Page created by Teresa Alvarado
PRODUCT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT                                                         Paris, June 2004

                                                                    MFS™* Global Equity Trust
                                                                                                    APIR: MIA0001AU
                                                                                                   ARSN: 093 197 221

                                       MFS™* Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust
                                                                                                    APIR: ETL0041AU
                                                                                                   ARSN: 112 310 442

                                                                  MFS™* Global Growth Trust
                                                                                                    APIR: ETL0066AU
                                                                                                   ARSN: 120 566 878

                                           Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298 – Responsible Entity and Issuer
                                                                 Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 240975

                     BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited ABN 88 003 165 160 – Investment Manager
                                                              Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 237405

                                                     * Registered in the European Community and the United States, among other countries.

                                                                                                         Date Issued 1 June 2007

Responsible Entity:           Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298, AFSL No. 240975 (EQT)

Investment Manager:           BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited
                              ABN 88 003 165 160, AFSL No. 237405 (BNPPIM)
Date:                         1 June 2007

This document is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) to the Product Disclosure Statement dated 16 August
2006 for the “BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement”, Issue No.1 (PDS).

This SPDS is to be read together with the PDS, with effect on and from 1 June 2007.

Terms defined in the PDS have the same meaning in this SPDS except where otherwise defined in the SPDS or where the
context otherwise requires.

The purpose of this SPDS is to update the PDS regarding the following.

Brand Name Change
BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited will be changing its brand name from BNP Paribas Asset
Management to BNP Paribas Investment Partners effective 1 June 2007.

The section below on anti-money laundering is to be displayed under the Compliance and Taxation section, between the
"cooling off period" and "privacy statement" sections of the PDS.
Anti-Money Laundering
New anti-money laundering laws in Australia may require the Responsible Entity, Investment Manager and Custodian to obtain,
in the future, additional information to verify the identity of an investor and any underlying beneficial owner of units in a Fund and
the source of any payment. Where we request such information from you, processing of applications or withdrawals may be
delayed until the requested information is provided in a satisfactory form to the Responsible Entity, Investment Manager and the
Custodian. The Responsible Entity may reject any application where such documents are not provided to the Investment
Manager or Custodian prior to or accompanying, the investor application.

The section below on unit pricing discretions policy is to be displayed under the Fees and other costs section of the PDS. This
text replaces the last paragraph in the 'buy-sell spread" section (without a separate heading).
Unit pricing discretions policy
EQT has developed a formal written policy in relation to the guidelines and relevant factors taken into account when exercising
any discretion in calculating unit prices (including determining the value of assets and liabilities). A copy of the policy and,
where applicable and to the extent required, any other relevant documents in relation to the policy will be made available to
investors free of charge on request.

If you have any queries regarding this SPDS or the PDS, please contact:

Client Services
BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited
GPO Box 269, SYDNEY NSW 2001
Phone: 1800 267 726 or (02) 9619 6291
Client Services Email:

BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited                                                                               2
GPO Box 269, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 9619 6291  Fax: +61 2 9619 6951
PRODUCT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT                                                              Paris, June 2004

                                                                          MFS Global Equity Trust

                                                                                                       APIR: MIA0001AU
                                                                                                      ARSN: 093 197 221

                                         MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust

                                                                                                       APIR: ETL0041AU
                                                                                                      ARSN: 112 310 442

                                                                       MFS Global Growth Trust

                                                                                                       APIR: ETL0066AU
                                                                                                      ARSN: 120 566 878

                                           Equity Trustees Limited ABN 46 004 031 298 – Responsible Entity and Issuer
                                                                 Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 240975

                     BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia) Limited ABN 88 003 165 160 – Investment Manager
                                                              Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 237405

                                                        * Registered in the European Community and the United States, among other countries.

                                                                                                     Date Issued 16th August 2006

    About the Managers .......................................................................................................................................3

    MFS Trusts at a Glance .................................................................................................................................4

    How are the MFS Global Equity and MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trusts managed? ..........................5

    MFS Global Equity Trust ................................................................................................................................6

    MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust .........................................................................................................7

    How is the MFS Global Growth Trust managed? ..........................................................................................8

    MFS Global Growth Trust ..............................................................................................................................9

    Managing Risk..............................................................................................................................................10

    Investing, Switching, Withdrawals and Reporting........................................................................................11

    Fees and other costs....................................................................................................................................13

    Compliance and Taxation ............................................................................................................................17

    How to Invest in the MFS Trusts..................................................................................................................20

    MFS Trusts Application Form ......................................................................................................................21

    MFS Trusts Application Form ......................................................................................................................23

    MFS Trusts Application Form ......................................................................................................................25

    Contact Us - Client Service Enquiries..........................................................................................................27

This Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) was issued on 16th August 2006.
This PDS for the MFS Global Equity Trust (“Trust”), the MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust (“Trust”) and the MFS
Global Growth Trust (“Trust”) has been prepared and issued by Equity Trustees Limited (ABN 46 004 031 298) in its
capacity as the responsible entity of the Trusts (referred throughout this PDS as the “Responsible Entity”, “EQT”, “us” or
The Responsible Entity has authorised the use of this PDS as disclosure to investors and prospective investors of an
investor directed portfolio service, master trust, wrap account or an investor directed portfolio service - like scheme
(“IDPS”), as well as direct investors.
This PDS is prepared for your general information only. It is not intended to be a recommendation by the Responsible
Entity, its employees, any associate of the Responsible Entity or any other person to invest in the Trusts. This PDS does
not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. You should not
base your decision to invest in the Trusts solely on the information in this PDS. You should consider the Trusts’ suitability
in view of your financial position and investment objectives and needs and you may want to seek professional advice
before making an investment decision.
The Responsible Entity and the Investment Manager do not guarantee the success, repayment of capital or any rate of
return on income or capital or investment performance of the Trusts. Past performance is no indication of future
Units in the Trusts are offered and issued by the Responsible Entity on the terms and conditions described in this PDS.
You should read this PDS because you will become bound by it if you become a unit holder of the Trusts.
The offer made in this PDS is available only to persons receiving this PDS in Australia (electronically or otherwise).
If you received this PDS electronically, we will provide a paper copy free upon request during the life of this PDS. Please
call BNP Paribas Investment Management Client Services on 1800 267 726 for a copy.
Unless otherwise stated, all fees quoted in the PDS are inclusive of GST.
Information in this PDS is subject to change. We will notify you of any changes that have a materially adverse impact on
you or other significant events that affect the information in this PDS. Any updated information which is not materially
adverse may be obtained:
•    from your financial adviser
•    by calling BNP Paribas Investment Management Client Services on 1800 267 726
•    on BNP Paribas’ website at
A paper copy of the updated information will be provided free of charge on request.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                                                      2
About the Managers
About the Investment Managers

