Page created by Willard Phillips
A ministry of First Baptist Church

Who is LIT for?
This program is for anyone who is ready to let God use them to do amazing things at Pleasantview this
summer! We are looking for passionate people who care for kids, are team orientated, are willing to
stay up late, get up early, and use their gifts to share the gospel. It is at camp that future LIT’s (that’s
you!) will find community, grow in your faith, and develop new skills. If a summer filled with friendship,
ministry, laughter, and growth in your relationship with God, sounds good… then this is the place for

Applicants must be at least 15 OR going into grade 10 in 2021.

What is LIT all about?
This is a discipleship program that will challenge you and help you discover what it means to follow Jesus
and how to use your giftings to serve others. You will grow and develop through Bible studies, team
building, training sessions, service opportunities, and awesome community. LIT is about growing closer
to the Lord, and learning how to share the gospel with others, while also getting to have fun and
spending your summer making a difference. During the two LIT weeks of training, you will have the
opportunity to serve in the different areas of camp.

When does LIT run?
If you would like to participate in this program, you must be willing to dedicate at least three weeks of
your summer to camp. The three weeks will include June 27-30 (Staff Training), July 4-9 (LIT Week 1),
July 11-16 (LIT Week 2), and an optional week of: July 18-23. The two LIT weeks are specifically
dedicated to studying God’s Word and learning about Camp Ministry.

How much does LIT cost?
The LIT Program costs a total of $310, which is due upon acceptance of your application. This covers
everything including accommodations, food, and study materials for your LIT weeks.

How do I join LIT?
If you are interested in applying, pick up a copy of the application form at FBC or go to and download the LIT application form along with the required reference
forms. Remember, space in the program is limited, so complete your application and return it to us as
soon as possible. Applications are due by May 3, 2021.

                  If you have any questions, please contact Kenton Giesbrecht, LIT Director,
                            at (780) 871-2129 (call or text) or
                        CAMP 2021
                     For LEADERS IN TRAINING working with CHILDREN or YOUTH

 NOTE: All aspects of the PBC 2021 camp season, programming and schedules are subject to change
                  should changes to government COVID-19 regulations require it.

                                  APPLICATION PROCESS CHECKLIST
                              DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION is MAY 3, 2021

            Your application is NOT complete until ALL of the following has been completed!

        Complete and sign FBC MINISTRY APPLICATION FORM
        Sign and date FBC VOLUNTEER COVENANT
        Sign and date the PBC VOLUNTEER COVENANT
        Have two references complete and return a PBC REFERENCE FORM

                         All forms are available at
                                             Return forms to:
                             First Baptist Church/Pleasantview Bible Camp
                                               3915 47 Ave
                                        Lloydminster, SK S9V 2C7
                                          Phone: (306) 825-2461

Name: ____________________________________ Circle one: M / F Birthdate: __________________
School: __________________________________________________________________ Grade: ______
Describe your place of birth, early life, and family life. _________________________________________
Comment briefly on your walk with God this past year_________________________________________
Health insurance number: _______________________________________________________________
Emergency contact: _____________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Please list any of the following that we should be aware of:
Medications: __________________________________________________________________________

Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________
              OFFICE USE:  FBC Application  PBC Application  Reference  Reference
                                Volunteer Covenant  Photo  Paid
Dietary requirements: __________________________________________________________________
Other health concerns: __________________________________________________________________

Please indicate which weeks you are available this summer:
          Staff Training (MANDATORY)       - June 27-30
          Primary (grades 2, 3, 4)         - July 4-9 (MANDATORY – LIT Week 1)
          Preteen (grades 4, 5, 6)         - July 11-16 (MANDATORY – LIT Week 2)
          Junior High (grades 7, 8, 9)     - July 18-23

