PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

Page created by Kenneth Crawford
PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

Port of EVERETT                                                    WINTER 2022


                                                          through the
                                                          Norton Terminal Targets
                                                          Fall 2022 Opening to
                                                          Support Supply Chain

                                                          First Retail, Restaurants
                                                          Break Ground at
                                                          Fisherman’s Harbor

                                                          Developer Selected for
                                                          Second Phase of
                                                          Waterfront Place

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PORTSIDE - Port of Everett
In This Issue
           Message from the CEO                                                                      3 Economic Report
           As we head into year three of the pandemic, rest                                              Seaport investments support supply chain relief;
                                                                                                         Larsen roundtable; 2021 cargo snapshot
           assured that the Port and its facilities will con-
           tinue to support our region’s critical economic                                           4 PUBLIC ACCESS
                                                                                                         2022 events; winter attractions; boat
           recovery efforts and provide a stable force of
                                                                                                         launch dredging, restroom rebuild
           employment for Snohomish County. The Port’s
           strategic, forward-thinking $89 million budget                                            5 marina
                                                                                                         Fuel dock grant award; recognizing long-
           for 2022 keeps job-producing and quality-of-life          Lisa Lefeber                        time slipholders; new Monkey Fist Market
           projects moving forward so we are ready to thrive in        Port CEO
           the eventual recovery.                                                                   6/7 Waterfront Place
                                                                                                         LPC West selected as Millwright District
                                                                                                         developer; first Fisherman’s Harbor retail,
           Similar to 2021, 2022 is stacking up to be another year of great progress for the             restaurant pads break ground; Schuster
           Port, as we complete numerous projects spanning from the working waterfront                   Group to build restaurant row, wine walk

           to the destination waterfront. The Port’s capital budget is aimed at growing             8/9 SEAPORT
           and diversifying the economy through Seaport investments to put the former                    Norton Terminal update, Everett named
           Kimberly-Clark mill site back into job-producing use with development and                     strategic seaport; Governor Inslee visits

           opening of the new Norton Terminal (see page 8) and furthering the creation              10 Environment
           of a new mixed-use waterfront community at Waterfront Place with con-                         Blue Heron Slough update; Bay Wood shoreline
           struction starting on new buildings for the coming “restaurant row” and “wine                 restoration awards and site redevelopment

           walk,” as well as public infrastructure to support future phases of commercial,          11 Real estate
           retail, residential and public spaces in our Millwright District (see pages 6-7).             Port tenant OceanGate makes underwater
           Together, these critical investments will help stabilize a strained supply chain,             history with consecutive Titanic dives

           while providing enhanced quality of life for County residents. The Port will also        12 Workforce Development/Education
           continue its efforts to enhance the environment and public access by complet-                 Filling skills gap in Snohomish County; WSU
           ing the Blue Heron Slough salmon habitat restoration project and opening new                  robotics at Marina; maritime exhibit update

           waterfront trails at the coming Bay Wood Business Park (see page 10).                    13 Community
                                                                                                         BEST partnership; PAWS wildlife center; ILWU
           For me, I am looking forward to 2022 being a year of unification, not polariza-               gives back this holiday season

           tion; and hope rather than fear. I hope for healing, not only in the economy, but
                                                                                                    14 Port briefs
           socially. And I hope for a transition back to “normal.” I am extremely proud of               2022 budget; Port communications recognized;
           our Commission’s leadership, the wonderful staff we have here at the Port, and                Mukilteo waterfront planning begins

           all we have been able to accomplish over the course of this pandemic. A tran-            15 employee focus
           sition back to “normal” will allow both our businesses and workforce to have                  Remembering Port employee Rick Adams;
                                                                                                         Quilt of Valor for Bachman; employee news
           clarity. This clarity is vital to economic investment, prosperity and growth.

           Your Port Commission                                                                               COMMISSION MEETINGS
                                                                                                     The Port Commission meetings are held in hybrid format
                                                                                                      with an in-person or virtual option via the Zoom video
                                                                                                     conferencing platform. Meetings take place the first and
                                                                                                          second Tuesday of each month at noon at the
                                                                                                                Port of Everett’s Waterfront Center,
                                                                                                          1205 Craftsman Way, in the Blue Heron Room.
                                                                                                             The public is encouraged to participate.

                   David Simpson             Tom Stiger         Glen Bachman
                                                                                                                    PORT SIDE TEAM
                                                                                                           This issue of the Port Side was written and
                      District 1              District 2           District 3                           produced by the Port’s Public Affairs Department
                                                                                                                    and printed by DCG ONE.
                                                                                                      Cover image: A southwest facing view of the Port

                  COMMISSIONer SIMPSON                 Join us! Next COMMISSIONER
commission news

                                                                                                      of Everett’s new “frozen fountain” illuminated tree
                                                                                                       at Pacific Rim Plaza in Fisherman’s Harbor with

                  re-elected, Sworn In                 CORNER on Feb. 15                                 spectators enjoying the new winter feature.

                  In a virtual ceremony on Jan. 5,     You’re invited to join us at the Port’s
                  2022, Port Commissioner-elect        next Commissioner Corner, a virtual
                                                                                                                  PORT OF EVERETT
                                                                                                               1205 Craftsman Way; Suite 200
                  David Simpson was officially         community engagement program, set                       PO Box 538, Everett, WA 98206
                  sworn into service to continue       for 5 – 5:30 p.m. Feb. 15 via Zoom. The                       Phone: (425) 259-3164
                  representing the citizens of         program will provide a brief update on               E-mail: publicaffairs@portofeverett.com
                                                                                                                 Web: www.portofeverett.com
                  Port District 1. Simpson was         Seaport operations with Marine Termi-
                  re-elected in November 2021 to       nals Director Walter Seidl.                               CONNECT WITH US!
                  a six-year term.                    RSVp @ Portofeverett.com/commissionercorner

                                                                                                              @portofeverett | #portofeverett
                  2 | PORTSIDE WINTER 2022
PORTSIDE - Port of Everett


Gridlock in the global supply chain brought on, in part, by the
pandemic has led to extended wait times, labor shortages and literal
boatloads of cargo waiting to get into seaports across the U.S., with
West Coast ports among the hardest hit.

Today’s crisis has made recent capital investments at the Port of
Everett Seaport even more valuable, as shippers look to alternative
ports like Everett to move goods to market.

In January 2021, the Port celebrated completion of its $57 million South
Terminal modernization, adding another full-service berth to support
larger ships and heavier cargo. The project strengthened the 700-foot
                                                                             CARGO SNAPSHOT
                                                                                   133                         572k
wharf, acquired and relocated two Post-Panamax container cranes from
the Port of Los Angeles to the dock, and upgraded dock electrical.

The upgrade positioned Everett as one of the only ports of its size on
the West Coast with Post-Panamax cranes, and as a result, the dock has         Port calls in 2021; nearly    Short tons moved in 2021,
been in continuous use since opening. Ship calls have more than doubled        40 more ships than 2020        more than double 2020
over previous years, and the Port has seen exponential growth in
containers, which directly translates into jobs. The Port moved more than
20,000 containers in 2021, up from just over 3,800 in 2020. Supporting
congestion relief and handling the container surge we are seeing today
would not be possible without the new South Terminal cranes.

