Strathclyde University Roleplaying Game Society - 2021-2022 Members' Handbook - Strath Union

Strathclyde University Roleplaying Game Society - 2021-2022 Members' Handbook - Strath Union

Members’ Handbook
                 Members’ Handbook 2021/22

  Where To Find Us                              Where To Find Us                      1
                                             About Us                                 2
SURGE Discord
This is SURGE’s primary social hub and          Who are we?                           2
our online venue for running games.             Tabletop Roleplaying                  2                              Glossary                              3
Email                                           Event Guide                           4
The committee try to respond to any
email within a few days.                     Resources                                6                           Safety Tools                          6

Strath Union                                    Tabletop Simulator                    7
For society details and upcoming                Actual Plays                          7
                                                Dungeons & Dragons 5e                 8
                                                OSR Games                             8
Strathclyde Nerds & Community
                                                General Game Master Resources         9
Our shared Discord community with
like-minded Strath societies.                FAQs                                     10

                                   The Committee
   President              Treasurer          Social Convenor           Dev. Officer
  Ryan Baillie          Cassie Smith         James McGowan           Liam Hourston

About Us
Who are we?                                    Tabletop
The Strathclyde University Roleplaying
Game Society (SURGE) is Strath Union’s
go-to group for tabletop roleplaying           A Tabletop Roleplaying Game is played
games (TRPGs).                                 collaboratively as a group with pencil
                                               and paper (or online tools, as
 How We Meet                                   circumstances require). They can take
SURGE meets every Friday,                      many forms but are generally built
6pm-10pm.                                      around improvisational storytelling with
While unsafe for us to meet in person          strategic elements.
we are playing online via the SURGE            One example of such a game is
Discord server. This may change for            Dungeons & Dragons.
Semester 2. You will be kept up to date.       These games typically feature an
 Our Aims, Beliefs and Objectives              assortment of dice for resolving
                                               scenarios, and a Game Master (GM):
The aims of SURGE are:                         The central storyteller and referee who
> To provide a relaxed atmosphere for          oversees play.
students to come and enjoy roleplaying         The GM narrates events for the players
games.                                         to imagine. In turn: The players roleplay
> To raise awareness of roleplaying            (usually in character) and communicate
games and to remove the stigma                 to the GM how their characters interact
associated with it.                            with the game world.
SURGE believes:                                 Examples of Play
> That roleplaying games are a good            There are many examples of TRPG play
way to enjoy your time and meet new            (called actual plays) available on
people.                                        YouTube and in podcast form.
> In keeping roleplaying games a               Many such productions involve
relaxed and enjoyable experience for           professional actors - which can give a
everyone.                                      skewed perception of how an average
SURGE seeks to achieve:                        game is played. For that reason, we
> To grow all aspects of SURGE.                recommend High Rollers - a group with
                                               professional production values but a
> More collaboration between SURGE             cast made up of average TRPG players.
and other appropriate societies.
> More resources to encompass a wider
variety of interests.
Glossary                                        Non-Player Character (NPC): Any
                                                character played by the Game Master.
This is a list of terms commonly used at        One-Shot: A one-off TRPG session that
SURGE. Those specifically relating to           isn’t intended to extend into a full
SURGE are underlined.                           campaign.
Annual General Meeting (AGM): A                 Party: A TRPG group, not including the
meeting where all SURGE student                 Game Master.
members convene to discuss the                  Player: Anyone at a TRPG table with the
running of the society. This is also when       exception of the GM (Who is typically
the Committee for the following year            counted separately).
are elected.                                    Player Character (PC): A character
Astral: A free, browser-based virtual           controlled by a player.
tabletop used for playing TRPGs.                President: Committee member in
Campaign: Consecutive sessions of a             overall charge at SURGE. They preside
TRPG game that form a serialised                over the committee and take charge in
narrative.                                      addresses to the society - among other
D[number]: A TRPG die of the indicated          things.
number of sides. A d6 is a common               Old-School Renaissance/Revival
gambling die, a d20 has twenty sides -          (OSR): A sub-genre of TRPG popular
etc.                                            with many of our members. Utilises the
Development Officer: A committee                design ethos of 1970s-1980s TRPGs
member elected from amongst prior               (early D&D especially).
committee members. Acts as a guide for          Roll20: A free, browser-based virtual
the new committee.                              tabletop used for playing TRPGs.
Discord: A social platform which is used        Secretary: Committee member who
as SURGE’s primary online presence. All         assists the rest of the committee in their
announcements are made here, online             roles. We do not have one this year.
campaigns are held here, and members            Session 0: A preliminary session of a
may use this space to socialise.                campaign where expectations are set
Dungeon Master (DM): See Game                   for the game ahead, any safety tools are
Master (GM). Specifically used for those        discussed, and characters are created.
running Dungeons & Dragons.                     At SURGE, this session is also when
Emergency General Meeting (EGM): An             members sign up to become players in
impromptu meeting to settle an urgent           their selected campaigns.
point of order, such as electing a new          Social Convener: Committee member
committee member outwith the usual              and main organiser of extra social
schedule.                                       events.
Fantasy Grounds: A paid virtual                 Tabletop Simulator: A paid virtual
tabletop used for playing TRPGs.                tabletop used for playing TRPGs. SURGE
Foundry: A paid, browser-based virtual          offers to purchase this software on
tabletop used for playing TRPGs.                members’ behalf at a discount.
Game Master (GM): The narrator and              Treasurer: Committee member in
referee of a TRPG game. They are the            control of SURGE’s funds.
authority of play at any given table.
SURGE Calendar of Events
Semester Event*                                 Dates
            Registration deadline for
                                                20 September 2021
            Semester 1 Game Masters
     1      Session 0                           24 September 2021
                                                1 October 2021 - 10 December 2021 (11
            Campaign Play (Block 1)
            Registration deadline for
                                                10 January 2021
            Semester 2 Game Masters
     2      Session 0                       14 January 2022
                                            21 January 2022 - 25 March 2022 (10
            Campaign Play (Block 2)
                                            Week beginning 14 March 2022 (Date
     2      Annual General Meeting (AGM)
* Additional events may be organised and advertised to members throughout the
academic year.
† Date ranges shown represent the base start and end point of a SURGE campaign.
Games may continue longer or be cut short at the individual group’s discretion.

