Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala

Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
Volume: 9 Issue: 08
         August 2020

Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
IMA National Secretary General's Page
                   Half a league, half a league,
                     Half a league onward,
                    All in the valley of Death
                     Rode the six hundred.
                  “Forward, the Light Brigade!
                  Charge for the guns!” he said.
                    Into the valley of Death
                     Rode the six hundred.

                  “Forward, the Light Brigade!”
                   Was there a man dismayed?
                   Not though the soldier knew
                    Someone had blundered.
                    Theirs not to make reply,

KARGIL 2.0          Theirs not to reason why,
                    Theirs but to do and die.
                     Into the valley of Death
                      Rode the six hundred.

                    Cannon to right of them,
                     Cannon to left of them,
                    Cannon in front of them
                    Volleyed and thundered;
                 Stormed at with shot and shell,
                   Boldly they rode and well,
                     Into the jaws of Death,
                     Into the mouth of hell
                     Rode the six hundred.

                   When can their glory fade?
                  O the wild charge they made!
                    All the world wondered.
                  Honour the charge they made!
                   Honour the Light Brigade,
                       Noble six hundred!
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
Alfred Lord Tennyson's words chime and resonate true for Covid death of Indian doctors.
He immortalised the sacrifice of the Light Brigade. Like cannon fodder our doctors are left
to face the epidemic. How we wish Lord Tennyson was alive to immortalise their sacrifice.
From the First Contact Doctors to the anaesthetist who pulled out his HFNC to intubate an
unknown patient, they all upheld the tricolour. The best of human beings. The best of
modern medicine. The bullets that fell them fell their families and children as well. They
fell so that the tricolour can flutter. They fell for their motherland.

The unsung Heroes of Kargil 2.0 : Their unsung sacrifice is to stop the unseen enemy.
India counted its Kargil Heroes. The neighbour didn't. They never owned their soldiers.
What a fall my countrymen. We don't count our doctors and nurses who made the
supreme sacrifice in their line of duty. They are not even numbers. Just because they chose
to be independent in practice. They are mercenaries. Expendable.

Still they fight. The young and the seniors. The Case Fatality Rate of India is1.7. The best
in the world. The ministry wears it as golden cuff links. CFR of Indian doctors is ten times
high. Throw them to the wolves. They are mercenaries. Expendable.

Our boys and girls, freshly out of medical colleges sweat it out in Covid ICUs. Unpaid and
Unsung. Even the innocent students have been pressed into service. Deadlines and
targets drove a doctor to suicide. He worked for five months into the pandemic without a
break not even seeing his child. 24 X7 Covid control from ac rooms is not the same as 24X7
Covid care in the field.

Never say die. Monsters out there still assault and troll. The Governments don't count our
dead. Still the passion reigns. To be a doctor is a calling. It takes Himalayan courage to
report for duty after recovering from Covid. Indian doctors have done that in hundreds.
Keep the passion. Art of medicine or science of medicine : we are the best.
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
 ssItImÀ¡mw                                  Awareness Campaign
                                        Social Security Scheme I

         Any day till 15th October                              Hurry! Join SSS1 Now
        Meeting ID: 830 7412 6455
     Interact with Schemes officials
          Aware & Get Secured !                                 Assistance to join SSS1
      nd                                                            from anywhere
     2 October 9.00 PM                                               in the world !
     IMA SSS I - Special meet for Women’s
            in association with WDW

                                                                   Many Lucky Prizes
              Facilitation @ its best
             Campaign Help Line : 8078425244
  Special Help Line for Women : 9061151486 (Reshma)
                 Assistance for Branch NOC
                                                            u cky   d ip a m o n g those who
                                                                                October 2020
in view of COVID Pandemic : 9400012600 (Shyju S. Nair)
     E-mail : sssimaksb@gmail.com, sss1@imakerala.com
                                                         jo in b e fo re 1 5 th

                            Fsâ IcpXÂ

tUm. F{_lmw hÀKokv                                             tUm. ]n. tKm]n-Ip-amÀ
kwØm\ {]kn-Uâv, sF.-Fw.-F. tIcf                   kwØm\ sk{I-«-dn, sF.-Fw.-F. tIcf

Dr. Susan Samuel                                                         Dr. Prasanth C.V.
Chairperson, SSS 1                                                       Secretary, SSS 1
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
President’s Column