“We continue to see an overflow of ships and cargo, but not just in the
traditional way with diverted container ships,” Port of Everett Chief
Operating Officer Carl Wollebek said. “What we are seeing is shippers
using non-traditional vessels to carry containers. Some are purchasing
new containers in China and hiring heavy lift or bulk ships to carry
them. This method seems to be working, helping provide a path to
circumvent some of this congestion.”
                                                                                   20k 400
                                                                               Containers moved in 2021,
                                                                                up from 3,875 in 2020
                                                                                                              Increase in container
                                                                                                              volume over last year
In addition to containers, the Port also saw an increase in traditional
cargo in 2021, including breakbulk, energy, machinery, manufacturing,
forest products and agriculture cargoes.

The Port’s pre-planned $100 million Mills to Maritime initiative now
underway to build the new 40-acre Norton Terminal has customers
chomping at the bit. The new maritime facility, which is on target to
open in fall 2022, is expected to add 950 jobs to the community in
addition to about 800 temporary construction jobs (see page 8).

  Congressman Larsen hosts Supply chain ROUNDTABLE
  On Nov. 19, 2021, the Port of Everett      helped move American made prod-
  was pleased to host U.S. Congress-         ucts to foreign markets, and help
  man Rick Larsen’s roundtable on the        alleviate port congestion along the
  supply chain. The timely conversation      West Coast.
  allowed the opportunity to showcase
  how Port of Everett investments in          DID YOU KNOW? An estimated 90% of the
  Everett’s seaport infrastructure have       world’s goods are transported by sea.

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PORTSIDE - Port of Everett
  feb. seattle boat show
                                    New ‘Frozen Fountain’
                                    lights up Pacific Rim Plaza
MAR. 27 Everett Half Marathon       Have you seen the new 35-foot illuminated
                                    “frozen fountain” at Pacific Rim Plaza? The
                                    sculpture, on display next to Hotel Indigo,
 APR.16- TALL SHIP adventures       made its debut at the Port’s annual Holiday on
  MAY 2                             the Bay tree-lighting on Dec. 3. Working with
                                    Seattle-based Visionart, the Port designed the
 APR. 23 MARINA & Jetty Island
         CLEANUP DAY                one-of-a-kind piece to look like a fountain that
                                    has frozen into the shape of a tree. LED chaser
 APR. 30 Snohomish WOMEN’S RUN
         5K RUN/WALK
                                    lights line all four tiers of the fully recyclable
                                    structure so the “ice” appears to drip. Enjoy the
                                    display each holiday season from Thanksgiving
 MAy 1 MS WALK                      to Chinese New Year. Visitors are encouraged to
                                    walk through the largest of its metal archways
  May- food truck Wednesdays        and take photos. Share your memories with us
  aug. @riverside business park     on social media using #portofeverett.

  june firefighter challenge        New Seasonal Ice Rink ‘Pacific Ice’
                                    added more winter fun
 JULY 4 ROCK THE FOURTH CONCERT     That’s a wrap on the first annual season of
                                    Pacific Ice, the new outdoor community ice
 JULY 5- JETTY ISLAND DAYS          rink at Port of Everett’s Waterfront Place. The
 SEPT. 5                            real ice rink at the Port’s Pacific Rim Plaza in
                                    front of the Jetty Bar & Grille ran Dec. 3 - Jan.
JULY 15- SAIL-IN CINEMA OUTDOOR     31, seeing thousands of kids and adults alike
 AUG.19 MOVIES (FRIDAYS)            for open skate sessions, skating lessons and
                                    holiday events. We want to thank rink operator
JULY 21- WORKING WATERFRONT         Blue Line Sports & Entertainment and Pacific Ice
 AUG.11 HARBOR TOURS (thursdays)
                                    presenting sponsor Tulalip Tribes for bringing
JULY 30- TALL SHIP adventures       this new winter recreation program to life!
july 14- music at the marina
 aug.18 (Thursdays)
                                    Jetty Landing BOAT LAUNCH maintenance
                                    DREDGING, restroom rebuild now underway
 SEPT.17 SALMON FOR SOLDIERS        Two highly-anticpated projects have commenced at the Jetty Landing Boat
                                    Launch. First up, Port contractor American Construction Company mobilized on
                                    site in early January to begin necessary maintenance dredging at the launch. The
 20-21                              $1 million project, expected to continue thru the in-water work window of Feb. 15, is
                                    removing up to 41,000 cubic yards (CY) — equivalent to about 4,000 dump trucks
 AUG. 27 WHEELS ON THE WATERFRONT   loads — of river sediment impeding facility use and access at low tide. The Port was
         CAR SHOW                   also granted emergency authorization to expand its dredging footprint to remove
                                    another 9,000 CY to create a connector channel through a growing sandbar that
  SEPT. MUKILTEO LIGHTHOUSE         has formed between the launch and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintained
                                    Snohomish River channel to ensure critical emergency access.
 24-25                                                             Rebuild of the Jetty Landing restroom also started
                                                                   in early January. The nearly 50-year-old facility is
 OCT. 8 WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S                                    being replaced to meet modern-day demands. Port
                                                                   contractor Burton Construction will first demolish
                                                                   the existing structure and prepare the site for the
 DEC. 3 HOLIDAY ON THE BAY                                         new modular building. The new restroom is expected
                                                                   to be complete in spring 2022. Sani-cans will be
                                                                   available during construction.
                                                                   A big thank you to the City of Everett and Snohomish County for
                                                                   their funding partnership on these projects.

PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

Port receives $5.3M grant to replace aging fuel dock
                                               The Port’s fuel dock is an essential           County Sheriff’s and tribal partners will
                                               element to Everett’s working and               also benefit from an upgraded fuel dock
                                               recreational waterfront.                       as they, too, refuel their vessels at the
                                                                                              Marina to support critical emergency
                                               Our U.S. Navy partners next door               response in the area.
                                               rely on the Port’s facilities to refuel
                                               smaller naval assets, including                Built in the 1980s, the 40-year-old
                                               security boats.                                facility is in need of reconfiguration and
                                                                                              upgrades. Additionally, in its current
                                                 Not only will the upgraded fuel              location near Central A Dock, strong
                                                 dock continue to serve a critical            currents create challenges for refueling
                                                 function for the Navy, but the               at low tide.
The Port of Everett has been awarded             facility also fuels recreational
a $5.3 million federal grant to help fuel   and commercial boating. The Port of               The project, in design with KPFF
national defense.                           Everett is the largest public marina on           Engineers, is set to kick off this spring
                                            the West Coast with 2,300 slips and 10            starting with the relocation of the
The Department of Defense’s Office of       guest docks. Thousands of slipholders,            upland fuel tanks. The fuel dock will stay
Local Defense Community Cooperation         visiting boaters, a range of recreational         open through construction, as the new
awarded the grant through its Defense       and commercial fishermen, tourism                 facility will be built east of the current
Community Infrastructure Pilot Program.     operators, and commercial vessels like            location. The new 500-foot dock will
Funding will be used to offset the $8.8     the Hat Island Ferry also fuel up here.           also be able to accommodate larger
million price tag to reconfigure and                                                          vessels. The existing fuel dock will be
rebuild the Port’s aging Marina Fuel        The U.S. Coast Guard, City of Everett             demolished and removed once the
Dock in 2022.                               Police and Fire Departments, Snohomish            new one is operational.

