Plumpton & East Chiltington News - June 2021 - Plumpton Parish Council

Page created by Dean Blake
Plumpton & East Chiltington
         June 2021
        Hedge Cutting and Treework
               Turf Laying                       DRIVER TRAINING
                Driveways                        CAR, LGV, PCV, FLT, HIAB
                  Patios                             40 East View Fields
                And More                          Plumpton Green BN7 3EF
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Plumpton Stores & Post Office                      R. A. Brooks & Son
  Your local village store is now open:
                                             F       D            M            M
 5.45am to 7.30pm Monday to Friday                   P -P     F        P
                                             35 Wivelsfield Road,        Ravenoak,
      7.00am to 7.30pm Saturday
                                               Haywards Heath          Allington Road,
      7.00am to 1.00pm Sunday                    01444 454391              01825 722895
            01273 890229
June 2021                                Page
Plumpton Parish Council                  2       We welcome Rev. Anne Dunlop to our
East Chiltington Parish Council          5       parish and hope she will be made very
District Councillor Rob Banks            6       welcome when she moves into the
MP Maria Caufield                        9       rectory.
Councillor Sarah Osbourne                9       It is great to see advertising for our
Skylark Federation School News           10      summer events and hope that fundraisers
DR’s Diary                               12      will be able to support our local hospice
Bird Watch                               13      and other charities that have that have
Strawberry Fair                          15      suffered so much during the last year.
Church Services                          16      If a group you are involved with has plans
Events Calendar                          17      for 2021 do let us know.
Climate Change                           18      This is your magazine..
Rev. Anne Dunlop                       
Tennis Club                              22
The Old Mill House Open Garden           22
Plumpton & East Chiltington
Wildlife                                 24
Footpath Detective                       27
Virtually Panto Update                   28
Chailey Commons Society                  31
Churches Count on Nature                 31
Citizens Advice                          32

              St Peter & St James Fundraising Update
              Spring Raffle - A huge thank you to everyone who bought tickets, donated a
              prize, or gave an extra donation. The raffle raised an amazing amount of £1,640.
              Your support, as always is very much appreciated.
The next fund raiser is at the Strawberry Fair where the Support Group will be staging a Fun
Dog Show. Details of this appear in this month’s magazine.
Next on the agenda is The Old Mill House Open Garden on Sunday 18 July. Details of this are
also in this month’s magazine. There will be a tombola on the day and if you have any items
you wish to donate, please deliver to 30 West Gate.
It has been decided not to hold the Jumble Sale on the 10 July, but please take any donations
to the warehouse or there is also a collecting bin at Wivelsfield Green, at the Playing Field for
It is such a good feeling that we are now able to start raising much needed funds for St Peter &
St James Hospice.

Plumpton Parish Council                            the allotments which will allow 2 more plots
                                                      to be offered to residents now, with                             hopefully 3 smaller plots possible in the
Report on May Parish Council Meeting
                                                      Update on the Threat of unplanned
The change in law that was introduced last            development.
year to enable virtual (i.e via Zoom) Parish          An Inter-Council working party has been
Council meetings expired on 7th May and               formed to fight the Eton College ‘New town’
therefore the May Parish Council meeting              threat and will also work together to oppose
was brought forward to 4th May to enable              any unplanned and unwanted development.
us to meet via Zoom. Councils will not be             This group is made up of councillors from
able to continue to meet virtually after 6            East Chiltington, Plumpton, Chailey, Hamsey,
May after High Court judges dismissed a               Barcombe, Wivelsfield, Streat, Westmeston
legal challenge by local government.                  and Ditchling. The group recently met with
Therefore, the Parish Council has decided to          Sussex representatives from the Campaign
cancel the June meeting and will hopefully            to Protect Rural England (CPRE) when they
be able to hold a face-to-face meeting in             reported on a recent CPRE meeting with our
July.                                                 MP, Maria Caulfield. Notes on that meeting
The Annual Statutory Meeting was thus held            are published on the Plumpton Parish Council
virtually, and Parish Council officers                website and well worth a read. Residents
appointed for another year. Cllr Nick                 will be well aware of the Outline Planning
Beaumont was re-appointed as Chair with               application for 89 Houses at Nolands Farm
Cllr Paul Stevens as Vice-Chair. All                  and the PC thanks the many residents who
committees were unchanged with the                    have taken the trouble to comment to Lewes
exception of the Playing Field Committee              District Council. Plumpton Parish Council
with Cllr Ron Jury taking over as Chair from          would also like to thank our neighbouring
Cllr Peter Morgan who we thank for doing a            Parishes who have supported us and lodged
great job and we are pleased to report Peter          their objections. The PC response to the
will remain a member of the Committee.                Nolands application can be found on the PC
                                                      web site together with an objection letter
There will be no Annual Parish Meeting again          from CPRE.
this year but by the time this edition hits the
streets there will be a report published from
the Parish Council together with
contributions from some Village Societies.
This is available on the PC web site and in
hard copy form from the Shop.
The Parish Council are grateful to Paul and
Carole Nicholson for presenting a paper to
the PC that included some excellent
suggestions for ways the community could
mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
The Parish council will work with the
community, including Plumpton College, on
ideas such as a Community Orchard,
Wildflower Meadow and Community
Woodland. The area around the Village Hall
Pond has long needed a make-over and
discussions with Plumpton College, who
have offered to help, are progressing.
The PC thanks Cllrs Ron Jury and Jim Brown
for their hard work on clearing areas within

A clean carpet
        FLORAL ART                                                            isn’t all we
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       Website:               See our website for special offers

             Robert Symes
                                                              The Greenhouse
             TREE SURGEON                               B&B in the heart of Plumpton Green
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                       Free Es mates and Advice
  Tel: Plumpton (01273) 890668 or 07711 712 477
check their website below which gives practical
                                                  ideas of ways in which the cause can be
                                                  supported .