                           Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.
Dear leaders of IMA,
                              Greetings from IMA KSB
       The term of office for most of us will be over in 2 months. Each of you have
many responsibilities to complete. The strength of any association depends on the
number of members. Please enrol maximum members during the next 2 months.
Also ensure their membership in schemes. The election process of branches should
be completed by this month and see that new office bearers are installed soon. Make
sure to follow all Covid protocols during the installation process. Let's set an example
for others. The public shouldn't be criticizing IMA members. Let's aim at organizing
virtual meetings in all branches including Executive Commi ee meetings. The only
option in front of us is to coexist with corona.
       Please follow the guidelines given by State HQ. Feel free to contact SP/SS in
case you need any clarifications. The branch officials should ensure that information
from HQ reaches out to all members during the branch meetings. Remember you are
part of the biggest professional organization, the Indian Medical Association.
       We sincerely thank all State council members who participated in the Special
Virtual State Council meetings held on 16th September, 2020. This is a first in the
history of State IMA. We thank you all for your sincere support and help to uphold
the IMA KSB as a single unit. So as decided in the State Council meeting, those
elected in the last State Council will continue for one more year.
       Let's support each other during this period of crisis. Its the unity that ma ers
now. Please do a li le more each day With...

                    ❤ Caring Minds ....... Healing Hands ✋

Dr. Abraham Varghese
State President
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
From the Editor’s Desk...

Dear colleagues,
        This IMA year was different in so many ways. The commitment to its members
and the society was the hallmark of IMA Kerala State branch this year. We were active
in preparing the public and equipping ourselves to fight Covid. The guidelines for the
public and the Infection Prevention and Control measures to the HCWs were
effectively implemented and the effort continues. With the increase in the spread of the
disease, it is extremely important that we take adequate protection measures while
treating the patients.
        Seniors among us may remain in reverse quarantine or if practicing should be
with adequate protection. N95 face mask, Face shield and hand gloves are mandatory
and strict infection control measures at the premises to be carried out frequently. Let's
protect ourselves to protect the society. We are making opportunities out of
adversities. Most of the branches are conducting GB on virtual platform, keeping
abreast the development in modern medicine. Covid is to stay in the community and
we'll have to live with it.
        The strength of any association is the increase in its membership. Active
campaign is necessary to receive every modern medicine doctor into our fold. Scheme
membership also has to be increased. Health scheme has done the campaign in a very
effective manner and the dividend is being received. Other Schemes can also design
their campaign for effective addition of members. An extra effort can fetch more and
        We did this year in a different way, due to the pandemic. We did whatever we
can under the adverse circumstances. We have to reiterate self protection so that we
can serve the society.
                                     With warm regards
                                        Yours in IMA
                                                                       Dr. P.Gopikumar
                                                                            State Secretary
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
CoVid 19


                           PAST PRESIDENTS
                          MEETING - 02.08.2020

AWARENESS - 04.08.2020
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
                         MEETING - 05.08.2020

  MEETING - 06.08.2020

                         MEETING - 07.08.2020

MEETING - 09.08.2020
Volume: 9 Issue: 08 August 2020 - IMA Kerala
                       MEETING - 10.08.2020

