Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center

Page created by Virgil Campbell
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
One Giant Leap

Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
One Giant Leap                                              Registration Information                                        Scholarships
                                                                                                                            A limited number of need-based partial scholarships
                                                            Registrations must be submitted by mail or online at:           are available. Your completed registration form must
Thank you for choosing Summer Science Blast at the                                                                          be submitted with the scholarship application.
                                                   Online registrations will take priority.
Saint Louis Science Center! Our mission is “to ignite and                                                                   The scholarship application is available online at
                                                            Mailed registrations will be processed in the order
sustain lifelong science and technology learning,” and                                                             or call 314.289.4439 (toll-free
                                                            received. No drop-offs or walk-ins will be accepted.
by enrolling your child in our camp, you are providing an                                                                   800.456.SLSC x4439).
exciting experience they will remember for a lifetime.      Mailing Address:
                                                            Summer Science Blast                                            The deadline for scholarship applications is April 1, 2019
Summer Science Blast offers unique and interactive                                                                          at 5pm. Applications received after the deadline will not
                                                            5050 Oakland Ave.
learning experiences for campers to develop their                                                                           be considered. No exceptions will be made. Final decisions
                                                            St. Louis, MO 63110
interest and passion for science. Our camp also helps                                                                       will be made by April 19, 2019. All scholarship recipients
campers gain valuable process skills that support their     Priority registration for Science Center Members opens
                                                                                                                            will be required to pay a portion of the cost of their
STEM career aspirations.                                    February 4, 2019. Members receive priority registration
                                                                                                                            summer camp registration. Payment is due 3 weeks prior
                                                            until March 4, 2019. After March 4, general registration will
Whether learning about, astronomy, paleontology,                                                                            to the registered camp session. Payments not received on
                                                            open. As a benefit, Plus and MAX level members save 20%
robotics, or game design, campers will be inspired to                                                                       time will result in forfeiture of the scholarship.
                                                            on all camp sessions.
discover new facts, use new tools, and pose interesting
                                                            Camp pricing is for a one-week program. All registered          Questions?
questions about the world around them. We aim to
                                                            campers are required to wear their 2019 camp shirts every       Contact the Science Center's program coordinators at
provide a welcoming and engaging learning environment
                                                            day of Summer Science Blast Camp. Campers must be at            314.289.4439 (toll-free 800.456.SLSC x4439). During
that ignites and sustains critical thinking and creative
                                                            least 4 years old in order to participate or to register by     camp hours, you will be able to reach the Summer Camp
problem solving throughout the summer.
                                                            May 1, 2019. No exceptions are allowed.                         supervisor by phone. This phone number will be given to
 This year marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s                                                                        all parents/guardians at the time of registration.
historic trip to the moon, and our camp theme for the       Extended Care
summer is “One Giant Leap.” This theme will drive how       This option is available for busy parents who need
we approach topics related to exploration, discovery
and innovation. The first moon landing will be celebrated
                                                            supervision for campers outside of class time. Supervision      Day of Camp
                                                            is available 7:30am – 9am and 3pm – 5:30pm. The fee
across the country, and we are thrilled to host a few       is $45/week per supervised period. Pre-registration is          Lunch & Snack
landing, and learning, parties of our own during Summer     required 10 working days prior to each camp week.               Lunch and snacks are not provided by the Science Center.
Science Blast.
                                                                                                                            Campers must bring their own lunch if enrolled in a full
                                                            20% OFF Camps for Science Center Members*
We look forward to an amazing camp filled with wonder,                                                                      day of programs. There is a supervised lunch period in
                                                            PLUS Early Registration
curiosity, and of course, fun!                                                                                              the middle of the day. Snacks and a plastic water bottle
                                                            *All Family & Friends Plus and MAX level members save
Sincerely,                                                                                                                  are recommended for all campers. Campers will not be
                                                            20% on summer camps. Early registration for Plus & MAX
                                                                                                                            allowed to purchase lunch in the Science Center.
Christian Greer                                             level members begins February 4, 2019. Membership must
Chief Officer for Science, Education & Experience           be valid at the time of registration. Membership discounts      Arriving Late & Leaving Early
                                                            do not apply to extended care.                                  Please make arrangements for late arrivals or early pick-
                                                            For more information about becoming a member, what              ups at least 24 hours in advance by 1) notifying your child’s
                                                            level membership you have, or to upgrade to Plus or MAX         camp counselors, 2) by calling the on-site supervisor at
                                                            level, call our membership team at 314.289.4491                 the phone number provided after registration, or 3) calling
                                                            (toll-free 800.456.SLSC x4491).                                 our program coordinators at 314.289.4439.