Couple moors sailboat at the                                                                    NEW! Monkey fist market
                                                                                                Opens in Marina Village
Port of Everett Marina for 41 years
Bonnie and Pete Wolcott are what we
                                                                                                A new boater-focused marketplace is
                                                                                                now open at Marina Village. Monkey
like to call “legacy boaters” — they                                                            Fist Market, located at 1724 West
moored their sailboat at the Port of                                                            Marine View Drive, Suite 140, Everett, is
Everett Marina for 41 years.                                                                    a combination convenience store and
                                                                                                gift shop serving patrons of the Port of
Since 1980, the Lake Forest Park couple
                                                                                                Everett Marina.
docked their 27-foot Erickson at the
South D-dock near Anthony’s Homeport.                                                           You can now pick up convenience
In December 2021, they officially hung up                                                       items like soda, chips, candy bars,
their sails and sold their vessel.           Above: The Wolcott family on their sailboat at
                                             the Port of Everett Marina.                        nuts and even ice. Or swing in to find
                                                                                                the perfect one-of-a-kind gift, such
“I don’t know any other port more convenient,” Pete Wolcott said, as the Port
                                                                                                as nautical decorations and locally
of Everett Marina makes for a great jumping-off point to explore the Puget
                                                                                                made artwork.
Sound. The Wolcotts would set sail nearly every weekend. They liked to take
overnight trips to the San Juan Islands and Vancouver Island. A favorite visit                  Owner Khristina Hernandez, who also
was to the Butchart Gardens near Victoria, B.C.                                                 operates Sol Food restaurant and the
                                                                                                commercial linen service Marimba
Pete, a retired electronics technician for NOAA, now spends his time gardening
                                                                                                Cleaners, named the marketplace
at Edmonds Lutheran Church and walking at least 15,000 steps per day. Bonnie,
                                                                                                after the sailor’s knot that looks like a
who was a secretary for state Department of Aeronautics, decided she’s done
                                                                                                monkey’s bunched paw.
enough sailing in her lifetime.
                                                                                                Hernandez is planning to increase her
While they may have sold their sailboat, the Wolcotts can still enjoy boating.
                                                                                                offerings by adding concierge services
They own two rowboats: a 14-foot Whitehall named “Mike” and an 18-foot
                                                                                                to the more than 2,300 boaters that
Chamberlain dory called “Scud.” Pete built “Mike;” “Scud” was his father’s.
                                                                                                moor at the Marina, including laundry,
Whenever they miss the water, Pete and Bonnie can take out the rowboats.
                                                                                                vessel checks and grocery delivery.
“On behalf of our team here at the Port of Everett, I would like to extend our                  She hopes Monkey Fist will become a
deep appreciation to the Wolcotts for being exceptional long-term slipholders                   hub for Everett boaters, liveaboards
and for choosing our Marina as their home port of choice for so many years,”                    and hobbyists alike.
Port of Everett Chief of Marina Operations Jeff Lindhout said.
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PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

Port Commission Selects LPC West to
Develop Second Phase of Waterfront Place

Above/below: Conceptual renderings provided as part of LPC West’s proposal to establish the design look, feel and general scope; final designs
and development placements to be determined and refined as the Port begins working with LPC West on final concept.

On Dec. 6, 2021, the Port of Everett             LPC West is the West Coast arm of                “LPC West is incredibly excited to
Commission selected LPC West as the              Lincoln Property Company — one                   partner with the Port of Everett on
private development partner to build             of the largest diversified real estate           the continued revitalization of its
out the next phase of commercial, retail         services firms in the United States              exceptional waterfront location,” J.P.
and residential spaces at Waterfront             with headquarters based in Dallas,               Harlow, Senior Vice President of LPC
                                                                                                  West said. “We again look forward
Place, authorizing an exclusive                  Texas, and local offices throughout the
                                                                                                  to working with RIOS, a best-in-class
negotiating agreement to establish a             region, including its Seattle location.
                                                                                                  architect when it comes to designing
long-term ground lease to bring the              The company represents projects                  a cohesive live/work/play community.
nearly 10-acre Millwright District to life.      throughout Washington, Oregon,                   The Millwright District will be a vibrant
                                                 California and Idaho, and is responsible         community on the waterfront, and a
The announcement follows a nationwide            for a portfolio of more than 33 million          hub for new residents and businesses.”
search for a quality and experienced             sq. ft. of commercially developed,
developer to take on the largest mixed-          managed and/or leased properties.                The parties are working on a ground
use phase of Waterfront Place, featuring                                                          lease, followed by design and
thousands of square feet (sq. ft.) of            “LPC West comes with the highest                 permitting with construction to begin
retail and commercial, and hundreds of           of recommendations and has proven                in the 2023 timeframe.
multi-family housing units.                      experience in delivering quality
                                                 mixed-use projects that honor
                                                 the vision and history of the
The Millwright District                          communities they are developing
The Millwright District is devoted to            in,” Port of Everett CEO Lisa Lefeber
establishing a waterfront employment hub,        said. “We are so excited to hit
supporting office users with surrounding         the ground running with our new
destination retail, residential and public       partners to bring jobs and additional
spaces. The site’s long and cherished            vibrancy to the waterfront.”
history will be infused into the District’s
                                                 The Millwright District represents
design by way of architectural elements,
                                                 the second phase of public-private
street names and more, paying tribute to
                                                 development within the Port’s 65-
an area that long ago supported a booming
                                                 acre, 1.5 million sq. ft. mixed-use
lumber and shingle mill industry. A focal
                                                 Waterfront Place project. It builds on
point of the District is a “workman’s
                                                 the momentum and more than $150
clocktower” designed to resemble a
                                                 million in investment in the project
smokestack and inspired by the Dey Time
                                                 to date with the new developments
Register that mill workers used to punch
                                                 at Fisherman’s Harbor, including
in and out each day. Other features include
                                                 the new 266-unit Waterfront Place
the Timberman Trails, comprised of four
                                                 Apartments and 142-room Hotel
connecting courtyards, and Champfer
                                                 Indigo, the coming “restaurant row”
Woornerf, a “living street” to support events
                                                 and destination “wine walk,” public
like festivals and pop-up markets.
                                                 spaces and more.

PORTSIDE - Port of Everett
Port of Everett, Schuster Group
Strike Deal to Develop New
Destination Retail, Restaurants
The Port of Everett is entering into a long-term ground lease with The
Schuster Group, under a related LLC affiliate, to build and operate up
to 44,431 square feet (sq. ft.) of new commercial retail and restaurants
at Waterfront Place. The Schuster Group is a nationally recognized and
award-winning Puget Sound developer known for its quality work in               Above: Community members, Port staff and project partners
restaurant, retail, multi-family and mixed-use developments.                    gathered on Nov. 8, 2021 to break ground at the future site of
                                                                                Fisherman Jack’s and South Fork Bakery.