                                                            MFS Investment Management
                                                            BNPPIM provides distribution and client servicing for
                                                            Massachusetts Financial Services (“MFS”) in Australia.
BNP Paribas Group                                           MFS is a subsidiary of Sun Life Assurance Company of
BNP Paribas is a European leader of global magnitude        Canada and is America’s oldest mutual fund
with over AUD $492 billion in funds under management        organisation with a history of money management
as at 30 June 2006. BNP Paribas employs 110,000             dating from 1924.
staff worldwide and is represented in over 85 countries     In 1932 MFS established an internal equity research
including all major financial centres. According to         department and proprietary research approach. MFS
Fortune Global 500 (2006) BNP Paribas is the world’s        has since grown to be one of the most respected names
34 largest corporation and fifth-largest bank in terms of   in investment management managing over AUD $238
revenues.                                                   billion as of 31 March 2006. BNPPIM is delighted to
BNP Paribas is the oldest and one of the largest foreign    have this close association with MFS.
banks in Australia. Established in Australia in 1881        BNPPIM currently distributes the MFS Global Equity
(principally for the financing of the wool trade between    Trust, the MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust and
Europe and Australia), BNP Paribas has offices in           the MFS Global Growth Trust to Australian investors.
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth and is currently
a banker to over half of Australia’s top 150 companies.
BNP Paribas is celebrating 125 years of operations in
the Australian markets in 2006.
BNP Paribas commenced funds management through
                                                            Overlay Asset Management
its private banking services in 1848.
                                                            BNPPIM provides distribution and client servicing
BNP Paribas Asset Management’s (BNPPAM) core                distribution for Overlay Asset Management (OAM) funds
strengths are in European equity and fixed interest         management capabilities in Australia and New Zealand.
portfolio management and global distribution. BNPPAM
has developed an open architecture approach to              OAM, wholly owned by BNPPAM, was established in
distribution which includes its internal portfolio          1998 to focus on currency overlay solutions primarily for
management and external “best of breed” portfolio           corporate treasuries, pension and superannuation
managers. BNPPAM will often take an economic                funds, and as a sub-advisor to fund managers. As of 30
interest in such portfolio managers ensuring stability      June 2006, OAM had in excess of AUD $15 billion
and matching of goals between BNPPAM and the                assets under management.
external portfolio manager.                                 OAM, as a specialist currency manager, uses
                                                            quantitative techniques for active or passive currency
BNPPAM has taken an economic interest in and
                                                            management. OAM also manages currency hedge
globally distributes:
                                                            funds. As a passive currency manager, OAM aims to
•    Fischer Francis Trees and Watts – a global bond        continuously manage foreign exchange exposures to
     manager and manager of global inflation linked         minimise tracking error and lower execution costs.
     income securities;
•    Overlay Asset Management – a specialist currency
     overlay manager;                                       About the Responsible Entity
•    Fauchier Partners – a fund of hedge fund and fund
     of long/short strategies manager, and
•    Cooper Neff – convertible arbitrage and other
     single hedge fund strategies.

BNP Paribas Investment Management (Australia)               Equity Trustees Limited
Limited (BNPPIM) is responsible for distributing the
group’s funds management capabilities in Australia and      Equity Trustees Limited (“EQT”) is the Responsible
New Zealand, and has a strategic alliance with              Entity of the MFS Global Equity Trust, the MFS Fully
Massachusetts Financial Services (MFS) which has            Hedged Global Equity Trust and the MFS Global
been in place since June 2000. As of 30 June 2006,          Growth Trust. EQT has appointed BNPPIM as
BNPPIM had raised in excess of AUD $11 billion for the      investment manager. BNPPIM is responsible for
above managers.                                             appointing sub-investment managers to the Trusts,
                                                            including MFS and OAM.
BNPPIM provides superior client servicing and the
                                                            EQT was established in 1888 by its own special Act of
flexibility to meet client objectives and guidelines.
                                                            Parliament to provide secure trustee services to the
Frequent and regular communication with clients
                                                            people of Victoria. After 118 years EQT has expanded
ensures that they:
                                                            its services to meet the requirements of its clients.
•    are fully appraised of their investment;               As a trustee company EQT prides itself on offering truly
•    are aware of current views and strategy on the         personalised service to its clients and is committed to
     markets relevant to their investment; and              acting in the best interests of its clients.
•    know their transactions history, income
     distributions and taxation reporting requirements.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                          3
MFS Trusts at a Glance

    Trust Name             MFS Global Equity Trust                  MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity              MFS Global Growth Trust

    ARSN                   093 197 221                              112 310 442                                 120 566 878

    APIR Code              MIA0001AU                                ETL0041AU                                   ETL0066AU

    Eligible Investors     The Trusts are only available to wholesale clients as defined in Section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001. Refer
                           page 17.

    Investment Objective   To seek capital appreciation over        To seek capital appreciation over the       To seek capital appreciation by
                           the longer term by investing in a        longer term by investing in a diversified   investing in a diversified portfolio of
                           diversified portfolio of global shares   portfolio of global shares (fully           global shares (unhedged) which
                           (unhedged).                              hedged).                                    originate from growth industries and
                                                                                                                are expected to outperform over the
                                                                                                                longer term.

    Investments            All types of common stocks and           All types of common stocks and              All types of common stocks and
                           equivalents of international and         equivalents of international and            equivalents of international and
                           domestic issuers.                        domestic issuers. Spot and forward          domestic issuers.
                                                                    exchange contracts and related

    Risk Profile           High Risk – commensurate with equity investing.

    Benchmark Index        The Index is the Morgan Stanley          The Index is the Morgan Stanley             The Index is the Morgan Stanley
                           Capital International (MSCI) World       Capital International (MSCI) World          Capital International (MSCI) All
                           Index (with net dividends reinvested     Index (with net dividends reinvested        Country World Growth Index (with
                           before fees) measured in Australian      before fees) fully hedged into              net dividends reinvested before
                           dollars.                                 Australian dollars.                         fees) measured in Australian

    Minimum Investment1 $500,000. No minimum for additional investments.

    Minimum Balance1       $500,000
    Access to funds        Usually within 3 business days after receipt of the redemption request.

