BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

Page created by Gabriel Farmer
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

               02 Welcome to the Massey Business School

               BUSINESS DEGREES
                    Bachelor of Business
                    Conjoint Degrees
               18   Bachelor of Accountancy
               20   Bachelor of Agricommerce
               28   Bachelor of Sport Management

               OTHER PROGRAMMES
               30 Communication Qualifications
               31 Diploma in Business Studies
               31 Certificate in Business Studies

               CONTACT MASSEY
               32 Contact Massey for more information

               UPDATED MAY 2020
               Please note: The information contained in this publication is indicative of the of-
               ferings available in 2021 and subsequent years. This information may be subject to
               change. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure listed programmes are
               offered and regulations are up to date, the University reserves the right to change
               the content or method of presentation, or to withdraw any qualification or part
               thereof, or impose limitations on enrolments. For the most up to date information
               please go to
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

                                                               TO THE MASSEY
                                                               BUSINESS SCHOOL
          NAU MAI HAERE MAI KI TE KURA WHAI PAKIHI                                        He kai kei aku ringa! Koia hei mihi atu ki a tātou kei te tātou te tikanga kia
          How do you give yourself the best advantage in the competitive world of         tīkina atu e tātou te pito mata hei oranga mō tātou.
          business? By getting started with us.                                           I have food in my hands! This is a word of encouragement to remind
          Massey Business School provides an opportunity to establish a career            ourselves that we have the power to utilise our basic skill set to reach our
          in business through the development of advanced discipline-specific             fullest potential.
          knowledge, and the skills and networks critical to the future of work.          Professor Stephen Kelly
          Through a combination of course work, internships, project opportunities,       Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, Massey Business School
          extra-curricular activities, and international exchange programs, Massey
          Business School has developed a learning environment that is challenging        *AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
          and full of opportunity. We also provide you with flexibility, allowing you
          to study on and off campus through exceptional face-to-face and online          „ EZEKIEL RAUI
          learning facilities, full or part-time depending on your needs, and with          (Te Rarawa)
          program structures that allow you to explore other areas of interest, or          Graduated in 2019
          deepen your knowledge by studying more than one area of specialization.           Programme Manager, Te Rau Ora
          We also believe that rather than just study business our students should          Since my first failed attempt at
          practice business. That’s why we partner closely with leading New                 organising a talent show, I knew
          Zealand and global companies and offer a range of internships and other           business was for me. From the
          opportunities, allowing you to interact with businesses as part of your           ideation stage right through to
          program. Our Trading Room, the first for a New Zealand university, allows         pitching an idea to potential
          students to trade in real dollars on the NZX, and other practice facilities       stakeholders, I have always
          enable hands-on experience in entrepreneurship and business analytics.            enjoyed the thrill that business
          We also recognize that today’s students need skills that can take them            has to offer.
          to the top of the business world anywhere, so we focus on relevant and            The Bachelor of Business helped
          future-focused learning that is global in its application. For example, our       me come to understand the
          recently refreshed Bachelor of Business has been redesigned to focus on           importance of infrastructure, the
          critical thinking and build resilience and adaptability in our graduates – to     necessity of understanding my
          ensure they are equipped for a rapidly changing world.                            audience, the key role a team plays in the wellbeing of an organisation.
          Massey Business School is ranked in the top two per cent of business              I was exposed to business leaders, innovators, policy makers and more,
          schools globally and holds the prestigious AACSB* accreditation, along            who continued to add value to what I was studying and encouraged me
          with a range of subject-specific accreditations. Several of our programmes        to go further.
          are ranked in the top 200 globally by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and we            One major takeaway from my degree that has shaped me into who I am
          have some of the finest academics here to guide you through research-led          today is the importance of ensuring sustainability. This includes being
          teaching. You are learning the latest trends from experts in their fields.        socially, economically, culturally and environmentally sustainable, as well
          With three campuses across the North Island and a 50-year history of              as placing a priority on future-proofing and building your business into
          quality distance learning, we are committed to ‘anywhere, anytime’                one that can sustain itself.
          learning. Students often note our flexible approach, small class sizes and        I am a Programme Manager for Te Rau Ora, a workforce development
          caring environment as being key to their success.                                 organisation focused on improving the health workforce, with a specific
          Whether you dream of being a CEO, entrepreneur, economist, human                  focus on Māori health. I am responsible for the eight people in my team,
          resources manager, marketing manager, property developer, or even if              who I feel I am able to support as a result of what I have studied and
          all you know is that you want to excel in the business world, we can              experienced during my time at Massey University. Without my degree, I
          help. Massey Business School will get your career started from a strong           do not feel I would be able to confidently lead the team or make effective
          foundation and ensure you have the skills to succeed, no matter where             decisions.
          your future takes you.                                                            I am the first in my family to attend and graduate from university. I never
                                                                                            thought that completing a degree was a part of my future, but the
                                                                                            Bachelor of Business made that possible – so much so that I intend on
                                                                                            studying towards a PhD.
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

                                 KEY FACTS
                   AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                 AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ

                                             BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
                    EQUIVALENT TO 3 YEARS
                        OF FULL-TIME STUDY
                        DISTANCE LEARNING    BBus
                                             A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                > An ethical and culturally sensitive professional
                                             > Want to gain skills all employers are looking     > A specialist in at least one area of business
                                               for, as well as detailed knowledge in business      expertise, and well-versed in the business
                                               subjects you are interested in                      fundamentals
                                             > Want to learn how to change business for the
                                               better, or start up your own                      SCHOLARSHIPS
                                             > Can think things through analytically             There are a large number of scholarships
                                             > Enjoy meeting new people, and are a good          available to first-year and current Massey
                                               communicator                                      University business students including hardship
                                                                                                 and sports-related scholarships.
                                             SOUGHT-AFTER BY EMPLOYERS                           Our Future Leaders Scholarship is a prestigious
                                             Within six months of graduation, approximately      scholarship to recognise emerging leaders
                                             85% of Massey’s Bachelor of Business graduates      enrolling in full-time business and agricommerce
                                             are employed in the business area of their choice   programmes at Massey University.
                                             in New Zealand or internationally. When you         Visit for more
                                             study the Bachelor of Business you will gain        information.
                                             the leadership, communication, teamwork and
                                             creative skills that employers are looking for.     INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED
                                                                                                 Massey’s business school is ranked in the top
                                             WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                    two per cent globally, with accreditation from
                                             Massey University’s Bachelor of Business is         AACSB International (Association to Advance
                                             about you getting the most from your studies in     Collegiate Schools of Business).
                                             business, so you can go on to a great career.       Massey University’s accountancy and finance
                                                                                                 programme ranks in the top 150 universities in
                                             DEVELOP THE SKILLS EMPLOYERS                        the world and its business and management
                                             ARE LOOKING FOR                                     studies in the top 200 by QS (Quacquarelli
                                             The Bachelor of Business will give you many         Symonds) rankings. We are also ranked in the
                                             skills you can use in many different types of       top 150 universities
                                             businesses, in New Zealand and around the           worldwide for business
                                             world. You will be:                                 administration and
                                             > Someone that has a sound base in the              finance programmes by
                                                business fundamentals of accounting,             the ShanghaiRanking's
                                                economics, finance, management, marketing,       Global Ranking of Academic Subjects.
                                                law and communication
                                             > An independent learner                            ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                             > An innovative thinker                             To enrol in the BBus degree you must have
                                             > An effective communicator                         an entrance to university qualification, either
                                             > Able to lead or work within a team                through Bursaries and Scholarship Examinations,
                                             > Someone who can find and use the latest           NCEA, New Zealand University Entrance,
                                                knowledge to grow a business                     Admission with Equivalent Status, Discretionary
                                             > Effective in multi-cultural and international     Entrance or Special Admission.
                                                business environments
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University
                                                                                                                                                                 STUDY A

English and Maths are desirable school subjects. A school background in        > Economist, economic statistician, business/policy/risk analyst, economic
Accounting and Economics is useful but not essential.                            forecaster, financial advisor or consultant
Exemptions on the basis of high NCEA Level 3 marks are available in            > Small business manager, new venture initiator, or project manager
Statistics, Accounting and Economics.                                          > Financial analyst, investment banking analyst, sharebroker, or
Students who have achieved 24 credits at NCEA Level 3 with an average            financial consultant
of Merit and have a high overall achievement, or have a scholarship in the     > Human resource or recruitment manager, or facilitator in
relevant subject(s), may be eligible to be exempt from taking the following      employment relations
core courses: 115.112 Accounting for Business, 115.113 Economics of            > International market developer, or dealer in exporting, licensing,
Business. Students who think they are in this category, can apply for an         and importing
exemption by contacting Student Advice and Information. Please note            > Market researcher, marketing manager, or advertising and
that students will need to take another course in place of any exemptions        communication specialist
granted and even if eligible, we do not advise applying for more than two      > Professional sports administrator, sports marketer, or events manager
exemptions.                                                                    > Property manager, property developer, or valuer.

PLANNING YOUR PROGRAMME                                                        TYPICAL PATTERN FOR A BBus DEGREE
Completing the minimum 360 credits needed for the BBus degree will                 Year 1                                       Year 2            Year 3
normally take you three years of full-time study. Students who intend to
study part-time will manage their study over a longer time frame but not           115.111 Strategic Workplace                   115.211          300-level
exceeding eight years.                                                             Communication (15 credits)                    (15 credits)     (15 credits)
You need to choose a major when you begin your BBus studies. However               115.112 Accounting for Business               115.212          300-level
do not be concerned about this, as you may change your major if you                (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
identify a new direction or interest during the first year. Some students
know what they will major in when they begin BBus studies, while others            115.113 Economics of Business                 200-level        300-level
prefer to keep their options open. If you are not sure you should include          (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
the six core 100-level courses in Year One, this will ensure you have more
                                                                                   115.114 Finance Fundamentals                  200-level        300-level
choice later on.
                                                                                   (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
The BBS core courses are:
115.111 Strategic Workplace Communication                                          115.115 Management in Context                 200-level        Elective
115.112 Accounting for Business                                                    (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
115.113 Economics of Business
115.114 Finance Fundamentals                                                       115.116 Introduction to Marketing             200-level        Elective
115.115 Management in Context                                                      (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
115.116 Introduction to Marketing                                                  Elective 100 or 200 level                     Elective         Elective
115.211 Business Law                                                               (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
115.212 Fundamentals of Leadership and Teamwork
                                                                                   Elective 100 or 200 level                     Elective         Elective
The BBus is a flexible programme, which allows students to decide which            (15 credits)                                  (15 credits)     (15 credits)
of the available courses to study each semester, depending on their needs      120 credits                                      120 credits       120 credits
and objectives.
                                                                                   Compulsory      Major           Elective
The language used in the study of business can be technical. If English        >    Most courses are 15 credits each
is your second language, 192.101 and 192.102 will be useful to help you        >    Core courses: 120 credits in total
understand and use English at the necessary level, which will support the      >    Major courses: 120 credits in total
successful completion of your Bachelor of Business.                            >    Elective courses: 120 credits with no more than 90 credits at 100-level
192.101 is Academic English for ESOL Students. It includes advice, practice         and at least 15 credits at 300 level. Elective courses may be taken from
and assessment of reading, writing, speaking and listening at university for        the Schedules to any undergraduate degree or diploma in the Massey
students from non-English-speaking backgrounds.                                     Business School including the BBus, or from any undergraduate degree
192.102 is Academic Writing for ESOL Students. It includes advice,                  or diploma within the University.
practice and assessment in essay and report writing for students from non-
English-speaking backgrounds.                                                  PATHWAY TO POSTGRADUATE STUDY
These courses both include research-based written assessments of more              ENROL IN...
than 1000 words.
CAREERS                                                                            Bachelor of Business [3 years]       â
                                                                                                                              Postgraduate Diploma in
More than any other business degree, the Bachelor of Business equips you                                                      Business [1 year]
with flexible and highly portable skills that employers welcome. Your skills                      ä                     è                     ä
will be useful across industries, in small businesses settings and within
multi-national organisations.                                                      Master of Management                       Master of Business Studies
Depending on the major specialisation that you choose for your Bachelor of         [1.5 years]                                [1.5 years]
Business you can join the world of business in many different roles, such                                                                     ä
as:                                                                                                                           Doctor of Philosophy
> Management accountant or financial accountant                                                                               [3 years]
> Business, systems or information analyst
> Public relations, communications manager, or media consultant
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