MEETING - 12.08.2020

                        PAST PRESIDENTS
                       MEETING - 16.08.2020

MEETING - 13.08.2020
                             MEETING - 19.08.2020

MEETING - 20.08.2020       MEETING - 21.08.2020

                               KUHS - 23.08.2020

MEETING - 23.08.2020
IMA‐KSB Ethics Committee
       It is noted that incidences of violation of medical ethics areescalatingat
disconcerting rates in the state. The ethics committee has been frequently
receiving complaints about doctors engaging in improper advertisements with
photographs, and unrecognized qualifications..
       These are gross violations of Section 6.1.1of the Code of Ethics of IMC
Regulations, 2002,( “…a physician shall not make use of his/her name as subject
of any form or manner of advertising or publicity through any mode either alone
or in conjunction with others ... as to invite attention to him or to his professional
position, skill, qualification ...”) and 6.1.2 (Printing of self photograph, or any
such material of publicityshall be regarded as acts of self advertisement and
unethical conduct).
       Furthermore, TCMC has stipulated that :
“Practitioner shall display as suffix to their names only recognized medical
degrees, and any additional qualification not registered in TCMC should not
be exhibited in letter pads and name boards”.Violations of this code may lead
to punitive action..
       MCI's Code of Ethics is specifically binding on the doctors and not the
hospitals. So even if it is the hospital which is advertising, the practitioner alone
will be held liable for the violation of medical ethics. It is the duty of the doctors
to ensure that their employer does not use their photographs and unrecognized
A medical practitioner is permitted only to make a formal announcement in
presson starting practice, changing type & address of practice, and about
temporary absence from duty.
       In this context, the members are notified that the IMA State Ethics
committee is bound to bring such violations as mentioned above, to the TCMC,
which may result in dire consequences. Offences are being frequently penalized
violations of medical ethics, so that the number of such incidences comes down in
future.by IMC and TCMC, with punishments from censure to temporary
suspension of registration.

      Hence all members are hereby cautioned to keep away from such

Dr. R. Ramesh                                                Dr. V.P. SurendraBabu
(Chairman)                                                               (Convener)
Letter to Chief Minister
- JULY 2020
THODUPUZHA                                          30.07.2020: Visited Ahalia Hospital Kozhippara&
01.07.2020: Celebrated Doctors day & general body Palakkad Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS)Walayar
meeting. Doctors were honoured during the occasion. as a part of establishing COVID‐19 treatment facilities
                                                    for IMA members & their families.

                                                                01.07.2020: Doctors Day Google Meet on " Covid‐19, A
                                                                Cardiology perspective"
GURUVAYOOR                                                      07.07.2020:Executive Meeting through Google Meet.
Guruvayoor IMA donated Hand sanitizer equipment and
sanitizer solution to ChavakadTaluk Hospital.       TRIPRAYAR
                                                    01.07.2020: Observed Doctors Day. Visited senior
                                                    members at their residence& honoured them with
                                                    Ponnada& memento. Distributed TV to students.

01.07.2020: Celebrated Doctors day. In view of theCOVID
19 pandemic an online programme was conducted.An
Online COVID 19 awareness programme was conducted
for School Children.
05.07.2020: COVID 19 review meeting.
16th, 22nd, 24th& 29th July 2020: As a part of Public Private
participation for treating COVID 19 patients & enrolling
the Private Hospitals under P M J A Y, meetings were held       THALASSERY
(online & Offline).                                             01.07.2020: Observed Doctors Day. Financial aid from the
16.07.2020: Attended Branch President & Secretaries             Dr.Sunil Kumar memorial fund for two cancer
                                                                patients.Financial aid from the Dr. P.V.George Memorial
23.07.2020: Attended IMA I safe Network training
programme. Awareness programme on COVID‐19 &                    Fund to one cardiac patient awaiting surgery.Financial aid
monsoon related health issues were conducted at                 from the Mr.K K Nambiar Memorial Fund to one Cancer
Yakkara U P School ( Shelter centre )                           patient.A Scholarship amount to Three financially
backward MBBS students from Kannur District from the
Dr. K.T.P Nambiar and Smt. SreedeviAmma Memorial
endowment fund. WIMA ,officially released e‐magazine
05.07.2020: Members attended WDW North Fest by
Kozhikode branch through Zoom 06.07.2020: Took
classes for Staff at Chokli Medical Centre regarding the
precautions and care to be taken to avoid Covid and a      WDW THALASSERY
detailed discussion about Covid.                           01.07.2020: Observed Doctors Day&WIMA officially
07.07.2020:Secretary IMA Thalassery attended the           released e‐magazine “SATTVA” by portraying the talents,
Channel Discussion (1 Hour) about Covid 19.                achievements, creativity skills.
08.07.2020: GB CUM CME.                                    05.07.2020: Attended WDW North Fest by Kozhikode
10.07.2020: Attended meeting at Collectorate to            branch through Zoom.
discussion the vote of IMA and private doctors in the      07.07.2020:Secretary attended the Channel Discussion
covid centres.                                             (1 Hour) about Covid 19.
                                                           10.07.2020: Collectorate to discussion the vote of IMA
18.07.2020: Talk on covid updateby Zoom Presentation
                                                           and private doctors in the covid centres.
byRotary Tellicherry.                                      18.07.2020: A talk on Covid update by Rotary Tellicherry.
25.07.2020: Conducted an Awareness Class on                20.07.2020: Zoom meeting with infection control
Newborn Care during COVID 19 pandemic to staff             incharges of the hospitals in Thalassery
nurses of GH Thalassery.                                   and Senior IMA Leaders of Thalassery.
25.07.2020: Ors Week Celebration & World population        25.07.2020: Conducted an Awareness Class on Newborn
day. Awareness class on ORS to staff nurses. Conducted     Care during COVID 19 pandemic to staff nurses of GH
ORS Week Celebration at FHC Muzhapilangad&
                                                           28.07.2020: Conducted a Covid:swab test sentinel
awareness class on ORS. Conducted a ORS Week
                                                           surveillance programme at Paremmal School
Celebration at PHC Pinarayi& awareness class on ORS.       Madrassa.ORS Week Celebration at General Hospital,
28.07.2020: World Hepatitis Day: Conducted awareness       Thalassery& awareness class on ORS to staff nurses.
class to Health Workers,Asha Workers at Paramel            Conducted a ORS Week Celebration at FHC
Madrasa.                                                   Muzhapilangad& awareness class on ORS.
28.07.2020: Conducted a Covid:swab test sentinel
surveillance programme at Paremmal School
29.07.2020: Zoom general body meeting

