Page created by Neil Tran
       The 2019 Championship will be played at Lough Erne Resort
                        29th – 30th July 2019

Contents (click on any item below to be taken directly to that item)

                A-Z Information

                Championship Starting and Waiting Lists

                Tournament Conditions Book

                Transportation Policy (Buggies)
A-Z Information

Lough Erne Resort - Contact Reservations
B&B Rate for Ulster Seniors £82.50 per person sharing + £30 single supplement

Other accomodation in Co.Fermanagh


 Tournament Director          Kevin Stevens
 Entries & withdrawals
 Mobile number                +44 (0) 7886103713


Round                  Date(s)            Times                    Notes
Championship 1         29th July 2019     07.30 – 15.30
Championship 2         30th July 2019     07.30 – 15.30

The Championship Committee reserve the right to make amendments to this schedule as necessary.
Every effort will be made to notify all players concerned of such changes, but players should endeavour to
regularly check their emails and

Play will be from the White Tees, as set out by the Championship Committee.


The Draw for the Championship will be published on 22 July 2019 seven days before it is due to
commence. Anyone who is included in the Starting List (see below) will be included in the Championship
Draw unless they withdraw from the event.
In order to facilitate the travel plans of competitors, the Ulster Branch will endeavour, insofar as is
possible, to facilitate any reasonable requests regarding the time of starting - such requests should be
emailed to Some requests may not be able to be accommodated and players agree
to accept the times that are allocated to them.
The Championship Committee wish to highlight the fact that a number of entrants will not be able to gain
a place in the field, due to the popularity of the Championship and any player not able to compete at the
times allocated should withdraw in sufficient time to allow another player to be added to the field.


It is usual for photographs and video footage to be taken during Championships and these may be used in
the promotion of the game and to advertise the event on Social Media. However, we would ask you to
bear in mind that you have the right to refuse the use of your image and that you can report any concerns
you have to the Tournament Director.
Those intending to take photographs at the Championship will be asked to complete a registration form.


The Union and its four Provincial Branches will enforce a unified pace of play condition (see No.6 in the
General Rules for Union and Provincial Championships) It is essential that all familiarise themselves with
the procedures, shot timings and penalties that are applicable under this condition.

The Official Practice Day is Sunday 28th July practice rounds are Free of Charge. However, if you wish to
practice outside of this day and time, you will be charged a green fee of £35

Official Practice Day - FOC
Practice Times, on the Official Practice Day CANNOT be booked through the host club.

To book a practice round use the following link:

When booking online please use the following instructions:
Select the above link or website address, this will take you to the practice booking page.
Once there - Select continue
Select the time you want to book and click continue
From the Drop Down Box (Union) select – ILGU/Golfing Union of Ireland or England/Scotland/Wales Golf
Enter your full Golfnet No. or Lifetime ID Number in the box asking for Lifeline ID then Search
Click on Add to book your Tee time
To add playing partners to your booking, you will require their Golfnet/ID number, once you have these
numbers click on Add and repeat the process above for each player.
Click Confirm to complete the booking.

Practice Times can be booked by those in the Field
Players on the Waiting List will be able to book a Practice Round immediately after receiving a text
message to advise that they have been added to the field, in the event of any withdrawals.

Practice Outside of the Official Practice Day - £35 per person
Contact the Professional Shop at Lough Erne Resort to book your time


Practice outside of the official practice round is entirely at the discretion of the host club. During the
official practice round, players must not play more than one ball from tee to green. The
Championship Committee reserve the right to withdraw the entry of any player failing to observe this


All players must check in with GUI Personnel on the 1st day of the Championship in the GUI Mobile Office
at the rear of the clubhouse.


The Presentation of Prizes will take place approximately 15 minutes after the conclusion of play. In fairness
to all competitors, to the many volunteers and to the host club, we would request that as many prize
winners and other competitors are in attendance.