Event Guide                                     Reserve Game Masters: If you don’t
                                                intend to run a game but would like to
                                                be on-call for the event of player
 Game Master Registration                       overflow, you can become a reserve
For Game Masters Only.                          game master. Simply inform a
                                                committee member that you would like
To register your campaign, sign up via
                                                to do this and you will be given the
the form in the SURGE Discord (#gm-
                                                Reserve Game Master role. For more
                                                information, see What if I am left without
An email is automatically sent to you -         a campaign? in FAQs.
allowing you to edit any part of the form
                                                SURGE help-to-buy scheme: Through
after submission.
                                                this program SURGE will pay half the
Once signed up, a committee member              cost of a book and you get to keep it.
will get in contact and give you the            The only requirements are that you are
Campaigning Game Master Discord                 running a game in the upcoming
role. This allows entry into a private          semester and the book requested is
channel to talk to other current GMs            related to what you are running.
away from players’ prying eyes.
                                                  Session 0
We recommend you sign up to GM
only if you have prior experience.              The first meeting of each semester is
GMing a whole campaign is a fairly big          called a “Session 0”. On this night,
commitment, so a bit of practice                prospective players are free to talk to
beforehand goes a long way.                     GMs in order to join their campaigns.
For gaining GMing experience: Members           All members should make sure to
are free to advertise one-shots                 attend Session 0 at 6pm sharp as
throughout the year via the Discord.            campaign spaces are filled quickly.
Preparing for Session 0: Players should           Campaign Play
consult the list of confirmed campaigns
                                                 At this point, each individual group is
(#current-campaigns within the SURGE
                                                 largely left to their own devices.
Discord) before the first meeting. This
will give you an idea of which GMs to            Every week at 6PM: You are free to
prioritise talking to at Session 0.              simply start playing. If there is a session
                                                 cancellation or a delay, it will be
When spaces open (6pm): During
                                                 communicated by your GM.
Semester 1, any GMs who are accepting
new players will be in their campaign's          Many games continue into the next
dedicated voice channel within the               semester, or even into summer: It is
SURGE Discord.                                   ultimately down to the members of
                                                 each group to decide whether the
The arrangement may be the same
                                                 campaign ends after the allotted block.
during Semester 2, or it might be in
person on campus if deemed safe.                 Campaign channels within the
Details will be announced on the SURGE           Discord: Will remain open for as long as
Discord server closer to the time.               the group wishes to use them.
Either way: GMs will be waiting with             Once in-person play resumes: We are
bated breath for folk to go talk to them -       able to book rooms for throughout
so don't be scared to do so! Feel free to        summer for groups who request them.
talk to multiple GMs to find the game            We recommend that you try to show
that fits you best.                              up a little before 6pm: This allows time
In conversation with a GM: The GM will           for pre-game chat and to settle in before
discuss expectations for their game and          playing.
answer questions. The GM will declare            Many groups also socialise at their
at this point which (if any) virtual             own discretion after games: While
tabletop is being used.                          playing online you can stay within your
This is also a good time to bring up             channel for as long as you want. In
TRPG safety tools if the GM doesn’t do so        person you will need to socialise
themselves.                                      elsewhere as our room bookings only
                                                 last until 10pm.
If you are unable to join a campaign:
See What if I am left without a                  We find that without this extra time
campaign? in FAQs.                               spent beyond the game, you can go a
                                                 whole semester without knowing the
Once the group is finalised: Finalise
                                                 people behind the characters.
your campaign selection from the
automated list in #current-campaigns.             Annual General Meeting
Players now create their characters              The AGM is an opportunity for changes
together, with assistance from the GM.           within the society to be discussed -
You may have to download, sign up to,            including those to its constitution.
and/or purchase a virtual tabletop at            Importantly, it is also when the new
this point.                                      committee is elected by our student
If the character creation process is             members.
completed early enough, the GM might             SURGE’s AGM is held online during the
begin the campaign on the night.                 second-to-last week of play. The exact
Assume, however, that you will need to           date will be provided closer to the time.
wait until the next week.
                                                Use of safety tools: Most common in
Safety Tools                                    regards to horror topics - as well as
                                                depictions of romance, sex, and bigotry
The TRPG community is largely a very            - but they can be used to set limits on
welcoming one, but when playing with a          whatever you aren’t comfortable with.
brand new group it can be very useful to        Complexity: The use of safety tools can
use safety tools to ensure the comfort of       be as simple as establishing a “rating”
all involved.                                   for the game’s content in advance (by
The use of safety tools is a case of most       applying film content ratings). It can
games never needing them - but that             also take a more nuanced approach
you’ll wish you had them if anything            involving checklists or in-built game
goes wrong.                                     mechanics.
A very good resource: The free PDF              If you are a player: You are entitled to
Consent in Gaming. This is a short (but         use safety tools if you wish - even if your
thorough) document published by                 GM doesn’t offer them up front. If you
Monte Cook Games. It acts as both an            would like to use safety tools: Request
educational tool, as well as a                  their use to your GM, and do not play
compilation of techniques and                   with a GM who does not honour this
resources. It also includes its own topic       request. Your comfort is more
consent checklist along with a form-            important than others’ convenience.
fillable version.                               If you are a GM: You are encouraged to
Safety tools are designed to:                   have a good understanding of this topic
1. Provide an avenue to clear consent           so that you can effectively navigate any
regarding any sensitive topics that may         situations that arise. Consider having
appear during a game.                           such tools by default, and if no one is
                                                interested in using them then that’s fine
2. Establish limits regarding topics at         - go on without them. Keep what you
the threshold of acceptability.                 have read in mind regardless as such
3. Provide participants with clear and          material might be useful down the line.
easy means to show when something               Also remember that you can make use
in-game has crossed a line, and to roll         of safety tools to convey what you are
the narrative back if required.                 comfortable with as well!

