Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

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Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse
M ay 1 , 2 009 | T wo D ollars | Upper A rlin g ton H i g h S chool | 1650 R id g eview R oad | Upper A rlin g ton , O H 4 3 2 2 1

                                                                Popping pills:
                                                                Easy availability of
                                                                Adderall, other drugs,
                                                                leads to student abuse

Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse
                                                                                                    Columnist discusses
                                                                Feature                             community’s immense
                                                                                                    support for Blake Haxton
                                                          Local pizza places
                                                          profiled and                              Senior organizes event to
                                        4                 reviewed                                  honor retiring track coach

                                                          How green are you?
                                                          Take the quiz!


               MAY 1, 2009
               Volume 72, Issue 8
                                            4        6                9                      14                 17                     18

                                             club promotes
                                    9                                              Poetry Out Loud
                                             awareness                             winner hopes to
                                             through fair                          promote the art of
                                                                                   poetry at UAHS
                                             UAHS students
                                             succeed in                                                              VOICE
                                             Governor’s Art                                                          Eight in Eight:
                                             Show                                                                    Describe your
                                                                                                                     ideal summer
                                             Senior thesis                                                           day
                                             to be replaced
                                             with service-                                                           Columnist
                                             oriented                                                                describes
                                             project                              FOCUS                              frustration with
                                                                                 may abuse                           Editorial:
                                                                                 prescription                        Elimination of
                                                                                 drugs to stay                       senior thesis
                                                                                 ahead in school                     limits students’

                                    14       BY LARA BONNER, RATHI RAMASAMY

2                                           May 1, 2009                                                             ARLINGTONIAN
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse
From the Editor                                                                                                  2008-2009 Staff
                                                                                                                                                              Editor in Chief
                                                                                                                                                               Rathi Ramasamy
Simple ways to save the world                                                                                                                                 Managing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                 Lara Bonner
                                                                                                                                                                Copy editor
                                                                            not be labeled “CFL”, most will have an energy                                      Amanda Jones
                                                                            star label on them. Just make sure to recycle the
                                                                            bulbs instead of throwing them away, because                                         Writing Staff
                                                                            they contain mercury.
                                                                                2. Use a clothesline: A recent study                                            News Editor
                                                                            by Cambridge University’s Institute of                                             Corey McMahon
                                                                                                                                                              Feature Editor
                                                                            Manufacturing found that 60 percent of the                                          Leah Johnston
                                                                            energy associated with a piece of clothing is                                      Focus EditorS
                                                                            spent in washing and drying it. Over its lifetime,                                Jessica Banchefsky
                                                                            a T-shirt can send up to 9 lbs. of carbon dioxide                                    Sarah Watson
                                                                                                                                                               Sports Editor
                                                                            into the air. With spring finally here, drying your                                Lindsay Gardner
                                                                            clothes the natural way will save on carbon                                         Arts EditoR
                                                                            emissions and the electricity bill.                                               Kim Weisenberger
                                                                                3. Recycle your old fleece: Outdoor gear label                                  Voice Editor
                                                                                                                                                                  Jamie Arkin
                                                                            Patagonia is collecting used fleece (regardless                                    staff writers
                                                                            of the brand) to melt and make into new fabric.                                        Mitch Lex
                                                                            To find out where to send your fleece, visit

                                                                                                                                                                 Kristy Helscel
                 e all hear about how                                           4. Open a window: Instead of running the air                                     Design Staff
                 important it is to “go                                     conditioner, open a window. You’ll get the benefit
                 green,” but how many of                                                                                                                      Design Editor
                                                                            of fresh air on top of reducing carbon emissions.                                  Kerry Sullivan
                 us actually make an effort                                     5. Insulate your water heater: If your water                                 Graphics Editor
                 in our daily lives to reduce                               heater feels warm to the touch, it probably                                         Aldo Corona
our carbon footprint? There are numerous                                    means it is losing heat and wasting energy.                                     Graphics Reporter
things we can do that take very little effort                               Most water heaters lack internal insulation, so                                    Brandon Sega
which will have a tremendous positive                                                                                                                         Photo Editor
                                                                            wrapping an insulated blanket around your                                          Susan Dappen
impact on the environment. In honor of                                      water heater could help to keep the heat inside.                                 Photographers
Earth Month, here are five simple things                                                                                                                        Hannah Bills
you can do around the house to help save                                       Don’t forget to check out the “everyday                                        Andrew Hedden
our earth.                                                                                                                                                   Gunnar Samuelson
                                                                            earthday” quiz in the feature section! And
                                                                            remember—every little bit helps.                                                     Business Staff
   1. Change your light bulbs: While a
compact fluorescent light bulb may cost                                                                                                                     Business Manager
                                                                                                                                                               Darcy Fishback
more than an incandescent bulb, they use                                                                                                                        ADS EDITOR
only a quarter of the electricity and last                                                                                                                       Katie Hyre
several years longer. While most bulbs will                                                              Rathi Ramasamy, Editor in Chief                   PRODUCTION MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                               Megan Stucko

                                                                                                                                                           Additional Contributors
      Arlingtonian is a student-produced newsmagazine published              contains items of unprotected speech as defined by this policy.                      Adviser
 approximately every four weeks by Journalism III-A students at                    As a public forum, all letters and columns meeting the above                Carol Hemmerly
 Upper Arlington High School. The publication has been established           criteria will be posted in full on the Arlingtonian web site at www.
 as a public forum for student expression and for the discussion of          arlingtonian.com for a minimum of four weeks. Arlingtonian and
 issues of concern to its audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained    its staff will strive to publish only legally protected speech following           Beckman XMO
 by school officials prior to publication or distribution.                   the legal definitions for libel, obscenity and invasion of privacy.                  Courier
      Since Arlingtonian is a forum for student expression, the                    The staff will also refrain from printing stories that create a               Jake Borelli
 editorial board, which consists of the staff ’s top editors, will           material disruption of school activities. Because the Arlingtonian
 determine the content of the newsmagazine and all unsigned                  staff will determine content of the publication, it will therefore also
 editorials; therefore, material may not necessarily reflect the             take complete legal and financial responsibility for what is printed.
 opinions or policies of Upper Arlington school officials.                   Arlingtonian will not avoid publishing a story solely on the basis
      Arlingtonian welcomes letters to the editor, guest columns             of possible dissent or controversy.                                                   Have something to say?
 and news releases from faculty, administrators, community                         The Arlingtonian staff raises and pays all printing and                  Email us at arlingtonians@yahoo.com
 residents, students and the general public. The Arlingtonian                production costs through advertising sales, subscription sales
 editorial board reserves the right to withhold a letter or column           and other fundraisers. The editor or co-editors shall interpret                  or visit www.arlingtonian.com
 and return it for more information if it determines the piece               and enforce this editorial policy.