                                                           Project 'Chiri' ‐ Corporation of Trivandrum and IMA
                                                           Trivandrum with support of Swasthi Foundation,
                                                           launched Project 'Chiri'. During this COVID 19 pandemic
one of the worst affected are children. There is drastic
change in the lifestyle of children including the sleep
pattern.Project 'Chiri' aims to give tele counselling to
parents and children who are in need

01.07.2020: Observed Doctor's day
19.07.2020: The virtual inauguration of new IMA House
&attended the Covid coordination committee meeting
on zoom.

                                                                NORTH PARAVUR BRANCH
                                                                01.07.2020: Observed Doctors Day.
                                                                15.07.2020: Distributed 200 washable masks,200 pairs
                                                                of gloves and 100 bottles of sanitizers to the workers of
                                                                KSRTC Paravur through the COVID care committee of
KUTHUPARAMBA                                                    16.07.2020 ‐ Attended local branch presidents and
01.07.2020: Observed DOCTORS DAY. Members attended              secretaries meet
the web meeting of IMA leaders with Chief Minister held         23.07.2020: conducted IMA AMS webinar
on observance of Doctors day                                    29.07.2020: QPMA N.Parur Conducted a webinar on
02.07.2020: President and Secretary visited GovtTaluk           Covid 19 updates
Hospital Kuthuparamba and honoured Superintendent               30.07.2020 : Monthly GB and CME topic “Corona virus
of Kuthuparambataluk hospital.                                  and pregnancy –Queries answered.
JULY 10TH: Members attended the meeting held at
Collectorate office with ministers & the meeting was
called to chalk out a plan for the fight against Covid in the
JULY 13TH: Covid webinar series conducted by IMA
research cell on “Covid and eyes”.
JULY 16TH: Attended the local branch presidents and
secretaries meet held over Zoom app.
JULY 24TH: Members attended Kannur District committee
meeting cum meeting of district corona cell.
JULY 28TH&JULY 30TH: Conducted webinars for South and
Mid zones of IMA Kerala on “CPA 2019 and medical
                                                           01/07/2020LOBSERVATION OF DOCTORS DAY. BLOOD
                                                           DONATION CAMP AT EMS HOSPITAL.
                                                           0 2 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 0 : B L O O D D O N AT I O N C A M P AT
                                                           03.07.2020: DANCE FITNESS PROGRAMME.
                                                           05.07.2020: PARTICIPATION IN WDW NORTH ZONE FEST.
                                                           COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY CAMP AT MARANCHERY PAIN
                                                           AND PALLIATIVE CLINIC
                                                           10/07/2020 to 24/07/2020:BCLS certification course was
VADAKARA                                                   conducted for 42 OT technicians and nurses through
01/07/20: Celebrated Doctors's Day & honoured 3 senior     online lecture followed by hands on training in 6 batches.
doctors for their dedicated work and service to humanity   12/07/2020: COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY CAMP AT
all of them were presented with memento and Ponnada.       MANKADA PAIN AND PALLIATIVE CLINIC
11/07/20: A proud moment for vatakara IMA as our past      19/07/2020: COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY CAMP AT
president and IMA Kerala                                   PRATHEEKSHA PAIN AND PALLIATIVE CLINIC, KOOTNADU.
branch Vice President elect our dear Murali sir received   20/07/202:Participated in the webinar on imact of
IMA national award for                                     Consumer Protection Act on Medical Practice.
his commitment and service to IMA and humanity             21/07/2020 BLOOD BANK MANAGING COMMITTEE
,conducted a special programme ADORATION Day.              MEETING
15/07/20 ‐ Vatakara IMA Hosted Kozhikode district          23/07/2020: Participated in the Zoom meeting on
Committee meeting.                                         INFECTION control organized by ISAFE network of IMA
22/07/20 ‐ Conducted general body and CME through          Kerala.
webinar.                                                   26/07/2020: COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRY CAMP AT
23/07/20 ‐ Very proud moment for VadakaraIMA as its        ELAMKULAM. PARTICIPATION AT PAEDIATRIC
prestigious COVID care centre is ready for functioning     GASTROENTEROLOGY CONFERENCE.
with in no time; State President, Dr Abraham Varghese      28/07/2020 WEBINAR ON INSULIN THERAPY. IMA
inaugurated the centre through webinar Dr Gopikumar,       DISTRICT LEVEL CO‐ORDINATION COMMITTEE MEETING.
State Secretary felicitated the function.                  OBSERVATION OF WORLD HEPATITIS DAY WITH
                                                           FACEBOOK/ YOU TUBE LIVE
                                                           30/07/2020: IMA MALAPPURAM DISTRICT COMMITTEE
                                                           IMA Malappuram District Committee meeting held on 30
                                                           july...Drs Nilar Mohamed, VU Seethi, AV jayakrishnan,
                                                           GnanadasKochuSMani, Jayakrishnan KB, Sasidharan PK
                                                           etc participated actively.
Member's TV interview on the importance of breast milk
                                                           on the occasion of breastfeeding week 2020. Members
                                                           participated in Adolescent sexuality discussion and panel
                                                           for parents.