    Income Distribution    At least annually (30 June)

    Valuation              Daily

    Unit Price             Variable – generally determined each NSW banking business day based on the net asset value of the Trust

    Management costs 3     Capped at 0.7688% for the life of        Capped at 0.7996% for the life of this      Capped at 0.7688% for the life of
                           this PDS                                 PDS                                         this PDS

    Buy/Sell spread        0.70% (buy spread 0.35% / sell spread 0.35%)

    Switching              Yes. No additional charges apply for switches; however the relevant spread will apply for all switches to/from the
                           MFS Global Growth Trust.

    Entry Fee / Exit Fee   Nil
    (% of investment)

    Recommended            5 years plus is the recommended investment timeframe.

    Investment Manager4    BNPPIM has wholly subcontracted          BNPPIM has subcontracted hedging to BNPPIM has wholly subcontracted
                           investment management to MFS.            OAM and hence OAM is responsible         investment management to MFS.
                                                                    for passively hedging the portfolio into
                                                                    Australian dollars. BNPPIM has
                                                                    subcontracted all other investment
                                                                    management functions to MFS.

  The minimum balance is $500,000. The Responsible Entity may in its discretion accept an initial investment amount lower
than $500,000 where subsequent additional investments ensure the minimum balance is equal to or greater than $500,000 in
the near term. Where a redemption request takes the balance below the minimum level of $500,000, a full redemption is
  Refer to page 11 for further details on withdrawal periods.
  Includes GST (after allowing for Reduced Input Tax Credits (“RITCs”). Refer to page 13 and 14 for details of fees.
  EQT may change the Investment Manager for the Trusts at any time, without previous notice to investors. However, if EQT
considers that a change in Investment Manager is a material change or significant event, it will give you 30 days notice before
the change takes effect.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                                           4
How are the MFS Global Equity and MFS Fully
Hedged Global Equity Trusts managed?

MFS’ philosophy is based on the belief that original,         Valuation
fundamental, bottom-up research is the best means of
                                                              Earnings models are used to project 24-36 month earnings
uncovering high quality companies with above
                                                              forecasts and to identify potential change in stock
average, sustainable earnings growth and attractive
                                                              valuations. Buy, hold, or sell ratings for every security are
investment opportunities.
                                                              assigned along with a 12-18 month price target for each
Investment Style                                              "buy". At any given time, approximately 550-650 stocks
                                                              merit a “buy” rating.
The MFS Global Equity team believes that stock
selection is the most reliable method of adding value to      Relative Value Analysis
a client's portfolio. Their (on the ground) research
                                                              Relative value analysis completes the portfolio construction
provides an effective opportunity to identify
                                                              process with the selection of approximately 80 - 120
inefficiencies in global markets and to invest in high
                                                              stocks. Valuations and expected growth rates of “buy”
quality companies (at attractive valuations) which have
                                                              rated securities are compared to determine which will be
above average sustainable growth.
                                                              included in the portfolio. In-depth cash flow analysis is
                                                              employed to ensure accuracy in comparing companies on
                                                              a global basis.

                                                              Sell Discipline
                                                              The MFS Global Equity portfolio manager may sell a stock
                                                              •    the sell target price has been reached,
                                                              •    the fundamentals decline, or
                                                              •    another stock is seen to offer better value.

                                                              Portfolio Construction
                                                              Exposure to a single industry is limited to 25% of a
                                                              portfolio. The maximum allocation to any given security is
                                                              5% of the portfolio at purchase. Country allocations are an
                                                              outcome and are not targeted. The Trust can have up to
                                                              15% invested in emerging markets.

                                                              Currency Management
                                                              MFS Global Equity Trust
Investment Process Screening                                  MFS does not manage the currency exposure of their
                                                              global equity investments. Currency hedging is rare and
Screens are applied to reduce a universe of 5,000
                                                              usually only undertaken for defensive purposes and as a
global securities to 2000 - 2500 which are actively
                                                              part of the security selection process. Therefore, there is
followed by the MFS equity research analysts. These
                                                              no overall currency management strategy for the MFS
screens exclude companies with unattractive
                                                              Global Equity Trust and the Trust is considered to be
fundamentals (eg. negative, low, or volatile EPS
growth), are relatively illiquid, or domiciled in countries
with obvious political risk or economic crises.               MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust
                                                              As currency exposures can have a significant impact on
                                                              performance, the MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust
                                                              has been established to offer the performance of the MFS
                                                              Global Equity Trust less the effect of currency movements.
                                                              The fully hedged trust aims to achieve this by applying a
                                                              currency overlay that fully hedges, as far as is practical, all
                                                              foreign currency exposures into Australian dollars. This
                                                              approach is passively applied meaning that the currency
                                                              overlay manager’s objective is to remove currency risk
                                                              without trying to add to returns by actively managing
                                                              currency positions. This Trust is considered to be “fully

                                                              Risk Management
                                                              MFS monitors the portfolio's risk exposure for the purpose
                                                              of determining that investment guidelines and
                                                              diversification parameters are being followed. The MFS
                                                              Compliance Department measures and evaluates the
                                                              accounting, financial, and operational activities of MFS and
                                                              its affiliates from a regulatory perspective. Managers
                                                              within the Equity Department review risk exposures on a
                                                              regular basis and work with the Portfolio Management
                                                              teams to keep risk exposures consistent with the portfolio's
                                                              investment discipline and preset standards.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                   5
MFS Global Equity Trust

This Trust is registered with the Australian Securities and       Trust Size History:
Investments Commission (“ASIC”) as the MFS Global Equity
Trust. The inception date of this Trust is 1 July 1997.                         1500

Investment Objective
The Trust is designed for investors seeking capital
appreciation over the longer term by investing in a diversified
portfolio of international shares (unhedged) and aims to                        1000
outperform its benchmark (the MSCI in AUD) over rolling 3
to 5 year periods, before taking into account Trust fees and

                                                                    $ million
expenses.                                                                       750

Investments Held
The Trust invests in all types of ordinary shares and
equivalents of US and non-US issuers. The MFS’ style
ensures that companies are selected as opposed to                               250
countries which may lead to country over/underweightings
relative to the MSCI World Index.
                                                                                       Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jun
Top 10 Holdings                                                                         98     99       00        01         02       03     04     05     06
at 30 June 2006
                                                                  Source: BNP Paribas Securities Services