ARLINGTONIAN                                                                                      May 1, 2009                                                                                     3
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

    Governor’s art show
    highlights UA talent
    BY corey mcmahon

          AHS hosted the judging of the annual Ohio Governor’s
          Youth Art Exhibition on March 14 and 15.   The exhibition
          honors student artwork around the state and chooses pieces
    to be displayed in various public buildings. This year’s exhibition
    proved to be a showcase of UA’s talent, with many UAHS
                                                                                                                               Photo courtesy moira beebe
    students receiving top honors.
                                                                           Senior Moira Beebe’s photograph Serenity was placed in the top 25. It now hangs
        The exhibition, which is now in its 39th year, is open to all of
                                                                           at the Catacombs Gallery in the Short North.
    Ohio’s 1,109 public and private high schools, and is sponsored
    by the Ohio Department of Education. According to the                     Five UAHS students had their artwork selected as being in the
    exhibition’s website, their purpose “is to provide all budding young   top 25 throughout the entire state: sophomore Emily Messick,
    artists of the state with opportunities to advance their talent [and   junior Allison Harper and seniors Moira Beebe, Sarah Galluzzi and
    to] encourage an appreciation for the arts throughout Ohio.”           Daniel Raphael.
        2,300 pieces of art were submitted from all over the central          “I talked to a few judges afterward and they were talking about
    Ohio region, one of 15 state regions for the contest. Of those, 260    how there were so many good pieces,” Raphael said. “They said it
    were selected for the statewide competition by judges, with 61         was really hard to narrow it down to 300 and then to 25. I was
    having been the works of students from UA.                             extremely honored to have my piece placed so highly.”
        Those 260 pieces were added to the group of pieces from the           The exhibition opened at the James A. Rhodes State Office
    other 14 regions, where professional artists and college professors    Tower in April and is set to close at the end of May. At the
    from around the country judged them and selected the best 300,         exhibition opening, students received Awards of Excellence and
    including 12 UAHS students.                                            scholarship awards.

    Going green
    BY Rathi Ramasamy
                                                               Environmental club hosts fair to
                                                               spread awareness, educate students

        very year, environmental club members organize                        Environmental club member Gaven McDaniel also said the
        the Environmental Fair, an event intended to                      club is working on bringing in a wider range of businesses.
        raise awareness and educate students about                            “It helps to have a a wider variety of participants, because
    the environment. Held on May 8, the fair will relate                  they all have interesting things to share,” McDaniel said.
    environmentalism to the student body by involving the                     In addition to local businesses, many students will
    outside community.                                                                             be setting up booths about various
       According to senior Catherine             [The fair] is an easy and creative way to         aspects of the environment, such as
    Meeth, environmental club vice               spread awareness.                                 water conservation.
    president, the fair will bring in local                                                           McDaniel said he will be in
    businesses to talk about ways they are                      Senior Catherine meeth             charge  of a booth educating people
    “going green.”                                                                                 about President Barack Obama’s
       “Local eco-conscious groups come                                                            environmental policies.
    and spread their knowledge to the students of UAHS and                    According to Meeth, the fair is successful in raising
    other community members,” Meeth said. “We involve food                awareness about environmentalism.
    groups and even car dealerships who bring their latest                    “It is an easy and creative way to spread awareness,” Meeth
    ‘green technology’.”                                                  said. “A lot of people get overwhelmed with political issues, and
       This year, Meeth said the club is working on bringing in           this is a non-threatening way to learn about the environment.”
    more unconventional businesses.                                           The fair will offer free food and will be selling items such
       “This year’s fair is going to be great because we will have        as tote bags with environmental phrases on them.
    the zoo come and talk about their conservation efforts,”                  “I would encourage everyone to come and check it out,”
    Meeth said. “We’ve never had that before.”                            Meeth said. “It’s a lot of fun.”

4                                                              May 1, 2009                                                        ARLINGTONIAN
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

Service spin on senior’s final project
Capstone project will replace senior thesis graduation requirement in 2010
By Sarah Watson                                friends, and family after completion of the     block for seniors next year, she is unsure
                                               project. The shift in focus to community        if she still has the option of going to

     he capstone project will become a         service will force students to acquire skills   Germany as she planned.
     requirement for graduation next year,     needed in college, Riley said.                      Toohey said he is confident that not
     replacing the senior thesis project                                                       only are these issues among a minority of
after being slowly phased in to the UAHS       [They’re experiencing] the adult                students, but the issues that do exist will be
curriculum for the past two years. This        world, doing adult tasks and hopefully          resolved by a “Capstone Coordinator” next
change to the curriculum will add a                                                            year. This coordinator will be appointed
community service component to the senior      finding a project that enriches not only        to work out the kinks associated with
thesis project, expanding on the concept       their lives, but others’ lives too.             the blocked English-government classes
behind senior thesis and launching seniors                                                     and beyond, establishing a “safety net” for
into the adult world, according to language               Language Arts teacher                students and their schedules.
arts teacher Candace Riley.                                       Candace Riley                    Toohey said the blocked classes are
    The capstone project was designed by a                                                     an essential part of the capstone project
group of UAHS teachers during the 2006-           “[They’re experiencing] the adult world,     and will help to enrich it and add to the
07 school year and was piloted with a small    doing adult tasks and hopefully finding a       capstone experience.
group of students and teachers the following   project that enriches not only their lives,         “It’s a great pairing because seniors are
school year. Capstone was designed to better   but others’ lives too,” Riley said.             learning about government and analyzing
incorporate a service requirement into the        Changes made directly to the project         literature as they study society,” Toohey said.
senior project, according to language arts     are relatively minor. The capstone project          The blocked classes also provide an
department chair Matt Toohey. The project      operates under blocked English and              extended allotment of time during which
is a collaboration of UAHS teachers’ ideas     government classes, which closes off            students will be able to work outside of
and ideas collected from other schools.        some options that have allowed students         the school for their capstone projects
    “[The former senior thesis] was a self     to embrace education in ways that are           once a week.
serving project with a void of service         less traditional, while at the same time,           Riley said that although the capstone
learning,” Toohey said, noting that the        challenging students to choose innovative       project is a change, it is a good addition
Capstone was designed to fill this void.       and selfless projects.                          to the high school.
    Changes in the actual project include         Junior Morgan Smathers is taking                 “Change is always a challenge, but UA
a final position paper that makes a call to    AP American Government as a junior              is known for its innovative programs. That
action, time during school hours set aside     in order to be eligible to study overseas       is what makes our school consistently
for students to work on the project, and a     next year. However, because government          excel in every area,” Riley said. “[Change
multimedia presentation to underclassmen,      and English will be taken as a two-period       is] how we grow.”