                                                   A request has come from Martin
                                                  Gilbert ,in
E.C New Town proposal at North                    Plumpton, for any of the East Chiltington
Barns farm                                        soapboxes which were built for the soapbox
                                                  derby in 20 in order that they can showcase
East Chiltington Parish Council has been          one at the Plumpton Strawberry fair in June .
working to achieve an early halt to               There is a plan to run a soapbox derby next
proposals to build 3000 houses in East            year for the Queens Jubilee celebrations at
Chiltington on land owned by Eton                 Plumpton racecourse. If you are able to help,
College. In support of this, a strategy           please contact Martin directly.
group, comprised of both parish                   The Parish Council are now legally required to
councillors and residents, has been               meet face to face and therefore future meeting
formed. The strategy group’s first aim is         dates and venues will be released on the web
to support the Parish Council in contesting       site.
the plans. Early actions are in preparing
the case against the proposals and      
securing professional advice in order to
do this. The Parish council is also in
regular communication with the Don’t
Urbanise the Downs protest group and                PLUMPTON & EAST CHILTINGTON
will ensure that all relevant information
and other key factors are communicated                      GOOD NEIGHBOURS
to both groups.                                                          JUNE
                                                        The Good Neighbours have worked
The Parish Council have become aware               throughout the villages during the lockdowns
that there is a Planning Performance                 and continue to operate to help improve
agreement between LDC and the strategic              people’s lives. With effect from 17th May,
land developer Welbeck. This                        Restaurants, Pubs and Businesses will have
demonstrates that they are pushing                    opened up allowing people to be served
forward with their proposal by                                       inside again.
commissioning traffic and wildlife surveys
of the area to name but two: you may                     We have been transporting people to
have noticed cameras on Novington Lane                                 hospitals,
recently.                                             doctors, opticians, dentists & vaccination
                                                         appointments, collecting & delivering
The support of LDC elected councillors                 prescriptions, shopping, posting letters/
and or MP is key. We continue to                      parcels, taking pets to the vets with their
endeavour to gain their support.                      owner, changing bedding, making regular
The planning process is still in the                    telephone calls offering reassurance &
information gathering stage The Issues             friendship and visiting people where possible.
and Options consultation stars late
summer at which point we will be                    We have a number of dedicated volunteers
consulted on the ‘direction of travel ‘of            willing to assist in many ways. If we can
the new plan.                                       help, please call one of our Coordinators on

Don’t urbanise the downs                                  07478524152 or 07786152215
If you wish to support the plan to prevent
the building of 3000 houses on land                                **********
surrounding North Barns farm please

Report back from Rob Banks, your District Councillor
Local Plan Part 1
I continue to support the Don't Urbanise the Downs group and other residents campaigning
against the potential site put forward by Eton College for a 3,000 unit "new town" on North
Barnes Farm. A reminder that the Local Plan is a document that sets out what kind of
development could happen in the part of Lewes District outside the National Park, and the North
Barnes Farm site was one of many put forward for consideration by landowners. As I have
mentioned previously, the council has to work to government rules on drafting this Local Plan. If
it doesn't get it right then a government inspector could simply reject it, just as happened to
neighbouring Wealden District Council. More information on the next stage in the local plan
timetable, which involves formal public consultation, will be available very soon.
Nolands Farm
I have sent in my objections to this planning application and, alongside the Parish Council, have
requested that unless council officers reject it (which would be fine!), then any decision must be
taken by the Planning Committee, which is made up of democratically elected local councillors.
This plan was rejected previously for a smaller number of houses and has come forward now
due to arbitrary changes in Government Planning Policy.
New Planning law
A new planning law has been proposed by Government. At the time of writing, details are
awaited but organisations such as the CPRE have expressed serious concern about what it could
mean for the countryside.
Trees, Hedges and Toad Crossing
I have raised the issue of the partially cut tree on Station Close and an overgrown hedge on
East View Fields, and noticed one Toad Crossing sign on Plumpton Lane has gone missing. I
have asked for it to be replaced.
Litter picking
Don't forget the Great British Spring Clean 2021 will be underway by the time you read
this. Find out how you can get involved at The District Council is
supporting local litter pick groups at recycling/
litterpick/. Thank you to all who already help to keep their local areas free of litter.
Recycling bins
A reminder that you can order an extra recycling bin free of charge from the council. Just
visit or phone 01273 471600.
07986 755246

                                       Fun Dog Show
                           All proceeds to St Peter & St James Hospice

                            To be held at the Strawberry Fair
                                   Saturday 26 June
                             Cutiest/Cuddliest Dog or Bitch (any age)
                                  Best Dog/Bitch under 7 years
                              Best Veteran Dog/Bitch over 7 years
                              Dog/Bitch with smartest/bling collar

                                       Registration by 2.00
                                        Judging from 3.00
                                      Entry – £2.00 per class

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        Heath Farm
      Holiday Cottages
South Road, Plumpton Green
   Three 4 star cottages sleeping
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       Minimum 2 night stay
     Regret no smoking or pets.
     01273 890712


   5 School Cottages,
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      For all your

Tel: 01273- 890964
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                                           Decorative Paint Finishes,
                                           Domestic, Business
                                           & Building Trade
                                           Michael Webber