Security                        Country       % of Portfolio
                                                                  Trust Performance (after fees)
 Reckitt Benckiser           Great Britain         3.3
                                                                  The table below shows how the Trust has performed since
 Nestle SA                   Switzerland           3.2            inception. Please call 1800 BNP PAM (1800 267 726) for more
 Johnson & Johnson           United States         3.1            recent performance data.
 Roche Holdings              Switzerland           2.2              To                                   Net Trust                                          Variation to
 American Express            United States         2.2              30 June 2006                          Return                     Benchmark              Benchmark

 Air Liquide                 France                2.2              3 months %                                -2.4                         -4.5                       2.1
 Schneider Electric          France                2.1              1 year %                                  23.4                         20.0                       3.4
 Sanofi-Aventis              France                2.0
                                                                    3 years % p.a.                            14.1                         12.9                       1.2
 UBS AG                      Switzerland           1.9
                                                                    5 years % p.a.                               1.3                       -2.0                       3.3
 Walt Disney Co              United States         1.9
                                                                    7 years % p.a.                               5.0                        0.7                       4.3

Regional Weightings                                                 Inception % p.a.                             8.0                        5.5                       2.5

                   MFS                                            Source: BNP Paribas Securities Services (net returns calculated by BNP Paribas
                                                                  Securities Services after taking into account Trust fees and expenses and assumes
To                Global                       Variation to       reinvestment of income).
30 June 2006      Equity          Benchmark    benchmark          Benchmark: MSCI World Index (with net dividends reinvested), in Australian dollars,
                                                                  before fees (unhedged).
Asia ex Japan         2.3             3.7          -1.4           Trust inception: 1 July 1997.
                                                                  These figures represent past returns and are not necessarily an indicator of future returns.
Emerging              2.6             0.0          2.6
Europe ex UK          33.2            20.3         12.9           Growth of $500,000 Invested (after fees).
                                                                  In dollar terms, the Trust has achieved its objective over time
Japan                 8.0             11.5         -3.5
                                                                  after fees have been deducted.
North America         38.4            53.3        -14.9           $1,050,000                                                                                 $1,003,294

United                13.5            11.3         2.2
                                                                    $850,000                                                                                       $805,547

Trust Size
AUD $1.35 billion at 30 June 2006, MFS also manages Australian
sourced Global Equity mandates.
Australian sourced MFS investments as at 30 June exceeded
                                                                                               MFS Global Equity Fund
AUD $5 billion.
                                                                                               MSCI World Index (net div) $A

                                                                            Jul97      Jul98   Jul99     Jul00       Jul01        Jul02    Jul03   Jul04   Jul05      Jun06

                                                                  Source: BNP Paribas Securities Services.
                                                                  These figures represent past returns and are not necessarily an indicator of future

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                                                   6
MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust

This Trust is registered with the Australian Securities                               Growth of $500,000 Invested (after fees).
and Investments Commission (“ASIC”) as the MFS Fully                                  In dollar terms, the Trust has achieved its objective over
Hedged Global Equity Trust. The inception date of this                                time after fees have been deducted.
Trust is 14 January 2005.                                                             $700,000
                                                                                                     MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust

Investment Objective
                                                                                                     MSCI World Index (net div) (AUD)
                                                                                                     fully hedged into AUD
The Trust is designed for investors seeking capital
appreciation over the longer term by investing in a
diversified portfolio of international shares which are
fully hedged into Australian dollars. The Trust aims to                                                                                                  $604,029

outperform its benchmark (the MSCI fully hedged
benchmark in AUD) over rolling 3 to 5 year periods,
before taking into account Trust fees and expenses.

Investments Held                                                                      $500,000
                                                                                            Jan05                       Jul05               Jan06            Jun06
The MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust invests
                                                                                      Source: BNP Paribas Securities Services
directly into the MFS Global Equity Trust and the
currency hedging is undertaken by OAM. Refer to                                       These figures represent past returns and are not necessarily an indicator
                                                                                      of future returns.
Currency Management below.

Top 10 Holdings at 30 June 2006
Please refer to the table on the previous page which                                  Currency Management
refers to the Top 10 Holdings of the MFS Global Equity                                The MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust aims to
Trust.                                                                                manage all overseas equity positions back into
                                                                                      Australian dollars. That is, for each overseas equity
Regional Weightings                                                                   and cash holding in the Trust, the overseas currency
Please refer to the table on the previous page which                                  position related to that holding is, as far as is practical,
refers to the Regional Weightings of the MFS Global                                   100% hedged back into Australian dollars.
Equity Trust.                                                                         OAM receives weekly reports of the currency exposure
Trust Size at 30 June 2006                                                            of the underlying global equity portfolio as managed by
                                                                                      MFS. OAM then implements currency transactions to
The inception date of this Trust is 14 January 2005.                                  ensure outstanding currency positions in the underlying
Since then the Trust has grown to AUD $358.1 million                                  portfolio are hedged back to Australian dollars. OAM
as at 30 June 2006.                                                                   may use their judgment to determine whether the cost
                                                                                      of daily transacting outweighs the benefit of
Trust Performance (after fees)
                                                                                      implementing a transaction. Rebalancing of the
The table below shows how the Trust has performed since                               portfolio’s currency exposure back to Australian dollars
inception. Please call 1800 BNP PAM (1800 267 726) for                                should occur at least monthly and more regularly if the
more recent performance data.                                                         currency manager believes appropriate.

To                       Net Trust                             Variation to
30 June 2006              Return          Benchmark            Benchmark

3 months %                   -0.9               -3.3                 2.4
6 months %                   6.2                2.7                  3.5
1 year %                    21.0                15.5                 5.5

Inception % p.a.             18.7               14.2                 4.5
Source: BNP Paribas Securities Services (net returns calculated by BNP
Paribas Securities Services after taking into account Trust fees and expenses
and assumes reinvestment of income).
Benchmark: MSCI World Index (with net dividends reinvested), fully hedged into
Australian dollars, before fees.
Trust inception: 14 January 2005.
These figures represent past returns and are not necessarily an indicator of future

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                                                           7
How is the MFS Global Growth Trust managed?

MFS’ philosophy for Global Growth is also based upon             Finally, the MFS growth team wants to identify stocks where
active management and fundamental research. The MFS              their growth expectations differ from the market. MFS seeks to
growth team seek to identify earnings growth that is not         “look ahead” because companies can look expensive on near
anticipated by the market in order to identify stocks with the   term estimates. Looking ahead allows MFS to identify where
potential for price appreciation. Fundamental research is the    growth in future years has been underappreciated by the
most reliable way to identify companies with superior            market. MFS analysts seek to recognise a company’s
earnings and cash flow growth prospects.                         strengthening competitive position before the market or when a
Investment Style                                                 company is poised to benefit from an emerging growth
                                                                 opportunity. Early recognition of the duration of growth is
The MFS Global Growth investment process consists of the
                                                                 important especially where it can be longer or greater than the
following steps:
                                                                 market expects. By recognising improving growth trends, MFS
                                                                 analysts can invest in companies when multiples are low and
                                                                 subsequently generate superior returns for investors as the
                                                                 company’s multiple expands.