                                                     KEY FACTS
                                       AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                      AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                             AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                               IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                          A major of the BBus

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...
          > Are able to consider the bigger picture in problem solving situations
          > Enjoy business subjects at school
          > Can communicate complex ideas in simple ways

          BE READY FOR ANY BUSINESS CHALLENGE                                          CAREERS
          This degree will help you become an accountancy specialist with the broad    The accountancy major prepares you primarily for careers in business.
          business knowledge and skills that employers seek.                           However, you may also find opportunities in education, the corporate
                                                                                       or public sector, or as a consultant providing business or tax advisory
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                             services. An accountancy major can also lead to a career within general
          The Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) will allow you to become an           management.
          accountant with an integrated business perspective. You will gain the        Because the major is flexible and gives you the opportunity to concentrate
          skills and confidence to measure the big decisions affecting modern          on a particular area of accountancy, career options are numerous
          organisations and societies. These are skills that today’s employers seek,   depending on the combination of courses you choose to take. Many of
          both in New Zealand and internationally.                                     our graduates start their careers in accounting but later move into other
                                                                                       areas. They are able to take with them the financial and non-financial
          BECOME AN EXCELLENT COMMUNICATOR                                             performance evaluation skills important for senior executives.
          You will develop your ability to identify and communicate information        BBus graduates with an accountancy major can seek admission to
          important to organisations. The programme will help you make financial       Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand or CPA Australia by
          and non-financial judgements from available resources and will develop       completing a number of courses not specifically required in the Bachelor
          your interpersonal, computer and business communication skills.              of Business degree. The right course selection also provides graduates
                                                                                       with maximum exemptions for ACCA, and ten exemptions for CIMA. If you
          A PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY CAREER?                                           would like more information on professional body membership, please
          If you are certain you would like to follow a professional accounting        contact the School of Accountancy Administrator. You should seek advice
          career, you should consider the Bachelor of Accountancy programme as an      early in your degree programme as a number of the required courses
          alternative to the Bachelor of Business (Accountancy). See page 18.          should be included in your degree as electives, making the order of course
                                                                                       selection important.

                                                                                       „ CARL GRAY BBus (Accountancy)
                                                                                         Graduated in 2016.
                                                                                         Auditor – KPMG.
                                                                                         "The flexible study options include being able to view lectures online and
                                                                                         participate in virtual classrooms which allowed me to study the Bachelor
                                                                                         of Business when I wanted and in a way that worked for me.
                                                                                         The lecturers were all fantastic; their knowledge and real world
                                                                                         experience helped to bring the topics alive and provide relevance to what
                                                                                         we were learning."
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University
                                                                                                                                               STUDY A

                                          KEY FACTS
                            AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                           AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                    IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                     A major of the BBus

                                                                       SOUGHT-AFTER BY EMPLOYERS
                                                                       Massey’s economics programme has been acknowledged by
                                                                       industry for its quality and content. Our graduates are sought after
                                                                       by major public and private sector employers for their leadership,
                                                                       communication and critical thinking skills. Many are now placed
                                                                       in prestigious organisations within New Zealand and around the

                                                                       The skills and knowledge of trained economists are in demand by
                                                                       public and private sector, large and small firms, large international
                                                                       agencies, schools and universities, economic policy makers and
                                                                       social organisations. The following list are examples of some of the
                                                                       options open to you:
                                                                       „ Agricultural economist
                                                                       „ Business analyst
                                                                       „ Economic consultant
                                                                       „ Energy research officer
                                                                       „ Environmental economist
                                                                       „ Financial policy advisor
A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                   „ Health economist
„ Would like to figure out how to make the world a better place        „ International economist
„ Enjoy working with numbers                                           „ Institution development coordinator
„ Think analytically and logically                                     „ Microeconomics analyst
                                                                       „ Trainee dealer
Economics has a huge impact on the way the world works. Find out       Treasury, the Reserve Bank and the World Bank all recruit
how to make the best of what we have and how we can improve.           economics graduates. However, on graduating in economics you
                                                                       are not restricted to a career as an ‘economist’. Your economics
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                       degree can be the gateway to employment in many other areas, like
Like most of life’s important questions, economics focuses on          management, planning, politics, education, finance and banking,
complex interrelationships. It’s about how a change in one area will   and journalism and the media. You can design your economics
have repercussions elsewhere. An economics degree from Massey          major to meet your interests and career objectives.
will provide you with ways of thinking about the world, how to make
the best of what we have and how to improve on it.

Massey’s Bachelor of Business (Economics) gives you lots of
flexibility in the subjects that you study. You will gain a strong
grounding in economic theory as well as a broad understanding
of the core elements of business such as accountancy, finance,
marketing and management.
BUSINESS 2021 - Massey University

                                                  KEY FACTS
                                    AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                   AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                          AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                            IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING            A major of the BBus