2 Saint Louis Science Center – 2019                                                                                                                              Saint Louis Science Center – 2019   3
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
2019 Schedule

      No Camp                           Week 1                   Week 2                  Week 3                 Week 4               Week 5                 Week 6                  Week 7                 Week 8                    Week 9
Week of July 4th                       June 3–June 7           June 10–June 14         June 17–June 21        June 24–June 28        July 8–July 12        July 15–July 19         July 22–July 26       July 29–August 2      August 5–August 9

                                                                                        There’s No Place
                           AM         Energy Excitement       What’s Under My Feet?                             Dino Discovery      Science SmARTS       Science FUNdamentals        Eco-Explorers       Science Makes Sense       Science SmARTS
                                                                                          Like Space
  Age 4–5
                                                                                                                                                           There’s No Place
                           PM          Science SmARTS             Eco-Explorers       Science FUNdamentals    Science Makes Sense   Energy Excitement                            What’s Under My Feet?     Dino Discovery      What’s Under My Feet?
                                                                                                                                                             Like Space

                           AM         Design & Demolish               Bugs!            Icky Sticky Science      Hungry Scientist    Cool Contraptions    Jr. Astronaut Academy        I Can Dig It!       RAWWR! Dinosaur      Jr. Astronaut Academy

  Age 6–7
                           PM         Cool Contraptions            I Can Dig It!      Jr. Astronaut Academy    RAWWR! Dinosaur      Design & Demolish     Icky Sticky Science            Bugs!             Hungry Scientist                 Bugs!

                          Full                                                                                                                                                        The Science
  Age 8–9                 Day
                                       Design It! Build It!   Secret Agent Science     Shoot for the Stars!        Robots Jr.       XPerience Gaming          Robots Jr.                                  Chemistry Catalyst
                                                                                                                                                                                    of Superpowers

Age 10–12                 Day
                                      Electrify & Energize    Zombie Survival Camp      Out of This World!      Robots Rewired      Rocked to the Core      Robots Rewired             Level Up!            Mars or Bust

Age 13–16                 Day
                                        Flight Academy                                     Vet Voyage                                Flight Academy                                                        Flight Academy

                           Camp Hours:
                           Before Care: 7:30am–9am
                           AM: 9am–11:30am
                           Lunch and Recess: 11:30am–12:30pm
                           PM: 12:30pm–3pm
                           Full Day: 9am–3pm
                           After Care: 3pm–5:30pm

                           20% OFF Camps For Plus & MAX Level
                           Science Center Members PLUS Early Registration
                           Call Membership Services at 314.289.4491 for information

4 Saint Louis Science Center – 2019                                                                                                                                                                                            Saint Louis Science Center – 2019   5
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
Ages 4–5                                                                                                                 Ages 6–7
                   Non-members              Members*                                                                                        Non-members                 Members*

 Half Day                  $150               $120                                                                           Half Day              $150                   $120

 Full Day                  $300               $240                                                                           Full Day              $300                   $240
 Camp price per week                                                                                                         Camp price per week
 *Plus & MAX Level Science Center Members                                                                                    *Plus & MAX Level Science Center Members