                                           01273 890779
                                           07880 558 556

                                           2 School Cottage
             07890 546417                  East Chiltington
                                           Lewes BN7 3AY

Servicing, Repairs and       Deadly Serious
MOTs                             Pest Control
Horseboxes                      James Otway
Trade vans
Cars                                   07702 208475
Call Martin on                        Odintune Cottage
                                    East Chiltington, Lewes
01273 479777                        East Sussex, BN7 3AN
Maria Caufield MP
                As Parliament rose recently before the Queen’s Speech a number of critically
                important pieces of legislation were passed. I was particularly pleased to see
                the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Act given Royal Assent.
                Here in the UK we have some of the highest standards on animal welfare
anywhere in the world. This bill builds on that position and cements our status as a leader on
animal rights and send a clear message that mistreating animals will not be tolerated. Those
guilty of animal cruelty will now face up to five years in prison, as opposed to six months
before the legislation was passed.
The Government will also be taking advantage of our departure from the European Union to
deliver on a 2019 manifesto commitment to end excessively long journeys for the slaughter
and fattening of livestock. There is work on developing new laws on animal sentience and
cracking down on the illegal smuggling of dogs and puppies. Consultations have taken place on
commitments to ban pet primates and for mandatory cat microchipping, and another will begin
soon on the implementation of the Ivory Act. I am pleased to see that commitments have also
been made to ban imports from trophy hunting of endangered animals.
The UK engages with other countries as part of global forums such as the World Organisation
for Animal Health in order to combat the maltreatment of animals worldwide. This is something
that the Prime Minister cares deeply about, highlighted by his first speech outside No.10
Downing Street in 2019, when he said “let us promote the welfare of animals that has always
been so close to the hearts of the British people”.
All animals deserve to be respected and cared for throughout their lives, which is why I
strongly welcomed the Government’s commitment that future trade agreements will uphold our
country’s high animal welfare standards. These standards will not be watered down in pursuit
of any trade deal.
Building on the work of the Animal Welfare Bill, I am also looking forward to the Environment
Bill becoming law later in the year. The bill introduces measures to address the biggest
environmental priorities of our age, including meeting net-zero by 2050, along with long-term,
legally binding targets on biodiversity, air quality, water, and resource and waste efficiency. All
of this legislation will help us continue to protect the environment both locally and nationally.

Report from your County Councillor, Sarah Osborne

Thank You.
My huge thanks to the residents of Plumpton for
re-electing me as your County Councillor. I am
so grateful for the support you have shown me
and for taking the time to share with me the
issues that are important to you whether it’s been
on the doorstep, phone or by email.
My ESCC email remains the
same or
you can use my personal
email or call me
on 07986776105 so please do feel free to contact

Nolands Farm
I have sent in my objections to the planning application and will continue to work with your
District Councillor and the Parish Council to oppose this development.

Skylark Federation – School News!
It is great to report that things are gradually returning to normal at all three Skylark schools.
The children’s attendance is high, we are restarting our assemblies in the school halls and we are
beginning to welcome back music teachers, sports coaches and visiting artists to support our
Summer term project ‘Create’ as well as planning school trips to enrich the children’s learning.
As I have mentioned before, for the past two years the Skylark federation has been writing and
developing a bespoke local curriculum. We have modelled our curriculum on Jonathan Lear’s
Discover, Explore and Create curriculum model, which sees all learners critically analysing in
History, Geography, DT and the Arts across the academic year. These Discover (History),
Explore (Geography) and Create (the Arts) projects form the backbone of our projects across the
year, and all subjects are formed of these projects.
We are really excited about the impact the new curriculum is having on the enthusiasm, interest
and enjoyment of our children and the work that is being produced. This term the children are
analysing and experimenting with the seven areas of Art (line, shape, space, value, form, texture
and colour) and exploring, experimenting, appraising and composing music and dance. I attach
a few examples of the children’s.
I look forward to writing to you again next month to further update you on the wonderful things
that are happening across the federation.
Very Best Wishes
Mr. Stewart James
Executive Head Teacher