                                           A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                               > Share Broker: acts as an agent for buyers and
                                           > Have an analytical mind and enjoy                  sellers of securities and provides advice to
                                             working with numbers                               customers on financial matters
                                           > Are interested in money and how
                                             financial institutions work                      FINANCIAL POLICY
                                           > Keep a calm head in stressful situations         > Analyst, Public Company: provides economic
                                                                                                costing support of operational and strategic
                                           WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                     decisions, micro-economic analysis of firms
                                           A finance major lets you structure a personal        and market and prepares forecasts and
                                           study programme incorporating a wide range of        simulations
                                           disciplines to help develop your numeracy, logic   > Analyst, Reserve Bank: develops policies
                                           and analytical skills.                               relating to the prudential supervision of
                                                                                                banks and monitors, analyses and reports on
                                           AFFECT WHERE MONEY GOES                              financial information relating to registered
                                           Finance is all about the systems, institutions       banks. Conducts research on matters relating
                                           and instruments involved in the transfer of          to the banking system
                                           funds between individuals, businesses and          > Analyst, Treasury: provides economic analysis
                                           governments. This includes vital, short-run          for development of social policy and analysis
                                           decisions such as cash management and                of cash flow for Government decision-making
                                           credit policy, which affect the survival of an       (investments) as well as provision of budget
                                           organisation, as well as long-term decisions         forecasts for policy implementation
                                           such as investment in plant and equipment,
                                           fund-raising, and mergers and takeovers.           MANAGERIAL FINANCE
                                                                                              > Capital Budgeting Analyst: evaluates and
                                           CAREERS                                              recommends the selection of strategic assets
                                           With your major in finance a wide range of         > Financial Analyst: prepares and analyses
                                           employment opportunities will be open to you.        the firm’s financial plans and budgets and
                                           You may find employment in corporations, retail      assesses the firm’s risk-return profile
                                           and wholesale banking, insurance companies,        > Cash Manager: maintains, controls and
                                           finance companies, or brokerage houses.              economises the daily cash balances of a firm
                                                                                              > Credit Manager: evaluates credit applications
                                           SECURITIES                                           and is responsible for the collection of
                                           > Securities Analyst: studies shares and             accounts receivable
                                             other securities, economic activity, specific
                                             industries and provides advice to securities     BANKING RETAIL
                                             firms and their customers, fund managers,        > Bank Manager: supervises customer services
                                             and insurance companies                            loans, mortgages, deposits and investment
                                           > Investment Banking Analyst: originates and         accounts and supervises branch activities
                                             structures securities issues and provides        > Loans Officer: evaluates credit of personal and
                                             advice on mergers, acquisitions and                business loan applicants.
                                             divestments, other business and economic
                                                                                                                                                               STUDY A

                                               KEY FACTS                        FINANCIAL PLANNING
                  AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                          AND ADVICE
                                          STUDYING IN NZ                        A major of the BBus

A GOOD FIT IF YOU                                                               LEARN FROM LEADING BUSINESS EXPERTS
> Enjoy working with people                                                     The Massey Business School is one of the country’s leading and largest
> Have an aptitude for maths, finance and economics                             business schools and is AACSB accredited.
> Are a financial adviser that wishes to up-skill and gain Certified            Massey University’s business and management studies ranks in the top
  Financial PlannerCM Professional certification.                               250 (by QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) rankings). We are ranked No.1 in
                                                                                New Zealand and in the top 150 universities worldwide for our business
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                administration and finance programmes by ShanghaiRanking.
The Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning and Advice) will help you          Our staff are actively researching both nationally and internationally,
become a professional financial adviser with the skills to work across large    bringing the most relevant developments in business theory and practice to
or small business, in the banking industry or as a consultant. It is an area    the classroom.
of growth, with qualified financial advisers commanding high salaries.
IN DEMAND                                                                       There are many scholarships available to first-year and current Massey
As the population of New Zealand ages and comes closer to retirement,           University business students including hardship and sports-related
an increasing number of people will be seeking financial help. This, along      scholarships. Our Future Leaders Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship to
with increasing scrutiny of financial institutions, is creating more demand     recognise emerging leaders enrolling in full-time business, communication
for qualified financial planning and advice professionals.                      and agricommerce programmes at Massey University.
A new Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services is being
implemented in New Zealand in 2020, which increases the requirements            CAREERS
for financial advisers in NZ, and will make your BBus (Financial Planning       There is a shortage of highly-skilled financial advisers in New Zealand.
and Advice) even more sought-after.                                             The Financial Planning Standards Board has a goal to have 250,000 CFPCM
                                                                                professionals in 40 territories around the world by 2025. In New Zealand,
WHAT DOES A FINANCIAL ADVISER DO?                                               there were 279 CFPCM professionals as at the end of 2017, leaving a big
A financial planner or adviser works with people and companies to help          gap to fill.
them make the best financial decisions for their situation. You may             A qualification in financial planning and advice will set you up for a wide
help individuals with advice on mortgages, term investments, shares or          range of careers, in banks or companies that specialise in finance or as a
insurance options.                                                              specialist in a small to medium sized company. Many financial advisers are
BECOME A HIGHLY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL                                          There are huge opportunities in the financial planning area – you will be
You may be taking the first steps towards becoming a financial adviser, or      in demand and employment opportunities are predicted to rise much faster
you may currently be a competent financial adviser looking to gain further      than average in the coming years. Careers include:
certification. The learning in this degree will help you on both those paths.   > Financial planner
You will learn the skills required for the Financial Planner Competency         > Financial adviser
Profile of the Financial Planning Standards Board.                              > Wealth manager
The BBus (Financial Planning and Advice) also satisfies the education           > Insurance adviser
requirements for becoming a Certified Financial PlannerCM Professional.         > Mortgage adviser.

                                                                                        HUMAN RESOURCE
                                                     KEY FACTS                          MANAGEMENT AND
                                       AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                      AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ                             EMPLOYMENT
                             AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                               IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                           A major of the BBus

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...
          > Have strong written and oral communication skills
          > Are interested in collaboration and team work
          > Would like to develop your skills in working with others and
            resolving people-related concerns in the workplace
          > Are interested in how organisations function and manage
            employment relationships

          Massey’s Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management and
          Employment Relations) will give you the theoretical, policy and business
          skills you need to understand, manage and collaborate effectively with
          people in the workplace.

          WHAT IS IT LIKE?
          When you study the BBus (HRMER), you’ll look at how employees are
          selected and recruited, and how work is designed and measured so that an
          organisation can create value from (and add value to) its employees. You’ll
          also examine how different interests and power relations inform people-
          related strategy and practice.