Tabletop Simulator                              Actual Plays
If you are a player: Do not feel the need       An Actual Play is a recording of a TRPG
to purchase Tabletop Simulator until            session made available for you to watch
you know whether your campaign is               or listen to. As well as being
using it.                                       entertaining, they are very useful to
SURGE offers a help-to-buy scheme               brand new players in gaining a clear
for copies of Tabletop simulator: You           understanding of what TRPG play is like.
pay us £5, we purchase Tabletop                 Actual Plays vary widely: In tone,
Simulator for the full £14.99. We send          production values, and the ability of
you it as gift via Steam. You can access        their casts. Some are groups of friends
this offer via our Union page. If you are       uploading for the fun of it; Some are
already a member you will need to               large productions with casts of
make the purchase as a guest.                   professional actors. Most fall
For more info: See How do I purchase            somewhere in between.
Tabletop Simulator through SURGE? In            High Rollers was mentioned previously.
FAQs.                                           It is a good representation of a fairly
Keep in mind: The committee will be             ordinary group - while still having a
unable to handle purchases during               good production value. If you have
Session 0, so groups will have to do            never seen a TRPG played before, this is
without Tabletop Simulator until                a good peek into that experience.
Session 1.                                      Here is a small selection of other
                                                Actual Plays:
About Tabletop Simulator
                                                > The Adventure Zone: Acclaimed
This virtual tabletop most closely              system-hopping actual play podcast.
replicates what being at a physical table
is like.                                        > The Black Dice Society: An official
                                                actual play by Dungeons & Dragons, set
It boils down to a physics simulator with       in the D&D horror setting Ravenloft.
a virtual 3D table and user-created
objects. The GM may download a user-            > Critical Role: The most famous big-
created table for their TRPG system,            budget Actual Play by a group of well-
modify it as needed, and even import            known voice actors. The “Mercer Effect”
PDFs as virtual objects in-game.                (named after their GM) describes new
                                                players being let down because their
Tabletop Simulator is best used by GMs          experience couldn’t compare to Critical
who:                                            Role, so remember: Take it as
   a. Don’t want the virtual tabletop           entertainment and stay open minded.
   handling game mechanics for them.            > Dimension 20: Big-budget insanity
  b. Want full freedom to customise             condensed into narrative form and
  their virtual play space.                     spewed forth from the mind of actor
  c. Want a feel close to in-person play.       and comedian Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Keep in mind: Members with very weak            > The Glass Cannon Network: Their
hardware will have to turn settings             “New Game, Who Dis?” series has the
down significantly. Check minimum               ever-rotating cast try out new TRPG
system requirements if uncertain.               systems. Linked is them playing
                                                Cyberpunk R.E.D.
Dungeons &                                      OSR Games
Dragons 5e                                      Several campaigns at SURGE Semester 1
                                                are Old-School Renaissance (OSR)
Do not assume that you will be                  games.
playing D&D 5e: With limited spaces,            This section applies to those involved in
high demand, and many GMs that prefer           Old-School Essentials, Stars Without
to run other systems - you may be               Number, and any other OSR game that
setting yourself up for disappointment if       might get added after the writing of this.
you have your heart set on joining a 5e
                                                Members playing Traveller will also
                                                likely gain a lot of benefit from the
Here are a list of resources for members        Principia Apocrypha.
who will be playing Dungeons & Dragons
5e:                                             For Players and Game Masters
                                                > The Principia Apocrypha: A short
For Players and Game Masters                    document of principles and tips for OSR
> D&D Basic Rules: Official rules for 5e.       play.
> D&D Beyond: The official digital tool         > What is the DnD Old School
set for D&D 5e. You may purchase digital        Renaissance?: A video explaining the
versions of the 5e rule books through           origin, style, and merits of OSR games.
them for use with their app, and you can
                                                > Old-School Essentials SRD: The free
use those books in the digital character
                                                basic rules for Old-School Essentials.
builder. If your GM has D&D beyond,
they are also able to share their books         > Stars Without Number: Revised
with you.                                       Edition (Free Version)
> Avrae: A Discord bot built for D&D 5e         For Game Masters
and present within the SURGE Discord            > Links to Wisdom: Directory of OSR
server. It can be used to roll dice,            house rules.
generate characters, handle combat,
and integrate with D&D Beyond.
For Game Masters
> Giffyglyph: Free supplements and
digital tools for D&D 5e:
  a. Darker Dungeons: A modular rules
  toolkit for customising your game. Is
  particularly useful for those running
  grittier games - but there is material
  there useful to all 5e games (including
  a very good encumbrance system).
  b. Monster Maker: A browser-based
  application for quickly and easily
  making monster stat blocks.
> The Lazy DM’s Workbook: Tools,
maps, and reference sheets for D&D 5e.