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                                     For further information see:
DR’s Diary                                            their meals, until they were found out!
                                                       There were various sports and games to
 As things begin to open up , my inbox is
                                                      occupy the children. There were walks along
receiving lots of emails with holiday offers ,
                                                      the beach, camp fires, visits to fruit farms
this inevitably leads to discussions with my
                                                      and a theme park. I enjoyed that!
better half on where we should go this
                                                      We had a large hut for evening shows and
year. I start to reflect on holidays past. By
                                                      discos. What really surprised me was how
now I'm in my very own Tardis travelling
                                                      popular ( and competitive!) bingo was. All
back in time. My Tardis has very low
                                                      for a mars bar.
emissions, it runs on tea and I'm back in
the 1990's to a very different kind of                 Each morning , the kids had to empty their
holiday.                                              tents and have their kits neatly presented for
                                                      inspection. This was to encourage tidyness
 I was working in London and had
                                                      ( also to check there was nothing in the
answered an ad for volunteers to help on
                                                      tents that shouldn't be).Points were awarded
camps for children that wouldn't otherwise
                                                      for the best. In Reuben's mind, tent
have a holiday ,that had been referred by
                                                      inspection had acquired military status and
their schools or social services.
                                                      he made sure the others did their bit. After
And so it was that a few weeks later I found
                                                      several days my gang were runaway leaders
myself , along with several other
                                                      and were unfairly ( but necessarily) marked
volunteers, climbing into a very battered
                                                      down to avoid everyone else giving up and
mini bus sent to meet us at Lowestoft
                                                      going amok.
station. On arrival at our camp ( more tardis
juice) we were given a briefing by Alex, a             The kids were very streetwise and started
very experienced camp manager. He told us             to notice that Reuben and David were still in
some children would arrive in expensive               the same clothes, there followed the
trainers , some of the girls ( it was mixed           predictable name calling. Before things got
age 8 to 13 year olds) may have gold                  out of hand and after a quiet word with
jewellery, etc...they were there for different        Alex, I was given some petty cash and sent
reasons , not all economic ones.                      to Lowestoft to buy fresh clothing for our 2
We were asked not to make assumptions or              brothers.
judgements. He also mentioned things to
                                                       There were around 20 volunteers, some
look out for ; bullying, bed wetting,
                                                      from Sweden, Bulgaria and Holland. We had
homesickness, lack of clothing, etc...Each
                                                      a leaders hut for our (very little) free time
volunteer would be responsible for a tent of
                                                      and we all got along very well.
                                                       On the last night a show was put on by the
 The next morning 3 coaches brought 90
                                                      volunteers and some of the children. Some
boys and girls. Most of them had sorted
                                                      sang, some danced and some told jokes.
their groups en route , we helped sort the
                                                       After breakfast the children had to go and
rest. All that was left were 2 brothers ,
                                                      collect their bags from the store and pack
Reuben and David , dressed in combat
                                                      their things. It was at this point we
jackets and a look that said ' its us against
                                                      discovered that Reuben and David's bags
the world'. We reshuffled things and got
                                                      were full of untouched ,neatly folded
them into a group, mine. The kids were
                                                      clothes. Why didn't you pick up fresh
very streetwise , some could be
                                                      clothing each day like the others? We asked.
challenging. My tent had some of bigger
                                                      Reuben stood to attention and replied, ' Our
boys ( and better behaved) which meant
                                                      mum told us not to get our clothes dirty, sir!'
their tent wasn't subject to attacks as
                                                      For two weeks this had been my world. It
others were.
                                                      wasn't all good, there had been 'issues' but
 There was a dining room for meals which              they had been off set by memories I'll never
were very good. I was told the previous               forget. For two weeks I was oblivious to
year it was not so and some of the kids               what was happening in the outside world.
were nipping down the road to Pontins for             I certainly learnt the true worth of a mars

Bird Watch                   that we aimed for. Positive proof that birds had
                                                   bred or attempted to do so. A family party of
              Late May and early June are the      newly fledged juveniles with their parents was
              peak times in the breeding           the top evidence followed by a nest with young
              season for most birds, evidence      or eggs. Finding a successfully hatched
of which is all around us. Without actually        eggshell with the top opened by the egg-tooth
finding nests, we can determine which have         that resembles a decapitated boiled egg or an
bred or attempted to breed by our own              egg with a hole made by the beak of a Magpie
observations. When the first Atlas of Breeding     or Crow was also acceptable so long as the
Birds was compiled in the years 1968-72,           species is identified with accuracy. The
many of us submitted records to ensure full        carrying of food for the young or a faecal sac
coverage nationally. The country was divided       away from a nest was also accepted as proof
in to ten-kilometre squares on the map and         with the caution that birds of prey will carry
the Atlas published after five years.              their catch to a favoured plucking post for their
                                                   own consumption.
           There were three categories of
evidence, possible, probable, and confirmed                 The record of a bird carrying nest
breeding and the squares on the maps shown         material was evidence of breeding for most
with corresponding size orange dots. The           species. However, male Wrens will make
weakness of this otherwise excellent               several nests within their territory to attract a
publication was that if only one bird or a         female. She will choose one of them to line
thousand of a species was recorded in a            with feathers where the eggs will be laid. His
square, the same sized dot appeared. The           efforts making the other nests are not wasted
excellent text however gave fuller details, and    for when the young have fledged, but still
the repeat atlas twenty years later gave           dependant upon their parents, the brood will
population densities and the changes of            be dispersed to roost safely in them. If a
distribution from that time. With the Atlas        predator finds one, at least not the entire
came transparent overlays of the country,          family is lost. Some of the male Warblers also
giving altitude, moorland, temperature, and        build nests to attract females into their claimed
river systems among others, and an                 territory, so if unsuccessful in this, it is not a
explanation as to why some species are found       confirmed breeding record.
only in certain areas. I thought it might be an
interesting way for anyone to check the status              From this you will note that even from
of our breeding birds locally.                     a window overlooking a garden or on a gentle
                                                   stroll, useful information on the success of our
           Possible breeding was just seeing a     breeding birds can be made. This gives
bird in a suitable habitat on one occasion.        increased knowledge of what we have locally
Over the recording period, we tried to upgrade     and an added interest in nature around us.
the status to obtain more proof.
                                                              We have recently had yet another of
         Probable breeding records were more       our Goldfinches captured by a French ringer.
interesting. A male singing regularly in the       Ringed last October, it was in central France in
same territory meant that he most likely had a     February. I have also learnt of another
mate. This is not confirmed breeding but, in       Goldfinch that had earlier been ringed in
most cases, likely. There was, however, the        France caught by another Sussex ringing
report of a Serin, a small finch common on the     group. This shows how species we see all year
Continent, singing from the same place in          round are not necessarily the same individuals.
Norfolk for three summers but sadly never          Old bird books would have classed them as
finding a female. Holding territory was another    “residents” but with ringing studies, we now
sign and pairs displaying or visiting a likely     know them as “partial migrants”. It is never
nest site such as an impenetrable patch of         too late to learn!
thorns could be later proven when the leaves
fell, and nest revealed.                           R.J.L.