          ABOUT HRM AND ER
          Human resource management and employment relations involves                   CAREERS
          various approaches to managing the relationship between people and            A major in human resource management and employment relations opens
          their organisations. The role of human resources (HR) and employment          the door to a wide variety of careers.
          relations (ER) professionals is to shape and support organisations and        As a new graduate you may take up a generalist human resources/
          their employees at both strategic and operational levels. They ensure that    employment relations position in a private company or in the public sector.
          people are managed fairly and effectively within businesses, and other        There are specialist opportunities, too: in recruitment; remuneration;
          organisations in the public and not-for-profit sectors.                       training and development; collective bargaining; change management; and
          You will work to place people in positions where their skills and abilities   dispute resolution.
          can best be used and developed to help the organisation meet its goals.       Past graduates have become consultants, policy analysts for government,
          At the same time, you will help create work environments which are            research officers, and entered management/employee relations trainee
          engaging, participatory, rewarding and sustainable for employees. This is     programmes.
          vital for any organisation wanting to understand and develop their people     There is increasing emphasis on human resource management and
          so that they both contribute to the organisation and satisfy their own        employment relations by top management in New Zealand organisations.
          personal and career needs.                                                    More and more organisations now have a human resource/employment
                                                                                        relations manager as a key member of the senior management team.
          WHAT WILL YOU STUDY?                                                          In a strategic sense, the people in the organisation are what gives that
          In this major, you can take courses in human resource management (eg          organisation a unique advantage. Consequently, there is growing demand
          strategic HRM), employment relations (eg comparative employment               for applicants who have the ability and skills to adapt to a fast-changing
          relations), employment law, equality and diversity in the workplace,          global economy. Human resource and employment relations specialists
          contemporary issues (eg decent work) and organisational behaviour.            keep up with these issues and trends.
                                                                                                                                                              STUDY A

                                              KEY FACTS
                                AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND                         INTERNATIONAL
                 AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                         BUSINESS
                                         STUDYING IN NZ                       A major of the BBus

                                                                              BECOME A GLOBAL PLAYER
                                                                              Gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities critical to contemporary
                                                                              businesses confronted by changes brought about by globalisation.

                                                                              WHAT IS IT LIKE?
                                                                              The global economy has a major impact on our daily lives. The products we
                                                                              use, the financial transactions we undertake and our jobs are all subject to
                                                                              international business decisions. Understanding these impacts allows us
                                                                              to work more effectively in society and in business.

                                                                              A COMPREHENSIVE QUALIFICATION
                                                                              Massey’s international business programme has a comprehensive range
                                                                              of courses. You’ll learn about cross-cultural management, international
                                                                              business strategy, the political economy of international business, regional
                                                                              economic integration and contemporary issues relevant to international
                                                                              business. The programme centres around the Asia-Pacific business
                                                                              environment and its impact on Australasian business organisations.
                                                                              You’ll also look at the bigger picture - focusing on the impact of the global
                                                                              environment on the functional areas of international business, no matter
                                                                              where you are situated.

                                                                              THE REAL WORLD
„ MATHEW HARDIE Currently studying the Bachelor of Business                   You’ll examine international business through a number of case
  (Management). Junior Manager, Carousel Confectionery                        studies and real-life examples to give you a realistic expectation and
  Palmerston North Boys’ High School                                          understanding of the business world.
  The 200-level international business course was most useful as it gave
  me an insight into expanding the family business. It allowed me to gain a   CAREERS
  greater understanding of exporting goods.                                   As an international business graduate you will provide valuable skills
  Massey has very informative lecturers who have had experience in their      to all firms and government agencies involved in international business
  field of choice before turning to teaching. This background allows for      operations.
  great examples to be used during lectures, bringing real-world context to   Today, almost every large organisation has international operations in
  the course.                                                                 some form, and it’s an area of increasing importance. An understanding of
                                                                              this will enhance career opportunities and allow you to interact effectively
                                                                              with other managers from different cultures, or those using different
                                                                              business practices.
                                                                              Small businesses are also increasingly engaging in international business:
                                                                              exporting, licensing, and negotiating strategic alliances with overseas
                                                                              partners. Studying international business equips you with the keys to best
                                                                              international practice.

                                                    KEY FACTS
                                      AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                     AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                            AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                              IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                     A major of the BBus

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                   CAREERS
          „ Are a strong leader                                                  Your management major will prepare you for a career growing
          „ Think clearly and analytically                                       businesses, implementing new ideas and developing your skills and
          „ Enjoy working with diverse people                                    those of others to effect positive change in the world around you.
          „ Know how to bring out the best in those around you                   Some examples of companies that have employed recent graduates
          „ Take initiative to achieve the things that are important             of the programme:
                                                                                 „ Air New Zealand
          LEAD THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE                                        „ ASB Bank Ltd
          Become a manager that empowers others and makes a real                 „ BP Oil (NZ) Ltd
          difference to the future of our nation.                                „ Child Youth and Family
                                                                                 „ EziBuy Ltd
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                       „ Fuji Xerox (NZ) Ltd
          Part of being a manager is being able to be a nimble, quick thinker,   „ Glaxo Wellcome (NZ) Ltd
          who can analyse situations effectively, consider priorities and make   „ Housing NZ Ltd
          great decisions, often under pressure.                                 „ Kmart New Zealand
          These are the sort of skills you will learn in Massey University’s     „ Massey University
          Bachelor of Business (Management).                                     „ Mid-Central Health
                                                                                 „ New Zealand Defence Forces
          LEARN FROM LEADING BUSINESS EXPERTS                                    „ Tourism New Zealand
          The Massey Business School is one of the country’s leading and         „ Spark New Zealand
          largest business schools - it is ranked among the top two per cent     „ Toyota (NZ) Ltd
          of business schools globally and is AACSB accredited.                  „ Tui Foods Ltd
          Massey University’s business and management studies ranks in the
          top 200 by QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) rankings. We are also ranked      „ CULLUM PENI
          in the top 150 universities worldwide for business administration        BBus(Management)
          programmes by the ShanghaiRanking's Global Ranking of Academic           Graduated 2018. Airport
          Subjects.                                                                Operations Coordinator,
          Our lecturers are actively researching, bringing the most relevant       Wellington International Airport.
          developments in business theory and practice to the classroom.           Ngāti Raukawa, Rangitāne ō
                                                                                   Wairau, Manawatū College,
          RELEVANT TO POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS                                          Foxton.
          You will emerge from your studies with management skills that are        My study taught me about
          relevant to potential employers. Employers want people who can           relationship management. It’s
          think critically, communicate well and deal well with other people       important to consider how you
          through both written and face-to-face communication.                     communicate decisions that will
          The Bachelor of Business will give you the leadership,                   affect the company, its customers
          communication and critical thinking skills that will make you a          and stakeholder agencies.
          sought-after employee.                                                   Skills I learnt at Massey that
          The Bachelor of Business will give you many skills you can use in        I apply in my job include
          many different types of businesses, in New Zealand and around the        networking, report writing,
          world. You will be someone that has a sound base in the business         working with large datasets,
          fundamentals of accounting, economics, finance, management,              financial management and
          marketing, law and communication.                                        general communication skills.
                                                                                                                                                  STUDY A