   Inside capstone: Students give feedback of their experiences
   T  wo seniors who experienced the
      capstone project this year took
   advantage of the assignment’s
                                                                                             real world.
                                                                                                 “It’s challenging [students] to go
                                                                                             outside the UA bubble and learn,”
   service requirement.                                                                      Bowman said.
      After hearing about a First                                                                Senior Matt Morley was also
   Community Church program called                                                           selected to do the capstone project
   “Take it to the Streets,” a program                                                       this year. He chose to work with
   that helps homeless people, senior                                                        e-waste products in order to make
   Amy Bowman decided to create                                                              companies “greener.” Morley said
   awareness for this project by taking       Senior Amy Bowman          Senior Matt Morley  the capstone project is an effective
   pictures of her experience. She said                                                      program because it allowed students
   she thinks capstone is a better choice for seniors because          to learn beyond just their textbooks.
   of the precise deadlines for specific elements of the                   “It’s a lot of work, but it pushes you to use your
   project, and also because it challenges seniors to face the         leadership skills,” Morley said.

ARLINGTONIAN                                                      May 1, 2009                                                                    5
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

                                                  Pizza Passion                             By kristy helscel and leah johnston

                                                                         Flying Pizza
                                                                         Columbus location: 5216 Bethel Center Mall Rd.

                                                                                      his pizza shop serves pizza that is virtually
                                                                                      unparalleled and is a must for all pizza lovers.
                                                                                      Flying Pizza has two convenient locations in
                                                                                      Columbus and is a popular destination for
                                                                              UAHS students. This seemingly average-looking pizza
                                                                              is surprisingly anything but ordinary due to the right
                                                                               combination of ingredients. The well-balanced blend
                                                                                of cheeses is delicious and perfectly compliments
                                                                                the sauce. The sauce is homemade with a bit of spice,
                                                                                making it a stand out among its competitors. Finally,
                                                                                 the crust is crunchy yet not too thin. The pepperonis
                                                                                 are flawlessly curled and crisp, although a bit greasy.
                                                                                 While the seating in the pizza shop is limited, its upbeat
                                                                                 atmosphere enriches the quaint seating area. Overall,
                                                                                 Flying Pizza is an outstanding example of a traditional
                                                                                 pizza with an original taste. A trip to this excellent pizza
                                                                                 establishment is a must for all pizza lovers.

                                                                              Adriatico’s New York
                                                                             Style Pizza
                                                                            Columbus location: 265 West 11th Ave.

                                                                             driatico’s Pizza prides itself on its original take on the New
                                                                             York style pizza. The pizza itself is massive and unlike any
                                                                             other in Columbus­, while crust plays a prominent role in
                                                                             the pizza’s individuality. The crust may be thick, but remains
                                                           crispy. Just as delightful, the cheese holds a peppery, real taste, and is a rare
                                                       treat in the world of pizza where the use of cheap, fake cheese is prevalent.
                                                   The marinara sauce is delicious and the pepperonis are circular pleasures with the
                                                right combination of crispness and meatiness. Since Adriatico’s is located on OSU’s
                                            campus, it is always filled with college students, and this gives the pizza shop a vibrant
                                         and youthful atmosphere. Adriatico’s offers a scrumptious alternative to ordinary pizza and
                                      genuinely deserves its cult status among students.
6       Photos
                                                              May 1, 2009                                                 ARLINGTONIAN
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

With numerous options for pizza, deciding on the right pizza shop can
prove to be a difficult task. From the sauce to the cheese to the crust,
there are many important factors in finding a truly delicious pizza.

Dewey’s Pizza                                                    Grandad’s Pizza
Rating:                                                          Rating:
Grandview Heights location: 1327 West Fifth Ave.                 Columbus location: 1254 West Third Ave.

W                                                                T
              ith sit-down service, an extravagant menu                  he name is nearly unheard of, the building is hardly
              and bar, Dewey’s Pizza is priced reasonably                visible and the drinks are overpriced. However, the
              ($9-20 per pizza) considering the quality                  pizza stands out from other family-owned pizza
              and environment. Dewey’s has an open                       businesses. The seasoning at Grandad’s Pizza plays
kitchen, where one can watch the chefs hand-toss their           an important role, as it is the key to greatness for the small
New York style pizza, layering it with a variety of sauces       business. Seasoning in the cheese adds a twist to the typical
and cheeses. Customers are truly in charge of their              cheese pizza. The crust makes eating the pizza easy, as it is
order, deciding almost all ingredients in the pizza. A           easy to hold. The sauce is thick and plentiful. All of this comes
trip to Dewey’s is perfect for a family outing, satisfying       at an affordable price. In addition, their subs are equivalent
everyone’s taste buds with options such as self-made             in taste with the pizza. Unfortunately, the customer service
pizzas, fresh salads, calzones and fresh baked bread.            varies. Customers have complained of extremely slow and
However, those in search of soft, thick-crusted pizza            forgetful cashiers and pizza makers, while others laud the
may be heartbroken when tasting Dewey’s fairly thin              quick and efficient workers. Clearly, the quality of Grandad’s
crust. Dewey’s in Columbus gives customers the power             pizza depends on the day. Otherwise, this pizza shop provides
to personalize their pizza, making a trip to Dewey’s             customers with decent pizza and a welcome addition to
Pizza a unique and fun experience.                               Grandview pizza.

Rotolo’s Pizza                                                               Panzera’s Pizza
Rating:                                                                       Rating:
Grandview Heights location: 1749 West Fifth Ave.                              Columbus location: 1354 Grandview Ave.