        Confirmed breeding was the clincher

Live music every Saturday and
           Sunday, 2.00 - 6.00pm tapas and

Details of Sessions on chalkboard outside
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Plumpton Village Society Strawberry Fair

                                26 June 2021

                                    Noon til 4pm

                       Plumpton Village Green

The fair will be held on the first Saturday after the lockdown restrictions are due to
be lifted. Even if we still have to social distance, the Fair will be run to comply with
the Government guidelines of the time.
There will be 25 stalls from local clubs and societies, together with a
showground programme to entertain you:
Fun and Laughter: Fancy Dress Competition and the Pantomime Society
Children’s Time: Turning Pointe Dancers and Wings Youth Group
Dog Show: organised by the Hospice Support Group
Please bring with you a face mask as this is likely to be required if you go into
the Hall and some coin and notes as the stalls will not be able to take payment by

                                There are two categories for the children’s strawberry
                                themed fancy dress competition, under 5 and
                                between 5 and 11. To enter, please email
                       with the child’s
                                name, age, and an adult’s contact number before 19

                                Look at our new
                                website, for fuller details of the day. Please contact
                                us at the above email address, website contact form,
                                or ring Lee Stevens on 07887 562721 for any queries.

                                      Do come along and be part of your

Church Services for June
Sunday 6 June               Trinity 1                     Environment Sunday
All Saints                  11.00am                       Family Communion

Sunday 13th June            Trinity 2                     Open Farm Sunday
All Saints                  11.00am                       Family Communion

Sunday 20th June            Trinity 3                     Fathers day
All Saints                  11.00am                       Family Communion

Sunday 27th June            Trinity 4
All Saints                  11.00am                       Family Communion

Sunday 4th July              Trinity 5
All Saints                  11.00am                       Family Communion

                                         Church News

By the time you read this the Rev Anne Dunlop will have moved into the Rectory in Plumpton
Green and been licensed as priest-in-charge of our Parish by Bishop Will. She will share her
duties with the Parish of Hamsey with Offham. I will leave her to tell you a little about her
previous ministry but suffice it to say we are delighted to welcome her and I am sure you will
offer her a warm welcome as she introduces herself to villagers.
It has been a difficult time for all of us during the last year or so with various lockdowns and the
constant threat of covid. We were delighted when we could open our churches again and
despite everything, we have experienced a real uplift in our worshipping community. This can
only be enhanced by the presence of Rev Anne.
The churchwardens would like to take this opportunity to record their thanks for the support we
have received since last August, not only from visiting priests, particularly the Archdeacon of
Brighton and Lewes, but from all those who have taken on new or additional responsibilities
during this time. We welcome all members of the Parochial church council elected at our annual
meeting on Sunday 27th June and look forward to working closely together in the next twelve
Finally we had a bumper turn out for our service to celebrate the Ascension of our Lord on
Thursday 13th May led by the Ven Martin Lloyd- Williams followed by excellent refreshments
served outside the annex . Thank you to all concerned.

East Chiltington - Amanda Inglis 07941 241148
Plumpton Green - Howard Wood 07794484373, David Dawson 01273 890134

VH = Village Hall                HQ = Scout HQ            TC = Tennis Club
StM = St Michael’s               ANX = Church Annex       PAV = Pavilion
ECC = East Chiltington Church    Sch = Plumpton School   ALC= All Saints Church

26th June - Village Strawberry Fair                                       VH
30th June - Rude Mechanicals                                              VH
18th July - St. P & St. J - Mill House Open Garden
7th August - Horticultural Society Summer show                            VH
18th September - Horticultural Society Autumn show                        VH
2nd October - Plumpton Apple Pressing                                     VH
23rd October - Tennis Club Jumble Sale                                    VH
20th November - Tennis Club Quiz
26th November - Horticultural Society AGM                                 VH
27th November - St. P & St. J Festive Fair                                VH

 Village Hall & Pavilion:       Jane Donovan 07747 050903 or 01273 891036
 Church Annex                   Howard Wood 07794484373

                      14th June for July
                      17th July for August

                Copy to The Poplars, Station Road
  or email: or Telephone: 01273 891 427

Climate Change
   "Our planet is broken. Humanity is waging a suicidal war on the natural world.
     Nature always strikes back and is doing so with gathering force and fury."
So said the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, in December 2020. Whilst
the focus of attention has been diverted elsewhere, the threat of climate change has continued
its insidious path in an inconspicuous way but actually with grave effect. The impact of rising
CO2 emissions and global warming will be far worse than Covid-19.
The more immediate pandemic crisis has challenged everyone around the world in
unprecedented ways, never before faced in our lifetimes and the consequences, of course, will
be with us for many years to come, even after the vaccination programme is delivered. What
has been noticeable though is how every Government has had to engage and respond and that,
just perhaps, shows that the world can come together and rise up to a challenge.
In spite of all the dire warnings about climate change, there are significant reasons to be
cheerful about man’s ability to find ways of, at very least, materially mitigating the negative
impacts. Most countries have declared Climate Emergencies and have set net-zero emission
targets, including the US and China – the world’s two largest emitters of CO2. The United
Nations has said that nations of the world must bring ambitious commitments to cut emissions
to the international climate conference (COP26) which the UK and Italy are jointly hosting in
Glasgow in November 2021.
Recently, we have shared our thoughts through a series of articles in the Parish Magazine, and
at the same time have sought ideas from residents as to how the people of Plumpton and East
Chiltington can take action to mitigate against climate change, either as individuals or as a
community. Some of the suggestions are set out here.
We hope to be able to discuss a number of these suggestions with the Parish Council in the near
We also hope to be able to be able to meet with interested residents (once lockdown easing has
evolved further) to take forward some of the great community ideas.
                                                                     Carole and Paul Nicholson

Rev. Anne Dunlop
                    I am pleased to join the community of Plumpton and Plumpton Green – I
                    have yet to discover where one ends and the other begins! It will be quite
                    a change to look out of the Plumpton Rectory window and see people and
                    houses. At present in Offham my closest neighbours are rabbits and a field
                    of sheep – two of which (if I could only discover them amongst the flock)
                    are of particular interest as I held them when they were just a few hours
                    old – twins number 8.