> GM Tips: General GM advice (and some
General Game                                     more D&D-specific advice) from Matt
                                                 Mercer, Satine Phoenix, and guests. If
Master Resources                                 nothing else: I recommend watching
                                                 the Player Roleplay episode.
 Advice Books                                    > How to be a Great GM: Guy Sclanders’
> Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master:             General advice on a huge range of
By Sly Flourish. All about running D&D           topics. Often through a D&D lens, but
effectively with low prep.                       lots of content useful across systems
                                                 and genres. If nothing else: I
> XDM X-Treme Dungeon Mastery: By
                                                 recommend watching the How to
Tracy and Curtis Hickman. General
                                                 Introduce a new player to Role-playing
TRPG theory with a satirical edge. It also
includes its own lightweight game
system - but that’s besides the point.           > Writing a Horror Scenario the Sandy
                                                 Petersen Way: A lecture by the creator
 Advice Videos                                   of the Call of Cthulhu TRPG all about
> Dungeon Craft: Professor Dungeon               running horror adventures.
Master giving advice on how to run               > Web DM: Conversations with Jim Davis
TRPGs in the fastest, easiest way                and Jonathan Pruitt all about D&D - 5e
possible. Mostly D&D (edition neutral),          and otherwise - as well as general TRPG
but some other things (like Call of              topics. If nothing else: I recommend
Cthulhu) too. If nothing else: I                 watching the episode The Tyranny of
recommend watching the episode The               FUN.
Rules I Use.
                                                 > MonarchsFactory: Dael Kingsmill talks
> Running the Game: Matt Colville’s              about fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons
series aimed at guiding new Gms from             - largely through the lens of heightening
their very first game and into more              the narrative feel of your game in novel
advanced techniques. Mostly D&D                  ways. If nothing else: I recommend
again, but most of the advice is system          watching the episode How to take
neutral with a fantasy angle. If you have        Advantage of Genre.
never GMed before: I recommend
                                                 > Advanced Gamemastery: Justin
starting at the beginning with Your First
                                                 Alexander (Better known as The
Adventure. If you are a veteran: I
                                                 Alexandrian) talking about all sorts of
recommend watching the episode "No."
                                                 topics. If nothing else: I recommend
                                                 watching the episode Mastering a
                                                 Published Setting.