                                                                 Buy Discipline
                                                                 In constructing the MFS Global Growth Trust, the MFS team
                                                                 buy stocks upon gaining conviction, on dips caused by
                                                                 temporary factors, and when growth potential is not
                                                                 appreciated by the market.

                                                                 Sell Discipline
                                                                 The MFS team sells securities when they reach price targets,
                                                                 when there is a change in investment thesis, or when they
                                                                 have a better alternative idea. The portfolio contains
                                                                 approximately 110 to 140 high conviction names, is biased
                                                                 toward growth industries, and is generally all-cap in nature.

                                                                 Portfolio Construction
                                                                 Exposure to a single industry is limited to 25% of the portfolio.
                                                                 The maximum allocation to any given security is 5% of the
                                                                 portfolio at purchase. Country allocations are an outcome and
                                                                 are not targeted. The Trust can have up to 25% invested in
                                                                 emerging markets.
Fundamental Research
Analysts are responsible for following companies within their
                                                                 Currency Management
specific industry coverage, and typically cover two sectors.     MFS does not manage the currency exposure of their global
Analysts develop and maintain their own in-depth financial       equity investments. Currency hedging is rare and usually only
models, visit company management, and interview                  undertaken for defensive purposes and as a part of the
competitors, suppliers and customers in order to form an         security selection process. Therefore, there is no overall
opinion on each company. They seek to identify well-             currency management strategy for the MFS Global Growth
managed companies with a sustainable competitive                 Trust and this Trust is considered to be “unhedged”.
advantage that are able to generate superior returns.
                                                                 Risk Management
Ultimately, this process leads to a “buy,” “hold,” or “sell”
rating for each stock that MFS follow.                           MFS monitors the portfolio's risk exposure for the purpose of
                                                                 determining that investment guidelines and diversification
MFS analysts follow 2000-2500 global securities and have         parameters are being followed. The MFS Compliance
buy ratings on 550-650 of them.                                  Department measures and evaluates the accounting, financial,
                                                                 and operational activities of MFS and its affiliates from a
Stock Selection                                                  regulatory perspective. Managers within the Equity
                                                                 Department review risk exposures on a regular basis and work
Growth stocks identified must exceed minimum growth
                                                                 with the Portfolio Management teams to keep risk exposures
hurdles of revenue growth and earnings per share growth.
                                                                 consistent with the portfolio's investment discipline and preset
The screen also identifies companies with consistent growth
over time.
Using the analysts’ research, the MFS growth team analyse
a company’s fundamentals to identify the stocks that fit with
our buy criteria. MFS seeks companies with:
     •    Strong secular growth outlook
     •    Large potential opportunity set
     •    Sustainable competitive advantage
     •    Superior business model
     •    Strong management team

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                  8
MFS Global Growth Trust

This MFS Global Growth Trust is registered with the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission                   Trust size at 30 June 2006
(“ASIC”) as the MFS Global Growth Trust. The                       The MFS Global Growth Trust was launched for
inception date of this Trust is 16th August 2006.                  Australian investors on 16 August 2006.
Investment Objective
                                                                   Performance (after fees)
The Trust is designed for investors seeking capital
appreciation over the longer term by investing in                  The MFS Global Growth Trust is a new fund and
companies MFS believes will have superior growth                   therefore does not have performance history.
prospects and returns. The Trust aims to outperform                Performance information quoted below is based on an
the MSCI All Country World Growth Index (in AUD)                   asset-weighted composite of MFS Global Growth
over a full market cycle, typically three to five years,           Equity accounts (reported in AUD).
before taking into account Trust fees and expenses.
                                                                   The inception date of this composite is 1 December
Investments Held                                                   2003. An account is eligible for inclusion in this
The Trust invests in all types of ordinary shares and              composite if: it is a mutual fund, institutional trust or
equivalents of US and non-US issuers. The Trust seeks              separate account managed in accordance with this
to add value by using the bottom-up fundamental                    style, full discretionary authority has been granted, and
research of MFS equity investment professionals to                 the account has at least AUD $7 million in net assets.
select equity securities that are expected to
                                                                   Please call 1800 BNP PAM (1800 267 726) for more
demonstrate superior long-term earnings growth.
                                                                   recent performance data.

All of the information below on investment allocations is
based on a representative portfolio, managed as part of                                     Net
the MFS Global Growth Equity strategy.                                                   Composite
                                                                   To                     Return          Benchmark             Variation to
Top 10 Holdings at 30 June 2006                                    30 June 2006            (AUD)            (AUD)               Benchmark

                                                                   1 month %                  1.4              1.3                    0.1
        Security              Country              Sector
                                                                   3 months %                -6.3              -6.0                  -0.3
 Total S.A.                France             Energy
                                                                   1 year % p.a.             21.2              19.8                   1.4
 BHP Billiton              Australia          Basic Materials
 LVMH                      France             Retailing            2 Years % p.a.             9.8              8.6                    1.2

 HSBC Holdings             U.K.               Financial Services   Inception %p.a.           13.1              11.2                   1.9
 Tesco                     U.K.               Retailing            Source: Factset, SPAR
                                                                   Benchmark: MSCI All Country World Growth Index (in AUD)
 Procter & Gamble          United States      Consumer
                                                                   Composite inception: 1 December 2003.
                                                                   These figures represent past returns and are not necessarily an indicator of
 GlaxoSmithKline           U.K.               Health Care          future returns.