 Energy Excitement                                            There's No Place Like Space                                    Design & Demolish                                            Icky Sticky Science
 Get energized! Discover different ways to create and         3....2....1....Blast Off! Get ready to rocket into orbit and   Build a bridge and watch it break. Construct a tower and     Investigate physical and chemical changes that will make
 harness energy, and how to conserve this valuable            explore things that are out of this world. Learn why our       watch it topple! Investigate the art and science behind      things pop and ooze. From making slime to uncovering
 resource. Explore thermal, wind, solar, and kinetic energy   Sun is so important and discover each unique planet in         constructing buildings and wonders of the modern world.      the strange behaviors of non-Newtonian fluids, you’ll find
 through hands-on experiments and demonstrations.             our solar system. Visit the Science Center’s McDonnell         Test your structures to see how much stress and strain       science can be messy and fun!
                                                              Planetarium for a stellar show.                                they can handle. It’s controlled destruction!
 Science SmARTS                                                                                                                                                                           Jr. Astronaut Academy
 Get messy while making masterpieces! Investigate the         Science FUNdamentals New                                       Cool Contraptions                                            Get ready to blast off as we learn what it takes to be
 science behind pigments, perspective, and paper. Make        Get ready to have fun with science! Witness amazing            Gears that spin, gadgets that twirl, don't machines          an astronaut and live and work in space. Build rockets,
 your own works of art from amazing science experiments.      chemical reactions that create bubbles, slime, and strange     make a wonderful world? Become an engineer, maker,           explore the planets, learn about the stars that twinkle
 You can't be smart without art!                              color changing liquids. We will also develop our scientific    and tinkerer by using simple machines to design and          above, and make a visit to the Science Center’s
                                                              process skills as we make observations, measure                develop unique inventions. Collaborate with and challenge    McDonnell Planetarium!
 What’s Under My Feet? New                                    ingredients, and try to guess what happens next!               your classmates to manipulate and build marvelous
 Hidden gems, ancient artifacts, prehistoric fossils, and                                                                    mechanisms.                                                  Hungry Scientist
 creepy crawly bugs are waiting to be uncovered. Dig up       Dino Discovery                                                                                                              From sugar crystals to chemical reactions, discover how
 the scientific secrets behind archaeology, paleontology,     Prepare for a prehistoric adventure! Explore ancient           Bugs!                                                        tasty science can be! Explore the science that goes on in
 and entomology, and get some dirt under your fingernails     worlds and unearth what it takes to be a paleontologist as     They creep, crawl, and fly, but are all bugs pests? Join     your kitchen. Cook up the chemistry of baking, make your
 in the process. Use science to decode clues and piece        we examine fossils and dinosaurs. From mini excavations        us as we explore all the delicate critters we call bugs!     own butter, and enjoy ice cream that freezes in seconds.
 together the puzzles of the past.                            to exploring real dinosaur bones, we'll dig into the past to   Examine creepy crawlers, spindly spiders, and beautiful
                                                              find out all about those great creatures that once walked      butterflies. Once we dig in, you’ll be buzzing about bugs!   RAWWR! Dinosaur
 Eco-Explorers                                                the Earth.                                                                                                                  Attention dinosaur lovers! Become a junior paleontologist
 Reveal the science in nature! Grow an ecosystem in a jar,                                                                   I Can Dig It! New                                            as we uncover the mysteries of these amazing prehistoric
 find patterns outside, and start your own garden. Discover   Science Makes Sense                                            Dig deeper as we look at the science of what’s under         creatures. Dig for fossils with scientists and learn how to
 how different cultures use natural materials to create       Our senses are amazing! Mystify your eyes with optical         our feet. The Earth holds many hidden wonders: fossils,      identify different types of dinosaurs. Through fun, hands-
 practical and beautiful treasures.                           illusions, test the basics of balance and put your nose        worms, roots, and caves. What’s living below the surface     on activities, discover how dinosaurs ruled the Earth
                                                              to the test. See how our brain and body work together          and how does soil help us grow our food? Uncover hidden      millions of years ago.
                                                              through our senses! Get a first-hand look at what life         minerals, prehistoric artifacts, and bugs with the help of
                                                              is like when one of our senses is impaired and how our         our underground experts.
                                                              bodies help us to adapt.

6 Saint Louis Science Center – 2019                                                                                                                                                                                           Saint Louis Science Center – 2019   7
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
Ages 8–9                                                                                                                                          Ages 10–12
                        Non-members               Members*                                                                                                                Non-members                  Members*

 Full Day                       $300                  $240                                                                                        Full Day                       $325                      $260

 **Robots Jr.                   $325                  $260                                                                                        **Level Up!                    $400                      $320
 Camp price per week                                                                                                                              **Mars or Bust                 $400                      $320
 *Plus & MAX Level Science Center Members
 ** Some of our premium camps include special pricing due to additional programming costs.                                                        Camp price per week
                                                                                                                                                  *Plus & MAX Level Science Center Members
 Design It! Build It! New                                                           XPerience Gaming New                                          ** Some of our premium camps include special pricing due to additional programming costs.