You are strongly urged to consult Sport Ireland’s Wallet Card, which contains a brief guide to anti-doping.
If you are on medication it is your responsibility to ask your G.P. to check MIMS to see if you are required
to complete a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) form, which can be downloaded from:

The following Items of Dress are unacceptable at all times:
           Denim jeans and jackets.          Singlets, sleeveless or collarless shirts
           Untailored shorts.                Sweaters without shirts.
           Garments displaying slogans.      Track or Leisure suits.
           Trainer shoes or runners.         Trouser legs must never be tucked into socks.
           Shirts must be tucked inside trousers
Smart casual dress is essential in the Clubhouse. It must be clean, neat and tidy and in keeping with the high
standards of the Clubhouse. Any type of footwear worn on the course is not acceptable in the Clubhouse.


Suspension of play will be signalled by ONE blast on the klaxon.
When play is suspended due to potential or actual thunder/lightning storm, everybody should proceed
immediately to the nearest wooden shelter or the clubhouse if nearer. Metallic shelters should not be
used. The following safety measures should also be adhered to:-
                    Deposit clubs in golf bag.
                    Do not shelter under trees.
                    Do not put up umbrella under any circumstances.
                    Do not use mobile phones or radios.
                    Avoid passing under trees if possible on way to shelter.
                    Maintain as low a profile as possible by avoiding high ground or crouching in bunkers.

Resumption of play will be given by two blasts of the klaxon. No competitor may resume play until this
signal is given. [Rule 6-8b]. Penalty for breach of Rule – disqualification. Competitors will be duly notified
about resumption of play and they will be given sufficient time to arrive at the point of resumption before
the signal to restart is given.

If for any reason you have to withdraw from the Championship, please notify the Tournament
Administrators at the following contact details:

Phone          +442890491891
Mobile         +44 (0) 7886103713

•   Entrants appearing in the Starting List who withdraw prior to the publication of the Draw (see b)
    above) will be refunded their entry fee after the Championship.
•   Entrants who are not offered a place in the field will be refunded their entry fee after the
•   All other entry fees are non-refundable.
•   Any player who withdraws from an event after the draw has been published, or fails to appear on the
    tee at their appointed start time, must, without delay, furnish the Championship Committee with a
    satisfactory explanation, confirmed in writing. If they do not do so, they may be barred from entering
    or playing in GUI Championships for such period as the Championship Committee may decide.


Link to Tournament Conditions Book

                                   Click here to go back to contents
Championship Starting List

Following the close of entries the following players have qualified for the Field & Waiting List for the 2019
Ulster Seniors Amateur Open in accordance with Condition 2 (a) (b) & (c) of this Championship.
The draw for the Championship will be published on 22 July 2019 after which time no refund will be
payable for ANY withdrawal.

CHAMPIONSHIP FIELD (Listed in Alphabetical order)