 WPP Group                 U.K.               Leisure
 Johnson & Johnson         United States      Health Care
 Roche Holding             Switzerland        Health Care

Regional Weightings
                                                Variation to
To               Growth
30 June 2006    Composite         Benchmark

Asia ex Japan       7.4                3.7          3.7
Emerging            8.8                7.1          1.7
Europe ex UK        29.2               19.2         10.0
Japan               9.1                10.6         -1.5
North America       34.5               48.9        -14.4
United              11.0               10.5         0.5

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                              9
Managing Risk

There are a number of significant risks that may potentially          “basis risk”, which refers to the possibility that derivatives
affect the value of your investment and the return from the           positions may not move perfectly in line with the physical
Trusts. Investment in any Trust is subject to a degree of risk,       security. As a consequence, the derivative positions cannot
including possible delays in the payment of withdrawal                be expected to perfectly hedge the risk of the physical
proceeds and loss of income and capital. These risks have to          security. In addition, derivatives can lose value because of a
be considered in the context of the timing of your decision to        sudden price move, or because of the passage of time.
make an investment in, or a withdrawal from, the Trusts, in
particular, the then state of the market and the length of time
                                                                      Currency Risk (MFS Global Equity Trust and MFS Global
you either plan to invest in, or have been invested in the Trusts.    Growth Trust)
Whilst it is not possible to identify every risk factor relevant to   Currency risk is the sensitivity of the portfolio value to movement in
investing in these Trusts, the following identifies a number of       foreign exchange rates. MFS quantifies the risk of each individual
risk factors which may affect the returns of these Trusts.            security but does not actively manage currencies in aggregate.
The Responsible Entity and the Investment Manager do not              Currency Risk (MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust)
guarantee the capital, any rate of return on income or capital
or investment performance of the Trust. Investment in any             Currency risk, as defined above, is the sensitivity of the portfolio
fund is subject to risks, including possible delays in the            value to movement in foreign exchange rates. OAM aims to
payment of withdrawal proceeds, and loss of income and                minimise this risk by hedging foreign exchange positions back into
capital.                                                              the Australian dollar.

Interest Rate Risk                                                    Counterparty Credit Risk
                                                                      Counterparty risk is the sensitivity of security or portfolio value due
Changes in official interest rates can directly or indirectly         to a counterparty in a transaction who is unwilling or unable to
impact (negatively or positively) on investment returns. For          honour the terms of the contract. Counterparty risk arises when two
instance, rising interest rates can have a negative impact on         entities enter into a contract, agreeing to the terms and conditions of
a trust’s or company’s value as increased borrowing costs             a financial transaction involving the exchange of cash flows, under
may cause earnings to decline. As a result, the unit value or         which they are obligated for a stated period. MFS exercises extreme
share price may fall.                                                 conservatism when assessing the credit quality of our
Market Risk                                                           counterparties. The following set of guidelines is used by MFS in
                                                                      assessing counterparty risk: Review financial information concerning
The value of, and returns from, many investments may
                                                                      counterparty (equity analyst summary); Review credit rating of
fluctuate significantly over short periods of time. These
                                                                      counterparty's parent corporation; Assess the counterparty's history
fluctuations can be caused by changes in interest rates,
                                                                      of sound management evidence by, a record (either individual or
economic cycles, investor sentiment, political, social,
                                                                      together with its parent organisation, if any) of at least five years'
technological and legal events. These changes can directly
                                                                      continuous operation as a dealer of the particular derivative or the
or indirectly create an environment that influences
                                                                      adviser's past experience with the counterparty, if any; Individual is
(negatively or positively) the value of the investments in the
                                                                      responsible for assessing whether counterparty is financially
Trusts. In addition, a downwards move in the general level
                                                                      responsible. This should be reviewed at least annually. Portfolio
of the equities market can have a negative impact on the
                                                                      managers have access to reports highlighting exposure to
performance of the Trusts.
Company Specific Risk
The value of investments can vary because of changes to a             Operational Risk
company’s management, product distribution or the
company’s business environment. An investment in shares               Operational risk addresses the risk of trading and back office errors
carries the risk of a decline in value or a failure to pay            that result in a loss to the portfolio. For example, this could be the
distributions because of a fall in investor confidence, poor          result of negligence, ineffective securities processing procedures,
management or changes in a company’s competitive                      computer systems problems and human error. MFS has an
environment or internal operations.                                   Operational Risk Management group under the supervision of the
                                                                      Chief Compliance Officer. The group provides a framework for an
Stock Selection Risk                                                  enterprise-wide focus on risk management in order to ensure that
MFS may make poor investment decisions resulting in sub-              business and operational risks are addressed across MFS. The
standard returns (for example where MFS invests in a                  group also helps create an overall risk awareness among staff and
company that significantly underperforms the share market).           management across the company. In addition, the group
This risk is mitigated to some extent by the knowledge and            coordinates the organisation’s corporate risk identification and
experience of the Investment Manager and the                          management activities that are implemented by the individual
diversification of stocks held in the portfolio.                      business units. The Chief Compliance Officer reports to the Chief
                                                                      Regulatory Officer and is a member of the Risk and Compliance
Liquidity Risk                                                        Committee. The Risk and Compliance Committee, which meets
There may be times when securities may not be readily sold            monthly, provides a company- wide forum for the review of
(for example, in a falling market where companies may                 significant business, operating and regulatory risks and for
become less liquid). However, trading volumes of stocks are           monitoring the company’s internal control and compliance systems.
generally sufficient to satisfy liquidity requirements when
necessary. Note that neither the Responsible Entity nor the
Investment Managers guarantee the liquidity of the Trusts’            Fund Risk
investments.                                                          As with all managed funds, there are risks particular to each of the
                                                                      Trusts including: that the Trusts could be terminated; the fees and
Derivatives                                                           expenses could change, EQT is replaced as Responsible Entity or
                                                                      BNPPIM is replaced as Investment Manager. There is also risk that
In the case of derivatives, fluctuations in price will reflect        investing in the Trusts may give different results than investing
movements in the underlying assets, reference rate or index           directly in the securities because of income or capital gains accrued
to which the derivatives relate. The use of derivative                in the Trusts and the consequences of withdrawal by other
positions to hedge the risk of physical securities involves           investors.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                     10
Investing, Switching, Withdrawals and Reporting
Valuation of the Trusts & Application Price of Units          Access to your investment
The value of the investments of the Trust are generally       The Responsible Entity will generally allow investors of the
determined every business day in accordance with the          Trusts to access their funds within 3 business days of receipt of
Trusts’ constitutions. A business day is defined as           a redemption request for the relevant amount. However, the
being any day other than Saturday or Sunday on which          constitutions of the Trusts allow the Responsible Entity to make
banks are open for general banking business in                payment up to 30 days after receipt of a redemption request
Sydney.                                                       (which may be extended at the discretion of the Responsible
The value of a unit is determined on the basis of the         Entity in accordance with the Trusts’ constitutions).
value of the investments of the Trust (after taking into      Where a Trust is not liquid, as defined in the Corporations Act
account any liabilities), in accordance with the Trusts’      2001 (Cth), an investor does not have a right to withdraw from
constitutions. The application price of a unit in the Trust   the Trust and can only withdraw where the Responsible Entity
is the value of a unit plus an allowance for transaction      makes a withdrawal offer to investors in accordance with the
costs required for buying investments.                        Corporations Act. The Responsible Entity is not obliged to
This means that the value of a unit can fluctuate up or       make such offers. A Trust will be liquid if at least 80% of the
down with the value of the assets of the Trust. When          assets of the Trust are liquid assets. Broadly, liquid assets are
calculating the number of units allotted for applications,    money in an account or on deposit with a financial institution,
we divide the application monies by the entry unit price.     bank accepted bills, marketable securities, other prescribed
For unit redemptions, we divide the amount you wish to        property and other assets that the Responsible Entity
redeem by the exit unit price. For full redemptions, we       reasonably expects can be realised for their market value
multiply the total number of units you own by the exit        within the period specified in the constitutions for satisfying
unit price.                                                   redemption requests while the Trust is liquid.