                                             KEY FACTS
                               AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                              AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                                        STUDYING IN NZ                  A major of the BBus

A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                    CAREERS
„ Like to be busy and have lots of energy                               Whatever you do with your future, marketing is certain to enhance
„ Can keep your cool in a pressured situation                           your career prospects. What’s more, if you want to set up your own
„ Are self-motivated - a confident, determined and                      business one day, it will be your marketing training that will make it
  enthusiastic person                                                   happen - it’s a key element in all business activity.
„ Enjoy being creative and thinking outside the square                  This marketing major prepares you for not just marketing jobs, but
„ Enjoy communicating with people and working in a team                 also for senior positions in most areas of business, academia, and
                                                                        the public sector. You could also take your skills and use them to
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                        start up your own business. Massey marketing graduates have a
Being a marketer means having an analytical and strategic               great reputation and are keenly sought after by employers. Almost
approach to business decision-making underpinned by consumer            every sector needs people who have marketing skills.
insights. Marketing is crucial for the survival and growth of any       You could find work in a huge range of industries.
organisation. For businesses, social enterprises, celebrities and       „ Marketing executive/assistant or consultant and brand or product
cities alike, effective marketing helps deliver value to target            management. Varied roles that could involve planning/directing
audiences through the design of great products and services, and           and controlling research and development, perhaps working
the creation of positive experiences.                                      in the packaging and manufacturing industries. You could also
When you study the Bachelor of Business (Marketing) you will put           get involved in sales, distribution, promotion and even market
marketing principles and concepts into practice, develop critical          research and forecasting
thinking skills and make informed strategic choices in marketing        „ Market analyst – research the market, providing important
consultancy projects. Along with acquiring a firm grounding in             strategic information
business decision making, you will learn to think critically about      „ Market research – use your knowledge of consumer behaviour,
a variety of marketing scenarios. Internships also offer the               statistics and psychology to design research projects, prepare
opportunity to reflect on marketing practice and engage with local         questionnaires, sample, analyse data and prepare reports and
enterprises, adding practical experience to your CV and enhancing          presentations
your employability prospects.                                           „ Sales/sales management,retail industry,new product planning
                                                                        „ Non-profit services
Our marketing major is taught by internationally-ranked staff. You      „ CHEYENNE WELHAM Currently studying the
will be joining the longest standing marketing school in the country.     Bachelor of Business Studies (Marketing).
Because Massey University’s teachers are actively researching,            Digital Marketer, Glengarry Wines.
you will be taught the most relevant perspectives, from the most          Macleans College, Auckland.
influential academics, in the most experienced environment.               Every aspect of marketing is fascinating as it is
                                                                          highly relevant to today’s society. Marketing is
TURN GREAT IDEAS INTO PROFITS                                             the perfect blend of left and right brain thinking,
By giving you sound knowledge of marketing principles, how                as it is equal parts creative and analytical.
to apply them and how to evaluate them, Massey’s Bachelor of              All my marketing courses have been extremely
Business (Marketing) will teach you how to take great ideas and           relevant to my digital marketing job.
turn them into great profits for your employers.                          I have enjoyed my time at Massey immensely
Your marketing major will cover all the essential components of           as all the lecturers are extremely helpful and
marketing including consumer behaviour, marketing management,             caring. The support available is unparalleled and the University goes
strategy, research and analysis.                                          above and beyond to recognise student success.

                                                      KEY FACTS                 ORGANISATIONAL
                                        AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                       AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ                    TECHNOLOGY
                               AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                         AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                   MANAGEMENT
                                                 STUDYING IN NZ                 A major of the BBus

          The Bachelor of Business (Organisational Technology                   Today fast, appropriate, and reliable systems for storing and
          Management) will give you an in-depth understanding of the impact     accessing information have become essential for businesses
          of technology and the skills needed to manage technology in a         around the world.
          rapidly-changing and technology-oriented workplace.
          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                  There is a global shortage of people skilled in organisational
          „ Are passionate about new and innovative technology                  technology and its development and salaries are amongst the
          „ Can think outside of the box                                        highest of all graduates. The skills you learn at Massey and the
          „ Would like to combine business management skills                    qualification you’ll receive will be in demand both in New Zealand
            with your interest in technology                                    and around the world. You will work with programmers, systems
          „ Want to have a career in a technology management field              analysts and vendors to create and operate information systems
            or technology oriented industry                                     for businesses, government agencies and non-profit organisations.
                                                                                Roles include positions such as:
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                      „ IS specialist
          When you study a Bachelor of Business (Organisational Technology      „ Application consultant
          Management) at Massey University, you will learn how technology       „ Business analyst
          is changing business practices and how you can manage this            „ Computer marketing manager
          change.                                                               „ Market research analyst
                                                                                „ Network administrator
          BECOME A NEW TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT EXPERT                             „ Knowledge manager
          New tools and technology are constantly changing the environment      „ IT project manager
          in which businesses operate. For instance, the cloud’s rapid          „ IT consultant
          adoption has revolutionised business operations. Or the importance    „ Social media manager
          placed on the huge quantity of data that is collected and how to      „ Technical sales representative
          analyse this (big data and analytics).                                „ Quality assurance analysts
          The way organisations use technology and data is integral to their    „ Systems analyst
          success. This is increasingly recognised by businesses – with chief
          technology officers increasingly taking a seat on senior leadership   „ KIM TILYARD Graduated in 2016
          teams.                                                                  Information Services Graduate, Watercare Services, Auckland
          The BBus (OTM) will make you a sought-after technology                  I chose Massey as it is close to my hometown of Waipukurau plus it has
          management expert. You will have the knowledge and skills for           a really good science department. In retrospect, I’m so glad I went to
          problem-solving, persuasion and presentation to help organisations      Palmerston North as the rent is much cheaper than in larger cities.
          understand and use new technology.                                      Information systems appeals as I like processes and completing tasks
                                                                                  step by step then moving onto the next one.
          WIDE RANGE OF KNOWLEDGE                                                 I worked at Massey Kids’ Club on campus, providing after-school and
          As well as your learning around technology management, you              holiday care to five to 12-year-olds. I was second-in-charge and the role
          will be able to take advantage of Massey’s expertise in all areas       developed my communication and management skills. Plus, it was great I
          of business, like small business and innovation, human resource         didn’t have to travel to get there.
          management, communications and marketing. That means you will           I’m on a two-year information services graduate programme at
          graduate with a broad knowledge of general business practice and        Watercare Services, which provides water and wastewater services to
          will be prepared for management roles across business.                  the Auckland region. This year I rotate among the six sections of the IT/IS
                                                                                  department and next year I’ll be trained for a specific role.
                                                                                                                                                                STUDY A

