards the masters
     degree. Achievement of these


                                                                                                                   POSTGRADUATE COURSES
Stay at the forefront                                        Postgraduate Postgraduate         Masters
of computing                                                  certificate   diploma            degree

and IT with OU                      Advanced networking           K39
postgraduate study.
Professionals with                  Computing                     K22            E81           F66 (MSc)

a strong skill set                  Cyber security                               E96           F87 (MSc)
and advanced
knowledge are very                  Postgraduate Diploma                 Postgraduate Diploma in
much in demand.                     in Computing (E81)                   Cyber Security (E96)

                                    This flexible diploma enables        This industry-relevant
We work with employers and          computing practitioners to           qualification gives a rigorous
sector-skills councils to offer     pursue their career goals. You’ll    approach to the study and
industry-relevant qualifications.   gain advanced knowledge, skills      application of cyber security.
We map our study to sector-skills   and techniques, and develop          It covers a range of topics and
frameworks to ensure you’ll have    a professional approach to           incorporates transferable skills
the skills employers need.          the study and application of         for professional development.
                                    computing. You can choose            It’s also the first two-thirds
The table above shows the
                                    modules to meet the varied           of our MSc in Cyber Security.
postgraduate qualifications
                                    requirements of industry
we currently offer in                                                    Postgraduate Certificate
                                    and your own career. Or focus
computing and IT.                                                        in Advanced Networking
                                    on information security and
                                    forensics, networking, or            (CCNP Enterprise) (K39)
MSc in Computing (F66)              software engineering.
                                                                         Focused on current and in-
This qualification covers a                                              demand industry certification
range of topics, incorporating      MSc in Cyber Security (F87)
                                                                         from Cisco, this qualification
transferable skills applicable      Cyber security is a growing          offers a route into a masters
to professional development.        concern. There’s currently           programme as well as attractive
Choose between four routes.         a major skills gap and global        commercial accreditation. The
A flexible route lets you choose    demand for cyber security            certificate fully incorporates the
modules to suit your needs. Or      professionals. Our MSc will          Cisco CCNP Enterprise discipline
choose between the Information      develop the skills needed to         (Cisco Certified Network
Security and Forensics route,       pursue a career in the industry.     Professional). It takes a systemic
the Networking route or the         You’ll cover a range of topics       technology-focused approach to
Software Engineering route          that include information security,   enterprise-based infrastructure
to develop in-depth specialist      digital forensics and other          network management, as well as
knowledge. Finish with an           fundamental concepts, and            offering a route into a computing
independent project on              complete your masters with an        masters degree.
a topic of your choice.             independent project on a cyber
                                    security topic of your choice.
                                                                         MORE ONLINE
                                                                         Discover more and register online.



     Whether you’re          The Masters degree in                For those living or working in
                             Education (and its associated        Wales and looking to move into
     an experienced          Postgraduate Certificate and         teaching, our Postgraduate
     practitioner or         Diploma in Professional Studies      Certificate in Education in Wales
                             in Education) allows you to          offers a flexible way to progress
     looking to move         choose subject content most          from classroom support to
     into an education-      appropriate to your professional     qualified teacher in just 2 years.
                             area of interest.                    You can choose from teaching
     related role, our                                            primary or secondary level in a
                             Subject areas include:
     qualifications                                               range of subjects, either part or
                             ― applied linguistics                full time, and you can learn in
     offer flexibility for                                        English or Welsh – it’s up to you.
     your professional       ― inclusive practice
                                                                  No matter what you decide
     development and         ― leadership and management          to study, your postgraduate
                                                                  study will develop your
     the opportunity         ― learning and teaching.
                                                                  capacity to reflect critically
     to gain career          The Postgraduate Certificate         and constructively with
                             in Online and Distance               others in a learning community,
     credentials to          Education provides hands-on          engage with the ideas and
     help you establish      experience of a range of learning    frameworks presented in
                             technologies. This enables you       the modules and apply them
     yourself as a leader    to develop specialist professional   to your practice. You’ll also
     in your field.          expertise in the latest teaching     acquire skills and experience in
                             approaches relevant to digital       tackling and solving problems.
                             learning and global education.
                                                                  The table below shows the
                                                                  postgraduate qualifications
                                                                  we currently offer in education.