                                                                              Grandview Heights location: 3794 Fairlington Dr.

              hen eating at Rotolo’s, the risk of overeating should be
              taken into account. The sheer quality of the cheese and                    t Panzera’s, the pizza is tasty but has a
              fullness of the crust is overwhelming to any pizza addict.                 few setbacks. The cheese is appetizing
              Unfortunately, the interior of the restaurant is not as                    and has a kick to it; however, it is
appealing as the pizza. Rotolo’s is a small restaurant with a few tables,                sometimes too thick and greasy, which
not specially designed for family outings. To go orders are the preferred     can overpower the other aspects of the pizza.
option, but unfortunately they do not deliver. Despite the need for           The sauce is sparse, with an overall average, mild
transportation, the pizza is truly worth the trouble. Unlike some grease      taste. The crust is thin in relation to the amount of
covered, paper-thin pizzas, the customer leaves satisfied with his            cheese, but somehow this does not take away from
money spent per amount of pizza served. When biting into the piece            the taste. Panzera’s is a carry-out pizza shop so this
of pizza, one may feel as if the sauce is nonexistent on account of the       pizza is best enjoyed with a group of friends at
overpowering layers of cheese. Instead of sitting on top, the toppings are    home. The price of the pizza is reasonable, making
almost a part of the cheese. The cheeses, along with other toppings are       it a desirable option for those who do not want
held together by a soft, but sturdy crust. If customers want something        to spend too much on dinner. Panzera’s is a safe
other than pizza, options such as spaghetti and salad are available. As an    choice for pizza lovers, but cheese lovers will be
Italian restaurant, Rotolo’s has truly upheld a sense of tradition.           especially pleased.

ARLINGTONIAN                                                    May 1, 2009                                                            7
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

                      The Feature page
                                                                                               How much do you actively
                                                                                               care about the environment?
                                                                                               Take the quiz below to find
                                                                                               out how “green” you are!


                                                                                                Graphic by Brandon sega

    1   How long do your showers typically last?
        A. 5 minutes
                                                        5      How do you get rid of your food scraps?
                                                               A. I put them in a compost bin or
        B. 10-15 minutes                                       take them to a food bank
        C. 20-30 minutes                                       B. I feed them to my dog
                                                               C. I put them in the trash or down

    2   When I’m not using my computer, I...
        A. ...shut it down
                                                               the garbage disposal

        B. ...shut it down if I’m not using it               And the results are in...
        later in the day
        C. ...just leave it on                               If you got   MOSTLY As, you are...

                                                                           ...very green! Congratulations on being
                                                                           environmentally friendly. You are one of the
        To get to school every morning, I...                               few who do small, everyday tasks that really
                                                                           make a difference in helping the environment.
        A. ...walk or ride my bike
        B. ...carpool with friends
        C. ...drive myself
                                                             If you got   MOSTLY Bs, you are...

                                                                           ...somewhat green. You do some of
                                                                           the everyday things that help save the
        How often do you wash your clothes?                                environment. Sometimes you get lazy, but
                                                                           remember, it is the earth that pays!
        A. It depends: if they are jeans/
        work clothes, not as often.                          If you got   MOSTLY Cs, you are...
        Otherwise, I only wash them when
                                                                           ...not very green at all. You need to work
        it is necessary.                                                   harder to save energy and keep the earth
        B. Every other time I wear them                                    clean. Remember, every little thing you do
                                                                           helps in the long run. You can do it!
        C. After each use
                                                                                                           Source The Sierra Club

8                                              May 1, 2009                                               ARLINGTONIAN
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse

                                                 Students’ use of Adderall and other prescription
                                                 drugs has negative implications on health, safety

                                                                                                             BY Jessica Banchefsky
                                                                                                             and Kim Weisenberger

                                                                                                                         Photos by hannah bills

         unior Jack’s* head nods as he struggles to keep his eyes         “Yeah,” the friend responds. “I’ll give you one for $3.”
         open during class. He stayed up into the early hours of          Jack buys and takes the 20-milligram tablet and suddenly his
         the morning surfing the web and watching late-night           entire mood is changed. He feels more awake and able to focus
 television, so now he is suffering the consequences. Due to his       during his classes.
 exhaustion, he is unable to perform to the best of his abilities in      Jack has found himself in this situation more than once; he
 his classes. In between periods, Jack finds a friend who has helped   said he often takes advantage of his peers’ prescriptions. Although
 him with similar problems in the past.                                prescription drugs, such as Adderall, are intended for legitimate
    “Hey, do you have any Adderall?” he asks. “I can’t stay awake      medical use, some students are abusing their availability and
 for the life of me.”                                                  abundance without regard for the long-term consequences.
                                                                                                       * denotes student who requested anonymity

ARLINGTONIAN                                                  May 1, 2009                                                                     9
Popping pills: Easy availability of Adderall, other drugs, leads to student abuse
everyday aches and pains
                           Students choose to use common over-the-counter drugs daily
                                   ain-killers such as Ibuprofen are helpful to cure            problems, so it’s just sort of a habit,” he said. “If I don’t take
                                   common aches and pains. However, such over-the-              it I feel like I’m going to get a headache even though I’m
                                   counter drugs can also be harmful to students if             probably not.”
                           used incorrectly. For senior Andrea Smith, taking Advil is                Dr. John Winzenread, a local physician, said there
                           part of her daily routine.                                           are risks such as ulcers and bleeding associated with
                              “If I don’t take Advil I just feel like I need to take it,” she   Ibuprofen use.
                           said. “[Taking Advil] is kind of like brushing my teeth, I                “[Doctors] recommend [Ibuprofen] for kids who have
                           just do it everyday.”                                                legitimate medical problems,” he said. “But with that
                              Smith said she began taking Advil as a child due to bad           being said it is [also] used for muscle pain, joint pain,
                           sinuses, and earlier this year she needed it because she             headaches and menstrual pains. It’s a very common thing
                           had Mononucleosis. Although she said she sometimes                   to take.”
                           has reason to take the drug, oftentimes she does not                      Smith said she continues to take Advil despite possible risks.
                           need to.                                                                  “Sometimes my friends tell me I don’t need to, and
                              “I feel fine physically, but I just feel like I need it,” she     my Mom has hid [Advil] from me before,” she said. “But I
                           said. “It’s totally mental. How do you feel if you don’t             found it.”
                           brush your teeth? A little gross.”                                        Townsley said he recognizes the potential problems he
                              Senior John Townsley finds himself in a similar                   could face but said he will continue his daily dose of Ibuprofen.
                           situation in that he also takes Ibuprofen regularly,                      “[If I] stick to my routine, [taking Ibuprofen] probably
                           whether he needs it or not.                                          won’t be that bad,” he said. “I think Advil’s a good thing. I
                              “I feel like if I take [Ibuprofen] I won’t have any               don’t think it’s a bad thing.”