 Become a Master Builder by using electricity, physics,                             Log-in to the world of gaming! Learn about character          Electrify & Energize!                                                              Mars or Bust
 and engineering! Design and build fantastic contraptions                           and level design. Match your creativity with technology
                                                                                                                                                  Explore the science of energy and electricity by designing,                        The "Red Planet" beckons! Join us as we explore
 inspired by Rube Goldberg. Consult the Science Center's                            to play your own games and test them out on your
                                                                                                                                                  building, and racing your very own electric car! What is                           astronomy concepts and what it is like to prepare for a
 engineering experts as you apply the not-so-simple                                 friends. Explore the past, present, and future of gaming
                                                                                                                                                  electricity and how do we generate it? Put static and                              space mission. Interview experts that regularly work on
 mechanics of simple machines.                                                      in the Science Center’s newest interactive exhibition:
                                                                                                                                                  current electricity to work, experiment with circuits, and                         real-life space missions, then plan your own. Build and
                                                                                                                                                  see a Tesla coil in action.                                                        design your own rockets to launch at the end of the week.
 Robots Jr.
 Enter the revolutionary world of robots! Design, build, and                        The Science of Superpowers!
                                                                                                                                                  Robots Rewired                                                                     Rocked to the Core New
 program your own robot. This camp features problem-                                Strengthen your science skills by exploring the gifts of
                                                                                                                                                  Build a bot and put your programming to the test! Discover                         Volcanoes! Earthquakes! Tsunamis! Oh My! Experience
 solving for students new to robotics. At the end of the                            various superheroes: powerful spider webs, glowing fish
                                                                                                                                                  the ways computer codes help machines communicate.                                 the power of the Earth and feel the forces that shape it.
 week, put your robot to the test by participating in a series                      and frozen breath. Create fire without matches! Engineer
                                                                                                                                                  Compete and collaborate with your teammates by                                     Design, build, and test an earthquake proof tower. From
 of fun engineering challenges.                                                     your own super-gadgets and gizmos during our STEAM
                                                                                                                                                  responding to real-world robotic challenges.                                       satellites to submarines, learn how scientists study the
                                                                                    challenges as you create a secret identity. POW!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Earth. Visit Pompeii: The Exhibition to see evidence of a
 Shoot for the Stars! New
                                                                                                                                                  Level Up!                                                                          real volcanic eruption. You’re gonna LAVA this camp!
 We have lift off! Join our stellar adventure by exploring                          Chemistry Catalyst New
                                                                                                                                                  Program an epic 2D adventure game using professional
 concepts about the moon. Investigate celestial objects in                          Engross yourself in experiments! We'll share the tricks                                                                                          Zombie Survival Camp
                                                                                                                                                  video game development software. Create heroes, villains,
 our universe and figure out what it might take to explore                          of the trade so you can design and test your own
                                                                                                                                                  and storylines for your own virtual world. Take your game                          Are you prepared for a zombie apocalypse? To survive,
 space. Launch into the world of an astronaut by designing,                         experiments. Beginning with simple safety procedures,
                                                                                                                                                  home and put your friends to the test.                                             you will need to understand the walking dead. Discover
 building, and testing your own rocket and rover designs.                           this week will build as you experiment with real chemistry!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     where real-life zombies live on Earth, and learn about their
                                                                                                                                                  Out of This World! New                                                             creepy behaviors. Engage your grey cells by dissecting a
 Secret Agent Science
                                                                                                                                                  Rocket to the moon and beyond! From space suits to                                 real animal brain. Join us as we investigate these strange
 Are you ready to begin on an undercover assignment?                                                                                                                                                                                 beings together. This camp includes dissections.
                                                                                                                                                  space food, learn how the humans adapt to living and
 Your mission: become a spy kid! Code and decode secret
                                                                                                                                                  working in outer space. NASA building challenges will
 messages, analyze evidence and solve problems, then
                                                                                                                                                  require you to think outside the box to solve real-world
 go on a top-secret scavenger hunt using all the tricks of
                                                                                                                                                  problems. Do you have what it takes to design something
 the trade.
                                                                                                                                                  truly out of this world?

8 Saint Louis Science Center – 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saint Louis Science Center – 2019   9
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
Summer Space Adventures
                          Ages 13–16                                                    At Challenger Learning Center
                           Non-members      Members*
                                                                                        Challenger Learning Center                The Challenger Learning Center, located just north of
                                                                                        205 Brotherton Lane                       I-70 in St. Louis County, offers campers ages 8 to 18
 Flight Academy                    $425       $340                                      Ferguson, MO 63135                        opportunities to get in touch with their inner astronaut,
                                                                                        314.521.6205                              engineer, and innovator. For registration and more
 Vet Voyage                        $325       $260                                                                                information, visit
 Camp price per week                                                                                                              All camp times are 9am–3pm
 *Plus & MAX Level Science Center Members