                                                        Postgraduate Postgraduate       Masters
                                                         certificate   diploma          degree

                             Education                      K27           E88        F70 (MA/MEd)

                             Online and distance
                             certificate in                 K36
                             education in Wales

Masters degree                      Postgraduate Certificate
in Education (F70)                  in Online and Distance                    Develop your
                                    Education (C23)                           teaching skills with
This flexible qualification                                                   a microcredential
offers four specialist routes.      Study the theory and practice
Your choice of route lets you       of online and distance education,         Our new microcredentials
engage with issues, concepts        and the innovative use of new             offer practical work-
and debates that support your       media and technologies.                   related skills, cutting-edge
professional development.                                                     knowledge, and university
Choose from applied linguistics;    Postgraduate Certificate in               credit in just 10–12 weeks.
inclusive practice; leadership      Education in Wales (K36)
                                                                              These sector-endorsed
and management; and learning
                                    This PGCE allows those living             courses help you develop
and teaching. You’ll expand your
                                    or working in Wales to achieve            expertise in topics
research and communication
                                    Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).           specifically relevant to
skills through a dissertation.
                                    It will equip you with all the skills     online teaching and teacher
                                    and experience you need to start          development, such as
Postgraduate Diploma
                                    in the teaching profession.               creating courses for adult
in Professional Studies
in Education (E88)                                                            learners, embedding mental
                                                                              health in your curriculum,
The postgraduate diploma              You may also be interested              accessibility and inclusion.
comprises the first two-thirds of     in our MA IN TRANSLATION
the Masters degree in Education.      (page 32) or MA IN                      Explore the microcredentials
                                      CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH                     we offer and what they
Postgraduate Certificate              STUDIES (page 22)                       could do for you at
in Professional Studies in                                          
Education (K27)                                                               microcredentials.

The postgraduate certificate
comprises the first third of the
Masters degree in Education.

                                                                            MORE ONLINE
                                                                            Discover more and register online.



     Qualified engineers    Imagination and the ability         Accreditation
                            to integrate technologies into
     and technologists      an organisation’s products,
                                                                Our MSc in Engineering
                                                                fulfils the Engineering Council’s
     now rank among         processes and services are in
                                                                educational requirements
                            great demand throughout public
     the highest paid       and voluntary sectors. As well
                                                                for Chartered Engineer
                                                                (CEng) status under UK-SPEC 1,
     professionals,         as private business and industry.
                                                                and is accredited by the
     according to           The table below shows the           Institution of Engineering
                            postgraduate qualifications we      and Technology (IET).
     EngineeringUK. It's    currently offer in engineering      1
                                                                    UK-SPEC (UK Standard for Professional
     an innovative sector   and technology management.              Engineering Competence) sets out the

     at the forefront                                               requirements for UK engineers to achieve
                                                                    professional status.

     of environmental
     and technological                              Postgraduate Postgraduate                Masters
     advancements.                                   certificate   diploma                   degree

                            Engineering                                      E22            F46 (MSc)

                                                         C49                E08              F36 (MSc)

Selected highlights
MSc in Engineering (F46)          MSc in Technology
                                  Management (F36)
The MSc is a milestone
on the route to becoming          This MSc provides the
a Chartered Engineer (CEng).      knowledge and skills to
You’ll develop a professional     make decisions about
approach to your work and         technology strategy, innovation
extend your engineering skills.   and management. You’ll focus
You’ll also develop a range       on the operational aspects
of transferable skills, such      of managing technological
as creative problem solving,      innovation and change. You’ll
effective communication,          go on to explore a range of
project management and            capabilities that are key to the
concept realisation.              strategic development and
                                  management of technological
Postgraduate Diploma in           innovation. Finally, you’ll
Engineering (E22)                 conclude with an in-depth
                                  investigation of a topic or
Combine modules from
                                  problem of your choice.
engineering analysis and
technology management
to shape a qualification that
suits your career aspirations.
You’ll broaden and deepen your
understanding of professional
engineering and work
collaboratively on a project.
The diploma is the first step
on the route to Chartered
Engineer status and is the
same in structure as the
first two-thirds of the MSc.
                                                                     MORE ONLINE
                                                                     Discover more and register online.


     We live in an age                                          Postgraduate Postgraduate        Masters
     dominated by                                                certificate   diploma           degree

     concerns about                   Environmental
                                                                     K19           E79          F65 (MSc)
     the environment,                 management

     development,                     Environmental                        Accreditation
     cultural conflict,                                                    Both our MSc and Postgraduate
                                      Complying with environmental         Diploma in Environmental
     poverty and war.                 legislation. Improving the           Management are accredited
                                      competitive edge of a business.      by the following professional
     Individuals, organisations       Addressing the global challenges     institutions:
     and governments are being        of climate change and energy
                                                                           ― Chartered Institution of
     challenged to think more         conservation. Environmental
                                                                             Water and Environmental
     proactively about the local      management is becoming
     and global impact of their       increasingly important
     actions. This shift has made     to everyone.                         ― Institute of Environmental
     the importance of finding                                               Management & Assessment.
                                      If you’re interested in designing,
     sustainable solutions to these
                                      managing and participating
     issues even more vital.
                                      in effective environmental
                                      management, our postgraduate
                                                                           Selected highlight
                                      qualifications are for you.
                                                                           MSc in Environmental
                                      Our student body is diverse
                                                                           Management (F65)
                                      and experienced – drawn
                                      from local government,               Expand your knowledge
                                      consultancies, industry,             and skills needed for effective,
                                      commerce, non-governmental           informed and creative
                                      organisations and communities.       environmental management.