The deal for Waterfront Place includes development of the two Port
Gardner Landing buildings at 1710 West Marine View Drive to begin              First Phase of Fisherman’s Harbor
in early 2022. The 6,500 sq. ft. project is set to house the future
Woods Coffee, with the balance of the site anticipated to house                Retail, Restaurants Break Ground
Sound2Summit — a new tap room expansion for the Snohomish-based                The Port of Everett broke ground in November 2021 on
brewery. Both spaces offer expansive outdoor patio space.                      two new retail buildings, bringing restaurants and offices
                                                                               to Fisherman’s Harbor — the first phase of the Port’s 65-
Six additional sites are identified in the agreement for future
                                                                               acre Waterfront Place mixed-use development.
development, including four parcels in and around Fisherman’s Harbor
(A1, A6, A7, A12), and two sites in Marina Village. These parcels create
                                                                               The work builds out about 8,600 square feet (sq. ft.)
the Port’s new “restaurant row” at Fisherman’s Harbor and new
                                                                               of the expected 26,000 sq. ft. of retail and restaurants,
destination “wine walk.”
                                                                               plus expansive outdoor patio space, slated for
 Below: An aerial diagram showing the various parcels programmed for           development in this district.
 development at Waterfront Place in the next couple of years.
                                                                               One building (A8), near the Port’s Pacific Rim Plaza,
                                                                               will house the new Asian-inspired Fisherman Jack’s
                                                                               restaurant and South Fork Bakery. The other building
                                                                               (A17), west of Hotel Indigo, will develop a building
                                                                               for the Everett-based offices for Bellingham Yachts,
                                                                               Freedom Boat Club and Waterline Boats. Businesses
                                                                               are expected to open in 2022-2023.

                                                                               Both buildings are being constructed by Redmond-
                                                                               based Kassel & Associates. Seattle-based architectural
                                                                               firm Cushing Terrell designed the buildings, in
                                                                               coordination with Waterfront Place engineering firm
                                                                               PND Engineers. Timber-themed designs pay homage to
“We’ve been closely following the Port’s plans for Waterfront Place and        the site’s historic mill town roots.
we believe they have turned this location into the premier north-end
destination,” Holly Gardner, President of The Schuster Group said. “We
are excited to be a part of this transformation and are curating a mix of
local wineries, distilleries and breweries, complimented by renowned
local restaurants, to create a one-of-kind waterfront experience.”

The Port’s strategic investment in Waterfront Place is transforming the
face of Everett, creating a destination where you can do five things
year-round — eat, drink, sleep, work and recreate. In total, the project
is adding 1.5 million sq. ft. of new mixed-use, representing more than
$550 million in public/private investment.

More than $150 million has been invested in the first phase of                   Waterfront Place Apartments
development to date, creating a proven market with strong demand.                Now Pre-Leasing Second Building
Recent projects include the new Waterfront Place Apartments — the
                                                                                 Waterfront Place Apartment’s second building, The Carling, will be
first ever housing in the history of the waterfront — with 266 units,
                                                                                 welcoming new residents this spring and is actively pre-leasing for
the new 142-room Hotel Indigo, new public spaces including a fully
                                                                                 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartment homes. The 266-unit, two
connected esplanade, a dock walk, the new Pacific Rim Plaza and
                                                                                 building project — featuring The Sawyer to the north (opened May 2021)
splash fountain, public infrastructure and more.
                                                                                 and The Carling to the south — allow you to live on Everett’s waterfront
                                                                                 for the first time in its history. The apartment homes are situated in the
“The level of interest we are seeing to bring these new commercial
                                                                                 heart of Waterfront Place in Fisherman’s Harbor — the community’s
spaces online is extremely encouraging and a testament to the quality
                                                                                 go-to gathering place with an expansive esplanade, restaurants and
project we have established here at the waterfront,” Port of Everett
                                                                                 retail and views of the marina, bay and mountains.
CEO Lisa Lefeber said. “This forward momentum, paired with the
Schuster deal, sets us up to deliver at least one building per year for full     Book a tour today! Visit waterfrontplaceapartments.com.
build out in five years.”
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PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

 With the global supply chain challenges
 surging, the Port of Everett is
 transforming the former Kimberly-Clark
 mill site into a new 40-acre sustainable
 maritime hub — dubbed Norton
 Terminal — to meet the current and
 future business demand.

 The $36 million Norton Terminal
 Development & Model Toxics Control
 Act (MTCA) 3rd Interim Action Cleanup
 project, situated between the Port’s
 international Seaport and Naval Station
 Everett, broke ground in July 2021. It is
                                              of Ecology that integrates final physical
                                              cleanup of the site with redevelopment.
                                                                                          CONSTRUCTION UPDATE
 the cornerstone of the Port’s more than                                                  Since breaking ground at Norton
                                              A comprehensive environmental
 $100 million Mills to Maritime initiative                                                Terminal last summer, the first phase of
                                              investigation was completed at the site
 that sets out to enhance the movement                                                    the two-part project has since wrapped.
                                              prior to the redevelopment, and areas
 of commerce with additional cargo                                                        This phase had Port contractor SRV
                                              with the highest levels of contaminants
 laydown capacity, restore family-wage                                                    Construction complete initial preparation
                                              in soil and groundwater have been
 jobs, better position Everett’s facilities                                               work to ready the site for development.
                                              cleaned up.
 to aide in regional economic recovery                                                    This included importing more than
 and cargo diversification, and create a      Installation of a low permeability          50,000 cubic yards of clean crushed rock
 sustainable site into the future.            pavement cap over a majority of the         material to construct a preload pad over
                                              site is required to cover any remaining     six acres for site settlement.
 The work at Norton Terminal is being
                                              soil contamination and improve
 conducted under a cleanup agreement                                                      The project’s second phase kicked
                                              groundwater quality. The cap, which
 with the Washington State Department                                                     off in fall 2021 with Port contractor
                                              doubles as the marine cargo terminal,
                                                                                          Strider Construction mobilizing to the
                                              provides permanent environmental
                                                                                          site. To date, work has focused on site
                                              controls and a new state-of-the-art
                                                                                          preparation, including site grading
                                              stormwater treatment for the first time
                                                                                          and the capping of existing utilities.
                                              in the property’s history to protect the
 You can’t have a big-league                  health of Puget Sound.
                                                                                          Next, crews will install new site utilities,
                                                                                          including the new stormwater treatment
 economy with little-league                                                               system. Following this, the preload
                                              “This project is mission critical not
 infrastructure. That’s why                   only to the environment, but to the         material will be removed, graded, and
                                              economic vitality of our community,         compacted in preparation for asphalt
 its so important that this                   the working waterfront and all of           paving. The project will be completed
                                                                                          with the pavement installation, creating
 project is going forward,                    Snohomish County,” Port Commission
                                                                                          the final dual cap/terminal, and a few
                                              President David Simpson said. “With
 its why the Port of Everett                  ships stacked up along the West Coast       working site structures. The terminal is set
                                                                                          to open in fall 2022.
 is one of the pillars of the                 and no end in sight, the additional
                                              space can’t come soon enough.”
 economy of the region.                                                                    Questions? Concerns?
                                                                                           Call the Port of Everett’s 24/7
 Rick Larsen                                                                               Construction Hotline at
 U.S. Congressman                                                                          (425) 388-0269 or e-mail us at
 The project is funded in part by
 a $17.75M federal BUILD grant
 administered through MARAD and a
 $7.65M Ecology MTCA grant.