Minimum Balance                                               Switching
The minimum balance is $500,000. The Responsible              Investors can switch at no additional charge, however, the
Entity may in its discretion accept an initial investment     relevant spreads will apply for all switches to/from the MFS
amount lower than $500,000 where cashflows will               Global Growth Trust. Switching between the MFS Global
ensure the minimum balance is equal to or greater than        Equity Trust and the MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Trust is
$500,000 in the near term. Where a redemption request         treated as redeeming your existing investment in one Trust and
takes the balance below the minimum level of                  making an equivalent dollar value application in the second
$500,000, a full redemption is required.                      Trust. In this process, units will be redeemed at the net asset
                                                              value of the first Trust and new units will be purchased at the
Making an Application                                         net asset value of the second Trust. Switching may incur
The offer in this PDS is only available to “Wholesale         Capital Gains Tax. You should seek professional investment
Clients” as defined under the Corporations Act 2001           advice from your financial accountant or planner.
(refer to Eligible Investors page 17).                        In order to switch your investments, simply complete a
To invest, please follow the instructions outlined in the     redemption form for your current Trust and an application form
“How to Invest” section commencing on page 20 then            at the back of the current PDS for the Trust you wish to switch
complete the application form accompanying this PDS.          to and forward these to BNP Paribas Investment Management.
Please note that cash cannot be accepted.                     Please contact the BNP Paribas Investment Management
Alternatively, if you are investing via an IDPS you may       Client Services Team if you require a current PDS or
need to complete a separate application form and              redemption form (contact details listed in “Contact Us” on page
provide a cheque payable to your IDPS provider.               27). Switching processing is usually within 3 business days.
Applications can be made between 9:00am and 5:00pm            Withdrawals and withdrawal price
on any business day. However, for unit pricing
                                                              The withdrawal price of a unit in the Trust is the net asset value
purposes and income accrual purposes any application
                                                              of a unit less an allowance for transaction costs required for
received after 2:00pm Sydney time will generally be
                                                              selling investments. Refer to section ‘Valuation of the Trusts
treated as having been received the following business
day. If you are investing via an IDPS you may need to         and Application Price of Units.’ For further information, please
                                                              refer to “Minimum Balance” above.
contact the relevant IDPS provider regarding the cut-off
times for pricing purposes.                                   Making Withdrawals
EQT reserves the right to refuse any application without      Investors of the Trusts can withdraw from their investment
giving a reason. If for any reason EQT refuses or is          accounts in a number of ways:
unable to process your application to invest in the           • Written advice by post –
Trusts, EQT will return your application money to you.          BNP Paribas Investment Management (Applications &
You will not be entitled to any interest on your                Redemptions) c/- Unit Registry
application money in this circumstance. Any interest            PO Box R209
accrued will be credited to the benefit of the Trusts.          ROYAL EXCHANGE NSW 1225
For further information, please refer to “Minimum
Balance” above.                                               • Written advice by fax (02) 9222 0010.
                                                              All withdrawals, unless otherwise agreed, should be made on a
Additional investments                                        redemption form to ensure that a record of the withdrawal
You can make additional investments in the Trusts at          exists. All withdrawal requests should be received by 2:00pm
any time by sending us your additional investment             Sydney time for processing that day. Any withdrawal received
amount together with your investor details (refer to          after that time will generally be treated as being received the
“Making an Application” above). All applications for          following day. Alternatively, if you have invested indirectly
additional investments, unless otherwise agreed, should       through an IDPS, you may need to provide your withdrawal
be made on an application form to ensure that a record        request directly to your IDPS provider.
of the investment exists.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                             11
Terms for Fax Withdrawals                                     Investors Liability
EQT will refuse to comply with a fax request if the           The constitutions of the Trusts provide that unless there
sender does not satisfactorily identify themselves as the     is a separate agreement with an investor, no investor
investor. Cheques will only be drawn payable to the           can be called on to contribute to the Trusts or to their
investor or authorised nominee. By lodging a faxed            creditors in the event of their being any deficiencies in
withdrawal, you release, discharge and agree to               assets of the Trusts. It is, therefore, expected that
indemnify EQT from and against any and all losses,            investors will not be under any obligation if a deficiency
liabilities, actions, proceedings, account claims and         in assets was to occur.
demands arising from any fax withdrawal.                      In general, an investor’s liability is limited to the amount
You also agree that any payment made in accordance            (if any) which remains unpaid in relation to their
with the fax instructions shall be a complete satisfaction    subscription for units in the Trusts.
of the obligations of EQT, notwithstanding any fact or        Non-Listing of Units
circumstance including that the payment was made              The Trusts’ units are not listed on any Stock Exchange.
without your knowledge or authority. You agree that if
the payment is made in accordance with these                  Termination of Trusts
instructions, you and any person claiming through or          The Responsible Entity may resolve at any time to
under you shall have no claim against EQT in relation to      terminate a Trust (if it provides investors with notice)
the payment.                                                  and liquidate it in accordance with the Trusts’
Joint Account Operation                                       constitutions and the Corporations Act. Upon
                                                              termination and after conversion of a Trusts’ assets into
Joint accounts are normally accessible to both of the         cash and payment of, or provision for, all costs, and
named individuals. For joint accounts, either signatory       liabilities (actual and anticipated), the net proceeds will
is required to sign the redemption request. Please            be distributed pro-rata amongst all investors according
ensure both signatories sign the declaration in the           to the number of units they hold in the Trust.
application form.
                                                              Income Distributions
Appointment of Authorised Nominee to
                                                              An income distribution comprises your share of any “net
Operate Account                                               income” (including taxable capital gains) earned by the
Investors may elect to appoint an authorised nominee.         Trusts. The Trusts’ constitutions allow for a distribution
The relevant sections on the application form need to         period of up to 12 months. Distribution calculations are
be completed, including name and signature of the             at least yearly at June end with an annual distribution
nominee, signature of investor and date.                      paid as soon as possible thereafter.
Only investors can appoint authorised nominees. If you        You can have your income distribution reinvested or
appoint an authorised nominee we suggest you ensure:          directly credited to your nominated bank account. If you
•     That they do not appoint another nominee                do not make an election, your income distribution will
•     That the appointment lasts until cancelled by you       automatically be reinvested.
      in writing or by the Responsible Entity.                Reporting to Investors
The Responsible Entity may cancel an appointment by           Regular and simple to read reports are provided to
giving the investor 14 days notice in writing. If an          investors of the Trusts, they comprise:
appointment is cancelled, the Responsible Entity will not
                                                              • Annual Report to Investors, including financial
be obliged to act on the instructions of the authorised
                                                                 statements and Auditor’s Report (you may elect not to
nominee. If the instructions are varied in writing, the
                                                                 receive this report);
Responsible Entity will only act in accordance with the
varied instructions.                                          • Transaction Reports confirming all additional
                                                                 investments, withdrawals, units held in the Trusts,
By completing and lodging the relevant sections on
                                                                 application unit price, value of investments, payments
authorised nominees on the application form, you
                                                                 and fees (available periodically and on request);
release, discharge and agree to indemnify EQT from
and against any and all losses, liabilities, actions,         • Distribution Reports issued annually notifying you of
proceedings, account claims and demands arising from             the value of your investment, income from your
EQT acting on the instructions of your authorised                investments and confirming your requirements for
nominee.                                                         reinvestment or payment to your bank account;
                                                              • Investment Reports issued monthly and quarterly
You also agree that any instructions of your authorised
nominee to EQT, which are acted on by EQT, shall be a            provide information on the Trusts including a review of
                                                                 market conditions, investment strategy and
complete satisfaction of the obligations of EQT,
notwithstanding any fact or circumstance, including that         performance, as well as a market outlook (emailed upon
                                                                 request or also available on BNP Paribas’ website);
the instructions were made without your knowledge or
authority.                                                    • Tax Reports issued yearly summarises the income and
                                                                 capital gains components of distributions, as well as
You agree that if the authorised nominee’s instructions
                                                                 credits for dividend imputation and foreign tax (if any).
are followed by EQT, you, and any person claiming
through or under you, shall have no claim against EQT         The Trusts are disclosing entities and have regular
in relation to the instructions.                              reporting and disclosure obligations under the
                                                              Corporations Act.
Powers of an Authorised Nominee
                                                              You can call the BNP Paribas Client Service Team on
An authorised nominee can, but is not limited to:
                                                              1800 267 726 or your IDPS provider or visit BNP
1. Apply for additional investment units                      Paribas’ website at for
2. Request that income distribution instructions be altered   updated information on performance, unit prices, fund
3. Redeem all or part of your investment and direct where     sizes and other general information about the Trusts.
    and to whom this redemption shall be paid
4. Make enquiries and obtain copies of statements in
    relation to the status of your investment.
If a company is appointed as an authorised nominee,
the powers will extend to any director and authorised
officer of the company. If a partnership, the powers will
extend to all partners.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                               12
Fees and other costs
Below is a Consumer Advisory Warning which is required by law to be displayed at the beginning of the Fees and other
costs section of this PDS. The fee example given in the Consumer Advisory Warning does not relate to any investments
described within this PDS, and is a standard example defined by the regulations.
Detailed information about the fees and other costs related to the Trust described in this PDS are provided in the section
following the Consumer Advisory Warning.