                                      The table above shows the            You’ll examine current local
                                      postgraduate qualifications          and global concerns in
                                      we currently offer in                areas such as environmental
                                      environmental management.            protection, legislation and
                                                                           policy, and natural resource
                                                                           management. Developing your
                                                                           skills in analysing the issues
                                                                           and improving environmental
                                                                           performance in all sectors.

Global development
                                                                Postgraduate Postgraduate       Masters
Global development gets ever                                     certificate   diploma          degree
more complex as more agencies
become involved. The right          Global development              K37           E86           F86 (MSc)
of ‘beneficiaries’ to participate
in their own development is         Global development
increasingly asserted. New goals    management
emerge, complementing and
confronting existing ones. The
                                    MSc in Global                         the credits gained on this
global development agenda is
                                    Development (F86)                     qualification could be used
currently dominated by the UN’s
                                                                          towards the postgraduate
Sustainable Development Goals       This masters degree focuses on
                                                                          diploma and masters degree
– 17 targets that UN member         alternative approaches, policies
                                                                          in global development.
states have committed to            and actions to address global
achieve by 2030. These include      development challenges and            Postgraduate Certificate
reducing poverty and taking         promote sustainable futures.          in Global Development
action on climate change.                                                 Management (K38)
                                    You’ll improve your
Our global development              understanding of modern               Aimed at development
curriculum will allow you to        development challenges                professionals, this postgraduate
address these complexities.         by exploring historical               certificate takes a practical
Doing so will strengthen            and contemporary contexts.            approach to development
your policy development and         Through critical reflection,          interventions. It’ll develop your
project management skills,          you’ll learn to better understand     skills to negotiate development
enhancing your capacity             the theories behind current           effectively in contexts affected
to build the organisational         approaches, and build the             by conflicting interests, values
relationships needed for truly      skills needed to negotiate            and agendas.
sustainable development.            development effectively. You’ll
                                    relate these skills to your current   On completion, you’ll also be
The table above shows                                                     able to use this qualification as
                                    work, enabling you to grow
the postgraduate qualifications                                           a pathway to the postgraduate
                                    professionally and bring about
we currently offer in                                                     diploma and masters degree
                                    sustainable development.
global development.                                                       in global development.
                                    Postgraduate Certificate in
                                    Global Development (K37)

                                    On this postgraduate certificate,
                                    you’ll explore the historical and
                                    contemporary theories about
                                    development and its impact.
                                    You’ll use real-world case studies    MORE ONLINE
                                    to engage with these theories
                                    in challenging contexts, and          Discover more and register online.
                                    understand which approaches                         Visit
                                    are most appropriate.                     
                                    Whilst developed as a
                                    standalone qualification,

     The health and social                                       Postgraduate Postgraduate        Masters
     care sector offers a                                         certificate   diploma           degree

     wealth of rewarding              Advanced clinical
                                                                      K33            E95          F85 (MSc)
     opportunities for                practice

     professional learning.           Social work                                    E85          F80 (MA)
     Our practice-focused
     qualifications enable            Social work                            Postgraduate Diploma in
                                                                             Social Work (E85)
     you to build on                  This programme – consisting of
     existing professional            a diploma and a masters degree         This is a professional social work
                                                                             qualification which will enable
                                      – is interdisciplinary, with subject
     experience to                    matter derived from psychology,        you to apply for registration
     progress your career             sociology, social policy, law and      as a qualified social worker
                                                                             with Social Work England
                                      social work studies.
     in the area you’re                                                      (SWE) or the Scottish Social
     most interested in.              MA in Social Work (F80)                Services Council (SSSC). The
                                                                             qualification combines academic
                                      This course will enhance               and practice-based learning.
     The table above shows the        your knowledge of social work          It includes two substantive
     postgraduate qualifications      theory and legislation, apply          work-based practice placements
     we currently offer in health     your learning to practice,             and will equip you to engage
     and social care.                 and develop your critical and          in critical and reflective
                                      analytical skills as a qualified       professional practice.
     We also offer a Professional     practitioner. It includes an
     Doctorate in Health and Social   embedded, professionally               The postgraduate diploma
     Care, to find out more, visit    qualifying postgraduate                includes a compulsory residential                                              weekend or online alternative,
                                      diploma in social work.
                                                                             and three practice skills
                                                                             workshops in addition to the
                                                                             work-based practice placements.