restoring jobs. strengthening economy.                                               TEMPORARY
                                                                                     CONSTRUCTION JOBS   950 DIRECT, INDIRECT &
                                                                                                             INDUCED JOBS

PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

The Port of Everett is pleased to         Surface Deployment and
announce in September 2021 it was         Distribution Command’s
notified by the U.S. Department           833rd Transportation
of Transportation Maritime                Battalion, headquartered
Administration (MARAD) of its formal      at Joint Base Lewis-
designation as a Strategic Commercial     McChord.
Seaport by the Commander, Military
Surface Deployment and Distribution       “Everett is, and
Command (SDDC).                           always has been, a
                                          military town,” Port
The new title makes Everett one of        Commissioner Tom
only 18 Strategic Commercial Seaports     Stiger said. “We are
nationwide — five of which are            proud of the relationship     Above: In July 2021, the Port of Everett Seaport handled its largest
positioned along the West Coast.          we have with the              military shipment to date in partnership with the 833rd Transportation
                                                                        Battalion, offloading 850+ pieces of U.S. Military equipment used to
                                          Department of Defense.        support a joint military training exercise in South Korea.
Strategic Seaports support the            It’s a strong one that
deployment of U.S. Armed Forces in        dates back to WWII,
times of war, contingency, national       when our shipping                                additional berths, equipment and
emergency and disaster. With this         terminals were taken over to support             cargo laydown to support more
designation, the Port must maintain       a shipbuilding operation for the Navy.           commercial military shipments.
readiness and be prepared to meet         Today, just like then, we are committed
the military’s needs with short notice,   to supporting our national security.”            The Port’s efforts to recruit on-site
while minimizing disruption to                                                             commercial and military-approved
commercial services and commerce.         Recent Seaport investments, including            shipyard Everett Ship Repair also
                                          the now complete $57 million South               supports this effort by ensuring the
The Port already operates as a key        Terminal modernization and the                   ability to service military assets right
support facility for neighboring          coming $36 million Norton Terminal               here in Port Gardner Bay, keeping our
Naval Station Everett, and regularly      development, further enhance our                 region efficient and competitive.
partners with the U.S. Army Military      support of military movements with

GOVERNOR VISITS PORT OF EVERETT                                                           Below: Gov. Jay Inslee tours the Norton Terminal
                                                                                          construction site with Port leadership and the project
TO SEE NORTON TERMINAL PROGRESS                                                           team to see state MTCA funds at work.

In September 2021, Gov. Jay Inslee        this critical environmental cleanup
stopped by the Port of Everett            and transform the former mill site into
Seaport to check out the progress         a new maritime hub. This project is
being made on the Port’s Mills to         a prime example of how responsible
Maritime project at Norton Terminal.      environmental stewardship can
The visit included a tour with Port       go hand-in-hand with sustainable
Commission Tom Stiger, Port CEO           maritime development to strengthen
Lisa Lefeber and the project team         and diversify our economy and create
to show how we are using over $7.6        new jobs, while also protecting the
million in state funding to complete      health of Puget Sound.

                                                                                                     WWW.PORTOFEVERETT.COM | 9
PORTSIDE - Port of Everett

The Port of Everett and partner                Port partner Wildlands and contractor
Wildlands are almost done restoring            Dungeness are developing a mosaic
more than 350 acres of saltwater estuary       of channels, marshes, mudflats, and
habitat at its Blue Heron Slough project       riparian areas, which will be reconnected
on Spencer Island.                             to riverine and tidal influences by
Blue Heron Slough, in the lower                breaching the existing dike.
Snohomish River Estuary, is already            The 2005 Snohomish River Basin Salmon
                                                                                                     Above: A heron rookery with many nests can be
home to deer, coyote, ducks, frogs, owls,      Conservation Plan identifies the Blue                 found at the heart of the Blue Heron Slough site.
cougars and its namesake, blue heron.          Heron Slough as key to salmon recovery,
                                               which will greatly benefit our area orcas.            absorbed during flood conditions, and
Next year, experts expect salmon to
                                                                                                     greenhouse gas carbon capture at a
quickly return to this newly restored          The project is designed to restore
                                                                                                     higher rate than forest lands — this will
estuary habitat located between Union          critical habitats for threatened species
                                                                                                     help build a more resilient community
and Steamboat sloughs.                         of salmon, steelhead and bull trout — it
                                                                                                     and ecosystem.
Spencer Island was cleared, diked and          reconnects an off-channel rearing and
                                               refuge habitat for the fish. A total nine             Blue Heron Slough also doubles as a
drained for agriculture around 1880. Most
                                               miles of channels will be restored.                   mitigation bank to expedite economic
recently, Blue Heron Slough was the
                                                                                                     development in the area.
location of Biringer Farm, renowned for        Not only will Blue Heron Slough
its strawberries.                              benefit salmon and other wildlife, but                Wildlands and Dungeness are on
                                               it provides other important benefits                  target to breach the agricultural dike in
The goal of the $20 million project is
                                               as well, including but not limited to                 summer 2022, flooding the land so that
to restore the 353-acre slough near
the mouth of the Snohomish River —             water quality improvements through                    salmon can take up residency there.
currently drained and diked land — to its      wetland filtration, reduced flooding by
natural estuarine condition.                   providing more space for water to be                  LEARN MORE @ PORTOFEVERETT.COM/BHS

                                          BLUE HERON
                                          SLOUGH HABITAT                    353                          25+                         9 MILES
                                                                            Acres of salmon              Plant & animal species      Of intertidal channels
                                          BY THE NUMBERS                    habitat being restored       that call the slough home   added for fish passage

CLEANED UP BAY WOOD SITE BRINGING JOBS                                                                    #1
Development to bring a new 13-acre              West Marine View Drive, is expected to
waterfront job complex to the Port’s former     create up to 300 direct jobs, 1,000 indirect
Bay Wood site is now underway.                  jobs and generate $330,000 a year in state
                                                and local taxes.
At completion of the Port’s shoreline
restoration and habitat enhancements            The Port has been in the process of
project at Bay Wood last spring, a Purchase     cleaning up this site for several years with              BAY WOOD INDUSTRY RECOGNITION
and Sale Agreement with Bay Wood                the Department of Ecology (Ecology), and                  The Port’s Bay Wood restoration
Industrial, LLC was finalized to bring light    most recently prepared the site for this                  has earned industry recognition
industry and jobs back to the site after        development by cleaning up the upland                     with two awards for innovation in
sitting vacant for nearly 30 years.             shoreline and restoring habitat using an                  providing economic, environmental
                                                Ecology cleanup grant.                                    and community benefit. The
The $30 million development project,
located west of Legion Memorial Park on         The Port’s work prepared the site for                     project earned an Award of
                                                development, cleaning up the property and                 Distinction from the American
                                                increasing the developable acreage through                Association of Port Authorities
                                                a shoreline buffer reduction. The site will also          — the organization representing
                                                bring a new nature trail along the restored               ports across the nation — as well as
                                                shoreline to open in 2022 — providing                     an Engineering Excellence Award
                                                public access to the site for the first time in           from the American Council of
                                                its history.                                              Engineering Companies.