                                                                       The Diagnosis                                     Ritalin and medicine similar to that,”
                                                                                                                         Winzenread said. “The second way
                                                                                                                         is prescribing some sort of anti-
                                                                            According to Dr. John Winzenread,            depressant because they help with focus
                                                                        a local physician, Attention-Deficit           and concentration. [Thirdly, you can
                                                                        Disorder (ADD) and Attention-Deficit           prescribe] medicine called Stratera which
                                                                        Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)                  works like the anti-depressants, but is
                                                                        are mental condtions that affect both          used mostly for ADD.”
                                                                        children and adults. Both of the disorders         Winzenread said although there are
                                                                        have distinct, recognizable symptoms.          problems concerning Adderall use within
                                                                            “ADD is really                                                      schools, the
                                                                        decreased focus            Usually kids [use Adderall] during school drug can be very
                                                                        and concentration.
                                                                        [People with this          to get through the day and stay focused helpful for those
                                                                                                                                                who need it.
                                                                        disorder are] easily       while at the same time feel good.                “If the
                                                                        distracted from                                                         medicine is used
                                                                         staying on task,”                                    junior jack* responsibly by the
                                                                           Winzenread said.                                                     people that need
                                                                           “ADHD is [the                                                        it the medicine
                                                                           same] plus hyperactivity—with that          can be very helpful,” Winzenread said.
                                                                           you get the can’t-sit-still, fidgety type       Senior Taylor Anderson is one such
                                                                          of behavior.”                                person. Anderson was diagnosed with
                                                                            According to WebMD, the three              both ADD and ADHD when she was 7
                                                                        major symptoms of the disorders are            years old. Anderson said she remembers
                                                                        hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. trying to read with her Mom and being
                                                                          Once diagnosed, these conditions             frequently distracted by sounds and
                                                                            can be treated in a variety of ways,       other thoughts.
                                                                            Winzenread said.                               “I would always be either very tired
                                                                               “One [way of treatment]                 or very hyper,” Anderson said. “I just
                                                                           is prescribing stimulants or                couldn’t concentrate on anything.”
                                                                              amphetamines such as Adderall,               Upon visiting her physician,
                                                                                                                       Anderson was prescribed Ritalin,

10                                                                                May 1, 2009                                                    ARLINGTONIAN
and after a few years, switched her

                                                The side effects of Adderall
prescription to Adderall. Anderson now
takes 25 milligrams a day to keep her
focused and alert.
    “[Adderall] makes me very organized
so I can focus in every single class, and       on the human body
think things through and manage my
time better,” Anderson said.
     Despite students’ allegations of                                                               Irritability
the prescription being an “easy out,”
Anderson said the medication helps her
                                                Sleep deprivation                                    Adderall increases
                                                Because Adderall is a stimulant, it is               nervousness and may
lead a normal life.                                                                                  heighten emotions
                                                known to cause sleeping problems.
    “A lot of people think the disorder is      Users find it difficult to fall asleep.              such as anger and
made up and believe people take Adderall        Senior Rosie Knisley, for example,                   frustration towards
as a crutch to get ahead, but it actually       says it often takes hours for her to fall            others.
just makes me normal like every other           asleep.
person,” she said.
    Senior Rosie Knisley agreed that the                                                     Effect on heart
drug can have positive effects on those                                                      Adderall can create an abnormal
who need a prescription, and said the           Blood pressure                               heart rhythm, and often a rapid
medication helps her immensely with                                                          pulse. On occasion, this can
                                                Adderall increases
school work and interacting with peers.         heart rate which in                          contribute to Cardiomyopathy,
    “When I don’t take my medicine I just       turn increases blood                         a condition that weakens the
cannot focus and I’m really off task,” she      pressure.                                    heart muscle.
said. “When I do take it I can focus in
class and actually participate. I’ll be more
interested in what we are doing; it’s a 2.9
vs. a 3.7 GPA for me.”                          Appetite
                                                A common side

      Crossing                                  effect of Adderall is
                                                loss of appetite. Dr.

      the Line
                                                John Winzenread
                                                said this side effect
                                                can lead to eating
                                                disoders and abuse
   Although many students such                  of the drug as a
as Anderson and Knisley use their               result.
prescription medications responsibly,
some students take advantage of the
medication. Most students who use
Adderall for recreational purposes do not
                                                Other side effects
                                                Various symptoms
have a prescription, as it is not difficult     are less commonly
because of the wide availability of the         associated with the use                     Feeling weak
drug, Jack said.                                of Adderall, including                      Along with several side
   “I get it from peers and other drug          blurred vision, dry                         effects, users of Adderall
dealers who have it,” Jack said. “It’s mostly   mouth, dizziness,                           often feel weak because
people with a prescription [selling it], and    excessive sweating and                      of the drug’s effect on the
people who have bought a bunch of it and        hives.                                      mind and body.
are looking to get rid of some of it.”
   According to Winzenread, it is
common for teenagers to share this
drug, and he said he sees many patients
who admit to experimenting with the
drug although they are not prescribed it.
He said the wide availability may be a
result of a lack of specialized testing for
the disorders.                                  sources webmd.com, dr. john winzenread
   “Not everyone goes through the steps