Colum Abernethy (Dun Laoghaire)              Kieran Lawlor (Beaverstown)
Sean Alley (Co. Tipperary)                   Paddy Lewis (Woodbrook)
Gregor Bailie (Lisburn)                      Alan Lilley (Ballyclare)
Steven Bell (Gracehill)                      Pat Lyons (Cork)
Ronnie Berry (Rossmore)                      Liam MacNamara (Rosslare)
Gordon Best (Cairndhu)                       Shane Magee (Lurgan)
Karl Bornemann (Douglas)                     Paul Magee (Lurgan )
David Brabazon (Balbriggan)                  Gerard Maher (Lahinch)
Anthony Brannock (Newlands)                  Noel Mannion (Dun Laoghaire)
Michael Brown (Neshanic Valley)              Tony McClements (Clandeboye)
Alan Brown (The Heritage)                    Seamus McCormack (Naas)
Tom Byrne (Greystones)                       Mark McCrory (Clandeboye )
Paschal Carbin (Athenry)                     Ray McDaid (Co. Sligo)
J J Carroll (Co. Louth)                      Brendan McDonnell (K Club)
Stuart Carter (Mountrath)                    Sean McGarry (Ballymena )
Jim Carvill (Banbridge)                      Garth M McGimpsey (Royal Portrush)
Michael Chambers (Royal Dublin)              John McGinn (Laytown & Bettystown)
Tony Cleary (Woodstock)                      Kevin McGrath (Lahinch)
Tom Cleary (Cork)                            Colm McIlroy (Holywood)
J J Coey (Clandeboye)                        J M McIlroy (Royal Co. Down)
Justin Coughlin (Donegal)                    John McMeekin (Massereene)
Peter Cowley (Cork)                          Mark McMurray (Royal Portrush)
Mark Crawford (Bundoran)                     Jim McVeigh (Carlow)
Eamonn Crawford (Mourne )                    John Mitchell (Tramore)
James Cullimore (Rosslare)                   Stephen Monteith (Slieve Russell)
Brian Cunningham (Carton House)              Alan Moran (Tuam)
Barrie Daish (Dun Laoghaire)                 Declan Moran (The Island)
Matthew Davey (Mourne)                       Peter Morris (Douglas)
Jack Dempsey (Royal Curragh)                 Dermot Morris (Limerick)
William Doggart (Clandeboye)                 Adrian Morrow (Portmarnock)
Billy Donlon (Birr)                          Liam Munster (Seapoint)
Liam Doran (Co. Louth)                       Colm Murphy (Clandeboye)
Joseph Dowey (Lurgan )                       Paul Murphy (Killarney)
Nigel Duke (Killiney)                        John Noonan (Grange)
Mervyn Eager (Lucan)                         John O'Brien (Castlemartyr)
Alan Egan (Royal Curragh)                    Donie O'Donovan (Bandon)
Peter Ewing (Belvoir Park)                   Barry O'Leary (Greystones)
John Field (Tulfarris)                       Declan O'Loughlin (Galway Bay)
Cormac Finn (Killarney)                      Brendan J O'Malley (Royal Dublin)
Frank Flynn (Laytown & Bettystown)           John O'Malley (Rathdowney)
David Foley (Royal Dublin)                   Declan O'Neill (Portmarnock)
Jonathan Gammon (Royal Cinque Ports)         Gerard O'Sullivan (Tralee)
Jan Gilbert (Malone)                         P Purdy (Shandon Park)
Peter Greene (Holywood)                      Michael Quirke (Doneraile)
Liam Halpin (Westport)                       Francis Reynolds (Tramore)
Ian Harbourne (Newlands)                Peter Rogers (Dundalk)
Fergus Harrold (Castletroy)             Edward Rogers (Dundalk)
Tony Hayes (Co. Louth)                  Martin Scott (Hollystown)
Seryth Heavey (Co. Sligo)               Peter Sheehan (Ballybunion)
Ray Henry (Bear Mountain)               Hugh Smyth (Mourne Gc)
Ernie Heywood (City Of Derry )          Ian Smyth (Clandeboye)
Patrick Higgins (Naas Golf Club)        Val Smyth (Co. Louth)
Martin Higgins (Connemara)              Paul Stevenson (Ballymena)
Donal Hogan (Newlands)                  Ansley Stewart (Portstewart)
Liam Horgan (The Heath)                 M Thompson (Portstewart)
Paul Houston (Galgorm Castle)           Dessie Timbs (Strandhill)
John L Hughes (Woodbrook)               Rory Timlin (Galway)
Joseph Hughes (Balcarrick)              Paul Traynor (Naas)
Terry Kelly (Balcarrick)                Tom Tyrrell (The Heath)
John Kelly (The Heath)                  Shane Underwood (Co. Sligo)
Colm Kerr (Seapoint)                    Gerry Vaughan (Ardglass)
Keri Kidd (Portstewart)                 Clem Walshe (Dundalk)
John Killeen (Claremorris)              Richard Williams (Naas)
Kevin Knightly (Royal Dublin)           George Wilson (Calcot Park)
Ciaran Lally (Blainroe)                 D C Wilson (Royal Co. Down)
Keith Lapsley (Dunfanaghy)              Mark Windebank (Portstewart)
B.D Lavery (Belvoir Park)               Nigel Woods (Bangor)
Niall Lavin (Royal Dublin)