                                                                                                                   Port of Everett-based
                                                                                                                   Titan is the only
                                                                                                                   submersible in the
                                                                                                                   world that can carry
                                                                                                                   five crewmembers to
                                                  Images: Wreckage of the Titanic documented
                                                  from inside OceanGate, Inc.’s Titan submersible                  Titanic depths
                                                  during the inaugural expedition. Photos
                                                  courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions.

                                                Stockton Rush said. “The walls of                   who piloted the first dives to the Titanic
                                                the officer’s quarters have fallen and              during OceanGate Expeditions’ inaugural
                                                the promenade deck continues to                     2021 expedition. “We need to find a
In 2022, OceanGate Expeditions will             collapse bit by bit.”                               way to do more research in the ocean,
embark on its second annual Titanic                                                                 and diving to the Titanic is the first step
Expedition, 110 years after the sinking of   In addition to the shipwreck, expedition               toward that goal. The Titanic is the tip of
the iconic ship.                             crewmembers will work with respected                   the iceberg in terms of exploration.”
                                             researchers to help document the
The expedition is part of the first multi-   marine biology of the area. There are
year effort to document the important        numerous sea life species that make the
maritime heritage site that lies 12,800      Titanic wreck site home.
feet below the surface of the Atlantic
Ocean. OceanGate Expeditions will            The 2022 expedition is equipped to
use the Cyclops-class submersible            document the wreck of the Titanic with
called Titan. To reach that depth, Port      4K video, sonar mapping, and ultra-
of Everett tenant OceanGate, Inc.            high-resolution images.
designed and built the five-crewmember
submersible, Titan, in collaboration         Titanic Expeditions are designed to
with NASA, Boeing, ElectroImpact, and        support groundbreaking ocean research                   Above (left to right): OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush,
Hypersizer. Titan is the only submersible    and exploration. Citizen explorers can                  Port Commissioner Tom Stiger, OceanGate Operations
                                                                                                     Manager Ryan Stalkfleet, OceanGate Media Specialist
in the world that can carry five             support the Titanic Expedition by                       Emily Gilbert, and Port Commission President David
crewmembers to Titanic depths.               joining the crew as Mission Specialists.                Simpson tour OceanGate, Inc.’s Titan submersible at the
                                                                                                     Port of Everett’s Waterfront Place in November 2021.
                                             Each Mission Specialist must be
The Titanic Expedition will continue         physically capable and pay a training
to capture the current state of the          and mission support fee of $250,000.
Titanic in more detail than ever before.     This fee supports the complex mission                    BECOME A TITAN MISSION SPECIALIST
This data will help researchers better       and required training. Just like space                   If you are interested in joining the
                                             exploration is benefiting from private                   expedition crew as a Mission Specialist
understand the rate and process of
                                             funding, so too can ocean exploration.                   and diving to the Titanic in 2022,
decay that is occurring so that they can
                                                                                                      contact OceanGate Expeditions at
estimate how much longer the wreck is        Each team of six Mission Specialists
                                                                                                      contact@oceangateexpeditions.com or
likely to be recognizable.                   will join the expedition for one mission,
                                                                                                      by phone at (425) 595-5017.
                                             which includes eight days at sea.
“The wreck will be around for centuries,                                                              LEARN MORE @
but there’s evidence of it decaying,”        “There’s great interest in exploring the                 OCEANGATEEXPEDITIONS.COM/TITANIC
OceanGate Expeditions President              Titanic,” OceanGate founder Rush said,

                                                                                                           WWW.PORTOFEVERETT.COM | 11
                                                                                           WSU-Everett students test
                                                                                           mini subs at the marina
                                                                                           Mechanical engineering students from
                                                                                           Washington State University’s Everett
                                                                                           campus took a field trip to the Port
                                                                                           of Everett Marina in November 2021
                                                                                           to test launch their mini submarines

Apprentice program helps address                                                           off the Jetty Landing Fishing Pier.
                                                                                           The group included 21 students split

skills gap in Snohomish County                                                             into two remote operated vehicle
                                                                                           (ROV) teams: One tested a sensor
                                                                                           housing unit on ROV 1, and another
A new program aims to address a              the continued prosperity of workers           checked out a robotic arm added to
skills gap in the workforce before it        and our region,” Port Commissioner            ROV 2. Both submarines, for which
poses a risk to the local economy. The       Glen Bachman said. “This program              the students designed prototypes to
Port of Everett has launched its new         emphasizes the importance of on-the-          improve underwater inspection, were
Apprenticeship Participation Program         job training and encourages contractors       submerged in the Snohomish River for
to help bridge the growing divide for        to invest in the future workforce.”           their test runs which had them driven
skilled labor in the construction industry                                                 up and down, back and forth, left and
right here in Snohomish County.              Through this program, the Port will           right through the water via X-box vid-
                                             look to boost youth awareness of              eo game controllers.
The program encourages contractors           trade-skill careers in construction.
and subcontractors to hire apprentices       College isn’t the only way to find            Noah Thomsen of Mukilteo is the team
who are residents of the County — who        employment opportunities, but that’s          leader of the sub with the robotic arm.
are registered with the Washington State     the message students have been                Michelle Fouard of Marysville leads the
Apprenticeship and Training Council          getting for at least a generation.            team with the housing unit designed
(WSATC) — for all Port public works                                                        for turbidity and Ph sensors. The
contracts totaling $1 million or more.       As Baby Boomers continue to retire,
                                                                                           field trip was part of WSU-Everett’s
                                             thousands of jobs are left unfilled.
                                                                                           engineering design class led by
Contractors are encouraged to                An estimated five workers leave the
                                                                                           Xiaopeng Bi, program coordinator and
recruit their workers from the               construction industry for each one who
                                                                                           professor of mechanical engineering.
Sno-Isle Skills Center in Everett,           enters it.
Regional Apprenticeship Pathways
in Marysville, and the Tulalip Tribe’s       This labor shortage means construction
TERO Vocational Training Center — all        companies can’t find enough roofers,
of which provide a clear educational         plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and
pipeline to an apprenticeship.               concrete masons. These jobs are critical
                                             to moving economic opportunities and
“A highly skilled workforce is essential     key projects forward in Snohomish
for enhanced economic growth and             County and beyond.