ARLINGTONIAN                                                     May 1, 2009                                                      11
     [to be properly diagnosed],” he said.           people who take more than they are              effect because [the drugs] slow things
     “School psychologists are overworked and prescribed,” he said.                                  down for them.”
     some people can’t afford psychologists,            Knisley said although she is prescribed         Winzenread also said Adderall can
     so [diagnosis] is left up to family care        Adderall, she knows other students who          have addictive qualities that affect users.
     doctors. They just do the best they can         take it for weight loss purposes.               Although users may not go through
     with the information                                               “A lot of people take it     withdrawal after stopping intake of the
     they are provided.”       [Adderall] is abusable. People        because it makes you not        drug, it may affect their body nonetheless,
        Jack agreed,                                                 hungry and not even pay         he said.
     and said he knows         will notice if they don’t take it. attention to your appetite            “[Adderall] is abusable,” Winzenread
     students who buy                                                because you don’t focus on      said. “People will notice if they don’t
     and take the drug.              Dr. john winzenread anything else but [doing                    take it.”
        “In my                                                       school work,]” Knisley said.       Jack said he does not believe taking
     experience, I know a lot of kids at             “A lot of girls take Adderall so they can       medication such as Adderall will have a
     the high school who try it and use it           be super skinny because they never feel         significant impact on his health.
     occasionally,” Jack said.                       like eating.”                                      “It’s a prescription drug, so it’s not
        Due to the availability of prescription                                                      going to hurt you,” Jack said.
     drugs, such as Adderall, Winzenread said
     they can be abused in many ways.                        Adverse                                    On the contrary, Winzenread said
                                                                                                     there can be serious side effects of taking
        “They can be abused by people who
     take them who don’t need them for the                   Effects                                 Adderall for both those who need and
                                                                                                     those who do not.
     stimulant effect,” Winzenread said.                                                                “It can elevate blood pressure [and]
        According to Jack, there are many               However, experimenting with                  decrease appetite, which can in turn
     reasons for taking drugs such as Adderall       amphetamines may have negative effects.         stunt growth,” Winzenread said. “It
     even without a prescription.                    According to Winzenread, taking drugs           can also cause a more rapid pulse, and
        “Usually kids do it during school to         such as Adderall when not prescribed            very rarely it can be associated with
     get through the day and stay focused            them affects the body differently than          Cardiomyopathy, which is the weakening
     while at the same time feel good,” Jack         they would if they were necessary.              of the heart muscle.”
     said. “And also, if you’re planning to stay        “[The drugs] work through neuro-                Winzenread also said the
     up late, taking Adderall can really help. It transmitters that carry messages through           consequences of taking the drug go
     makes you stay awake.”                          the brain,” Winzenread said. “For people        beyond physical implications.
        Winzenread also said the drug can be         who don’t have ADD or ADHD, they                   “Sharing [the] medicine with friends
     used for other purposes.                        might actually cause you to feel more           or selling the medicine is obviously not
        “[They can be abused] by people              hyper or more anxious, [whereas for]            only illegal, but potentially harmful,”
     who want to lose weight, and by                 people with ADD it has the opposite             Winzenread said.

        Adderall at UA: students respond to questionnaire
        about usage in the high school

                             Do you have a                                  If yes, has                                        Do you personally
                             prescription                                   anyone ever                                        know anyone
                             medication for                                 asked you                                          who takes a
                             ADD or ADHD?                                   for your                                           prescription
                             (i.e. Adderall,                                medication?                                        such as the
                             Ritalin)                                                                                          aforementioned

                                 No 93%                                         No 57%                                            No 49%

                                  Yes 7%                                       Yes 43%                                             Yes 51%

                                                                                             Source voluntary april 9 alringtonian survey of 103 students

12                                                            May 1, 2009                                                        ARLINGTONIAN
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ARLINGTONIAN                      May 1, 2009                      13

                                                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy Bailey McClellan
     Senior cross country captain Bailey McClellan poses with coach Dale Hartney after a race. McClellan said she hopes the 5k alumni race will become an annual
     event in order to raise enough money to ensure the scholarship fund can support one cross country runner each year.

     Honoring a coach’s commitment
     Senior establishes event to create scholarship fund for cross country runners
     By Lindsay Gardner

               ny student who has run track or cross country at                The proceeds from the race were used to create a scholarship
               UAHS since 1985 has run under the guidance of                fund in honor of Hartney. McClellan said she hoped the event
               coach Dale Hartney. This year senior Bailey McClellan would raise enough money to support the fund for one cross
               decided to use her senior thesis                                                      country runner each year.
     as an opportunity to honor the man                                                                 “Though the event cost a lot of money
     who has had a positive impact on over            I hope that bringing together over 20 to put on, I am hoping that I still raised
     600 runners. McClellan said she wanted           years of runners will really show coach over $1000 to start the scholarship fund,”
     to find a way to thank Hartney for the
     wonderful experiences she had while
                                                      Hartney how much he has meant to us McClellan               said.
                                                                                                        The event was a surprise for Hartney, and
     running at the high school.                      and how much we appreciate all that he said McClellan’s work was impressive.
        “I always knew I wanted to do something he has done.                                            “I am more than impressed by what she
     involving cross country for my senior thesis,”                                                  did for me,” Hartney said. “It was really
     McClellan said. “I loved cross country, and I
     wanted to honor everything coach Hartney
                                                                  Senior Bailey McClellan quite            remarkable.”
                                                                                                        McClellan said she hopes the event
     has done for the program.”                                                                      can continue in the future with the help of
        On April 18, McClellan hosted a 5k run and a banquet to honor current underclassmen.
     Hartney. The event served as not only a celebration, but also a           “Hopefully one of the juniors will choose to continue this
     reunion and fundraiser. Cross country alumni from the past 24 years event next year as a thesis project,” McClellan said. “If not, I am
     were invited to run in the race at the high school, after which they   hoping I can continue it while I’m in college.”
     could attend a celebratory banquet.                                       Hartney also said he hoped the event would continue in the
        McClellan said she hoped the race would display the team’s          future, but said the team’s success over the years was a testament
     appreciation for Hartney’s work over the years.                        to the runners, not just to his work as a coach.
        “I hope that bringing together over 20 years of runners really         “I always tell people coaches are important, but it’s the individual
     showed coach Hartney how much he has meant to us and how               [that really matters] and Bailey has proven this,” Hartney said. “She is
     much we appreciate all that he has done,” McClellan said.              a marvelous young lady and one of the best captains I’ve ever had.”