WDW PERINTHALMANNA                                         MADHYA KERALA
01.07.2020 ‐ Celebrated doctors day                        1st July 2020 : Doctors Day – A Webinar was conducted on
05.07.2020 ‐ Members participated in the WDW North         ZOOM platform . Topic : please take care dear doctor . Dr.
Zone Fest.                                                 Anoop Vincent HOD Department of Psychiatry SNIMS
26.07.2020 ‐ Member participated as a speaker at the 8th   Medical College , Chalakka spoke on the topic. Session
state paediatric gastroenterology conference of IAP        was moderated by Dr.Bindhu and Dr.Xayer .
Kerala organised by IAP Kollam.                            Dr.Hyderali was honored in connection with doctors day
28.07.2020 ‐ Member posted a message in youtube and        by state bank of India Aluva branch .
facebook, 'HEPATITIS ‐ free feature' as a part of world    5th July 2020 : Scientific program on ZOOM platform. Topic
hepatitis day observation.                                 : How to approach a suspected case, protocols and what
                                                           to do when you come across a case in your hospital . WHO
                                                           consultant Dr.Shibu Balakrishnan spoke on the topic .
                                                           9th July 2020 : Executive committee ZOOM meeting .
                                                           Various organizational matters discussed .
                                                           11th July : Emergency committee meeting was conducted
                                                           to discuss the actions to be taken to protest sharply
                                                           against the fake news of getting effected with Covid 19 to
                                                           the public ,which was spreading against various hospitals
                                                           and doctors in and around Aluva .
                                                           13th July 2020 : President Dr.Muraleedharan reacted
                                                           sharply against the fake news which was spreading
WDW COCHIN                                                 through the WhatsApp . By giving a message through the
01.07.2020: Observed Doctors day                           social media and the daily newspaper .
02.07.2020: Members attended the Webinar on                15th July 2020 : Webinar( 5th ) was conducted .Topic – ENT
Adolescent health.                                         problems in geriatric population .Dr.Bini Faizal HOD of
12.07.2020: Members participated in WDW Midzone            ENT Amritha Institute Of Medical Science Kochi spoke on
fest.Organised a donation of Rs 50,000 worth supplies to   the topic .Dr.Thomas Vinu and Dr. Neeko Inees
IMA given to GH Ernakulam for the fight against Covid19.   moderated the session .
30th July 2020 : Madhya Kerala Covid First Line Treatment
Centre to all doctors and immediate family members of
Kerala state inaugurated by Dr.Abraham Vrghese state
president IMA KSB . This FLTC will be functioning in a
separate block of Lakshmi Nursing home Aluva. Owned
by respected senior member Dr.Mukunthen Sir and his
son Dr.Syam