NEW maritime exhibit takes shape at snohomish                                             “This amazing expansion project is being made
                                                                                          possible as a result of many partnerships.
County’s expanding Imagine Children’s Museum                                              Imagine’s longstanding relationship with the
A tugboat has officially docked at           The $25 million expansion, now under
                                                                                          Port in delivering playful learning program-
Imagine Children’s Museum in down-           construction, includes two floors of
town Everett. The model tug, deliv-          new exhibit galleries and a multipur-        ing and exhibits is a perfect example.”
ered in October 2021, is part of a new       pose floor with space for eating and         — nancy johnson, executive director of imagine children’s museum
interactive maritime exhibit — Import,       events. The new maritime space will
                                                                                          Below: The model tug being lifted into the museum in
Export, Our Port — coming soon to the        showcase Everett’s very own interna-         fall 2021. Mukilteo-based Edge Concrete built the tug,
Museum as part of its multi-million-         tional seaport, highlighting vessels that    which also made the “dino dig” and treehouse on the
dollar capital expansion.                                                                 museum’s rooftop.
                                             serve it and the larger role ports play in
                                             moving goods around the globe. Kids
The Port is proud to contribute              will have the chance to play captain
$100,000 toward the exhibit as an
                                             and take the helm of the 20-foot model
opportunity to expand community
                                             tugboat, while an artist mural will offer
engagement and educate museum
                                             views of Everett’s iconic working wa-
visitors, kids and adults alike, about
                                             terfront. Activities around the tug will
the critical importance of seaports in
                                             complement this learning opportunity.
our everyday lives.


Port of Everett expands partnership
efforts to end human trafficking
In January 2022, in observance of Human Trafficking
Awareness Month, the Port of Everett joined cities,
counties, transit authorities, airports and seaports across
Washington and beyond to combine forces to prevent
human trafficking with the Not Alone campaign — the
first-ever statewide initiative to encourage victims of
human trafficking to seek help.

Not Alone was conceived and launched in Washington state by Rebekah Covington, a
survivor of human trafficking and Corporate Relations Manager at BEST (Businesses
Ending Slavery and Trafficking), to raise awareness about human trafficking and help
victims and survivors self-identify and get connected with services by calling the
                                                                                            Port partners to build
National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or texting 233733 (BEFREE).            new PAWS Wildlife Center
“When people are trafficked, they feel isolated and with an inability to leave the          The Port of Everett is committed
situation,” Covington said. “To create this campaign, we prioritized input from people      to the rescue of marine animals in
with the lived experience of trafficking. People experiencing trafficking will see signs    distress in Snohomish County.
that speak directly to them to give them hope that they are not alone — there is a
                                                                                            PAWS Wildlife Center is looking to
way out of whatever terrible situation they are in.”
                                                                                            establish a new animal hospital to
Twenty-six partner organizations have hung multilingual signage in English, Spanish,        address the needs of sick, injured or
Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), Korean, Vietnamese and Somali throughout the state,            orphaned wildlife.
including transit facilities, buses, terminals, restrooms, airport and seaport facilities
                                                                                            As Snohomish County grows, the
and buildings serving vulnerable populations.
                                                                                            demand for PAWS’ help grows as
“We are pleased to continue partnering with BEST and other ports in our region to           well. The number of calls for PAWS
stay vigilant and help protect those who are most vulnerable,” Port of Everett CEO          assistance, education and advice has
Lisa Lefeber said. “As an active seaport that serves a critical link in our regional,       increased by 75 percent in the last
national and global transportation networks, it’s important to do what we can to            five years.
support these crucial efforts underway to end human trafficking in the maritime
                                                                                            The Port and PAWS have forged
industry. Our plan is to train 100% of our staff in 2022 through BEST’s Ports to
                                                                                            a new partnership, executing a
Freedom training program to recognize the signs of human trafficking.”
                                                                                            Memorandum of Understanding
Everett was the second Washington port to partner with BEST on its new Ports to             in January 2022, solidifying a
Freedom training back in December 2020 to train all seaport and security personnel.         commitment to work together on
The nationwide training is specifically designed for the maritime industry to help          this project to address the health and
educate employees on prevention and identification of human trafficking. The                well-being of wildlife here.
Port recently re-affirmed its commitment to this crucial program, executing a new
                                                                                            PAWS cares for thousands of wild
three-year partnership agreement with BEST to expand training to all employees
                                                                                            animals each year, 70 percent of
throughout all Port business lines.
                                                                                            which are aquatic species such as
                                                                                            harbor seals, river otters, great blue

Everett maritime workers give back this holiday season                                      herons and endangered sea birds.

In December 2021, the labor union representing Everett’s dockworkers — the                  Many of these animals are found on
International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 32 — donated more                  the beaches in Mukilteo, Everett and
than 300 wrapped gifts to Hawthorne Elementary School, bringing cheer to                    the Port Gardner peninsula. After
18 families and a total of 44 children in Everett. ILWU Local 32 also helped put            rehabilitation at the PAWS Wildlife
holiday dinners on the table this year, donating more than 100 turkeys and hams             Center, they are then released back
to local charitable organizations.                                                          to the wild to the locations where
                                                                                            they were found.
“The members of ILWU Local 32 are
committed to making a difference in our                                                     The new PAWS Wildlife Center will
community,” President of ILWU Local                                                         be located on 25 acres in Clearview
32 Mark Hoekendorf said. “These are                                                         and will vastly increase PAWS’ ability
difficult times for some families, and we                                                   to care for more wild animals now
will be here to continue to support them                                                    and into the future.
in whatever ways possible.”

                                                                                               WWW.PORTOFEVERETT.COM | 13

Port Commission adopts $89 MILLION 2022 budget
The Port of Everett Commission adopted an $89 million                                12.3%

2022 operating and capital budget in November 2021 that
                                                                                                                        Sources of Funds
continues to implement the vision of a vibrant and balanced                   5.8%
                                                                                                                        18.5%    Terminals
working waterfront.
                                                                                                                        13.2%    Marina

Projects that advance the Port’s Strategic Plan include                                                                  3.7%    Properties
construction of the new Norton Terminal at the former                                                                   36.4%    Grants / Contributions
Kimberly-Clark mill site, continued mixed-use development at                                                             4.5%    Sale of Property
Waterfront Place, restoration of the Blue Heron Slough salmon                                             3.7%
                                                                                                                         5.6%    Debt Issuance
habitat, and maintenance dredging and the addition of a new
                                                                                                                         5.8%    Property Tax
restroom at the Jetty Landing Boat Launch.                                              36.4%
                                                                                                                        12.3%    Reserves
The plan assumes nearly $35 million in expenditures,
combined with $53.7 million in capital investment, which
                                                                                                                        Uses of Funds
includes spending about $16.8 million toward environmental
remediation and public access projects.                                                                                  14.3%   Terminals

The budget includes a property tax levy amount of $5.2                                                                    7.2%   Marina
million, which equates to about 5.8% of the Port’s total budget                                                           1.9%   Properties
and is a one percent increase from 2021. Because the valuation                                                  5%
                                                                                                                           5%    Administration
of the Port District has increased, the Port’s levy rate falls a bit    60.4%                                             .7%    Public Access
to less than 22 cents per assessed $1,000 home value.                                                    10.5%
                                                                                                                         10.5%   Debt Service

View the Port’s 2022 Citizen Budget Guide for full budget                                                               60.4%    Capital Investment
details at www.portofeverett.com/budget..