                                              KEY FACTS
                                AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                               AVAILABLE AT MANAWATŪ
                 AVAILABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                           PROPERTY
                                         STUDYING IN NZ                         A major of the BBus

A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                            Property market principles and economics
> Are interested in real estate and property                                    Property market principles and economics knowledge is required to
> Enjoy meeting new people, and are a good communicator                         discuss how uses of property resources are economically determined and
> Would like to specialise in property, but want to keep your                   developed within shared urban space – especially at different global,
  career options open                                                           international, national, regional, urban, local and site scales. Property
                                                                                market analysts and property economists are able to critically discuss and
WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                                reflect on economic theory and practice in property, whilst using the lens
Massey University's Bachelor of Business (Property) will give you an            of economics to analyse property trends.
introduction to a wide range of professional skills relevant to the industry,
including property development, management, valuation, finance,                 You should seek advice early in your degree programme to understand its
investment and economics.                                                       requirements and to ensure appropriate course selection.
You will learn the communication skills you’ll need to operate within the
industry and to work effectively with clients.                                  ACCREDITATIONS
                                                                                The Bachelor of Business (Property) is accredited by the Royal Institution of
WHAT ARE THE SPECIALISATIONS?                                                   Chartered Surveyors, the Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ), and the
Property valuation                                                              New Zealand Valuers Registration Board.
Property valuations are required as the basis for a wide variety of real
estate decisions, including those concerned with the buying and selling         CAREERS
of property, advancing money on the security of a property, rental              There is a huge range of careers in the property business in which you can
assessments, subdivision of property interests, compensation for public         choose to specialise. Or become a generalist. Examples include:
acquisitions, the assessment of local authority rates, and other forms of       > Private practice firms involved in property and development consultancy,
taxation. You can meet the requirements for accreditation by the Valuers          project management and co-ordination, and property management
Registration Board by including specific courses as electives.                  > Valuation firms
                                                                                > Commercial and industrial enterprises which use, occupy, or own all
Property development and management                                               types of property
Property development involves planning the purchase, development,               > Development and construction companies
and sale of new or existing properties. This can include residential            > Real Estate firms - domestic and international
subdivisions, construction of office buildings, establishment of industrial
parks, and refurbishment of existing buildings. Property management             You can also apply for jobs in related areas for example insurance or
involves the day-to-day management of commercial property, including            finance companies, banks, government organisations, local and regional
office buildings, retail outlets, industrial properties, and apartments. It     authorities or shopping centres.
includes management of the building and the facilities within the building.     Depending on ultimate choice of careers, Property Institute of
                                                                                New Zealand and the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand are the
Property finance and investment                                                 professional organisations that you are most likely to join as a graduate
Property investment and finance in both analysis and evaluation can help        of this programme. Each body is closely involved with the development
guide property financing decisions. Key areas in property finance and           of Massey's courses. Both institutes actively encourage students to get
investment engage with interest rates and the nature of lending risks.          involved in the affairs of the local branch and, upon graduation, to become
More technical calculations relating to property investment are integral        members of one or more of these organisations.
to discounted cash flow analyses of property investments. As well as
performing and evaluating the effective cost of mortgage financing and          REGISTRATION AS A VALUER
refinancing, including leverage implications, as well as the wider financing    The Valuers Registration Board accepts Massey's Bachelor of Business
available to all property stakeholders.                                         (Property) as a qualification.

                                                      KEY FACTS
                                        AVAILABLE AT AUCKLAND
                                       AVAILABLE IN MANAWATŪ                            STRATEGIC
                              AVAILABLE VIA DISTANCE LEARNING
                                IN NZ OR VIA DISTANCE LEARNING                          A major of the BBus