I have been Priest at Hamsey since February 2020. Three normal Sundays and we went into
the first lockdown, so I have yet to explore the area. I had returned to Eastbourne from Devon
in 2017 having spent over 13 years near the coast at Budleigh Salterton. I trained first as a
Reader and later as an ordinand in Exeter Cathedral and served my curacy at St Thomas the
Apostle, Exeter. I was an Assistant Priest at St Mary Hampden Park in Eastbourne before
coming to Hamsey.

I know that my coming as your Priest, as well as remaining Priest at Hamsey means changes to
both Parishes. It will take time for all of us to adjust to new arrangements – but we can do it
and thrive. I write this on the eve of the Ascension of Jesus to heaven. The moment of
enormous change for his early followers. Something ended in order to allow something new to
begin. The Christian faith is based on faith, hope, and love. Hope that change is possible, that
we are each uniquely loved, and that our lives have meaning and purpose. This is a hope that
‘will not make us ashamed’ St Paul writes. It is hope that rouses the church to regain vision
and consider fresh possibilities.

Such hope is shared by us all. In these past months particularly, you will have discovered the
goodness and kindness of neighbours. the richness of the community life you share and the
blessing of living in such a beautiful place. I am grateful to have this opportunity to share this
with you and look forward to meeting many of you in the days and weeks to come.
 Rev. Anne Dunlop 12th May 2021

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Summer = Tennis + Strawberries!
Things are really getting back towards
normal this month as our village tennis
club’s teams head off to play in two
competitive leagues against other clubs. The
Ladies have a doubles team in the Sussex
LTA league and started away at Cross-in-
Hand on the 16th May and a mixed team
play in the local ‘Horam League’ started
away at Newick on the 24th May. We’ll keep
you informed of progress throughout the
summer and you can follow their fortunes
on our website - but good luck to our
teams! Of course, competitive play isn’t for
everyone and we cater for all ages and
....and now to the strawberries, well the
Strawberry Fair anyway! The Tennis Club
will be one of the groups taking part, with
tennis-based games and loads of
information about how to get involved with
the club. Come along and have a chat on
the afternoon of Saturday 26th June.
Hopefully, by the time that you read this we
will be very close to the full lifting of lock
down restrictions in June and the reopening
our clubhouse. This really is an award-
winning and spacious facility that has
transformed the experience of playing at the
club. Come and have a look!
Membership continues to rise and at the
time of writing, we are hovering close to
200 members drawn from Plumpton and the
surrounding areas. Everyone is welcome to
come and have a go.
If you want to find out more, get involved or
even come down to the club for a try out,
then contact Lesley Satchell on 07590
354420, e-mail or
go to which has all
the information on training camps for
children, rusty racquets, cardio tennis, club
events and a range of membership options.

We hope to see you soon.
Plumpton Tennis Club
       Play | Enjoy | Improve

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                                For all your building needs

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                      Phone:- Mobile: 07961 123054
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of what’s happening. Expectations are lowered
                                                 almost subconsciously, and so the damage to
           Plumpton & East                       the environment keeps occurring on a broader
          Chiltington Wildlife                   and broader scale, as damage occurs so
                                                 slowly that no one even sees it, unless they
  Back in the good old days….’                   were to step back and look at things over the
                                                 course of multiple generations.
How accurately do we remember the past?
                                                 There is evidence to suggest that younger
                                                 people are less aware of past ecological
While we might remember big personal
                                                 conditions and that younger people are also
events, wars or even Covid-19, it’s
                                                 less likely to prioritise conservation of species
sometimes a little harder to notice gradual
                                                 in decline. This points towards an interesting
changes, not only in the way people, places
                                                 contradiction, that while younger people are
and things look, but also in the general
                                                 increasingly emerging as pro-environmental
environment around us. CS Lewis said “Isn't
                                                 and climate change advocates around the
it funny how day by day nothing changes,
                                                 world, (many influenced by the Greta
but when you look back, everything is
                                                 Thunberg phenomenon), younger people may
different”. This is really important when we
                                                 be less able to perceive long-term ecological
look at the environment.
                                                 change. In order to prevent ongoing impacts
                                                 of SBS, it is becoming clear that there is an
For example, can you recall how the number
                                                 urgent need to encourage more frequent
of garden birds has changed since you were
                                                 experiences       of     nature,    bridge    the
growing up?      Another example springs to
                                                 communication gap between generations and
mind –as a child, going to the West Country
                                                 encourage the sharing of rich stories about
on holiday Dad would have to stop, two or
                                                 the past…or ‘Back in the good old days!’
three times, to clean the windscreen of dead
insects. Children making the same journey
                                                                                Carole Nicholson
today, would only know clean windscreens all
the way down! In fact, a recent UN report,
indicated that the number of insects has                        The Rude Mechanical Theatre
plummeted by between 9% and 25% per                                    Co presents
                                                                 Little Lily Harley
When biological change goes unnoticed, this
may      lead      to   ‘shifting    baseline
syndrome’ (SBS), a phenomenon based in
psychology where we forget past conditions             Plumpton Village Green
and believe current conditions are completely
normal. Over several generations of                                30 June
environmental decline, a significant amount        Picnics from 5.45 - Performance
of change might occur without us realising,                    at 7.30.
and we might not see the need restore it.
This can potentially reduce support for           This new play, in the Rudes characteristic
conservation and lead to the setting of less      physical style, tells the story of Charlie
ambitious targets.                                Chaplin’s childhood in Lambeth.