Port earns top Lighthouse Award second year in a row                                                    Port of Everett to start
The American Association of Port Authorities
(AAPA) — the unified and collective voice of
                                                                                                        waterfront planning for
the seaport industry across the Americas —                                                              mukilteo properties
has awarded the Port of Everett with the 2021                                                           The Port of Everett is committed to a
Lighthouse Award for Overall Communications                                                             revitalized Mukilteo waterfront.
Excellence for its Crane Campaign.
                                                                                                        Partnering with the City of Mukilteo
The multi-year public outreach initiative                                                               and other property owners, the Port
started out following the 1,177 nautical-mile                                                           is kicking off a public outreach and
journey of the Port’s two new container                                                                 planning effort to define the future
cranes from Los Angeles to Everett in                                                                   vision for its undeveloped Mukilteo
an engaging and innovative way, and                                                                     shoreline properties, including the
then building on that effort to keep the                                                                former NOAA site to be transfered
community-informed and engaged from                                                                     back to the Port.
delivery of cranes to the docks to putting
                                                                                                        The Port has hired NBBJ, an
them into service as part of the Port’s $57       Above: Port Commissioners Glen Bachman
                                                  (left) and Tom Stiger (right) with Port               architecture, planning and design
million South Terminal modernization.             CEO Lisa Lefeber (middle) accept
                                                  AAPA’s 2021 Lighthouse Award of Overall               firm, to begin initial phases of the
This is the second year in a row the Port has     Communications Excellence at the 2021                 waterfront planning effort that will
                                                  AAPA Annual Convention in September.
been recognized with the AAPA Award for                                                                 include community engagement
Overall Excellence recognizing success in communications among seaports across                          throughout 2022 to help inform the
the nation with comparable public relations and marketing budgets. In 2020, the                         vision for the sites.
Port received the top AAPA honor for its Next 100 campaign. That public outreach
                                                                                                        A key deliverable of this work will
initiative engaged the community to develop a the vision for the 100-year-old
                                                                                                        be to identify guiding principles for
organization’s next decade and resulted in a community-informed Strategic Plan.
                                                                                                        the redevelopment that ensure the
In 2021, the Port also took home two more communications awards; an Award of                            character and community priorities
Excellence (1st place) for the Port’s redesigned website and an Award of Distinction                    be maintained with any development.
(2nd place) for the Port’s new Environmental Sustainability & Stewardship brochure.


Port remembers LONGTIME marina                                              “You were
maintenance Leadman Rick Adams                                               worth it”
                                                                            Port of Everett
                                      He was the primary purchaser for      Commissioner
                                      Marina Operations and helped          Glen Bachman has
                                      manage many marina projects,          been honored with
                                      from access control systems to        a Quilt of Valor. A
                                      float installations.                  Vietnam War vet, Bachman was presented the
                                                                            red, white and blue quilt in November 2021.
                                      “Rick was a big part of our marina    It was pieced by Marilou Weir and quilted by
                                      and Port family,” Port of Everett     Linda Keefer of the Quilts of Valor Foundation.
                                      Marina Operations Director Jim        A Quilt of Valor handmade quilt is awarded to
                                      Weber said. “He was very bright,      military service members or veterans who have
                                      skilled, hardworking, and had an      been touched by war. The quilt says, “Thank
                                      attention for detail. He was always   you for your service and sacrifice in serving our
Former Port of Everett employee       someone we could count on to          nation.” Bachman’s go-to response when he is
Rick Adams passed away in             do his best and do it well, and his   thanked for his service — “You were worth it.”
October 2021 after a years-long       efforts are part of the marina’s
battle with cancer.                                                         Learn more about the Quilts of Valor program
                                      many successes. He was a good
                                                                            @ www.qovf.org.
                                      friend and co-worker and is very
Adams, who retired in 2018 as         much missed.”
a marina maintenance leadman,
worked at the Port for more
                                                                             Congratulations to the Port of
than 34 years. He was hired in
                                      Adams also served as the shop
                                      steward of the International
                                                                             Everett’s LONG-TIME EMPLOYEES,
1985 as a marina security officer,    Longshore and Warehouse Union          New Hires and Recent Promotions!
then transitioned to the marina       (ILWU) Local 32A for about 20
maintenance team, working as          years, supporting many contract
                                                                             Service awards:
a journeyman before he was            negotiations and union topics.         30 Years | Al Jacobsen
promoted to maintenance lead.                                                             Congratulations to Al Jacobsen,
                                      He often volunteered at the                            who celebrated his 30 years
During Adams’ time at the Port,       annual Wheels on the Waterfront                        of service in 2021! Jacobsen
he oversaw many of the marina’s       Classic Charity Car show on the                        started at the Port in 1991 and
maintenance and operational           Everett waterfront benefiting                          has worked his way up and
needs, including maintaining all      the Providence Regional Cancer                       now serves as a Supervisor/
the marina equipment such as          Partnership. He’d judge the cars,                Leadman in the Marina Operations
travelifts, boats and truck fleet.    trucks and bikes.                     Deptartment. Jacobsen continues to do an
                                                                            excellent job managing and maintaining the
 PORT STAFF RAISE FUNDS               Adams even entered his 1978 Ford      marina and upland facilities. He is very skilled

 IN HONOR OF RICK ADAMS               Bronco into the show one year.        in all areas of the marina operation and the
                                                                            Port Team is very fortunate to have him!
 Through the Port of Everett’s
 annual United Way campaign,
                                      “He always had a new truck of
 in November 2021, Port staff         some type — his last truck was a      20 Years                   10 Years
                                      Ford Raptor,” Weber said. “He had     Ginger Kriehn              Paul Hagglund
 raised $2,000 to contribute
 toward the Providence Regional       everything from lifted Jeeps to                                  Maija Lampinen
                                      Ford pickups. He had a few muscle
                                                                            15 Years                   Catherine Soper
 Cancer Partnership. Fundraising                                            Pat Hoskins
 included a pie auction and the       cars, too, but mainly trucks.”
 opportunity to put a pie in the
                                                                            Phil Poling                5 Years
 face of Port leadership, including
                                                                            Brandon Whitaker           Tami Mitchell
                                      When he wasn’t at the Port,
 Port of Everett CEO Lisa Lefeber     Adams enjoyed working on his
 (below). The contribution was
                                      cars, cooking good meals, and         New Hires:                 Promotions:
 in honor of the late Rick Adams;                                           Sara Bruestle              Ashley Bisset
                                      taking road trips with his family     Copywriter/Content         Engineering & Planning
 beloved co-worker and friend.
                                      over the mountains.                   Specialist                 Coordinator
                                                                            TJ Colebourn               Megan Kellington
                                                                            Maintenance Apprentice 3   Administration Executive
                                      Adams leaves behind a wife and                                   Assistant
                                                                            Adam Moore
                                      daughters, a family of coworkers      Maintenance Apprentice 4   Jake Kirschner
                                      and a legacy at the Port.             Andrew Osborne             Environmental Management
                                                                            Marina Operations

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