          A GOOD FIT IF YOU...                                                          Some of the varied fields communication graduates work in include:
          >   Have a creative streak                                                    > Public relations
          >   Are interested in analysing why things happen                             > Communications advisory
          >   Are well-organised and a people person                                    > Media buying, planning, and advising
          >   Want to use your communication skills in a business, not for profit, or   > News media
              government department                                                     > Speech writing
                                                                                        > Publishing and editing
          WHAT IS IT LIKE?                                                              > Liaison and advisory work
          The Bachelor of Business with a major in strategic communication builds
          your skills in areas including writing in the workplace, professional         „ GEORGINA CLEAVE BBus (Marketing Communications*)
          presentations, communication technology, interpersonal communication,           Market Manager - Business Development at Fairfax Media NZ
          organisational communication, cross-cultural communication, and public          I was living in Wanaka when I was deciding on which university to enrol
          relations.                                                                      in and what course to take. Massey offered a great extramural service
          You will develop your skills especially through learning by doing, such         that others did not come close to matching and they also offered the type
          as role-playing, writing portfolios, interviewing, presentations, video         of courses that would help me reach my goals.
          conferencing, writing communication plans for businesses and short              While the numeric-based business courses (such as accounting,
          videos.                                                                         statistics, macroeconomics, and finance) were not my favourites, I
                                                                                          believe they gave me a valuable grounding in this area. The marketing
          LEARN FROM THE BEST                                                             and communications courses on offer were generally interesting and
          Many Massey teaching staff have substantial private-sector or consulting        contained relevant theory combined with useful real-world learning. The
          experience, as well as close and continuing links with the business             courses run by the School of CJM were the ones I enjoyed the most.
          world. Our lecturers are actively researching, bringing the most relevant       I have experienced both extramural and internal offerings at the
          developments in business theory and practice to your study. You’ll learn        Auckland campus and believe that the majority of courses are well
          about cutting-edge practice in the industry, from those in the know.            structured with the right ratio of theory to practical content. Being on
                                                                                          campus at Albany has been a fantastic experience that enabled me to
          CAREERS                                                                         learn more by bouncing ideas off fellow students and having the lecturers
          The breadth of learning at Massey means that you will have many                 available to answer questions and offer feedback. The facilities and
          different options for career paths in business, government or in community      services on campus are excellent.
          organisations.                                                                  Gaining a BBS, majoring in Marketing Communications has opened up
          Social changes in recent years mean a growing number of organisations           doors that would have remained shut had I not embarked on degree
          recognise the importance of employing professional communicators. No            level education in this field and this has ultimately led me to securing the
          matter what career you enter, employers are looking for people like you,        marketing job that I had my eyes on all along.
          who can communicate well. Communication skills make a vital difference          Marketing is a crucial component for every business and the specialist
          in your application and job interview, and they also facilitate career          areas you can branch out into are growing by the day. Massey's School
          advancement and opportunities.                                                  of Communication, Journalism and Marketing offers a variety of courses
          Your career options are wide open - from trainee positions in large             that will enable you to gain a worthwhile knowledge base and also
          government and business organisations to positions of responsibility in         extend your skills in your chosen specialist field. Make sure you take
          small businesses.                                                               advantages of the resources available to you, ask questions and make
                                                                                          the most of your university experience, so that you can be on the right
                                                                                          path to achieve your career goals.
                                                                                          *Note: the first graduates of this new Strategic Communication major graduated
                                                                                          in 2019.
                                                                                                                                                              STUDY A

                       KEY FACTS

                                                     CONJOINT DEGREES

               NOT AVAILABLE FOR
                 FULL-TIME STUDY                     BBus/BSc
More and more New Zealand employers are              > For the BSc component of the BBus/BSc,             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
seeking graduates with an understanding of             you will need to complete the majoring             Employment opportunities continue to grow
business alongside the knowledge and skills of         requirements of at least one subject, and          for graduates who have developed capacities
either an arts or science discipline.                  at least one course from each of at least          in enquiry, analysis and communication, as
Massey Business School recognises this and             three disciplines corresponding to BSc             well as an understanding of human behaviour,
offers two conjoint degrees: the Bachelor of           specialisations.                                   society and the environment. By combining a
Arts/Bachelor of Business and the Bachelor of                                                             BSc or BA with a BBus, you’ll enhance your
Business/Bachelor of Science.                        PLANNING YOUR DEGREE                                 competitive edge in the job market. You’ll have
These conjoint degrees meet the needs                You should seek advice early in your degree          the knowledge and astuteness necessary for
of employers and students looking for a              programme to understand its requirements and         success in business, management, marketing,
combination of knowledge and skills to pursue a      to ensure appropriate course selection.              finance and economics. This will be coupled
career and make a contribution to the business                                                            with a deep understanding of science, society or
world with either an arts or science twist, within   In your first year, you should include:              people, and the wider national and international
New Zealand and beyond.                              BA/BBus: Four core BBus courses; four BA             communities in which we live.
                                                     courses including two core courses and two
QUALIFICATION OVERVIEW                               major courses.                                       MAJORING SUBJECTS
The BA/BBus and the BBus/BSc conjoint degrees        BBus/BSc: Four core BBus courses; three BSc          BACHELOR OF ARTS
let you graduate with both degrees at the end        courses; Communications course.                      Chinese, classical studies, creative writing,
of four years of full-time study. You must study                                                          defence studies, economics, education,
for both degrees concurrently. To remain in the      In your second year, you will need to include nine   educational psychology, English, environmental
qualification, you must maintain a Grade Point       courses and aim to have passed 255 credits by        studies, geography, history, Japanese,
Average of at least 5.0 (a B grade) each year.       the end of the year.                                 linguistics, Māori knowledge, mathematics,
                                                     For the BA component of the BA/BBus, you will        media studies, philosophy, politics, psychology,
DEGREE STRUCTURE                                     need to have passed 60 credits at 100 level          security studies, social anthropology, social
> You will need to pass at least 510 credits,        including the three 100 level core courses, any      policy, sociology, Spanish, statistics.
  made up of at least 255 credits from the BBus      major prerequisites, and completed about half        BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
  schedule (the BBus component) AND at least         your major.                                          Accountancy, economics, finance, financial
  255 credits from the BA or BSc schedule            For the BSc component of the BBus/BSc, you           planning and advice, human resource
  (the BA or BSc component).                         will need to have passed 60 credits at 100 level     management and employment relations,
> For the BBus component of either programme,        including any major prerequisites, and some          international business, management, marketing,
  you will need to complete the eight core           200-level courses, and completed about half your     organisational technology management,
  courses and the majoring requirements of at        major.                                               property, strategic communication.
  least one subject. You must include no more        For the BBus component of either programme,          BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
  than 135 credits at 100-level and at least 60      you will need to have passed all eight core BBus     Chemistry, computer science, data science, earth
  credits at 300-level in your BBus component.       courses, plus any additional required 100-level      science, ecology, ecology and sustainability,
> For the BA component of the BA/BBus, you           majoring courses.                                    environmental science, exercise and sport
  will need to complete the five core courses                                                             science, human nutrition, integrative biology,
  and the majoring requirements of at least one      In your third year, you will normally take a         international agriculture, marine biology,
  subject (Business Psychology is not available      combination of 200-level and 300-level courses,      mathematics, microbiology, molecular and
  as a major in the conjoint programme), and         which will allow you to complete your 300-level      cellular biology, molecular genetics and
  45 credits from the BA schedule under the BA       requirements in your fourth year.                    biochemistry, physics, physiology, plant science,
  component.                                         You should normally choose about half your           psychology, statistics, zoology.
                                                     credits for each year from each component.
You can also read