To put it in its simplest terms, shifting           Full of music hall and silent movie magic!
baseline syndrome is basically the way in          Featuring Chaplin’s powerful classic music,
which humans, and every generation, lowers                            ‘Smile’.
its standards over the course of time. These      Book via
generations are not lowering their standards or
on purpose, or because they have any               01323 501260
negative goal, but simply because they don’t
know any better. It all occurs underneath the
surface level, with most completely unaware

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Formerly with the world’s largest accountancy firm
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populated in Saxon times than they are now.
 Detective’s                                      At the cross roads by the Church in Itchen
                                                  Stoke we turned right and took the footpath by
 Diary:                                           the river heading SE to Ovington. We were
                                                  passing The Bush Inn just after midday so it
    A Footpath Detective’s Diary                  seemed appropriate to stop for a spot of lunch
              June 2021                           in the garden, after all this was a social walk
The River Itchen and St Swithun’s Way             rather than real exercise. Suitably refreshed we
                                                  continued into the small village and took the
I met with a friend in Itchen Abbas,              first right onto Lovington Lane (also St
Hampshire, for an easy walk and this route        Swithun’s Way), this time heading west. This
provided flat easy walking in pretty              route is a figure of eight, probably mapped so
countryside. The route is provided in a leaflet   that the walker takes in the pretty little
from the South Downs National Park                villages.
Authority covering Cheriton and the River
Itchen area. We started by the Church             Lovington Lane made for easy walking with
dedicated to St John the Baptist. Although it     very little motorised traffic and a few cheery
is on a site that has been used for Christian     cyclists. It passes farmland and only a very few
worship at least since Norman times the           dwellings. We again passed Yavington Farm, in
present church was built in the 1860s in a        the opposite direction this time, and took the
Norman revival style and so fits in well with     next footpath right to a footbridge across the
its surroundings.                                 river. Luckily it had been very dry because next
                                                  our path crossed a wetland reserve on its way
We headed south on a lane to cross the River      to meet the B3047. Across the road we took a
Itchen and then a long thin lake of Avington      path behind a hedge to head west parallel to
Park. The river is a chalk stream and the         the lane and beside a vineyard. Along each row
water is very clear and was running quite fast    of vines were cans burning, I’m guessing to
considering there hadn’t been any rain for        provide a little warmth at night because we
several weeks. At a T junction near The Park      had had so many frosty nights.
Golf Course we took the footpath, which at
this point is both the Itchen Way and St          Our route instructions directed us to take a
Swithun’s Way. St Swithun was bishop of           path right and initially we found ourselves on
Winchester in the 9th Century when                the Three Castles Path, a route from Windsor
Winchester was the capital of Saxon England       to Winchester said to follow the 13th Century
and his shrine was a place that pilgrims          journeys of King John. It wasn’t long before we
would visit. St Swithun’s Way is a path to        realised we were heading NE and up a little
Farnham where it joins with the Pilgrims Way      hill. We retraced our steps to the layby and
that leads to Canterbury.                         found a second footpath to the right that led
                                                  us behind the dwellings of the eastern end of
Our route headed east through farmland until      Itchen Abbas. The path followed the edge of
the path joined Lovington Lane near               the now dismantled railway and then wound its
Yavington Farm House. A little way on we          way down passed the school to arrive at
took a path left towards the river to cross on    Northington Road and we went south back to
a footbridge from which we could see trout        our starting point. A coffee in the garden of
swimming in the clear shallow water. We           The Plough Inn was most welcome because it
passed the watercress beds on our way into        was getting slightly chilly.
Itchen Stoke. Watercress thrives in the
waters of this river and there are numerous       EJH
watercress beds in the area. Itchen Stoke is a
very small village that has a manor granted
to the Bishop of Winchester in 960 by King
Edgar. The Church of St Mary is now
redundant. Looking at the O/S map it is clear
that some of the villages were probably more

Virtually Panto: Thank you
                                                   from the Production Team
                                                   Plumpton Pantomime Society was
                                                   stunned by the generosity of the
                                                   Virtually Panto audience last weekend!
                                                   We sailed through our first fundraising
                                                   target of £1000 and, at the time of
                                                   writing, we have now reached £3500!
                                                   Our ten local causes will now receive
                                                   more than we usually offer, which is a
real boost to them after this last year.
We’d like to thank our supporters for their extraordinary generosity and have been so
pleased to read their comments and feedback. We think most people realise how many
hurdles we had to jump to make our two live-streams possible and it became a village
effort in the end. Our cast and crew all agreed that this project came just at the right
time; singing from ironing boards in our homes during January lockdown was the tonic
we all needed!
We couldn’t have made this show without the generosity of:
      Burgess Hill Pantomime Society
      Chris Andrews- Vektor
      Daisy and Rog Ainger
      David Rankin
      Ed Perrett – Oaks Poultry Farm, Ditchling
      Jane Donovan and Plumpton Village Hall
      Jeff Taylor
      Lance Milton
      Matt Coppard
      Ollie Gilbert
      Plumpton Village Stores
      Siân Tomsett-Hills and Hills Driver Training
      The Wycherley family
      Tim Honess

Now that we know what can be achieved in socially
-distanced times, we are determined to See You All
Next Year, come what may!