Consumer Advisory Warning
The following Consumer Advisory Warning is a requirement of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
(ASIC). As these Trusts are only available to wholesale investors, our management and contribution fees are not
                                                               DID YOU KNOW?
           Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long term returns.
For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your fund balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30 year period
                                                 (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).
 You should consider whether features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member services justify higher fees and
   You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees and management costs where applicable. Ask the Fund or your financial adviser.

                                                             TO FIND OUT MORE
     If you would like to find out more, or see the impact of fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities and Investments
      Commission (ASIC) website ( has a managed investment fee calculator to help you check out different fee options.

Fees and other costs table
This table shows fees and other costs that you may be charged. These fees and costs may be deducted from your
money, from the returns on your investment or from the Trust’s assets as a whole.
Taxes are set out in another part of this document.
You should read all the information about fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact on your

 TYPE OF FEE OR COST                                            AMOUNT                                             HOW AND WHEN PAID

 Fees when your money moves             MFS Global        MFS Fully Hedged         MFS Global
 in or out of the Trust                 Equity Trust       Global Equity          Growth Trust
 Establishment fee                                                                                     There is no establishment fee payable when you
                                              Nil                  Nil                   Nil
 The Fee to open your investment                                                                       set up your investment in the Trust.
 Contribution fee                                                                                      Not applicable.
 The fee on each amount
                                                                                                       The constitution of the MFS Fully Hedged Global
 contributed to your investment
                                                                                                       Equity Trust and the MFS Global Growth Trust
                                              Nil                  Nil                   Nil           allows us to charge a contribution fee of up to
                                                                                                       6% per annum (excluding GST) of the applicable
                                                                                                       moneys for this Trust.
                                                                                                       We do not intend to charge any amount for the
                                                                                                       life of the PDS.
 Withdrawal fee                                                                                        Not applicable.
 The fee on each amount you                                                                            The constitutions of the Trusts allow us to
 take out of your investment                                                                           charge a withdrawal fee of the aggregate
                                              Nil                  Nil                   Nil           redemption price of the units being redeemed
                                                                                                       (1% per annum excluding GST for the MFS
                                                                                                       Global Equity Trust, 6% per annum excluding
                                                                                                       GST for the MFS Fully Hedged Global Equity
                                                                                                       Trust, and 6% per annum excluding GST for the
                                                                                                       MFS Global Growth Trust).
                                                                                                        We do not intend to charge any amount for the
                                                                                                       life of the PDS.
 Termination fee                                                                                       There is no termination fee payable when you
                                              Nil                  Nil                   Nil
 The fee to close your investment                                                                      withdraw from the Trust.

BNP Paribas Investment Funds Product Disclosure Statement                                                                                        13
You can also read