 How do I purchase Tabletop                     If you have experience in another
 Simulator through SURGE?                       system already: Just remember that
                                                the hardest system you will learn is
We offer Tabletop Simulator for £5 via
                                                likely to be your first. You are over that
the SURGE Union Page.
                                                hurdle already: Everything else will be
If you are already a member: You will           much easier.
need to sign in with a guest account to
                                                If the system you already have
make the purchase. This is due to the
                                                experience with is D&D: The D&D-like
workaround involved to offer it via the
                                                is a fairly common system type. It might
Strath Union website.
                                                be that the system you will be playing
Once you have made the purchase:                already has a lot in common with D&D.
Get in touch with the SURGE committee           This will be the case with games such as
(preferably via Discord) to let us know         Pathfinder and any system described as
you have done so. We will check our             OSR (Old-School Essentials, Stars
purchase records to confirm.                    Without Number, Dungeon Crawl
We don't check regularly, so it is              Classics, etc.)
important that you make us aware of
                                                 I would like to GM in future but I
your purchase.
                                                 have no experience. What do I do?
Within your message to us: Include a
                                                The best thing you can do is to start with
link to your Steam profile page. This
                                                short, one-off games. You can advertise
allows us to add you as a friend and to
                                                a one-shot within #looking-for-a-game
send gifts to you.
                                                on the SURGE Discord, or you can do so
One of the committee will purchase              privately with the group you are already
Tabletop Simulator as a gift and send it        in.
to you. The committee member then
                                                It is likely to take you a while before you
gets reimbursed by the Student Union
                                                find the tone, genre, and style of game
from SURGE funds.
                                                that works for you. This can often differ
 I don’t know any of the game rules.            from the types of games you enjoy
 What do I do?                                  being a player in.
That’s perfectly fine! Your Game                Explore different systems as well. If you
Master will assume that is the case             have an idea of what you are going for,
unless told otherwise. It is part of the        but don’t know what system might
job to teach new players the ins-and-           match: Ask our GMs. We will be able to
outs of whatever game is being run. You         help.
will learn the game system by playing.