1       Anton Murphy (Co. Sligo)        22     Liam Adams (The Heath)
2       David Sheedy (Lahinch)          23     Jerry Crowley (The Island)
3       Paul Grant (Lisburn)            24     Patrick Kavanagh (Naas)
4       Colm Rochford (Strandhill)      25     Ciaran Curtis (Newlands)
5       Ken Breen (Beaverstown)         26     David McHugh (Douglas)
6       Gerry Fox (Strandhill)          27     Camillus Muldowney (Grange)
7       Patrick Butler Jnr (Newlands)   28     Murt O'Shea (Co. Louth)
8       Des Egan (Moyvalley)            29     Dermott Bradshaw (Newlands)
9       Larry Hogan (Mount Temple)      30     Laurence Cushen (The Heath)
10      Paul Christie (Portstewart)     31     Noel Gormley (Dungannon)
11      Brian Devlin (Dungannon)        32     Robbie Henneberry (Strandhill)
12      Tom Saunders (Ennis)            33     E. John Bourke (Castle)
13      Paddy Morgan (Co. Sligo)        34     David Lindsay (Strandhill)
14      Thomas Rossi (Ormeau)           35     William J O'Brien (Ballykisteen)
15      C N Coey (Clandeboye)           36     Vincent O'Rourke (Naas)
16       G.A Finn (Cork)                37     John Miskelly (Malone)
17      Fergus Moriarty (Thurles)       38     David O'Hora (Royal Curragh)
18      Denis Melia (Galway)            39     Louis Eyres (Loughgall)
19      Vincent Shelley (Naas)          40     Eamonn Bates (Carlow)
20      Eric Murphy (Royal Curragh)     41     Mick Burke (F) (Cahir Park)
21      John P Kennedy (Grange)         42     Arthur Bell (Greencastle)
Transportation Policy
1. Introduction

1.1 It is a condition of all competitions conducted by the Golfing Union of Ireland and its Provincial
    Branches that all competitors must walk unless they are in the possession of valid medical
    confirmation of disability as defined below.
1.2 This Policy is the Transportation Policy of the Golfing Union of Ireland as referred to in the
    relevant Tournament Conditions and the Golfing Union of Ireland Hard Card.
1.3 The Union wishes to encourage the participation in golf of all players regardless of disabilities, in
    accordance with its responsibilities under the Irish Disability Act (2005) and the UK Disability
    Discrimination Act (1995).
1.4 Other associations and golf clubs should take separate legal advice in the event that they wish to
    put in place a transportation policy different to this policy or appropriate to their specific needs.

2. Definitions

2.1 “Disability” shall carry the same meaning as that of the Irish Disability Act (2005) and UK
    Disability Discrimination Act (1995). A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or
    intellectual impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on
    his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
2.2 “Golf Buggy” shall mean any vehicle deemed to be a golf buggy by the Championship Committee.
2.3 “Championship Committee” shall refer to the controlling authority for championships run under
    the auspices of the Golfing Union of Ireland.
2.4 “Valid medical confirmation of disability” shall mean the Certificate contained in Appendix 1
    entitled “Medical Confirmation of Disability”.

3. Persons who may use a golf buggy

3.1 Competitors: As per the General Rules for Union Championships, a Golf Buggy may be utilised
    only by a competitor in possession of valid medical confirmation of disability, and then only if (a)
    the Host Club permits the use of such machines and (b) no Health & Safety considerations
    prevent the use of such machines. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the person
    concerned to provide a buggy, not the Golfing Union of Ireland. The buggy may be used only by
    the person named on the certificate and may only carry his equipment and caddie. Where the
    disability prevents the player from driving the buggy, he/she may nominate a third party to drive
    the buggy for them who must be approved by the Committee.
3.2 Caddies: A person in possession of valid medical confirmation of disability who intends to
    caddie for an able-bodied competitor may utilise a golf buggy on the same conditions as 3.1
    above. The able-bodied competitor – in such circumstances – may not use the buggy.
3.3 Under 18 Competitors: Where a player is under the age of 18 years and has met the criteria
    in 3.1 above, the Committee shall reserve the right to specify that the golf buggy is driven by a
    person having parental responsibility for the player, or, in the case that such a person is unable
    or not competent or qualified to do so, another person of the Committee’s choice. Any
    restrictions regarding caddies specified in the Event Conditions must be adhered to in this
3.4 Any individual intending on using a buggy on the grounds of medical disability must ensure they
    carry a copy of the Certificate of Disability at any event in which they apply for use of a buggy,
    and that, subsequent to the acceptance of such an application, they continue to retain the
    Certificate for production at the request of a tournament official.
3.5 Team Captains / Others: The Championship Committee will, in its absolute discretion,
    decide on whether a Team Captain or other party may use a buggy. Due regard will be paid to
    the Acts specified above in such decisions.
4. Committee discretion on the use of a golf buggy