 If you’d like to join us either onstage or off, drop
us a line:
 We look forward to hearing from you and, in the
meantime, we leave you with a full-length picture
of Dame VIP, whose socially-distanced skirt from
the House of “Madame Jo Sanders D’Armoire” you
didn’t get to see!

          Kelvin Speirs
Fyndings, Station Road
Plumpton Green
Lewes BN7 3BX           Tel: 01273 890785

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            Call For a Free Estimate
            Contact: Keith 01273 842093
                Mob: 07763 811516

We hope that the Exmoor ponies will arrive
                    Chailey Commons                       during May and take up residence on Red
                         Society                          House Common. We have been doing all we
                                                          can to make the common safe and our
                                                          Countryside Officer, Andy Mitchell, has been
w ww .cha ile yc ommo ns.o rg.u k                         busy with liaison between the various
                                                          people and agencies involved. The water
The weather has been cold and dry and the                 troughs have been cleaned and we must
growth on the commons poor. There may                     ask that they are kept clean for drinking
even signs of frost damage to the gorse. The              purposes only – no access or use by dogs
cattle grazing was therefore delayed.                     and children please for obvious reasons.
However, cattle for the grazing returned to               If you walk in the common, please respect
the combined commons Romany Ridge, Pound                  the ponies and leave them to graze. No
and Memorial Commons on Sunday                            feeding and do take care to control dogs
2nd May. Signs are up on the road and                     nearby to them. Check our website for
entrances to the common.                                  contacts to report anything which does not
Please keep dogs under control so they don’t              look right.
chase or worry the cattle. Dog fouling is still           As the restrictions are eased, we plan to
an issue – and Neospora is a parasite that                recommence some walks on the commons
causes cattle to abort calves. A big thank you            so we will be in touch with our members
to those who clear up after the dogs and                  and display posters. Welcome to our new
please, everyone, continue the good work. It              members joining recently and we look
is especially important not to allow them to              forward to meeting you at our events.
jump into the cattle troughs – this water is for          We are planning a late Spring walk on Red
drinking only.                                            House common during the half term week
If there are issues with livestock including              at the end of May with a special checklist of
cattle escaping onto neighbouring land or                 things to spot for children. In June we also
roads (not the roads between the commons                  have our traditional nightjar walk to look
where there are cattle grids) please contact              forward to. For details visit our website –
the farmer Nick Harvey on 07710 031820.          or our
Other issues e.g., fly tipping, litter, dog               Facebook page
nuisance, car parks or bins please contact                chaileycommons/
Lewes District Council here: https://                     William Coleman                     01444 831098

                                          Churches Count on Nature
                                  All Saints, St Michael’s and East Chiltington churches
                                                      5th – 13th June
                 Churches Count on Nature is a joint initiative promoted by Caring for God’s
Acre, A Rocha UK, the Church of England and the Church in Wales. People are encouraged to
discover the wildlife in their local church yard and record the species they find.
You can drop in to any of our three local church yards during the Count on Nature recording
period and record what you see (the Wildlife Group will provide recording forms and will collate
and submit the results to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN), a nationwide database of
wildlife in the UK).
Members of Plumpton and East Chiltington Wildlife Group will be on hand at specified times over
the weekends of 5/6th and 12/13th June to help with identification and explain how the
churchyards are managed to benefit wildlife and visitors.
See the Plumpton and East Chiltington Wildlife Group and Plumpton Churches websites for details
Lewes District Citizens Advice

15 – 19 Chapel Street                   Southover House                   37 Church Street
Newhaven                                Lewes                             Seaford
BN9 9PN                                 BN7 1AB                           BN25 1HG
Contact : Jackie Wilkes 01273 007556                   @Lewescab1
Jackie Wilkes, Chief Officer of Lewes District Citizens Advice:
                               How to find a reliable builder

If you take advantage of the warmer weather to improve our homes here are some steps you
should take when choosing a trader:
•      Find a Trading Standards ‘approved trader’ - use the internet to search for a local
       trader or the Government’s approved trader scheme TrustMark.
•       Get references or recommendations - Ask the person for examples of work they’ve
       carried out. Avoid contractors who won’t give references.
•       Are they a current member of a trade body? - trade bodies have codes of practice
       and can help resolve problems. Ask who they’re registered with and check their
•       Only use certified traders for gas and electrics -. Check the Gas Safe Register for a list
       of traders and use a registered electrician who can certify their own work. When
       you’re having a kitchen fitted, check whether they will be doing the electrical or gas
       work themselves. If not, check whether that person is registered.
•      A written quote - A quote is legally binding and the builder can’t change it without
       good reason. Compare quotes from several contractors to check the cost.
•      A written contract - covering everything you’re paying for and agreed.
•      Payments - pay in stages not upfront. Pay by card, this affords you protection if
       something goes wrong.
•      Keep - receipts, contracts, and photos of any problems.

If you have a problem with a contractor, call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline 0808 223

Citizens Advice Helplines
Adviceline call 0800 144 88 48 . Monday- Friday 9am to 5pm.
Email advice
Chat online to an advisor on our website

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