What do I need to bring?                       Players are free to join or turn down
                                                whatever reserve campaigns are made
If we are playing online: You don’t
have to bring anything.
                                                If at the end of all this you are still
If we are playing in person: You should
                                                unable to join a campaign: We are very
bring a pencil, an eraser, and a set of
                                                sorry! There is always next semester.
standard TRPG dice (d4, d6, d8, d10,
d12, and d20).                                   What if I can’t act?
 What if I am late or absent?                   Most new players find it very difficult to
                                                speak in character: It can be a new and
If you know you will be late or absent:
                                                awkward creative muscle to stretch.
Let your GM know early. A day or two in
advance is ideal. Any later and you have        With some practice you will get used to
a grumpy GM. Any earlier and your GM            it. Remember that you can describe
may forget and wonder where you are.            your actions in third-person as well.
If your late/absent status is sudden:           Oftentimes it can take a few characters
Don’t worry: It happens. Just inform            before you find one that you can slip
your GM as soon as you can and don’t            into the personality of. If you start with a
make a habit out of it. If it becomes a         character fairly like yourself, you may
regular thing, reconsider whether your          find this easier.
schedule permits Friday night TRPGs.
                                                 What if I can’t do voices?
 What if I am left without a                    Many players can’t do voices: That’s
 campaign?                                      fine.
Occasionally we have too many players           Those who can find that it is a fun way
for the number of campaign spaces. If           to get further into character - but it isn’t
this happens to you at Session 0: Don’t         necessary.
All you need to do is let the Reserve            Will games be online or in person?
Game Masters know. You should do this           Games will all be online via the SURGE
within the SURGE Discord in the                 Discord for Semester 1.
#looking-for-a-game channel.                    For Semester 2: Details will be provided
At 6.45pm: The Reserve Game Masters             via the SURGE Discord closer to the
will decide how many campaigns are              time.
needed based on the number of players
there are.                                       Will there be other events
                                                 throughout the year?
The Reserve GMs are in a pre-
determined order that they will have            There are likely to be: Yes!
decided between themselves. GMs at              The specifics of any event will be
the front of the queue will advertise           announced closer to the time.
their campaigns - based on how many             If you have any ideas for events, you
are needed to fit demand. They will also        may pass them on to our Social
make themselves available in the                Convenor.
SURGE Discord’s community voice

You can also read