Please rate your skill level/comfort teaching each skill (1 = very limited skills → 5 = extremely proficient).
 Skill                       Rating (1 → 5)                 Skill                  Rating (1 → 5)
 Canoeing/Kayaking                                          Survival
 Archery                                                    Crafts
 Zipline                                                    Riflery
 Sports                                                     Climbing Wall
 Disc Golf                                                  Horses
What are your top 3 choices of skills to teach? (Note: You may not end up teaching your preferred skills)
1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________
Please check off other areas that you are skilled in:
 Skills                               Yes          Experience
 Leading/playing music                            Instrument(s):
 Lifeguarding                                     Expiry date:
 Sound and slides                                 Specific skills:
 Videography                                      Specific skills:
 First Aid                                        Expiry date:
 Kitchen help                                     Specific skills:
 Maintenance help                                 Specific skills:

List any of these areas that you would be interested in being trained in: __________________________

Mission Statement
         To achieve our mission, Pleasantview Bible Camp serves our community by providing an environment that
meets the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs of all ages. Our programs are based on Christian principles
with the desire for every person to find true fulfillment in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
          Because the central focus of our camp is to our youth, we uphold standards that reflect a very positive and
wholesome lifestyle for all campers and staff. We encourage the use of the outdoors and wholesome recreational
activities to promote the positive lifestyle where foul language is unacceptable and the use or possession of alcohol,
tobacco products, or any illegal drugs are prohibited.
Our Faith
     1. The Bible
     We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God; that the sixty-six books, as originally written, comprising
     the Old and New Testaments, were verbally inspired by the Spirit of God and were entirely free from error;
     and that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
     2. God
     We believe in one God, creator of all, holy, sovereign, eternal, existing in three equal Persons: the Father, the
     Son, and the Holy Spirit.
     3. Jesus Christ
     We believe in the absolute and essential deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, in His eternal existence with the
     Father in pre-incarnate glory, in His virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection,
     triumphant ascension, mediatorial ministry, and personal return.
     4. The Holy Spirit
     We believe in the absolute and essential deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. He convicts of sin and
     judgment, leads in truth and righteousness, enables faith, regenerates, sanctifies, illuminates, and comforts
     those who put their faith in Jesus Christ.
     5. Satan
     Satan (also called the Devil) exists as an evil, personal, spirit-being who opposes the work of God in the world.
     Although created as a good, angelic being, he originated rebellion against God and continues to use his real,
     but limited power, along with other fallen angels (demons), to oppose all that would serve the glory of God
     and the good of humanity.
     6. Humanity
     We believe that people were divinely created in the image of God for a relationship with Him, that they sinned,
     becoming guilty before God, thereby incurring physical and spiritual death for themselves and for each person
     born thereafter, resulting in total depravity.
     7. Salvation
     We believe that salvation is by the sovereign grace of God; that by the appointment of the Father, Christ
     voluntarily suffered a vicarious, atoning, and propitiatory death; that justification is by faith alone in the all-
     sufficient sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; and that those whom God has called to be His own
     shall be divinely preserved and finally perfected in the image of the Lord.
     8. Future Things
     We believe in the personal, bodily, and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the bodily resurrection of
     the just and the unjust; in the eternal, joyful communion with God of the redeemed; and in the eternal
     separation from God of all who have rejected Him.
     9. The Church

We believe that the church is the community of believers, locally and globally, called out from the world,
     separated unto the Lord Jesus, and gathered for the ministry of the Word, the mutual edification of its
     members, the mission of the gospel, and the observance of the ordinances, under the Lordship of Christ.

Our Mission
  To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
    1. Christ-Centeredness
            o We will endeavor to glorify God in all that we do and say.
            o We will be biblically based, prayer-activated, and Spirit-led in all we do.
    2. Integrity
             o We will persistently strive to develop godly character in ourselves and others.
             o We will place truth and honesty ahead of our personal comfort or ease.
    3. Community
            o We will treat each individual with dignity, respect, encouragement, and acceptance.
            o We will cooperate with one another, putting the team ahead of individuals achievements.
    4. Excellence
            o We will not allow the fear of failure to hinder our efforts to learn, grow, improve, and innovate.
            o We will never settle for “good enough” in our programs, facilities, or relationships.
    5. Compassion
            o We will generously put the needs and burdens of others ahead of our own.
            o We will reach out to those who are hurting and champion the cause of the oppressed.

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