                                                                 Young Astronaut Training Camp                                    Innovators’ Workshop
 Flight Academy
                                                                 Budding astronauts will go on simulated space missions, build    Creativity and technology collide in this camp for young
 Get ready to pilot a REAL airplane! After four mornings of      and launch rockets, create their own spacesuits, make robots,    innovators. Campers will learn to combine shop tools with
 training on our state-of-the art flight simulators, YOU will    and more.                                                        high-tech gadgetry like Arduino microprocessors and 3D
                                                                 Ages: 8–9                                                        printers. Then, they will take their new maker skills to the
 take off, fly, and land a real airplane under the supervision                                                                    next level with two days at a makerspace, culminating in
                                                                 Dates: Session 1: June 3–7
 of a Certified Flight Instructor from Elite Aviation. Our              Session 2: June 10–14                                     making anything their imaginations and new-found skills
 expert Science Center staff and licensed pilots from Elite             Session 3: June 17–21                                     will allow.

 Aviation will train you on the same kind of flight simulators   Cost: $225                                                       Ages: 12 and up
                                                                                                                                  Date: June 10–14
 used by professional pilots.                                    Astronaut Training Camp                                          Cost: $375
                                                                 Astronauts in training will prepare for their space travels by
                                                                 building and inhabiting a lifesize lunar colony, designing and   Girls Save the World – NEW!
 Vet Voyage
                                                                 launching rockets, making robots, and taking part in simulated   When disaster strikes, girls come to the rescue! Campers
 Get set to be a vet! Do you have what it takes to care          space missions.                                                  will bring their curiosity, creativity and problem-solving
                                                                 Ages: 10–12                                                      skills and combine them with our robots, rockets, and
 for animals? Learn what makes worms wiggle, dissect                                                                              drones. Together, these heroes will use technology and
                                                                 Dates: Session 1: June 24–28
 a crayfish, and examine the insides of a shark! Talk with                                                                        engineering to save the day!
                                                                        Session 2: July 8–12
 animal care experts from the Saint Louis Zoo and get            Cost: $250                                                       Ages: 10–13
 plenty of hands on experience performing dissections to                                                                          Date: July 15–19
                                                                 Advanced Astronaut Training Camp                                 Cost: $285
 learn the inner workings of an animal's body. This camp         Our advanced astronauts will build and launch rockets, make
 includes dissections.                                           and program their own robots, participate in simulated space     Aquatic Robotics
                                                                 missions, and conduct an underwater training mission using       Aquanauts will each build a SeaPerch ROV (an underwater
                                                                 SCUBA gear just like NASA astronauts!                            robot) from scratch, then join their robot in an underwater
                                                                 Age: Ages 11–13                                                  mission using SCUBA gear.
                                                                 Dates: Session 1: July 15–19                                     Ages: 12 and up
                                                                        Session 2: July 22–26                                     Date: July 8–12
                                                                 Cost: $285                                                       Cost: $375
                                                                 Rocket Lab                                                       Advanced Aquatic Robotics
                                                                 Rocketeers will build and launch several types of rockets        Campers who have already attended Aquatic Robotics or
                                                                 and make their own electronic launch system and platform to      Underwater Expeditions will have an opportunity to give
                                                                 reuse at home. (Rocket rookie? No problem. Rocket whiz? Our      their previously-built SeaPerch a complete tune-up and/or
                                                                 experienced instructors will help you reach new heights!)        makeover. Lights, cameras, and special controllers will make
                                                                 Ages: 10 and up                                                  their ROV one-of-a-kind.
                                                                 Date: June 3–7                                                   Ages: 12 and up
                                                                 Cost: $290                                                       Date: July 22–26
                                                                                                                                  Cost: $285
                                                                 Challenger Learning Center-St. Louis partnership                 AM extended care: 7:30am–9am, $25/week
                                                                                                                                  PM extended care: 3pm–5pm, $50/week

10 Saint Louis Science Center – 2019                                                                                                                                     Saint Louis Science Center – 2019   11
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
Expand your curiosity.

Connect with
your museum.
Become a Science Center
member today!
20% OFF all Summer Science Blast
Camps for Plus & MAX members
PLUS early registration.

As a Saint Louis Science Center member, you’ll have access to exclusive
programs created for curious minds to explore topics in science and
technology. You’ll also be the first to see everything—including special
invitations to preview films, exhibitions and events. You can visit again
and again and enjoy free tickets, discounts and more.
Plus, your membership helps make our mission possible by supporting
our continued development of innovative exhibits, educational programs
and events that ignite and sustain a passion for science and technology
throughout our community.

3 Easy ways to join.
Online                  Call               In person     314.289.4491       Oakland Building lobby
Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center Summer Science Blast One Giant Leap - St. Louis Science Center
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