                                                            14-7-2020 - Conducted VIII th Executive
                                                            Committee meeting of the branch through Zoom
                                                            Video Conferencing.17 members participated in
                                                            the meeting.

                                                            01‐07‐2020: Observation of Doctors Day
                                                            01‐07‐2020: Special appreciation award given to Sri.
                                                            George IPS, Calicut City Police Commissioner, as Police
                                                            Department, Kerala State in connection with Doctors Day
                                                            03‐07‐2020: Training session on Covid preparedness
                                                            Tests for CVOID 19 and diagnosis for staff nurses – 6
                                                            03‐07‐2020: Executive Committee Meeting through
                                                            05‐07‐2020: WDW North Fest
                                                            10‐07‐2020: IMA CGP CME at 7.30 pm through zoom
                                                            Benign Breast Diseases: Mammo, VAB, and stereotaxis by
                                                            Dr. Muhammed Unais, Consultant Surgeon, Iqraa
                                                            3D Digital Tomo synthesis Mammography by Dr. Innisai,
                                                            Consultant Radiologist, Iqraa Hospital
                                                            Contrast Enhanced : Mammography & VAB by Dr. Najiya,
                                                            Consultant Radiologist, Iqraa Hospital
                                                            12‐07‐2020: Emergency Executive Committee Meeting
                                                            through zoom webinar regarding increasing covid cases
                                                            15‐07‐2020: IMA AMS CME at 8.00 pm through zoom
WDW MADHYAKERALA                                            Transforming lives with cosmetic Surgery by Dr. Hafiz
1‐7‐2020: Celebrated Doctors day through zoom               Muhammed, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, BMH 15‐07‐
platforms. Conducted a webinar “Please take care –dear      2020: Distributed 2500 nos 3M N95 mask distributed to
doctor” which dealt with the mental health aspects of       members
doctors during Covid crisis.                                13‐07‐2020: Basic hands on training programme for small
5‐7‐2020: A webinar on “ENT problems among geriatric        and medium hospitals health care workers in IMA Hall
                                                            with COVID‐19 regulations at 2 pm to 5 pm. No. 7
                                                            20‐07‐2020: MBS Management committee meeting
9‐7‐2020: Executive committee meeting
                                                            21‐07‐2020: Membership campaign at Dept. of O&G
18‐7‐2020: Attended National WDW meeting.
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode                           hospitals regarding the infection control aspects of covid
21‐07‐2020: CIMAWARS Direct Board meeting through          19 .
zoom webinar                                               19.07.2020:Members participated in london malayali's
25‐07‐2020: General Body Meeting through zoom              association webinar.
webinar at 7.30 pm                                         20.07.2020:A talk on e news channel regarding fibroids
25‐07‐2020: Releasing of News Letter – 3rd issue           can lead to cancer.
26‐07‐2020: Back to basics of airway and beyond to
                                                           21.07.2020: Talked about psychological problems
ventilation (as a part of preparedness for COVID 19) – A
series of short lectures of for Junior doctors             &it'smanagement during covid 19 pandemic in media
28‐07‐2020: Observation of World Hepatitis Day – AMS       one channel.
special CME at 7 pm through zoom                           22.07.2020:A Talk in asia net channel about the problems
Message of the Day: Dr. Varghese Thomas, Prof. & HOD of    &management ofeye stress in children while attending
Gastroenterology, MMC                                      on line classes.
Hepatitis B & C, What we want to know by Dr. Biju I.K.,    25.07.2020:Members attended national wdw webinar
Chief of Gastroenterology, BMH29‐07‐2020:
                                                           about prevention and treatment of covid 19 ,infection &
Inauguration of Kozhikode IMA Website and Smart ID
                                                           myths about covid 19 treatments.
card at 7.30 pm through zoom
Website inaugurated by Dr. Abraham Varghese, President     29.07.202O: General body meeting conducted throuh
IMA Kerala State                                           zoom & a talk about the solutions of hair loss .a talk to
Release of the Smart ID card by Dr. P. Gopikumar,          house surgeons of malabar medical college on ors
Secretary, IMA Kerala State                                awareness week .