14                                                                  May 1, 2009                                                          ARLINGTONIAN

                                                                                                         Senior crew captain
                                                                                                         receives support from
                                                                                                         community after life-
                                                                                                         threatening infection

                                         acing obstacles has never been           teammate, said he believes Haxton’s personality and strong faith have
                                         something new for UA athletes.           helped him fight such an unlikely infection.
                                         Whether it is shooting a game-               “The most obvious strength that Blake possesses is his willingness
                                         winning free-throw, kicking a            to never give up on anything. No matter how small the issue, he
                                  last-second field goal or swimming              would fight through it to the end,” Barthelmas said. “This has helped
                                  to the wall a half-second sooner, our           him fight through this. Many believe that if this had been anyone
                                  UAHS performers have risen to the               else they might have not survived.”
                                   tasks of these occasions. However,                 While Haxton’s crew experience may never be the same, what he
                                   this year none has been more difficult has taken from the sport will certainly stay with him forever. Hard
                                   to overcome than that of senior                work, perseverance and the everyday ups and downs that athletes
                                   Blake Haxton.                                                           experience have helped Haxton through his
                                      A captain                                                            infection and will continue to help him fight.
     BY Mitch Lex                 on the boys                                                                  “The thing Blake will be able to pull from
                                  crew team,                                                               his crew experience is his ability to fight
Haxton planned on competing this year and                                                                  through some of the most extreme pain,”
continuing his rowing career at the collegiate                                                             Barthelmas said. “Though the pain will be
level. However a presumed strained calf                                                                    different, he will be able to handle it. He has
muscle that ended up being a rare, flesh-                                                                  one of the greatest pain thresholds that I have
eating infection suddenly changed the life of                                                              ever seen.”
this outstanding athlete and student forever.                                                                  The immense support from UAHS and
    After telling his rowing coach about                              Photo Courtesy Stephen Barthelmas    the rest of the community has also given
the strained calf muscle, Blake went to the           Haxton trains on an erg rowing machine before comfort to Haxton’s family and friends
hospital to find it was more than just a              his infection. The community has come together to during his recovery. Countless Facebook posts
                                                      support Haxton and his family.
muscle injury. He was then diagnosed with                                                                  and school announcements have provided
necrotizing fasciitis, a deadly flesh-eating infection caused by group            encouragement and good wishes in such tough times.
A Streptococcus, the same bacteria that causes strep throat. This                     “I know that all of the support from many of Blake’s friends
rare infection can enter the skin through a small cut or a blister and            and other UA families has been very comforting to his parents,”
quickly spreads throughout the body. In Haxton’s case, his legs were              Barthelmas said.
affected. Doctors eventually had to amputate both of his legs, one                     The unspoken benefits of being part of a team begin to shout
above the knee and one to the hip, to prevent further spreading and               during times like these. The teammates with whom you share
possible death. Haxton spent several weeks in the intensive care unit             spotting duties with at lifting, who help you carry a boat to the shore
at the Ohio State University Medical Center fighting for his life.                or who celebrate with you in victory are the same ones by your side
Because of his outstanding health and young age, Haxton was able to               during these difficult times. The crew team possesses a strong sense
survive one of the most difficult parts of his long road to recovery.             of camaraderie, which in turn affects all UAHS students and the UA
    Stephen Barthelmas, a senior and Haxton’s fellow crew                         community, creating a strong source of support for Haxton.

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16                                       May 1, 2009                                           ARLINGTONIAN
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                           A fi                                                                                                                                                 While some students excel at poetry                                                                                                                 way nes
                                                                                                                                                                                recitation, the writing form struggles to
                                                                                                                                                                                attract the attention of many students
    BY corey mcmahon

    K          ids texted on their cell phones,
               whispered to their friends and
               stared off into space rather than
    listen to their classmates recite poetry
    in English class this year as part of the
                                                    with Otten, saying students have
                                                    misconceptions about poetry.
                                                        “Teenagers, and a lot of other people
                                                    in general, dislike poetry for two reasons,”
                                                    Aly said. “The first is that the majority of
                                                                                                          to just reading it.] You can learn a lot
                                                                                                          about poetry and its meaning from
                                                                                                          writing it,” Otten said.
                                                                                                              Teaching poetry this way, she said,
                                                                                                          will give students a more comprehensive
    Poetry Out Loud program.                        poetry we are taught is older, and anytime            understanding about the meaning of
        The general lack of interest many           students are taught something and forced              poems they read, and they will therefore
    teenagers have in poetry is a trend junior      to read it, they’ll expect it to be immediately enjoy reading them more.
    Mido Aly would like to see overturned.          pleasing or they’ll dislike it. The second                Aly said one of his goals with Poetry
        Aly won the Poetry Out Loud                 is that poetry is [largely considered to              Out Loud is to dispel what he sees as
    Ohio competition March 14, and he               be] boring and stupid. I think a lot of it            myths teenagers have about poetry.
    competed at the national competition            comes down to bad press for poetry.”                      “I want to go back to when poetry was
    April 27-28 in Washington D.C.                                                                                  something to communicate and
    The poem he chose to recite for                                                                                 talk about and celebrate,” Aly said.
    the competition was Martin              I want to go back to when                                               “Poetry Out Loud helps with
    Espada’s “Alabanza: In Praise           poetry was something                                                    that because students have this
    of Local 100.” The piece is an                                                                                  database of all these poems, and
    ode to victims, survivors and           to communicate and talk                                                 that’s great because they can find
    all those affected by the 9/11          about and celebrate.                                                    a poem that isn’t boring or old.
    terrorist attacks.                                                                                              They can find one they like and
        “It touched on an issue a lot
                                                    Junior Mido Aly                       Photo courtesy MIDO ALY   can relate to.”
    of people feel uncomfortable                                                                                       Otten agreed, saying Poetry
    with: 9/11,” Aly said. “But I don’t think           Otten also said she thinks students               Out Loud was a positive experience for
    they should. They think talking about           resent the assignments they associate                 her students, as well.
    9/11 is dishonorable or something, but          with poetry.                                              “Poetry Out Loud was a more
    I think talking about it is important and           “We look at a poem as if it’s a code that pleasurable way than often how we look
    honorable to victims.”                          we have to crack. Sometimes we take that              at [poetry] in the classroom.” Otten said.
        However, while Aly excelled in poetry       too far, and we insist upon analyzing every “Because of [Poetry Out Loud] we had
    recitation for the Poetry Out Loud              line, every word, every single syllable, and          permission to read and share poetry solely
    competition, language arts teacher Julie        that’s painful for students,” Otten said. “To for pleasure.”
    Otten said in her classes poetry is often       demand students find mythic meanings                      Showing UAHS students that
    met with disgruntled sighs, angry mutters in every syllable is unfair and makes the                   reading poetry can be interesting and
    and sarcastic snickers.                         students beat poetry to death.”                       fun is the most important thing, Aly
        “With poetry there is an automatic              According to Otten, students’ negative            said. Reading poetry is a lost art form,
    dread,” Otten said. “Anytime a poem             perception of poetry is a misunderstanding, but he is hopeful that through programs
    appears [in the classroom,] the immediate which can be changed by a fundamental                       like Poetry out Loud students can begin
    reaction is moaning.”                           shift in the way poetry is taught.                    again to realize the pleasure of reading
        Aly shared a similar sentiment                  “We should write poetry [in addition              and discussing poetry.