4.1 Where the use of a buggy by a player or where appropriate a caddie or third party is permitted,
    the Committee shall have regard to the following additional health and safety considerations
    before granting approval:
    (a) Any relevant weather conditions;
    (b) The topography and ground conditions;
    (c) The condition of and suitability of the golf buggy; and
    (d) Any other relevant considerations which could impede the safe use of a golf buggy or impact
         on the safety of others.
4.2 In the event that the Committee believes that for reasons of health and safety a golf buggy
    should not be used by players, caddies or third parties at a particular time he/they may:
    (a) Refuse to grant permission for the use of a golf buggy, and shall inform the player, caddie or
         third party of this decision; or
    (b) Revoke any such permission in the event of new health and safety considerations having
         come to light since the granting of the initial permission to use a golf buggy
4.3 The Championship Committee may require any player, caddie or other third party granted
    permission to use a buggy to complete and sign a Transportation Policy Consent prior to use.

5. Conditions on the use of golf buggies

5.1 Where a player, caddie or other third party is permitted to use a golf buggy by the
    Championship Committee, the user must agree to the terms and conditions of use:
       (a) Any person operating a golf buggy must do so with the utmost courtesy, care and
           consideration for the safety and convenience of others and in accordance with any
           relevant golf buggy operating guidelines;
       (b) The golf buggy must be open-sided;
       (c) The golf buggy shall be for the sole use of the player or caddie, unless a member of the
           Committee has deemed that for reason of age or disability a third party is required to
           drive the golf buggy;
       (d) A golf buggy must not impede or interfere with normal pedestrians or vehicular traffic
           flow on roadways, ramps and pavements;
       (e) A player who has been granted permission to use a golf buggy (or any caddie or other
           third party who has been permitted to drive the golf buggy) must always remain seated
           while in the golf buggy when the vehicle is in motion;
       (f) Drivers of golf buggies must comply with directional signs and not use prohibited areas;
       (g) A player who has been granted permission to use a golf buggy (or any caddie or other
           third party who has been permitted to drive the golf buggy) must accept responsibility
           for any losses or injury sustained as a result of his or her fault whilst using a golf buggy;
       (h) A player, caddie or any other person intending to use his/her own buggy must – having
           been so permitted by the Championship Committee – have adequate personal and third
           party insurance. The Championship Committee may require the buggy owner to
           stipulate to this in writing.

5.2 Use of a golf buggy at a GUI event, under any circumstances, is conditional on conformity with
    all preceding clauses of 5.1 unless otherwise required by the Championship Committee. The
    allowance of a buggy will be withdrawn at any time should the competitor, caddie or other party
    so allowed be found to be in breach of this policy.

                          Click here to go back to contents
             or see overleaf for Medical Confirmation of Disability Form
Medical Confirmation of Disability

In my capacity as a Doctor registered with the Irish Medical Council or UK Health Professions
Council (as applicable), I certify that

Name: _______________________________________________

has a disability as defined by the Irish Disability Act (2005) and the UK Disability Discrimination Act
(1995), and that he/she may require a buggy to compete in golf tournaments as a result.

Signed:                  ___________________________________________

Print Name:              ___________________________________________

Contact Tel. No:         ___________________________________________

Date:                    __________________________________________
                                                                                                    Stamp Here
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