Advanced                           MSc in Advanced Clinical              Postgraduate Certificate in
clinical practice                  Practice (F85)                        Non-Medical Prescribing (K33)

This programme provides            This qualification develops the       This qualification enables you
a flexible path for registered     skills and knowledge required         to gain the knowledge and skills
health professionals to develop    to allow experienced, registered      required for safe, appropriate
into autonomous and leadership     allied health professionals,          and effective prescribing
roles in advanced clinical         nurses and pharmacists to take        practice. You will also become
practice. It includes a masters    on expanded roles and scope           eligible to apply for the
degree in advanced clinical        of practice. By focusing on           annotation to your regulator
practice, a postgraduate diploma   the four pillars that underpin        register as an Independent
in enhanced clinical practice      advanced clinical practice –          and/or Supplementary
and a postgraduate certificate     leadership and management,            Prescriber. You’ll become
in non-medical prescribing.        education, research, and clinical     equipped and ready to be
                                   practice – you’ll develop your        responsible and accountable
Partial or full funding for        core capabilities and clinical        for the assessment of
the MSc may be available           competence to work as a highly        patients with diagnosed and
through healthcare employers.      autonomous practitioner across        undiagnosed conditions, with
Additionally, there are some       the health care sector.               the decision-making skills
charitable organisations                                                 required in clinical management.
who also offer financial           Postgraduate Diploma
support for continuing             in Enhanced Clinical
professional development,          Practice (E95)
for example, the Florence
Nightingale Foundation.            This diploma is designed for
                                   experienced, registered allied
                                   health professionals, nurses and
                                   pharmacists who are employed
                                   in clinical roles and are seeking
                                   to develop enhanced practice
                                   roles. It will help you develop the
                                   clinical knowledge, leadership
                                   and assessment skills needed
                                   to work in enhanced clinical
                                   practice roles, across a variety      MORE ONLINE
                                   of clinical settings, within
                                                                         Discover more and register online.
                                   primary and secondary care.


     With increasing                                              Postgraduate Postgraduate       Masters
     global demand                                                 certificate   diploma          degree

     for translators and
                                        Translation                   K30           E92           F79 (MA)
     language specialists,
     our postgraduate
                                        MA in Translation (F79)             part in online open translation
     qualifications will                                                    projects, giving you options
                                        This qualification will develop
     provide you with the               your skills as a translator,
                                                                            to choose what you translate
                                                                            and connect with established
     knowledge and skills               equipping you to work in the
                                                                            translation communities.
                                        fast-growing translation-services
     to embark on a career              industry. You’ll experiment         Postgraduate Certificate in
     as a translator.                   with different genres through       Translation (K30)
                                        practical translation activities
                                        and hone your practice through      The postgraduate certificate
     An immensely rewarding
                                        peer review. You’ll gain hands-on   comprises the first module of
     profession, translation is
                                        experience of the tools used in     the MA. The certificate enables
     for those with an interest in
                                        this evolving area, for example,    you to start developing your skills
     languages and communication.
                                        audiovisual translation and         as a translator. You’ll engage
     It encompasses a wide
                                        cloud-based translation tools.      in authentic translation tasks
     and growing range of areas
                                        You’ll underpin your work with      to develop useful employability
     including audiovisual
                                        an understanding of translation     skills, explore different
     translation, advertising and
                                        theories and debates, which         approaches to translation
     website localisation. It also
                                        you’ll demonstrate when             and develop an understanding
     covers semi-specialised
                                        producing a dissertation or         of the links between theory
     and specialised translation.
                                        extended translation project.       and practice. Focusing
     You can study French, German,                                          on recent research and
     Italian, Spanish, Modern           Postgraduate Diploma in             technologies, you’ll develop
     Standard Arabic, or Mandarin       Translation (E92)                   an awareness of wider cultural,
     Chinese – in combination                                               ethical and professional contexts.
                                        The postgraduate diploma
     with English.
                                        comprises the first two modules
     The table above shows the          of the MA. The diploma builds
                                                                              You may also be interested
     postgraduate qualifications        on the work covered in the
                                                                              in our MA IN EDUCATION
     we currently offer in languages.   postgraduate certificate and
                                                                              (APPLIED LINGUISTICS)
                                        progresses your translation
                                                                              (see page 24)
                                        practice through hands-on
                                        experience of translation
                                        technology. You’ll also take

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