   ARLINGTONIAN                                                                                                                                 May 1, 2009                                                                                                                                                                             17

       What is your ideal summer day?
                                                 in                                            Eight students respond to
                                                                                               a question in eight words

      Tanning on a warm beach             Running through the             Swimming, surfing, sun,              Hanging with friends all day
      reading a book.                     sprinkler and throwing          singing, smoothies, shakes,          on a beach.
            junior gilly jaffe            water balloons.                 seeing people.                             Freshman bess reis
                                                             senior                      sophomore
                                                  hannah mealer                       emily messick

                        Sleep in, hang with               Hanging poolside with
                        friends, party a lot.             friends soaking up the        All day with friends and      Going to the pool and
                                       Junior             sun.                          no swim practice.             mackin’ on babes.
                                  andy bean                           freshman          senior eric huffman                   sophomore
                                                               michael koltak                                                 evan smith

                                              BY Aldo Corona & Brandon Sega

       I’ve been using these
       muscle-building pills                       These aren’t
                                                   working because                 Then where did my
       for weeks and they
       don’t work!                                 they’re JELLY                   pills go?                       GA GA! CANDY!
                                                   BEANS, genius!
                     Lemme see those...

18                                                            May 1, 2009                                                ARLINGTONIAN

 Capstone’s replacement of thesis                                          Bad drivers drive me crazy
 limits student schedules, creativity                                                                                 s I was driving home from
                                                                                                                      a baseball lesson in Dublin
                                                                                                                      last week, I decided to take

        efore seniors can finally say goodbye to UAHS, they must                                                      Riverside, thinking the 50
        complete one final task: their senior thesis. However,                                                mph speed limit would help me get
        for future senior classes, the well-established senior thesis                                         home quickly. Much to my chagrin,
project will be replaced by the more service-oriented capstone                                                however, I was caught behind a man
project. Although the idea of capstone is beneficial and sound, by                                            who appeared to be 187 years old.
eliminating the senior thesis option it creates various scheduling                                            Judging by how close his head was
conflicts and limits the overall creativity of students.                                                      to the steering wheel, he looked to
    With senior thesis, students can choose from a variety of                                                 be about four feet two inches tall.
topics ranging from creative endeavors to service oriented                                                    You can imagine my dismay when
projects. By giving the students more choice in topic, the                       by jamie arkin
                                                                                                              the man, weaving back and forth
students are more likely to select a topic meaningful to them              across the lane, drove at the blazing speed of 35 mph.
rather than a project they feel less passionate about in order                 Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. When watching
to easily fulfill a service aspect. In addition, students who              certain drivers on the road, I often find myself wondering what the
complete a thesis rather than a capstone are still required to             purpose of the driving test is if people who clearly have no ability to
complete 16 additional hours of service for their Government               control their cars are able to get a license.
class, thus still incorporating service into the curriculum.                   Bad drivers appear to outnumber good drivers on the roads by at
    Making the switch from senior thesis to all capstone would             least 11 to one. The two types of drivers I hate the most are people
also create numerous scheduling conflicts for students and                 who drive slowly and people who get distracted on the road.
faculty alike. As capstone functions under a joint English and                 There are several different ways of driving slowly that annoy me.
Government class, it would be difficult to accommodate for                 The most annoying is when people simply drive under the posted
students who chose to take different levels of each class. For             speed limit. I once followed a man who drove, in a two-minute time
example, what would be done for a student who elects to take               span, 40 mph past four signs stating the speed limit was 50 mph. If
AP English but standard level Government? Or what if a senior              you are not comfortable enough to drive at the posted speed limit,
chooses to take Government online? Those are only two of                   maybe you should rethink your decision to drive at all.
numerous combinations.                                                         The second way people bother me is when they accelerate really
    Finally, many students, especially those enrolled in the               quickly only to drive long distances very slowly. If your car has
IB Diploma, chose to take government as juniors in order to                enough power in the engine to accelerate fast, I am sure it also has
fulfill diploma requirements. In the future this can be changed,           enough power to continue to drive fast. If not, I would recommend
but what about the handful of current juniors who have                     getting it checked out by a mechanic.
already taken their Government class? How will they fulfill the                People make me just as mad when they creep up at red lights,
capstone requirements?                                                     almost
◈ By keeping the senior thesis option available, students                    ◈ as though they have convinced themselves that by being two
                                                                           feet closer to the intersection at a red light, they will be able to make
will be allowed to exercise more freedom in not only their                 it to their destination faster. A word to the wise for these people: You
scheduling but the content of their project. As a school that is           are not in a drag race! Creeping up to the point where you are pretty
known for promoting student freedom, the removal of senior                 much in the intersection does absolutely nothing. You will not get
thesis certainly seems limiting.                                           where you are going any faster, but you may creep yourself right into
                                                                           the line of traffic. However, this might not be so bad for the rest of us,
                                                                           as you would at least rid the roads of your abysmal driving.
                                                                               The final thing that truly drives me nuts on the road is cell phones.
                                                                           I will not say that I am against talking on phones as you drive, mostly
                                                                           because I do it pretty much constantly. However, if you cannot
                                                                           multitask to the point where you can continue to drive in a straight
                                                                           line at a constant speed while talking on the phone, then hang up
                                                                           the phone. It really bothers me when I have to slow down in order
                                                                           to compensate for the incompetence of other people who decide it
                                                                           is more important to have a meaningless conversation with someone
                                                                           about the weather than to focus on being able to drive.
                                                                               So, to all the bad drivers out there, I would like to say that I have
                                                                           had enough of your crazy schemes. Your habits must be reformed, or
                                                                           I suggest large-scale removals of drivers licenses for those incapable
                                       EDITORIAL CARTOON by ALDO CORONA    of driving like an intelligent human being.

ARLINGTONIAN                                                            May 1, 2009                                                                     19
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