                                                           01/07/2020 IMA Kannur conducted Doctors day special
                                                           Web CME Programme . Dr Rakesh K P. Physician , Gimcare
                                                           Hospital , Kannur presented the topic Covid updates .
                                                           02/07/2020 Web CME Topic : Neurotrauma ‐ a futuristic
                                                           perspective . Speaker : Col ( Dr. ) Shivavadhanan ,
WDW KOZHIKODE                                              Professor of Surgery & Neurosurgery , RGUHS , Bangalore
05.07.2020:WDW north fest conducted throuh zoom .          .
12.07.2020:Members attended mid zone fest through          09/07/2020 Web CME Topic : Diabetic foot Speaker : Dr.
zoom.                                                      Mithun Consultant Surveon , Aster MIMS Hospital Kannur
14 .07.2020: World Population Day Observed by taking       16/07/2020 GB Meeting & Web CME Conducted monthly
family planing class to the patients and staff of          GB meeting on 16/07/2020 . GB meeting was followed by
kinasseryuhc.                                              Web CME . Dr.Mahesh Bhat , Neuro Surgeon , Aster MIMS
17.07.2020:Executive Committee Meeting Conducted           , Kannur spoke about Low Back pain and degenerative
through zoom. conducted class for the staff of private     diseases of spine .
22./07/2020 Conducted Executive Committee meeting .        KODUNGALLUR
Agenda : ‐ Starting of Covid Treatment Centre for Kannur   01.07.2020 ‐ Doctors Day Celebration inaugurated as by
IMA members and their families . A special committee       chief member on HQ online attended.
called Covid cell IMA Kannur is constituted for this       14.07.2020 ‐ I SAFE Meeting ( Webinar)
                                                           16.07.2020 ‐ Branch Presidents & Secretaries
purpose .
                                                           conference.( Webinar)
 23/07/2020 Topic : Congenital Hypothyroidism Speaker :
                                                           24.07.2020 ‐ Conducted branch level generaol body
Dr Cherian Mathew John , Consultant Paediatrician &        meeting on webinar.
Paediatric Endocrinologist Chennai .
29/07/2020 Conducted special Executive Committee
meeting along with CEOS and Medical Superintendents
                                                           Name of blood bank: IMA Blood Bank Society
of private hospitals of Kannur                             Thodupuzha
                                                           2. Reporting month & year: July ‐2020
                                                           3. Awareness class on VBD: Nil
                                                           4. Total VBD camps conducted: Nil
                                                           5. Total Blood collected during camps: Nil
                                                           Males‐, Females‐
                                                           6. Total blood collected at blood banks‐262
                                                           Males‐260, Females‐02
                                                           7. Total blood and components issued:‐1016
                                                           a.WB 02 d. SDP 01 g.FFP‐496
                                                           b. RCC 276 e. Cryo 00
                                                           c. PLC 241 f. Buffy 00
                                                           8. Training if any: Nil
                       Report of IMA Blood Banks of Kerala State for the month of July 2020

Awareness classes on VBD                                                       :   4
Voluntary Blood donation camps conducted (Inhouse)                             : 14
Total blood collected at the VBD camps                                         : 421
Males: 395
Females: 26
Total blood collected at blood banks                                          : 3700
Males:     3655
Females: 45
Total Components and WB issued                                                : 8996

Whole blood                                                                   : 166
Red cell concentrate                                                          : 3953
Platelet concentrate                                                          : 1758
Single Donor Plasma                                                           :1
Fresh Frozen Plasma                                                           : 3089
Cryo Precipitate                                                              : 29
Buffy Coat                                                                    :0

Dr.K.A. Seethi                                                                            Dr. Anitha Blalkrishnan
Chairman, committee on Blood Banking                                        Convener, committee on Blood Banking.
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